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Multimedia Project : Holocaust Glogster

Teacher Name: Ms. Cox

Student Name: ________________________________________

CATEGORY 4 3 2 1
Attractiveness Makes Makes good Makes use of Use of font,
excellent use use of font, font, color, color, graphics,
of font, color, color, graphics, graphics, effects etc. but
graphics, effects, etc. to effects, etc. but these often
effects, etc. to enhance to occasionally distract from
enhance the presentation. these detract the presentaion
presentation. from the content.
Originality Product shows Product shows Uses other Uses other
a large amount some original people's ideas people's ideas,
of original thought. Work (giving them but does not
thought. Ideas shows new credit), but give them
are creative ideas and there is little credit.
and inventive. insights. evidence of
Mechanics No misspellings Three or fewer Four More than 4
or grammatical misspellings misspellings errors in
errors. and/or and/or spelling or
mechanical grammatical grammar.
errors. errors.

Focus on Topic Product shows Product shows Product shows Product shows
complete some little dedication no dedication
dedication to dedication to to point of to specific point
specific point specific point view, adding of view, using
of view, of view, adding large amounts all ideas from
without adding some of information other point of
information information on on other point view.
from areas of other point of of view.
other point of view.

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