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Research Methods Project Report


Subject: Research Methods





G.L. Bajaj Institute of Management & Research
Greater Noida

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Research Methods Project Report

Objective of survey

The objective of the present survey is to develop awareness of branded laptop baseline estimates
and determine popularity of different company’s laptop. It suggests steps to be initiated or
strengthened in the field of demand in ncr region. The key indicators are among the general
population, demand branded laptop and the problem users.

The objectives of the survey:

• To gauge the awareness of the public and their sources of information on the working
executive class satisfaction on branded laptop.
• To assess the level of satisfaction of the public with respect to branded laptop
• To understand the practice of the public in terms of patronage of branded laptop,
purchase of branded laptop and use of branded laptop;
• To evaluate the perception of the public on the importance of various type of branded
laptop; and
• To collect the views of the public on genetically on different type of branded laptop

The objectives of this particular study are:-

• To know the preferences of different types of branded laptops by the people of

• To study which factor influence for choosing different types of branded laptops.
• To know about the level of satisfaction towards different types of branded laptops.
• To compare the popularity of different companies providing branded laptops.

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Research Methods Project Report


We take the opportunity to express our gratitude to all of them who in some or the other way
help us to accomplish this project. The research study cannot be completed without your
guidance, assistance, inspiration, and co-operation.

We particularly owe our gratitude to Prof. G.K.Sinha sir to give a such a opportunity.

As well as to Mrs. Smriti Sthana who help us to prepare this questionnaires.

And lastly to all the people who cooperate and encourage us, with their valuable time.

Lastly we express our gratitude to our Parents who financed this project.


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Research Methods Project Report


It is here by declared that this project report on “Most Preferred branded Laptops by working
executive” an original work done by on us behalf of G.L. Bajaj Institute of Management and
Research, Greater Noida.

It is submitted for partial fulfillment for the requirement of course curriculum of 3rd trimester of
PGDM and is an original piece of work done under the guidance of Prof. G.K. Sinha GLBIMR.

Vikash Kumar Singh

G.L. Bajaj Institute of Management & Research 4

Research Methods Project Report


Research Methods is indeed an ancient art, it had been practiced in one form or the other since
the days of the Adam and Eve. Its emergency is of relatively recent origin for success of any
business and within this relatively short period, it has joined a great deal of importance and

We have chosen the topic “Different branded Laptops preferred by working executive”
we have tried to put our best effort to complete this task on the basis of skill achieved during
studies in the institute.

We have put our maximum effort to gain the accurate data. If any error or mistake found in
collecting data kindly ignore.

Prof. G.K.Sinha

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Research Methods Project Report

Tabel Of Content

SUBJECT Page no.

Chapter-1 Introduction of Topic

Chapter-2 Research Objective

Chapter-3 Research Methodology:

 Research Design
 Data Collection
 Sampling
 Scaling Qualitative Technique

Chapter-4 Executive Summary

Chapter-5 Findings

Chapter-6 Suggestions

Chapter-7 Conclusion

Chapter-8 Limitation
II-Respondent sheet

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Research Methods Project Report

List of Tables & Graphs with Analysis

Q.1 Please name the Laptop that comes to your mind immediately?

Options IBM lenovo HP Dell HCL Compaq Others

No .of respondent 11 14 23 17 18 17 0
Percentage 11% 14% 23% 17 18 17 0

others0% IBM11%



Dell 17%

Q2 Name few other Laptop?

ANSWERS: (more frequent)

Options IBM lenovo HP Dell HCL Compaq others

No .of respondent 17 20 23 18 8 11 3
Percentage 17% 14% 23% 18% 8% 11% 3%

rs, 3
a q
,11% IBM,1
7 %



ell, 18%


Q.3. Do you prefer any particular laptop (more to buy) ?

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Research Methods Project Report


Options IBM lenovo HP Dell HCL Compaq others

No .of respondent 13 18 23 14 11 14 7
Percentage 13% 18% 23% 14% 11% 14% 7%

others7% IBM13%




Dell 14%

Q.4 Do you have any laptop for your use recently?

Yes No
Answer- If “YES”,

Options IBM lenovo HP Dell HCL Compaq others

No .of respondent 16 15 21 14 13 12 9
Percentage 16% 15% 21% 14% 13% 12% 9%

others 9%



Dell 14% HP21%

Q.5 Most important reason for using the particular laptop (Tick one)?

A) Entertainment B) Service C) Business D) Price E) Brand Reliability


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Research Methods Project Report

Options Entertainment Service Business Price BrandReliability

No.of 17 31 28 10 14
percentage 17% 31% 28% 10% 14%

14% Entertainment 17%


s 28%

Q.6. The Price range of the laptop preferred by u (in Rs.)

< 30000 30000 – 50000 50000-70000 70000-100000 < 100000


OPTIONS < 30000 30000 – 50000-70000 70000-100000 < 100000

NO.OF RESPONDENT 33 29 21 11 6
PERCENTAGE 33% 29% 21% 11% 6%

0 0




0 0
9 %

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Research Methods Project Report

Part –B

Q.7 Rate the factors in order of importance that influences you

Factors Very Somewhat Moderately Not so Not at all

Important Important Important Important Important
Entertainment(gameoriented) 17% 31% 28% 10% 14%
Value for price 22% 18% 19% 20% 21%
Reliability 19% 23% 13% 17% 28%
Easily available 28% 13% 23% 19% 17%
Efficiency of battery 10% 17% 28% 14% 31%
Comfort 20% 18% 23% 21% 11%
Special services 21% 20% 19% 18% 22%
Quality 19% 22% 20% 21% 18%
Light in weight 18% 21% 19% 20% 22%

 It is difficult to calculate it once so,

Factors Very Somewhat Moderately Not so Not at all

Important Important Important Important Important
Entertainment(game 17% 31% 28% 10% 14%
Entertainment(game oriented)

Not at all Very Important

Important 14% 17%
Not so Important

Important 31%
Important 28%

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Research Methods Project Report

Factors Very Somewhat Moderately Not so Not at all

Important Important Important Important Important
Value for price 22% 18% 19% 20% 21%

Value for price

Not at all Important

21% Very Important 22%

Not so Important Somewhat

20% Important 18%

Important 19%

Factors Very Somewhat Moderately Not so Not at all

Important Important Important Important Important
Reliability 19% 23% 13% 17% 28%


Very Important
Not at all 19%
Important 28%

Important 23%
Not soImportant
17% Moderately
Important 13%

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Research Methods Project Report

Factors Very Somewhat Moderately Not so Not at all

Important Important Important Important Important
Easily available 28% 13% 23% 19% 17%

Not at all Important 17%

VeryImportant 28%

Not soImportant 19%

Somewhat Important

Factors Very Somewhat Moderately Not so Not at all

Important Important Important Important Important
Efficiency of battery 10% 17% 28% 14% 31%
Efficiencyof battery

Very Important 10%

Not at all Important 31% Somewhat Important


Not soImportant 14% Moderately Important


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Research Methods Project Report

Factors Very Somewhat Moderately Not so Not at all

Important Important Important Important Important
Comfort 20% 18% 23% 21% 11%


Not at all Important

Very Important

Not so Important

Somewhat Important

Moderately Important

Factors Very Somewhat Moderately Not so Not at all

Important Important Important Important Important
Special services 21% 20% 19% 18% 22%

Special services

Not at all Important

22% Very Important 21%

Not soImportant Som ewhat

18% Important 20%

M oderately
Important 19%

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Research Methods Project Report

Factors Very Somewhat Moderately Not so Not at all

Important Important Important Important Important
Quality 19% 22% 20% 21% 18%


Not at all Important

18% Very Important 19%

Not soImportant
Som ewhat
Important 22%

Important 20%

Factors Very Somewhat Moderately Not so Not at all

Important Important Important Important Important
Light in weight 18% 21% 19% 20% 22%

Light inweight

Not at all Important

22% Very Important 18%

Not soImportant Important 21%

M oderately
Important 19%

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Research Methods Project Report

8. How would you rate the laptop:

(5 – Very Good, 4 – Good, 3 – Neither Good nor Bad, 2 – Bad, 1 – Very Bad)


Entertainment 15% 10% 18% 20% 16% 11% 6% 4%

Value for price 4% 15% 10% 6% 16% 18% 20%
Reliability 10% 12% 18% 15% 14% 15% 6% 10%
Easily available 15% 6% 03% 15% 20% 13% 13% 15%
Efficiency of battery 17% 25% 20% 8% 10% 6% 8% 6%
Special services 12% 20% 15% 10% 15% 10% 10% 8%
Quality 15% 10% 18% 20% 16% 11% 6% 4%
Light in weight 15% 18% 14% 12% 10% 15% 10% 6%

For pie chart it is typical to draw in so complex, so it has to be presented separately

Factors IBM lenovo HP Dell HCL Compaq WIPRO Other(name

Light in weight 15% 18% 14% 12% 10% 15% 10% 6%

Light in weight

Other(name) 6%
IBM 15%

Compaq 15% lenovo 18%

HCL 10%
HP 14%
Dell 12%

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Research Methods Project Report

Factors IBM lenovo HP Dell HCL Compaq WIPRO Other(name)

Entertainment 15% 10% 18% 20% 16% 11% 6% 4%


Other(name) 4%
WIPRO 6% IBM 15%

Compaq 11%
lenovo 10%

HCL 16%
HP 18%

Dell 20%

Factors IBM lenovo HP Dell HCL Compaq WIPRO Other(name)

Value for price 4% 15% 10% 6% 16% 18% 20%

Value for price

IBM 4%
Other(name) 23% lenovo 17%

HP 11%

WIPRO 20% Dell 0%

HCL 7%

Compaq 18%

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Research Methods Project Report

Factors IBM lenovo HP Dell HCL Compaq WIPRO Other(name)

Reliability 10% 12% 18% 15% 14% 15% 6% 10%


Other(name) 10% IBM 10%

lenovo 12%

Compaq 15%

HP 18%

HCL 14%
Dell 15%

Factors IBM lenovo HP Dell HCL Compaq WIPRO Other(name)

Easily available 15% 6% 03% 15% 20% 13% 13% 15%

Easily available

Other(name) 15% IBM 15%

lenovo 6%
WIPRO 13% HP 3%

Dell 15%
Compaq 13%

HCL 20%

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Research Methods Project Report

Factors IBM lenovo HP Dell HCL Compaq WIPRO Other(name)

Efficiency of 17% 25% 20% 8% 10% 6% 8% 6%


Efficiency of battery

Other(name) 6%
WIPRO 8% IBM 17%

Compaq 6%

HCL 10%
lenovo 25%
Dell 8%

HP 20%

Factors IBM lenovo HP Dell HCL Compaq WIPRO Other(name)

Special services 12% 20% 15% 10% 15% 10% 10% 8%

Special services

Other(name) 8% IBM 12%


Compaq 10% lenovo 20%

HCL 15%
HP 15%
Dell 10%

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Research Methods Project Report

Factors IBM lenovo HP Dell HCL Compaq WIPRO Other(name)

Quality 15% 10% 18% 20% 16% 11% 6% 4%


Other(name) 4%
WIPRO 6% IBM 15%

Compaq 11%
lenovo 10%

HCL 16%
HP 18%

Dell 20%

Factors IBM lenovo HP Dell HCL Compaq WIPRO Other(name)

Light in weight 15% 18% 14% 12% 10% 15% 10% 6%

Light in weight

Other(name) 6%
IBM 15%

Compaq 15% lenovo 18%

HCL 10%
HP 14%
Dell 12%

10. Please check three most important reasons why you selected the branded laptop

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Research Methods Project Report

1. I wanted to try something new 23%

2. Branded laptops facilities are very good 15%
3. I saw advertisement for the branded laptop 14%
4. Someone recommended the branded laptop 30%
5. My organization choose the branded laptop 18%

5; 20% 1; 20%

4; 20% 2; 20%

3; 20%

Introduction to Topic

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Research Methods Project Report

“Different branded laptop preferred by working executive”

In today’s changing scenario customers are having power towards success or failure of any
branded product. As our product is laptops of different brands is well known among our
respondents, and it is used by our respondent in their daily life directly or indirectly. So we got
good response from the corporate world as well as common people.

The most familiar form of laptop is a manually operated device with one or more sets of many
services, features and function. Each set of services, features and function can be in one of two
states: either 'closed' meaning the contacts are touching and feeling can flow between them, or
'open', meaning the contacts are separated and none concluding.

The term 'laptop' is also applied to telecommunications networks, business, institution, etc and
signifies a network that is competitive advantages over other, such as the public is using laptop in
their daily life such telephone network was before a decades. The common feature of all these
usages is they refer to laptop that controls a connectivity with whole world with a very few
charge in all respect: audio, video, text, animation with help of internet connection.

Now, a days laptops are matter of consideration for users because these days they are more
focusing on the changing trend and Comfort ability. Due to this companies of branded laptop and
manufacturers are more focusing on changing trends and consumer demand, this helps in gaining
good market share among users.

In this topic we made a comparative study among top branded laptop’s manufacturer are
as follows:

 HP


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Research Methods Project Report

Marketing research

Marketing is the function which links the consumer, customer and public to the marketer through
information used to identify and define marketing opportunities and problems generate, refine
evaluate marketing actions, monitor marketing performances, and improve understanding of
marketing as process.

Research design:

despite the difficulty of establishing and entirely satisfactory classification system, it is helpful
to classify marketing research project’s on the basis of fundamental objectives of the research,
consideration of the different types, their applicability, their strength and weakness will help the
researcher to select the best suited specific problem.

 The two general type of research methodologies are used witch are following:-

1. Exploratory research:-

In well established field’s of study, hypothesis usually is drawn from ideas developed or
glimpsed in previous research studies or is derived from theory.

Research could be then used to determine if the hypothesis was correct. Too little is known,
however about consumer reaction to marketing stimulate to permit the formulation of sound
hypothesis in many specific situations. As a result, much marketing research is of exploratory in
nature; emphasis is placed on finding hypothesis relative to new product’s or marketing practices
that can be changed profitably.

2. Conclusive research:-

Conclusive research provides information that helps the executives make a rational decision. In
some instances particularly if an experiment is run, the research in many come close to
specifying the precise alternative to choose; in other cases, especially with descriptive studies,
the research will only partially clarify the situation, and much will be left to the executives

Conclusive research studies can be classified as either descriptive or experimental.

 Factors Affecting Research Design

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Research Methods Project Report


a) Search Of Secondary Data.

b) Survey Of Knowledgeable Person.

c) Case Study.


a) Descriptive Research.

b) Case Study.

c) Statistical Study.

d) Experimentation.

Research Instrument

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 Structured and non structured questionnaire

 Sampling frame

Executive people of ncr above 25 years from greater noida, delhi and

 Sampling unit

Working & executive class people

 Sample size

The sample size chosen was 100.

 Sampling method

 The sampling method was only survey’s personal interview.

 The questionnaire was framed in such a way to get continue response.

 And to achieve flexibility by asking certain open ended questions. The time
constraints and various other factors were also kept in mind while framing the
marketing research methodology.

Comparative Analysis

 Data Collection Method:

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Surveys have become so common in today’s world that the average person seldom questions the
idea about the useful information that can be obtained in a particular manner. Various findings of
one type or another are developed and are usually seen possible after the acceptance.

 Questionnaire:

Questionnaire and observation are two basic methods of collecting data in marketing research.
In questioning, data is collected by asking questions a formal list of such questions is called a

 Advantages of questionnaire method:

• Versatility:- probably the greatest advantage of the questionnaire method is its

versatility. Almost every problem of marketing research can be approached from the
questionnaire point. Every marketing problem involves people. Therefore ideas
related to the problem and the solution can be obtained by asking these people about
the problems that they are facing.

• Speed and cost:- questionnaire is usually faster and cheaper than observing
interviewee. It has moreover better gathering activities. As a result, less time is
wasted in a questionnaire study.

 Disadvantages of questionnaire method:

• Unwillingness of respondent to provide information: most interviews are obtained at

the sufferance of the respondent. In some cases potential respondent will refuse to
take the time to be interviewed or will refuse to answer some specific questions
about income or very personal subjects.

• Inability of respondent to provide information: despite willingness to co-operate,

many persons are unable to give accurate information on questions which the
interviewer would like to ask.

respondent cannot furnish information because they are unable to remember the derived facts, or
they have never known the facts.

Types of Questionnaire

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Research Methods Project Report

• Structured Non- Distinguished

• Structured Distinguished

• Non-Structured Distinguished

• Non-Structured Non- Distinguished


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As We Started Our Marketing Research Project From 20th Of February That Time We Are Very
Much Nervous About The Marketing Research Project But We Were Confident About Our
Topic Of Research And We Were Having Knowledge About Laptop Industries, And Later On
We Made A Detailed Related To Our Research Project And We Find That This Is Very
Interesting And Enjoyable.

Some Of The Findings Of Our Project:

• Hp and compaq is the most preferred brand of laptop among respondents 55% of total

• Most of the respondents are using of laptop due to its best service and reliability.

• Most of the respondents are influenced by availability (44%) and price (16%) and least
influencing factor is weight (9%).

• the modes of awareness of laptop among respondents, that is 44% of respondents are
come to know from media, 27% are from magazine, 16% are from other and 13%
respondents are know about switches from reference group.

• Level of satisfaction among respondents towards branded laptop, we made a survey

regarding satisfaction level and we find that 39% of respondents are satisfied with the
performance of branded laptop, 17% excellent,12% average and only 2% respondents are
disappointed with the performance of branded laptop.

• It is revealed that most of the respondents from our sample 41% are brand loyal to their
preferred branded laptop despite price hike only a small proportion of respondent’s i.e
39% are more inclined towards price sensitivity rather than the brand preference.

• During non-availability of most preferred brand of branded laptop apple is in demand it

contains 8%.

• According To Quality The Ranking Of Switch Manufacturers Are As Follows:

 HP (47%): 1st Position
 COMPAQ(35%): 2nd Position
 LENOVP(25%): 3rd Position
 IBM (13%): 4th Position


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Research Methods Project Report

• In order to improve the market share, the ibm should work on price strategy,
durability of product, easy availability of product & should provide better quality

• In order to retain the market leadership, dell should also find out their loopholes,
especially they should work on quality aspect on their branding & easy availability of

• If hcl would like to improve its market share then it may come out with improve
version of the product which are being used by hp users. It can have two types of
pricing strategy according to the users of different segments.

• Lenovo should work on the product life cycle curve of its product and should do r&d
on the [product to make its product saleable in the market. It should try to retain the
market share which it already has i.e. 25%.

• As it seems ibm is working on niche market strategy, catering the needs of lower
income group users, so it should continue to retain its existing users; however, it
should also plan and make strategies in order to tap the consumers from other income


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Although this survey covered a relatively small number of branded laptop users and sampling of
branded laptop. NCR’s publics are friendlier and very co-operative to help us in filling this form
to perform this work.

From this survey we have discovered that existing branded laptop are good but there are many
companies which are not providing particular facilities to retain their customer. Branded laptop’s
markets are very big and it is in its growing stage. Peoples are enjoying its and some of them use
it just as status symbol only. Where as some of them are really needs it for their work.

It was really very interesting work to talking with different people daily of different level and
different categories.

Due to this survey we are able to be more aware for this corporate world, we learn to maintain
patinas while talking with the people, even come to know about their work ,

We had done marketing research in order to know the preference of branded laptop of NCR
regarding the:

“Most preferred brand laptop of executive class people of NCR”

We tried our best to find all the data’s and facts. It was difficult to read the psychology of the
people and the respondents who use branded laptop.

We make it possible just due to help of our co-members and faculty member guide line which
kept always hopeful and confident

Thanks to

Limitations / Shortcomings

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Research Methods Project Report

In every research work there are some limitations and this research is no exception.

Limitation of time

Availability of time was one of the biggest limitations faced. Due to shortage of time we had to
limit the work in its present form such as we had to limit our self in ncr only.

Limitation of cost

Money was also one of limitations faced while conducting this research.

Limitation on the part of respondents

Some of the people were not interested in filling questionnaire; some people were talking this
research seriously. Some people were engaged in their job hesitate to fill questionnaire and their
personal details. Because they are not comfortable with english language and law and order

Others limitations

Since we didn’t have any previous experience in research work and report writing so it may have
lead to discrepancies in the report. Our sample size was only 100; we had to limit our work in the
present form.

G.L. Bajaj Institute of Management & Research 30

Research Methods Project Report


Topic: - “Different branded Laptop preferred by working executive”

Subj:- “Research methods”

Submitted to :- Submitted by :-
Prof. G.K.Sinha Prashant nirala (43)
GLBIMR Ved prakash (60)
Vikash kumar singh (62)
Virender singh (63)

G.L.Bajaj Institute of Management and Research

Greater Noida

G.L. Bajaj Institute of Management & Research 31

Research Methods Project Report

Dear Sir/Madam,
Subj:- Survey on “Different branded laptop preferred by working executive”


We are student of G.L.Bajaj institute of management and research, leading B-school in

Greater Noida conducting a survey on “Different branded laptop preferred by working
executive”. We required some information’s pertaining to the above mentioned title in a
questionnaire format attached with this letter. You are requested to fill all the details as per the
questionnaire. We under take that information furnished by you will be kept confidential.

So please Sir/Madam looking forward for kind cooperation for this regard.

Thanking You ,

Prashant nirala ( 43 )
Ved prakash ( 60 )
Vikash kumar singh ( 62 )
Virender singh ( 64 )

G.L. Bajaj Institute of Management & Research 32

Research Methods Project Report

S. No…………. Questionnaire for Survey

Branded Laptop preferred by executive class people:

Part –A

1. Please name the laptop that comes to your mind immediately ………………….

2. Do you prefer any particular laptop more to buy ?..................................................

3. a. Do you have any laptop for your use recently?

Yes No

b. If yes, name it. …………………………………………………………………….

4. Most important reason for using the particular laptop (Tick one)

Entertainment Service Business

Price Brand Reliability

5. The Price range of the laptop preferred by u (in Rs.)

< 30000 30000 – 50000 50000-70000 70000-100000 < 100000

Part –B

6. Rate the factors in order of importance that influences you

Factors Very Somewhat Moderately Not so Not at all

Important Important Important Important Important
Value for price
Easily available
Efficiency of battery
Special services
Light in weight

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Research Methods Project Report

7. How would you rate the laptop:

(5 – Very Good, 4 – Good, 3 – Neither Good nor Bad, 2 – Bad, 1 – Very Bad)


Value for price
Easily available
Efficiency of battery
Special services
Light in weight

10. Please check three most important reasons why you selected the branded laptop
6. I wanted to try something new
7. Branded laptops facilities are very good
8. I saw advertisement for the branded laptop
9. Someone recommended the branded laptop
10. My organization choose the branded laptop

Part – C (Personal Details / Traits)

11. Age (in years)

18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 > 64


Graduate Post Graduate Any other

13. Occupation

Engineer Doctor Govt. Service professor Any other

14. Monthly Income (in Rs.)

< 10000 10000 – 20000 20000 – 30000 30000 – 40000

40000 – 50000 < 50000

15 .Gender

Male Female

Name of Respondent :
Contact no. :

G.L. Bajaj Institute of Management & Research 34

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