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990 Return of Organiz: in Exempt From Income Tax = | “eee merry Jesteoth nani [rere raaTe— once > The organization may have to use a copy of hs return to satisly state reporting requirements. inspec ‘A For the 2008 calendar year, or tax yoar beginaing BPR 1, 200) ‘andendng MAR 31, 200 [Employer nieatonaumber B crm, [rama] heme of oranzaton (lets See UNITED WAY OF CENTRAL OHIO, INC. 31-4393712 "EE [tae and test PO, box mals ot dered a Svet ateresy oor [E Telephone number jve™360 SOUTH THIRD STREET (614) 227-2700 | une [Cy or ta, ste or county, and ZP ¢ 4 Fxeuimonins: Jon EXT rom) Sy OLUMBUS, OH 43215 Be zone —© Gaon STO] og HaaTOTE a TATE TOMAR OATES TN] Won Tare nat appcal to section Tato OR etachs capi eta a(Fom oor ED) eee am rctanplcabi ecton Se eat 6 Website BWHW. UWCENTRALOHIO. ORG ocr ramberotiaesp>_ N/B T Organon ype wx onyonBeLCT s0He)( 34 teawrvos [JAGAN or TBE We) Areal glaesinchces? N/A T_Tyes TIN Ghetto LI eration na SHG) spring orzo nds | a (ase thn eddy anc ‘eceips are normally not more than $25,000 return isnot required, butt the organaation ‘ganization covered by a group ruing? []¥es CK] No hoses fea et be sree compete eu. Tou Exemption turer WA cos b>L_T tte orgunzaton snot reed tach _Gess axis: Ad ices 6,9, and 10 ioe 12> 54,490,141. | Sn 8 orm a0, o9042.0r 90-9) Part I] Revenue, Expenses, and Changes in Net Assets or Fund Balances “TContbtor, gts, gran, nd sine anouns reebe 2 Corrbutons to donor 2d ts ‘a Diet ube supp (atte on te) tb | 6,262, 705, « lnetpubi suppor (at neled n tn a) se] 6,531,931. 4 Covramentcontbtons (aren) rte in i) ww] 1,514,056. Toalfadéices tthoupht6)an$ __ 54,308,692. nonasns ) Lu] 54,308,692. 2 Presa sere ros ned govaent a and conve ror Par Vl, 8) 2 3 Mambersip ues andasseesmets 3 { imatteamastepeny times PUBLIC INSPECTION “| ——T67, 668 5 hidons interest om securities COPY, 5 6 4 Goss ies ‘a © Less: rentat expanses & gg] _ Nereis) Sabet ne om & 2| 1 obser ivosmentinome ese De fa E| 8 a Grossamount rom sas of assets other {A Secures Bi Omer ©) ean inate Less costorthar bss nd ss xpenses n Gin or Goss) mah cc te 8 Natgaincr (os). Combi ae, counns ant (By STMT T_|_ ss 4 Spicialevens and acts (ze secedul) any amount ram geming, check here Be] 2 enum rsitinemerenten) [8 1 Lese diet expenses efor fan ondary epeses oy etiam rss) kom pect even Subanon fe 40 Gloss ae fiver, esters and swances iva esx coat goes sold 12 6: Goes rotor (ost) om eke trvenary tah stoi) Suatact ne 0b rom Ta ‘e 11 br conue ram art ae 13) i 13,781. 52 Totlcovanue Age as 29, 4,5, 6,785, 9, an 18 u) 54,190,101. 18 Progam serves (om ne, eum) “| 48,117,735. B] 14 Maragemant and genera (am ne 44, cola (C}) ul 2,741, 822. | 1s Furaisng (rom in cana) “6[ 2,505,312. B16 Payments siete etaon seeds) see StAteMEnT 2 Ts 490,802, 17 Tos expos, As nes 1nd coum ww] 53,859,671. 18 Goes of (oe) ore oar Sac 7 Hom ne 8 630,470. ¢$] 19 Natassesor und tances et ego of yer from ne 7, extn) 8 7538, 505. 22) 20 otwerchngesinnelsses rund alae (tach expr ao) Sk SPATEMENT 3 [ao[—-748,985~ tet assets or und bances and fy Combines 18, 120426 Fl TAT, 930. For B80 (2008) THA For Privacy Ast and PapersrtReduain At Nolce, see the separate isitacons| Form 990 (2006) UNITED WAY OF CENTRAL OHIO, INC. 31-4393712 rage? Part Il [Statement of ‘A organtatns most compte eouna(R.Clun (8), (Cand (Oyareequed or szton SOTOKS) Functional Expenses and (d) owancator and setion 49476) renexemot Carl sts bt optona for et. ‘Do nat nhide emaunts reported on ie i) Pome (eraser ob, 9, Tob, or of Part a One Onmaeers aaa ia Grants pai rom donor aaveod nds (attach sched) os Onan 0 Noieanear ciate ans ovate DT tt 20h Other grants and alcations (attach sched STATEMENT 4 (eo 68482875 Brcans 0 ine manhonontmmgms coats LJ (2ay 44, 828,756.| 44,828, 7564 28 Specie assistance to nchiduas attach sched) EF) 24 Benefits pas tao for memeers attach : 4 schedule) 2a 250 Compensation of cuent ofr, desos bay anplyees, te. stedin Pan VA loa] _1,200,205.| _321,519.| 744,154.| 144,532. ® Campesaten offerors, eects ky vxiloens, et. sed in Part V8 ad o. o. 0. Oo. { Compersaton and ote stb, noticed bot dst persons fs defined under stton 458i) and persons bce in seetion45810K38) es 28 Salaries and wages of employees net inekused on lines 250, b, and © w|_3,118,467.| 1,238,777.| __757,436.|_ 1,122,254. 21 Pension san contrbutane not included on lingo 25a, ans © n|___285,558.| 136,021. 70,055. 79,482. 28 Employee Benofts not nlued ones 250-27 m|__459,535.|_165,749.[ 137,347.| 156,439. 28 Payoll taxes | 300,598. 112, 781.1 33,150. 94,667. 80 Professional fundraising foes Ei 31 Accounting foes: Bl 27,505, 1,775.1 5,750. 32 Logalfees 2 27,310.| 27,3104 438 Supplies wa] 400, 092, 83,047. 59,987.| 257,058. 44 Toorhone u 82,067, 25,301. 27,272. 3,494. 35 Postage and shipping 35 46, 42a, ERED 19,204] 17,807. 38 Occupancy [as[__127,997 a3, 041 41,051 33,905. 87 Equipment rental ard malnenance ar) seca 907. 5,397. 238 Pint and pubicatins se] 210,895. i, 033.| 4,311.[ 108,551. 39 Travel 29] 31,869. 10, 754.| 6,535. 14,580. 40 Conferences, conventions, and mestngs [49 5,990. 19, 466. 41,238, 15,286. 41 Interest ai 42. Depreciation, depiaon ote atachscedus) [4e| 14, 217] EL a5, 466, 5/261. 48. Other expences not covered above (ez MISCELLANEOUS lan] 126,272. 26, 036.| 35,127, 55,109. SPECIAL EVENTS lao} 140, 258. 23,909. Ti0,349. ¢ PROFESSIONAL FEES fai] 2,579, 736.| 967,867.| 541,028. 70,841. «MEDIA PRODUCTIONS TV ad 159,701. 2 1T5 13,979,[ 137,947. * fae ' la ‘ la 4 Tol unsonal xpneen. Aldine 2D rough 435 (Ogonators competing cobs @}10}, cay hae tls oes 13-18) 4] 53, 368, 869.| 48,117,735.| 2,741,822.| 2,509,312. Font Costs, Check TET ityou are folowing SOP 882, 35 ar a cabins edvatorl campaign and enctasing soa rapa (8)Programsevices? > (ves 1K to ‘vany jot regate amount ofthese int eos {athe amaun coca to Progr series hi) ne amount ebogats to Managamactand general $ aid the amount located fo Funds f Ws er ra Form 980 (2006) Form 980 2006) UNITED WAY OF CENTRAL OHIO, INC. 31-4393712 _ paged Part Ill [Statement of Program Service Accomplishments (See tie instructions) Form 900 ie avaiable for pubte nspocton an tor aome people, serves ne the primary o ole source of Information ebeut a parila organzaton How the pubic perceives an organization n uch cases may be determined by the information presented on ts retumn Therefore, please make ours the returns complote and accurate and tly doecribee, Pat, tho organization's programe and accompihmants ‘nats the ogarizalion’s primary exon purpose? > SES STATEMENT € Allorganizations must describe thar exam purpose echievemanta na clar and concise manner State the number of Program Service Expenses (equred tr 5016)9) and (4) arg, and clents served, pubcaton sued, ate Okc achinvrans that are nat measurable (Section S01) an (8) auras ‘orgarication and 4947/1} nonexemtchartable iis must also enter he amount of grants end locations to thers) | opie rethes) @ SEE STATEMENT 5 {Grants ana alocaions $31, 470, O25.) te anoun ned fregh giants, check we BT] 32,944,013. b_SHE STATEMENT 6 ‘(Grants and allocations § 7 liihis amount netudes foreign rants, checknero be [| 1,437,961. _SEE_STATEMENT 7 (Garis and aocatons Wis wnount neudes eign grants cpecknow LJ] 377,030. ‘@ DONOR DESIGNATIONS 10 NON-WEMBER ELIGIBLE AGENCIES: ONTTED_WAY OF CENTRAL OHTO ALLOWS DONORS TO DESIGNATE GIFTS TO OTHER UNITED WAYS OR SPECIFIC AGENCIES. THERE WERE. APPROXIMATELY 50,000 DONOR DESIGNATIONS TO 2,900 AGENCIES ‘AND OTHER UNITED WAYS IN THz 2006 CAMPAIGN. (Grants andalocaions $13, 358, 731. ) Wiis areunt nudes crop gant, ceakhere Be TT] 13, 358,731. © Other program services attach acheculo) {Grants and alocations Ht this amount inctides foreign grants, checkthere pe [1 F Total of Program Service Expenses shoud equal ine 4, coun (8), Program services) > ae TIT 5, Form 990 (2006)

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