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jtoo MUCH CARBON genase-2 (COX-2) on

DIOXIDE LIMITS PLANTS omega-3 fatty acids in
macrophages. EFOXs
Earth's atmospheric carbon dioxide con- bind to transcriptional
centration is expected to rise substantially regulatory proteins, and the re-
from the current level of about 390 ppm sulting alterations in gene expression pat-
,to as much as 970 ppm by 2100, according terns have beneficial metabolic and anti-
to the Intergovernmental Panel on Cli- Surface hydrogen inflammatory effects. The COX-2 inhibi-
mate Change. Global warming aside, the Upon adsorption, enables catechol to tor aspirin induces the enzyme to produce
CO2increase is expected to benefit plant catechol's OH ((dance"from left to greater than normal quantities of EFOXs,
growth and food production by facilitating groups dissoci-
right across TiOa via enhancing the effects. The findings sug-
successive rotational
photosynthesis. But this positive effect has ate, leaving the motions; Ti is blue, 0 gest that EFOXs "are signaling mediators
a limit-too much CO 2over time inhibits that transduce the beneficial clinical ef-
. assimilation of nitrate (N 3-) into proteins
by plants. Arnold J. Bloom of the University
molecule to bind
via its oxygen at-
oms in a bridging
is orange and gray, C
is black, and H is pink. fects of omega-3 fatty acids, COX-2, and
aspirin," the researchers write.-SB
of California, Davis, and coworkers are configuration to two titanium sites. The
reporting results of experiments on wheat liberated hydrogen atoms bind to two
and Arabidopsis plants that provide better surface oxygen atoms, but they can easily VALERIC BIOFUELS
details of the biochemistry behind this lim- shuttle back and forth between TiO:?, and MOVE FORWARD
itingprocess (Science 2010,328, 899). Most catechol. Hydrogen's shuttling actions
plants draw N03- and ammonium (NH,t) make it energetically feasible for catechol Researchers continue to gain momentum
from soil and then convert N03- into more to "lift one of its legs"by breaking an 0-Ti in the effort to make practical the conver-
NH/, which plants use to produce the bond, rotate 1800 on the other oxygen sion ofwoody plant material into biofuels
amino acid glutamine and other organic leg, rebind to Ti0 2, and thereby "dance" via levulinic acid derivatives. Jean-Paul
nitrogen compounds. The researchers as- across the surface via repeated rotations, Lange of Shell Global Solutions, in Am-
sessed N03- assimilation via several meth- the team says. -MJ sterdam, and colleagues report a novel ap-
ods, including changes in the· relative rates proach based on converting lignocellulose
of CO 2consumption and O2evolution and into valeric es-
the fate opsN-enriched N03-. They showed HEALTHY OMEGA~3 FATTY ters, which might o
that additional CO2disrupts the conver- be more ideal for
sion ofN03- to NH/. As CO2levels rise,
augmenting die- ~O/R
adding NH/-based fertilizer could bypass Omega-3 fatty acids found in seafood and sel and gasoline
Valerate esters
the N03- bottleneck and help maintain the nuts or taken as dietary supplements have supplies than
yield and quality of food crops, Bloom and health benefits that include preventing other proposed
colleagues note. -SR cardiovascular disease and reducing in- levulinic acid derivatives (Angew. Chem.
flammation. But the biochemical basis for Int.Ed., DOl: 10.1002/anie.2010006S5).
these benefits has not been well under- Lignocellulose is considered an attractive
H-BONDING ENABLES stood. Bruce A. Freeman and Francisco J. renewable starting material for biofuels.
MOLECULAR DANCING Schopfer of the University of Pittsburgh But accessing and converting the sugars
and coworkers have now identified ome- trapped in plants is complicated and
Hydrogenbondirtg plays a key role in the ga-3 fatty acid metabolites that may be expensive. Levulinic acid can be readily
diffusion of organic molecules across responsible for the favorable effects and produced from lignocellulose via acid
solid surfaces in a dancelike performance, show how drugs such as aspirin can boost hydrolysis and then hydrogenated to
according to a study published in Science levels of the compounds (Nat. Chem. 'Y-valerolactone, which has been consid-
(2010,328,882). Previous surface studies Biol., DOl: 10.1038/nchembio.367). The ered a potential biofuel. Several research
based on area-averaging techniques have metabolites-a class of groups have been working to improve on
established that hydrogen adsorbed on electrophilic oxo deriva- One ofseveral r-valerolactone, however. For Lange's
solids influences diffusion of other ad- tives that the research- EFOXs group, optimizing one subsequent step-
identified in
sorbates. But atomic-scale details of such ers call EFOXs-are the University the hydrogenation of 'Y -valerolactone
diffusion processes, which can control produced by the action ofPittsburgh to valerie acid-had been a synthetiC
chemical reactivity and self-assembly on of the enzyme cyclooxy":' study. bottleneck. The Shell researchers solved
surfaces, have remained largely unknown. the problem with brute force, testing 150
With a combination of scanning tun- o catalysts before settling on a platinum-
neling microscopy and computational loaded zeolite that does the trick. The
methods, Tulane University's Shao-Chun HO team then esterified vale ric acid to a set of
Li and Ulrike Diebold (now at Vienna valeric esters and diesters. They put these
UniversityofTechnology, in Austria) and valeric esters to a number of fuel tests, in-
coworkers have worked out a mechanism cluding a lSS,ooo-mile road trip powered
by which catechol, C6HiOH)2, moves by a blend of 15% ethyl valerate in regular
across a titanium dioxide crystal surface. gasoline. -EKW

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