Quest Ins

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Question 1

Answer the following questions in one word

(a) What is formed by the blood to prevent the body from losing too much

(b) Mansion one is transported to the excretory organs.?

(c) What do we call the contracting and relaxing of the heart muscle during
the process of blood circulation?

(d) What are organs which carry the blood away from the heart?

(e) What are organs which return the blood to the heart?

(10) marks

Question 2

Change column B in order the items in column A match those

in column B

Column A Column B

1. Tissues (a)Heart

2. Cells (b)circulatory sy stem

3. Organ ©Blood cells

4. System (d)Red blood cells

5. Transport oxygen (e)Blood

(5) marks

Question 3

Write only five sentences about what you have understood with circulatory

(10) marks

Question 1

(a)The clots

(b) Urea/sweat/carbon dioxide

©Cardiac cycle

(d)The arteries

(e)The veins


Question 2

1. Blood

2. Blood cells

3. Heart

4. Circulatory system

5. Red blood cells


Question 3


Correct spelling per one sentence 1=5

Correct context per one sentence 1=5

Total 10

Total (25) Marks

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