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Child Labor in pakistan

Submitted by
M.E.F (final)

Submitted to
Table of Contents


Broad problem
Preliminary Data
Research Article 1&Summary………………..….
Research Article 2 & Summary...………..……..
Research Article3&Summary...

Statement of problem……………………………...
Identification of
Development of
Conclusion …….
Questionnaire .................................................
Analysis and interpretation to

The project is about a very controversial
issue child labor. The report talks about
world-wide problem of child labor and how

different countries are exploiting children by
making them work for longer hours and
gaining benefit more out of it.
Child labor is a multi-dimensional issue and
the organizations involved in condemning it
have their own perspectives, objectives and
interests. With no intentions of demystifying
this complex, one would
focus on the difference between child labor
and child work, and possible consequences of
deliberate or unapprised exercise of the two
terms interchangeably. Child labor reflects
the violation of child rights leading to
exploitation and deprivations of all kinds.
Child work reflects social inequity and
insecurity, dearth of social safety networks,
magnitude of poverty, paucity of
opportunities for health and education, and
financial independence. The report also
states the reasons behind child labor like a
very common reason is poverty and lack of
education. It further talks about different
ways to stop this problem. In the end the
report is concluded that child labor is a curse
and it should be finished from its root to
make this world a happy place to live.


In Pakistan we observed that from long span of time the percentage
of child labor
increases a lot. Above 40% of child labor working in manufacturing
Children’s do work because to support their families which are living
under the
dominance of poverty. Many NGO’S are fighting against child labor
but still child
labor exist in Pakistan. As for as technology increase child labor also
throughout the world. The constitutional act against child labor is In-
efficient that is
not completely implemented by Government. And also lack of
resources, literacy
rate, poverty, inflation and unemployment are major causes of child


God has given human beings the boon of wisdom and discretion to
think upon the signs of the universe and to draw conclusions. That is
the reason why they disclose the hidden facts of it and its structure
and have made remarkable progress in many walks of life.
Children are the flowers of heaven. They are the most beautiful and
purest creation of God. They are innocent both inwardly and
outwardly. No doubt, they are the beauty of this world. Early in the
morning when the children put on different kinds of clothes and
begin to go to schools for the sake of knowledge, we feel a specific
kind of joy through their innocence.

But there are also other children, those who cannot go to schools
due to financial problems, they only watch others go to schools and
can merely wish to seek knowledge. It is due to many hindrances
and difficulties; desperate conditions that they face in life. Having
been forced to kill their aspirations, dreams and other wishes, they
are pressed to earn a living for themselves and for their families. It
is also a fact that there are many children who play a key role in
sustaining the economically life of their family without which, their
families would not be able to make ends meet. These are also part
of our society who has forgotten the pleasures of their childhood.

Child labour is the employment of children at regular and


labour. This practice is considered exploitative by many countries
international organizations. Child labour was utilized to varying
through most of history, but entered public dispute with the
beginning of
universal schooling, with changes in working conditions during
industrialization, and with the emergence of the concepts of
workers' and children's rights. Child labour is still common in
some places where the school leaving age is lower.
Child labour is common in some parts of the world, and can be
work, mining, prostitution, quarrying, agriculture, helping in the
business, having one's own small business (for example selling
food), or
doing odd jobs. Some children work as guides for tourists,
sometimes combined with bringing in business for shops and
restaurants (where they may also work as waiters).
Other children are forced to do tedious and repetitive jobs such as:
assembling boxes, polishing shoes, stocking a store's products, or
cleaning. However, rather than in factories and sweatshops, most
child labor occurs in the informal sector, "selling many things on the
streets, at work in agriculture or hidden away in houses far from
the reach of official labor inspectors and from media scrutiny." And
all the work that they did was done in all types of weather; and was
also done for minimal pay.
According to UNICEF, there is an estimated 250 million children
aged 5 to 14 in child labour worldwide, excluding child domestic
labour. The most widely rejected forms of child labour include the
military use of children as well as child prostitution.


Preliminary data is collected through:
• Library research
• Internet hunting


Write up :
By: Amin Ahmed
July 14, 2008 Monday

Pakistan lacks adequate system of child

labour statistics
Pakistan still lacks an adequate national system of child labour
statistics which could provide reliable quantitative information on
the number of working
The statistical programmed should also provide baseline information
on the reference child population engaged in what Convention No.
138 terms ‘work or employment’, of which child labour is a subset.
Information of child labour in the so- called ‘unconditional worst
forms’ is an especially important and challenging component of a
national statistical programme on child labour.
Child labour is widely recognized as a major hindrance to achieve
the Education For All (EFA) goals.
Incidence of children’s work also declined during that period. The
ILO’s most recent global report on child labour emphasized the
important contribution that action against child labour can make to
the Education For All process. Children living in rural areas attend
school less than their urban counterparts regardless of their working
Child labour not only represents a severe obstacle to school
attendance, it also interferes with the educational performance of
children who combine school and work.
Street children, child beggars, child porters, child rag- pickers, child
scavengers and child domestic workers are the worst forms of child
labour and require government’s plan of action to curb them.

Write up :


Millions of children in developing countries (and even in developed

countries) are forced to work in order to support their families.
Reliable child labour statistics are scant due to the reluctance of
many governments to acknowledge the problem. The International
Labor Organization (ILO) and the United Nations Children
Emergency Fund (UNICEF) estimate the total number of child
workers to be between 200 and 250 million, 95 percent of which are
in developing countries.
What exactly is ‘Child Labour’? Child Labour is the natural outcome
of extenuating circumstances, which evolved when the compelling
forces of abject poverty, burgeoning population, and non-existent
facilities of health, education and welfare, exploited the deprived
and disadvantaged populace."
Many organizations and governments round the world actively
campaign for the abolishment of Child Labour. The fate of children
banned from Bangladesh’s garment industry four years ago is a
case in point. Deprived of much needed income, most of the
children were forced to take on harmful, less well-paid work,
including prostitution."
Not surprisingly most children work to support their families. A child
labourer’s mother says, "No parent wants to see their child work; it
is because of economic pressure and poor standards of education."
For most children, this work is just a form of apprenticeship. Child
Labour as long as it is voluntary and the working conditions are
good is not bad. Even the child labourers themselves agree.

Write up:
By: Ali Arif
Feb: 27, Tuesday, 2007

Organized child abuse in south Punjab

The place called Munda Khana or child prostitutes’ den housed such
10 to 15 child sex workers who had to sleep with their customers.
The master of the den namely Dushman would charge Rs50 from
each customer and give Rs25 to the child as wages.

After a week, another Munda Khana adopted Yasir. “Every child sex
worker has to retire from the occupation after attaining puberty,”
says Yasir, now 16-year-old who begs and sleeps on roads.
Presently, over 50 child sex houses are functioning in the city where
nearly 500 children are at service.
Child abuse at a commercial level is not only done in DG Khan but in
other nearby towns like Taunsa and Kotaddu. Some hotels in Multan
provide child sex workers on demand.
Multan District Police Officer Munir Chishti said sodomy was very
rare in his district. Multan District Coordination Officer Mukhtar
Babar admitted that child abuse had reached an alarming level in
southern districts, adding that the Punjab government was also
paying attention to the problem.
Dera Social Welfare District Officer Ghulam Abbas Dasti said a
children’s home was being set up and another centre sheltering
children, Nigehbaan, would set up at a cost of Rs198 million.

Write up :
By: John Mollica
October 2008

Investigating Child Slave Labor

Although our modern American society respects the rights of
children through various labor laws, Child Slave Labor is still ever
more present in our world today. As Dan Mcdougall reports in his
article for “The Observer,” innocent children are forced to work in
rough conditions and long hours to produce clothing for Gap Kids:
Through this description, Mcdougall uncovers the distinct reality
that is child slave labor by exposing the personal story of Amitosh, a
child slave working at a Gap Kids factory located in New Delhi, India.
Despite Gap’s efforts in 2004 to abolish all child slave labor
producing factories making clothing for their various chains, abusive
subcontractors who continue to try and lower their cost of
production to meet the strong demands for cheap clothing from the
west still use cheap child slave labor. “ The International Labour
Organization, part of the UN, estimates 284,000 child laborers work

on cocoa farms [in the Ivory Coast]... Americans have already
responded negatively after learning of the prominent child labor
force in
the cocoa farming industry. Various lawsuits have been filed against
chocolate companies that import their cocoa from the Ivory Coast
such as Nestlé. With a workforce of about 284,000 child slaves,
many of which were tricked into working on these cocoa farms, the
pro-active lawsuits against such companies were much needed
there. Although the demand of cheap labor in China is a major
stimulus to their economy, the Chinese government has taken
action towards breaking up labor rings which mainly utilize the work
of forced child slave labor. In “The New York Times,” David Barboza
reports the efforts of the Chinese government in breaking up “a
child labor ring that forced children from poor, inland areas to work
in booming coastal cities, acknowledging that severe labor abuses
extended into the heart of its export economy” (Barboza).
(Barboza) The cruel and unjust reality of child slave labor can be
seen in various industries which are producers of goods that are
sold in stores across the United States including the clothing
industry, the cocoa harvesting agricultural industry as well as the
toy manufacturing industry. Although many steps have already
been taken to not only improve the working conditions and labor
laws for children in these industries, but also to rescue abducted
children who were forced into labor; much more still needs to be
done in order to ensure that every product sold by companies in the
United States is not produced by the hands of an innocent child
slave laborer.

Write up :
By: Amin Ahmed
June 12, 2007 Tuesday

Child labour in Pakistan continues to


As the World Day against Child Labour on Tuesday focuses on the

elimination of child labour in agriculture, the volume of child labour
in Pakistan continues to rise; whereas globally some 70 per cent of

child labour is found in agriculture; many of them engaged in forced
and hazardous activities.
Male child labourers outnumbered female child labourers in both
urban and rural areas, while the contribution of rural areas in child
labour was about eight times higher than that of urban areas.
Among male employed children elementary (unskilled) occupations
were the most prevalent.
Craft and related trade activities are ranked second and absorb
about 19 per cent of male working children. Male child labour is
more educated than female.


The fight against child labor is a real challenge for
many of the States. It is worth taking up the
challenge; what is at stake is the future of young
people and hence of society itself. This fight is also
a challenge for the world. We should all strive to
solve this problem to make this world a better place
to live.


“What are the forces which enforce child

to do work behind the economy?”


A variable is any thing that can on differing or varying values.
Following are the types of variable that we identified in our
1. Dependent variable
2. Independent variable
3. Moderating variable
4. Intervening variable

Dependent variable is the variable of primary interest to the
researcher. In other words it is the main variable that lends itself for
investigation as a viable factor. In this research report dependent
variable is “CHILD LABOR ENFORCED BY ECONOMY”. It is due
to because our whole research is moving on the basis of this
So dependent variable is:
• “child labor enforced by economy”

An independent variable is one that influences the dependent
variable in either a
positive or negative way. With each unit of increase in independent
variable, there is
an increase os decrease in dependent variable also. So in our
research “poverty,
literacy rate and unemployment” is the independent variables.
These factors
influence the dependent variable either in a positive way or in a
negative way
depending on situation.

Moderating variable is one that has a strong contingent effect on
the independent variable-dependent variable relationship. “cost of
child labor” is the moderating variable in our research. It is due to
because it is low cost incurred on child labor and get huge work
from them.

Intervening variable is
• Profitability

The theoretical framework is the foundation on which the entire
research project is
based. It is a logically developed, described and elaborated network
of association
among the variable deemed relevant to the problem situation.
Few basic features of the theoretical framework have been
discussed now:

A hypothesis is a logically conjectured relationship between two or
more variables expressed in the form of testable statement.
Relationships are conjectured on the basis of the network o
associations established in the theoretical framework formulated for
the research study.

“child labor enforced by the economy” is our null hypothesis.

“child labor is not enforced by the economy” is our alternate

“0.05” is our level of significance


Since our calculated value lies inside of critical region therefore we
reject alternate hypothesis and accept null hypothesis. Its mean
that "child labor enforced by the economy”

Research design is a step by step process. It provides the basis for
testimony. The need of the research itself determines the methodology
and the design of the research.
Detail of study includes:
• Purpose of the study
• Types of investigation
• Extent of researcher interference
• Study setting
• Unit of analysis
• Time horizon


Our purpose of study is “Hypothesis testing” because in this
research we test our hypothetical statement which we developed in
previous step.

Our type of investigation is “correlation” because we find the
important variables or factors that contribute their part in
percentage increase in labor child.

Nature of our research is of “non contrived” because we do our
research in natural environment and not in Artificial environment
that is not in labs.

In our research unit of analysis is “population” because in this
research, questioner are filled by everyone who is the part of

Our study is “one-shot” or “cross-sectional studies” because in
this research data are gathered just once in order to answer
research questions.

The situation of child labour is very bed in Pakistan ,we need to
improve this situation .Government makes policies to control child
labour in the country, As well as NGO's will also play there roll to
remove child labour from the society.

• No. Of questionnaire filled: 100
• Percentage of response rate: 94%


Child Labor


This questionnaire is to help our survey on Child labor and your time
would be really appreciated. We assure you that your identity will
remain confidential.
Honesty is the best policy.

Age: ___________ Gender: ___________

Occupation: __________ Institute/Org: _______

Q1: Are you in support of child labor?

a: Yes b: No c: don’t know

Q2: Which social evil are children most vulnerable

to in child labor?
a: Drugs b: Sexual abuse c:Violence/Crime
d: Various diseases such as HIV/AIDS
e: If other, please specify__________________

Q3: How many NGOs do you know in Pakistan who

are fighting child labor?
a: 1-5 b: 5-10 c: More than 10 d: None

Q4: If child labor is completely abolished in

developing countries then the economy of such
countries will a: Rise b: Fall
c:Not be affected Q5: Child labor is the
most prevalent in
a: Africa Asia b: South America
c: another please specify_________________

Q6: Is there any existing act in Pakistan’s

constitution which protects child labor?
a: Yes and efficient b: Yes and in-efficient
c: No but would be efficient if existed d: No and would be in-
efficient if existed

Q7: In which sector is child labor mostly found?

a: Automobile industry b: Agriculture c:
d: Leather industry e: if other pleases

Q8: How many children are involved in child labor

throughout the world?

a: 250 million 500 million
b: 600 million 1000 million

Q9: With the development in science and

technology what do you think is the change in
growth of child labor?
a :Decrease b: Increase c: No change

Q10: Should child labor be supported in third world

countries like Pakistan?
a: Yes b: No c: To some extent

Q11: Will child labor decrease as poor countries

a: Yes b: No c: No change as both are mutually exclusive

Q12: In which province of Pakistan does child labor

exist the most?
a: Sind b: Punjab c: Baluchistan d: N.W.F.P

Q13: Say a child labor act is being made. In your

opinion what should be the minimum age for a child
to start working?
a: 8 b: 10 c: 12 d: 14 e: I don’t support child labor
at all

Q14: Is the poor education a cause of child labor?

a: Yes b: No

Q15: why does child labor still exist in the Pakistan after all
the laws and reforms?


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