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Consider a flow shop that has only two processor.

A job is completed on processor 1

and then on processor 2. The data for 10 jobs are as follows: preview not available

Job Processing Time (Minutes)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Processor 1 2 7 9 0 3 10 1 5 6 8

Processor 2 6 8 4 10 9 7 5 1 2 3

Due Date 25 19 30 25 16 55 60 32 45 39

(i) Determine the schedule that minimizes the maximum flow time,
(ii) What is the maximum flow time for schedule ?
(iii) How many jobs are tardy in you schedule ?
Ans Processor 1 preview not availables
Task Processing time Due date
Ti Di
1 2 25
2 7 19
3 9 30
4 0 25
5 3 16
6 10 55
7 1 60
8 5 32
9 6 45
10 8 39
SPT sequence is 4-7-1-5-8-9-2-10-3-6 resulting in completion of these jobs at times

Mean flow = 0+1+3+6+11+17+24+32+41+51 = 186 = 18.6 hours.10

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