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What is Biotechnology?


 Biotechnology is a field of
applied biology that involves
the use of living things in
engineering, technology,
medicine, and other useful
Biotechnology in agriculture

 Genetic engineering can be used to

modify the genetic compositions of
plants, animals, and microorganisms.
The number of genes that have been
isolated and are available for transfer
is growing daily. Currently, the
technology is used primarily to modify
crops, although a number of other
Careers in biotechnology
 Analytical Chemist   
 Biochemist   
 Bioinformatics   
 Biologist  
 Biomedical Engineer
 Biostatistics
 Biotechnology 
 Cell Biologist  
 Genetic Engineering   
 Microbiologist  
 Microbiology  
 Molecular Biologist 
 Research Biologist  
Industry Facts
 Biotechnology is a $30 billion a year industry
that has produced some 160 drugs and

 There are more than 370 biotech drug

products and vaccines currently in clinical
trials targeting more than 200 diseases,
including various cancers, Alzheimer’s
disease, heart disease, diabetes, multiple
sclerosis, AIDS and arthritis.
Industry Facts continued
 Biotechnology is responsible for hundreds of
medical diagnostic tests that keep the
blood supply safe from the AIDS virus
and detect other conditions early enough
to be successfully treated. Home
pregnancy tests are also biotechnology
diagnostic products.
 Genetic engineering is sweeping the world’s
farms. Seven million farmers in 18
countries grew genetically engineered
Industry Facts cont.
 Consumers already are enjoying biotechnology
foods such as papaya, soybeans and corn.
Hundreds of biopesticides and other
agricultural products also are being used to
improve our food supply and to reduce our
dependence on conventional chemical

 Environmental biotechnology products make it

possible to clean up hazardous waste more
efficiently by harnessing pollution-eating
Industry Facts cont.
 Industrial biotechnology applications have
led to cleaner processes that produce
less waste and use less energy and water
in such industrial sectors as chemicals,
pulp and paper, textiles, food, energy,
and metals and minerals. For example,
most laundry detergents produced in the
United States contain biotechnology-
based enzymes.
Works cited




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