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• It is the seventh planet from the Sun

• It is considered as the third-largest planet in the Solar System
• It is considered as the fourth most massive planet in the Solar
• It is named after the ancient Greek deity of the sky Uranus
• Uranus is the father of Cronus (Saturn) and grandfather
of Zeus (Jupiter).
• Sir William Herschel announced its discovery on March 13, 1781
• Sir William expands the known boundaries of the Solar System for
the first time in modern history.
• Uranus was also the first planet discovered with a telescope.
• Uranus is similar in composition to Neptune.
• Uranus and Neptune have different compositions from other giants
in the solar system.
• Astronomers sometimes place the Uranus and Neptune in a
separate category, the "ice giants".
• It has a ring system.
• It has a magnetosphere and numerous moons.
• The Uranian system has a unique configuration among the planets
• Its axis of rotation is tilted sideways nearly into the plane of its
revolution about the Sun.
• In 1986, images from Voyager 2 showed Uranus as a virtually
featureless planet
• The planet is visible in light without the cloud bands
• There’s no storms associated with the other giants.
• The terrestrial observers have seen signs of seasonal change
• It also increased weather activity in recent years as Uranus
approached its equinox.
• The wind speeds on Uranus can reach 250 meters per second
(900 km/h, 560 mph).

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