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A Game Concept

By Radical Entertainment
Table of Contents
1Game Analysis.............................................................................................................................................................. 3
1.1Game Concept....................................................................................................................................................... 3
1.2Game Goals........................................................................................................................................................... 3
1.3Game Information................................................................................................................................................. 3
1.4Brand Analysis...................................................................................................................................................... 4
1.5Competitor’s Analysis........................................................................................................................................... 4
1.6Story Concept........................................................................................................................................................5

2Game Design................................................................................................................................................................. 7
2.1Expanded Game Concept...................................................................................................................................... 7
2.2Transformations.................................................................................................................................................... 7
2.3Front End...............................................................................................................................................................7
2.4Camera.................................................................................................................................................................. 7
2.5Game Structure......................................................................................................................................................8
2.6Gameplay............................................................................................................................................................ 10
2.7Core Controls...................................................................................................................................................... 11

3Characters and AI........................................................................................................................................................14

3.1Enemy Generators............................................................................................................................................... 14
3.2Enemy Types.......................................................................................................................................................14

4Sound.......................................................................................................................................................................... 18
4.1Overview............................................................................................................................................................. 18
4.2Considerations ....................................................................................................................................................18

5Expanded Gameplay................................................................................................................................................... 20
5.1Overview............................................................................................................................................................. 20
5.2Sample Level Experience....................................................................................................................................20
5.3Sample Level Flow Timeline.............................................................................................................................. 23

6Key Feature Summary.................................................................................................................................................24

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Copyright  2002, 2003 Radical Entertainment.
The Hulk is an action adventure game based on the upcoming 2003 film release of the Hulk. Additional key elements
will be taken from the Marvel comic book series and the legacy of the Hulk universe.

Note: Certain elements within this document are subject to change based on future information we receive
regarding the upcoming movie.

1.1 Game Concept

The Hulk is a single player action adventure game where you traverse streaming worlds and contained environments
in mission based scenarios, many of which contain multiple mission objectives. The story focuses on Bruce Banner
and his attempt to find a cure to free himself from his transformations into the Hulk and clear his name as a menace
to society. The player takes the role of both Banner and The Hulk with an intense gameplay mechanic that revolves
around transformations from one to the other. Banner gameplay is based on stealth and puzzle solving scenarios.
When Bruce transforms into The Hulk, the gameplay becomes one of pure adrenaline, as The Hulk smashes his way
through any obstacle or enemy he faces with unsurpassed rage.

Some objectives require the player to be in Banner form, while other objectives require the brute force of The Hulk.
The hook is that the player will need to carefully manage his anger meter to successfully suppress The Hulk within,
as well as know when it is acceptable to bring him out. To make the world feel more realistic, many primary
objectives can be completed as either Bruce or The Hulk. The path to completion, however, will be quite different
depending on which character the player is in control of. The struggle that Bruce has in trying to suppress his anger
is what keeps the game true to the IP, while, at the same time, creates a unique and exciting game mechanic for the

1.2 Game Goals

 Exciting gameplay dynamic of the player’s attempt to control his transformations into The Hulk
 Stealth and puzzle solving gameplay
 Over the top action, presentation and style befitting the comic genre
 An interactive story that emphasizes the duality and struggle between Bruce Banner and the Hulk
 Destructible and deformable environments
 Innovative gameplay built around Hulk’s inherent abilities and the extraordinary enemies he will face
 Frenetic Hulk gameplay, involving a simple yet engaging combat and destruction system
 Dynamic camera system that employs cinematic shots without intruding on game-play

1.3 Game Information

The Hulk is a third person action adventure game featuring stealth, puzzle solving, and destructive fighting game-
play. The game will be developed for the PS2, Game Cube and X-box platforms.

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1.4 Brand Analysis

The game is based on the Hulk comic book character and the legacy of his world. Staying true to the themes of the
upcoming movie, the game will follow the inner conflict between Bruce Banner, his Savage Hulk personality, and
the alienation he suffers in his quest to return to a normal life. The game will make every effort to preserve the
presentation, style and themes fans have come to expect from both the character and the comic genre. At the center
of this interactive experience, the Hulk/Bruce Banner character will think, feel, and act in a manner that meets the
expectations of consumers.

1.5 Competitor’s Analysis

Spiderman Franchise (Activision) – Spiderman and its sequel are action adventure games that perfectly capture the
essence of the character. The Hulk game will follow a similar strategy of bringing out the best elements of an
established comic book character and then combine them into an amazing interactive experience.

Batman: Vengeance – A third person 3D adventure based on the mature Dark Knight persona of Batman. This
game has multiple styles of gameplay, including stealth, fighting and puzzle solving elements.

Superman (Titus) – Although a critical failure, this superhero action game was a best seller, especially amongst

X-Men (Activision) – The X-Men franchise takes the key heroes and villains from the X-Men comic book and pits
them against each other with a solid fighting engine. Although primarily influenced by the comic books, this game
does have some influence from the recent movie and used marketing tie-ins.

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1.6 Story Concept

The following is a basic overview of the plot structure of the game. Many new levels, bosses, and side-plots will be
inserted to provide exciting gameplay encounters that will drive the narrative forward to create a rich experience for
the user.

1.6.1 The Setup

The Leader, operating from his secret base “Freehold”, has developed a scheme to create a race of gamma
charged super villains to aid in his villainous plans. He has manipulated all of the key scientists on Gamma
Radiation, including Dr Geoffrey Crawford and Phil Sterns, to perform the scientific work and research required on
Alcatraz tourists. He has also acquired private funding from General Ryker, who plans to use these weapons for
military purposes

1.6.2 Story Overview

Bruce Banner discovers that his old mentor, Dr Geoffrey Crawford, has acquired his Gamma Sphere and
has modified it to absorb gamma radiation. Hoping to use it to cure his condition, Bruce breaks into the lab and
hooks himself up to the device. Ravage, Crawford’s gamma charged form -- a creature similar in size and
appearance to The Hulk, breaks into the room and steals the sphere, before pushing Bruce aside. Banner transforms
into the Hulk and chases Ravage through the streets of San Francisco.

During the chase, a small force of military helicopters attack The Hulk, who avoids their assault while
keeping the light of the gamma sphere in view. The Hulk finally catches up with Ravage, but just as he is about to
strike, Half-Life sneaks up and attacks from behind. Ravage flees to Alcatraz, with the sphere in hand, leaving Half-
Life to deal with The Hulk. The two have a vicious fight, but The Hulk is victorious

Banner receives an urgent message from Betty, who warns him of an evil plot to create a race of gamma
charged supermen. Halfway through the conversation, Betty panics and a male voice can be heard on the other end, a
voice that sounds familiar to Banner.

Following this lead, Banner takes a boat to Alcatraz. Upon reaching Alcatraz, Banner discovers a race of
gamma spawned creatures that are the result of experimentation on imprisoned tourists. After sneaking past armed
guards and roving hordes of these creatures, Banner is caught and transforms into The Hulk. After fighting his way
through Alcatraz, The Hulk finds Betty, who is being held captive by Phil Sterns, otherwise known as Madman.

As he approaches, Sterns transforms into Madman, who grows to a size larger that The Hulk. The Hulk
defeats Madman and returns Betty to her father, General Ross, in hopes that he can gain acceptance for this heroic
act. In return, he is paid with imprisonment in a specially designed military bunker that is run by General John
Ryker. Ryker hooks Bruce up to a device similar to the Gamma Absorption device, and reveals to The Hulk that he
is absorbing his powers for the good of the country.

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Stronger than suspected, The Hulk breaks through his shackles and escapes. Fighting his way through the
military facility, the Hulk breaks out into the desert. Trying to leap to freedom, The Hulk encounters a force field
like dome, which knocks him to the ground. Upon getting up, a large military force of tanks and armoured troops
chase down the Hulk, who finally makes it to the dome’s main generator. Awaiting him is Flux, a Hulk-like creature
that was a test subject for General Ryker. The Hulk defeats Flux, destroys the generator, and flees into the
countryside before reverting back into Banner.

Returning to Alcatraz, Banner sneaks his way through countless armies of Gamma Spawn. Banner
encounters Ravage again. Bruce pleads with Crawford to help him, but Crawford is ordered by The Leader to
destroy Banner. Banner changes into the Hulk and the two finally go toe to toe on even terms. During a destructive
battle, The Hulk beats Ravage, who reverts back into an unconscious Crawford. The Hulk reluctantly pulls him away
from a falling beam and throws him in a cell before entering the gate to Freehold – The Leader’s secret hi-tech
fortress. The entrance through this teleporter causes a transformation to Bruce Banner.

Banner makes his way through The Leader’s hi-tech labyrinth. Armoured guards and robots face him at every
corner. Seeing Leader up ahead, hooked up to an electronic throne, Banner dashes toward him. Upon entrance to his
sub-chamber, Banner is zapped by beams of light and blacks out. The Leader brings Banner into his dreamworld,
but before killing Banner from within, Crawford breaks one of the transmitters that strengthens The Leader’s control.
The Leader blasts Crawford before Banner can reach him. Banner then battles Leader’s hi-tech room by cleverly
disarming all of his force fields. Upon disarming the fields, The Leader dismounts from his thrown and blasts
Banner, causing a transformation into The Hulk. The two square off. During the battle, The Hulk picks up the
Gamma Absorption Device and tosses it at The Leader, causing a massive explosion. Ryker’s face appears on a view
screen and proceeds to insult The Leader on his failure. A large missile hits freehold, causing a massive explosion.
The Hulk escapes, but is forced to leave Crawford and The Leader to their apparent deaths.

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2.1 Expanded Game Concept

The game-play of The Hulk is broken up into two distinct styles. Each of these styles focuses on the strengths and
personality of the character you are using.

Bruce Banner: Game-play is based on stealth and cunning. Bruce is able to sneak around enemies, disable them
with scientific weapons, and access areas and information that his green skinned counterpart can’t. The gameplay of
Banner will always push the story forward, so that even when you transform into the Hulk, a clear mission objective
will always be apparent.

The Hulk: When Bruce transforms into The Hulk, the gameplay becomes one of damage and destruction. Not
necessarily mindless, the Hulk will be able to terrorize an environment like no other game to date. The enemies that
the Hulk will face will range from hordes of military agents to super villain bosses.

2.2 Transformations

The character has an anger meter that governs Banner’s transformations into The Hulk. The angrier Bruce gets, the
larger the meter grows. When this meter is full, he makes a real-time transformation into The Hulk. Depending on
the current mission objective, Banner will either get to play as The Hulk during gameplay or fail the mission. Certain
missions have multi-branching objectives that change when you are either Banner or the Hulk.

2.3 Front End

The front end of this game is set up like a live comic book. Levels will be represented as pages and encounters will
be designed as panels. Initially the comic is blank. As you progress through the game, new panels will open,
representing the experiences you have previously encountered. If you want to replay a segment within the game, you
simply highlight a previous panel and select it. Special gameplay events will trigger Action Panels, which appear
during the middle of a camera cut in gameplay. This encourages the player to go back and replay every area to
unlock every encounter or action that has been missed.

2.4 Camera

To keep the gameplay tight and focused, the camera will follow a dynamic path-based system. Different shots are
triggered based on the area of the environment that the character is moving through. This allows us to have relevant
cameras for each different style of gameplay. All controls are camera relative.

Certain actions, such as special moves, will trigger directed cinematic shots. Using cuts, these shots will be designed
specifically for that occasion, so that we get a perfectly directed sequence of events.

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2.5 Game Structure

2.5.1 Game Modes

The Hulk will have two main modes of play: Story Mode and Challenge Mode. Story Mode

This is the primary mode of the game. A long cinematic adventure, in which you play as Bruce Banner and the Hulk
in a quest to find a cure for your gamma-induced condition. Although this is the underlying theme of the game, new
missions and scenarios will spring forth from your journey that will bring out the heroic nature of your character.

The game is broken up into missions that contain primary and secondary objectives. Typically, each mission begins
with you taking the role of Bruce Banner, who uses his intelligence and cunning to track down the answers he is
looking for. When new information is found, it becomes a mission objective. Mission objectives can be obtained in
multiple ways, which include accessing data from an object (e.g. computer terminal); extracting information from
other characters, be they good or bad; or achieving the initial practice goals at the beginning of the game. Bruce also
has allies who will assist him along the adventure. These objectives can be accessed from the pause menu and remain
in effect once Bruce becomes the Hulk.

Bruce transforms into the Hulk when he gets stressed, angry or frustrated. This can occur in one of two ways. The
first is by filling your anger meter, which grows as you take damage or witness surrounding events that would put off
the mild mannered Bruce. When full, Bruce will transform into the Hulk. Depending on the encounter, an anger
meter transformation will result in either a failed mission attempt or the ability to play as the Hulk for the remainder
of the Banner scenario. Failed mission attempts will send you back to the last checkpoint. To prevent player
frustration, in these situations we will make it apparent that Bruce must not transform in order to complete his

The second way of transforming is during mandatory transformation NIS sequences (cut scenes) that are placed at
key points in a location. To ensure a proper game-play balance, certain NIS sequences always force a transformation
into the Hulk or Banner. Challenge Mode

As you progress through Story Mode, new challenges will be unlocked in Challenge Mode. Challenge Mode takes
gameplay modules from Story Mode and modifies them for gameplay variation.

2.5.2 Story Mode Structure Diagram

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- Based on a key location

- Comprises of multiple levels
- Represents a major plot
point in the story


- An area or set of objectives

within a chapter
Standard Level Boss Level

- Gameplay oriented levels - The final battle within a

that push you toward the Boss chapter
encounter - Story driven NIS sequence
- Made up of multiple mission that bookends the chapter
Level Objective

- A linear objective required to

beat the level
- Certain objectives require
multiple components, such as
accessing 3 computers

Gameplay Scenario

- Gameplay occurences within

an objective

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2.6 Gameplay

The game is broken up into chapters that take place in key locations. Each chapter begins with a primary mission
objective told via an introductory cut scene. Within each chapter, your character will encounter multiple levels, the
majority which are necessary and augment the primary mission objective. Some secondary missions are bonus ones
which unlock rewards such as new costumes and levels. Each chapter will end with a dramatic boss encounter.

The primary focus of gameplay and story centres on Banner, who must use his wits to tackle the many different
objectives he will encounter during his journey. Banner gameplay will involve stealth and puzzle solving elements,
with the added intensity of trying to control his transformations into the Hulk. Banner must infiltrate areas, track
down information, and manipulate the environment in order to achieve his goals. Bruce also has the ability to pick up
special weapons on occasion, which he can use to disable his foes. When Bruce transforms into The Hulk, the
gameplay becomes one of pure adrenaline, as The Hulk smashes his way through any obstacle he faces with
unsurpassed rage.

Although many sections within the game mix more than one element, the core gameplay is broken up as follows:

Stealth: The gameplay of Bruce Banner takes you through a focused area of puzzle solving and stealth based
gameplay. The AI in these areas is very advanced. Enemies follow routine paths that you have to understand and
sneak around, have intelligent group routines, and the flexibility to change their behavior based on your actions. If
discovered or chased, Bruce can rely on a few attacks to fend off enemies, but only as a last ditch effort while trying
to keep his anger meter below the transformation point.

Puzzle Solving: Banner must tackle many forms of interactive puzzles as he progresses through the environment.
Using his high level of intellect, Banner must avoid detection to find the answers he is looking for. Banner has the
ability to avoid surveillance systems and create ingenious traps and diversions to throw off his enemies. Bruce must
track down keys, open doors, climb ladders, and manipulate security systems in an attempt to meet his objectives.

Contained Battle: Your character is forced to stand and fight one or more enemies before he can move on. The
number of enemies accessible at a single time has a maximum capacity of ten for gameplay balance, but more
enemies can be seen in the background and generated in waves. The balance between world interaction and number
of enemies changes from encounter to encounter to maximize the capacity of the hardware platform. These
encounters have specific objectives that must be met in order to move forward, which can include defeating all of the
enemies within it, triggering an action, or establishing an exit. The majority of these encounters are Hulk oriented,
but there are Banner specific ones as well.

Chase or Be chased: Bruce Banner or Hulk are racing towards a destination or fleeing from enemy characters in a
streaming environment. The gameplay in these situations is more forgiving from a fighting perspective, where
enemies are treated as pests that attempt to slow you down or stop you.

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2.7 Core Controls

Although the gameplay between The Hulk and Bruce Banner is quite different, the control scheme takes a simple and
intuitive approach by having the core button commands and intent remain the same.

A – Punch

B – Kick

Y – Action

X – Jump

RT – Target

2.7.1 Character Specific Controls Bruce Banner

Bruce Banner’s gameplay focuses more on stealth and puzzle solving elements than brute combat. Bruce does have a
few attacks up his sleeve, but they are mainly used to disable enemies as a last ditch effort.

Movement – The speed of Banner’s movement is based on how hard the analog pad is pressed. A Light press will
trigger a slow walk, which is silent and does not create much noise. A full press will trigger a run.

Punch – A basic jab. Bruce can do a three hit combo if the punches are pressed in quick succession. If Bruce is
carrying a close combat weapon, this button will trigger the appropriate attack.

Kick – A basic thrust kick attack. This attack has longer range than the punch. Bruce can perform a two hit combo
from the kick. Bruce can perform a kick while carrying a weapon without causing the weapon to drop.

Action – Bruce’s primary command. He uses this to open doors, access computer terminals, pick up items, and
manipulate objects. If he is facing an enemy up close, this command will cause Bruce to grab the enemy and knee

Jump – Bruce can jump a short distance. This is used to scale short elevated surfaces. Hulk

Rage Meter – As the Hulk’s rage meter grows, the strength and damage of his attacks will increase. If the meter is
completely full, he will be able to perform new special attacks. This meter slowly decreases over time.

Regenerative health – Due to the inherent regenerative capabilities of this character, his life meter will replenish
slowly over time.


Punch – The punch is used as a close range attack that damages both enemies and world objects. The power of the
punch is based on the duration that the punch button is held down for. While being held down, the Hulk shakes and
crackles with gamma energy.

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Kick – Compared to the punch, the Hulk’s kick is more damaging and has longer range, but has slower execution
and recovery. If charged up, The Hulk will release the mighty foot stomp, which creates a shockwave effect that
stuns enemies.

Jump – The Hulk can use his jump for movement and attacking. The Hulk has two jump heights: A light button press
will trigger a light jump, while a button hold will trigger a heavy jump.

Target – This button causes your character to lock onto the closest character or object within view, forcing all
movement and actions to become relative to that target. Although not necessary for combat, this function is quite
useful as it allows the player to sidestep around enemies, dodge projectiles easier, and focus on a sole combatant.

Action – Based on the context of the situation, The Hulk can pick up and manipulate many different objects. If he is
facing an enemy, he is able to pick them up and throw them in a number of ways. The Hulk can rip street signs out of
the ground and even pick up cars, which he can throw at enemies or other world objects. Fantastic actions are
accompanied by stylized cinematic camera shots.

2.8 Environments

Throughout the adventure, your character travels through many unique locations, including metropolitan cities,
military bases, and super villain strongholds. Environments will consist of both streaming worlds and contained
encounters. These encounters will be broken into missions to give the player a clear objective as to what he is trying
to accomplish. The worlds within The Hulk will be wonderful and diverse. There will be many objects within the
environment that are completely interactive for both Banner and The Hulk. These interactive objects will be visually
designed to be distinguishable from the static environment. The philosophy being that if something in the world
catches your eye, you are able to use or affect it somehow.

2.8.1 Environmental Interaction Banner

Banner utilizes the environment for stealth and entry points. By using the action button, Banner can manipulate many
of the objects he will encounter within the world. The following is a list of some of the different object types Banner
can manipulate:

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 If the action button is pressed against an active computer terminal, Banner can unlock doors and
obstructions or disable security systems

 Certain computer terminals provide Banner with new information.

 Banner can push and pull objects to block doorways and access passages. Hulk

The world in the game is a destructible and deformable environment. The Hulk can damage the world in the
following ways:

o Using attack moves (punch, sonic clap) to damage or destroy environment objects

o Descending on terrain from a jump or a fall. The amount of damage received is based on the height and
power of the descent

o Grappling and throwing enemies into environmental objects and destroying them

o Picking up objects and throwing them at quick speeds

The environment features different levels of interactivity, ranging from objects with canned deformation to
environmental elements under full rigid body simulation. The game strives to maximize the number of objects
under full physics simulation, but not at the expense of game-play, frame-rate or number of NPC’s on the screen at
any one given time. A balance will be created that best fulfills the user’s experience.

The Hulk can also perform special case maneuvers based on the context of the situation he is in. For example, if the
Hulk is facing an enemy whose back is to a wall, the grab button triggers a special case animation that uses the wall
to his advantage. The Hulk also has the ability to grab multiple enemies at once. If they are placed in a proper
position, the Hulk picks them both up at the same time.

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You will encounter a large cast of characters throughout the course of the game. Ranging from patrolling guard units
to super villain bosses, the characters you will interact with have a large degree of awareness within the world.
Certain characters will be designed for specific scenarios so that we can maximize the hardware and gameplay
potential of each encounter.

3.1 Enemy Generators

Aside from being placed at pre-defined locations, enemies can enter in waves through many different generator
methods during both gameplay and NIS sequences. Some of these generator points can be blocked off, which creates
a strategy of trying to figure out how to prevent future enemies from spawning. The following are some examples of
the styles of generators that will be used.

 Crashing through windows

 Entering through doorways

 Opened elevators

 Dropping from elevated areas

 Being dropped off from vehicles such as helicopters and APCs

 Destructible passages that the Hulk can create by accident or intent

3.2 Enemy Types

The following section contains the basic breakdown of different enemy types and some example characters you will
encounter. To provide variety, certain characters will combine different behaviour types and attributes.

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3.2.1 Basic enemies

The most common enemy type you will encounter. These characters will usually group in large numbers and work
together to stop Bruce Banner or The Hulk. Some of these characters have special weaponry or powers that will
cause damage. Leader Units

Leader units will issue orders to subordinates. These characters are the most powerful form of basic enemy -- some
of them will even be strong enough to go toe to toe with the Hulk in a one on one situation for a short period of time. Basic Enemy AI

Basic enemies will work together to stop your character. Their behaviour will vary based on the intelligence and
tactics level of the unit and the rank of the surrounding units. Military units will use advanced tactical formations. Sample Basic Enemy

Name: Assault Soldier

Weapon: M4 Carbine
Fighting Style: Military Combat
Health: Medium
AI Behaviour: Strategically Aggressive
Soldiers will use squad tactics to trap and slow down Banner
or Hulk. If they drop their weapons, they have basic hand to
hand fighting skills. If facing Banner, they will sling their
gun back and grab him.

3.2.2 Vehicles

The Hulk will face many types of vehicles. The types of vehicles you will encounter include cars, military tanks and
helicopters, and even high tech exo-skeletons. Many of these vehicles will include powerful scientific weaponry that
is specifically designed to immobilize the Hulk. Transport vehicles, such as an APC, can carry enemies and drop
them off within gameplay. Vehicle AI

Since vehicles are less maneuverable than typical enemies, their AI behaviour will use path-based intelligence.
Transport vehicles will have pre-designed spots where they can drop off enemies and choose areas that are away

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from the enemy character. Projectile-based vehicles will not fire on the character if friendly units are within damage
range. Friendly units will also have the intelligence to move out of the way if a vehicle is approaching Sample Vehicle

Name: APC
Weapon: Pintle Mounted Machine Gun
Fighting Style: Ram
Health: Very high
AI Behaviour: Tactical drop-off
This heavily armoured truck will drop soldiers off
in strategic positions. It can hold up to 5 characters
at one time. If destroyed, all occupants within will
be destroyed as well.

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3.2.3 Boss Enemies

You will experience a boss encounter at the end of every chapter. The boss, or bosses, that you face in this encounter
are MUCH more powerful than the standard troop types. Some boss characters are recurring and will be fought in
numerous levels. The style of gameplay in these encounters will range from free range combat to pattern based
puzzle solving. Boss AI

Bosses have advanced AI behaviour that will adapt to the player’s playing style and tactics. Certain boss enemies
will fall into pattern-based behaviour, which acts as an Achilles heel that the player must figure out in order to
achieve victory. Some boss characters will change their behaviour based on the state they are in. Sample Boss – The Leader

The Leader is the mastermind behind the Gamma Absorption experiments. He has manipulated Sterns and
Crawford into performing the research for him, and is arrogantly convinced that he has the upper hand on Ryker.
Once he has created his army, The Leader plans to dispose of Ryker and take control of his military force.

Real Name: Samuel Sterns

Health: Very High
Strength: Medium
Weapon: Control room, mental blasts
Special Abilities: Enhanced intelligence, mental blasts, mind control
The Leader has greatly enhanced mental capacities due to the exposure to
gamma radiation. His intelligence level is on par with Reed Richard’s (Mr
Fantastic). The Leader has shown expertise in robotics, genetics and many
other fields. He can project mental blasts to incapacitate opponents and
take mental control over people from long distances.

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4.1 Overview

The purpose of this section is to establish and convey a high level aesthetic for the game sound and music that is both
integral to and supportive of the game and art high concept.

4.2 Considerations

4.2.1 Genre - Action / Adventure

Since the character is viewed in 3rd person, positional sound will be relative to camera, not the charactercharacter.
Real-time ambient transitions occur as you move through the world. Bullets and debris will fly around and past you
in surround sound, if the user’s audio system can support it. In stereo, this effect will be conveyed within the
peripheral stereo view.

4.2.2 I.P

Because this is a high profile licensed property, it would be advantageous, from a marketing perspective, to use the
voice talent from the original I.P.. There are, however, logistical risks associated with this in production. In lieu of
original voice talent, we must use sound a-likes.

The musical style must emulate, yet not copy the style of the original I.P. The only exception to this could potentially
be the title and credit tracks. Careful attention will be paid to the sound effects and sound aesthetic in the reference
property. If possible, we would like to gain access and permission to use indicative sound effects from the movie I.P.
(e.g. the sound associated with a Hulk special move in the movie should be the same for that special move in the
game so that the user gets the feeling that they are, in fact, Banner / the Hulk as they are playing. Story

The super powers of the main character are to be re-enforced with exaggerated sound effects. The sound associated
with what The Hulk does will sound better than the sounds associated with other characters. This is not to say that
the sounds associated with the other characters will be bad; The Hulk is an enhanced aspect of human nature, albeit a
violent one. Sound will re-enforce the difference between Bruce Banner and the Hulk. Bruce Banner is cerebral --
voice will speak from his mind’s eye while he is puzzle solving. Therefore, his voice will be effected to sound dream
like in these instances, which provides a clue to the user. Bruce Banner will speak in ‘minds voice’ (like an audio
version of the comic book bubble) while deducing clues in order to aid the user in puzzle solving. This will help
accelerate the story; especially during player idle. The user, as Bruce, will “try” to prompt himself and deduce the
clue(s) by re-iterating them to himself, so to speak. This ‘revealing’ aspect should be very obvious so as to promote
efficient game play.

The Music will be interactive and behave like a film score. Because the game is an extension of the movie I.P., the
music shall emulate, yet not copy verbatim, the musical style of the I.P. It is important to the gameplay that the music

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shall be dramatically underscored to reflect the personality of Bruce and the juxtaposition of Bruce as the Hulk, since
The Hulk is, in essence, the dark side of Bruce’s psyche come to life. Art

The sound is, in many ways, dependant on the art. The sound must realize the visual. In order for the user to be
immersed in the world and actually feel it, the sound effects and the art direction must be consummate, relative to the
I.P. of course. IE: Larger than life sound effects, audio special effects that go beyond sound in the real world,
especially for catastrophic events like destruction of the world, collision, explosions or super powers. ‘Whooshes’
that enhance physical motion. Collision sounds the user can feel as well as see. Sound shall allow the user to ‘feel’
the game universe as Banner / Hulk.

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5.1 Overview

The following section includes a sample level experience to illustrate the typical flow of gameplay. It is designed to
be more of a descriptive summary of typical gameplay than a full-fledged level design -- the levels in the final
version will be much larger, with more gameplay variety and transformations.

5.2 Sample Level Experience

You start the mission as Bruce Banner, as he attempts to break into a highly secured lab to retrieve his files on
gamma radiation [Mission Objective NIS]. Hiding behind a pillar, you notice an armed guard patrolling the
perimeter of the building. You sneak behind him [light movement] and hit him with the tranquilizer gun you picked
up [punch]. The guard passes out to the ground. As you move through the compound, you notice more guards on
patrol. You analyze their patrol patterns and sneak slowly [light movement] around them to avoid being seen or
heard. Accessing the computer terminal [action button], you discover that the files have been transferred to a
government research facility [Mission Objective obtained]. As you try to find an exit, you mistakenly walk in view of
a security camera. Sirens wail and a group of heavily armed security storm through the sliding doors. They grab you
and in a state of panic and frustration you transform into the Hulk and crash through the closest wall in anger. (Note:
if you successfully made it out of the building as Bruce, a mandatory transformation sequence would appear, which
would cause the upcoming encounter to be less challenging).

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Tearing through the building wall, you look around. A medium sized building stands above the park trees. You leap
towards it. The small trees in your way break apart effortlessly as you sail towards your destination. The whir of a
helicopter can be heard in hot pursuit.

A heavily armed chopper comes into view [NIS], with uniformed soldiers hanging from a dangling rope ladder. A
rocket fires toward you, causing the ground to shake below your feet. The soldiers drop to the building. There are
five in total. One of them, their leader presumably, orders the others to circle you as he backs off. Two are armed
with high-powered guns; the other three are carrying some form of electrical netting. You race towards the two that
are armed. Bullets fly, slowing you down, but you shrug off the damage. You slam one with a punch, which causes
him to fly into a wall. Bricks crash to the ground. The other armed soldier throws a grenade, which causes you to reel
from the explosion. You tear a rooftop antenna from the ground [action] and hurl it [dir+punch] towards the soldier,
who collapses from the blow. In your rage, you forget about the other three.

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The pain of the electricity surges over your muscles as the first net fries your flesh. Two more are thrown over
your head and arms, which immobilizes you. The chopper circles around and fires a rocket, which hits you straight in
the chest, which decreases your life meter. You fly back 2 yards, the force of the explosion knocking you flat on your
back. In your rage, you beat down two of the remaining three guards with a frenzy of punches [rage attack], causing
the last guard to jump to safety. You get up and run towards the next building. Dodging a couple of rockets on the
way, you leap to your next encounter.

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5.3 Sample Level Flow Timeline

Banner Mandatory
Gameplay Change

Banner Mission
Opening NIS Hulk Gameplay Boss Level
Gameplay Obtained


10 sec 5 min 5 sec 5 min 5 sec 5 min 5 min

Note: This is a condensed version. An average level will last approximately 30 minutes. 40 if it contains a boss

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 Exciting gameplay dynamic of the player’s attempt to control his transformations into The Hulk
 Stealth and puzzle solving gameplay
 Over the top action, presentation and style befitting the comic genre
 An interactive story that emphasizes the duality and struggle between Bruce Banner and the Hulk
 Destructible and deformable environments
 Innovative gameplay built around Hulk’s inherent abilities and the extraordinary enemies he will face
 Frenetic Hulk gameplay, involving a simple yet engaging combat and destruction system
 Dynamic camera system that employs cinematic shots without intruding on game-play

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Copyright  2002, 2003 Radical Entertainment.

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