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Gehman Mennonite Church

rhysical address: 127 Witmer Road, Reinholds, PA 17569 June 2. Wed.- Youth Bible Study at Travis & Carolyns house, 7p.m.
June 1 I,FrL- Our first game and movie night in the Adamstown grove is fast
Mailing address: P0 Box 842, Adamstown, PA 19501
approaching! If you are willing to bake cookies or purchase powdered drink mix.
717-484-4548 please sign up on the sheet in the narthex. Thanks for helping in this outreach
Ministry Team
July 25. Sun- It's not too early to begin thinking about what you could share at
Phil Horning - Lead Pastor - church: 717-484-4548 home: 717-484-0998
this yeals Worship Service at Woodcrest Retreat. We will again plan the worship
Glen Martin - Associate Pastor -71 7-484-2 162
service to he an opportunity for families and individuals in our church family to
Steve McCoshy- Deacon - 717-336-8275
honor God in a variety ofways through the many gifts and talents I-Ic has blessed
us with. Songs. skits, readings, instruments, pictures, stories, were just some of the
May 30, 2010
ways we worshiped last year. What might you share'?
Prayer 8:15A.M.
Sunday School 9:00 A.M.
Worship Service 10:00 A.M.
-Health Care: Woodcrest Retreat seeks individuals to provide healthcare for
campers from June 13- Aug. 13, Opportunities include residential, weekly and
daily positions. For more intb call Ben Martin at 717-738-2233.
-Freedom Gate Golf Outing is on Sat June 26. See David Mohler for more info.
Next Week:
ireeters Randy & Karen Sauder
Scripture Reading Doug Musser
Happy Birthday! Chrystle Swatski today, Michelle iockley on Thurs., Belly
Song Leader Sylvia Eberly
Martin and Luke Horst on Sat.
Message James Martin
Sunday School Nursery Cindy & Carolyn
Church Nursery Lucy & Kristin

Offerin2s: The offering for June is fbr Gehman Missionary Support, Flamm,
Miller, Phillips, Snader and budgeted items.
The offering last week was 53.410.14.
Attendance last week was 146.
Adamstown Community Days
Community Worship Service
Last Year's 2009 Offering Information: Response from the offering given
at the Community Worship Service in 2009 to Ephrata Area Social Services.
Sunday, May 30, 2010- 9:30 A.M.
Except from Letter

On hehal/ oft/ic hoard qi c//eec ioi-.s of Eph ti to A rca So t/ / Sen ic-es, the ta// and
i/lose vi -e .s el-ic. Ii sin / to uc-h,io let/ge an thank run fo i- the i-cc-eat dana/in,, of
Sf047.75 made to 1:/'/lrata - `-eu Social Sen -it -c-.s.
Order of Worship
T/ionias AS II suite/i
Liec,,tiie Director, EASS
Opening - Phil Horning
Thank you forjoining us in this Community Worship Service.
Here is some information on nearby Adamstown area churches &
Devotional - Gary Russell the ministries of Breakthrough and Crossfire.

Immanuel Evangelical Congregational Church 70 Vest Main Street, PC


Box 295. Adamstovn, PA 17501, 717-484-4773, Pastor: Lewis Bollinger

St. Paul's Lutheran Church 80 East Main Street, P0 Box 385.

Adamstown, PA 19501, 71 7-484-4885. Pastor: Sandra Gideon

Offering Gehman Mennonite Church 127 Witnier Road, P0 Box 42, Adamstown,

PA 1950!, 717-484-4548, Pastor: Phil Horning

Breakthrough Ben and Kathy Smoker, 826 Wallace Rd., New Holland, PA

Testimonies from Crossfire Ministries-James Horning & 17557, 717-355-0150

Breakthrough consists of.siv musicians from Lam-a ste, and .Jun/ata counties, PA.
YOuth Eat/tv Smoker, Dan Es/i, Junior /-,she,'. Gerald Alcuili,,. li//bar i/oil/i, and NeRon
A/ire. The Dl /sv/tIl/ ud Breakthrough is to sc/ic' people b_i' /`iinging a positive
ilk's.' age. an! e.s -` age u/abundant li/i' in ic--us C 7, i/vt.

Breakthrough Crossfire Youth Ministries - James Horning Executive Director, 514 Wabash
Road, Ephrata, PA, 17522, 717-278-3102
Crossfire has 4 locations: Coca//co Ashland, Gordon & Bon'mansville. Their
iniAsion is to touch the heart of hurting u'outh u-it/u the love of.Jesus Christ.
Closing Prayer - Lewis Bollinger
Upcoming Ministry Events and Activities
I ec/ncv lou -s - 7-8/nfl Praise Cl,,!, & ini th p -`nip at Iintnan itt-I E. C `Ii urch
Sat. June 5 Cross/ire Ci'c/e Ride to benefit mission trip to Harris/urg.
Fri., June 11, July 9, August 20, - free 1/ni/c Nights in the Adanistoun Park Grove
Sat., June 12- Breakthrough ri/I he playing at Weaver/and Mennonite Church's Big
Backyard BBQ event

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