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English Working

Maritza Pérez Sarmiento
Manuela Pulgarín Sánchez

Cissi De La Cruz


In 1810 the spanish men were

In 1810 the spanish
wearing tight pants, leathers
women were wearing
boots, fitting jackets and big
long-sleeved gowns.
hats with feathers
In the century 21 the people wearing a different clothing.
Example: Jeans, shorts, dress, skirt, glasses, socks, belt,
bracelets, trourses and hats.

In 1810 the typical food is the In the century 21 the

rice soup with vegetables. typical food are fish
with vegetable salad.
Simón Bolivar
Simon Bolivar was born in Caracas
in 1783 on July 24. His parents
were Vicente Bolivar and
Concepcion Palacios. They died
whan Simon Bolivar was a child.
The was interesting navegation. He
was a militar and politicial, he was
a president of Republic of Colombia
from 1819 to 1830. He married 26
May 1802. He had a son. He
conquired four nations, Bolivia,
Peru, Panama and Spain
Antonio Nariño
He was born in April 9 1765 in Santafe de
Bogota and died on 13 December 1823 in
Villa de Leyva in Colombia.
His parents were Catalina Josefa del
Casado and Gallego Vicente Nariño
Studied at Mayor de San Bartolome
school in Bogota city.
He married Magdalena Ortega.
He was an ideological precursor and one
of the early political and military leaders
of the Independence movement in
Francisco de Paula
He was in April 2 1792 in Cucuta, Colombia
and died in May 6 1840. Statesman
revolutionary and political, illustrios of the
Independence of Colombia. It is known as
‘The man f the laws’. He was a vice – president
of the great Colombia in the period of 1819
and president of New Granada between 1832
and 1837.
His father was Agustin Santander Colmenares
the one who had been governor of San
Faustino’s Province of the Rivers and
cultivator of cocoa in his rural possessions and
his mother Manuela Antonia de Omaña.
Camilo Torres
Camilo Torres Tenorio was
born in November 22, 1766
and died in October 5, 1816.
Was a Colombian politician.
He is credited as being an
early founder of the nation
due to his role in early
struggles for independence
from Spain.
Torres and Antonio Nariño
had grave political
disagreements that divided
the independence movement.

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