Filling An Apartment 2: Key Words of The Day

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Filling an Apartment 2

Y: Hey Raymond, shopping was tiring today too wasn’t it. Wo shi Yajie.
R: And Wo Shi Raymond. Yea but I can’t wait to put all this stuff in, though I still feel like I’m
missing something.
Y: Well that green lamp sure looks nice with your blue painted walls.
R: This is pretty fun. Lets continue with what else we’re going to put in the apartment. Here’s
some key words of the day.

Key Words of the Day

wardrobe 衣柜. I Love my home. 我爱我家. Put your clothes in the wardrobe. 把衣服放到衣柜
里。Look in the Mirror 照镜子. All in today’s Chinese Studio.

Y: Raymond your house looks great so far. I mean that big washing machine is so beautiful!
R: I know what can I say. Wait I know what I can say. I love my home!
Y: Sure I’ll teach you how to say that: wo3 ai4 wo3 jia1.
R: wo3 ai4 wo3 jia1
Y: wo3 is I,
R: wo3,
Y: ai4 is to love,
R: ai4,
Y: jia1 is home,
R: jia1,
Y: wo3 ai4 wo3 jia1
R: wo3 ai4 wo3 jia1, I love my home.

Conversation 1
A: 恭喜你,有了自己的家!
B: 谢谢。我爱我家。

Y: Gosh, I think you wore that yesterday Raymond?

R: Really? I’m not sure. I just grabbed it out of my suitcase.
Y: Well then I better tell you how to say wardrobe, cause that’s the next thing that you’re
going to buy.
R: Why don’ t you tell me how to say, put your clothes in the wardrobe.
Y: ba3 yi1 fu fang4 dao4 yi1 gui4 li3.
R: ba3 yi1 fu fang4 dao4 yi1 gui4 li3.
Y: ba3 is often put before the object,

  Coryright 2007 
R: ba3,
Y: yi1 fu is clothes,
R: yi1 fu,
Y: fang4 dao4 … to put to somewhere,
R: fang4 dao4,
Y: yi1 gui4, the wardrobe,
R: yi1 gui4,
Y: li3 means inside the wardrobe,
R: li3,
Y: ba3 yi1 fu fang4 dao4 yi1 gui4 li3.
R: ba3 yi1 fu fang4 dao4 yi1 gui4 li3. put your clothes in the wardrobe.

Conversation 2
A: 把衣服放到哪儿?
B: 把衣服放到衣柜里。

R: This place is good. And guess what. There’s a surprise for you.
Y: What is it?
R: I’ll tell you in Chinese in a second. Actually, why don’t you tell me in Chinese and then I’ll
repeat it to you. Look in the mirror.
Y: zhao4 jing4 zi.
R: zhao4 jing4 zi.
Y: zhao4 literally means to reflect,
R: zhao4,
Y: jing4 zi is a mirror,
R: jing4 zi,
Y: zhao4 jing4 zi.
R: zhao4 jing4 zi. Look in the mirror.

Conversation 3
A: 她在干什么?
B: 她在照镜子。

Key Words Reminder

wardrobe 衣柜. I Love my home. 我爱我家. Put your clothes in the wardrobe. 把衣服放到衣柜
里。Look in the Mirror 照镜子. All in today’s Chinese Studio

Y: Well that takes care of some of the things in your home.

R: Yep, but I think I need one more trip to the furniture store. I think Ikea will do.

  Coryright 2007 
Y: But before all that, let’s ask our listeners to give us the answer to how do you say “I love
my home” in Chinese.

  Coryright 2007 

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