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ARTech Board Meeting

July 7, 2003

1) Called the Meeting to Order at 6:46

2) Verified Quorum
3) Approved Agenda: 1st MR, 2nd Annie – all approved
4) Accept Minutes from June 9th and 23rd (June 23rd with amendments), 2003: 1st
MR, 2nd Ryan – all approved
5) Consent Agenda: none
6) Operations Director Report:
a. Summer Institute – July 8-11
b. MDE Charter Admin Training – Aug 4-8
c. Facilities
d. Personnel
i. Special Education Position – full time
ii. Music – half time
iii. Spanish/Dance – half time
iv. Paraprofessional – Regular ed, full time (2)
v. Paraprofessional – Special Ed, full time (2)
vi. Office/Administrative Assistant – half time
e. Grants
i. Arts Board Collaborative Grant – awarded
ii. Dissemination Grant – denied
f. Finance
i. Audit is scheduled for July 31, 2003
ii. Federal Grant for first year of operations is being rewritten to
reallocate funds due to the loss of state start up funding, lease aid
reduction, and Arts Board Grant award
7) Discussion Items:
a. School goals for 1st year: MR and Leisa will bring to next meeting
8) Action Items:
a. Accepted resignation of Board member Andrea Christianson
b. Accepted the resignation of Keith Johnson from the Secretary/Treasurer
position – Keith will continue as a board member (resolution #
20040101-1): 1st Annie, 2nd MR – all approved
c. Elected person to serve as the Secretary/Treasurer of the Board
(resolution # 20040101-2): Ryan nominated, 1st Keith, 2nd Annie – all
d. Check Signing Authority (resolution # 20040101-3): 1st Keith, 2nd Annie –
approved as stated below
i. Julie Johnson, Ryan Krominga, Maryrose Block
e. Catering Agreement with Caravan Kids – Food Service Program
(resolution # 20040101-4): 1st MR, 2nd Ryan – all approved
9) Old Business
10) New Business
11) Announcements: next board meeting July 21 @ 6:30; MR gone Aug 2-9th

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