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Shark Similarities

• They are all carnivores!

• Their skeletons are made out of cartilage instead of bone!

• Sharks have oily livers instead of a swim bladders!

• Sharks can detect blood and food in the water at levels as low as 1 part per 10
billion parts of water!

• Sharks have an acute sense of hearing that is extremely sensitive to low

frequency vibrations!

• Sharks can only swim forward

• Sharks do not have gill covers

• Sharks have sandpaper like skin

The Goblin Shark is a very rare shark specie. The goblin shark is a
very odd looking shark because its snout is positioned between the
eyes and the snout looks like a horn. The size of a full grown goblin
shark is 11 feet long. The goblin shark can only be found in Japan,
Honshu, Murray River and South Australia. The goblin shark eats
squid, octopus, shrimp and small fish.

The Great white shark is the most ferocious shark. It has

3,000 teeth the body of a great white shark is shaped like
a torpedo a pointed snout 5 gill slits and it is the only
shark that can jump out of the water. The great white
shark can grow to the size of 16 feet. The great white
eats sea lions and seals, small toothed whales, otters and
sea turtles. Great Whites are found near coastlines of the
Nurse sharks are harmless bottom dwellers. Nurse sharks are the only sharks that can
breathe without moving. Nurse sharks are the laziest sharks. Nurse sharks eat spiny
lobsters, small stingrays, sea urchins, squid and bony fish. Nurse sharks can grow to an
average of 9 feet.

Different things about sharks.

• sharks have different ways of hunting
• they all eat different things
• some sharks are slow and others are fast
Sharks have different sizes

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