Dialogue Inggris

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Tittle : Pinocchio
In a city, there is a grandfather Gepetto’s shop doll makers.

Gepetto: "How happy I, if this sweet doll being a kid."

After the grandfather said this, there was a miracle.

Pinocchio : “ Good afternoon, Dad!“ doll is talking and start walking.

Gepetto : “Starting today, you are my son. I gave you name “Pinocchio”! In order
for you to be a bright boy, you're starting school tomorrow, yes!” (With very

The next morning, Grandpa Gepeto sell his clothes and with that money he
bought a book of ABC for Pinocchio.

Gepetto: "I will sell these clothes, to buy the book for you."

Gepetto: "Learn all right with this book!

Pinocchio: "Thank you, Dad. I go to school, and will study diligently.

Gepetto: "Careful!"

But, from the opposite direction of his school, there is voice, "Drum, dum,
dum, dum"

Pinocchio: "What's that noise?" As to where the sound originated.

Pinocchio: "The drama dolls? I will sell this ABC book to buy tickets for the show. "
and even, Pinocchio watch the show.

Inside the tent theater, a doll's daughter would have been besieged swords

Pinocchio: "Look! A very bad soldier, "the Pinocchio ride onto the stage, and hit the
soldier doll.

Rope of the doll cut off and the doll fell. Theater owners are angry and will
catch Pinocchio threw it into the fire.

Pinocchio: "I'm sorry. If I burned my poor old dad.”

Pinocchio: "I promised to my father to study at the school with the industrious."
Because compassion, theater owner release the Pinocchio and gave him some coins.

Owner Plays: "Use this money to purchase your lesson books."

Pinocchio : “Thank you.”

Then Pinocchio went to buy books. But on the way, Fox saw the situation.

Fox: "Good afternoon, good Pinocchio. If the gold coins add a lot, sure your Dad
definitely more fun, right! "

Pinocchio: "How do I add this gold?"

Fox: "Easy. You can put it under the magic tree. Then go to sleep, then when you
wake up, the tree will bear fruit a lot of gold coins. "

Then Pinocchio escorted by Fox invest his gold under the magic tree. When
Pinocchio began to take a nap. Fox digging gold and hung in Pinocchio on a
tree, after that he went.

Fox: "Feel that!! Basic stupid kid. "

when it wakes up and find himself hanging in a tree,

Pinocchio: "Help!!!!"

A Blue Fairy Pinocchio saw the situation, sent an eagle to help him.

Blue Fairy: “Hi, Eagle! Save that boy! And bring it here! "

Eagle brings Pinocchio with his beak, and took him to the room where the Blue
Fairy has been waiting for. The Blue Fairy lull Pinocchio in bed and gave her
some medicine.

Blue Elves: "Well, take this drug then you will get better soon. After that come
home, yes! "

Pinocchio: "Better to die than drink bitter medicine!" The Pinocchio continues to

Finally Blue Fairy became angry,

And, "Plak...Plak...." Blue Fairy slap Pinocchio. Then came four rabbits that
carry the coffin.

Pinocchio was shocked, he quickly drank the bitter medicine.

Pinocchio : “Well ... well ... I drank the medicine.”

Blue Fairy : “Pinokio, why do not you go to school?”

Pinocchio : “Hmm .. on the street, I sell my books for poor children who are
starving, and bought bread for him. Therefore I can not go to school.”

Suddenly , “syuut” Pinocchio's nose began to elongate

Pinocchio : “Why did with my nose??”

Blue Fairy : "Pinocchio, if you lie, your nose will be elongated up to the sky."

Pinocchio : "I'm sorry. I will not lie again. "

Blue Fairy : "All right (smiling). Woodpecker, peck his nose is." Pinocchio's nose also
come back again.

Blue Fairy : "Let's hurry back to the house, and learning to school!"

On the way home, Pinocchio meets the world to play with trains. Pinocchio
could not resist the temptation to ride.

Pinocchio: "Woww ... train the world play? I'll play until satisfied." Pinocchio had
forgotten his promise to the Fairy, every day he was just playing around it.

One day, Pinocchio was surprised to see his face in water.

Pinocchio : “Ah! My ears are so donkey ears! I too bear!” with a shout.

It turned out that other children have also become a donkey. Finally Pinocchio
becomes a donkey and sold to the circus. Pinocchio has broken his promise to
the Fairy, then he'll be punished.

Every day he was beaten, and had to jump over a hot fire circle. Although
afraid, Pinocchio jumped fixed. Finally he fell until he broke his leg.

The circus owner became angry.

The owner of the circus : “Basic stupid Donkey!!! Better disposed to sea.” Pinocchio
then thrown into the sea.

“Blup blup blup” Pinocchio sank to the seabed, the fish came to bite him. Then
the donkey skin off, and from it emerged the Pinocchio.

Pinocchio : “Thank you fish.” Actually Fairy see that Pinocchio has realized his
mistake and ordered the fish to help him.

While swimming,
Pinocchio : “(Pinocchio promised to himself) This time, after I came home I was
going to school and study hard. I also will help jobs at home and keep Dad.”

At that time, “Hrrr,,, “ A big whale came close with a creepy voice.

Pinocchio : “Help!!!” Pinocchio is swallowed by the big whale

Inside the whale's stomach really dark. But a beam of light visible in the
distance. Apparently it was the grandfather Gepetto.

Pinocchio : “Daddy!”

Gepetto : “Pinokio!” They both hugged each other

Gepetto : “I went to sea to find you, and I swallowed the whale was. But it was here
I met you. Fortunately we survived!”

Pinocchio : “Come on, we're out of here!”

Gepetto : “My body is weak. You go!”

Pinocchio : “I do not want if not together Daddy.”

When the whale was sleeping, Pinocchio escape from the mouth of the whale
with arms Gepeto grandfather on his back. With as hard as he swam until he
reached the shore. They rented a cabin nearby farmers. Taking care of
grandparents, Pinocchio work every day. Grandpa finally become healthy again.

Gepetto : "Pinocchio, because you're the one I was so healthy like this. Thank you! "

Pinocchio : "Daddy, from now on I will be more by again."

Suddenly a bright light around them,

Blue Fairy : "Pinocchio, you have to be a good boy." The Blue Fairy appears, and
change the puppet Pinocchio to become a human child.

Eventually, Pinocchio be a good boy.

The member of Group : Dio Mukti Kuncoro (08)

Nadhif Alaudin P (17)
Rosa Falih W (23)
Shafira Putri P (24)


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