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By: Zero

Feb. 16th, 2008



It's been quite a while since I have written any textfiles. I'm a bit older
now, and although I have most certainly matured
many moons past what you may have read from previous submissions to,
I still have a rather sick craving to write these
mildly immature textfiles related to an obvious trend of subjects which are most
often: Destruction, Explosives, Drugs, or the like.
I hope you have enjoyed previous files.
The last file I wrote was "HOW TO SHOOT UP," written August 13th, 2006. You
can see how infrequently I write these files, and
I plan to keep it that way. But, rest assured, I will most likely not stop writing
this internet garbage; unless our Internet Hero -
Jason of - suddenly stops obsessively hoarding textfiles. Thanks
Again, this file is fairly 'immoral,' which most definitely adds to the
excitement of writing and reading it. I genuinely hope
you enjoy it to the fullest degree possible.
Just a note. . . I originally meant to put this writing into a book I am
currently working on (except the text wouldn't be so
basic, and everything would be much more advanced), but decided to put it here
instead. I may still include this entire write-up (re-
worded, of course) in my book, but am still undecided. So if you do by chance see
something like this in a book you just so happen to
purchase someday, rest assured that it is from me.
Another note. . . As of the time of this writing, propylhexedrine is a legal
drug. The methodology laid out in this file should
be legal. However, be warned that it can become illegal without notice, and some
state laws may make putting any of these ideas into
action illegal. Check state laws concerning such things, since any actions carried
out by you could be illegal. No one is responsible
but yourself.


Now you may be wondering what exactly it is you are reading about. I am
about to tell you about an interesting drug called
propylhexedrine. If you venture to wikipedia, you will read quite a bit of what
you want to know about it (I was the one to write a
surprising amount of that information on wikipedia). Propylhexedrine can easily be
found in the over the counter medication called
Benzadrex. Benzadrex is simply a nasal inhaler that has vapors which act as a
nasal decongestant. You may have heard about Benzadrine,
which was the same thing, except it used amphetamine as the nasal decongestant.
Benzadrex came out after the 'ban' of benzedrine
inhalers, since many people were breaking them open, and ingesting the cotton
within the container which held the drug. Fortunately,
Benzadrex inhalers can be abused in the same manner.
Propylhexedrine has the same basic effects as methamphetamine does. So, when
you ingest it, you are most certainly getting a
very close methamphetamine-like high. No doubt, this stuff is a big "upper," and
will, in fact, keep you awake and alert for many hours
at a time. It is only slightly more dangerous than actual methamphetamine, but
only in that it cannot be injected, since it causes brain
aneurysms when injected (apparently...).
Propylhexedrine could be more accurately called hexahydromethamphetamine. On
the methamphetamine molecule, there is a Phenyl
group. On the propylhexedrine molecule, there is, instead of a Phenyl group, a
Cyclohexyl group. Other than that very minor (yet major
in technical chemistry terms) difference, the molecule is exactly the same. There
is no wonder whatsoever as to why propylhexedrine acts
so similar to methamphetamine. This drug is probably the closest non-relative that
methamphetamine has. Technically, propylhexedrine
isn't even in the same chemical family (phenethylamines) as methamphetamine.


Easy. Just buy a Benzadrex inhaler at Walgreens, or CVS pharmacy (they don't
sell them at Wal-Mart). When you get home - or
whatever - simply open it, and crack the plastic container open to reveal a small
stick of cotton. Using a pair of scissors, cut the
cotton into 1/4ths (fourths; four pieces), and swallow them; you just ingested
250mg (quarter-gram) of propylhexedrine. Now, here is
the bad part. These cottons are soaked in lavender oil, so they stink like
lavender soap. And god-forbid you allow this stuff to touch
your tongue or throat, you will forever gag at the very smell or thought of
lavender. So, when you ingest these pieces of cotton, use
flavored milk to mask the taste, and to lubricate them down your throat. Soon
after ingestion you will notice lavender burps, which
aren't that bad really. Soon after ingestion, you will also notice the 'high'
coming on. It seems to come on rather slowly, actually.
But it definitely gets rolling into high-gear. Do not expect to sleep within at
least 6 hours of ingestion.


Okay, that was the 'basic' way to use the drug. No doubt, it is a good
method. You get the drug in your system, you win. Some
people, however, are no so up for eating cotton (especially a cotton soaked in
lavender), and I can't blame them. Also, I am not
pathetic enough to write a text file simply saying to eat a cotton you bought at
the pharmacy. I have to keep it at least mildly sick
for you, don't I?
So let's move on to some clandestine laboratory operation. This procedure
will yield you white crystalline propylhexedrine
hydrochloride which is very easily put up your nose. Remember, do not - under any
circumstances - inject this drug into your veins.
It will, undoubtedly, kill you. I am not saying that like some idiot would say
"don't inject heroin, it will undoubtedly kill you."
No. I am telling you that for an absolute fact, you will die if you inject this
Moving on. I will lay this out in the classic "You need this" to begin with,
then the procedure.


* 6 (Six) Benzadrex Inhalers

* Distilled Water
* Hydrochloric Acid (Muriatic Acid/Pool Acid bought at Wal-Mart)
* Lye (NaOH, Red Devil Lye; Hardware stores, Unwatched, Available on the net)
* Diethyl Ether, or Toluene (If you have access to Diethyl Ether, use this. . .
But chances are that you don't. Toluene can be found
at the hardware store, paint section)
* Coffee Filters
* Funnel (Normal funnel used for automotive oil changing)
* Glass Eyedropper (Pharmacy)
* Glass Casserole Dish
* Small Glass Containers

What I am laying out here is a simple extraction process - some of the most
basic chemistry on Earth. Remember that you can
scale this process up, using as many inhalers as you would like. Just be sure you
adjust all quantities of chemicals you use accordingly
with how many inhalers are used. Also, don't scale it down. 6 inhalers contain 1.5
grams of propylhexedrine. 5 will contain 1.25 grams.
4 will contain 1 gram. 3 will contain 0.75 grams. Get it? Also, remember to always
wear gloves and goggles. Never be without them.

Open all of the propylhexedrine containers, collecting the 6 cottons, set

them aside. In a small glass container, mix 20ml of
distilled water with 10ml hydrochloric acid. Cut the cottons into little pieces
and soak them in the acid water, Squeeze them, push on
them in the liquid, be sure to get all of the stuff out of them. You are milking
the propylhexedrine from the cottons. The
propylhexedrine is going into the liquid.
Place a coffee filter into the funnel, and filter the liquid three times,
each time using a new filter. Collect the filtered
liquid in a new glass container. Now, using teaspoon measures, measure 1/8th of a
teaspoon of lye, and pour the lye into the filtered
liquid. Stir the liquid, if it does not stay cloudy, then carefully add tiny bits
more lye until the liquid stays cloudy. Just don't
add too much. Also, remember not to touch lye - you will receive chemical burns.
Transfer the liquid in a sealable glass bottle, and add 30ml of ether
Diethyl Ether, or Toluene. Shake the bottle for about five
minutes or so. Set the bottle down, and observe two different liquid layers
separating. Using the eyedropper, suck up the top layer,
which is the Diethyl Ether or Toluene, which contains the propylhexedrine. Put the
liquid you sucked up from the eyedropper into a fresh
bottle, and add 25ml of distilled water, and 5 drops of hydrochloric acid. Shake
the bottle for another five minutes. Put it down, and
let the liquid layers separate again. Suck off the top layer, and discard it,
leaving the bottom water layer with the propylhexedrine.
Transfer the liquid to the glass casserole dish, and put it over low heat.
The water will begin to evaporate, leaving relatively
pure propylhexedrine hydrochloride. You should expect back at least 1 gram of
propylhexedrine. Using a razor blade, scrape up the powder
left from the evaporation, and collect it in a baggie. Up the nose the powder


I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I did writing it. Hopefully soon
I'll write another one, just as long as I can think
of some other secret which I don't mind revealing to everyone. No doubt, there is
*way* more where this came from. It is just a matter
of me writing guides like this for everyone.

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