1st 9weekPROJECT

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Directions: Look ahead to the culture reading of chapter 7, which

details the layout of a typical Roman domus, or ‘city-house’.

1. Draw on foamboard the layout of a typical Roman domus.

Make sure to include the following labels: triclinium, atrium,

tabernae, fauces, cubicula, alae, hortus (also called the
peristyle), culina, and tablinum

There are books in the library, in this classroom, as well as

online that can identify what each room is, and it’s location in a
Roman domus

Grading of the Project

1. This is worth one letter grade (10%) with the potential of being
worth twice the value (20%)
2. Standard 10% value—project as stated above.
3. 15% value—project made 3D (foamboard works well)
4. 20% value—3D project plus tri-fold display behind it showing
real villas from Pompeii with their corresponding rooms
labeled. Title of board should be Roman Domus

Your grade for this project will be determined on two main factors:
first, by its neatness; and second, the care taken in its construction
or drawing.


Nota Bene! For every day that the project is late a whole letter grade
will be deducted.

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