Report Peer To Peer Counseling Activities

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Report of the “Peer to Peer Counseling”activity: AYC, Jan and the young ex children of

the street.

On May 9th Amahoro Youth Club through its “Peer to Peer Counseling" commission
achieved its second activity with the ex street youth.

In general the day was a success, the AYC could exchange with these young of the street on
quite a lot of things, their future, their ambitions, their projects. We will note the presence of
Jan Oberg and as guest Joèl Hakizimana President of the association Swiss Janusz Korchack
for the defense of the child's rights.

1. to begin Jan Oberg put back a sum of 150 000 fr to the young following a sale of a photo
that he sold in his gallerie in Sweden. It has been decided that this sum will be shared fairly
by these young. Jan Oberg also gave some of these youngmen some beautiful photos in
manner to remember the time he use to share with them.

2.After a bathing in the lacke, the children met around a lemonade to exchange with the
members of the AYC. To the departure four new children come from Muyinga were
presented by their elders.
Thereafter, every young man presented itself and by the same opportunity said what he wishes
to become later in his life.
3. Some among the young ex children of the street are part of the political parties; Alice
Sindayigaya Responsible of the commission" Study Circle" benefitted from this to give a
message in relation to an appropriate behavior during the electoral period.

4. The young ex children of the street constituted themselves a team of soccer, they gave out
their wish to see Amahoro Youth Club sustaining this activity. For it The commission in
charge of the communication promised to produce a picture on this activity that will be
distributed soon on YouTube.
5. At the end this activity Joèl Hakizimana President of the association Switzerland Jarnuz

Who defends the child's rights invited these young to participate in the day of June 15 on the
occasion of the discount of the literary price Janursz Korchack on the event of the
international day of the African child.
This is how the members of the Peer commission" to Peer Counseling" works of pulls foot to
prepare these young to a benefit that will be presented during this day of June 15.

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