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Life Orientation

Learning outcome 1
Health Promotion
The learner will be able to make informed decisions regarding personal,
community and environmental health
We know this when the learner:
1. Describes strategies of preventing and for living with diseases, including

Learning content.
Discusses the personal feelings, community norms, values and social pressures
associated sexuality The ‘road of life’ is given as a challenge to the learners with
each aspect symbolising a unit:
Aids and
decision making.
‘Aids is not a medical problem, it is a behavioural problem. If you can
change the behaviour you can change the problem.’
The main cause of Aids is early intimacy and several sexual relationships with
different partners. Research indicates that teenagers who become sexually
active at an early age have a greater chance of practicing several sexual
relationships as a life style. The consequences of sex outside of marriage without
caring about the other person are emotional abuse of both parties.
Learners critically reflect and discuss their values, morality, choices, relationships
and behaviour. Their choices and the subsequent consequences will be
examined. The dimensions values, morality, choices, relationships and behaviour
of five dimensions are totality interdependent and cannot function in isolation.
These aspects influence our whole life. Most importantly, it transcends all
religious boundaries are the basic moral principles are the same.
Aids is reaching alarming proportions – this sexually transmitted disease is an
epidemic. Sexually transmitted diseases can prevent you from achieving
your ambitions and are like roadblocks that prevents you from
progressing on the road of life.

The strategies for living with diseases focuses on;

1. The type of to be consumed.
2. Lifestyle including exercises
3. Developing a positive and healthy attitude.

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