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Where has your rock come from?

Rock picture Evidence – how do you know?

Where did you find this rock? We found this rock near the Because Dami went there and got it.
bank in the river; sample area
was wet and muddy. There
were not much big rocks around
the sample area. The
surrounding was wet and very

Measurement of the rock. Because we measured it with ruler.


Describe the texture We think our rock came from a volcano

Our rock is very bubbly we because its bubbly, we think its shale
think it’s come from a volcano it rock because the way it feels, its breaks
also looks our rock is shale. So easily and it looks like a shale rock. We
we think it’s igneous. Our rock also compared it to a rock hounds
is round not jiggered and sharp picture and they look quite similar.
but it’s quite rough. Its round
around the edges because of
being in the water so long
rolling around with the currents.
Our rock is a purplish pinkish
grey colour, this is because
when it came out of a volcano
and when the lava dry’s it might
turn into a different colour and
that might cause the strange

How did your rock get here? Our rock may have come from We found it at in Hamilton at Ann ST
lake Taupo when it erupted and and it looks like it’s a kind of pumice so
the currents brought it here in that’s evidence it came from a volcano.

Where do you think your rock It might go down stream Because it might go into the water again
might go next? Further down to port Wakato. and the currents might take to down
What could it look like in 6mth It might be a lot smaller and If it falls into the water the currents will
round. erode it and carve it.

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