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The Greenhouse Effect

By Laurenceau Dorian,
N’Kouka Dire-Straits &
Nodinot Axel

• The greenhouse effect is the rise in

temperature that the Earth
experiences because certain gases in
the atmosphere catch energy from
the sun.
When do you send greenhouse
gases into the air ?

• Watch TV
• Turn on a light
• Ride in a car
• Play video gameS
• Breathe WHILE DOING sport
Do you think hybrid cars are
• Most power plants use coal and oil to
make electricity. And the electricity
is for the cars, so it’s false. Hybrid
cars are polluting.
And do you think nuclear
power stations are good too ?
• It’s false too!
• Because the uranium is very
The Kyoto Protocol
• The Kyoto Protocol is a protocol OF the United
Nations Framework Convention on Climate
Change .The UNFCCC is an international
environmental treaty with the goal of achieving
"stabilization of greenhouse gas concentrations in
the atmosphere.
• The Protocol was initially adopted on 11TH
December 1997 in Kyoto. As of November 2009,
187 states have signed and ratified the protocol.

Participation in the Kyoto Protocol, as of June 2009,

where green indicates the countries that have
signed and ratified the treaty, grey is not yet
decided and red is no intention to ratify.
“Flexibility mechanisms"
• The flexibility mechanism means that there are
« programs » which allow us to emit green house with
limits :
• Emissions Trading: is a market used to control pollution.
• Clean Development Mechanism:The developed country
pay TO promote projects that reduce emissions in
developing country and in exchange they gain some
credits to reach their own objective in emissions.
• Joint Implementation: Companies invest in some projects
within industrial nations.


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