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Tata Sky Digital Satellite Television - Online Payment

P rint Clo s e

T HANK YO U! Your account has been successful l y r echar ged by Rs 200.00*

Your new a cco unt ba la nce i s Rs 17 8 .8 8

T ra n s a ctio n D eta ils :

Tata Sky s ubs criber ID : 1010562229
Tata Sky receipt no. : 100501446748 66
Trans action date & time : 01-05-2010 12:38 :39
BillDes k trans action ID : M U TI0056553590
Bank trans action ID : 17129354
Service tax code no. : AAGCS9294M ST002
Service tax categories : Broadcas ting, erection, commis s ioning/ins tallation & management,
maintenance or repair

* Inclus ive of Service tax & other applicable taxes , duties and ces s
* Service tax is not applicable in the State of J ammu & Kas hmir.

T a ta S ky Ltd.,
3 rd Flo o r, Bo m ba y Dyeing A.O .
P a ndura ng Budhka r Ma rg,
Wo rli, Mum ba i - 4 0 0 0 2 5
India .

1 of 1 05/01/2010 12:43 PM

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