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2008-2009 Daily School Schedule

Mo m Cal eb (1 2) Hal ey (9) Etha n ( 7.5)

Get ready, help
Caleb w/Math
Before 8:00 Work, Math &/or
&/or Writing as
Writing w/Mom
time allows
Breakfast, Bible Breakfast, Bible Breakfast, Bible Breakfast, Bible
8:00-8:30 Study & memory Study & memory Study & memory Study & memory
work w/kids work w/Mom work w/Mom work w/Mom
change & “situate”
8:30-9:00 Morning Chores Morning Chores Morning Chores
Reading, Writing, Reading, Writing,
9:00-9:40 Independent Work Independent Work
& FLL w/Ethan & FLL w/Mom
FLL & Writing FLL & Writing
9:40-10:20 Independent Work Independent Work
w/Haley w/Mom
Float to help, play
10:20-10:45 Independent Work Independent Work Independent Work
Help w/ TOG if
10:45-12:15 needed, chores, get TOG work TOG work TOG work
lunch ready, etc.
Lunch, read-aloud,
Lunch, read-aloud Lunch, read-aloud Lunch, read-aloud
12:15-1:00 get Emma down
w/Mom w/Mom w/Mom
for nap
Work w/Caleb Work w/Mom
1:00-2:00 (Latin, Writing, (Latin, Writing, Independent Work Independent Work
etc.) etc.)
Science experiments, free time, errands, Art & Instrument practice until time for
2:00 > afternoon activities or Dinner. After Dinner, chores, showers, devotions w/Dad, to
bed at 8:45PM (can read for 30 minutes)

*On Thursdays from Sept. until April, we attend The Master’s Academy of Fine Arts,
where the children take history, art, music, and theatre in the morning. After lunch, they
will participate in Drama Club, and Caleb will be taking an Apologia General Science class-
he should do most of the experiments there. When MAFA is not meeting, Thursdays will
be for field trips, service projects, mental health days, etc.
*Even though I put actually times in the chart, we do not adhere by them. This is just a
way for me to figure out what all we need to do between breakfast and naptime, and
naptime until dinner.
*My oldest is naturally an early riser. He likes to get started on his work while the house
is still quiet, so he gets quite a bit done before breakfast.
* Morning chores consist of feeding dog, getting dressed, brushing teeth & hair, making
beds (hmm, this often gets overlooked!), folding and putting away any laundry in the
dryer, emptying dishwasher when needed.

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