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• Aggrieved voices shouted down
The walls of exploitation
A furious match in the heart of the city
A scintilla rising tremor of yoke,
Female figures in hands full
Displaying placards of objection
In the perilous match, the masses hued
They fielded a song that made
Colonial masters, the lords of the yoke
The exploiters of the dark continent
Aloof, yet their proboscis clinged the dark coffer like the descendants of
We disagree! We disagree! We disagree!
Greeted the air with utter dismay.
Peace keepers slammed upon allegiance
While the furious match continued.
A call of “too heavy for us, too heavy for us”
Became a chant among that that marched.
The women slew faces, as they put
Their lives forth. pouring out this,
“We can’t pay where our husbands pay”
The scorching sun scavenged plenty faces
Determination brewed hot with steam.
Rain threatened, but the march went on.
Many feet swept clean the
Streets, congressed with calls to abrogate
The devils taxation, the heavy scourge
That calls every mortal to hell.
Women marched heavier than soldiers.
They did it not namby-pamby
Like those faithless warriors they married.
It was one of those courageous marches sworn to knell which held its breath,
Digging deep into the annals of time, dimmed in the mirror of age
Which the eyes testifies ebulliently beyond every bound.


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