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Experimental Design Diagrams Name HR

A. How will the fin shape effect the flight of the rocket
B. If the fin is diagonal then the plane will fly better because it doesn't block the wind

Distance of Rocket Depending on Fin Shape

Fin shape Distance (meters) Average
Distance (meter)

Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3

Triangle 70 75 72 72.33
Rectangle 67 72 74 71
Trapezoid 36 42 40 39.33
No Fins 30 27 26 27.66
Source: JT Wyrick, June 2010

C. Same size, same material, same rocket,

D. Materials: Cardboard, scissors, duck tape, bottles, launcher, water.
E. Write out a step by step procedure for carrying out the experiment.
1. Cut out the cardboard wings by size given. 6 inches long, 4 inches wide.
2. Cut out the following shapes. 3 trapezoids, 3 triangles, 3 rectangles.
3. Get one 20 ounce pop bottle and one 2 liter. Tape them together top to bottom.
4. Tape the wings on with the tip at the end of the label on the 2 liter.
5. Launch the rocket and see how far it goes.
F. Check your experimental design diagram with your instructor and carry out the
G. Fill in the data table.
H. Graph your data on Excel. (Use the graphing guidelines.)
I. Write a conclusion.
1. My data kind of matched with my hypothesis. In my data the triangle launched the
farthest. It had the least angled diagonal and flew though the air good. The rectangle
was right behind it my a few meters and it had no diagonal so I am not sure if I was
right or not.
2. I would make the wings out of different material otherwise everything else was good
besides more psi.


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