Love Be Not Afraid

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Love Be Not Afraid

Ricardo Saúl LaRosa


I have heard,
That you returned,
Quietly unnoticed,
Into my world,

To this barren,
Where love does not flourish,
Called Earth,

In another,
Place and time,
Where birds sang,
When love touched my heart,

When we loved each other,

“Love to the death!”
Was our motto,

In love’s embrace,
We were,
Making this world,
A beautiful abode,

You left me,

At the height of love’s romance,
I shall never know,

LOVE BE NOT AFRAID © 21 May 2010 by Ricardo Saúl LaRosa

Now you are here,
Upon Earth’s desolate places,

Your next move,

Afraid to see me,
Scared that I am mad at you,
I am not,

In me,
There lives no rancor,
I forgave you,
The first night you left,

I blame you not,

For I knew you were not of this world,
Rather a sentient being,
From another realm,

Adorned in a woman’s body,

In your quest,
To conquer the heart,
Of a poet in love,

As I am in love,
With you,
My love!
My goddess of celestial skies,

You have been spotted,

Walking alone,
In the desert of Ancient Mesopotamia (modern-day Iraq),
Contemplating the stars in the heavens,


LOVE BE NOT AFRAID © 21 May 2010 by Ricardo Saúl LaRosa

No more!

For I am on my way,
Towards you,
Recalling your first kiss,
Upon my lips,

I remember the colors of the dress,

You wore,
A scent of your perfume,
Mixing with the sweat of our passion,

When love conquered,

My heart,
My soul exploding,
With happiness,

Love be not afraid,

I am here,
With gifts,
In my heart,

For you,
Let me wipe away,
All your tears,
With my lips,

Rest your head,

Upon me,
Close your eyes,
And let me love you,

An eternity…

LOVE BE NOT AFRAID © 21 May 2010 by Ricardo Saúl LaRosa

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