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The Executive Summary Worksheet provides an overall synopsis of the key themes found in the Site Visit Assessment. A
key theme is a strength or opportunity for improvement that addresses a central Criteria requirement, is common to more
than one Item or Category (cross-cutting), is especially significant in terms of the command/staff’s key factors, and/or
addresses a Core Value of the Criteria. Add rows by “tabbing” in last row of each section.

a. What are the most important strengths or outstanding practices identified (key to this command/staff’s success
or of potential value to other commands/staffs)?

b. What are the most significant opportunities, concerns, or vulnerabilities identified?

c. Considering the command/staff’s key factors, what are the most significant strengths, opportunities,
vulnerabilities, and/or gaps (related to data, comparisons, linkages) found in its response to Results Items?

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