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5 bananas
1 papaya (or mango, or a pint of strawberries, sliced)
1 cup pecans (soaked in water for 1 hour)
1 cups pecans (don't soak)
6 oz. filtered water
5- dates, soaked
1/ vanilla bean, cut into tiny pieces
1 heaping tbsp. raw honey (or to taste)
dash of Nama Shoyu
1) Soak one cup of pecans in filtered water. Set aside.

2) In a 9-inch glass pie pan, arrange one layer of sliced
bananas (2 1/2 bananas should do it). Lay the banana slices
in a spiral pattern with one slice slightly overlapping the
other until you have covered the entire pie pan. Also put a
layer going up the sides of the pie pan. Next, cut the papaya
into 1/4 inch thin slices and layer the papaya over the
banana. Over the papaya, put another layer of slightly
overlapping banana slices. Now with your hands, compress
the fruit down evenly. Set aside.

3) In a blender, put 1 cup of soaked (drained) pecans, dates, 6
oz. filtered water and tiny pieces of vanilla bean and blend to
a fine cream. Taste the cream, and if it is not sweet enough
for your taste, add more dates.

4) Pour the cream over the fruit in the pie pan. Put the pie pan
into the dehydrator and dehydrate at 95¡ F for 3 hours.
5) In a small bowl, blend the raw honey with just a little water
and a dash of Nama Shoyu. Prepare the unsoaked pecans
for the topping by tossing gently with the honeyed water to
coat the pecans.
6) After 3 hours, take the pie out of the dehydrator and place
one layer of the prepared pecans on top of the pie. Place
them artistically radiating towards the center of the pie.
7) Chill the pie at least one hour before serving.
Serves 6-8. Keeps for a few days in the refrigerator.

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