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Find your way to

ki d s
Jesus through the
maze to the right.
People like getting their homes
worked on and all fixed up. It’s
exciting to live in a cool house.
How do you think God feels
about the place He chooses to
call home? He lives in you and
the Bible calls your body a
temple. We all need to use our
bodies to glorify God. We do that
when we remember that our body
belongs to God and not us. How
is the condition of your heart?
Have you given it to God?

“May God himself, the God of

peace, sanctify you through
and through. May your whole
Philippians 1:6
spirit, soul and body be kept
blameless at the coming of
our Lord Jesus Christ.”
1 Thess. 5:23

Issue #32
May 23, 2010

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