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Date and Time Manipulation in SQL Server 2000

By Manuj Bahl
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Published: 6/8/2004
Reader Level: Beginner Intermediate Rate this Article
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Discuss in the
declare @datevar datetime
select @datevar = getdate()

/*Example for getdate() : getting current datetime*/

select getdate() [Current Datetime]

/*Example for dateadd : getting date 7 days from current datetime*/

select dateadd(dd, 7, @datevar) [Date 7 days from now]

/*Example for datediff : getting no of days passed since 01-01-2004*/

select datediff(dd,'20040101',@datevar) [No of days since 01-01-2004]

/*Example for datename : getting month name*/

select datename(mm, @datevar) [Month Name]

/*Example for datepart : getting week from date*/

select datepart(wk, @datevar ) [Week No]

/*Example for day : getting day part of date*/

select day (@datevar) [Day]

/*Example for month : getting month part of date*/

select month(@datevar) [Month]

/*Example for year : getting year part of date*/

select year(@datevar) [Year]
Now I will provide you with some code samples which you can use for various tasks. I
will try to include as many examples I can think of, but this list is not exhaustive:

1. To find the first day of a month:

select dateadd(dd,-(day(DateColumn)-1),DateColumn)
2. To find last day of a month:

select dateadd(dd,-
3. To find birthdays in next seven days:

use pubs


/* Creating a Test Table */

Create Table MyDateTest99
Birthday datetime
/* Inserting the test value into the table */
insert into MyDateTest99 select convert (varchar(10),'19780129',120)
insert into MyDateTest99 select convert (varchar(10),'19670821',120)

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