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c. 2003 NHD: new words/terms p.

NHD: New words in c. 2003 edition

These words are re-recorded. Use the new files for the audio:
1. about
2. attaché
3. causal
4. ridiculous
New Words to Record:
1. absolute monarchy
2. Academy Awards
3. Armstrong, Neil
4. clueless
5. coefficient
6. compass
7. complementary
8. complex fraction
9. constant
10. cosine
11. dot-com
12. Edison, Thomas A.
13. Einstein, Albert
14. equal opportunity employer
15. Faulkner, William
16. Franklin, Benjamin
17. Gates, Bill
18. GOP
19. Great Depression
20. Hemingway, Ernest
21. Hip-Hop
c. 2003 NHD: new words/terms p. 2

22. hypotenuse
23. Jefferson, Thomas
24. judicial
25. Kennedy, John F.
26. Key, Francis Scott
27. King, Martin Luther, Jr.
28. Lincoln, Abraham
29. like terms
30. Magna Carta
31. Marshall, Thurgood
32. McCarthyism
33. mixed number
34. Morgan, J.P.
35. Nine eleven (9/11)
36. PAC (Political Action Committee)
37. parallelogram
38. Pay-per-view
39. PDA
40. personal digital assistant
41. pledge of allegiance
42. prime number
43. protractor.
44. quadratic
45. (the) Roaring 20s
46. Rockefeller, John D.
47. Roosevelt, Franklin D.
48. scientific notation
49. sexually transmitted disease
c. 2003 NHD: new words/terms p. 3

50. sine
51. special interest group
52. STD
53. Steinbeck, John
54. suffrage
55. sunblock
56. theorem
57. town clerk
58. town meeting
59. trial by jury
60. Truman, Harry S.
61. Tubman, Harriet
62. Twain, Mark
63. 24/7 (twenty-four/seven)
64. unsure
65. violent
66. Washington, George
67. Watergate
68. women’s movement
69. Woodstock
70. Warhol, Andy
71. World Cup
72. Wright brothers

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