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Reasons and after-affects of Mergers & Acquisitions

Mergers and acquisitions are happening in every economy, especially in banking s

ector. In this report we will focus on reason for M&A and their after affects an
d why do firms carry out mergers and acquisitions. One of the most common argume
nts for mergers and acquisitions is the belief that "synergies" exist, allowing
the two companies to work more efficiently together than either would separately
. Such synergies may result from the firms' combined ability to exploit economie
s of scale, eliminate duplicated functions, share managerial expertise, and rais
e larger amounts of capital.
For data collection we will interview employees of these firms and ask both stru
ctured and unstructured questions, we will also review some literature so we wil
l collect both primary and secondary data.
Some recent mergers and acquisition:
RBS acquired ABN-AMBRO
Group Members:
Usman Ghayas BB-06-14
Ather Sadeed BB-06-19
Nouman Ali BB-06-46
Romail Howell BB-06-67

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