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TO: Tim Polk, Planning & Community Development Director

FROM: Ruth Seewer, Development Review Manager
DATE: April 22, 2010
RE: Zoning Fee Review and Recommendation

Development Review operations are fee-for-service transactions with at a minimum two staff members assigned.

Projected 2009-10 Actual 2008-09 Actual 2007-08

Zoning & Copying Revenues $ 59,166 $ 64,915 $ 85,013

Expenses $ 135,512 $ 135,512 $ 135,512

Income/(Deficit) ($ 76,346) ($ 70,597) ($ 50,499)

** Expenses are for wages and fringes (estimated at 25%) only as advertising is not separate in Planning & Community
Development budget.

Attached are Zoning Fee comparisons of other agencies and staff recommendations in RED as to changes in fee

The recommended fees should cover the staff time involved in the review process and cover the cost to advertise the
applicants’ requests.

The fee structure will be reviewed on at least an annual basis to determine if increases or decreases are needed to cover

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