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All Directory Key

Q - All Vegetarian

o v - All Vegan or can be rnJ' - Food store

<CI - Other

o - Organic emphasis

o - Some org"'1i(

Restaurants & Cafes

o -jsas Vegetafia,n Options @® - Restaurants

@© - Casual Cafe/Take-out

® African. Pa lace

Sa<! 81oorS, W lot Shawl, 410;.,ij8-7819

~A~e;nathte G~ CoIfeehoose&PoosIery - o~ 1:'133;1 RoI"I(,es~I!~:5. Ave .n G,enadie-.r. 4 16-5 ]4--$·543 fi!lirtr~de~nd certified 0{9imk(off~~ Weal~Qffer

II 'Y2Irh~ty or ve-ge-Gl!ian rli re, dms:erts and InaGkf with !;"hJ~n-fr~ and ves!an opl;iOfls.. OJ;l~ '1 di!!~.} week i!!OO a lovely bnick patio. Call or ehcek our web-5:ite 'Qrti mE!$..(wYiW,C!item~ti~l'Qu oo~.CQrnlW.hQ'I~1e iltld ml1li! ordeufot fund-raising, perecneten d ,blU~jnei5 use ar!!' i!l'l,l'ail.l;ll!:J~ Ihrougl1 IhE!"~stli!'.ty.

~ Ann. pur". - "OIJ" •• ry 6- ~

,!" 1 ass ~,,,, urst St, www.ant1~pt.lfna· .. ~E!I.A 16-S31-851:3- Ser:virtg healthy; veg'iU\ ...... r-eg:etariilln 'S0'-I1h I'rKlr~n. iUKJ m".cr'(lbfotJ.:: dishes s:Jnc·e- 1914. 'SO::;,:Y09urt fli,.lit :5hake~. olJr ,popul'ar ena i: -BInd: del-Sert.s.

From 1974· Oldest Veg%llon ",,/ell'!n TO A8HAI'UIJNA Y"R6IfTA /lIAR

aAtl Oasis qfPeace'lJ'r UJ:f1"~i_rQIUJi¥',u_mt1Cil

© The Anne~ Hod gePod'ge ~ 091>

Il12s:8 DlJpoot St (e. 01 Sp.dinol, 416-513·1333

- Discount for TVA cardholders

• - Ccndltions apply to discount I.l".'!o:, I-I. etc =locatlon shown on a map

De«ription_~ :H'~ ~lded by'll'it' places lint-d. L.islingio and d;scout'i U mi!i)i' ch~ng~ iU lIny lime. Oneckol'llil'!le at www,veg,c.a/toront,Qand www..~.c~·d.i~(:OL..lnt!.for.l..lpd.lliloM 8r conditions.

6. - wheelchair accessible ~ - washrooms acces.sJble

@ Bacchus ,ROl:1 - open 8"

I:J 1'316 Qy~en St W (w_ 01 OL,lfferin,), 4 I ~-S.J2-8191

®ll<Ingkok Garden ReffilUrant-<!",od Sun 8: ,'.18 Elm St. "",""",b,,,,,,JOkg,,deo-<o, 41 o;.ij?7~ 74S TruJy <:iuthentk Thai food, pnVlIH!'.<!IM Sm'i:i·'P',~i'l;l'atl!d'in'ing,avail'able.

i1;I The Big C.rrOI Cafe - 0 6-1 D9b'

l::t a<!8 D'nfoM A ve (Ch."., ,ubw'y1,4 10;.4*-.11~ Located in~id~ the mal'kel,. tl'le d~1i seeuee. ·offers delidQU5. tcfu ,lSi ~efT'!peh di$bll:_~ and e wide ri!lng~ of 01;011 ni.c ~etatioll'n sal::n:l:jj p,~pare::l: doll ily.& liold' by weiglit. Eat-inortake out. ~atin91 i~ llmlted. TVA. cIi:llcQ\JI'I (app~es:tO d~ily:s.ou.p ~ndlwejghed Items orny.

'©Th. 81g carrot O,ganl,JuiceS., - 0 6-

I.;! 348 ~A"" 101.,,,, subw.lyJ, 41&456-l129 ill' FII" Qfi!ilijlnlt;;jui'~"wffee-, seteds, s.andwkhes Md, lee cream. located, <!It the trcne of yrr-otComrriOfl,

i!jy Sud d ha'; Vege tarta n Re$!au 'a n I

[OJ_ Dund., ',W(o.ol B.thunU. 41~3.J81 I Chrl"'l~e (;ui5iine - 9!Uteo" needles, lit:e.. E:l..;..lfrniwd s_~,ting., Ope", llam· 9pm Q,r until th~ li!I:u pf:"I"~;on I'HU fmished. Cl'o~ TUII:_~d:i!I)I$_

i!jy Bud d h tst Veget. "an Klich e n -0.1\0% l..OOMidl.r>d A"" ttl (n. of FincOl. 4 1'0;.l9.!-7095

® 8" tier', Pantry Ca fe - open 10,.

r~1591 M.oIoh.m S""'6-'35~861l. _.bulle!>p>noy.<o IiIJ !71 RO_I\C-es. ..... alle~ Ave, 416-:5-37-7'750

i1;I C.I leo C. Ie and C.t.ri" 9 - closed Moo 0 6- I:J 1226 81'001' SI' W, www,c-:J.'li eeeeteea. 41 Ifj·S36-1 88:3, H e~hny Iul1Che~, gO\ll1Tlet d_imen. ;.nd ,deiidQU"50 brtJnCh~.SUi:!iUliini!lblil!"v~-!!tl:\filln ri:!lfil?,

I1J Ca m ro' OrganiC eate,y - Mon_Fe 0 ~r~2S~E!n'StWWW".La~tery..cClni,41&9l5O-On3, R:enovmed~of'~sfying'l~organk~etari~n di!iheS and salMh with :!:tttr'I<IItI.::- ~n i'iiflueoce.


®F,,.enme5C.fe-oponl"00~ 'f$~ ~

[oj szo Colle<), oS, (IV. of Sp,din,l. "_I 0;.~1-1 07~ Imi [

lotli of 'I,I'~-an~n, opt3Qi'H" veeerernn btl f.f~t-s: fIInd hc~ Eiarton 3 d'ceuvres fer panles. Home madewlth lTe.Jh mesket

prceocc, Middle eesrem, Jewish and CM~djlloi'1l cui!i.n.~ .• 'Nevr:F;;,ir trade OlGlall[(;; ccsee.

~ ,resh on 8100r- open I~~O~ ,""'. f,1326B1_St W. v.ww~,""".<"O.416--531-2631 Loc,!J'tll!'d 'nl!!p~ from York .... [II~j th~ R.oy~1 Ol'llarPo' MU5eum, U' of T .and Chinatown. Awa:rd<-wlnning bOlitiqu@! ~Mh of ~g(!tL!'iM It-.n3u.r,l!_t'lll~ with thri!'!llnatiol1ii1_l be~Helli"lg ~ookbook.5;.lflflQV;.tiw:,:he~lth:y a nd -CO[olJrful did, es inspi rod by (\[i~nI!~ [rom :!foofld th~ world_ &tern.ive GlGU I'J'1)etju1ce ber wilh fresh squeezed fruit and vegf't:.\ble julees, pc1INN ~Mk(!o_~ and enNg,y elbdrs, A f~youri'teh~nt fO'l YJ5iul19 C"elebritie50, Weoe,lo;.end 'I,I'~~n,blUfH:h:5.ped~1jj..O~ii"I7 ~sa~t.;lIntj 10,pm, iBiode-groi!doi!bk=' te ke-cut W,nt,.iner5-,

~ Fre,h 0 n Cr.wford - open I". 0 ~ I ,91>' ~.;894 Queen St W. 'M'M'!resnre:5WMJraf1ts.Q,4160913~ :2'1]0' A'lNCifC'-Wi 1Q("lIItlot'I, for 01 rdllt_~U..lflllr d~.sign, and w'heelcha'ir (IoIXe50~bility reiltu:r-ing' the same colou:rfu'l Llir:"ld di"v~hiil!' mll!nu ':''5: Fn!'lili on Bfoor" and Fr'4!~ 11 on Spedlna ~~'Uliful fuU-5e:rvi'l:E g:ardel'1 petto at:5;.W, «H'nt'rofTtir.ity Bl!!llwood~ P.<:I1'k ,in 1M W"".~I Qu~n,Wil!'s.t g~llery end kit di~trlc:t. Opel'll daY-5 a week ILl Il'lill O,pm. Iliod~ tlld:Jb!-I!i t.ak@-ooul ('O:iuLiiners,

~ Fre,h 0 n Spadlna - 0 6- , ~147,~Ave,WN' :I.o'::;i!!t:~d in the ''i!I$hioll d~"5tricr. ~JCI~e to the So;:.ri~ban k movie useetre.Peur Seesere O,pel1ll Cetltnt, R~~ AI~ndr~, Ihe:.ttl!!' end mi!ljpr hQt~:s.Jnf"l:QV"!:lti'~,Il~i!!llhy Itndl CCllourful disn~ in:s.pired by cui sines rro,m 011 round the wond.Gourmet juic:;e,b.;l r, ~r !5h~~ atld enel"9Y elixirs, We-ekenc:ivegan bnJJ'I:(h 'e,a.~1.Irin!iil Fr6n·fruit gFl\!dloLJ, :p'mOlli::e$. tofu, ~(li;IIml)'le and 'b~ak"EI~t UUrfl"t.m. 'Pati_o, Open '1 d.ay~ a week 1J ntll I 0 pm" Biodegradabletake-cut oonUiini!!"i$..

te. Full Moon Vegetarian Ro"aurant - ~ ,91>' ~ti 63:8: .Dt.ndifl~ SI W [at Otn!1ion)I' 416-W3-1.21 0

Ove-4' 90 d elkrcus veg;m ,Ali~ n di~he~ CIQ~.ed' Wed.

® Gol'den l:hal lie, tau rant - 00,", 1".6- ,', 10, o,u,," 5, (0' Richmondl. 416-868-66613

j§ Gu ru lul<$hm 1- hours v''l'

25-55 Erin C-entre Sl'vd:, Mbs1"j.5a U'gil, '9G5..Q03..t131.0 Sl;lIut'll Inci", h cuisine, Crowded en weekend nights..

~ ,HI bIKU' - "'0'" '''If 0 foj,ll6 AU9"". Ave I._of (0[1090).410;.364-6183 'Ve~.;I.1l ~rii;I91'1·n~n-freoe_

® II Fornello -_"'~

~;I'I t locatiom acrosi. ilhe GT,A" including: 1 560 Yong S.1~16--92D-1J4'?r &yYi~ Virli!l9e- 416-V"~1"].7l, '(3 516D.ofOnh Ave416-466-29.31.'·. Qu...,~ QlJoy T i:!i"min<iJ ::wn QliPl1:ri. Street Ea~'l416-S61 -l~ ozs.

ta 2022 Quoen S" ee , Ea" 416-691.--6,71

Our dl'nC'.k;l'l..l~ ,M~m!!ltiv~ Meni,l (;iffef~ whiUlt~ri'~, Im:i t-free... ,1a;-cW5e.fre.e, yea:n~free and gtuten-1Tee di~~, -S!'e[t :piZNI eust, g!ut@"n·rl'ef! ~,Ui!l aed pJ~ CJU~t. Altel'Jliltive' cheese o,oicei il'lclude soy Ch~ Qoa~ cheese Or stJ~,p·s ret21. PI~se ~@E our ~~[t'(! fc II'!:O,~ if'lfo= W\IYI,If,,:ilforn~llo'(Q.rn or 1211 416-9.20·94'1 (I

till Gou rmel Vegel. ,ia n IIe'taura m -open I,,,, 0 ~ ~OOWe'!itB~~Il", Ri(hmDll.dHiIt,90~ ChinE:$-E: regul;;,r veJlet~rian: disne~

(!jI Gov,lnda', D,Inlng Room - hOlJ" va,!,

243 Avenue .lid (" or D,.,nport). 4 I' 6-922-541 S Indfan rui !.i,n.!! ~iI!'r'"V@Id ~llh!! Hate Kri~llltl~ ~i'l:tt@l.

~ Groen E. rth Vegetarl. n Cu I.'i ne

1i!:3B5 Broildvlew Ave (n. 01 Gerrard). 41 5-778-9199 Pure rnu!ti-E:lhflit;; ~oi!In!ln affordable ~t;e. ~~n, MOfL~s..a.l ll.i!1m,-9pm, Sun, 2p:tm-8pm, aO;s;~:


@Camros Organic Eatery (.t CO'lM) - Mon-fn 0 l :2.55 :5ht:p:p!iul A~ EJ:it L@-!!ie subw.llY, 416-960-01:23

~ c.ommen,.,1 - 08: 7""-

,'. 6,S Boy 5, 1".01' 0"00., ,n." on 'rn),. I 6-~<l&91&< B-Yffetof O'l/ef 100 e:xoti C; ~ nd traditiOfiaf cI'i~he~, A greal pll!lt:,!! to e .. t d I!!lldolr~~ ~ Ild il"lil!':KpI!!n~i''''~l:f. Bt@'.:iki.I!JI:5.t Ciilfe opel"! from" om. ''NWW .. commel'

~ Fre"en - 0,"," I.", 06-

:":4IE QlJeen 5, W (w. oj $padi""l. 4 I 0;.504-51 V ModIt,rn,Am.(!ric<:in H-!)fbi'V(lfQu::5i (lIkti"l@l .• lmo\grni!l~ aea'lion!i end nm::ulet"1t S~UQ~ c'ombine i rwj'~i'lIg flittnO!"pliA!re ilnd a, grell.rwi n~ [1st to ptovfde--~I!I:i'I$ with! ijll"I,U"rb,m o~"50is. The tAl pa:5;-style menu allows 9lJ esU

~o samph! ,!I, vli l'it-ty of dilil'l,t!S, Op!!n, d~ il)l fo~ dinn~' <:it 5:30pm ~"d abo ~lil1~ TOJ'Ol"!w';5i be$t'IJegijln "WeE'kend bru nch1 1 ~m-,:3,pm.


478 Queen SI.W. Toronto 416·504-5121

modern herbivorous cuisine

page 1/6 - Toronto Vegetarian Directory 201. 0 - Brought to you by the Toronto Vegetarian Association - www.veg.caltoronto for updates.

i!j" Jean', Vegelilrl,n Kitchen

I::h 262 Dli nfon:h A~& r~t Gteenwood,j 416· 71'8-1 lSI!!

@ K.rl n e', Veget. ria n & All Day B rea kfa.t (OJ''.ag. by"'" G"n9". W'N'N.! 416-:591-0863

~ Ken,' ngton N.tural sa ke,y & C.fe -:fiji, 1,1400 9100< St W te. of Bothu,>Q, 416-5a<!-"94

~ Kh.J,., Pizz. - openla'e 06-

4'7ij(h tpfer Dr, Uni't 1,BI'~m'ptoli" 90,5--799-18iJ()

JKbtIDl~cal~c D91 ,pfuza

1om;VIt9,~ 906) 799"181@O

; www.khal5<tpi=.coWl


!iii King" C~fe -5 10,",

(!3,92 Aug" ,to Ave I" of B.Jdwln"" ~91·' ,40

llI1. LIVE· Organic Fo<>d Bar - 0

',1264 D"pon'S, (at Sp,din,,1.416.S15·2001

Open ~11y_ wwwJivefi>Od~r_~rri Lheck out Live produt::; Ii' UQI'f" near- you!

organic food ber , fr.,h W'l"n (ook<>d A I!.IW Food

()!'XIUlI!:' ~ .. , I.

, Sln1e" Sug.' froe De".n.

'P.'1", I ""'·U.IIO

@Mo<>nbean,Coffee Company - "" (03,0 51 And,."" 5.,. t K"" ';"111001.4 "6--5 95-0l27 Toronlo'~ 1<!I.rg~f 'S!'l1!'~11 n of GI(!-]1[~: r.,ir 'ti' .. d'~ or'!il~nic Shad'e-grOVffi ceffees, roasted en-she.

A v .lILI:i blil!'in·l'lo'u:s,e. ot es 'b~:ins to t:J k(i' nOi"fl:~. Hug(! ~clection Qf loo~e-l~ tee. Juice ba~. ke-cesee bee, smoot.i'J ie bae, soups lIndi Ugh! rood., F['Ont"nd ~ck petlo. WnCile~a_le_www_~ncQdf"ee'_~m

~ One Love Veget"lan - 0

,r,' 854 Both"~1St. www,~""eveg,<"", 416--5,,*83

Corne vlslt OUr 1H!W l(;IC.atJon with lOur Now mertL.l!' Corn Scup et 1H~.rbJurhont CenlJe weekend:50 June..Sepl.

~v~il~bll!'. w,vw.M.figi-tO",

® P rerna - Ins pi red Indian Cu Islne - 0 1090

~ 7!i1U 'Bl'"Wdview_YoWWiPf~rn.a..(;~. 416-Soo'-3'OO4 Our (ul:s-ine iSI!!I, .combin1itio.n of ITt4ny subtle ~1s1~ GII;,J'ten 'F~~. Vegi!ln ~nd Ve9,~~ri~n choices end ~i!I(i~ uterinQ. Dine 1.1'1. Delivtty IlIM Takeou t ~vaiI6b1e.

a; Mela ltalton vegeta rioln Re.taUIO 01- 06.

'~.?A Yorkville A~ tw, ofYDnge)1 4'6,916.(1619

!!iI Pu Ip Ki tchen Ju lcebar & Ealery - 0 10"1

~ 1129 Qu~M Sol E [~,. of Pti,pI!!)1 www·.:pul.pki!.::I.It:.n..c~

® oueen of Sh eba - open 'lot" 6.15'16

lOS 1 B[oor 50t W {e._ of 0 uffe-.rin), 4l &SJl6-416~

Inspired Indian Cuisine

Ve,g.jUl & (ihU!!li fll'l!(!o Tn.all


190 all;l.d:vllillw Av(:. 1"111. D.gnhlldl~) .:1116.oIl,fj] 9?n ww~ IPlillmllo.c:.

iCl Rain bow Tree Heal thy De 11- 06. 0%

k'j 925 YQ"II. St In. of O.""np"~J. r.41-427 -4]5$ .... -li R'l!'ft~hing \'(!'ggi~ r..,I~io.n fot tho~e OI'll·!I'III!!.go ;)

647,421 .47S8 I

R.efreshing VEGGIE Go-Go MealsllI

925 Yonga St.

® aancho Rel:,.o- 6.'090

(ill"" C"II"". St 1'"_ 01 S""d;n.j, 4' 6-9W-OjiiO

A OfI.e-or...,·:kind Mexkan 'ren~'U:r6:nt C;li terin; re vet;;I:el..i!lri,an~, SQy cheese + $Qyr (rE-~fT1 diver:$ify tn~ whole m-enu ofda;s'5olc.s 'lom Burritoi to FajiUl:5.Ne-w Cltl.5~kS' like ~liIn, mfu oorr~chl!!' + chilli ri!II~I"!~

:s.eti fB:U. T eesree with 1111 rresn haed-squeezed flme me ~,"lta Or witn d:.e~p..fntd '50), i~:e cream, We can't WI]' to serve yotJ.


....-w.aAM:llOl:a.. 10 IIg _COUR.!.IT. .,-

!iii Rawtl (lou, - nou" v''Y 0

I :1,09:1 Dund." 5. W Iw. of Keel.), 416--$1 9-71 SO

A [ivi'Ig rood.:5.-[rnw)calt-. rll?:i.ttuing an orga nic, veaan <:1M very 1:i!!~;ty menu. Dil"e in (If takeaW'2lY_ 'INW1N.ra:wlk.i'QtJ~

II!! Sadie" Dlner&Julce B.r-o ,5%

")504 5tW (e, of B"'"r"~.4 "6--771-2)43 www.m.l~p:)IIcl!..comIsadi~diIl1!r

8ad!f4, 1r\~/\V




Vi;"CC"'~ I"i::~ n rees t il nrn n I Thl!' Au[lU'l1liL:' T~_~!I'.or ludlu

finest Spices ... Authenti( .Reripes ...

Over 60 Veget.arian Dishes & 14 Varieties of Dosa. Take Ou.t· Catefing

Weekday Buffet· Weekend Boffet

Mis5is5auga 5(arborough

905.290.0769 416.293.7755

W·\,VW.Sd\ R _'\ Vr\ NA f\ UHAVAN.CA

(!iI S Imo n', Wok Vegetarl. n Kite hen -] Q% 1.;;1797 Gem,," S"E ("Log,oJ, 416--778·9836

!iii Soy"n-Joy & Mango·J'oy "Ice Creams' - 0 ~F;",h Ave E (e, oflloyviewL 416--216-1)255

§, Strictly I t'31R"st"u ra nt - 01" se , •• ~y

1 I IIIEglintQn A ve (e. of Dufferiol. 416--7~·1466

!fl. Sunny cate - closes ."Iy 0 11''111

1,::;,1322 8.foorSt W (i.nside N'oilh·i]. 4 T6-963..a624

Sold by weigM ~ ~O' dlshes ~very d~y. Homemade eeseeres, rresnjuieei. ~lIInd'wi'ches. soup products. NO :5.1"I~il.r. i!9~:5. cr dairy_

e T ea llsh - doy1im. 0

@l!n Wa'in ut A ... e~ 'WWw.'~Ir$n.rom, 41 tj..,203·33C 1 queen We$t'e9~tlquefea.n.rrinrg, 1.3·(1+ oFtne-world':s, finen I~i!" ileE!if teas, ph.l~ d'e!idou's d'rinb from our

r:a mOU.5 tea bar - tea lanes. fresh brewed :iced teas .j! nd

®l1nlo- a

I: I 59 ROJ'lcew.alle:50 Ave. WlJIIW.rintOoalr 416-530-586,5

~UdUpl P.lI.~e -0 6.~

~ 1460 Gerrard S.E Iw. of C""",elli. 4 , &-roS.S.1I9


'Vegel'nrinrl '1. tUUa.7! CiliSi."." 'ir 1r: .. lIt·jIi[ www.udupipaluee.ea !~IIO Gerrard SIll., 4JM05.8!89

all, Urba n Herbivore - hootSll.'Y 0 1~O>k<dSt("~'_"~~'6-9l7.1231 V1!"9M, eerc, l"lIteting and: ptt:p.!lm t!1k.~i!iw3)' rood So Tl1e ~~ feaurree fre$1"1 ~ijlndwio:;ke..s;, gree.1"! ~~d~ rre5:n sqUeM:ed juices aM b-lIKi:!:d' g'oociil!!;. G~2It rood on the go for "'eherbi~ in ~ hul'iry. OJ)oe'J"l dii\lily9.i1m-/pm,

®VEDA - ,Healthy I'ndian Ea!ery & Takeout - 0 [OJ 101(;"9" (011<;10 Rd IU orn •• 'j 87. Yon~o 5. !yQ,rnlleU'j 500 (h",'" S. !The Vill,ge~ 0.1 ive'Y hodLI"II~: 416-961 .. 9797 • .WWW..VNliB.t.!i:1(

EiI!~n.9 beal~flyveset:a.ri'an i100 ~n fas~ fo-od h.;!l~ never tasted (nilg.o.od. Veda·~ uniCl;LJe-tndian cre,'Hionswiil 1~'IIe)'Q1.iI w~ntrr"9 more. 'Eat-ill, Tab:O\It,. Delivery.

(!ii, Veg erar I" n Ha.ven - 0 6. ~ "",,'

(0317 BalM" 5~"""",_rianhovefl.<Ol'l\4' 6-621036J!i ·Ay. ia n F il$ion· ~tli$lne. :lmpJ~sive '$Ii!"TIl!ct.loo of O'Yt.r ioo ilav-ourf\!J vegan diJhes.lnvl-mg summer petl 0, cozy dinfn.g 'room a M, 1H~r'ldly' ~~ b;ptJ1.t!!lI"Ilto dini n~ tmt rwruees your body an050'1Jl.

Vegetarian Haven

A Ve~ Resrtlm"elf.ll


~ Wand.'s Pie I n the Sky - closes ."ty 0 6-

(03 287 Aug"'" Ave (" or Coll<;lel. 416·236.7585 ~j cakes, cookles, ~qui!!:re.s.. i!!OO pi:tZ"l!I, ~ridwkhe:s i nd .!io.J~. Veg~n ru I'Kn and de.lseI't options, Otgani1:

Daek City coffee. Patio. WWW_Wi!l!ld'i!I.'5\pi.einthedry.,com

@Yasi·s PI, ce - d'ytime 0

r:l m W~lIi!I(;e A~r www.y.ij'5isplai;e'-t.a..4'I6-S3~ssa Ext"""" lunclVlono1d> """",lro!I>juicdoir """" ooffo<. Q~rlT~I'I$+. P~tfQ;;!IOO Q;IITlml,.ll1ity ga rden, Free wTfi.

~Zen Gardens - '0')0

ssso Marft:t Dr, Naf .;l1}1, Mi~:s.b·2Iugi!l'. 9Q5-461~ ~49S

. \ IJI! Toronto

. V~ge~ri~n


Ylng Ylng Soy Food

Organic Gourmet Tofu - Ovo 6-

, .... 5.t Lewrence Market. 92 front St E. www.yingying<oytood.a.905.847-5592 Wholewle end retail. Tue-Set Bam-5pm.

The Nutrltlonlsta - 0

1255 DoJ""., S.W (e. of Dovercourtl. 641-427-508' utryWlg n,nu.ral n«essities, www,tnt!'Rutrittoni!iC!l.a

Natural Food Stores

Organic Abundance -0 5~

3066 Bloor StW.416-234-S258 & 3279 Yonge St. Large variety of certified organic products, induding produce, dairy. bulk.. grocery and supplements, We .jJI.$o carry Ea_r'th-rriendly cleaning and body care products. w~ e re one- block wen of Royal York subwl!lY :5016tioo, www.Ofglnicabund.a.nce.'-lI

Ambrosia Natural Foods-O

55 Doncaster Ave, lhOfnhill. 90s..881-18111 6925 Y""ge St. Newmork.~ 905·898-5262

Who we are

Founded in 1945, we are a volunteer-driven

charitable organization that provides information and support to people interested in making healthier, greener, more compassionate food choices.

The B[g Carrot Vegetarian Cooking - 0 Introductory five-week course with Nettie Cronlsh. Hands-en. NEW! Single-classes. fei!lturing Anri..jnfl.a,mmatory Ccoking. R,aw 8'. Vet;anCujsine, Cookin 9 for Ccfitls, Candidi!l and othe r health-related ciaS5eS, For more info call 4 16-41-rj.6.1129 01 visit WWN,lh mig carrOl.(:iII

Baldwin Natura!.s -O~ (oj 16 80lmn 51. 416-979-1 771

Full SE! ..... ke crqenlc I natu rill food market.

Pa nacea - Ow S~

I.' S~8 B.loor 5tW Iw. of s;,mum), 647·350·3269

The Big carrot Natural Fooo Ma rket - 0 ~

I" 348 O.nfO<tl1 Ave (Chener ,"bw,yl.416-4~-2' 19 Sipeci:JlizinQ In otg.,ni GIIIlly grown" non-GMO. envirt;mmll:,n1411)' safe.& cruelty-free produce. TQrQllto':5 l"'I'9~s.t C&nadian wori<er,owi'\ed C('KlII=I' liince 1 983, Free nutrition",1 store tOll!$, !ttebigc¥

Fu Iiy Nourished Cooking C [ a sses - 0 20'l10 Bayview/'fork MrII s, 'VNIIw.marniwilIS$ernl.i!in..c;:om Evetyday ee lin; ean be 11 mple and cLeliciow! .,6-520·077l

What we do

Our programs incl ude ...

• North America's largest Annual Vegetarian


• A volunteer-operated Resource Centre

• Expert-led Healthy Eating Workshops

• VeggieChallenge_t;om, which helps people try a veg diet for one-week

Visit us at veg_ca for more information_

on eco ,hopping oo sls

Ha[Ie"'Jah Acres DIet &Ufestyle Centre-a" t09!>' TQrootQ, Vegetarian classes" ~es$iOi'ls ~nd W'O{~hop$.

E>sence of L[fe Natural Food.- 0 0"" [ Kemington Ave (in the rnarkeot),416-506-0345


588 Bloor 51. Wesl 647.350.3269

TI,e Health Shoppe -O~O%

'l75 YonyeStb"QfSt Clo;rl.4 '6--"225

Frie!nclly staff ~nd sel'Vkt'~ lilrg-e st'lect:ion of organic foods and Yitamin,-,;.


The 8ig Ca rrot - Coterin9 - 0 0

For all ytMJ r di.ellry nNd!k Ce [1 Ch~f ~lhl!'finf!' HoIiJI 4 '~"~-"2~.236

Peach!ree Hea lth reeds - ·S",

2.39 BI.,." Sf W (w. of Runnym<del. 4' 6-9' 3 .... 66

Karma Co-op Imember-owned)-O '!'7l9P~mer>b1A"'_~4'6-534-141O T 01'01"1 to'! only m I!!mw-cwMd ,!}rocery" sto re, '5:i_n ~F:! '197:1_ Spec_ielw_ng in I'oalry and co-oper'gt_i:veJy produced, organkalJy grQWfI. fair trMII!. min.ima.lly. pa:cbge:cl and ~nvironmentally-friendly prochJCU, M~ber's.hip is open to all,

Why it matters

" Over more than 60 years, the Toronto Vegetarian Association has become Toronto'5 go-to resource for all things veg. H

- Brenda Davis Registered Dietitian & Nutritionist

" Because the TVA is 50 successful at reaching thousands of people, it has become the model on which other city's vegetarian association's are based:

The Sweet Potato - 0 © 6-

I!J l.99'S Dundeo 5t W (w. of Keele). 4! 6-162_ Natutal Foods SWH!~e;r Prkesl

Free Ttmes Cafe -0

3.10 CoI['II" 5t (oN. ofSp.d .... l, 416-967·1 018

Hearty Veg erarla n 8. Raw Cia s ses - (] 0" 416-410·2928

He. rly Cater [ng - 0 0 4 1 6-41 0 .. 2928 Organk..locaI and seasonal aJ~efor up to4OO,

usn Kitdlen - 0 0 wW'W'Jisaskitchen.ClI416-494·S952

H~pi ng people be healthy whtt tun, tant.fliidng, nutritious meals. Chiklre'n"s ()co5ling da.i5e.s too.

King's Vegeta,lanFood Mig. Co. ltd. -0

35S Brunei Rd. Mis,tuallga.. 9OS.·501..s366 Crunese·'Styie mock meat factory with a store on sire.

Magic. I Catering- 0 WWW.n\3g'cakat~rin.g.,(OII\ 416-469· 1911

FfOm corpot"ite lunch drop off-s to inrocmal hot buffet5- al'ld cocktail partiH, Our OOr'S. d'()@ul'Vt!'Sanddt!'$;S4?rt 5.electiom. CiJiO 4KCommodate a.U dietary Je:smction$, Ucens.ed @'V@fIt space for 10001'1 the DanfOith.

live Nutrlt[on Cooking School- Ov 0 Individual doUses on I'opics including vegan. AyuNedit. -seasonal. raw, gfuten-free,. just d~erts. 100 mile and mort. SM"JI groups.; ,n(jmate-s~nin9; genef<XJ:50 muhipllH:oune lunch and handouu"

Merchant' of Green Coffee-O

r:t 2: Matilda s.f.,- www.merchanuof9n:eotoffee,cQrn Visit 01..1' stOIC!' & afe 5pe'c:i~lilin~ in organiccoffe-c!',

The Natural Food Depot - 0'0'10'

207S Lawrence Ave E. [at WiilJden). 416-640-0234

Vegan Delights - P,O www.veg.mdelltl.nI5.ta. 416-4g 1 -c 713 1 He.althy snacks in health focd secres.

- Brendan Brazier, lronman Trlathlete

love In The [(ltchen with M"9han - 0

16NobI .• S~Qu .. niOLIfl";n.www.megh.ntelpn"'<Om, 416- Ss&o2B. Deliciou 51)0 unEquel

Nel. kee Vegetarla n Food - ~ l!l)SM>-StM!Iv<I'l3CI~"6J3543811 ullg,e ~elle'f:tiQfl cf fro,z.en vegetari;pn toc)Cb.

Whole Foods Ma rket - 0

87 A""""" Rd (11. of8loor1416-944-0S00 Vi~ our CaU:riJ19 Menu online www,whcrefoodsrnflrket"com

Taste of Nature - 0 iiM!

1.1380 8100r 5.W(w. ofSpodinal.4 t6-925-8, 02

Good selection of Olga nlc rood 5-. W,~lI!kly speclels. Open till9pm mOSl days.

Maaoblotlcs P[ us - Ov 0 0

Group and per5Qi11ilth:ed ctesses, 41 6-964-86135

He/pusheJp others by making your charitable donation today! See reverse for details.

Veggle Paradise - 0 10%

5915 AtiMtic' Or, M,ssissaugi\ 905-3.62·2388 Healthymeataltematlveslwww_veggleparadise_com

NELAKEE Vogotartan Foods Large Selection of Frozen Vegetarian Foods Tl!L: 41S-33!l-43U


Aywveda Vegefarlan Cooking -0 0 1l!l!I tOfontO@':l.rlnia)IUrvedl! • 4 1 6-434:·0180

Apply rhe life affirmin~ prj nclples of AyurveOiI to your coo:king, eating 6nd life. ExpeJienc:,e whol~5Cme lMno. {ourse.S;. homdoo Is, food demos,

Green Zebra - O. 0 WWW..grll!enzeDrnkit(hen_(·o.m

Noah·, Natural Foods-O 10'Ib'

r.:.\ ~ 122 Bloor Sl W (at Spadfni!l). 41 6-968-793:0 .'1617 Yonge 5t {> of Bloor I. 4 '6-96'].(1220

1~1239S VongeSt(N ofEglinglon),416-488-(M)4 9121 W"""" ReI (ot Rulhedo.!),, 005--850-2873 Extensive range of bulk and packaged foods.

VeggleD'lIght -0'0 [!J~


Moul:n-wate.ring, nu tritiaus,

'YegetarilN vegan cui:s.lne

delivered weekly to your home.

Our biggest event 1 s the Ann ua I Vegeta r la n Fo ad Fa ir, h eld each yea r in

early September. This

free weekend celebration attracts over 15,000 people!

Ayurvedic Indian Vilgetarian Cooking - O"O'!O www~~'M93-7546 LII:"rn to cook CI derklOU5~ nutritiou:s.. \lYe1--ba'a:JKe'd four otOourSol!''V@9iDn or teeee meal in each dtls'$.

Wh ol e Food, Ma rket - 0 ©

.-j 87 A""nue Rd (n. oISloot), 41~944-O500

Offering the wry best fresn, namral and organic food, free of I5rtifKiai ingredients. In-house bakelY. prepoil red foods, bulk foods end ode.

page 3/6 - Toronto Vegetarian Directory 2010 - Brought to you by the Toronto Vegetarian Association - updates.

Yes, I want to support the Toronto Vegetaria.n Association! Donate $20 or more jar membership Gild receive

a year 3" subscription 10 our newsletter, Lifelines, a choritabte lax receipt, olld the opttou to purchase a Vegelarian Discount Card.

o I;'d like to make an annuiligift today

ChampIon 0 $200 + Supporter 0 $100 Friend 0 $50 Bas!c Membership (min. $20) 0 $35 0 Other $ __ Add a Vegetarian Dlsccun! Card

01 card ($20) 02 cards ($35) 0.3 cards (SSO) (Only avall.ble to TVA members, Not sold ,ep.lrotely.)


o I'd like to become a Veguc.ator by making a mcmthly do;nation of (credit card only)

0$201 month 0 S 1 Olmonth 0 OtherS_lmonth

Add a Vegetarian Discount Card 01 card ($1.50/month) 02 cards ($2.S0/month) 03 cards (3 .. S0/month)

(On'ly •. vallable to TVA members, Not solo ,eparat,elyJ

Tola" _

OR. Total/month: _

Name (pl.l1,eprlnl) _

Address _

City Postal Code _

Phone ( _

How did you hear about TVA1 _

Emall _

o Vi.,a. 0 MasterCard






DIVe enclosed .• cheque payable to the Toronto Veg eta ,I an Assod af on

Save at your favourite resta.urant!

classes and vacation spots.

Help support the Toronto Veget<lrian Assodalion& local businesses while you save!

\ 9!_ Toronto



'TJjf' TurrurUJI "eJ,:'.::t'lll.r't(ur

~ ~~odmh.}Ij i.~ u rtgi;;rcr~~1 d,(.rh~y. DmUU'INIJ, ~1fI: rl':U~;bI~ lor' lill ,..n:t'IIUl.. Dfn"tJlIJJl CrmJ Jlllr-d1rJ:se:.~ fln.:' fI(m·dt'jJrJr::lib/~.

17 Baldwin Street, 2nd' P'[oor, Toronto, Ontario M5T lLl 41'6.544.9800, Fa,x: 416 .. 544;9094, Email: Charitable no. 11925 7S 32 RRoo01

Personal Chefs

M.croblotl c. PI u S ~ 0, 0 416·964 -saa S

Heafif"19: fOQth; I m@:CrQbi-otkc::ool.:il"l9'.

Farmers' Markets

Se-e vl!'g.c,vLfm [or mote,m.\r,k~s ~I\ldtr.g Trinity ~nwooo:s. An ~ D~ff'errn Grover Gr~n Bam 01"1 Sot. (Jail. Withrow ,p~f;k .fI.nd' more.

Brick Wor·ks f'" rmers Market - 0 L.oco~off",.a.)'I'iew~o"(S5G a.y..iewAve) T"«d¥~,pmMa)"On

Rlv.rdale Farm Farmer.;" Man<eI - 0

Tue5d'iliY lpm-7PlT!rMay~ ln front of Rl~rdaleFle~h seeseral vf'9:e~:b:Ie.~ itl'ld fruit. deliciou~ prepared food. bread, ~ked ~$. E!lM ve.g~~ri<11l ~nd gh"u,'eI'1- free products, w'NW.friend:_.50friverd~lef~m"I.c:o:m,

The Village Mark e ! - 0

91 OO-Bathu r:U St (0. of Hwy.7). www.Vilragll::ma:ri::et.c.a L<:Ir'gto Qr~i!!I_n.i( ri!!l_I'1'notl'!i' fl''k-N 'S<:I18:.30~_m·l ~ottm,

Organic Delivery

Mama Earth OrganiCS ~ 0

1:5 1 ,0 Bi rchmount", Unit 1 ,O:2b, 'WWW.m~fme.1rth,c6 Org"nic. focal deli1J!!'TY. 4'6.--850-BMl


O· Front Door .---r-\ rvamCllnf!..-J



: ... ~ 781 Q~n, 5! W, w'W'W.d'lJfII~u:'om,. 4 16-504-:2870 l'I.l6J8Y""ll"S.Ioc=s&omSpo.ti"9lh"'~ 1011911 Quoen S, E 10 .. of Woodolno) • .,.6-699-4100

·I.l'K's CUll"" ry Grc>ove ,0 0 rs '10%

t;;! 118 Queen St E .[., !!rood"",",), 41 &-461-6440 B~utifilily Cl.tlri'llin~d Desserts. OI'9,illnic cakes, pastries and c:hoc<;.l,IU-eS tn2lt d~zzre the- p~li:lte and detig,ht the senses - illdLtdinr;J' Ve-g<:iIl, d!!liry-frt·~ and glut-en--Ire.ede_S5.-eltJ. wMV.lpkscl;ltinaryg,ooo;re-.<om

Sweet' F rom The ea rth - p, 0 • WWW.'!iwet!f.:tffomth~rth£CIm'. -M 7-416-1004

AU natura I veg:m bakery ~'erving: the' GTA since 2002. Always t-g!) & d<!ify frp!!,. 001 t,i"!:.t!ts are hOW made ln separate. de-diCGited l"Iut free' and 91 uten free fiiilftie5. A v i!iIila'bII!!.<!It'V~oIIti<!II'ir'!~t:al..Jroi!ilnu.,~l'L.rr£l1 fo-od seeres, 'iil"r.:xery and fine food stores, COI'Ita<.t. I.IS directly for w!dding C"_ak:eo~ ~nd c.,tenn!) quctes,

Food Products

Boardwalk Chocolate, - Qv 0

V~fa,i'rtr!!lde& Ilardm~~,bo!!!rdwilkdl«di!l~oom

gard e·i.n~ - O.!!Jderll.o:;om

TI!I:;~o!S griWIt~.nd its run or good r'Or you :S!lIJoff-,~flde-nl !iiI.J'i!oln~ and' nutrit!QLn veg~!..abje i I"\9redients. 9ardein:~ h es th.e- au th-enti c taste 6r'1d ~tiJte- -or prern it! rn lean I'I"1'ei I:., 9.ij1rdeinllll ls trens a nd saturated ~~~, .i! rich '5oOUf,tl of .::,ornpl'1!l~ ;prorejn andwilabl:e for Ir/egl!ltlS, 'Find il in the deli, Cl produce ~ct;ioo. See web~~e f(lf store loellitai. !!iIi!iJdein.'I'::ott"I


withDut the




N ow Moon Kitchen - O. www.newml:;lonkit(]1ell.(om,. 416-5 t6-5 ~51

,All natura'llj_lOUrmN:bake<l good~ :fIvailableduo:u:gt...oUl OntarlQ. ~iry. e9"l end n ut free, 'Lovin'" you with Cookies ~iI't«-1997,

~{.\ J~ Your SoUl[~ for

~ ~~_.~ U" Vegin,Sallvjk(YO<]icl.

Natu ral, Ofganic Thai ~ood & log redients

( ";IIS~.HII-17'8 wwW.jivllllhilliLcam

( .,. ) "",,:,,:::~,:,=~,:~'t, ~,j green ear1h ,Y! J or,amcs

ro.,j;IbI;CoVQlll't.r(I~lliI"b~lnI'l;ImI",tJu",~j.oi!¥l1;1t ,Jl~'''lNnIlOf'.fInIa.Mrn O(u.I.j'~~"UN'


-tb-tliLl..~.,w.Wu"..,"1:r1·"""-'ilJt .... t.~

_ ,......t Wco> 5""

~~~&Me b~(~' Goo~~! ~1IU"~'Il!!Ih:I~VY1.Gft}'CU"~fiII""I'd


OrganiC Oven Ba!<ery and caf" ~ d<>sed Sot 0 3l:89 YOI"IIQII!' St (n.ofL.fIWr'4!'tl('lI!!l. 416-489·"'71 wW'W',Ofg;al"!iiCQlJe['!l.cQrn. GI' free; ,e'llg tree-, d'ai:ry rtH:, wgll n.. y~Mt' fn!e goodi-M & or'g<!nl.c- f.air ((belt(;oifee, tee, a Ild smccthles. Cin ","ea,d Ior whclese le rrom our Bt~ m~tOi"l r,ocMion. n 1 :Mclilni~ Dr,J 90S· ~'9-23ll.

H.,h rnl's Veg ca kes - 0

w ............ 'II'e9(" 9005-970,,0666,. 60 P'~rt~ Dr. B'~fill=iton. 100%, Egg & Nut free eekes, o.rder enlinel

Ma "Itoba Ha Ne st Hemp Foods & 011, - 0. 0 www...mE!lnito~hE!l rvest.ccm, 1, -aoo-665-HEM:P(4,]67)

\(1(,1,' He,ln • lempeh ~hOI)

nobls b,6an

The (.Old 10 n 0,1 glnai

Fro. ft F,ol.·nIN ot Pan." ri" d CerlltiedOrganll: Certil"ifd K05"~r

30th i'Nt-;IVUtSI\I{Y

\\ "'w,ntlhlrJlI·jlli."~l

aN.1I Food, In, - (I,

49,S) Scha~f~ne. iBrooI::lYIl HI::5." Ohio441~1

Dj ~tnbu(<</Broker of Nil tyre":s,ISest H.fII"It-eu. & ijiJo'U"nd meetreplacement. WWW.OflE!Llfooo!j.!l:om

Sol Cui ,Ine Inc. -0 www~okJJi5ille.(;om

Ontllfio m!lln,uf~C1t1wr of fin e 'I,I('9IM',yi:!lnArc.g~n. roodi witt! oi!Ifoc ... ~on Or~nic~ Wheat &·Gluten F~. ~bl!l:r. Hali:ll and tOCli I.

Sunflowe, Ki tchen ~ 0.

4l6-7S] -0,243. 'W'WW.~'I"mJtow@'d::itct'll!n,.::om

AJI' !"'Ia-tura'i. rre:5n~'...-nade • .1J-50soned fla,VQIS of humml.l!ii, ~~~ Md s.otIps - ko.~h~_r and v~.;J{Jii'il. Sold pre-p;;i'i:b9'ed in .stOles.

page 4/6 - Toronto Vegetarian Directory 2010 - Brought to you by the Toronto Vegetarian Association - for updates.

orua rl c Na rural Food Co-op - 0 buydub@onk...DfI..(.!II, WWW.CiI!ifc..C<!I. 90S-SO 1-~02 1 AWhole~lI]e di:s,uibuwr oforg.lJNC ~n.d naMa'l rOodi :s.i nc~ 1 976.. 'INi~ ran:g~!:If ~e.:arian food:a.. Serving (;,0- 0P~" buymg chibs .,'ll:'ldi 's-totes" No '~~

R.awN.rural·, Uvlng Greens Inc

.WWW • .Ii.l.inr;il9r.eIl!ll5.A;i!I & :Ffe-.s'h Whe!!ltgl"i!l.~~ & Sp.r'()u~1

Slonemlll 8a keho u.,e Lto. - 0 0 ml.;n@i"J'lill.blIkeho..J~e-.c-ornA:MNU:9get A~416-"57-5167 All 'Ilatu,.al b~d.5- ~l"'Id, Ifliide INith whole ilOO ot91!1.n,i1': ''!i!r'olIin. No addhlY'e~ Ot pi'!,~@!r:\I'r.ti"i'C'~.IHI~,alth Chedk ilnd k05h er pa.-ve ~ppr~. A'IIaiJabl e at St. U'Wtt-M.e M~iketMd at ml!lI"Lygl"Cl(li!'oI)'" filM h~blthfood nore-s .ijl5-w-e:11 as 'CU,ltl~'t "U.g.r'e a-t 426 :N~ggel Ave,

Taste oflff,,~ 0,0

www . .t.iS.t·lI! 9OSi·,S93~:3:17"3.

FOlJr p.atW" nit'llOUr:50~,l.Mtll., Miso-Tem!)en, vlut iU'Ici TeJC.tlll:led' '5C1)'.L! P'rol1!!ltI. (@rti1i~ orgo1hlc lnqredlents ;;,I'KI efl"';rOl'lment IT:jel''ldly 'j:lac:ka9ing" Sold in stores.

Tofuttl- Chelae cood, -0. www.~ofutti.-I;;":. 1:-8011-'956-6624

T ofut(i di:nnbl.l.t,1!1 non-d~ iry icf' Q'(,lIm style- fr<)2:en desserts end soy-based cream cheese, ~l!:r cream :mel slices in mo:n ,m6jo:r rood: -CMn~, indepe1\de_nts end health food ~~~s.iEmaTI= tofl..l'ttidlO'l~e[l'netQI

Raw Foods

Kitchen's Best M.nuf"ctu~ng Group Ltd. - )()'I(>' To'll Free: 1·eB8-769·S~ 3-3,WW'W',KitCh(!'.l'IId~en'.c,o,m. Your 11 seutcefor the b~t:s.1n.gleaugerandoon~!!Ir juit:If'i.- ,QlJiedy jui'ce ~ eatg,rlllJs" hard ,~nd son .Fruj ts" ~etl!l~e_~. endeven Ieo1I fy qreens, MAlI:im1~ I h.eliYnQ en::r:yme:s. in your juice for great 'long ~,Slin{!i ,nutrition and taste, Mi!lki;!' 'P~. :noQdles and ~ViI!!n exteact oil (rom seeds ,like flax end ~esollme. Receive free sh ipping end QUf90dE!l)" tJn.roooitro~1 G'uarahtei!!o 00 all julc.e1'5-... R'eme-mboer, 01111 ve-g eterlans, veglnJ and raw foodis:a ~ .... e '"BIG- ~o can \J~ today' to. leam i"rlDre!

RawN atural's Uv[n 9 Food, .In< www..lrvEfocd-s..Gi·&.RawDehydroill~"5I-mi;;~



~.~ ....... , ..... " P ROTEr!lS & 5UPP tiM EMTS·

Raw FOodk DefJydJawrs

rawfflutiifJon. cal

: Blenders jlflcers SProlfters_

TerraTree Foods -0.0 W'M'I,U~l'I'atree,c:om. 4 l' ~54·S.3 57

Raw, Uvin9 'ooo'~ II;Ornp_any 5pi:!(lE!lI¢il'lg In ~fE!lck-ei"~ (Sunza}. breeds, macks. ban (DomedalrB:ul. :Ii';;,d~" Ierrnented vegetai:J[eos and raw treats, ,1\'Y.1iklble at filI'mer":50 mad::eu, ind :Irei I th, :5pe<.i,illty rood' stsees

U paya Natura 1$ - 0. 0 'IVWW,uPK:;anat ... r~'Ii.-Com 416-617'·3096

T oron~w orgE!inic whole- rcioiJods..: cnotot~~j rna tar goji berees, j:lfOl~n ~QlNder:s." ali~, Iru.rU." aeellre, :s.u'ppllI!ITi~nt~_E!;I'E!nd~s.juk;E!rs. aprcuters, dehydrators, 5howerfllters, & ~SlJn(ood Nutritron~ 1X"d'u~-s."


Ktr:<hen', Sest Manufacturing Group Ud.- )()%' Toll F'ree: !~e,aa..,.71159--5411, ~.KiKhelld3e~t~om Tho·" h .. !,h """'t ALJ(AUZE. AU(A.l.ilE, A.LKAlIZE! D roi!.~tiCi!llly irnpro'll-e )l"Qu r he.;!ilth w~t!.kJpi~ef W~teJ [onizer1 by pi'm'-idi..~ J'O'IJr lKKIy with alk:J,lin@' ~otI ized m~:r. hydrate :yQyr body, fi9nt dise.i! ~e. :reduo:: ,in~6mmllootl.~" ttl blood ~ug:Jt,;!IM mo~ Hight)' r'e-cQmm~nd'~cII by !Tioi!IlY m~r.:;~1: -a:nd ~tyropa chil; doClot$. ull'u$ lodli,), lo:r your I ree DVD t'o. I'earn I'mw ~[ki!!!ine Wi!lt~r,,=~n your lifi!!'. Re<;~~ iT~e shippin!!jl and' Out 90 day UncMdi tionoll I GUli r" ntee.

Nutrition & Wellness

Ad.a ntage Health Ma trers - 0

www . .}dv.ant"gelieijJthmaner~.(ol'li.! -8OO-304-149"ji' Oi.nributor of, w~l'e---food wpplemena from New Cha!P'~r Or$l .. enl 1;3, Orgilnk Tifiloltioos. Mi!lc~ Pro." 86U"Sun IIInd Pukka.

Snow uen- The Med It. tlon Shop - l00!i fll7OAA""""A"'("'o."fotlh1wv.w,~n:.d~""" 416·461 ~, 611 B-uddha~ .. becks, In ed'itenon w shions 'lInd yoga ~lJpp'[J@-~.

Earth-friendly Stores

Do e. rnbco - 'OOi"

8enJamln Stone, Hippocrates Hea~h Educator ll!698G~A".,,,,,",,,~,,,,,,,.,&46S-4800 WIW',h"hhodu<illor.CO· Raw Lhing Feeds lifEstyle.

€vo'lvln 9 Appelltes - Ov www.evolving~pp& 4',~91-9'Q04

Healtn· c,oac:l-J. ~ peeker, eerpera t:e we[lfle$'5i prOgf .. ms, worbhQp:s; and coolOn; :C:la~,

JOSh Git.IIS, RNCP WW';fd,eolL.nnumtlOf'1~C:,;!J. 416-895·73l5

JO:5;'Ii nJfL5 e prectlce dedk;!!,~d to 8-Kre~sir19 hBa-l~ ewarersess thMUgh fiducllion ~nd action.

Macrobiotic, Plus-Ov

4t6~,H ea III'lIiresl)olel""IritionaI'<o,,,,ulllllia ...

Nonpareil NaM,1 Health -Ov 0

344 Bloor St. W. Mf'Ip:ueil 4 1 6--9.:2 5 .. 9994

Nurith Jungreis, Registered HolistIC Nut:ri~on~ - P n'lI:l"llh@S)'mpa!!I, 416 ,828-61 SS

Fer better hei!lldt, ba'l,l! l"I,e and more eo~9Y" I offer YQu family and ,indi\l'.idu~l con~tilr~tEon~t:iLl'OJ!!d to "iOOl needs,

Rawoove ry - p,

www.~wr.;:~ry . .c;om~41-6-.1189-9414

Siltl ng at the Gate - ,p W'INW,"5:ittingii!!nnegate~;

Mindfun~ rOt ~tI'~~,~ct[on 3nd '~'Iing (shilm~ni~m) wor,kshops- with Theedcre T5iaQY~'idis.

;plrtt of me Eanh, "The UvI"9 Centre" - Ov 0 • lolldon. ON. WW'W,tneliving'';;:), 51'19-.65 :--0'2-30 AyuJVoI!!d:i(: 'Iive·food' nutrltlon, herbalisrn, rOf~t and :5olJ,5tail"la.ble '~h1fd,E:fljngln,d Sham"n 1Ji: Ei!rtl". Wi 5dol'll

T e.!I chin~s C'etti.flcatldll,;ma general lfit.:!"li!~t pl'Ogt'ams..

Meditation & Yoga

ACtiVe Yog.·ei~Jam Method·Hot! -I,,*,

III :2281 Ound'a~ 5t w~ act1 .... ~yog<!l.a!. 4 16-539-1628 New' to ~{:nudio? Try '01;.1:1" \YeIekl:y 'IJT~I1m.ited for S 25- pl'u~ YOW' ti:I"'U ~rnIx!rsh~ g.i~$ytKJ: 2S,,*"olf,

Hellerwolk Toronto

165 Avenue Rd. '"'<0302, 4'6·27t·7t88, Got RolledJ

Medllallon Toro n 10 - P 0 www,mMtlltLMtOl"Ot'IItM:o:m",416-53!iJ·0234

F~ M~itatj.:m dil5~~.,d)l'Q9i!! di!l$~ ~bydon.atioo. pIu ~ '!}lIthe-lings ...htn d~kiiou~ 'i;'t'gl!t_.fIJiMIY11!I!'S .!nd 'll'ege'l;"~ri{m r-e~at$_,

Mok.lla Yoga -)ij%'\

Nil"lelQCi tiOfU i", the, GrA. WW'o'I.JOOb'laIyoga.u

• Ol'ganic rrattrasses, bedding & 1000~s e organic clothing air & water ijltratlan natural psrwnal care products organic baby care • soIst products

• bbdegradable c:jeaners

o recyclsd statiOfl9l)' • sea-books

• natural homs rumishlngs 0 green gifts a" n.&x 408 btoo st w rlver<l"le 372 danforth a.e er;""kolll Oi.Ii~b~rQr~"'OIktIqit flI\IJ~!I·ifII"ItI

Off The C U If Res.le Desl go er Menswear - 'I ''N; I'~I :5 BtoMlwlIY AW! (n. of E,glinton, e. 01 Yonge). 416-489-.42A8

Did )tOu know? A huge footprint i~ ereered jun to produce eoe squarelnch of cotton filbric!' Shoppng here moll I«-s 11"1e footprint ,ZEruJ and 'you looking llke ~ MltIJON! Current d'E!:s.igfil~'T rnenswee r by Hugo BoJs, Armani. Etro. Gu«i., Paul Sm~tn, ,Zeg ni:l. Prada ~nd m<:iIl)' '("TKUE!'_ .. ~t dei.igner pn(l!' ti!I$I!i_;l

Companion Animals

Ruffage- p,o

WWW.l\J.ff.lIge.cIll.Animll frel:l' U'eJts for D09~. Locally groou(,lI!!d. org~nic;. 'Ve9<l n,. ,E!(:O-'riol;!ndJy.

Small Wonders Pet Salon

1>11413 0. Avo, 20d 'l416-465-1"9. V~i!lnOWi"lol!d.

Beauty & Spas

AIMarSpa -0

(.~·6WQu ee n ~t W. wv.w .. IMa,,_ "'7435~003

Arboooe SkIn Ca,"ICosmetl~s - p, WNY/,;o.mY,DJ;, Jnd-ep~'Mant Are~ Mi!no!!l$l,er, F;loydlcu ~r. ~ro\ilOO1J~rt1~ed veqen l3'odU'CB!

Pure + Simple- o~

II! 237~ Yongo 5t b. ofB..,.dw.y). 416-4at.J081

..... 1'2"1 ,sell'airSt'~ o'YOikvill@-).41'5--'9bt..tiSSS

725 Kin9 S, W Iw, of Sothur>I},' 1 s-sse-sssa

348 Lak'l!'shor-!-:Rd E. Oa1<vi[li!!. 9(1:5-844-4900 AII-l'J.aitural ii!!nd Qrganic ektncere, W$metr.c;,s i nd spa Ii"et:Iti'llmt5.Orgiil'lic'Ayu rv Ml.;: iupj)'lemI!'nb ;dsooFf~rOO fQr tl'lJly hcllstlc bee 1,Ii;y experience, 1 ~ off for TV A o.rdnol.&t:5..r:!t,O\I'1!t 9Io.t~tion~,w'W'"E'MKI~im~t'L:J,

The Pine<:one Forest Natu re Sanctuary

691 pjnec:~:s.t 'Fi:d,l8oulter. 0 N :KOl l' GO WiNW_phioE!'C'[)ne.,!l" Toll free 1;--8156-:3.34,-3651" CQtuI;'fl retreat f.or vegetarioi.1U in me b-e~utirul M ildbwMK'lI: v~ Iley: 1~<mol!!i:r'l9'i ~Y'!dQtJ.g,. hikirul. x-CO\JJltry ~ling,. S"Nimming,. wildrife vieW;ng and gi,lided too.i:'S.,

The Roosters 1 nn • S&SIfa rrn saoctua 'l' -Po '10%" NIM' Pot( Pltny.too~.t'II!fl;inn@lIv~,com., 90S"'986-'!}84:31 1 tw-NIE orToronto. cpeo April-November. Veg~ria n QI vt'9i:'!1n br~L:lkfll~t~ See Imp:lhhll!-tOoUiI!"f'SLn.n.,COiii

Sahayag:a ~ Ov 0 10%

P'nnoCoI!' Edw~rd County, .....ww,:5.ilIh~>'o!:;i:..COli1 Weekend retreat centre, luperb culsfne iii nd b9uti Ful radtTty.

Shanti Yag. Retre.t- Ovo 0% ;Prjn.a!!:EdwilfdCmmty,6 T3-471~] 6&2, YoWW.s'nanti~t,Gi

Sugar R idg.e Rei reat Centre _0 0 ~'Ib

Ne-.:.r Midlimd. "!i'M",f_~ug.aiildg,i!_CCl. 1 ~1366-609·175J1:3' DeJign your own retre"t or join one of our'5.

Th[~n Moons ClJlnaryWe~nes< Centre -OvO ilili:

Near Pewfcorough. 'INWVI/" 1-B88-3t6-7:3.26

Trenqul I getawliYI for ind.ividu.~lJf~mall 'g'oup~,

Toronto B&B

Annex Que ,\ H ouse S3~,Rd.1WM'~41<5-'J22-19J4 R"ng i! of v~,E!t<:Iri,;:ul: ~il;,ok~ i!lTong wi(1l .;:(]ff~/tl!"a a tid mic.rowaveavaua'bl'e 1n room.

Ely the Park Bed a nd Breaktm - a

L="I '!JI2Ind~ii!!Jl Gro'r/e"~ wwwby1hepi!!rk.(;{II" 41 ~S,21)-6' 0.2 Vt9('l~ rii!lnlv~ltn. iLO<lIll'd in bea utirul High Par:l<. Two minute:50 w-a,1 k te "5:l!.!bwi!!Y. R1I.ted oii!!J'IlQ1l9' the top S~ in "The ScSi ;P'.I~e!i To :BoI!d &: BrNkf~,st 11"1 Ontlllrio.·

tes Ami. Vegetarian 8&a - O.

.~13l Gr~nby 'St. WW\Y,bbtoroh' '" 16·'§~1·063:S Vegeta.rielfl 5 r'Or ever 20 ye,an" your hiO~~ offer gQl.rrme t ¥~riii!l~i!inbi'Nkfan.~illg:ot~E!lj'J,iclr\9rMient~i' requ ested. Hoi! rdwood floer~ ,~n.d roofto!) perle,

Online Shopping

The A Igonqu in Tea Company - P.

Ega n'Yill~, ONt,!JI:mquinte~ .• !:{)m loSoQ...29'2-6671 Organi c; or w;td·whllled "erbal te:a J fl:"(lfFJ ir:.digel'lous Il~~.

Baby Naturop.thl cs Inc. - 0 'WWW.'babynllhj~thi..:s,~om. 1: ~90S.r296-1 ,]Ci 1 Or9~nft; b~b)l' dot~ '~~ur~1 ~0)1'5. and ~ki" ci!lre_

Cu bits arga n les - P. 0 www-.cUbiUOfg3IliC5.C.(jlrm. 41 H79- l' 9.65

YQl,lr Ohlinif!' s:ou[aof" hiQ,1l q,ual] ry organic fruit. vegeti ble & n.e~ seeds &: urba ... gel,denrl"!I';: ,5up,:.lie:5..

Green He<llth

www.GI.~I.IHe~tI-.CanM:la_oCo~ 1 ~88-48 ~. 7739 YQ~r :5IOLJrcefot' c:j,u"titywhe~t9'-a.:5:i jl,,ri(;,otfi;, ~prouler5" bf~dlMs, d-!hydriUot:5.'& mll.ny ,motl!- h@'alth·~-t!ljj IA?d awlt~ l'Ke~, We oi!'s.o '(I rry Ii!Irrp'U:rffi-e:f5~ Willer diniller5, ~I'I~ fil~'!i. SiOymil_km<!lk1!'f~,.I'IINlIIlh books.

medi c.a1-tH'ade- ra r .r"fr,jred ~{IIUI'I,j!;~ ~ 1"Id: (:I'ei! n~ru" pl'Oducu,

page 5/6 - Toronto Vegetarian Directory 2010 - Brought to you by the Toronto Vegetarian Association - for update.s.

Vacations & Retreats

Ajalila Ga rdens - 0 0

'N~ ofElolton. yog~tf'l!I!diUlltlo:n'r~l:I"~,3lS..c1l" 9:0--5·936-5999

A&il H",,11ng I\dverltm!s< RoUwt>8.GeIaway>-W CreaLi~ pe.!"-:sooal gr[)wt~

Cozy Corn." Veggle ess .0 0 10Il

S h.elb ume cl;ll:ty(cme-_~~$lill:bhot,al'l\ 4 "6-9l1-6377

Dow mown Bod 8. Breakfast & Spa - Ov 0 WMckood'>1;O!t;ov.a __ <wnbb-.,.


Hidden Valley Farm - Ovo 1O'ffi

1 -Ue-6,24..(1ol1 5 w'I'ro.hidderJv:!lr!l;'lyfiUrnJlk,c:om

Or-gil nic II;OUhtry 'relIe.<!!t nt;!i!lr Owen. Sound. E''1iQ)' WilIl'ITI hoopm lity, delid eus me-ill" nature iIIl it~ beS:llllncl classes jjf(,-sea~h. hce:5.'5ible by ,buj..

Hotelliltids In tove- 110m, Ena moradas -P, S'lb CO$"ti!I R_1~, 'W1NWJi!lfl[h:in'~'(;;QITI, A(}3-21 s- 1 000 Gr~t I,naeli &- Inte.rnmt~nal food. ~ed8.! di M~ ~(C,(Ifn~ted ~:weight 'Wi!It,her5i"Ce'lioloC5i, di~be:[ic!i,el-c,l

Hou,. 01 Ve rona • Health Resort - 0. 0 104 B~er mvd.. Blu.e Mount'ain,

Oo .. ~", \.e(lIHSl·<81~ e

;~:~~.:~~.~~=~~:rJ~!~ed ,'. . . "

retr":Qt~: Staying YoY'fl9, ,B.eating c

lli!ptl!-uioo,. elL 10 lhi!ill!!u, Hot

lU:b~ :5aU"jI~. pooL ~elr!iJe decb. Le

XoindinM'!!, S,P~. hot &.col'd baths C(;Im,pl~ Fl:tne_~s, hiking, Y09 B" tE:nrM:5o,. !iiI,Qlf. beacne5. Kid5- 12 &: u.,d 1;:, st<i)" flU. H'OUJorOfV;e-fOI\

Ma pie KI Fore't' Spirit Wate" - 0, 0 s .... W'I'Ii'H_~!-ekLcom. rnfo@mi!lplek,i..c:om,..6 1: :3-379~l~l7 O!.rutand1ng location. wperb veg c:ur'Sine. ¥09~ eI nd ~

New LLfe Re lreal -0. 0 ~'Ib

Li!lnark {f'I~r P'erth., 35 tv::;. from T ()I0!l IQ), 613·259-3337 H~II:hI.E(:'Q./S'Piri'tui!lVPe-f$oni!!lIGrouplEduo1;i!llion ;Retreau.l..Mng:C\ln:~l"I;e, 'MW/,nflwli(eretre2lt.c:om

Organic Tu;cany Cooking Vacations-O Certaldo~ 'Italy, 'I,iWiW,OfgaI'!lKtW'''IlY.otg

Kitchen', Best Manufacrurl ng Group ltd. ,- 10%' Toll Free: 1'..aera.769---,543l". W\WW'.Ki:td'lenS;Best.C()m Your ~l source fooveg~'~nii!ln ~rtd 'Veg<Iil ne.:!11h I!ppli~n-ces includil"1g,Fj tee-less Milk Maken" Srl'"l91e Aygtr Md Twin 'Ge-ar' Juicers, WlIl(!r Ionit@r:5.and much more .. , We ~le ,omrnitted: to y~r he-ill'th

Md 1'H..i~fl.ct!o.n. :ilel1!'Lv@-oot 90' d~:r Unc'ondLtion.:.1 G'~raotee. free ~";ppr.n g on ,1J.JJ products end d,Q,n', fof'9~t '(0 Mk for ,,/'00II TVA di.~.;:OU"Ii1:. CaH"LIs today to. learn mete,

LAVA" Online Vegan SIO," -P, www.\I'&gEm~lovel ij,V,jI"ei, 647~l]9..Q21 0

V~an Ii'lliii,' made run & ea~)' whh a ta~ assortment or au'el ty-rree 51".Joe~ bag" belt~ e-shbts, bocks, d'vlih &:

l.eather & Vegan cessories

J!a>.frie:ru:lly, 1J>Xin.m,., ...... tialsl'old~ . ....." ClOth ~ ~ m ..... .<I"",2{)IJI.

1.1lM.IlIiAMBYor 'W'WW.,PiU"tntQi.gBYNa~uom

Parenting By Namre.lnc - 0 www.pii!!leolingbYNtlJre.wm:. 1--84&-S6-4.BASY




RoWNatural< H'oahhy LMng Supplemem.1nC. - Ove


Books & Media

Animal Voice" ClilT 89.5 FM - P 'W'Ww.antMoII'I'_"o:iceS:,C:,ilTws:1'16M LIVEJ T DrQntD'~ .;IIl[m~1 rigt.t:5 radrl;ll Sohow.

Fenlle Ground Book'tore- l(t%'

~T~ l' Irwin,A-Ye, 1NW'I'II.~ooob,(;,Qf'Il. 4"!5-91:14..o161 , W~~ a new i i"Id~pe.nd'ent .en",iton metI ml :bQOksto~ tn~t <;i!lrrie5- v-ege'tari'i!l1"\ "'l'1Iimii'!'1 rigl;t'5. ,,:11 d gr~en trtl~.

Toronto Vegelarlan Assoclallon's INA) Resource Cenlre -0'0%

{~ ] 7 Bald'win. 2nd: flDcrj 416-$44-9BOO

Voe'!li'eterhm cookbook$. fiKt:itle'e:lS {IIndi mote~ loot. off

books.& T ·:5hlrU. See rl!ft pi!I:n.~ in re;&Fdll0 our discount (;111 rd. Open. We'd 6-:1pm .ijlfld" JJlQ5t 'Sal , ... ""',

'roronto Veg-e",,'an Podcast {J:\IP1- hi 'NWW.veg.ea1tvp~:20 minutes weekly

Th ~ TVP' !~ a weekly online radio show. "H0'5.ted' by TV A resource eenee vetunteers, Ihe TVP ad'clr~lel veoQ' lsaues and l! the !CI~<:I.' 11I!o~1, and be)'>r.d.


II Stroll ln The Park Wa I king 8. Adventure Club 416-4:84-9Z5, WWW-4~troml"'lthepilfk_(Qm

F-u.n for single natu.~ Iov·eH! Tr.i".I, wll~ dinner.$

i!I nd morel 9~ ~ ing le. Couples, gT"Q u ps, tourists weleome. {Scl"loolwaJks and ~peci~!·f.nterestweekday walks by~U~SI_)

Acllon Volunleero fo; Animal'

P /J, So< 64S7B. Un iwwille. ON LlR OM9, w.w.r¥lkm'vnluh·l:eer$fQralirrn<!ll:~(Orn. A.l5-439-$7i(] Han-d:s.-on "Work,. e'5.pec:ially with cab,. ~nd il!'duc'~ lionlli: ~ctl...Jliel. A regi:5t:ei"$d (;tJarily.

An 1m. I All i. nee of Canada - ,hi.

l:;:I :221: !3i'O:Jdvit!'W A~. 11110", Tercrnc, M4M 2G3.

41 ~Ei2-9 S4 , www.~niJ1lal~fIl,j!ll~"(:·iIL N9lional nC!l"l-pi'oIit'Ot:gMi~tion.FoctJs:in9 0i"I tong·~anffnal ptOlectjQf1, thrQugh ere(tora:i 'pon~ics. ~d"'oc.KY aed eoduC"_.fIUOI'I.

,AR K 1I·,An i m~1 Ri gnt, Kolle<:Uve a.

41 6-5 ~6-1~IJ8, www'.hrk·ii.rom" inrO@illt'k·iLcom Conta" us r'Or :inform;;,tion or to get involved:.

LOV, Llbert)l OVe'Violenee a. www.libertyoverviote-J.Ke.a S~ak up foj anim~h~

\ ?! To r on to



Toronto Vegeta,'an A"ocl~!lon. {J:\IAl - Q (!l www.o09,<o/", e, 41&<544-')000

N@IN'~liI!t1)l!'fj dlSl::oum ,pr'O!!;jt<!itn" resource eerure,

e n I'1.IJaI Vegeta rian food F~jr. See left panel rordelail5.

TVA Socl'alGroup' ~Q W'NW.'r/eg'.ca/;:roup:li.416-,544~SOO

M~ny vegetarian grQl".lpS induding: York 'R~oo.. Hahol'l & Peel O\J rhamLe!resic[e, Veg~ Ii~ru. ln'lhebTwentlee, Queer Dinner. HawN-E!gan and Dinner Socral.

Vegetarian Events

See W"WIN.V6bI:.caJev~.i'!It_~ 'or" huge list -of 'iie-g gie even'~.

The Annual Vegetarian Food hlr- Q \ •• HoobotJ,lrol'll C"'''''' ","",,"'9<"'100<II" ... , 416-544-9aQO ~ FREE ~t.

Rf9~':ded :IS the 'IrIIrge:1t event 01 it, kind ln North AITI~.ric!!.1he T orcntc V~_~~~ri~n Amxi2ltiQns annual

!l3'; ~ . iii ··~'t .~.

Be Heart Healthy for Life!

Five Easy Tips

• Explore your options - create a. plant-based menu that you like. There may be favourite foods that can be made healthier.

• Steck your shelves with healthy feeds, If there's junk food in your fridge or pantry, human nature is such that sooner or later, you'll surely eat it.

'. Try transitional foods such as veggie burgers or veggie deli slices. However, these should only be used in moderation - they often contain high levels of sodium, which is not good for heart health. Check the label s,

• Do a three-week test, Try eating only plant-based foods for three weeks - no cheating! Sign up with our Veggie Challenge to get started. You'll be pleasantly surprised with the results.

• Don't be the lone ranger. Get help and support from friends, family and organizations such as the Toronto Veqetaria n As s ocia ti on, Ou r he I p fu I vol unteers sta ff 0 u r Resouce Centre twice a week and are happy to be there for you.


Resource Centre

[ffidEoglilwlli"} vI~loibor:row I::IoDIG",rnagiUlM:S'o dv<l>&.,."",

,dYk. free Iltlnture

fifld!iiiln.$WtI$W)'CIUr ~'romilWide

'I'!9g:1i:!'!l!J~tJM.!ilrotl'li l'!!liige(!r~~~ 00" VQIU:!JIIN!~

stor. pr.iKh.lI~rrom

!l tarne 1e'leokIn OrYe9~~rI!!In boob


Go meat.-frel! f·or a week!

We make it easy! You will receive:' Delicious recipe ideas' Easy meal solutions' Nutrition info

• New product tips' And a chance to win prizes too! Sign up at veggiecha

Tor 0 n to 17 Baldwin SIreel,2mlFioor,

t ,. Toronto, Ontario MST 1 L1 ge ~n~ 416.544.9800,Fax:416.544.9094

6/6 Ass 0 C I a t Ion page

@I ®I

Printed Aug. 2009




Your guide to healthy and delicious food in the GT A Restaurants, Organic Suppliers, Vacations, Cooking Classes, Natural

Food Stores & More! 0

\?! Toro. nt o • .



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