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Monday, 31 May 2010

Trinity Sunday

What Kind of God do you believe in?

Summary of a sermon preached at St Mary Abbots, Kensington on

Sunday 30th May 2010

Trinity Sunday.

Epistle was Romans 5.1-5

The questions: what kind of a God do you believe in ? – is increasingly

What’s more, it is an increasingly difficult question to answer.

The context in which the question is asked includes:

¬ General rise in secularism
¬ A defensive mindset for Christianity in general
¬ Pluralism – lack of basic Christian identity
¬ The great science v Christianity debate
¬ We are still too inward looking as a church.

The Trinity is about going back to basics:

When we say “I believe in one God”, which we will shortly in the Creed –
what are we saying?

St Paul in this passage from Romans – reminds us that one of the easiest
starting points for answering the question – what kind of God do you
believe in? – is

God the Father

God the Son
God the Holy Spirit

Through God the Father – love is revealed

Through Jesus the Son – peace is offered

All because the Holy Spirit has been poured out for us.

We say the Creed now as an act of rededication in the God in whom we

believe – three in one and one in three.

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