FOI - Suggested Fax Brigade Letter

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Speaker of the House
House of Representatives
Republic of the Philippines

Dear Speaker Nograles:

As the 14th Congress winds down there is an opportunity for the House of Representatives
under your leadership to make its mark in history by ratifying the Freedom of
Information bill. The FOI bill is in your legislative agenda and could be your legacy to
the Philippines. Many congressmen have worked hard in crafting a landmark bill, a fact
that you acknowledged, and it would give life to the constitutional guarantee. In a
statement released in April 2008, you said:

"When there is full public disclosure of all government transactions involving

public interest, subject to limitations under the proposed Act, the people will have
full confidence and trust in their public officials and therefore there will me
effective governance."

Shortly thereafter, following your leadership, the House of Representatives passed on

third reading House Bill 3732, The Freedom of Information Act. Indeed, a monumental
achievement, accomplished a mere 11 months into the 14th Congress.

Now, all that remains is the simple act of ratification, an act that can take a mere two
minutes of the time of the House. We appeal to your strong sense of honor to fulfill your
commitment to pass the Freedom of Information bill, so as not to waste the good work of
the 14th Congress on this landmark piece of legislation.

Thank you for your kind consideration.


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