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Tiens Group fund requisition

Request units:$ 5,000.00 Request date: 13/09/2007

Solicita realizar cambios en el Sistema(Softaware) Adminitrativo y Financiero por un valor de $ 5,000 (Cinco Mi
y 00/100 Dólares Americanos.
Estos cambios incluyen Modificaciones en el Modulo de Caja; Almacén, Comisiones y Contabilidad.

Process for the request:

Amount requested(USD): $ 5,000

Filiale Manager: Financial Manager:

Account information on remittance (Very important):
Account Name:
Name of the Bank:
Bank Account:
Bank Address:
swift code:
Examined and approved opinion of Region Headquarters
Secondary Region Financing Manager’s Opinion: Secondary Region General manager’s Opinion:

Date: Date:
Region Financing Majordomo’s Opinion: Region President’s Opinion:

Date: Date:
Examined and approved opinion of Tiens Group
Opinion of Region Majordomo of Finance administrant department:

General Manager of Finance Center/Vice-president’s opinion who is in charge of operation:

Group President’s Opinion:


Direction for Use:

l          1. Filiale and the secondary region manager and accounting manager should auditing and sign the requisition. They must be responsible for the
reality, validity, rationality and need of the requisition.

l          2. The region president and the region financing majordomo must be responsible for the reality, validity, rationality and need of the requisition
and the use of funds.

l          3.The financing stuff should be responsible for the validity of the bill of document and the accuracy of the amount. But they don’t have
substantial auditing responsibility for the true or false of the bill of document.

l          4. With regard to detailed rules of fund debit , please refer to Tiens’ financing document No. (2003) 013.

l          5. If the space of the request reason is not enough, please attach an appendix.

l          6. If it is a foreign currency except US dollar, please mark the requested foreign currency and the corresponding convert exchange rate.

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