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©2010-Federalist 2.0 V05.4 Ideology: The Political Impact of the Belief in God publius.federalist@yahoo.


Daily Risks are Controllable by Government. Daily Risks are Uncontrollable by Government. 1
The Justification to Impose One’s Will on Another: While believing one is right, one cannot conceive, on any level, that anyone else could
Liberty defined by what is permitted by the

Markets are controlled and rationed by the

possibly believe "anything" else, and still be considered rational, or even in many cases, a 'human', entitled to all attendant rights and
Wealth - -
** Wealth - +

One Does not
The Political One Must Believe The Divinely
Believe in the right
Elite Rule in a Specific God Ordained Rule
to Believe in a God

Markets are liberated and are independent from

One Does not One Believes in
Liberty defined by what is possible by a

Believe in God but God, but accepts

The Majority The Productive
believes in the that others may
Rule are not Ruled
constrained government.

right to believe in believe in a

God different one

the government.
Wealth + - ** Wealth ++

The Reverence for One’s Will Relative to Another: While believing one is right, one understands, acknowledges, and accepts that someone
else, in the full possession of their reasoning and humanity, can believe "something" else*.

Natural Laws as defined by an Objective Perspective. Natural Laws as defined by a Theological Perspective.

* Derived from Samuel Weiss (BronxZionist 05/31/2010 on ) ** For Wealth to be created a benevolent Majority or Ruler(King) is Required.

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