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RE: Changes in reassignments Penny Keane to: Ron Margiotta

01110/2010 11:05AM

Mr. Margiotta - Thank you for your quick response. We are in node 423.2 and were reassigned from Middle Creek High School to Athens Drive High School effective the current school year. Below are the enrollment numbers that were posted on the WCPSS website prior to this reassignment. There was not a crowding issue at either school prior to this change, so it appears these re-assignments were implemented solely to address economic diversity. Attached is the letter that parents from our node submitted to the school board in December 2008 regarding our opposition to this change.

School Enrollment Enrollment

Current Enrollment



(December 2008)



with Redistricting

Middle Creek HS 1917 2010

(Capacity: 2083)


Athens Drive HS 1740



(Capacity: 1996)

Our son is currently anliltgrader at West Lake Middle School, which is right across the street~m Middle Creek High School. With the current HS assignment, he won't be allowed to attend high school with his friends at Middle Creek, rather he will be bussed over twice the distance to Athens Drive High School where he will be among total strangers again.

Thank you again for your dedication and your willingness to listen. And please let me know if I can provide any additional information.

Penny Keane (919) 852-2631

-----Original Message-----

From: Ron Margiotta [] Sent: Friday, January 08, 2010 6:34 PM


Subject: RE: Changes in reassignments


Yes, Yes, Yes,

Please be more specific regarding the reassignments you have problems with. Cannot give you any guarantees however a newly formed committee will be reviewing these assignments,


-----Original Message-----

RE: Node 008 School Assignments Ron Margiotta to: 'Stephanie'

01/10/201004:52 PM


Please help me completely understand your specific concerns. Were you at Lacy last year/

Were you reassigned and to which School?

Did you request a Transfer back to Lacy and in turn, if denied, an appeal? Ron

-----Original Message-----

From: Stephanie [] Sent: Saturday, January 09, 2010 2:59 PM To: Ron Margiotta

Subject: RE: Node 008 School Assignments


Could you give me a contact for the new committee?

Also, do you have contacts for the other former Lacy parents from other nodes?

Thank you for your help.

Quoting Ron Margiotta <>:

> Stephanie,

> I believe a more appropriate presentation of your suggestions would be to > the new Committee. I am well aware of last yrs. reassignment and if you

> recall expressed serious reservations with that reassignment for similar > reasons as you are mentioning.

> The "new committee" has been charged with short term goal of evaluating the

> recent three year assignment plan with the expectation of recommending > changes for the upcoming School year as seen needed.

> Would further urge you to incorporate your presentation with that of others

> from Former Lacy parents. > Ron Margiotta



> -----Original Message-----

> From: Stephanie []

> Sent: Saturday, January 09, 2010 2:32 PM > To: Ron Margiotta; Carol Morrison

> Subject: Node 008 School Assignments >



> Dear Mr. Margiotta and Dr. Morrison: >

> I wanted to send a reminder, under separate cover, of our Node's efforts


> draw

> your attention to our current assignment issues.

> You may remember that I have made some efforts on behalf of our

> neighborhood-

> Node .008- to have us reassigned back to our historic and closest elementary

> and middle schools- Lacy and Martin- which are both .7 miles or less from > our

> neighborhood through our residential area. We are currently assigned to > schools

> more than 3 miles away and the elementary school path takes you through > several

> commercial corridors before you reach it. Additionally, the feeder pattern > for

> our schools has been disrupted so that our few children are isolated. >

> We have provided you both with the summarized and persuasive arguments for > our

> requests. >

> I have held off on making arrangements to speak at a Board meeting > concerning

> our request in deference to the broader and more immediate issues the Board

> is

> dealing with. This is the same reason we have not made more communications > with

> you than we have, but we do want you to know that we are passionate about > our

> assignments to Lacy and Martin and we do not want to risk being forgotten by

> not keeping our issues before you.


> Mr. Margiotta: We have already met with Dr. Morrison, our Board > representative,

> and would like an opportunity to meet with you at your earliest convenience

> to

> answer and discuss any questions or concerns you may have. It may have the > additional benefit of making our presentation to the Board more concise and

> efficient.


> Finally, would you please give me an idea about when would be an ideal Board

> meeting to present our issue? Again, we don't want to interfere with the > immediate and

> necessary business of the Board but we also want to be sure to present our > issue in time for it to be considered for next year's school assignments.


> Thank you very much both of you for your service to our Community. >

> Warmest Regards, >

> Stephanie Kilpatrick Gudeman > 919-412-6764

> > >

RE: WE NEED DIVERSITY Ron Margiotta to: jmann003

01/10/201005:03 PM


Thanks for taking the time to share your comments and concerns. Ron Margiotta

-----Original Message-----

From: [] Sent: Wednesday, January 06, 2010 3:18 PM

To: Ron Margiotta


Dear Mr. Margiotta,

Please use your brain. Think before you make decisions. Find out facts and information. Think of others, not only yourself. We need diversity in schools. Work one on one with children from lower economic neighborhoods and you will see that those children have much to offer, but need to be around students who are more privileged. By the same token, our more affluent students can learn from students from other countries and backgrounds. I have been proud to tell friends and family from other states and counties about our wonderful Wake County Schools. Now I am ashamed.

Johanna Mann

RE: Mandatory yearround ? Ron Margiotta to: Friedabee

01/10/201005:19 PM


Resolution that was adopted will not impact anything more than to be sure parents have a legitimate option to a Traditional or Yr. rd. calendar School.

Expect the Supt. Of Schools will explain the Staffs plans to implement by recent decision. This will be sooner than later,

Another factor regarding implementation will be the survey that will be taking place this month, again, survey is to ask parents their CHOICE of School calendar.

Ron Margiotta

-----Original Message-----

From: [] Sent: Wednesday, January 06, 2010 6:22 PM

To: Ron Margiotta

Subject: Mandatory yearround?

Mr. Margiotta,

My question is brief, like your decision and vote yesterday regarding Yearround schools and the current diversity policy in Wake County.

As a parent with 2 children at Olive Chapel Elementary School (who by the way loves our school and the yearround schedule), how will my school, and therefore my children and my friend's children, be impacted by yesterday's vote? Are you eliminating the mandatory nature of the yearround or the yearround schedule? Or do you even have the answer after making such a sweeping decision? I know parents of over 1000 children at our school and all the staff that would like the answer to this question. As I've written you once before, I am not only a concerned parent but also the PTA president and in my 3rd year on the board. I'd like to have an answer for all the parents that are writing and calling me.

If you and the rest of the majority see fit to make these decisions that affect all of us in Wake County, I should think you should also have an answer to my question.

As my school board representative I look forward to and do expect a response.

Quite Sincerely, Carolyn Sloan 919-363-2213

Re: Mandatory yearround ? Carolyn Sloan to: Ron Margiotta

01/10/201006:08 PM

Mr. Margiotta,

I appreciate your response. I would like a little more clarification please. Let's take Olive Chapel as an example. If I understand you correctly our schedule will not necessarily change, but now parents can say, I choose to register my child at either OCE or Baucom (for example)? Or leaving open the possibility that enough parents complete the online survey and there is a clear and reasonable interest in OCE changing back to traditional ( or is the survey not that school specific?), and there is a feasible path to accomplish that change, then OCE parents could register at say, Turner Creek? or would that still be an application school?

I appreciate you saying that Dr. Burns will be informing the admin of the schools but you must understand that right now a lot of people are feeling quite concerned the uncertainty. It may seem like a clear path to you, but it does not seem so obvious to many of us right now. Any further clarification you can offer will be appreciated.


Carolyn Sloan

From: Ron Margiotta <> To:

Sent: Sun, January 10, 2010 5:19:39 PM Subject: RE: Mandatory yearround?


Resolution that was adopted will not impact anything more than to be sure parents have a legitimate option to a Traditional or Yr. rd. calendar School.

Expect the Supt. Of Schools will explain the Staffs plans to implement by recent decision. This will be sooner than later,

Another factor regarding implementation will be the survey that will be taking place this month, again, survey is to ask parents their CHOICE of School calendar.

Ron Margiotta

-----Original Message-----

From: [] Sent: Wednesday, January 06, 2010 6:22 PM

To: Ron Margiotta

Subject: Mandatory yearround?

Mr. Margiotta,

My question is brief, like your decision and vote yesterday regarding Yearround schools and the current diversity policy in Wake County.

As a parent with 2 children at Olive Chapel Elementary School (who by the way loves our school and the yearround schedule), how will my school, and therefore my children and my friend's children, be impacted by yesterday's vote? Are you eliminating the mandatory nature of the yearround or the yearround schedule? Or do you even have the answer after making such a sweeping decision? I know parents of over 1000 children at our school and all the staff that would like the answer to this question. As I've written

you once before, I am not only a concerned parent but also the PTA president and in my 3rd year on the board. I'd like to have an answer for all the

parents that are writing and calling me.

If you and the rest of the majority see fit to make these decisions that affect all of us in Wake County, I should think you should also have an answer to my question.

As my school board representative I look forward to and do expect a response.

Quite Sincerely, Carolyn Sloan 919-363-2213

RE: Mandatory yearround ? Ron Margiotta to: 'Carolyn Sloan'

01/10/201006:22 PM


Cannot presume the outcome of the survey which will give us the opportunity to really understand parents' calendar preference, next will be difficult, the analysis of same and then availability of seats. Dr. Burns will be making a public presentation of his staffs plans to implement.


From: Carolyn Sloan [] Sent: Sunday, January 10, 2010 6:09 PM

To: Ron Margiotta

Subject: Re: Mandatory yearround?

Mr. Margiotta,

I appreciate your response. I would like a little more clarification please. Let's take Olive Chapel as an example. If I understand you correctly our schedule will not necessarily change, but now parents can say, I choose to register my child at either OCE or Baucom (for example)? Or leaving open the possibility that enough parents complete the online survey and there is a clear and reasonable interest in OCE changing back to traditional ( or is the survey not that school specific?), and there is a feasible path to accomplish that change, then OCE parents could register at say, Turner Creek? or would that still be an application school?

I appreciate you saying that Dr. Burns will be informing the admin of the schools but you must understand that right now a lot of people are feeling quite concerned the uncertainty. It may seem like a clear path to you, but it does not seem so obvious to many of us right now. Any further clarification you can offer will be appreciated.


Carolyn Sloan

From: Ron Margiotta <> To:

Sent: Sun, January 10, 2010 5:19:39 PM Subject: RE: Mandatory yearround?


Resolution that was adopted will not impact anything more than to be sure parents have a legitimate option to a Traditional or Yr. rd. calendar School.

Expect the Supt. Of Schools will explain the Staffs plans to implement by recent decision. This will be sooner than later,

Another factor regarding implementation will be the survey that will be taking place this month, again, survey is to ask parents their CHOICE of School calendar.

Ron Margiotta

-----Original Message-----

From: [mailto:Friedabee@yahoo.coml Sent: Wednesday, January 06,20106:22 PM

To: Ron Margiotta

Subject: Mandatory yearround?

Mr. Margiotta,

My question is brief, like your decision and vote yesterday regarding Yearround schools and the current diversity policy in Wake County.

As a parent with 2 children at Olive Chapel Elementary School (who by the way loves our school and the yearround schedule), how will my school, and therefore my children and my friend's children, be impacted by yesterday's vote? Are you eliminating the mandatory nature of the yearround or the yearround schedule? Or do you even have the answer after making such a sweeping decision? I know parents of over 1000 children at our school and all the staff that would like the answer to this question. As I've written

you once before, I am not only a concerned parent but also the PTA president and in my 3rd year on the board. I'd like to have an answer for all the

parents that are writing and calling me.

If you and the rest of the majority see fit to make these decisions that affect all of us in Wake County, I should think you should also have an answer to my question.

As my school board representative I look forward to and do expect a response.

Quite Sincerely, Carolyn Sloan 919-363-2213

Re: Mandatory yearround ? Carolyn Sloan to: Ron Margiotta

01/10/201006:27 PM

Will any changes be based soley on parent preference? Again, I do appreciate your information. I just need to make sure on my end I get parents to speak up and fill out their forms. Also to be clear, while I enjoy our current schedule, I more prefer to know what to expect and can handle whatever changes that may lie ahead better when I feel informed.



On Jan 10,2010, at 6:22 PM, Ron Margiotta <> wrote:


Cannot presume the outcome of the survey which will give us the opportunity to really understand parents' calendar preference, next will be difficult, the analysis of same and then availability of seats.

Dr. Burns will be making a public presentation of his staffs plans to implement. Ron

From: Carolyn Sloan [] Sent: Sunday, January 10, 2010 6:09 PM

To: Ron Margiotta

Subject: Re: Mandatory yearround?

Mr. Margiotta,

I appreciate your response. I would like a little more clarification please. Let's take Olive Chapel as an example. If I understand you correctly our schedule will not necessarily change, but now parents can say, I choose to register my child at either OCE or Baucom (for example)? Or leaving open the possibility that enough parents complete the online survey and there is a clear and reasonable interest in OCE changing back to traditional ( or is the survey not that school specific?), and there is a feasible path to accomplish that change, then OCE parents could register at say, Turner Creek? or would that still be an application school?

I appreciate you saying that Dr. Burns will be informing the admin of the schools but you must understand that right now a lot of people are feeling quite concerned the uncertainty. It may seem like a clear path to you, but it does not seem so obvious to many of us right now. Any further clarification you can offer will be appreciated.


Carolyn Sloan

From: Ron Margiotta <> To:

Sent: Sun, January 10, 2010 5:19:39 PM Subject: RE: Mandatory yearround?


Resolution that was adopted will not impact anything more than to be sure parents have a legitimate option to a Traditional or Yr. rd. calendar School.

Expect the Supt. Of Schools will explain the Staffs plans to implement by recent decision. This will be sooner than later,

Another factor regarding implementation will be the survey that will be taking place this month, again, survey is to ask parents their CHOICE of School calendar.

Ron Margiotta

-----Original Message-----

From: [] Sent: Wednesday, January 06, 2010 6:22 PM

To: Ron Margiotta

Subject: Mandatory yearround?

Mr. Margiotta,

My question is brief, like your decision and vote yesterday regarding Yearround schools and the current diversity policy in Wake County.

As a parent with 2 children at Olive Chapel Elementary School (who by the way loves our school and the yearround schedule), how will my school, and therefore my children and my friend's children, be impacted by yesterday's vote? Are you eliminating the mandatory nature of the yearround or the yearround schedule? Or do you even have the answer after making such a sweeping decision? I know parents of over 1000 children at our school and all the staff that would like the answer to this question. As I've written

you once before, I am not only a concerned parent but also the PTA president and in my 3rd year on the board. I'd like to have an answer for all the

parents that are writing and calling me.

If you and the rest of the majority see fit to make these decisions that affect all of us in Wake County, I should think you should also have an answer to my question.

As my school board representative I look forward to and do expect a response.

Quite Sincerely, Carolyn Sloan 919-363-2213

RE: Mandatory yearround ?

Ron to: 'Carolyn Sloan'

01/10/201006:43 PM


Again, Sorry, but cannot presume the results of the survey in any part of the County and some changes COULD come about based on parent preference incorporated with availability of seats.

Please understand, am not being evasive just unwilling to predict the outcome of survey. I have my ideas but they are no more valid than anyones.

Would like to be able to provide parents their calendar Choice but that might not be possible, also calendar choice might be possible but School choice might not, so many variables,survey questions were difficult to design, an attempt to take so

many possibilities into consideration.

I'm sure I have really confused you.

Again, Sorry,

The attempt, while late in the year is to ask you and all parents which School, which calendar you prefer and wherever possible

Place that family in their school---calendar of their CHOICE. Ron

From: Carolyn Sloan [] Sent: Sunday, January 10, 2010 6:27 PM

To: Ron Margiotta

Subject: Re: Mandatory yearround?

Will any changes be based soley on parent preference? Again, I do appreciate your information. I just need to make sure on my end I get parents to speak up and fill out their forms. Also to be clear, while I enjoy our current schedule, I more prefer to know what to expect and can handle whatever changes that may lie ahead better when I feel informed.

Thanks, Carolyn

On Jan 10, 2010, at 6:22 PM, Ron Margiotta <> wrote:


Cannot presume the outcome of the survey which will give us the opportunity to really understand parents' calendar preference, next will be difficult, the analysis of same and then availability of seats.

Dr. Burns will be making a public presentation of his staffs plans to implement. Ron

From: Carolyn Sloan [] Sent: Sunday, January 10, 2010 6:09 PM

To: Ron Margiotta

Subject: Re: Mandatory yearround?

Mr. Margiotta,

I appreciate your response. I would like a little more clarification please. Let's take Olive Chapel as an example. If I understand you correctly our schedule will not necessarily change, but now

parents can say, I choose to register my child at either OCE or Baucom (for example)? Or leaving open the possibility that enough parents complete the online survey and there is a clear and reasonable interest in OCE changing back to traditional ( or is the survey not that school specific?), and there is a feasible path to accomplish that change, then OCE parents could register at say, Turner Creek? or would that still be an application school?

I appreciate you saying that Dr. Burns will be informing the admin of the schools but you must understand that right now a lot of people are feeling quite concerned the uncertainty. It may seem like a clear path to you, but it does not seem so obvious to many of us right now. Any further clarification you can offer will be appreciated.


Carolyn Sloan

From: Ron Margiotta <> To:

Sent: Sun, January 10, 2010 5:19:39 PM Subject: RE: Mandatory yearround?


Resolution that was adopted will not impact anything more than to be sure parents have a legitimate option to a Traditional or Yr. rd. calendar School.

Expect the Supt. Of Schools will explain the Staffs plans to implement by recent decision. This will be sooner than later,

Another factor regarding implementation will be the survey that will be taking place this month, again, survey is to ask parents their CHOICE of School calendar.

Ron Margiotta

-----Original Message-----

From: [ Sent: Wednesday, January 06, 20106:22 PM

To: Ron Margiotta

Subject: Mandatory yearround?

Mr. Margiotta,

My question is brief, like your decision and vote yesterday regarding Yearround schools and the current diversity policy in Wake County.

As a parent with 2 children at Olive Chapel Elementary School (who by the way loves our school and the yearround schedule), how will my school, and therefore my children and my friend's children, be impacted by yesterday's vote? Are you eliminating the mandatory nature of the yearround or the yearround schedule? Or do you even have the answer after making such a sweeping decision? I know parents of over 1000 children at our school and all the staff that would like the answer to this question. As I've written

you once before, I am not only a concerned parent but also the PTA president and in my 3rd year on the board. I'd like to have an answer for all the

parents that are writing and calling me.

If you and the rest of the majority see fit to make these decisions that affect all of us in Wake County, I should think you should also have an answer to my question.

As my school board representative I look forward to and do expect a response.

Quite Sincerely, Carolyn Sloan


School calendar etc & the survey Fred V to: Ron Margiotta

01/11/201007:34 AM

Hi School Board members,

Why are not all taxpayers being surveyed about the school calendar ??

I pay the bills, I have skin in the game, yet I am not asked my opinion so I am volunteering it

I favor YEAR ROUND schools because of ECONOMY

CONTIGUOUS education time ( less forgotten and less review), Keeps children occupied.

That said the one minor drawback that I see would be that all children in a family would have to be on the same track,

to facilitate vacations etc.

I also favor NEIGHBORHOOD SCHOOLS because of

ECONOMY (more children could walk to and from school & students would get more exercise)

less busing costs for fuel, maintenance and repairs, hopefully more parent participation at schools, PTA etc. and probably a few I have not thought of right now.


Fred Valachovic

RE: neighborhood schools Mike Piechnik to: Ron Margiotta

01/11/201010:52 AM


Green Hope High School is our neighborhood school. There are sidewalks all the way from our house to the school.


-----Original Message-----

From: Ron Margiotta [] Sent: Friday, January 08, 2010 7:14 PM

To: Mike Piechnik

Subject: RE: neighborhood schools


What was your neighborhood School? Ron

-----Original Message-----

From: [] Sent: Thursday, January 07, 2010 10:07 AM

To: Ron Margiotta

Subject: neighborhood schools

Mr. Margiotta

I'm very interested in finding out how the change back to neighborhood schools will affect my 8th grade daughter.

According to MapQuest, we live 1.37 miles from Green Hope High School with

an estimated travel time of 3 minutes @ 501 Grant Forest lane. We hear the

marching band practice regularly and can hear a sporting event and see the

lights from our porch.

We considered magnet options but decided that having our daughter Kristi go

to a school close to home would be a better experience. By staying in the

community she can be more easily involved and her new friends would be close

to home.

Kristi is now slated to go to Panther Creek High which would require her traveling on Hwy 55 and taking her out of our community.

Please consider putting our neighborhood back into the neighborhood school

her sisters went to.

Thank you! Mike Piechnik 919-622-1300

the good work

calpaint to: Ron Margiotta Cc: Deborah Prickett

01/11/2010 11:49AM

This message has been replied to.


You all are doing a great job. I read the peice in the N&O this morning regarding the Rev. Barber from the NAACP.

I think it's a bunch of hog wash. No one is telling him or anyone else that kids from different area's, or race, or nationality,

or whtever else they want to claim are being given any less of a chance to get a quality education then mine or yours.

People work and move to neighborhhods BECAUSE of the schools and then get penalized for it because a certain

population can not get their act together and clean up their own schools and neighrhoods? Quailty of life and education

begins at home, not at school.

What the Rev Barber needs to do is come to my neighborhood in North Raleigh and look at the diversity of people who make it up.

Hard working folks of all races and religious denominations who got out of where they were and made a life for themselves and

moved and put their kids in a good school. Mainly because there will always be the types of poor and disadvantaged economical neighborhoods everywhere were politicians continue to give handouts and

entitlements for those lazy enough to not work, yet smart enough to work the system.

Maybe the Rev. Barber needs a little education of his own, and if he doesn't like what he see's maybe it's time he went into some of those disadvataged neighborhoods and started cleaning them up.

People in my meighborhhood didn't sit around looking for a hand out and making excuses and false accusations

regarding race and desegregation. They got off of their butts and worked hard and did something.

Keep up the good work!


Sam Calvert

Calvert Painting North Raleigh - Leesville

RE: neighborhood schools

Ron to: 'Mike Piechnik'

01/11/201012:08 PM


Will pass this along to our newly formed Committee to address the assignment problems you mention.

Our intention is to provide as much CHOICE as possible. Ron

-----Original Message-----

From: Mike Piechnik [mailto:mike.piechnik@pelnik.coml Sent: Monday, January II, 2010 10:53 AM

To: Ron Margiotta

Subject: RE: neighborhood schools


Green Hope High School is our neighborhood school. There are sidewalks all the way from our house to the school.


-----Original Message-----

From: Ron Margiotta [mailto:rmargiotta@wcpss.netl Sent: Friday, January 08, 2010 7:14 PM

To: Mike Piechnik

Subject: RE: neighborhood schools


What was your neighborhood School? Ron

-----Original Message-----

From: [mailto:mike.piechnik@pelnik.coml Sent: Thursday, January 07, 2010 10:07 AM

To: Ron Margiotta

Subject: neighborhood schools

Mr. Margiotta

I'm very interested in finding out how the change back to neighborhood schools will affect my 8th grade daughter.

According to MapQuest, we live 1.37 miles from Green Hope High School with

an estimated travel time of 3 minutes @ 501 Grant Forest lane. We hear the

marching band practice regularly and can hear a sporting event and see the

lights from our porch.

We considered magnet options but decided that having our daughter Kristi go

to a school close to home would be a better experience. By staying in the

community she can be more easily involved and her new friends would be close

to home.

Kristi is now slated to go to Panther Creek High which would require her traveling on Hwy 55 and taking her out of our community.

Please consider putting our neighborhood back into the neighborhood school

her sisters went to.

Thank you! Mike Piechnik 919-622-1300

RE: neighborhood schools Mike Piechnik to: Ron Margiotta

01/11/201012:09 PM


Thanks so much for your help.


-----Original Message-----

From: Ron Margiotta [ Sent: Monday, January 11, 2010 12:09 PM

To: Mike Piechnik

Subject: RE: neighborhood schools


Will pass this along to our newly formed Committee to address the assignment

problems you mention.

Our intention is to provide as much CHOICE as possible. Ron

-----Original Message-----

From: Mike Piechnik [mailto:mike.piechnik@pelnik.coml Sent: Monday, January 11, 2010 10:53 AM

To: Ron Margiotta

Subject: RE: neighborhood schools


Green Hope High School is our neighborhood school. There are sidewalks all the way from our house to the school.


-----Original Message-----

From: Ron Margiotta [mailto:rmargiotta@wcpss.netl Sent: Friday, January 08, 2010 7:14 PM

To: Mike Piechnik

Subject: RE: neighborhood schools


What was your neighborhood School? Ron

-----Original Message-----

From: [ Sent: Thursday, January 07, 2010 10:07 AM

To: Ron Margiotta

Subject: neighborhood schools

Mr. Margiotta

I'm very interested in finding out how the change back to neighborhood schools will affect m¥1llllgrade daughter.

According to MapQuest, we live 1.37 miles from Green Hope High School with

an estimated travel time of 3 minutes @ 501 Grant Forest lane. We hear the

marching band practice regularly and can hear a sporting event and see the

lights from our porch.

We considered magnet options but decided that having our daughter Kristi go

to a school close to home would be a better experience. By staying in the

community she can be more easily involved and her new friends would be close

to home.

Kristi is now slated to go to Panther Creek High which would require her traveling on Hwy 55 and taking her out of our community.

Please consider putting our neighborhood back into the neighborhood school

her sisters went to.

Thank you! Mike Piechnik 919-622-1300

RE: Year round schools bbobbitt to: Ron Margiotta

01/11/201012:19 PM


You're going to find it's much more complicated than it appears. Trying to appease parents instead of doing what's best for a kids education, and the taxpayers of Wake County is just wrong. Good luck with this.

Benjamin Bobbitt

Ron Margiotta <> wrote: > Mr. Bobbitt,

> Yr. Rd. Schools are not being eliminated!!!

> An upcoming survey will give us the opportunity to determine parents CHOICES > in School calendars.

> Ron Margiotta


> -----Original Message-----

> From: [] > Sent: Tuesday, January OS, 2010 5:00 PM

> To: Ron Margiotta

> Subject: Year round schools >


> Mr Margiotta,

> Since you didn't respond to my last email, I can only assume you're only

> interested in those parents opinions who match your own regarding year round > schools. As I said in my last email, my daughter goes to Lufkin Rd middle

> school, and we couldn't be happier with the school and the year round

> schedule. Even though her base school was Holly Springs middle, we were so > impressed with the staff at Lufkin Rd, we decided she should go there

> instead. We still don't regret that decision. I am upset that the new school > bd is intent on wrecking a policy based on parents complaints about year

> round schools and bussing for diversification. Don't you guys bother to keep > up with the news? This area has and will continue to be a growing area for

> the foreseeable future. Where do you think the money will come from to build > all the extra schools we'll need if year round schools aren't mandatory? Do > you think taxpayers are willing to pay for this? I doubt it. If you want to > allow neighborhood s

> chools and do away with bussing, why doesn't the board focus on making all > schools equal in terms of teachers and school facilities. Whatever you do

> don't rush into this without everyones opinion, even those you don't agree > with.

> Thanks,

> Benjamin Bobbitt, Jr. >


RE: Details for Breakfast with School Board Harold.Weinbrecht to: Ron

01/11/201001:45 PM

Hi Ron,

I would like to talk with you about opening comments. Let me know when you get a moment to talk on the phone.

I originally asked for the 5 PM meeting to discuss the agenda but then had second thoughts to propose one first. So I guess that means we don't need to meet.


Harold Weinbrecht Mayor

Town of Cary PO Box 8005

Cary, North Carolina 27512-8005 919-469-4011

harold. wei

"In executing the duties of my present important station, I can promise nothing but purity of intentions, and, in carrying these into effect, fidelity, and diligence." - George Washington

Please note that e-mail sent to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties.

Ron Margiotta <rmargiotta @wcpss .net>

To <> cc

Subject RE: Details for Breakfast with School Board

01/081201006:18 PM


Agenda sounds fine,

In my comments will, of course praise my relationship and respect for the Cary Mayor and if you do not have any objections will mention the recent actions of what has been described as the "new School 8d" I did just this at a recent meeting at the Cary chamber and fielded questions and believe was well received.

Let me know what you think.

Does this agenda eliminate our Monday 5PM session? Ron

From: [] Sent: Friday, January 08,2010 10:57 AM

To: Ron Margiotta

Subject: RE: Details for Breakfast with School Board


The main purpose was to finalize an agenda for our meeting I have attached a draft for you to review and comment. Please note the purpose and the ground rules I will be glad to facilitate the meeting. If controversial issues arise then we will put those in a "parking lot" for a later time. Once we agree on an agenda I would like to send it out to the mayors and will ask that you send it to the school board members In our message we will need to ask that everyone comes prepared and agrees to the ground rules If anyone has issue with the purpose or ground rules they should let us know in advance

Your thoughts?


Harold Weinbrecht Mayor

Town of Cary PO Box 8005

Cary, North Carolina 27512-8005 919-469-4011


"In executing the duties of my present important station, I can promise nothing but purity of intentions, and, in carrying these into effect, fidelity, and diligence." - George Washington

Please note that e-mail sent to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties.

Ron Margiotta <rmargiotta @wcpss .net>

01/06/201009:06 PM

To <> cc

Subject RE: Details for Breakfast with School Board


Works fine, just let me know where Ron

01/05/201008:52 AM

To <> cc

From: Harold. [mailto:Harold.] Sent: Tuesday, January 05, 2010 8:52 AM

To: Ron Margiotta

Subject: RE: Details for Breakfast with School Board

How about Monday at 5 PM. Does that work for you?

Harold Weinbrecht Mayor

Town of Cary PO Box 8005

Cary, North Carolina 27512-8005 919-469-4011


"In executing the duties of my present important station, I can promise nothing but purity of intentions, and, in carrying these into effect, fidelity, and diligence." - George Washington

Please note that e-mail sent to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties.

Ron Margiotta <rmargiotta @wcpss .net>

Subject RE: Details for Breakfast with School Board

Sounds good,can we do sometime next week


To <Harold.> cc

From: Harold. [mailto: Harold.] Sent: Tuesday, January OS, 2010 7:57 AM

To: Ron Margiotta

Subject: RE: Details for Breakfast with School Board


Good luck with today's meeting.

I was hoping to get together before the breakfast to run a few ideas by you I am thinking that we need to set some sort of direction for the discussion or we will in up off on a tangent or having a few debate

I have next Monday at 5 PM open if that works for you.


Harold Weinbrecht Mayor

Town of Cary PO Box 8005

Cary, North Carolina 27512-8005 919-469-4011

"In executing the duties of my present important station, I can promise nothing but purity of intentions, and, in carrying these into effect, fidelity, and diligence." - George Washington

Please note that e-mail sent to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties.

Ron Margiotta <rmargiotta @wcpss .net>

01/04/201004:34 PM

Subject RE: Details for Breakfast with School Board


This is a tough week for me, next week looks good for me either AM- mid day-or evening. Ron

From: [] Sent: Monday, January 04,20104:17 PM

To: Ron Margiotta

Subject: RE: Details for Breakfast with School Board

Do you have any time in the evenings this weeK? I would like to get a short agenda agreed upon to keep our meeting quick and cordial. ;-)

Some thoughts mayors have about the discussion would be updates and thoughts on diversity, mandatory year round, and magnet schools. Another mind set was to stay away from the news items and talk about what you envision changing in the classroom Those are the initial thoughts.


Harold Weinbrecht Mayor

Town of Cary PO Box 8005

Cary, North Carolina 27512-8005 919-469-4011

ha rold.

"In executing the duties of my present important station, I can promise nothing but purity of intentions, and, in carrying these into effect, fidelity, and diligence." - George Washington

Please note that e-mail sent to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records La", and may be disclosed to third parties.

Ron Margiotta <rmargiotta>

01/04/201004:13 PM

To <Harold.> cc

Subject RE: Details for Breakfast with School Board


From our minimal contacts, and my understanding, would be disappointed if our goals were not in sync, different styles maybe but am sure we are on the same page.

We should try to find some time to grab a cup of coffee or a beer to discuss how we can help one another.


Please note that e-mail sent to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties.

Harold Weinbrecht Mayor

Town of Cary PO Box 8005

Cary, North Carolina 27512-8005 919-469-4011

ha rold.

"In executing the duties of my present important station, I can promise nothing but purity of intentions, and, in carrying these into effect, fidelity, and diligence." - George Washington

Ron Margiotta <rmargiotta> 01/05/201008:52 AM

To <> cc

Subject RE: Details for Breakfast with School Board

Sounds good,can we do sometime next week R.

From: [] Sent: Tuesday, January OS, 2010 7:57 AM

To: Ron Margiotta

Subject: RE: Details for Breakfast with School Board


Good luck with today's meeting.

I was hoping to get together before the breakfast to run a few ideas by you I am thinking that we need to set some sort of direction for the discussion or we will in up off on a tangent or having a few debate

I have next Monday a15 PM open if that works for you.


Harold Weinbrecht Mayor

Town of Cary PO Box 8005

Cary, North Carolina 27512-8005 919-469-4011


"In executing the duties of my present important station, I can promise nothing but purity of intentions, and, in carrying these into effect, fidelity, and diligence." - George Washington

Please note that e-mail sent to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties.

Ron Margiotta <rmargiotta @wcpss .net>

01/04/201004:34 PM

To <Harold.> cc

Subject RE: Details for Breakfast with School Board


This is a tough week for me, next week looks good for me either AM- mid day-or evening. Ron

From: []

Sent: Monday, January 04,20104:17 PM To: Ron Margiotta

Subject: RE: Details for Breakfast with School Board

Do you have any time in the evenings this weeK? I would like to get a short agenda agreed upon to keep our meeting quick and cordial. ;-)

Some thoughts mayors have about the discussion would be updates and thoughts on diversity, mandatory year round, and magnet schools. Another mind set was to stay away from the news items and talk about what you envision changing in the classroom Those are the initial thoughts.


Harold Weinbrecht Mayor

Town of Cary PO Box 8005

Cary, North Carolina 27512-8005 919-469-4011

To <> cc

"In executing the duties of my present important station, I can promise nothing but purity of intentions, and, in carrying these into effect, fidelity, and diligence." - George Washington

Please note that e-mail sent to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties.

Ron Margiotta <rmargiotta @wcpss .net>

01/04/201004:13 PM

Subject RE: Details for Breakfast with School Board


From our minimal contacts, and my understanding, would be disappointed if our goals were not in sync,

different styles maybe but am sure we are on the same page.

We should try to find some time to grab a cup of coffee or a beer to discuss how we can help one another.


From: [] Sent: Monday, January 04, 2010 3:24 PM

To: Ron Margiotta

Subject: RE: Details for Breakfast with School Board


You and I ought to talk about a short agenda to keep conversations from going astray It is my hope that we get to know each other a little and have an understanding of what each of us is trying to accomplish If we can do this then I am thinking it will be a success. Anyway, let me know if you have ideas.


Harold Weinbrecht Mayor

Town of Cary PO Box 8005

Cary, North Carolina 27512-8005 919-469-4011

"In executing the duties of my present important station, I can promise nothing but purity of intentions, and, in carrying these into effect, fidelity, and diligence." - George Washington

Please note that e-mail sent to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties.

Ron Margiotta <rmargiotta @wcpss .net>

01/04/201003:07 PM

To <Harold.> cc

Subject RE: Details for Breakfast with School Board

My understanding is you put on a GREAT breakfast, wouldn't miss it for any money. Ron

From: [] Sent: Monday, January 04, 2010 2:51 PM

To: Chris Malone; Carolyn Morrison; John Tedesco; Deborah Prickett; Kevin Hill; Ron Margiotta; Keith Sutton; Debra Goldman; Anne McLaurin

Cc:;;;;; j; keith.;;;;; Subject: Re: Details for Breakfast with School Board

The Wake County Mayors I Association

cordially invites the

Wake County Board of Education Members to a breakfast meeting

When: Friday, January 22,2009 Time: 8 a.m.- 9:30 a.m.

Location: Herb Young Community Center, 101 Wilkinson Ave., Cary, NC (on the main Cary Town Hall Campus, located at 316 N. Academy S1.)

Driving IDirections : See the driving directions to 316 N. Academy S1. at; parking is available in the community center parking lot and the adjacent parking deck Purpose: Introductions and conversation

RSVP: By 5 p.rn. on Tuesday, January 19, 2010 to Cary Mayor Harold Weinbrecht via e-mail: harold.

Harold Weinbrecht Mayor

Town of Cary PO Box 8005

Cary, North Carolina 27512-8005 919-469-4011


"In executing the duties of my present important station, I can promise nothing but purity of intentions, and, in carrying these into effect, fidelity, and diligence." - George Washington

Please note that e-mail sent to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties.

[attachment "mayors assoc agenda.doc" removed by Kevin HilVSuperintendentlWCPSS][attachment "mayors assoc agenda.011 O.doc" deleted by Harold WeinbrechtlCary]

RE: Details for Breakfast with School Board Ron Margiotta to: Harold.Weinbrecht

01/11/2010 02:03 PM


Am not leaving my home for the rest of the day and thru the evening, TOO COLD, where is that warm South?

Give me a call at your convenience at home at 303-0632

Phones have been crazy today, if it rings thru means I am on a call. Ron

From: Harold. [rnailto: Harold.] Sent: Monday, January 11, 2010 1:46 PM

To: Ron Margiotta

Subject: RE: Details for Breakfast with School Board

Ron Margiotta <rmargiotta @wcpss .net>

TO<> cc

SubjectRE: Details for Breakfast with School Board

Hi Ron,

I would like to talk with you about opening comments. Let me know when you get a moment to talk on the phone.

I originally asked for the 5 PM meeting to discuss the agenda but then had second thoughts to propose one first. So I guess that means we don't need to meet.


Harold Weinbrecht Mayor

Town of Cary PO Box 8005

Cary, North Carolina 27512-8005 919-469-4011

"In executing the duties of my present important station, I can promise nothing but purity of intentions, and, in carrying these into effect, fidelity, and diligence." - George Washington

Please note that e-mail sent to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties.

01/08/201006:18 PM


Agenda sounds fine,

In my comments will, of course praise my relationship and respect for the Cary Mayor and if you do not have any objections will mention the recent actions of what has been described as the "new School 8d" I did just this at a recent meeting at the Cary chamber and fielded questions and believe was well received.

Let me know what you think.

Does this agenda eliminate our Monday 5PM session? Ron

From: Harold. [rnailto: Harold.] Sent: Friday, January 08, 2010 10:57 AM

To: Ron Margiotta

Subject: RE: Details for Breakfast with School Board


The main purpose was to finalize an agenda for our meeting I have attached a draft for you to review and comment. Please note the purpose and the ground rules I will be glad to facilitate the meeting. If controversial issues arise then we will put those in a "parking lot" for a later time. Once we agree on an agenda I would like to send it out to the mayors and will ask that you send it to the school board members In our message we will need to ask that everyone comes prepared and agrees to the ground rules If anyone has issue with the purpose or ground rules they should let us know in advance

Your thoughts?


Harold Weinbrecht Mayor

Town of Cary PO Box 8005

Cary, North Carolina 27512-8005 919-469-4011


"In executing the duties of my present important station, I can promise nothing but purity of intentions, and, in carrying these into effect, fidelity, and diligence." - George Washington

Please note that e-mail sent to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties.

Ron Margiotta <rmargiotta @wcpss .net>

01/06/201009:06 PM

TO<> cc

SubjectRE: Details for Breakfast with School Board


Works fine, just let me know where Ron


From: [] Sent: Tuesday, January OS, 2010 8:52 AM

To: Ron Margiotta

Subject: RE: Details for Breakfast with School Board

How about Monday at 5 PM. Does that work for you?

Harold Weinbrecht Mayor

Town of Cary PO Box 8005

Cary, North Carolina 27512-8005 919-469-4011

ha raid.

"In executing the duties of my present important station, I can promise nothing but purity of intentions, and, in carrying these into effect, fidelity, and diligence." - George Washington

Please note that e-mail sent to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties.

Ron Margiotta <rmargiotta @wcpss .net>

01/05/201008:52 AM


SubjectRE: Details for Breakfast with School Board

Sounds good,can we do sometime next week R.

From: [] Sent: Tuesday, January OS, 2010 7:57 AM

To: Ron Margiotta

Subject: RE: Details for Breakfast with School Board


Good luck with today's meeting.

i was hoping to get together before the breakfast to run a few ideas by you I am thinking that we need to set some sort of direction for the discussion or we will in up off on a tangent or having a few debate

I have next Monday at 5 PM open if that works for you.


Harold Weinbrecht Mayor

Town of Cary PO Box 8005

Cary, North Carolina 27512-8005 919-469-4011

T o<Harold.> cc

"In executing the duties of my present important station, I can promise nothing but purity of intentions, and, in carrying these into effect, fidelity, and diligence." - George Washington

Please note that e-mail sent to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties.

Ron Margiotta <rmargiotta @wcpss .net>

01/04/201004:34 PM

SubjectRE: Details for Breakfast with School Board


This is a tough week for me, next week looks good for me either AM- mid day-or evening. Ron

From: [] Sent: Monday, January 04,20104:17 PM

To: Ron Margiotta

Subject: RE: Details for Breakfast with School Board

Do you have any time in the evenings this weeK? I would like to get a short agenda agreed upon to keep our meeting quick and cordial. ;-)

Some thoughts mayors have about the discussion would be updates and thoughts on diversity, mandatory year round, and magnet schools. Another mind set was to stay away from the news items and talk about what you envision changing in the classroom Those are the initial thoughts.


Harold Weinbrecht Mayor

Town of Cary PO Box 8005

Cary, North Carolina 27512-8005 919-469-4011

"In executing the duties of my present important station, I can promise nothing but purity of intentions, and, in carrying these into effect, fidelity, and diligence." - George Washington

Please note that e-mail sent to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties.

Ron Margiotta <rmargiotta @wcpss .net>

01/04/201004:13 PM

TO<> cc

SubjectRE: Details for Breakfast with School Board


From our minimal contacts, and my understanding, would be disappointed if our goals were not in sync,

different styles maybe but am sure we are on the same page.

We should try to find some time to grab a cup of coffee or a beer to discuss how we can help one



From: Harold. [mailto: Harold.] Sent: Monday, January 04, 2010 3:24 PM

To: Ron Margiotta

Subject: RE: Details for Breakfast with School Board


You and I ought to talk about a short agenda to keep conversations from going astray It is my hope that we get to know each other a little and have an understanding of what each of us is trying to accomplish If we can do this then I am thinking it will be a success. Anyway, let me know if you have ideas.


Harold Weinbrecht Mayor

Town of Cary PO Box 8005

Cary, North Carolina 27512-8005 919-469-4011

"In executing the duties of my present important station, I can promise nothing but purity of intentions, and, in carrying these into effect, fidelity, and diligence." - George Washington

Please note that e-mail sent to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties.

Ron Margiotta <rmargiotta @wcpss .net>

01/04/201003:07 PM

T o<Harold.> cc

SubjectRE: Details for Breakfast with School Board

My understanding is you put on a GREAT breakfast, wouldn't miss it for any money. Ron

The Wake County Mayors I Association cordially invites the

Wake County Board of Education Members to a breakfast meeting

From: [] Sent: Monday, January 04, 20102:51 PM

To: Chris Malone; Carolyn Morrison; John Tedesco; Deborah Prickett; Kevin Hill; Ron Margiotta; Keith Sutton; Debra Goldman; Anne McLaurin

Cc:;;;; jharoldbroadwell@bellsouth .net;;;;;;; Subject: Re: Details for Breakfast with School Board

When: Friday, January 22,2009 Time: 8 a.m.- 9:30 a.m.

Location: Herb Young Community Center, 101 Wilkinson Ave., Cary, NC (on the main Cary Town Hall Campus, located at 316 N. Academy St.)

Driving/Directions: See the driving directions to 316 N. Academy St. at; parking is available in the community center parking lot and the adjacent parking deck Purpose: Introductions and conversation

RSVP: By 5 p.m. on Tuesday, January 19, 2010 to Cary Mayor Harold Weinbrecht via e-mail: ha rold.

Harold Weinbrecht Mayor

Town of Cary PO Box 8005

Cary, North Carolina 27512-8005 919-469-4011

harold. wein

"In executing the duties of my present important station, I can promise nothing but purity of intentions, and, in carrying these into effect, fidelity, and diligence." - George Washington

Please note that e-mail sent to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties.

RE: I urge you to schedule NAACP -NC presentation

Ron to: 'Dani Martinez-Moore'

01/11/201004:35 PM

Thanks for taking the time to send the email, Ron Margiotta

From: Dani Martinez-Moore [] Sent: Monday, January 11, 2010 12:57 PM

To: Ron Margiotta

Subject: I urge you to schedule NMCP-NC presentation

Dear Mr. Margiotta,

I am Dani Martinez-Moore, a resident of Raleigh, and I am a parent of an elementary student in Wake County Public Schools. I want to thank you for your work to oversee education policy that will benefit all of Wake County's students.

I am writing you today to explain that I am very committed to diverse schools, since I believe that all students benefit from greater diversity in each school. Also, research shows again and again that ALL students have positive outcomes when there is less concentration of poverty in single schools--- not just low-income students, but ALL students.

I am a member of the NAACP, and I urge you to allow the NAACP-NC to give a 45-minute presentation at a full board meeting about our organization's position and to share our expertise on educational diversity and student success.

Please do not hesitate to contact me for further information, and thank you for your consideration of this heartfelt request.


Dani Martinez-Moore

1223 Silver Sage Dr Apt 303 Raleigh, NC 27606


From: [] Sent: Monday, January 04,20104:17 PM

To: Ron Margiotta

Subject: RE: Details for Breakfast with School Board

Do you have any time in the evenings this weeK? I would like to get a short agenda agreed upon to keep our meeting quick and cordial. ;-)

Some thoughts mayors have about the discussion would be updates and thoughts on diversity, mandatory year round, and magnet schools. Another mind set was to stay away from the news items and

talk about what you envision changing in the classroom Those are the initial thoughts.


Harold Weinbrecht Mayor

Town of Cary PO Box 8005

Cary, North Carolina 27512-8005 919-469-4011


"In executing the duties of my present important station, I can promise nothing but purity of intentions, and, in carrying these into effect, fidelity, and diligence." - George Washington

Please note that e-mail sent to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties.

Ron Margiotta <rmargiotta @wcpss .net>

01/04/201004:13 PM

To <> cc

Subject RE: Details for Breakfast with School Board


From our minimal contacts, and my understanding, would be disappointed if our goals were not in sync,

different styles maybe but am sure we are on the same page.

We should try to find some time to grab a cup of coffee or a beer to discuss how we can help one another.


From: [] Sent: Monday, January 04, 20103:24 PM

To: Ron Margiotta

Subject: RE: Details for Breakfast with School Board


You and I ought to talk about a short agenda to keep conversations from going astray It is my hope that we get to know each other a little and have an understanding of what each of us is trying to accomplish If we can do this then I am thinking it will be a success. Anyway, let me know if you have ideas.


Harold Weinbrecht Mayor

Town of Cary PO Box 8005

Cary, North Carolina 27512-8005 919-469-4011

"In executing the duties of my present important station, I can promise nothing but purity of intentions, and, in carrying these into effect, fidelity, and diligence." - George Washington

Please note that e-mail sent to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties.

Ron Margiotta <rrnargiotta @wcpss .net>

01/04/201003:07 PM

To <> cc

Subject RE: Details for Breakfast with School Board

My understanding is you put on a GREAT breakfast, wouldn't miss it for any money. Ron

From: [] Sent: Monday, January 04, 2010 2:51 PM

To: Chris Malone; Carolyn Morrison; John Tedesco; Deborah Prickett; Kevin Hill; Ron Margiotta; Keith Sutton; Debra Goldman; Anne McLaurin

Cc: charles.;; frank.eag;;; jholcom; keith.;;;;; Subject: Re: Details for Breakfast with School Board

The Wake County Mayors ' Association cordially invites the

Wake County Board of Education Members to a breakfast meeting

When: Friday, January 22,2009

Time: 8 a.m.- 9:30 a.m.

Location: Herb Young Community Center, 101 Wilkinson Ave., Cary, NC (on the main Cary Town Hall Campus, located at 316 N. Academy St.)

Driving/Directions: See the driving directions to 316 N. Academy St. at; parking

is available in the community center parking lot and the adjacent parking deck Purpose: Introductions and conversation

RSVP: By 5 p.m. on Tuesday, January 19, 2010 to Cary Mayor Harold Weinbrecht via e-mail:

Harold Weinbrecht Mayor

Town of Cary PO Box 8005

Cary, North Carolina 27512-8005 919-469-4011

Please note that e-mail sent to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law

"In executing the duties of my present important station, I can promise nothing but purity of intentions, and, in carrying these into effect, fidelity, and diligence." - George Washington

and may be disclosed to th ird parties. mayors assoc agenda.doc

2010 re-assignments bsterrett to: Ron Margiotta

01/13/201003:19 PM

Mr Margiotta,

I will be registering my daughter for kindergarten at Apex Elem. (our base school) on Feb. 4.

As a parent of one student at Apex High and one beginning kindergarten this fall, I am equally agreeable to traditional or year-round calendar for my kindergartener. However, I need to know what my options are.

I am confused about the plans to reassign schools for the coming school year. I have read that traditional and year round options may be reassigned to be closer to home. Does this mean that my year round option for 2010-2011 may change from Adams to a school in Apex? If so, when will this be decided, and will there be time for parents to change their kids' schools before the start of the school year if the new option is desired. [I assume that base schools will not be reassigned at this late date]

I apologize for rambling on, but please do respond regarding the plans for re-assigning traditional/year-round options for 2010-2011.

It just seems like changes should not be made after registration has begun. We have a lot of planning to do - after care, summer camps etc - and if we don't know which school is our year-round/traditional option, it will be difficult to decide between an unknown and our base school. It feels like the board is making a lot of hasty decisions about the upcoming year, and will be making more changes in the coming months, when we parents are already making our plans for next school year.

Also, PLEASE do not undo the diversity policy. Many of us parents like our school system because it tries to reduce the unfair segregation that would occur with strictly neighborhood schools. I would have no problem with my base school being farther from my house, so long as the base school applied to the whole neighborhood so that kids that live near each other also go to school together. To me that is still a neighborhood school because you are going to school with your neighbors, yet you also have fellow students from a variety of neighborhoods and economic backgrounds to befriend.

Thank you.

Jennifer Duerr to: Ron Margiotta

01/13/201009:26 PM

RE: As our representatives, please carefully consider this letter that was sent to all board members .

Thank you so much! I will pass along this information to my many neighbors who are concerned as well

Jennifer Duerr

HR Representative

Private Diagnostic Clinic, PLLC Duke University Medical Center (919) 613-7774

(919) 681-8465 fax

Ron Margiotta

<rmargiotta @wcpss .net>

To <>, Deborah Prickett <> cc

Subject RE: As our representatives, please carefully consider this letter that was sent to all board members.

01/13/201007:30 PM


Thanks so much for your comments, they will be passed along to our NEWLY established Advisory Committee on Assignments.

This email is not meant as a copt out but can assure you, your concern will be considered. Cannot promise you positive results but can promise a legitimate review.


-----Original Message-----

From: [] Sent: Wednesday, January 13, 2010 5:46 PM

To: Deborah Prickett; Ron Margiotta


Subject: As our representatives, please carefully consider this letter that was sent to all board members.

Dear Board Members:

I am a member of Node 597.0, which is made up of residents of Carpenter Village in Cary. Currently our base elementary school is Carpenter Elementary, our base Middle School is East Cary and our base High School is Panther Creek. We have two fundamental issues with our Middle School assignment, East Cary, that warrants the Board's immediate attention for the 2010-2011 school year.

First, our home, which is located in the heart of our node, is 8.54 miles or 15 minutes (according to mapquestl from East Cary. This distance requires

our children to get on the bus everyday at 6:15 am in order to take a 45+ minute bus ride to school each way. This is unfair to our students, given that there are two other options that are located ~ the distance and travel time compared to East Cary. They are: Mills Park Middle School, which is 3.7 miles or 8 minutes, and Davis Drive Middle School, which is 4.34 miles or 7 minutes away. As I am sure you are aware, studies show that sleep deprivation has a direct negative correlation to academic performance. In addition, volunteering at the school and allowing our children to stay after school for activities is nearly impossible for our families.

The second, and possibly larger, concern we have is that our neighborhood is the only neighborhood that is going from East Cary for Middle School to Panther Creek for High School. This makes it very difficult for our children to form relationships because, unless their friends live in our neighborhood, they will more than likely NOT go to High School with ANY of them. As any of us who remember Middle School know, building solid and consistent relationships is critical at this stage of a child's life.

Thank you for your consideration, Jennifer Duerr

When Carpenter Elementary School opened two years ago as a year-round school, the members of our neighborhood chose to accept this decision and support the school district. This was very different from the actions of the neighborhoods surrounding us, who formed committees, signed petitions, and hired attorneys when redistricting occurred at Davis Drive and Green Hope Elementary Schools. We saw that these actions got these nodes the results they wanted. We are hoping that having a new board in place, whose members support the philosophy of neighborhood schools over busing, would eliminate the need for such dramatic actions in order for the right changes to be made for the students of Node 597.0.

We have all assumed that our node would be reassigned to the new Mills Park Middle School, which is the closest of all Middle Schools and a feeder school to Panther Creek. However, we have learned that making assumptions in regards to reassignments has resulted in our children being consistently overlooked, as evidenced when we falsely assumed that we would be assigned to Davis Drive Middle School, as all the adjacent nodes to us are assigned and Green Hope High School, the High School assignment of all adjacent nodes which is in walking distance to our home.

Also, we thought that there would be a new reassignment plan this year in time for Mills Park's opening next year. We did not realize that it was part of the three year plan for reassignment last year and that we were, again, overlooked ..

The families of Carpenter Village in node 597.0 were in strong support at election time of the new board members, with hopes that their emphasis on neighborhood schools would help our situation. Please re-evaluate our assignment and take into consideration the following two proposed solutions that are in the best interest of our children's education and quality of life.

The two proposed solutions for the 2010-2011 School Year:

Reassign node 597.0 to Mills Park Middle School (3.7 miles) and continue to

assign us to Panther Creek High School (2.2 miles) OR

Reassign node 597.0 to Davis Drive Middle School (4.3 miles) and Green Hope High School (1.5 miles)

This message was sent to the following Board members:

Ms. Deborah Prickett Mr. Ron Margiotta


tzimmerman 1 to: Ron Margiotta

01/14/201005:45 PM

Mr Margiotta,

I'm sure you are receiving a lot of email -alotofitvenemous.This isn't one of them. I don't agree with your stance on many issues, but would like to ask a question. The new majority gained power,' partially, on the promise to make well informed decisions. For the decision to end the Wacky Wednesday: Have you been to a school to see what this hour allows teachers to accomplish? As for the diversity policy: Have you toured a school system (i.e. Charlotte or Richmond) to see the effect that this policy has had?

Thank you for your response,

Mike Zimmerman

RE: Why is the Board Angling for a Legal Fight with the NAACP ?

Ron Margiotta to: hcfrey 01/14/201008:24 PM

Mr. Frey,

You are a smart guy and am sure you understand why the School Bd. is entering into a contract with Mr. Farr from Ogletree Deakins.

We are engaging this attorney and firm to do a an evaluation of our legal expenses with the goal of finding a more efficient cost effective way to provide legal services.We are in some very difficult budget times, I do not see any relief for at least the next two years. We must continue to find any and all $$$ and redirect them into the classroom.


-----Original Message-----

From: [] Sent: Wednesday, December 16, 2009 8:46 AM

To: Chris Malone; Carolyn Morrison; John Tedesco; Deborah Prickett; Kevin Hill; Ron Margiotta; Keith Sutton; Debra Goldman; Anne McLaurin


Subject: Why is the Board Angling for a Legal Fight with the NAACP?

As a voter, taxpayer, citizen, and parent, I would like to know why the new school board majority is looking for a legal fight with the NAACP?

According to Mr. Tedesco, the school board is hiring Republican lawyer Thomas Farr, who has hardly any education law experience, in anticipation of a lawsuit from the NAACP. In the 21st Century, why are we returning to racial politics of the mid-20th Century?

The 5-4 partisan vote to hire Farr, and not to allow the legal job to be publicly bid, demonstrates a high degree of aggressiveness and, frankly, arrogance. This is unacceptable. We are a community. Our elected school board should not be seeking racially charged legal fights with key community groups because of an ideological agenda that has no context for our community.

Furthermore, Mr. Tedesco has stated that members of the public should "get on board" with the new school board majority. Many voters, taxpayers, citizens, and parents are decidedly NOT "on board" with the strident partisan politics of the current "majority" of Board of Education members. The newly elected members should keep in mind that they were elected under extremely low voter turn-out. They do not represent the majority of voters, taxpayers, citizens, and parents. I am sure you are beginning to see this, given the public turnout at last night's school board meeting.

Of course, the underlying issue is that the new members want to completely eliminate diversity as a goal in Policy 6200. This proposal to eliminate diversity as a goal completely ignores a very long history of race relations in the South, and will set Wake County back at least 50 years. Why does the new school board majority feel the need to create and foster racial divisiveness? Eliminating diversity as a goal is a wrongheaded and disproportionate response to complaints of some parents on issues that could be handled administratively.

The turnout at last night's Board of Education meeting is a wake up call that the Board needs to move very very slowly on any efforts to undermine

diversity. and preferably should simply drop this from the agenda altogether. However, if the Board of Education wants a legal fight with the NAACP, they are likely to find many of us voters, taxpayers, citizens, and parents will support the NAACP in its efforts, both morally and financially.

I urge you to drop the proposal to remove diversity as a goal from Policy 6200. Furthermore, I urge you to rescind the highly partisan vote to hire a Republican lawyer who lacks appropriate experience, and to practice good government by opening legal service contracts to competitive bidding.

Chris Frey

8244 Clarks Branch Drive Raleigh, NC

This message was sent to the following Board members:

He said they want to hire Farr because his civil rights experience would be useful if the county were sued by the state NAACP over ending the diversity policy

Mr. Chris Malone
Dr. Carolyn Morrison
Mr. John Tedesco
Ms. Deborah Prickett
Mr. Kevin L. Hill
Mr. Ron Margiotta
Mr. Keith Sutton
Ms. Debra Goldman
Dr. Anne McLaurin Re: Why is the Board Angling for a Legal Fight with the NAACP ?

Chris Frey to: Ron Margiotta 01/14/201008:58 PM

Mr. Margiotta:

Thank you for your reply.

I wanted to mention to you as Chair of the board that if there is a role for citizen participants on the new committees that the board created, I would be interested in participating. Although my comments have been critical of the new board, I also recognize a responsibility as a citizen to try to provide constructive input where possible, if such input is of interest. For example, I think there is a need for some research on (1) identifying key problems (e.g., the 54 percent graduation rate that has been mentioned) and trying to understand the reasons for the situation; (2) identifying options/alternatives for addressing the problems; (3) providing advice on which options might be appropriate for Wake County; and (4) providing advice regarding implementation.

Thanks again for your reply.

Best wishes,

Chris Frey

From: Ron Margiotta <> To:

Sent: Thu, January 14, 2010 8:24:00 PM

Subject: RE: Why is the Board Angling for a Legal Fight with the NAACP?

Mr. Frey,

You are a smart guy and am sure you understand why the School Bd. is entering into a contract with Mr. Farr from Ogletree Deakins.

We are engaging this attorney and firm to do a an evaluation of our legal expenses with the goal of finding a more efficient cost effective way to provide legal services.We are in some very difficult budget times, I do not see any relief for at least the next two years. We must continue to find any and all $$$ and redirect them into the classroom.


-----Original Message-----

From: [] Sent: Wednesday, December 16, 2009 8:46 AM

To: Chris Malone; Carolyn Morrison; John Tedesco; Deborah Prickett; Kevin Hill; Ron Margiotta; Keith Sutton; Debra Goldman; Anne McLaurin


Subject: Why is the Board Angling for a Legal Fight with the NAACP?

As a voter, taxpayer, citizen, and parent, I would like to know why the new school board majority is looking for a legal fight with the NAACP?

According to Mr. Tedesco, the school board is hiring Republican lawyer Thomas Farr, who has hardly any education law experience, in anticlpation of a lawsuit from the NAACP. In the 21st Century, why are we returning to

racial politics of the mid-20th Century?

The 5-4 partisan vote to hire Farr, and not to allow the legal job to be publicly bid, demonstrates a high degree of aggressiveness and, frankly, arrogance. This is unacceptable. We are a community. Our elected school board should not be seeking racially charged legal fights with key community groups because of an ideological agenda that has no context for our community.

The turnout at last night's Board of Education meeting is a wake up call that the Board needs to move very very slowly on any efforts to undermine diversity, and preferably should simply drop this from the agenda altogether. However, if the Board of Education wants a legal fight with the NAACP, they are likely to find many of us voters, taxpayers, citizens, and parents will support the NAACP in its efforts, both morally and financially.

Furthermore, Mr. Tedesco has stated that members of the public should "get on board" with the new school board majority. Many voters, taxpayers, citizens, and parents are decidedly NOT "on board" with the strident

partisan politics of the current "majority" of Board of Education members.

The newly elected members should keep in mind that they were elected under extremely low voter turn-out. They do not represent the majority of voters, taxpayers, citizens, and parents. I am sure you are beginning to see this, given the public turnout at last night's school board meeting.

Of course, the underlying issue is that the new members want to completely eliminate diversity as a goal in Policy 6200. This proposal to eliminate diversity as a goal completely ignores a very long history of race relations

in the South, and will set Wake County back at least 50 years. Why does the new school board majority feel the need to create and foster racial divisiveness? Eliminating diversity as a goal is a wrongheaded and disproportionate response to complaints of some parents on issues that could be handled administratively.

I urge you to drop the proposal to remove diversity as a goal from Policy 6200. Furthermore, I urge you to rescind the highly partisan vote to hire a Republican lawyer who lacks appropriate experience, and to practice good government by opening legal service contracts to competitive bidding.

Chris Frey

8244 Clarks Branch Drive Raleigh, NC

hcf rey@ bellsouth. net

He said they want to hire Farr because his civil rights experience would be useful if the county were sued by the state NAACP over ending the diversity policy

This message was sent to the following Board members:

Mr. Chris Malone

Dr. Carolyn Morrison Mr. John Tedesco Ms. Deborah Prickett Mr. Kevin l. Hill

Mr. Ron Margiotta

Mr. Keith Sutton

Ms. Debra Goldman Dr. Anne McLaurin

RE: Why is the Board Angling for a Legal Fight with the NAACP ?

Ron Margiotta to: 'Chris Frey' 01/14/201009:07 PM


Committee structure was misreported in the original news article following the recent meeting,was corrected on Sat. 1/9---The committee for Student Achievement will not have citizen members. Am sure the committee will reach out to citizens and groups for assistance and advice.

Committee pertaining to Assignment is intended to have citizen members, I only yesterday appointed the Bd. members to these committees and am working on developing the process for appointments of citizen members to that committee. This is kind of a new one for our School Bd.

I do expect to have other Citizen committees working and HELPING us in the decision making process.

While you might not agree with some of our decisions we are all strong believers of involving the public and respecting their input, we have MANY talented people in our County that can provide us with invaluable input.

Ron Margiotta

From: Chris Frey [] Sent: Thursday, January 14, 20108:58 PM To: Ron Margiotta

Subject: Re: Why is the Board Angling for a Legal Fight with the NAACP?

Mr. Margiotta:

Thank you for your reply.

I wanted to mention to you as Chair of the board that if there is a role for citizen participants on the new committees that the board created, I would be interested in participating. Although my comments have been critical of the new board, I also recognize a responsibility as a citizen to try to provide constructive input where possible, if such input is of interest. For example, I think there is a need for some research on (1) identifying key problems (e.g., the 54 percent graduation rate that has been mentioned) and trying to understand the reasons for the situation; (2) identifying options/alternatives for addressing the problems; (3) providing advice on which options might be appropriate for Wake County; and (4) providing advice regarding implementation.

Thanks again for your reply.

Best wishes,

Chris Frey

From: Ron Margiotta <> To:

Sent: Thu, January 14, 2010 8:24:00 PM

Subject: RE: Why is the Board Angling for a Legal Fight with the NAACP?

Mr. Frey,

You are a smart guy and am sure you understand why the School Bd. is entering into a contract with Mr. Farr from Ogletree Deakins.

We are engaging this attorney and firm to do a an evaluation of our legal expenses with the goal of finding a more efficient cost effective way to provide legal services.We are in some very difficult budget times, I do not see any relief for at least the next two years. We must continue to find any and all $$$ and redirect them into the classroom.


-----Original Message-----

From: [] Sent: Wednesday, December 16, 2009 8:46 AM

To: Chris Malone; Carolyn Morrison; John Tedesco; Deborah Prickett; Kevin Hill; Ron Margiotta; Keith Sutton; Debra Goldman; Anne McLaurin


Subject: Why is the Board Angling for a Legal Fight with the NAACP?

As a voter, taxpayer, citizen, and parent, I would like to know why the new school board majority is looking for a legal fight with the NAACP?

According to Mr. Tedesco, the school board is hiring Republican lawyer Thomas Farr, who has hardly any education law experience, in anticipation of a lawsuit from the NAACP. In the 21st Century, why are we returning to racial politics of the mid-20th Century?

The 5-4 partisan vote to hire Farr, and not to allow the legal job to be publicly bid, demonstrates a high degree of aggressiveness and, frankly, arrogance. This is unacceptable. We are a community. Our elected school board should not be seeking racially charged legal fights with key community groups because of an ideological agenda that has no context for our community.

Furthermore, Mr. Tedesco has stated that members of the public should "get on board" with the new school board majority. Many voters, taxpayers, citizens, and parents are decidedly NOT "on board" with the strident

partisan politics of the current "majority" of Board of Education members.

The newly elected members should keep in mind that they were elected under extremely low voter turn-out. They do not represent the majority of voters, taxpayers, citizens, and parents. I am sure you are beginning to see this, given the public turnout at last night's school board meeting.

Of course, the underlying issue is that the new members want to completely eliminate diversity as a goal in Policy 6200. This proposal to eliminate diversity as a goal completely ignores a very long history of race relations

in the South, and will set Wake County back at least 50 years. Why does the new school board majority feel the need to create and foster racial divisiveness? Eliminating diversity as a goal is a wrongheaded and disproportionate response to complaints of some parents on issues that could be handled administratively.

The turnout at last night's Board of Education meeting is a wake up call that the Board needs to move very very slowly on any efforts to undermine diversity, and preferably should simply drop this from the agenda altogether. However, if the Board of Education wants a legal fight with the NAACP, they are likely to find many of us voters, taxpayers, citizens, and parents will support the NAACP in its efforts, both morally and financially.

I urge you to drop the proposal to remove diversity as a goal from Policy

6200. Furthermore, I urge you to rescind the highly partisan vote to hire a Republican lawyer who lacks appropriate experience, and to practice good government by opening legal service contracts to competitive bidding.

Chris Frey

8244 Clarks Branch Drive Raleigh, NC

He said they want to hire Farr because his civil rights experience would be useful if the county were sued by the state NAACP over ending the diversity policy

This message was sent to the following Board members:

Mr. Chris Malone

Dr. Carolyn Morrison Mr. John Tedesco Ms. Deborah Prickett Mr. Kevin L. Hill

Mr. Ron Margiotta Mr. Keith Sutton

Ms. Debra Goldman Dr. Anne McLaurin

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