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© Ryan Gallagher & Alec Weir, 2010.

Scoring Guide for annotated bibliography

Requirements of Sources :

Criteria A B C D F Zero
Sources Exceeds required Meets required Meets required Does not meet Number of sources Research is incomplete.
number of sources. number of sources. number of sources. required number of is substantially
Sources are varied and Sources are varied Sources are not as sources. Sources are below requirement.
academically and academically varied and may not not as varied and
appropriate. appropriate. be academically may not be
appropriate. academically
Formatting All bibliography entries Conveys required Conveys required Conveys required Errors interfere with Research is incomplete.
are perfectly formatted. information, but information, but information, but understanding
with a few minor with a moderate with a substantial source information.
formatting errors. number of number of
formatting errors. formatting errors.
Annotations Fully completes all the Fully completes 2 Partially completes 2 Partially completes 1 Attempts to Did not complete
following: 1) out of 3 categories. out of 3 categories. out of 3 categories. complete annotations.
summarizes source, 2) annotations, but
explains relationship to with serious errors.
project, 3) is free of

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