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Fourth Edition


Foreword by
This book is dedicated to my parents, Ed and the late Selma Field,
who taught me that if I reached
high enough for a star, I would be able to catch one;
and to my sisters,
Jessica and Debbie, who helped me reach.

Career Opportunities in Advertising and Public Relations, Fourth Edition

Copyright © 2006, 2002, 1996, 1990 by Shelly Field

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or
mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage or retrieval systems, without
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132 West 31st Street
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Field, Shelly.
Career opportunities in advertising and public relations/Shelly
Field; foreword by Howard J. Rubenstein.—4th ed.
p. cm.
Includes index.
ISBN 0-8160-6245-5 (alk. paper)
1. Advertising—Vocational guidance. 2. Public relations—Vocational guidance. I. Title.
HF5828.4.F54 2005
659′.023′73—dc22 2005040041

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Acknowledgments v Copywriter 70
Foreword vi Junior Copywriter 73
How to Use This Book vii Copywriter, Direct Response Advertising 75
Introduction viii Media Planner 78
Media Buyer 81
Assistant Media Buyer 84
SECTION 1—CORPORATE AND Market Researcher 87
INDUSTRY Research Assistant 90
Brand Manager, Corporate/Industry 2 Assistant Art Director 92
Assistant Advertising Manager, Commercial Artist 95
Corporate/Industry 5 Computer Graphic Artist 98
Copywriter, Corporate/Industry 8 Lettering Artist 101
Assistant Art Director, Corporate/Industry 11 Mechanical Artist 104
Graphic Designer, Corporate/Industry 14 Pasteup Artist 106
Marketing Assistant, Corporate/Industry 17 Broadcast Production Coordinator 108
Assistant Production Manager, Print 111
Marketing Director—Web site 20
Traffic Coordinator, Print 114
Promotion Coordinator, Corporate/Industry 23
Assistant Casting Agent 117
Assistant Public Relations Director,
Advertising Assistant 120
Corporate/Industry 26
Intern 123
Publications Manager, Corporate/Industry 29
Coordinator of Consumer Affairs,
Customer Relations Representative, Advertising Department Copywriter,
Corporate/Industry 35 Television/Radio 128
Community Relations Coordinator, Public Relations Assistant, Television/Radio 131
Corporate/Industry 38 Advertising Salesperson, Radio 134
Employee Relations Coordinator, Traffic Manager, Radio 137
Corporate/Industry 41 Traffic Assistant, Radio 140
Trade Show Representative, Television Advertising Representative 143
Corporate/Industry 44 Advertising Sales Assistant, Television 146
Special Events Coordinator, Promotion Coordinator, Television 149
Corporate/Industry 47 Promotion Assistant, Television 152
Special Events Assistant, Television Advertising Graphic Artist 155
Corporate/Industry 50 Advertising Production Assistant, Television 158
Shopping Center/Mall Advertising
Manager 53
Shopping Center/Mall Public Relations
Manager 56
Art Director, Retail Outlet 59 Unit Publicist 162
Press Agent 165
SECTION 2—AGENCIES Press Agent Trainee 168
Theatrical Press Agent 171
Account Executive 64 Theatrical Press Agent Apprentice 174
Assistant Account Executive 67 Professional Sports Team Publicist 177
SECTION 5—HOSPITALITY AND Freelance Graphic Artist 245
TOURISM Placement Specialist 247
VIP Coordinator 250
Hotel Publicist 182 Crisis Management Consultant 252
Director of Public Information, Tourism and
Development 185
Hotel Advertising Assistant 188 SECTION 9—MISCELLANEOUS
Nightclub or Restaurant Publicist 191 OPPORTUNITIES
Restaurant/Club Advertising Manager 193 Press Secretary, Government/Political 256
Director of Public Affairs,
Sports Information Director,
Advertising Assistant, Nonprofit College/University 262
Organization 198
Copywriter, Nonprofit Organization 201
Community Relations/Public Relations SECTION 10—APPENDIXES
Coordinator, Police Department 204 I. Degree Programs 266
Graphic Artist, Nonprofit Organization 207 Colleges and Universities Offering
Assistant Director of Hospital Public Majors in Advertising 266
Relations 210 Colleges and Universities Offering
Publication Assistant, Nonprofit Majors in Public Relations 272
Organization 212 II. Internships in Advertising and Public
Assistant Director of Fund-raising and Relations 282
Development, Nonprofit Organization 215 III. Seminars, Workshops, etc. 285
Guest Services Coordinator, Nonprofit IV. Trade Associations, Unions, and Other
Organization 218 Organizations 287
V. Advertising Agencies 294
SECTION 7—PUBLISHING VI. Public Relations Agencies 297
VII. Advertising and Public Relations
Promotion Coordinator, Newspapers 222 Recruiting Agencies 301
Public Relations Assistant, Magazines 225
Advertising Sales Representative, Glossary 306
Newspapers and Magazines 228
Community Relations Coordinator, Bibliography 309
Newspapers and Magazines 230 A. Books 309
Advertising Assistant, Book Publishing 233 B. Periodicals 313
Publicity Assistant, Book Publishing 235 C. Directories 317
D. Media Directories 318

Public Relations Generalist 238 About the Author 324

Freelance Speechwriter 241
Freelance Copywriter 243
I thank every individual, company, corporation, agency, Honda; Dan England; Dress Barn; Michelle Edwards; Scott
association, and union that provided information, assis- Edwards; Valerie Esper; Ernest Evans; Field Associates,
tance, and encouragement for this book. Ltd.; Deborah K. Field, Esq.; Edwin M. Field; Lillian
First and foremost, I acknowledge with appreciation my (Cookie) Field; Mike Field; Robert Field; Selma G. Field;
editor, James Chambers, for his continuous help, encourage- Finkelstein Memorial Library Staff; David Garthe, CEO,
ment, and guidance. I am thankful to Kate Kelly, who, as; John Gatto; Shelia Gatto; Sam Goldych;
my initial editor, provided the original impetus for this book Alex Goldman; Grey Advertising; Gary Halcott; Joyce Har-
as well as for a number of my other books. Thanks also to rington; Hermann Memorial Library Staff; Joan Hezza;
Randy Gill and Neal Maillet for their help. I gratefully Joan Howard; Jo Hunt; International Council of Shopping
acknowledge the assistance of Ed Field for his ongoing sup- Centers; Julia Jacobs; Jimmy “Handyman” Jones; Margo
port in this and every project. Jones; Dave Kleinman; Janice Kleinman; Dr. John C. Koch,
Other organizations and individuals whose help was Sullivan County Performing Arts Council; Bruce Kohl,
invaluable include: the Academy of Hospital Public Rela- Boston; Tom Lagrutta; Karen Leever; Liberty
tions; Ellen Ackerman; Advertising Club of New York; Public Library Staff; Lipman Advertising; William Little,
Advertising Council; Advertising Research Foundation; Jr.; Dorothy Marcus; Robert Masters, Esq.; McCann Erick-
Advertising Women of New York, Inc.; Julie Allen; Ameri- son; Judy McCoy; Lois McCluskey; Phillip Mestman; Rima
can Advertising Federation; American Association of Mestman; Beverly Michaels, Esq.; Martin Michaels, Esq.;
Advertising Agencies; American Society for Hospital Mar- Monticello Central High School Guidance Department;
keting and Public Relations; Art Directors Club, Inc.; Asso- Monticello Central School High School Library Staff; Mon-
ciation of National Advertisers; Association of Theatrical ticello Central School Middle School Library Staff; Sharon
Press Agents and Managers; Dan Barrett; Lloyd, Barriger, Morris; Ellis Norman, UNLV; Dorothy Olim; The One
Barriger and Barriger; Debra Barnes; Allan Barrish; Warren Club; Outlet Bound; Ed Pearson, Nikkodo, USA; Barbara
Bergstrom; Eugene Blabey, WVOS Radio; Robert Boone, Pezzella; Public Relations Society of America; Doug Pup-
Isle of Capri Casinos; Theresa Bull; Business/Professional pel; Harvey Rachlin; Ramapo Catskill Library System;
Advertising Association; Liane Carpenter; Earl “Speedo” Doug Richards; John Riegler; David Rosenberg, Human
Carroll; Eileen Casey, Superintendent, Monticello Central Resources Manager, Grey Advertising; Howard Rubenstein;
Schools; Casino Career Center; Mary Cawley; Anthony Diane Rudd; Saatchi & Saatchi Advertising; Joy Shaffer;
Cellini, Town of Thompson Supervisor; Patricia Claghorn; Raun Smith; Society of Illustrators; Laura Solomon; Laurie
Andy Cohen; Bernard Cohen, Horizon Advertising; Dr. Jes- Spar; Parke Spencer; Aileen Spertell; Matthew Strong; Tom
sica L. Cohen; Lorraine Cohen; Norman Cohen; Jan Cor- Sutton; Thrall Library Staff; Marie Tremper; Brian Vargas;
nelius; Crawford Memorial Library Staff; Margaret Cross- Kaytee Warren; Carol Williams; John Williams; John Wolfe;
ley, Nevada Society of Certified Public Accountants; Meike WTZA-Television; WSUL Radio; WVOS Radio.
Cryan; Direct Marketing Association, Inc., Mark Di Raf- My thanks also to the many people and companies who
faele, Direct Marketing Educational Foundation, Inc.; provided material for this book who wish to remain
Joseph Doucette, General Sales Manager, Middletown anonymous.
It’s exciting to pick up the new edition of Shelly Field’s guide Fifty years ago, I began my own public relations agency.
to Career Opportunities in Advertising and Public Relations Probably from my father’s strong influence—he was a
and discover that the book’s relevance has only grown in police reporter—the firm developed and has grown to func-
recent years. Of course there’ve been changes in the land- tion a good deal like a newsroom. On any given day, we’re
scape of new media since the third edition was published, but interviewing newsmakers for quotes, writing, sharing ideas
career opportunities in PR and advertising have kept pace and between colleagues, following the breaking news on the
there remains a strong need for creative individuals who can wires and doing our best to channel all this information fir-
shape the message to bring about bottomline results. ing at us into stories that enable our clients to achieve their
The explosion of online information, whether through goals. Just like in a newsroom, you can never be sure of the
Web sites complementing traditional news outlets or developments that the next half-hour will bring, let alone the
through blogs and other digitized formats, has only next day. But whatever comes at you, you’ve got to draw on
enhanced the role of media in our culture. It sometimes all your skills to communicate the client’s message. You’ve
seems as if everybody’s plugged into one news source or always got to remember that you have your own story to
another all the time. What this means for people looking to break; and wherever possible, other stories should be feed-
enter the fields of public relations and advertising is that the ing into the one you’re trying to tell.
pace of everything has increased—but so has the number of I think Shelly Field’s Career Opportunities in Advertis-
places in which to communicate a client’s message. Our job ing and Public Relations is a terrific road map for anyone
as professionals in the communications industry is to plunge either entering the field for the first time or contemplating a
into the fray and recognize that while strategies and formats move to a new firm. Not only does she do a great job of
might change, the basics of the business remain the same. explaining the opportunities out there today, she gives read-
You still need to develop strong writing and oral presenta- ers the necessary resources to translate her lessons into new
tion skills. You still have to be able to think on your feet and strategies to meet the inevitable changes that will come as
work hard. And you still have to make integrity and honesty the fields evolve. Both advertising and public relations are
an absolute priority in everything you do. In order to acquire now such broad industries that you need a guide like never
these assets, a good guide to the business is essential. before to find your way around. With Shelly’s book in hand,
I’ve always seen three main tracks of activity at the core you’ll make your way through the maze just fine.
of any information service business: creating a brand iden-
tity; managing the flow of information to all types of audi- Howard J. Rubenstein
ences; and shaping public perception of both the brand and President
the information flow. Those essentials haven’t changed in Rubenstein Associates, Inc.
the digital age. As publicists and advertisers, we’re still the Public Relations
people who stay out of sight creating the message that meets
the public eye.
Purpose information came from personal working experience. Other
The advertising and public relations industries offer a myr- data were obtained from business associates and colleagues in
iad of careers. Thousands of people want to work in these various positions in advertising and public relations.
interrelated industries but have no idea how to go about get- Among the people interviewed were men and women in
ting jobs. They are not aware of the career opportunities, all aspects of the advertising and public relations industries.
where to find them, or the training required to be successful These included people in the corporate world, colleges,
in their quest. trade associations, not-for-profit organizations, newspapers,
Until the first edition of this book was published in 1989, magazines, radio and television stations, politics, and gov-
there was no single reliable source describing the major job ernment. Also interviewed were publicists, public relations
opportunities in the advertising and public relations indus- counselors, advertising agency owners and employees,
tries. Four editions later, this book still serves as a guide for hotel, nightclub, and restaurant owners and managers, Web
all those seeking a career in these industries. The 2006 edition site marketers, freelancers, and businesspeople. Employ-
of Career Opportunities in Advertising and Public Relations ment agencies were contacted as well as recruiting firms,
includes all the updated information you need to prepare for schools, personnel offices, unions, and trade associations.
and find an exciting and rewarding job in these fields.
This book was written for everyone who aspires to work Organization of Material
in any aspect of advertising and public relations but doesn’t Career Opportunities in Advertising and Public Relations is
know how to start. It was written to help you get a great job divided into nine general employment sections. These
and climb the career ladder to success. include: Corporate and Industry; Agencies; Radio and Tele-
The 88 jobs covered in this book encompass careers in vision; Sports and Entertainment; Hospitality and Tourism;
agencies and in the corporate world. There are very few Nonprofit Agencies; Publishing; Freelance and Consulting;
types of organizations in the country, or in the world for that and Miscellaneous Opportunities. Within each of these sec-
matter, that do not need or use advertising and public rela- tions are descriptions of individual careers.
tions in some form. Opportunities exist in a wide array of There are two parts to each job classification. The first
companies and businesses, not-for-profit organizations, tele- part offers job information in a chart form. The second part
vision and radio stations, publications, political parties, presents information in a narrative text.
schools, and governmental entities as well as online busi- In addition to the basic career description there is infor-
nesses and Web sites. mation about unions and associations, as well as tips for
Advertising and public relations are multibillion-dollar entry. Seven appendixes, a glossary, and a bibliography are
industries whose growth continues with a multitude of
offered to help locate information you might want or need to
career opportunities. The advertising and public relations
get started looking for a job in the field. E-mail addresses
industries need a variety of people with many different tal-
and Web sites are included when available for companies
ents. Secretaries, receptionists, accountants, executives,
listed in the appendixes. This should make it even easier to
salespeople, publicists, press agents, copywriters, computer
obtain additional information.
technicians, artists, writers, designers, Webmasters, and oth-
Your career in advertising and/or public relations can be
ers are required. The trick in locating a job is to develop
exciting, glamorous, and fulfilling. Whichever facet of the
your skills and use them to get your foot in the door. Once
business you choose to enter, your work can be far-reaching
in, learn as much as you can, work hard, and climb the
in terms of its effects on individuals, the community, and
career ladder into other positions.
even a worldwide audience.
This fourth edition includes updated information neces-
This book will help you prepare for a great career you
sary to prepare you and help you find an exciting and
will love. It will give you the edge over other job seekers.
rewarding career in these fields.
The jobs in advertising and public relations are out there
waiting for you. You just have to go after them.
Sources of Information
Information for this book was obtained through interviews, Shelly Field
questionnaires, and a wide variety of additional sources. Some
The advertising and public relations industries are multibil- nies are structured in exactly the same way. Therefore, no
lion-dollar businesses. Thousands of people work in these two jobs will be precisely the same. For example, note the
industries. One of them can be you! figures on the following pages. These illustrate tables of
Advertising and public relations coupled together can organization for a typical advertising and public relations
have a significant effect on people. Every time you make a agency and a typical communications department within a
decision to buy a product, choose a vacation spot, vote for a corporation. However, as no two companies are set up the
political candidate, watch a television show, go to a movie, same way, other agencies and corporations might have dif-
read a story about an entertainer, celebrity, new product or ferent tables of organization. The company might have peo-
business, or even choose a Web site search engine you are ple reporting to other executives. The company might also
feeling the effects of both of these disciplines. eliminate some positions on the chart or add others.
We are surrounded by advertising on a daily basis: televi-
sion commercials, radio spots, advertisements in the newspa-
Salary Range
per or magazines, highway billboards, bright pylon signs on
Salary ranges for the 88 job titles in the book are as accurate
buildings, mass transit posters, or even banner or pop-up ads
as possible. Salaries for a job will depend on the size and
on the Internet. We are similarly surrounded by public rela-
location of a company as well as the experience and respon-
tions campaigns that attempt to provide us with opinions,
sibilities of the individual.
often trying to influence us to change the ones we have now.
A career in advertising and public relations can be chal-
lenging and demanding. It can also be glamorous, fun, and Employment Prospects
very rewarding. If you choose a job that has an EXCELLENT, GOOD, or
As you read the various sections in this book, searching FAIR rating, you will have an easier time finding a job. If,
to find the job you have always dreamed about, keep in however, you would like to work at a job that has a POOR
mind that there are many ways to get into advertising and rating, don’t despair. The rating means only that it is diffi-
public relations. I have provided you with the guidelines. cult to obtain a job—but not totally impossible.
The next step is yours.
Within each section of this book you will find all the
Advancement Prospects
information necessary to acquaint you with the important
Try to be cooperative and helpful in the workplace. Don’t
jobs in both industries. A key to the organization of each
try to see how little work you can do. Be enthusiastic, ener-
entry follows.
getic, and outgoing. Do that little extra that no one asked
you to do. Learn as much as you can. When a job advance-
Alternate Titles ment possibility opens up, make sure that you are prepared
Many jobs in advertising and public relations, as in all for it.
industries, are known by alternate titles. The duties of these
jobs are the same, only the names are different. The title Education and Training
varies from company to company and from agency to
This book outlines the minimum training and educational
requirements, but this does not mean that it is all you should
have. Get the best training and education possible. A college
Career Ladder degree does not guarantee a job in either advertising or pub-
The career ladder illustrates a normal job progression. lic relations, but it will help prepare you for life in the work-
Remember that in the advertising and public relations indus- place.
tries there are no hard-and-fast rules. Job progression may
occur in almost any manner. Experience, Skills, and Personality Traits
These will differ from job to job. However, any job will
Position Description require a lot of perseverance and energy. You will also have
Every effort has been made to give well-rounded job to be articulate. An outgoing personality helps. Contacts are
descriptions. Keep in mind that no two agencies or compa- important in all facets of business; make as many as you

can. These people will be helpful in advancing your career If you are applying for a creative job such as artist or
and helping you network. copywriter, put together a portfolio of your best work. Make
it neat and imaginative. This will help illustrate your poten-
Best Geographical Location tial. Bring this with you to all interviews.
Use every contact you have. Don’t get hung up on the
Most major agencies are located in cities such as New York,
idea that you want to get a job by yourself. If you are lucky
Atlanta, Los Angeles, Chicago, Detroit, Boston, Minneapo-
enough to know someone who can help you obtain the job
lis, Pittsburgh, Washington, Dallas, and Cleveland. This
you want, take him or her up on the offer. It will be up to
does not mean that these are the only locations in which to
you to prove yourself at the interview and on the job;
look for employment, however. Smaller agencies or those
nobody can do that for you.
found in other cities will often offer easier entry into the
Use the Internet to help you research companies, look for
advertising and public relations world.
jobs, get ideas, and keep up with trends. If you don’t have
Jobs in television, radio, publishing, hospitality, tourism,
Internet access at home, most schools, colleges, and public
and entertainment may be located both in large cities and in
libraries generally offer free on-site access.
less populated areas. While government or political posi-
Be on time for everything. This includes job interviews,
tions may be located in Washington, D.C., or in any of the
phone calls, work, meetings, sending letters, and answering
state capitals, they might also be found in other areas.
e-mails. People will remember when you are habitually late,
Opportunities in corporate and nonprofit organizations may
and this will work against you in advancing your career.
be found almost anywhere in the country.
Learn something positive from every experience. Don’t
burn bridges. Don’t criticize prior bosses, clients, or jobs.
Unions and Associations The advertising and public relations world is a small one. In
Unions and trade associations offer valuable help in getting short do your best at all times. A good professional reputa-
into the advertising and public relations industry, obtaining tion will follow you throughout your career.
jobs, and making contacts. They may also offer scholar- Have fun reading this book. Use it. It will help you find a
ships, fellowships, seminars, and other beneficial programs. career you will truly love. The world of advertising and pub-
lic relations can be both glamorous and exciting. You will
wake up and go to work every day knowing that the results
Tips for Entry
of your job will be influencing others.
Use this section for ideas on how to get a job and gain entry
Don’t get discouraged. People rarely get the first job they
into your area of interest. When applying for any job,
apply for. You may have to knock on a lot of doors, send out
always be professional. Dress neatly and conservatively for
many résumés, and apply for a lot of jobs, but you will even-
interviews. Don’t wear sneakers. Don’t chew gum. Don’t
tually find the job of your dreams. When you do get it, share
smoke in the reception area before an interview or during an
your knowledge and help others get into the business too.
interview. Don’t wear heavy perfume or cologne. Always
We love to hear success stories. If this book helped you
have a few copies of your résumé with you. These should
in your quest for a job and you would like to share your
look neat and professional. Have résumés typed and well
story, go to and let us know.
presented. Make sure you check and recheck for errors in
Good luck!
grammar, spelling, and content. Don’t just rely on your
computer’s spelling and grammar checker.



Duties: Develop, direct, and implement marketing efforts

for a specific brand or product; identify key markets and Brand Manager for a Larger, More
potential customers; develop pricing and distribution Prestigious Brand or Corporate
strategies Marketing Director

Alternate Title(s): Brand Marketing Manager; Product


Salary Range: $30,000 to $150,000+ Brand Manager

Employment Prospects: Good

Advancement Prospects: Good

Assistant or Associate Brand Manager,
Best Geographical Location(s): Positions may be located or Brand or Product Executive
throughout the country; greatest number of opportuni-
ties will exist in cities with many large corporations or

Education or Training—Minimum of bachelor’s degree
in marketing, communications, liberal arts, advertising,
public relations, or related field
Experience—Experience in marketing and branding
Special Skills and Personality Traits—Creative, com-
munication skills; detail-oriented, motivated, decision-
making ability; people skills; supervisory skills

Position Description initiatives, special packaging, and/or point of purchase

Many large corporations often comprise a number of smaller pieces for the specific brand, as well as promotions, sweep-
companies or divisions, each with their own brand. Mars, Inc., stakes, contests, giveaways, and coupons.
for example, is the parent company of many brands, including The Brand Manager is expected to develop budgets for
3 Musketeers, M&Ms, Skittles, Snickers, Mars, Milky Way, his or her department. In doing so, the individual deter-
and an array of others. Similarly, the Sara Lee Corporation not mines how best to spend the monies allocated in order to
only has its own Sara Lee brand, but also well-known brands increase sales. Should more monies go toward research?
such as Hillshire Farms, Kiwi, Jimmy Dean, and Playtex. What about advertising? How about changing the packag-
While there generally is a corporate marketing director, ing? The decisions of the Brand Manager can affect the
many companies with multiple brands also have specific bottom line of the brand.
Brand Managers. These are the individuals responsible for Brand Managers often work with the research and devel-
developing and implementing marketing campaigns for opment team. This might be necessary, for example, to
their particular brand. determine how products within the brand can be improved.
Depending on the structure of the company, Brand Man- Would customers purchase more if products were offered in
agers can have an array of responsibilities. Individuals are single-serve packages? Is a sauce too spicy? Does the pack-
expected to develop both long- and short-term strategic mar- aging need updating? Do consumers purchase a product
keting plans for the brand. These might include marketing once and then not again? The Brand Manager works with

the research and development team to determine not only Advancement Prospects
why, but what can be done to turn the problem around. Advancement prospects are fair for Brand Managers. Those
An important function of the Brand Manager is locating who prove themselves will have no trouble moving up the
key markets and potential customers. To do this, he or she corporate career ladder. There are a number of ways individ-
might deal with the advertising department or the advertis- uals working in this area can advance their career.
ing agency in charge of the brand not only to locate these The common forms of career progression are either find-
markets, but also to find ways to reach them. ing a similar job in larger, more prestigious company or being
Will advertising in a new media increase sales? Will it promoted within the same agency to handle a more presti-
pay off? Can the Brand Manager fit the new advertising gious brand. Some individuals climb the career ladder by
campaign into his or her budget? There are always questions becoming corporate marketing directors for large companies.
that need to be looked into, researched, and answered.
The Brand Manager is always on the lookout for the best
Education and Training
way to pitch the brand or product to the consumer. In order
to gauge the consumer’s reaction, he or she works with the Most companies require a minimum of a bachelor’s degree
market research departments. The Brand Manager also for this position. Helpful majors include marketing, adver-
works with members of the production, packaging, promo- tising, communications, or a related field.
tion, distribution, advertising, and sales departments in Seminars and workshops in market research, branding,
developing the most effective packaging, promotional mate- marketing, and advertising will be useful in honing skills.
rials, advertisements, and commercials. He or she is also
expected to develop pricing and distribution strategies. The Experience, Skills, and Personality Traits
Brand Manager does everything possible to make the brand Brand Managers working in the corporate world need expe-
competitive in the marketplace. rience in branding and marketing. This experience is gener-
When new products in the brand are introduced, the ally obtained by working in the marketing department.
Brand Manager also works closely with the public relations The most successful Brand Managers are highly moti-
department and/or agency in launching a media blitz and vated, ambitious, energetic individuals. Excellent written
coordinating public relations activities. He or she is and verbal communication skills are essential. Individuals
expected to monitor and control all advertising and promo- should be detail-oriented and have the ability to multitask
tions within the brand. As part of the job, the individual is without getting flustered. The ability to prioritize and organ-
also responsible for keeping up with industry trends and the ize is vital.
competition. Creativity and innovation are a must. Interpersonal skills
The Brand Manager is essential to the success of the and the ability to understand people’s thought patterns are
brand. His or her decisions and expertise can make the dif- helpful. Excellent analytical and quantitative abilities are
ference between a brand or product “making it” and one that crucial.
ultimately falls between the cracks. For those who enjoy
being in the forefront of the corporate industry, this might
Unions and Associations
be the ideal career choice.
Brand Managers working in the corporate world may belong
to a number of associations that provide career guidance and
Salaries professional support. These include the American Marketing
There is a wide range of salaries for corporate Brand Man- Association (AMA), the Direct Marketing Association
agers. Individuals in this field generally earn from $30,000 (DMA), the Marketing Research Association (MRA), and the
to $150,000 or more annually. Factors affecting earnings Advertising Research Foundation (ARF), among others.
include the size, prestige, and geographic location of the
company in which the individual works. Other factors
Tips for Entry
include the experience and professional reputation of the
1. If you’re still in school, look for an internship. These
Brand Manager. In many cases, individuals also receive
are valuable in providing experience and helping you
bonuses based on increased product sales.
make important contacts.
2. Take classes, workshops, and seminars in marketing,
Employment Prospects brand management, and consumer research. In addi-
Employment prospects are good for talented Brand Man- tion to honing your skills, they provide excellent net-
agers. Positions may be offered in a variety of companies working opportunities.
hosting multiple brands, including those that manufacture 3. Positions may be advertised in the classified section
products as well as companies that provide services. Indi- of newspapers under heading classifications such as
viduals may need to relocate to find a position. “Brand Manager,” “Product Manager,” “Marketing,”

“Corporate and Industry,” or in specific corporate sites like or and go from
company advertisements. there.
4. Jobs may be advertised in trade journals 6. Corporate Web sites often list job openings. Visit the
5. Don’t forget to check out openings on the Web. sites of companies you might be interested in working
Start with some of the more popular career and job for.



Duties: Assist advertising director in the development and

implementation of corporate advertising campaigns; cre- Director of Advertising
ate advertisements; perform research; assist in the devel-
opment of annual advertising budget

Alternate Title(s): Assistant Advertising Coordinator

Assistant Advertising Manager
Salary Range: $23,500 to $58,000+

Employment Prospects: Fair

Advancement Prospects: Fair Advertising, Promotion,

or Marketing Assistant
Best Geographical Location(s): Positions are located
throughout the country.

Education or Training—Four-year college degree
Experience—Experience in advertising is usually
Special Skills and Personality Traits—Understand-
ing of the advertising industry; creative; innovative;
copywriting skills; knowledge of layout and graphics;

Position Description information the individual can create innovative ads and
The Assistant Advertising Manager of a corporation works promotions that will attract consumers and sell products.
with the advertising director to develop an advertising pro- In certain corporations the Assistant Advertising Man-
gram for the company. The individual will assist the director ager is responsible only for the advertising of a specific
of the department in estimating and/or developing an annual product. For example, the individual may work for a corpo-
budget and implementing the program. ration that produces women’s cosmetics, men’s hair prod-
In some corporations there are large advertising depart- ucts, and a line of vitamins. The Assistant Advertising
ments filled with artists, copywriters, researchers, and Manager may just be responsible for developing the adver-
media buyers. In others there might be just a director of tising program for the women’s cosmetic line.
advertising or a director and an Assistant Advertising Man- If the corporation is not very large or the company does
ager. Depending on the size and structure of the corpora- not have its own researchers, the Assistant Advertising Man-
tion and the advertising department, the individual will ager may be expected to do research. He or she may
have varied duties. research the company’s prior advertising campaigns and
It is part of the responsibility of the Assistant Advertising their effectiveness or may delve into consumer buying
Manager to develop advertising campaigns and programs trends. The individual may do profiles on those who use the
that are both effective and cost-efficient. He or she has to company’s products in order to develop better advertising
know the company and its products inside out. With this programs. He or she might also evaluate secondary research

done by others. The Assistant Advertising Manager may be tion and location. Individuals can expect salaries to range
required to write questionnaires for consumer information from $23,500 to $58,000 plus.
files or supervise research interviews. Variables in compensation include the size, location, and
The Assistant Advertising Manager works with the direc- prestige of the corporation and the experience and responsi-
tor of the department in preparing annual media budgets. The bilities of the individual. Those working in smaller compa-
individual is often required to do a lot of the legwork associ- nies average salaries between $23,500 and $27,000 a year.
ated with this function. He or she may have to obtain rate Mid-size companies may pay Assistant Advertising Man-
cards, discount information, and demographics from various agers between $26,000 and $40,000 annually. In larger cor-
media, as well as meet with media representatives. Media porations individuals in this position may earn up to
costs can then be estimated for the coming year. In some $58,000 or more.
companies the advertising department reviews the advertis-
ing expenditures of competitive companies. This responsibil- Employment Prospects
ity usually falls to the Assistant Advertising Manager. Employment prospects are fair for those seeking employ-
Depending on the size of the corporation and the adver- ment as Assistant Advertising Manager in corporations.
tising department, the Assistant Advertising Manager may Individuals may find job opportunities located throughout
be responsible for writing copy, creating graphics, and the country.
doing layout for print ads. He or she might also create story- More and more corporations today are using in-house
boards and scripts for television or radio commercials or advertising departments instead of advertising agencies.
oversee their production and taping. Conversely, the indi- This trend is expected to continue in the coming years.
vidual might supervise others in the department who are Individuals with limited experience may find employ-
performing these tasks or may be required to hire freelance ment prospects better if they look into smaller corporations.
or outside people.
The Assistant Advertising Manager is often required to
place ads, purchase space or time on television or radio, and Advancement Prospects
come up with promotions. In certain corporations the adver- Advancement prospects are fair for Assistant Advertising
tising department carries out functions of promotion and Managers. Some people may advance by keeping the same
marketing. In others the department develops advertise- job title but moving to a larger, more prestigious corporation
ments for promotions that have been created by the promo- that provides increased earnings. Others climb the career
tion or marketing department. ladder by becoming the director of the advertising depart-
The Assistant Advertising Manager may be responsible ment.
for checking billing, authorizing payments, and keeping In order to advance, individuals must be conscientious,
accurate records. He or she might be required to make sure creative, and innovative while performing their jobs.
that copy for ads is accurate, that all ads are reviewed by the
director or other proper people, and that ads and commer- Education and Training
cials are delivered to the media in time for placement. Most corporations require that individuals hold four-year
The Assistant Advertising Manager in the corporate college degrees. Good choices for majors for those inter-
world is often expected to assist with the development of ested in working in corporate advertising include advertis-
ideas for new products and new product names. He or she ing, marketing, public relations, communications, liberal
may be required to meet with the advertising director, pro- arts, English, or business.
motion manager, public relations director, or marketing Graduate degrees are often useful to those who seek
manager to discuss new ideas for advertising and implemen- rapid advancement.
tation of company products.
The Assistant Advertising Manager is responsible to the
Experience, Skills, and Personality Traits
director of the advertising department. In certain corpora-
The Assistant Advertising Manager working in a large or
tions there is no advertising director. Instead, the marketing
mid-sized corporation is usually required to have experience
director is the immediate supervisor of those working in the
in advertising. This might come through an internship or
advertising department.
training program. Other individuals obtain experience work-
The Assistant Advertising Manager is required to work
ing in the advertising, marketing, or promotion departments.
normal business hours, as well as overtime when projects
On occasion smaller companies might hire someone right
need to be completed or deadlines must be met.
out of college if his or her résumé looks good and the indi-
vidual shows talent. Working in a smaller company is also a
Salaries good way to gain experience.
Earnings for Assistant Advertising Managers working in the Assistant Advertising Managers should be creative and
corporate world vary greatly, depending on the job descrip- innovative people. A complete understanding of the adver-

tising industry is necessary. Individuals should have copy- Tips for Entry
writing skills as well as a knowledge of graphics and layout. 1. Large corporations may offer internships or training
The successful Assistant Advertising Manager is articu- programs. These are useful because they give you
late, aggressive, personable, and persuasive. He or she hands-on experience and help you make important
should have a working knowledge of all advertising tech- contacts.
niques, processes, and policies. 2. Join trade associations—especially those that offer
student memberships. These groups can often provide
Unions and Associations you with job information and leads.
Assistant Advertising Managers working in corporations do 3. Read the trades. These magazines frequently adver-
not belong to any union. They may belong to a number of tise job openings and keep you up on current trends in
trade associations. These groups provide members with advertising. If you can’t find them in your local
informational and educational seminars, conferences, and library or magazine store, write to the publisher about
materials. They also provide a forum for individuals work- a short-term subscription.
ing in the advertising industry. 4. Jobs are also advertised in the newspaper classified
These groups include the American Advertising Federa- section. Look under category headings of “Business,”
tion (AAF), the Direct Marketing Association, Inc. (DMA), “Advertising,” or “Corporations.”
the Advertising Club of New York, the Advertising Research 5. Attend seminars in all phases of advertising. Not only
Foundation (ARF), Advertising Women of New York, Inc. will you hone your skills, but you will also make
(AWNY), Business Marketing Association (BMA), and the more professional contacts.
Association of National Advertisers, Inc. (ANA). 6. Check out job opportunities online. Many companies
Individuals might also be members of trade associations have job openings listed on their Web site.
that are specific to their particular corporations.


Duties: Write copy for internal and external publications;

develop copy for print advertising, broadcast commer- Publications Manager
cials, and outdoor media

Alternate Title(s): None

Salary Range: $23,000 to $60,000+ Copywriter

Employment Prospects: Good

Advancement Prospects: Good

Journalist Position, Intern,
Best Geographical Location(s): Positions are located or Entry Level
throughout the country.

Education or Training—Four-year degree required,
with major in public relations, English, journalism, com-
munications, marketing, advertising, or liberal arts
Experience—Writing experience helpful, but not required
in all positions.
Special Skills and Personality Traits—Good writing
skills; creative; articulate; good grammar, spelling, and
word usage; ability to work quickly and accurately

Position Description Copywriters who write speeches for corporate execu-

Copywriters working in corporations and industry have var- tives usually have to spend some time with the executives.
ied responsibilities depending on the structure of the com- The individual must write speeches in an informative,
pany and the department they are working in. interesting, and often witty manner. He or she meets with
Individuals may be responsible for writing the copy for an executive and decides what topic must be covered. The
any of the internal or external publications the corporation Copywriter then tries to write in the “voice” of the
produces and/or the copy for corporate ads and commercials. speaker.
The Copywriter may be required to write news releases, fea- Speech writing is difficult for most people. The speaker
ture articles, newsletters, brochures, leaflets, annual reports, often has ideas in his or her mind that are not communicated
letters, and memos. He or she might also be responsible for immediately to the Copywriter. The Copywriter may have to
writing stockholder reports, annual reports, proposals, change the speech many times before getting to a final,
speeches, scripts for audiovisual material, instructional accepted draft.
booklets, giveaway sheets, and promotional materials. The Copywriter may get assignments from a number of
In order for the Copywriter to do his or her job accu- sources. These include the publication manager, if there is
rately, he or she generally has to do some sort of research to one; the public relations, marketing, promotion or consumer
obtain the required facts. This research might include any- affairs director; or the advertising manager. The individual
thing from talking to a department head to obtain informa- may be responsible to any of these people, depending on the
tion on a press release to using the library to obtain needed structure of the corporation. After the assignment is com-
facts. It is imperative that all information used by the Copy- pleted the individual usually has the project approved by the
writer is accurate. appropriate superior.

The Copywriter may have ongoing assignments, such as Education and Training
weekly internal newsletters, weekly press releases for the Most corporate positions for Copywriters require a four-year
media, monthly feature articles for a newspaper or maga- degree. Good choices for majors might include English,
zine. journalism, public relations, marketing, communications,
If the Copywriter is working in the advertising depart- advertising, or liberal arts.
ment, he or she may be responsible for developing innovative, Additional courses and seminars in all facets of writing,
creative copy for both print advertisements and radio or tele- advertising, publicity, and public relations will prove useful
vision commercials. The individual may also be required to to the individual.
write copy for billboards and other outdoor advertisements.
He or she may be required to write headlines, body copy,
or both. Depending on the structure of the advertising depart- Experience, Skills, and Personality Traits
ment, the Copywriter may be responsible for developing the Copywriters must enjoy writing. Whether they are writing
entire theme of an ad or series of ads or may work with the copy for advertisements, press releases, brochures, audio or
theme provided for him or her by the advertising director. audiovisual scripts, or newsletters, they must be able to do it
The individual may be responsible for writing copy for in an interesting, creative, clear, factual manner. The indi-
other things, including direct mail pieces, sales letters, pro- vidual must have a working knowledge of grammar, word
motional materials, manuals, and posters. usage, and spelling.
The Copywriter working in a corporate setting usually Copywriters should have the ability to work quickly and
works normal business hours. He or she may, however, take accurately. They must know how to research information for
work home or come up with ideas for copy at night or on articles and check details for accuracy. Typing, word process-
weekends. It is hard to turn off creativity. When projects ing, and/or computer ability is necessary for most positions.
need to be completed or advertising deadlines are near, he or The Copywriter should be able to communicate effec-
she may be required to work overtime. tively in person as well as on paper. This is especially impor-
tant for those who want to climb the career ladder rapidly.
Salaries Many Copywriters working in corporations entered the
Salaries may differ greatly for individuals in this job. Fac- job market right out of college. Others worked in journalism
tors for this include the skills, experience, and responsibili- positions as reporters or columnists.
ties of the Copywriter. Other differentials include the size
and location of the corporation. Unions and Associations
Earnings may begin as low as $23,000 and go up to Copywriters working in the corporate world may belong to
$30,000 annually for individuals just entering the job force. a number of trade associations that help bring them together
Experienced, creative Copywriters who carry a lot of job with others in the same line of work. The associations also
responsibility in a large corporation may earn up to $60,000 offer conferences, seminars, courses, and professional guid-
or more a year. ance.
Depending on the individual’s duties, he or she may
Employment Prospects belong to any of the following organizations: the Public
Employment prospects are good for individuals seeking Relations Society of America (PRSA), the American Adver-
employment as Copywriters in corporate businesses. There tising Federation (AAF), the American Marketing Associa-
are thousands of corporations that hold employment possi- tion, the Advertising Club of New York, the Advertising
bilities located all over the country. Research Foundation (ARF), Advertising Women of New
There is also a high turnover in this position due to York, Inc. (AWNY), the One Club, the International Associ-
advancement and promotion. This is especially true at the ation of Business Communicators (IABC), the Association
entry level. for Business Communications (ABC), and the Association
for Women In Communications (AWC).
Advancement Prospects
Advancement prospects are good for Copywriters working Tips for Entry
in corporations. An individual can take a number of differ- 1. Get as much experience writing as you can. Volunteer
ent paths in climbing the career ladder. The Copywriter may to write press releases, newsletters, and advertising
become a publications manager. He or she might advance to copy for local civic and nonprofit groups.
be assistant director of public relations. An individual may 2. Join your school newspaper. This will give you valu-
also stay a Copywriter but locate a position in a larger, more able hands-on experience.
prestigious corporation or possibly an advertising or public 3. Consider finding a summer or part-time job at a local
relations agency. newspaper or magazine as a reporter or columnist.

Work experience always looks good on an entry-level more about your craft and help to build a list of pro-
résumé. fessional contacts.
4. Take courses and seminars on all varieties or writing. 7. Many large corporations offer internships and training
Hone your skills. programs. Try to locate one of these and ask to work
5. Put together a portfolio of your work that has in the publications, public relations, or advertising
appeared in print. If you have nothing, put together a department.
portfolio of samples of different kinds of writing. For 8. Don’t forget to check out job openings on company
example, include press releases, photo captions, fea- Web sites.
ture articles, ad copy, etc. 9. Job possibilities might also be located on job and career
6. Join trade associations and attend their meetings, con- Web sites such as and
ferences, and seminars. These can help you learn



Duties: Assist art director of corporate advertising depart-

ment formulating advertisements and ad campaigns; cre- Art Director
ate ads

Alternate Title(s): Junior Art Director; Art Director Assis-

tant; Associate Art Director
Assistant Art Director
Salary Range: $25,000 to $55,000+

Employment Prospects: Fair

Advancement Prospects: Fair College Student, Entry Level of Artist

Best Geographical Location(s): Positions may be located

throughout the country.

Education or Training—Art school training or college
degree in fine art, commercial art, graphics, communica-
tions, or advertising preferred
Experience—Experience working in advertising or art
departments is useful, but not always required.
Special Skills and Personality Traits—Creative; artistic
ability; understanding of the advertising industry; work-
ing knowledge of graphics, layout, pasteups, photogra-
phy, typefaces, and desktop publishing.

Position Description
The Assistant Art Director working in the advertising
The Assistant Art Director working in the advertising
department of a corporation may be required to design
department of a corporation can have varied responsibilities
advertisements and commercials that are eye-catching and
depending on the size and structure of the company he or
effective. He or she assists in the development of the graph-
she is working in. In some corporations the individual might
ics, typography, photography, color, illustration—the entire
be responsible for advertisements from the initial concept
through completion. In others, he or she may be delegated look and layout of the advertisements.
responsibilities to complete only certain phases of the If the corporation is small, the Assistant Art Director may
advertisement. choose or design type styles, sizes, and colors for both the
The individual may create ads for any type of media, headlines and the body copy. If the company is larger, the
including newspapers, magazines, billboards, direct mail, Assistant Art Director may recommend or review the sug-
packaging, promotion, posters, books, or broadcast. gestions of the other artists working in the department. The
In very large corporations the individual is responsible Assistant Art Director may sketch or draw art and graphics
for helping the senior art director supervise artists, design- to be used in advertisements, or he or she may just offer
ers, copywriters, and illustrators. In smaller industries the suggestions to the artists to render or produce.
Assistant Art Director may function as an artist, illustrator, The Assistant Art Director is often at a “shoot” when a
and copywriter. photographer is taking a picture for an advertisement. The

assistant tells the individual exactly how he or she wants the Opportunities will get better in the coming years, as more
finished photo to look, and what should be emphasized, in and more companies are taking charge of their own adver-
order to make the advertising effective. tising, eliminating the use of advertising agencies.
If the corporation is working with television broadcast There are numerous corporations located throughout
commercials, the Assistant Art Director has additional the country that have internal advertising and art depart-
duties. He or she may be responsible for locating freelance ments and therefore offer this position. Individuals can
people to work on a commercial, including producers, direc- often get a job as an Assistant Art Director in a smaller
tors, camera people, set designers, etc. The individual may company right after graduation from college without a
sketch out storyboards indicating the way the set should be great deal of experience.
designed, photographed, and lit. The Assistant Art Director is
also responsible for having design work done for any graph- Advancement Prospects
ics and type to be used in the television commercial.
Advancement prospects are fair for Assistant Art Directors.
The Assistant Art Director may work with the corporate
There is a lot of turnover in all departments in the corporate
graphic designers developing the art, graphics, and layout
world. The advertising and art departments are no different.
for company logos, packaging, corporate identity, promo-
Individuals may climb the career ladder by becoming the
tional or sales materials, brochures, leaflets, or booklets.
Assistant Art Director in a larger, more prestigious corpora-
Depending on the size of the department, the structure of the
tion or by obtaining a position as a full-fledged art director.
company, and the individual’s duties, he or she may also be
responsible for doing the actual designing and developing of
ideas. Education and Training
The individual is often assigned the task of finding out- The Assistant Art Director is usually required to hold a
side or freelance people to perform various functions, bachelor’s degree in either fine arts or commercial art.
including airbrushing, type design, photography, and illus- While many creative art positions do not require formal
tration. In addition to locating these people, he or she may training, most corporations prefer that individuals in execu-
have to negotiate fees, make sure payments are made tive positions hold at least a four-year college degree.
promptly, supervise workers, and approve their work. Although the individual may just be supervising other
The Assistant Art Director is required to attend meetings artists, letterers, photographers, and pasteup people, he or
with the senior art director and directors or managers from she must also be able to perform these tasks if need be.
the promotion, marketing, public relations, and sales depart- Courses and seminars on advertising as well as graphic
ments. He or she may also attend meetings with executives arts, pasteup, layout, and photography are useful in honing
and owners of the company to obtain feedback, concepts, skills.
and ideas for advertisements.
The Assistant Art Director is responsible to the senior art Experience, Skills, and Personality Traits
director in the advertising department. He or she must get The Assistant Art Director working in a corporate setting
used to working with the pressure and stress of meeting must have management skills. He or she may be in charge
deadlines. While the individual may work normal business of the work of freelance and corporate artists, graphics peo-
hours, he or she is often required to work overtime to ple, and photographers. The individual must know how to
develop ideas, finish advertisements, or attend meetings. set priorities and be able to meet deadlines without getting
Salaries The Assistant Art Director should be creative, artistic,
Salaries for Assistant Art Directors working in the corporate and fully able to perform most art tasks. A working knowl-
world differ from job to job depending on the company and edge of pasteup, layout, typography, sketching, drawing,
its size, prestige, and location. Salaries also depend on the painting, photography, mechanicals, computer graphics pro-
individual’s experience level and his or her responsibilities grams, and desktop publishing is necessary. A sense of style
and duties. and design is imperative.
Earnings can range from approximately $25,000 for an The individual must have the ability not only to visualize
individual with little or no experience or one working in a an advertisement, but to communicate ideas as well. The
small company to $55,000 or more for one with more expe- Assistant Art Director must be articulate and personable. He
or she often meets with management and directors of other
rience, with more responsibility, or in a large corporation.
While many Assistant Art Directors with little experience
Employment Prospects find employment just after graduation, the individual is usu-
Employment prospects are fair for individuals seeking ally required to present a portfolio of work and ideas for
employment as Assistant Art Directors in corporate settings. review.

Unions and Associations portfolio is of mediocre quality and that it is creative,

Assistant Art Directors working in corporations do not imaginative, versatile, and neat.
belong to any union. Individuals may, however, be members 2. Many large corporations offer training programs and
of a variety of trade associations. These groups often offer internships. Write and inquire.
educational guidance, and the chance to get together with 3. Job openings are often advertised in trade journals
others in the same field. Some of these organizations include and classified sections of the newspaper. Look under
the American Advertising Federation (AAF), the Art Direc- heading classifications of “Advertising,” “Artist,” “Art
tors Club, Inc. (ADC), the One Club, the Society of Illustra- Director,” or “Corporations.”
tors, the Graphic Artists Guild (GAG), and the American 4. Join trade associations. Many offer student member-
Institute of Graphic Arts (AIGA). ships. Some provide job guidance and will even
Individuals might also belong to trade associations spe- review your portfolio and make suggestions as to
cific to their industries. what will make it better.
5. Work on school publications to get experience with
layout, type styles, headline sizes, and graphics.
Tips for Entry 6. Consider a part-time or summer job in the advertising
1. Put together a portfolio of your best work. If you have or art department of a newspaper or magazine. It will
no real experience, include work you have done while give you hands-on experience.
in school. Make sure, however, that nothing in the 7. Don’t forget Internet companies when job hunting.


Duties: Develop graphics for corporation; design packag-

ing; design corporate graphics Assistant Art Director

Alternate Title(s): Graphic Artist; Artist

Salary Range: $23,000 to $50,000+

Graphic Designer
Employment Prospects: Good

Advancement Prospects: Fair

Best Geographical Location(s): Positions may be located Entry Level, College or Art School
throughout the country. Student or Freelance Commercial
or Graphic Artist
Education or Training—Four-year college degree with
major in art required in most positions; art school helpful
in others
Experience—Art and advertising experience is helpful
but not always required.
Special Skills and Personality Traits—Understanding
of advertising; creative; artistic ability; knowledge of
pasteups, mechanicals, typography, color, and photogra-
phy; drawing and illustration skills; knowledge of com-
puter graphics software and desktop publishing

Position Description One of the main functions of the corporate Graphic

The Graphic Designer working in a corporate or industry Designer is to develop designs for the company’s packag-
setting in responsible for filling the function of designing ing. Package design is important to all companies. It is
and developing graphics for a variety of the company’s another form of advertising for the product. When the prod-
artistic and publication needs. The individual in this posi- uct is on the shelf in the marketplace, the package must
tion is usually part of the advertising and promotion depart- catch the eye of the consumer in order to sell. He or she will
ment. He or she consults with the research and sales be responsible for developing the creative concept, which
departments as well as with management during the course might include the most effective shape and color or the art-
of carrying out his or her job. work appearing on the outside of the box or packaging.
It is the responsibility of the Graphic Designer to develop If the Graphic Designer is working for a book publisher,
graphics that are creative, innovative, appealing, and memo- for example, he or she may be responsible for designing the
rable. The individual has varied duties depending on the way the interior of books look and choosing the correct
type of business he or she is working in and the structure of type, book jackets, and book displays. This completed work
the company. Graphic Designers working in corporations helps sell the product in the store. Individuals working as
can work in almost any type of industry, from manufacturers Graphic Designers in record companies may be responsible
of consumer-oriented products and food companies to book for designing record jackets. Whatever the industry, the job
publishers and record companies. is similar.

The Graphic Designer may be required to develop cor- by developing outstanding logos and graphics that are iden-
porate graphics. These could include logos, stationery, tified with the company may earn $50,000 or more.
envelopes, order forms, labels, sales tags, and calendars.
Designs are not limited to paper products. The individual Employment Prospects
may have to design the logos and messages on the sides of
Employment prospects are good for Graphic Designers who
company trucks that will be moving the corporation’s
want to work in corporations and industry. There are compa-
nies, large and small, located throughout the country that
The whole purpose of this creative effort is to design
offer job possibilities. Many of the larger corporations have
something that represents the company in a positive manner.
a dozen or more individuals working in the department.
The individual constantly tries to develop designs that will
Individuals may often obtain jobs by demonstrating that
make people think of and remember the company name and
they have the skills, if not the experience. This is done by
what it represents.
exhibiting samples of work in the form of a portfolio.
Graphic Designers are often responsible for developing
the design of brochures, booklets, pamphlets, posters, bill-
boards, or the art in advertisements. The individual may be Advancement Prospects
required to design promotional material. This could include Advancement prospects are fair for Graphic Designers
items that help to advertise, market, or promote products or working in the corporate world, depending on how the indi-
services. Examples include point-of-purchase promotions, vidual wants to climb the career ladder. The Graphic
signs, display racks, and shelves. Designer may become the assistant art director for the
In designing all advertising and promotional pieces, advertising department in the same corporation where he or
logos, and packaging, the Graphic Designer must always try she is currently working, or possibly at another company.
to keep the image of the company prominently identified. The individual may want to advance his or her career by
He or she usually tries to keep the design of all product remaining a Graphic Designer but locating a position in a
names, graphics, and logos closely tied together so that cus- larger, more prestigious corporation with additional respon-
tomers will relate the design to the company. If, for exam- sibility and a higher salary. The Graphic Designer might
ple, Campbell’s soup constantly changed its logo and the also move up the career ladder by seeking a higher-paying
color of its soup cans, customers might not identify the right position in an advertising agency.
brand of soup—or, worse yet, might not be able to locate the
brand on the shelf. That is why so many store or generic
brands look similar to nationally marketed brands. Advertis-
Education and Training
ing departments tell Graphic Designers to design labels that Education requirements for this job differ from position to
look the same as those of publicized brands in the hope that position. Many, if not most, corporations require a four-year
customers won’t notice the difference. college degree with a major in art. There are a few jobs that
Often, the Graphic Designer is required to come up with only require art school training. In order for the individual
a number of different package designs, logos, or advertise- to advance in his or her career it is often necessary to have
ments. The research department takes the samples and test- the college degree.
markets them. After the results are in, the Graphic Designer Courses in all facets of graphic design are necessary.
finalizes the sample that tested the most effectively. Other helpful courses and seminars include package design,
Depending on the size of the corporation, there may be advertising, photography, and corporate identity.
only a single Graphic Designer in the company, or there
may be a large pool. The Graphic Designer works normal Experience, Skills, and Personality Traits
business hours. He or she may work late or develop designs Graphic Designers working in corporations should be cre-
at home when a project is due. The individual is usually ative, artistically talented people with an innate sense of
responsible to the art director of the corporate advertising design. Individuals must be skilled in all facets of art. These
and promotion department. include sketching, drawing, and painting. The Graphic
Designer should have a working knowledge of pasteups,
Salaries mechanicals, typography, color photography, computer
There is a wide range in salaries for corporate Graphic graphics software, and desktop publishing.
Designers. Individuals entering the corporate world in this An understanding of the type of industry the individual is
position may earn from $23,000 to $30,000 annually. Tal- working in is necessary. The Graphic Designer often relates
ented Graphic Designers who have a great deal of responsi- to management and other departments within the framework
bility and those working in larger corporations may earn up of his or her work. It is imperative that he or she be articu-
to $45,000 a year. Individuals who have proven themselves late and have good communication and interpersonal skills.

Unions and Associations 2. Join trade associations. Many of them offer to critique
Graphic Designers working in corporations do not belong to a your portfolio and give constructive criticism on mak-
union. Individuals may be members of a number of trade asso- ing it better.
ciations that can put them in touch with others in their field, 3. Try to locate an internship or training program. These
often provide training and seminars, and offer professional are most often found in the very large corporations.
guidance. These might include the Graphic Artists Guild Write and inquire.
(GAG), the Art Directors Club, Inc. (ADC), the One Club, the 4. You might consider a part-time or summer job
Society of Illustrators, the American Advertising Federation working in a corporation, manufacturing plant, or
(AAF), or the American Institute of Graphic Arts (AIGA). other business. This will give you hands-on experi-
ence with corporate life. While working there you
will be able to see the way corporations run from
Tips for Entry the bottom up.
1. Put together a portfolio of your best work. Make sure 5. Make sure you’re comfortable using a variety of com-
it is neat and creative. To get almost any job in this puter graphics programs.
field, you will need this portfolio. 6. Check out openings on the Web.


Duties: Assist the manager or director of marketing with

plans and campaigns; perform clerical duties; input data Marketing Manager, Coordinator,
into computers; research information or Assistant Director

Alternate Title(s): Marketing Representative

Salary Range: $23,000 to $38,000+

Marketing Assistant
Employment Prospects: Good

Advancement Prospects: Fair

Best Geographical Location(s): Job possibilities may be Entry Level or Trainee

located throughout the country.

Education or Training—Four-year college degree
Experience—Marketing, promotion, public relations, or
advertising experience helpful, but not always required
Special Skills and Personality Traits—Creative; inno-
vative; energetic; excellent communication and writing
skills; ambitious; aggressive; high motivation; computer

Position Description out that buyers are not really interested in it or that the prod-
The Marketing Assistant working in a corporation helps the uct isn’t financially viable for the company.
marketing manager fulfill his or her duties. Depending on The Marketing Assistant assists the marketing director in
the individual’s experience level, he or she may be responsi- the planning and coordination of all the company’s market-
ble for anything from performing secretarial duties to assist- ing goals and objectives. He or she is expected to help plan
ing with the development of a corporate marketing plan. and organize projects and become involved in promotions
The marketing director is responsible for developing the and presentations.
concepts and campaigns that detail how the company’s The Marketing Assistant works closely with the market-
products will get to the consumer. The Marketing Assistant ing director on a variety of projects, providing clerical and
helps in this endeavor. The marketing department in a cor- other types of support. He or she may be required to type
poration works in conjunction with the sales, promotion, letters, reports, proposals, and memos. The Marketing
advertising, and public relations departments. Marketing Assistant often makes phone calls on behalf of the market-
decides how much and what type of advertising, promotion, ing director in order to obtain information. He or she may
public relations, and selling will be most effective. It also answer phones to free the director, who may use his or her
decides matters such as the most effective techniques to time to work on special projects.
market the company, its products, and its services, and the The Marketing Assistant is required to keep track of all
viability of introducing new products. The marketing ideas and concepts the director is involved with. He or she
department may try to market a new product, only to find may be expected to write preliminary proposals on market-

ing campaigns outlined by the director. The individual may Almost every midsize or larger company has a marketing
also be responsible for writing memos or other informational department and often at least one assistant. Job opportuni-
data to keep other departments aware of new marketing plans ties can be located throughout the country in metropolitan
and campaigns that are taking place within the corporation. and suburban areas.
The Marketing Assistant may help coordinate and imple-
ment special events and other programs the marketing direc- Advancement Prospects
tor has developed. He or she may serve as a liaison with
Advancement prospects are fair for Marketing Assistants.
other corporate departments to ensure that a project goes
Individuals who work hard, learn marketing concepts, and
smoothly and according to schedule.
have the ability to implement them will climb the career lad-
Depending on the experience of the Marketing Assistant,
der. The next step up for the Marketing Assistant is the posi-
he or she may be responsible for researching facts and data
tion of marketing manager, coordinator, or assistant
or may just assist the director with a research project.
director, depending on how the company is structured.
Almost any subject could be researched by the marketing
While many individuals find career advancement through
department, including information about potential pur-
promotion within the company, some find it easier to seek
chasers of the company’s products, individuals who use
advanced positions by moving on to other corporations.
competitor’s products, and the effectiveness of certain
advertising or promotions. The individual may work with
the corporate research department (if there is one), trade Education and Training
associations, or libraries. He or she may develop question- Most corporations require that their Marketing Assistants
naires or conduct interviews to obtain the required informa- hold a minimum of a four-year college degree. Good choices
tion. The assistant may tabulate the data or may just input for majors include marketing, public relations, advertising,
the information into a computer for review by the director. business administration, liberal arts, or communications.
The Marketing Assistant may help the director develop Courses should also be taken in English, psychology,
and implement promotional ideas, advertising concepts, or sociology, research, and statistics.
new ways to sell. For example, a company’s product may
always have been sold in retail outlets. Through marketing
Experience, Skills, and Personality Traits
research, information may be developed that indicates that
The Marketing Assistant needs to be articulate, with excel-
people purchasing the product would rather purchase it
lent communication skills. He or she should be both creative
through the mail. The Marketing Assistant may help write
and innovative. The ability to write well is necessary. The
sales promotion letters or direct mail pieces in order to initi-
Marketing Assistant should have a good command of
ate the new concept.
spelling and word usage. Computer competency is essential.
Other duties may include the preparation of promotional
The assistant should be ambitious, aggressive, highly
brochures, press releases, or newsletters and attendance at
motivated, and energetic. He or she needs the ability to han-
trade shows, conventions, and fairs on behalf of the company.
dle many details and a variety of projects at one time.
The Marketing Assistant is directly responsible to the
The individual must have the ability to perform clerical
marketing director, coordinator, or manager, depending on
and secretarial duties such as typing, filing, making calls,
the structure of the company. While the individual works
and responding to phone calls. It is imperative that the Mar-
normal business hours most of the time, he or she may often
keting Assistant knows how to use a computer to input
be required to work overtime on projects, special events,
information and is comfortable working with it.
and promotions.
A working knowledge of research techniques is a plus in
this field.
Marketing Assistants can earn between $23,000 and Unions and Associations
$38,000 or more annually, depending on the corporation
Marketing Assistants working in the corporate world do not
they work for and their responsibilities and duties.
belong to any union. They may, however, belong to a num-
ber of trade associations. These organizations provide
Employment Prospects extensive literature about the marketing field and offer sem-
There is a large turnover in marketing due to career inars and professional and career guidance. Some of these
advancement, individuals leaving for jobs in other corpora- associations are the American Marketing Association
tions, and the general mobility of people who enter this (AMA), the Association of National Advertisers (ANA), the
field. Direct Marketing Association (DMA), Business Marketing
Employment prospects, therefore, are good for Market- Association (BMA), the American Advertising Federation
ing Assistants who are seeking jobs in the corporate world. (AAF), Association for Women In Communications (AWC)

the Marketing Research Association (MRA), Sales and training programs. They also offer a wealth of helpful
Marketing Executives International (SMEI), and the Associ- literature.
ation for Business Communication (ABC). 3. Jobs may be advertised in trade journals as well as the
classified sections of newspapers. Look under the head-
Tips for Entry ing classifications of “Marketing,” “Market Research,”
1. There is an abundance of marketing seminars given “Public Relations,” “Promotion,” or “Advertising.”
throughout the year. You can locate these through the 4. Consider sending your résumé and a cover letter to a
various trade associations, business organizations, and number of corporations. There is a big turnover in this
trade journals. These are helpful for both the educa- field. Ask that your résumé be kept on file.
tional value and the opportunity to make professional 5. You may want to consider a part-time job as an inter-
contacts. viewer for a research firm. These jobs are relatively
2. Join the trade associations. They will be valuable to easy to obtain and will give you experience in inter-
you in searching for internships, scholarships, and viewing and research techniques.



Duties: Develop and implement marketing plans and cam-

paigns for company’s Web site, Web store, etc.; handle Marketing Director at Larger,
day-to-day marketing functions; plan and implement More Prestigious Web site,
special events; oversee advertising and public relations or Marketing Director
program in Other Industry

Alternate Title(s): Web site Marketing Director; Internet

Catalog Director of Marketing; Marketing Manager

Salary Range: $26,000 to $85,000+ Marketing Director at Web site

Employment Prospects: Fair

Advancement Prospects: Good

Assistant Marketing Director
Best Geographical Location(s): Jobs may be located or Marketing Director
throughout the country. in Other Industry
Education or Training—College degree preferred, but
not always required
Experience—Marketing, merchandising, publicity, pub-
lic relations, advertising experience, and Internet experi-
ence necessary
Special Skills and Personality Traits—Creative; good
verbal and written communication skills; Internet savvy;
computer skills

Position Description the site to potential customers. The manner in which this is
A wide array of businesses and organizations maintain Web done can be the success or failure of the site.
sites. Whether a business provides products, services, or The Marketing Director is responsible for developing the
information, it is becoming increasingly important to have a concepts and campaigns which will determine how the site
presence on the Web. will be marketed. The director is expected to determine the
There are literally thousands of Web sites on the Internet. most effective techniques and programs to market the site
Some represent companies whose names and reputations and its contents.
were well known even before they established their Internet As part of this job, the Marketing Director must plan and
presence. Others are less well known. The Internet has made coordinate all of the site’s marketing goals and objectives.
it possible for people in almost any part of the world to set How will people know the Web site exists? How will they
up a company as small or large as they like. No matter what know the Web address? Who will the site be marketed
the company’s size, the site is available to the public. toward? Who is the company trying to attract? Marketing a
With so many sites available, how does a Web site attract Web site is slightly different than marketing a traditional
visitors? As in traditional business, a Web site must market business, because visitors to online businesses can come
its presence. from virtually anywhere in the world.
The Marketing Director of a Web site has a very impor- It is essential that the Marketing Director find ways to
tant job. He or she is responsible for finding ways to market include the store’s Web address in as many places as possi-

ble. In some situations, the company may have a traditional relations and advertising functions. In some cases, the Mar-
“real world” presence that can make it easier to let people keting Director may either sell space to other businesses on
know of a new Web site. the site or have salespeople handling this task.
The Marketing Director must be sure that the company’s Additional duties of a Web site Marketing Director might
Web address is added to all television commercials, print include:
advertisements, and packaging. This helps get the name and
address of the online store in front of the public. • Supervising marketing, public relations, and advertising
The Marketing Director’s job becomes more challenging staff
if the company’s name isn’t recognizable. In this case, he or • Developing marketing budgets
she must find ways to bring the store to the public’s atten- • Designing and developing marketing materials
tion, and may utilize a variety of programs to help attract • Conducting market research
customers and bring people to the company’s site. • Developing and providing advertising content.
The Marketing Director must decide which of these pro-
grams and services are most viable for his or her specific Salaries
audience. Often, Marketing Directors advertise the site. They
Annual earnings for Web site Marketing Directors range
may do this in print, on television, or via banner ads on other
from approximately $26,000 to $85,000 or more. Variables
sites. Banner ads are the advertisements commonly seen on a
affecting earnings include the size and prestige of the spe-
Web site where an individual need only click on the banner
cific site as well as the experience and responsibilities of
and it takes the person to the site of the advertiser.
the individual. Many dot-com companies also offer stock
The Marketing Director often does research to obtain
options to their employees as part of their employment
information about current and potential customers. He or
she may prepare questionnaires or surveys to be placed on
the site. In order to entice people to answer questionnaires,
the Marketing Director may offer a gift, a percentage off Employment Prospects
future orders, or free shipping, if the company is selling Employment prospects are fair for this position. As more
products. companies get on the Web, prospects will improve. Jobs can
Marketing Directors must develop innovative ideas to be located throughout the country. Individuals who have a
attract new visitors to the site. In many situations, online proven track record are most employable.
store Marketing Directors utilize sweepstakes and contests
for this purpose. Once people log on to the Web site to enter Advancement Prospects
the contest, the hope is they will return to the site to browse
Marketing Directors in this industry have a number of
and buy. To accomplish this, many Marketing Directors run
options for career advancement. Some get experience, prove
contests that visitors can enter daily. This means users may
themselves, and move on to positions at larger or more pres-
visit the site daily and hopefully see something of interest.
tigious sites for increased responsibilities and earnings.
Web site Marketing Directors also use sweepstakes to
Often, companies try to recruit the Marketing Director from
help build mailing lists. When people enter contests they
a successful Web site.
usually provide their names, addresses, phone numbers, and
Other individuals may climb the career ladder by moving
email address. Additional information may be gathered as
into positions as Marketing Directors in other industries.
well which may be helpful in targeting the site to visitors.
Still other individuals strike out on their own and start their
Marketing Directors also use contests to build lists for
own marketing firms.
email newsletters. These newsletters inform customers
about company business, store specials, merchandise, and
promotions. Education and Training
The Marketing Director who implements innovative and Educational requirements vary for Web site Marketing
creative ideas might get the attention of journalists or others Directors. Smaller or lesser-known sites may prefer a col-
doing articles or stories on interesting Web sites. The indi- lege degree, but do not always require it. Generally, larger,
vidual may, for example, contact a television talk or news more prestigious, or better-known Web sites will require
show to do a segment on an interesting product being sold their Marketing Directors to hold a minimum of a four-year
on the site. Depending on which show a story ends up on, it college degree. Good choices for majors include public rela-
can lead to thousands of Web site hits. tions, advertising, business, journalism, marketing, liberal
Depending on the size and structure of the Web site, the arts, English, communications, and business.
Marketing Director may work with an advertising and pub- Courses and seminars in marketing, public relations,
lic relations director. In some situations, the Marketing publicity, promotion, the retail industry, and Web marketing
Director may also be responsible for handling the public are also helpful.

Experience, Skills, and Personality Traits Tips for Entry

Marketing Directors in this industry must be Web savvy. 1. Positions may be advertised in the classified section of
Communications skills, both written and verbal, are essen- newspapers. Look under headings including “Market-
tial. Individuals should be creative, innovative, ambitious, ing,” “Marketing Director,” “Web Store,” “Web site
articulate, and highly motivated. Marketing Directors also Marketing,” “Corporate Marketing,” “Online Store,”
need to be energetic, with the ability to handle many details or “E-Tailing,” “E-Commerce.”
and projects at one time without getting flustered and 2. Send your résumé and a cover letter to corporations,
stressed. companies, stores, and catalogs for which you are
A knowledge of publicity, promotion, public relations, interested in working. Ask that your résumé be kept
and advertising, as well as research techniques, is also nec- on file if no vacancies are available.
essary. Computer skills are essential. 3. Join trade associations. These will help you in search-
ing for internships, scholarships, and training pro-
grams in marketing.
Unions and Associations 4. Jobs may also be advertised in trade journals.
Marketing Directors may belong to a number of trade associa- 5. Look for jobs online. Check out sites such as
tions that provide support and guidance. These might include and to get started.
the American Marketing Association (AMA), the Marketing 6. Take seminars and courses in marketing, promotion,
Research Association (MRA), the Public Relations Society of public relations, publicity, and Web marketing. These
America (PRSA), Electronic Retailing Association (ERA), will give you an edge over other applicants and help
and World Organization of Webmasters (WOW). you hone your skills and make valuable contacts.


Duties: Develop, create, and implement promotions of cor-

poration’s products and services Director of Promotion,
Public Relations, Marketing,
Alternate Title(s): Promotion Representative or Advertising

Salary Range: $23,000 to $46,000+

Employment Prospects: Fair

Promotion Coordinator
Advancement Prospects: Fair

Best Geographical Location(s): Positions may be located

throughout the country.
Publicity or Promotion Assistant
Education or Training—Four-year college degree
Experience—Publicity or promotion experience required
in some but not all jobs
Special Skills and Personality Traits—Creative; inno-
vative; communication skills; ability to deal with many
projects and details; good writing skills; personable

Position Description give away cookbooks with the top recipe entries included.
The Promotion Coordinator working in a corporate setting Since all recipes would use the company’s product and peo-
is responsible for developing, creating, and implementing ple usually don’t throw away cookbooks, the Coordinator
promotions and promotional campaigns to help spotlight a would have created a long-lasting promotion.
company’s product or service. The individual works with The Promotion Coordinator is also required to develop
the corporation’s advertising, public relations, marketing, point-of-purchase programs. These are the promotions gen-
sales, and advertising departments in order to fulfill this erally used in stores. They usually have some type of dis-
function. The Promotion Coordinator may have varied play set up in the same location as the company product.
responsibilities depending on the structure of the particular The displays might include giveaways, coupons, or promo-
corporation. tional products with the company logo. The individual may
The Promotion Coordinator seeks promotional opportu- develop a program in which customers could send in a num-
nities in both the retail and wholesale fields to promote the ber of labels from the product and receive in return a camera
corporation’s products. The individual may develop sweep- or a set of mugs. There may or may not be a charge added
stakes or contest promotions to be used in conjunction with depending on the program the individual developed. The
the company’s consumer advertising campaign or to attract Promotion Coordinator usually tries to run promotions that
more wholesale customers. For example, a food company are cost effective for the consumer and the company. The
might run a recipe contest for professional chefs who use important thing is to continually come up with programs
their product in creating dishes. The company might also that keep the company’s name in front of the buyer.
run a similar contest for the home consumer. Once the con- At times the Promotion Coordinator is required to attend
test has been concluded, the Promotion Coordinator might and exhibit at trade shows, conferences, and conventions.

The individual may be responsible for designing the booth, Employment Prospects
display materials, contests, and giveaways that are part of Employment prospects for Promotion Coordinators in cor-
the exhibit. He or she may participate in wholesale shows as porations are fair. While there are thousands of corporations
well as fairs where the general public comes to buy or located throughout the country, usually only the midsize and
become acquainted with products and/or services. larger companies hire someone for this position. The
The individual may put together tie-in programs such as smaller corporations often expect an individual in the mar-
the sponsorship of an athletic event like the Olympics or a keting, public relations, or advertising department to per-
rock star’s worldwide tour. He or she has to work out all the form the functions of the Promotion Coordinator.
details so that every time the product is advertised it will be
tied into the event. The Promotion Coordinator also makes
Advancement Prospects
sure that all programs and promotional material contain the
Advancement prospects are fair for Promotion Coordina-
name of the product as well as the company logo.
tors. Individuals may climb the career ladder in a number of
It is the responsibility of the Promotion Coordinator to
ways. The coordinator may advance to become the director
constantly look for and find new markets for the company’s
of promotion if the company is structured with this type of
product and new ways to obtain exposure. The individual
position. He or she might become a Promotion Coordinator
may use direct mail as a method of marketing or promoting
in a larger, more prestigious company. The individual might
the company’s products. He or she may offer samples,
also advance by becoming a director or assistant director of
coupons, rebates, or discount prices in order to stimulate a
public relations, marketing, or advertising.
consumer to try and buy a product.
He or she might be required to write sales letters, promo-
tional material, and display copy. He or she may also be Education and Training
responsible for developing press releases about promotions Most corporations require that Promotion Coordinators
and other events. have a minimum of a four-year college degree. Good
The Promotion Coordinator may work with the commu- choices for majors include marketing, public relations, com-
nity relations department developing promotions that will munications, advertising, or business.
attract attention to the company and also help the commu- Seminars on promotion, publicity, advertising, and writ-
nity. The individual may work with or put together programs ing are also useful.
such as the sponsorship of nonprofit events and/or make
donations of the company’s product to worthwhile causes. Experience, Skills, and Personality Traits
These types of programs are used to help keep the com- Promotion Coordinators need to be creative and innovative.
pany’s name and image in the public eye. They are used for They should have the ability to develop ideas that will be
advertising as well as public relations and goodwill purposes. unique and attract attention. Individuals should be able to
Depending on the structure and size of the company handle details and work on many different projects at once.
there may be more than one Promotion Coordinator in the The individual should be articulate with good verbal and
department. The individual may be responsible to the pro- communications skills and have a pleasant phone manner.
motion director, if the company has one, or to the public He or she will often meet with salespeople, buyers, depart-
relations or marketing director. While the Promotion Coor- ment heads, and upper management people. The ability to
dinator is supposed to work normal business hours, he or write well is also necessary. The Promotion Coordinator
she is often required to work overtime to finish projects or may write preliminary proposals, reports, press releases,
implement promotions. and letters.
An ability to get along with others is imperative. The
Salaries individual in this position needs an abundance of energy and
should not mind traveling. He or she may have to go to other
Annual earnings for Promotion Coordinators may range
locations for trade shows, fairs, and conferences to promote
from $23,000 to $46,000 or more depending on the respon-
the company.
sibilities and experience of the individual as well as the size
of the corporation.
Promotion Coordinators who do not have a lot of on-the- Unions and Associations
job experience will earn between $23,000 and $30,000. Promotion Coordinators working in corporations do not
Individuals working in larger corporations, with more expe- belong to bargaining unions. Individuals may belong to a
rience and handling additional responsibilities, have salaries number of trade associations including the Advertising Club
averaging between $27,000 and $35,000. There are some of New York, Advertising Women of New York, Inc.
Promotion Coordinators in the corporate world who are (AWNY), the American Advertising Federation (AAF), the
earning $46,000 or more a year. Business Marketing Association (BMA), the Public Relations

Society of America (PRSA), the American Marketing Associ- 2. Try to obtain some hands-on experience working in a
ation (AMA), the Promotion Marketing Association of Amer- part-time or summer job doing publicity, promotion,
ica (PMAA), Sales and Marketing Executives International or advertising for any type of business, local radio or
(SMEI), and the Direct/Marketing Association (DMA). These television station, or newspaper.
organizations bring individuals in the same field together for 3. There are a good number of internships and training
seminars, conferences, and training as well as offering profes- programs in this field. These are offered or sponsored
sional and educational guidance and literature. by the larger corporations as well as certain trade
associations. Write and inquire.
Tips for Entry 4. Trade journals often have ads for openings as Promo-
1. Join a number of trade associations, especially the tion Coordinators or representatives.
ones that offer student memberships. These will give 5. Job possibilities are sometimes advertised in the display
you an opportunity to make professional contacts by or classified advertisement section of the newspaper.
attending seminars and conferences as well as provid- Look under heading classifications of “Promotion,”
ing tips on finding employment. “Marketing,” “Public Relations,” or “Advertising.”



Duties: Assist director of department in fulfilling public

relations and publicity functions; help write and produce
Public Relations Director
internal and external communications; promote corpora-
tion and enhance its reputation and image

Alternate Title(s): Assistant PR Director; PR Assistant

Assistant Public Relations Director
Salary Range: $25,000 to $55,000+

Employment Prospects: Good

Advancement Prospects: Good Journalist Position, Intern, Trainee,

of Entry Level
Best Geographical Location(s): Positions may be avail-
able throughout the country.

Education or Training—Four-year degree in public
relations, communications, journalism, liberal arts, or
English required
Experience—Writing experience necessary; graphics
experience helpful
Special Skills and Personality Traits—Good writing
and communication skills; knowledge of graphics,
typography, photography, and layout; computer capabil-
ity; personable; good phone skills; organized

Position Description of that job lay in the public relations domain, the individual
The Assistant Public Relations Director working in a corpo- may be called on to write feature articles, annual reports,
ration is responsible for helping the public relations director newsletters, brochures and leaflets.
perform the company’s public relations and publicity func- The Assistant Public Relations Director is responsible
tions. Duties vary depending on the structure of the com- for developing and maintain accurate media and mailing
pany and other corporate departments. lists. These lists are used to send releases and articles. The
The individual is responsible for assisting the director of individual will also get to know various media personnel
the department in relaying information and communications and maintain close business relationships. In this way he
internally to staff employees as well as externally to the out- or she can call the correct person with a story that should
side community and media. be covered or an article in which the media might be
This information exchange might be accomplished through interested.
the use of press releases, letters, memos, and reports. The The assistant must be comfortable dealing with the
Assistant Public Relations Director or PR assistant, as he or media. He or she may just talk to reporters about a story or
she might be called, is required to both develop and write the actually have to go on television or radio as the corporation
press releases, letters, memos, and reports. If the corporation spokesperson. It is important that the individual understand
does not have a publications manager, or if the responsibilities corporate policies and follow them to the letter. If informa-

tion is confidential and the PR assistant lets it leak out, he or will work normal hours most of the time. When special
she may lose his or her job. projects or problems crop up, or a deadline must be met for
The individual may be required to set up or assist in the a news release, annual report, or other publication, the indi-
setting up of television and radio interviews for people vidual will be required to work overtime.
within the corporation. This process is often used to earn
goodwill or may be instituted for informational purposes. Salaries
For example, a corporation that manufactures and distrib-
Earnings for Assistant Public Relations Directors working
utes cosmetics may want one of their spokespeople to do a
in corporations may range from $25,000 to $55,000 plus
media tour touting a new type of makeup. The public rela-
depending on a number of factors. These include the experi-
tions assistant may call or write to guest coordinators in
ence and responsibilities of the individual and the size and
order to place the spokesperson on various shows. He or she
location of the corporation.
may accompany the corporate spokesperson to the inter-
views. The individual may also work with the spokesperson,
helping him or her come up with flowing answers to the Employment Prospects
questions that usually are asked. Employment prospects are good for those seeking positions
The individual may screen calls for the director of the as Assistant Public Relations Directors in corporations and
department and be required to take care of everyday public industry. Individuals may have to begin in smaller busi-
relations problems. Depending on whether the company has nesses in order to obtain experience.
a customer relations or consumer affairs department, the There are thousands of corporations throughout the
individual may deal with customer complaints and prob- country. Almost every one of them has a public relations
lems. To do this, he or she may talk to the person who has department. While jobs may be found in almost any loca-
the complaint and smooth the problem over with a tele- tion, individuals may have to relocate in order to find the job
phone call. The Assistant Public Relations Director may of their dreams.
write a letter of apology or explanation to the customer. If
the complaint cannot be resolved by the PR assistant, he or Advancement Prospects
she will be responsible for bringing it to the attention of the Advancement prospects are good for Assistant Public Rela-
public relations director to rectify. tions Directors. The next step up the ladder for these indi-
The Public Relations Assistant constantly tries to pro- viduals is public relations director or manager.
mote the company and enhance its reputation and image. He While most corporations like to promote from within,
or she may be asked to meet with community and civic individuals may have to locate a job in another corporation
groups as well as to attend luncheons, cocktail parties, and if the job of director of the department is not vacant.
dinners on behalf of the corporation.
Depending on the size of the public relations department,
the PR assistant may supervise others. He or she may work Education and Training
with copywriters, graphics people, artists, printers, and pho- A minimum of a four-year college degree is required for the
tographers. At times the assistant may be required to edit job of Assistant Public Relations Director in the corporate
copy or supervise the layout of publications. world. Good choices for majors include public relations, jour-
In smaller public relations departments, or in situations nalism, communications, marketing, English, or liberal arts.
where the individual is just entering the work force, he or Seminars relating to public relations skills, publicity, and
she may be responsible for secretarial-type duties including marketing will also be helpful.
answering the phones, addressing envelopes, typing press
releases, or inputting data into computers. Experience, Skills, and Personality Traits
Individuals may be required to plan or assist with the Assistant Public Relations Directors should be creative,
planning of press conferences, press parties, and news con- articulate people. Individuals should be personable and
ferences. The assistant can be required to hand-deliver invi- enjoy working with people. They should demonstrate both
tations, make arrangements for the room and food, and call good judgment and common sense.
people to see if they are planning on attending. Good writing skills are necessary. Individuals should be
The PR assistant might also be responsible for attending able to write clearly, factually, and quickly in a creative
corporate functions that will later be reported in internal manner.
newsletters or other communications. He or she may be The ability to speak in public is required in most posi-
required to write press releases, take photographs, or arrange tions, as well as the ability to communicate on the telephone
for a professional photographer to be on hand at the event. in a polite, friendly, and effective manner. Assistant Public
The Assistant Public Relations Director is responsible to Relations Directors must also be comfortable talking to
the director of the public relations department. He or she media.

Individuals should have a knowledge of graphics, typog- 3. Consider a part-time or summer job working on a
raphy, photography, and layout. The ability to type and use newspaper.
word processors and computers is imperative. 4. Try to locate an internship in public relations or pub-
licity in a corporate or nonprofit situation.
5. Take all the courses and seminars you can find on
Unions and Associations
public relations, marketing, and publicity. These can
Individuals working as an Assistant Public Relations Direc-
help you hone skills as well as make professional con-
tor in a corporation do not belong to a union. They may,
however, belong to trade associations specific to their indus-
6. Public relations positions are often advertised in trade
try as well as to public relations and communications. These
journals’ “marketplace” or help wanted section.
organizations provide seminars, conferences, and courses to
Remember to look in both PR trade journals and other
help individuals hone their skills and make important pro-
trades specific to the industry you are interested in
fessional contacts.
working in.
Trade associations might include the Public Relations
7. Job openings are also advertised in display and classi-
Society of America (PRSA), International Association of
fied sections or newspapers. Look under heading
Business Communicators (IABC), National Federation of
classifications of “Public Relations,” “Publicity,”
Press Women (NFPW), and the International Public Rela-
“Communications,” “Marketing,” and “Promotion.”
tions Association (IPRA).
8. There are employment agencies that deal specifically
with public relations jobs. Before you get too deeply
Tips for Entry involved with these, check to see who pays the fee
1. Obtain hands-on experience in publicity and public when you find a position. In some cases, the employee
relations. Volunteer to be the publicity chairperson for pays. In others, the employer absorbs the cost.
a local civil or nonprofit group. 9. Check out employment Web sites such as www.mon-
2. Work on your school newspaper. All writing experi- and
ence is helpful.


Duties: Develop, write, and complete internal and external

publications for a corporation Director of Public Relations

Alternate Title(s): Publications Coordinator; Publication


Salary Range: $25,000 to $55,000+ Publications Manager

Employment Prospects: Good

Advancement Prospects: Fair

Copywriter, Journalist,
Best Geographical Location(s): All locations may offer Intern, College Student,
job possibilities. or Entry Level
Education or Training—Four-year college degree with
major in English, public relations, communications, jour-
nalism, or liberal arts
Experience—Writing or other experience working with
publications necessary
Special Skills and Personality Traits—Good writing
and editing skills; communication skills; understanding
of layout and graphics; working knowledge of grammar,
spelling, and word usage; computer capability; supervi-
sory skills

Position Description printers, graphic artists, copywriters, photographers, and

The Publications Manager working in a corporate or indus- any others who might be involved in the preparation of the
try setting is responsible for the development and comple- publication. The manager must see to it that projects are fin-
tion of both internal and external publications. Depending ished when they are supposed to be. A late publication may
on the structure of the corporation, the Publications Man- throw off the timing on anything from an upcoming promo-
ager may work with the public relations, marketing, promo- tion to having new product information books available to
tion, advertising, and/or consumer affairs departments. include with product distribution.
He or she may be required to do the research, writing, The Publications Manager must know a great deal about
graphics, and layout of material or may work with the printing industry. He or she will be responsible for
researchers, copywriters, and artists. The Publications Man- choosing the correct paper stock, type styles, and graphic
ager is responsible for estimating budgets for publications formats for a publication. This is an involved project, as
and making sure that projects come in at or under that there are many different types, weights, and colors of paper
budget. He or she may write or call for several quotes on a available, as well as thousands of different varieties of type
specific project in order to obtain the best price. to choose from.
It is also up to the Publications Manager to set time- The individual must also be aware of the various sizes in
tables for projects. These include projection schedules for which publications can be printed. While paper can be cut

into almost any size, certain sizes and shapes will be more or she will be required to work overtime. Individuals may be
economical. For example, a publication for which con- under pressure or stress in this position. Projects must con-
sumers write to the company would probably be best if it fit stantly be developed, designed, written, and completed.
into a standard #10 business envelope. While a square or Depending on the structure of the corporation in which
oversized shape might look more creative, it could pose the individual is working, he or she may be responsible to
problems in the mailing process. the director of public relations, marketing, or promotion. He
The Publications Manager may be required to write spe- or she might also be responsible to a vice president or even
cific publications for the company or may be asked by the the corporation’s CEO.
various departments to develop a publication for which they
have an idea. The individual may be responsible for writing Salaries
proposals and outlines for publications or may farm this Annual earnings for Publications Managers working in cor-
task out to an assistant or copywriter. porations and industry can range from $25,000 to $55,000
The Publications Manager may be responsible for a great plus, depending on a number of factors. These include the
variety of publications depending on the type of corporation size and location of the corporation and the experience and
or industry in which he or she is working. These could responsibilities of the individual. Smaller businesses in gen-
include internal and external newsletters, brochures, pam- eral offer lower salaries.
phlets, letters, leaflets, annual reports, and press releases.
Other written materials might include speeches, feature arti- Employment Prospects
cles, stockholder reports, and scripts for audio or audiovisual Employment prospects are good for individuals seeking
materials. Individuals might also be required to develop con- employment as Publications Managers in the corporate
sumer-oriented instructional booklets and giveaway sheets, as world. Very large corporations may have a person in this
well as sales books and other promotional materials. position in a number of different departments. For example,
If the individual is working with writers on a project, he there may be a Publications Manager in public relations,
or she will be responsible for editing the copy and checking another in promotions, and yet another in consumer affairs.
it for accuracy. When working with graphic artists or pho- Other corporations may have just one individual on staff.
tographers the individual will be responsible for explaining In some businesses the public relations department is
exactly what he or she wants artistically and graphically. expected to handle publications and writing functions in
Before a publication is actually printed the Publications addition to their other responsibilities.
Manager will usually be required to have it reviewed for Jobs may be located almost anywhere in the country in
accuracy, content, and possibly even style. This is generally this field. Corporations and other industries in every loca-
done by the department head who will be using the publica- tion may offer possibilities.
tion. In some cases the publication also has to be reviewed
by a vice president of marketing or promotion or even the Advancement Prospects
chief executive officer.
Advancement prospects are fair for Publications Managers.
With the current popularity of computerized desktop Individuals may climb the career ladder by becoming direc-
publishing, the Publications Manager may find that more tor of public relations or possibly director of consumer
and more projects are prepared “in-house” instead of at affairs. Career paths can take off in different directions.
commercial printers. Desktop publishing allows the Publi- Individuals might also advance their career by locating a
cations Manager to have copy typed into a computer and position as a Publications Manager at a larger corporation.
then laid out in a graphically pleasing format. Photographs, This usually results in more responsibility and an increased
scanned artwork, logos, computer clip art, and graphics can salary.
be put directly into the computer and placed in the publica-
tion. Computer graphic artists can even design artwork and
special graphics. Education and Training
What all this means is that the Publications Manager can Most corporations require a minimum of a four-year degree
now easily produce printer-ready mechanicals. It also means for this position. Good choices for majors include public rela-
that the Publications Manager must be computer-capable. tions, communications, journalism, English, and liberal arts.
Seminars and courses relating to all phases of writing,
He or she may be responsible for the input of data and
desktop publishing, computers, graphics, and layout should
graphics and layout or may delegate these task to other indi-
prove to be extremely useful to the individual.
viduals. The Publications Manager must be able to train oth-
ers on the machine, using the various computer programs
needed to put together publications. Experience, Skills, and Personality Traits
The Publications Manager usually works normal hours. Individuals in this position should have had some experi-
If a project is near completion or a deadline must be met, he ence working with publications. This might include work-

ing on a school paper or yearbook, and local civic or non- (IABC), and Association for Women In Communications
profit group newsletter. Many Publications Managers have (AWC). Individuals might also belong to trade associations
worked as reporters for newspapers or as publicity or public specifically related to their industries.
relations assistants.
Individuals should be able to write clearly, quickly, and Tips for Entry
accurately in an interesting manner. The Publications
1. Work on your school newspaper or yearbook. Try to
Manager should have a working knowledge of grammar,
experience all types of jobs, from reporting to layout
spelling, and word usage. Editing capabilities may be
and editing.
2. A part-time or summer job on a local newspaper gives
Publications Managers need a sense of graphic style and
you hands-on experience.
layout. A working knowledge of the printing industry,
3. Volunteer to produce a civic or nonprofit group’s
including the various typefaces, and varieties and weights of
newsletter for them. Once again, the hands-on experi-
paper is useful. Computer capability is currently required in
ence will be invaluable.
many positions. The ability to handle desktop publishing is
4. Large corporations often offer internships and train-
a plus.
ing programs. Locate one of these and ask to work in
Individuals need good communication skills. They
the publications, public relations, or marketing
should be personable, articulate, able to work quickly and
accurately, and should have good supervisory skills.
5. These positions are often advertised in trade journals’
“marketplace” or help wanted sections.
Unions and Associations 6. Openings might also be advertised in newspaper display
Publications Managers working in corporations do not usu- or classified ads. Look under heading classifications of
ally belong to any union. Individuals may be members of a “Publications,” “Writer,” “Editor,” “Communications,”
number of trade associations that provide training, seminars, or “Public Relations.”
conferences, and professional guidance. These might 7. Jobs may be listed on company Web sites.
include the Public Relations Society of America (PRSA), 8. You might also want to check out some of the Web’s
the International Association of Business Communicators more popular employment sites.



Duties: Supervising and coordinating consumer affairs, cus-

tomer services, customer relations; assisting consumers in Public Relations or Marketing Director
solving problems they have with the company’s products or Coordinator of Consumer Affairs
or services; training customer relations representatives in Larger, More Prestigious Corporation

Alternate Title(s): Coordinator of Customer Services; Con-

sumer Affairs Director; Customer Relations Manager;
Director of Customer Relations
Coordinator of Consumer Affairs
Salary Range: $25,000 to $56,000+

Employment Prospects: Fair

Advancement Prospects: Fair Customer Relations Representative

Best Geographical Location(s): Positions may be located

throughout the country.

Education or Training—Minimum of four-year college
Experience—Experience working in customer services,
customer relations, consumer affairs, or public relations
Special Skills and Personality Traits—Supervisory
skills; good interpersonal skills; ability to remain calm;
empathy; articulate; writing skills

Position Description The Coordinator of Consumer Affairs, who also might be

The Coordinator of Consumer Affairs working in a corpora- called the director of customer relations, works with the
tion supervises and coordinates the consumer affairs, cus- public relations department as well as upper management in
tomer services, and customer relations services. The creating corporate policies as they pertain to consumers. He
individual in this position will be responsible for everything or she is required to understand and be able to explain poli-
that happens in the department. cies to customers and customer relations representatives.
The consumer affairs department has a number of func- The individual sees to it that state and federal regulations as
tions. The department is responsible for making sure that they apply to company products and services are adhered to.
customers are satisfied with the company’s products and The Coordinator of Consumer Affairs is responsible for
services. It is also responsible for resolving any complaints training customer relations representatives. The individual
and problems that the customer has. A third function of the may hold one-on-one training sessions for each new
department is to supply customers with useful information employee or may hold group sessions at periodic intervals.
about the company and its products. The Coordinator of The coordinator may also be expected to write and develop
Consumer Affairs is responsible for seeing that all these training manuals for both consumer representatives and oth-
functions are carried out. ers working in the company.

The individual is responsible for explaining how con- The coordinator may also be responsible for developing
sumer calls and letters should be handled, answered, and and writing consumer-oriented materials. These materials
taken care of. The coordinator explains what information could include product information and instructional books,
should be taken from consumers and how to maintain files. leaflets, booklets, and flyers. The individual might also be
The Coordinator of Consumer Affairs is not usually expected to prepare consumer newsletters.
responsible for answering routine calls from customers. The Coordinator of Consumer Affairs is responsible to
However, the individual is responsible for dealing with the director of public relations or marketing or to the chief
phone calls or letters from consumers who are extremely executive officer of the company, depending on the structure
upset, irate, or irrational. The coordinator is also expected to of the corporation.
handle any major consumer problems. For example, if a
customer calls the company about a problem and suggests
that a lawsuit will follow unless he or she is satisfied, the Salaries
Coordinator of Consumer Affairs will step in. Salaries for Coordinators of Consumer Affairs may range
The coordinator finds out what the problem is and deter- from $25,000 to $56,000 plus annually depending on a
mines what will resolve the situation in the customer’s number of variables. These include the specific corporation,
mind. Often a replacement will take care of the situation. its location, and its size. The individual’s responsibilities
Sometimes the consumer just wants someone to agree with and experience level are also variables.
him or her. At other times the problem must be discussed
with the public relations or marketing director or possibly Employment Prospects
upper management. The coordinator must know enough
Most midsize and larger companies have a Coordinator of
about human psychology to have the ability to calm people
Consumer Affairs position. It may be called customer rela-
down so that problems can be resolved.
tions manager, director of consumer relations, customer
The coordinator is responsible for writing letters to con-
services coordinator, or one of a host of different names, but
sumers who have written or called. The individual may
develop stock letters for different situations and write per- the position is still relatively the same.
sonal letters where the stock letters are not applicable. He or Employment prospects are fair for an individual seeking
she may also be required to prepare periodic reports dealing employment as a Coordinator of Consumer Affairs in a cor-
with the number of calls and letters the department has poration. Positions may be located throughout all areas of
received and the number of and nature of complaints, and to the country.
explain to management how problems were resolved.
In the event of a product recall the Coordinator of Con- Advancement Prospects
sumer Affairs has yet another responsibility. He or she must Advancement prospects are fair for a Coordinator of Con-
train the representatives to deal with consumers who call up sumer Affairs. The individual may climb the career ladder
frightened and angry. The individual meets with upper man- by becoming the director of public relations or marketing.
agement and the advertising, public relations, and marketing The coordinator may also find a similar position in a larger,
departments to decide what steps to take to keep customer more prestigious corporation, which would result in
confidence in the company and to alleviate any additional
increased earnings.
problems that may occur.
The coordinator must decide the best way to tell con-
sumers about the recall. Depending on the product and the Education and Training
severity of the recall, the consumer affairs office may just The Coordinator of Consumer Affairs working in the corpo-
call or write to people who have sent in their product war- rate world is required to have a minimum of a four-year col-
ranty cards. The coordinator may be required to write press lege degree in public relations, marketing, advertising,
releases or give information on the recall to people in the English, communications, liberal arts, or business adminis-
public relations office. National and local news and wire tration. Many individuals in this position have a graduate
services may be informed of the situation in order to get the degree.
word out quickly. This is important. If the product recall
concerns food or a children’s toy, promptness might be life-
saving. Experience, Skills, and Personality Traits
The Coordinator of Consumer Affairs is required to let Supervisory skills are a must for the Coordinator of Con-
consumers know what to do with the faulty product. He or sumer Affairs. The individual must have a working knowl-
she must decide if the product should be brought to a store edge of company policy and the corporation itself.
for a refund, sent back to the company for repair, replace- Experience working as a customer relations representative
ment, or refund. The individual is responsible for coordinat- is usually necessary, although experience in public relations
ing the entire recall effort. might also be acceptable.

The coordinator of this department should have good the International Association of Business Communicators
interpersonal skills. The ability to deal well with subordi- (IABC).
nates, superiors, and customers is imperative. The Con-
sumer Affairs Coordinator will often be called in when the Tips for Entry
consumer relations representative cannot resolve a problem. 1. Become a member of SOCAP, the industry trade associ-
At this point the consumer might be either irate or irrational. ation, as well as the PRSA and other relevant organiza-
The ability to handle problems and situations with empathy, tions. These organizations provide educational and
sympathy, and calm is required. professional guidance in addition to the opportunity to
The individual must be articulate, with good communica- make important contacts.
tions skills. He or she should also be adept at developing 2. Volunteer your time to work with a consumer organi-
and writing a variety of different types of materials. zation. This will give you valuable hands-on experi-
ence and look good on your résumé.
3. Job openings are advertised in newspaper display and
Unions and Associations
classified sections. Look under heading classifications
The Coordinator of Consumer Affairs working in a corpora- of “Consumer Affairs,” “Customer Service,” “Cus-
tion may belong to the Society of Consumer Affairs Profes- tomer Relations,” “Public Relations,” “Advertising,”
sionals in Business (SOCAP). This organization holds or “Marketing.”
seminars, training sessions, and conferences and offers writ- 4. There are many employment agencies that deal
ten material on effective ways to deal with consumer prob- specifically with jobs in public relations. Before you
lems in business. Individuals may also belong to private and get involved, determine who will pay the fee when
voluntary consumer organizations created to advocate spe- you locate a job. In some agencies the applicant pays,
cific consumer interests. while in others the employer is responsible for the fee.
Many Coordinators of Consumer Affairs are also mem- 5. Jobs may also be located on company Web sites. Look
bers of the Public Relations Society of America (PRSA) and for the employment section.



Duties: Obtain answers to customer questions; assist con-

sumers in solving problems with company products or Coordinator of Consumer Affairs,
services Assistant Customer Relations Manager,
or Coordinator of Customer Relations
Alternate Title(s): Consumer Relations Representative;
Public Affairs Representative; Consumer Affairs Repre-
sentative; Customer Service Representative

Salary Range: $20,000 to $35,000+ Customer Relations Representative

Employment Prospects: Good

Advancement Prospects: Fair

Entry Level or Sales Position
Best Geographical Location(s): Positions may be located
throughout the country.

Education or Training—Four-year college degree
required by most corporations; others require high school
Experience—Experience dealing with people is pre-
ferred, but not necessary.
Special Skills and Personality Traits—Personable;
good phone manner; articulate; ability to communicate;
writing skills

Position Description varying duties depending on the structure of the company

A Customer Relations Representative working in a business and his or her specific responsibilities.
is responsible for answering customers’ questions, obtaining Before the Customer Relations Representative begins to
answers to those they don’t know, and assisting consumers deal with customers, he or she usually goes through a train-
in resolving problems with company products or services. ing period. During this time the individual learns all about
The main function of the Customer Relations Represen- the company, its products, and its policies. He or she will
tative is to make the customer feel that he or she is impor- most likely be required to read and study policy books and
tant and that any difficulty with the product or service can other written material about the company. The individual
be resolved. The customer relations department works in will probably use the company’s products in order to
conjunction with the public relations department in trying to become totally familiar with them.
make sure that customers are satisfied. Many corporations The Customer Relations Representative answers phone
feel that word of mouth is the best advertising. A pleased calls made by consumers. The consumer may call the com-
customer will tell his or her friends about the product, and pany for a number of different reasons. He or she may want
they may purchase the product, too. to obtain information on a product or may need an explana-
The Customer Relations Representative or consumer tion of how to use or put together the product. The con-
relations representative, as he or she may be called, has sumer may need warranty information or instructions on

how and where to service a faulty or broken item. The cus- Individuals who have limited experience and responsibil-
tomer may also get in touch with the company to complain ities or those working in smaller businesses may earn
about a problem with a product or about poor service. between $20,000 and $25,000 plus a year. Others who have
The Customer Relations Representative is responsible for more experience and more responsibility and are working in
answering the consumer’s questions. If he or she does not larger companies in metropolitan areas may earn up to
know the answer, the individual will be expected to find it. $35,000 or more annually.
The individual may call a superior or someone in a specific
department in order to find the correct information. He or she
Employment Prospects
will then be responsible for calling or writing the customer.
Employment prospects are good for Customer Relations
In some companies, the individual is required to keep
Representatives. Jobs may be located throughout the coun-
extensive records on all people who call. This information
try in all types of businesses, large and small.
may be handwritten or may be typed into a computer termi-
nal. The Customer Relations Representative usually needs Midsize and larger corporations usually have more than
the person’s name, address, and phone number and a short one Customer Relations Representative on staff. In large
explanation of the question or problem. He or she may also businesses there might be 20 people or more holding down
get product code numbers, and dates and places of purchase. this position.
The Customer Relations Representative is responsible
for taking calls of irate customers. These phone calls may Advancement Prospects
come in for any number of reasons. The consumer may have Advancement prospects are fair for Customer Relations
purchased a faulty product, received bad service, or may Representatives. The next step up the career ladder for the
just be complaining about an area that is totally out of the Customer Relations Representative is to become an assis-
control of the company. tant customer relations manager, director of customer rela-
The individual tries to get to the root of the problem and tions, or coordinator of consumer affairs, depending on the
determine if he or she can handle it directly or if the call structure of the company.
should be forwarded or referred to a supervisor. The Cus- Depending on his or her qualifications, the Customer
tomer Relations Representative must know company policy. Relations Representative might also advance by becoming
In many situations the company will offer to replace or an assistant director of public relations.
repair a product at no charge just to keep a customer satis- Individuals need a good educational background to
fied, even if the company was not at fault. advance their careers. They must also be willing to relocate to
Depending on the corporation, the individual may also be find a position if one does not open in their current company.
called upon to take orders, check on the status of orders, or
do billings.
The individual is often required to write letters to con- Education and Training
sumers to apologize for a problem, to explain a situation, or Most positions for Customer Relations Representatives
to offer a solution. The Customer Relations Representative require that the applicant have a four-year college degree.
may also have additional writing responsibilities. He or she While some positions do not require anything but a high
may be expected to write leaflets, booklets, or newsletters school diploma, higher education is necessary in order to
aimed at helping the consumer and keeping him or her advance the individual’s career.
aware of company products or the usage of products. Any type of major may be acceptable. Good course options
If a product recall occurs, the Customer Relations Repre- might include psychology, sociology, English, public rela-
sentative may become involved in the recall procedure. He tions, marketing, advertising, writing, and communications.
or she may take the calls from customers who have already
purchased a product and explain the replacement or refund Experience, Skills, and Personality Traits
process. The individual may also phone or write customers The Customer Relations Representative should be articulate
who have sent in warranties to make them aware of the with good communication skills. He or she should also have
problem. a pleasant phone manner. A lot of the individual’s time is
The Customer Relations Representative works normal spent on the telephone talking to customers with questions
business hours. He or she is responsible to the customer or problems.
relations manager or director. The individual should have the ability to display empathy
when dealing with a problem. He or she should be able to
Salaries handle many details at one time without getting flustered.
Salaries can range greatly for Customer Relations Repre- Computer capability is a plus in many positions.
sentatives depending on their experience and responsibili- The Customer Relations Representative must be person-
ties and the size, structure, and location of the company. able. He or she should be able to deal with an irate con-

sumer in such a way that the customer calms down so that Look under heading classifications of “Customer Ser-
the problem can be effectively solved. The Customer Rela- vice,” “Customer Relations,” “Public Relations,” or
tions Representative must never let his or her temper show. “Consumer Affairs.”
In some positions the Customer Relations Representative is 2. Consider sending your résumé and a cover letter to
expected to fulfill writing functions. He or she may be the personnel or human resources director at a num-
required to write letters, reports, customer service pamphlets, ber of different companies. Ask that your résumé be
or booklets. A working knowledge of the English language, kept on file. There is a high turnover rate in these
letter writing, spelling, word usage, and grammar is necessary. positions. You might be called in for an interview
sooner than you think.
3. Get some hands-on experience dealing with cus-
Unions and Associations
tomers in a summer or part-time job as a salesperson.
Customer Relations Representatives may become members
4. If you are still in school, think about joining an organ-
of the Society of Consumer Affairs Professionals in Business
ization or club that deals with the handling of student
(SOCAP). This organization holds seminars on effective
affairs and problems. This will give you valuable on-
ways to deal with consumer problems in business. Individu-
the-job training.
als may also belong to private and voluntary consumer
5. Offer to write an “Action-Line” column for your
organizations that advocate specific consumer interests.
school or local newspaper. This is a column in which
people write in with consumer problems and the
Tips for Entry columnist searches out answers for them. This will
1. Jobs for Customer Relations Representatives are often look good on your résumé and may help you climb
advertised in the classified sections of newspapers. the career ladder once employed.



Duties: Coordinate relationship between corporation and

local agencies, civic, and community groups; represent Community Relations Director or
company in beneficial community activities Manager or Public Relations Director
or Manager
Alternate Title(s): Community Relations Representative;
Community Affairs Coordinator; Community Affairs

Salary Range: $23,000 to $56,000+ Community Relations Coordinator

Employment Prospects: Fair

Advancement Prospects: Fair

Community Relations Assistant,
Best Geographical Location(s): Areas that have large Public Relations Assistant,
industries and corporations offer more opportunities. or Journalist
Education or Training—Four-year college degree
Experience—Experience working with community and
nonprofit groups helpful
Special Skills and Personality Traits—People skills;
creative; good written and verbal communication skills;
public speaking ability; organized

Position Description arrange company sponsorship of Girl Scout or Boy Scout

A Community Relations Coordinator working in the corpo- troops or local sports teams.
rate or business sphere has an interesting job. In this posi- The Community Relations Coordinator may develop pro-
tion the individual coordinates the relationship between the grams or work with local community groups such as the
corporate business and local agencies, civic groups, schools, United Way or Red Cross on specific projects. The Commu-
community groups, political entities, and governmental nity Relations Coordinator, as an example, may act as a liaison
agencies. The Community Relations Coordinator is required between the United Way and employees of the corporation in
to plan and design programs that will both help the local programs in which monthly donations are taken out of partici-
community and promote the image of the corporation in a pating employees’ paychecks. The individual may work with
positive way. While performing these tasks the individual the Red Cross in a program where a select day is set up for
must continue to be sensitive to the local community and its employees of the corporation to donate blood.
needs. The individual may also be required to develop new or
The individual is responsible for representing the corpo- innovative community relations programs. These might
ration in beneficial community activities. He or she may include events in which the company can take leadership,
work with the sponsorship of programs including sporting such as marathons, fairs, art auctions, and parades. An
events, cultural events, and community-related programs. example of this technique is the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day
For example, the Community Relations Coordinator may Parade, which is aired on television every year. These events

will keep the corporation favorably in the public eye. Pro- responsibilities may have annual earnings averaging in the
grams such as these also indirectly help market the corpora- mid-thirties.
tion’s products or services to the public.
The Community Relations Coordinator may be required
Employment Prospects
to be the representative of the company on nonprofit organi-
Employment prospects are fair for individuals seeking
zation boards and committees. The individual may also be
Community Relations Coordinator positions. It should be
asked by the corporation to become an active member of
noted that not every corporation hires someone specifically
civic and community groups.
for this job. Instead, many expect someone from the public
He or she may work with other departments in the corpo-
relations department to be responsible for the functions of a
ration coordinating functions and handling details. These
Community Relations Coordinator.
might include public relations, advertising, marketing, and
Depending on the structure of the company, the individ- Advancement Prospects
ual may be responsible for writing press releases and feature Advancement prospects are fair for a Community Relations
articles on various community relations projects. He or she Coordinator. An individual may take a number of different
might also be responsible for taking photographs during career paths in climbing the ladder of success. He or she
corporation-sponsored community events or arranging to may locate a similar position in a larger, more prestigious
have a professional photographer present. company that would result in higher earnings. The individ-
At times the Community Relations Coordinator may be ual may also advance by becoming a community relations
asked to give speeches on behalf of the company. The usual director or manager. This may be difficult, however, because
procedure is for the community relations person to point out relatively few corporations have this position available. The
in the speech a tie-in with a community project in which the individual might find more opportunities by climbing the
company is currently involved. He or she may be required to ladder and landing a job as a corporate public relations
appear on local public service television and radio interview director or a manager or assistant director of marketing.
shows to promote the corporation’s community projects as If he or she has developed a good working relationship
well as to make sure the company maintains a good public with a nonprofit organization that is seeking a director, the
image. individual may be considered for the position.
The Community Relations Coordinator usually has a
good working relationship with the media. In this way, Education and Training
when the corporation is sponsoring a local team or helping Community Relations Coordinators working in corporations
to raise money for a worthwhile cause, the company reaps are usually required to have a minimum of a four-year col-
the benefits of press coverage. lege degree. While majors might vary, emphasis should be
The Community Relations Coordinator often takes com- placed on courses in publicity, public relations, marketing,
munity groups on tours of the company plant. He or she advertising, journalism, English, communications, writing,
may arrange teas, luncheons, or dinners for these groups so psychology, and sociology.
that they can learn more about the corporation and its com- There are numerous seminars on working with nonprofit
munity programs. groups, community relations, public relations, and publicity
Individuals in this position may often have to work after that will prove useful to the individual in obtaining a posi-
normal business hours to attend civic, nonprofit, and com- tion and being successful at it.
munity group meetings, to make speeches, or to represent
the corporation at an event.
Experience, Skills, and Personality Traits
The Community Relations Coordinator may be responsi-
Individuals working in community relations should enjoy
ble to the community relations director, if there is one. He or
working with people. They should be community-minded
she may also be responsible to the public relations director
and have an understanding of nonprofit, civic, and commu-
of the company.
nity groups.
Individuals in this profession are the type of people who
Salaries are always the first to volunteer to help when someone has a
Earnings for this position may range from $23,000 to problem. They like to solve problems and help others.
$56,000 or more depending on the specific corporation and Community Relations Coordinators should be outgoing,
the responsibilities and experience of the individual. personable, aggressive, and articulate. Good writing, organi-
Many larger corporations hire people with limited expe- zational, and planning skills are necessary. The individual
rience and pay a relatively low salary at the beginning. Indi- must have the ability to speak in front of large and small
viduals who have more experience or handle extensive groups without getting flustered.

Community Relations Coordinators may have advanced writing techniques. Local newspapers and chambers
to their present job in a variety of ways. They might have of commerce often offer courses in writing and pub-
had experience working in a nonprofit organization as a licity especially for people working with community
publicity or community relations assistant or as an adminis- groups.
trative assistant in the publicity, marketing, or community 3. Community relations positions are often advertised in
relations office. local newspaper display and classified advertisements.
Look under the heading classifications of “Community
Relations,” “Community Affairs,” or “Publicity.”
Unions and Associations
4. Many large corporations offer internships and training
Community Relations Coordinators working in the corpo-
programs in various departments. Try to locate one of
rate world do not usually belong to any type of union. They
may belong to trade associations specific to the industry in
5. You might want to send your résumé and a cover let-
which they are working. Individuals often belong to local
ter describing the type of job you want to some of the
civic groups, nonprofit organizations, and service clubs and
larger corporations. While you won’t usually start at
attend their meetings as part of their job duties.
the top, you might find an entry level position in the
Tips for Entry 6. Be sure to check out company Web sites. Many list
1. Join civic and nonprofit groups and volunteer to be on job openings. Start on the home page and look for an
committees. This will give you hands-on experience employment link.
working in this type of situation.
2. This job often entails a great deal of writing. You
might want to take some extra courses or seminars in



Duties: Handle communications between management and

employees in a corporation; develop internal publica- Employee Relations Coordinator
tions; obtain information about needs and interests of in Larger Corporation or Director
employees; create and implement events for employees of Public Relations or Personnel Director

Alternate Title(s): Employee Relations Representative;

Employee Communications Coordinator

Salary Range: $25,000 to $56,000+ Employee Relations Coordinator

Employment Prospects: Fair

Advancement Prospects: Good

Employee Relations Assistant
Best Geographical Location(s): Jobs located throughout or Publicity
the country. or Public Relations Position
Education or Training—Minimum of four-year college
Experience—Experience working in publicity, public
relations, employee relations
Special Skills and Personality Traits—People skills;
good writing skills; good communication skills; public
speaking ability; knowledge of negotiation, arbitration,
and group dynamics

Position Description agement. The individual may also be responsible for com-
The Employee Relations Coordinator working in a corpora- municating management policies to the employees.
tion is responsible for handling communications between In order to fulfill these functions the Employee Relations
upper management and employees. This type of job is usu- Coordinator will have a number of responsibilities. The
ally found in midsize and larger corporations and industries. individual has frequent meetings with the personnel director
In smaller corporations the functions of the Employee Rela- and top management during which they will discuss both
tions Coordinator might be assigned to the public relations new policies and changes in existing policies. During these
or personnel department. sessions the coordinator also finds out if there are any mes-
The purpose of the employee relations department is to sages or information that should be communicated to
keep employees informed of happenings within their jobs employees. This information can encompass anything from
and the company as well as keeping them satisfied with major policy changes, such as reductions in employees’ pay
their jobs. In this way employees will be more productive or fringe benefit changes, to something relatively trivial,
and effective when performing their work. such as the date of a company baseball game or the prizes
The Employee Relations Coordinator acts as a liaison for the company’s bowling league.
between management and employees. He or she is responsi- The Employee Relations Coordinator is responsible for
ble for bringing employee problems to the attention of man- finding the most effective way to make employees aware of

the information. In some situations the individual finds that The Employee Relations Coordinator constantly strives to
writing memos to department heads is the answer. The learn employees’ needs, opinions, and interests and to discuss
department head can then pass the information on to the possibilities and methods of responding to them with man-
employees. In other situations each employee may receive a agement. His or her main function is to have employees per-
personal memo or notice. ceive the company and its management in a positive way.
The coordinator may decide to use other forms of written Depending on the structure of the corporation, the
internal communications such as flyers, posters for bulletin Employee Relations Coordinator may report directly to the
boards, and newsletters. The individual is responsible for president, vice president, or chief executive officer. The indi-
developing, creating, and writing these materials. He or she vidual might also be responsible to the public relations direc-
may do this or pass the task on to an assistant. In the event tor or the personnel director.
that an assistant does the writing, the coordinator will be
responsible for editing and checking the information for Salaries
accuracy. Earnings for Employee Relations Coordinators vary from
The Employee Relations Coordinator may have special job to job. They may range from $25,000 to $56,000 or
times set aside in which employees can come and discuss more depending on the corporation. Generally, the larger the
problems with the company, their job, or policies. The indi- corporation and the more the responsibility of the individ-
vidual will then try to arrive at a solution or take the situa- ual, the higher the salary will be. Earnings will also be
tion to upper management to resolve. higher for those working in large metropolitan areas.
He or she might also conduct informational surveys of
employees to obtain their opinions, needs, and interests so
that management can better respond to them. For example,
Employment Prospects
the coordinator may find through surveys that a large group Employment prospects are fair for individuals seeking a job
of employees would be willing to pay for child care in the in employee relations and will improve in the years to come.
company building. The individual would take this informa- There are currently many midsize and larger corporations
tion to upper management, who might then respond by that employ a person for this position. More companies are
opening a company-run child care center. beginning to follow the trend of using employee relations in
The Employee Relations Coordinator is often responsi- order to create a more satisfied work force and therefore
more effective and productive workers.
ble for creating and implementing employee events to boost
Employment possibilities may be located throughout the
morale. The individual may, for example, develop company
softball teams, bowling leagues, or basketball teams. He or
she may plan picnics, parties, and other special events for
employees and their families. Advancement Prospects
The Employee Relations Coordinator may arrange and The Employee Relations Coordinator may advance his or
implement seminars, conferences, or meetings for employ- her career in a number of ways. The individual may locate
ees. These may be used for a variety of purposes, from hon- the same type of position in a larger, more prestigious cor-
ing skills and training to bringing employees together. The poration, which would result in increased earnings.
individual will often use these functions to have top man- The Employee Relations Coordinator may climb the
agement give out awards or special honors and single out career ladder by becoming the director of public relations in
employees for outstanding service to the company. a corporation. The individual may also move into the posi-
The coordinator works with other departments while per- tion of personnel director or director of human resources.
forming his or her functions. He or she may inform the
director of the public relations department of employee hon- Education and Training
ors or achievements so that press releases can be written and
Employee Relations Coordinators are required to have a
sent to the media. The individual may work with the com-
minimum of a four-year college diploma. There are a num-
munity relations director when employees are sponsoring an
ber of positions in which graduate degrees are preferred.
event for a local charity or nonprofit organization.
A broad educational background is useful to individuals in
In the event of corporate layoffs, the Employee Relations
this field. Courses in public relations, marketing, communica-
Coordinator may work closely with the personnel depart-
tions, journalism, English, business, writing, psychology,
ment. The individual might be expected to explain and help
group dynamics, negotiation, and arbitration are helpful.
implement management’s plans for programs for laid-off
employees. For example, he or she may work on a program
offering résumé writing classes. The individual may also be Experience, Skills, and Personality Traits
expected to explain to employees the problems that created Employee Relations Coordinator should genuinely like peo-
the layoffs. He or she may do this through written commu- ple. They should be personable, with an understanding of
nications or by speaking to employee groups. people.

The individual needs the ability to fulfill all public rela- Employee Relations Coordinators might also belong to
tions functions. He or she should be able to write clearly, trade associations specific to their industry.
factually, and creatively. The Employee Relations Coordina-
tor may have to develop and write memos, letters, releases,
proposals, newsletters, posters, and flyers. A good com- Tips for Entry
mand of word usage, spelling, and grammar is necessary. 1. Become familiar with negotiating, arbitrating, and
The Employee Relations Coordinator should have good group dynamics by taking seminars and courses.
communications skills. He or she must be articulate and 2. Obtain writing experience. Consider becoming a
have the ability to speak to large groups of people. The indi- reporter for your school or local newspaper.
vidual should be equally comfortable speaking to manage- 3. Obtain experience working with groups of people
ment and to employees. by becoming a member of your school student gov-
The Employee Relations Coordinator needs a total ernment.
understanding of both employee attitudes and those of man- 4. Locate an internship in employee relations or public
agement. He or she should be persuasive, have the ability to relations. The hands-on experience will be valuable.
negotiate and arbitrate, and understand group dynamics. 5. If you can’t find an internship, consider working as
an administrative assistant, clerk, or secretary in
Unions and Associations either the employee relations department of a corpo-
Employee Relations Coordinators working in corporations ration or in the offices of upper management. This
may often work with various bargaining unions of which will give you an overview of the management/
employees are members. employee situation.
Individuals may also be members of a number of trade 6. Positions may be advertised in the classified section
associations for those working in the public relations and of newspapers. Look under heading classifications of
employee relations field. These include the International “Corporate,” “Employee Relations,” “Worker Rela-
Association of Business Communicators (IABC), the Public tions,” “Staff Relations,” or “Public Relations.”
Relations Society of America (PRSA), and the National 7. Be sure to check some of the career and employment
Association of Manufacturers (NAM). Web sites for openings.



Duties: Act as company’s representative at trade shows and

conventions; demonstrate product or service; staff booth Trade Show Manager
or Sales, Marketing,
Alternate Title(s): Trade Show Rep or Public Relations Assistant Manager

Salary Range: $23,000 to $100,000+

Employment Prospects: Good

Trade Show Representative
Advancement Prospects: Fair

Best Geographical Location(s): Openings may occur

wherever there are large corporations and industries;
positions may also be available in cities where there are Entry Level or Public Relations,
large convention centers and arenas. Marketing, or Sales Assistant

Education or Training—College background not
always required, but helpful
Experience—Experience working with the public is
Special Skills and Personality Traits—Neat; articulate;
dependable; personable; detail-oriented; enjoy traveling

Position Description ture and watches films, videotapes, and advertisements

A Trade Show Representative goes to conventions and trade about the company.
shows. The individual’s main function is to help sell the The individual may make arrangements to have every-
company’s product or service by acting as the company’s thing shipped to the venue as well as shipped back to the
representative in the field. The Trade Show Representative company headquarters or on to the next trade show. The
may travel to different cities around the country (or the Trade Show Representative may oversee the actual booth
world) to perform this function. shipment as well as all of the equipment needed to run the
The Trade Show Representative can have varied respon- booth. This might include booth displays, audiovisuals,
sibilities ranging from just demonstrating a product at the signs, giveaways, promotional material, literature, and the
trade show booth to overseeing the setup of the booth, sell- product itself.
ing a product, and scheduling the manning of the booths. It The Trade Show Representative may also work with
all depends on the structure of the company. unions in the various venues where the shows are located. In
The individual demonstrating a company’s product at a many convention centers and halls, union representatives
trade show must know as much as possible about that prod- must set up and break down trade show booths and hook up
uct. The representative usually spends a great deal of time the electricity and lights. In other centers the Trade Show
with company salespeople, technicians, and marketing peo- Representative has to set up the booth alone or hire workers
ple to obtain this information. He or she also reads all litera- to do the setup and breakdown procedures.

Depending on the structure of the company the individual Depending on the structure of the company, the Trade
works for, he or she may be responsible for making the travel Show Representative may be responsible to the marketing
and lodging arrangements for all staff attending the show. manager, advertising manager, sales manager, or public
The Trade Show Representative also has to do the scheduling relations manager.
arrangements for all those working in the booth. The individ-
ual may work alone or may work with other Trade Show
Representatives, salespeople, or even company owners and Salaries
managers. Salaries for Trade Show Representatives can range from
As rental prices for trade show space are usually quite very low to very high depending on the company the indi-
high, the Trade Show Representative must check that the vidual is working for and his or her responsibilities.
exhibit promoter has provided all the equipment and space For those people who are just responsible for manning a
that the company has contracted for. This might include the booth or demonstrating a product, salaries may begin in the
physical convention-style booth, chairs, tables, table cover- $23,000 to $28,000 range. Representatives who have more
ings, signs, electrical outlets, and audiovisual equipment. responsibility, however, may earn salaries of $27,000 to
Once the individual has seen to the booth setup so that it $38,000 plus. Trade Show Representatives may also receive
is both pleasing to look at and easily accessible for people to commissions on sales. These individuals may earn $100,000
come in to talk, the representative has other duties. or more.
He or she must arrive at the trade show before it opens to
the public. Once people begin to come in, the individual
mans the booth, demonstrate the product or service, and Employment Prospects
answers questions from prospective customers. The repre- Employment prospects are good for Trade Show Represen-
sentative often conducts contests to try to attract as many tatives. Most companies, corporations, and industries attend
potential visitors to the booth as possible. The individual trade shows and conventions on a regular basis and need
may also give away promotional samples or items with the people for this position. More openings may be available in
company’s logo such as mugs, T-shirts, or balloons. areas where larger corporations are headquartered.
The Trade Show Representative often meets with Many companies also use the services of freelance Trade
prospective clients after show hours to explain the product Show Representatives.
in more detail. Many companies hold informal get-togethers
or cocktail parties for potential clients after the show. In Advancement Prospects
these instances the individual is expected either to host the
Advancement prospects are fair for Trade Show Repre-
event or to be on hand to try to set up sales meetings or pre-
sentatives. Individuals can move up the career ladder in a
number of ways. Many Trade Show Representatives find
Some Trade Show Representatives are also responsible
positions working for trade show companies as trade
for writing orders at the show, while others are just respon-
show managers. Others stay in the corporate world and
sible for taking names, addresses, and phone numbers and
setting up meetings for company salespeople. become advertising, sales, marketing, or public relations
Trade Show Representatives often represent the company assistant managers.
on television or radio interview shows in the area in which
the trade show takes place. The individual may also do print Education and Training
interviews for magazines, newspapers, or trades at the con- There are many jobs as Trade Show Representatives that
vention location. don’t require a college education. However, a college degree
After the trade show has concluded the representative is often needed in order to move up the career ladder.
may meet with advertising sales managers, marketing man- Those considering college should take courses in sales,
agers, or the public relations department to discuss the ques- marketing, business, advertising, English, public relations,
tions of customers and clients, make suggestions for future and communications.
trade shows, or find better ways to increase the effectiveness
of the booth display and layout.
Much of the life of Trade Show Representatives is spent Experience, Skills, and Personality Traits
on the road. People in this field must like to travel and not Trade Show Representatives need to be neat, articulate, and
mind “living out of a suitcase.” personable. They need to be detail-minded and able to han-
Stress can be a problem for Trade Show Representatives dle more than one project at a time.
who are required to sell products or services. For others, how- Since the individual travels extensively, he or she should
ever, this type of position offers the individual a different way not mind living out of a suitcase and being on the road for
to work, meet a lot of new people, and travel extensively. long periods of time.

Unions and Associations when various shows are arriving and write to the show
Depending on their duties, Trade Show Representatives promoters. They should be able to supply you with a
might be members of the Public Relations Society of Amer- partial list of exhibitors you can contact with a cover
ica (PRSA), the American Advertising Federation (AAF), letter and résumé.
the Business/Professional Advertising Association (B/PAA), 3. Positions are often advertised in the classified section
or the Association of National Advertisers, Inc. (ANA). of newspapers under “Trade Show,” “Demonstrator,”
Individuals may also be members of associations specific to “Advertising,” “Public Relations,” or “Marketing.”
their industries. 4. Positions may be located online. Check out company
Web sites as well as some of the more popular employ-
ment sites.
Tips for Entry 5. If you live in an area with a convention center, contact
1. There are often freelance or part-time positions open their management to see if they know of any openings.
for Trade Show Representatives. Contact the person- 6. Look at company Web sites to see if they list job
nel department of major corporations. Send a letter opportunities.
and résumé.
2. You might also find a freelance position by contacting
the major convention centers in your area. Find out



Duties: Develop and implement special events and promo-

tions on behalf of a corporation for employees and the Public Relations or Marketing Director

Alternate Title(s): Special Events Director

Salary Range: $25,000 to $56,000+ Special Events Coordinator

Employment Prospects: Fair

Advancement Prospects: Fair

Special Events Assistant
Best Geographical Location(s): Areas that have large or Public Relations Assistant
industries and corporations offer more opportunities.

Education or Training—Bachelor’s degree with major
in communications, public relations, English, liberal arts,
advertising, business, or journalism required
Experience—Publicity, public relations, and special
events experience helpful
Special Skills and Personality Traits—Detail-oriented;
creative; imaginative; innovative; good writing and ver-
bal communication skills; people skills

Position Description cause or charity. This would help build better community
Special Events Coordinators working in corporations or relations, leading to better public relations. A special event
industries usually work in the marketing or public rela- spotlighting the introduction of a new product would help
tions department. The individual’s main function is to for- the company obtain publicity and sales.
mulate special events and promotions to enhance the Special Events Coordinators have a great deal of respon-
image of the company as well as to make it more visible. sibility. They must come up with innovative ideas and then
Special events and projects may be developed and con- take them from inception to fruition. All this must be
ducted for employees or may be implemented and exe- accomplished within a budget and a time frame. Individuals
cuted for the community. might plan any type of event, from a Christmas party for
The Special Events Coordinator of a corporation may employees to a celebration for a corporation that has been in
plan events and promotions for a variety of purposes. The business for fifty years.
three main ones are to keep up employee morale, to build The individual begins the process by being notified that a
better public relations, and to obtain publicity and promo- special event or promotion is required in the company. This
tion for the company. For example, the individual might is usually initiated by someone in the public relations, mar-
execute a special event to highlight the achievement of one keting, or advertising department or by upper management
or more employees, such as the highest-producing salespeo- within the corporation. The Special Events Coordinator
ple in the company. This would boost employee morale. He must then determine general information about the program.
or she could run a promotion to raise funds for a community This includes the type of event that will be planned, whom it

is for, and the purpose, size, time frame, and proposed the responsibilities and experience of the individual as well
budget. as the type of business and its size, location, and prestige.
The Special Events Coordinator is responsible for devel- Compensation will also be dependent on how important the
oping an appropriate event. The goal is to come up with a company considers this particular position.
novel, workable idea. He or she might come up with this Annual earnings for those working in corporations and
alone or may brainstorm with management or members of industries can begin at $25,000 for an individual with lim-
the public relations, marketing, advertising, or promotion ited experience working in a small corporation. Salaries go
department. After a number of rough ideas have been devel- up to $56,000 or more for those who have experience and
oped, the Special Events Coordinator sits down and works are working in major corporations. Special Events Coordi-
out the details and writes a basic plan for the event. If nators who have created extraordinary events and promo-
approval is received, the individual can move forward and tions may earn even more. Individuals working in
put the promotion into action. corporations usually have their salary enhanced by various
The individual is responsible for devising a budget for benefit packages.
the project and keeping to it. It is his or her duty to locate
people, places, and items necessary for making the event a Employment Prospects
success. The coordinator may have to hire entertainment, Employment prospects are fair for people seeking positions
talent, caterers, hosts and hostesses, and costumers. Other as Special Events Coordinators. There are countless corpo-
people may have to be hired and supervised to implement rations and industries located throughout the country. It
every aspect of the program. He or she might have to locate should be noted, however, that not every company has this
tents, chairs, stages, promotional items, gifts, and special position. Smaller industries and corporations often make
food. The individual has to scout out locations, dates, and public relations, marketing, or advertising departments
times. Every detail of the entire event becomes the responsi- responsible for planning and implementing special events
bility of the Special Events Coordinator. and promotion functions.
The individual may have writing functions, including
the preparation of press releases and other publicity on the
upcoming event as well as post-publicity on portions of the Advancement Prospects
program that have already occurred. The individual may be While there are a number of ways to advance the career of a
required to write, design, and/or lay out programs, book- Special Events Coordinator working in a corporation or
lets, flyers, leaflets, and/or brochures about the program. another industry, prospects are only fair.
Writing reports on the status or the result of promotions The individuals could move into the position of market-
and events is usually necessary. ing director or public relations director of the company
At times the Special Events Coordinator may function as where he or she is working. In order to do this, however, the
a public relations person. He or she may call the media and current public relations or marketing director would have to
arrange interviews, articles, feature stories, photo opportu- be promoted or leave for a better position. Individuals might
nities, and broadcasts. The individual also has to set up and also move up the career ladder by locating a position in a
execute press conferences, cocktail parties, luncheons, and larger, more prestigious company where salaries would be
dinners. higher.
The Special Events Coordinator is expected to be present
at most if not all promotions and events. Days are long. Education and Training
Events often take place in the evening or on weekends. Indi- Individuals seeking positions in special event coordination
viduals usually work on many projects at one time. need a college degree. Possible majors include communica-
The Special Events Coordinator is often judged by his or tions, public relations, English, liberal arts, advertising,
her last event. The individual can execute one hundred suc- business, and journalism.
cessful programs, but if one is deemed a failure, people Any courses or seminars dealing with special events,
remember that one. This can be stressful for some people. promotions, public relations, and publicity will be useful.
Depending on the organization of the corporation in
which the individual works, he or she might be responsible
Experience, Skills, and Personality Traits
to the marketing director, the public relations director, or
Special Events Coordinators should like working with peo-
one of the company vice presidents.
ple. Good interpersonal skills are important. The individual
should have the ability to supervise others and delegate
Salaries responsibility. He or she should be detail-minded and capa-
Earnings for Special Events Coordinators vary greatly ble of working on many different projects at once without
between one corporation and another. Salaries depend on getting flustered.

Those working in special events coordination should be 2. Try to locate a corporation that offers internships or
creative, imaginative, and innovative. Individuals need good summer employment in various departments. This
communication skills, both verbal and written. A good will get your foot in the door and give you experience.
understanding of the business or industry in which they are 3. Many large industries and corporations have internal
working is necessary. training programs. These take you straight from col-
Experience in any form of publicity, special event pro- lege graduation into entry level positions and move
motion, marketing, and public relations is useful in helping you up through the ranks in the department that inter-
the individual not only obtain a job but be successful at it. ests you.
4. Job openings may be advertised in the classified section.
Look under the heading classifications of “Promotion,”
Unions and Associations
“Advertising,” “Marketing,” “Public Relations,” or
Special Events Coordinators may belong to associations and
“Special Events.”
organizations directly related to the industry in which they are
5. You can also send a letter with your résumé to the
working. Individuals in this type of position might also
human resources or personnel directors of major cor-
belong to trade associations such as the Public Relations
porations and ask for an interview. Request that your
Society of America (PRSA), Business/Professional Advertis-
résumé be kept on file even if a position is not cur-
ing Association (B/PAA), or the International Communica-
rently available.
tions Association (ICA). These organizations may offer ideas,
6. Check out possible openings on employment and career
seminars, guidance, trade journals, and professional support.
Web sites such as and

Tips for Entry

1. Get some experience by volunteering to run or coordi-
nate special events and programs for community



Duties: Assist in the development and implementation of

special events and promotions on behalf of a corporation Special Events Coordinator
for its employees and the community

Alternate Title(s): Special Events and Projects Assistant

Salary Range: $22,000 to $32,000+ Special Events Assistant

Employment Prospects: Fair

Advancement Prospects: Good

Clerical or Secretarial Position
Best Geographical Location(s): Areas that have large in Department, Intern, Trainee,
industries and corporations. or Entry Level
Education or Training—Bachelor’s degree with major
in communications, public relations, English, liberal arts,
advertising, business, or journalism required
Experience—Special event experience helpful, but not
Special Skills and Personality Traits—Detail oriented;
creative; imaginative; innovative; good writing and ver-
bal communication skills; people skills; typing skills;

Position Description then brainstorm individually or with the group and come up
The Special Events Assistant working in a corporation with a variety of ideas and concepts for events.
assists in the development and implementation of special The individual is often responsible for writing a prelimi-
events, promotions, and projects. These might be planned nary proposal for the events that will take place. He or she
on behalf of the corporation for its employees or for the will probably be required to do research in order to accom-
local community. plish this. The individual may call or write to obtain a vari-
Special events and promotions are executed for a num- ety of price quotes on locations, decorations, supplies, and
ber of reasons. It is important for all corporations to food. The assistant may go to libraries, trade associations,
enhance the public image of their company and to make it and bookstores to find information on similar events or to
more visible in a positive manner. Companies also like to get fresh ideas for new or innovative projects.
build the morale of their employees, honor them for spe- The individual may have to search out possible locations
cial achievements, and give them incentives for doing for parties or other programs. He or she may make calls,
even better work. write letters, or physically visit a variety of locations.
The Special Events Assistant has varied duties in his or Depending on whether the event will be held locally, in
her job. The individual may be required to sit in on planning another city, or possibly even in another country, the indi-
sessions when the coordinator and management decide that vidual may have to do quite a bit of traveling. Once a num-
a special event or program will take place. He or she may ber of locations are chosen, the individual may have to

check which are available for the dates and times of the director of public relations, marketing, or promotion,
events. depending on the structure of the company.
The coordinator often gives the assistant a checklist of
duties to perform for each event. These might include Salaries
checking on invitations, decorations, speaker’s podiums,
Earnings for this position may range from $22,000 to
lighting, and audiovisual equipment.
$32,000 annually. Factors in salary variance include the
The assistant may help coordinate all activities of events
experience, skills, and responsibilities of the individual and
from their inception through the planning stage and up to
the size, location, and prestige of the corporation.
the time of the actual event. Even then the individual’s
Large corporations often start an individual with a rela-
duties may not end. He or she may be responsible for writ-
tively low salary and increase it after he or she has proven
ing or assisting in the writing of a report on the effectiveness
him- or herself.
of the event.
Individuals might be required to help plan any type of
program from a press conference to a holiday party. He or Employment Prospects
she might also plan receptions for employees who have Employment prospects are fair for Special Events Assis-
been honored, gala dinners, sales meetings, conferences, tants. Many corporations that do not hire directors for this
and conventions. position may rely on people in public relations, marketing,
The Special Events Assistant does a lot of the legwork or advertising to perform the duties of the job. They then
for the coordinator in planning a function. He or she may be hire an assistant to do the legwork.
responsible for finding people, places, and items necessary Individuals who are truly interested in landing a position
for making the event a success. This could include caterers, in this field will have to look for positions in very large cor-
hosts, hostesses, costumers, and props. The individual may porations.
help the coordinator locate and rent or buy chairs, tents, and
Depending on the type of function, the individual may Advancement Prospects
have to find gifts and incentive awards for participants. Advancement prospects are good for Special Events Assis-
They may have giveaways such as T-shirts, watches, and tants, depending on how they want to move up the career
mugs designed with the corporate logo. ladder. Individuals may move up by becoming an assistant
The assistant may screen entertainment and help the director of public relations, marketing, or promotion.
coordinator choose the best talent. He or she may be respon- Prospects are more difficult for an individual trying to
sible for checking to make sure that all contracts contain the advance to become a special events coordinator. Those posi-
appropriate information and are sent or delivered, returned tions are scarce, and there is not a great deal of turnover.
signed, and filed properly. An individual who has experience as an assistant will
At times the assistant may be required to write press probably receive priority for this type of job over an appli-
releases about the event. These may be written prior to and cant who just has publicity, promotion, or marketing experi-
after the program. Depending on his or her experience and ence. Individuals who show creativity and have helped
responsibilities, the assistant may also arrange for media produce extraordinary events will also improve their
interviews, feature stories, articles, and photo opportunities advancement prospects.
during all parts of the event.
The individual may also be responsible for assisting with Education and Training
the copy, graphics, or layout for programs, booklets, flyers,
Positions such as this require a four-year college degree.
leaflets, and/or brochures about the program.
Good choices for majors include public relations, communi-
Everything that the assistant does is designed with the
cations, English, liberal arts, advertising, business, and jour-
intention of helping the coordinator put together an out-
standing, novel, and creative event that will be received and
Any courses or seminars dealing with special events,
remembered favorably.
promotions, public relations, or publicity will be useful. Art
The assistant often puts in long days. He or she is usually
or design courses might also be helpful when the individual
expected to attend all special events, projects, and promo-
is working on decorations for parties and events.
tions. These might take place at night or on weekends.
The individual rarely receives a great deal of recognition
for his or her part in the promotion. If it is a success, most of Experience, Skills, and Personality Traits
the credit will go to the coordinator. The Special Events Special Events Assistants are required to run around a lot.
Assistant is responsible to the special events coordinator, if The person in this position needs an abundance of energy.
there is one. If not, he or she might be responsible to the The individual should have the ability to handle all kinds of

details without getting flustered. He or she should be totally Individuals might also be members of specific organiza-
organized and be able to work without constant supervision. tions directly related to the industries in which they are
Special Events Assistants will often help develop ideas working.
for special events, parties, and projects. They should be
innovative, imaginative, and creative. Tips for Entry
The individual should have good verbal and writing
1. Hands-on experience is valuable in a position like
skills. He or she might be required to write letters, invita-
this. Try to obtain skills by working on school parties
tions, and press releases. The assistant must also have good
and proms or by volunteering to work in special
phone skills, as he or she will often make contacts and
events for a nonprofit or civic group.
arrangements on the telephone.
2. There are a great many books available in your local
The Special Events Assistant who is artistically inclined
library and bookstore about planning special events
is especially valuable. The individual can sketch out ideas for
and promotions. It will be worthwhile reading up on
decorating rooms, artwork, booklet covers, or invitations.
the subject before an interview.
Typing, word processing, and computer skills are neces-
3. You might also want to look into magazine and news-
sary in almost every position.
paper articles on the subject.
4. Keep a file of special events, projects, and promotions
Unions and Associations you read about or see to give you ideas and inspira-
Special Events Assistants working in corporations do not tion.
belong to any union. Individuals may belong to a number of 5. You might consider putting together a portfolio of
different trade associations depending on their areas of promotions or special events including suggestions
responsibility and interest. These organizations often offer for running the programs and budgets. If you have
seminars, conferences, and meetings during which individu- participated in putting any of these together, keep a
als can exchange ideas or hone skills. These include the notebook and photographs.
Public Relations Society of America (PRSA), Business 6. There are many freelancers who plan special events
Marketing Association (BMA), and the International Com- and parties. A part-time job with one of these individ-
munications Association (ICA). uals is another good way to get hands-on experience.


Duties: Plan, develop, and implement advertising cam-

paigns for shopping center or mall Director of Shopping Center/Mall
Marketing, Promotion,
Alternate Title(s): Shopping Center Ad Manager; Mall Ad or Public Relations
Manager; Director of Mall Advertising; Mall Advertising or Advertising Manager in Larger,
Coordinator More Prestigious Mall

Salary Range: $24,000 to $48,000+

Employment Prospects: Fair

Shopping Center/Mall Advertising
Advancement Prospects: Fair Manager

Best Geographical Location(s): All locations throughout

the country may have job possibilities.
Advertising Assistant
Education or Training—Bachelor’s degree required in
advertising, business, journalism, public relations, mar-
keting, liberal arts, English, communications, or business
Experience—Experience in some facet of advertising
Special Skills and Personality Traits—Creative; ability
to handle details; knowledge of retail industry; articulate
both verbally and on paper; knowledge of copywriting,
graphics, and layout

Position Description where his or her advertising dollar would be best spent.
The advertising manager working in a shopping center or Choices might include local or regional newspapers, maga-
mall is responsible for planning, developing, and imple- zines and other publications, television stations, radio sta-
menting advertising campaigns and individual ads for the tions, cable stations, and billboards.
facility. He or she may work with the mall’s promotion After the ad manager has developed the budget, he or she
director if there is one, the public relations manager, corpo- takes it to either the mall marketing director (if there is one),
rate headquarters of stores in the mall, private shop owners, the mall management, or the mall owners for review. If the
and the shopping managers and owners. budget is acceptable, there is no problem. If it comes in too
The advertising manager is responsible for planning and high, the individual must make adjustments.
developing the annual advertising budget for the mall. When The advertising manager must also develop ad cam-
doing this, he or she will call and write to the media to get paigns for the entire year. These campaigns sometimes
rate sheets, demographics, and informational sheets. The include advertising for individual holidays, promotions,
individual also meets with various representatives of the special events, and sales programs.
advertising media to learn more about their publications or Shopping centers and stores feel that as long as they have
broadcast stations. As people often come from long dis- people walking and browsing, they will have shoppers.
tances to shop, the Mall Advertising Manager must decide They may not make immediate purchases but will buy at

some later date. The advertising manager works with the Salaries
marketing, promotional, and public relations departments to Salaries for advertising managers working in malls and
come up with ads and campaigns that will help make as shopping centers may range from $24,000 to $48,000 or
many people as possible aware of what the mall offers. The more annually. Individual salaries depend on the size of the
objective is to attract shoppers and browsers. mall, its location and prestige, and the amount of its adver-
The individual often works with the corporate headquar- tising budget. In some situations the advertising manager
ters of stores and private shops in the mall to put together receives bonuses when sales increase in a given period.
group or cooperative ads. These are advertisements in which Earnings also depend on the responsibilities and experience
a number of mall stores will advertise special sales together of the ad manager.
at a given time. There might also be some occasions when As a rule, the smaller the mall or the less experience the
the mall puts ads in publications advertising all of its stores, advertising manager has, the lower the salary. Larger shop-
shops, and food locations. ping centers with bigger annual advertising budgets usually
The advertising manager may be required to put together offer higher salaries. Malls with more prestigious stores and
a shopper’s guide of all the businesses located in the mall. shops also usually offer salaries on the higher end of the
The individual may have to contact corporate headquarters scale.
of chain or national stores to do this, as many of the stores These positions may augment earnings with liberal
cannot advertise without corporate permission. The individ- fringe benefit packages. In addition, most shopping centers
ual might also help stores design ads for the guide. In some offer employees substantial discounts when making pur-
instances, the advertising manager will farm this project out chases in the mall stores.
to a local newspaper or magazine publisher who puts the
publication together and deals directly with the businesses
in the shopping center. Employment Prospects
The advertising manager is responsible for advertising Employment prospects are fair for those interested in locat-
all special events and promotions the mall is hosting. These ing positions in shopping centers and malls and probably
could include craft, antique, and home shows, petting zoos, will improve in the years to come. Malls are located
celebrities, circuses, performers, and demonstrations. The throughout the country, and more and more of them are
individual may also have to come up with promotions or springing up annually.
may just advertise those that either promotion or public Almost every mall of any size has someone on staff to fill
relations people have developed. this advertising function. They may, however, delegate the
The advertising manager may be required to do actual advertising responsibilities to someone in mall manage-
copywriting, graphics, layout, and production for advertise- ment, public relations, or marketing.
ments or may work with freelance copywriters, graphic There is also a great deal of turnover in these positions
artists, and producers. He or she might also lay out rough due to career advancement and the mobility of the profes-
ideas for advertisements and have the publication’s or broad- sion and population.
cast station’s advertising department put the ads together.
He or she is responsible for deciding what media to place Advancement Prospects
ads in or on, what section of a publication to have ads Career advancement for advertising managers working in
inserted in, and when to schedule broadcast commercials.
malls or shopping centers is fair. Individuals can move up
The advertising manager is responsible for making sure all
the ladder of success in a number of ways. The advertising
advertisements and commercials have accurate copy and
manager may find a similar position in a larger, more presti-
graphics and are mailed or delivered to the correct media
gious mall. This will result in a larger salary and increased
before deadline.
He or she must then track tear sheets, clippings, visual
The individual might find work as an advertising man-
cuts, and audiotapes to make sure that everything has gone
ager in another industry. He or she could also become a mall
according to schedule. The advertising manager is also usu-
public relations, marketing, or promotion manager or might
ally required to check bills for placement, send or authorize
even move into mall management.
payment to the correct party, and keep records.
The advertising manager working in a mall or shopping
center generally works normal business hours. The individual Education and Training
may be under pressure at times to finish ads before deadline or Most malls and shopping centers require the person in this
to come up with creative concepts for advertising campaigns. position to have a four-year college degree. Good major
Depending on the structure of the shopping center, the choices include advertising, business, journalism, public
individual in this position may be responsible to the market- relations, marketing, liberal arts, English, communications,
ing director, the mall management, or the owners. and business.

Any additional courses or seminars in advertising, copy- Tips for Entry

writing, business, or retail management would also be helpful. 1. Obtain advertising experience by working for a local
newspaper, magazine, or television or radio station in
Experience, Skills, and Personality Traits the advertising department.
Advertising managers working in malls and shopping cen- 2. Take as many seminars and courses as you can in
ters should have experience in advertising. This includes advertising, promotion, public relations, or publicity.
knowing how to put together ads as well as understanding If you can find seminars in retail management, mall
how to place them. Knowledge of copywriting, graphics, management, or shopping center development, take
and layout is necessary. Understanding how to read and these, too. These will give you added knowledge in
interpret rate cards is also a priority. the field as well as helping to build a contact list.
The individual in this position needs to be creative to 3. Larger malls and shopping centers often offer intern-
come up with ad ideas as well as entire campaigns for the ships in the management office. Others may have
mall. The ability to communicate both verbally and on summer jobs as assistants.
paper is necessary. The ad manager should be able to handle 4. Positions are often advertised in the classified sec-
working with many details at one time while dealing with tions of newspapers. Look under heading classifica-
the stress and pressure of developing ads and placing them tions of “Advertising,” “Promotion,” “Malls,”
to meet deadlines. “Shopping Centers,” or “Retail.”
The advertising manager should also have an understand- 5. As there is quite a bit of turnover in these positions, it
ing of the inner workings of the retail industry in order to be might be worth your while to send your résumé and a
able to plan successful, effective ads and campaigns. cover letter to a number of malls and shopping centers
in the area you are interested in. Ask that your résumé
be kept on file. Try to send your letter to the mall
Unions and Associations owner or developer.
Advertising managers working in malls and shopping cen- 6. Look for openings on employment Web sites such as
ters do not belong to any union. Individuals may belong to a and
number of trade associations that will provide support and 7. Shopping center Web sites may also advertise employ-
guidance. These include the American Advertising Federa- ment opportunities.
tion (AAF), the Business Marketing Association (BMA),
and the International Council of Shopping Centers (ICSC).


Duties: Develop and implement shopping center and mall

public relations and marketing campaigns; take care of Director of Shopping Center/Mall
day-to-day public relations functions; develop goodwill Marketing or Public Relations
between the mall and the community; plan and imple- Manager in Larger,
ment special events More Prestigious Mall

Alternate Title(s): Mall PR Manager; PR Director; Public

Relations Director

Salary Range: $24,000 to $65,000+ Shopping Center/Mall

Public Relations Manager
Employment Prospects: Fair

Advancement Prospects: Fair

Best Geographical Location(s): All locations may hold Public Relations Assistant
employment possibilities.

Education or Training—Bachelor’s degree required in
public relations, English, journalism, communications,
advertising, business, marketing, or liberal arts
Experience—Publicity or public relations experience or
training necessary
Special Skills and Personality Traits—Creative; good
writing skills; articulate both verbally and on paper; abil-
ity to handle details; personable; knowledge of retail

Position Description the situation, the individual may do the typing, word pro-
The public relations manager at a shopping center or mall is cessing, and addressing of envelopes or may have an
responsible for developing and implementing all mall public assistant handle the task. The individual also prepares
relations and marketing campaigns. The individual works feature stories and special-interest articles for the news
with the mall advertising department and the advertising and other available media. The public relations manager
directors of the various shops to promote the mall and its must be able to write clearly and concisely in a factual
image, campaigns, and events. manner. He or she should have the ability to come up with
The public relations manager is responsible for taking unique “hooks” or angles that make the story or release
care of the day-to-day public relations functions at the interesting.
mall. These include writing press releases and weekly or The individual may be responsible for producing internal
monthly calendars about mall events and special promo- or external communications, booklets, pamphlets, posters,
tions and making sure that they are sent or delivered to the and newsletters. He or she may do the actual writing and
media. The individual may be responsible for developing a layout or may work with graphic artists, copywriters, and
media mailing list or updating an old list. Depending on printers in getting projects completed.

The PR manager may be required to take photographs of Salaries

special events that occur in the mall or may be responsible Salaries vary greatly for this position depending on the size,
for hiring professional photographers. After an event has location, and prestige of the mall and the experience and
taken place the individual is usually responsible for sending responsibilities of the individual public relations manager.
out captioned photos to the press. The public relations man- Those just entering the job market with little or no experience,
ager must always try to get as much positive publicity and or working in a small mall, may earn $24,000 or more annu-
exposure as possible. ally. Individuals with more experience, working in larger,
The public relations manager also tries to take care of more prestigious malls, can earn up to $65,000 or more.
any problems that may develop with mall customers or shop Most malls and shopping centers also provide liberal
owners or managers. He or she might make calls to people fringe benefit packages. As an added bonus, mall employees
who have had problems or write letters to stabilize problems often receive discounts on purchases made in the shopping
and situations. center.
The public relations manager handles contact with the
media to let them know about special events that should be
Employment Prospects
covered. The individual is expected to answer calls that the
media makes to the mall seeking information. The P.R. Employment prospects are fair for this position. An individ-
manager must be comfortable speaking on radio and televi- ual seeking employment as a public relations manager can
sion and to reporters. Often, he or she is asked to be the look in almost any part of the country and find at least one if
spokesperson for the mall. The individual must maintain a not more malls and shopping centers. New shopping centers
good business relationship with all media to help ensure that are opening every year. Most of these facilities employ a
press releases get placed in papers and special events are public relations manager. Many employ assistants.
covered by newspeople. There is also a fair turnover rate in these positions due to
The Mall Public Relations Manager is responsible for advancement and the general mobility of people today.
developing, planning, and implementing unique special
events and promotions that help draw people into the mall. Advancement Prospects
These might include contests, weddings in the mall, taste Advancement prospects are fair for individuals in this posi-
tests, petting zoos, craft shows, antique shows, and old car tion. The public relations manager has a few different
shows. options when moving up the career ladder. He or she may
If one of the stores is having a special event, the mall P.R. land a position at a larger or more prestigious mall. This will
manager helps promote it. For example, if a store is having a result in bigger salaries. The individual might also become
huge birthday celebration, the individual may write press the mall’s director of marketing or the mall manager.
releases, call the media to cover the event, and develop other
promotions to coincide with the birthday celebration.
Education and Training
The mall PR manager is responsible for creating good-
Most mall owners and managers require the public relations
will between the shopping center and the local community.
manager to have a college degree. Good major choices
He or she may invite local or civic groups such as the 4-H,
include public relations, communications, journalism, mar-
Red Cross, American Heart Association, Girl Scouts, or Boy
keting, English, advertising, business, or liberal arts.
Scouts into the mall to demonstrate activities, pass out liter-
In order to have as much of an edge as possible when
ature, or raise money. These groups may hold bake sales or
applying for a job and to be as effective as possible, it is
other events to help achieve their goals.
important to attend seminars in public relations, marketing,
In some shopping centers the mall PR manager may be
publicity, promotion, and the retail industry.
responsible for attracting bus tours, shopping tours, or other
group events. He or she may be required to design and
develop promotional material for the mall, escort tours, or Experience, Skills, and Personality Traits
pass out giveaways with the mall logo. Public relations managers working in shopping centers and
The Mall Public Relations Manager usually works nor- malls need to communicate effectively both verbally and on
mal business hours. When a special promotion or event is paper. Individuals need the ability to deal well with people.
planned, the individual may have to stay overtime to plan The PR manager will often have to soothe customers or
and implement the activity. He or she may have to work at shop owners or managers who have had problems.
night as well as on weekends. The public relations manager should have good writing
The mall PR manager may be responsible to the market- skills with the ability to turn out a variety of press releases,
ing director, if there is one, the mall management, or the proposals, memos, and letters. Creativity is essential, not
owners, depending on the specific structure of the shopping only for writing and coming up with “angles” and “hooks”
center. for releases, but for promotional ideas as well.

The individual is often forced to handle many different Tips for Entry
projects at once. The ability to do this without getting flus- 1. Try to get some experience in publicity or promotion.
tered is imperative. The individual should also be able to This could include experience in anything from a
handle details smoothly and efficiently. summer job to volunteering to handle publicity for a
At times the public relations manager may have to school project or local civic group.
implement an entire project with no help at all. At other 2. Join the student group of the Public Relations Society
times the individual may have to delegate duties. Being of America. This association provides many services
personable and having the ability to work well with others that will help you hone your skills as well as offers an
is a plus. opportunity to make valuable contacts.
Knowledge of publicity, promotion, and the retail indus- 3. Positions may be advertised in public relations trade
try will help the public relations manager working in this journals or in mall and shopping center trade journals.
type of setting excel in his or her job and move up the career If you don’t have access to these through your local
ladder. library, you can write to the trade associations and ask
There are public relations managers who have landed about sample copies or short-term subscriptions.
jobs right out of college. Depending on the size of mall and 4. Positions may also be advertised in newspaper clas-
its requirements for this position, the job may be entry sified sections under heading classifications of
level. Other malls may want an applicant to have had expe- “Malls,” “Shopping Centers,” “Public Relations,” or
rience either as an assistant or doing publicity in some “Promotion.”
other capacity. 5. You may consider sending your résumé and a cover
letter to malls in the area in which you are seeking
Unions and Associations employment. To find the correct address, look in the
Public relations managers working in malls and shopping phone book under malls and shopping centers. Call
centers do not usually belong to any union. They can, how- the main office to get the address and the name of a
ever, belong to a number of trade associations providing person to whom you can send your résumé. There is a
educational guidance, support, seminars, and information to lot of turnover in these positions. Ask that your
members. These might include the International Council of résumé be kept on file.
Shopping Centers (ICSC) or the Public Relations Society of 6. There are employment agencies that deal specifically
America (PRSA). with finding employment positions in public relations.
PR managers working in this type of setting might also Check to see if you pay a fee if they find you a position
be members of local and civic nonprofit groups. or if the company hiring you bears the expense.



Duties: Develop, design, and create advertisements for retail

stores and outlets; design and create advertising sales fly- Art Director in Larger,
ers, posters, show cards, and promotional materials More Prestigious Store or Art Director
in Other Industry Title
Alternate Title(s): Advertising Art Director; Retail Art

Salary Range: $23,000 to $58,000+

Art Director
Employment Prospects: Fair

Advancement Prospects: Fair

Best Geographical Location(s): Positions may be located Artist

throughout the country.

Education or Training—A four-year degree in fine arts
or commercial art is required for some positions; others
may not have any specific educational requirement
Experience—Experience working in advertising or art
department in any industry helpful, but not always
Special Skills and Personality Traits—Creative; artistic
ability; understanding of retail advertising industry;
copywriting skills; knowledge of graphics, layout, paste-
ups, photography, typography, mechanicals, and desktop

Position Description mechanical person, and letterer. The owners of the store
The Art Director working in a retail store may work in a may offer their advice and suggestions. The individual is
number of different job situations. He or she may work for a then responsible for developing, creating, and in some cases
small or large department store, a supermarket, a regional actually placing the ads. The advertising art director may
retail chain, or a national retail chain. The Art Director also be in charge of choosing which media to advertise in.
might also work for a cataloger, which is a retail chain that In larger retail situations the Art Director may supervise
may or may not have actual stores but sells its products or a staff of artists, layout and mechanical people, and copy-
services through catalogs. writers or may work with outside or freelance people. He or
The individual’s responsibilities vary depending on the she is still usually responsible for coming up with the adver-
size and structure of the retail outlet. The Art Director in the tising concepts and designing the ads.
retail world may also perform the functions of a copywriter The Art Director is often responsible for designing the
and an advertising director. In some stores he or she is store posters and flyers used for advertising weekly specials
referred to as the advertising art director. and sales. He or she may locate and work with outside print-
In a small retail store the Art Director may be the only ers. The individual may be responsible for negotiating
person in the advertising department. The individual per- prices or getting bids for the printing of large quantities of
forms the tasks of a sketch and graphic artist, layout and flyers and advertising sales pieces.

The retail Art Director is required to design and create and are getting better. There are more and more retail stores
advertising show cards and counter signs. These are the following the current trend toward in-house advertising
cards or pieces seen on the countertops or windows or hang- departments. These positions may be located throughout the
ing from the ceiling advertising new products, price breaks, country.
and sales specials. As these cards change frequently, the While major chain stores usually require prior experi-
individual usually letters them by hand with markers, paints, ence, individuals may often be hired in smaller department
or ink or electronically prints them with the use of a com- stores for this position with little or no job experience.
puter or other printing mechanism.
The Art Director is in charge of designing promotional Advancement Prospects
material for the retail store. Depending on the size and
Advancement prospects are fair for Art Directors working in
structure of the outlet, he or she may just do the designing or
advertising departments in the retail world. Individuals can
may be responsible for the development, writing the promo-
move up the career ladder in a number of ways. The most
tional copy, and creating the artwork.
common is to become the Art Director for a larger, more
Much of the artwork and advertising for large retail
prestigious store. An individual might advance his or her
chains may be done by an agency. However, the stores often
career by becoming the advertising or art director in a large
put out local advertisements and catalogs. The Art Director
corporation, depending on his or her qualifications. The
may be responsible for the layout and all graphics for these
individual might also locate a position as an art director in
advertisements, sales flyers, and catalogs.
an advertising agency.
When creating advertisements, posters, flyers, show
cards, and counter signs the Art Director will have to make
sure that everything used in advertising and promoting the Education and Training
store will retain a unified identity and image. That means Most employers in larger department stores and chains will
that while every ad may be advertising a different weekly require that an applicant have a four-year college degree in
special, each must look somewhat like the others. Logos fine arts or commercial art. Taking courses and seminars in
must remain the same and be in a similar position on the ad advertising is a plus.
each time. The store name must always look the same. In this Smaller retail stores may or may not have the college
way, when customers read and see the ads and promotional degree requirement. Certain stores may accept an applicant
material they will think of the store and make a connection. with art school training or even a self-taught individual who
The Art Director usually works normal business hours. can demonstrate that he or she possesses the required skills.
During periods when catalogs must be completed, ads need
to be finished, or deadlines have to be met, the individual
Experience, Skills, and Personality Traits
will have to work overtime.
Art Directors working in the advertising departments of
The Art Director may be responsible to the store owners,
retail stores need to understand the concepts of retail adver-
if the outlet is a small one, or to a director of marketing, if
tising and art. In smaller stores the individual may be the
the outlet is larger. He or she often works under the pressure
only person working in the advertising department. If he or
of deadlines and the stress of designing creative, innovative
she doesn’t know how to design and develop advertisements
ads that will draw buyers into the store.
that attract buyers, they will not be effective.
The Art Director must be creative and artistic. In many
Salaries positions he or she comes up with concepts for advertise-
Salaries for the Art Director of the advertising department ments, designs them, and brings the ads to fruition. The
working in retail stores vary greatly depending on the job. The individual must be able to sketch, draw, pasteup, lay out, put
range may begin at $23,000 and go up to $58,000 or more. together mechanicals, and choose type. They must also have
Smaller retail stores usually offer lower salaries. The Art a working knowledge of desktop publishing and graphics
Director at this level may be a person with little or no expe- software.
rience at all. Earnings are also lower as a rule in smaller Many Art Directors working in retail stores must also
cities. write the copy for advertisements. It is, therefore, important
Larger retail outlets compensate individuals with higher that the individual have good writing skills.
earnings but usually require a higher experience level. The Art A portfolio made up of the individual’s best work is nec-
Director in these situations also has more responsibilities. essary in order to show samples and illustrate skills.

Employment Prospects Unions and Associations

Employment prospects are fair for Art Directors working in Art Directors working in the advertising department in a
the advertising departments of department and chain stores retail setting do not belong to any bargaining union. The

individual may, however, belong to a number of trade asso- your portfolio. All of them will help you make impor-
ciations that will offer professional guidance, education, and tant contacts.
information as well as bring other Art Directors and artists 3. A number of retail chain stores offer internships and
together. Some of these include the American Advertising training programs. Contact the company headquarters
Federation (AAF), the Art Directors Club, Inc. (ADC), the or ask the manager in your local store of the chain
One Club, the Society of Illustrators, the Graphic Artists about where to get more information.
Guild (GAG), and the American Institute of Graphic Arts 4. Obtain experience working in a newspaper advertis-
(AIGA). ing department. In addition to gaining experience, you
will begin to make contact with local advertisers who
Tips for Entry might have a job opening down the line.
1. Put together your portfolio. Make sure it includes at 5. Positions (especially entry level ones) are often adver-
least some work relevant to the retail advertising field. tised in the display or classified sections of the news-
2. Join trade associations. Many have student member- paper. Look under the classification headings of
ships. Others offer critique sessions on improving “Retail,” “Art Director,” “Advertising,” or “Store.”


Duties: Maintain a good relationship between the agency

and the client; oversee an entire client account; plan Account Supervisor
advertising and/or public relations campaigns

Alternate Title(s): Account Manager; Account Representa-

tive; Service Representative; Executive in Charge; Con-
tact Person; AE Account Executive

Salary Range: $32,000 to $200,000+

Employment Prospects: Fair

Junior Account Executive
Advancement Prospects: Fair

Best Geographical Location(s): Major cities such as New

York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Atlanta, and Washington,
offer the biggest agencies. Other cities may offer addi-
tional opportunities.

Education or Training—College degree in business,
marketing, advertising, journalism, or liberal arts preferred
Experience—Agency experience preferred
Special Skills and Personality Traits—Good writing
skills; articulate; creative; confident; aggressive; ability
to work under pressure

Position Description fied with the services it provides. The Account Executive,
When a new client begins working with an agency, he or she who might also be called an account manager, account rep-
is usually assigned an Account Executive. An Account Exec- resentative, service representative, AE, executive in charge,
utive’s main responsibility is to maintain a good working or contact person, is in charge of administering every aspect
relationship between his or her agency and the client. The of the account.
Account Executive is the individual who is totally responsi- While most of the Account Executive’s job is administra-
ble for overseeing a particular account. Account Executives tive, at times it must also be creative. He or she is responsi-
may handle one or more accounts at any given time. ble for planning the kind of advertising that will be most
As an Account Executive, the individual acts as a liaison beneficial, the timing and placement of ads, and the use of
between every department at the agency and the client. When public relations, publicity, and special promotions. The
the Account Executive gets a new account he or she has long entire campaign plan is usually the brainchild of the
discussions with the client about program directions. In these Account Executive. After coming up with the all-important
meetings, the client discusses the product (event, service, advertising plan or program, the Account Executive must
etc.), budget, goals, and campaign ideas. The two also dis- execute the plan. To do this, he or she will work with all the
cuss how to best reach the goals. They talk about types of various departments in the agency.
advertisements, various media, publicity, and promotions. The Account Executive meets with the creative depart-
An Account Executive has a lot of responsibility. It is his ment to explain exactly what the client wants. This
or her duty to keep a client happy with the agency and satis- includes both the AE’s concepts and the thoughts of the

client. Creative decisions are ultimately the Account sonable number of agencies even in smaller locations.
Executive’s. Chances of employment are better in New York, Chicago,
The Account Executive also has to supervise media selec- Atlanta, Los Angeles, Detroit, Minneapolis, Boston, Pitts-
tion. He or she works with the media directors to do this. burgh, Dallas, and Cleveland. Turnover is high as a result of
Without the correct media, even a good ad won’t draw the individuals leaving for promotions or other positions.
right public to use the product. The individual must decide if
it would be more beneficial to use print media, broadcast
Advancement Prospects
media, or both. He or she must make sure that a budget is
designed and that the media department keeps to that budget. There are a number of ways for an Account Executive to
The Account Executive meets with the client either for- advance his or her career. One way is to find work at a big-
mally or informally on a constant basis. At these meetings ger agency. Or the individual might stay at the same agency
he or she pitches new ideas and gets approvals and sugges- and obtain larger clients. Another way an Account Execu-
tions from the client. tive can move up the ladder is to become an account super-
Much of the Account Executive’s time is spent in confer- visor or a vice president. The Account Executive might also
ences with various people from the agency and the client’s eventually open up his or her own agency.
office. On any given day the individual might have meetings
with people from public relations, media, production, edito- Education and Training
rial, copywriters, artists, and research. He or she constantly While there are Account Executives who have no college
coordinates the activities of various departments in order to background, a college degree in business, marketing, adver-
run a successful advertising campaign for a client. The indi- tising, journalism, or liberal arts is usually required. Many
vidual provides the departments with the information of the Account Executives who are currently in the job mar-
required to complete their work for a client. The main con- ket have been there for years. The people who are now mov-
cern of the Account Executive is always the client and his or
ing up from other parts of the advertising agency generally
her campaign.
have an education. Master’s degrees are useful in obtaining
Account Executives, like most others who work in agen-
jobs and moving up the career ladder.
cies, usually have to keep time sheets to account for the work
Seminars, conferences, and meetings are also important
accomplished for a client in a given period. This way, clients
to attend, not only to learn more about an everchanging field
can be billed for the time actually spent on their campaign.
but also to network and make contacts.
In certain agencies the Account Executive is also respon-
sible for bringing in new business.
The life of an Account Executive can be rather stressful. Experience, Skills, and Personality Traits
If the client is not satisfied with a campaign, the advertising, An Account Executive must have a lot of confidence in him-
the results, or anything else, he or she usually blames the or herself. He or she must be creative, well-spoken, articu-
agency, which in turn usually blames the Account Execu- late, and have a lot of energy. Hours are long in this job. It is
tive. In many instances, when a client leaves an agency, the not usually a nine-to-five position. Account Executives may
Account Executive is terminated, too. work long into the night. Many times, even when an individ-
While the Account Executive is responsible to the client, ual is home, he or she is thinking about the campaign or
he or she is ultimately responsible to the account supervisor working with the client. The Account Executive must be
or vice president of accounts, depending on how the agency diplomatic. He or she must be able to tell clients in a nonof-
is structured. fending way that their idea won’t work. The individual must
not be timid. The Account Executive must be able to come
Salaries up with a unique idea for an account and not be afraid to
Salaries for Account Executives vary drastically from indi- present it to the client. Basically, he or she must be a risk-
vidual to individual. Annual earnings may span from taker.
$32,000 to $200,000 or more depending on experience, type Most Account Executives have worked in advertising
of client, or size of agency. agencies in some form prior to this position. Many worked
Larger salaries are usually found in metropolitan cities as junior account executives or executive assistants. Others
that have bigger agencies and better-known clients. worked in different sections of management at the creative
Employees working in agencies also have their earnings end, in media, or in research.
supplemented with fringe benefit packages.
Unions and Associations
Employment Prospects Account Executives may belong to professional trade asso-
Employment prospects for Account Executives are fair. ciations providing support and guidance as well as network-
There are many agencies located in major cities, and a rea- ing possibilities. These include the Advertising Club of New

York, the Advertising Research Foundation (ARF), Adver- 2. Subscribe to advertising and public relations journals
tising Women of New York, Inc. (AWNY), and the Ameri- and periodicals. Many have job openings advertised.
can Advertising Federation (AAF). 3. Look for employment agencies specializing in adver-
The agency that the individual works for might addition- tising and public relations careers.
ally belong to the American Association of Advertising 4. Look in the Sunday classified section of newspapers
Agencies (4A’s) or the Association of National Advertisers, for openings under heading listings such as “Advertis-
Inc. (ANA). ing,” “Public Relations,” or “Account Executives.”
5. Openings may be listed online. Check out some of the
more popular employment Web sites such as www.
Tips for Entry and
1. Attend as many conferences, seminars, and meetings
as possible. Networking is very important in this field.



Duties: Assist account executive with duties; learn how to

handle clients and their accounts; obtain and check infor- Account Executive

Alternate Title(s): Junior Executive; Jr. Account Executive;

Jr. AE; Assistant Executive; AAE
Assistant Account Executive
Salary Range: $28,000 to $48,000+

Employment Prospects: Fair

Advancement Prospects: Fair Trainee or Entry Level Position

Best Geographical Location(s): Major cities such as New

York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Atlanta, Washington, Pitts-
burgh, Dallas, and Cleveland offer the biggest agencies.
Other cities may offer additional opportunities.

Education or Training—Bachelor’s degree required
Experience—Agency experience is valuable whether it
is an internship or a trainee position.
Special Skills and Personality Traits—Organization;
ability and eagerness to learn; understanding of people;
good writing and communication skills; ability to accept

Position Description The Assistant Account Executive usually works on the

Assistant Account Executives assist the account executive same accounts as the account executive. The individual
with his or her duties. They are responsible for doing a great may, therefore, be working on one account or on many.
deal of the tedious work of the account executive. He or she may assist the executive in planning an entire
Assistant Account Executives often attend a variety of advertising campaign or may assist in the development of
seminars and meetings, learning the ways that the agency just one commercial or promotion. The individual may also
does things as well as their policies and methods. Many be asked to come up with ideas that might be beneficial for
agencies don’t let their new Assistant Account Executives do an account.
anything major at first. They prefer them to watch the The Assistant Account Executive may do a lot of research
account executive do his or her job. Then they start by giving on the companies he or she is working with. The individual
the individual limited duties. After the Assistant Account might go over a client’s previous advertising campaigns and
Executive has been at the agency for a while, he or she will then give the account executive his or her opinion of what
begin assisting the account executive more and more. worked well and what didn’t. He or she may additionally
While the account executive spends a great deal of time delve into the client’s advertising problems.
with clients, the Assistant Account Executive usually has Getting to know all the people that work at the agency in
only limited client contact. He or she may attend client the various departments is also necessary for the Assistant
meetings to obtain information. The individual may also Account Executive. He or she works with them daily as
attend strategy or planning meetings. more and more responsibilities are granted.

At times the Assistant Account Executive may act as a Education and Training
glorified secretary. He or she makes phone calls for the Assistant Account Executives are usually required to have at
account executive, answers his or her calls, types memos, least a bachelor’s degree in advertising, business, marketing,
and answers correspondence. English, or journalism. An MBA or other master’s degree is
At other times he or she may be asked to write reports for helpful not only in obtaining the job, but in moving up the
clients on the progress of their campaigns or direct memos career ladder.
to account supervisors on the effectiveness of an ad. He or
she studies copy, makes suggestions for ads, does research,
reviews media selections, and works on advertising budgets. Experience, Skills, and Personality Traits
The Assistant Account Executive will eventually assist the Assistant Account Executives must be willing to learn. Indi-
account executive in every facet of a client’s campaign. He viduals should be creative, well spoken, and articulate and
or she might even come up with the all-important “great should have a lot of energy. Hours are long in this job, espe-
idea” for a client. It could be a slogan or a new advertising cially if the individual is trying to advance his or her career.
concept. Whatever it is, it will help the Assistant Account The Assistant Account Executive should be able to come
Executive advance his or her career. up with unique ideas for an account and should not be afraid
Assistant Account Executives work long hours alongside to present them to his or her supervisor. He or she must be a
the account executive. Advertising is a tough business with a risk taker. On the other hand, the individual must be able to
lot of competition. Everyone appears to want everyone accept the fact that some may not like or agree with his or
else’s job. While Assistant Account Executives do not have her idea. The ability to deal with constructive criticism is a
the stress of making final client decisions, the job is stress- must. Aggressiveness and ambition are key to advancement.
ful nevertheless. Assistant Account Executives are responsi- Good writing and communications skills are necessary.
ble directly to the account executive with whom they work. Graphics, artistic skills, and any advertising experience is
also helpful.
Many Assistant Account Executives worked in trainee or
internship positions prior to their current job.
Salaries for Assistant Account Executives vary greatly
depending on the experience of the individual and the size
and location of the agency. Salaries can range from $28,000 Unions and Associations
to $48,000 or more depending in experience, type of client, Assistant Account Executives do not belong to any bargain-
and type and size of agency. Larger salaries are usually ing union. However, they usually belong to professional
found in cities that have bigger agencies and better-known trade associations to make contact with others in their field
clients. Assistant Account Executives working in agencies and to obtain support and guidance. These groups include
have their earnings supplemented by fringe benefit packages. the Advertising Club of New York, the Advertising Research
Foundation (ARF), Advertising Women of New York, Inc.
Employment Prospects (AWNY), and the American Advertising Federation (AAF).
Employment prospects for Assistant Account Executives The agency that the individual works for might also belong
are fair. Agencies are looking for bright, motivated people to the American Association of Advertising Agencies (4A’s)
to assist account executives. Positions are more available in or the Association of National Advertisers, Inc. (ANA).
New York and Chicago, as well as in the other cities where
agencies are prevalent including Atlanta, Los Angeles, Tips for Entry
Detroit, Minneapolis, Boston, Pittsburgh, Dallas, and 1. Try to find agencies that offer internships or trainee
Cleveland. positions. Once an agency puts time and effort into
training a person, they usually are glad to have them
Advancement Prospects continue working.
Advancement prospects for Assistant Account Executives 2. Join advertising trade associations. Go to their meet-
are fair. While employment can often be located for this ings, seminars, and conventions. You will meet peo-
position, the individual must really work at the job and not ple, have the opportunity to talk one on one, and
slack off. He or she must remain interested, motivated, and collect business cards. A few days after the seminar,
willing and able to do more than the next person. Advance- write letters and send them with your résumé to peo-
ment for the Assistant Account Executive can be attained by ple you have met.
becoming an account executive at the same agency where he 3. Seek out employment agencies that specialize in
or she has been working or finding an account executive locating jobs in advertising. Remember, however, that
position at another agency. these agencies often charge large sums to locate jobs.

4. Send your résumé to the personnel directors of adver- are located. Look in the classified section under
tising agencies. If a résumé looks good or a person “Advertising,” “Marketing,” “Public Relations,” or
looks interesting, the agency will call or write to set “Account Executive” headings.
up an interview. 6. Look for jobs on the Internet. Check out some of the
5. Jobs can often be located by checking the Sunday more popular Web sites such as
papers in cities where the major advertising agencies and


Duties: Write advertising copy for print, broadcast, and out-

door media; develop advertising concepts to sell products Senior Copywriter or Copy Supervisor

Alternate Title(s): None

Salary Range: $26,000 to $90,000+

Employment Prospects: Fair

Advancement Prospects: Fair

Best Geographical Location(s): Positions located through- Junior Copywriter

out the country. Jobs in major agencies are located in or Copywriter in Another Industry
cities such as New York, Atlanta, Los Angeles, Chicago,
Detroit, Minneapolis, Boston, Pittsburgh, Dallas, and

Education or Training—College degree required
Experience—Copywriting experience necessary
Special Skills and Personality Traits—Good writing
skills; creativity; articulate; persuasive; knowledge and
understanding of advertising industry

Position Description The Copywriter must have the ability to formulate cam-
The Copywriter’s words are what sells a product or service paigns and concepts while following client guidelines. After
to the public. A Copywriter working in an agency is respon- the Copywriter has come up with a rough draft of the ad or
sible for writing the copy for advertisements. He or she may campaign, the individual must get client approval. If the
write headlines, body copy, or both. Duties include develop- client is happy with the way the copy is progressing the
ing the ideas and concepts that will sell the products. The Copywriter can go on. He or she makes any necessary
Copywriter may also develop a central theme of an advertis- changes and revisions. If not, it’s back to the drawing board
ing campaign, tying together ads and commercials for the for another idea or concept.
same product or product family. One of the interesting things about the copywriting pro-
Copywriting in an agency is a team effort. The Copy- fession is that the individual does not necessarily have to
writer might begin by meeting with the client and/or the write thousands of words for an ad to be effective. He or she
account executive. During this meeting he or she learns might write a five-word headline and have a very effective
about the concept and direction the ads will take. The Copy- ad that millions of people see every day. Many Copywriters
writer may then do research on the product or work with the feel it is very gratifying to see their ad in print, or to hear
research department of the agency. The goal is to come up their words on television or radio commercials.
with some new piece of information about the product that The Copywriter may also write the copy or scripts for
helps show its uniqueness or presents a new angle to per- television commercials. He or she may do this with a story-
suade people to purchase the item. The Copywriter has to board or a sheet of paper with spaces that resemble TV
understand the research done on a product and find a way to screens. Pictures of graphics are put into the TV screens.
present it concisely and persuasively. He or she then works The dialogue is typed under each picture. In this way, the
together with the art or creative director designing the most Copywriter can illustrate the action that will take place
eye-catching ad possible. when people are talking. The Copywriter might set the com-

mercials up in a way that resembles television or movie Individuals can increased their chances of landing posi-
scripts, where the dialogue is on one side of a sheet of paper tions in the cities where major agencies are located, such as
and the action is on the other. When doing copy for TV the New York, Atlanta, Los Angeles, Chicago, Detroit, Min-
individual may also work with producers, directors, produc- neapolis, Boston, Pittsburgh, Dallas, and Cleveland.
tion staff, and actors as well as the art and/or creative direc-
tor. He or she may have to change the words as shooting or Advancement Prospects
taping of the commercial progresses.
Advancement prospects are fair for the Copywriter working
Another function of the Copywriter is to write scripts for
in an agency. He or she may become a copy supervisor or a
radio commercials. He or she is responsible for coming up
senior copywriter. The individual may move up in his or her
with the concept for the commercial and writing the copy,
own agency or may seek a better position in another agency.
and then he or she may also choose the talent to do the
A lot of advancement in this type of position is depend-
announcing. Depending on the structure of the agency with
ent on the individual’s creativity. If the Copywriter comes
which the individual is working, he or she may act as pro-
up with a spectacular ad, he or she may advance by handling
ducer or may be responsible for locating one.
more prestigious clients, which will in turn mean a higher
A Copywriter may also write the copy for billboards or
other types of outdoor advertising. While a Copywriter
working in an agency usually does the copy for all types of
advertisements, the individual may also write copy for other Education and Training
things, including direct mail pieces, sales letters, promo- An individual who wishes to be employed as a Copywriter
tional material, booklets, manuals, brochures, and posters. in an agency needs a college degree. Majors might be in
Individuals may write the copy for all types of media or advertising, journalism, communications, English, public
may just be responsible for copy for print, broadcast, or relations, or business.
billboards. Seminars and additional courses in writing and advertis-
Copywriters may work on more than one account at the ing are helpful to hone the skills of the Copywriter.
same time. Individuals may work long hours, often taking
their work home with them. They must constantly think of
creative ways to say things in writing. There is a fair amount Experience, Skills, and Personality Traits
of pressure for individuals in this field due to tight deadlines A Copywriter working in an agency needs excellent writing
and the constant need for creativity. Copywriters may run skills. He or she should have good grammar and spelling
into dry spells where it seems that they will never be able to skills. The individual also should have the ability to write
think of a good, creative way to develop copy. Luckily, how- and think creatively. A basic understanding of advertising is
ever, these periods usually pass in a short time. necessary.
Copywriters may be responsible to the art director, the The Copywriter needs to be articulate and persuasive. He
creative director, the senior copywriter, or the group head, or she should be able to think clearly and present informa-
depending on the structure of the agency. tion concisely. Experience writing and/or copywriting in an
advertising or public relations agency, or for some other
type of business, is necessary. Many individuals gain this
Salaries experience in trainee or intern programs. Others work in the
Annual earnings for the Copywriter working in an agency advertising departments of newspapers, magazines, or
depend on the experience of the individual as well as the department stores.
size, location, and prestige of the agency and client he or
she is working with.
Unions and Associations
Individuals may begin their careers earning $26,000
annually. Those working in larger agencies and with more Copywriters who write commercials for television or radio
experience and responsibility may have salaries that range may belong to the Writers Guild of America (WGA), a bar-
from $30,000 to $90,000 or more annually. Agency employ- gaining union for television, radio, and film scriptwriters.
ees usually receive fringe benefit packages to supplement They may belong to a number of trade associations that can
their income. put them together with other creative people, help them
advance their career, and offer seminars and courses. These
include the Advertising Club of New York, the Advertising
Employment Prospects Research Foundation (ARF), Advertising Women of New
While all jobs in advertising are competitive, Copywriters York, Inc. (AWNY), the American Advertising Federation
have a fair chance of finding employment. An amount of (AAF), the One Club, or the Public Relations Society of
luck is involved, as well as a lot of perseverance. America (PRSA).

Tips for Entry 5. Get a list of advertising agencies where you’d like to
1. Write as much as you can. Practice by developing the work and send them a cover letter and your résumé.
copy for sample ads and advertising campaigns. Send to the creative director, art director, group head,
2. Put together a portfolio of the best work you have or even the president of the company. Get someone’s
done. Prospective employers will want to see this name to send it to. Remember that you are trying to
book. If you haven’t had any real experience, use sell yourself as a creative writer. Put some thought
sample ads. Make sure the book is neat and creative. into the cover letter. Make the person reading it want
3. Look at a lot of magazines and newspapers and study to meet you and see your samples.
their ads. You might also want to read trade periodicals 6. You can often obtain experience as a copywriter in
such as Adweek and books on the advertising industry. places other than agencies. For example, you may find
4. Call advertising agencies (you can get their numbers a job in a department store advertising department or
from the Advertising Red Book) and try to set up in the ad department of a newspaper or magazine.
interviews. You can also knock on doors and try to get 7. Join an advertising trade association and go to their
appointments. Remember always to bring your port- meetings and seminars. Ask people who have made it
folio and résumé. for their help.

Duties: Writing copy for advertisements, fact sheets, pro-
motional material, etc.
Alternate Title(s): Jr. Copywriter; Assistant Copywriter

Salary Range: $24,000 to $35,000+

Employment Prospects: Fair Junior Copywriter

Advancement Prospects: Good

Best Geographical Location(s): Positions located through-

out the country. Jobs in major agencies may be found in Intern, Trainee, or College Student
cities such as New York, Atlanta, Los Angeles, Chicago,
Detroit, Minneapolis, Boston, Pittsburgh, Dallas, and

Education or Training—Bachelor’s degree with major
in advertising, journalism, communications, English,
public relations, or business required
Experience—Writing experience helpful
Special Skills and Personality Traits—Good writing
skills; ambitious; creative; articulate

Position Description advertising campaigns and projects on which the senior

Junior Copywriters working in agencies write copy as well copywriter is working. The individual may come up with
as assisting other copywriters with their projects. As a rule, some headline ideas or concepts that are shared with the
the individual is not responsible at this point in his or her senior copywriter.
career for developing major advertising campaign ideas or The Junior Copywriter is also responsible for helping
themes. the senior copywriter with research for a client account.
The Junior Copywriter or assistant copywriter, as he or The individual may conduct interviews, search out adver-
she might be called, is usually assigned a senior copywriter tising trends, and review consumer surveys or other data
to work with. The individual helps the copywriter and does that help the copywriter develop the advertisement or cam-
a lot of the grunt work involved. paign concept.
His or her writing duties might include preparing copy Many times the Junior Copywriter feels like a “gofer.”
for ads. The senior copywriter may write the headline for an He or she is expected to go for the coffee, the research
ad and then give it to the individual to complete the body results, the newspaper, and memos from other departments.
copy. The Junior Copywriter may also write promotional The individual might also be required to do some typing,
pieces, articles, bulletins, sales letters, direct mail pieces, answer phone calls, make calls, and carry out secretarial
booklets, manuals, brochures, and fact sheets. All of the duties.
material on which the Junior Copywriter works must be Junior Copywriters at agencies usually stick to writing
approved by the senior copywriter. copy for print media. Additional experience is required
After the Junior Copywriter gains some experience, he or before they begin writing television or radio commercials.
she may have the opportunity to offer some input into They may, however, help the senior copywriter in rewrites

of these types of ads or may assist him or her with the pro- Experience, Skills, and Personality Traits
duction. A fondness for writing is essential to a Junior Copywriter.
In certain agencies the Junior Copywriter is required to The individual should also have excellent writing skills, a
attend training sessions or seminars where he or she is good style, and knowledge of grammar and spelling. He or
instructed in policies, different departments in the agency, she should be able to write crisp, clear copy. The Junior
the advertising industry, and/or job training. Copywriter needs to be creative with an ability to express
There is a fair amount of pressure for the Junior Copy- him- or herself well verbally and on paper.
writer to advance his or her career. The individual may be The Junior Copywriter should be aggressive and persua-
asked to stay after hours to complete a project he or she is sive. He or she should possess a willingness to learn and do
working on or may stick around to learn and do more than more than is expected of him or her. The ability to work
is required. The Junior Copywriter is responsible directly under tight deadlines is necessary.
to the senior copywriter to whom he or she has been Any writing experience at all is beneficial. Working on a
assigned. school or community newspaper is helpful.

Salaries Unions and Associations

Earnings depend on the individual’s experience and educa- Junior Copywriters may belong to a number of trade associ-
tion. Other variables include the size and location of the ations that can put them together with other people in their
agency for which the Junior Copywriter is working. Salaries profession. These trade associations give them the opportu-
in this position can start low, sometimes beginning around nity to make valuable contacts, may help them climb the
$24,000, and may go up to $35,000 plus. Junior Copywrit- career ladder, and offer valuable seminars and courses.
ers at agencies usually have fringe benefit packages added Associations and organizations include the Advertising
to their earnings. Club of New York, the Advertising Research Foundation
(ARF), Advertising Women of New York, Inc. (AWNY), the
Employment Prospects American Advertising Federation (AAF), the One Club, and
Junior Copywriters have a fair chance of finding employ- the Public Relations Society of America (PRSA).
ment if they look in cities where the major agencies are.
These cities include New York, Atlanta, Los Angeles, Tips for Entry
Chicago, Detroit, Minneapolis, Boston, Pittsburgh, Dallas, 1. Try to locate an internship or trainee program in an
and Cleveland. Smaller agencies often hire only full-fledged agency. This type of opportunity will get you in the
copywriters because they don’t have the time or money to door.
train junior people. 2. If you are still in school, consider finding a summer
job in an agency. While working in the creative
Advancement Prospects department would be ideal, any experience will be
A Junior Copywriter advances his or her career by becom- worthwhile.
ing a full-fledged copywriter. Advancement prospects are 3. Join appropriate trade organizations. If you are in
good for the individual who is eager to learn and capable of school, many of the groups have student divisions.
producing creative work. The Junior Copywriter may attain You will make contacts that will be useful in obtain-
this advancement in the agency where he or she is currently ing your first job and may even help you up the career
working or may advance by seeking a Copywriter position ladder of success.
in another agency. 4. Put together a portfolio of your best work. You will
need this portfolio to illustrate your writing talent for
potential employers.
Education and Training 5. Use any contacts you have to get your foot in the door
Individuals aspiring to start their careers as Junior Copy- of an agency. If your mother’s cousin has a friend who
writers should have a bachelor’s degree in advertising, jour- is employed at an agency, ask for help in setting up an
nalism, English, communications, public relations, or interview.
liberal arts. 6. Attend seminars on copywriting and advertising. They
Any seminars and/or courses taken in the advertising, will help you hone your skills as well as put you in a
writing, or communications fields are helpful. situation with others in the advertising industry.



Duties: Write copy for direct response advertising; prepare

copy for brochures, sales letters, marketing pieces, etc. Copy Supervisor
or Copywriter in Larger,
Alternate Title(s): None More Prestigious Direct
Response Agency
Salary Range: $24,000 to $80,000+

Employment Prospects: Good

Advancement Prospects: Good Copywriter, Direct

Response Advertising
Best Geographical Location(s): Positions are located
throughout the country. Jobs in major direct response
agencies are located in cities such as New York, Los
Angeles, Chicago, Boston, Pittsburgh, and Philadelphia.
Junior Copywriter, Intern, or Trainee
Education or Training—College degree required
Experience—Writing experience helpful; experience as
junior copywriter, intern, or trainee useful
Special Skills and Personality Traits—Excellent writ-
ing skills; good command of English language; persua-
sive; knowledge and understanding of direct response

Position Description majority of the copy for direct mail and response selling
Copywriters working in direct response advertising agen- instead of mass market advertising, such as commercials
cies are responsible for writing copy for direct response and advertisements on national television or in national
advertising and literature. Depending on the experience of print publications. The individual also writes copy to adver-
the individual, he or she may be responsible for simple copy tise a product that is available mainly through mail or phone
such as headlines or may write the copy for entire mailings, orders instead of retail outlets.
advertisements, or promotional packages. There are numerous examples of direct response advertis-
Buying products via direct response advertising is ing. One might be an ad or sales letter sent through the mail
becoming a hot trend today. More and more people are selling a product that can be ordered by either phone or mail.
shopping through catalogs, television, and specialty market- Another is the literature received in monthly credit card state-
ing pieces. ments selling merchandise. This is called “piggy-backing.”
There are a number of differences between working as a An additional type might be the ads seen on television selling
Copywriter for a regular advertising agency and performing old records via a toll-free telephone number.
the job in a direct response advertising agency. The individ- One of the oldest direct response advertising concepts
ual writing for direct response agencies must zero in on spe- is the catalog, while the newest innovation in direct
cific people or markets that are interested in a product response selling is the home shopping service seen on
instead of large groups that may or may not be potentially cable television. People see a product, hear a short sales
interested in the product. The Copywriter prepares the spiel, and then order.

The Copywriter must write ads that make the consumer country. The majority of these agencies are located in New
want to pick up his or her phone at that very moment and York, Chicago, Los Angeles, Boston, and Philadelphia.
order using a credit card, check, or C.O.D. It is imperative There are, however, agencies located throughout the country.
that people look at and read the sales letters, advertisements, There are entry level positions for those just coming into
and literature and directly order merchandise or services. the workforce after college in both large and small agencies.
Many times Copywriters insert a coupon into advertising or
promotional pieces in order to stimulate quick and immedi- Advancement Prospects
ate responses. This is why the method has been named
Advancement prospects are good for Copywriters working
direct response.
in direct market agencies. This field is growing rapidly.
The advertisement may be sent in the mail, advertised in
Individuals may advance their careers by becoming copy
a specialized publication, or seen during a television pro-
supervisors. They might also be responsible for bigger and
gram that zeros in on specific categories of people.
more interesting projects or locate a job in a larger, more
Copywriters working for direct response agencies may be
prestigious agency, resulting in increased earnings.
responsible for preparing copy for a number of different items.
Individuals who consistently write copy that elicits a good
These might include print advertisements, sales letters or
response will have no trouble climbing the career ladder.
brochures, marketing pieces, or copy for a television or radio
advertisement. They might also write copy for catalogs or
scripts for those selling products on home shopping networks. Education and Training
The Copywriter is responsible for developing both adver- Direct response agencies usually require that a Copywriter
tising and sales concepts. He or she may come up with an has at least a four-year degree. Good choices of majors
idea to use as the selling point: the low price, the money- include advertising, marketing, public relations, English,
back guarantee, or a trial period. The point of the advertise- liberal arts, or communications.
ment is to get people to call or write in at that moment and The individual should take as many different advertising
order. and writing classes as possible. These will give him or her
One of the interesting things about writing copy for the necessary background to hone advertising writing skills.
direct response pieces is that the results of an ad campaign There are also seminars offered throughout the country
can be seen almost immediately. People usually either order on direct mail/market copywriting and the industry in gen-
the product, call the toll-free number and charge it, or throw eral. These, too, will prove useful to the individual both for
away or forget the piece. If a sales letter or advertisement their educational value and to make important professional
does not draw orders, it can then be rapidly changed. contacts.
Copywriters working in this type of agency often work
long hours trying to develop the perfect selling piece. Those
Experience, Skills, and Personality Traits
who are successful are in demand.
The Copywriter working in a direct response advertising
Individuals are responsible to either the copy supervisor
agency should have a complete understanding of the way
or the account executive, depending on the organization and
direct market advertising works. Individuals need excellent
structure of the agency.
writing skills. It is important in this field that the individual
be able to write creatively as well as clearly, concisely, and
Salaries to the point.
Earnings for Copywriters working in direct response adver- The Copywriter will have to prepare material that will
tising agencies vary from job to job depending on a number catch people’s eyes before they throw it in the trash. He or
of variables, including the location and size of the agency she must be able to write attention-grabbing headlines and
and the experience and responsibility of the individual. persuasive body copy. A working knowledge of word usage,
Copywriters who are just entering the field with little grammar, and spelling is necessary.
experience may start out with salaries between $24,000 and
$28,000 annually. Copywriters working in small agencies in Unions and Associations
less metropolitan areas may earn between $24,000 and
Copywriters working for direct response advertising agen-
$40,000 a year, depending on their skills. Experienced indi-
cies usually belong to the Direct Marketing Association
viduals working in major direct response agencies may earn
(DMA). They might also be members of the American
up to $80,000 plus per year.
Advertising Federation (AAF), the Advertising Club of New
York, the Advertising Research Foundation (ARF), Adver-
Employment Prospects tising Women of New York, Inc. (AWNY), the American
Employment prospects are good and getting better. The field Telemarketing Association (ATA), or the Mail Advertising
of direct marketing advertising is opening up throughout the Service Association (MASA).

These organizations offer educational guidance, litera- are some that illustrate your talents writing ad copy
ture, professional seminars, trade journals, and help in job and direct response materials.
placement. 4. Contact trade associations to see which ones offer stu-
dent memberships and join them. Ask for any materi-
Tips for Entry als or literature they provide about the field of direct
1. Get as much experience as possible in all facets of marketing advertising. Some of these organizations
writing. This will help prepare you for your writing also offer scholarships or internships.
career. 5. Job openings are advertised in newspaper classified
2. Collect samples of letters and promotional material sections. Look under such headings as “Advertising,”
that advertise products using the direct mail approach. “Direct Mail,” “Direct Response,” “Copywriters,”
Work on mock letters for advertising product via “Junior Copywriters,” or “Agencies.”
direct mail. 6. Don’t forget to check out employment Web sites such
3. Put together a portfolio of writing samples. You may as and
include a variety of different samples as long as there 7. Company Web sites may also advertise job openings.


Duties: Plan the media that will be most cost effective and
produce the best results, and recommend the selected Media Director or Supervisor
media to agency clients

Alternate Title(s): Media Specialist; Planner; Media Rep-

Media Planner
Salary Range: $25,000 to $68,000+

Employment Prospects: Fair

Advancement Prospects: Fair Intern, Trainee, or Junior

Media Planner
Best Geographical Location(s): Major cities such as New
York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Atlanta, and Washington
offer the biggest agencies. Other cities may offer addi-
tional opportunities.

Education or Training—Bachelor’s degree in advertis-
ing, merchandising, marketing, business, management,
or liberal arts
Experience—Agency experience, internship, or training
program required
Special Skills and Personality Traits—Understanding of
the advertising industry and media; math and statistics
skills; negotiating skills; good written and oral communica-
tion skills; computer ability; ability to work under pressure

Position Description Once that decision is made, the Media Planner will have to
The Media Planner working in an agency operates in the ascertain what type of programming will be most effective
planning section of the media department. He or she is for the product. Other decisions might include choosing the
responsible for recommending the portions of the advertis- best times during the day, week, and year to advertise a par-
ing budget that should be spent on selected media. The indi- ticular product. If the Media Planner recommends buying
vidual determines if the client’s advertising budget will be space in magazines, he or she must find the right type of
spent on television commercials, radio time, newspaper ads, publication and then decide which of the publications in that
magazine ads, outdoor billboards, Web sites, or a combina- genre are potentially most effective. He or she must also
tion of media. decide on ad placement. This might include whether the ad
While this seems easy, the decision cannot be haphazard. should go on the inside front cover, inside back cover, out-
It must be based on continuous research and careful plan- side back cover, or in the run of the publication.
ning. The individual must also determine the best, most cost Throughout the entire planning process the Media Plan-
effective areas within the specific media selection in which ner must keep cost effectiveness in mind. However, cost is
to place the advertising. If, for example, the Media Planner of little value if the Media Planner recommends ad place-
decides to use television time, he or she must evaluate ment in ineffective media. The individual must constantly
whether to use national, local, regional, or cable television. seek the right target audience and then find the cost of

reaching that audience. His or her main function is to deter- Employment Prospects
mine the least expensive advertising that will produce the Employment prospects for Media Planners are fair. There is
best results. This can lead to stress on the job. It is often dif- a lot of competition in this end of the advertising industry.
ficult to judge exactly which is the best choice in media However, if individuals are persistent and good at what they
planning. do, they can find employment. Prospects will be more plen-
In order to help with the choices, Media Planners work tiful in the cities where there are more advertising agencies,
closely with the research department of the agency as well such as New York, Atlanta, Chicago, Los Angeles, Detroit,
as working with outside research companies. Through this Minneapolis, Boston, Pittsburgh, Dallas, and Cleveland.
research process, the individual can find what age groups
would purchase a certain product; what type of media (tele-
vision, radio, magazines, newspaper, billboards, etc.) poten-
Advancement Prospects
tial buyers read, pay attention to, and respond to; and Opportunities for advancement are fair for Media Planners.
specifics on people who have purchased similar products in Individuals can advance their career by becoming media
the past. This information is important in helping the Media directors or supervisors. Other individuals advance by
Planner choose the best advertising media. becoming media group heads. Another option for advance-
The individual in this position should have a good under- ment is to find a position in a larger, more prestigious
standing of research. He or she may be responsible for rec- agency.
ommending to clients where to test-market products. The
individual also has to recommend which regional advertis- Education and Training
ing media should be used for the test. A college degree is necessary for the position of Media
In certain agencies the Media Planner also has the func- Planner. Degrees can be in almost anything. Useful majors
tion of developing the ultimate media objectives. He or she might include advertising, merchandising, marketing, busi-
may have to determine exactly what the client will end up ness, management, or liberal arts.
with if he or she utilizes certain advertising strategies. Seminars in any aspect of advertising and marketing are
The planner may recommend media to the client and also helpful.
then give the information to a media buyer to negotiate. In
other agencies, the planner may also function as the buyer
Experience, Skills, and Personality Traits
and negotiate personally for the best prices of ads and place-
Media Planners should have a basic understanding of the
ment of commercials. The planner may also be responsible
advertising industry and media in general. Individuals in
for keeping to the budget that has been set up for the client.
media planning also need to have good negotiating skills.
The Media Planner could also be responsible for analyz-
They should be good with math, statistics, and numbers. A
ing the results of specific advertising campaigns and report-
knowledge of bookkeeping is a plus. Computer skills are
ing this to the department head, the account executive, or
becoming more and more important in all phases of adver-
the client.
tising. Individuals should be articulate and confident and
Media Planners can specialize in various kinds of media.
have good communications skills. Media Planners should
The individual may be a broadcast Media Planner or may
have the ability to work under pressure and deal with stress.
specialize in magazine, newspaper, or outdoor advertising.
In smaller agencies, however, Media Planners are less likely
to specialize and will have to become experts in recom- Unions and Associations
mending advertising in all media fields. Media Planners are not required to belong to any bargaining
Depending on the organization of the media department, unions. Individuals, however, may belong to trade associa-
Media Planners are responsible to the media director, media tions such as the Advertising Club of New York, the Adver-
supervisor, or media group head. tising Research Foundation (ARF), Advertising Women of
New York, Inc. (AWNY), American Advertising Federation
(AAF), and the Business Marketing Association (BMA).
Salaries for Media Planners depend on the experience of the
individual, his or her responsibilities, and the size, location, Tips for Entry
and prestige of the agency he or she works with. 1. Try to find an agency that offers an internship or
Those with limited experience can earn between $25,000 trainee program. This will get you in the door. Then
and $30,000 annually. Media Planners with more experi- it’s up to you.
ence have salaries that range from $28,000 to $65,000 or 2. A summer job in an agency will also get you in the
more. Those working in agencies have their earnings aug- door. While there, learn as much as possible and do
mented with fringe benefit packages. more than you’re asked. It will pay off in the future.

3. Knock on the door of agencies with your résumé in Try to get people’s names before sending a letter.
hand. Remember to dress appropriately. You can ask Don’t just send a letter to “Media Supervisor,” send it
to see someone in personnel or the media director or to “Mr. John Jones, Media Supervisor” instead.
media supervisor. Be persistent. 5. Jobs may be located online. Check out some of the
4. You might send your résumé to the personnel director, more popular employment Web sites such as
the media director, the media supervisor, or even the and
agency president with a letter asking for an interview.


Duties: Help clients find the most effective advertising

space for their advertising dollar; compile information on Media Director or Planner
cost, audience, and markets of various advertising media;
negotiate for prices, broadcast time, and advertisement
location in print media; buy advertising space

Alternate Title(s): Media Analyst; Media Specialist; Time Media Buyer


Salary Range: $25,000 to $60,000+

Employment Prospects: Fair Assistant Media Buyer

or Billing Estimator
Advancement Prospects: Fair

Best Geographical Location(s): Positions may be found in

cities where major agencies are located, such as New
York, Atlanta, Los Angeles, Chicago, Detroit, Minneapo-
lis, Boston, Pittsburgh, Dallas, and Cleveland. Other
positions are located throughout the country.

Education or Training—College degree required
Experience—Agency experience necessary
Special Skills and Personality Traits—Good mathe-
matical, organizational, and analytical skills; knowledge
of media and advertising; computer literacy; articulate;
ability to negotiate

Position Description ous media available. He or she might hand the information
A Media Buyer working in an agency has one main func- over to a media planner who will decide what media will be
tion: to help the client find the most effective advertising most effective for a client’s advertisements. In smaller agen-
space for his or her advertising dollar and buy the space. cies, however, the Media Buyer might additionally act in the
Since there are virtually thousands of places for a client to position of the media planner and recommend where clients
advertise his or her product or service, and advertising is should advertise.
expensive, the Media Buyer must choose the best place to The individual must know enough about the media to be
buy ads. For example, the individual must decide whether a able to recommend cost-effective advertising. A lot of
client should advertise in a newspaper or magazine, on radio research is done by the Media Buyer in order to locate just
or television, on a Web site, or through the use of billboards. the right advertising for clients. Advertising costs for a cer-
He or she has to decide what types of publications, stations, tain medium might seem cheap. However, if they don’t reach
Web sites, and programs will be effective, what advertising the right audience, they are valueless. Media Buyers must
costs are, and what the projected advertising budget is. therefore check out all information thoroughly. If clients
Depending on the size of the agency and the organization advertise nationally, this can be an extensive chore. The
of the media department, the Media Buyer might be in Media Buyer must contact television stations, radio stations,
charge of collecting, organizing, and analyzing data on vari- Web sites, magazines, and newspapers in every area in which

a client will advertise. He or she must obtain rates as well as most important functions of a Media Buyer is to have a good
audience demographics and other pertinent information. working relationship with advertising salespeople. If clients
The Media Buyer at an agency works with others in the are not happy with a specific advertising medium, they will
media department as well as with account executives not advertise again. If there is a give and take between the
assigned to specific clients. Together they plan media rec- Media Buyer and the salesperson, the Media Buyer will pur-
ommendations for clients. To do this, media and market chase more space and the salesperson will in turn sell more
information must be compiled, keeping budgets in mind time. For example, if a client paid thousands of dollars to have
through the entire process. The Media Buyer might also be his or her commercial aired during a televised sports event that
responsible for preparing advertising budget proposals for normally had high ratings and the ratings were not up to par,
client campaigns as well as keeping to budget. the Media Buyer might be able to obtain a rebate for the client
The Media Buyer must find out what media are available in the form of money or additional ads at no cost.
to clients at the time that they wish to place ads. For exam- Depending on the size and the organization of the
ple, if a client wants his or her advertisement to appear on agency, the Media Buyer may specialize in just one type of
the back page of a magazine and it is already promised to media, such as television, or may buy the advertising space
another advertiser, it would not be available. The Media and time for all media.
Buyer would then have to recommend another part of the The Media Buyer puts in long hours. Much of his or her
magazine, a different publication, or to wait until the back work is done long after everyone else has gone home. There is
cover becomes available. also a lot of stress caused by people changing their minds
The Media Buyer gives the media information he or she about what they want and the pressure of meeting deadlines.
has compiled to media estimators, who estimate the costs of Depending on the structure of the agency, the Media Buyer is
advertising in the specific markets and media. If approval is responsible directly to the media planner or the media director.
given by the client, the Media Buyer starts talking to sales-
people (also called space or time reps) from the media Salaries
where time or space is being purchased. At this time the Salaries for Media Buyers working in agencies can vary
individual has the opportunity to negotiate and bargain for greatly depending on the size of the agency, its location, and
better prices and good broadcasting times or publication the type of clients it represents. Earnings will also be
positions. This is also the time when the Media Buyer does dependent on the experience of the individual and his or her
what his or her title implies and buys the media space. responsibilities. Salaries can start at $25,000 annually for
Every week reps from newspapers, magazines, television Media Buyers in smaller agencies. Earnings may go up to
stations, and radio stations visit the Media Buyer to try to $60,000 or more annually plus a benefit package for those
get him or her to buy space with their media. The Media working in cities where the major agencies are located.
Buyer must go through all the information on costs and
audience size, type, desirability, and decide if the media is Employment Prospects
proper for clients. If it is not right at the time, it will be filed Employment prospects in this field are fair. As in all agency
away for future reference. jobs, there are more positions available in large cities where
Media Buyers are often invited to cocktail parties, lunch- the major agencies are located. These cities include New
eons, dinners, and other affairs put on by publications and York, Atlanta, Los Angeles, Chicago, Detroit, Minneapolis,
broadcast stations. At these functions executives and sales- Boston, Pittsburgh, Dallas, and Cleveland. This does not
people try to sell the Media Buyer on their publication or mean that these are the only locations to find a job. It just
space. It is their hope that the Media Buyer will then go means that there are more opportunities.
back to clients and recommend the publication or broadcast
station as a viable advertising source.
Media Buyers meet with newspaper and magazine pub- Advancement Prospects
lishers, editors, television producers, and radio station own- Advancement prospects for Media Buyers working in an
ers. In this way the Media Buyer will learn more about agency are fair. Advancement may be attained by becoming
availability of specific media. At times these individuals call a media director or media supervisor. Individuals can also
advance by moving to a larger, more prestigious agency.
the Media Buyer to let him or her know about special shows
Many Media Buyers hope eventually to get into account
and magazine issues where specific clients can target their
market. It is important that the individual understand as
much as possible about advertising possibilities in order to
recommend the best places to advertise for each client. Education and Training
The buyer is responsible for locating the most suitable Most agencies require Media Buyers to have a college
audience for the product or service the client is selling, gather- degree. Acceptable majors include marketing, communica-
ing information, and negotiating the best price. One of the tions, economics, advertising, or business.

Seminars and workshops in advertising, media, and mar- Tips for Entry
keting are also useful. 1. There are a number of agencies that give media train-
ing programs. Write to some of the bigger agencies to
Experience, Skills, and Personality Traits see which companies offer these programs.
Media Buyers should have good mathematical, organizational, 2. Attend as many seminars as possible. You will make
and analytical skills. They should have a general knowledge of the contacts you need to find out where there are
media and an understanding of marketing and the advertising openings in the media department. If there are not
business. Computer literacy is becoming necessary. openings at the moment, people will often remember
Media Buyers must know how to read advertising rate that you were looking.
books such as Standard Rate and Data as well as rate cards. 3. This is the type of job where you can just send your
They must also be good negotiators. Individuals should résumé to as many advertising agencies as you want
have good speaking and writing skills. and ask for an interview. If they have an opening, they
Many Media Buyers started out as salespeople in small- might call you. Remember to ask that your résumé be
market radio, television, or newspapers. kept on file.
4. Join any advertising-related trade associations you
can. These associations offer seminars, journals,
Unions and Associations
workshops, and information for finding jobs and
There are no unions to which Media Buyers in agencies
climbing the career ladder.
must belong. Individuals may, however, belong to profes-
5. Job openings may be located on the Internet. Start by
sional trade associations including the Advertising Club of
looking at the more popular employment Web sites
New York, the Advertising Research Foundation (ARF),
such as and
Advertising Women of New York, Inc. (AWNY), American
Advertising Federation (AAF), and the Business Marketing
Association (BMA).



Duties: Assist media buyer in finding the most effective

advertising space for a client’s advertising dollar; com- Media Buyer
pile information on cost, audience, markets, and demo-
graphics of various advertising media

Alternate Title(s): Assistant Media Specialist; Junior

Media Specialist; Junior Time Buyer; Junior Space Assistant Media Buyer
Buyer; Assistant Space Buyer; Assistant Media Analyst

Salary Range: $28,000 to $40,000+

Employment Prospects: Fair Media Trainee

Advancement Prospects: Fair

Best Geographical Location(s): Positions located through-

out the country. Jobs in major agencies are located in
cities such as New York, Atlanta, Los Angeles, Chicago,
Detroit, Minneapolis, Boston, Pittsburgh, Dallas, and

Education or Training—College degree mandatory
Experience—Agency experience or training program
Special Skills and Personality Traits—Number skills;
organizational and analytical skills; knowledge of media
and advertising; computer literacy; articulate; aggressive

Position Description newspaper, Internet, magazine, and outdoor media are all
The Assistant Media Buyer in an agency works in the media options.
department assisting the media buyers with their duties. In The Assistant Media Buyer is then responsible for
some agencies the assistant is assigned to a senior media researching the various types of media available in the cho-
buyer and works exclusively on his or her accounts. In oth- sen markets. He or she must obtain rates and demographics.
ers, the individual works where needed most. This is done in a number of ways, including checking Stan-
Assistant Media Buyers do a great deal of legwork in dard Rate and Data books, calling and writing to publica-
the selection and purchase of media time and space. The tions, talking to broadcast time salespeople, reading rate
individual is responsible for searching out all types of cards, and reviewing data files that have been collected by
media information and research. In order to accomplish the agency. Once the information has been obtained, it must
this, the Assistant Media Buyer must determine whether be recorded and either analyzed or given to the senior media
the advertising and/or marketing plan is going to be a buyer or planner for analysis.
national, regional, or local campaign. This information is Depending on the agency, the Assistant Media Buyer
usually supplied by the senior media buyer or the account may actually do the research or may work with the
executive. The individual must also ascertain what type of research department to locate information on potential
media campaign is being planned. Television, radio, markets and how they can best be reached. He or she also

finds out where both the client and competitors have tiful in cities where the larger agencies are located. These
advertised previously. include New York, Atlanta, Los Angeles, Chicago, Detroit,
The individual is responsible for tabulating prices of pos- Minneapolis, Boston, Pittsburgh, Dallas, and Cleveland.
sible media buys for potential campaigns. Other functions
might include calling specific media salespeople to deter-
Advancement Prospects
mine if certain broadcast times or print media locations are
Those who are aggressive and show an aptitude in the media
available and what the rates would be. For example, the
field will have a fair chance of advancement. Career growth
individual may want to find out if an inside front cover of a
may, however, take time. Assistant Media Buyers move up
publication is available. He or she might also ascertain what
the career ladder by becoming media buyers. Individuals
type of discounts might apply and might be involved in
can do this by being promoted in the agency where they are
negotiating the purchase of blocks of time or space for a
currently employed or by seeking a better position in
particular client campaign.
another agency.
The Assistant Media Buyer may review the data with the
senior media buyer and/or the media planner and help
decide what the most effective media buys would be. Low Education and Training
advertising rates do not mean that a particular medium is the Those seeking careers in the media department of agencies
right one. A low rate is only effective if the advertisement or should have a minimum of a bachelor’s degree. Majors
commercial will be seen by the right people. might include advertising, business, communications, eco-
The individual may have writing duties, which would nomics, or marketing. Seminars and workshops in advertis-
include reports on research findings, reports on price and ing, media, research, and marketing are also useful.
effectiveness, comparisons between different media,
memos, letters, and other correspondence. Experience, Skills, and Personality Traits
In some agencies the Assistant Media Buyer may meet Assistant Media Buyers need to be good with numbers and
with the constant flow of salespeople and representatives should have both organizational and analytical skills. A gen-
who visit the agency in hopes of selling the media buyer on eral understanding of the advertising industry and a knowl-
recommending his or her publication or television or radio edge of media are necessary. Computer literacy is becoming
station to account clients. a must in the field.
The Assistant Media Buyer may specialize in just one type Individuals must know how to read advertising rate
of media, such as the purchase of broadcast time on radio or books and cards. They should have an aptitude for negotiat-
television, or may work with all types of media buys. The indi- ing. Assistant Media Buyers should also have excellent oral
vidual is responsible to either the senior media buyer to whom skills as well as the ability to write well.
he or she has been assigned or to the media director, depend- People in this field need to have an abundance of energy
ing on the organization of the department. Assistant Media and must be enthusiastic and aggressive in order to succeed
Buyers often have to work after normal business hours to meet and move up the career ladder.
deadlines or to finish up projects. Some people in this position
feel they are working under stressful conditions because of
Unions and Associations
deadlines and the general competitiveness of the industry.
Individuals working in the media department of an agency
may belong to a number of trade associations that will offer
Salaries professional guidance and useful seminars and put them in
Annual earnings for Assistant Media Buyers working in touch with others in their field. Many of these associations
agencies vary depending on the size and location of the also have student chapters and provide career advice. These
agency and the experience and responsibilities of the indi- organizations include the Advertising Club of New York
vidual. Salaries for this position can range from $28,000 (ACNY), the Advertising Research Foundation (ARF),
annually for those with limited experience working in small Advertising Women of New York, Inc. (AWNY), American
agencies to $40,000 or more for those in larger agencies. In Advertising Federation (AAF), and the Business Marketing
addition, most advertising agencies augment salaries with Association (BMA). Most agencies also belong to the
good benefit packages. American Association of Advertising Agencies (4A’s).
Employees of these member agencies can take advantage of
a full spectrum of programs offered by the organization.
Employment Prospects
Since most agencies have at least one Assistant Media
Buyer on staff and the larger agencies usually have several, Tips for Entry
individuals seeking this type of position have a fair chance 1. Try to find an agency that offers a media training pro-
of finding employment. Career opportunities are more plen- gram. You can locate these by writing to some of the

larger agencies and requesting information on these you. Remember to ask that your résumé be kept on
programs. file for future openings.
2. A summer job or internship in an agency will help 5. Join trade associations and organizations. These will
you get your foot in the door as well as give you offer seminars, journals, workshops, career counsel-
needed experience. ing, and an opportunity to make contacts.
3. If you can’t get a summer job or internship in an 6. Positions are often advertised in the classified section
agency, consider a position in the advertising sales of the newspaper. Look under the headings of “Adver-
department of a television or radio station or a news- tising,” “Agency,” or “Media.”
paper or magazine. 7. Look for positions online. Check out some of the more
4. Send your résumé to advertising agencies and ask for popular employment Web sites such as www.mon-
an interview. If they have an opening, they might call and


Duties: Research market conditions in local, regional, and

national areas to determine potential sales of products Research Supervisor or Director
and services; compile surveys and questionnaires; tabu-
late results of research

Alternate Title(s): Market Analyst; Market Research Spe-

cialist Market Researcher

Salary Range: $25,000 to $58,000+

Employment Prospects: Fair

Research Assistant
Advancement Prospects: Poor

Best Geographical Location(s): Most major agencies are

located in large cities, including New York, Atlanta, Los
Angeles, Chicago, Detroit, Minneapolis, Boston, Pitts-
burgh, Dallas, and Cleveland.

Education or Training—A bachelor’s degree with a
major or courses in advertising, business, statistics,
social sciences, or marketing is required. Master’s and
Ph.D. are helpful for advancement.
Experience—Knowledge of questionnaire and survey
techniques and tabulating necessary
Special Skills and Personality Traits—Analytical
mind; ability to solve problems; mathematical compe-
tence; familiarity with statistics; ability to deal with
stress; good writing and organizational skills; under-
standing of people; computer literacy

Position Description why people are purchasing other companies’ or competitors’

The Market Researcher is responsible for determining cus- products.
tomers’ needs, desires, interests, and willingness to pay for In order to do market research the individual uses a
products and services. The Market Researcher working at number of research techniques. He or she might use a sur-
an agency has an interesting job. He or she researches mar- vey to find the answers to questions. The Market
ket conditions in local, regional, and national areas to deter- Researcher may be responsible for developing a survey
mine potential sales of products and services. questionnaire, or he or she may simply execute the survey.
Market Researchers are needed by the agency for many To do this, he or she would go out in public or phone a
reasons. One is to help decide the kind of facts that should be large number of people and ask them the questions on the
stressed in advertisements. Another is to learn how effective survey. The survey might ask about a person’s age, sex, and
a particular advertisement or commercial is. Other reasons income level. It may ask about potential buyers’ shopping
include determining which media will most successfully sell habits and preferences. The respondents’ answers would
a product, who is using specific products or services, and then be recorded and analyzed.

Market Researchers might use data that has already been Depending on the structure of the agency for which the
recorded, such as information compiled by federal, state, individual works, he or she will report directly to the V.P. of
and local agencies as well as private businesses. If this is the marketing or to the market research director or supervisor.
case, the Market Researcher would have to seek out the
information and incorporate it into appropriate studies. Salaries
At times the Market Researcher might put together panels
Salaries for Market Researchers vary greatly depending on
of consumers to test products in their home. Market
the size and location of the agency where the individual is
Researchers may also conduct consumer buying surveys,
working and the experience, duties, and education of the
audits, and new-product sales surveys. Many of the commer-
individual. Salaries can range from $25,000 annually for
cials currently reviewed on television are the result of market beginners to $58,000 plus for more experienced people at
research. Most familiar are the blind taste tests. In this case a large agencies and with master’s degrees or above. Compen-
market researcher will set up a stand in a supermarket or mall sation for most agency employees is supplemented by fringe
and ask shoppers whether they prefer brand “A” peanut butter benefit packages.
or brand “B”. If the client’s peanut butter wins the taste test,
the commercial may be reenacted and used on the air.
While a lot of the time of a Market Researcher is spent Employment Prospects
writing surveys and analyzing them and writing reports on Employment prospects are fair for Market Researchers. To
the findings, he or she often is out in the field executing find employment, the individual will probably have to
interviews, supervising testing, and talking to people. work in one of the major cities where advertising agencies
The Market Researcher must be comfortable speaking to are located, such as New York, Atlanta, Los Angeles,
groups of people, including the agency’s clients, advertising Chicago, Detroit, Minneapolis, Boston, Pittsburgh, Dallas,
executives, and marketing people to provide results of the or Cleveland.
At times the Market Researcher will have to evaluate the Advancement Prospects
effectiveness of advertising campaigns. To do this, the indi- Advancement prospects are poor for Market Researchers.
vidual might bring in a group of people who have seen the While individuals can advance to supervisory positions such
commercials and ask them questions about their memory of as market research supervisor or market research planner,
the ad and if they plan to buy the product. If enough people advanced degrees are necessary.
fail to recall an ad or series of ads, the advertising campaign
will probably be ruled ineffective and revised. Education and Training
Market Researchers working in advertising agencies may
Individuals interested in becoming Market Researchers
also be responsible for doing the research to name or
should have at least a bachelor’s degree with a major or
rename products. The individual may use questionnaires
courses in business, statistics, marketing, advertising, or
and surveys for a client’s product and find that the public behavioral sciences. An M.B.A. or Ph.D. will be useful in
finds the name offensive, difficult to remember, or too much helping the Market Researcher advance his or her career.
like that of another product. In these cases the Researcher
would report to his or her supervisor, and a product name
change would probably occur. Experience, Skills, and Personality Traits
At certain agencies the Market Researcher works with Market Researchers must have good analytical minds and
the rest of the research department on all accounts. In other be problem solvers. Individuals in this type of work should
agencies the Market Researcher will be assigned specific have mathematical competence and be familiar with statis-
client accounts for which he or she will do research. If the tics. Good speaking, writing, and organizational skills are a
agency is very large, the Market Researcher may have must. The Market Researcher should like and have a good
supervisory functions, including training a field staff to per- understanding of people and the way they act.
form interviews. Additionally, it is almost essential now that the Market
As so much of the research is dependent on people, the Researcher be computer literate. As with most jobs in adver-
person in this type of position should be able to analyze not tising, the Market Researcher must be able to work under
only numbers but people as well. For example, in a taste test pressure in stressful situations.
many people will say they like anything, even if it is really
distasteful. The Market Researcher must be aware of this Unions and Associations
and take it into account. The Market Researcher is, in effect, Market Researchers do not usually belong to a union. They
the liaison between the agency’s client and the consumer can, however, belong to trade associations such as the
who buys the product or service. Advertising Club of New York, the Advertising Research

Foundation (ARF), Advertising Women of New York, Inc. 2. Market Researcher positions are often advertised in the
(AWNY), the Council of American Survey Research Orga- newspaper classified section under “Market Research,”
nizations (CASRO), the American Advertising Federation “Research,” “Advertising,” and “Marketing” categories.
(AAF), Business Marketing Association (BMA), the Ameri- 3. If you can’t locate position advertisements in the
can Marketing Association (AMA), or the Direct Marketing newspapers, write to an advertising agency’s human
Association (DMA). These groups will put the individual in resources department. Include a recent résumé.
contact with others in the same field as well as offer guid- 4. If you are still in school, try to find a summer intern-
ance, support, and training. ship or trainee program. This will give you valuable
experience as well as get your foot in the door of an
Tips for Entry
1. This is a job in which a good education helps. If you
can, earn a master’s degree. If you can’t, continue
attending courses, seminars, and other programs.


Duties: Assist the market researcher in gathering, examin-

ing, and analyzing information Market Researcher

Alternate Title(s): Research Trainee

Salary Range: $23,000 to $30,000+

Research Assistant
Employment Prospects: Good

Advancement Prospects: Fair

Best Geographical Location(s): Major cities such as New Entry Level

York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Atlanta, Pittsburgh, Dallas,
Cleveland, and Washington offer the biggest agencies.
Other cities may offer additional opportunities.

Education or Training—Bachelor’s degree required;
graduate degree helpful
Experience—Summer jobs or internships in marketing
or research useful but not necessary
Special Skills and Personality Traits—Organization;
accurate numerical and analytical skills; good verbal and
written communication skills; computer knowledge

Position Description Research Assistant may perform all varieties of computer

The Research Assistant working in an agency helps the mar- work, from typing or inputting data that has been gathered
ket researcher gather, examine, and analyze information. to doing data searches and computer statistical analysis. The
These data are used by the various departments in the agency individual might be required to learn word processing pro-
to determine client advertising and marketing options. grams as well as mathematical, statistical, and data-search-
Much of the job of the Research Assistant revolves ing programs.
around learning how and when to do things. The individual Depending on the individual’s experience level, the assis-
must determine how and where to research information and tant may help the research team develop surveys and ques-
what to do with it once he or she has collected it. tionnaires. The Research Assistant may do the legwork
The assistant has varied functions depending on the associated with formulating these type of tests. He or she
agency, his or her experience level, and the department’s may do research on similar and competitive products, media
organization. Sometimes the Research Assistant works exposure, potential buyers, and demographics.
independently; at other times the individual works with the The Research Assistant is also involved in implementing
market researcher or others on the research team. The the research strategies that have been developed. The indi-
Research Assistant may take part in group meetings where vidual might conduct surveys, interviews, taste tests, or tele-
members of the research department discuss different ways phone polls. After the testing is completed, the assistant is
to test advertisements, commercials, and products and meth- responsible for gathering the results and collating them in a
ods to analyze information that has been gathered. form that can be analyzed.
With the current influx of electronic technology, much of The Research Assistant might be assigned to find and
the work of market researchers is done via computers. The train a staff of workers to conduct the required tests. He or

she would have to brief the workers by illustrating what years, depending on the individual and the agency he or she
questions to ask, how to ask them, and how to record results. is working for. Research Assistants who continue their edu-
The Research Assistant is responsible for doing a lot of the cation, obtaining a master’s degree or possibly a Ph.D., have
grunt work associated with research. He or she frequently vis- better advancement prospects. Individuals can also move up
its or contacts libraries, private businesses, and federal, state, the career ladder by finding employment in private research
and local agencies to seek out information for the market firms, marketing companies, or the research departments of
researcher, who then incorporates it into the appropriate other businesses.
study. The individual might make phone calls, take messages,
compose letters, type surveys, and proofread results.
As he or she gains more experience, the Research Assis- Education and Training
tant will be required to clarify research problems and rec- A good education is very important for people who want to
ommend solutions. He or she often has to locate research get into market research. An undergraduate degree is the min-
that has already been done by other industries and agencies imum educational requirement. Some positions may require
as well as compile new data. The individual is also responsi- graduate degrees. Courses in business, statistics, marketing,
ble for the analysis and evaluation of research results. advertising, behavioral sciences, and research are useful.
In some agencies the Research Assistant works wherever
needed in the department. In others, the individual is Experience, Skills, and Personality Traits
assigned a market researcher to work with. Most work is Those interested in research should be highly organized.
supervised and/or checked until the assistant has gained pro-
They should have accurate numerical and analytical skills.
ficiency in research methods and interpretation.
Individuals need communications skills, both written and
The Research Assistant may sit in on meetings with the
verbal. Research Assistants should also be good with people
client, account executive, copywriters, art directors, and
and have the ability to talk to them and gain their confi-
media people. In time the Research Assistant will be dele-
dence. Computer competence is a plus in some jobs and a
gated more and more responsibility. Eventually the individ-
requirement in others.
ual will have the experience to develop all types of tests,
questionnaires, and surveys as well as the capability to While some people obtain entry level jobs in this field
decide what type of test should be used in specific research. with no experience at all, summer jobs or internships in
Depending on the organization of the agency, the indi- marketing and/or research are useful.
vidual is responsible to either a market researcher or a
research executive. Unions and Associations
Research Assistants have no bargaining union. They may
Salaries belong to trade associations that will put them in touch with
Earnings for Research Assistants working in agencies vary others in their field, help them make contacts, and provide
greatly depending on a number of factors. These include the useful information and seminars.
education, experience, and responsibilities of the individual Some of these organizations include the Advertising
as well as the size and location of the agency the person is Research Foundation (ARF), the Business Marketing Asso-
working for. ciation (BMA), the Advertising Club of New York, Adver-
Earnings can range from $23,000 to $30,000 or more tising Women of New York, Inc. (AWNY), the American
annually. Those working in agencies may also have benefit Marketing Association (AMA), the Direct Marketing Asso-
plans to supplement their salary. ciation, Inc. (DMA), and the Council of American Survey
Research Organizations (CASRO).
Employment Prospects
There are good employment prospects for those who are
interested in entering the field of research. More and more Tips for Entry
companies are insisting on a full research program before 1. If you are still in school, you can often find a profes-
they spend a fortune on advertising. sor who is looking for an assistant in this field. This
Individuals who want to work as Research Assistants in will provide you with the necessary experience.
agencies will increase their employment prospects if they 2. You might also try to locate a summer job, internship, or
seek employment in a city where there are large numbers of trainee program in an agency or market research firm.
agencies. These include New York, Atlanta, Los Angeles, 3. These types of positions are often advertised in the
Chicago, Detroit, Minneapolis, Boston, Pittsburgh, Dallas, newspaper. Look in the classifieds under such cate-
and Cleveland. gory headings as “Market Research,” “Research,”
“Advertising,” or “Marketing.”
Advancement Prospects 4. Join appropriate trade organizations. Many of these
Research Assistants can advance their career by becoming offer valuable career assistance to students trying to
market researchers. This may take from six months to two enter the field.



Duties: Assist art director in formulating advertisements

and ad campaigns; create ads Art Director

Alternate Title(s): Junior Art Director; Art Director Assis-

tant; Associate Art Director

Salary Range: $26,000 to $60,000+ Assistant Art Director

Employment Prospects: Fair

Advancement Prospects: Fair

Artist, Illustrator, Layout Person,
Best Geographical Location(s): Positions are located or Graphic Designer
throughout the country. Jobs in major agencies are
located in cities such as New York, Atlanta, Los Angeles,
Chicago, Detroit, Minneapolis, Boston, Pittsburgh, Dal-
las, and Cleveland.

Education or Training—Art school training or college
degree in fine art, commercial art, graphics, communica-
tions, or advertising preferred
Experience—Agency experience useful
Special Skills and Personality Traits—Creative; super-
visory skills; artistic ability

Position Description obtaining drawings and sketches for the advertisement. The
The Assistant Art Director of an agency works with the art Assistant Art Director also works extensively with the
director, copywriter, and other members of the creative serv- account executive, getting his or her feedback and ideas on
ices department to formulate the visual appearance of adver- advertisement concepts and needs.
tisements. He or she might be totally responsible for an ad One of the most important responsibilities of the Assis-
from the concept to the finished advertisement, or he or she tant Art Director is to work with the copywriter, trying to
may assist the art director with his or her ads. The individual find the most effective way to put the words and graphics
may create print ads for any type of media including newspa- together. Ads must be effective or they won’t sell the prod-
pers, magazines, billboards, direct mail, packaging, posters, uct or service that the client is trying to push. If ads don’t
books, or broadcast advertisements. work, the client may change advertising agencies in hopes
The Assistant Art Director is usually assigned one or of finding someone who can better express the company’s
more client accounts. Depending on the size and the organi- product or service.
zation of the agency, he or she may be assigned one or more The Assistant Art Director often visits the client’s plant
client accounts or may assist the art director with his or her or place of business to gain an insight into what the client
clients. Whatever the case, the individual works with the wants and how they want it shown to the public. If, for
other agency people assigned to the same account to create example, a client wants to advertise a new computer line
advertisements for the client. For example, the individual that is being marketed for schoolchildren, the Assistant Art
might work with a graphic artist laying out a rough draft of Director might visit a school or homes that currently use the
an ad, or he or she might work with an artist or illustrator computers. In this way he or she can see the product in use

and may come up with an advertising concept to sell the Employment Prospects
product to others. Employment prospects for Assistant Art Directors in agen-
Throughout the creative process the Assistant Art Direc- cies are fair. The individual will find more opportunities in a
tor reviews and presents the final layouts to the art director, major city where there are many more agencies. These cities
creative director, or account executive in charge of the include New York, Atlanta, Los Angeles, Chicago, Detroit,
client. It is also the responsibility of the Assistant Art Direc- Minneapolis, Boston, Pittsburgh, Dallas, and Cleveland.
tor to make sure that the advertising concept receives
approval from the account executive, who gets it from the Advancement Prospects
client. Even with this approval, after long periods of work to Chances of advancement as an Assistant Art Director are
come up with, what the individual thinks is the perfect ad, fair. If an individual is creative and good at what he or she
the client may decide it is not what is wanted after all, and does, there should be no problem moving up in a particular
the Assistant Art Director must start all over again. agency. Agencies like to promote from within. It should be
Depending on the size and the organization of the noted that individuals in this position move around a lot.
agency, another of the duties of the Assistant Art Director This gives ample opportunity to move to a bigger agency, to
may be to supervise members of the creative services a better agency, or up the career ladder to become an art
department. He or she may supervise artists, illustrators, director or eventually a creative director.
cartoonists, and designers. If agencies are large, there could
be a number of Assistant Art Directors working in the cre- Education and Training
ative department. In smaller agencies there might be only An Assistant Art Director working in an agency usually has
one or two. If the agency the individual is working for is some sort of art training. This may come in the form of art
very small, he or she may also perform the duties of a school or a college degree in fine arts, commercial art, or
graphic designer, illustrator, or artist. If the agency is larger, graphics. The individual may also be hired with just some
the Assistant Art Director may just create layout ideas for courses in drawing or graphics. Since much of this type of job
print media and storyboards for television. is creative, many agencies will accept an applicant on the basis
Assistant Art Directors may work in both print media and of a good portfolio. Assistant Art Directors may have degrees
broadcast media or might be assigned to just one. Individu- in communications with minors in art or in advertising.
als in this type of job may also specialize in particular fields,
media, or types of layout. Experience, Skills, and Personality Traits
Another responsibility of an Assistant Art Director is One of the biggest qualifications for this job is creativity
reviewing portfolios of freelance photographers, illustrators, and the ability to display it to others. While it is not always
artists, directors, and producers. necessary for the Assistant Art Director to create exact art-
At certain agencies the Assistant Art Director, along with work for an advertisement, he or she must be able to explain
the art director, creative director, copywriter, and account to the artist what the concept should be. He or she must have
executive, makes presentations of advertisements and adver- the ability to visualize what an ad will look like when fin-
tising campaigns. It is therefore important that the Assistant ished. The Assistant Art Director must also have supervisory
Art Director be articulate, able to speak in public, and confi- skills and be a team member.
dent in his or her ideas. Assistant Art Directors must be articulate. An ability to
This is a high-stress job in which work is often brought write is helpful. A portfolio that illustrates commercial art
home. There is constant pressure to come up with creative ability and creativity is necessary, as is an understanding of
ideas and advertisements. If the advertising campaign is the advertising business.
successful, the Assistant Art Director will have the satisfac-
tion of seeing his or her ads all over. Unions and Associations
Depending on the organization of the agency, the Assis- There are no bargaining unions for Assistant Art Directors
tant Art Director is responsible to the art director, the creative working in agencies. Individuals may, however, belong to
director, or the account executive assigned to the client. any number of trade associations, including the American
Advertising Federation (AAF), the Art Directors Club, Inc.
Salaries (ADC), the One Club, or the Society of Illustrators. These
Salaries for Assistant Art Directors working in agencies are organizations will put the individual in contact with others in
dependent on the size, location, and prestige of the agency. the same field and offer professional guidance and support.
Salaries will be higher for individuals working in larger,
more prestigious agencies. Tips for Entry
Salaries for Assistant Art Directors can range from $26,000 1. Find an advertising agency and/or school with an
to $60,000 plus, depending on the agency. Compensation in internship program. Agencies are usually happy to
most agency positions includes fringe benefit packages. keep you working after they have trained you.

2. This is not usually an entry level position. Start in the with a few creative ideas. This is a position where
art department in any job you can obtain. You will ideas can land you a job. Don’t be afraid to communi-
move up quickly. cate your creativity!
3. Put together a good portfolio. Try to show marketabil- 5. Take classes in advertising. You will not only
ity, versatility, and creativity. improve your craft, you might make some important
4. Before going to a job interview, find out something contacts.
about the company and its client roster. Try to go in


Duties: Illustrate advertisements and commercials; prepare

storyboards; lay out advertisements Art Director

Alternate Title(s): Artist; Graphic Artist; Illustrator

Salary Range: $24,000 to $50,000+

Commercial Artist
Employment Prospects: Fair

Advancement Prospects: Fair

Best Geographical Location(s): Positions are available Illustrator or Entry Level

throughout the country. Jobs in major agencies are
located in cities such as New York, Atlanta, Los Angeles,
Chicago, Detroit, Minneapolis, Boston, Pittsburgh, Dal-
las, and Cleveland.

Education or Training—Art school, art courses, or col-
lege degree with major in art helpful
Experience—Illustrating or advertisement layout useful
Special Skills and Personality Traits—Understanding
of advertising; creative; artistic ability; knowledge of
commercial art; drawing and illustration skills; computer

Position Description for creating the layout of the ad. This is usually just a rough
The Commercial Artist in an agency works in the creative sketch of how the ad will look. He or she must consider
department. The creative department is divided into the art such things as the type of art or pictures that will be used in
division and the copywriting division. The individual in this the advertisement and where they should be placed in rela-
position does with pictures what copywriters do with words. tion to the copy.
He or she comes up with creative ways of illustrating what The individual is responsible for making a detailed drawing
the account executive and client want to show in an ad or of the way the ad will look. If the Commercial Artist is work-
commercial. ing on a television commercial instead of a print ad or bill-
The Commercial Artist works with other staff members in board, it will be his or her duty to put together a storyboard.
the agency. He or she is responsible for creating the art that The storyboard resembles a big comic strip and illustrates
will be used in advertisements in the most appealing way what will happen in a television commercial. These are often
possible. To do this, he or she must learn about the advertis- used to pitch a client on an ad idea or an advertising campaign.
ing campaign and the product from the account executive. The Commercial Artist must be adept at not only draw-
The individual also needs to know what type of copy is being ing and illustrating but other art forms as well. For example,
used in the ad. The Commercial Artist obtains this informa- he or she may be asked to do cartoons and should also be
tion from the copywriter. The two work hand in hand with skilled in using computer graphics and layout programs.
the art director, who guides the artist on the ad concept. In order for the Commercial Artist to make an advertise-
In some agencies the Commercial Artist is responsible ment eye-catching, he or she may do many drafts. These
just for illustrating the ad. In others he or she is responsible will include layouts and sketches.

When illustrating and laying out an ad the individual Those who have a good, diversified portfolio of commercial
must select the correct size and typeface for lettering. He or art will be snapped up quickly. Jobs in agencies are more
she must also decide the style of type. For example, will the plentiful in New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, Atlanta,
ad use bold lettering or italic? Nine-point type or thirty-six? Detroit, Minneapolis, Boston, Pittsburgh, Dallas, and Cleve-
The possibilities are endless, and the Commercial Artist land. It may be easier for beginners to land jobs in smaller
must know what will be most effective. agencies.
At times the Commercial Artist may be asked to design a
commercial logo or trademark for a client. The logo or trade- Advancement Prospects
mark is the emblem or symbol that will assist consumers to
Advancement prospects for Commercial Artists are fair.
remember the product every time they see it. To design a
Much of the achievement of people in this position depends
logo for a company, the artist may visit the company’s plant.
on their talent. A man or woman who consistently does
He or she will probably spend some time with the client as
good work, has creative ideas, and builds a good reputation
well as the advertising executive assigned to the account.
should have no problem with career advancement.
The individual may have to design a dozen or more different Commercial Artists can move up by becoming art direc-
logos until he or she finds one the client is happy with. tors. Other individuals advance by finding employment at
The Commercial Artist must determine what colors to use bigger, more prestigious agencies where salaries are notably
in the ad. He or she may try illustrating the same advertise- higher. Others advance by becoming freelance people or by
ment with a number of different colors. He or she may also finding work in fields other than advertising.
lay out the ad in a number of different ways, hoping to come
up with something that is both appealing and eye-catching.
Throughout the entire process of creating the finished Education and Training
advertisement the Commercial Artist must get approvals from While a formal education is not always necessary for this
his or her art director, the account executive, and the client. type of position, it sometimes helps. Individuals who seek
There will also be a great deal of input from the copywriter. Commercial Artist positions may have a bachelor’s degree
Depending on the size and the organization of the agency from a college with a major in art. Others may have art
and the department, the Commercial Artist may specialize school training, while still others have taken just a few art
in working with one type of ad, such as print, outdoor bill- courses.
boards, or television; in many agencies, however, the Com-
mercial Artist works on ads for all media. Experience, Skills, and Personality Traits
Other duties of the Commercial Artist might include creat- Commercial Artists working in agencies should have a good
ing the artwork for new packages, merchandising and promo- knowledge and understanding of advertising. It goes with-
tional materials, or booklets and manuals. At times he or she out saying that the individual needs artistic ability. Just
may be asked to revise an advertisement that has already been being artistic, however, is not everything. The individual
prepared by another individual. This is one of the hardest needs to illustrate “commerciability.” Drawing and illustra-
things to do, because most artists tend to see things differently. tion skills are a must, as are computer skills.
The Commercial Artist is usually directly responsible to Commercial Artists should have knowledge of pasteup,
the art director. The commercial art position is not always a mechanicals, typography, color, and photography. They
straight nine-to-five job. There may be times when ads must should also have an innate sense of design.
be finished in a day. The artist may find that days are not The individual in this type of position must have a thick
long enough to finish work and have to come up with cre- skin. Not every ad will get approval. He or she must be able
ative ideas at home. to take constructive criticism and start over, if need be.

Salaries Unions and Associations

Salaries for Commercial Artists working in agencies vary Commercial Artists working in agencies do not belong to bar-
greatly depending on the experience and expertise of the gaining unions. They may belong to trade associations such
individual as well as the size, location, and prestige of the as the American Advertising Federation (AAF), the Art
agency. Annual earnings can range from $24,000 to $50,000 Directors Club, Inc. (ADC), the One Club, or the Society of
plus for artists working in agencies. Salaries are usually Illustrators, among others. These associations provide support
supplemented by fringe benefit packages. and guidance and often offer helpful seminars to members.

Employment Prospects Tips for Entry

Employment prospects for Commercial Artists are fair. 1. Put together a good portfolio. This is the one thing
Agencies are always on the lookout for creative people. that can really help you get the position you want.

Make it neat and creative and diversified. Do not 3. Join trade associations where you can meet other peo-
include mediocre work. ple in the field and make contacts.
2. Write letters to agencies and ask if you can show them 4. Locate an agency internship or training program. This
your portfolio. Knock on agency doors. The worst is a good way to get your foot in the door. Once there,
people can say is no. The best that can happen is that dazzle them with your work. Do a little extra, learn as
you will get a job you enjoy. much as you can, and you will have a job.



Duties: Design art, graphics, and type for advertisements,

promotional material, and publications using a computer; Assistant Art Director
lay out advertisements with the assistance of a computer

Alternate Title(s): Artist; Graphic Artist; Computer Artist;

Computer Graphics Designer
Computer Graphic Artist
Salary Range: $24,000 to $50,000+

Employment Prospects: Good

Advancement Prospects: Fair Entry Level, Pasteup

or Mechanical Artist,
Best Geographical Location(s): Positions available or Freelance Computer
throughout the country. Graphic Artist
Education or Training—College degree in commercial
art or fine arts required in some positions; art school, art
courses, computer graphics training, helpful in others
Experience—Computer graphics experience needed
Special Skills and Personality Traits—Total computer
capability; working knowledge of one or more types of
computers and computer programs; ability to produce
computer graphics; understanding of advertising; cre-
ative; artistic ability; knowledge of commercial art

Position Description upon to choose the type for headlines and body copy from
Computer Graphic Artists working in the art department of the vast array of computer fonts available. Making headlines
an agency are responsible for creating art, graphics, and for advertisements with the use of a computer may take only
type for advertisements and other materials by computer. seconds. The individual need only type in the words.
Individuals may be responsible for laying out advertise- The Computer Graphic Artist may also be responsible for
ments and promotional materials with the computer. designing new or special fonts with the computer to meet
Computer Graphic Artists have the ability to be creative the needs of a specific advertisement. While this still takes
with a keyboard, electric stylus, mouse, and scanner instead time, it can be done faster and reproduced more easily and
of using the standard pen, ink, pencil, paintbrush, or paint. more accurately.
The individual may use any number of different computers The Computer Graphic Artist may be required to do car-
and computer programs to work with. One of the reasons tooning, sketching, or even “painting” with the use of the
that the Computer Graphic Artist is currently in demand is computer. He or she works with a variety of different com-
that he or she can often produce the same amount of work as puter programs, depending on what type of project is
a traditional artist more efficiently. Projects can be done in a required. These might include drawing, painting, graph,
shorter time period and often more accurately. video presentation, cartooning, 3-D, font design, or page
The Computer Graphic Artist has varied duties and layout programs.
responsibilities. He or she may function as a typesetter or The individual often works with other departments in the
typographer as well as an artist. The individual may be called agency. He or she may produce a variety of different com-

puter-generated graphs, charts, and diagrams for presenta- larger as technology gets more advanced. With new equip-
tions to the research department, or for executives working ment and more computer art, layout, and design programs
on bringing in new business. Data can constantly be available, agencies are able to produce many advertisements
changed and new charts generated with little or no trouble. and promotional materials faster, more accurately, and less
The Computer Graphic Artist may also be responsible for expensively than with traditional artistic methods. Though
using the computer to make overhead projector sheets for not all art for advertisements and other materials can be pro-
presentations. At times the Computer Graphic Artist may be duced by computer, a great deal of it can.
required to develop the graphics for video presentations or Positions can be found throughout the country. Small
slides for visuals. agencies as well as larger ones employ Computer Graphic
Computer Graphic Artists may be responsible for design- Artists. Those interested in seeking employment at a larger
ing original graphics or art for advertisements and other agency may have to relocate to one of the cities where the
materials. The individual may also modify existing designs major agencies are located, including New York, Atlanta,
by making them larger or smaller, or changing colors or line Los Angeles, Chicago, Detroit, Minneapolis, Boston, Pitts-
weights. After the design is complete the artist gives it to his burgh, Dallas, and Cleveland.
or her superior for approval. The Computer Graphic Artist
stores work he or she has generated with the computer in the
computer’s memory, on a hard disk, electronic tape, or
Advancement Prospects
floppy disks, or by running it through a printer to obtain a Advancement prospects are fair for Computer Graphic
hard copy. Artists. Much of the advancement in the art department of
The Computer Graphic Artist may be responsible for just an agency revolves around how creative an individual is and
the graphics of an ad, the headline type, the body type, or all how he or she can illustrate that creativity.
three. He or she may also be required to do the layout with Computer Graphic Artists can climb the career ladder by
the help of the computer. When he or she obtains a graphi- becoming assistant art directors or art directors, depending
cally pleasing layout, it is saved, and a hard copy is printed on the agency they are working in. Individuals may advance
for approval. Any changes can easily be made afterward their career by finding employment at bigger, more presti-
with the cut-and-paste layout procedure. gious agencies where salaries are usually higher. Others in
The individual may use the same graphic design and lay- this field advance by building up their business and becom-
out procedure for other advertisements, logos, promotional ing freelance Computer Graphics Artists.
and marketing material, sales pieces, and publications he or
she is responsible for preparing. Education and Training
The Computer Graphic Artist working in an agency is Educational requirements vary from agency to agency. The
usually responsible to the art director or the assistant art larger agencies usually require almost everyone to have a
director. He or she will work normal business hours. As in four-year college degree. Many individuals have degrees in
all other jobs in advertising, when an advertisement or other either fine art or commercial art. While an art director might
project must be finished or must meet a deadline, the indi- waive the degree if he or she sees a sensational portfolio,
vidual must work overtime. individuals must remember the competition at the larger
agencies is fierce.
Salaries Smaller agencies may hire an applicant with art school
Earnings vary greatly depending on the position and the training or art and computer graphics training.
individual’s responsibilities and experience. Other factors Seminars and other courses in all facets of computer
include the size and location of the agency. usage, graphics, layout, art, design, and advertising are
Earnings may start as low as $24,000 for an individual advantageous.
working in a small agency or one who has limited responsi-
bilities and experience. Compensation may go up to Experience, Skills, and Personality Traits
$50,000 plus for individuals who are experienced in com- Computer Graphic Artists need to be creative, artistic, tal-
puter graphics, art, and advertising and are employed by ented individuals with an innate sense of style and design.
major agencies.
Complete familiarity with the computer and various art,
Most of the larger and many of the smaller agencies also
design, and layout programs is imperative. Experience with
offer benefit packages to augment salaries.
various types of computers and programs is a plus.
Individuals need the ability to work quickly. Art depart-
Employment Prospects ments in agencies are busy places. Individuals should have a
Employment prospects are good for Computer Graphic working knowledge of pasteups, mechanicals, typography,
Artists and are getting better. The field is getting larger and color, and photography.

Unions and Associations ing out every day. (Check the appendix for names.)
Computer Graphic Artists working in agencies do not Reading these will keep you up on new machines,
belong to any unions. Individuals may belong to a number technology, tips, and techniques.
of trade associations that will provide professional and edu- 3. There are many seminars and courses offered
cational guidance and put members together with others in throughout the country on desktop publishing, com-
their field. puter graphics, and other computer-oriented subjects.
These organizations include the American Advertising These will help you make professional contacts in
Federation (AAF), the Art Directors Club, Inc. (ADC), the addition to providing know-how and new skills.
One Club, the Society of Illustrators, the Graphic Artists 4. Positions as Computer Graphic Artists in agencies are
Guild (GAG), and the American Institute of Graphic Arts advertised frequently in trade publications and news-
(AIGA). Individuals might also belong to both general and paper classified sections. Look under heading classifi-
specific computer clubs and user groups. cations of “Advertising,” “Artist,” “Computers,” and
5. Put together a portfolio of your best work. It would be
Tips for Entry wise to include all types of graphics, art, and design
1. Join computer clubs in school and user groups in your with your computer graphics samples. This will illus-
local community. These offer you the opportunity to trate to an art director that you are creative and flexible.
share knowledge of the subject and pick up pointers 6. You might want to get some experience and samples
from others. for your portfolio by doing a few freelance assign-
2. There are a host of computer-oriented magazines and ments or by getting a part-time or summer job work-
other publications in the marketplace, with more com- ing with computer graphics.


Duties: Produce and select the letters and type style for
headlines and logos used in advertisements; design type; Graphic, Commercial, or Sketch Artist
hand-letter type for advertisements

Alternate Title(s): Artist; Calligrapher; Hand-Lettering

Artist; Engrosser
Lettering Artist
Salary Range: $24,000 to $50,000+

Employment Prospects: Fair

Advancement Prospects: Good Mechanical or Pasteup Artist

Best Geographical Location(s): More positions may be

available in cities where large agencies are located, such
as New York, Atlanta, Los Angeles, Chicago, Detroit,
Minneapolis, Boston, Pittsburgh, Dallas, and Cleveland.

Education or Training—High school diploma, mini-
mum requirement; art school, art courses, or college
degree with major in art may be required or preferred.
Experience—Experience working with or knowledge of
various type faces required
Special Skills and Personality Traits—Ability to work
neatly and accurately; creative; artistic ability; knowl-
edge of various type faces; computer capability; ability
to hand letter and/or produce calligraphy; drawing and
illustration skills

Position Description He or she will be responsible for choosing an appropriate

The Lettering Artist working in an advertising agency is type from the styles available. If the individual is working
responsible for producing the letters on headlines and logos with a computer, for example, he or she decides which type-
used in ad layouts. These layouts, or “comprehensives,” as face or font is the best, types the words into the machine, and
they might be called, are then submitted to the client com- prints out the results. The artist may try a number of different
plete with artwork for approval. styles to see which looks best in the proposed ad.
There are literally hundreds of different typefaces or fonts, The Lettering Artist may also work with press-on type,
styles, and sizes. The Lettering Artist works with the art direc- which comes in sheets and is pressed onto lettering paper.
tor, assistant art director, and graphic, mechanical, and com- This process must be handled with a great deal of care, since
mercial artists developing an advertisement. Together they spacing and accuracy is extremely important in the finished
decide what typefaces to use in ads, what size and style should product.
be selected, and how they should be reproduced. The individ- The Lettering Artists who are most valued in the agency
ual must then be able to render or produce the type required. are those who do hand lettering. This work demands a great
In some agencies the Lettering Artist works with comput- deal of the artist’s talent, patience, and creativity. These
ers, electronics, and press type in order to produce lettering. individuals work with varieties of ink, paint, pens, and

brushes to design lettering that is original and not normally Earnings for individuals with more experience or for
seen in ads. those with special hand-lettering, design, and calligraphy
Many clients prefer that the lettering in their advertise- skills may go up to $50,000 or more annually. Most adver-
ments be prepared in this manner. Their reason is simple. tising agencies augment salaries with liberal fringe benefit
People often feel that ads that use creative, distinctive type packages.
styles will attract more attention than ads with ordinary, Lettering Artists may additionally receive extra compen-
everyday type. sation for freelance or part-time work done for clients out-
The Lettering Artist is responsible for designing the letters side the agency.
used in the various parts of an advertisement. He or she works
with different types of strokes using a pen, brush, or pencil Employment Prospects
until the lettering is accomplished. The individual usually has
Employment prospects are fair for Lettering Artists seeking
to produce the type in various sizes. This is painstaking work.
work in advertising agencies. An individual with hand-let-
Each letter must be neat and exact. The Lettering Artist will
tering, design, and calligraphy skills may be more employ-
work with tools such as rulers, T-squares, triangles, and arcs
able. Jobs in agencies are more plentiful in New York,
to help produce the finished letters.
Chicago, and Los Angeles, as well as Atlanta, Detroit, Min-
The individual must know how to produce individual let-
neapolis, Boston, Pittsburgh, Dallas, and Cleveland.
ters as well as script or connecting letters. The Lettering
Almost every art department in every agency hires at
Artist must design in styles including bold, italicized, and
least one Lettering Artist, if not more. While it may be
slanted. A client often has an idea in his or her mind of
easier for beginners to land jobs in smaller agencies, they
exactly how they want the type to look. The Lettering Artist
may have to perform other artistic tasks within the depart-
tries to convey this image on paper. The individual is
ment. Individuals may, however, feel that the experience
responsible for spacing not only letters but lines of type as
is worth it.
well. The Lettering Artist must be able to produce designed
In addition, Lettering Artists who are skilled in hand let-
type in capitals as well as lowercase letters.
tering and/or calligraphy will often be hired on a freelance
At times the Lettering Artist is required to produce the
or part-time basis by other agencies who don’t have a hand
words for an advertisement in calligraphy. This is a style of
letterer on staff or by clients who want hand work done on
lettering that produces a flowing, decorative type. There is
invitations, awards, certificates, plaques, and other special
no commercial type face available that compares. As in all
other forms of hand lettering, calligraphy takes a great deal
of patience and talent.
After approval of the type the Lettering Artist completes Advancement Prospects
the process. He or she produces the final letters in ink or Advancement prospects are good for Lettering Artists. Indi-
paint form if they are hand lettered. If the letters chosen are viduals may climb the career ladder by becoming sketch,
computer fonts, he or she types out the letters on the com- graphic, or commercial artists, depending on their talents.
puter. Press type is pressed onto paper. The individual then Lettering Artists might also advance their careers by obtain-
pastes the letters and words on the advertisement in the cor- ing positions at larger, more prestigious agencies. The indi-
rect place or gives the lettering to a pasteup artist. viduals who are highly skilled in hand lettering, design, and
The Lettering Artist usually works normal business calligraphy will often be sought out by these larger agencies.
hours. Like all other individuals working in the advertising
agency, however, he or she may have to put in overtime if a Education and Training
project is not finished or a deadline must be met.
Educational requirements vary for positions like this. All
The Lettering Artist may be responsible to either the
require at least a high school diploma. Some agencies prefer
assistant art director or the art director of the department.
for individuals to have four-year art degrees. Others will
accept commercial art training.
Salaries Successful Lettering Artists usually have some type of
Annual earnings for a Lettering Artist vary depending on the training in the field, whether it be from high school, college,
agency where he or she is working, its size, and its location. or art school. Useful classes to take in addition to regular art
Earnings also depend on the skills and experience of the courses include drafting, drawing, design, lettering, print-
individual. making, and calligraphy.
Salaries may start at $24,000 for an individual who is Many colleges, art societies, and craft co-ops offer exten-
just entering the work force or for a Lettering Artist who is sion courses and seminars in decorative lettering and callig-
basically typing out letters and words on a computer or raphy. Individuals might also find courses in computer
pressing type. capability and desktop publishing helpful.

Experience, Skills, and Personality Traits Artists might also belong to local or statewide calligraphy
Lettering Artists should be able to work neatly, accurately, societies.
and quickly. A knowledge of typefaces is essential. Individ-
uals should be able to reproduce type in various sizes and Tips for Entry
styles. Lettering Artists need artistic ability and a sense of 1. If you are still in school, work on your school news-
style, design, and color. They should be able to work in var- paper or yearbook. This will give you hands-on expe-
ious media including pen, ink, paint, pencil, and paper. rience working with different kinds of type.
The ability to produce hand lettering, decorative type, 2. Consider a part-time or summer job working for a
and calligraphy is especially useful. printer. This will give you even more experience with
Drawing and illustration skills are a must. In order to be type and printing.
more flexible and therefore more employable, individuals 3. Put together a portfolio of your work. Almost every
should also have knowledge of pasteup, mechanicals, and job in the art department of an advertising agency
typography. Computer capability is necessary in almost requires this presentation. Make it neat, creative, and
every job of this kind. diversified.
4. Join trade associations and attend their meetings, con-
ferences, seminars, and courses. These will help you
Unions and Associations hone your skills and make professional contacts.
Lettering Artists working in advertising agencies do not Many of these trade associations also offer help put-
belong to any union. Individuals may belong to any of a ting your portfolio together as well as critiques on
number of trade associations that will put them together how to improve it.
with other people in their field and offer opportunities for 5. Go to your local art store or print shop and find a cat-
honing their skills. These might include the Society of alog of the various type styles available.
Illustrators, the Art Directors Club, Inc. (ADC), the One 6. There are many books in your local library and book-
Club, and the American Institute of Graphic Arts (AIGA), shops on hand lettering and calligraphy. These might
or the American Advertising Federation (AAF). Lettering prove useful in learning new skills.


Duties: Pasteup; make mechanicals for advertisements

Sketch Artist or Graphic Artist
Alternate Title(s): Artist

Salary Range: $24,000 to $45,000+

Employment Prospects: Fair Mechanical Artist

Advancement Prospects: Good

Best Geographical Location(s)—Major cities such as New

York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Atlanta, Pittsburgh, Dallas, Pasteup Artist or Entry Level
Cleveland, and Washington, D.C., offer the biggest agen-
cies. Other cities may offer additional opportunities.

Education or Training—Many companies require bach-
elor’s degrees in fine arts or four-year degrees in com-
mercial art; others prefer art school training.
Experience—Experience working in agency art depart-
ment helpful, but not always necessary
Special Skills and Personality Traits—Neat; ability to
work with hands; accuracy; ability to follow instructions
and directions; knowledge of photography

Position Description For example, if the agency were to run a full-page ad in a

The Mechanical Artist working in the art department of an 9” by 12” magazine, the individual would have to make sure
advertising agency is responsible for pasting up a guide for that the picture was scaled to fit the ad. He or she would also
the engraver of print advertisements the agency has created. paste photostats of type proofs of the copy and headlines
These guides are called mechanicals. They are exact copies of and any graphics or coupons to fit the page.
the printed ads and are made in black and white. Mechanicals The Mechanical Artist must be sure that he or she puts
everything exactly where the artist, creative director, or art
are used by printers or engravers to reproduce the ad on metal
director wants it placed. The individual must be precise and
engravings or used in the photo offset production process.
neat in his or her pasteup job.
The Mechanical Artist does not use any creative ability in In some agencies Mechanical Artists are also responsible
this job. The individual will be given a sketch called a com- for making stats. To do this, they must be familiar with stat
prehensive. This sketch illustrates the way the ad is sup- cameras and their operation. In other agencies there are
posed to look. He or she pastes up all the different pieces of other people responsible for this task.
the ad on white illustration board. These components might As Mechanical Artists become more proficient they may
include the artwork, photographs, type, logos, and borders. become involved in the preparation of color overlaying and
The Mechanical Artist takes a photostat of the artwork separations. This is another step in the mechanical process
and pictures and scales it to the correct size of the advertise- and is done after the first mechanical is created and
ment. A photostat, or “stat,” for short, is a photographic engraved. It is used when making advertisements that will
reproduction used in making ad layouts. It is used to scale eventually appear in color.
art, graphics, and type to the right size. The photostats are In smaller agencies the Mechanical Artist might also be
then used by the engraver to make the mechanical. responsible for performing the tasks of the pasteup artist.

These include cutting mats, mounting ads and storyboards, a four-year degree in commercial art. Others hire applicants
and collating promotional pieces. who have art school training or who demonstrate creative
The Mechanical Artist works normal business hours skills.
unless an advertisement must be finished to meet a deadline.
He or she is then required to work overtime. The individual
Experience, Skills, and Personality Traits
is responsible to the assistant art director, the art director, or
The Mechanical Artist needs the ability to work neatly,
the creative director, depending on the structure of the
accurately, and quickly. Every piece of artwork the Mechan-
agency and the department.
ical Artist pastes up must be in the precise place the art
director wants it.
Salaries He or she should have a good sense of design and pro-
Mechanical Artists working in agencies may earn from portion. The individual in this position will not be required
$24,000 to $45,000 or more a year, depending on the agency to have a lot of experience. In some agencies Mechanical
location and size and the individual’s responsibilities and Artists have worked their way up from being pasteup
experience. artists. In others, it might be an entry level job. Individuals
Mechanical Artists with little or no agency experience need to be able to work well with their hands. Procedures
average salaries in the low twenties. Individuals with more for creating mechanicals will be illustrated for the individ-
experience or those working in major metropolitan areas ual, and he or she should be able to remember and follow
may earn more. instructions. An understanding of photography and the
Agency employees may have their salaries augmented by printing industry will be helpful in both obtaining and
benefit packages. being successful at the job.
As most Mechanical Artists aspire to advance to doing
Employment Prospects creative designing work, it is important that they have artis-
Employment prospects are fair for Mechanical Artists in tic and creative talents.
agencies. While not all agencies do their own mechanicals,
there are many that do. Large agencies often have a number Unions and Associations
of Mechanical Artists on staff. Jobs can be located in all Mechanical Artists working in agency art departments do
geographical areas of the country. Those seeking work at a not belong to any unions. They may belong to any of a num-
major agency should look in large cities, including New ber of trade associations that provide opportunities to get
York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Atlanta, Pittsburgh, Dallas, together with others in the field and make professional con-
Cleveland, and Washington, D.C. tacts. These associations also offer educational seminars,
conferences, informational materials, and trade journals.
Advancement Prospects These include the American Advertising Federation (AAF),
Advancement prospects are good for Mechanical Artists the Society of Illustrators, the Graphic Artists Guild (GAG),
working in agencies. Individuals may take different paths in and the American Institute of Graphic Arts (AIGA).
climbing the career ladder depending on what their skills
are and where their talents lie. Some Mechanical Artists Tips for Entry
may become lettering artists, sketch artists, or graphic 1. Put together your portfolio. Even though you may not
artists. Others may find employment as an assistant art be performing very creative work at this stage in your
director in an agency. career, the book may help you land a job by showing
There are some Mechanical Artists who learn the skill and the interviewers that you have talent.
have an abundance of experience in producing mechanicals. 2. Consider a summer or part-time job at a print shop.
These individuals may advance up the career ladder by locat- This will give you valuable experience that will be
ing a position in a design studio that does mechanicals for
useful in your career.
agencies. This will usually result in increased earnings.
3. Jobs as Mechanical Artists are often advertised in the
classified sections of the newspaper. Look under
Education and Training heading classifications of “Artists,” “Art,” “Mechani-
Educational requirements for Mechanical Artists vary from cal Artist,” “Advertising,” or “Advertising Agency.”
job to job. Some agencies require that everyone working 4. Join some professional trade associations. Many have
there have a college degree. Some prefer that employees student memberships. Some of these organizations
working in the art department have a bachelor of fine arts or offer help in obtaining a job in the advertising field.


Duties: Mount artwork; cut mats; collate booklets

Sketch or Lettering Artist
Alternate Title(s): Pasteup Man; Pasteup Woman; Pasteup

Salary Range: $20,000 to $26,000+

Pasteup Artist
Employment Prospects: Fair

Advancement Prospects: Good

Best Geographical Location(s): Major cities such as New Entry Level

York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Atlanta, Pittsburgh, Dallas,
Cleveland, and Washington, D.C., offer the biggest agen-
cies. Other cities may offer additional opportunities.

Education or Training—Educational requirements
vary; art school, art courses, or college degree with art
major may be preferred or required.
Experience—No experience needed
Special Skills and Personality Traits—Neat; ability to
work well with hands; accuracy; ability to follow instruc-
tions and directions

Position Description ments, and storyboards. He or she learns how to properly

The Pasteup Artist working in the art department of an size drawings and to perform the mounting procedures used
agency works in the studio, or bullpen, as it is often called. in the studio.
The individual in this position starts at the bottom of the At this stage of his or her career the Pasteup Artist is not
career ladder. The Pasteup Artist does most of the grunt work required to use any creative skills. Everything that has to be
the others are too busy to do. The position can be compared done will be explained in detail. All the individual has to do
to that of a secretary working in an office. The difference is, is follow instructions.
however, that instead of typing and filing the individual per- It is important that the Pasteup Artist be able to work
forms tasks useful to the art department of the agency. neatly, accurately, and quickly. In a large agency, the art
The individual may work with mechanical artists, letter- department is a busy place. Work must be done when it is
ing artists, sketch artists, and art directors. Depending on the assigned and without mistakes. Another function of the
structure and size of the art department, he or she may work Pasteup Artist is to copy and collate booklets, pamphlets,
for just one person or may perform functions for everyone and leaflets that the art department has designed. The indi-
in the department. vidual must make sure that the pages are all in the right
He or she is responsible for pasting up art that other peo- order and that the number of copies is correct.
ple in the department have put together. The Pasteup Artist The Pasteup Artist may also function as a gofer. As he or
cuts poster board mats for the various artwork pieces pro- she is the low person on the totem pole, the individual is
duced in the department. He or she must be comfortable often asked to bring finished artwork to other departments
with measurements and the use of cutting knives. The indi- or to get preliminary sketches and idea sheets from others.
vidual will also be expected to mount drawings, advertise- The Pasteup Artist may do errands, make coffee, and even

be asked to type a short memo. They may perform basic department the person who has the better training will be
computer functions such as scanning and saving images or the one who lands the job. Training may also be necessary
printing proofs. in order to move up the career ladder.
Depending on the size and structure of the department, Commercial art training or a college background with a
the Pasteup Artist may be responsible to either the assistant major in art is helpful. Courses and seminars in art and
art director or the art director. While working hours are advertising are also beneficial.
fairly normal in this position, the individual may be asked to
stay late on occasion to help finish up a project or to meet an Experience, Skills, and Personality Traits
important deadline. Experience is not usually required for this position. Individ-
uals should, however, have the ability to work well with
Salaries their hands. They should be able to work neatly and pre-
Salaries for this position are very low. Annual earnings for cisely. Knowledge of the use of cutting knives and mounting
Pasteup Artists can range from $20,000 to $26,000. In many techniques helps but is not required. Procedures are usually
agencies individuals start just above the minimum hourly demonstrated to the individual, and he or she should be able
wage. Salaries may be slightly higher in larger cities where to remember and follow instructions.
the cost of living is greater. As individuals gain more experi- As most people starting out in the job want to advance
ence earnings may go up. their careers, it is important that they have artistic and cre-
ative talents. Individuals who want to move up the ladder
should also be articulate and possess good communications
Employment Prospects skills.
Employment prospects are fair. Even though salaries are
low for Pasteup Artists, there still is competition for these
jobs. The reason is that people who are creative and want to Unions and Associations
get ahead move up from these positions. A Pasteup Artist working in an agency would not belong to
Jobs in agencies are more plentiful in cities where larger any union. The individual may, however, belong to trade
agencies are located. These include New York, Chicago, and associations that provide support, guidance, education, and
Los Angeles, as well as Atlanta, Detroit, Minneapolis, training. These include the American Advertising Federa-
Boston, Pittsburgh, Dallas, and Cleveland. tion (AAF), the Art Directors Club, Inc. (ADC), the One
Club, and the Society of Illustrators, among others.

Advancement Prospects
Advancement prospects are good. As indicated above, indi-
Tips for Entry
viduals who are creative and aggressive can move up. 1. Locate an agency internship or training program. This
Depending on their skills, Pasteup Artists can become letter- is a good way to get your foot in the door. Do a little
ing artists, sketch artists, or commercial artists. extra, learn as much as you can, and you will have a
Pasteup Artists may move to another agency to locate a job.
better position. However, individuals often find openings in 2. Join trade associations where you can meet other peo-
the same agency where they are employed. Many Pasteup ple in the field and make contacts.
3. Find appropriate courses and seminars. By attending
Artists do sketches, lettering, sample ad layouts, and show
these you can make important contacts and learn
them to their art director. In this way, when an opening does
something new.
occur the individual can be recommended.
4. Send your résumé and a cover letter to the art direc-
tors of larger agencies expressing your interest in a
Education and Training job.
While no formal education may be required for this posi- 5. Positions may be located in the classified sections of
tion, a background in commercial art is helpful. Individuals newspapers under the headings “Advertising” or
may find that when interviewing for a job in an agency art “Artist.”



Duties: Coordinate the production of radio and television

commercials developed by an agency; develop budgets; Production Director or Broadcast
oversee filming of commercials; locate film production Production Coordinator in Larger,
studios or crews; negotiate fees for talent, locations, and More Prestigious Agency

Alternate Title(s): Production Coordinator; Production

Manager; Broadcast Production Manager; T.V. & Radio
Production Coordinator Broadcast Production Coordinator

Salary Range: $25,000 to $42,000+

Employment Prospects: Poor

Broadcast Production Assistant
Advancement Prospects: Fair or Traffic Assistant

Best Geographical Location(s): More positions may be

found in cities where major agencies are located, such as
New York, Atlanta, Los Angeles, Chicago, Detroit, Min-
neapolis, Boston, Washington, D.C., Pittsburgh, Dallas,
and Cleveland.

Education or Training—Four-year college degree
required for most positions
Experience—Experience working in production depart-
ment and/or broadcast industry
Special Skills and Personality Traits—Communication
skills; detail-oriented; organizational skills; knowledge
of broadcast industry; ability to work under pressure;
computer capability; negotiation skills

Position Description prepared by the agency. The first thing the individual is
The Broadcast Production Coordinator working in an responsible for is developing a budget for producing a par-
agency is responsible for making sure that the agency’s ticular commercial or advertising campaign. He or she must
radio and television commercials are produced. In smaller take all production costs into account when preparing this
agencies a production manager or coordinator may be budget. These might include the cost of actors, actresses,
responsible for both print and broadcast production. In oth- and announcers, film or television production studios, pro-
ers, print and broadcast departments each have a manager. ducers, directors, props, location fees, and makeup people.
The individual in this position has varied responsibilities The Broadcast Production Coordinator makes sure that the
depending on the agency and the number of people working money paid to produce the commercial is within the pro-
in the department. posed budget.
The Broadcast Production Coordinator works with the In certain agencies that do not have a casting director the
copywriters and the creative director in coordinating the Broadcast Production Coordinator may also be responsible
production of all broadcast advertisements and commercials for selecting actors, actresses, and announcers for commer-

cials. The creative director may, for example, indicate that If he or she has chosen a good film production crew,
he or she is looking for a women with the “girl-next-door there are talented actors and actresses, and the script copy is
look” for an advertisement. The Broadcast Production right, the Broadcast Production Coordinator will have esti-
Coordinator may hold auditions, put ads in papers or the mated correctly and be able to bring the commercial in on
trades, or call casting companies to find the perfect actress. time and either at or under budget.
The individual may hire these people and perform the Once an advertisement or commercial is produced and
functions of a payment coordinator. It is imperative that the finished, the Broadcast Production Coordinator is responsi-
individual have a working knowledge of various talent ble for having it duplicated and distributed.
unions, their contracts, and minimum payment scales. In The work schedule of Broadcast Production Coordina-
this way the Broadcast Production Coordinator can estimate tors is often hectic. The individual works long hours.
salaries. In some cases the individual may negotiate fees Depending on when and where the filming of commercials
with actors or actresses who will be receiving salaries over takes place, this could mean he or she will be working
the minimum scale or extra fees for the airing of a commer- mornings, afternoons, evenings, or even weekends.
cial over a certain number of times. He or she will deal with Depending on the agency, the Broadcast Production
union members from SAG (Screen Actors Guild), SEG Coordinator might be responsible to either the broadcast
(Screen Extras Guild), AFTRA (American Federation of director or the creative director.
Television and Radio Artists), and AFM (American Federa-
tion of Musicians), among others.
The Broadcast Production Coordinator is required to
handle contracts for the talent. Other responsibilities of the Earnings for Broadcast Production Coordinator vary from
individual include dealing with contracts for production stu- job to job. Individuals can expect to earn anywhere from
dios that will do the filming or taping of the commercials. $25,000 to $42,000 or more. Variables will include the size
The Broadcast Production Coordinator may have one or two and location of the agency and the experience and responsi-
studios he or she always works with or may investigate new bilities of the individual.
studios. He or she may look into fees for the production, Broadcast Production Coordinators working in larger
studio capabilities, and house directors or producers. At cities with a great deal of responsibility will have the high-
other times the individual may ask companies for bids as est earnings.
well as professional references. Since the Broadcast Produc- Most agencies also offer liberal benefit packages to aug-
tion Coordinator will ultimately be responsible for having ment incomes.
the commercial completed on time and within budget, he or
she usually chooses production studios carefully. Employment Prospects
The Broadcast Production Coordinator schedules dates Employment prospects are poor for Broadcast Production
for the filming of commercials. He or she is told at the out- Coordinators. While these are numerous agencies throughout
set of the project what the time frame is for producing the the country, only the larger ones have this position. As noted
commercial. The individual must know the latest possible previously, smaller agencies tend to have one person taking
date for completing the commercial. If expensive broadcast care of all production needs, both print and broadcast.
time has been purchased by the media department of a client Those seeking Broadcast Production Coordinator posi-
and a commercial is not ready for airing, the client will lose tions should look to the cities where the major agencies are
a great deal of money and the agency may lose the client. located, including New York, Atlanta, Los Angeles,
The Broadcast Production Coordinator may be in charge Chicago, Detroit, Minneapolis, Boston, Washington D.C.,
of scouting locations for commercials that will not be filmed Pittsburgh, Dallas, and Cleveland.
in a studio. The individual may perform this task or he or
she may assign it to another person. The Broadcast Produc-
tion Coordinator is responsible for checking the availability Advancement Prospects
of dates for the location, negotiating fees, and dealing with Advancement prospects are fair for a Broadcast Production
contracts. If the location is out of the country, the individual Coordinator working in an agency. The individuals can
may be responsible for checking into laws, rules, and regu- climb the career ladder in a couple of ways. The individual
lations of the host country. may find a similar position at a larger, more prestigious
The Broadcast Production Coordinator is on location agency where he or she will receive increased earnings and
during the filming or taping of commercials. He or she over- responsibilities. The Broadcast Production Coordinator
sees the production and makes sure that things go according might also become a production director in an agency.
to schedule. The individual tries to have the commercial There are some individuals in this position who advance
done in as few takes as possible, and as quickly as possible. their careers by locating a job in a film or movie production
Extra time filming a commercial costs money. house, becoming a producer or a casting director.

Education and Training individual must adhere to all union rules, regulations, and
A college degree with a major in film, television, and radio stipulations.
and a minor in advertising would be ideal but is not always The Broadcast Production Coordinator may also be a
feasible. The Broadcast Production Coordinator should take member of the American Advertising Federation (AAF) or
classes in math, English, communications, advertising, lib- the Business Marketing Association (BMA). The agency
eral arts, and film, television, and radio broadcasting. may be a member of the American Association of Advertis-
ing Agencies (4A’s). These organizations provide profes-
sional guidance, educational materials, internships, and
Experience, Skills, and Personality Traits
training programs.
The Broadcast Production Coordinator must have the ability
to deal with details. He or she will be working with con-
tracts, fees, locations, and numbers. The individual may also Tips for Entry
be working on the production of more than one commercial 1. Try to locate an agency that offers a training program
at a time. or internship in this department.
Communication skills are necessary. The Broadcast Pro- 2. If you can’t locate an agency training program or
duction Coordinator should be articulate, have a pleasant internship, contact advertising trade associations.
phone manner, and be personable. He or she must work with They may be able to help you find one, or they may
a great many other people. Good interpersonal skills are sponsor a program themselves.
necessary. 3. If your school has a radio or television station, get
The Broadcast Production Coordinator should be good involved.
with numbers for the development of budgets, estimating 4. Broadcast Production Coordinator positions are
payments and fees, and keeping commercial production often advertised in trade journals or newspaper dis-
within the proposed budget. play and classified sections. Look under heading
Negotiation skills are vital. This is important when the classifications of “Advertising,” “Production,”
individual is negotiating with talent for commercials, for “Broadcast Production,” “Commercial Production,”
location fees, or for production expenses. or “Broadcasting.”
Much of the scheduling and budgeting in many agencies 5. There are employment agencies that deal specifically
is done with the use of a computer. Many jobs of this type in advertising jobs. Before you get involved with the
require that the individual be computer literate. agency, find out who pays the fee when you get the
job. In some agencies it will be the employer, while in
Unions and Associations others it is the employee.
The Broadcast Production Coordinator working in an 6. Consider a summer or part-time job working for a
agency will not belong to a union but will work with many professional film production company. It doesn’t mat-
of the talent unions. These include SAG (Screen Actors ter what you do while you’re there as long as you get
Guild), SEG (Screen Extras Guild), AFTRA (American an overview of the industry.
Federation of Television and Radio Artists), and AFM 7. You also might consider a job in a local radio or tele-
(American Federation of Musicians), among others. The vision station to get experience in the industry.



Duties: Assist production manager in producing completed

advertisements and marketing and promotional pieces; Production Manager
work with outside suppliers; obtain price quotes; check
finished ads for accuracy

Alternate Title(s): Print Production Assistant; Associate

Production Manager Assistant Production Manager, Print

Salary Range: $23,000 to $36,000+

Employment Prospects: Fair

Production Assistant, Intern, Trainee,
Advancement Prospects: Poor or Position in Newspaper
Ad Department or Print Shop
Best Geographical Location(s): More positions may be
found in cities where major agencies are located, such as
New York, Atlanta, Los Angeles, Chicago, Detroit, Min-
neapolis, Boston, Washington, Pittsburgh, Dallas, and

Education or Training—Four-year college degree
required by most agencies
Experience—Production assistant, intern, or trainee or
experience working in either advertising department of
newspaper or print shop
Special Skills and Personality Traits—Detail-oriented;
organizational skills; ability to proofread; knowledge of
printing industry; ability to work under pressure; com-
puter competency

Position Description ing the ad sketches, photos, and other ideas and turning
The Assistant Production Manager is responsible for help- them into the actual advertisements that will be used in
ing the production manager with the actual mechanical pro- newspapers and magazines. The main goal is to make sure
duction of printed material the agency develops and designs. that the advertisements and other materials end up looking
These include advertisements, brochures, leaflets, flyers, the way the copywriters and artists wanted them to look.
sales pieces, billboard sheets, direct mail material, pam- To do this the individual may assist in a number of ways.
phlets, and all other advertising and promotional materials Depending on the agency once again, the assistant may
turned out by the agency. The individual has varied duties begin by physically collecting the finished sketches and lay-
depending on the size of the agency, its structure, and the outs for the advertisements from artists, copywriters, and
number of people working in the department. account executives.
The function of the production print department is to He or she may be responsible for searching out suppliers
coordinate all the print ads and materials. This includes tak- including typographers, photo-reproducers, airbrush artists,

photostaters, photographers, engravers, electrotypers, art information on suppliers, price quotes, estimates, and refer-
services, and paper suppliers. The individual may be ences. Data might also include specifics on advertisements
required to assist the production manager not only by find- such as deadlines, colors, and sizes. Billing information
ing these companies but also by obtaining estimates on vari- may also be required.
ous projects from a number of different suppliers in any The Assistant Production Manager is responsible to the
given category. print production manager. The individual in this type of job
To do this he or she may call or write for proposals and comes to have a broad understanding of every part of the
estimates on the projects as they are assigned. He or she print production department. He or she usually works nor-
may also be responsible for asking various suppliers for bids mal hours. As in other advertising positions, however, the
on services or products. For example, the production depart- individual may be required to work overtime to finish a
ment may need to have 100,000 copies of a booklet repro- project that needs to meet a deadline.
duced. The assistant is required to get estimates or bids on
the paper required in addition to the printing. Salaries
It is as important to have work done on time as it is to get
Salaries differ from position to position in this job category.
the best price. Paying a lower price on a service does not do
This is because in some agencies this is an entry level job,
much for the production of an ad if it is not ready when it is
and in others the individual is required to have experience.
supposed to be. Newspapers and magazines do not hold up
Earnings will differ, too, depending on the duties and
their production to wait for an advertisement that is late. It is
responsibilities of the individual and the size and location of
therefore important that the department knows that the com-
the agency.
pany they are dealing with usually meets their deadlines.
Annual earnings may range from $23,000 to $36,000 or
The assistant may be required to check out references of the
more for Assistant Production Managers. The lower end of
various suppliers who will be used to complete projects.
the salary range will be for those who have little or no expe-
He or she may be responsible for bringing the sketch—or
rience. The higher end of the range will go to individuals
comprehensive, as it might be called—to the supply houses
who have more experience and more responsibilities, and
to turn it into the finished ad. He or she might also be
who are working in larger agencies.
responsible for explaining exactly what colors, types, and
sizes, are required.
While the production manager is responsible for setting Employment Prospects
the timetables of when things should be finished, the Assis- Employment prospects are fair for those seeking positions as
tant Production Manager might be the individual responsi- Assistant Production Managers in agencies. Individuals with
ble for making the various suppliers aware of the date and little or no experience usually find it easier to enter a smaller
schedule. The individual must check in with the suppliers at agency. Those with more experience or those who have been
periodic intervals to make sure that things are going accord- lucky enough to get some experience in an agency internship
ing to schedule. He or she may have to follow up and con- or training program may find employment in one of the
stantly remind them of the deadline times and dates. larger agencies. These are in cities where the majority of the
The Assistant Print Production Manager is responsible major agencies are located, including New York, Atlanta,
for checking finished type for accuracy. Every letter, punc- Los Angeles, Chicago, Detroit, Minneapolis, Boston, Pitts-
tuation mark, and space must be correct and placed where burgh, Washington, Dallas, and Cleveland.
they are supposed to be. Colors, graphics, and sizes must
also be checked. The grade of paper, ink, and finished sizes Advancement Prospects
must all be accurate. The individual is also responsible for
Climbing the career ladder for Assistant Production Man-
checking the quality. Messy, poorly printed advertisements
agers usually means that they will seek out positions as full-
and promotional materials are almost never useful. Every-
fledged print production managers. While there might be
thing on the finished piece of work should conform to the
more than one assistant working in the agency, there will be
original comprehensive and mechanical the artist designed.
only a single manager. There is not a lot of turnover in these
The Assistant Production Manager may be responsible
positions, making advancement prospects poor.
for checking size requirements for advertisements with
Turnover is more frequent in smaller agencies. Individu-
magazines, newspapers, or other publications. He or she
als who are working in these types of situations improve
may be required to obtain actual deadline times and dates
their chances for advancement.
from the advertising departments of these publications. The
individual may or may not be required to deliver the fin-
ished ad to a publication. Education and Training
The Assistant Production Manager may also be required Most people seeking this position have some type of graphic
to input data into computers. This information could include or commercial art training. Almost every one of the major

agencies requires a four-year college degree for this posi- Unions and Associations
tion. Some of the smaller agencies may just require a high Assistant Production Managers working in agencies do
school diploma or a two-year college degree. Individuals not belong to any union. Individuals may belong to a
who will be trying to advance their career should have the number of trade associations. These include the American
four-year degree. Institute of Graphic Arts (AIGA), Printing Industries of
America (PIOA), and the American Advertising Federa-
Experience, Skills, and Personality Traits tion (AAF).
Assistant Production Managers need to be detail-oriented
individuals with strong organizational skills. They must be
able to handle a number of different projects at once. Tips for Entry
The ability to interact well with those in all facets of the 1. Consider getting a part-time or summer job working
agency as well as printers, retouchers, typographers, and for a printer. This will give you hands-on experience
other people outside the agency is necessary. The individual in the printing industry.
should be personable yet firm when pushing people to finish 2. You might also consider working in a newspaper,
promised projects. magazine, or other publication’s advertising depart-
An understanding of the printing industry is useful. The ment. Through this experience you will learn how
individual should have the ability to proofread accurately. advertisements are put together and produced.
He or she must be able to communicate the instructions of 3. Try to locate an internship or training program at one
the art and copy people exactly. of the large agencies. This helps you get your foot in
Assistant Production Managers must be able to work the door of the agency world.
under the constant pressure of deadlines. This is difficult, 4. There are employment agencies that deal specifically
because often the individual has little control over getting with advertising agency jobs. Remember to check to
the pieces of the advertisement together on time. see who bears the cost of the fee once you find a posi-
Many positions today require that individuals have the tion. Sometimes it is the employee, sometimes the
ability to work comfortably with computers. employer.



Duties: Schedule and oversee the work flow of print ads

from inception to placement; make sure ads are com- Traffic Supervisor or Manager
pleted on time

Alternate Title(s): Traffic Supervisor; Traffic Assistant

Traffic Coordinator, Print
Salary Range: $23,000 to $46,000+

Employment Prospects: Fair

Advancement Prospects: Fair Traffic, Advertising,

or Production Assistant
Best Geographical Location(s): Most large agencies are
located in cities such as New York, Atlanta, Los Angeles,
Chicago, Detroit, Minneapolis, Boston, Pittsburgh,
Washington, Dallas, and Cleveland. Other opportunities
exist throughout the country.

Education or Training—Four-year college degree
required for most positions
Experience—Experience working in advertising, traffic,
or production preferred but not always required
Special Skills and Personality Traits—Skill at dealing
with details; personability; ability to deal with stress and
pressure; computer literacy; communication skills

Position Description track their progress. The individual is responsible for the
The Traffic Coordinator working in the print production ads he or she is assigned from inception until completion
department of an agency is responsible for making sure that and often placement.
the print advertisements the agency has created are completed Once an advertisement is assigned to the Traffic Coordi-
on time and are placed on schedule. In most agencies the nator, he or she will usually give it a work order number.
Traffic Coordinator works on a project basis. That means that This is done in order to keep track of the project. The Traffic
he or she is responsible for certain accounts assigned to him Coordinator is responsible for knowing approximately how
or her by the traffic manager. This is initiated at the beginning long the ad will take to complete. He or she is then required
of an advertisement campaign before an ad has been created. to follow the project from step to step to make sure that it is
The Traffic Coordinator is responsible for scheduling on schedule. For instance, the individual checks with the
and overseeing the work flow of print ads and other print creative director to see what the estimated time frame is for
promotional materials. He or she interfaces with other mem- a specific ad. The coordinator then checks with the copy-
bers of the agency on a regular basis, checking the progress writer to see if the copy is completed, and with the art direc-
of projects and coordinating the placement of advertise- tor and/or artists to see if the graphics and design are done.
ments and printed materials. If any of these individuals has not completed the project, the
The Traffic Coordinator is required to keep schedules of Traffic Coordinator must persuade and prod them to finish.
all advertisements for which he or she is responsible and to In many agencies the Traffic Coordinator is referred to as a

professional pest. He or she will not go away until the proj- a large agency should look in the cities where major agen-
ect is completed. cies are located, including New York, Atlanta, Los Angeles,
The Traffic Coordinator also works with the production Chicago, Detroit, Minneapolis, Boston, Pittsburgh, Wash-
department, account executives, and outside vendors such ington, Dallas, and Cleveland.
as printers and photographers. The individual must know It is important to note that an individual may enter an
how to time projects so that even in an emergency they will agency at this level instead of starting as a traffic assistant.
be on schedule. For example, the Traffic Coordinator must He or she must, however, have a college degree and a work-
allow extra time in case clients are not pleased with the way ing knowledge of the department and its functions.
an ad looks, or artwork gets lost, or the copywriter can’t
develop satisfactory copy. The most important part of the Advancement Prospects
job is knowing how to plan and schedule time and projects Advancement prospects are fair for the Traffic Coordinator.
effectively. Traffic Coordinators who climb the career ladder will
Depending on the agency and its structure, the Traffic become traffic managers. Jobs in the traffic department may
Coordinator may be also responsible for reserving space in lead to positions in other areas of the agency if the individ-
various media for ad placement. The individual is required ual has talent, is aggressive, and lets supervisors know what
to phone publications to find out when deadlines are for the his or her aspirations are.
specific issue. He or she is responsible for making sure that
the assigned ad is completed in time to be placed. The Traf-
fic Coordinator may personally deliver the ad or arrange to Education and Training
have it delivered. Most jobs at agencies require that the individual has a mini-
Timing is everything in the Traffic Coordinator position. mum of a four-year college degree. As this position is often
If he or she does not get an advertisement completed and a stepping stone to other jobs in the agency, a well-rounded
moved to where it is scheduled to be placed on time, the ad background is useful. Good choices for majors include
will miss the publication deadline. This would mean that advertising, marketing, communications, public relations,
and liberal arts.
after everyone’s hard work the ad will not be placed in the
correct issue of the newspaper or magazine.
There is a tremendous amount of pressure and stress in Experience, Skills, and Personality Traits
this job. The individual is always in a position where he or Much of the work of the Traffic Coordinator is done under
she must keep tabs on other people’s work and timetables. pressure. The individual in this position must be able to deal
There will also be constant deadlines to meet. with the pressure and stress associated with constantly hav-
The Traffic Coordinator is responsible directly to the ing to meet deadlines. He or she must have a cool head and
traffic manager. The individual works normal business be able to handle emergencies that crop up.
hours unless a project is near deadline and must be com- The Traffic Coordinator should be organized and have
pleted. He or she may then be required to stay late and work the ability to handle many details at once. Today most agen-
overtime. cies have their department computerized. As a result, it is
imperative that the Traffic Coordinator have a working
knowledge of computer usage.
Salaries The Traffic Coordinator needs to be personable and get
Earnings vary for Traffic Coordinators depending on their along well with others. In order to get advertisements com-
responsibilities and experience. Other variables include the pleted, traffic people often have to persuade the individuals
size and location of the agency. in other departments to take care of important details.
Salaries can range from $23,000 at a small agency to Communications skills are a must for the individual. He
$46,000 or more at a larger one. Individuals working in or she will be getting instructions from other departments
major cities earn more than those in less metropolitan areas. about what to do with advertisements and where to send
The highest salaries usually go to individuals working in them. The Traffic Coordinator needs to understand what is
New York, Atlanta, Los Angeles, and Chicago. expected of him or her as well as the ability to communicate
Most employees at agencies are also offered benefit information to others.
packages to augment their earnings.
Unions and Associations
Employment Prospects There are no unions specific to Traffic Coordinators work-
Employment prospects are fair for Traffic Coordinators. ing in agencies. Individuals may belong to a number of pro-
There are many agencies located in major cities and a rea- fessional trade associations, including the Advertising Club
sonable number of agencies even in smaller locations. Entry of New York or the Advertising Women of New York, Inc.
is often easier in smaller agencies. Those who seek work in (AWNY).

The agency the individual works for might also belong to 3. Job openings in traffic are advertised in newspaper
the American Association of Advertising Agencies (4A’s) or classified sections. Look under the heading classifica-
the Association of National Advertisers, Inc. (ANA). tions of “Advertising” or “Traffic.”
These organizations provide educational and profes- 4. There are a number of employment agencies that spe-
sional guidance as well as the opportunity to make contacts cialize in locating jobs in the advertising industry.
within the industry. Many offer literature, seminars, confer- Before you get involved with one of these, check to
ences, and trade journals that will be useful. see what the fee will be after they find you a job and
who is responsible for paying it. In some agencies the
Tips for Entry job applicant is responsible, while in others the
1. Try to locate an internship or training program in one employer will pay.
of the larger agencies. 5. Join trade associations, especially if they have student
2. Consider a summer or part-time job working at a chapters. These organizations will be important in
smaller radio or television station in their traffic helping you network and make contacts that will
department. prove useful when job hunting.



Duties: Assist casting director in locating and selecting

models, actors, actresses, and announcers for television Casting Director
and radio commercials and print advertisements

Alternate Title(s): Casting Assistant; Assistant Talent

Director; Talent Director Assistant; Talent Assistant;
Casting Director Assistant; Assistant Casting Director Assistant Casting Agent

Salary Range: $24,000 to $45,000+

Employment Prospects: Poor

Clerical or Secretarial Position
Advancement Prospects: Good in Casting Department, Intern,
Trainee, or Entry Level
Best Geographical Location(s): Most positions are avail-
able in cities where major agencies are located, such as
New York, Atlanta, Los Angeles, Chicago, Detroit, Min-
neapolis, Boston, Pittsburgh, Dallas, and Cleveland.

Education or Training—Four-year college degree
Experience—Experience working with casting or pro-
duction preferred, but not always required
Special Skills and Personality Traits—Energy; organiza-
tion; ability to handle details; understanding of advertising
industry; pleasant phone manner; communication skills;
ability to type and/or use word processor or computer

Position Description commercials. They also have to phone agents about casting
The Assistant Casting Agent is responsible for helping the calls and auditions or to have talent come back for addi-
casting director select the proper talent for commercials. tional interviews.
Actors, actresses, models, and announcers must be chosen The assistant may be responsible for creating, mailing, or
for television commercials. Depending on the agency, the delivering display or classified advertisements to newspa-
Assistant Casting Agent might be responsible for assisting pers or the trades announcing casting requirements for spe-
in the selection of models for print media ads, too. cific commercials.
Duties vary for people in this position depending on the The Assistant Casting Agent is required to keep records
size of the casting department and the experience of the on all talent who audition as well as actors, actresses, mod-
individual. In small agencies that have casting departments, els, and announcers who send in résumés with photographs.
the functions of the individual are broader. In larger agen- He or she may keep information on file cards or may input
cies, responsibilities might be more specific. the data into a computer. This information could include an
Assistant Casting Agents with little experience are often actress’s or actor’s name, address, phone number, agent
responsible for a lot of the clerical duties in the department. affiliation, and professional acting credits. It might also con-
They will be required to write and type memos and letters to tain data about the individual’s hair color, eyes, height,
talent agents and managers regarding casting for specific weight, age, personality type, and skills. If the talent had

auditioned or been interviewed, the date would be indicated, The Assistant Casting Agent is responsible to the casting
along with any comments offered by the casting director. director. He or she usually works long hours. The individual
This information is used by the casting department when may go out after hours to actively search for new talent with
searching for a certain type of “face,” look, or personality the casting director. He or she may also work long into the
for a commercial. night auditioning talent or at the filming of a commercial.
The Assistant Casting Agent or casting assistant, as he or There is a lot of stress and pressure in this job. However,
she might be known, may be responsible for arranging or those in this particular field often get a great deal of gratifi-
running preliminary casting calls or auditions. Casting calls cation after a commercial is completed, broadcast on televi-
are events where many actors and actresses come in with a sion or radio, and successful in the world of advertising.
résumé and photograph (commonly known in the business
as an 8 × 10 glossy). Salaries
During a preliminary casting call the Assistant Casting Salaries can range from only $24,000 for individuals who
Agent will eliminate people who don’t fit the look the cast- have limited experience and duties to $45,000 plus for those
ing director is seeking to play the specific role. People may who have more extensive experience and responsibility.
be unsuitable for a particular commercial for any reason Assistant Casting Agents working in New York City and
from being the wrong age to having the wrong hair color, Los Angeles usually earn more than individuals employed
body type, or accent. in other cities.
The assistant takes résumés and photos from all appli-
cants and file information for future casting of commercials.
He or she gives the résumés and photos of the possible suit- Employment Prospects
able applicants to the casting director. After the casting Employment prospects are poor. Smaller agencies often del-
director reviews them and decides whom he or she wants to egate this duty to the commercial’s producer. Larger agen-
see, the assistant is responsible for calling the actors, cies may have a number of casting directors on staff as well
actresses, or talent agents representing these people back for as a number of Assistant Casting Agents. Individuals can
improve their chances of landing a position in this field by
another audition or interview.
getting as much experience as possible before seeking a job.
The Assistant Casting Agent may or may not participate
Most positions for Assistant Casting Agents are available
in advanced auditions depending on the structure of the par-
in cities where the larger agencies are located, such as New
ticular casting department and the duties of the individual.
York, Atlanta, Los Angeles, Chicago, Detroit, Minneapolis,
Being present at the auditions helps the individual learn
Boston, Pittsburgh, Dallas, and Cleveland.
more about choosing the correct personality, face, look, and
voice for commercials.
He or she is responsible for calling or notifying the Advancement Prospects
account executive responsible for the ad as well as the pro- The hard part for Assistant Casting Agents is locating their
ducer and any other necessary agency staff as to when the first job. Advancement prospects are good once this occurs.
auditions are scheduled. He or she also sees to it that the Assistant Casting Agents move up the career ladder by
actors and actresses receive scripts before auditions. becoming casting directors. Advertising agencies like to
Once the talent is chosen, the Assistant Casting Agent promote from within.
may be responsible for seeing that it is booked through the Once individuals have experience they can also move to
proper talent agency. Other duties of the individual may a position in another agency or become a casting director
include typing contracts with the correct dates, times, pay- for television or film.
ments, and conditions. He or she is responsible for deliver- It goes without saying that the Assistant Casting Agent
ing the finished contracts and any other material to the talent must show promise to move up in the industry. He or she
or the talent agent and getting the contracts signed and must either have or develop the ability to match faces with
returned. If the actor or actress is a union member, the indi- commercials.
vidual may have to obtain a union membership number and
take care of any other union-related business. Education and Training
The Assistant Casting Agent is often on hand when the Educational requirements vary for positions in this field. A
commercial is being filmed. The individual is responsible four-year college degree is almost always necessary. Some
for checking many of the details involved in the casting pro- individuals have liberal arts degree. Others have degrees in
cedure. Even after the commercial is cast, filmed, and fin- advertising, theater, acting, or broadcast communications.
ished, he or she may be required to check to be sure Courses in graphic arts, photography, dramatics, video
payments were made to talent, correct information was sent production, radio, and television will be useful to the indi-
to the unions, and everything was handled correctly. vidual in both seeking and advancing a career.

Experience, Skills, and Personality Traits These unions and trade associations may hold seminars
Individuals in these positions should be energetic, enthusi- or conferences and offer valuable information for talent
astic people with a great deal of personality. buyers and casting directors as well as for the talent them-
Depending on their experience level and duties, Assis- selves. Many of the unions have minimum payments for
tants Casting Agents may be required to perform a number their members to which casting departments must adhere.
of clerical tasks. They should, therefore, have the ability to The unions also often have rules and regulations that must
type, use a word processor and/or a computer, do filing, and be met by the agency.
keep records. Individuals should be detail-minded and
highly organized. Tips for Entry
A pleasant phone manner is essential. The Assistant 1. Participate in school plays and productions. If you can
Casting Agent will be making and taking calls from agents, work in the casting, all the better.
models, actors and actresses, and managers. 2. If you are still choosing your college, try to find one
The ability to match the right face and personality with with a theater arts or broadcast department. In addi-
the right commercial is a plus. Some individuals have an tion to the courses, there will be a lot of extracurricu-
innate ability to match faces with commercials. Others need lar activities that will help prepare you for this type of
a bit of experience selecting actors and actresses. job.
There are a number of ways individuals have landed jobs 3. Volunteer your services to a nonprofit or local theater
in this field. The individual may have worked in a clerical group. The hands-on experience is worth it.
job in the casting department. He or she may have located a 4. You might consider trying out at a few casting calls
training program or internship offered by an agency in this yourself. This will give you experience with actors,
department. Some Assistant Casting Agents have worked as actresses, models, and the casting experience in general.
an assistant or clerk with a commercial producer. 5. See if you can land a part-time or summer job as a
clerk, secretary, or assistant in a theatrical agent’s
Unions and Associations office. You’ll gain valuable experience and probably
Assistant Casting Agents often work with talent from various make some important professional contacts.
unions including American Federation of Television and 6. Read books on modeling, acting, advertising, and
Radio Artists (AFTRA), the Screen Actors Guild (SAG), commercials. It will give you insight into the industry.
American Federation of Musicians (AFM), Actors Equity 7. Try to locate an internship or training program at a
Association (Equity), American Guild of Musical Artists larger agency in this department. This will help you
(AGMA), or the American Guild of Variety Artists (AGVA). get your foot in the door.
Individuals may also belong to the Casting Society of Amer-
ica, a trade association for those working in the casting field.


Duties: Assist people in performing their work; type letters,

memos, and proposals; do research; input information Position in Agency,
into computers; learn how to perform various jobs Depending on Qualifications

Alternate Title(s): Assistant

Salary Range: $21,000 to $28,000+

Advertising Assistant
Employment Prospects: Good

Advancement Prospects: Good

Best Geographical Location(s): Positions located through- Entry Level

out the country. Positions in major agencies are found in
large cities, including New York, Atlanta, Los Angeles,
Chicago, Washington, Detroit, Minneapolis, Boston,
Pittsburgh, Dallas, and Cleveland.

Education or Training—Four-year college degree
Experience—No experience necessary
Special Skills and Personality Traits—Self-motivation;
aggressive; organization; computer literacy; ability to
type; good phone manner; good communication skills;
writing skills

Position Description memos, letters, and other materials to departments within

An Advertising Assistant working in an agency can have the agency. While the job may sound like that of a glorified
many different duties and responsibilities depending on the secretary, it must be remembered that the reason most peo-
department he or she is assigned to. Advertising Assistants ple become Advertising Assistants is to break into the adver-
may work in account services, media, research, creative tising business.
areas, production, or promotion. Duties are diversified, depending on the department in
The main job of the individual in this position is to help which the individual is working. For example, duties for an
people in the department perform their work while learning Advertising Assistant working in the account services
as much as possible about the functions of the department. In department with account executives could entail any num-
some agencies the Advertising Assistant floats from depart- ber of responsibilities. Depending on the individual’s skills
ment to department learning different skills. This usually and qualifications, he or she may do anything from meeting
occurs in smaller agencies where fewer assistants are hired. clients and bringing them into the account executive’s office
Generally, Advertising Assistants working in any depart- to becoming involved with client proposals. This might
ment of the agency are responsible for doing a lot of clerical include both writing and presentation. He or she interfaces
and secretarial work. This includes typing, inputting infor- with other departments, delivering proposals, memos, and
mation into computers, answering phones, and filing. The components of advertisements. By watching the account
assistant may make calls to obtain information on behalf of executive the individual learns how to write proposals, pre-
his or her supervisor. The individual also messengers pare and give presentations, and make clients comfortable.

The assistant begins to understand how to develop advertis- Advertising Assistant working in the creative department
ing campaigns, how to deal with clients, and the responsibil- may be promoted to a junior copywriter position or an artist
ities of other departments in the agency. position. The Advertising Assistant may advance to be a
Assistants in the art department might do anything from junior account executive, researcher, assistant media buyer,
scouring catalogs for a specific kind of type to helping estimator, or planner. Advancement avenues depend totally
develop concepts for ad designs. The individual learns how on the department in which one has been trained and where
advertisements are prepared from beginning to completion. one’s talents lie.
The Advertising Assistant working in the copy depart- In agencies where Advertising Assistants float from
ment may write body copy, do research, or just take care of department to department individuals will have more oppor-
administrative tasks for the creative director. The individual tunities to decide which department they will best be suited
should pick up more and more techniques as time goes by, for.
learning through watching and doing.
It is important that the Advertising Assistant be self- Education and Training
motivated. The individual who does just what is asked of A four-year college degree is necessary for those looking
him or her will not make it in this business. There is a lot of for positions in agencies as Advertising Assistants. Majors
competition, and agencies want the best people. The Adver- may include advertising, marketing, journalism, communi-
tising Assistant must watch for an opportunity to prove him-
cations, English, or liberal arts. Advertising Assistants who
or herself and then grab it.
hope to work in the art department should have a degree in
The Advertising Assistant is responsible to the director or
fine arts or commercial art or art training.
coordinator of the department to which he or she has been
Any seminars on advertising, writing, or art skills will be
assigned. While the individual is supposed to work normal
helpful to the individual.
business hours, the Advertising Assistant who comes in early
and stays after hours is often the one who advances up the
career ladder the most rapidly and is the most successful. Experience, Skills, and Personality Traits
Advertising Assistants need to be bright, eager, aggressive,
and self-motivated. They should be highly organized and
have the ability to handle details. Individuals should have a
Earnings are usually rather low for Advertising Assistants
yearning to learn everything they can about the advertising
working in agencies. Salaries may range from $21,000 to
industry. They should be willing to do that little extra that
$28,000 or more. Variables will include qualifications and
wasn’t expected of them.
responsibilities of the individual as well as the size and loca-
Individuals who are entering the field should have a
tion of the agency.
working knowledge of clerical skills. The ability to type,
Most agencies also offer benefit packages to augment
answer phones, and do filing is essential. Computer literacy
annual earnings.
is a plus. Administrative ability and dependability is neces-
Employment Prospects Good communication skills and writing skills will be
Employment prospects are good for Advertising Assistants useful to the Advertising Assistant who wants to climb the
at agencies. Every size agency, large and small, needs assis- career ladder. Art skills will be helpful to the individual
tants. Smaller agencies may have only one or two on staff, aspiring to work in the art department.
while larger ones may have 25. The real giants in the agency
world may have twice that. Unions and Associations
Those who seek employment in one of the major agen-
Advertising Assistants working in agencies do not belong to
cies will have to look in the cities where most of the larger
any unions. Individuals may join professional trade associa-
agencies are located. These include New York, Atlanta, Los
tions that make it possible to attend seminars, conferences,
Angeles, Chicago, Detroit, Minneapolis, Boston, Pittsburgh,
and educational lectures. Trade associations offer valuable
Washington, Dallas, and Cleveland.
written materials and trade journals to members.
Many of the organizations have student memberships
Advancement Prospects and help those aspiring to be in the advertising industry to
Advancement prospects are good for Advertising Assistants. get a foot in the door.
Individuals who are aggressive, enthusiastic, hard-working, Depending on what the individual is interested in, he or
creative, and talented will be promoted. she may consider membership in the Young Professionals
Advertising Assistants can take many paths when climb- Division of the Advertising Club of New York, the Advertis-
ing the career ladder, depending on the area in which they ing Research Foundation (ARF), the Advertising Women of
have qualifications and the structure of the agency. An New York, Inc. (AWNY), the American Advertising Federa-

tion (AAF), the Society of Illustrators, the Graphic Artists often create a position if you contact them. While there
Guild (GAG), or the American Institute of Graphic Arts is little or no pay for these jobs, the experience will
(AIGA). help get your foot in the door of the advertising field.
The agency for which the individual works might also 4. Put together a portfolio of art samples, writing sam-
belong to the American Association of Advertising Agencies ples, and ad concepts. The portfolio will be helpful
(4A’s) or the Association of National Advertisers, Inc. when going job hunting.
(ANA). These two organizations provide a wealth of infor- 5. Consider sending your résumé with a cover letter to
mation and help for those in the advertising industry. the personnel or human resources office of agencies.
There is a lot of turnover in entry level positions.
Tips for Entry 6. You might also consider either calling agencies and
1. Check to see if your college placement office knows trying to set up interviews or knocking on doors with
of any openings in agencies. Recruiters often visit your résumé in hand.
colleges looking for talented individuals. 7. If you know anyone who can help you get an inter-
2. Job openings are advertised in the classified section of view, ask for assistance. You will have to prove your-
newspapers. Look under the heading classifications of self once you get the interview and the job.
“Advertising,” “Assistants,” or “College Graduates.” Remember to send a thank-you letter to the person
3. Try to locate an internship or trainee program. These who helped. He or she may have other contacts, in
are usually found in larger agencies. Smaller agencies case you don’t get a job on the first shot.


Duties: Work in an advertising agency to learn skills, get

experience, and make contacts College Student
or Entry Level Position in Agency
Alternate Title(s): Trainee

Salary Range: $0 to $400 a week; college credit often

offered in lieu of earnings
Employment Prospects: Fair

Advancement Prospects: Good

Best Geographical Location(s): Internships are located Student

through the country. Programs in major agencies are
located in New York, Atlanta, Los Angeles, Chicago,
Detroit, Washington, Minneapolis, Boston, Pittsburgh,
Dallas, and Cleveland.

Education or Training—Undergraduate or graduate
college student
Experience—College course work in advertising,
research, or art, depending on the internship
Special Skills and Personality Traits—Eager; aggres-
sive; desire to work in advertising industry; academic
ability; writing skills; communication skills; creative;

Position Description ing advertising projects as well as working in the agency. In

others the individual is just required to fulfill his or her job-
An Intern works in an advertising agency learning the busi-
related functions. If the Intern is using the program to get
ness by gaining hands-on experience. The individual obtains
school credit, he or she may be required to write a paper or
the necessary skills so that after graduation from college he do a project relating to the internship.
or she will be ready to enter the advertising industry. The Interns learn how to perform agency tasks by actually
Intern is involved in actual work situations. doing them. The individual may work with creative and art
The Intern may work in just one specific area or may float directors developing concepts for advertising campaigns.
from department to department in the agency. The individual He or she may write copy for television commercials and
may be assigned to account management, copywriting, media, print advertisements or edit and change copy that has
research, art direction, or any department in the agency. already been written.
The Intern’s responsibilities vary depending on the spe- The individual may work on storyboard ideas and copy
cific internship program, the agency, and the department he for television commercials. If he or she has artistic qualifi-
or she is working in. Most Interns work full-time at the cations, the Intern could be responsible for developing and
agency for a specified period. This might vary from six creating print ads. The Intern in the art department might do
weeks to 10 weeks. sketches, lettering, or graphics for print ad presentations.
In some programs the Interns are responsible for taking Interns working in the media department might help
part in discussion groups, attending seminars, and complet- develop media plans, calculate the cost of media campaigns,

learn how to buy media, and break down media spending for ence. The Intern has been trained in a specific aspect of the
competitive clients. advertising industry. Finally, the individual usually has had
An individual working in the research department may the opportunity to make important professional contacts.
be responsible for developing questionnaires and executing Interns who have completed internships at major agen-
research interviews and projects. He or she may research cies often find that the agencies want them back as employ-
consumer trends in buying and spending. The Intern might ees after graduation.
also evaluate research that had been done previously.
Interns working in account services or management will
Education and Training
work with account executives. The individual may attend
Individuals usually become Interns while they are still in
and participate in client meetings and presentations. He or
college. The Intern may work at an agency for a summer or
she might also write reports and proposals for client projects.
may take some time during the school year for the intern-
The Intern often meets with supervisors to discuss prob-
lems and solutions on the job. The Intern may review past ship.
and present advertising campaigns both to grasp the concept Depending on what area of the industry the individual
and to obtain ideas. wants to focus on, he or she might consider majoring in
The whole idea of the internship program is to give the advertising, marketing, liberal arts, English, journalism, or
individual an overview of the advertising industry and communications. Those interested in the creative side of the
agency experience. The Intern must grab every opportunity business may target courses in commercial or fine art.
to learn as much as possible about advertising from experi-
enced people who are on the job. This frequently means that Experience, Skills, and Personality Traits
the Intern will be working long hours at the agency and then Interns should be bright, aggressive individuals who are
going home and continuing to work on a project. It will all eager to learn more about the advertising industry. They
be worth it, however, when the Intern finishes school and usually hope to enter the field soon after graduation. The
obtains the job of his or her choice at an agency. individual should be a good student who is either majoring
in advertising or taking courses with an emphasis in the sub-
Salaries ject area.
Interns working in agencies are not always financially com- The Intern should be articulate with good communica-
pensated and when they are, earnings are low. In some situa- tion skills. He or she should be creative and innovative.
tions the Intern works in an agency for college credit or for Writing skills are important. A basic understanding of the
the experience. In other situations the individual may earn a advertising industry is necessary.
minimal salary. Individuals should have typing and word processing
In large agencies or in programs sponsored by major skills. Familiarity with and knowledge of computer usage is
trade associations, compensation may be dependent upon a plus.
education and experience. Interns who are still in under-
graduate school may earn up to $250 a week. Those with a Unions and Associations
higher education may be paid up to $400 weekly. Many trade associations for the advertising industry have
student memberships. Others will supply educational litera-
Employment Prospects ture and information for those aspiring to be in the advertis-
Prospects are fair for individuals seeking internship pro- ing business.
grams. Many of these opportunities, however, will be in Depending on the area the individual is planning on enter-
smaller agencies located throughout the country. ing, he or she may want to contact the Young Professionals
Individuals desiring to enter an internship with a major Division of the Advertising Club of New York, the Advertis-
agency will have a more difficult time. Individuals will have ing Research Foundation (ARF), the Advertising Women of
to look for a position in a city where the larger agencies are New York, Inc. (AWNY), the American Advertising Federa-
located, such as New York, Atlanta, Los Angeles, Chicago, tion (AAF), the Art Directors Club, Inc. (ADC), the One
Detroit, Minneapolis, Washington, Boston, Pittsburgh, Dal- Club, the Society of Illustrators, the Graphic Artists Guild
las, and Cleveland. (GAG), the American Institute of Graphic Arts (AIGA), the
American Association of Advertising Agencies (4A’s), or the
Association of National Advertisers, Inc. (ANA).
Advancement Prospects
Individuals who have successfully gone through intern pro-
grams usually have an easier time finding employment after Tips for Entry
graduation. There are a number of reasons for this. The indi- 1. Contact advertising trade associations. Many of these
vidual has had an opportunity for actual hands-on experi- organizations sponsor intern programs.

2. Join student chapters of professional trade associa- 6. Obtain letters of recommendation from professors
tions and attend their meetings. You will gain useful and employers. These are a good addition to your
information as well as making important contacts. résumé.
3. Write to advertising agencies and inquire about 7. Consider getting a short-term subscription to trade
internships. Many larger agencies have intern pro- journals. These are good sources of information for
grams set up. In smaller agencies you may have to possible internships.
create a position. 8. There are internship programs available for minority
4. Start putting together a portfolio of your work. This students. If you are in this category, use them to your
will show initiative and illustrate your talents. advantage.
5. Try to attend a college that has an advertising pro-
gram. These are the ones frequently visited by
recruiters and headhunters for agencies.


Duties: Write copy and scripts for client and company

advertisements to be aired on station Senior Station Copywriter
or Copywriter in Agency
Alternate Title(s): None

Salary Range: $23,000 to $48,000+

Employment Prospects: Good Advertising Department Copywriter,

Advancement Prospects: Good

Best Geographical Location(s): All locations offer

employment possibilities; major markets are located in
larger cities around the country. Entry Level or Writer
in Other Industry
Education or Training—College degree in communica-
tions, journalism, English, public relations, advertising,
or liberal arts
Experience—No experience required in many jobs;
writing experience helpful
Special Skills and Personality Traits—Creative; good
writing skills; aggressive; persuasive; understanding of
advertising and the broadcast industry

Position Description advertising campaign for an advertiser. At times he or she

The copywriter in a radio or television station’s advertising may just be required to write the copy for one ad. Advertis-
department writes the copy of words that are heard in the ers usually have their own ideas of how the ad should sound
advertisements the station airs. and the information to be included. The copywriter must lis-
Most advertising copy aired nationally is written by the ten to the client’s ideas and try to come up with something
advertiser’s agency. There are, however, many local, cable, the advertiser likes that is effective.
or syndicated advertisements that must be prepared by the The copywriter can work with either the salespeople or
advertising department of television or radio stations. the advertisers themselves in order to obtain a feel for the
The copywriter has varied responsibilities and duties, points they want to get across in an ad and to learn about the
depending on the size and structure of the station and its audience they are trying to reach. If the product or service
advertising department. In smaller stations the copywriter advertised is new to the copywriter, he or she may visit the
might be responsible for everything from conceiving the ad advertiser’s place of business to learn more about the prod-
idea to producing it and getting it on the air. In larger sta- uct. The copywriter might also review copy from previous
tions the individual may just be responsible for writing the advertisements and from competing advertisements to
copy. Whatever the responsibilities, the end result is basi- develop ideas.
cally the same: the copywriter must develop creative, effec- The copywriter may have to write a number of different
tive, unique, and stimulating copy for ads. drafts of copy for ads. The copy will then have to go to the
Depending on the size and structure of the department, advertiser for approval. The advertiser has the option of
the copywriter may be responsible for developing an entire changing ad copy at any time. For example, he or she may

hear or see the ad aired once and then decide that it won’t do Salaries are usually lower in small-market radio and tele-
the job. The copywriter will then have to start all over. vision. These positions, however, are useful because they
The copywriter must be able to write in a variety of afford the individual with no experience a chance at
styles, from straight copy to dialogue. He or she must have employment.
the ability to write scripts for the actors and actresses who Salaries go up for individuals with experience. Earn-
will be reading the lines. The dialogue must be crisp, clear, ings are also higher in larger cities with middle- and
and believable. The individual may also have to write large-market stations.
instructions for special sound effects, voiceovers, or stage
directions if the ad is visual.
Employment Prospects
In larger stations the copywriter may work with produc-
Employment prospects are good for individuals seeking
ers, directors, and senior copywriters. The individual writ-
ing copy for a television advertisement as opposed to a radio employment as copywriters for radio or television station
ad also works with art directors, graphic designers, models, advertising departments. Those with no experience will,
and camera people. however, usually have to start out at a small-market station.
Successful copywriters have the ability to write advertis- As experience is gained employment opportunities open at
ing copy in such a way that the ad will stimulate enough larger markets.
interest in a product or service that a consumer will buy. Every city and even large towns now boast one or two
Radio and television ads are often tested by advertisers radio stations. Many also have local or cable television sta-
through discount offerings or a special prize to a buyer indi- tions. Employment possibilities may be found almost any-
cating where he or she heard a particular ad. where in the country. There is also a large turnover rate in
The copywriter must be able to condense his or her many of the smaller market stations as people leave for big-
words into the required time frame of the commercial. The ger markets.
individual may be asked to write copy for longer ads that
can also be used for shorter spots. For example, the adver- Advancement Prospects
tiser may want to run some 90-second commercials and Individuals can climb the career ladder by becoming copy-
some 30-second spots. Often the copywriter may put the writers at larger stations. Others advance by becoming sen-
“fluff” of the ad at the beginning and just delete it for the ior copywriters at another station. Still other individuals
shorter time slots. The copywriter might also be asked to move into copywriting positions in advertising agencies.
write copy that can be used jointly for both television and Advancement prospects are good for creative, aggressive
radio advertising. copywriters working in radio or television station advertis-
Copywriters who are writing for televised ads may be ing departments. As noted previously, a little experience
asked to do their preliminary copy in storyboard fashion. In copywriting in a smaller station opens the door for employ-
this way the advertiser can see from word to word what will ment opportunities in larger stations or other industries.
be happening graphically when the words are spoken.
The copywriter has to work on many different projects at
one time and finish them on tight deadlines. Advertisers Education and Training
usually want their ad written as soon as they decide that they Individuals seeking careers in copywriting should have a col-
want to advertise. The individual in this position must be lege background. A degree is essential for most positions.
able to handle the pressures of tight deadlines as well as the Good choices for majors include journalism, communica-
stress that can occur from having to constantly come up tions, English, public relations, advertising and liberal arts.
with creative copy for ads. Seminars and other courses in copywriting and advertis-
Depending on the structure of the advertising department ing are useful for both the educational benefits and to make
at the station, the individual may be responsible to a senior important contacts.
copywriter or to the advertising manager.
This type of position usually has normal working hours. Experience, Skills, and Personality Traits
However, an individual may often bring work home or may A copywriter looking for a position in a small-market radio
be asked to stay late to finish needed copy for a project. or television station can often find a job with no experience
at all. The individual should, however, have an understand-
Salaries ing of advertising and the broadcast industry.
Annual earnings for copywriters working in television or A good sense of style and flair for writing is important
radio station advertising departments vary greatly depending for copywriters. They should have a good command of the
on the size of the station, the location of the station, and the English language, including grammar and spelling skills.
responsibilities and experience of the individual. Annual Individuals need to be creative in both their thinking and
earnings for copywriters range from $23,000 to $48,000 plus. their writing skills.

Copywriters working in television and radio should also 2. If you are in school, work on your school newspaper
be articulate, persuasive, and aggressive in order to move up or on the school television or radio station. Get to
the career ladder. know as much as possible about writing and the
broadcast industry.
Unions and Associations 3. These positions are often advertised in the classified
A copywriter working in the advertising department of a section of newspapers under heading classifications
radio or television station might belong to a number of trade of “Broadcasting,” “Copywriting,” “Radio,” “Televi-
associations. These organizations put the individual in touch sion,” or “Advertising.”
with others in the field and often offer professional guidance 4. Positions are also advertised in trade journals. Check
and education. These organizations include the Writers with your local library or radio or television station
Guild of America (WGA), the American Advertising Feder- and ask if you can review copies.
ation (AAF), the American Marketing Association (AMA), 5. Send your résumé and a cover letter to smaller-market
and the National Association of Broadcasters (NAB). stations and ask if a position is open. If not, request
that your résumé be kept on file.
Tips for Entry 6. Many larger stations offer training programs and
1. Write as much as you can. Offer to write promotional internships. Investigate these.
copy for nonprofit groups or civic groups. 7. Check out station Web sites. Many list job openings.



Duties: Write press releases; assist PR director; handle

media correspondence; take people on tours of station; Public Relations Director
coordinate promotions

Alternate Title(s): Publicity Assistant; Public Relations

Trainee; PR Assistant; Publicity Trainee
Public Relations Assistant
Salary Range: $20,000 to $33,000+

Employment Prospects: Fair

Advancement Prospects: Good Intern, Entry Level, or Other Public

Relations or Journalism Position
Best Geographical Location(s): Positions in major mar-
kets may be located in large cities such as New York, Los
Angeles, Boston, Philadelphia, Atlanta, and Chicago.
Positions in smaller markets may be located in any city.

Education or Training—College degree in broadcast-
ing, public relations, communications, journalism, or lib-
eral arts
Experience—Experience in other public relations field
or journalism helpful but not required
Special Skills and Personality Traits—Articulate; per-
sonable; outgoing nature; good writing skills; creative;
typing skills

Position Description for a worthy cause. The assistant will have to research the
A Public Relations Assistant working at a television and/or event and write a news release about it. He or she might
radio station can have an exciting job. If he or she is work- additionally be asked to arrange for a photograph of one of
ing at a major station, the individual will have the opportu- the stars of the extravaganza or might even have to person-
nity to work closely with celebrities. Even in a station in a ally take the picture. The press release will then be reviewed
small town people may consider D.J.’s, television anchor by the PR director. The PR assistant might be responsible for
people, and talk show hosts as something special. having copies made and sending them together with the pho-
The assistant’s main responsibility is to help the public tos to the appropriate media in the area.
relations director build the station’s image and that of its on- Depending the size of the station, the PR assistant may
air celebrities. During the course of carrying out his or her act as a sort of secretary for the public relations director. He
duties he or she will handle a lot of the grind work assigned or she might have to type and copy memos, letters,
by the PR director. envelopes, and press releases. He or she might also answer
As a Public Relations Assistant an individual will often be the phone in the public relations office.
asked to research and write press releases about events at the The Public Relations Assistant will be expected to handle
station. For example, the station may be hosting a telethon correspondence from the media as well as from fans of the

station personalities. The individual must learn whom to let Employment Prospects
through on the phone to the public relations director and Employment prospects for individuals seeking employment
whom he or she can take care of. as Public Relations Assistants in major television or radio
Other responsibilities of a Public Relations Assistant stations in major markets are not good. However, there are
might include taking people on tours of the station or intro- more positions available at smaller television and radio sta-
ducing them to station celebrities. The assistant may write tions around the country. If an individual is willing to accept
biographies of the station stars, compile press kits, and send work at one of these smaller stations, he or she will have a
out autographed copies of photos to fans. fair chance at finding employment. Competition is keen at
If there is no promotion department, the Public Relations larger stations in major markets.
Assistant—or trainee, as he or she might be called—would It must also be noted that there are now more opportuni-
also help in the promotion of the station. The individual ties than ever available with the influx of cable TV and inde-
might assist in coming up with and implementing contest pendent stations around the country.
ideas or other promotions to help boost station audiences. If
the station is running contests, he or she might be responsi-
ble for finding companies interested in co-sponsoring pro-
Advancement Prospects
motions and/or donating prizes. Advancement for Public Relations Assistants working in
The Public Relations Assistant may be asked to work television or radio stations can be obtained in a number of
with nonprofit groups such as hospitals, health organiza- ways. He or she can become the station’s public relations
tions, schools, museums, etc. in order to enhance the sta- director. To do this, the individual must wait for the public
tion’s public image. For example, the individual may relations director to leave or be promoted. Once the PR
coordinate a health screening with an organization such as assistant has gained sufficient experience, he or she can also
the American Cancer Society. The station would promote seek a position as PR director at other stations.
the event and possibly broadcast live from the scene at The assistant might also advance by working in the pro-
which the program is being conducted. motion department. Another option is for the assistant to
The Public Relations Assistant may be asked to represent seek work at larger stations where salaries are usually
the station and may have to make public appearances on higher.
behalf of the station. It is therefore imperative that the indi- There is a lot of competition in all broadcasting jobs. The
vidual be articulate and personable. At other times the indi- advancement potential in broadcasting PR is no exception.
vidual may be responsible for setting up public appearances
for other station personnel such as disk jockeys, television Education and Training
stars, news anchors, and variety show hosts. The assistant A Public Relations Assistant working at a radio or television
may coordinate and attend, for example, a celebrity baseball station is required to have a college degree. Majors could
game with on-air celebrities who make up the station’s team. include communications, journalism, English, or liberal
Depending on the station that the assistant works for, its arts.
size, and the availability of other departments, he or she Courses or seminars in public relations or broadcasting
may have to update program schedules and distribute these are helpful for both their educational value and their net-
to the media. working value.
Everything that the public relations department does is
geared toward letting people know what is happening at the
station and having the station and its people look good in
Experience, Skills, and Personality Traits
the public eye. Public Relations Assistants working in broadcasting should
be articulate, personable, and outgoing. They should like
people. This is not a job for timid people who don’t get
Salaries along with others.
Salaries for Public Relations Assistants working at radio or The PR assistant should have good writing skills, be cre-
television stations vary greatly depending on a number of ative, and not mind working overtime. Special promotions
factors. These include the amount of experience the individ- and public relations projects don’t always happen during the
ual has and his or her responsibilities. Other variables traditional nine-to-five workday. They often occur at night
include the size of the station and its geographic location. or on weekends.
Annual earnings for Public Relations Assistants working Typing is an important skill for the PR assistant. He or
in small-market radio or television can range from $20,000 she may not have access to a secretary or may have to get a
to $25,000. Earnings will be higher for individuals working press release out on a deadline when the secretary is busy.
in larger stations in major markets. Salaries for these indi- The PR assistant should also have the ability to work on
viduals can go up to $33,000 or more annually. several projects at once without becoming flustered. PR

assistants may have had some experience in other public 3. Résumés can also be sent to the personnel directors of
relations fields or in writing for newspapers. radio and/or television stations. Ask to have your
résumé kept on file if there is not a position open at
the time.
Unions and Associations
4. See if there are any internship programs available at
Public Relations Assistants working in broadcasting do not
local radio or television stations. Internships often
usually have to belong to any unions. They may, however,
offer the experience needed to land a job.
belong to any number of trade organizations, including the
5. Look in the classified section of a newspaper for job
Public Relations Society of America (PRSA), the National
openings. Look under the “Broadcasting,” “Televi-
Academy of Television Arts and Sciences (NATAS), or the
sion,” “Radio,” “Public Relations,” “Advertising,” and
American Advertising Federation (AAF).
“Promotion” sections. There might also be opportuni-
ties in the display advertising section.
Tips for Entry 6. Don’t forget to send résumés to public television sta-
1. Join trade organizations and go to their seminars and tions and cable stations as well as local, regional,
conventions. Networking often leads to job interviews. independent, and network stations.
2. Job opportunities are often listed in trade journals. 7. Check out station Web sites. Many list employment
Read them and send résumés. opportunities.



Duties: Sell air time to advertisers; bring in new accounts

and service current ones Sales Manager
or Salesperson at Larger Station
Alternate Title(s): Salesman; Saleswoman; Salesperson;
Account Executive

Salary Range: $18,000 to $95,000+

Advertising Salesperson, Radio
Employment Prospects: Excellent

Advancement Prospects: Excellent

Best Geographical Location(s): Most locations throughout Entry Level

the country offer job possibilities. or Sales Job in Other Industry
Education or Training—Four-year degree required for
most positions
Experience—Experience in sales is helpful but not nec-
essary in many positions
Special Skills and Personality Traits—Aggressive;
sales skills; understanding of broadcasting industry;
numerical skills; personable; articulate; self-motivation

Position Description rate cards, informational sheets on the station and its demo-
A Radio Advertising Salesperson is responsible for selling graphics, comments from other advertisers, etc. He or she
air time to people and businesses that want to advertise on will then try to set up an appointment with the caller to dis-
the radio station. The salesperson works with the station’s cuss advertising on the station. The individual may offer
sales manager. special discounts for new advertisers in order to get them to
The Radio Advertising Salesperson also handles business try advertising on the station.
the station already has. The stations sales manager usually It is also the duty of the Radio Advertising Salesperson to
assigns a number of accounts to each salesperson. The indi- bring in new business. To do this, the individual may make
vidual then services those accounts. cold calls to potential advertisers. This means that the Adver-
He or she is responsible for calling or visiting the adver- tising Salesperson calls businesses that have not expressed an
tiser on a regular basis to find out when they want to adver- interest in advertising on the station. The salesperson identifies
tise, the number of spots they want to buy, how and if they him- or herself and the station affiliation and then requests an
want to change their commercials, etc. The salesperson will appointment to tell the potential advertiser more about the sta-
tell customers about new promotions the station is running tion. The individual must be able to accept rejection. He or she
and supply information about discounts and package rates. will not be able to make appointments on every call.
The individual might also offer suggestions for copy or con- The salesperson might also bring in new business by
tent of the commercials. increasing the number of spots current advertisers are buy-
The sales manager might also refer call-ins to the Adver- ing. This can often happen when the client is running sales,
tising Salesperson. These are calls in which potential cus- specials, promotions, or contests. Additional spots might
tomers want more information about the station, its rates, also be purchased by a client if the station is running dis-
demographics, etc. The individual will send out or deliver counts, promotions, or packages.

Depending on the structure of the station, the Advertising As many stations today have their own Web sites, Adver-
Salesperson may have a set sales territory or may be free to tising Salespeople may also be responsible for selling adver-
sell advertisements to any advertiser. In certain stations, one tising space on the station’s site. In some cases, the radio
salesperson might be hired to sell advertising to specific station may hire salespeople specifically to sell Web site
types of clients, such as restaurants, retail shops and stores, advertising.
entertainment, etc. In other situations the individual will be The Advertising Salesperson working in a radio station is
free to solicit any type of business in order to sell air time. responsible to the station’s advertising sales manager. While
The Radio Advertising Salesperson must learn everything the individual can work normal business hours, he or she
there is to know about the station in order to be able to sell may arrange sales calls in the evening or on weekends. Suc-
advertising. He or she must know the type of audience it cessful salespeople are always trying to sell, even in social
attracts, the programming, data about other types of busi- situations such as dinner parties or at meetings.
nesses using the medium, how far the station reaches, and As individuals in this line of work are usually paid on a
wattage. The individual must also know the same type of commission basis, they can experience a great deal of stress
information about competing stations in the area. In this way, and pressure. The individual must realize that not every day
he or she will be able to discuss the competitive differences. will be a great selling day. Some days or weeks the person
The salesperson must know about the various rates, dis- will sell more advertising, and sometimes he or she will sell
counts, and packages the station offers and be able to less. If the person can’t deal with this type of fluctuation and
explain them to advertisers in a way they will easily under- pressure, he or she might consider going into another type
stand. He or she must be knowledgeable about the length of of work.
advertisements and the time slots for which commercials
may be sold.
The salesperson may be expected to attend training ses-
Salaries vary greatly for individuals working as a Radio
sions and seminars the station or some outside training force
Advertising Salesperson. The great thing about being a
offers. The individual may be required to attend weekly
salesperson is that the sky is the limit on earnings. Most
staff meetings during which sales techniques and sugges-
Radio Advertising Salespeople are paid on a commission
tions are made.
basis. This means that for every dollar of advertising space
The Advertising Salesperson may develop marketing or
they sell they receive a percentage as a salary. Percentages
advertising ideas for current or potential customers. He or
vary from station to station, ranging from 10 percent to 20
she might brainstorm with a client in order to help the indi-
percent, although the average commission is 15 percent.
vidual come up with effective advertising ideas. He or she
Salespeople who sell more earn more.
keeps up on current industry sales and advertising ideas and
Annual earnings for Advertising Salespeople in radio can
brings these to both current and potential clients.
range from $18,000 to $95,000 plus, depending on a num-
The whole idea for the individual is to sell effective
ber of variables. These include the size and location of the
advertising to clients. If the ads are not effective, the cus-
station and the sales ability of the individual.
tomer will not purchase any more time. The individual may
It is important to note that many stations offer a weekly
collect success stories or letters from clients on how adver-
or monthly draw against salary to salespeople. This is done
tising on the station helped increase business or draw people
for a couple of reasons. The first is to help beginning sales-
to a location. These will help prove to potential clients that
people get into the swing of selling. The second is to adjust
advertising on the station works.
individuals’ incomes in case they have a bad week or month.
The Advertising Salesperson is expected to keep accurate
Most radio stations also offer benefit packages to people
records of advertising sold and billings. The individual
working at the station in order to augment their income.
writes orders and makes sure that they get to the appropriate
people and departments at the station. He or she continu-
ously checks with clients to make sure that they were happy Employment Prospects
with their commercials, to see that they were billed prop- Employment prospects are excellent for salespeople who
erly, and to inquire about the purchase of future advertising want to work in radio. There are many radio stations all over
time. the country. Each of these stations hires at least one or two,
The Advertising Salesperson often works in the field, if not more, salespeople. Individuals who are aggressive and
making calls on businesses and others who are current or hard-working and have a good selling track record will
potential advertisers. At other times the individual works always be in demand.
from his or her desk. The salesperson does not have anyone Those who are just entering the job market in this field
looking over his or her shoulder. In order to be good at this can find opportunities in small- or medium-market radio. As
type of job, the individual has to know how to set priorities there is a high turnover in these jobs due to advancement,
and organize the work day. there are usually openings.

Advancement Prospects Unions and Associations

Advancement prospects are excellent for a Radio Advertis- The radio station a salesperson works for may be a member
ing Salesperson. People may advance in a number of ways. of their state broadcasting association, the National Associa-
Many people feel that the best way to climb the career lad- tion of Broadcasters (NAB), Radio and Advertising Bureau
der is simply to increase their paycheck. The sky is the limit (RAB), or the National Association of Broadcast Employees
for salespeople. All they have to do is to continue to sell and Technicians (NABET). These organizations provide
more and more spots. training, support, and materials. They also hold conferences
Individuals may also advance by becoming station sales and seminars during the year to bring together people in the
managers at either their station or another one. Many sales- field.
people working in radio sales move up the career ladder by
finding a position in a bigger market where they can obtain Tips for Entry
bigger and better selling territories.
1. Look for these positions in the newspaper in either
display ads or the classified section. Look under the
Education and Training headings of “Advertising,” “Sales,” “Salesperson,”
Most radio stations prefer that their Radio Advertising “Radio,” or “Broadcasting.”
Salespeople have a minimum of a four-year college degree. 2. Listen to area radio stations for job opportunities.
While it doesn’t seem to matter what the individual majors They often advertise on their own station when open-
in, he or she may find it useful to take courses in advertis- ings occur.
ing, sales, business, English, sociology, psychology, writ- 3. Jobs may also be advertised in the broadcast trades. If
ing, and communications. your local library doesn’t keep any of these on hand,
There are also a variety of seminars offered through trade you might want to ask a local radio station if you can
associations that may help the individual hone his or her look through their copies.
skills. 4. Any experience in sales may make you feel more
comfortable about a selling position in radio. Con-
sider working in a retail sales position on a summer
Experience, Skills, and Personality Traits vacation or as a part-time job.
A Radio Advertising Salesperson must really enjoy selling. 5. Remember when you prepare your résumé to put
Individuals cannot be timid. They must possess confidence down every sales job you have ever held. You might
in both themselves and their station. Good salespeople gen- even want to include any special honors you had, such
erally are individuals who can be aggressive without being as being the highest-selling salesperson for your high
offensive. In order to be successful in this profession, the school magazine subscription drive. Selling is selling.
individual must also be self-motivated and have the ability If you can sell magazines, you probably will be suc-
to work without constant supervision. He or she must be cessful selling radio space.
able to plan out a day of work, make appointments, make 6. Send your résumé and cover letter to small-market or
calls, etc. without someone sitting over his or her shoulder. middle-market radio stations. These stations experi-
The Radio Advertising Salesperson should have a good ence a large turnover rate and may have openings. If
sense of self and be articulate. Good verbal and written they don’t, ask that your résumé be kept on file.
communication skills are a must. Address your letter to the station owner, manager, or
A working knowledge of the broadcasting industry helps personnel director. Try to get his or her name; don’t
the individual understand more about what he or she is sell- just send your correspondence to a title.
ing. The ability to work well with numbers is important in 7. Check out station Web sites. Many list employment
figuring costs and rates. opportunities.



Duties: Check daily logs; schedule commercials; supervise

and coordinate traffic department; reorganize schedules Traffic Manager for Larger Station
to meet the needs of advertisers or Advertising Salesperson
or Advertising Sales Manager
Alternate Title(s): Traffic Supervisor; Traffic Coordinator

Salary Range: $22,000 to $49,000+

Employment Prospects: Fair Traffic Manager

Advancement Prospects: Fair

Best Geographical Location(s): Positions located through-

out the country. Traffic Assistant
Education or Training—Minimum requirements range
from high school diploma to four-year college degree
Experience—Experience in broadcast traffic department
Special Skills and Personality Traits—Detail-oriented;
organization; supervisory skills; typing or word process-
ing skills; computer competency; communication skills;
ability to work under pressure

Position Description Together they decide how many commercials to put on the
The Traffic Manager working in a radio station supervises air each hour.
and coordinates all employees in the traffic department. The The Traffic Manager is responsible for making sure that
individual is in charge of the entire department and every- advertisements and commercials are aired in the most effec-
thing that happens in it. tive way. For example, he or she must take care not to run two
The traffic department in the radio station is very impor- commercials for the same product directly after each other.
tant. It is responsible for keeping a record of everything The individual must also make sure that enough public serv-
aired on the station. This includes advertising and commer- ice advertisements are aired. Public service announcements—
cial spots as well as programming information. The record or PSAs, as they are called—are advertisements made and
that is kept is known as a log and is required by the FCC aired by the station at no fee for nonprofit groups or commu-
(Federal Communications Commission). The FCC is a gov- nity-service agencies. The FCC regulates how many PSAs
ernment regulatory agency that licenses radio and television must be aired in a specific time period. The Traffic Manager
stations that broadcast to the public. is responsible for training employees in the department. He or
In a larger radio station the Traffic Manager may be she must make sure that traffic assistants or representatives
responsible for 10 or more employees. In smaller stations, adhere to all FCC regulations and laws. To do this, the Traffic
the Traffic Manager may be the only employee in the Manager may have group training sessions or work privately
department. His or her responsibilities and duties vary with each new assistant who comes in.
depending on the size of the station. The Traffic Manager may assign the traffic assistants dif-
The Traffic Manager is responsible for scheduling all ferent duties. For example, one assistant may be assigned to
commercials. He or she works with the station general man- work on programming while another may be required to do
ager, advertising sales manager, and possibly the station advertising and public service announcement traffic. The
owner creating a sequence for the running of commercials. manager may assign one assistant to type logs while another

may review them. The individual must make a determina- Employment Prospects
tion as to what will be most effective for the department and Employment prospects are fair for Traffic Managers who
what each individual is best at. want to work in radio. Radio stations are located throughout
The Traffic Manager is responsible for getting daily logs the country. Smaller stations often have only one person
typed or put into a computer. He or she usually has an assis- handling traffic duties. This means that an individual with
tant perform this task. However, if the individual is working even limited experience in traffic can frequently find a posi-
in a smaller radio station, the Traffic Manager may do this tion as a Traffic Manager in small-market radio.
him- or herself. All commercials, public service announce- Those with more experience will find opportunities
ments, and programming must be listed on the log. The available in mid- and major-market radio. Major markets
individual will go over all commercial orders and make sure are located in cities such as New York, Los Angeles,
that the information needed for the log is complete. If an Chicago, and Atlanta.
assistant is doing this, the manager will be responsible for
reviewing the completed daily log. Every advertisement
must be listed with the exact time and date it is to be aired. Advancement Prospects
The Traffic Manager is required to check daily logs after Advancement prospects are fair for Traffic Managers. To
the broadcast day. He or she must make sure that all com- climb the career ladder, most individuals who want to stay
mercials that were to be aired were done. The manager will in the same industry look for positions in larger, more pres-
see to it that on-air personalities and announcers either tigious stations. This usually results in increased earnings.
check off or initial each entry. Other Traffic Managers may advance their careers by
The Traffic Manager may authorize changes in the log becoming advertising salespeople at larger stations or
sheet. This might occur if an announcer inadvertently for- advertising sales managers.
gets to air an advertisement and it must be placed on at a
different time or if an advertiser calls up to change the date Education and Training
or time of the airing of a commercial. He or she must make While there may be a limited number of positions requiring
sure when this is done that the daily log is changed and cor- only a high school diploma or a two-year degree, the major-
rected. There is a no room for error in this position. The log ity of radio stations want applicants who hold a four-year
sheets will eventually go to the FCC for review. college degree.
The Traffic Manager is frequently expected to review Majors can be in almost any subject. Good choices for
commercials for content. The individual must check each courses include broadcasting, radio, advertising, business,
commercial and all ad copy for material that either the sta- marketing, copywriting, and communications.
tion or the FCC would find objectionable, sexist, or racist. If
there is a problem, the Traffic Manager is responsible for
giving the commercial to the advertising sales manager to Experience, Skills, and Personality Traits
handle. Traffic Managers need good supervisory skills. In larger sta-
The Traffic Manager may be called upon by salespeople tions they may be responsible for ten employees or more.
to change the daily log in order to fit in an advertiser who They should have the ability to teach, explain, and instruct
wants to buy a lot of time. The manager will try to do this in others in an easy-to-understand way. The individual should
as easy a way as possible without changing the entire day’s be personable and have good interpersonal skills.
scheduling. The Traffic Manager working in a smaller station may be
The individual must understand the station, its program- the only individual in the department. He or she would
ming, and its advertisers to be successful in this job. He or she therefore need typing skills as well as the ability to work
may work overtime finishing logs and juggling schedules. comfortably on a computer.
The Traffic Manager may be responsible to either the The individual must be articulate with good communica-
advertising sales manager, the general manager, or the sta- tion skills. He or she must be highly organized and accurate
tion owner, depending on the structure of the station. and have the ability to work with a lot of details. He or she
should also be able to work well under pressure.
An understanding of radio and the advertising industry is
extremely helpful.
Earnings for Traffic Managers working in radio depend
heavily on the size, location, and prestige of the station as
well as the experience and responsibilities of the individual. Unions and Associations
Those working in small-market radio may have salaries Traffic Managers working in radio stations do not usually
of $22,000 to $30,000 annually. Those working in mid-mar- belong to any union. Individuals may join a number of trade
ket radio or in major markets may earn up to $49,000 a year associations relevant to the broadcast and radio industries.
or more. Some of the organizations offer individual membership

while others offer membership to radio stations. These 4. If you can’t find a summer or part-time job in the traf-
groups often have seminars, conferences, and training for fic department in radio, consider working in another
people working in radio advertising. They also may provide department. The important thing is to get as much
trade journals, printed materials, and job guidance. These experience as possible.
might include the state’s broadcasting association, the 5. Job openings for Traffic Managers are advertised in
National Association of Broadcasters (NAB), Radio and radio and broadcast trade journals. Look in your local
Advertising Bureau (RAB), or the National Association of library or magazine store to see if they get the trades.
Broadcast Employees and Technicians (NABET). If not, consider a short-term subscription. You might
also ask your local radio station if you can look
through a few copies.
Tips for Entry
6. Job openings are also advertised in newspaper display
1. Look for seminars in radio, advertising, and traffic.
and classified sections. Look under heading classifi-
These will give you an edge over other applicants and
cations of “Radio,” “Broadcast,” “Communications,”
look good on your résumé when job hunting.
and “Traffic.”
2. Become a member of your college radio or television
7. Check out station Web sites. Many list employment
station. This will give you an overview of what is
entailed in working in broadcasting.
3. There are frequently part-time jobs in traffic open at
smaller radio stations. These will give you hands-on
experience in traffic.



Duties: Type daily commercial schedules; log commercials;

keep track of advertising orders Traffic Manager or Coordinator

Alternate Title(s): Radio Traffic Assistant; Traffic Repre-

sentative; Traffic Clerk; Traffic Rep

Salary Range: $18,000 to $34,000+ Traffic Assistant

Employment Prospects: Good

Advancement Prospects: Fair

Entry Level, Intern,
Best Geographical Location(s): Positions located through- or Clerical Position
out the country.

Education or Training—Minimum requirements range
from high school diploma to four-year college degree
Experience—Experience in broadcasting helpful, but
not required
Special Skills and Personality Traits—Detail-oriented;
organization; typing or word processing skills; computer
competency; communication skills.

Position Description as there are often mistakes or changes in advertising sched-

The traffic department in a radio station is responsible for ules. Without the generation of a computerized traffic log the
keeping track of everything that is announced and put on the Traffic Assistant must keep typing and retyping schedules as
air during the day on the station. This includes advertise- additions or deletions and corrections come in.
ments, commercials, public service announcements, and The Traffic Assistant is responsible for reviewing radio
programming. time sales orders and verifying the completeness of the data
The Traffic Assistant is assigned an area to work in by required for the log. This must be done for both local and
the traffic manager or supervisor of the station. In many national advertisements. For each commercial the Traffic
small stations the Traffic Assistant will be required to per- Assistant must make sure he or she has the sponsor name,
form traffic responsibilities for all areas. In larger stations the date and time it is supposed to air, the length of the com-
the individual will have specific duties dealing with adver- mercial, and whether it is to be live or recorded. If there is
tisements, commercials, public service announcements information missing, the individual will have to contact the
(PSAs), or programming. salesperson involved to obtain it. The Traffic Assistant also
The Traffic Assistant has varied responsibilities depend- includes the name of the announcer or disk jockey responsi-
ing on the size and structure of the station and the depart- ble for airing the commercial.
ment. He or she may be responsible for typing the daily radio Another duty of the Traffic Assistant may be to keep
schedule. This schedule is called a log. It contains all the records of the advertisements to make sure that commercials
radio commercial and public service spot announcements. are run when they are scheduled. In many stations the on-air
In stations that have computerized traffic departments, the personalities and announcers are required to check off each
Traffic Assistant is responsible for typing information into item on the commercial log as they do it and to record the
the computer. Computerized logs are a lot easier to work on, announcement time. The Traffic Assistant will deliver and

pick up the completed log sheets daily. The individual may less metropolitan areas. There are often openings because of a
be responsible for reviewing the daily log sheets after use to high turnover in this field as a result of career advancement.
check for authorized changes made during the broadcast
day. In some situations the traffic manager or supervisor is Advancement Prospects
responsible for performing this task. Advancement prospects are fair for Traffic Assistants. Indi-
The individual may deliver cassettes of commercial viduals may climb the career ladder by becoming a traffic
announcements or ad copy to the correct personnel. The supervisor or traffic manager, depending on the structure of
Traffic Assistant may also be responsible for removing the the station. Traffic Assistants may have to seek employment
commercial cassettes from the studio and storing them in in larger, more prestigious stations in order to advance their
the correct location. career.
The Traffic Assistant is expected to review advertisers’
requests for specific dates and times at which they want
their commercials to run. If the assistant finds that the date Education and Training
or time is not available, he or she may recommend other Educational requirements will vary from job to job.
times or dates that are available. Depending on the station, minimum requirements can range
In some stations the Traffic Assistant is required to pre- from a high school diploma to a four-year college degree.
view advertisements before they are aired to make sure that Courses in broadcasting, radio, advertising, marketing,
they do not contain objectionable material. This is important copywriting, business, and communications will be useful
because radio stations are governed by the FCC (Federal to the individual in both obtaining a job and becoming suc-
Communications Commission) and must adhere to its rules cessful at it.
and regulations. The individual is responsible for keeping
the daily commercial log up to FCC standards. Experience, Skills, and Personality Traits
Depending on the station, the Traffic Assistant may also The Traffic Assistant should be highly organized and have
be responsible for performing clerical duties including the ability to deal with many details. He or she needs good
billing, correspondence, filing, and answering phones. typing or word processing skills. With the current trend of
Other responsibilities might include writing copy for com- computerizing the traffic department, it is extremely impor-
mercials, writing public service announcements, or timing tant that the individual be computer literate. He or she
commercials recorded on tape cartridges. should be comfortable using computers and have a working
The Traffic Assistant usually works normal business knowledge of the equipment.
hours. He or she is directly responsible to the traffic man- In order to be successful in his or her career, the individ-
ager or coordinator, depending on the station. ual should be personable and articulate and have good com-
munications skills. The ability to remain calm and work
Salaries under pressure is a plus.
Salaries for Traffic Assistants working in radio range from
approximately $18,000 to $34,000 depending on a number Unions and Associations
of variables. These include the size, location, and prestige of Traffic Assistants working in radio stations may belong to a
the station and the experience and responsibilities of the number of trade associations individually or may work for
individual. companies that are member stations. These organizations
Individuals working in small-market radio or those who provide training, guidance, and written materials and usu-
have little or no experience earn salaries in the low to mid- ally hold seminars, conferences, and conventions through-
teens. Those with more experience or working in mid- or out the year. These include state broadcasting associations,
major-market radio may have earnings at the top end of the the National Association of Broadcasters (NAB), Radio and
scale. Advertising Bureau (RAB), and the National Association of
Broadcast Employees and Technicians (NABET).
Employment Prospects
Employment prospects are good for Radio Traffic Assis- Tips for Entry
tants. There are a good number of radio stations located 1. Become a member of your college radio station. This
throughout the country. Many stations are owned by the will give you hands-on experience in the industry.
same management and have both AM and FM divisions. 2. You might also consider a part-time job or an intern-
Frequently the traffic duties of the AM and FM divisions are ship at a local radio station. The experience value will
separate, creating a need for more traffic people. Individuals prove useful.
must be willing to relocate, if necessary, to find positions. 3. Make sure that you take courses in computer technol-
Those just entering the job market may find it easier to ogy. Today many stations are computerized, and you
locate a job in a smaller market. These are usually found in will be a step ahead with this knowledge.

4. Job openings are advertised in local newspapers in occur frequently. Remember to ask that your résumé
both the display and classified section. Look under be kept on file if there are no current openings.
heading classifications of “Radio,” “Broadcast,” 7. Large radio stations and trade associations often offer
“Communications,” and “Traffic.” training programs and internships. Contact stations
5. Openings are also advertised on local radio stations. and associations and inquire about possibilities.
Listen for opportunities. 8. Check out station Web sites. Many list employment
6. Send your résumé and a cover letter to a number of opportunities.
radio stations. This is a high-turnover job. Openings


Duties: Sell advertising space to clients for television sta-

tion; service accounts; bring in new business Television Advertising Representative
for Larger Station
Alternate Title(s): Salesman; Saleswoman; Salesperson; or Television Station Sales Manager
Sales Rep; Advertising Salesperson, Broadcast Salesper-
son; Account Executive

Salary Range: $22,000 to $100,000+

Television Advertising Representative
Employment Prospects: Good

Advancement Prospects: Good

Best Geographical Location(s): Larger cities may offer Sales Position in Different Industry,
more possibilities; smaller markets may be easier to Sales Assistant, or Entry Level
break into.

Education or Training—Four-year degree required
Experience—Selling experience is necessary in larger
markets; entry level positions may not require experience
Special Skills and Personality Traits—Enjoyment of
selling; ability to communicate; persuasive; self-motiva-
tion; knowledge of television industry

Position Description advertiser know when station promotions are being planned
A Television Advertising Representative is responsible for or special programming will be aired.
selling advertising on the station to businesses and other In smaller, independent, and cable stations where the
individuals. Depending on the station, its size, and its struc- advertising department is limited in size, the Television
ture, the TV Advertising Representative may sell to local, Advertising Representative may work on commercial copy
regional, or national accounts or may sell to all three. and content with the advertiser. He or she may also help the
Television Advertising Representatives, or sales reps, as client develop an advertising campaign. In larger stations
they are often called, work under the direction of a sales this is usually accomplished by the production staff, the
manager who assigns accounts to them. The individual may copywriters, or the advertiser’s ad agency.
also be assigned specific territories or areas in which he or The TV Advertising Representative must have a good
she is permitted to sell. working knowledge of the station and its programming.
The Television Advertising Representative services This information is valuable when offering suggestions to
accounts currently advertising on the station. He or she may clients regarding the best time slot or period in which their
do this in a number of ways. The individual regularly calls ad should appear. If a commercial is shown in an inappro-
or meets with the current advertisers to obtain future orders priate time period, even if the television station is number
for insertion on the station. If the station is offering any spe- one in the ratings, the advertising won’t draw the most
cial discounts or sales packages, the representative makes effective results. For example, if an exclusive nightclub was
the advertiser aware of it. The representative also lets the advertising, it probably wouldn’t want its commercial to air

during the Saturday morning cartoon show. The individual in general is extremely competitive. Selling advertising
must also know what time slots are available and how long space in the industry can add stress and pressure to the job.
commercials can be in the time slots.
In order to be successful in his or her job, the Television Salaries
Advertising Representative must locate new advertisers.
It is difficult to estimate earnings for Television Advertising
These might come from referrals from satisfied clients or
Representatives. Earnings vary depending on the size, loca-
from businesses calling the station to inquire about advertis-
tion, and prestige of the station as well as the experience and
ing rates. The majority of new business, however, will have
selling ability of the individual.
to be produced by the advertising representative calling
Compensation in jobs of this type can include a modest
potential advertisers, visiting their places of business, send-
salary plus commissions on sales, straight commission, and
ing information about the station, or a combination of all
draws against commissions.
three. After making initial contact the individual will try to
A commission is a percentage of the money earned for
set up appointments to make presentations.
the station that is paid to the sales rep who sells the advertis-
The Television Advertising Representative may put
ing space. The percentage varies but is usually between 10
together sales packages including rate cards, discount cards,
percent and 20 percent. For example, if an individual sold
information sheets, station demographics, audience, and
$2,500 worth of advertising for a week and was being paid
market share data. The individual sends or delivers this
15 percent, he or she would earn $375.
information when he or she visits potential clients or when
If the individual earns a salary plus a commission, he or she
advertisers call to get information on advertising space.
would add the salary onto the $375 figure. Individuals who
If the Television Advertising Representative is trying to
earn a draw against commission get a set amount of money
sell space nationally, he or she may contact the advertising
each week or month that is taken out of their earned commis-
agencies that handle the potential national advertisers.
sion. If the person has a bad week, he or she still goes home
Depending on the structure of the advertising sales depart-
with the draw. For example, the rep may have a $250 draw
ment, the individual may make a sales presentation him- or
against commissions per week. If he or she sold the $2,500
herself to the agency account executive or may work with
worth of advertising space, he would not receive the draw. If
the sales manager.
he or she only sold $1,000 worth of space that week, and was
He or she is required to write sales orders for commercial
receiving a 15 percent percentage, the individual would
insertion and be responsible for getting them to the appro-
receive $150 from the commission and $100 from the draw.
priate people at the station. These orders might go to pro-
Individuals who receive part of their salary in the form of
duction, traffic, continuity, and billing people.
a percentage of sales have the opportunity of earning as
The advertising representative is responsible for keeping
much as they want. TV Advertising Representatives may
records of when advertisements air, number of insertions,
earn between $22,000 and $65,000 a year. Very successful
time of the commercial, billing names and addresses, people
sales reps can earn up to $100,000 plus annually.
to contact for commercial content, rates charged, and dis-
counts to be applied.
The individual may be required to attend advertising Employment Prospects
department sales meetings in which training techniques and Employment prospects are good for Television Advertising
sales problems are discussed along with new promotions, Representatives. Without salespeople, a television station
discounts, and packages the station is offering. would make very little money. A good sales representative
The advertising representative may work at his or her is, therefore, always an asset to the station.
desk one day and be out in the field servicing accounts and Television stations are located throughout the country.
trying to get new business the next. He or she must con- Local, independent, and cable stations are good choices for
stantly keep motivated to keep selling. Many advertising breaking into the field of television sales. These stations
representatives in the television industry work long hours. have a large turnover of employees and are usually in need
They begin working early in the morning and continue late of sales representatives.
into the night. They see every business as an opportunity to
sell space.
As many stations today have their own Web sites, Televi- Advancement Prospects
sion Advertising Representatives may also be responsible Advancement prospects are good for those in television
for selling advertising space on the station’s site. In some advertising. An individual may advance in a number of
cases, the station may additionally hire salespeople specifi- ways. The advertising representative who is aggressive and
cally to sell Web site advertising. sells well earns larger and larger commissions. To some, this
Advertising representatives are responsible directly to is advancement enough. Other individuals may move up the
the sales manager of the department. The television industry career ladder by becoming a station’s sales manager.

Other possibilities for advancement include the individ- sion. They should also be able to deal with the rejection of
ual moving to a position in a larger, more prestigious sta- not making a sale.
tion. The advertising rep might also stay at the same station
and obtain a better territory. Unions and Associations
Depending on whether an individual is working for a network,
Education and Training syndicate, or cable station, he or she may belong to specific
Individuals working in television sales are usually required state, regional, or national broadcasting organizations.
to hold a four-year degree. Good choices for majors include
advertising, communications, business, marketing, and lib- Tips for Entry
eral arts. Courses in sales, psychology, public relations,
1. If you are choosing a school, try to find one with its
writing, English, business, advertising, marketing, speech,
own television station. You will then be able to get
math, and television broadcasting are useful.
hands-on experience working in a station.
Seminars in advertising and selling as well as the broad-
2. Many local, small-market, and cable stations offer
cast industry prove additionally helpful to the individual in
part-time, or summer employment in advertising sales.
order to help him or her hone skills and make contacts.
3. Larger television stations often have internship pro-
grams in all areas of the station. Ask to work in the
Experience, Skills, and Personality Traits advertising department.
The most important skill a Television Advertising Represen- 4. Positions may often be advertised on local or cable
tative can have is a love for selling. If the individual does television stations.
not have this, he or she will usually not be good at the job. 5. Positions may also be advertised in display or classi-
The TV Advertising Representative should be aggressive in fied ads in the newspaper. Look under heading classi-
a nonoffensive manner. Individuals should be persuasive fications of “Advertising,” “Sales,” “Salesperson,”
and personable. “Broadcasting,” “Cable,” or “Television.”
Good communication and phone skills are imperative. A 6. Jobs may be located in the television broadcast trades.
good memory and organization skills are a must. The indi- If your local library doesn’t keep these on hand, con-
vidual must keep records on many different clients, adver- tact a local television station to ask if you can review
tisements, insertion dates, etc. Getting things confused can a few issues. You might contact the trade journal itself
be “the death of a salesman” (or woman). and see if you can obtain a short-term subscription.
The Television Advertising Representative must know 7. Send your résumé and a cover letter to the personnel
how to read and interpret rate cards or discount sheets. He director of every television and cable station you can
or she must be comfortable working with numbers, calcula- find in the area in which you want to work. There is a
tors, and adding machines. An understanding of the televi- high turnover in these jobs. You will probably be
sion industry and television advertising is necessary. called in for an interview before you know it.
People working in television sales should be self-moti- 8. Check out television station Web sites for employ-
vated and have the ability to work without a lot of supervi- ment opportunities.



Duties: Coordinate day-to-day activities in advertising sales

office; assist in the creation of promotional packages for Advertising Salesperson
advertisers; write contracts and sales orders

Alternate Title(s): Sales Assistant; Advertising Sales Coor-

dinator; Sales Coordinator
Advertising Sales Assistant
Salary Range: $18,000 to $28,000+

Employment Prospects: Good

Advancement Prospects: Good Entry Level

Best Geographical Location(s): Positions may be found in

areas where the smaller local markets are located as well
as major markets such as New York, Los Angeles,
Chicago, and Atlanta.

Education or Training—High school diploma required;
college background or degree helpful
Experience—Experience in advertising, sales, or mar-
keting useful but not required
Special Skills and Personality Traits—Good organiza-
tional skills; office skills; computer capability; numerical

Position Description tion, public service, community relations, and public rela-
An Advertising Sales Assistant working at a television sta- tions departments.
tion is responsible for coordinating the various day-to-day The sales assistant works directly with and is responsible
activities that occur in the station’s advertising sales office. to the advertising sales manager. Together they create pro-
There is a considerable amount of organizational skills motional packages for potential advertisers to buy as well as
required to be successful in this job. The individual func- develop attractive packaging options for those advertisers.
tions as a cross between the assistant to the advertising sales Clerically, the individual is responsible for all interoffice
manager and the office manager. correspondence. This includes memos, letters, and informa-
The Advertising Sales Assistant, sales assistant, or adver- tion to all the salespeople about rates, packages, and station
tising sales coordinator, as he or she might be called, has promotions. The sales assistant must stay up to date on all
varied responsibilities depending on the organization of the commercial time slots sold and those that are available. He
station where the individual is employed. or she is also responsible for checking and keeping on file
Sales assistants work with many different people and all contracts, sales orders, and other pertinent information.
departments in the television station. They may work with In many stations the sales assistant is also responsible for
salespeople, account executives, programming executives, billing advertisers for commercial time that has been pur-
and people in the traffic and continuity, marketing, promo- chased. In other stations the individual will just be responsi-

ble for putting the numbers together and giving them to the Those working in smaller independent or cable stations
billing or accounting department. could earn from $18,000 to $22,000 annually. Advertising
An important duty of the sales assistant is to direct poten- Sales Assistants working in larger stations in major markets
tial advertisers who call the station to the correct salespeople. may earn salaries of $19,000 to $28,000 or more per year.
He or she also puts together and sends out rate cards and
advertising information packages to those who call or write
Employment Prospects
as well as to those who have talked to station salespeople.
When salespeople are not available the sales assistant Employment prospects are good for Advertising Sales
may sell advertising space. It is therefore vital for the indi- Assistants seeking employment at television stations. Many
vidual to understand how to read the station’s rate card and stations hire more than one sales assistant for the depart-
keep on top of all promotions and advertising specials the ment. Individuals may, however, have to relocate to areas
station is running. The sales assistant must also have a com- where jobs are available.
plete knowledge of the programming of the station so as to There are currently more opportunities in this field than
schedule commercials for the most productive time slots for ever before. In addition to networks there are affiliates,
advertisers. The sales assistant writes advertising contracts locals, independents, and many cable stations available for
and orders. The individual, however, does not receive a employment possibilities.
commission. He or she is paid strictly on a salary basis.
One of the main functions of the sales assistant is to keep Advancement Prospects
in touch with the current advertisers and keep them abreast Prospects are good for advancement of Advertising Sales
of new programming and packaging available. If an adver- Assistants working in broadcasting. Depending on the
tiser is interested in buying more time, the Sales Assistant organization of a station, individuals can advance their
will be responsible for getting them in touch with the cor- career by becoming salespeople or working in the promo-
rect salesperson. tion department.
Depending on the station, the individual may be respon-
sible for locating per inquiry (PI) and direct response adver-
tisers. Per inquiry and direct response ads are the Education and Training
advertisements often seen on cable and independent sta- While there are people who hold jobs as Advertising Sales
tions where potential buyers use a toll-free phone number to Assistants who only hold a high school diploma, a college
order records, cassettes, or novelty items. Instead of the TV background is helpful. Useful courses include anything in
station selling ad time for a specific amount per second, the the line of communications, advertising, sales, marketing,
station offers commercial time to advertisers for a flat fee public relations, business math, television, or broadcasting.
based on a per response or inquiry call. The sales assistant
must keep track of the number of responses or inquiries
Experience, Skills, and Personality Traits
derived from each commercial and bill the advertiser
Individuals working in this type of job in television sales
accordingly. Additionally, the individual may view com-
should have good organizational skills. They should be able
mercials to make sure that they are acceptable and meet sta-
to deal with a multitude of people and projects at one time.
tion and FCC standards.
Advertising Sales Assistants should be good with num-
The sales assistant is responsible for scheduling the daily
bers and articulate and should have good phone skills. Cre-
logs that show when commercials will be aired. The sales
ativity and the ability to write are a plus. The ability to type
assistant must keep up with the times and dates advertisers’
and computer capability, as well as other office skills, are
commercials are aired and what time slots are available for
other commercials. The individual may also send informa-
Any type of experience in advertising, sales, marketing,
tion such as when ads were aired to the advertisers or agen-
or the broadcast industry is useful but not required.
cies that purchased the time slots.
Hours for sales assistants are fairly regular. There may be
some overtime during certain times of the year or when spe- Unions and Associations
cial advertising promotions are being run. Individuals may belong to state, regional, or national broad-
casting organizations.
Earnings for Advertising Sales Assistants vary greatly Tips for Entry
depending on a number of factors. These include the experi- 1. Any experience in advertising is a plus. Remember to
ence and responsibilities of the individual and the size and put all advertising-related jobs and summer jobs on
location of the station. your résumé.

2. Positions may be easier to find in smaller markets. at. Remember to include cable stations and independ-
You may also consider looking for a position in radio ents as well as networks and affiliates.
until a television advertising sales position opens up. 5. Television stations promote from within. You might
3. These types of jobs are often advertised in the Sunday consider taking a position as a secretary in the station
newspapers. Look under the heading classifications of until a job in this department opens up.
“Television,” “Radio,” “Broadcasting,” “Advertising,” 6. Check out television station Web sites for possible
or “Sales.” employment openings.
4. Call or send résumés to the personnel director of any
television stations that you are interested in working



Duties: Develop and implement special projects and pro-

motions to enhance the station’s image Director of Public Relations
or Marketing or Promotion
Alternate Title(s): Special Projects Coordinator; Special Coordinator at Larger Station
Projects and Promotion Coordinator

Salary Range: $23,000 to $49,000+

Employment Prospects: Fair Promotion Coordinator

Advancement Prospects: Fair

Best Geographical Location(s): Entry level positions may

be found in areas where the smaller local markets are Entry Level (at small station)
located; major markets such as New York, Los Angeles, or Promotion Assistant
Chicago, Atlanta, or any other large city offer positions (at larger station)
to those with more experience.

Education or Training—Bachelor’s degree required
with major in communications, public relations, English,
broadcasting, or journalism.
Experience—Publicity, promotion, journalism, or
broadcast experience helpful
Special Skills and Personality Traits—Creative; good
writing skills; communication skills.

Position Description grams. The Promotion Coordinator may write newspaper

A Promotion Coordinator working at a television station is ads to advertise television programs the station is airing or
responsible for developing and implementing special proj- events in which the station is participating. He or she may
ects and promotions to enhance the station’s image and also write brochures or booklets distributed by the station.
make it more visible. The individual is responsible for developing effective
The Promotion Coordinator has varied duties depending promotions and special projects as well as implementing
on the size and organization of the station where he or she is them. He or she may come up with a variety of contests and
working. At larger stations the individual has more special- sweepstakes to run on the station. The Promotion Coordi-
ized responsibilities, while the person working in a small nator must put the idea in writing and bring it to the station
station might be the only one in the department and have to management. After the initial idea has been approved, the
do everything. individual must find the appropriate time of the year to run
Many of the functions of the Promotion Coordinator the promotion, check into state and federal regulations,
revolve around writing. He or she is responsible for writing decide on a set of rules for participants, find sources for
press releases and announcements about new programming, prizes, and implement the contest on the air. He or she is
television specials, station personalities, promotions, and responsible for writing press releases on the event for other
events in which the station is taking part. The individual media as well as for on-air promotion. The individual is
may also be responsible for writing the little blurbs often also responsible for advising members of the staff about
seen in newspapers and TV guides about upcoming pro- the event.

Other projects the Promotion Coordinator may develop positions in the promotion department may be open to indi-
include the sponsorship of events for community organiza- viduals in smaller markets. It is not unusual to find a Promo-
tions, such as marathons, sporting events, and other enter- tion Coordinator at a small-market station who has just
tainment, and fund-raising telethons. Individuals working at graduated from college. Smaller stations usually have a large
cable stations also have to develop promotions that help employee turnover rate due to the fact that positions are often
attract new subscribers. taken to gain experience and don’t pay very high salaries.
An important function of the Promotion Coordinator is to Chances of employment at larger television stations in major
arrange appearances for station personalities at events and markets go up with experience. Stations in major markets
in other media. He or she may set up interviews with maga- may employ up to 10 people in the promotion department.
zines and newspapers for feature stories on newscasters, or
to interview show hosts or show stars.
In certain stations the Promotion Coordinator might also Advancement Prospects
function as the public relations or community relations Promotion Coordinators may advance their career by
coordinator. In these cases, he or she could also be expected becoming director of public relations or marketing. Career
to write speeches for other members of the station, handle advancement for Promotion Coordinators can also be
public relations problems, arrange press functions, and attained by finding a position in a bigger city, a major mar-
work with community groups. ket, at a network, etc. As noted above, there is a high
The Promotion Coordinator works closely with the adver- turnover rate at television stations, especially in smaller
tising department to find ways to increase the viewing audi- ones. Television stations like to promote from within and
ence, which will in turn increase advertising revenues. often hire individuals working in local affiliates for posi-
Together the two departments work on promoting and adver- tions at their networks. Advancement is easier for individu-
tising new programs, new viewing seasons, and TV specials. als working at smaller stations.
The Promotion Coordinator may be asked to come up with
attractive promotion packages for potential advertisers. Education and Training
If the television station is a local network affiliate, the
A college education and degree are necessary for those who
Promotion Coordinator might also work with the network
want to work in almost any facet of television. While the
on promotions and special projects. He or she may then be
college major can be in almost any field, courses should be
asked to travel to meet with network representatives. The
taken in communications, public relations, English, broad-
individual must also travel on behalf of the station to any
conventions, meetings, and seminars related to promotion or casting, journalism, television, or writing. Schools with
advertising. broadcast facilities offer valuable hands-on experience.
The Promotion Coordinator works fairly normal hours. Seminars in publicity, promotion, and television are also
He or she may have to work late occasionally or work on a very useful.
weekend if a special project is taking place. Depending on
the organization of the station, the Promotion Coordinator Experience, Skills, and Personality Traits
may be responsible to the advertising director, the market- Those working in television promotion should have good
ing director, or the general manager of the station. communication skills. They should possess the ability to
write well and to be creative, articulate, and persuasive.
Salaries Individuals should have a basic knowledge of publicity, pro-
Salaries for a Promotion Coordinator depend greatly on the motion, and public relations.
size and market of the television station for which he or she Experience working in television, even if it was only a
is working. Compensation is also dependent on the experi- summer job, an internship, or at a school station, is a plus.
ence and responsibilities of the individual. Journalistic experience on a community or school newspa-
Smaller stations often offer annual earnings so low that per is helpful.
they are close to minimum wage. Most individuals feel, The ability to type and/or use a computer or word proces-
however, that a low beginning salary is worth the experience sor may be necessary.
value of the position. Earnings for those working in smaller
markets can range from $23,000 to $28,000 annually. Unions and Associations
Income for those working in larger markets can range from
Those working in promotion in television stations may
$24,000 to $49,000 plus.
belong to a number of different trade associations and
organizations. These include the Public Relations Society of
Employment Prospects America (PRSA) and the National Academy of Television
Employment prospects are fair for individuals seeking Arts and Sciences (NATAS). Stations may be members of
employment in promotion at television stations. Entry level the American Advertising Federation (AAF). Membership

in these organizations offers individuals guidance and helps 3. Look in the classified section of a Sunday newspaper
them make important contacts. for job openings. Look under the “Broadcasting,”
“Television,” “Public Relations,” “Advertising,” and
Tips for Entry “Promotion” sections. There might also be opportuni-
1. Try to find an internship or summer job at a station to ties advertised in display advertising.
gain some experience or help you get your foot in the 4. Don’t forget to send résumés to public television and
door. cable stations as well as locals, independents, and
2. Look for a job in a small market. While positions such networks.
as this pay considerably less than those in major market 5. Many stations list employment opportunities on their
stations, it is easier to break into the business this way. Web site.



Duties: Assist the promotion coordinator in the implemen-

tation of special projects and promotions at a television Promotion Coordinator

Alternate Title(s): Special Projects Assistant; Special Pro-

jects and Promotion Assistant
Promotion Assistant
Salary Range: $18,000 to $35,000+

Employment Prospects: Fair

Advancement Prospects: Good Student or Entry Level Position

Best Geographical Location(s): Positions may be located in

areas where smaller local markets are located; major mar-
kets such as New York, Los Angeles, Atlanta, Chicago, or
any large city may also offer position possibilities.

Education or Training—Bachelor’s degree with major
in communications, public relations, English, broadcast-
ing, or journalism required
Experience—Writing and/or publicity experience help-
ful but not required
Special Skills and Personality Traits—Good communi-
cation skills; good writing skills; creative; ability to type
and/or computer capability

Position Description good business relationship with most of the media in the
A Promotion Assistant working in a television station is area. One of the main functions of the Promotion Assistant
responsible for helping the promotion coordinator imple- is to call editors, newspeople, etc. to discuss promotions,
ment special projects and promotions that enhance the sta- programming, and special events put on by the station.
tion’s image and make it more visible. As the Promotion Assistant gains more experience he or
The Promotion Assistant has varied duties depending on she may help the coordinator with writing responsibilities.
the size and organization of the station where he or she is The individual might begin by writing press releases or
working. Part of the responsibility of the individual centers announcements about new programming, television spe-
on “grunt work.” At smaller stations, where there is not a cials, station personalities, promotions, and events in which
large staff, the assistant may carry out many of the functions the station is participating. The assistant may also be
of a secretary, including typing, answering the phones, or responsible for writing the little blurbs often seen in news-
writing letters and memos. He or she may also check details papers and TV guides about upcoming programs. Most, if
of the various promotions and special events on which the not all, writing is usually checked by the coordinator at this
coordinator is working. point in the individual’s career. The Promotion Assistant
Even though the station for which the Promotion Assis- may also learn to write copy for newspaper ads that adver-
tant works will help publicize a promotion, other media are tise television programs the station is airing or events in
needed to help spread the word. The assistant usually has a which the station is taking part.

While the individual is not responsible for developing Entry level positions in the promotion department may be
promotions and special projects, he or she assists in their open to individuals in smaller markets and cable. Smaller sta-
implementation. The assistant may be asked to take the tions usually have a high employee turnover rate because posi-
ideas of the promotion coordinator and put them on paper or tions are often taken to gain experience and do not pay very
may be asked to come up with ideas about implementation. high salaries. Chances of employment at larger television sta-
To do this, the Promotion Assistant might be involved in tions in major markets go up with experience. Stations in
research on former station promotions and special events as major markets may employ a number of Promotion Assistants.
well as those of competing stations. The assistant may be
responsible for checking federal rules and regulations for Advancement Prospects
contests and sweepstakes, preparing rules for participants,
Promotion Assistants may advance their careers by finding
locating sources of contest prizes, and keeping station per-
positions as promotion coordinators. Other individuals
sonnel aware of internal promotions.
move up the career ladder by becoming public relations or
Depending on his or her experience, the Promotion
community relations directors or coordinators.
Assistant may act as the station liaison when the station is
Career advancement for Promotion Assistants might also
sponsoring events for community organizations, such as
be attained by finding a position in a bigger city, in a major
marathons, sports events, or other entertainment, and fund-
market, at a network, etc. As noted above, there is a high
raising telethons. The individual should be on hand at the
turnover rate at television stations, especially in smaller
event to assist the promotion coordinator in making sure
ones. Advancement is easier for individuals working at
that all programs go smoothly. smaller stations.
At times the Promotion Assistant may work with station
personalities, accompanying them to personal appearances
and other events. The individual is often responsible for Education and Training
checking the details, times, etc. of these personal appear- A college education and degree is necessary for those who
ances. The Promotion Assistant may also accompany station want to work in television. Helpful majors include com-
personalities to interviews for stories with magazines and munications, public relations, English, broadcasting, and
newspapers the promotion coordinator has arranged. journalism.
If the station is relatively small, the Promotion Assistant Seminars in publicity, promotion, and television are also
could also function as the public relations or community very useful.
relations assistant. In these cases, he or she could also be
expected to help coordinate press functions and work with Experience, Skills, and Personality Traits
community groups. Those working in television promotion should be articulate
The Promotion Assistant works fairly normal hours. He with good communication skills. Individuals should be
or she may have to work late occasionally or work on a eager to learn. The ability to write well is important, as is
weekend if a special project is taking place. The Promotion creativity.
Assistant is responsible to the promotion coordinator of the Experience working in television, even if it was only a
station. summer job, an internship, or while working at a school sta-
tion, is a plus. Journalistic experience on a community or
Salaries school newspaper is also helpful.
Salaries for Promotion Assistants vary greatly based on the Good phone skills are necessary. The ability to type
size and market of the television station for which the assis- and/or use a computer is a plus.
tants work. Compensation also depends on the experience
and responsibilities of the individual. Unions and Associations
Smaller stations often offer annual earnings so low that Promotion Assistants or the station for which they work
they are slightly above minimum wage. Most individuals may be members of the Public Relations Society of America
feel, however, that a low beginning salary is worth the expe- (PRSA), the National Academy of Television Arts and Sci-
rience value of the position. Earnings for those working in ences (NATAS), and the American Advertising Federation
smaller markets or on local cable stations can range from (AAF). These organizations are useful for making contacts
$18,000 to $21,000 annually. Income for those working in and for professional support.
larger markets can range from $19,000 to $35,000 plus.
Tips for Entry
Employment Prospects 1. Try to find an internship or summer job at a station to
Employment prospects are fair for individuals seeking gain some experience or help you get your foot in the
employment as Promotion Assistants at television stations. door.

2. Look for a job in a small market or in cable. While “Television,” “Public Relations,” “Advertising,” and
positions such as this pay considerably less than those “Promotion” sections. There might additionally be
in major-market stations, it is easier to break into the opportunities advertised in display advertising.
business this way. 4. Don’t forget to send résumés to public television and
3. Look in the classified section of a Sunday newspaper cable stations as well as locals, independents, and net-
for job openings. Look under the “Broadcasting,” works.


Duties: Create and design artwork, graphics, and sets for

commercials produced for advertisers buying time from Assistant Art Director
a television station; design graphics for advertisements
and material the station uses to promote itself

Alternate Title(s): Artist; TV Advertising Artist; Television

Graphic Designer; Graphic Designer Television Advertising Graphic Artist

Salary Range: $23,000 to $48,000+

Employment Prospects: Fair

Entry Level, College or Art School
Advancement Prospects: Fair Student, or Freelance Commercial
or Graphic Artist
Best Geographical Location(s): Positions may be avail-
able in any area in which television stations are located.

Education or Training—High school diploma the mini-
mum requirement; art school, art courses, or college
degree with major in art required for many positions
Experience—Commercial or graphic art experience
helpful; portfolio necessary for most positions
Special Skills and Personality Traits—Creative; artistic
ability; sense of color, design, and layout; knowledge of
commercial art; drawing and illustrating skills; computer
capabilities; ability to work in broadcast studios; under-
standing of both broadcast and advertising industries

Position Description The Television Advertising Graphic Artist is also respon-

The graphic artist working in the advertising department of sible for designing and creating the graphics used in the
a television station is responsible for all artwork and design commercial. These might include things such as the art or
required in a commercial. The individual is required to work title cards for the ad. The individual may paint, draw, or use
with businesses that advertise on the station as well as sta- press type, computer type, and graphics to do the words,
tion personnel, including copywriters, producers, directors, logos, and other art for commercials.
and salespeople. Graphic artists are responsible for deciding what kind,
The Television Advertising Graphic Artist performs a size, and color of type should be used in commercials and
variety of duties. He or she is required to design commercial what color the background should be if and when words and
sets. Depending on the station and the number of people graphics are shown on the screen. For example, if the
working in the department, the individual may just sketch graphic artist is preparing a piece for the conclusion of a
out the set or may design it, paint it, and actually build or commercial, such as the kind that sells old records via a toll-
construct it. The graphic artist might be called in to decide free phone number and accepting credit cards, he or she will
what color the set will be, what color clothes actresses, have to make certain decisions. The color of the last screen
actors, and models should wear, and lighting. with the call-in information must be selected. Type style and

size for the phone number, address, and other information as on the size, location, and prestige of the station and the
well as the position and size of the logos for the credit cards responsibilities and experience of the individual.
must also be chosen. Individuals working in smaller stations or those with less
The graphic artist works with a commercial project from experience may earn $23,0000 annually. Graphic artists
the inception of the idea to the final taping. During this time with more experience or those working in larger, more pres-
the individual may change color schemes, type sizes, graphics, tigious stations may earn up to $48,000 or more a year.
or set design if he or she feels it improves the commercial. Most television stations augment salaries with fringe
The graphic artist needs to be proficient in all types of benefit packages.
artistic design. Depending on the project and the situation, he
or she may have to design, sketch, paint, draw, hand letter, Employment Prospects
or cartoon to achieve the necessary effects. Today a great deal Employment prospects are fair for individuals seeking
of the design in television advertising graphics is accom- employment as graphic artists working in the advertising
plished with the use of computers. At times the individual department of television stations. There are numerous local,
may also use still photos or slides, working that medium into independent, network, and cable stations located throughout
the finished ad. the country, and more are springing up.
The graphic artist may be responsible for developing and It is important to note that individuals may have to work
designing suitable logos for station advertisers. Creating an as graphic artists for the entire station and not just in the
outstanding logo for a television advertiser is important for advertising department. Individuals might also have to relo-
the graphic artist. If the advertiser likes the logo, he will use cate to find an opening.
it in all his advertising—on other stations as well as in print A little experience goes a long way in this field. Individ-
ads. This will be helpful to the individual when attempting uals who have hands-on experience working in school sta-
to climb the career ladder. tions and local stations may be chosen over applicants who
The graphic artist working in the advertising department have no experience.
also does graphics for ads the station uses to promote itself. A good portfolio of the individual’s best work is also
For example, he or she might design and do the artwork for usually necessary in obtaining these type of positions. Supe-
newspaper, magazine, and billboard ads. He or she may be riors who see talent or the potential for talent often hire indi-
required to do typesetting or headlines, work with color sep- viduals even without experience.
arations, and prepare mechanicals.
The individual may also be required to do graphics and Advancement Prospects
design for the promotional materials the station uses, Advancement prospects are fair for Television Advertising
including brochures, newsletters, and signs. Graphic Artists. In order to climb the career ladder, the indi-
In some stations the graphic artist may have additional vidual must become the art director or assistant art director
duties working with other departments, including program- or will have to locate a position in a larger, more prestigious
ming, news, marketing, or public relations. In these situa- station. This move usually means that the individual will
tions the individual would perform the same type of receive a higher salary.
functions for the other departments—developing set designs, Individuals may advance their career by eventually mov-
graphics, or art for print ads, brochures, or billboards. ing into the producing or directing of televised commercials
In small stations there might be one or two graphic artists or programming. They might also leave advertising and
on staff. In large stations there will be a number of graphic become a graphic artist in another industry.
artists working. These individuals usually work on art and
graphics in either the programming and news departments
or the advertising and sales departments. Education and Training
The graphic artist working in the advertising department Educational requirements differ from station to station in
of a television station usually works normal hours. If an this job. Some require four-year degrees with a major in fine
advertisement or commercial is on a deadline, however, the art or commercial art. Others require a high school diploma
individual may have to work overtime. and art school training. Some stations may require classes in
Depending on the structure of the station and the adver- television broadcasting. Still others aren’t interested in the
type of education an individual has as long as he or she is
tising department, the graphic artist may be responsible to
creative, can perform the job, and is willing to learn.
either an art director, if the station has one, or the director of
Since a great deal of television graphics is done on com-
puter today, it is important to have computer training.
Courses or seminars in computer graphics are imperative.
Salaries Seminars and other courses in various facets of art tech-
Annual earnings for graphic artists working in the advertis- niques, commercial art, television, and broadcasting are
ing department of television stations vary greatly depending additionally useful.

Experience, Skills, and Personality Traits Individuals might also belong to any of a variety of trade
Graphic artists working in television advertising need to be associations, including the Broadcast Designers Association
creative both on paper and conceptually. They must have a (BDA), the American Advertising Federation (AAF), the
good sense of color, design, and layout and the ability to Art Directors Club, Inc. (ADC), the One Club, the Graphic
illustrate this talent. The graphic artist must be competent in Artists Guild (GAG), the American Institute of Graphic Arts
all forms of artwork, including sketching, lettering, painting, (AIGA), or the Society of Illustrators. These associations
and cartooning. The more media the individual can master provide support and guidance and often offer helpful semi-
and the more flexible he or she is, the better his or her oppor- nars and training to members.
tunity to obtain a job and move up the career ladder.
Individuals should be comfortable working around tele- Tips for Entry
vision cameras and have a working knowledge of the com- 1. Try to locate an internship program in the advertising
mercial studio. As indicated above, individuals should also department of one of the larger television stations.
be computer capable. Knowledge of color separation, 2. Consider a summer or part-time job working in any
mechanicals, photography, and cinematography are neces- capacity at your local TV station.
sary. An understanding of the advertising industry as well as 3. If your school has a television station, try to get some
the broadcast industry is helpful. experience at it. Hands-on experience is always use-
Graphic artists working in TV advertising departments ful.
must be able to work quickly and accurately and meet dead- 4. Put together a portfolio of your best work. Make it
lines without putting themselves into stressful, pressured creative, neat, and diversified. You will probably be
situations. required to show your work before you get a job. A
good portfolio can get you the position you are after.
Unions and Associations 5. Join appropriate trade associations. Some of these can
Graphic Artists working in the television industry may help you hone your skills. Attending meetings and
belong to the National Association of Broadcast Employees conferences can help you make important contacts.
and Technicians (NABET), a union representing people 6. Check out station Web sites for possible employment
working in broadcasting. opening.



Duties: Assist in the production of advertisements for tele-

vision; put up props; adjust lighting and microphones; Associate Producer
take care of paperwork; coordinate scheduling for shoot-
ing commercials

Alternate Title(s): Floor Assistant; Staging Assistant; Pro-

duction Apprentice Advertising Production Assistant

Salary Range: $24,000 to $33,000+

Employment Prospects: Fair

Entry level or Administrative
Advancement Prospects: Good Assistant in Department

Best Geographical Location(s): Larger cities offer more

employment prospects; smaller-market cities may pro-
vide easier access to entry level employment.

Education or Training—Two-year degree required for
most positions; four-year degree preferred
Experience—Experience in television or cable preferred
but not required
Special Skills and Personality Traits—Detail-oriented;
typing, word processing, or computer skills; ability to lift
heavy objects; understanding of advertising industry

Position Description For example, in a smaller station the Advertising Produc-

The Advertising Production Assistant working in the studio tion Assistant may be asked to help with the copywriting of
of a television station is responsible for assisting the pro- scripts for commercials. In larger stations the individual
ducer and other members of the production staff in filming would not usually perform that task. He or she may, how-
or taping advertisements and commercials that are to be ever, provide input on whether dialogue sounds strained and
aired on the station. be asked to make suggestions for improvements.
The individual works with copywriters, actresses, actors, The assistant is responsible for taking down the changes
models, hairdressers, makeup people, directors, advertising made in advertising scripts and making the necessary cor-
salespeople, secretaries, cue card people, lighting people, rections. He or she may physically do the retyping of the
and electricians. Together they assemble and produce effec- script or may give the corrections to a production secretary.
tive advertisements for the station’s clients. The individual is then responsible for circulating the new
The Advertising Production Assistant may have varied commercial script to the proper people.
duties depending on the structure and size of the advertising If the studio does not have cue card people, the Advertis-
department and his or her experience. In smaller stations the ing Production Assistant may be asked to write the dialogue
individual may have more diversified duties. This, however, on cards. He or she may then be required to hold up the
gives the assistant a more rounded education in the craft of cards during the filming of the commercial for the actors
producing commercials. and actresses.

The individual might also be responsible for actually set- union. In these cases the union sets minimum earnings for
ting up the lighting or for instructing the lighting people individuals.
where the lights should be placed. The production assistant Stations in smaller markets usually have the lowest
may be responsible for setting up microphones, cameras, or salaries because individuals in these positions are just enter-
other electrical equipment or may just instruct other mem- ing the job market.
bers of the crew where to put things at the suggestion of the
producer and director of the commercial. Employment Prospects
Depending on the situation, the Advertising Production
Employment prospects are fair for individuals seeking
Assistant may help the producer and director cast the mod-
employment as production assistants in television station
els, actors, actresses, and announcer. The individual may
advertising departments. With the current surge of new
call agents looking for a specific type of face, look, or per-
local, syndicated, and cable television stations around the
sonality. He or she may schedule casting appointments for country there will be more and more opportunities for
both the producer and director as well as the casting man- employment in the coming years.
ager, if there is one on staff at the station. It is probably easier for individuals with little or no expe-
In most cases, the individuals responsible for assisting rience to enter the job market in smaller stations. They may,
the producer and director of the advertisement in making however, act as production assistants for the entire station as
sure that the correct props are available and in setting them opposed to just the advertising department.
up where needed. The individual may also be required to
handle such tasks as marking the set floor where the actors
an actresses are supposed to stand. Advancement Prospects
The production assistant is responsible for scheduling stu- Advancement prospects are good for Advertising Produc-
dio time for the shooting of the commercials. The individual tion Assistants working in television. Those individuals who
must notify everyone involved in the commercial when to be move up the ladder fastest usually are talented, aggressive,
available and where to be. This includes camera people, and assertive and have gone beyond the call of duty in their
assistant directors, directors, associate producers, producers, work.
floor managers, actors, actresses, models, and announcers. Advertising Production Assistants can become associate
The advertising client usually wants to be notified when the producers or producers for the advertising department of the
taping is taking place so that he or she can be there. station. They might also become associate producers for
It is the responsibility of the production assistant to make programming. Individuals might also climb the career lad-
sure all legal papers are in order and releases are signed by der by locating a position in a bigger station, an advertising
the models and announcers. The individual is responsible agency, or a private production company.
for keeping records of studio time, costs, and visuals.
After the commercial is completed the Advertising Pro- Education and Training
duction Assistant may be required to take down the set and Most positions as Advertising Production Assistants in tele-
return props. He or she may also have to run off copies of vision require at least a two-year degree. Many TV station
the commercial for the director, producer, or advertiser to managers prefer that their new employees have four-year
review. bachelor’s degrees.
It is important to note that in smaller stations the produc- When thinking about choosing a school, try to locate one
tion assistant often works not only as part of the advertising that has broadcast facilities as well as classes in broadcast
department but also as part of the programming department. and video production and techniques. This will give you
Hours for this job are fairly normal. Things can get quite experience that another job applicant might not have.
hectic, however, when there are a large number of commer- Classes in advertising are also important.
cials to make in a limited time period. Individuals who have finished school or are taking other
Depending on the structure of the station and its advertis- majors may find outside courses and seminars in broadcast
ing department, the production assistant may be responsible techniques, advertising, and television useful.
to either the producer or director of commercials or the
advertising director.
Experience, Skills, and Personality Traits
Advertising Production Assistants should be eager to learn
Salaries all that they can about the trade. They should also be willing
Salaries for Advertising Production Assistants can range to do more than the job calls for. Nonthreatening aggres-
from $24,000 to $33,000 or more per year. Variables include siveness and assertiveness help the individual move up the
the size of the station, its location, and the experience and career ladder.
responsibilities of the individual. At certain stations the An understanding of the television and advertising indus-
Advertising Production Assistant may be represented by a tries is useful. Knowledge of camera angles, direction, and

lighting is helpful but may not be necessary for an entry learn the craft of producing. Once you get the job, be
level position. willing to work hard and do more than the next person.
The ability to work on many details at one time and a 2. You might put together a portfolio of storyboards for
good memory are essential. Typing, word processing, or commercials. These don’t have to be for actual prod-
computer skills may be necessary, depending on the job. As ucts (although they can be). The portfolio will illus-
the individual may be called on to move props, he or she trate that you have a concept of putting together an
must be able to lift and carry heavy objects. advertisement. You might put in some of your writing
The individual in this position should be a “people per- samples. The more diversified your talents (especially
son.” He or she will work with large numbers of people, in a small station), the more useful you will be to the
including directors, script writers, copywriters, models, advertising department.
actresses, actors, agents, lighting people, and electricians. 3. If you are still in school and there is a college televi-
The ability to get along with others is imperative. sion station, get some experience. If your school
doesn’t have a station, consider working as an intern
or a secretary at a local station for the summer.
Unions and Associations
4. Positions in this field may be located in the classified
Depending on the station and the responsibilities of the indi-
section of newspapers under heading classifications
vidual, Advertising Production Assistants may be repre-
of “Broadcast,” “Advertising,” “Production,” or
sented by the National Association of Broadcast Employees
and Technicians AFL-CIO (NABET), the International
5. Larger stations often offer training programs or
Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW), or even the
internships. Try to locate these opportunities.
Writers Guild of America (WGA) (if the individual is doing
6. You might also consider sending your résumé with a
copywriting). The individual might also belong to any of a
cover letter to the personnel director asking if there are
number of trade associations, including the American
positions open. Remember to request that your résumé
Advertising Federation (AAF) or the Association of Inde-
be kept on file if there are no current openings.
pendent Commercial Producers (AICP).
7. Television stations often advertise their employment
openings on their Web site.
Tips for Entry
1. If you have no experience at all, you might try to daz-
zle the person interviewing you with a great desire to


Duties: Publicize new and upcoming movies, films, and tel-

evision shows Unit Publicist with More Prestigious
Projects or Press Agent
Alternate Title(s): Movie Publicist; Movie Press Agent;
Television Publicist; Television Press Agent

Salary Range: $25,000 to $125,000+

Unit Publicist
Employment Prospects: Poor

Advancement Prospects: Good

Best Geographical Location(s): Los Angeles and New Assistant Unit Publicist, Intern,
York offer most opportunities. or Publicity or Press Agent Assistant
Education or Training—College degree required for
most positions
Experience—Some experience in publicity or entertain-
ment necessary
Special Skills and Personality Traits—Creative; ability to
write; good phone manner; aggressive; personable; articu-
late; self-motivation; ability to handle stress and pressure

Position Description sure that the right people get this information. The Unit
A Unit Publicist for a television show or movie is responsi- Publicist may send press packages to reviewers, critics,
ble for publicizing new and upcoming movies, films, and print editors, news editors, or talent coordinators. He or she
television shows. While part of this job encompasses the might also distribute this information at press parties or con-
glamour of TV and movies, there is another part filled with ferences. Many movies and television shows now rely on
routine tasks and details. provocative Web sites to generate audience interest.
The Unit Publicist is in charge of making sure that both The Unit Publicist is responsible for arranging both local
the general public and the media know that a new movie or and national press conferences and parties. If the individual
television show is being released. The Unit Publicist must is creative, he or she may develop a unique idea or “hook”
create sufficient excitement about the project so that every- in order to gain attention for the television show or movie.
one wants to see it. The purpose of all the interviews and press coverage is to
This is accomplished in a number of ways. The individ- attain as much exposure in the media as possible.
ual may set up media interviews with local television, radio, The individual may be responsible for clipping press
newspaper, and magazine editors around the country. He or releases from magazines and newspapers and getting audio
she may set up the same type of interview with network, and video clips of interviews, reports, and television shows.
cable, and syndicated television and radio shows. The indi- If the Unit Publicist does not perform this duty, he or she
vidual also tries to set up interviews with national magazine may be responsible for having an intern or assistant take
and newspaper editors. care of the task or may retain a clipping service to handle
The Unit Publicist is responsible for writing press the job.
releases and biographies of stars, compiling press kits, put- The Unit Publicist often travels to other cities with stars
ting together fact sheets, and making sure that photographs of the television show or movie. During these travels he or
and video clips are available. The individual must also make she makes sure that the star gets to and from each interview

on time. The individual provides press releases, biographies, that many television shows and movies are being released,
press kits, photos, video clips of the movie or television but there are really only a limited number. In order to get a
show, etc. to the reporter, editor, or producer of the inter- freelance job or work independently you almost have to
view. The Unit Publicist might also spend a few minutes know someone in the business.
with the individual interviewer trying to point the interview There are slightly better prospects for individuals who
in a positive direction. If, for some reason, the Unit Publicist want to work in public relations offices as Unit Publicists.
does not accompany stars to these interviews, he or she This is one of those jobs for which you have to have a lot of
arranges for another escort to meet, greet, and accompany good luck and be in the right place at the right time.
the star to the interview.
The individual works with the studio, producer, or net-
work producing the show. He or she helps arrange screen- Advancement Prospects
ings for both critics and reviewers. If reviews are good, the Those who are lucky enough to find employment as Unit
Unit Publicist sees that copies are made or takes a quote and Publicists have good advancement prospects. Climbing the
uses the piece to get more publicity for the project. career ladder in this profession depends on how creative the
While Unit Publicists may freelance, most work with individual is and how much exposure he or she can get for a
publicity and public relations firms hired specifically for the project. Advancement is also dependent on the same things
project. The Unit Publicist is then assigned an individual that helped the individual get the job in the first place: a lot
project to work on. After the movie or television show of good luck and the proper timing.
comes out the individual is reassigned to another project. If Unit Publicists move up the career ladder by obtaining
the individual is freelancing, he or she is responsible to the more prestigious projects or finding positions in larger pub-
production company, studio, or network that hired him or lic relations or press agent firms.
her. If the Unit Publicist works for a publicity or public rela-
tions firm, he or she is responsible to a senior publicist, Education and Training
press agent, or one of the V.P.s of the company. Unit Publicists who work for public relations firms, press
There is a lot of stress in this type of job. The individual agents, or production companies are usually expected to
must constantly come up with creative ways to publicize the have at least a college background. Many positions require a
movie or television show. The Unit Publicist might also deal college degree. Good choices for majors include public rela-
with the pressure of tight deadlines, stars who don’t really tions, communications, journalism, English, and liberal arts.
want to participate in interviews, and interviewers who There is no educational requirement for those who work as
really don’t want to be doing the story. If the people in independent or freelance Unit Publicists. However, all indi-
charge are not satisfied with the kind of publicity received, viduals in this line of work benefit from seminars and courses
the amount of exposure, or the success of the project, the on publicity, public relations, or entertainment marketing.
Unit Publicist often is blamed.
On the other hand, Unit Publicists who end up with a hit
Experience, Skills, and Personality Traits
television show or film rarely get any personal recognition.
The Unit Publicist needs some sort of experience in either
The individual in this type of position must have a thick skin
publicity or entertainment. He or she should be creative and
and a lot of stamina to survive.
have the ability to come up with unique ideas and angles for
Salaries The individual in this position should be articulate,
Earnings for Unit Publicists can vary greatly. An individual aggressive, and personable. The ability to write well with an
who is working independently or freelancing or one with lit- interesting, factual style is necessary.
tle experience may be hired for a low-budget film and make A good phone manner is needed to arrange interviews
$350 to $500 a week. Another person working for a large and pitch stories to editors and talent coordinators. The indi-
public relations firm or an independent Unit Publicist who vidual should also be able to handle many projects at once
has proven him- or herself can earn up to $2,500 a week without getting flustered. The ability to deal with stress and
plus. pressure is needed.
Generally speaking, salary ranges depend on the experi-
ence the individual has, his or her track record, and the spe- Unions and Associations
cific project.
Unit Publicists may belong to any of a number of trade
associations that can help them professionally and put them
Employment Prospects together with others in their field. These include the Public
Employment prospects are poor for Unit Publicists. These Relations Society of America (PRSA) and the National
jobs are available, but only on a limited basis. It may seem Entertainment Journalists Association (NEJA).

Tips for Entry 4. Work as an intern at a local television or radio station.

1. Some of the larger entertainment public relations 5. Join trade associations and attend their meetings,
firms offer summer intern programs. Send your seminars, and conferences. This will help you make
résumé and a cover letter to the personnel department much-needed contacts.
to inquire. You might want to follow up with a phone 6. If you know people in the business, talk to them.
call a few days after your letter arrives. In this way, if Don’t be shy. See if they can help you set up an inter-
there isn’t a position, you might be able to create one. view. This is not the time to see if you can get a job
2. Get some experience actually doing publicity. Volun- without help. You’ll have to prove yourself once you
teer to do publicity for school or local concerts, plays, get the interview.
or theater groups.
3. Write reviews for local or school newspapers. This
will give you valuable writing experience.


Duties: Make the name of an entertainer, singer, musical

act, movie star, television star, or actor better known; Independent Press Agent
compile press kits; write press releases; arrange press
conferences; plot publicity campaigns

Alternate Title(s): Publicist

Press Agent
Salary Range: $23,000 to $150,000+

Employment Prospects: Fair

Advancement Prospects: Fair Press Agent Trainee

Best Geographical Location(s): New York, Los Angeles,

Hollywood, Chicago, Atlanta, Philadelphia, Washington,
and other large and culturally active cities offer the most

Education or Training—College degree in communica-
tions, journalism, English, advertising, marketing, or
public relations preferred
Experience—Newspaper or magazine reporter, journal-
ist, or critic experience helpful; experience in publicity or
public relations a plus
Special Skills and Personality Traits—Creative; good
writing skills; persuasive; ability to work under pressure;
knowledge of entertainment industry; aggressive

Position Description client will take and get the credit. If he or she fails, the Press
The basic duty of a Press Agent or publicist is to create Agent will often get the blame.
methods to make an entertainer’s name or an entertainment The Press Agent must be able to come up with creative
project better known. The best way to do this is to keep the campaigns for placing their clients in the public eye. This
entertainer or the project in the public eye as much as possi- might be done in any number of ways, including inducing
ble. The more popular and well known people and projects magazine and newspaper editors to do feature stories and
are in show business, the better. articles on their clients or scheduling television and/or radio
Press Agents may work with any type of entertainer, appearances. The Press Agent might or might not use some
including movie stars, television stars, actors, disc jockeys, type of advertising campaign that features their client. Press
radio commentators, models, comedians, singers, musi- Agents often create hype to gain notoriety for their client.
cians, or magicians. A Press Agent might also work with Hype is a supersaturation of publicity in the media used to
book authors, TV news people, sports figures, politicians, promote people and projects in the entertainment business.
and public speakers or with television shows, sports events, While publicity should technically always be true, hype
movies, or almost any type of special event. sometimes exaggerate facts.
The Press Agent should not have a big ego. Agents must Press Agents must write creative press releases that the
be willing to accept the fact that if a client is successful, the press will use. The successful Press Agent has the ability to

come up with a good hook or angle for a press release. The publicity firms, or other press agents. There are a fair num-
hook is what will draw attention to that particular press ber of jobs available for qualified individuals at PR firms
release while it sits on a desk with dozens of others. Press kits and publicity organizations. Positions at major television
consisting of press releases, biographies, pictures, reprints, and radio stations, film companies, and record companies
reviews, and articles must also be compiled by the agent. He are harder to come by. A Press Agent can also work as an
or she is responsible for sending the press kits—or media kits, independent, which means that he or she has to get his or
as they are sometimes known—to editors, TV and radio pro- her own clients. Press Agents working as independents usu-
ducers and talent coordinators, or column planters. The indi- ally have a proven track record with clients in order to get
vidual must know how to get through to these people in order other clients and be successful.
to place a client on television or radio, or to have feature arti-
cles written. The Press Agent must also have the ability to Advancement Prospects
work under the constant pressure of deadlines.
A Press Agent can advance his or her career by seeking
Press Agents are responsible for calling and arranging
opportunities to work with better, more famous clients. The
press conferences for their clients. The agent must know
interesting thing about advancement in this field is that it
what type of event is important enough to call a press con-
can happen at any time. For example, a Press Agent might
ference, how to put one together, and how to have the right
people attend. move up the ladder of success by working with a relatively
Often the media isn’t really interested in a client until he unknown client, such as a new actor on a TV pilot, that hits
or she is so well known that publicity will be self-generating. it big; or he or she might work with a client who lands a role
Some acts are so well known that every editor, television in an Emmy-winning movie. Anything can happen.
and radio show, journalist, and reporter wants an interview
or an appearance. In these cases the Press Agent must be Education and Training
selective and decide which opportunities are in the best Although there are exceptions, the most qualified person
interest of the client. For example, a well-known entertainer applying for the job will usually get it. While a Press Agent
would gain more media attention from an appearance on does not really need a college degree, it helps. Courses in
The Tonight Show than from a local morning talk show. communications, journalism, public relations, advertising,
The Press Agent might also have to act as the “bad guy” marketing, English, and business are helpful in honing the
to keep the press away from a client if he or she feels it skills necessary for the job. Seminars and courses in public-
would harm a client’s image to give interviews. The Press ity and promotion are also useful.
Agent might also turn down an interview if he or she feels it
would overexpose the client in the media.
Press Agents often attend press parties, dinners, lun- Experience, Skills, and Personality Traits
cheons, and other social events on a client’s behalf or to A Press Agent needs to be creative. The individual must be
make contacts. These contacts are important to the individ- able to come up with angles for clients’ press releases,
ual in promoting the client and in building a client list for media events, and feature stories. He or she must be articu-
the individual Press Agent or his or her company. late and a good writer in order to write press releases and to
A Press Agent is usually responsible directly to the persuade the media to use his or her ideas for articles and
client. He or she may also be responsible to the client’s appearances. The Press Agent must also be able to work
management representative. If the Press Agent works for a under the constant pressure not only of deadlines but also of
company, he or she answers to his or her supervisor or to the clients who feel that they are not getting the exposure that
owner or president of the company. they deserve.
In order for Press Agents to gain a good reputation
Salaries with reporters, journalists, producers, TV and radio peo-
Salaries for Press Agents depend on a number of different ple, they must be credible. Otherwise they will lose their
variables, including experience, type of client, and whether contacts.
the Agent is working for him- or herself, a radio station, a Press Agents often have prior experience as journalists,
television station, or an agency. The individual may also producers, reviewers, or talent coordinators.
work part-time for one or more clients.
A Press Agent may earn anywhere from $23,000 to Unions and Associations
$100,000. Press Agents working with major stars might Press Agents may belong to the Association of Theatrical
make $150,000 or more. Press Agents and Managers (ATPAM), the National Enter-
tainment Journalists Association (NEJA), or the Public
Employment Prospects Relations Society of America (PRSA). These organizations
Press Agents may work for public relations firms, television offer seminars, booklets, periodicals, and other helpful
stations, radio stations, record companies, film companies, information to those in the industry.

Tips for Entry 3. Work with a local television station, theater, or enter-
1. Some of the larger entertainment public relations tainer as an independent publicist to get some experi-
firms, record labels, and television stations have ence for yourself and for your résumé. At this level
internship programs. Most internships are low-paying you probably will have to work for a nominal fee.
or unpaid. 4. Work as a reviewer for your local newspaper or maga-
2. Prepare your résumé and samples of your writing zine entertainment section. This will help you build
(any published articles from school or local newspa- contacts.
pers or magazines, etc.). Send them to entertainment- 5. Volunteer to handle the publicity for a not-for-profit
oriented public relations companies in areas in which entertainment event. This will give you important
you are interested in working. experience for your résumé.



Duties: Assist a senior press agent in making an entertainer,

singer, musical act, movie star, television star, or actor Senior Press Agent
better known; compile press kits; write press releases;
arrange press conferences; do grind work for press agent

Alternate Title(s): Junior Publicist; Junior Press Agent;

Assistant Publicist; Assistant Press Agent Press Agent Trainee

Salary Range: $20,000 to $33,000+

Employment Prospects: Fair

Intern or Entry Level Position
Advancement Prospects: Fair

Best Geographical Location(s): New York, Los Angeles,

Hollywood, Chicago, Atlanta, Philadelphia, Washington,
or any large and culturally active city offer the greatest
number of opportunities.

Education or Training—College degree in communica-
tions, journalism, English, advertising, marketing, or
public relations preferred
Experience—Writing experience helpful; knowledge of
entertainment business useful not always necessary;
experience in publicity or public relations a plus
Special Skills and Personality Traits—Creative; good
writing skills; articulate; ability to work under pressure;

Position Description client directly. If he or she does come up with a concept, it is

The Press Agent Trainee (or junior publicist, as he or she usually discussed with the senior press agent in a private
might be known) assists the senior press agent in making an meeting.
entertainer’s name or an entertainment project better known. The Press Agent Trainee does a lot of the grind work
The entry level position is a good way to break into the for the press agent. He or she might type press releases,
entertainment business. calendar event sheets, and envelopes. The trainee is the
The Press Agent Trainee may work with any type of one who puts together the various parts of the press kits,
entertainer, including movie stars, television stars, actors, stapling, compiling, and placing information in press kit
disc jockeys, radio commentators, models, comedians, folders.
singers, musicians, and magicians, depending on whom the The Press Agent Trainee spends a lot of time on the
senior press agent is representing. He or she might also phone calling important press people on behalf of the senior
work with book authors, TV news people, sports figures, press agent and answering routine calls from the media.
politicians, public speakers, television shows, sports events, As the individual gets more experience he or she might
movies, and other special programs. begin writing press releases or a bio sheet on the client. At
He or she might sit in on a creative meeting with a client this point most of the writing will have to be checked by the
but will not usually contribute any campaign idea to the senior press agent before it goes out to the media.

With more experience the Press Agent Trainee will begin Advancement Prospects
to find hooks or angles for press releases. These are the As mentioned previously, a Press Agent Trainee’s position
ideas that make a press release exciting and capture the at times seems like that of a glorified secretary. Fortunately,
attention of editors and talent coordinators. though, the trainee phase does not last forever. If the indi-
The Press Agent Trainee learns how to plan press confer- vidual is lucky, he or she will soon have the experience nec-
ences. He or she addresses envelopes for invitations, makes essary to become a full-fledged publicist.
calls, learns who is to be invited and the correct time to hold Advancement can move in many directions for the Press
a conference, etc. During the press conference he or she Agent Trainee. He or she can become a senior press agent
gives press or media kits to the people attending, mingles, for a company or go out and locate clients on his or her own,
and makes sure everything is going according to schedule. working on a freelance basis. Advancement usually means a
At times the Press Agent Trainee will act as a buffer for dramatic rise in salary.
the press agent. For example, when the press agent is Press Agent Trainees who show a flair for publicizing
preparing to break a big story that he or she isn’t ready to let people and who are aggressive will move up the ladder of
the media in on yet, the trainee might answer the phones and success.
keep the media at bay.
The Press Agent Trainee usually has opportunities to
attend press parties, dinners, luncheons, and other social Education and Training
events with the press agent. These events help the trainee Although there are some successful press agents who
make important contacts that will help him or her meet peo- haven’t even finished high school, a college degree in busi-
ple in the media and in the industry. This is especially ness, marketing, advertising, English, journalism, liberal
important at this time in a trainee’s career. Contacts not only arts, etc. is usually required to get a job as a trainee. Any
help the individual do a better job at this stage but also assist course or seminar in public relations, publicity, or marketing
him or her in finding better jobs and/or potential clients. is also useful.
The Press Agent Trainee at this point often seems like a
glorified secretary. There is a lot of typing, envelope stuff-
Experience, Skills, and Personality Traits
ing, phone answering, keeping track of bills, and running
A Press Agent Trainee needs creativity. He or she must be
around involved. Eventually he or she begins writing
articulate and a good writer in order to develop press
releases, talking to clients, and doing more and more work
without supervision. releases and to persuade the media to use his or her ideas for
The Press Agent Trainee gets little recognition. He or she articles.
must accept this fact, much as a senior press agent does. The The Press Agent Trainee must work well under the con-
Press Agent Trainee is getting paid to keep someone else’s stant pressure not only of deadlines but also from the senior
name, image, or product in the public eye. When and if a press agent who is being put under pressure by his or her
press or publicity campaign works, the press agent won’t clients.
get much credit; the Press Agent Trainee will get even less. The Press Agent Trainee must be credible or the individ-
Worse than that, if the trainee does come up with a good ual will not build a list of contacts. In order to advance his
campaign idea, the senior press agent may take full credit. or her career, it is important for the Press Agent Trainee to
Ego cannot play a big part in the Press Agent Trainee’s life. be aggressive in a nonthreatening way. Press agents are
often concerned that the trainee will become too “capable”
and take their job.
Salaries for Press Agent Trainees are relatively low. It is
important to remember, though, that as the individual gains Unions and Associations
experience salaries go up. Press Agent Trainees may begin Press Agent Trainees do not have to belong to any union.
their career earning $20,000 and might go up to $33,000 or They may belong to trade associations that can put them in
more annually. contact with others in their field as well as providing profes-
sional guidance and support. These include the Association
of Theatrical Press Agents and Managers (ATPAM), the
Employment Prospects
Public Relations Society of American (PRSA) or its student
Press Agent Trainees may work in public relations firms, chapter, or the National Entertainment Journalists Associa-
television stations, radio stations, record companies, film
tion (NEJA).
companies, or publicity firms or for independent press
agents. While there are not unlimited numbers of jobs in this
field, an individual who is willing to work in any of the Tips for Entry
above media and is also willing to work in a major city will 1. Try to find an internship program. While most intern-
have a fair chance at finding employment. ships are low-paying or even nonpaying positions,

getting involved in one is a good idea. Once someone 3. Work as a reviewer for a local or school newspaper or
invests time in training, you are likely to remain with magazine entertainment section. This gives you
his or her company. Internships can be found at many needed experience and helps you build contacts.
of the larger entertainment public relations firms,
record labels, and television stations.
2. Work at a local television station, theater, or radio sta-
tion during the summer to gain some experience in
the entertainment industry.



Duties: Publicize Broadway and off-Broadway shows,

regional theater groups, etc.; compile press kits; write Theatrical Press Agent Working
press releases; arrange press conferences; develop pub- with More Prestigious Projects
licity and promotional campaigns

Alternate Title(s): Press Agent

Salary Range: Minimum $1,801.44 per week plus benefits Theatrical Press Agent
for a Broadway production.

Employment Prospects: Poor

Advancement Prospects: Fair Theatrical press Agent Apprentice

Best Geographical Location(s): New York, Hollywood,

and Los Angeles offer most opportunities; Chicago,
Atlanta, Philadelphia, Washington, or any large and cul-
turally active city may hold additional possibilities.

Education or Training—Three-year apprentice pro-
gram required
Experience—Experience in publicity or public relations
a plus
Special Skills and Personality Traits—Creative; inno-
vative; good writing skills; good communications skills;
ability to work under pressure; knowledge of entertain-
ment industry

Position Description paign. This might include putting together a press kit about
A Theatrical Press Agent works with theater productions the show, its actors and actresses, etc. The individual is
such as Broadway plays, off-Broadway shows, and regional responsible for getting information about the talent for biog-
theater groups. His or her main function is to publicize a raphies and fact sheets and arranging for photographs. He or
production in order to get it as much exposure as possible. she must talk to the talent, producer, and director to try to
This in turn makes people aware of the show and generates come up with unique details for press releases, interviews,
audiences. The individual develops various forms of public- and feature articles.
ity and promotion to put and keep the production in the pub- The individual is responsible for dealing with media. He
lic eye as often as possible. or she might arrange press conferences, press parties, open-
Much of the work of the Theatrical Press Agent is done ing-night parties, and media events. The Theatrical Press
even before a show has opened. During this time period the Agent may set up television and radio interviews with the
individual works on creating ideas, putting programs and stars on talk, variety, and news shows to help publicize the
concepts together, and developing preopening publicity. production. This exposure might include local, regional, and
The Theatrical Press Agent has many responsibilities. national programs.
Once he or she is hired to work on a production, the individ- The Theatrical Press Agent calls editors and reporters
ual is required to develop a publicity and promotional cam- with feature stories and article ideas. With luck and a good

idea the individual can obtain press coverage in print media of the year. They are usually hired for a specific theatrical
as well as on television and radio. project, and there is no way to tell how long each will last.
A successful Theatrical Press Agent uses every avenue It is important to note that these figures are minimums.
possible to obtain press coverage for his or her project. The Individuals who are in demand can command weekly
individual calls theater critics and reporters from newspa- salaries that are much higher.
pers, magazines, radio, and television. He or she may also
contact cooking editors, fashion editors, or financial edi- Employment Prospects
tors, offering interesting tie-in possibilities with the show
Employment prospects are poor for Theatrical Press Agents.
and its stars. For example, the individual may place an
To get into this profession, the individual must first appren-
actress on a television talk show cooking segment. The
tice with a press agent who is a member of the Association
Theatrical Press Agent may arrange for a financial reporter
of Theatrical Press Agents and Managers (ATPAM). This
to interview the financial backer of a successful play. The
apprenticeship takes three years to complete. During this
idea is to get as much publicity reaching as many different
time the Theatrical Press Agent must show talent, creativity,
people as possible.
and an aptitude for the profession.
If the show features well-known stars, the Theatrical Press
After becoming a member of ATPAM the individual will
Agent may take photos or arrange for a photographer to take
have to build a good reputation for him- or herself in order
pictures of the star attending a media event, party, or fund-
to be hired to do the job.
raiser. He or she may also pass information along to a televi-
sion, radio, or publication columnist about the celebrity.
He or she may develop and set up media events and pro- Advancement Prospects
motions to attract attention. The more creative and innova- Advancement prospects are fair for individuals who are
tive the promotion, the more publicity it will receive from good at their jobs, create a lot of excitement for theatrical
the media. productions in the media, and have built up their profes-
The Theatrical Press Agent is responsible for supervising sional reputations.
the advertising of the show. He or she may or may not work Theatrical Press Agents move up the career ladder by
with advertising agencies on this task. obtaining more prestigious projects to work on. These
It is the responsibility of the Theatrical Press Agent to include shows that are produced, directed, or written by
contact critics and other members of the media to invite famous producers, well-known directors, and established
them to show openings. The individual must find out who is authors, as well as shows that spotlight major stars.
coming ahead of time, arrange for tickets, assign seats, and Individuals who have placed their productions positively
have the appropriate press material on hand for distribution. in the eye of the public and have developed innovative pro-
The Theatrical Press Agent puts in long hours. He or she motions, creative publicity campaigns, and a good working
often starts early in the morning contacting media people, relationship with the media will be in demand.
writing press releases, or developing and implementing pub-
licity and promotional strategies. Late at night the individ- Education and Training
ual may still be hard at work. There are no educational requirements for the position of
Theatrical Press Agents work under a lot of pressure and Theatrical Press Agent. Individuals must, however, go
stress. There are constant deadlines to meet. They must con- through a three-year apprenticeship working with an
tinually come up with new, clever, creative, and innovative ATPAM member.
ideas to obtain publicity and promotion. There can be a lot of Those who are considering college should take courses
glamour working in the theatrical world. There is also a lot in writing, communications, journalism, public relations,
of hard work that must be done by a Theatrical Press Agent. advertising, marketing, English, theater arts, and business.
Seminars and courses in publicity and promotion are also
Salaries useful in honing skills.
Theatrical Press Agents belong to the Association of Theatri-
cal Press Agents and Managers, AFL-CIO (ATPAM), a bar- Experience, Skills, and Personality Traits
gaining union that negotiates salaries and working conditions. Theatrical Press Agents need to be creative, innovative peo-
As of November 2004, the minimum salaries allowed for ple. They should possess the ability to write well. A good
Theatrical Press Agents working on Broadway productions command of the English language, word usage, and spelling
were $1,801.44 per week plus 8.5 percent vacation pay. In is necessary. Individuals should be able to produce factual,
addition, individuals receive an 8 percent pension for a wel- accurate press releases, feature stories, and other materials
fare fund. with unique angles or hooks to catch the editor’s eye.
It is difficult to estimate earnings of Theatrical Press Theatrical Press Agents should be articulate and possess
Agents because these individuals may not work every week excellent communication skills. A good phone manner is

essential. Much of the press agent’s work will be done via Theatrical Press Agents might also belong to trade associ-
the telephone. ations, including the Public Relations Society of America
The ability to create excitement through unique publicity (PRSA). This organization offers seminars, booklets, period-
and promotional campaigns is imperative to the individual’s icals, and other helpful information to those in the industry.
success as a Theatrical Press Agent. A good working rela-
tionship with the press and media is helpful. Tips for Entry
The individual should be able to handle many details at
1. Get experience doing publicity and promotion for
once without getting flustered. He or she must also be able to
school productions or local theater groups.
deal with the stress and pressure that often come with the job.
2. Take courses in all facets of writing. Honing your
The Theatrical Press Agent will be working a lot of long,
skills now will help in the future.
hard hours. It is important that the individual have a real
3. Become a member of Public Relations Society of
love of his or her job.
America (PRSA). The organization offers student
membership. You will have the opportunity to attend
Unions and Associations seminars and conferences that will be helpful in learn-
As noted previously, the bargaining union of Theatrical ing skills.
Press Agents is the Association of Theatrical Press Agents 4. You must go through a three-year apprentice program
and Managers, AFL-CIO (ATPAM). This organization to become a Theatrical Press Agent. To do this, it is
negotiates and sets the minimum salary that can be paid to necessary to find an ATPAM member who will spon-
Theatrical Press Agents. It also sets standards for the profes- sor you. Contact the union if you have any questions
sion and provides a welfare fund for members. or to locate the closest branch office.



Duties: Assist senior press agent in publicizing and promot-

ing theatrical productions; learn techniques of the trade Theatrical press Agent

Alternate Title(s): Press Agent Apprentice

Salary Range: Minimum of $350 per week for first year of

apprenticeship Theatrical Press Agent Apprentice

Employment Prospects: Poor

Advancement Prospects: Good

Entry Level or Publicity Assistant
Best Geographical Location(s): New York, Hollywood, in Other Industry
and Los Angeles offer most opportunities; Chicago,
Atlanta, Philadelphia, Washington, or any large and cul-
turally active city may hold additional possibilities.

Education or Training—No educational requirement
Experience—Experience with publicity helpful
Special Skills and Personality Traits—Good verbal
communication skills; good writing skills; ability to han-
dle details; innovative; creative; aggressive; personable

Position Description and promoting theatrical productions such as Broadway and

The Theatrical Press Agent Apprentice is a full-time paid off-Broadway shows and regional theater.
assistant who works in the office of a senior theatrical press The Theatrical Press Agent Apprentice learns the tech-
agent. The individual helps the senior press agent to publi- niques of the profession. Everything he or she does is under
cize and promote theatrical productions in order to obtain as the strict supervision of the senior press agent. It is impor-
much exposure as possible. tant for the apprentice to work with an individual he or she
The individual works as an assistant for a three-year both likes and respects professionally. The two will be
period. During this time the individual works with one spe- spending many hours together. Much future success of the
cific press agent at a time. He or she may change employers apprentice is the result of the training received from his or
during the time of the apprenticeship; the employer, how- her superior.
ever, must be a certified union member of the Association of A great amount of the apprentice’s time is spent watch-
Theatrical Press Agents and Managers (ATPAM). ing the senior press agent do his or her job. As the appren-
When an individual decides to become a theatrical press tice monitors the mentor’s techniques, he or she finds that
agent, he or she applies to work with a senior theatrical many of the techniques used in publicity are similar. For
press agent who is a member of ATPAM. If the senior press example, every time the press agent arranges and runs a
agent feels that the applicant is dedicated to the profession, press conference he or she follows the same basic steps. The
he or she will sponsor the individual, who can then become press agent may create new promotions, but a location must
an Apprentice. always be chosen for the program, the media must be
The individual is a Theatrical Press Agent Apprentice for invited, and there has to be a reason to hold an event.
the next few years. He or she takes this time to learn every- The Theatrical Press Agent Apprentice learns how to
thing possible from the senior press agent about publicizing write a press release, put together a press or media kit, and

prepare biographies. At this point in the educational process sponsor him or her. He or she then works with the senior
the individual will just be learning. He or she might gather Theatrical Press Agent learning the ropes.
information for the senior press agent or check the accuracy While the union is recognized across the country and
of facts but probably won’t do much actual writing. As time through Canada, it is difficult to find jobs.
goes by in the apprenticeship the individual begins to write
simple press releases or bio copy. Advancement Prospects
The individual also learns how to stage media events. Advancement prospects are good for individuals who
This might include the development of ideas to attract media become Theatrical Press Agent Apprentices. He or she goes
attention as well as the implementation of actual events. The through a three-year program and learns as much as possible
apprentice assists with many of the details involved in the about performing the functions of the job. Those who make
running of these events. He or she may do a lot of the leg- it through the program and are creative, innovative, and
work, including reviewing the media guest list, checking to aggressive will become full-fledged Theatrical Press Agents.
make sure that press kits are compiled and brought to the
event location, or helping to greet media people.
Education and Training
The Theatrical Press Agent Apprentice learns to put press
There is no educational requirement for a Theatrical Press
lists together and may be responsible for making sure that
Agent Apprentice. The individual must go through a three-
names, addresses, and phone numbers are kept accurate. He
year apprentice program learning the skills of the trade.
or she may make calls on behalf of the senior press agent to Those who are considering college first, may want to
the media and others. The individual learns what types of take courses in public relations, writing, communications,
advertisements are most effective and when and where ads journalism, advertising, marketing, English, theater arts,
should be placed. and business.
The Theatrical Press Agent Apprentice does a lot of run-
ning around. He or she may deliver press kits, press
releases, photographs, etc. The individual might accompany Experience, Skills, and Personality Traits
one of the stars of the production to a press interview or tel- Individuals must have good communications skills to excel
evision appearance. in this position. They should be able to verbalize clearly,
On opening nights the Theatrical Press Agent Apprentice intelligently, and articulately. The ability to make and take
helps the senior press agent with his or her duties. The indi- phone calls and obtain correct information is essential.
vidual may call critics or reviewers to make sure that they will The Theatrical Press Agent Apprentice must have excel-
lent writing skills. He or she should be good at spelling,
attend, put names on seats so that the reviewers will know
word usage, and grammar. The ability to write clearly, accu-
where to sit, or pass out press kits and media information.
rately, and factually is important.
The Theatrical Press Agent Apprentice’s main function is
In order for the individual to succeed in the world of the-
to assist the senior press agent in every way while learning
atrical press agentry, he or she should be an innovative, cre-
everything the individual knows about publicizing and pro-
ative person, someone who can brainstorm and come up
moting theatrical productions. with unique ideas and concepts for publicity and promotion.
The Theatrical Press Agent Apprentice is responsible Individuals should be aggressive, persuasive, and able to
directly to the senior press agent. He or she works long get along well with others.
hours. This is not a nine-to-five job. After the apprenticeship
the individual will be ready to strike out on his or her own
and become a full-fledged theatrical press agent. Unions and Associations
Theatrical Press Agent Apprentices are members of the
Association of Theatrical Press Agents and Managers, AFL-
Salaries CIO (ATPAM). This is a bargaining union that negotiates
Minimum salaries for Theatrical Press Agent Apprentices and sets minimum salaries for members, sets standards for
are set by the bargaining union, the Association of Theatri- the profession, and provides a welfare fund for members.
cal Press Agents and Managers, AFL-CIO (ATPAM). Individuals may also belong to trade associations that offer
Currently, individuals receive a minimum of $350 per professional and educational guidance and other information.
week for the first year of their apprenticeship. The most prominent trade association for those working in
publicity is the Public Relations Society of America (PRSA).
Employment Prospects This organization also offers a student membership.
Employment prospects are extremely limited for a Theatri-
cal Press Agent Apprentice. To obtain this position an indi- Tips for Entry
vidual must first locate an Association of Theatrical Press 1. Contact the Association of Theatrical Press Agents
Agents and Managers union member who is willing to and Managers (ATPAM) to get information regarding

the union, branch offices, members who might spon- seminars, courses, literature, and professional guid-
sor you, and specifics about apprentice applications. ance. Look in the appendix for their address and
2. Get as much experience as you can ahead of time phone number.
doing publicity and promotion. If you’re in school, 5. You might consider getting a summer or part-time job
work on your school theater productions. If you are working in the administrative end of local theater
not, you might consider doing publicity for a local groups, summer stock, etc. This will give you a partial
theater group. understanding of the theater industry.
3. You might also want to take seminars in publicity, 6. You might also consider applying for a part-time or
promotion, and writing. These will help you learn the summer job as a journalist, critic, or reviewer for a
basics. local publication. This will help you hone your writ-
4. Join the Public Relations Society of America (PRSA) ing skills as well as giving you valuable experience.
or their student chapter to take advantage of their



Duties: Create public interest in team and players; create

publicity; prepare and write press releases, press kits, Professional Sports Publicist
informational sheets, and yearbooks; deal with media for More Prestigious Team
or for Individual Athlete
Alternate Title(s): Sports Publicist; Team Publicist; Publi-

Salary Range: $23,000 to $100,000+

Professional Sports Publicist
Employment Prospects: Poor

Advancement Prospects: Good

Best Geographical Location(s): Cities hosting profes- Sports Information Director

sional sports teams. or Sports Writer or Reporter
Education or Training—Four-year college degree
Experience—Sports writer or reporter or experience in
college sports information preferred
Special Skills and Personality Traits—Understanding
of the specific sport; public relations skills; good writing
skills; articulateness; ability to deal with media; energy;
ability to deal with many projects

Position Description and radio stations. On the professional level, the sports team
A Professional Sports Team Publicist has an interesting job. publicist works with local, regional, and national media.
The individual’s main function is to publicize a professional He or she must know sports editors and call to inform
team and its players. This creates public interest, which in them of new deals being made by the team, new players,
turn makes people want to attend games and fill up stadiums coaches, owners, and managers. The Professional Sports
and arenas. With the current interest in televised sports, Team Publicist frequently receives calls from the sports
increased popularity of a team or an athlete means that the media asking specific questions or requesting interviews
owner can get more money and better deals for televised with players, coaches, trainers, or management.
events. The Professional Sports Team Publicist (or team publicist,
The publicist in this field might work with professional as he or she might be called) is responsible for setting up
teams in any sport, including hockey, baseball, basketball, schedules of appearances for team members, coaches, man-
jai alai, soccer, football, etc. He or she might work with agement, and owners. This could be for paid appearances or
either major leagues or minor leagues. It is important that for appearances for nonprofit groups and charities. For
the individual have an understanding of the sport with example, a popular team member might be the national
which he or she works in order to be effective in the job. chairperson for an organization fighting teenage alcohol and
The professional sports industry is a major force in the drug abuse.
entertainment world. The Professional Sports Team Publi- Professional teams receive a lot of requests for public
cist works with the sports news media daily. The individual appearances by either individual athletes or the entire team.
deals with newspapers, magazines, and television, cable, The publicist must decide which appearances to accept and

which to decline. He or she must then write courteous letters Earnings also depend on the individual’s experience level
of regret with explanations for those requests that were not and responsibilities.
The team publicist arranges guest appearances on televi- Employment Prospects
sion and radio talk, variety, news, and sports shows for team
Employment prospects are poor for Professional Sports
members, as well as print interviews. He or she also devel-
Team Publicists. There are a limited number of sports teams
ops feature story ideas for both sports editors and the gen-
to promote in the country, and competition for these jobs is
eral media.
The publicist must know everything that is happening,
There are some teams that have a Professional Sports
including dates of games, scores, and players’ injuries. The Team Publicist and an assistant publicist or a number of
individual prepares press releases on a regular basis. During assistants. Individuals may have more luck finding jobs in
times when major events are occurring within the team, he the minor leagues and with less well-known teams.
or she may write releases more frequently. These releases
are sent to sports media from a prepared media list.
The individual also prepares statistical information Advancement Prospects
sheets, injury data, etc. regularly. He or she is responsible Advancement prospects for Professional Sports Team Publi-
for interviewing players, managers, coaches, and owners to cists are good once an individual has held a job in this pro-
obtain information for biographies, team yearbooks, press fession. The team publicist may go on to work for another
kits, and game programs. team in the sports industry or an individual athlete or may
The sports publicist arranges and conducts press confer- go into sports marketing and endorsements. The individual
ences. Major leagues usually hold more conferences than might also start his or her own public relations or publicity
minor leagues. The individual may present press confer- company or find a job in a top agency. He or she might
ences weekly, or even more frequently if there is a major become a press agent for people in other facets of the enter-
event taking place (such as a major trade or the signing of a tainment industry.
popular athlete). An individual may work for a team that isn’t very well
The sports publicist is available to the media at games as known or doesn’t have a lot of prestige, and overnight things
well as at practice sessions. He or she must arrange for press can change. A team’s popularity in sports is often measured
passes, press credentials, and seating for members of the by its ratings. A team can win unexpectedly and all of a sud-
media. The individual also arranges locker-room interviews. den it becomes popular, making the publicist position even
He or she is responsible for passing out press kits, biogra- more valuable.
phies, and releases to press people.
If the team is traveling to another city, the sports publicist Education and Training
gets on the phone calling media in that city, arranging inter- The team publicist is usually required to hold a four-year
views, appearances, and press conferences. The Sports Pub- college degree. The exception to this is a former profes-
licist might travel to the city ahead of time and take care of sional athlete who has an understanding of sports, public
these tasks in person. In this manner he or she gets to know relations, and publicity from working in the industry.
the sports press in other cities. The Professional Sports Team Publicist may find courses
The individual in this job frequently socializes with and seminars in public relations, publicity, marketing, jour-
sports writers and reporters. He or she attends sports-related nalism, English, writing, media exposure, sports studies,
functions as well as social functions on behalf of the team. and physical education useful.
The sports publicist is always looking for a way to publicize
his or her team and its members.
Experience, Skills, and Personality Traits
The sports publicist works long hours and many week-
Professional Sports Team Publicists usually have had previ-
ends. Activities sometimes slow down slightly during the
ous experience with the media. They often were sports writ-
off-season for the sport. The individual in this position is
ers or reporters themselves. Some individuals in this
responsible to the team owners.
position worked as college sports information directors
before holding down a job in professional sports.
Salaries The team publicist must have a total understanding of the
Salaries vary from job to job depending on the team the sport, the players, and the industry. He or she must also have
individual works for. Salaries can range from $23,000 to a full working knowledge of how to use public relations and
$100,000 plus. publicity tactics to promote the team. The individual should
Variables include the sport, the type of league the indi- be a good writer with the ability to turn out factual, concise,
vidual works with, and the team’s popularity and success. and interesting press releases, biographies, and yearbooks.

The ability to communicate well and speak articulately is Tips for Entry
essential. The individual must be comfortable speaking to 1. Consider a summer or part-time job as a sports
large groups. He or she may often conduct press conferences. reporter for a local newspaper.
The team publicist should be personable. Sports writers 2. Work on your school newspaper. It is important to
and reporters must like the individual and feel, comfortable gain as much experience as possible writing.
talking to him or her. A good working relationship between 3. Work in a college sports information office as an
the team publicist and the sports media is necessary. assistant, aide, etc. This will give you a good
The individual must be energetic. He or she must be able overview of the job on an amateur level.
to work long hours, handle many details, and work on a lot 4. The Professional Sports Team Publicist often has a
of different projects at one time. number of assistants or trainees working with him or
her doing the legwork and clerical work. Try to locate
Unions and Associations one of these positions.
The Professional Sports Team Publicist does not belong to 5. An internship or summer job in the sports department
any union. However, he or she may belong to any of a num- of a local television station would also prove helpful.
ber of trade associations, including the National Sportscast- You could learn how sports reporters work and make
ers and Sportswriters Association (NSSA), the Public some valuable contacts.
Relations Society of America (PRSA), and the National 6. Make sure you look on the Web sites of professional
Federation of Press Women (NFPW). sport teams. Many list employment opportunities.


Duties: Publicize hotel; write press releases and compile

press kits; deal with guest problems Marketing Director or Sales Director

Alternate Title(s): Hotel Public Relations Specialist; Hotel

PR Rep, Public Relations Director

Salary Range: $24,000 to $65,000+ Hotel Publicist

Employment Prospects: Fair

Advancement Prospects: Fair

Guest Relations Representative,
Best Geographical Location(s): Any location may have Hotel Salesperson, or PR
opportunities; New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Atlanta, or Journalism Position in Other Field
the Catskills, Poconos, Adirondacks, and any other vaca-
tion or resort area may hold additional opportunities.

Education or Training—A bachelor’s degree with major
in communications, journalism, public relations, English,
or liberal arts is required. A master’s degree is helpful;
seminars and workshops in publicity and PR are useful.
Experience—Experience in public relations, publicity,
sales, travel, or the hospitality industry needed
Special Skills and Personality Traits—Ability to write
and communicate well; outgoing; assertive; creative;
ability to deal with stress

Position Description hotel and any special events and promotions that take place
A Hotel Publicist can work in an independent hotel or for a there. One of the main duties of the publicist is to develop
hotel in a major chain. Individuals might work in resorts, and put together press kits on the facility. He or she is
health spas, meeting complexes, or convention hotels. The responsible for sending press kits and press releases to var-
individual working in this situation has varied duties. The ious media. The individual must compile media lists for the
major responsibility, however, is to publicize the facility. general trade as well as for those specific to the type of
One of the duties of the Hotel Publicist is to develop and facility. For instance, if the hotel is a health spa, the publi-
write stock press releases on the hotel. He or she must also cist sends information to health publications, travel publi-
write press or news releases on special events and promo- cations, or women’s magazines as well as to the general
tions of the facility. For example, the hotel might host a press.
beauty contest or a nationally televised golf tournament. In The Hotel Publicist should have a good working relation-
order to get the most publicity from the event, the publicist ship with news editors for print, television, cable, and radio.
writes press releases and distributes them to the media. The It is also beneficial for him or her to develop a relationship
individual is also responsible for putting together fact sheets with television and radio producers, guest coordinators, and
about the facility. print feature editors. He or she will then be in a better posi-
The publicist working in a hotel setting may be respon- tion to have stories placed in print, guests placed on talk and
sible for taking photographs or arranging for photos of the variety shows, and feature stories published.

The Hotel Publicist also works extensively with travel Salaries

agents. He or she may set up “FAM” or familiarization pro- Salaries for Hotel Publicists vary greatly depending on the
grams so that travel agents can visit the hotel, use its facili- experience and duties of the individual. Salaries also depend
ties, and, it is hoped, recommend the hotel to their clients. A on the size, location, and prestige of the facility.
lot of work for the FAM program is preparatory. The Publi- Salaries can start out at $24,000 to $30,000 for beginners.
cist must contact agents and find people who are willing to With more experience earnings can go to $65,000 or more.
come during the specific time period of the program. He or
she must work with other departments in the hotel securing
a block of good rooms and planning activities, parties, din- Employment Prospects
ners, etc. During these FAM programs the publicist is busy Employment prospects for publicists in hotels are fair. Indi-
paying full attention to the agents. He or she may conduct viduals may find employment at large hotels, hotel chains,
tours or on-site inspections, answer questions, and attend resorts, health spas, meeting complexes, or convention hotels.
cocktail parties or dinners with the agents. While there are considerable numbers of facilities, not all
The Hotel Publicist may work with chairpeople of con- employ on-staff publicists. Many use the services of inde-
vention groups, helping them publicize their meetings. pendent public relations firms instead.
Depending on the size and location of the hotel, the pub-
licist may work with a “column planter” or gossip colum- Advancement Prospects
nist. Through this person he or she can often place the name Advancement prospects for Hotel Publicists are fair. Indi-
of the hotel in newspaper or magazine articles. Often the viduals can advance by moving to a position in a bigger or
column planter works with the Hotel Publicist because more prestigious facility. Others move up the career ladder
celebrities frequently vacation there. by becoming hotel marketing or sales directors. Still others
While the Hotel Publicist may publicize the fact that join public relations firms or strike out on their own as inde-
celebrities are vacationing at the hotel, he or she must often pendent publicists and public relations professionals.
try to keep the fact quiet. In certain instances the Hotel Pub-
licist works with the celebrity’s own publicist to keep vaca-
tion plans secret. Education and Training
Often hotels have celebrity entertainers in their show- Hotel Publicists should have a college degree. Majors might
rooms or nightclubs. The Hotel Publicist may be asked to include journalism, communications, public relations, Eng-
publicize an event to help bring in bookings or just to get lish, or liberal arts. A master’s degree may be helpful in
some publicity for the hotel. The Hotel PR person may also obtaining a position or moving up the career ladder.
work in conjunction with a celebrity’s PR people, helping Seminars and workshops in publicity and public relations
them to do their job. might also be helpful.
The publicist working in a hotel deals with a good num-
ber of travel editors. He or she may be asked to entertain Experience, Skills, and Personality Traits
such individuals, taking them to dinner or on tours and dis- Publicists working at hotels should enjoy working with the
cussing the hotel’s high points. The individual may be public. Individuals should be outgoing, aggressive, articu-
responsible for the development of special events and pro- late, and personable. The publicist should be creative
motions to help promote the property. He or she may also be enough to come up with angles for press releases, media
in charge of implementing events, including supervising events, and feature stories. A good writing style is a must.
people who help put the idea into action. Publicists must also have the ability to deal well with the
Hotel Publicists may also handle public relations prob- pressure and stress of deadlines.
lems that occur in the hotel. This might include anything
Many publicists working in hotels began their careers in
from problems guests have at the hotel to dealing with the
the hotels’ sales departments. Others worked in guest rela-
press in case of an emergency at the hotel.
tions. Still others worked in public relations or journalism in
There is a fair amount of stress that goes with this job as
an unrelated field.
a result of deadlines, items out of the individual’s control,
and hotel management who believe they should be getting
more and better publicity. Work hours can be long for the Unions and Associations
Hotel Publicist. On the other hand, many individuals feel Publicists working for hotels may belong to any of a number
that in this position they get a lot of experience in different of trade associations. One of the major organizations is the
aspects of publicity and public relations that they might not Hotel Sales and Marketing Association International
get in other PR work. They also enjoy meeting and mixing (HSMA). Another is the Public Relations Society of Amer-
with people and can deal with unexpected problems that ica (PRSA). This organization offers seminars, periodicals,
arise in the course of a day. and other information to those in the industry.

Tips for Entry 4. There are employment agencies that deal specifically
1. Contact the head offices of major hotel chains. They in either the public relations field or the hotel field.
can tell you where to send résumés. They also may 5. Stop by human resources departments of hotels to
have training programs available. inquire about job openings.
2. Openings can often be located in the classified section 6. Check out hotel Web sites. Many list employment
of Sunday newspapers. Look under the heading clas- openings.
sifications of “Public Relations” or “Hotels.” 7. You might also look for openings on some of the
3. Public relations journals and periodicals often have more popular employment Web sites such as www.
openings advertised in their job mart sections. and



Duties: Create and direct promotional and public relations

efforts of county, city, state, or other regional area; direct Director of Public Information
“FAM” programs; coordinate efforts of business and in Larger, More Prestigious Area
community groups trying to promote their products and

Alternate Title(s): Publicity Director; Public Information

Specialist Director of Public Information,
Tourism and Development
Salary Range: $25,000 to $125,000+

Employment Prospects: Fair

Advancement Prospects: Fair Public Information Assistant

or Publicity, Public Relations,
Best Geographical Location(s): All locations may offer or Journalism Position
employment possibilities.

Education or Training—Four-year college degree
Experience—Experience in publicity, public relations,
or journalism
Special Skills and Personality Traits—Enthusiasm;
good writing skills; understanding of tourism industry;
flexibility; communication skills; public speaking ability

Position Description are attempting to promote their products and services to

Most counties, cities, and states in the country constantly those in and outside of the immediate area.
strive to bring in more residents, tourists, visitors, vacation- A portion of the job involves writing press releases and
ers, businesses, conventions, and events. To do this, local feature stories that feature the area and its resources. The
government, chambers of commerce, or other organizations Director might also arrange for editors, reporters, and pro-
create departments or offices of tourism or economic devel- ducers from print and broadcast media to visit the area to
opment. Within these offices or departments the Director of write articles or produce televised features.
Public Information is responsible for creating and directing The Director of Public Information develops familiariza-
promotional and public relations efforts. tion programs and tours for media people. Editors, reporters,
The Director of Public Information must design and photographers, and television producers are invited to an
develop public relations campaigns and programs to area for a short period of time. During this period they are
enhance the public image of the specific area. The individ- guests of the tourism department. The transportation,
ual may work with an advertising or public relations agency accommodations, meals, and entertainment are generally
in order to accomplish this. paid for by the area’s tourism or development department.
The director is responsible for coordinating the efforts of The program might be cosponsored by area attractions and
community groups, organizations, and local businesses that businesses that will pay a share of the costs. These programs

bring media people into the area, showing them the attrac- tion spots may earn between $40,000 and $100,000. There
tions available. The desired end result of familiarization are some individuals in this industry who are earning over
programs is for the editors to write positive articles about $125,000 annually.
the area and its attractions.
The same types of programs are often conducted for Employment Prospects
business leaders interested in learning about the opportuni-
Employment prospects are fair and growing for those aspir-
ties available in a specific area or for travel agents who want
ing to be in this field. Possibilities exist throughout the
to know more about the area’s tourism attractions, hotels,
country. Jobs may be located in the tourism or economic
and restaurants.
development departments of villages, cities, counties,
The director often leads the tours, meeting with people, regions, or states.
telling them about the area, and making them feel comfort- Individuals may have to relocate if a position is open in a
able. The individual may design and offer token gifts with specific area. A good point to note about this type of job is
the area name or logo emblazoned on them for souvenirs. that if the individual does have to relocate for any reason, he
One of the responsibilities of the Director of Public Infor- or she can usually find a similar position anyplace in the
mation in tourism and development is to represent the area at country.
trade fairs and business and tourism shows. The individual
may be required to develop an appropriate booth, set it up,
and be on hand to talk to show participants and visitors. Advancement Prospects
The Director of Public Information in tourism and devel- Advancement prospects are fair for Directors of Public
opment must develop and create brochures, advertisements, Information working in tourism and development. There are
and sales pieces to be used to lure business and tourism to many paths for the individual to take to advance his or her
the area. The individual may work with a graphic designer, career. He or she may become a director of economic devel-
artist, and copywriter or may perform these tasks alone, opment or may find a position as a Director of Public Infor-
depending on his or her abilities and qualifications. mation in a larger, more prestigious area.
The position requires that the individual represent the The individual might also advance his or her career by
area and the specific department at special functions, events, locating a position in a public relations agency or by work-
and programs. These activities could include dinners, fund- ing as the director of public relations or marketing in a
raising events, political functions, or area special events. larger corporation.
He or she will be expected to respond to requests for
information by phone or to make sure that brochures, pam- Education and Training
phlets, leaflets, and other promotional and marketing mate- The Director of Public Information working in tourism and
rials are sent. economic development is required to hold a four-year col-
Depending on the size and structure of the department, lege degree. Good choices for majors include public rela-
the individual may be required to train employees and tions, travel and tourism, marketing, communications,
administer the entire public information office. English, and liberal arts.
The Director of Public Information works long hours. He Seminars on various facets of tourism, writing, public
or she is frequently expected to attend functions, events, and relations, and publicity will be useful for both making pro-
trade shows after hours or on weekends. There may be fessional contacts and honing skills.
extensive travel required.
The individual in this position may be responsible to the
Experience, Skills, and Personality Traits
director of economic development of the area or to the
chairperson or president of the board that did the hiring. The Director of Public Information must be a confident,
articulate individual with good communication skills. He or
she should be comfortable speaking in front of large groups
Salaries of people.
Annual earnings for this position vary greatly from job to The individual should be capable of writing a variety of
job. There are individuals earning $25,000 annually in this different types of materials, from speeches and press
position and those earning $125,000 plus. Variables include releases to promotional literature. He or she must write
the size and location of the area being promoted, its budget, clearly, factually, and creatively, with a sense of style. The
and the qualifications, experience, and responsibilities of director should have a good command of the English lan-
the individual. guage, word usage, spelling, and grammar.
Generally, the smaller the area, the lower the salary. Indi- The Director of Public Information must have an under-
viduals working for villages may earn between $25,000 and standing of the tourism industry and know the area in which
$35,000. Those working for large counties, cities, or vaca- he or she is functioning. This is necessary in order to create

and develop effective publicity, public relations, and promo- Tips for Entry
tions to draw people to the area. 1. You should consider working as an assistant or in a
The individual should have a complete working knowl- clerical position in the publicity or public information
edge of the skills of public relations. He or she must know office of a city, state, county, or other region.
how to prepare press releases, reach the media, arrange 2. Larger areas may offer training programs or intern-
press conferences, and create and develop promotions and ships in the public information office. Write or call
public relations campaigns. The individual should be flexi- and ask. If an area does not offer this type of program,
ble so that if something unexpected occurs in an area, he or see if you can create such a position. The hands-on
she can deal with it. learning experience will be valuable to you when try-
The director should be persuasive and aggressive while ing to land a job.
being personable. Depending on the size of the department 3. Publicity or journalism experience is important in this
and the situation, the individual may need supervisory field. Look for summer or part-time jobs working at
skills. newspapers or publications or in publicity or public
relations positions.
Unions and Associations 4. Jobs for public information directors in tourism and
The Director of Public Information working in tourism and development are usually advertised in the newspaper.
development may belong to the American Federation of Look in the classified sections under heading classifi-
State, County & Municipal Employees (AFSCME) or a cations of “Tourism,” “Public Information,” “Public
similar union. The individual may be a member of any of a Relations,” “Publicity,” or “Economic Development.”
number of different trade associations, including the Public Jobs might also be under the name of the area, village,
Relations Society of America (PRSA), International Associ- county, city, or state where you are looking for oppor-
ation of Business Communications (IABC), the Association tunities; for example, “Orange County” or “New York
for Women In Communications (AWC), and the National State.”
Federation of Press Women (NFPW). 5. Job openings are also advertised in trade journals. Get
Individuals might also belong to the National Associa- a short-term subscription to keep up on trends and
tion of Counties Information Officers (NACIO), the learn about job possibilities.
National Tour Association (NTA), or the Association of 6. Don’t forget to check out employment opportunities
Travel Marketing Executives (ATME). online.



Duties: Assist in the development of advertising campaigns

and individual promotional ads for hotel; develop annual Hotel Advertising Manager
advertising budget; create advertisements

Alternate Title(s): Ad Assistant

Salary Range: $23,000 to $35,000+ Hotel Advertising Assistant

Employment Prospects: Fair

Advancement Prospects: Fair

Entry Level
Best Geographical Location(s): Any location may have
opportunities; New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Atlanta,
the Catskills, Poconos, Adirondacks, and any vacation or
resort area may hold additional opportunities.

Education or Training—Bachelor’s degree with major
in advertising, communications, public relations, or lib-
eral arts preferred
Experience—Experience in advertising helpful but not
always required
Special Skills and Personality Traits—Knowledge of
copywriting and graphics; understanding of hospitality
industry; creative; aggressive; ability to deal with stress

Position Description media. Research must also be conducted on the demograph-

An advertising assistant works in a hotel or motel setting ics, audience, and effectiveness of the media. The advertis-
with the facility’s advertising manager or advertising ing assistant may develop a questionnaire to help determine
agency. Individuals might work in an independent hotel or which of the hotel’s current advertising programs are most
in a specific hotel of a major chain, or at a resort, health spa, effective.
meeting complex, or convention hotel. The advertising assistant is responsible for calling or
Duties of the individual vary depending on the size of the writing to the media in order to obtain their current rate
facility and the number of people in the advertising depart- cards, discount cards, and demographic information sheets.
ment. Responsibilities also differ if the hotel is using the He or she must become familiar with reading, deciphering,
services of an outside advertising agency. In either situation and remembering this information in order to write a budget
the Hotel Advertising Assistant’s main function is to assist projection.
either the advertising manager or the advertising agency in If the hotel is working with an advertising agency, the
developing effective advertising for the markets the hotel assistant acts as a liaison between the hotel management
must reach. and the agency about the type of business they want to
One of the more important responsibilities of the Hotel attract consumers, salespeople, or conventions. If no ad
Advertising Assistant is to help develop the advertising agency is involved, the individual helps lay out and develop
budget for the following year. To do this, he or she will have advertising programs for the facility that will attract the
to do extensive research on advertising rates in the various desired type of business.

If the hotel is not using an advertising agency, and one of these departments is working on a special campaign,
depending on the size and structure of the facility’s advertis- the Advertising Assistant may be asked to come up with the
ing department, the individual may be involved in the copy- appropriate advertising to supplement the public relations
writing, graphics, and audiovisual components of the actual and marketing project.
advertising. In other situations the advertising assistant may An advertising assistant working in a hotel setting usu-
farm out these duties to freelance copywriters, graphic ally works normal business hours. There can be a fair
artists, or producers. amount of stress in this position due to tight deadlines,
The advertising assistant may be responsible for creating advertising campaigns that might not reach the expectations
any or all of the advertising themes for the hotel. In doing of hotel management, and the strain of having to continually
this, he or she tries to incorporate information about the come up with creative ideas.
facilities and services found at the location, such as swim- Depending on the structure of the hotel, the advertising
ming pools, ice skating rinks, health clubs, tennis courts, assistant could be responsible to the hotel management or
convention centers, and concierge floors. owner, the advertising director (if there is one), or the direc-
Depending on the size and structure of the facility, the tor of marketing or public relations.
individual may be responsible for taking photos or supervis-
ing the photography for hotel advertising pieces, brochures, Salaries
and sales and promotional pieces. In this capacity the indi-
Salaries for this position can range from $23,000 to $35,000
vidual may also be responsible for having releases signed by
or more yearly plus fringe benefit packages. Annual earn-
guests or models who are used in advertising photos. Even
ings will vary depending on a number of factors. These
if the hotel is using an ad agency the Assistant is usually on
include the size and location of the hotel and the responsi-
hand to make sure things go smoothly.
bilities of the individual. If the Assistant is working in a sit-
The advertising assistant is responsible for developing or
uation where there is an out-of-house advertising agency, he
assisting in the development of advertising campaigns for
or she usually earns considerably less than an individual
the consumer market and the media. He or she may come up
working with an in-house advertising department.
with the concept or may just do the research on the type of
ad that will attract consumers. The individual also helps
decide where to place advertisements. He or she helps deter- Employment Prospects
mine if local, regional, or national advertising will be used. Employment prospects are fair for those seeking employ-
Decisions must also be made on whether to use magazines, ment as advertising assistants in the hospitality field. While
newspapers, billboards, television, or radio. If the hotel is there are considerable numbers of facilities, not all use in-
part of a national chain, the individual may work with the house advertising departments. Many use the services of
corporate headquarters when local specials, restaurant pack- independent advertising agencies instead.
ages, or entertainment are advertised. Individuals may find positions in independent motels or
The assistant must make sure that ads are prepared prop- hotels, major chains, resorts, health spas, meeting com-
erly and delivered on time to the correct media. He or she plexes, convention hotels, etc.
may also be responsible for keeping track of billing and Opportunities may be located in major cities as well as in
other records. The individual may audit advertisements by vacation and resort areas such as Aspen, Key West, or the
tracking tear sheets as well as copies of audio and video Adirondacks.
Another important function of the advertising assistant Advancement Prospects
working in a hotel setting is to assist in the development of
Advancement prospects are fair for advertising assistants
travel agency sales pieces. In order to continue to build busi-
working in the hotel field. Individuals may climb the career
ness it is necessary for the individual to come up with inter-
ladder by becoming hotel advertising directors or managers.
esting, innovative sales pieces for travel agents to show to
Other possibilities for advancement include becoming the
their clients. The assistant also works on the development of
director of public relations, marketing, or sales at a hotel or
advertising campaigns for the travel agency market and its
locating a position as an account executive in an advertising
media. He or she might write sales letters directed to travel
agency specializing in accounts in the hospitality industry.
agencies, trying to pique their interest in selling the hotel’s
The Hotel Advertising Assistant may help develop con- Education and Training
vention and group market advertising campaigns and write A college degree is almost always required for a position as
sales letters directed to convention groups. an advertising assistant working in a hotel. Good choices for
The Hotel Advertising Assistant works with and supports majors include advertising, public relations, communica-
all of the hotel’s public relations and marketing efforts. If tions, business, hospitality, or liberal arts.

Experience, Skills, and Personality Traits Tips for Entry

People working as advertising assistants need to be creative. 1. Choose an area in which you would like to live and
They will have to come up with ideas for ad campaigns and work and write to the county publicity or tourism
individual advertisements. The individual should have office asking for a list of hotels and resorts. Send your
knowledge of how an ad is put together, graphics, and copy- résumé and a cover letter to the personnel director of
writing. The ability to read and understand rate cards is nec- the facility. Try to obtain his or her name by calling
essary. the hotel before sending the letter.
Individuals also need to be aggressive and articulate. 2. These positions are often advertised in the classified
Everyone working in every sector of the hospitality field section of newspapers. Look under the heading classi-
should be personable and like people. fications of “Advertising,” “Hotels,” “Motels,” “Hos-
pitality,” “Spas,” or “Convention Center.”
3. Many larger hotels and hotel chains offer internship
programs. Write to their corporate headquarters to
Unions and Associations inquire. You can find corporate headquarter phone
There are a variety of trade associations to which advertis- numbers and addresses by calling the toll-free reser-
ing assistants working in the hotel field might belong. These vation phone number and asking.
include the Hotel Sales and Marketing Association 4. There are employment agencies that deal specifically
(HSMA), the Public Relations Society of America (PRSA), with the hotel and hospitality field. Keep in mind that
the American Advertising Federation (AAF), and the Direct if you use one of these agencies to help you find a job,
Marketing Association (DMA). These organizations offer there may be a fee.
helpful seminars, conferences, and publications to those in 5. Don’t forget to check out hotel Web sites to see if they
the field. have employment opportunities listed.



Duties: Publicize and promote nightclub or restaurant;

write press releases, feature stories, and articles; deal Nightclub or Restaurant
with public relations problems Marketing Director

Alternate Title(s): Publicist; PR Person; PR Specialist; PR

Rep; PR Representative; Public Relations Director

Salary Range: $24,000 to $65,000+ Nightclub or Restaurant Publicist

Employment Prospects: Fair

Advancement Prospects: Fair

Public Relations
Best Geographical Location(s): Large cities will offer or Journalism Position
more opportunities. in Other Field or Entry Level
Education or Training—Bachelor’s degree in commu-
nications, public relations, journalism, English, or liberal
Experience—Experience in public relations, publicity,
journalism, the entertainment industry, and/or the food
industry helpful
Special Skills and Personality Traits—Outgoing;
aggressive; creative; good writing skills

Position Description The publicist compiles press kits on the club or restau-
Publicists interested in working in an area close to the enter- rant. He or she sends these press kits and press releases to
tainment field can go into nightclubs and restaurants. People various media. The individual must put together the media
working in these environments are on the fringe of the lists for the general trade as well as for those specific to the
entertainment industry. Depending on the place, the Publi- facility. For example, if the publicist is working in a night-
cist may work directly with entertainers or may just work in club, he or she would need to have music and entertainment
facilities that entertain others. columnists, editors, and radio personnel on his or her list. If
The individual working in this situation has varied the publicist is working for a gourmet restaurant, he or she
duties. The person is responsible for publicizing and pro- would need food and wine editors and critics on the media
moting the restaurant or club in every conceivable way. list. The individual should also have a good working rela-
Whether the publicist is working for a nightclub or tionship with news editors for the print trade as well as tel-
restaurant, he or she is responsible for developing and writ- evision, cable, and radio. It is also beneficial to the
ing press releases. He or she must know how to write stock publicist to develop good working relationships with televi-
releases for press kits as well as releases about special sion and radio producers, guest coordinators, and print fea-
events and promotions of the facility. Other writing duties ture editors. He or she will then be in a better position to
may include the writing of fact sheets about the club or have stories placed.
restaurant, weekly or monthly “event” memos, calendars, The publicist working in a club or restaurant may be
reports to owners and/or managers on the success of pro- responsible for the advertising campaign of the venue.
grams, feature stories and articles, and so on. Depending on the size and organization of the facility, the

individual might write ad copy, design ads, decide where to Advancement Prospects
place advertisements, and/or put together advertising budgets. Advancement prospects for individuals working in night-
Publicists might also be responsible for developing pro- clubs and restaurants are fair. Individuals can advance by
motional ideas to bring the facility additional business. For moving to a position in a bigger or more prestigious facility.
instance, a publicist working in a club might designate non- Some individuals move into the position of marketing direc-
alcoholic nights for those too young to drink or may come up tor. Others move up the career ladder by joining public rela-
with wine-tasting evenings in conjunction with local winer- tions firms or striking out on their own as independent
ies. Those working for restaurants may design monthly gour- publicists or public relations professionals.
met dinner extravaganzas or coupon specials.
Another of the duties of the publicist is to deal with day-to-
day public relations problems. If a patron is not happy because Education and Training
of bad food, bad service, or any other unpleasant occurrence, it Nightclub or Restaurant Publicists should have a college
is up to the publicist to try to smooth things over. He or she degree. Majors might include journalism, communications,
may write an apology note on behalf of the facility or might public relations, English, or liberal arts.
offer the patron a free meal or a bottle of wine. Seminars and workshops in publicity and public relations
The publicist may also have marketing duties. He or she might also be helpful.
could additionally be responsible for getting groups or pri-
vate parties to use the facility.
The publicist may work with gossip columnists in order Experience, Skills, and Personality Traits
to get the name of the club or restaurant in newspaper or Publicists working in nightclubs or restaurants should enjoy
magazine articles and entertainment pieces on television in working with the public. Individuals should be outgoing,
conjunction with celebrities who frequent the facility. aggressive, and personable. The publicist should be creative
If the individual is working in a nightclub setting where and well-spoken and have good writing skills. Publicists
there is live entertainment, he or she may publicize the vari- working in this field should also have a basic knowledge of
ous entertainers who will be appearing through press the entertainment industry and/or the food industry.
releases. The publicist may also set up guest spots on televi-
sion and/or radio programs in the area to publicize an act’s
Unions and Associations
appearance at the venue. Publicists may also work with a
Publicists working for nightclubs and restaurants may belong
celebrity’s PR people, helping them to promote their act
while doing the same for the club or restaurant. to any of a number of different trade associations. These
The publicist working in a nightclub or restaurant might include the Public Relations Society of America (PRSA) and
be responsible to the general manager, owner, or marketing the National Federation of Press Women (NFPW).
director, depending on the organization of the facility. Peo-
ple in this position often begin work later in the day than Tips for Entry
publicists working in other fields. They also tend to work 1. Contact the head offices of major restaurants. They
later into the evening. will tell you where to send résumés. They also may
have training programs available.
Salaries 2. Openings can often be located in the classified section
Salaries for publicists working in nightclubs and restaurants of Sunday newspapers. Look under the heading clas-
vary greatly depending on the experience and duties of the sifications of “Public Relations” or “Entertainment.”
individual. Salaries also depend on the size, location, and 3. Public relations journals and periodicals often have
prestige of the facility. openings advertised in their job mart sections.
Salaries can start at $24,000 to $28,000 for those begin- 4. There are employment agencies that deal specifi-
ning in the field. Annual earnings can go up to $65,000 or cally in the public relations field, the restaurant
more for those with more experience or working in larger, field, and the entertainment field. Don’t forget to
more prestigious restaurants and clubs. check into the agency fee you might have to pay if
they find you a job.
Employment Prospects 5. There are a number of services throughout the coun-
Employment prospects for publicists seeking employment try that have phone numbers you can call to listen to
in nightclubs or restaurants are fair. Individuals may find lists of public relations job openings and descriptions.
employment at large restaurants and clubs as well as in the For example, the Public Relations Society of America
chains. It should be noted, however, that while there are (PRSA) has such a job service.
considerable numbers of restaurants and clubs in this coun- 6. Check out job opportunities online. Start by looking on
try, not all employ on-staff publicists. Many use the services the major employment Web sites such as
of private public relations firms instead. com and


Duties: Develop advertising campaigns and individual pro-

motional ads for a restaurant and/or club; create adver- Advertising Manager in Larger,
tisements; develop advertising budget More Prestigious Club or Restaurant;
Restaurant or Club Marketing Manager
Alternate Title(s): Ad Manager

Salary Range: $24,000 to $55,000+

Employment Prospects: Fair Restaurant/Club Advertising Manager

Advancement Prospects: Fair

Best Geographical Location(s): Larger cities offer more

opportunities. Advertising Assistant
or Assistant Working in Club
or Restaurant Management
Education or Training—Minimum of a two-year degree
required for most positions; four-year degree preferred
Experience—Experience in some form of advertising or
marketing useful
Special Skills and Personality Traits—Knowledge of
copywriting, graphics, and layout; creative; detail-oriented;
knowledge of club or restaurant industry

Position Description ately priced, family-oriented restaurant might try to bring in

The advertising manager working in a restaurant or nightclub families with young children with their advertising.
is responsible for developing effective advertising campaigns Clubs may want to advertise to hard rockers, people over
as well as single ads for the location. The function of this 21, or teens. The type of audience that the club or restaurant is
advertising is to make the public aware of the existence of the trying to attract will make a difference in the type of ad cre-
restaurant or club, to attract more people, and to let customers ated as well as the location where the advertising is placed. It
is important that the ad manager learn as much as possible
know of special attractions, discounts, and entertainment.
about the media, the intended audience, and the restaurant or
The responsibilities of the advertising manager begin
club in order to plan effective advertising campaigns.
with the development of an advertising budget. The individ-
The advertising manager must make decisions on
ual must research the various media available. He or she whether to use print media such as newspapers and maga-
calls or writes for rate cards, fact sheets, and demographics zines to place ads or to use broadcast media such as radio
of the media in the area. At times salespeople from various and television. At times the individual may choose both
media might meet with the advertising manager to let him types of media. While television advertising used to be
or her know of upcoming special issues or discounts. The extremely costly, today, with the surge of new local and
individual is then responsible for choosing the best media cable stations, it can now be quite cost effective.
for the lowest prices. The advertising manager may work with the restaurant or
The advertising manager also looks into the types of club owners, managers, public relations people, and market-
audience or customers the business wants to attract. For ing staff to develop promotions that will help attract cus-
example, an elegant, expensive, four-star gourmet restaurant tomers to the location. These might include discount
would not gear its advertising toward teenagers. A moder- coupons, early-bird specials, the saluting of a specific country

through meals and drinks, contests, or two-for-the-price-of- The advertising manager working in a club or restaurant
one drinks. The ad manager uses the promotion or special as may be responsible to the marketing director, the restaurant
the main advertising theme. In certain clubs or restaurants the or club manager, or the owners.
advertising manager might also perform the duties and func-
tions of public relations, marketing, and/or promotion.
If the restaurant or club hosts entertainment, the ad
Annual earnings for advertising managers working in restau-
manager is expected to advertise events in a timely fash-
rants and clubs can range from $24,000 to $55,000 plus.
ion. In this way, tickets can be sold and seats can be filled.
Salaries vary depending on the size and location of the facil-
The individual may work with radio stations or other
ity and the experience and responsibilities of the individual.
media on giveaway promotions in which the station offers
Advertising managers just entering the field earn salaries
free meals or tickets to entertainment events as station
on the lower end of the scale. Those with more experience and
contest prizes. These are in exchange for free or dis-
added responsibilities who are employed by good-sized clubs
counted advertising rates. Such arrangements help adver-
or restaurants in metropolitan areas earn considerably more.
tise a club or restaurant and are less costly than regular
advertising rates.
The advertising manager may be responsible for creating Employment Prospects
and laying out actual ads. He or she may do the copywrit- Employment prospects are fair for those seeking employ-
ing, graphics, and audiovisual components of ads or may ment as advertising managers in restaurants or clubs. While
farm out these duties to graphic artists, copywriters, or pro- there are countless restaurants and clubs throughout the
ducers. In many newspapers and magazines across the coun- country, usually only the larger facilities hire someone for
try the advertising department will work with ad managers this position. Often the duties of the advertising manager are
on developing, designing, and laying out ads. taken over by a manager, owner, or public relations or mar-
If the individual is using radio or television as a medium, keting person.
he or she will work with the station’s ad department in cre- Individuals might find a good source of employment in
ating effective commercials. clubs or restaurants owned by major hotel chains. These
Depending on the structure and organization of the facilities often offer training programs that place the person
restaurant or club, the advertising manager may also be in a job after completion.
responsible for putting together other advertising and pro- Depending on the structure of the restaurant or club and
motional pieces, brochures, and sales pieces. the size of its staff, the individual may enter this position
The advertising manager is responsible for developing directly from college or may become an assistant to the
the entire thrust of the restaurant’s or club’s advertising advertising manager, public relations or marketing director,
campaign. He or she comes up with a variety of ideas and or manager of the facility.
then discusses their feasibility with managers, owners, or
the marketing people, depending on the organizational
Advancement Prospects
structure of the facility.
Advancement can take many routes for the advertising man-
It is the responsibility of the advertising manager to
ager in this field. He or she might become the advertising
make sure that all ads are prepared properly, checked for
manager for a larger, more prestigious club or restaurant, or
accuracy, and delivered on time to the correct media for
the individual might climb the career ladder by becoming an
insertion. The individual is responsible for keeping track of
ad manager in a different industry.
all advertising billings and records. He or she also audits
If the individual wants to stay in the restaurant or club
and keeps files of all advertisements placed by tracking tear
field, he or she might become the director of public relations
sheets from print media and either audio or video dubs of
or marketing for a facility. He or she may go into manage-
broadcast commercials.
ment or eventually ownership of a club or restaurant.
The advertising manager working in a restaurant or club
may not always work normal business hours. He or she may
come in early one morning and have to stay late at night to Education and Training
audit the effectiveness of the advertising for a specific event Many jobs as advertising manager for clubs or restaurants
or special. require only a two-year degree. There are others, however,
There is quite a bit of pressure and stress in this job. If in which a four-year degree is necessary. Most of the posi-
the restaurant or club isn’t busy enough, even if the cause is tions in major chain hotel- or motel-owned restaurants and
mediocre food or bad service, it is often blamed on a poor clubs insist on a four-year degree before putting you
advertising campaign. The individual must constantly come through their company’s training program.
up with innovative, creative ways to advertise the facility Good major choices include advertising, marketing, pub-
even if nothing new is really happening. lic relations, journalism, and liberal arts.

There are a number of seminars available for individuals Marketing Association (DMA). Individuals might also rep-
who would like to know more about various aspects of resent their clubs in the National Federation of Music Clubs.
advertising, copywriting, and restaurant and club promo-
tion. These would be beneficial for their educational value Tips for Entry
as well as to help build a contact list. 1. Think about trying to obtain a job as an Advertising
Manager in the restaurant or club of a hotel/motel.
Experience, Skills, and Personality Traits These clubs can be found throughout the country. You
Advertising managers need the ability to handle a lot of can send your résumé and a cover letter directly to the
projects at one time without getting flustered. They should hotel office or, if it is part of a chain, to the main
be creative people capable of copywriting and with a knowl- headquarters.
edge of advertising graphics and layout. The ability to read 2. Try to obtain some experience working in a club or
and understand advertising rate and discount cards is essen- restaurant. If possible, see if you can work as an assis-
tial. The ability to develop a projected budget and work well tant to someone in advertising, public relations, or
with numbers is necessary. marketing. If not, a position in any capacity will help
An understanding of the club and restaurant industry is you understand the club and restaurant industry a lit-
helpful. Individuals should be personable and articulate. tle better.
There are those who enter this field with little or no 3. Get experience with advertising. It doesn’t have to be
actual experience. Others have gone through training pro- in the club or restaurant field. Offer to sell some
grams. Some people have worked as assistants in clubs or advertising for a nonprofit journal. Work for a school
or local newspaper in the advertising department.
restaurants and have moved up into the position.
4. Take seminars in advertising. These will give you
added confidence and more knowledge of the field
Unions and Associations and build up contacts.
Advertising managers working in clubs or restaurants may 5. Look in the classified section of the newspaper under
belong to any of a number of trade associations, including heading classifications of “Advertising,” “Night-
the American Advertising Federation (AAF) and the Direct clubs,” “Clubs,” “Restaurants,” or “Marketing.”


Duties: Initiate or assist in the creation and development of

the ad concept; budget advertising dollars; produce Director of Advertising, Marketing,
advertisements or Public Relations
in Nonprofit Organizations
Alternate Title(s): Ad Assistant

Salary Range: $22,000 to $30,000+

Employment Prospects: Fair Advertising Assistant,

Nonprofit Organization
Advancement Prospects: Fair

Best Geographical Location(s): Positions may be obtained

throughout the country; larger cities may offer more
opportunities. Internship or Entry Level Position
Education or Training—College degree required with
major in advertising, public relations, marketing, busi-
ness, communications, or liberal arts
Experience—Internship or volunteer experience work-
ing in advertising departments useful but not required
Special Skills and Personality Traits—Knowledge of
copywriting, layout, and graphics; ability to deal with
stress; ability to read rate cards

Position Description clippings, visual cuts, and audio tapes; and checking bills
An Advertising Assistant in a nonprofit organization may for placement.
work in any of a variety of different settings. The individual Specifically, the individual may be called upon to assist
may work for a health care facility, school, zoo, cultural cen- in the planning of advertising campaigns or single ads. The
ter, library, trade association, foundation, or charitable agency. Advertising Assistant may be responsible for doing the
The common thread for all these organizations is that they are research necessary to find out what is needed to make peo-
ple aware of the organization and its causes.
set up in a category called not-for-profit or nonprofit. What
The Advertising Assistant may also be required to help
this means is that the organization is not structured for a cor-
develop budgetary projections for the various media that
porate individual or business to make a profit. Instead, all prof- will be utilized by a specific campaign or on an ongoing
its are used for perpetuating the mission of the organization. basis. To do this the assistant might write letters and make
The Advertising Assistant working in an organization such phone calls to get prices, rates, and other pertinent advertis-
as this has varied duties and responsibilities depending on the ing information on the various media. As many different
size and structure of the department in which he or she works. publications and broadcast stations have special rates and
The Advertising Assistant may be responsible for every- discounts for nonprofit organizations, the individual may
thing, including initiating the ad concept to implementing it, also have to supply proof of the agency’s nonprofit status.
budgeting for it, producing it, and getting it in the mail or Planning advertising budgets is not always easy for indi-
otherwise delivering it to the media; tracking tear sheets or viduals working in nonprofit organizations. Agencies are

constantly subjected to fluctuations in budgetary allotments, agencies. Still others use freelance or part-time employees
changes in administrative or board leadership, governmental to handle the duties of this job.
regulations, and societal pressures. Individuals may look for potential employment in hospi-
Once again depending on the size and structure of the tals and other health care facilities, museums, nonprofit the-
organization and the advertising department, the individ- ater groups, cultural centers, zoos, libraries, nonprofit
ual may be involved in the development of copy, graphics, foundations, trade associations, or charitable organizations
and audiovisual components of the actual advertising. In located throughout the country.
other organizations the Advertising Assistant may farm
out these duties to freelance copywriters, graphic artists, Advancement Prospects
or producers.
Most nonprofit organizations experience a high rate of
Another responsibility of the Advertising Assistant may
employee turnover. As a result, advancement prospects for
be to place, track, and audit the advertising. To do this it is
the Advertising Assistant are fair. Individuals may move up
necessary for the assistant to know how to read advertising
the career ladder by finding a position in a larger, more pres-
rate cards and other demographic material in order to know
tigious nonprofit or may become the organization’s director
what ads will cost, what kind of discounts can be expected,
of either public relations or marketing.
what section of the paper or other publication the ad can
Other individuals find advancement by obtaining adver-
appear in, and what time slot will be most effective for spe-
tising positions in the corporate, for-profit world.
cific advertisements.
The Advertising Assistant must have a working knowl-
edge of postal regulations for not-for-profit agencies, as Education and Training
well as the application of Internal Revenue Service regula- Advertising Assistants working in nonprofit settings usually
tions as they affect not-for-profit advertising and direct mail. are required to have a college degree. Good majors for this
Without this, he or she may not meet the standards of adver- position include advertising, public relations, marketing,
tisements for these types of groups. business, communications, and liberal arts.
Advertising Assistants, like many others working in non- Seminars in the workings of nonprofit organizations,
profit settings, are subject to high stress because of the pres- advertising, copywriting, and graphics are useful to the indi-
sures of absolute deadlines in the media and the personalities vidual not only for the educational background, but in order
of creative people with whom they may work. Individuals to help make contacts as well.
must also deal with the indecision of superiors who do not
always make clear their goals, objectives, and specific Experience, Skills, and Personality Traits
Advertising Assistants should have both knowledge and
The Advertising Assistant is responsible to the advertis-
skills in copywriting, editing, graphics, ad layout, and
ing director of the organization, if there is one. If not, the
budget preparation. An understanding of the workings of the
individual could be responsible to the director of marketing
nonprofit world are helpful.
or public relations. In very small organizations the Advertis-
Individuals need to be articulate verbally as well as on
ing Assistant may be responsible directly to the chief execu-
paper. The ability to work on more than one project at once
tive officer of the agency.
is necessary, as is the ability to deal with the stress of meet-
ing deadlines.
Salaries Advertising Assistants working in nonprofit organiza-
Earnings for Advertising Assistants working in nonprofit tions often land their first jobs immediately after college
organizations begin low. Salaries can range from $22,000 to graduation. Others have held internships or similar positions
$30,000 or more annually. in other industries.
The higher salaries are for those working in larger, more
prestigious organizations located in major cities. Liberal Unions and Associations
fringe benefit packages are often offered to individuals to
Individuals working in nonprofit organizations usually
augment income.
belong to trade associations specific to their organization.
Advertising Assistants might also belong to other associa-
Employment Prospects tions that provide guidance, support, and seminars to indi-
Employment prospects are only fair for Advertising Assis- viduals. These include the American Advertising Federation
tants seeking work in nonprofit settings. While there are (AAF), the Direct Marketing Association, Inc. (DMA), the
numerous nonprofit organizations, many delegate the National Society of Fund Raising Executives (NSFRE), and
responsibilities of this job to an individual in public rela- the Council for the Advancement and Support of Education
tions or marketing. Others use the services of advertising (CASE), among others.

Tips for Entry 3. Send your résumé with a covering letter to the execu-
1. Volunteer to do the advertising for civic or nonprofit tive directors of nonprofit organizations. Ask that your
groups in your community. This will give you the résumé be kept on file if there are no positions open.
experience you will need when you are ready to look 4. These positions may be advertised in the classified sec-
for a job. tion of newspapers under the headings of “Advertis-
2. Look for internships or summer employment offered by ing,” “Marketing,” “Public Relations,” or “Nonprofit.”
many nonprofit organizations throughout the country.



Duties: Develop and write copy for both internal and external
written and visual publications, including press releases, Publication Assistant
brochures, annual reports, newsletters, and leaflets

Alternate Title(s): Writer

Salary Range: $22,000 to $40,000+ Copywriter

Employment Prospects: Fair

Advancement Prospects: Fair

Entry Level
Best Geographical Location(s): Opportunities located
throughout country.

Education or Training—College degree with major in
English, public relations, communications, or liberal arts
Experience—Writing experience helpful
Special Skills and Personality Traits—Excellent writing
skills; good command of the English language; creative

Position Description In very large organizations there may be up to half a

A Copywriter working with a nonprofit organization may dozen Copywriters working on various projects. In other
work for foundations, trade associations, charitable organi- organizations there could be just one Copywriter for the
zations, health care facilities, cultural centers, museums, entire agency.
zoos, libraries, or any other organization classified as “not- In smaller organizations the Copywriter could also be
for-profit.” While settings for these organizations vary, responsible for putting together entire publications, func-
duties are fairly consistent. tioning as a publication assistant might. In these cases the
The individual in this job is required to write copy for all Copywriter would also have duties such as developing out-
publications the organization issues. These could include lines, proposals, preliminary sketches, and budget estimates
both internal and external publications, such as newsletters, for the publications. He or she might also have to coordinate
brochures, leaflets, annual reports, letters, press releases, the activities of other individuals needed to complete a pub-
and other materials helpful to the fund-raising, marketing,
lication, such as graphic people, artists, printers, etc. Once
or promotional objectives of the organization. The Copy-
again depending on the size of the organization and the
writer may also be required to write copy and/or scripts for
number of people working in the department, the Copy-
audio and visual projects the organization may prepare.
Depending on the situation, the Copywriter may work writer may function as a layout artist, laying out brochures,
directly with the publication assistant or the director of pub- newsletters, and leaflets in a graphically pleasing manner.
lic relations, marketing, fund-raising, or development. In The individual might also give suggestions to a printer on
some cases the Copywriter may work with all of the individ- layout and oversee the project.
uals on various projects. For example, the Copywriter may In many nonprofit organizations today Copywriters are
be required to develop a fund-raising letter for the director expected to input material directly into computers. If the
of fund-raising, copy for a brochure for the public relations organization is using desktop publishing, the individual might
department, newsletters for the publication assistant, and a also be expected to develop the layout for the project and put
leaflet for the marketing or development department. the copy into a form that is camera-ready for a printer.

The Copywriter is expected to research all his or her proj- Those working in smaller settings usually receive lower
ects. The individual may not only be required to obtain infor- salaries. Individuals working in larger organizations or in
mation but at times must also verify that information obtained facilities in urban areas can usually command higher annual
from others is 100 percent accurate. Names, numbers, and earnings.
dates must be checked, and spelling needs to be verified. The Copywriter can expect to earn between $22,000 and
After the Copywriter has finished writing the copy he or $40,000 or more annually. Salaries are augmented by fringe
she will give it to either the publication assistant or the benefit packages in many nonprofit organizations.
director of the department who requested the project. The
information, style, and general content will then generally
have to be approved by a superior. If everything is satisfac- Employment Prospects
tory, the copy will be set up as a press release, brochure, Employment prospects are fair for those seeking employ-
leaflet, or newsletter, depending on the project. ment as Copywriters in nonprofit organizations. There are
The Copywriter must understand which projects should nonprofit groups in most urban areas as well as a good num-
be short and to the point and which publications are to be ber in smaller regions. Hospitals and other health care facil-
longer and more in-depth. For example, a calendar of events ities, museums, nonprofit theater groups, cultural centers,
for a newsletter or newspaper column would probably be zoos, libraries, nonprofit foundations, trade associations,
short, just naming the events with dates and times and possi- and charitable organizations all offer potential employment.
bly a short explanation of each. A press release describing a While there are numerous nonprofit organizations
major event that the nonprofit organization is holding, how- throughout the country, there are some who delegate the
ever, would probably be longer and developed in more depth. responsibilities of the Copywriter to either the public rela-
The Copywriter needs to know the different styles tions department or the publication assistant.
accepted by various newspapers, magazines, and other For those seeking part-time employment there are also
media. While some publications accept flowery press many smaller nonprofit organizations that use the services
releases, others just want the facts. The Copywriter who of freelance and part-time Copywriters.
doesn’t know the difference will not have his or her press
releases placed in the publication.
Copywriters working in nonprofit organizations must get Advancement Prospects
to know the lingo of the particular organization and must Advancement for Copywriters is attained by obtaining a
know when to use it. For example, a Copywriter working in position in a larger organization. The individual might also
a health care facility might be writing a brochure for distri- become a publication assistant or a director or assistant
bution internally to hospital staff. In that case it would be director of public relations or marketing.
acceptable to use health care facility lingo known to health As most nonprofit organizations experience a big
care practitioners. The same words, however, might not be employee turnover, opportunities for advancement are fair.
understood by the general public reading a health care arti- Many Copywriters who want to move up the career lad-
cle in a newspaper or magazine. der look for a position writing copy for an advertising or
Copywriters working in nonprofit organizations might be public relations agency.
asked to attend meetings, dinners, or events in order to
obtain information for press releases or articles.
Individuals may also work closely with the volunteer
Education and Training
portion of the organization, the people who are the back- Individuals aspiring to be Copywriters should have a college
bone of many nonprofit organizations. education. A degree in English, public relations, communi-
Copywriters may be responsible directly to the publica- cations, or liberal arts is usually required.
tion assistant; the public relations, marketing, fund-raising, Seminars and additional courses in all facets of writing
or development director; or a senior copywriter, depending are useful.
on the size and structure of the organization.
Hours for Copywriters are fairly normal. There will be Experience, Skills, and Personality Traits
times, however, when the individual must attend functions, Copywriters need to have a good command of the English
affairs, and meetings after the normal working day ends. The language. A sense of writing style is necessary. The individ-
Copywriter might also have to work overtime when there is a
ual should also enjoy writing.
deadline to meet or a special project that requires completion.
Those working in nonprofit organizations should have a
knowledge of the type of group they are working with and a
Salaries general understanding of and belief in the organization. For
The salary for a Copywriter working in a nonprofit organi- example, working in a health care facility and writing about
zation depends on the size and location of the agency as it is hard if a person is uncomfortable being around people
well as the experience and responsibilities of the individual. who are ill.

Those working as Copywriters often have experience valuable experience as well as helping you to make
writing for their school papers or volunteering to prepare necessary contacts.
reports, press releases, etc. for community or civic groups. 2. If you are still in school, write for your school news-
paper. If not, try to write a column for a local newspa-
per or other publication.
Unions and Associations
3. Positions as Copywriters are often advertised in the
Those working for nonprofit groups usually belong to a
classified section of newspapers. Job possibilities
number of local civic and community organizations. Copy-
might be found under the heading classifications of
writers might also belong to trade associations that offer
“Public Relations,” “Marketing,” “Copywriter,” or
seminars, courses, and other professional guidance and put
the individuals in touch with others in their field. These
4. Try to find all the nonprofit organizations in the area in
groups include the Public Relations Society of America
which you want to find employment. You can often
(PRSA), the National Society of Fund Raising Executives
find lists of these at the local chamber of commerce.
(NSFRE), and Council for the Advancement and Support of
Send your résumé and some writing samples to the
Education (CASE), to name a few.
organization’s executive director. Ask that your résumé
be kept on file if there isn’t a position available.
Tips for Entry
1. Volunteer to write press releases or do the publicity
for local community or civic groups. This gives you


Duties: Develop and implement community relations pro-

grams; write press releases; act as spokesperson; deal Community Relations/Public Relations
with media Coordinator in
Larger Police Department
Alternate Title(s): Public Relations Coordinator; Commu- or Public Relations or Community
nity Relations Coordinator; Public Information Specialist; Relations Director in Other Industry
Public Relations Director; Community Relations Direc-
tor; Community Relations/Public Information Director;
Community Relations/Public Information Representative

Salary Range: $24,000 to $56,000+ Community Relations/Public Relations

Employment Prospects: Fair

Advancement Prospects: Good

Best Geographical Location(s): All locations offer possi- Publicity, Public Relations,
bilities; larger cities may offer more positions. or Community Relations Assistant
Education or Training—Minimum requirement in
some positions is a two-year degree. Other positions
require a four-year college degree
Experience—Experience working with community
groups is helpful; publicity, public relations, or commu-
nity relations experience is preferred
Special Skills and Personality Traits—Communication
skills; writing skills; ability to work well with people;
ability to deal with media

Position Description The Community Relations/Public Relations Coordinator

The Community Relations/Public Relations Coordinator is expected to work with the department to create programs
working in a police department is responsible for a number to meet the needs of the local community. For example, the
of different functions. Depending on the size of the police individual may put together a self-defense program for sen-
department and its annual budget, there may be one person ior citizens, a drug and alcohol abuse program, and a youth
working in this department or a number of people. The indi- program. The individual may also work out the details of
vidual must develop and implement community relations sponsorship of various events and programs. In many com-
programs, fulfill public relations duties, and act as a munities local police departments sponsor youth clubs, box-
spokesperson for the department. In very large police ing teams, and baseball teams.
departments there is one person responsible for each of the The Community Relations/Public Relations Coordinator
different functions. works with the local community, its problems, and its needs

when creating these programs. If, for instance, there is a Earnings can range from $24,000 to $56,000 or more
rash of burglaries in the area, the individual may develop a annually for those in this position. Individuals working in
program showing citizens how to protect and safeguard larger communities and cities are compensated with salaries
their homes. These programs are usually offered free of at the higher end of the scale.
charge and may be given through local civic groups or non-
profit organizations. Employment Prospects
The Community Relations/Public Relations Coordinator
Employment prospects are fair for Community Relations/
is responsible for developing and writing press releases and
Public Relations Coordinators working in police depart-
feature articles. He or she must write releases regarding all
ments. Opportunities are available throughout the country in
community relations programs as well as police department
small towns as well as large cities.
activities. These might include honors and awards for police Almost every police department has a Community Rela-
officers or major accomplishments of the department. tions/Public Relations Coordinator, although in very small
Other writing functions might include informational communities the position may be part time, or the individual
booklets, pamphlets, or other literature about the depart- may be required to fill other functions.
ment and its programs. The individual may develop leaflets
for citizens on a variety of subjects, such as how to spot
drug or alcohol abuse in teenagers or what to do in the case Advancement Prospects
of a mugging. Advancement prospects are good for the Community Rela-
The Community Relations/Public Relations Coordinator tions/Public Relations Coordinator working in a police
is responsible for sending representatives of the department department. Individuals may climb the ladder by locating a
to speak at schools, community groups, and civic organiza- position in a larger law enforcement agency, which will
tions. The individual may receive requests for these appear- result in increased earnings and responsibilities.
ances or may seek out opportunities for exposure. He or she The Community Relations/Public Relations Coordinator
may also arrange to have representatives appear on local tel- might also advance his or her career by finding a similar
evision or radio talk and news shows or to be interviewed in position in another nonprofit field, a newspaper or maga-
the print media. zine, or in the corporate world. The individual may also
The Community Relations/Public Relations Coordinator become a public relations director or coordinator.
responds to informational requests from the media and the
community. He or she may act as the department spokesper- Education and Training
son either informally or formally. The individual often Educational requirements vary from job to job. Some posi-
speaks on camera for television, on radio, or to reporters and tions may have a minimum requirement of a two-year col-
editors of print media answering questions or offering state- lege degree, while others require a four-year degree. In
ments about police situations. He or she often helps police some positions the individual can substitute experience for
officers work out statements to give to the press to make the degree. Those seeking career advancement need at least
sure that they are clear and factual. a bachelor’s degree.
If there is a major development in a big case that the Good choices for majors include public relations, market-
police are working on, the individual might also schedule ing, English, liberal arts, and communications. Seminars in
and arrange press conferences or press briefings. publicity, public relations, public speaking, and those dealing
The Community Relations/Public Relations Coordinator with nonprofit groups will be useful to the individual.
may work long hours. He or she frequently works at night
and on weekends implementing programs or speaking to the Experience, Skills, and Personality Traits
media about a major development. Depending on the spe- The Community Relations/Public Relations Coordinator
cific police department and the organizational structure of working for a police department must be imaginative, cre-
the local government, the individual may be responsible to ative, and innovative. The individual is often working on a
the mayor, the department’s chief of police, or the police limited budget and has to develop unique programs.
commissioner. The Community Relations/Public Relations Coordinator
should be a people person. He or she should be personable
Salaries and able to work well with people from all age groups and
Salaries for Community Relations/Public Relations Coordi- all socioeconomic backgrounds. The Community Rela-
nators vary greatly. The size, location, and budget of the tions/Public Relations Coordinator should have the ability
police department and the experience level and responsibili- to relate to young children as well as to senior citizens.
ties of the individual are factors. Generally, the smaller the The individual requires good communication skills. He
area, the lower the salary. or she should be articulate and comfortable speaking to

groups. Good writing skills are important for developing nications or public relations trade associations, including
program proposals, press releases, and informational sheets. the Public Relations Society of America (PRSA) and
The individual should have a good grasp of the English lan- National Federation of Press Women (NFPW).
guage, word usage, spelling, and grammar. Organizational
and planning skills are imperative. Tips for Entry
The ability to deal with the media is essential. The indi-
1. Get hands-on experience working in the community
vidual must develop a good working relationship with
by joining a number of nonprofit organizations.
reporters, editors, and newscasters as well as their commu-
2. A part-time or summer job writing for a newspaper
nity service directors.
will give you experience writing as well as working
In many communities the ability to speak more than one
with the media.
language is a plus.
3. These positions are often advertised in newspaper dis-
play and classified sections. Look under heading clas-
Unions and Associations sifications of “Law Enforcement,” “Police,” “Public
Unless the Community Relations/Public Relations Coordi- Relations,” “Public Information,” or “Community
nator is also a police officer he or she would not belong to Relations.”
any union. Individuals who are police officers belong to 4. Talk to your local police department to find out if they
state police officers’ unions, the Police Benevolent Associa- have a community relations program. Volunteer your
tion (PBA), or other bargaining unions. assistance in running some events or doing publicity.
The individual in this position usually belongs to many 5. Take seminars and courses. These will be useful for
of the nonprofit, civic, and community groups in the local both educational value and making professional
area. He or she may also be a member of any of the commu- contacts.


Duties: Create the art, illustrations, and other graphics nec-

essary for a nonprofit organization’s publications, visu- Graphic Artist in Larger,
als, flyers, and advertisements More Prestigious Nonprofit
Organization, Advertising Agency,
Alternate Title(s): Graphic Designer; Artist or Corporation or Art Director

Salary Range: $24,000 to $48,000+

Employment Prospects: Fair

Graphic Artist,
Advancement Prospects: Fair Nonprofit Organization
Best Geographical Location(s): Positions may be located
throughout the country.

Freelance Artist or Student
Education or Training—Art school training or college
degree with major in commercial art useful
Experience—Graphic art experience in school, publica-
tion, advertising agency, or industry helpful, but not
Special Skills and Personality Traits—Artistic ability;
creative; ability to draw, sketch, letter, and design; sense
of style; understanding of advertising; knowledge of
workings of nonprofit organizations; computer skills

Position Description do lettering. He or she must have a good sense of color and
The Graphic Artist working in a nonprofit organization is style. The artist is responsible for the artistic or graphic lay-
responsible for creating the art, illustrations, and other out of projects.
graphics necessary for the organization’s publications, visu- The Graphic Artist—or designer, as he or she might be
als, flyers, and advertisements. called—sketches and draws ideas for graphics in pencil, ink,
The individual may work in a school, health care facil- and/or paints, depending upon the project. Many graphic
ity, museum, zoo, cultural center, library, nonprofit founda- artists now also create artwork and other graphics with com-
tion, trade association, or charitable organization. He or she puters using special software.
may work with one or more departments, including art,
If the organization does not use the services of an adver-
advertising, public relations, marketing, fund-raising, or
tising agency, the Graphic Artist may function as an ad
Depending on the size and structure of the organization, designer. He or she may be responsible for choosing the
the Graphic Artist may just execute actual art suggested by graphics, type, and position of copy in ads.
someone else or may develop the whole graphic concept of Depending on the size of the organization, there may be
an advertisement, flyer, brochure, or design. one or more Graphic Artists working in a department along
The Graphic Artist must be artistically talented in many with an art director, or the individual may function as the art
areas. The individual may be required to draw, sketch, and director as well.

In certain agencies the individual is responsible primarily Employment Prospects

for the graphics and design of the nonprofit’s advertise- Employment prospects for Graphic Artists in nonprofit situ-
ments. He or she must become familiar with various sizes of ations are only fair. While there are numerous nonprofit
ads, column widths, color usage, type faces, etc. that are to organizations throughout the country, many do not employ
be used. In other organizations the Graphic Artist is respon- people in this position. Some use the services of part-timers
sible for preparing artwork for brochures, leaflets, posters, or freelancers.
flyers, newsletters, annual reports, and any other publication Those interested in working in this type of setting may
or material the organization uses. have more luck finding employment in larger cities where
The Graphic Artist may be required to design a logo or there are more opportunities available. Others feel that they
trademark for the organization. He or she may also have to can break into the field with less trouble in smaller areas
design stationery, envelopes, and fund-raising material. In where there is less competition.
order to do this the individual will often have to prepare sev-
eral sketches to be reviewed and accepted by the organiza- Advancement Prospects
tion’s executive director. As many nonprofit organizations
Graphic Artists can climb the career ladder by finding a
are governed by boards of directors, the individual may
position in a larger, more prestigious organization. Individu-
have to have designs and other work reviewed and accepted
als may advance their careers by becoming art directors.
by the chairperson of the board or possibly by the entire
Still others advance by locating a position in the art depart-
board of directors. Once designs are approved, final ver-
ment of an advertising agency or the art department of a
sions may be laid out using desktop publishing software.
large corporation.
Services in nonprofit groups are often augmented by the
Advancement prospects depend on ability, talent, a good
help of volunteer organizations and auxiliaries. At times the
amount of luck, and being at the right place at the right time.
Graphic Artist may be required to work with these groups,
designing program covers or posters for their events.
Depending on the size of the organization with which the Education and Training
artist is working, he or she may be responsible for preparing A college education is not always necessary for this position.
and pasting up master mechanicals for printers. In other Training, however, is useful. Those who plan on attending
organizations the individual may work with printers choos- college should look for a school that has a major in commer-
ing colors, type sizes, paper, and so on. In some they may cial art. There are also many art schools that offer training.
prepare electronic files for printing. Any additional courses in art, advertising, design, desk-
Another function of the Graphic Artist working for a top publishing, etc. are also helpful.
nonprofit organization may be to design packaging for give-
aways, merchandise, gift shop bags, T-shirts, or balloons. Experience, Skills, and Personality Traits
Many organizations use these type of materials as well as First and foremost, the Graphic Artist needs to be talented,
other promotional merchandise to raise funds and to pro- creative, and artistic. He or she should have a good sense of
mote the cause of the organization. style and design. An understanding of advertising is helpful.
The Graphic Artist working in this setting usually works The individual should be able to draw, sketch, letter, and
normal business hours. The individual may be required to design. The artist also needs a working knowledge of pas-
work late on occasion to meet the deadline for a project. teup, mechanicals, and typography. They will also need com-
Depending on the structure of the organization, the puter software skills using programs such as Photoshop and
Graphic Artist may be responsible to an art director, adver- Illustrator, as well as a knowledge of desktop publishing.
tising director, publication assistant, or the director of public Those working in nonprofit fields should also have a
relations, marketing, or fund-raising. knowledge of the type of organization for which they are
working and an understanding of the structure and workings
Salaries of nonprofit organizations in general.
Annual earnings for Graphic Artists working in nonprofit
organizations may be lower than those for individuals in the Unions and Associations
same type of job in an advertising agency or industry. Graphic Artists can belong to any of a number of trade asso-
Salaries depend on a number of variables, including the ciations that provide support, guidance, and seminars for
size, type, and location of the organization and the experi- members. These include the Art Directors Club, Inc. (ADC),
ence, expertise, and responsibilities of the individual. the One Club, and the Society of Illustrators.
Salaries for this position can range from $24,000 to Individuals working in nonprofit organizations usually
$48,000 or more annually, with the larger earnings going to also belong to trade associations directly related to the non-
individuals in very large nonprofit organizations. Many profit field in which they work (health care, cultural, educa-
positions also offer fringe benefit packages. tion, etc.).

Tips for Entry door. Once there, dazzle them with your talent. Do a
1. Put together a portfolio of your best work. Most jobs little extra, learn as much as you can, and you will
in this field require samples. If this is your first job, have a job.
put together a portfolio of work from school. Make 5. Positions may be located in the classified section of
sure it is both creative and neat. newspapers under the heading classifications of
2. Write letters to larger nonprofits and ask if you can “Artist,” “Graphic Artist,” or “Commercial Artist.”
show them your portfolio. Knock on doors. Other positions may be found under specific nonprofit
3. Join trade associations where you can meet other peo- categories such as health care, cultural organizations,
ple in the field and make contacts. museums, and education.
4. Many larger nonprofit organizations have internships 6. Check out openings online at employment Web sites
available. This is a good way to get your foot in the such as and


Duties: Assist director of department in fulfilling responsi-

bilities for patient and public information; help with Director of Hospital Public Relations
internal and external communications for facility; pro-
mote the hospital’s image

Alternate Title(s): PR Assistant; Assistant PR Director

Assistant Director
Salary Range: $24,000 to $50,000+ of Hospital Public Relations
Employment Prospects: Good

Advancement Prospects: Good

Best Geographical Location(s): Positions available Public Relations Trainee

throughout the country. or Entry Level Position

Education or Training—Bachelor’s degree in public
relations, communications, journalism, advertising, busi-
ness, or English required
Experience—Writing experience necessary; graphic
experience helpful
Special Skills and Personality Traits—Ability to tolerate
hospital atmosphere; good writing and communication
skills; knowledge of graphics, typography, photography,
and layout; computer skills

Position Description ship can mean the difference between getting the story in the
The Assistant Director of Hospital Public Relations assists paper or on the air and not obtaining any exposure. It is also
the director of the department in fulfilling the responsibili- important for the individual to maintain accurate media lists
ties for patient and public information. He or she is also so he or she knows whom to call or send information to.
responsible for helping with internal and external communi- The Assistant Director of Hospital Public Relations is
often asked by the PR director to produce news releases,
cations for the hospital or health care facility. The Assistant
feature stories, and special-request articles for the news and
Director of Hospital Public Relations—or PR assistant, as
other media sources. He or she must have the ability to write
he or she might be called—promotes the hospital’s image in a clear, concise, and interesting manner. The assistant
and enhances its reputation as a health care center. may obtain material for these releases by doing research or
The PR assistant must understand hospital policies and interviewing hospital staff, patients, volunteers, or others in
procedures and be able to carry them out. For example, the order to develop the story. At times he or she may be
facility might have a policy that no patient’s condition can be required to take photographs of events or people in order to
given out. The individual must follow this policy when media enhance a news story. At other times he or she may just
calls come in. He or she must be able to relay this information arrange to have a photographer on hand to take pictures.
to the press without their thinking that they are being snubbed. Another duty of the Assistant Director of Hospital Public
It is vital for the PR assistant to maintain a professional, Relations may be to assist in the preparation of internal hos-
honest relationship with the media. When he or she sends out pital communications such as staff newspapers, program
press releases or calendar events a friendly business relation- and promotional materials, letters, and internal memos.

He or she may additionally be asked to design and/or Education and Training

write the copy for brochures, graphic materials, and special Individuals seeking a position in the public relations depart-
reports. The assistant may also develop patient information ment of a hospital or other health care facility are usually
kits or questionnaires for quality assessment. The public required to have at least a bachelor’s degree. Emphasis
relations assistant must have the ability to tabulate, review, might be in public relations, communications, journalism,
and report responses. advertising, business, psychology, or English.
Another writing responsibility the assistant PR director
may be asked to handle is preparing an annual report. The Experience, Skills, and Personality Traits
individual may gather information and statistics and may People working in hospital and health care public relations
write, edit, and lay out graphic concepts. He or she may also should have the ability to define a problem logically, clearly,
assist in the development, preparation, and placement of and concisely and to analyze it from all points of view. They
advertising. should be capable and comfortable talking to the media.
Hospitals often hold special events to raise money, to Assistant Directors of Hospital Public Relations should
increase the utilization of hospital services, and to enhance also have a knowledge of graphics, typography, photogra-
the image of the hospital. The Assistant Director of Hospital phy, and layout. The ability to type and to use word proces-
Public Relations may be responsible for helping to develop sors and computer equipment is essential.
and execute such events. A good writing style is necessary. Public speaking ability
Depending on the size of the public relations department, is required in most positions, as is the ability to communicate
the assistant PR director may also assist with hospital fund- on the telephone in a polite, friendly, and effective manner.
raising, development, and marketing programs. The individ- People in this position should be able to accept construc-
ual might be asked to serve as the management representative tive criticism, demonstrate good judgment, and have com-
for the hospital’s auxiliary or may assist with any promotion mon sense.
of the hospital, such as hospital tours and other in-hospital or One of the most important traits a person working in hos-
community events. pital public relations must have is the ability to tolerate a
The assistant director of public relations in a hospital or hospital/health care atmosphere.
other health care facility generally works regular hours. He or
she may work overtime to attend hospital meetings, functions,
or special events or to finish a timely project. The individual Unions and Associations
reports directly to the public relations director of the hospital. The Assistant Director of Hospital Public Relations is not
required to belong to any bargaining union. He or she may,
however, belong to the Public Relations Society of America
Salaries (PRSA), the Academy of Hospital Public Relations (AHPR),
Salaries for the Assistant Director of Hospital Public Rela- International Public Relations Association (IPRA), Associa-
tions vary greatly depending on experience of the individual tion for Healthcare Philanthropy, or the American Society for
and size and location of the health care facility. Hospital Marketing and Public Relations (ASHMPR).
Salaries can start at approximately $24,000 and go to
$50,000 or more. Those with more experience or those
working at larger facilities in metropolitan areas can expect Tips for Entry
earnings at the higher end of the scale. 1. Look for an internship in a hospital public relations,
marketing, or fund-raising department. This will give
you valuable experience.
Employment Prospects 2. Join a hospital or health care facility auxiliary and
Employment prospects for individuals interested in becom- volunteer to do their publicity. This will help you
ing an assistant director of public relations in a hospital or become familiar with people and policies in hospitals.
health care facility are good. There are countless hospitals, 3. There are employment agencies that deal specifically
mental health facilities, clinics, and senior citizen homes with public relations positions. You might want to
located throughout the country. Most of these places have consider using one to help you find a job.
public relations departments. Individuals seeking this type 4. Public relations positions in health care are advertised
of position might have to relocate to find a job. in both the classified section of newspapers. Look
under “Health Care,” “Public Relations,” or “Market-
Advancement Prospects ing” headings.
Advancement prospects are good for assistant directors of 5. Join trade associations and get their monthly periodi-
public relations in hospitals. Individuals can move up to the cals. Positions are often advertised in the trade journals.
position of director of public relations, director of public 6. Look for openings online. Many health care facilities
information, or director of fund-raising. An Assistant Direc- have web sites advertising employment opportunities.
tor of Hospital Public Relations might obtain a position in a 7. You can also check out employment Web sites such as
larger hospital where salaries would be higher. and


Duties: Develop or assist in the development of written

publications for nonprofit organizations in order to pro- Director of Public Relations
mote the agency’s objectives or Marketing
or Publication Director
Alternate Title(s): Assistant Director of Publications

Salary Range: $22,000 to $37,000+

Employment Prospects: Good Publication Assistant

Advancement Prospects: Fair

Best Geographical Location(s): Larger cities offer more

opportunities. Copywriter
Education or Training—College degree with major in
English, public relations, communications, or liberal arts
Experience—Writing skills acquired either in college or
in a prior job
Special Skills and Personality Traits—Excellent writ-
ing skills; communication skills; understanding of layout
and graphics; good command of the English language;
computer competency

Position Description brochures, leaflets, annual reports, press releases, and other
A Publication Assistant working in a nonprofit organization materials collateral to the fund-raising, marketing, or pro-
may work in any of a variety of different settings. He or she motional objectives of the organization.
may work in a health care facility such as a hospital or nurs- To fulfill these responsibilities the Publication Assistant
ing home, or in a museum, cultural center, zoo, or library. might be required to develop outlines, proposals, prelimi-
The individual might also work for a nonprofit foundation, a nary sketches, and budget estimates for the publications. He
trade association, or a charitable organization. or she works with both superiors and subordinates in imple-
Whatever the setting, the Publication Assistant performs menting whatever publication decisions are made.
a variety of duties. Depending on the size of the organiza- The individual may also coordinate timetables and pro-
tion, the individual’s responsibilities range from ancillary jection schedules for printers, graphic artists, copywriters,
functions to full responsibility for the development of publi- photographers, and any others who might be involved in the
cations required by the organization. preparation of the publication.
The Publication Assistant works with the director of pub- In smaller nonprofit organizations the Publication Assis-
lic relations, marketing, fund-raising, or development or tant may be required to perform many functions that might be
with the chief executive officer of the organization or delegated or farmed out in larger organizations. Therefore,
agency to develop or assist in the development of the written the individual must be qualified to work with a variety of dif-
materials used to promote the agency’s objectives. These ferent people and businesses. For example, the Publication
publications include internal and external newsletters, Assistant may have to recommend paper stock, type styles,

and graphic formats for a certain project. He or she may also tion, its location, and the experience and responsibilities of
be asked to secure bids from a range of printing suppliers. the individual.
In many nonprofit organizations computerized desktop Annual earnings for Publication Assistants can range
publishing is now utilized to save money as well as time. In from $22,000 to $37,000 or more. Fringe benefit packages
these situations the Publication Assistant may be required to are often offered to individuals working in these settings.
input copy for a project into the computer and to develop the
layout and create a master mechanical that can go directly to
a printer. Employment Prospects
Depending on the size of the nonprofit organization with Employment prospects are good for those seeking positions
which the individual is working and the number of employ- as Publication Assistants in nonprofit organizations. There
ees in the department, he or she may be responsible for writ- is an abundance of nonprofit groups in most urban areas as
ing the actual copy for publications. The individual may well as a good number even in smaller regions. Hospitals
also be required to do research on facts for copy used in and other health care facilities, museums, nonprofit founda-
publications in order to obtain correct information. tions, trade associations, and other charitable organizations
In other organizations the Publication Assistant may just offer potential employment.
look over copy submitted by copywriters or other agency
people, checking on information as well as performing edit-
ing duties.
Advancement Prospects
Once again depending on the size of the organization and As most nonprofit organizations experience a big employee
the number of people working in the department, the Publi- turnover, opportunities for advancement for a Publication
cation Assistant may function as a layout artist, laying out Assistant are fair. An individual seeking to climb the career
brochures, newsletters, leaflets, etc. in a graphically pleas- ladder may become the director of public relations, fund-
ing manner. The individual might also give suggestions to a raising, marketing, or development. The individual might
printer on his or her ideas for layout and may oversee the also find employment as a Publication Assistant or director
project. at a larger, more prestigious organization where the salary
At times the individual may be involved in the mailing or will generally be higher.
distribution of materials. In other situations the Publication
Assistant is responsible for publications only up to the time
Education and Training
when they are completed and printed.
A college degree is usually required in order to attain a posi-
In certain nonprofit organizations the Publication Assis-
tant is expected to cover newsworthy events and promotions tion as a Publication Assistant. Good choices for majors
put together by the organization. He or she might write include public relations, communications, English, and lib-
press releases on the event or take photographs to be used in eral arts.
the internal or external publications of the group. Seminars and courses in writing, graphics, and layout are
Since most nonprofit organizations depend heavily on extremely helpful.
volunteers for special events and other fund-raising activi-
ties, the Publication Assistant assigned to prepare volunteer Experience, Skills, and Personality Traits
activity enhancement material may also have to attend plan-
Excellent writing skills are necessary for the Publication
ning sessions and events. The individual may additionally
Assistant. He or she should have a working knowledge of
develop publications such as instruction sheets, manuals,
grammar, spelling, and word usage. A good writing style is
and/or newsletters specifically dedicated to the volunteer
network that promotes the purpose of the group. a must. An understanding of graphics, layout, and the print-
The Publication Assistant working in a nonprofit organi- ing industry is usually required. Individuals in this position
zation can be responsible to the group’s director of public should also know how to edit other people’s writing. Publi-
relations, director of marketing, director of fund-raising, or cation Assistants need to be able to communicate verbally
director of development or to the agency’s chief executive as well as on paper. Computer skills are required for most
officer. While most of the work of the Publication Assistant positions.
is done during normal working hours, the individual may,
on occasion, have to work at night or on weekends attending Unions and Associations
meetings, functions, or special events or may have to stay
A Publication Assistant working in a nonprofit organization
late to meet a publication deadline.
does not usually belong to any union. He or she may, how-
ever, belong to any of a number of trade associations that
Salaries can provide the individual with professional guidance and
Earnings for Publication Assistants working in nonprofit support as well as putting him or her in touch with others in
settings vary greatly depending on the size of the organiza- the same field. These include the Public Relations Society

of America (PRSA), National Society of Fund Raising public relations departments. Write to the director of
Executives (NSFRE), and the Council for the Advancement the organization and inquire about the availability of
and Support of Education (CASE). Individuals might also these programs.
belong to trade associations specifically related to their indi- 3. Positions such as this are often advertised in the classi-
vidual field in the nonprofit area. fied section of newspapers under the heading classifi-
cation of “Public Relations,” “Fund-raising,” “Writer,”
Tips for Entry or “Publications.” Positions might also be located in
1. Volunteer to write and develop press releases, employment display advertisements in the newspaper.
brochures, and flyers for local nonprofit or civic 4. Check out the Web sites of not-for-profit organiza-
organizations. tions. Many post employment opportunities.
2. Summer jobs or internships are often available in non- 5. Career employment Web sites such as
profit organizations’ fund-raising and development or and also may offer opportunities.


Duties: Assist director of department with fund-raising

programs Director of Fund-raising
and Development or Director
Alternate Title(s): Assistant Director of Development; of Public Relations or Marketing
Assistant Director of Fund-raising; Fund-raising Assis-
tant Director

Salary Range: $23,000 to $50,000+

Assistant Director of Fund-raising
Employment Prospects: Fair and Development
Advancement Prospects: Fair

Best Geographical Location(s): Positions may be located

throughout country. Trainee Position, Entry Level,
or Fund-raising Staff Member
Education or Training—Bachelor’s degree in market-
ing, advertising, communications, journalism, or liberal
arts required; MBA helpful in advancement
Experience—Publicity, public relations, and fund-rais-
ing experience useful
Special Skills and Personality Traits—Aggressive;
organization; good writing, communication, and inter-
personal skills; knowledge of computers

Position Description The Assistant Director of Fund-raising and Development

The Assistant Director of Fund-raising and Development is responsible for assisting the head of the department with
working in a nonprofit setting can be employed in many dif- developing programs to raise funds for the institution. The
ferent types of organizations. He or she might work in a individual helps raise the money not only for large capital
hospital, health care organization, museum, cultural center, campaigns but also for some of the smaller programs of the
or library. The individual may also work for other types of organization. After the creation or development of these
charitable organizations, nonprofit foundations, or trade programs he or she assists in their implementation. Pro-
associations. grams to raise money can differ and run from weekly bingo
The main duty of someone in this position is to assist the games and special-event shows to huge annual fund-raising
director of the fund-raising and development program raise dinners, auctions, dances, telethons, and entertainment
moneys for the organization or facility. This is not an easy events. Other types of programs the assistant might help
job because there are so many organizations vying for the develop and implement include century clubs and other
funds donated by the public. annual giving or sustaining campaigns.
Responsibilities in this type of job vary from position to The individual’s duties might involve working with or
position. However, there are a number of duties that remain supervising other staff members in the department. He or
the same no matter the setting. she might also work with the public relations or marketing

departments. Depending on the structure of the organiza- the board of directors and the executive director of the
tion, the assistant may act as the assistant to the public rela- organization.
tions, publicity, or marketing director.
Much of the fund-raising accomplished in nonprofit
organizations is made possible by volunteers who do a lot of
Salaries for Assistant Director of Fund-raising and Develop-
legwork. The assistant is responsible for working with the
ment who work for nonprofit organizations vary greatly
volunteers who help implement many of the programs. The
depending on many factors, including the experience of the
individual must have the ability to make people feel wanted,
individual and the organization’s type, size, location, and
needed, and useful in order to get things done. He or she
might also be responsible for helping to locate volunteers to
assist on projects. Salaries for this position can range from $23,000 to
The Assistant Director of Fund-raising and Development $50,000 or more annually. Individuals might also receive
may be asked by the director to cultivate potential donors. fringe benefit packages.
To do this the individual might attend luncheons, dinners,
meetings, parties, and other affairs on behalf of the organi- Employment Prospects
zation. At times the assistant will be asked to speak to Employment prospects are fair for those seeking the position
groups of people about fund-raising functions. At other of Assistant Director of Fund-raising and Development in
times he or she may lead tours in order to show visitors the nonprofit organizations. There are numerous possibilities
building or facility and the people being helped by the for work, such as hospitals, schools, colleges, universities,
organization to illustrate how programs are working. health care organizations, museums, cultural centers, lib-
The assistant might seek out grants offered by the gov- raries, charitable organizations, nonprofit foundations, and
ernment and private foundations. Depending on the circum- trade associations.
stances, he or she may just locate these grants or may be Individuals can usually find employment in any location
responsible for writing proposals for them. The Assistant in the country. Larger cities offer more job possibilities.
Director could also be responsible for seeking annual gifts There are also a fair number of part-time positions available
from individuals and corporations and for locating sponsor- in this field.
ship for various projects the organization has undertaken.
The assistant is responsible for writing reports for the
director of the department as well as describing the progress Advancement Prospects
of varied fund-raising projects to the board of directors. He Advancement prospects for the Assistant Director of Fund-
or she might write press releases or do other publicity to raising and Development working in a nonprofit organiza-
promote fund-raising and development programs. tion are fair. The individual can advance by becoming the
Other writing responsibilities include direct-mail pieces, director of fund-raising and development or the director of
advertising copy, flyer copy, fund-raising letters, invitations, public relations or marketing in the same organization. He
speeches, and brochures. or she might advance by moving to a position in a larger
Part of the job of the Assistant Director of Fund-raising nonprofit group, which would mean a salary increase.
and Development is to help the director run special events to
raise money. Responsibilities encompass doing anything Education and Training
that needs to be done in order to run a successful and effec- The educational requirement for this position is a college
tive program. This might include finding locations for din- degree. Important majors include marketing, public rela-
ner dances, planning menus, making phone calls to assure tions, English, journalism, liberal arts, and communications.
good attendance at an event, locating individuals and busi-
A master’s degree will help in career advancement.
nesses to donate door prizes, conducting phonathons, locat-
Any seminar on fund-raising, development, marketing,
ing guest speakers and chairpeople, keeping records of
or grant writing will be useful.
moneys, soliciting donations, etc. The individual may help
run one special event a year or one a week, depending on
the organization. Experience, Skills, and Personality Traits
Some Assistant Directors of Fund-raising and Develop- The Assistant Director of Fund-raising and Development
ment are also responsible for keeping records of donor man- working for a nonprofit organization should be fairly
agement and resource development. Individuals might send aggressive and have good organizational skills. He or she
out acknowledgments and thank-you letters to donors. should have excellent writing and communication skills.
The Assistant Director of Fund-raising and Development Computer capability is helpful. The individual must also
working in a nonprofit setting is responsible to the director have good interpersonal skills and the ability to deal well
of the department. The individual also works closely with with volunteers.

Any experience in public relations, publicity, the running tee. This will provide useful experience as well as
of special events, and fund-raising is a plus. being good for your résumé.
2. Look in the classified sections of Sunday newspapers
Unions and Associations under “Fund-raising,” “Public Relations,” “Health
The Assistant Director of Fund-raising and Development Care,” and “Grant Writing” headings. This type of
does not have a bargaining union. He or she may belong to position may also be located in the display advertising
trade associations that provide useful contacts as well as section of Sunday newspapers.
offering seminars and courses to hone skills in this field. 3. Join trade associations. Subscribe to their journals and
Associations include National Society of Fund Raising attend their seminars and conventions.
Executives (NSFRE), Direct Mail/Marketing Association, 4. Many colleges and nonprofit organizations offer
Inc. (DM/MA), The Association for Healthcare Philan- internship and trainee programs in this field.
thropy, and the Council for the Advancement and Support of 5. Look for positions online. Check out the Web sites of
Education (CASE), to name a few. not-for-profit organizations. Many post employment
Tips for Entry 6. You might also look on some of the more popular
1. Join one or two nonprofit organizations you are inter- employment Web sites such as and
ested in. Volunteer to be on the fund-raising commit-



Duties: Provide a hospitable, comfortable atmosphere for

guests (clients, members, patients, visitors, etc.) of non- Guest Services Coordinator
profit organization; take people on tours of institution; in Larger Organization,
make guests or clients feel important and special; prepare Guest Services Director,
literature and materials about services of the organization or Public Relations
or Marketing Director
Alternate Title(s): Guest Relations Coordinator; Guest Ser-
vices Representative; Patient Relations Coordinator

Salary Range: $23,000 to $48,000+

Guest Services Coordinator
Employment Prospects: Fair

Advancement Prospects: Fair

Best Geographical Location(s): Positions may be located Public Relations Assistant,

throughout the country. Guest Services Assistant,
or Administrative Assistant
Education or Training—Four-year college degree
Experience—Experience in hospitality industry and
public relations helpful, but not always required
Special Skills and Personality Traits—Interpersonal
skills; good communications skills; writing skills; ability
to handle details; sensitivity; empathy

Position Description The Guest Services Coordinator is responsible for creat-

The Guest Services Coordinator provides, develops, coordi- ing a comfortable atmosphere. The individual must make
nates, and supports all of the amenities and other hospitality sure that the customer, guest, client, or patient is made to
aspects of a nonprofit organization. The purpose of guest feel that he or she is regarded as a very important person.
services is to offer a hospitable, comfortable atmosphere, The individual may be responsible for training staff
assistance with routine or special activities, and special VIP members to understand guest relations concepts. He or she
services. The individual in this position works as part of the explains to staff how to treat the organization’s guests when
public relations department. they are in the institution. The Guest Services Coordinator
He or she may work for any of a variety of different types also trains employees with phone-answering responsibilities
of organizations, including museums, hospitals and health to do that task so that people calling in feel that they are
care institutions, zoos, cultural centers, or libraries. The important and special and are being well taken care of.
individual may also work for other types of charitable To perform his or her job the Guest Services Coordinator
organizations, nonprofit foundations, or trade associations. may be expected to develop and implement surveys and
In some organizations there is only one person in this questionnaires regarding guests’ attitudes. The individual
position. In others there are a number of Guest Services may, for example, work in a hospital. He or she might find
Coordinators. Functions vary depending on the specific through a survey that nurses are not responding to calls from
institution or organization. patients’ families in a timely fashion, or that food is being

brought to patients cold. The Guest Services Coordinator responsibility average earnings between $35,000 and
can take these problems and work with administration to $48,000.
solve them.
The Guest Services Coordinator may take people on
Employment Prospects
tours of the organization’s facilities and provide them with
Employment prospects are fair for Guest Services Coordi-
literature and souvenirs. He or she may develop or create
nators in the nonprofit world. Individuals must look toward
special “nicety” packages for guests. In a hospital it may be
a cosmetic basket of soap, toothpaste, toothbrush, comb, the mid-size and larger nonprofit groups. Many smaller
etc. In a zoo the individual may create a package with post- organizations may not have Guest Services Coordinator
cards, bumper stickers, and a small stuffed animal. Cultural positions. Instead the responsibilities are often delegated to
centers may give bottles of wine or champagne. These pack- the public relations department.
ages usually have the name of the organization emblazoned Jobs may be located throughout the country. Individuals
on them. They may be given to all guests or they may be have a variety of different types of organizations to choose
offered only to special guests. from, including zoos, museums, health care facilities and
The Guest Services Coordinator is expected to handle hospitals, charitable organizations, trade associations, and
any problems that arise with guests so the patron is made to other nonprofit organizations.
feel that he or she is right. This could mean that the Guest
Services Coordinator has an employee apologize to a Advancement Prospects
patron. In situations where the coordinator learns about a Advancement prospects for Guest Services Coordinators in
problem by phone or mail, he or she may have to write a let- the nonprofit sector are fair. Individuals may find similar
ter of apology. The individual might also take charges off a positions in larger nonprofit organizations, resulting in
bill or send a free pass. increased earnings and responsibilities. One might also
In many nonprofit situations the Guest Services Coordi- become a guest services director, if the organization has
nator is also responsible for a number of marketing and such a position.
administrative duties. Museums, cultural centers, and zoos, Guest Services Coordinators may also climb the career
for example, may raise funds for the institution by renting ladder by becoming the assistant director or director of pub-
out the property to the public for special functions, parties, lic relations or the assistant director or director of marketing.
or even filming events. The individual may be in charge of
planning, coordinating, and supervising these functions.
When an event is taking place the Guest Services Coordina- Education and Training
tor will be expected to be on site to assist with any problems The Guest Services Coordinator working in a nonprofit organ-
that may arise. ization is usually required to hold a four-year college degree.
The Guest Services Coordinator may also be required to Good choices for majors include public relations, communica-
market the institution. He or she may be responsible for tions, English, liberal arts, marketing, and journalism.
preparing and distributing general information materials on Seminars on public relations, writing, and working with
the organization, the services, and any programs available. nonprofit groups will be useful to the individual for both the
The individual usually works normal business hours. If educational value and making professional contacts.
there is an unexpected problem or if the individual is super-
vising an event at the organization, he or she will be Experience, Skills, and Personality Traits
required to work overtime. The Guest Services Coordinator needs good interpersonal
The Guest Services Coordinator may be responsible to skills. He or she should be personable and genuinely like
either the guest services director or the public relations people. The individual should have the ability to put others
director, depending on the size and structure of the organi- at ease and make them comfortable.
zation. Good communication skills are necessary. The Guest
Services Coordinator should be articulate, have the ability
Salaries to speak comfortably in front of groups, and be able to deal
Earnings for Guest Services Coordinators vary depending with antagonistic, irate, or dissatisfied clients. A pleasant
on the size and budget of the nonprofit organization and the telephone manner is also required.
experience and responsibilities of the individual. Salaries The individual often works on many different projects at
can range from $23,000 to $48,000 or more annually. one time. He or she should have the ability to handle details
Individuals who have few or no administrative functions without becoming flustered.
and those working in small organizations have salaries rang- The Guest Services Coordinator should be able to write
ing from the high teens to the low twenties. Individuals well. He or she may be expected to prepare letters, propos-
working in larger organizations or those with a great deal of als, and other written materials. A variety of public relations

and publicity skills are often needed. The ability to type or 2. Many nonprofit organizations hire assistants to work
use a computer or word processor may be necessary. with their Guest Services Coordinator. This will get
Experience working in the hospitality industry is helpful. your foot in the door of the field.
3. Get experience in publicity or public relations by vol-
unteering your efforts to a nonprofit organization.
Unions and Associations
4. Attend seminars and classes. This will help you hone
The Guest Services Coordinator working in a nonprofit situ-
skills as well as giving you the opportunity to make
ation does not belong to a union. While there are no specific
professional contacts.
trade associations for the individual to belong to, he or she
5. Send your résumé and a cover letter to nonprofit
may be a member of the Public Relations Society of Amer-
organizations and ask for an interview.
ica (PRSA).
6. Positions for Guest Services Coordinators are adver-
tised in both trade journals and newspaper classified
Tips for Entry sections. Look under heading classifications of
1. Consider a part-time or summer job in a hotel or “Guest Services,” “Public Relations,” or “Guest
resort as a guest relations clerk or assistant. Relations.”


Duties: Develop promotions for newspaper to enlarge circu-

lation, obtain greater advertising space sales, and create Advertising Sales Director,
community goodwill; develop special-edition supple- Promotion Coordinator at Larger
ments; design projects that create advertising tie-ins Publication or Promotion Director

Alternate Title(s): Promotion Manager

Salary Range: $23,000 to $60,000+

Promotion Coordinator
Employment Prospects: Fair

Advancement Prospects: Good

Best Geographical Location(s): Positions may be located Public Relations, Advertising,

throughout the country. or Promotion Assistant
Education or Training—Four-year college degree
Experience—Journalism, public relations, promotion, or
advertising experience required
Special Skills and Personality Traits—Imagination;
innovative; creative; good writing skills; knowledge of
advertising and the newspaper industry; articulate

Position Description advertisers. These are used for promotional tie-ins. The indi-
A Promotion Coordinator working in a newspaper is responsi- vidual may develop a number of these supplements every
ble for developing promotions for the publication. The promo- year. Examples include special sections on vacation and
tions assist in obtaining a large circulation for the paper. The travel; food and dining; health and fitness; back-to-school;
larger the circulation, the more the newspaper can charge for men’s, women’s, and children’s fashions; and real estate.
space to advertisers who want to place ads. The promotions The Promotion Coordinator may design contests to stim-
are also used to develop advertising tie-ins for advertisers. ulate circulation as well as bring in new advertisers. He or
Many of the promotions created help to develop goodwill she may, for instance, start an annual newspaper cooking
within the community. contest. In addition to the contest promotion itself, the indi-
For example, the Promotion Coordinator may develop a
vidual may develop a cookbook section in which businesses
program in which the newspaper sponsors special events
can advertise.
such as golf, bowling, tennis, baseball, softball, and other
sports tournaments for a local charity or group of charities. The Promotion Coordinator has a number of responsibil-
While they may develop, organize, and implement the pro- ities when developing and implementing projects. He or she
gram to raise funds and awareness for the charity, the Pro- might begin by writing a proposal that would be given to the
motion Coordinator may also find ways to sell space to local advertising manager, publisher, or management for
businesspeople who want to get involved in the project. approval. Once it is approved, the individual is responsible
The Promotion Coordinator is responsible for developing for creating and writing advertising pieces to inform readers
ideas for special-edition supplements of the paper to attract of the program. In some cases the individual may advertise

various promotions in other publications or via local radio fairly good chance of this occurring after the individual
or television commercials. He or she may also be responsi- obtains some experience. There is a great deal of turnover in
ble for writing press releases about the promotions. this field due to advancement and mobility of people in the
The Promotion Coordinator may be expected to plan and newspaper field.
design the publication’s public service advertisements, The Promotion Coordinator might be promoted to the
activities, and promotions. He or she might also work with newspaper’s advertising director position. In some situa-
schools, teachers, and administrators to develop educational tions the Promotion Coordinator moves out of the newspa-
uses for the newspaper. The individual may come up with an per industry and into promotion in magazines, book
annual promotion in which children learn about advertising publishing, radio, television, advertising.
and the newspaper industry by designing advertisements for
local businesses in school. The business people will then Education and Training
have the opportunity to buy space to have the children’s
Most positions as Promotion Coordinators in newspapers
advertisements appear in a special supplement. have a minimum requirement of a four-year college degree.
The Promotion Coordinator works normal business Good choices for majors include advertising, marketing,
hours. He or she may, however, be required to work overtime business, public relations, communications, liberal arts,
to complete projects, meet deadlines, be on hand for promo- journalism, and English.
tions, or attend public events on behalf of the newspaper.
The individual works with the advertising sales depart-
ment, keeping them abreast of all future promotions. He or Experience, Skills, and Personality Traits
she may be responsible to the advertising sales manager or The Promotion Coordinator should have a basic understand-
director or to the publisher, depending on the structure of ing of the newspaper industry. He or she should know about
the newspaper. circulation, advertising, and the audience of the particular
paper. The Promotion Coordinator should have a working
knowledge of public relations, advertising, and marketing.
Salaries The individual needs good communication skills. He or
Annual earnings vary greatly for Promotion Coordinators she must be able to speak before groups of people comfort-
working in newspapers, depending on a number of vari- ably and articulately.
ables. These include the size, location, and circulation of the Writing skills are necessary, too. The Promotion Coordi-
paper and the experience level and responsibilities of the nator needs to be able to write simple press releases, propos-
individual. als, and reports. The individual may also need to write
Salaries can range from $23,000 to $60,000 a year. A Pro- advertising copy. In certain situations, the ability to lay out
motion Coordinator with limited experience working in a ads will also be needed.
small newspaper would earn an average of $23,000 to He or she should be creative, innovative, and imagina-
$27,000 annually. Those working for large metropolitan daily tive. This will be important when developing both promo-
newspapers may earn between $40,000 to $50,000. Individu- tional and advertising ideas and concepts.
als who work for newspapers with extremely large circula-
tions and high advertising rates may earn $60,000 or more.
Unions and Associations
The Promotion Coordinator does not usually belong to any
Employment Prospects bargaining union. He or she may belong to any of a number
Employment prospects are fair for Promotion Coordinators of trade associations and groups that provide educational
working in newspapers. Newspapers of all sizes are located materials and professional guidance, plus conferences, con-
throughout the country and usually have this position. How- ventions, meetings, and seminars for bringing people in the
ever, some of the smaller newspapers may combine the same field together. These include the International News-
functions of the Promotion Coordinator with that of the paper Promotion Association (INPA), the International Cir-
sales manager. culation Managers Association (ICMA), the American
Individuals may have to relocate or take a position in a Newspaper Publishers Association (ANPA), The Newspaper
smaller paper in order to find employment. Guild (TNG), the Public Relations Society of America
(PRSA), the American Advertising Federation (AAF), and
Advancement Prospects the National Federation of Press Women, Inc.
Advancement prospects are good for a Promotion Coordina-
tor. There are a number of different ways the individual can Tips for Entry
climb the career ladder. He or she may locate a similar posi- 1. Join trade associations and organizations. Many of
tion in a larger, more prestigious newspaper. This would these offer student memberships. These groups will
result in increased earnings and responsibilities. There is a give you advice on obtaining a job, helpful literature,

and seminars that will help hone your skills as well as smaller area or on a smaller newspaper. The pay
assisting in making professional contacts. will be less than at a major paper, but you will get
2. Try to locate an internship or training program in a valuable experience that will help you move up the
newspaper. These are often available through trade career ladder.
associations or the newspapers themselves. Write and 5. Consider sending your résumé with a cover letter to a
inquire. Remember to indicate the department that number of newspapers indicating your interest in
you’re interested in. working in the promotion department. Ask that your
3. Promotion Coordinator positions are often advertised résumé be kept on file. When a position opens up,
in classified section of the newspaper. Look under they might call you for an interview.
heading classifications of “Promotion Coordinator,” 6. Look for a job online. Many newspapers have Web
“Promotion,” “Advertising,” or “Sales.” sites listing their employment opportunities.
4. If you are just getting into the job market, you 7. Don’t forget to check some of the career employment
might have an easier time locating employment in a Web sites such as and



Duties: Assist the public relations director with public rela-

tions duties; write press releases; help develop public Public Relations Director
relations and publicity strategies for the magazine

Alternate Title(s): PR Assistant; Publicity Assistant

Salary Range: $23,000 to $36,000+ Public Relations Assistant

Employment Prospects: Fair

Advancement Prospects: Fair

Intern, Trainee, or Entry Level
Best Geographical Location(s): New York City, as well as
other major cities, may offer more job possibilities.

Education or Training—Four-year degree required
Experience—Writing, publicity, or public relations
experience preferred but not required in all positions
Special Skills and Personality Traits—Good writing
skills; creative; articulate; ability to work under pressure;
good phone skills

Position Description about special issues being prepared or interesting articles

The Public Relations Assistant working for a magazine or that will be in forthcoming issues.
other publication assists the director of the department with The individual might also be required to develop press
the public relations functions. The main responsibility of the releases on staff promotions, special awards and honors to
public relations department is to publicize the magazine to be presented to the magazine or its staff, or any other event
consumers and advertisers as well as the media. considered newsworthy.
While magazines make money on subscriptions and sin- The PR assistant may also be required to develop and
gle-issue sales, most of their income comes from selling write feature stories and special-interest articles on the mag-
advertising space. Selling more copies of a magazine means azine and members of its staff. These, too, will be sent to the
that the publication can raise advertising rates. It is therefore media.
important for the magazine to be in the public eye as much Depending on the experience of the Public Relations
as possible. This is accomplished through public relations, Assistant, his or her writing and other work may have to be
publicity, marketing, and advertising. reviewed by the public relations director. The individual
The Public Relations Assistant may have varied duties may have to type press releases and articles, putting them
depending on the type and size of the magazine and the num- directly into a computer, or may have a secretary responsi-
ber of people working in the public relations department. ble for this task.
One of the main duties of the Public Relations Assistant The Public Relations Assistant may be asked to develop,
is to write press releases that are distributed to other media, write, and design promotional materials and internal publi-
such as magazines, newspapers, news services, and televi- cations such as brochures, newsletters, memos, flyers, and
sion and radio stations. The PR assistant may write releases posters.

The individual may also be required to prepare media lists, Employment Prospects
make sure that they are up to date, and keep in contact with Employment prospects are fair for those seeking employ-
various editors, reporters, producers, and talent coordinators. ment as Public Relations Assistants in the world of maga-
The Public Relations Assistant may write or call talent zines and publications. While there are thousands of
coordinators and producers of talk, variety, and news shows magazines published throughout the country, not all of them
on radio and television to set up interviews for magazine have public relations departments. This is especially true for
personnel. For example, the public relations director may many smaller publications and specialized trade magazines.
decide that the publication’s health and beauty editor would Most of the larger publications, especially consumer maga-
be a good weekly guest on a midday news show. The PR zines, do hire people for this position.
assistant might be responsible for making the calls to find a As many publications are located in New York City or
show that also considers this a good idea. other major cities, individuals may have to relocate if they
The individual must also assist in arranging interviews want to work in these positions.
with news people to help promote the magazine and must
respond to media questions when called.
At times the Public Relations Assistant acts as a buffer Advancement Prospects
for the public relations director. He or she may be required Advancement prospects for a magazine Public Relations
to field phone calls, talk to people, and take care of minor Assistant are fair. There is a lot of competition in the publi-
problems directed to the PR director. cation field. Individuals who move up the career ladder
The Public Relations Assistant may work with the PR must be aggressive and outgoing. They must demonstrate to
director developing new promotions or contests that the their supervisors that they are capable of doing the job.
magazine might hold to increase readership. The individual The next rung on the career ladder for a PR assistant
might also assist with the marketing or advertising depart- working at a magazine is to become the public relations
ment, publicizing promotions and projects. director. The individual may have to seek this type of posi-
Developing, preparing, compiling, and distributing press tion at another publication if the current PR director is not
kits is another important function of the Public Relations promoted or leaving for another position. Individuals might
Assistant. To do this, the individual must handle a number of also advance to become marketing director or manager at
areas. He or she writes general press releases focusing on the the publication.
publication, as well as using specific releases from the past. Some individuals advance their careers by locating pub-
The individual also chooses photos that have appeared in the lic relations jobs in television, radio, or another industry.
magazine or on covers of the publication and articles or sto-
ries that have appeared in other publications; demographics
sheets; fact and bio sheets; brochures; and rate cards. He or
Education and Training
she compiles these into a folder and distributes them to the Almost every magazine hiring Public Relations Assistants
media (and possibly to the advertising department). requires the individuals to have a minimum of a four-year
The PR assistant may, at the director’s discretion, handle college degree. Good choices for majors include public rela-
any other public relations duties or functions. He or she tions, communications, English, marketing, journalism, and
may, for example, be the publication’s speaker at local or liberal arts.
civic groups or may represent the magazine at dinners, Additional seminars and courses in public relations, writ-
fund-raising functions, seminars, or industry conferences. ing, and publicity are helpful, as are specialty seminars in
The individual in this job is directly responsible to the publicity for publications. These courses help the individual
publication’s public relations director or manager. He or she learn new skills and make important contacts.
is required to work normal business hours. When the depart-
ment or magazine is working on special projects or promo- Experience, Skills, and Personality Traits
tions, the individual may have to work late or on weekends. The PR assistant should have excellent writing skills. A
good command of the English language, grammar, and
Salaries spelling is necessary. The ability to write interesting,
Public Relations Assistants working for magazines earn informative, and factual press releases is imperative.
salaries ranging from $23,000 to $36,000 or more annually. The individual also needs to have a creative mind. He or
Variables that affect earnings include the size, prestige, and she helps develop ideas, press releases, and promotions.
location of the publication as well as the responsibilities and Artistic creativity, or at least a sense of graphic style, is a
experience level of the individual. necessity for the Public Relations Assistant. He or she may
Individuals working in major cities, where most of the be required to do publication layouts, decorations for par-
larger publications are headquartered, usually earn more ties, or any of a number of other functions in which creativ-
than those working in suburban areas. ity and style are needed.

Typing, word processing, and/or computer skills are usu- materials helpful in obtaining jobs in public relations.
ally required in these positions. A good phone manner is They also have a job-location program for members.
necessary. The individual is often requested to take incom- 2. There are employment agencies that deal specifically
ing calls and make outgoing calls. He or she must also be with finding public relations positions. Before you
extremely articulate and comfortable speaking in public. work with one of these, however, check to find out
The Public Relations Assistant who is to be successful in who will pay the fee if they find you a job. In some
his or her job must be enthusiastic, friendly, outgoing, and agencies, the job applicant pays. In others, the
willing to do the little extras without being asked or expected. employer bears the cost.
3. Many larger magazines offer intern programs. Write
to the publication headquarters to inquire.
Unions and Associations
4. Positions may be listed in the newspaper classified
The most prominent trade association for people working in
section. Look under the heading classifications of
any facet of public relations is the Public Relations Society
“Public Relations,” “College,” “Publicity,” “Maga-
of America (PRSA). This group also offers student member-
zines,” or “Publications.”
ship to those who are interested in getting into the field. The
5. Positions may also be located in the help-wanted sec-
PRSA holds workshops, seminars, courses, and conferences
tion of trade journals.
throughout the year. They also offer trade journals and
6. Consider sending your résumé and a cover letter to
books helpful to those in the industry.
the personnel directors of magazines. Remember to
ask that your résumé be kept on file if there are no
Tips for Entry jobs currently available.
1. Join the student chapter of the Public Relations Society 7. Check out various magazine Web sites. Many list
of America. This organization provides training and employment opportunities.



Duties: Sell advertising space in magazine and/or newspa-

pers to clients; give advice on ad design and budget Advertising Sales Manager

Alternate Title(s): Sales Rep; Salesperson; Salesman;

Saleswoman; Account Executive

Salary Range: $19,000 to $100,000+ Advertising Sales Representative

Employment Prospects: Excellent

Advancement Prospects: Good

Best Geographical Location(s): All locations are good Advertising Sales Rep Assistant,
for obtaining jobs; larger cities offer bigger publication Advertising Sales Rep Trainee,
possibilities. or Entry-Level Position

Education or Training—High school diploma, mini-
mum requirement; college degree or background may be
preferred or required.
Experience—Selling experience helpful, but not necessary
Special Skills and Personality Traits—Personable
aggressive; strong desire to succeed; organization; ability
to work without constant supervision; ability to deal with

Position Description has a certain locality or area to sell ads in. The rep usually
Whether an Advertising Sales Representative works for a sells only in his or her territory. Territories can be large or
newspaper or a magazine, his or her main function is to sell small. If a rep is working for a national publication, for
advertising space. If the rep (or salesperson, as they are example, he or she might cover either the Southwest region,
sometimes called) works for a local newspaper or magazine, the East Coast region, or the Upper Midwest. A rep working
he or she often works directly with local businesses to sell for a local daily newspaper might have the entire city in
advertisements. Advertising Sales Representatives working which he or she is located to sell ads.
with national newspapers or magazines also work with Depending on the size of a newspaper or magazine, the
advertising agencies whose clients have purchased ads. Advertising Sales Representative might write ads, acting as
The sales rep calls on businesses that buy space. These a copywriter. At other small publications the sales represen-
clients might include restaurants, department stores, chain tative might also design and lay out advertisements.
stores, doctors, dentists, lawyers, shops of all kinds, movie Clients often want to advertise their products or services
theaters, concert halls, nonprofit organizations, etc. Local or and call the sales representative to get information and rates
regional clients are those who sell products or services in a on the publication. After the call the salesperson usually
local or regional area. National clients include companies makes an appointment to meet with the potential client to
that produce products or services sold on a national or inter- offer this information as well as to give a sales spiel.
national level. At times the Advertising Sales Representative must go
An Advertising Sales Representative is usually assigned out and find customers. At this point he or she may make
a sales territory in which to work. This means that he or she “cold calls.” These are phone calls or visits made to a poten-

tial client without advance warning and without the client its money, publications are constantly looking for good sales
having called the publication to buy ad space. The rep may reps. Advertising sales jobs are one of the best ways of
call a client to talk about a special promotion that the publi- breaking into any type of advertising career.
cation is running. For example, a newspaper might have an
issue dedicated to health services. The Advertising Sales
Advancement Prospects
Representative would then contact all the hospitals, doctors,
dentists, and labs, to see if they would like to participate in Advancement for Advertising Sales Representatives can be
the issue and buy advertising space. obtained in many ways. An Advertising Sales Representa-
An Advertising Sales Representative often works on his tive might advance his or her career by becoming an adver-
or her own. It is up to the individual to sell as many ads as tising manager or director. The rep might also advance his
possible. Often the job is not nine to five. The sales rep may or her career by obtaining bigger and better territories in
find that he or she has to make a sales call to a client at eight which to sell. The advertising rep may climb the ladder of
in the morning or eight at night. No one watches what a success by getting bigger accounts, which would lead to
sales rep does all day. It is up to him or her to organize his or higher earnings.
her time and efforts effectively.
Much of the work of an Advertising Sales Representative Education and Training
is done in the field. That means that the rep is often on the A high school diploma may be all that is required of an
road trying to sell space. He or she might set up appoint- Advertising Sales Representative in some situations. Other
ments one day and visit the clients the next. At other times positions may require or prefer a college degree or college
the Advertising Sales Representative might be in the office background. Courses or seminars in selling and advertising
helping clients decide where, when, and how their advertis- can be useful to the individual seeking this type of position.
ing dollar would be best spent. The rep also spends a great
deal of his or her time on the phone locating potential clients
or telling current customers about the status of their ads. Experience, Skills, and Personality Traits
The Advertising Sales Representative must be able to set An Advertising Sales Representative must be personable
goals for him- or herself and not get discouraged when he or and aggressive and have the ability to deal with the discour-
she doesn’t sell every client. Salespeople often have dry agement of not selling every ad. He or she must enjoy sell-
times when ads don’t sell as well as expected. Individuals ing and have a genuine liking for the public. The rep cannot
must be able to keep a positive attitude during these periods. be timid. He or she must seek opportunities to sell advertis-
The Advertising Sales Representative works under the ing space and then sell them to clients. As reps are often
supervision of a retail advertising manager. Under this paid a commission, they must also have a strong desire to
direction the rep learns of all special sales campaigns or succeed. Sales reps must be organized and have the ability
promotions for the publication. The individual works to work without constant supervision. An understanding of
closely with his or her ad manager. Through this individual math is useful for figuring out costs.
the sales rep obtains leads, gets pointers on effective selling
techniques, and obtains territories.
Unions and Associations
Salaries Advertising Sales Representatives often belong to a number
of business and civic groups. Through these organizations
Salaries may be paid to Advertising Sales Representatives in
a number of ways. The person might receive a straight individuals begin to build a good list of contacts to call in
salary; the individual may receive a small salary and com- order to sell advertising. Sales reps working for publications
missions; or the sales rep might be paid by commissions might also belong to the International Newspaper Advertis-
alone. As most sales reps receive part of their income by ing and Marketing Executives (INAME) and the Newspaper
commission, it is difficult to estimate income. In most cases, Advertising Bureau (NAB).
one of the great things about being an Advertising Sales
Representative is that earning potential can be limitless. An Tips for Entry
Advertising Sales Representative working for a newspaper 1. A letter and résumé to newspaper and magazine per-
or magazine may have annual earnings ranging from sonnel offices will often land you an interview.
approximately $19,000 to $100,000 or more. 2. There are many seminars that can help you become a
better salesperson. Look for these in the newspaper or
Employment Prospects at your local community college.
Employment prospects for Advertising Sales Representatives 3. Advertising Sales Rep positions are regularly adver-
are excellent. There is usually an abundance of opportunities tised in newspapers in the classified section. If you
in almost any town, city, or state where an individual might don’t find job openings under “Advertising,” look
want to live. As advertising is the way a publication makes under “Salesperson,” “Sales,” or “Account Executive.”



Duties: Act as liaison between a publication and the com-

munity; plan, organize, and develop programs to meet Public Relations Director
publication and community needs

Alternate Title(s): Community Affairs Coordinator; Com-

munity Relations Director; Community Affairs Director
Community Relations Coordinator
Salary Range: $23,000 to $45,000+

Employment Prospects: Fair

Advancement Prospects: Good Other Position in Journalism,

Publicity, or Public Relations
Best Geographical Location(s): Large cities offer more

Education or Training—College degree in public rela-
tions, journalism, English, liberal arts, or communications
Experience—Previous work with community groups is
useful. Writing and publicity experience is helpful.
Special Skills and Personality Traits—Ability to work
well with people; writing skills; communication skills;
organizational skills; creative

Position Description to help, locate volunteers to put the event together, and han-
An individual working as a Community Relations Coordi- dle publicity and promotion to insure a successful program.
nator for a newspaper or magazine acts as a liaison between The Community Relations Coordinator also works with
the publication for which he or she works and the commu- local businesses, business associations, and business leaders
nity. His or her main function is to assess the needs of the to help increase business and commerce in the area.
community and find ways to meet them. People in this posi- The individual may learn about a family in the area who
tion have to organize, develop, and plan programs to satisfy has no health insurance with a child who needs an expen-
local community requirements. sive, life-saving operation. In this instance the coordinator
The Community Relations Coordinator has varied duties. might organize and advertise fund-raising programs through
He or she may look for specific problems in the community the publication in order to help raise money. The newspaper
or may respond to local nonprofit organizations or individu- or magazine might sponsor auctions, fairs, dinners, baseball
als who need assistance. Part of the responsibility of the games, car washes, entertainment, etc. for the purpose of
Community Relations Coordinator is meeting with various raising money for the cause. Alternatively, the coordinator
members of nonprofit groups and service organizations. might work with another organization to cosponsor events
Through these meetings the individual determines what, if or run advertisements free of charge in the publication to
anything, can be accomplished for each organization. help promote a program. In addition to working with local
The Community Relations Coordinator must decide if community groups, the coordinator may work with national
causes are worthwhile, develop specific projects and ideas nonprofit organizations.

Community Relations Coordinators (or community position at a daily newspaper or a small weekly magazine
affairs coordinators, as they might be known) may design might start at $23,000 to $28,000. At larger publications or
and implement annual events for the benefit of the entire those in more metropolitan areas the Community Relations
community. They may, for example, sponsor, coordinate, Coordinator might earn $45,000 or more.
and advertise a program such as a town block party, a health
fair in conjunction with local hospitals, or cooking classes Employment Prospects
in conjunction with health associations. Whenever there is a
Employment prospects are fair for Community Relations
crisis in the local area the Community Relations Coordina-
Coordinators working for publications. While there are
tor is called upon to lend a hand through programs, public-
numerous publications that relegate the duties of this posi-
ity, or advertising support. tion to the public relations, publicity, or promotion staff,
The person in this job is usually a community-minded many are beginning to see the importance and necessity of
individual. As the Community Relations Coordinator he or having a Community Relations Coordinator on staff.
she represents the publication at many organization meet-
ings. He or she may also belong to civic and/or service
organizations such as the American Cancer Society, the Advancement Prospects
American Heart Association, youth associations, hospital Advancement prospects for Community Relations Coordi-
auxiliaries, Rotary, Kiwanis, 4-H, Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, nators are good. Individuals can obtain positions in bigger,
or educational boards. better-known publications. They might also become public
As a Community Relations Coordinator the individual may relations directors at newspapers or go into public relations
oversee the design and ad copy for public service announce- or community relations work for nonprofit groups, trade
ments (PSAs). He or she may also be responsible for the organizations, or corporations.
actual designing and/or writing of ads for the publication.
The Community Relations Coordinator may have to do Education and Training
quite a bit of creative, promotional writing. He or she A college degree in public relations, journalism, English,
spends a good portion of time writing press releases and liberal arts, or communications is useful to those aspiring to
publicity for events that will be sponsored by the publica- be Community Relations Coordinators. Seminars on public
tions, as well as composing business letters. Community relations and publicity are also helpful.
Relations Coordinators might be responsible for making
and updating lists of nonprofit groups in the area with
names, addresses, and phone numbers to contact. They may Experience, Skills, and Personality Traits
also write booklets or leaflets about how to prepare organi- Community Relations Coordinators should be community-
zational publicity for the publication and will often be minded and like to help people. People in these positions
called upon to write reports on the success of a community usually belong to civic and nonprofit groups and are the first
relations project. to volunteer to help. Individuals should also be outgoing,
Community Relations Coordinators should be outgoing. aggressive, and articulate and have the ability to work well
A lot of the work is done outside of the office. There are with people. Good writing, organizational, and planning
meetings to attend and business associates to visit. One may skills are a must.
have to speak at organization meetings or at dinners and Community Relations Coordinators may have held a job
luncheons. in other newspaper or magazine positions previously or may
Depending on the size of the publication for which the have worked in publicity or public relations.
individual works, he or she may act as the promotion coor-
dinator or public relations director. While much of this job Unions and Associations
is done in a normal nine-to-five time slot, meetings and spe- There are no unions to which Community Relations Coordi-
cial projects and promotions may keep the individual out nators must belong. Individuals in this field, however, may
some evenings and weekends. The Community Relations belong to various civic groups, service organizations, and/or
Coordinator may be directly responsible to the director of nonprofit groups.
publicity, general manager, or publisher, depending on the
organization of the publication.
Tips for Entry
1. Become a member of various civic organizations and
Salaries nonprofit groups such as the American Red Cross, the
Salaries for Community Relations Coordinators vary American Heart Association, the American Cancer
depending on the size of the publication, the location, and Society, a hospital auxiliary, or school PTAs. Volunteer
the experience of the individual. Someone working in this to do their publicity. This way you will start making

contacts in the field as well as getting to know the var- 4. Many newspapers and magazines have Web sites list-
ious media people in a community. ing their employment opportunities.
2. Visit editors, publishers, and personnel officers of news- 5. Just because a position does not currently exist does
papers and magazines and see if you can create a posi- not mean you cannot create one. If you see a need in a
tion even if one does not currently exist. If you can’t talk newspaper or magazine and they do not have a posi-
them into a full-time position, see about a part-time job. tion, send a letter with your résumé suggesting the
3. Internships are a great way to get your foot in the possibility. You just might get a call.
door. Many newspapers and magazines throughout
the country offer internships and trainee positions.


Duties: Help advertising manager advertise books; write

copy for book jackets, advertisements, sales letters, cir- Advertising Manager
culars, and catalogs; act as a buffer for the advertising

Alternate Title(s): Ad Assistant; Advertising Trainee

Advertising Assistant
Salary Range: $23,000 to $29,000+

Employment Prospects: Fair

Advancement Prospects: Good Entry Level Position, Intern,

or Secretarial Position
Best Geographical Location(s): New York, Chicago,
Boston, and other large cities may offer opportunities.

Education or Training—College background in busi-
ness, liberal arts, journalism, art, or advertising needed
Experience—Writing and advertising experience help-
ful, but not always necessary
Special Skills and Personality Traits—Good writing
skills; creative; artistic ability; ability to type and use

Position Description blurbs describing the book’s contents or information about

An Advertising Assistant working for a book publishing the author. To do this the individual may have to call and
house assists the advertising manager and other members of interview the author to gather information.
the advertising department in selling books. Duties of an He or she might also be asked to write copy for sales let-
Advertising Assistant vary depending on the size of the pub- ters, circulars, direct-mail pieces, and book catalogs. It is,
lishing house and the number of people working in the therefore, important that the Assistant be able to write
advertising department. clearly, concisely, accurately, and with style.
If the house is small, and the only other employee in the The Advertising Assistant works with the advertising
department is an advertising manager, the Advertising manager, learning how to budget the amount of money to be
Assistant might be expected to fulfill administrative duties spent on each new book. For example, a book written by an
such as typing letters, updating the returns from mail or ad author who has already written three best-sellers will have a
campaigns, returning phone calls, keeping records of the bigger advertising budget than a book by a new author.
cost of ads, and checking prices. Advertising is expensive, and publishers can’t afford to
In a larger house where there is an advertising manager, spend a great deal of money on a book subject or author not
receptionists, and administrative assistants, the Advertising proven to be in the best-seller class.
Assistant would have many more diversified duties. In this As advertising is so costly, the advertising manager
case the individual would assist in more creative ways. might decide to do something called list advertising. This is
For example, an Advertising Assistant might be responsi- a type of ad in which many different books from the pub-
ble for writing copy for book jackets. This could include the lisher are listed, with a short description of each. If this type

of advertising is used, the Assistant will be called upon to book publishing houses are. Jobs can also be located in
write the descriptions of the books. Chicago, Boston, and other large cities.
At other times the Advertising Assistant writes copy for
display ads for different types of publications. For example, Advancement Prospects
he or she might have to write an ad for a book to go into a Advancement prospects are good for Advertising Assistants.
consumer publication, a specialty publication, and a trade After a reasonable amount of experience an individual can
journal. While the ads would be for the same book, the often find a job as an advertising manager. Other Advertis-
advertisement might be different because the periodicals are ing Assistants advance their career by working in advertis-
geared toward different audiences. ing agencies or other advertising fields.
He or she learns how to read and use Advertising Rate
and Data, the book that lists advertising rates for television, Education and Training
radio, magazines, and newspapers throughout the country. Advertising Assistants should have some college back-
He or she also becomes familiar with rate cards, which tell ground. Majors might include business, liberal arts, journal-
all about prices of ads in a certain medium. At this time the ism, art, or advertising. Seminars and courses on advertising
individual learns the lingo of advertising—terms like ad fre- and the book field would be useful both for knowledge and
quency and audience size. for making contacts.
It is important that an Advertising Assistant know how to
use a calculator and/or adding machine to check numbers
Experience, Skills, and Personality Traits
and prices when working on advertising costs.
The Advertising Assistant should have good writing skills.
In certain positions the Advertising Assistant might also
Creativity with ad copy and/or layout is helpful. Typing
be responsible for laying out ads for which he or she has
skills and the ability to use a calculator and/or adding
written copy or those created by the advertising manager. machine are useful. Math skills to estimate and keep to
Working in the advertising department, the Assistant may budget are additionally beneficial.
devise and/or design promotional material that will be used to A person in this position must deal with the stress of
advertise or sell books. Copy for materials such as the posters meeting deadlines and writing and designing ads. Knowl-
you see in bookstore windows, display racks, and flyers that edge of the book business is helpful for the individual’s
can be given to customers must all be created and written. career advancement as well as in the job at hand.
At times the Advertising Assistant acts as a buffer for the
advertising manager. For example, irate authors may call the
Unions and Associations
advertising department demanding to know why their book
Advertising Assistants working in book publishing houses
wasn’t advertised properly or wasn’t advertised sufficiently.
may belong to any of a number of trade associations that
The Advertising Assistant works closely with people in
can help the individual get together with others in the same
the sales, promotion, and publicity departments. Together field and that offer professional guidance and training.
they work toward the common goal of selling as many Organizations include the Publisher’s Ad Club (PAC), the
books as possible. The job can be quite stressful due to American Advertising Federation (AAF), and the Direct
deadlines that must be met, ads that have to be designed, or Marketing Association, Inc. (DMA), among others.
budgets that must be maintained. Hours are not always the
traditional nine to five. When work has to be finished, the
Tips for Entry
Advertising Assistant must usually stay late with the rest of
the department. 1. Jobs in this field can sometimes be found in the clas-
sified section of newspapers in areas where there are
publishing houses. The New York Times Sunday clas-
Salaries sified section is a good place to start. Look under
Annual earnings for Advertising Assistants depend upon the “Advertising” or “Publishing.”
size and location of the publishing house and the experience 2. Send your résumé to various publishing houses. You
and responsibilities of the individual. can find their names and addresses by looking in
Salaries for Advertising Assistants can range from Writers’ Digest or Literary Marketplace.
$23,000 for a beginner in a small company to $29,000 or 3. Publishers Weekly, a trade publication, lists job
more for an individual in a larger publishing house. openings.
4. Attend a seminar or convention put on by an organi-
Employment Prospects zation that deals with the book trade, such as the
Employment prospects for Advertising Assistants are fair. American Booksellers Association or the American
Most of the jobs are in New York City, where the majority of Library Association to make contacts.



Duties: Assist publicity director in getting publicity for

newly released books; compile press kits; write press Publicity Director
releases; send out review books; book authors on talk

Alternate Title(s): Press Assistant; Publicity Trainee

Publicity Assistant
Salary Range: $23,000 to $30,000+

Employment Prospects: Fair

Advancement Prospects: Fair Intern or Entry Level

Best Geographical Location(s): New York, Boston, Chicago.

Education or Training—College degree in liberal arts,
English, journalism, or public relations
Experience—Writing experience helpful
Special Skills and Personality Traits—Creative; per-
suasive; articulate; ability to write well; computer

Position Description trade. These copies must get to the publications in a timely
A Publicity Assistant working at a book publishing company fashion, as most magazines have tight deadlines. If the
has an interesting, active job. The main responsibility of the review copy is received too late, the review might not get
individual is to work with the publicity director, helping him into the current issue of the publication—or, even worse,
or her publicize new books as they come off the press. might not get in at all.
The Publicity Assistant works with the director doing a When the Publicity Assistant sends review copies, he or
variety of jobs. One important area in which the assistant she includes a release slip that indicates the release date of
becomes involved is making sure that press and media lists the book. A note requesting copies of the review if and when
are in order. Names and addresses of people who write book it appears is also usually included.
reviews, magazine and newspaper editors, television and In certain publishing companies the Publicity Assistant
radio producers, and other important individuals must be might develop a questionnaire for authors to answer. At other
put on this list. As people that work in the different media companies the assistant just sends the questionnaire or talks
change jobs frequently, the list must constantly be updated. to and interviews authors who have written books for the
The individual must also update lists of specialty reviewers, company. In this way he or she can gather material for press
such as music reviewers, food editors, and craft editors. releases. He or she usually asks the author about the avail-
Sending out review copies of books is another important ability of local publications, radio stations, and television
duty. The Publicity Assistant must check with the publicity stations. A press release with a local slant can then be pre-
director to make sure which people on the list are to receive pared and sent out. Many assistants compile complete biog-
review copies. Those on the list who don’t receive a review raphies on their authors, including all reviews of the book.
copy usually receive either a press kit or a press release. At times the Publicity Assistant may put together press
Publicity Assistants must also make sure that review kits for a new book. He or she includes a review copy, adds
copies and press kits are sent to publications in the book a news release about the book and some information on the

author, and puts in a photograph of the writer or a picture of company. Salaries can start at $23,000 a year and may, in
the book jacket. some positions in larger companies, reach $30,000 or more.
The Publicity Assistant may write press releases for new
books or may just gather information and give it to the pub- Employment Prospects
licity director to write. The individual may also fill requests Employment prospects are fair for Publicity Assistants who
from media for information on authors. want to live in New York City, where the majority of book
As a Publicity Assistant, an individual works with the pub- publishing houses are located. Other cities such as Boston
licity director, trying to come up with interesting, unique and Chicago also have a number of book publishing
ways to publicize the book. This might include anything from houses. There are a number of publicity firms that offer
having interesting photos taken for newspaper placement to freelance jobs for entry level positions assisting independ-
developing an angle that will help gain required publicity. ent publicists who augment the publicity departments in
The art of finding a hook or good angle for a press release is book companies.
in locating some fact, or in some way presenting the material,
such that an editor or talent coordinator is moved not merely Advancement Prospects
to mention the book, but to develop an entire column. If an
Advancement prospects are good for Publicity Assistants.
article about the book or an interview with the author gets
As people leave jobs the Assistant is often moved into the
national exposure, it will usually sell many thousands (if not
publicity director’s position. Once a Publicity Assistant has
tens of thousands) of additional books.
gained the necessary experience and made valuable media
In certain book publishing houses Publicity Assistants
contacts, he or she can usually locate a better position.
submit books to organizations for awards or other prizes.
The Pulitzer Prize is probably the most prestigious, but
there are others. Obtaining an award or prize gains addi- Education and Training
tional publicity and boosts book sales dramatically. A college degree in liberal arts, public relations, English, or
Booking appearances on radio and television talk, vari- journalism is preferred. Look for seminars put on by book
ety, and news shows is yet another duty of the Publicity associations or public relations groups in order to make con-
Assistant. While much of the contact work is done by the tacts and get additional training.
publicity director, the Publicity Assistant often sends out the
press kits and review copies and makes call backs to talent Experience, Skills, and Personality Traits
coordinators in an effort to obtain talk show appearances It is necessary for a Publicity Assistant to know how to type
that will plug the book. It is essential for the assistant to get accurately. While there might be a secretary to help out,
to know as many talk show producers, executives, and talent often much of the office work is typed by the assistant.
coordinators as possible. A publicity person with these con- Computer skills are imperative. The individual must also be
tacts will always be employable. creative, persuasive, and write well. Much contact with
The Publicity Assistant is expected to accompany the media people is over the phone, so an articulate approach
author on a personal appearance tour to various cities. The and a good telephone manner are essential.
Publicity Assistant helps arrange press conferences for
authors. He or she might be required to book the room, Unions and Associations
arrange for the refreshments, send out invitations, call peo- A Publicity Assistant may belong to any of a number of pub-
ple to make sure that they are attending, and set up the licity or public relations organizations. The most widely rec-
room. The assistant might also help set up bookstore auto- ognized is the Public Relations Society of America (PRSA).
graph sessions (at which the author meets with bookstore
patrons and signs their copies of his or her book). Tips for Entry
The Publicity Assistant works closely with almost every
1. Buy the Sunday edition of the New York Times. Jobs
department in the company. At one time or another he or she
in this field are listed under “Publishing.”
will probably deal with editors and people in the advertis-
2. Look in Writer’s Market or Literary Marketplace for
ing, marketing, promotion, and sales departments. The
names and addresses of publishers to whom you can
assistant usually keeps the other departments informed
send résumés.
about what the publicity department is planning for a new
3. There are employment agencies that deal specifi-
book release. In this way, all departments will supplement
cally in jobs in the publishing industry. If you
and bolster each other.
decide to try this, make sure you check out who
pays the fee if you get the job—you or the company
Salaries that hires you.
Annual earnings for Publicity Assistants working in pub- 4. Check out opportunities online at career employment
lishing houses depend upon the size and location of the Web sites such as and



Duties: Develop public relations and publicity campaigns;

write press releases, annual reports, and speeches; design Public Relations Generalist
promotions; place clients on television and radio with More and Bigger Clients
or V.P. or Partner
Alternate Title(s): PR Rep; Public Relations Representa- in Public Relations Agency
tive; Public Relations Specialist; Publicity Man or
Woman; PR Freelancer

Salary Range: $22,000 to $200,000+

Public Relations Generalist
Employment Prospects: Good

Advancement Prospects: Good

Best Geographical Location(s): Positions may be located Public Relations Representative

throughout the country. or Journalism Position
Education or Training—College degree in public rela-
tions, communications, English, journalism, or liberal
arts, useful; seminars on public relations, publicity, and
marketing helpful
Experience—Journalism, publicity, and/or public rela-
tions experience necessary
Special Skills and Personality Traits—Excellent writ-
ing, communication, and organizational skills; aggres-
sive; articulate; good graphic sense; ability to deal with
stress; computer skills

Position Description speeches. Public Relations people may be retained to put

Public Relations Generalists may work for any type of client. together press kits or to write feature articles or case histories.
Individuals freelancing in this field may work for political A Public Relations Generalist could be hired by a major
candidates, health care facilities, corporations, trade associa- corporation or other business to handle one or all of its pub-
tions, retail businesses, schools, nonprofit groups, and other lic relations responsibilities. He or she might serve as a
organizations. They also might work for a public relations spokesperson for the client or may just advise the client on
consulting firm. They can have one client or many. how to respond to the press or other media.
The Public Relations Generalist has varied responsibili- Some Public Relations Generalists may be responsible
ties depending on the type of client or clients he or she has. for placing clients on television and radio talk, variety, and
The individual may be retained to develop promotions for a news shows. They must come up with unique angles on
client. He or she may also implement them and/or design clients, contact show producers or talent coordinators,
campaign budgets. send media kits, call and recall contact people, and finally
The Public Relations Generalist might be hired to write book clients on interview shows. The individual might be
copy for brochures, leaflets, booklets, instructional manuals, responsible for escorting clients to and from shows or
or advertisements. Other types of writing responsibilities working with the client beforehand preparing for the
include press releases, biographies, annual reports, and media exposure.

Public Relations Generalists must be adept at all facets of clients. This may be done through word of mouth or adver-
public relations. In one day an individual may plan an entire tising. If the individual is good at what he or she does, he or
public relations campaign for one client, write press releases she will move up the career ladder by getting more and
for a different client, field media questions for still another more clients and by obtaining clients who pay bigger and
client, and design a brochure for yet another. Another day better fees.
may find the individual busy implementing an important Individuals might also advance by joining a public rela-
promotion, going to a client meeting with the vice president tions firm or agency in a top position or as a partner.
of a corporation, and setting up a press conference. Work
days are rarely dull.
Education and Training
Freelance Public Relations Generalists may work in their
own office, from their home, or in a client’s office or plant. Individuals who plan on freelancing in this field should have
Depending on the setup, worked out at the beginning of the a college degree. Majors might include public relations, Eng-
client contact, the individual may pay for his or her office lish, journalism, communications, or liberal arts. Potential
supplies and equipment, may be reimbursed for these freelancers might also take a number of business courses.
expenses, or may have the equipment supplied. The individ- Seminars and other courses relevant to public relations,
ual might also be reimbursed for such expenses as paper, publicity, and marketing will also be useful.
stamps, envelopes, and toll calls.
One of the drawbacks of freelancing is that the individual Experience, Skills, and Personality Traits
does not usually receive any type of personal fringe bene- The freelance Public Relations Generalist should have a
fits. He or she must pay for his or her own health insurance knowledge of public relations and of business. The more
or dental and medical bills. skills he or she has, the more employable he or she will be.
The individual in this position must be able to deal with All types of writing and communications skills are needed.
the stress of keeping clients, finding projects, and organiz- This includes the ability to write not only press releases and
ing everything that must be accomplished. While the free- feature stories, but newsletters, speeches, ad copy, brochures,
lance Public Relations Generalist is his or her own boss, so and direct-mail pieces. Public Relations Generalists should
to speak, he or she is ultimately responsible to the people have good media contacts or the ability to make them.
who hired him or her for various projects. The individual needs to be aggressive, articulate, well-
groomed, and well-spoken. He or she must sell him- or her-
Salaries self to potential clients. A good phone manner is essential.
Earnings can vary greatly for freelance Public Relations Gen- The freelance Public Relations Generalist should be
eralists. Individuals may get paid a set fee on a per project organized and able to deal with many different projects at
basis or may get paid by the hour. They might also be paid a once. Knowledge of research is useful. An ability to work
monthly retainer. It is impossible to estimate rates. Hourly under stress is necessary.
rates can vary between $25 and $500 plus an hour, depending Office skills may be needed if the individual does not
on the individual’s experience and reputation in the field. have access to a secretary. Computer skills are essential.
Monthly retainers can run between $250 a month and
$10,000 a month, depending on the client, the individual, and Unions and Associations
his or her responsibilities. Those who have a number of good Freelance Public Relations Generalists do not belong to any
clients can earn from $40,000 to $200,000 or more annually. union. Individuals in this type of work usually belong to a
number of trade associations. These organizations help the
Employment Prospects individual make contacts needed to attract clients, hone his or
Employment prospects are good for the individual who is her skills through seminars and conferences, and keep him or
aggressive and has built up a good reputation for him- or her up to date on industry happenings through trade journals.
herself. The freelance Public Relations Generalist must go One of the biggest professional organizations for PR
out and look for clients, have clients come to him or her, and people is the Public Relations Society of America (PRSA).
be recommended by others in order to earn money and stay Individuals might belong to any of a number of other organ-
employed. For some, this is easier in a large city. Other peo- izations, including specialized PR groups (see Appendix
ple feel that they can more easily build a good reputation in under “Trade Associations and Unions” for specialized
a smaller community. organizations).

Advancement Prospects Tips for Entry

Advancement prospects for freelance Public Relations Gen- 1. Try to get some type of public relations experience
eralists are good. Individuals must constantly seek out new before you strike out on your own.

2. Potential clients will want to know your track record. 5. You may want to take a part-time job in public rela-
If you don’t have one yet, try volunteering your serv- tions to get some experience before you jump right
ices to a nonprofit or community group. When people into freelancing.
see how effective you are, you will begin to attract 6. Offer to speak about public relations and publicity at
clients. meetings and events. This will help people in the area
3. Have professional business cards made up and pass to know about you. Good places to start include
them out to everyone. Kiwanis, Rotary, business and professional groups,
4. You might consider taking a small ad in a local news- and other civic organizations.
paper advertising your specialty.


Duties: Write speeches for executives or other individuals

in business, industry, nonprofit groups, or politics Staff Speechwriter
or Freelance Speechwriter
Alternate Title(s): Writer with More Prestigious Clients
Salary Range: $23,000 to $150,000+
Employment Prospects: Poor
Advancement Prospects: Fair Freelance Speechwriter
Best Geographical Location(s): Positions may be located
throughout the country.
Public Relations Position
Education or Training—College background or bache-
or Entry Level
lor’s degree useful
Experience—Speechwriting while in school helpful
Special Skills and Personality Traits—Excellent writ-
ing skills; good style; knowledge of public speaking;
sense of humor

Position Description vidual and discussing style and nuances with the speaker.
A Freelance Speechwriter prepares speeches for individuals The speechwriter must also get to know the personality of
in business, industry, politics, and trade and nonprofit the speaker so that when he or she writes the speech it can
organizations. The speechwriter may be retained by the be tailored to the individual.
chief executive officer (CEO) of a corporation, the board The speechwriter must learn the main presentation points
president of a hospital or university, or any other individual that the speaker wants to get across. The individual must
who might be required to give speeches. The Freelance also know to what type of audience the speech will be
Speechwriter may write speeches for individuals who must geared. An in-house speech, for example, would be written
appear in public or give presentations or news conferences. differently than a speech for the general public.
Freelance Speechwriters are hired by other individuals The writer will have to know how to format the speech.
for a number of reasons. An executive might look to a The individual must take into account the length and timing
speechwriter because time and work demands placed on of the presentation and the contents. The writer must also
him or her don’t allow the time to prepare a speech. Another keep in mind that the body of the speech should sound like
individual might not have the ability to put thoughts down the speaker in its words and style.
on paper for a presentation in an interesting, clear, flowing
After the speechwriter has completed a rough draft of the
order. Still another might serve as spokesperson for a com-
speech it must be reviewed with the speaker. At this time
pany but might not be responsible for the preparation of a
speech or its content. changes, additions, deletions, etc. can be put into the copy.
In order for the speechwriter to prepare a speech for an The speechwriter may also work with the speaker, rehears-
individual, he or she has to do some background work. The ing the preliminary presentation to locate any rough spots or
individual must do some research to select an appropriate difficult words and passages. If the speaker is not comfort-
subject and direction. To do this, the speechwriter might talk able saying the words, they must be changed.
directly with the speaker or visit libraries, trade sources, or The speechwriter must give the speech to the speaker in
people in the business itself. an easy-to-read style. This might mean typing the entire
The speechwriter must become familiar with the speech speech on index cards or on paper using large type. The
giver’s style by looking over previous speeches of the indi- writer might just type key points on cards so the speaker can

speak “off the cuff.” The individual might provide the writer for a major corporation. Others may move up by
speech to another party who will type it into a Teleprompter. becoming public relations directors in industry and business.
Depending on the type of speech the writer is retained to
prepare, he or she might also be responsible for preparing Education and Training
the speaker to handle questions and answers that might be While a Freelance Speechwriter is not required to have a
asked of the speaker in response to the speech. The individ- college background, it certainly helps. A bachelor’s degree
ual may develop a list of potential questions and answers so with a major in public relations, English, journalism, com-
that the speaker is comfortable with the situation. munications, or liberal arts will be useful. Individuals might
Freelance Speechwriters may work on one speech at a also be interested in taking classes and seminars in public
time or may be involved in a number of different projects. speaking and speechwriting to help hone their skills.
Individuals must relate well to the executives who are the
majority of speakers and understand their thought patterns. Experience, Skills, and Personality Traits
Individuals in this type of position do not have normal Freelance Speechwriters need excellent writing skills. Indi-
work hours. They might meet with executives or other viduals should possess an ability to write with style and
potential speakers at any time of the day or after regular humor. No one wants to hear or present a boring speech. An
business hours. Freelance Speechwriters can work on understanding of public speaking is necessary.
speeches during the day or may work long into the night to
Professionals in this field should keep up on current
develop the perfect speech.
events and other happenings. A knowledge of research
Freelance Speechwriters are responsible directly to the
methods is also essential for the speechwriter to fully under-
person who hired them to write the presentation. This could
stand a subject that is not totally familiar.
be the speaker or may be the speaker’s superior.
Individuals should be articulate and good at dealing with
people. The ability to work on several projects at once is
necessary, as is the ability to set and keep to time frames.
Earnings for Freelance Speechwriters are hard to estimate.
Many who begin careers in speechwriting prepared
Compensation is usually paid on a per project basis. There are
speeches in high school, college, and after graduation for
also individuals who are hired to write a number of speeches
nonprofit groups.
for a company or who are retained on a monthly basis.
Annual earnings for individuals depend on the number of
speeches they write, the number of clients they have, and Unions and Associations
their prestige. More prestigious, better-known clients usu- There are no particular bargaining unions or trade associa-
ally pay more to have their speeches prepared. tions for Freelance Speechwriters to belong to. Depending
Individuals might earn between $23,000 and $150,000 or on the type of clients an individual works with, he or she
more. A fairly successful Freelance Speechwriter can earn might join specific trade associations. Individuals might
between $35,000 and $50,000 yearly. Those who work with also belong to public relations groups such as the Public
well-known clients, such as politicians, might earn $60,000 Relations Society of America (PRSA), which offers profes-
to $150,000 plus annually. sional support and guidance.

Employment Prospects Tips for Entry

Individuals who have a flair for speechwriting are always in 1. Read as much as you can on all subjects, especially
demand. In order for Freelance Speechwriters to find current affairs. This will help you gain insight into
employment, however, they must find clients to write what is happening in the world.
speeches for. Individuals just starting out as speechwriters 2. Write as much as you can. Hone your skills in all
may have a better chance of obtaining clients if they are in a facets of writing.
less populous area where they are better known. Those with 3. Attend writing seminars. This will give you added
experience find more success in larger cities where there are confidence as well as building a contact list.
more corporations, businesses, industries, and associations. 4. Send brochures or tasteful flyers to major corpora-
Those who are adept at writing may find clients while tions, industries, and associations advising them of
they are still in school or after graduation. your service.
5. Volunteer to write a speech for a local political candi-
Advancement Prospects date or a community leader. The best way to increase
Freelance Speechwriters can advance their careers in a num- your business in this field is by word of mouth.
ber of ways. Good speechwriters are always sought out by 6. Join community groups and volunteer organizations as
others in need of the service. Individuals might obtain more well as any trade associations you can. Other members
prestigious clients, such as well-known political candidates, of these groups will need your service and feel they
or may climb the career ladder by becoming a staff speech- know you better if you belong to their organization.


Duties: Write copy for advertisements, articles, sales letters,

speeches, booklets, manuals, training films, press releases, Freelance Copywriter with
etc. Larger Clients or Copywriter
in Advertising or Public
Alternate Title(s): Writer Relations Agency
Salary Range: $23,000 to $150,000+
Employment Prospects: Good
Freelance Copywriter
Advancement Prospects: Fair
Best Geographical Location(s): Client possibilities may
be located throughout the country.
Prerequisites: Journalism Position
or Copywriter Trainee
Education or Training—College degree with major in
English, liberal arts, communications, journalism, adver-
tising, public relations, or marketing useful
Experience—Writing experience helpful
Special Skills and Personality Traits—Creative; excel-
lent writing skills; articulate; organizational skills, ability
to work alone

Position Description During this meeting the copywriter and the client should
A Freelance Copywriter may be hired to write copy for agree on a fee for the work completed. In some situations
almost any product, service, idea, or event. He or she may the individual is paid up front. In most instances, however,
work with advertising agencies, public relations agencies, he or she is paid after final approval.
newspapers, television stations, magazines, manufacturing The Freelance Copywriter hired to write copy for adver-
companies, corporations, stores, shops, printers, publishing tisements may be responsible for all the ad copy or for just the
companies, nonprofit organizations, and municipalities, as headline, text, or body of the ad. The individual may be hired
well as with individuals. to write copy for print ads as well as scripts for broadcast
The Freelance Copywriter may work from his or her home commercials. Depending on his or her ability and skills, the
or office or in the office of a client. Once retained or hired by copywriter may also be asked to lay out the way the words
a client, he or she is responsible for developing creative ways should appear in relation to the graphics of the project.
to say what the client wants to say. The copywriter must be He or she must constantly develop and create words that
able to understand the concept the client is trying to convey will catch the eye of the public. In cases where the individ-
and be able to put the concept clearly into words. ual is working on copy for advertisements, his or her main
Freelance Copywriters have a lot of meetings with poten- function is to make the copy so appealing that it attracts
tial clients. During these meetings the individual finds out as attention, thus attracting customers.
much information as possible. The client may have a rough The individual must often obtain additional background
draft of what he or she wants to say. Or the client might have information on writing assignments and secure current
samples of styles of work that should be followed. The copy- development information through research and interviews.
writer must also determine if the client wants as many or as He or she must continually review advertising trends, con-
few words as possible in the piece of copy. Other things he or sumer surveys, and other data to formulate the way he or
she might want to find out are what the deadline is, who she should write the copy.
should be contacted for approval, and how long a commer- Freelance Copywriters may also be hired to write the
cial will be (if the copy is for a television or radio ad). copy for articles, bulletins, sales letters, direct-mail pieces,

speeches, booklets, informational leaflets, or instructional Since the success of a Freelance Copywriter is dependent
manuals. They might also be retained to write slogans for a on his or her flexibility to do all types of projects, the indi-
product or a company. Individuals could be hired to write vidual might also take courses or seminars in all facets of
scripts for training films, instructional movies, press writing from advertising copywriting to press releases; from
releases, blurbs for book jackets, or virtually anything else. script writing to developing speeches.
After the individual completes a rough draft he or she
usually gives it to the client for approval before moving on.
Experience, Skills, and Personality Traits
In this way the copywriter is sure he or she is moving along
on the same track as the client. If the client is not happy with An individual in this position needs an excellent, creative
the work at this point, the copywriter must correct and style of writing. He or she should also be persuasive and
revise the copy until the client is satisfied. articulate. The Freelance Copywriter needs the ability to
The individual must be able to work on several projects deal with stress and pressure. Individuals should have the
at once or he or she will not be able to make a good living ability to work on their own for long periods of time and be
freelancing. The Freelance Copywriter must be flexible and extremely organized.
creative. He or she must be able to write the dialogue for a Freelance Copywriters should have a good knowledge of
radio commercial as well as he or she can write the copy for the advertising industry as well as an understanding of busi-
a brochure or leaflet. While the Freelance Copywriter is, in ness in general. Experience in any facet of writing is useful.
essence, his or her own boss, he or she is ultimately respon-
sible to the individual who did the hiring. This might be Unions and Associations
anyone from an account executive to a small store owner Freelance Copywriters who write scripts for television or
who has retained the individual to write an ad. radio may belong to the Writers Guild of America (WGA),
a bargaining union for television, radio, and film
Salaries scriptwriters. Individuals may belong to any of a number
Income for Freelance Copywriters is dependent on a number of different trade associations, including the American
of factors. Earnings vary depending on the number and type Advertising Federation (AAF), Direct Marketing Creative
of clients an individual has and how successful he or she is. Guild, the American Marketing Association (AMA), the
Copywriters may be compensated by working on a per Advertising Club of New York, the Advertising Research
project basis or may work on an hourly rate. Individuals may Foundation (ARF), Advertising Women of New York, Inc.
also be retained to do a certain amount of work each month. (AWNY), the One Club, and the Public Relations Society
Earnings for Freelance Copywriters can average between of America (PRSA).
$23,000 and $150,000 or more annually.

Tips for Entry

Employment Prospects
1. Get as much experience writing as you can. Write for
Employment prospects for Freelance Copywriters are good.
your school newspaper if you still are in school. If
There is an abundance of opportunities for individuals with
you’re not, try to get experience writing for your local
a flair for writing. Freelancers may work with almost any
community newspaper.
kind of corporate client as well as nonprofit organizations.
Often newspapers, magazines, and radio and television sta- 2. You might want to get some experience writing copy
tions need someone on an irregular basis. Potential clients in an advertising or public relations agency. If you can
may need someone to work on a per project basis instead of find a trainee or intern position, go for it.
on staff and therefore use freelancers. 3. Put together a portfolio of work you have done.
Include anything that has received exposure. If you
are just starting out, do samples for your portfolio
Advancement Prospects book.
Advancement for a Freelance Copywriter can come in a cou- 4. Make up professional business cards and give them to
ple of ways. Prospects are fair. The individual may start get- everyone you know. Leave them in businesses if you
ting more and bigger clients. This will lead to a constant flow can. Tack them up in supermarkets and department
of work and higher earnings. Another method of advance- stores.
ment might be for the Freelance Copywriter to obtain a full- 5. Join some trade associations. These will help give you
time position at a corporation, organization, or agency.
moral support as well as making important contacts.
6. You might consider taking a small ad in your local
Education and Training paper announcing your new business venture.
Educational requirements for Freelance Copywriters include Remember to make it creative. If you can’t catch peo-
a college degree. Possible majors are communications, jour- ple’s eye with your own ad, you won’t be able to do it
nalism, English, advertising, public relations, and marketing. for anyone else.



Duties: Design art and copy layouts for businesses, indus-

tries, and agencies Freelance Graphic Artist
with More Clients and Bigger,
Alternate Title(s): Freelance Commercial Artist; Graphic Better Projects and Fees or Full-time
Artist; Commercial Artist; Artist Position as Artist or Art Direction
in Agency, Business, or Industry
Salary Range: $23,000 to $150,000+

Employment Prospects: Good

Advancement Prospects: Fair Freelance Graphic Artist

Best Geographical Location(s): Opportunities may be
located throughout the country.

Illustrator or Artist in Agency
Education or Training—Art school training or college or Student
education with major in art helpful
Experience—Experience in advertising or commercial
art useful
Special Skills and Personality Traits—Creative; artistic
ability; good sense of design; commercial art skills;
aggressiveness; computer skills

Position Description pany. The artist may draw rough sketches of a number of
A Freelance Graphic Artist designs art and copy layouts on different symbols until he or she finds one the client likes.
an independent basis for businesses, industries, and agencies. After the client approves one of the rough drafts of the logo
Among the clients the artist may serve are publications, book the artist finishes the project, adding just the right color,
type size, and style.
companies, printers, record companies, department stores,
It is important for the Freelance Graphic Artist to know a
advertising agencies, public relations agencies, hospitals,
considerable amount about type faces, sizes, and styles.
municipalities, schools, museums, trade associations, hotels,
While the possibilities are endless, the individual must
entertainment complexes, and corporations. know what will look the most effective on paper.
A successful Freelance Graphic Artist is talented in many Other types of work the Freelance Graphic Artist might
artistic areas. The artist who is creative and can draw, sketch, become involved with include illustrating fashions; designing
do lettering, and cartoon has more opportunities to obtain packaging; hand lettering; painting or drawing graphic mate-
clients then one who specializes in just one facet of art. rials; designing book jackets; and designing, laying out, and
The artist should have a good understanding of advertising preparing for printing booklets, pamphlets, brochures, and
and business. Many freelancers in this field find a large por- posters.
tion of their clients require advertising design. The individual People who work freelance must continually seek out
should be able to develop a creative design for an ad and have new clients and projects. Sometimes there is an abundance
a working knowledge of layout. He or she should be able to of work, while at other times there is almost nothing coming
choose and coordinate the best graphics for the copy. in. The up-and-down income flow is something that must be
Freelance Graphic Artists are often hired to design logos considered. Individuals must be able to deal with this and
and trademarks for businesses or other industries. The logo should have the ability to deal with stress and pressure when
or trademark is the symbol that identifies a product or com- there are tight deadlines to be met.

Salaries Individuals in this field should be very creative and have

It is almost impossible to estimate the annual income of a a great deal of artistic ability and a good sense of design.
Freelance Graphic Artist. Earnings depend on a number of Graphic artists need the ability to demonstrate “commercia-
factors. These include the number of clients the individual bility” in their work.
has and the number, size, and prestige of the projects he or The artist should know how to do pasteups, layouts,
she does for those clients. mechanicals, typography, photography, and color. Drawing
Earnings also depend on the amount or fee the artist and illustration skills are a must. An understanding of adver-
charges for work completed. Graphic artists may work on tising is necessary. A background in advertising or some
an hourly basis, per project, or on a monthly retainer. form of commercial art is needed in order to build up a good
Graphic artists who are just beginning their freelancing freelance business. This might come from working in an
career can have annual earnings of $23,000 to $30,000. advertising agency or in the advertising department of a
Individuals who are successful can have yearly incomes of newspaper, department store, or corporation. Computer
$45,000 to $150,000 or more. skills are also required.
Freelance people need to be aggressive and have confi-
Employment Prospects dence in themselves and their work.
A creative, aggressive individual should have no trouble
building up a freelance business. There are unlimited oppor-
tunities for Freelance Graphic Artists in most communities Unions and Associations
and cities. It is important to note that being in the right place Freelance Graphic Artists do not belong to any type of bar-
at the right time also helps. A plan to secure clients is very gaining union. They may join trade associations to learn
important, too. more about their craft, make contacts, or attend seminars
and courses offered by the organizations. These include the
Advancement Prospects American Advertising Federation (AAF), the Art Directors
There are a number of ways a Freelance Graphic Artist can Club, Inc. (ADC), the One Club, and the Society of Illustra-
advance his or her career. tors, among others.
If the individual wants to remain a freelancer, advance-
ment means obtaining more clients and bigger, better-pay-
Tips for Entry
ing projects. Many graphic artists freelance until they can
1. Join trade associations and other organizations where
find a full-time position. Advancement for these individuals
would mean a full-time job as an artist or art director in an you can meet others in your field and get support and
agency or in the advertising department of a newspaper, cor- guidance. Attending professional seminars will help
poration, or department store. you make useful contacts.
2. Potential clients will want to see samples of your
Education and Training work. Put together a good portfolio. Make it neat, cre-
ative, and diversified.
While a Freelance Graphic Artist is not required to have a
college degree or a formal education, it sometimes helps. 3. When you complete a project for a client, ask for a
One reason is that the individual may desire to seek a job at written reference. Many people are wary of using
some time during his or her career that would require a freelancers because they’re not sure the project will
degree. Another reason is that a bachelor’s degree from a get finished on time or be completed satisfactorily.
college with a major in art, art school training, and/or art The best way to get new clients is by word of mouth
classes help the individual hone skills and become a more from other satisfied customers.
well-rounded artist. The person will also have an opportu- 4. Make up professional business cards and give them to
nity to make professional contacts. everyone. You might also print up flyers or brochures
and send them to local businesses. Be sure they are
Experience, Skills, and Personality Traits creative and well done.
Freelance Graphic Artists need the ability to work on their 5. If you are just starting your freelance business, you
own. They set their own time frames to get projects done. A might consider placing a display ad in your local
knowledge of running a business is essential. newspaper on a regular basis. Make sure it is creative.


Duties: Place clients on radio and television shows; sched-

ule media tours; prepare clients for interviews; arrange Placement Specialist for Prestigious
for clients to be interviewed for print media Clients or Press Agent
or Publicist in Large Agency
Alternate Title(s): Placement Professional

Salary Range: $23,000 to $200,000+

Employment Prospects: Fair Placement Specialist

Advancement Prospects: Fair

Best Geographical Location(s): Positions may be located

throughout the country. Publicity Assistant
or Press Agent Trainee
Education or Training—A college background is use-
ful, but not always necessary.
Experience—Experience in publicity, public relations,
advertising, or selling is helpful.
Special Skills and Personality Traits—Good phone
manner; persuasive; articulate; good communication
skills; excellent writing skills

Position Description corporate clients. If a Placement Specialist is good at the

A Placement Specialist is an individual whose main func- job, the individual can place almost anyone or anything on a
tion is to place people as guests on television and radio broadcast interview show.
shows. The individual might also arrange for clients to be The individual must decide whether the client should be
interviewed for print media. There are television talk shows placed on a local, syndicated, national, or cable show. While
throughout the country. There are television talk, news, and most clients want to get on Jay Leno, David Letterman, or
variety programs. There is also an abundance of radio news Good Morning America, this is not always feasible. The
and talk shows on the airwaves today, with more being Placement Specialist must look at the client objectively and
scheduled every month. These shows must have guests make a decision about what kind of shows he or she can
booked on a constant basis. book the client on.
The Placement Specialist (or placement professional, as Local shows are television or radio shows that have a
he or she is frequently called) may work for any of a variety local listening or viewing audience. There is a difference,
of different types of clients. He or she may work for celebri- however, between small-market local and major-market
ties such as movie stars, television actors and actresses, local. New York City is an example of a major local broad-
singers, recording acts, dancers, musicians, or other show cast market. Kingston, N.Y., is an example of a small local
business personalities. The individual might place book broadcast market. The individual usually finds it easier to
authors, magazine writers, political figures, and speakers. place guests on shows in small local markets than in larger
The placement professional may arrange interviews for local markets.
people who are not well known. The individual might place Placement Specialists often find that syndicated shows
doctors, lawyers, health care professionals, trade association are good places to place clients. These are shows bought by
directors, etc. He or she might also place spokespeople for local stations that may be shown in a number of different

locations. There can be small syndicated shows that go to placing the owner of a catering company might look to
only two or three areas and large ones, such as Oprah, morning or afternoon information shows.
which are bought by local stations throughout the country. If the individual is booking a media tour, he or she must
The Placement Specialist frequently uses cable shows make sure that the scheduling is both cost and time efficient.
when arranging interviews for clients. More and more of A client cannot easily be in Los Angeles in the morning,
these are springing up. They are useful to the individual New York City in the afternoon, and San Francisco in the
because they are so plentiful, usually in need of guests, and evening. With new technology the client can, however, do
have specialized audiences. phone interviews for radio without even leaving the house.
As noted previously, most clients aspire to be on national In this manner he or she may do up to 10 interviews in a day
shows. These are programs shown throughout the country and spend no time traveling.
on the affiliate stations of the networks. Placing guests on In some instances the Placement Specialist may accom-
these shows is more difficult because, unless the individual pany clients to shows or arrange for someone else to accom-
is placing a very well-known celebrity, national exposure is pany them. In other situations the Placement Specialist
hard to achieve. prepares a list of shows, the dates and times of appearances,
Once a Placement Specialist obtains a client, he or she contact names at the stations, and phone numbers and
usually meets with the person to discuss goals and to obtain addresses. This is given to the client. The Placement Special-
information needed in order to place him or her. The indi- ist may also send confirmation letters to program personnel.
vidual finds out why the client seeks exposure. It may be to In some instances the specialist may work with clients,
bring attention to a cause, to publicize an event, to attain preparing them for interviews. He or she performs mock
fame, or to help sell a product or service. interviews to make sure that the individual can answer ques-
The Placement Specialist must obtain a biography of the tions easily and feels comfortable in front of a microphone
client, press kits, news releases, photographs, and any other or television camera. It is important that the Placement Spe-
pertinent information. In some cases the Placement Special- cialist make sure that clients arrive when they are supposed
ist puts together bios, press kits, and news releases for an to, dressed appropriately, and are adequately prepared. Even
one guest who doesn’t show up, or one who clams up in
additional fee. In other instances the information is supplied
front of a television camera, can hurt the reputation of the
to the individual.
Placement Specialist, making it impossible for him or her to
The Placement Specialist must find out if the client
book another guest on that show.
wants to do a media tour or just one or two placement shots.
Placement Specialists work long hours. If they have a lot
He or she must also know the geographic locations to which
of clients or they are placing people in different time zones,
the individual will travel.
they may stay on the phone for hours. The Placement Spe-
The Placement Specialist then goes to work. He or she
cialist who is doing consulting or freelancing is usually
takes the specific city or cities and begins making a list of
responsible to the client who has done the hiring.
potential shows. The individual must know what radio and
television stations are in the area as well as what type of
programming is available. He or she then writes a cover let- Salaries
ter and sends it with press information to either the program Earnings are almost impossible to estimate for Placement
producer or the guest coordinator. If the Placement Special- Specialists. The individual may work on a per project or
ist does not hear from a program within a reasonable freelance basis. He or she may also be retained for weeks,
amount of time, he or she may call the producer or guest months, or longer by clients.
coordinator to ask about the possibilities of an interview for Placement professionals may earn from $25 to $7,500
the client. The Placement Specialist may often call or write plus per placement on a show, depending on the specific
a producer just at the time another guest has cancelled or program and whether it is local, cable, syndicated, or
when a specific show is in the planning stages. national. Individuals might be compensated by a flat fee per
The Placement Specialist who is successful is persuasive week, month, or city. Once again, there are many variables.
without being offensive. The individual must be persistent Earnings may be increased by performing other services
and keep trying to get clients booked on shows. such as writing press releases, compiling press kits, prepar-
If the individual is not handling a well-known celebrity, ing clients for interviews, or accompanying them to shows.
Successful Placement Specialists may earn up to
he or she may have to come up with an angle in order to
$200,000 plus annually.
make the client seem interesting enough to be a guest. The
Placement Specialist often seeks out programs specific to
the individual client’s needs in order to make placement eas- Employment Prospects
ier. For example, someone trying to place a financial Individuals who are interested in becoming a Placement
speaker might look for business programs. An individual Specialist on a consulting or freelance level will have to find

clients. There are people all over the country in every field constantly calls and writes to producers and talent coordina-
who want media exposure. Individuals may have to adver- tors and must have the ability to talk them into using his or
tise and do publicity and promotion in order to make people her clients as guests.
aware of their business, but they can usually find clients to The Placement Specialist should know how to write
get started. press releases, compile press kits, and prepare effective let-
This job can be accomplished successfully by seasoned ters. The individual must be creative and innovative. He or
pros or by those just entering the field. It all depends on the she must frequently come up with unique angles to get
individual’s persistence, perseverance, persuasiveness, and clients booked on shows.
personality. As time goes on the Placement Specialist begins to build
a list of producers and talent coordinators at stations across
Advancement Prospects the country. A good working relationship with these people
Anyone can become a Placement Specialist, but not every- is important to the Placement Specialist’s success.
one is successful. Individuals who obtain clients and get
them booked on shows have no problem finding additional Unions and Associations
clients. The Specialist may have to advertise and promote There are no unions to which the Placement Specialist must
his or her business or may obtain new clients via satisfied belong. He or she may become a member of the Public
existing clients. Relations Society of American (PRSA). This organization
Placement Specialists who climb the career ladder provides useful seminars, educational materials, and guid-
advance by obtaining a larger client list and more presti- ance to people working in publicity or public relations.
gious clients.

Tips for Entry

Education and Training 1. You may want to begin your career by volunteering to
While there are no educational requirements for Placement place people from a local nonprofit group on television
Specialists working on a freelance or consulting level, some or radio shows to publicize an event that the group is
training will help. If the individual is in college, a major in holding. This will give you hands-on experience.
public relations, communications, journalism, English, lib- 2. Place a small display ad in a local publication. Keep it
eral arts, marketing, or advertising will prove useful. running regularly as long as you can. When people
Seminars and courses in publicity and media placement need your service they will remember seeing your
are helpful in honing skills and making contacts.
3. Use your skills to get yourself on television or radio
Experience, Skills, and Personality Traits to publicize your own business.
The Placement Specialist must be persuasive and persistent. 4. Send out a brochure or letter to corporations and trade
He or she needs to be articulate, with good communication associations in your area letting them know about
skills and an excellent phone personality. The individual your service. You should receive some responses.


Duties: Meet important visitors, clients, or business associ-

ates; arrange hotel accommodations, meals, and tours; VIP Coordinator with Many
accompany people to interviews Prestigious Clients or Press Agent
Clients or Press Agent or Publicist
Alternate Title(s): VIP Specialist; VIP Representative; VIP
Rep; VIP Escort; Arrangement Representative

Salary Range: $75 per day to $75,000+ per year

VIP Coordinator
Employment Prospects: Fair

Advancement Prospects: Fair

Best Geographical Location(s): Large cities offer the Entry Level, Public Relations,
greatest number of possibilities. or Publicity Assistant
Education or Training—Minimum, high school diploma
Experience—No experience necessary
Special Skills and Personality Traits—Friendly; articu-
late; ability to deal with details; organizational skills;
neat appearance

Position Description In some instances the VIP Coordinator is responsible for

A VIP Coordinator is hired to meet important people who arranging transportation for the client while he or she is in
are coming into a city and to make them feel comfortable. town. Once again, this might be a limo, a car with a driver,
The term VIP means “very important person.” The job is in or a rented car.
the public relations area but may also spill over into the The VIP Coordinator may accompany clients to inter-
advertising field. views at radio and television stations, to print publication
Individuals may be hired by advertising agencies, corpo- interviews, to venues where they will be presenting
speeches, or to meetings. The individual may also imple-
rations, public relations agencies, press agents, publicists,
ment VIP public relations programs of press agents, publi-
television and radio stations, placement specialists, book
cists, or placement specialists.
and magazine publishers, entertainment agencies, or gov-
The VIP Coordinator is often responsible for meeting
ernment agencies.
agency clients from foreign countries. After greeting the
The VIP Coordinator usually meets a variety of different clients at the airport and taking them to their hotel the indi-
types of people in his or her job. The individual may be vidual may be responsible for changing foreign currency
responsible for meeting an advertising agency client from a into American money or arranging for translators. He or she
foreign country, a book author, an entertainer, a radio person- may also handle arrangements for shopping tours, shows,
ality, a movie star, or clients from public relations agencies. entertainment, sightseeing tours, and restaurants.
Depending on the situation, the VIP Coordinator has var- The VIP Coordinator is often asked to make special
ied responsibilities. He or she may be responsible for mak- arrangements for spouses and children of clients accompa-
ing travel arrangements for people to and from their nying them on business trips. The individual may seek out
destination. Once a client arrives in the specific city, the baby-sitters, physicians, and special food.
individual meets him or her at the airport or train station. At times the VIP Coordinator must locate and hire secre-
The VIP Coordinator may meet the client with a limousine tarial or business services or any other service the client
or may perform the driving tasks. might need during his or her stay.

VIP Coordinators are responsible for arranging for the Experience, Skills, and Personality Traits
safety and comfort of their clients. When they are coordinat- The VIP Coordinator should be an outgoing individual with
ing the visit of a VIP they may be on 24-hour call. If the a lot of personality. He or she should be personable, likable,
client has an emergency or requires anything, it is the job of and friendly with a neat, well-groomed appearance. The
the Coordinator to take care of it. individual meets with important people and must look like
Most VIP Coordinators find this type of job exciting, he or she fits in.
glamorous, and fun. They often meet and mingle with inter- The VIP Coordinator should be articulate and well-spo-
esting people from all over the country and the world. ken and have good communication skills. He or she needs to
be well-organized and able to deal with a lot of details at
Salaries once without getting confused. The ability to work under
It is almost impossible to estimate annual salaries for VIP pressure is imperative. The function of the VIP Coordinator
Coordinators. Earnings vary depending on the type of is to make people feel comfortable. If he or she gets flus-
arrangement they have. Coordinators may be compensated tered, it can be contagious.
on a per project, daily, or weekly basis. Fees can range form VIP Coordinators who are fluent in another language are
$75 to $350 per day or up to $1,500 per week or more. more marketable and useful to clients who have foreign vis-
Those paid on a per project basis charge fees based on time itors coming into the country.
and responsibilities involved in a project.
There are VIP Coordinators who work part time. Suc- Unions and Associations
cessful VIP Coordinators who work full time may earn VIP Coordinators don’t have a specific trade association
$75,000 plus per year. devoted especially to their job classification. Many individ-
uals belong to public relations, marketing, or advertising
Employment Prospects associations, depending on their affiliations with different
Employment prospects are fair for individuals seeking this companies and their responsibilities. Attending meetings
type of work. The VIP Coordinator may have to relocate to a and seminars presented by these organizations provides
large city where there are more opportunities. Clients could individuals with a good source of contacts for potential
include corporations, advertising agencies, public relations business as well as an opportunity to gain valuable skills.
agencies, press agents, publicists, television and radio sta- Individuals might belong to the Public Relations Society
tions, placement specialists, book and magazine publishers, of America (PRSA), the American Advertising Federation
entertainment agencies, and government agencies. (AAF), The Direct Marketing Association, Inc. (DMA), the
Individuals may have to advertise their service, market Advertising Club of New York, and Advertising Women of
their business, or look into advertising sources for possible New York, Inc. (AWNY).
leads. Other individuals may find employment through help
wanted ads. Tips for Entry
1. The ability to speak a foreign language will make you
Advancement Prospects more valuable. Consider taking some classes or
VIP Coordinators who want to move up the career ladder brushing up on this skill.
may take a number of different paths depending on their 2. You might send letters, brochures, or business cards
aspirations. The individual might build a large list of presti- with your business name, address, and phone number
gious clients. The coordinator may build up a business to the to corporations, agencies, and publishers. Ask that
point where he or she must hire additional coordinators to your information be kept on file. It might be wise to
handle jobs. send mailings on a regular basis. Eventually someone
Other VIP Coordinators advance by becoming press will need your service and remember you.
agents, publicists, public relations specialists, or placement 3. On occasion there are positions like this advertised in
specialists. the newspaper classified section. Look under heading
classifications of “VIP Rep,” “VIP Coordinator,”
“Client Coordinator,” “Arrangement Rep,” “Public
Education and Training Relations,” or “Advertising.”
Other than a high school diploma, there are really no stringent 4. You might want to get hands-on experience by work-
educational requirements for a VIP Coordinator working on a ing for a short time as a travel coordinator or travel
freelance basis. However, some corporations or agencies pre- escort for a bus or travel company.
fer an individual who has a four-year college degree.
The VIP Coordinator should have training in or a knowl-
edge of English, writing, public relations, marketing, and
possibly a foreign language.



Duties: Prepare corporate executives and other clients to

effectively deal with crises; handle crisis management; Crisis Management Consultant
prepare statements With Large Roster of Clients

Alternate Title(s): Crisis Management Specialist

Salary Range: $30,000 to $250,000+

Crisis Management Consultant
Employment Prospects: Fair

Advancement Prospects: Good

Best Geographical Location(s): Positions may be located Public Relations Counselor

throughout the country; greatest number of opportunities or Assistant Crisis Management
will exist in cities with many large corporations. Counselor in Agency
Education or Training—Minimum of bachelor’s
degree in public relations, communications, liberal arts,
or marketing
Experience—Public relations; crisis management;
Special Skills and Personality Traits—Ability to think
creatively; communication skills; detail-oriented; people
skills; ability to stay calm

Position Description: tested. A company producing food products would be in the

At one time or another businesses may run into situations middle of a crisis if it was found that its food was tainted
that could negatively affect their business or their reputa- with salmonella. Similarly, restaurants may need crisis man-
tion. These situations may entail any number of scenarios agement if food served resulted in people becoming ill with
depending on the specific business and ranging from life E. coli, or even if they received one or more critical viola-
threatening to mildly problematic. Finding effective ways to tions when inspected by their local health department.
Crises are not always life-or-death situations, but they
deal with problematic issues and crises is essential to the
can negatively affect a company’s reputation and bottom
reputation and bottom line of a business in trouble.
line. Layoffs, closings, corporate mergers, lower than
In some cases, corporate management decides that doing
expected earnings, corporate mismanagement, and bank-
nothing would be their best bet. In others, the company’s PR ruptcies are examples.
director or public relations agency takes over. Many larger Crisis Management Consultants may handle a variety of
companies call in Crisis Management Consultants. While cri- functions ranging from crisis prevention to crisis response
sis management is a part of public relations, there are people to crisis management depending on the specific situation. In
who specialize specifically in this area of the field. some situations, a corporation may retain a Crisis Manage-
Companies may need to use a Crisis Management Con- ment Consultant before a crisis occurs. By getting in ahead
sultant for a variety of reasons. A hospital, for example, may of the problem, the consultant might either be able to pre-
find itself in the middle of a crisis when it is discovered that vent an impending crisis or prepare the company so that
two babies were switched or when blood was not properly when the crisis hits, they are prepared to handle it swiftly.

The Crisis Management Consultant may execute a vari- number of clients individuals have and the professional repu-
ety of functions to help prepare corporate management tation they have built. Some Crisis Management Consultants
before a problem occurs. He or she may perform a risk earn $30,000 annually, while other make $250,000 or more.
analysis to determine the possibilities and identify issues of Individuals may work on an hourly basis, a per project
concern. What are the potential areas of weakness? Where basis, or be on a monthly retainer.
are the potential flaws? Where is the company vulnerable?
What are the potential problems? By identifying these Employment Prospects
issues, the consultant can help the company know where
Employment prospects are fair for Crisis Management Con-
problems might exist.
sultants. While clients may be located throughout the coun-
The Crisis Management Consultant may also review the try, individuals seeking this type of work may want to
company’s current preparedness for handling a crisis. Do relocate to an area where there are a large number of major
they have a plan? Is it in writing? Who is authorized to corporations for a potential client base.
speak to the media? Who is authorized to speak to employ- Clients might include corporations in a vast array of areas
ees? What are the crisis plans in place already? as well as nonprofits, government agencies, and environmen-
After reviewing these situations, the Crisis Management tal agencies. There are also a number of Crisis Management
Consultant will prepare a written report clarifying his or her Consultants who specialize in personal crisis management,
findings. He or she is then responsible for developing a plan handling individuals including politicians, entertainers, film
of recommendations for improvement. and television stars, musicians, and sports figures.
Crisis Management Consultants provide crisis training
and response techniques to key members of the corporate
team. This is often accomplished through exercises in crisis
Advancement Prospects
simulation coupled with the appropriate response. The indi- The most common method of career advancement in this
vidual is also expected to make sure key management field is for individuals to build either a large roster of clients
or a roster of larger, more prestigious clients. If the consult-
employees know how to prepare effective internal and exter-
ant is good at what he or she does and builds a good profes-
nal communications. These may include statements and
sional reputation, this is often accomplished through word
press releases for the media, employees, stockholders, board
of mouth referrals.
members, and when necessary, the general public.
Part of the job of the consultant often involves training
one or more of the key corporate management team in deal- Education and Training
ing effectively with media. This may include public speak- A minimum of a bachelor’s degree in public relations, com-
ing skills, appearing on camera, and answering questions in munications, marketing, or a related field is usually neces-
public forums. sary for success in this type of career. Courses and
Some companies do not use crisis management at all . . . workshops in business, communications, public relations,
until they have a crisis. Then, faced with a negative situation and speechwriting will be helpful. There are a number of
that needs to be attended to quickly, they call in a Crisis Man- schools and institutes that offer intensive two-day programs
agement Consultant. This crisis response becomes a very in crisis management.
important function of the Crisis Management Consultant.
In these situations, the individual must be able to think Experience, Skills, and Personality Traits
quickly, creatively, and calmly. He or she is expected to The most successful people in this field will be articulate,
effectively handle damage control immediately. He or she is creative individuals with excellent communication skills. It
expected to find ways to stop rumors and get the company’s is essential for a Crisis Management Consultant to be well-
message out. spoken and have a good command of the English language.
In these cases, the Crisis Management Consultant may be The ability to think quickly is necessary.
the one who is preparing the statements and other communi- In addition to a full working knowledge of public rela-
cations to be given to the media, employees, and the public. tions skills, the individual must also have the ability to be a
The individual may also act as the company’s spokesperson. compelling speechwriter. The ability to multitask without
The key to success in this position is handling damage getting flustered is needed.
control and finding the most effective ways to minimize the
negative impact of a crisis, problems, and bad news.
Unions and Associations
Crisis Management Consultants may be members of the
Salaries Public Relations Society of America (PRSA). This organi-
Earnings are difficult to determine for Crisis Management zation is the most recognized in the public relations field,
Consultants. Compensation depends to a great extent on the offering professional guidance and support to its members.

Tips For Entry 3. If you are currently working in public relations and
1. If you are still in school, look for an internship with a interested in branching out into crisis management,
Crisis Management Consultant. You might also try to consider speaking about crisis management at local
locate an internship with an agency that specializes in nonprofit and civic group meetings. When companies
crisis management. in your local area find the need for crisis manage-
2. Take classes, workshops, and seminars in crisis man- ment, they will often think of you first.
agement, communications, speechwriting, and public 4. Consider placing an advertisement in your local busi-
relations. In addition to honing your skills, they pro- ness publication to help you obtain new clients.
vide excellent networking opportunities.


Duties: Handle all press and media functions for a public or

government official; write press releases; arrange press Press Secretary for
conferences, briefings, and photo opportunities; act as More Prestigious Official
spokesperson or
Public Relations, Media, or
Alternate Title(s): Press Spokesperson; Spokesperson Journalism Position in Prestigious
Corporation or Publication
Salary Range: $28,000 to $150,000+

Employment Prospects: Poor

Advancement Prospects: Good

Press Secretary, Government
Best Geographical Location(s): Washington, D.C. and
state capitals offer the most opportunities.

Education or Training—Four-year college degree Public Relations, Media,
required or
Experience—Journalism, media, or public relations Journalism Position
experience preferred; experience in politics and govern-
ment helpful
Special Skills and Personality Traits—Understanding
of politics; articulateness; good communication skills;
ability to speak in front of groups of people; stamina;
writing ability

Position Description official. The Press Secretary might also brief the official on
A Press Secretary working in government handles all press the situation and have him or her respond to questions.
and media functions for the public official he or she is repre- The Press Secretary schedules press conferences and
senting. The most prominent person in this field is the press press briefings. He or she may be responsible for making
secretary to the president of the United States. The individual preparations for the conference, including setting up the
may work for other public officials such as mayors or state or location and checking on facilities for audiovisuals, micro-
federal legislators. He or she might also represent cabinet offi- phones, podiums, seating, etc. The individual must prepare
cers or agencies on the federal, state, or local level. There are and distribute handouts for the media at these conferences.
also Press Secretaries who handle this function for political The Press Secretary may be in charge of opening informal
candidates, who are in the process of running for office. All press conferences. He or she may act as the moderator of the
Press Secretaries have similar duties and functions, no matter event, handling introductions, etc.
which official, candidate, or agency they represent. The Press Secretary works with the official or candidate in
One of the basic functions of the Press Secretary is to identifying subjects, issues, and topics for speeches, presenta-
respond to questions from the press and media. The individ- tions, and awards. In some instances the Press Secretary is
ual may answer questions him- or herself on behalf of the responsible for writing and/or editing speeches for the official.

In other cases the official may write the speech, or the task earnings and prestige. For example, the individual may be
may be turned over to a professional speechwriter. the spokesperson for a city mayor. He or she may then be
The Press Secretary is in charge of keeping the media hired to be the Press Secretary for a state representative.
informed about the official’s activities and schedules photo The Press Secretary may also advance his or her career
opportunities for the media. He or she is responsible for by going into lobbying activities. Other possibilities for
writing and distributing press releases on both routine sub- climbing the career ladder include a public relations job in
jects and special informational matters or issues. The indi- an agency, large corporation, or the media.
vidual constantly strives to put and keep the official in the
public eye in a positive manner.
The Press Secretary often acts as a buffer between the
Education and Training
official and the press. When the official is unavailable or not Individuals looking for jobs in the political and governmental
ready to answer a media question, it is the Press Secretary field should have a minimum of a four-year college degree.
who is responsible for holding reporters at bay. The Press Good choices for majors for those aspiring to be Press Secre-
Secretary also acts as a spokesperson for the official, at taries include public relations, marketing, English, liberal arts,
times reading statements or offering remarks. communications, advertising, and political science.
The Press Secretary spends many long hours with the
official. Together they decide how to improve the official’s Experience, Skills, and Personality Traits
image, the cost effective ways to answer difficult policy The Press Secretary working in government must have a
questions, how to deal with the media, etc. complete knowledge of the political process. He or she
The Press Secretary does not work a typical nine-to-five should be familiar with political policies, government regu-
day. Instead, he or she may work from early in the morning lations, and attitudes of constituents. The Press Secretary
till late at night. The individual may also be required to also needs to keep up with current affairs.
work on weekends. The Press Secretary is responsible to the The individual in this position should be articulate with
official. In cases where the Press Secretary is working on a good communications skills. He or she should be comfort-
political campaign, he or she may also be responsible to the able speaking in front of large crowds of people as well as
campaign manager.
into a microphone or on television. The Press Secretary
should be persuasive both in speaking and on paper.
Salaries The Press Secretary needs a lot of stamina. He or she fre-
A Press Secretary can expect to earn between $28,000 and quently has to work long and irregular hours. The individual
$100,000 plus annually. Earnings vary for individuals should have the ability to work on many different projects at
depending on the government official with whom they are once without getting flustered. The position of Press Secre-
working. Federal positions have a maximum on the annual tary requires the ability to work under pressure a great deal
salary that can be paid to people in this job. of the time.
Press Secretaries working in local government may earn The Press Secretary needs to be able to perform all pub-
salaries on the lower end of the scale. Those working for lic relations functions. He or she must be adept at a variety
governors, senators, representatives, etc. earn more. of writing functions, from letters and memos to press
Press Secretaries involved with political campaigns may releases and speeches.
earn $150,000 or more. One’s success or failure in his or her job depends on the
media. The individual must have a good working relationship
Employment Prospects with media people and try to remain accessible at all times.
Employment prospects are poor for Press Secretaries in Many Press Secretaries have worked in the media them-
government. While the individual might act as a spokesper- selves as reporters, journalists, or editors. Others have
son for public officials, opportunities are limited. worked in the political sphere in various capacities.
Even though any city might hold employment prospects,
the best geographic locations for these jobs are Washington, Unions and Associations
D.C. and state capitals across the country. Press Secretaries do not belong to any type of union. Indi-
viduals may be members of any of a number of different
Advancement Prospects public relations or communications trade associations.
Advancement prospects are good for Press Secretaries These include the National Association of Government
working in government. Once an individual has a job in this Communicators (NAGC), the Association of House Democ-
field, he or she can move up the career ladder in a number of ratic Press Assistants (AHDPA), the Republican Communi-
ways. The Press Secretary may locate a similar job in state cations Association (RCA), the Public Relations Society of
or federal government, which would result in increased America (PRSA), Women In Communications (WIC),

National Federation of Press Women (NFPW), and the tionist for the mayor, ask for an introduction. The
National Press Club (NPC). more contacts you use, the better your chances of
Press Secretaries working in governmental and politi- finding a job in this field.
cal situations usually belong to political associations and 3. Try to locate a political internship. This will give you
organizations. the opportunity to make valuable contacts on your own.
4. Volunteer to work on a political campaign. This will
Tips for Entry give you hands-on experience working in the political
1. This is one of those jobs where you have to be in the world as well as giving you the chance to make pro-
right place at the right time. A lot of luck is involved. fessional contacts.
2. This is not the time to try to see if you can obtain a job 5. Contact your county political chairperson. He or she
on your own. Use every contact you have. If your may know of a position open or may be able to give
mother has a friend who has a cousin who is a recep- you a lead on whom to see to find a job in this field.



Duties: Handle press and public relations functions for

institution; prepare press releases; arrange press briefings Director of Public Affairs
and press conferences; write special-interest articles; at a Larger Institution
respond to media requests for information or
in Another Industry
Alternate Title(s): News and Information Coordinator;
News and Information Director; Public Relations Direc-
tor; Public Affairs Director; Public Information Director

Salary Range: $30,000 to $100,000+ Director of Public Affairs

Employment Prospects: Fair

Advancement Prospects: Fair

Public Affairs Assistant
Best Geographical Location(s): Positions may be located or
throughout the country Public Relations Assistant
Education or Training—Four-year college degree is
required; graduate degree may be preferred.
Experience—Publicity, public relations, or journalism
experience preferred
Special Skills and Personality Traits—Good writing
skills; articulateness; ability to deal with many projects
at one time; good communications skills; public speak-
ing ability

Position Description ual may also prepare releases on honors and awards
The Director of Public Affairs working in a college or uni- received by college professors, administrators, or students.
versity is responsible for handling all press and public rela- Other writing responsibilities, depending on the institu-
tions functions of the institution. The individual may work tion and its structure, might include the preparation of event
alone in the department or with an assistant or may super- calendars, brochures, letters, marketing pieces, feature sto-
vise a staff. ries, special-interest articles, etc. He or she may be expected
The Director of Public Affairs, who might also be called to write a column for the school or local paper about college
the news and information coordinator, public relations happenings.
director, public affairs coordinator, or public information The Director of Public Affairs is responsible for publiciz-
director, performs a number of communications and writing ing special programs sponsored by the college. These might
functions. These include preparing press and media releases include extension and outreach programs or college/com-
on a regular basis. He or she may write press releases munity affairs programs. The individual may, for example,
regarding routine college activities and events or cover spe- publicize a new nursing program initiated, developed, and
cial events or programs the college is holding. The individ- supported by a local hospital and offered by the college.

The director often works with other college depart- Employment Prospects
ments in preparing publicity, developing programs, Employment prospects are fair for individuals seeking pub-
arranging interviews, etc. The individual might work with lic affairs jobs. Almost every college, no matter how small,
college alumni or the alumni relations department on a needs someone to fill this position. While the job may be
homecoming weekend or with the fund-raising and devel- called public information, public relations, or news and
opment department when raising funds for a new build- information, it fulfills the same functions. Opportunities
ing. The Director of Public Affairs frequently works with may exist in local community colleges, state universities,
student government and student activities directors han- private colleges, or large universities.
dling the publicity for a theatrical event, concert, sports Jobs may be located throughout the country. In larger
event, or other attraction. He or she may prepare press institutions there may be more than one person working in
material or arrange speaking engagements or interviews the news and information department. In smaller colleges
for college professors, administrators, or the admissions the individual often works alone.
department. Smaller institutions such as community colleges may
The individual is responsible for arranging for media also offer an individual with a good education and résumé a
coverage of noteworthy college events and functions. He or position even though he or she has only limited experience.
she may call media to inform them of events or send infor-
mation to their offices.
The Director of Public Affairs is expected to handle Advancement Prospects
inquiries and questions by the media. He or she may refer The Director of Public Affairs has fair advancement
them to someone who can answer the question or may act as prospects. The individual may advance his or her career by
the college spokesperson him- or herself. locating a position in a larger, more prestigious university,
The individual may frequently be asked to speak on resulting in advanced earnings. The Director may also climb
behalf of the college at local civic and community events, the career ladder by becoming a public relations or public
fund-raising functions, etc. affairs director in another industry.
The Director of Public Affairs may arrange press confer-
ences or press briefings. This might occur when a famous
Education and Training
individual becomes a member of the teaching staff, a profes-
The Director of Public Affairs must have a four-year college
sor or administrator receives a special award or honor, or
degree. Good choices for majors include public relations, jour-
someone is donating a large sum of money. Press confer-
nalism, communications, English, marketing, and liberal arts.
ences might also be called to clarify the nature of a problem
Individuals might also find courses and seminars in pub-
on campus or to announce its solution.
lic relations, publicity, or writing offered through trade asso-
The individual is expected to work a normal eight-hour
ciations or other groups useful in honing skills.
day. He or she may put in overtime to finish projects, write
required releases, talk to media on the phone, etc. The
Director of Public Affairs is responsible to the president of Experience, Skills, and Personality Traits
the institution. The Director of Public Affairs working in a college or univer-
sity setting should have a good understanding and overview of
Salaries college life and policies. The individual should be personable
Individuals working as Directors of Public Affairs in college and have the ability to get along well with others.
or university settings have salaries that range greatly. Com- He or she needs to have excellent writing skills. The indi-
pensation depends on a number of variables. These include vidual will have to write press releases, calendars, articles,
the size, location, and prestige of the institution, its status and feature stories. A thorough knowledge of word usage,
(whether it is profit or nonprofit), and the experience and grammar, and spelling is necessary.
responsibilities of the individual. The Director of Public Affairs should be confident and
Salaries range from $30,000 to $100,000 or more annu- articulate and have good communication skills. He or she
ally. Individuals are compensated on the lower end of the should be comfortable talking to the media as well as speaking
scale if they have limited experience or are working in a in front of a microphone or before a group of people. The indi-
small college. Those with more experience or those working vidual is often called on to be the college spokesperson.
in larger colleges and universities earn between $45,000 and The Director of Public Affairs should both understand
$70,000 a year. Individuals working in very large institu- and be able to implement public relations functions. He or
tions earn up to $100,000 or more. she needs the ability to deal with a lot of details and many
Many colleges and universities often offer valuable perks different projects at once.
such as free tuition to those working in the school or to their Many individuals who currently hold this position previ-
spouses and children. ously worked as journalists, reporters, or in other publicity

or public relations jobs. Others came into the job as an assis- and read their trade journals. A number of the groups
tant or obtained experience as a trainee or intern. Individu- offer student memberships.
als who have a good college education with relevant experi- 2. Trade journals frequently advertise job openings. Look
ence before graduation may get this position with little or no in the marketplace, help wanted, or classified section.
work experience. 3. Jobs may also be advertised in local newspapers. Check
out both the display and classified sections. Look under
the heading classifications of “Education,” “College,”
Unions and Associations
“University,” “News and Information,” “Publicity,”
People in this type of position do not belong to any bargain-
“Public Affairs,” or “Public Relations.”
ing union. Instead, they may belong to any of a number of
4. Try to obtain experience through an internship or
trade associations. These groups are useful to the individual
training program offered by a corporation, trade asso-
for a number of reasons. Many provide educational semi-
ciation, or college.
nars, literature, trade journals, and job guidance.
5. If you are still in school, see if you can work out a
Associations include the Public Relations Society of
program with your school’s news and information or
America (PRSA), International Association of Business
public affairs department. Even if you just volunteer
Communications (IABC), Women In Communications, Inc.
some time, you will be gaining valuable hands-on
(WIC), National Federation of Press Women (NFPW), and
experience that will be useful in helping land a job
the International Public Relations Association (IPRA).
after graduation.
6. You may obtain experience by finding a college that
Tips for Entry has an assistant director of public affairs position.
1. Join trade associations. You will make valuable pro- 7. Consider working in a journalism position to get
fessional contacts. Attend meetings, ask for literature, experience writing.



Duties: Publicize team and players; write press releases;

Sports Information Director
provide media with information about team; respond to
in Larger,
media questions; prepare biographies, press kits, and
More Prestigious Institution
yearbooks; arrange press conferences and briefings
Alternate Title(s): Collegiate Sports Information Director; Professional Sports Team Publicist
Sports Information Manager

Salary Range: $25,000 to $85,000+

Employment Prospects: Fair

Sports Information Director
Advancement Prospects: Fair

Best Geographical Location(s): Positions located

throughout the country; areas that have colleges and uni-
versities with large sports teams hold most opportunities Sports Information Assistant,
Public Relations, Media,
Prerequisites or
Education or Training—Four-year college degree Journalism Position
required for most positions or
Experience—Writing experience preferred Entry Level
Special Skills and Personality Traits—Good writing
skills; personability; articulateness; knowledge of sports;
ability to deal with media

Position Description includes newspapers, magazines, other written publications,

The Sports Information Director works with collegiate ath- and television and radio stations. The Sports Information
letic teams publicizing both the teams and their players. The Director is expected to look for additional avenues to dis-
individual may work with one particular sport or may be tribute this information. If the individual is working with a
required to handle the press and publicity functions for all school whose team merits regional or national publicity, the
Sports Information Director also sends information to sports
sports played at the college.
editors in these area. He or she might also send press
The Sports Information Director has a number of writing
releases to media in a player’s home town.
responsibilities. He or she must write press releases on a
The Sports Information Director is responsible for inter-
variety of subjects. These include upcoming games, new viewing each athlete and coach in order to prepare biogra-
additions to the team, coaches, players, etc. The Sports phies of the players, the team, and the coaches. Depending
Information Director may also be required to send scores of on the size of the school and the emphasis on sports, this
games to the media. At times the individual writes feature information may be put together in a folder, like a press kit;
stories and articles for use by either the general media or in a booklet, as a press guide; or in the form of a yearbook.
specialized publications. It may also contain statistics and records of the team, pho-
Press releases, scores, and feature stories are sent to all tographs of the players and coaches, etc. The information is
local media by the Sports Information Director. This valuable to the Sports Information Director when writing

press releases and feature stories or when answering ques- arranges for their seating. After the game he or she may
tions from the media. arrange a press conference.
The Sports Information Director may be expected to take The individual in this job works long hours, frequently
photographs or arrange for a professional photographer. working at night and on weekends. The Sports Information
This depends on the size and budget of the college. Photos Director is usually expected to attend all team games.
of players individually and as a team are needed. Photos of Depending on the structure of the school, he or she may be
games might also be required. If the individual is working in responsible to the sports director, the athletic director, or the
a situation where media coverage includes television, he or president of the college.
she might also arrange for video clips of the team.
The Sports Information Director is responsible for arrang-
ing, coordinating, and implementing press conferences and
Salaries for Sports Information Directors vary greatly. Vari-
press briefings. Depending on the situation, these might be
ables include the size of the college or university, its enroll-
either formal affairs or informal events. The individual calls,
ment, its budget, and the amount of emphasis the school
sends, or delivers invitations to media informing them of the
puts on sports. Compensation also depends on the experi-
time, date, and location of the conference as well as of the rea-
ence level of the individual and his or her responsibilities.
son for it. Press conferences may be held for a number of rea-
Salaries can range from $25,000 to $85,000 plus annu-
sons. A valuable new player might have transferred to the
ally for full-time Sports Information Directors. Those work-
school and its team; a player might have been injured during a
ing in smaller schools or those with limited experience
game and is hospitalized; or a new coach from a prestigious
receive earnings on the lower end of the scale. Individuals
school might have been hired. The important thing for the
working in large colleges and universities with major sports
individual to remember is to make sure that there is a reason
programs earn higher salaries.
for a press conference. Otherwise, the next time he or she
schedules one, the media might not show up.
The Sports Information Director’s relationship with the Employment Prospects
media is important. A good working relationship with these Larger schools may employ more than one individual in the
people helps to make his or her job easier and more effec- sports information department. A college may hire one
tive. The individual usually gets to know sports reporters, director and an assistant director. Schools may also hire a
editors, and journalists. Many areas have collegiate sports Sports Information Director for football, one for basketball,
reporters or sports sections devoted to the collegiate scene. and one for other sports.
If the Sports Information Director has a good, honest rela- Smaller schools usually have only one Sports Informa-
tionship with the media, when he or she needs some publicity, tion Director. In very small colleges the position may be
the individual can just pick up a phone. Conversely, sports only part time. There are also small colleges that don’t
media people frequently need a story and will feel comfortable employ anyone for this job, instead assigning the task to the
calling the Sports Information Director for a suggestion. college public affairs or public relations office. Other
The individual is responsible for responding to inquiries schools leave sports information functions to the coaches.
from the general public and the media. There may be some sit- Individuals who are willing to relocate to find a position,
uations in which the Sports Information Director is placed in a willing to work in a small school, or willing to take a part-
position where he cannot answer a specific question at a given time position have fair employment prospects.
time or must give a “no comment” type of response. This
might be because of a delicate situation, confidentiality, etc.
Advancement Prospects
The individual must explain the situation to the media without
Advancement prospects vary depending on how the individ-
breaking confidentiality, keeping the relationship intact.
ual wants to climb the career ladder. He or she may find a
The individual is responsible for collecting articles, news-
position as a Sports Information Director in a larger, more
paper and magazine clippings, stories, etc. about the team.
prestigious school. This will result in increased earnings,
Copies of radio or television stories might also be collected.
responsibilities, and visibility.
He or she may perform this function, assign the task to an
The Sports Information Director might advance by locat-
assistant, or retain the services of a media clipping service.
ing a position with a professional team. He or she might also
The Sports Information Director is especially busy on
work in public relations or publicity in another industry.
game days. He or she must make sure that the press has
received passes to get in, are seated in good seats, and
receive the latest press information. The individual also Education and Training
answers any questions reporters might have. While there are rare cases of a high school graduate getting
The Sports Information Director sees to it that school or this job, the majority of these positions require a four-year
local dignitaries have received complimentary passes and college degree. In order to be prepared for a position as a

Sports Information Director the individual should take tions that can provide forums for those in the industry. The
courses in public relations, publicity, marketing, journalism, most prevalent in this field is College Sports Information
English, writing, sports, studies, and physical education. Directors of America. The Sports Information Director
There are a number of seminars available throughout the might be a member of the National Sportscasters and
country on obtaining publicity, writing press releases, and Sportswriters Association.
securing media exposure that would also prove useful. Individuals might be members of any of a number of
other public relations trade associations, including the pub-
Experience, Skills, and Personality Traits lic Relations Society of America (PRSA), Women In Com-
munications, Inc. (WIC), and the National Federation of
It is necessary for the individual in this job to enjoy sports.
Press Women (NFPW).
He or she must watch games, work with coaches, and inter-
act with players. It is also useful if the Sports Information
Director has a knowledge of the various sports he or she is Tips for Entry
publicizing. 1. Get experience working with the media. Volunteer to
The Sports Information Director needs the ability to do publicity for a nonprofit group.
write well. He or she prepares press releases, booklets, 2. Consider a summer or part-time job writing for a
leaflets, biographies, and feature stories. A good grasp of the newspaper.
English language is needed, as well as good spelling, word 3. If your school doesn’t have a sports information
usage, and grammar. department, offer to do publicity for school sports
The individual should be energetic. He or she works long teams. You might see if you can write a column for
hours. The Director should also be personable and enjoy your school or local paper on the college sports
dealing with people. scene.
The Sports Information Director needs to be articulate, 4. If your school does have such a department, see if you
with the ability to communicate well. A pleasant phone can become an intern, trainee, aide, assistant, typist,
manner is essential. The ability to speak before groups of etc. Working in this department in any capacity will
people is often necessary. give you valuable hands-on experience as well as
The individual should be able to work on a lot of differ- being useful for your résumé.
ent projects at once and deal with details without getting 5. Join trade associations. Attend their meetings and
flustered. He or she should have or be able to develop a subscribe to trade journals. These organizations will
good working relationship with the media. keep you abreast of trends in the industry.
6. Check out college and university Web sites. Many list
employment opportunities.
Unions and Associations
The Sports Information Director working in a college or
university may belong to any of a number of trade associa-

The following is a listing of selected four-year schools granting grant degrees in this area every year. Check the newest edi-
degrees with majors in advertising. They are grouped by state. tion of Lovejoy’s College Guide (found in the reference sec-
School names, addresses, phone numbers, Web addresses, and tion of libraries or in guidance counseling centers) for
e-mail admission addresses are included when available. additional schools offering degrees in this field.
The author does not endorse any one school over another.
Use this list as a beginning. More colleges are beginning to

ALABAMA Phone: (501) 569-3127 Fax: (510) 885-3816

Toll-free phone: (800) 482-8892 E-mail:
Spring Hill College Fax: (501) 569-8915
4000 Dauphin Street
Mobile, AL 36608
Phone: (251) 380-3030 Chapman University
Fax: (251) 460-2186 CALIFORNIA One University Drive
E-mail: Orange, CA 92866 Academy of Art University Phone: (714) 997-6711
79 New Montgomery Street Fax: (714) 997-6713
University of Alabama San Francisco, CA 94105 E-mail:
P.O. Box 870132 Phone: (415) 274-2222
Tuscaloosa, AL 35487 Fax: (415) 263-4130
Phone: (205) 348-5666 Notre Dame de Namur University
E-mail: 1500 Ralston Avenue Art Center College of Design Belmont, CA 94002
1700 Lida Street Phone: (650) 508-3600
Pasadena, CA 91103 E-mail:
ARIZONA Phone: (626) 396-2200
Northern Arizona University E-mail:
P.O. Box 4084
Pepperdine University
Flagstaff, AZ 86011-4084 Malibu, CA 90263-4392
Phone: (205) 348-5666 Art Institute of California–San Diego
Phone: (310) 506-4392
Toll-free phone: (800) 933-BAMA 7650 Mission Valley Road
Fax: (310) 506-4861
Fax: (205) 348-9046 San Diego, CA 92108
E-mail: Phone: (858) 598-1399 Ext. 1208 or (800) 591-2422-Ext. 3117
Fax: (619) 291-3206 San Jose State University
E-mail: One Washington Square
ARKANSAS San Jose, CA 95192
California State University, Fullerton Phone: (408) 924-1000
Harding University
P.O. Box 6900 E-mail:
P.O. Box 12255
800 North State College Boulevard
Searcy, AR 72149
Phone: (501) 279-4407 Fullerton, CA 92834
Fax: (501) 279-4129 Phone: (714) 278-2370 University of San Francisco
E-mail: 2130 Fulton Street San Francisco, CA 94117-1046
California State University, Hayward Phone: (415) 422-6563
University of Arkansas—Little Rock 25800 Carlos Bee Boulevard Fax: (415) 422-2217
South University Avenue Hayward, CA 94542 E-mail:
Little Rock, AR 72204 Phone: (510) 885-3248

COLORADO Phone: (800) 274-4131 HAWAII

Adams State College Hawaii Pacific University
Alamosa, CO 81102 1164 Bishop Street
Phone: (719) 587-7712 Florida State University Honolulu, HI 96813
Fax: (719) 587-7522 Tallahassee, FL 32306 Phone: (808) 544-0200
E-mail: Phone: (850) 644-2525 E-mail: E-mail:
Art Institute of Colorado
1200 Lincoln Street ILLINOIS
Johnson & Wales University
Denver, CO 80203 1701 Northeast 127th Street American Academy Of Art
Phone: (303) 837-0825 North Miami, FL 33181 332 South Michigan Avenue, Suite 300
Fax: (303) 860-8520 Phone: (305) 892-7002 Chicago, IL 60604-4302
E-mail: Fax: 305-892-7020 Phone: (312) 461-0600
E-mail: E-mail:
University of Colorado—Boulder
Regent Admin. Center Northwood University
Boulder, CO 80309 2600 North Military Trail Bradley University
Phone: (303) 492-1411 West Palm Beach, FL 33409 1501 West Bradley Avenue
E-mail: Phone: (561) 478-5500 Peoria, IL 61625 Phone: (309) 676-7611
University of Central Florida
Quinnipiac University Columbia College Chicago
4000 Central Florida Boulevard
Hamden, CT 06518 600 South Michigan Avenue
Orlando, FL 32816
Phone: (203) 582-8600 Chicago, IL 60605
Phone: (407) 823-2000
Phone: (312) 344-7130
Fax: 203-582-8906 E-mail: Fax: (312) 344-8024
University of Florida DePaul University
201 Criser Hall 1 East Jackson Boulevard
Gainesville, FL 32611 Chicago, IL 60604
Howard University Phone: (352) 392-3261 Phone: (312) 362-8300
2400 Sixth Street, NW E-mail: E-mail:
Washington, DC 20059
Phone: (202) 806-2763
E-mail: University of Miami University of Illinois— P.O. Box 248025 Urbana–Champaign
Coral Gables, FL 33124 901 West Illinois
University of the District of Columbia Phone: (305) 284-2211 Urbana, IL 61801
4200 Connecticut Avenue, NW E-mail: Phone: (217) 333-1000
Washington, DC 20008 E-mail:
Phone: (202) 274-6200
University of Georgia
212 Terrell Hall Ball State University
Barry University Athens, GA 30602 2000 University Avenue
11300 N.E. Second Avenue Phone: (706) 542-3000 Muncie, IN 47306
Miami Shores, FL 33161 E-mail: Phone: (765) 285-8300
Phone: (305) 899-3000 E-mail:
E-mail: Wesleyan College
4760 Forsyth Road University of Southern Indiana
Florida Southern College Macon, GA 31210 8600 University Boulevard
111 Lake Hollingsworth Drive Phone: (478) 757-5206 Evansville, IN 47712
Lakeland, FL 33801 Phone: (812) 464-8600

E-mail: Phone: (270) 762-3035 Endicott College Fax: (270) 762-3050 376 Hale Street
E-mail: Beverly, MA 01915
Phone: (978) 927-0585
University of Kentucky E-mail:
Clarke College 206 Administration Building
1550 Clarke Drive Lexington, KY 40506
Dubuque, IA 52001 Phone: (859) 257-2000 Northeastern University
Phone: (319) 588-6300 E-mail: 360 Huntington Avenue
E-mail: Boston, MA 02115 Phone: (617) 373-2000
Western Kentucky University E-mail:
Drake University
One Big Red Way
2507 University Avenue
Bowling Green, KY 42101
Des Moines, IA 50311 Simmons College
Phone: (270) 745-2551
Phone: (515) 271-2011 300 The Fenway
Fax: (270) 745-6133
E-mail: Boston, MA 02115
E-mail: Phone: (800) 345-8468
Fax: (617) 521-3190
Iowa State University of Science and
Technology LOUISIANA
100 Alumni Hall Western New England College
Ames, IA 50011 Louisiana College 1215 Wilbraham Road
Phone: (515) 294-4111 1140 College Drive Springfield, MA 01119
E-mail: Pineville, LA 71359 Phone: (413) 782-3111 Phone: (318) 487-7259 E-mail:
Fax: (318) 487-7550
St. Ambrose University E-mail:
518 West Locust Street
Davenport, IA 52803 MICHIGAN
Phone: (563) 333-6300 MAINE Central Michigan University
E-mail: Saint Joseph’s College of Maine Mount Pleasant, MI 48859
http://www.sau.admissions Phone: (989) 774-3076
278 Whites Bridge Road
Standish, ME 04084 E-mail:
Simpson College
Phone: (207) 893-7746
701 North “C” Street
Indianola, IA 50125 E-mail: Ferris State University
Phone: (515) 961-1624
901 State Street
Big Rapids, MI 49307
MASSACHUSETTES Phone: (231) 591-2000
KANSAS Boston University
121 Bay State Road
Pittsburg State University Boston, MA 02215
Pittsburg, KS 66762 Grand Valley State University
Phone: (617) 353-2000 One Campus Drive
Phone: (620) 235-4251 E-mail:
Fax: 316-235-6003 Allendale, MI 49401 Phone: (616) 895-6611
University of Kansas Eastern Nazarene College
1502 Iowa Quincy, MA 02170
Lawrence, KS 66045 Phone: (617) 745-3711 Michigan State University
Phone: (785) 864-2700 E-mail: 250 Administration Building
E-mail: East Lansing, MI 48824 Phone: (517) 355-8332
Emerson College Fax: (517) 353-1647
120 Boylston Street E-mail:
KENTUCKY Boston, MA 02116
Murray State University Phone: (617) 824-8500 Northwood University
P.O. Box 9 E-mail: 4000 Whiting Drive
Murray, KY 42071 Midland, MI 48640

Phone: (989) 837-4273 University of Southern Mississippi NEBRASKA P.O. Box 5167 Southern Station
Hattiesburg, MS 39406 Hastings College
Western Michigan University Phone: (601) 266-4000 800 Turner Avenue
1201 Oliver Street E-mail: admissions@USM.EDU Hastings, NE 68901
Kalamazoo, MI 49008 Phone: (402) 461-7320
Phone: (616) 387-1000 Fax: (402) 461-7490
E-mail: E-mail: MISSOURI
Northwest Missouri State University University of Nebraska—Lincoln
800 University Drive
MINNESOTA 14th and R Streets
Maryville, MO 64468 Lincoln, NE 68588
Concordia College—Moorhead Phone: (660) 562-1146 Phone: (402) 472-7211
901 South Eighth Street Fax: (660) 562-1121 E-mail:
Moorhead, MN 56562 E-mail:
Phone: (218) 299-4000
E-mail: University of Nebraska—Omaha Southeast Missouri State University 6001 Dodge Street
Cape Girardeau, MO 63701 Omaha, NE 68182
Metropolitan State University Phone: (573) 651-2590 Phone: (402) 554-2800
700 East 7th Street Fax: (573) 651-5936 E-mail:
St. Paul, MN 55106 E-mail:
Phone: (651) 793-1303
Fax: (651) 793-1310 Stephens College Wayne State College
E-mail: admissionsmetro@metrostate. 1200 East Broadway 1111 Main Street
edu P.O. Box 2121 Wayne, NE 68787
Columbia, MO 65215 Phone: (402) 375-7234
Minneapolis College of Art and Design Phone: (573) 442-2211 Fax: (402) 375-7204
2501 Stevens Avenue South E-mail: E-mail:
Minneapolis, MN 55404
Phone: (612) 874-3760
Fax: (612) 874-3701 University of Missouri—Columbia
E-mail: 305 Jesse Hall NEVADA Columbia, MO 65211 University of Nevada, Reno
Phone: (573) 882-2121 Reno, NV 89557
University of St. Thomas E-mail: Phone: (775) 784-4700
2115 Summit Avenue E-mail:
St. Paul, MN 55105
Phone: (651) 962-6150 Washington University in St. Louis
Fax: (651) 962-6160 One Brookings Drive
E-mail: St. Louis, MO 63130 NEW HAMPSHIRE Phone: (314) 935-6000 Franklin Pierce College
Fax: (314) 935-4290 College Road, P.O. Box 60
Winona State University E-mail: Rindge, NH 03461
P.O. Box 5838 Phone: (603) 899-4000
Winona, MN 55987 Webster University E-mail:
Phone: (800) 342-5978 470 East Lockwood Avenue
E-mail: admissions@vax2.winona.msus. St. Louis, MO 63119
edu Phone: (314) 961-2660 New England College Fax: (314) 968-7115 26 Bridge Street
E-mail: Henniker, NH 03242-3297 Phone: (800) 521-7642
Fax: (603) 428-3155
University of Mississippi William Woods University E-mail:
P.O. Box 1848 1 University Avenue
University, MS 38677 Fulton, MO 65251
Phone: (662) 915-7211 Phone: (573) 592-4221 New Hampshire College
E-mail: E-mail: 2500 North River Road Manchester, NH 03106

Phone: (603) 668-2211 Marist College OHIO

E-mail: 3399 North Road Poughkeepsie, NY 12601 Columbus College of Art and Design
Phone: (845) 575-3226 107 North Ninth Street
E-mail: Columbus, OH 43215
NEW JERSEY Phone: (614) 224-9101
Rider University
New York Institute of Technology
2083 Lawrenceville Road
Lawrenceville, NJ 08648 P.O. Box 8000
Old Westbury, NY 11568 Kent State University
Phone: (609) 896-5000
Phone: (516) 686-7516 P.O. Box 5190
E-mail: Kent, OH 44242 Phone: (330) 672-2121
E-mail: KENTADM@Admissions.Kent.
Rowan University
Pace University edu
Glassboro, NJ 08028
Phone: (856) 256-4200 1 Pace Plaza
E-mail: New York, NY 10038
Phone: (800) 874-7223 Marietta College 215 Fifth Street
Fax: (212) 346-1821
E-mail: Marietta, OH 45750
Thomas Edison State College Phone: (740) 376-4643
101 West State Street E-mail:
Trenton, NJ 08608
Rochester Institute of Technology
Phone: (888) 442-8372
60 Lomb Memorial Drive
Fax: (609) 984-8447 Ohio University
Rochester, NY 14623
E-mail: Athens, OH 45701
Phone: (585) 475-6631 Phone: (740) 593-1000
Fax: (585) 475-7424
E-mail: E-mail:

College of New Rochelle School of Visual Arts University of Akron

Castle Place 209 East 23rd Street 302 Buchtel Common
New Rochelle, NY 10805 New York, NY 10010 Akron, OH 44325
Phone: (914) 654-5000 Phone: (212) 592-2100 Phone: (330) 972-7111
E-mail: Fax: (212) 592-2116 E-mail: E-mail:
CUNY—Baruch College Youngstown State University
17 Lexington Avenue Syracuse University One University Plaza
New York, NY 10010 201 Tolley Administration Building Youngstown, OH 44555
Phone: (646) 312-1400 Syracuse, NY 13244 Phone: (330) 742-3000
Fax: (646) 312-1363 Phone: (315) 443-1870 E-mail:
E-mail: E-mail:

Fashion Institute of Technology

Seventh Avenue at 27th Street NORTH CAROLINA Oklahoma Baptist University
New York, NY 10001 Appalachian State University P.O. Box 61174
Phone: (212) 217-7675 Boone, NC 28608 Shawnee, OK 74804
E-mail: Phone: (828) 262-2000 Phone: (405) 878-2033 E-mail: Fax: (405) 878-2046 E-mail:
Iona College
715 North Avenue Campbell University Oklahoma Christian University
New Rochelle, NY 10801 P.O. Box 546 P.O. Box 11000
Phone: (914) 633-2120 Buies Creek, NC 27506 Oklahoma City, OK 73136
Fax: (914) 637-2778 Phone: (910) 893-1320 Phone: (405) 425-5050
E-mail: E-mail: Fax: (405) 425-5208 E-mail:

Oklahoma City University Marywood University SOUTH CAROLINA

2501 North Blackwelder 2300 Adams Avenue
Oklahoma City, OK 73106 Scranton, PA 18509 University of South Carolina—
Phone: (405) 521-5050 Phone: (570) 348-6211 Columbia
E-mail: Columbia, SC 29208
E-mail: Phone: (803) 777-7000
Oklahoma State University
Mercyhurst College Admissions
324 Student Union 501 East 38th Street
Stillwater, OK 74078 Erie, PA 16546 SOUTH DAKOTA
Phone: (405) 744-6858 Phone: (814) 824-2202
Fax: (405) 744-5285 University of South Dakota
E-mail: 414 East Clark Street
Vermillion, SD 57069
University of Central Oklahoma Phone: (605) 677-5434
Pennsylvania State University—
100 North University Drive, P.O. Box 151 Fax: (605) 677-6753
University Park
Edmond, OK 73034 E-mail:
Phone: (405) 974-2338 University Park Campus
Fax: (405) 341-4964 University Park, PA 16802
E-mail: E-mail: TENNESSEE
Belmont University
University of Oklahoma 900 Belmont Boulevard
1000 Asp Avenue Point Park College
201 Wood Street Nashville, TN 37212
Norman, OK 73019
Pittsburgh, PA 15222 Phone: (615) 460-6785
Phone: (405) 325-2151
Fax: (615) 460-5434
Fax: 405-325-7124 Phone: (800) 321-0129
E-mail: E-mail:
Milligan College
Temple University
OREGON Philadelphia, PA 19122
P.O. Box 210
Milligan College, TN 37682
Portland State University Phone: (215) 204-7200
Phone: (423) 461-8730
P.O. Box 751 E-mail:
Fax: (423) 461-8982
Portland, OR 97207
Phone: (503) 725-3000
E-mail: Waynesburg College 51 West College Street
Waynesburg, PA 15370 Union University
University of Oregon Phone: (724) 627-8191
1217 University of Oregon 1050 Union University Drive
E-mail: Jackson, TN 38305
Eugene, OR 97403
E-mail: Phone: (901) 668-1818 E-mail:
Widener University
Office of Admissions
PENNSYLVANIA One University Place University of Tennessee—Knoxville
Chester, PA 19013 800 Andy Holt Tower
Duquesne University
Phone: (610) 499-4126 Knoxville, TN 37996
600 Forbes Avenue
E-mail: Phone: (865) 974-1000
Pittsburgh, PA 15282 E-mail:
Phone: (412) 396-6000
Johnson & Wales University
Gannon University
109 University Square 8 Abbott Park Place Abilene Christian University
Erie, PA 16541 Providence, RI 02903 ACU Station, P.O. Box 29000
Phone: (814) 871-7240 Phone: (401) 598-1000 Abilene, TX 79699-9000
Fax: (814) 871-5803 Fax: (401) 598-4901 Phone: (915) 674-2650
E-mail: E-mail: E-mail:

Sam Houston State University E-mail: WEST VIRGINIA

1700 Sam Houston Avenue
Huntsville, TX 77341 Concord College
Phone: (936) 294-1111 University of Texas—Austin 1000 Vermillion Street
E-mail: Main Building, Room 7 Athens, WV 24712 Austin, TX 78712 Phone: (304) 384-3115
Phone: (512) 471-3434 E-mail:
Southern Methodist University E-mail:
P.O. Box 750296
Dallas, TX 75275 West Virginia State College
Phone: (214) 768-2000 West Texas A&M University P.O. Box 1000
E-mail: P.O. Box 60999 Institute, WV 25112 Canyon, TX 79016 Phone: (304) 766-3032
Phone: (806) 651-2000 Fax: (304) 766-4158
Texas Christian University E-mail: E-mail:
2800 South University Drive
Fort Worth, TX 76129 West Virginia University
Phone: (817) 257-7490 VIRGINIA P.O. Box 6009
Fax: (817) 257-7268 Morgantown, WV 26506
Hampton University
E-mail: Phone: (304) 293-2124
Hampton, VA 23668 Fax: (304) 293-3080
Phone: (757) 727-5070
E-mail: E-mail:
Texas Tech University
P.O. Box 42013
Lubbock, TX 79409 Virginia Commonwealth University WISCONSIN
Phone: (806) 742-2011 821 West Franklin Street
E-mail: Marquette University
Richmond, VA 23284 P.O. Box 1881 Phone: (804) 828-0100
Milwaukee, WI 53201
Texas Woman’s University Phone: (414) 288-7250
P.O. Box 425587 E-mail:
Denton, TX 76204
Phone: (940) 898-2000 WASHINGTON
E-mail: Washington State University University of Wisconsin–Madison French Administration Building 716 Langdon Street
Pullman, WA 99164 Madison, WI 53706
University of Houston Phone: (509) 335-5586 Phone: (608) 262-3961
4800 Calhoun Road Fax: (509) 335-7468 Fax: (608) 262-7706
Houston, TX 77004 E-mail: E-mail: on.wisconsin@admissions.wisc.
Phone: (713) 743-1000 edu


The following is a listing of selected four-year schools grant degrees in this area every year. Check the newest edi-
granting degrees with majors in public relations. They are tion of Lovejoy’s College Guide (found in the reference sec-
grouped by state. School names, addresses, phone numbers, tion of libraries or in guidance counseling centers) for
Web addresses, and e-mail admission addresses are additional schools offering degrees in this field.
included when available.
The author does not endorse any one school over another.
Use this list as a beginning. More college are beginning to

ALABAMA Auburn University Spring Hill College

202 Martin Hall 4000 Dauphin Street
Alabama State University Auburn University, AL 36849 Mobile, AL 36608
915 South Jackson Street Phone: (334) 844-4080 Phone: (251) 380-3030
Montgomery, AL 36104 E-mail: admissions@ Fax: (251) 460-2186
Phone: (334) 229-4291 E-mail:

University of Alabama California State University, Fullerton COLORADO

P.O. Box 870132 P.O. Box 6900
Tuscaloosa, AL 35487 800 North State College Boulevard Colorado State University
Phone: (205) 348-5666 Fullerton, CA 92834 Fort Collins, CO 80523
Phone: (970) 491-6909
E-mail: Phone: (714) 278-2370
Colorado State University—Pueblo
California State University, Hayward 2200 Bonforte Boulevard
ARIZONA 25800 Carlos Bee Boulevard Pueblo, CO 81001
Northern Arizona University Hayward, CA 94542 Phone: (719) 549-2461
P.O. Box 4084 Phone: (510) 885-3248 Fax: (719) 549-2419
Flagstaff, AZ 86011-4084 Fax: (510) 885-3816 E-mail:
Phone: (205) 348-5666 E-mail:
Fax: (205) 348-9046
E-mail: Mesa State College Chapman University 1100 North Avenue
One University Drive Grand Junction, CO 81501
Orange, CA 92866 Phone: (970) 248-1875
ARKANSAS Phone: (714) 997-6711 Fax: (970) 248-1973
Fax: (714) 997-6713 E-mail:
Harding University
P.O. Box 12255
Searcy, AR 72149
Phone: (501) 279-4407 CONNECTICUT
Pacific Union College
Fax: (501) 279-4129
One Angwin Avenue Quinnipiac University
Angwin, CA 94508 Hamden, CT 06518
Phone: (707) 965-6425 Phone: (203) 582-8600
Fax: (707) 965-6432 Fax: 203-582-8906
John Brown University
E-mail: E-mail:
200 West University Street
Siloam Springs, AR 72761
Phone: (501) 524-7454
Fax: (501) 524-4196 Pepperdine University
E-mail: Malibu, CA 90263-4392 DELAWARE Phone: (310) 506-4392
University of Delaware
Fax: (310) 506-4861
Newark, DE 19716
Phone: (302) 831-8123
CALIFORNIA Fax: (302) 831-6905
California State Polytechnic University San Diego State University E-mail:
3801 West Temple Avenue 5500 Campanile Drive
Pomona, CA 91768 San Diego, CA 92182
Phone: (909) 869-3210 Phone: (619) 594-6886 Fax: (619) 594-1250 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA
E-mail: American University
California State University, Chico 4400 Massachusetts Avenue, NW
400 West First Street Washington, DC 20016
Chico, CA 95929 San Jose State University Phone: (202) 885-6000
Phone: (530) 898-4879 One Washington Square Fax: (202) 885-1025
Fax: (530) 898-6456 San Jose, CA 95192 E-mail:
E-mail: Phone: (408) 924-1000 E-mail:
California State University, Dominguez FLORIDA
Hills University of Southern California Barry University
1000 East Victoria Street University Park 11300 N.E. Second Avenue
Carson, CA 90747 Los Angeles, CA 90089 Miami Shores, FL 33161
Phone: (800) 344-5484 Phone: (213) 740-1111 Phone: (305) 899-3000
Fax: (310) 217-6800 E-mail: E-mail:

Florida Agricultural and Mechanical Shorter College Phone: (309) 676-7611

University 315 Shorter Avenue E-mail:
Tallahassee, FL 32307 Rome, GA 30165
Phone: (850) 599-3796 Phone: (706) 233-7319
E-mail: Fax: (706) 233-7224 Columbia College Chicago E-mail: 600 South Michigan Avenue Chicago, IL 60605
Florida Southern College Phone: (312) 344-7130
111 Lake Hollingsworth Drive Toccoa Falls College Fax: (312) 344-8024
Lakeland, FL 33801 P.O. Box 800-899
Phone: (800) 274-4131 Toccoa Falls, GA 30598
E-mail: Phone: (706) 886-6831 Greenville College Fax: (706) 282-6012 315 East College Avenue
E-mail: Greenville, IL 62246
Florida State University Phone: (618) 664-7100
Tallahassee, FL 32306 Fax: (618) 664-9841
Phone: (850) 644-2525 University of Georgia E-mail:
212 Terrell Hall
Athens, GA 30602
Phone: (706) 542-3000 Illinois State University
E-mail: Normal, IL 61790
University of Florida Phone: (309) 438-2181
201 Criser Hall
Gainesville, FL 32611 Fax: (309) 438-3932
Valdosta State University E-mail:
Phone: (352) 392-3261
Valdosta, GA 31698
E-mail: Phone: (229) 333-5791 Fax: (229) 333-5482 Lewis University
E-mail: One University Parkway
University of Miami
P.O. Box 248025 Romeoville, IL 60446-2200
Phone: (800) 897-9000
Coral Gables, FL 33124
Phone: (305) 284-2211
HAWAII E-mail:
E-mail: Hawaii Pacific University 1164 Bishop Street
Monmouth College
Honolulu, HI 96813
700 East Broadway
Phone: (808) 544-0200
Monmouth, IL 61462
Phone: (309) 457-2140
Berry College
Fax: (309) 457-2141
P.O. Box 490159 E-mail:
2277 Martha Berry Highway, NW IDAHO
Mount Berry, GA 30149
Northwest Nazarene University
Phone: (706) 236-2215 North Central College
623 Holly Street
Fax: (706) 290-2178 30 North Brainard Street
Nampa, ID 83686
E-mail: Naperville, IL 60540
Phone: (208) 467-8000 Phone: (630) 637-5800
Fax: (208) 467-8645
E-mail: Fax: (630) 637-5819
Columbus State University E-mail:
4225 University Avenue
Columbus, GA 31907 University of Idaho
Phone: (706) 568-2035 Moscow, ID 83844 Quincy University
Fax: (706) 568-5272 Phone: (208) 885-6326 1800 College Avenue Fax: (208) 885-9119 Quincy, IL 62301
E-mail: Phone: (217) 228-5210
Georgia Southern University E-mail:
Forest Drive
Statesboro, GA 30460
Phone: (912) 681-5391 Roosevelt University
Fax: (912) 486-7240 Bradley University Chicago Campus
E-mail: 1501 West Bradley Avenue 430 South Michigan Avenue Peoria, IL 61625 Chicago, IL 60605

Phone: 877-APPLY-RU Coe College MidAmerica Nazarene University 1220 First Avenue, NE 2030 East College Way
Cedar Rapids, IA 52402 Olathe, KS 66062
Phone: (319) 399-8500 Phone: (913) 791-3380
INDIANA Fax: (319) 399-8816 Fax: (913) 791-3481
Ball State University E-mail: E-mail:
2000 University Avenue
Muncie, IN 47306
Phone: (765) 285-8300 Drake University Pittsburg State University
E-mail: 2507 University Avenue Pittsburg, KS 66762 Des Moines, IA 50311 Phone: (620) 235-4251
Phone: (515) 271-2011 Fax: (316) 235-6003
Indiana University Northwest, E-mail: E-mail:
3400 Broadway
St. Ambrose University
Gary, IN 46408
518 West Locust Street
Phone: (219) 980-6767
Fax: (219) 981-4219 Davenport, IA 52803 Eastern Kentucky University
Phone: (563) 333-6300 521 Lancaster Avenue
E-mail: Richmond, KY 40475
http://www.sau.admissions Phone: (859) 622-2106
Fax: (859) 622-8024
Purdue University Fort Wayne
University of Iowa E-mail:
2101 East Coliseum Boulevard
Iowa City, IA 52242
Fort Wayne, IN 46805
Phone: (319) 335-3847
Phone: (260) 481-6812
Fax: (319) 335-1535 Murray State University
Fax: (260) 481-6880
E-mail: P.O. Box 9
E-mail: Murray, KY 42071
Phone: (270) 762-3035
University of Northern Iowa Fax: 270) 762-3050
Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College
Cedar Falls, IA 50614 E-mail:
Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, IN 47876
Phone: (319) 273-2281
Phone: (812) 535-5106 Fax: (319) 273-2885
Fax: (812) 535-4900 E-mail: Western Kentucky University
E-mail: One Big Red Way Bowling Green, KY 42101
University of Southern Indiana Phone: (270) 745-2551
Taylor University, Fort Wayne 8600 University Boulevard Fax: (270) 745-6133
1025 West Rudisill Boulevard Evansville, IN 47712 E-mail:
Fort Wayne, IN 46807 Phone: (812) 464-1765
Phone: (219) 744-8689 Fax: (812) 465-7154
Fax: (260) 744-8660 E-mail:
LOUISIANA University of Louisiana at Lafayette
Wartburg College P.O. Box 44652
University of Southern Indiana 100 Wartburg Boulevard Lafayette, LA 70504
8600 University Boulevard P.O. Box 1003 Phone: (800) 752-6553
Evansville, IN 47712 Waverly, IA 50677 E-mail:
Phone: (812) 464-8600 Phone: (319) 352-8264
E-mail: Fax: (319) 352-8579
IOWA New England School of
Clarke College Fort Hays State University 1 College Circle
1550 Clarke Drive 600 Park Street Bangor, ME 04401
Dubuque, IA 52001 Hays, KS 67601 Phone: (207) 941-7176
Phone: (319) 588-6300 Phone: (785) 628-5830 Fax: (207) 947-3987
E-mail: E-mail: E-mail:

MASSACHUSETTES MICHIGAN Western Michigan University

1201 Oliver Street
Assumption College Andrews University Kalamazoo, MI 49008
500 Salisbury Street Berrien Springs, MI 49104 Phone: (616) 387-1000
P.O. Box 15005 Phone: (800) 253-2874 E-mail:
Worcester, MA 01609 Fax: (269) 471-3228
Phone: (508) 767-7285 E-mail:
Central Michigan University
Concordia College—Moorhead
Boston University Mt. Pleasant, MI 48859
121 Bay State Road 901 South Eighth Street
Phone: (989) 774-3076
Boston, MA 02215 Moorhead, MN 56562
Fax: (989) 774-7267 Phone: (218) 299-4000
Phone: (617) 353-2000 E-mail:
E-mail: E-mail:
Eastern Michigan University Minnesota State University Mankato
Curry College Ypsilanti, MI 48197
Milton, MA 02186 Mankato, MN 56001
Phone: (734) 487-3060 Phone: (507) 389-6670
Phone: (617) 333-2210 Fax: (734) -487-6559
Fax: (617) 333-2114 Fax: (507) 389-1511
E-mail: E-mail:

Ferris State University Minnesota State University Moorhead

Emerson College 901 State Street
120 Boylston Street Moorhead, MN 56563
Big Rapids, MI 49307 Phone: (218) 477-2161
Boston, MA 02116
Phone: (231) 591-2000 Fax: (218) 236-2168
Phone: (617) 824-8500
E-mail: Northwestern College
3003 Snelling Avenue North
Grand Valley State University St. Paul, MN 55113
Framingham State College
One Campus Drive Phone: (651) 631-5209
100 State Street
Allendale, MI 49401 Fax: (651) 631-5680
P.O. Box 9101
Phone: (616) 895-6611 E-mail:
Framingham, MA 01701
Phone: (508) 626-4500 E-mail:
E-mail: St. Cloud State University
Madonna University 720 4th Avenue South
Salem State College 36600 Schoolcraft Road St. Cloud, MN 56301
352 Lafayette Street Livonia, MI 48150 Phone: (320) 308-2244
Salem, MA 01970 Phone: (734) 432-5317 Fax: (320) 308-2243
Phone: (978) 542-6200 Fax: (734) 432-5393 E-mail:
E-mail: E-mail:
Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota
Simmons College Northern Michigan University 700 Terrace Heights #2
300 The Fenway 1401 Presque Isle Avenue Winona, MN 55987
Boston, MA 02115 Marquette, MI 49855 Phone: (507) 457-1700
Phone: (800) 345-8468 Phone: (906) 227-2650 Fax: (507) 457-1722
Fax: (617) 521-3190 Fax: 906-227-1747 E-mail: E-mail:
Suffolk University University of St. Thomas
8 Ashburton Place Wayne State University 2115 Summit Avenue
Boston, MA 02108 Detroit, MI 48202 St. Paul, MN 55105
Phone: (800) 6-SUFFOLK Phone: (313) 577-3581 Phone: (651) 962-6150
Fax: 617-742-4291 Fax: (313) 577-7536 Fax: (651) 962-6160
E-mail: E-mail: E-mail:

Winona State University Fax: (573) 651-5936 University of Nebraska—Omaha

P.O. Box 5838 E-mail: 6001 Dodge Street
Winona, MN 55987 Omaha, NE 68182
Phone: (800) 342-5978 Phone: (402) 554-2800
E-mail: admissions@vax2.winona.msus. Stephens College E-mail:
edu Columbia, MO 65215 Phone: (573) 876-7207
Fax: (573) 876-7237
E-mail: NEVADA
MISSOURI University of Nevada, Reno
Central Missouri State University Reno, NV 89557
1401 Ward Edwards Webster University Phone: (775) 784-4700
Warrensburg, MO 64093 470 East Lockwood Avenue E-mail:
Phone: (660) 543-4290 St. Louis, MO 63119
Fax: (660) 543-8517 Phone: (314) 961-2660
E-mail: Fax: (314) 968-7115
Concordia College
New England College
901 8th Street South 26 Bridge Street
Moorhead, MN 56562 William Woods University
1 University Avenue Henniker, NH 03242-3297
Phone: (218) 299-3004 Phone: (800) 521-7642
Fax: (218) 299-3947 Fulton, MO 65251
Phone: (573) 592-4221 Fax: (603) 428-3155
E-mail: E-mail: E-mail:
Fontbonne University
6800 Wydown Boulevard MONTANA NEW JERSEY
St. Louis, MO 63105
Rider University
Phone: (314) 889-1400 Carroll College 2083 Lawrenceville Road
Fax: (314) 719-8021 1601 North Benton Avenue
Lawrenceville, NJ 08648
E-mail: Helena, MT 59625 Phone: (609) 896-5000
Phone: (406) 447-4384
Lindenwood University
209 South Kings Highway
St. Charles, MO 63301 Rowan University
Montana State University—Billings
Phone: (636) 949-4949 Glassboro, NJ 08028
1500 University Drive
Fax: (636) 949-4989 Phone: (856) 256-4200
Billings, MT 59101 E-mail:
Phone: (406) 657-2158
Fax: (406) 657-2302
Northwest Missouri State University E-mail:
800 University Drive NEW YORK
Maryville, MO 64468
Phone: (660) 562-1146 Buffalo State College
Fax: (660) 562-1121
NEBRASKA 1300 Elmwood Avenue
E-mail: Doane College Buffalo, NY 14222 Crete, NE 68333 Phone: (716) 878-4017
Phone: (402) 826-8222 Fax: (716) 878-6100
Rockhurst University Fax: (402) 826-8600 E-mail:
1100 Rockhurst Road E-mail:
Kansas City, MO 64110
Phone: (816) 501-4100 Hofstra University
Fax: (816) 501-4241 Hastings College Hempstead, NY 11549
E-mail: 800 Turner Avenue Phone: (516) 463-6700 Hastings, NE 68901 Fax: (516) 463-5100
Phone: (402) 461-7320
Southeast Missouri State University Fax: (402) 461-7490
Cape Girardeau, MO 63701 E-mail: Ithaca College
Phone: (573) 651-2590 Ithaca, NY 14850

Phone: (800) 429-4274 University of North Carolina at Phone: (419) 448-2330

E-mail: Pembroke Fax: (419) 448-2334 One University Drive E-mail:
Pembroke, NC 28372
Long Island University, C.W. Post Phone: (910) 521-6262
Campus Fax: (910) 521-6497 Kent State University
720 Northern Boulevard E-mail: P.O. Box 5190 Kent, OH 44242
Brookville, NY 11548
Phone: (330) 672-2121
Phone: (516) 299-2900
Wingate University
Fax: (516) 299-2137
Wingate, NC 28174
Phone: (704) 233-8200 Malone College Fax: (704) 233-8110 515 25th Street, NW
E-mail: Canton, OH 44709
Marist College Phone: (330) 471-8145
3399 North Road E-mail:
Poughkeepsie, NY 12601
Phone: (845) 575-3226
E-mail: Bowling Green State University Marietta College 110 McFall Center Marietta, OH 45750
Bowling Green, OH 43403 Phone: (800) 331-7896
Mount Saint Mary College Phone: (419) 372-BGSU E-mail:
330 Powell Avenue Fax: (419) 372-6955
Newburgh, NY 12550 E-mail:
Phone: (845) 569-3248 Otterbein College
Westerville, OH 43081
Capital University Phone: (614) 823-1500
2199 East Main Street E-mail:
Columbus, OH 43209
State University of New York College at
Phone: (614) 236-6101
Fax: (614) 236-6926 Ohio Northern University
350 New Campus Drive E-mail: Ada, OH 45810
Brockport, NY 14420 Phone: (888) 408-4668
Phone: (585) 395-2751 Fax: (419) 772-2313
Fax: (585) 395-5452 Cleveland State University E-mail:
E-mail: 1983 East 24th Street Cleveland, OH 44115
Phone: (216) 523-5139 Ohio University
Utica College Fax: (216) 687-9210 Athens, OH 45701
1600 Burrstone Road E-mail: Phone: (740) 593-4100
Utica, NY 13502 E-mail:
Phone: (315) 792-3006
E-mail: Columbus College of Art and Design 107 North Ninth Street University of Dayton
Columbus, OH 43215 300 College Park
Phone: (614) 224-9101 Dayton, OH 45469
NORTH CAROLINA E-mail: Phone: (937) 229-4411 E-mail:
Appalachian State University
Boone, NC 28608 Defiance College
Phone: (828) 262-2000 701 North Clinton Street University of Findlay
E-mail: Defiance, OH 43512 1000 North Main Street Phone: (419) 783-2359 Findlay, OH 45840
Fax: (419) 783-2468 Phone: (419) 434-4732
Campbell University E-mail: E-mail:
P.O. Box 546
Buies Creek, NC 27506
Phone: (910) 893-1320 Heidelberg College University of Rio Grande
E-mail: 310 East Market Street Rio Grande, OH 45674 Tiffin, OH 44883 Phone: (740) 245-7208

Fax: (740) 245-7260 Oral Roberts University Phone: (215) 951-1500

E-mail: 7777 South Lewis Avenue Fax: (215) 951-1656 Tulsa, OK 74171 E-mail:
Phone: (918) 495-6518
Ursuline College Fax: (918) 495-6222
2550 Lander Road E-mail: Marywood University
Pepper Pike, OH 44124 2300 Adams Avenue
Phone: (440) 449-4203 Scranton, PA 18509
Fax: (440) 684-6138 University of Central Oklahoma Phone: (570) 348-6211
E-mail: 100 North University Drive E-mail: Edmond, OK 73034
Phone: (405) 974-2338
Xavier University Fax: (405) 341-4964 Mansfield University of Pennsylvania
3800 Victory Parkway E-mail: Mansfield, PA 16933
Cincinnati, OH 45207 Phone: (570) 662-4813
Phone: (513) 745-3301 Fax: (570) 662-4121
E-mail: University of Oklahoma E-mail: 1000 Asp Avenue
Norman, OK 73019
Youngstown State University Phone: (405) 325-2151 Mercyhurst College Admissions
One University Plaza Fax: (405) 325-7124 501 East 38th Street
Youngstown, OH 44555 E-mail: Erie, PA 16546
Phone: (330) 941-2000 Phone: (814) 824-2202
Fax: (330) 941-3674 E-mail:
George Fox University Point Park College
Newberg, OR 97132 201 Wood Street
OKLAHOMA Phone: (800) 765-4369 Pittsburgh, PA 15222
Cameron University E-mail: Phone: (800) 321-0129
2800 West Gore Boulevard E-mail:
Lawton, OK 73505
Phone: (580) 581-2837 Marylhurst University
Fax: (580) 581-5514 17600 Pacific Highway Seton Hill University
E-mail: P.O. Box 261 Seton Hill Drive Marylhurst, OR 97036 Greensburg, PA 15601
Phone: (503) 699-6268 Phone: (724) 838-4255
Northwestern Oklahoma State Fax: (503) 635-6585 Fax: (724) 830-1294
University E-mail: E-mail:
709 Oklahoma Boulevard
Alva, OK 73717
Phone: (580) 327-8550 University of Oregon Susquehanna University
Fax: (580) 327-8699 1217 University of Oregon 514 University Avenue
E-mail: Eugene, OR 97403 Selinsgrove, PA 17870 E-mail: Phone: (570) 372-4260 Fax: (570) 372-2722
Oklahoma Baptist University E-mail:
500 West University
Shawnee, OK 74804
Phone: (405) 878-2033 Gwynedd-Mercy College Temple University
Fax: (405) 878-2046 1325 Sumneytown Pike Philadelphia, PA 19122
E-mail: P.O. Box 901 Phone: (215) 204-7200 Gwynedd Valley, PA 19437 E-mail:
Phone: (800) DIAL-GMC
Oklahoma City University E-mail:
2501 North Blackwelder University of Pittsburgh at Bradford
Oklahoma City, OK 73106 300 Campus Drive
Phone: (405) 521-5050 La Salle University Bradford, PA 16701
E-mail: 1900 West Olney Avenue Phone: (814) 362-7555 Philadelphia, PA 19141

Westminster College Lambuth University Southern Methodist University

New Wilmington, PA 6172 705 Lambuth Boulevard P.O. Box 750296
Phone: (800) 942-8033 Jackson, TN 38301 Dallas, TX 75275
E-mail: Phone: (731) 425-3223 Phone: (214) 768-2000 E-mail: E-mail:
York College of Pennsylvania
York, PA 17405 Lipscomb University Texas State University—San Marcos
Phone: (717) 849-1600 3901 Granny White Pike San Marcos, TX 78666
Fax: 717-849-1607 Nashville, TN 37204 Phone: (512) 245-2364
E-mail: Phone: (615) 269-1000 Fax: (512) 245-8044 Fax: (615) 269-1804 E-mail:
RHODE ISLAND Texas Tech University
Middle Tennessee State University P.O. Box 42013
Johnson & Wales University 1301 East Main Street
8 Abbott Park Place Lubbock, TX 79409
Murfreesboro, TN 37132 Phone: (806) 742-2011
Providence, RI 02903 Phone: (615) 898-2111
Phone: (401) 598-1000 E-mail:
Fax: (615) 898-5478
Fax: (401) 598-4901
E-mail: University of Houston
4800 Calhoun Road
Milligan College
Houston, TX 77004
P.O. Box 210
SOUTH CAROLINA Milligan College, TN 37682
Phone: (713) 743-1000
University of South Carolina—Columbia Phone: (423) 461-8730
Fax: (423) 461-8982
Columbia, SC 29208
Phone: (803) 777-7000 E-mail: University of Texas at Arlington
P.O. Box 19111 701 South Nedderman Drive
Union University
1050 Union University Drive Arlington, TX 76019
SOUTH DAKOTA Jackson, TN 38305 Phone: (817) 272-6287
Phone: (800) 33-UNION Fax: (817) 272-3435
University of Sioux Falls E-mail:
1101 West 22nd Street
Sioux Falls, SD 57105 University of Texas—Austin
Phone: (605) 331-6600 University of Tennessee at Martin Main Building, Room 7
Fax: (605) 331-6615 Martin, TN 38238 Austin, TX 78712
E-mail: Phone: (731) 587-7032 Phone: (512) 471-3434 Fax: (731) 587-7029 E-mail:
University of South Dakota
414 East Clark Street
Vermillion, SD 57069 UTAH
Phone: (605) 677-5434 TEXAS
University of Utah
Fax: (605) 677-6753 Howard Payne University 201 South Presidents Circle
E-mail: 1000 Fisk Avenue Salt Lake City, UT 84112 Brownwood, TX 76801 Phone: (801) 581-8761
Phone: (325) 649-8027 Fax: (801) 585-7864
TENNESSEE Fax: (325) 649-8901 E-mail:
Freed-Hardeman University
158 East Main Street Sam Houston State University Weber State University
Henderson, TN 38340 1700 Sam Houston Avenue 1137 University Circle
Phone: (731) 989-6651 Huntsville, TX 77341 3750 Harrison Boulevard
Fax: (731) 989-6047 Phone: (936) 294-1111 Ogden, UT 84408-1137
E-mail: E-mail: Phone: (801) 626-6050 Fax: (801) 626-6744

E-mail: E-mail: Milwaukee, WI 53217 Phone: (414) 410-4040
Gonzaga University
VERMONT Spokane, WA 99258
Champlain College Phone: (800) 322-2584 Carroll College
163 South Willard Street E-mail: 100 North East Avenue
P.O. Box 670 Waukesha, WI 53186
Burlington, VT 05402 Phone: (262) 524-7220
Phone: (802) 860-2727 Seattle University E-mail:
Fax: (802) 860-2767 900 Broadway
E-mail: Seattle, WA 98122 Phone: (206) 296-2000
Mount Mary College
2900 North Menomonee River
Milwaukee, WI 53222
Walla Walla College
Hampton University Phone: (414) 256-1219
204 South College Avenue
Tyler Street Fax: (414) 256-0180
College Place, WA 99324
Hampton, VA 23668 E-mail:
Phone: (757) 727-5070 Phone: (509) 527-2327
Fax: (509) 527-2397
E-mail: E-mail: Marquette University
P.O. Box 1881
Mary Baldwin College Milwaukee, WI 53201
Frederick and New Streets Washington State University
French Administration Building Phone: (414) 288-7250
Staunton, VA 24401
Pullman, WA 99164 E-mail:
Phone: (540) 887-7221
Phone: (509) 335-5586
Fax: (540) 887-7292
E-mail: Fax: (509) 335-7468
E-mail: University of Wisconsin–Madison 716 Langdon Street
Madison, WI 53706
WASHINGTON Phone: (608) 262-3961
WEST VIRGINIA Fax: (608) 262-7706
Central Washington University
400 East University Way West Virginia Wesleyan College E-mail: on.wisconsin@admissions.wisc.
Ellensburg, WA 98926 59 College Avenue edu
Phone: (509) 963-1211 Buckhannon, WV 26201
Fax: (509) 963-3022 Phone: (304) 473-8510
E-mail: E-mail: University of Wisconsin—River Falls 410 South Third Street
River Falls, WI 54022
Eastern Washington University Phone: (715) 425-3500
Cheney, WA 99004
WISCONSIN Fax: (715) 425-0676
Phone: (509) 359-2397 Cardinal Stritch University E-mail:
Fax: 509-359-6692 6801 North Yates Road

The following is a selected listing of agencies, associations, called regarding internship programs, instead requesting
and corporations offering internships in advertising and/or applicants to contact them by mail.
public relations. Many associations, agencies, nonprofit Write and inquire about eligibility requirements and
organizations, radio and television stations, and corpora- application procedures. They will differ from company to
tions throughout the country offer programs of this type. company. You might address your correspondence to the
This is by no means a complete listing. Use it to get started. “Internship Coordinator.” It will be easier, using this proce-
You might also contact agencies, associations, hospitals, dures, for your letter to be routed to the correct person. Con-
television and radio stations, advertising agencies, public tact companies early. Many receive hundreds of requests,
relations firms, sports teams, and other corporations to see if each of which must be considered. It is acceptable to check
they offer internships or if they would be willing to create a the status of your application if you are not contacted within
program. a reasonable amount of time.
Keep in mind that some internships will be paid positions This listing is for your information. It is offered to help
while others will not offer remuneration. Often these pro- you find programs of interest. The author does not endorse
grams are used for college credit. any specific programs and is not responsible for subject
While we have included phone numbers for your infor- content.
mation, be aware that many companies prefer not to be

Adcom Communications Phone: (212) 297-7000 Phone: (212) 223-0100

3040 North 44th Street Fax: (212) 986-0270 Fax: (212) 223-3737
Phoenix, AZ 85018
Phone: (602) 258-9100 Bernstein-Rein Advertising Inc. CBS News
4600 Madison Avenue 524 West 57th Street
American Advertising Federation Kansas City, MO 64112 New York, NY 10019
Education Services Department Phone: (816) 756-0640 Phone: (212) 975-2114
1101 Vermont Avenue, NW Fax: (816) 756-1753 Fax: (212) 975-6699
Washington, DC 20005
Phone: (202) 898-0089 Burson-Marsteller Chenoweth & Falkner
Fax: (202) 898-0159 230 Park Avenue South 100 East Madison Street New York, NY 10003 Tampa, FL 33602
Phone: (212) 614-4000 Phone: (813) 224-0011
American Association of Advertising Fax: (212) 598-6928
405 Lexington Avenue Chicago Magazine
New York, NY 10174 Cairns and Associates 435 North Michigan Avenue
Phone: (212) 682-2500 3 Park Avenue Chicago, IL 60611
Fax: (212) 953-5665 New York, NY 10016 Phone: (212) 421-9770
Fax: (212) 413-1799 Cronin and Company
Amway Corporation 50 Nye Road
7575 Fulton Street, East Campbell-Ewald Company Glastonbury, CT 06033
Ada, MI 49355 30400 Van Dyke Avenue Phone: (860) 659-0514
Phone: (616) 787-6000 Warren, MI 48093
Fax: (616) 682-4000 Phone: (810) 574-3400 D’Arcy Masius Benton and Bowles, Inc.
1675 Broadway
Bates North America Canaan Public Relations New York, NY 10019
498 Seventh Avenue 114 East 32nd Street Phone: (212) 468-3622
New York, NY 10018 New York, NY 10016 Fax: (212) 468-4385

Davis Elen Advertising, Inc. International Advertising Association Manning, Selvage and Lee, Inc.
865 South Figueroa Street (IAA) 1675 Broadway
Los Angeles, CA 90017 521 Fifth Avenue New York, NY 10019
Phone: (213) 688-7000 New York, NY 10175 Phone: (212) 468-4200
Fax: (213) 688-7288 Phone: (212) 557-1133 Fax: (212) 447-5462 Fax: (212) 983-0455
DDB Worldwide Communications Martin Agency Inc.
Group, Inc. John F. Kennedy Center for the 1 Shockoe Plaza
437 Madison Avenue Performing Arts Richmond, VA 23219
New York, NY 10022 Vilar Institute for Arts Management Phone: (804) 698-8204
Phone: (212) 415-2000 Internships Fax: (804) 698-8001 The Kennedy Center
Washington, DC 20566 mPRm Public Relations
Douglas Cohn & Wolfe http://www.kennedy- 5670 Wilshire Boulevard
8730 Sunset Boulevard Los Angeles, CA 90036
Los Angeles, CA 90069 internships/ Phone: (323) 933-3399
Phone: (310) 967-2900
J. Walter Thompson Company N.W. Ayer Inc.
E.B. Lane Marketing Communications 466 Lexington Avenue 825 Eighth Avenue
733 West McDowell Road New York, NY 10017 New York, NY 10019
Phoenix, AZ 85007 Phone: (212) 210-7000 Phone: (212) 474-5000
Phone: (602) 258-5263 Fax: (212) 210-7299 Fax: (212) 474-5400
KCSA Public Relations Worldwide Oregon Public Broadcasting
1412 Broadway
800 Second Avenue 7140 Southwest Macadam Avenue
New York, NY 10018
New York, NY 10017 Portland, OR 97219
Phone: (212) 852-5500
Phone: (212) 682-6300 Phone: (503) 244-9900
Fax: (212) 852-5595
Fax: (212) 697-0910
Peak Biety, Inc.
Ketchum, Inc. 1715 North Westshore Boulevard
Foote, Cone and Belding
711 Third Avenue Tampa, FL 33607
100 West 33rd Street
New York, NY 10017 Phone: (813) 289-8006
New York, NY 10001
Phone: (212) 885-3000 Phone: (646) 935-3900 Fax: (813) 289-7898
Fax: (212) 885-2803 Fax: (646) 935-4499
The Phelps Group
Franco Public Relations Group Lowe and Partners Worldwide 901 Wilshire Boulevard
400 Renaissance Center 1114 Avenue of the Americas Santa Monica, CA 90401
Detroit, MI 48243 New York, NY 10036 Phone: (310) 752-4400
Phone: (313) 567-2300 Phone: (212) 704-1200 Fax: (310) 752-4444
Fax: (313) 567-4486 Fax: (212) 704-1201
Magnet Communictions Porter Novelli, Inc.
Goldforest Advertising 110 Fifth Avenue 450 Lexington Avenue
112 Northeast 41st Street New York, NY 10011 New York, NY 10017
Miami, FL 33137 Phone: (212) 367-6800 Phone: (212) 601-8000
Phone: (305) 573-7370 Fax: (212) 367-7154 Fax: (212) 601-8101

Hill and Knowlton, Inc. Makovsky and Company, Inc. Promotion Marketing Association of
466 Lexington Avenue 575 Lexington Avenue America
New York, NY 10017 New York, NY 10022 257 Park Avenue South
Phone: (212) 885-0300 Phone: (212) 508-9600 New York, NY 10010
Fax: (212) 885-0570 Fax: (212) 751-9710 Phone: (212) 420-1100 Fax: (212) 533-7622

Public Relations Society of America Phone: (212) 593-6423 Colorado Springs, CO 80909
(PRSA) Phone: (719) 632-5551
33 Maiden Lane
New York, NY 10038 Shandwick Miller Technologies Verónica León Memorial Internship
Phone: (212) 460-1400 4 Copley Plaza 3102 Oak Lawn
Fax: (212) 995-0757 Boston, MA 02116 Dallas, TX 75219 Phone: (617) 536-0470
Fax: (617) 536-2772 app.doc
Rogers and Cowan
640 Fifth Avenue Weber Shandwick, Inc.
Sports Illustrated
New York, NY 10019 640 Fifth Avenue
Time and Life Building
Phone: (212) 445-8400 New York, NY 10019
New York, NY 10020
Fax: (212) 445-8290 Phone: (212) 445-8000
Phone: (212) 522-1212
Fax: (212) 522-0320
Rogers and Cowan, Inc. Wilson, Elser, Moskowitz, Edelman
1888 Century Park East TBWA\Chiat\Day New York and Dicker
Los Angeles, CA 90067 488 Madison Avenue 150 East 42nd Street
Phone: (310) 201-8849 New York, NY 10022 New York, NY 10017
Fax: (310) 788-6611 Phone: (212) 804-1000 Phone: (212) 490-3000 Fax: (212) 804-1200 Fax: (212) 490-3038
Ruder Finn, Inc.
301 East 57th Street U.S. Olympic Committee (USC)
New York, NY 10022 One Olympic Plaza

The following is a selected listing of associations and com- to have their programs listed. You may want to contact asso-
panies offering workshops, seminars, and courses and the ciations dealing with the employment areas in which you
general subjects they cover. This is by no means a complete are interested to obtain more information on programs.
listing. Many associations, schools, agencies, and companies This listing is for your information. It is offered to help
offer programs. you find programs of interest. The author does not endorse
As subject matter changes frequently, many of the organ- any specific programs and is not responsible for subject
ization running these workshops and seminars did not wish content.

Advertising Club of New York (ACNY) E-mail: Association of National Advertisers
235 Park Avenue South (ANA)
New York, NY 10003 The American Advertising Federation 708 Third Avenue
Phone: (212) 533-8080 offers seminars on advanced advertising New York, NY 10017-4270
Fax: (212) 533-1929 management as well as a variety of other Phone: (212) 697-5950 educational services. Fax: (212) 661-8057
The Advertising Club of New York spon-
sors many different seminars and courses American Institute of Graphic Arts The Association of National Advertisers
in advertising and marketing throughout 164 Fifth Avenue offers seminars throughout the year in an
the year. New York, NY 10010 array of subjects related to advertising.
Phone: (212) 807-1990
Advertising Research Foundation (ARF) Fax: (212) 807-1799 Business Marketing Association (BMA)
641 Lexington Avenue E-mail: 400 North Michigan Avenue
New York, NY 10022 Chicago, IL 60611
Phone: (212) 751-5656 The American Institute of Graphic Artists Phone: (312) 822-0005:
Fax: (212) 319-5265 (800) 664-4262 (toll free)
conducts a variety of educational activi-
E-mail: Fax: (312) 822-0054
ties via chapters found throughout the E-mail:
country in various areas of graphic design.
The Advertising Research Foundation
conducts a number of conferences and The Business Marketing Association
American Management Association
seminars throughout the year on advertis- offers seminars, workshops, and confer-
ing and marketing research. ences in marketing and communications.
1601 Broadway
New York, NY 10019-7420
Advertising Women of New York Direct Marketing Association (DMA)
Phone: (212) 586-8100
(AWNY) 1120 Avenue of the Americas
Fax: (212) 903-8168 New York, NY 10036-6700
25 West 45th Street
New York, NY 10036 E-mail: Phone: (212) 768-7277
Phone: (212) 221-7969 Fax: (212) 302-6714
Fax: (212) 221-8296 The American Management Association E-mail:
E-mail: offers a variety of educational opportuni- ties throughout the country on an array of The Direct Marketing Association offers
Advertising Women of New York holds an different business, management, and pub- educational programs, seminars, and
annual career conference for college stu- lic relations skills. workshops for those interested in direct
dents interested in advertising, marketing, marketing and response.
public relations, merchandising, research, Art Directors Club (ADC)
and promotion. They also offer career 106 West 29th Street National Investor Relations Institute
development and guidance. New York, NY 10001 (NIRI)
Phone: (212) 643-1440 8020 Towers Crest Drive
American Advertising Federation (AAF) Fax: (212) 643-4266 Vienna, VA 22182
1101 Vermont Avenue, NW E-mail: Phone: (703) 506-3570
Washington, DC 20005 Fax: (703) 506-3571
Phone: (202) 898-0089 The Art Directors Club offers programs E-mail:
Fax: (202) 898-0159 for members in the graphic arts.

The National Investor Relations Institute The Public Affairs Council conducts clin- empowerment, stress management, obtain-
holds professional development seminars ics and sponsors annual public affairs ing public relations, and publicity.
in the areas of investor relations. conferences.
Society of Consumer Affairs
National Society of Fund Raising Public Relations Society of America Professionals in Business (SOCAP)
Executives (PRSA) 675 North Washington Street
c/o Ann L. Woodfield, Executive Director 33 Maiden Lane Alexandria, VA 22314
250 West 57th Street New York, NY 10038 Phone: (703) 519-3700
New York, NY 10107 Phone: (212) 460-1400 Fax: (703) 549-4886
Phone: (212) 265-7838 Fax: (212) 995-0757 E-mail:
Fax: (212) 265-4974 The Society of Consumer Affairs Profes-
The National Society of Fund Raising The Public Relations Society of America sionals in Business offers a variety educa-
Executives holds seminars, conferences, (PRSA) offers seminars, conferences, and tional programs throughout the year to
and workshops on all aspects of fund workshops, on a variety of public rela- individuals interested in the consumer
raising. tions–oriented subjects. affairs profession.

Radio Advertising Bureau (RAB) Society of Illustrators

Professional Society for Sales and 261 Madison Avenue 128 East 63rd Street
Marketing Training (SMT) New York, NY 10016 New York, NY 10021
180 North LaSalle Street Phone: (212) 681-7200; (800) 232-3131 Phone: (212) 838-2560
Chicago, IL 60601 (toll free) Fax: (212) 838-2561
Phone: (312) 551-0768 Fax: (972) 753-6727 E-mail:
Fax: (312) 551-0815
E-mail: The Radio and Advertising Bureau spon- The Society of Illustrators offers a number sors conferences and programs for train- of different seminars and classes to those
The Professional Society For Sales and ing radio advertising salespeople. interested in art careers.
Marketing Training offers educational
conferences and clinics in sales training to Retail Advertising and Marketing Stress Busters Seminars and Keynote
help improve sales, marketing, and cus- Association Presentations
tomer relations. 325 7th Street, NW SFO Booking Office
Washington, DC 20004 P.O. Box 711
Promotion Marketing Association of Phone: (202) 661-3052 Monticello, NY 12701
America (PMAA) Fax: (202) 661-3049 Phone: (845) 794-7312
257 Park Avenue South E-mail:
New York, NY 10010 Stress Busters Seminars offers programs,
Phone: (212) 420-1100 The Retail Advertising and Marketing workshops, and keynote presentations on
Fax: (212) 533-7622 Association holds an annual conference managing stress to corporate executives at
E-mail: dealing with advertising in retail. conventions, conferences, and corpora- tions throughout the country.
The Promotion Marketing Association of Shelly Field Motivational Programs
America conducts seminars for those and Seminars Television Bureau of Advertising (TVB)
interested in the use of premiums in mar- SFO Booking Office 3 East 54th Street
keting, sales, and promotion. P.O. Box 711 New York, NY 10022
Monticello, NY 12701 Phone: (212) 486-1111
Public Affairs Council (PAC) Phone: (845) 794-7312 Fax: (212) 935-5631
2033 K Street E-mail:
Washington, DC 20036 Shelly Field offers a variety of motivational
Phone: (202) 872-1790 programs, seminars, and keynote presenta- The Television Bureau of Advertising
Fax: (202) 835-8343 tions to corporations throughout the coun- holds sales training courses for television
E-mail: try on a wide array of subjects including sales representatives. careers, human recruitment and retention,

The following is a listing of trade associations, unions, and available to help you easily get in touch with any of the
organizations discussed in this book. There are also a num- organizations.
ber of other associations listed that might be of use to you. Many of the associations have branch offices located
The names, addresses, phone numbers, fax numbers, throughout the country. Organization headquarters can get
Web addresses, and e-mail addresses are included when you the contact information of the closest local branch.

Actors Equity Association (AEA) Advertising Research Foundation American Association of Advertising
165 West 46th Street 641 Lexington Avenue Agencies (AAAA)
New York, NY 10036 New York, NY 10022 405 Lexington Avenue
Phone: (212) 869-8530 Phone: (212) 751-5656 New York, NY 10174
Fax: (212) 719-9815 Fax: (212) 319-5265 Phone: (212) 682-2500
E-mail: E-mail: Fax: (212) 682-8391 E-mail:
Advertising and Marketing Advertising Women of New York
International Network (AMIN) (AWNY) American Association of Retired
c/o B. Vaughn Sink 25 West 45th Street Persons (AARP)
12323 Nantucket New York, NY 10036 601 East Street, NW
Wichita, KS 67235 Phone: (212) 221-7969 Washington, DC 20049
Phone: (316) 722-2535 Fax: (212) 221-8296 Fax: (202) 434-2320
Fax: (316) 722-8353 E-mail: E-mail:
American Advertising Federation American Chamber of Commerce
(AAF) Executives (ACCE)
Advertising Club of New York (ACNY)
1101 Vermont Avenue, NW 4875 Eisenhower Avenue
235 Park Avenue South
Washington, DC 20005 Alexandria, VA 22304
New York, NY 10003
Phone: (202) 898-0089 Phone: (703) 998-0072
Phone: (212) 533-8080
Fax: (202) 898-0159 Fax: (703) 212-9512
Fax: (212) 533-1929
E-mail: E-mail:
Advertising Council (AC) American Advertising Federation American Federation of Musicians of the
261 Madison Avenue Education Services United States and Canada (AFM)
New York, NY 10016 1101 Vermont Avenue, NW 1501 Broadway
Phone: (212) 922-1500; Washington, DC 20005 New York, NY 10036
(800) 933-7727 (toll free) Phone: (202) 898-0089; Phone: (212) 869-1330
Fax: (212) 922-1676 (800) 999-AAF1 (toll free) Fax: (212) 764-6134
E-mail: Fax: (202) 898-0159 E-mail:

Advertising Production Club of New American Artists Professional League American Federation of Television and
York (APC) (AAPL) Radio Artists (AFTRA)
60 East 42nd Street 47 Fifth Avenue 260 Madison Avenue
New York, NY 10165 New York, NY 10003 New York, NY 10016
Phone: (212) 983-6042 Phone: (212) 645-1345 Phone: (212) 532-0800
Fax: (212) 983-6043 Fax: (212) 645-1345 Fax: (212) 532-2242
E-mail: http://www.american E-mail:

American Film Marketing Association American Society of Artists Association for Women in
(AFMA) P.O. Box 1326 Communications
10850 Wilshire Boulevard Palatine, IL 60078-1326 780 Ritchie Highway
Los Angeles, CA 90024 Phone: (312) 751-2500 Severna Park, MD 21146
Phone: (310) 446-1000 E-mail: Phone: (410) 544-7442
Fax: (310) 446-1600 Fax: (410) 544-4640
E-mail: American Teleservices Association E-mail: (ATA)
1620 I Street, NW
American Guild of Musical Artists Washington, DC 20006
Association of Fundraising
(AGMA) Phone: (317) 816-9336;
Professionals (AFP)
1430 Broadway (877) 779-3974 (toll free)
1101 King Street
New York, NY 10018 Fax: (202) 463-8498
Alexandria, VA 22314
Phone: (212) 265-3687 E-mail:
Phone: (703) 684-0410
Fax: (212) 262-9088
Fax: (703) 684-0540
E-mail: E-mail:
The ARF – Advertising Research
Foundation (ARF)
641 Lexington Avenue
American Guild of Variety Artists Association of Hispanic Advertising
New York, NY 10022
(AGVA) Agencies (AHAA)
Phone: (212) 751-5656
363 Seventh Avenue Fax: (212) 319-5265 8201 Greensboro Drive, Suite 300
New York, NY 10001 E-mail: McLean, VA 22102
Phone: (212) 675-1003 Phone: (703) 610-9014
Fax: (212) 633-0097
Fax: (703) 610-9005
http://www. Art Directors Club, New York E-mail:
106 West 29th Street
American Institute of Graphic Arts New York, NY 10009
164 Fifth Avenue Phone: (212) 643-1440 Association of House Democratic Press
New York, NY 10010 Fax: (212) 643-4293 Assistants (AHDPA)
Phone: (212) 807-1990 E-mail: House of Representatives
Fax: (212) 807-1799 P.O. Box 007
Washington, DC 20515 Association for Business Fax: (202) 226-8843
Communication (ABC)
American Management Association Baruch College
(AMA) Association of Independent
Communication Studies Commercial Producers (AICP)
1601 Broadway One Bernard Baruch Way
New York, NY 10019-7420 3 West 18th Street
Box B8-240
Phone: (212) 586-8100 New York, NY 10011
New York, NY 10010
Fax: (212) 903-8168 Phone: (212) 929-3000
Phone: (646) 312-3726
E-mail: Fax: (212) 929-3359
Fax: (646) 349-5297 E-mail:
American Marketing Association
311 South Wacker Drive, Suite 5800 Association of National Advertisers
AACSB International-The Association
Chicago, IL 60606 to Advance Collegiate Schools of (ANA)
Phone: (312) 542-9000; Business 708 Third Avenue
(800) 262-1150 (toll free) 600 Emerson Road New York, NY 10017-4270
Fax: (312) 542-9001 Street Louis, MO 63141 Phone: (212) 697-5950
E-mail: Phone: (314) 872-8481 Fax: (212) 661-8057 Fax: (314) 872-8495

American Society for Training and Association for Healthcare Association of Promotion Marketing
Development (ASTD) Philanthropy (AHP) Agencies Worldwide (now
1640 King Street 313 Park Avenue Marketing Agencies Association
P.O. Box 1443 Falls Church, VA 22046 Worldwide (MAA)
Alexandria, VA 22313 Phone: (703) 532-6243 1031 US Highway 22 West
Phone: (703) 683-8100 Fax: (703) 532-7170 Bridgewater, NJ 08807
Fax: (703) 683-0250 E-mail: Phone: (908) 595-6924 Fax: (908) 707-0407

E-mail: BDA Port Jefferson, NY 11777 2029 Century Park East Phone: (631) 928-6954
Los Angeles, CA 90067 Fax: (631) 928-6041
Association of Retail Marketing Phone: (310) 712-0040 E-mail:
Services Inc. Fax: (310) 712-0039
244 Broad Street E-mail:
Red Bank, NJ 07701-2003 Direct Mail Fundraisers Association
Phone: (732) 842-5070 (DMFA)
Fax: (732) 219-1938 Business Marketing Association (BMA) 224 Seventh Street
E-mail: 400 North Michigan Avenue Garden City, NY 11530-5771
Chicago, IL 60611 Phone: (516) 746-6700
Association of Sales & Marketing Phone: (312) 822-0005; (800) 664-4262 Fax: (516) 294-8141
Companies (toll-free) E-mail:
1010 Wisconsin Avenue, NW Fax: (312) 822-0054
Washington, DC 20007-3603 E-mail:
Phone: (202) 337-9351 Direct Marketing Association (DMA)
Fax: (202) 337-4508 1120 Avenue of the Americas
E-mail: Cabletelevision Advertising Bureau New York, NY 10036-6700 (CAB) Phone: (212) 768-7277
830 Third Avenue Fax: (212) 302-6714
Association of Teachers of Technical New York, NY 10022 E-mail:
Writing (ATTW) Phone: (212) 508-1200
c/o Brenda Sims Fax: (212) 832-3268
University of North Texas Direct Marketing Association Catalog
Council (DMACC)
P.O. Box 311307
College Sports Information Directors 1120 Avenue of the Americas
Denton, TX 76203
of America (CoSIDA) New York, NY 10036
Phone: (940) 565-2115
c/o Jeff Hodges Phone: (212) 768-7277
UNA P.O. Box 5038 Fax: (212) 302-6714
Wesleyan Avenue E-mail:
Keller Hall 385
Association of Theatrical Press Agents
Florence, AL 35632
and Managers (ATPAM)
Phone: (256) 765-4659 Direct Marketing Club of New York
1560 Broadway
Fax: (512) 592-0389 (DMCNY)
New York, NY 10036
E-mail: 224 Seventh Street
Phone: (212) 719-3666 Garden City, NY 11530
Fax: (212) 302-1585 Phone: (516) 746-6700
E-mail: Communications Media Management Fax: (516) 294-8141 Association (CMMA) E-mail:
P.O. Box 227
Association of Travel Marketing Wheaton, IL 60189
Executives (ATME) Phone: (630) 653-2772 Direct Marketing Educational
28 North Avenue Fax: (630) 653-2882 Foundation (DMEF)
Larchmont, NY 10538 E-mail: 1120 Avenue of the Americas
Phone: (973) 835-1340; New York, NY 10036-6700
(800) 526-0041 (toll-free) Phone: (212) 768-7277
E-mail: Council for Advancement and Support Fax: (212) 302-6714 of Education E-mail:
1307 New York Avenue, NW
Baptist Communicators Association Washington, DC 20005
(BCA) Phone: (202) 478-5616; Direct Marketing Insurance and
c/o BCA Administrative Coordinator (800) 554-8536 (toll-free) Financial Services Council (IFSC)
BCA 1715-K South Rutherford Fax: (202) 387-4973 c/o Direct Marketing Association
Boulevard E-mail: 1120 Avenue of the Americas
Murfreesboro, TN 37130 New York, NY 10036-6700
Phone: (615) 904-0152 Phone: (212) 768-7277
Fax: (615) 904-0183 Council of American Survey Research Fax: (212) 302-6714
E-mail: Organizations (CASRO) E-mail: 3 Upper Devon

Electronic Retailing Association (ERA) International Advertising Association International Newspaper Marketing
2101 Wilson Boulevard (IAA) Association (INMA)
Arlington, VA 22201 521 Fifth Avenue, Suite 1807 10300 North Central Expressway
Phone: (703) 841-1751; (800) 987-6462 New York, NY 10175 Dallas, TX 75231-8621
(toll-free) Phone: (212) 557-1133 Phone: (214) 373-9111
Fax: (703) 841-1860 Fax: (212) 983-0455 Fax: (214) 373-9112
E-mail: E-mail:
Library Public Relations Council
International Association of Business (LPRC)
Food Marketing Institute (FMI)
Communicators (IABC) 2565 Broadway, No. 532
655 15th Street, NW
1 Hallidie Plaza New York, NY 10025
Washington, DC 20005 E-mail:
Phone: (202) 452-8444 San Francisco, CA 94102
Fax: (202) 429-4519 Phone: (415) 544-4700
E-mail: Fax: (415 ) 544-4747
Mailing and Fulfillment Service E-mail: Association (MFSA) 1421 Prince Street
Graphic Artists Guild Alexandria, VA 22314
90 John Street International Association of Business Phone: (703) 836-9200
New York, NY 10038 Communicators—Dallas Chapter Fax: (703) 548-8204
Phone: (212) 791-3400 c/o Robin McCasland E-mail:
Fax: (212) 791-0333 P.O. Box 172935 Arlington, TX 76003 Mail Order Association of America
Grocery Manufacturers of America (MOAA)
International Brotherhood of Electrical 1877 Bourne Court
Workers (IBEW) Wantagh, NY 11793
1010 Wisconsin Avenue, NW
1125 15th Street, NW Fax: (516) 221-5697
Washington, DC 20007
Washington, DC 20005
Phone: (202) 337-9400 Manufacturers Representatives
Phone: (202) 833-7000
Fax: (202) 337-4508 Educational Research Foundation
Fax: (202) 467-6316
E-mail: (MRERF)
E-mail: P.O. Box 247
Geneva, IL 60134
Healthcare Marketing and Phone: (630) 208-1466
International Communications
Communications Council Fax: (630) 208-1475
Association (ICA)
1525 Valley Center Parkway 3530 Forest Lane E-mail:
Bethlehem, PA 18017 Dallas, TX 75234
Phone: (610) 868-8299 Phone: (214) 902-3632
Fax: (610) 868-8387 Manufacturers Representatives of
Fax: (877) 902-6521
E-mail: America (MRA)
E-mail: P.O. Box 150229
Arlington, TX 76015
International Council of Shopping Phone: (817) 561-7272
Hospitality Sales and Marketing Centers
Association International Fax: (817) 561-7275
1221 Avenue of the Americas E-mail:
1300 L Street, NW New York, NY 10022
Washington, DC 20005 Phone: (646) 728-3800
Phone: (202) 789-0089 Fax: (212) 589-5555 Marketing Agencies Association
Fax: (202) 789-1725 Worldwide (MAA) 1031 US Highway 22 West, 3rd Floor
International Council – National Bridgewater, NJ 08807
Institute for Public Relations (IPR) Academy of Television Arts and Phone: (908) 595-6924
University of Florida Sciences (IC/NATAS) Fax: (908) 707-0407
P.O. Box 118400 142 West 57th Street E-mail:
Gainesville, FL 32611-8400 New York, NY 10019
Phone: (352) 392-0280 Phone: (212) 489-6969
Fax: (352) 846-1122 Fax: (212) 489-6557 Marketing Research Association (MRA)
E-mail: E-mail: 1344 Silas Deane Highway P.O. Box 230

Rocky Hill, CT 06067 National Association of Home Based National Investor Relations Institute
Phone: (860) 257-4008 Businesses (NAHBB) (NIRI)
Fax: (860) 257-3990 10451 Mill Run Circle 8020 Towers Crest Drive
E-mail: Owings Mills, MD 21117 Vienna, VA 22182
Phone: (410) 363-3698 Phone: (703) 506-3570
National Academy of Television Arts E-mail: Fax: (703) 506-3571
and Sciences (NATAS) http://www. E-mail:
111 West 57th Street
New York, NY 10019 National Association of Manufacturers
Phone: (212) 586-8424 1331 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW National Press Club (NPC)
Fax: (212) 246-8129 Washington, DC 20004 National Press Building
E-mail: Phone: (202) 637-3000 or 529 14th Street, NW
URL: (800) 637-3005 Washington, DC 20045
Fax: (202) 637-3182 Phone: (202) 662-7500
National Advertising Division Council Fax: (202) 662-7512
of Better Business Bureaus (NAD) E-mail:
4200 Wilson Boulevard National Child Safety Council
Arlington, VA 22203 c/o K C Wilkinson
Phone: (703) 276-0100 4065 Page Avenue National Retail Federation
Fax: (703) 525-8277 Jackson, MI 49204-1368 325 7th Street, NW Phone: (517) 764-6070 Washington, DC 20004
Phone: (202) 783-7971 or
National Association Broadcast National Council of County Association (800) 673-4692
Employees and Technicians– Executives (NCCAE) Fax: (202) 737-2849
Communications Workers of c/o National Association of Counties
America (NABET-CWA) 440 1st Street, NW
501 3rd Street, NW Washington, DC 20001 National Safety Council (NSC)
Washington, DC 20001 Phone: (202) 942-4208 1121 Spring Lake Drive
Phone: (202) 434-1254 Fax: (202) 942-4203 Itasca, IL 60143
Fax: (202) 434-1426 E-mail: Phone: (630) 285-1121 or
E-mail: (800) 621-7619 Fax: (630) 285-1315
National Federation of Federal E-mail:
National Association of Broadcasters Employees (NFFE)
1771 N Street, NW 1016 16th Street, NW
Washington, DC 20036 Washington, DC 20036 National School Public Relations
Phone: (202) 429-5494 or Phone: (202) 862-4400 Association
(800) 368-5644 Fax: (202) 862-4432 15948 Derwood Road
Fax: (202) 775-3515 E-mail: Rockville, MD 20855
E-mail: Phone: (301) 519-0496 Fax: (301) 519-0494
National Federation of Music Clubs E-mail:
National Association of County (NFMC)
Relations Officials 1336 North Delaware Street
c/o National Association of Counties Indianapolis, IN 46202 National Sportscasters and
440 1st Street, NW Phone: (317) 638-4003 Sportswriters Association (NSSA)
Washington, DC 20001 Fax: (317) 638-0503 322 East Innes Street
Phone: (202) 393-6226 E-mail: Salisbury, NC 28144
Fax: (202) 393-2630 Phone: (704) 633-4275 Fax: (704) 633-2027
National Federation of Press Women
National Association of Government (NFPW) National Tour Association (NTA)
Communicators (NAGC) P.O. Box 5556 546 East Main Street
10301 Democracy Lane Arlington, VA 22205 Lexington, KY 40508
Fairfax, VA 22030 Phone: (703) 534-2500 or Phone: (859) 226-4444 or
Phone: (703) 691-0037 (800) 780-2715 (800) 682-8886
Fax: (703) 706-9583 Fax: (703) 534-5750 Fax: (606) 226-4414
E-mail: E-mail: E-mail:

National Writers Association (NWA) Professional Hockey Writers’ Religion Communicators Council
3140 South Peoria Street Association (PHWA) (RCC)
Aurora, CO 80014-3155 c/o Sherry L. Ross 475 Riverside Drive
Phone: (303) 841-0246 1480 Pleasant Valley Way New York, NY 10115
Fax: (303) 841-2607 West Orange, NJ 07052 Phone: (212) 870-2985
E-mail: ExecDirSandyWhelchel@ Phone: (973) 669-8607 Fax: (212) 870-3578 Fax: (973) 669-8607
Professional Society for Sales and Retail Advertising and Marketing
Newspaper Association of America Marketing Training (SMT) Association (RAMA)
(NAA) 180 North LaSalle Street 325 7th Street, NW
1921 Gallows Road Chicago, IL 60601 Washington, DC 20004
Vienna, VA 22182 Phone: (312) 551-0768 Phone: (202) 661-3052
Phone: (703) 902-1600 Fax: (312) 551-0815 Fax: (202) 661-3049
Fax: (703) 917-0636 E-mail: E-mail:

The Newspaper Guild (TNG-CWA) Promotional Products Association Sales and Marketing Executives
501 3rd Street, NW International 6767 West Greenfield Avenue
Washington, DC 20001 c/o G. Stephen Slagle, CAE Pres./CEO Milwaukee, WI 53214
Phone: (202) 434-7177 or 800-585-5tng 3125 Skyway Circle, North Phone: (414) 475-7005
Fax: (202) 434-1472 Irving, TX 75038
E-mail: Phone: (972) 258-3090 Sales and Marketing Executives Fax: (972) 258-3016 International
P.O. Box 1390
North American Agriculture Sumas, WA 98295-1390
Marketing Officials (NAAMO) Phone: (312) 893-0751 or
California Department of Food and (800) 999-1414
Promotion Marketing Association of
Agriculture Fax: (604) 855-0165
America (PMAA)
1220 North Street
257 Park Avenue South
Sacramento, CA 95814
New York, NY 10010
E-mail: Screen Actors Guild (SAG)
Phone: (212) 420-1100 5757 Wilshire Boulevard
Fax: (212) 533-7622
Los Angeles, CA 90036
Outdoor Advertising Association of Phone: (323) 954-1600
America (OAAA) http:/ Fax: (323) 549-6603
1850 M Street, NW
Washington, DC 20036 Public Affairs Council (PAC)
Phone: (202) 833-5566 2033 K Street, NW Society for Healthcare Strategy and
Fax: (202) 833-1522 Washington, DC 20036 Market Development of the
E-mail: Phone: (202) 872-1790 American Hospital Association Fax: (202) 835-8343 1 North Franklin
E-mail: Chicago, IL 60606
Point-of-Purchase Advertising Phone: (312) 422-3888 (312) 422-3739
International (POPAI) Fax: (312) 422-4579
1660 L Street, NW Public Relations Society of America E-mail:
Washington, DC 20036 (PRSA)
Phone: (202) 530-3000 33 Irving Place, 3rd Floor
Fax: (202) 530-3030 New York, NY 10003-2376 Society for Technical Communication
E-mail: Phone: (212) 995-2230 (STC) E-mail: 901 North Stuart Street Arlington, VA 22203
Printing Industries of America (PIA) Phone: (703) 522-4114
100 Daingerfield Road Radio Advertising Bureau (RAB) Fax: (703) 522-2075
Alexandria, VA 22314-2888 261 Madison Avenue E-mail:
Phone: (703) 519-8100 or (800) 742- New York, NY 10016
2666 Phone: (212) 681-7200 or
Fax: (703) 548-3227 (800) 232-3131 Society of Consumer Affairs
E-mail: Fax: (972) 753-6727 Professionals in Business (SOCAP) 675 North Washington Street

Alexandria, VA 22314 New York, NY 10165 Phone: (916) 608-1597

Phone: (703) 519-3700 Phone: (212) 983-6042 Fax: (916) 987-3022
Fax: (703) 549-4886 Fax: (212) 983-6043 E-mail:
E-mail: E-mail:
Women in Direct Marketing
Society of Illustrators Utility Communicators International International (WDMI)
128 East 63rd Street 17610 128th Trail North c/o Hoke Communications
New York, NY 10021 Jupiter, FL 3347 224 7th Street
Phone: (212) 838-2560 E-mail: Garden City, NY 11530
Fax: (212) 838-2561 Phone: (516) 746-6700
E-mail: Fax: (516) 294-8141
Web Printing Association/Printing E-mail:
Television Bureau of Advertising Industries of America
(TVB) 100 Daingerfield Road
3 East 54th Street Alexandria, VA 22314 Writers Guild of America, East, Inc.
New York, NY 10022 Phone: (703) 519-8156 (WGAE)
Phone: (212) 486-1111 Fax: (703) 519-7109 555 West 57th Street
Fax: (212) 935-5631 New York, NY 10019
E-mail: Phone: (212) 767-7800 Women Executives in Public Relations Fax: (212) 582-1909
(WEPR) E-mail:
Toastmasters International (XI TI) P.O. Box 7657
23182 Arroyo Vista FDR Station
P.O. Box 9052 New York, NY 10150 Writers Guild of America, West
Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688 Phone: (212) 896-1281 (WGAW)
Phone: (949) 858-8255 Fax: (212) 697-0910 7000 West Third Street
Fax: (949) 858-1207 E-mail: Los Angeles, CA 90048
E-mail: Phone: (323) 951-4000 Fax: (323) 782-4800
World Organization of Webmasters E-mail:
Type Directors Club (TDC) 9580 Oak Parkway
60 East 42nd Street Folsom, CA 95630

The following is a selected listing of advertising agencies Agencies (also known as the “Agency Red Book”), located
throughout the country. Space limitations make it impossible in most larger libraries.
to list every agency. Companies are listed with their main The author does not endorse any one agency over
addresses and phone numbers. Many agencies have branch another. The inclusion or exclusion does not imply the
offices in other parts of the country as well as all over the author’s approval or disproval of an agency in this listing.
world. Company names, addresses, phone numbers, fax num- Use this list to get started locating internships, training pro-
bers, Web sites, and e-mail addresses are listed when available. grams, summer employment, or to send your résumé when
If you would like more information about any of the you are ready to go job hunting.
agencies listed or require names and addresses of other Remember to check out agency Web sites. Many post
companies, look in the Standard Directory of Advertising employment opportunities.

Arher/Malmo Advertising, Inc. Phone: (212) 750-5200 Phone: (212) 279-5700

65 Union Avenue Fax: (212) 239-1882
Memphis, TN 38103 E-mail:
Phone: (901) 523-2000 Burrell Communications Group, Inc.
Fax: (901) 573-7654 233 North Michigan Avenue
E-mail: Chicago, IL 60602 Dailey and Associates, Inc. Phone: (312) 297-9600 8687 Melrose Avenue
Fax: (312) 297-9601 West Hollywood, CA 90069
Arnold Worldwide Phone: (310) 360-3100
101 Huntington Avenue Fax: (310) 360-0810
Boston, MA 02199 Campbell-Ewald Company
30400 Van Dyke Avenue
Phone: (617) 587-8000
Fax: (617) 587-8070 Warren, MI 48093
Phone: (810) 574-3400 DDB Worldwide Communications Group, Inc.
437 Madison Avenue
Avrett, Free and Ginsberg Advertising, New York, NY 10022
Carat North America
3 Park Avenue South Phone: (212) 415-2000
800 Third Avenue
New York, NY 10016 E-mail:
New York, NY 10022
Phone: (212) 252-0050
Phone: (212) 832-3800
Fax: (212) 252-1250
Fax: (212) 759-9603 DraftWorldwide, Inc.
633 North St. Clair Street
Carlson Marketing Group Chicago, IL 60611
Baublizt Advertising 1405 Xenium Lane North
20 West Market Street Phone: (312) 944-3500
Minneapolis, MN 55441 Fax: (312) 944-3566
York, PA 17401 Phone: (763) 212-4520
Phone: (717) 854-3040 E-mail:
Fax: (763) 212-4580
Fax: (717) 852-4864 E-mail:
Equity Marketing
BBDO Worldwide Inc. Cliff Freeman and Partners 6330 San Vicente Boulevard
1285 Avenue of the Americas 375 Hudson Street Los Angeles, CA 90048
New York, NY 10019 New York, NY 10014 Phone: (323) 932-4300
Phone: (212) 459-5000 Phone: (212) 463-3200 Fax: (323) 932-4400
Fax: (212) 459-6645 Fax: (212) 463-3225
Foote, Cone and Belding
Bernard Hodes Group, Inc. Corinthian Media, Inc. 100 West 33rd Street
555 Madison Avenue 214 West 29th Street New York, NY 10001
New York, NY 10022 New York, NY 10001 Phone; (212) 885-3000

Fax: (212) 885-2803 Fax: (612) 332-0271 Phone: (212) 351-7000

E-mail: E-mail: Fax: (646) 658-0541

Goodby, Silverstein and Partners Leo Burnett Worldwide Nationwide Advertising Service
720 California Street 35 West Wacker Drive One Infinity Corporate Centre Drive
San Francisco, CA 94108 Chicago, IL 60601 Cleveland, OH 44125
Phone: (415) 392-0669 Phone: (312) 220-5959 Phone: (216) 478-0300 Fax: (312) 220-3299 Fax: (216) 468-8280
Gotham Group, Inc. Ogilvy and Mather Worldwide, Inc.
100 Fifth Avenue Lowe and Partners Worldwide 309 West 49th Street, Worldwide Plaza
New York, NY 10011 1114 Avenue of the Americas New York, NY 10019
Phone: (212) 414-7000 New York, NY 10036 Phone: (212) 237-4000
Fax: (212) 414-7095 Phone: (212) 704-1200 Fax: (212) 237-5123
E-mail: Fax: (212) 704-1201 E-mail: Omnicom Group, Inc.
Grey Global Group, Inc. 437 Madison Avenue
777 Third Avenue Marc USA, Inc. New York, NY 10022
New York, NY 10017 4 Station Square Phone: (212) 415-3600
Phone: (212) 546-2000 Pittsburgh, PA 15219 Fax: (212) 415-3530
Fax: (212) 546-1495 Phone: (412) 562-2000
E-mail: Fax: (412) 562-1680 E-mail: Publicis, New York, New York
4 Herald Square
Hill, Holiday, Connors, Cosmpolulos,
950 Sixth Avenue
Inc. Margeotes/Feritta and Partners L.L.C
New York, NY 10001
200 Clarendon Street 411 Lafayette Street
Phone: (212) 279-5550
Boston, MA 02116 New York, NY 10003
Fax: (212) 279-5560
Phone: (617) 437-1600 Phone: (212) 979-6600
Fax: (617) 572-3400 Fax: (212) 979-5490
Sudler and Hennessey
230 Park Avenue South
McCann-Erickson USA
New York, NY 10003
Interpublic Group of Companies, Inc. 750 Third Avenue
1271 Avenue of the Americas New York, NY 10017 Phone: (212) 614-4100
New York, NY 10020 Phone: (212) 697-6000 Fax: (212) 598-6915
Phone: (212) 399-8000 Fax: (212) 867-5177
Fax: (212) 399-8130 TBWA\Chiat\Day New York
Medicus Group International 488 Madison Avenue
J. Walter Thompson Company 1675 Broadway New York, NY 10022
466 Lexington Avenue New York, NY 10019 Phone: (212) 804-1000
New York, NY 10017 Phone: (212) 468-3636 Fax: (212) 804-1200
Phone: (212) 210-7000 Fax: (212) 468-3208
Fax: (212) 210-7299 Team One Advertising
Menasha Corp. 1960 East Grand Avenue
Klemtner Advertising, Inc. 1645 Bergstrom Road El Segundo, CA 90245
375 Hudson Street Neenah, WI 54956 Phone: (310) 615-2000
New York, NY 10014 Phone: (920) 751-1000
Phone: (212) 463-3400 Fax: (920) 751-1236
Fax: (212) 463-3456 E-mail: Ted Thomas Associates, Inc. 210 West Washington Square
Kraus-Anderson, Inc. Philadelphia, PA 19106
525 South 8th Street Monster Worldwide, Inc. Phone: (215) 238-8500
Minneapolis, MN 55404 622 Third Avenue Fax: (215) 592-4287
Phone: (612) 332-7281 New York, NY 10017

Tierney and Partners, Inc. Fax: (212) 274-8565 Phone: (310) 659-5711
200 South Broad Street Fax: (310) 659-8590
Philadelphia, PA 19102
Phone: (215) 790-4100 Vermont Media Corp. WPP Group USA, Inc.
Fax: (215) 790-4363 P.O. Box 310 125 Park Avenue
E-mail: West Dover, VT 05356 New York, NY 10017
com Phone: (802) 464-3388 Phone: (212) 632-2000 Fax: (802) 464-7255 Fax: (212) 632-2249
True North Communications
101 East Erie Street Vertis, Inc. Wunderman
Chicago, IL 60611 250 West Pratt Street 285 Madison Avenue
Phone: (312) 425-6500 Baltimore, MD 21201 New York, NY 10017
Fax: (312) 425-5010 Phone: (410) 528-9800 Phone: (212) 210-3000 Fax: (410) 528-9288 Fax: (212) 490-9073
Tucker, Hampel, Stefanides and
Partners Visions USA, Inc. Young and Rubicam, Inc.
551 Madison Avenue 17 Executive Park Drive 285 Madison Avenue
New York, NY 10022 Atlanta, GA 30329 New York, NY 10017
Phone: (212) 994-6700 Phone: (404) 320-1818 Phone: (212) 210-3000
Fax: (212) 994-6699 Fax: (404) 320-1880 Fax: (212) 490-9073 E-mail:
Uniworld Group, Inc.
100 Avenue of the Americas Western International Media Corp.
New York, NY 10013 8544 Sunset Boulevard
Phone: (212) 219-1600 Los Angeles, CA 90069

The following is a selected listing of public relations agen- companies consult the Public Relations Society of America
cies throughout the country. Space limitations make it Register or O’Dwyer’s PR Directory.
impossible to list every agency. Companies are listed with The author does not endorse any one agency over
their main addresses and phone numbers. Many agencies another. The inclusion or exclusion does not imply the
have branch offices in other parts of the country as well as author’s approval or disapproval of an agency in this listing
all over the world. Company names, addresses, phone num- Use this list to get started locating internships, training pro-
bers, fax numbers, Web sites, and e-mail addresses are listed grams, summer employment, or to send your résumé when
when available. you are ready to go job hunting.
If you would like more information about any of the Remember to check out agency Web sites. Many post
agencies listed or require names and addresses of other employment opportunities.

Access Communications Phone: (310) 473-4147 Citigate Dewe Rogerson, Inc.

245 Fifth Avenue Fax: (310) 478-4727 630 Third Avenue
New York, NY 10016 E-mail: New York, NY 10017
Phone: (917) 522-3500 Phone: (212) 687-8080
E-mail: Fax: (212) 687-6344 Black, Rogers, Sullivan, Goodnight, Inc.
701 Brazos
Access Communications Austin, TX 78701 Clark and Weinstock
101 Howard Street Phone: (512) 320-8511 52 Vanderbilt Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94106 Fax: (512) 320-8990 New York, NY 10017
Phone: (415) 904-7070 Phone: (212) 953-2550
E-mail: Fax: (212) 953-2564 Brodeur Worldwide E-mail:
855 Boylston Street
Bader Rutter and Associates, Inc. Boston, MA 02116
13845 Bishop’s Drive Phone: (617) 587-2800 Clarke and Company
Brookfield, WI 53005 Fax: (617) 587-2828
535 Boylston Street
Phone: (262) 784-7200
Boston, MA 02116
Fax: (262) 938-5595
Phone: (617) 536-3003 Brownstein Group
Fax: (617) 536-8524
215 South Broad Street
Baker Winokur Ryder Public Philadelphia, PA 19107
Relations, Inc. Phone: (215) 735-3470
9100 Wilshire Boulevard Fax: (215) 735-6298
Beverly Hills, CA 90212 Clayton-Davis and Associates, Inc.
Phone: (310) 550-7776 777 Bonhomme Avenue
Fax: (310) 550-1701 Burrell Communications Group L.L.C St. Louis, MO 63105
233 North Michigan Avenue Phone: (314) 862-7800
Barnhart/CMI Inc. Chicago, IL 60601 Fax: (314) 721-5171
1819 Wazee Street Phone: (312) 297-9600
Denver, CO 80202 Fax: (312) 297-9601
Phone: (303) 626-7200 ClientLogic Corp.
Fax: (303) 892-4991 2 American Center
E-mail: Burson-Marsteller 3102 West End 230 Park Avenue South Nashville, TN 37203
New York, NY 10003 Phone: (615) 301-7100
Bender/Helper Impact Phone: (212) 614-4000 Fax: (615) 301-7150
11500 West Olympic Boulevard Fax: (212) 598-6928 E-mail:
Los Angeles, CA 90064

Cole Henderson Drake, Inc. Financial Relations Board, Inc. Phone: (212) 885-0300
426 Marietta Street 676 North St. Clair Fax: (212) 885-0570
Atlanta, GA 30313 Chicago, IL 60611
Phone: (404) 892-4500 Phone: (312) 266-7800
Fax: (404) 892-4522 Fax: (312) 266-2874 HMS Partners Ltd. 250 Civic Centers Drive
Columbus, OH 43215
Cronin and Company Fleishman-Hillard, Inc. Phone: (614) 221-7667
50 Nye Road 200 North Broadway Fax: (614) 222-2596
Glastonbury, CT 06033 St. Louis, MO 63102
Phone: (860) 659-0514 Phone: (314) 982-1700 IW Group, Inc.
Fax: (860) 659-3455 Fax: (314) 231-2313 633 West 5th Street Los Angeles, CA 90071
Phone: (213) 622-6513
Daniel J. Edelman Public Relations Franco Public Relations Group Fax: (213) 627-4476
Worldwide, Inc. 400 Renaissance Center
200 East Randolph Drive Detroit, MI 48243
Chicago, IL 60601 Phone: (313) 567-2300 Ketchum, Inc.
Phone: (312) 240-3000 Fax: (313) 567-4486 711 Third Avenue
Fax: (312) 240-2900 New York, NY 10017
E-mail: Phone: (646) 935-3900 Frix Group Fax: (646) 935-4499
6 Concourse Parkway E-mail:
Dan Klores Communications Atlanta, GA 30328
386 Park Avenue South
Phone: (770) 396-6206
New York, NY 10016
Fax: (770) 396-0207 Laughlin/Constable, Inc.
Phone: (212) 685-4300 207 East Michigan Street
Fax: (212) 685-9024
Milwaukee, WI 53202
Gard and Gerber Phone: (414) 272-2400
209 Southwest Oak Street Fax: (414) 270-7140
Doe-Anderson Advertising and Public
Portland, OR 97204
Phone: (503) 221-0100
620 West Main Street
Fax: (503) 221-0100 Lehman Millet, Inc.
Louisville, KY 40202 60 Canal Street
Phone: (502) 589-1700
Fax: (502) 587-8349 Boston, MA 02114
E-mail: Glennon Company, Inc. Phone: (617) 722-0019 707 North Second Street Fax: (617) 722-6099
St. Louis, MO 63102
Duffy Communications, Inc. Phone: (314) 436-5455
3379 Peachtree Road, NE Fax: (314) 436-0359 Levinson and Hill, Inc.
Atlanta, GA 30326 717 North Harwood Street
Phone: (404) 266-2600 Dallas, TX 75201
Fax: (404) 266-3198 Golin/Harris International Phone: (214) 880-0200
E-mail: 111 East Wacker Drive Fax: (214) 880-0630 Chicago, IL 60601
Phone: (312) 729-4000
Earle Palmer Brown Cos. Fax: (312) 729-4010 Lois Paul and Partners
685 Third Avenue 152 Presidential Way
New York, NY 10017 Woburn, MA 01801
Phone: (212) 986-4122 Hammond Farrell, Inc. Phone: (781) 782-5000
Fax: (212) 986-4955 257 Park Avenue South Fax: (781) 782-5999 New York, NY 10010
Phone: (212) 995-5680
Entertainment Marketing, Inc. Fax: (212) 995-5696 Lopez Negrete Communications, Inc.
360 North Michigan Avenue 5615 Kirby Drive
Chicago, IL 60601 Houston, TX 77005
Phone: (312) 444-9100 Hill and Knowlton, Inc. Phone: (713) 877-8777
Fax: (312) 444-9116 466 Lexington Avenue Fax: (713) 877-8796 New York, NY 10017

Magnet Communications McNeely Pigott and Fox Public Publicis, New York, New York
110 Fifth Avenue Relations L.L.C. 4 Herald Square
New York, NY 10011 611 Commerce New York, NY 10001
Phone: (212) 367-6800 Nashville, TN 37203 Phone: (212) 279-5550
Fax: (212) 367-7154 Phone: (615) 259-4000 Fax: (212) 279-5560 Fax: (615) 259-4040
Makovsky and Company, Inc. R.J. Dale Advertising and Public
Media Logic Relations, Inc.
575 Lexington Avenue
1520 Central Avenue 211 East Ontario Street
New York, NY 10022
Albany, NY 12205 Chicago, IL 60611
Phone: (212) 508-9600
Phone: (518) 456-3015 Phone: (312) 644-2316
Fax: (212) 751-9710 Fax: (518) 456-4279 Fax: (312) 644-2688
Manning, Selvage and Lee, Inc. Ninyo and Moore
1675 Broadway Rogers & Cowan, Inc.
5710 Ruffin Road
New York, NY 10019 1888 Century Park East
San Diego, CA 92123
Phone: (212) 468-4200 Phone: (858) 576-1000 Los Angeles, CA 90067
Fax: (212) 447-5462 Fax: (858) 576-9600 Phone: (310) 201-8849 Fax: (310) 788-6611
Marc USA, Inc. Ogilvy and Mather Worldwide, Inc.
309 West 49th Street Howard J. Rubenstein Associates, Inc.
4 Station Square
Worldwide Plaza 1345 Avenue of the Americas
Pittsburgh, PA 15219
New York, NY 10019 New York, NY 10105
Phone: (412) 562-2000
Phone: (212) 237-4000 Phone: (212) 489-6900
Fax: (412) 562-1680
Fax: (212) 237-5123 Fax: (212) 843-9200 E-mail:
Martz and Associates, Inc. Peppers and Rogers Group/Marketing
14500 North Northsight Boulevard 1to1 Rubenstein Associates Inc.
Scottsdale, AZ 85260 20 Glover Avenue 1345 Avenue of the Americas
Phone: (480) 998-3154 Norwalk, CT 06850 New York, NY 10105
Fax: (480) 998-7985 Phone: (203) 642-5151 Phone: (212) 843-8000 Fax: (203) 642-5126 Fax: (212) 843-9200 E-mail:
Matlock and Associates, Inc.
1545 Peachtree Street, NE Phelps and Associates, Inc.
Atlanta, GA 30309 901 Wilshire Boulevard Ruder Finn, Inc.
Phone: (404) 872-3200 Santa Monica, CA 90401 301 East 57th Street
Fax: (404) 876-4929 Phone: (310) 752-4400 New York, NY 10022
Fax: (310) 752-4444
E-mail: Phone: (212) 593-6423
E-mail: E-mail:
Matthews Marks
Podesta Associates, Inc.
225 Broadway Schraff Group
1001 G Street, NW
San Diego, CA 92101 Washington, DC 20001 4621 Teller Avenue
Phone: (619) 238-8500 Phone: (202) 393-1010 Newport Beach, CA 92660
Fax: (619) 238-8505 Fax: (202) 393-5510 Phone: (949) 833-3400 E-mail: Fax: (949) 833-3474
McKinley Communications, Inc.
3675 South Noland Road Porter Novelli, Inc. Schwartz Communications, Inc.
Independence, MO 64055 450 Lexington Avenue 230 Third Avenue
Phone: (816) 833-8100 New York, NY 10017 Waltham, MA 02451
Fax: (816) 833-8188 Phone: (212) 601-8000 Phone: (781) 684-0770
http://www.mckinleycommunications. Fax: (212) 601-8101 Fax: (781) 684-6500

Shandwick Miller Technologies Fax: (608) 241-4246 Fax: (215) 977-1827

4 Copley Place E-mail:
Boston, MA 02116
Phone: (617) 536-0470 Thompson and Company, Inc.
Fax: (617) 536-2772 50 Peabody Place Weyforth-Haas
Memphis, TN 38103 10561 Barkley Street
Shelly Field Organization Phone: (901) 527-8000 Overland Park, KS 66212
P.O. Box 711 Fax: (901) 527-3697 Phone: (913) 648-8333
Monticello, NY 12701 Fax: (913) 648-5024 E-mail:
Weber Shandwick, Inc.
Smith, Dawson and Andrews 640 Fifth Avenue
1000 Connecticut Avenue, NW New York, NY 10019 Widmeyer Communications
Washington, DC 20036 Phone: (212) 445-8000 1825 Connecticut Avenue, NW
Phone: (202) 835-0740 E-mail: gheimann@webershandwick. Washington, DC 20009
Fax: (202) 775-8526 com Phone: (202) 667-0901 Fax: (202) 667-0902
Stephan and Brady, Inc. Weightman Group
1850 Hoffman Street 2129 Chestnut Street
Madison, WI 53704 Philadelphia, PA 19103
Phone: (608) 241-4141 Phone: (215) 977-1700

The following is a listing of recruiting and “head-hunter” tion of the specific recruiting agency, jobs may be located
agencies specializing in finding people for jobs in adver- nationwide.
tising and public relations and related communications This listing is provided for your information. The author
fields. This is by no means a complete listing. You may does not endorse any particular company and is not responsi-
find additional agencies of this type in the yellow pages of ble for policies of any company listed The inclusion or
telephone directories or in trade journals, publications, exclusion of a company does not imply the author’s approval
and newspapers as well as the Internet. Despite the loca- or disapproval of any particular agency in this listing.

Abbott Executive Search E-mail: Baywood Consulting

500 Commercial Street 1395 Bolton Drive
Manchester, NH 03101 Morro Bay, CA 93442
Phone: (603) 669-9909 The Amy Burack Company, Inc. Phone: (805) 772-4170
Fax: (603) 606-5502 444 North Michigan Avenue Fax: (805) 771-8076
E-mail: Chicago, IL 60611 E-mail: Phone: (312) 527-2505
Fax: (312) 527-2445
Acquient Search Bishop Partners, LLC
2070 Chain Bridge Road 8029 Forsyth Boulevard
Vienna, VA 22182 St. Louis, MO 63105
Phone: (703) 356-8200 Phone: (314) 863-7755
Ann H. Ross Executive Search
Fax: (703) 356-6930 Fax: (314) 863-7765
2662 North Burling Street Chicago, IL 60614
Phone: (773) 525-7879 Blue Notebook LLC
Adow Professionals Fax: (773) 525-8175 555 Fifth Avenue
36 East Fourth Street
New York, NY 10017
Cincinnati, OH 45202
Ariel Recruitment Associates, Inc. Phone: (212) 377-2080
Phone: (513) 721-2369
141 East 89th Street Fax: (212) 214-0431
Fax: (513) 721-3724
New York, NY 10128 E-mail:
Phone: (212) 348-9600
Fax: (212) 348-9666
Advertising Recruitment Specialists
E-mail: Boreham Search International, Inc.
16700 Sequoia Street 245 Park Avenue
Fountain Valley, CA 92708
New York, NY 10167
Phone: (714) 775-3910 Phone: (212) 792-4333
Fax: (714) 775-3911 Artemis Search
2064 Antioch Court Fax: (212) 792-4001
E-mail: Oakland, CA 94611
Phone: (510) 339-4191
The Briarwood Group
Alexander & Company Fax: (510) 339-4195
P.O. Box 1374
8308 Barber Oak Drive Hermitage, PA 16149
Plano, TX 75025 Phone: (724) 981-0240
Phone: (877) 495-8300 Aquent Fax: (724) 981-6670
711 Boylston Street E-mail:
Allen Austin Boston, MA 02116
4543 Post Oak Place Phone: (617) 535-5000
Houston, TX 77027 Fax: (617) 535-5005 BrickWork Consulting
Phone: (713) 355-1900 E-mail: 230 West 13th Street
Fax: (713) 355-1901 New York, NY 10011

Phone: (212) 741-9669 CPS, Inc. Excellence in HR

Fax: (212) 741-9681 One Westbrook Corporate Center P.O. Box 844
E-mail: info@bwcon Westchester, IL 60154 Campbell, CA Phone: (708) 562-0001 Phone: (408) 376-0212 Fax: (408) 376-4276
The Cantor Concern, Inc.
315 West 57th Street The Creative Network, Inc.
New York, NY 10019 2334 Northwest 22nd Circle The Executive Alliance Group
Phone: (212) 333-3000 Camas, WA 98607 1875 Century Park East, Suite H2560
Fax: (212) 245-1012 Phone: (360) 834-0802 Los Angeles, CA 90067 (310) 291-9889
Career Forum, Inc. Creative Sourcing
165 South Union Boulevard 3338 North Lincoln Avenue
Lakewood, CO 80228 Chicago, IL 60657
Executive Resources, Ltd.
Phone: (303) 279-9200 Phone: (773) 296-0167
3816 Ingersoll Avenue
Fax: (303) 279-9296 Fax: (773) 296-6511
Des Moines, IA 50312
E-mail: Phone: (515) 287-6880
Cross-Jordan Fax: (515) 255-9445
Career Group 5961 Sunlight Garden Way E-mail:
150 East 52nd Street Las Vegas, NV 89118
New York, NY 10022 Phone: (702) 248-1936
Phone: (212) 750-8188 Executive Search Network
Fax: (212) 751-8328 David Gomez & Associates, Inc. 2607 West Sunrise Drive 20 North Clark Street Phoenix, AZ 85041
Chicago, IL 60602 Tel: (602) 276-9030
CC Burke, Ltd. Phone: (312) 346-5525 Fax: (602) 305-9531
P.O. Box 30 Fax: (312) 279-2077 E-mail: marysnow@executivesearch
New York, NY 10156 E-mail:
Phone: (212) 481-1941
Fax: (212) 725-7116
DCA Professional Search Executive Staffers
Chuck Zimering Advertising 175 Georgian Drive 6360 LBJ Freeway
Recruitment Coppell, TX 75019 Dallas, TX 75240
170 West End Avenue Phone: (214) 626-0149 Phone: (214) 265-9343
New York, NY 10023 Fax: (214) 745-1616 E-mail:
Phone: (212) 724-7904 E-mail:
Fax: (212) 724-7163
Exhibit Recruiter
Collins Associates Eric Kercheval & Associates 3787 Cliff Crest Drive
2395 Stoney Glen Drive 15 South First Street Smyrna, GA 30080
Orange Park, FL 32003 Minneapolis, MN 55401
Phone: (770) 319-6141
Phone: (904) 278-6333 Phone: (612) 670-2278
Fax: (770) 319-6142
Fax: (904) 278-6555 Fax: (509) 479-1179
E-mail: E-mail:
Compro Search
28202 Cabot Road ERx Recruiters Filcro Media Staffing
Laguna Niguel, IA 92677 5340 Alla Road 342 Madison Avenue
Phone: (949) 365-5615 Los Angeles, CA New York, NY 10017 Phone: (310) 578-7373 Phone: (212) 599-0909
Fax: (310) 578-5005
CorPeople, Inc.
2001 Union Street The Esquire Staffing Group, Ltd. Forbes & Company
San Francisco, CA 94123 1 South Wacker Drive 7088 Stonebridge Road
Phone: (415) 771-3725 Chicago, IL 60606 Newburgh, IN 47639
Fax: (415) 771-4860 Phone: (312) 795-4300 Phone: (812) 853-9325
E-mail: Fax: (312) 795-4329 Fax: (812) 853-1953 http://www.jobsforadpros.como

Ford & Ford Fax: (212) 244-9648 Fax: (336) 889-7794

105 Chestnut Street E-mail: E-mail:
Needham, MA 02492
Phone: (781) 449-8200
Fax: (781) 444-7335 Howard Executive Resources Corp. Lynn Hazan & Associates, Inc. 111 West 57th Street 55 East Washington
New York, NY 10019 Chicago, IL 60602
Fristoe & Carleton Phone: (212) 246-1001 Phone: (312) 863-5401
77 Milford Drive Fax: (212) 246-5268 Fax: (312) 863-5404
Hudson, OH 44236 E-mail: lhazan@lynnhazanandassociates.
Phone: (330) 655-3535 Howard Sloan Koller Group com
Fax: (330) 655-3585 300 East 42nd Street New York, NY 10016
Phone: (212) 661-5250 Konrad Associates
The Fry Group Fax: (212) 557-9178 P.O. Box 8725
369 Lexington Avenue E-mail: San Jose, CA 95155
New York, NY 10017 Phone: (408) 920-0101
Phone: (212) 557-0011 E-mail:
Fax: (212) 557-3449 Hunter, Rowan & Crowe 9843 Treasure Cay
Bonita Springs, FL 34135 The Lane Group
Greenberg and Associates, Inc. Phone: (239) 495-1389 735 North Water Street
1133 Broadway Fax: (239) 992-7517 Milwaukee, WI 53202
New York, NY 10010 Phone: (412) 226-2400
Phone: (212) 463-0020 Insearch Worldwide Corporation Fax: (412) 226-2421
One Landmark Square E-mail:
The Gumbinner Company First Floor
509 Madison Avenue Stamford, CT 06901
New York, NY 10022 Phone: (203) 355-3000 Lucas Group
Phone: (212) 688-0129 Fax: (203) 355-8580 441 Lexington Avenue
Fax: (212) 688-0504 E-mail: New York, NY 10017 Phone: (212) 599-2200
Gundersen Partners, L.L.C.
30 Irving Place Integrated People Solutions
New York, NY 10003 10901 West 120th Avenue Management Recruiters
Phone: (212) 677-7660 Broomfield, CO 80021 9515 Deereco Road
Fax: (212) 358-0275 Phone: (303) 998-0100 Timonium, MD 21093
E-mail: Fax: (303) 998-0400 Phone: (410) 252-6616 E-mail: Fax: (410) 252-7076
The Hanna Group
12140 Fowlers Mill Road JBS International MarketPro, Inc.
Chardon, OH 44024 11966 Prince Charles Court 235 Peachtree Street
Phone: (440) 285-2468 Cape Coral, FL 33991 Atlanta, GA 30303
Fax: (440) 285-2066 Phone: (239) 283-9019 Phone: (404) 222-9992 Fax: (404) 222-9999
Hayden Resources JFK Search
9 Ivy Ridge Court 7013 Ximines Lane North Martin Brinbach & Associates
Mount Kisco, NY 10549 Minneapolis, MN 55369 15150 Preston Road
Phone: (914) 244-1129 Phone: (612) 332-8082 Dallas, TX 75248
Fax: (914) 244-5953 Fax: (763) 424-1809 Phone: (972) 490-5627 Email: Fax: (972) 490-4606 E-mail:
Heyman Associates, Inc. Jobs Market
11 Penn Plaza 902 Greensboro Road Martin Kartin and Company
New York, NY 10001 High Point, NC 27260 211 East 70th Street
Phone: (212) 784-2717 Phone: (336) 889-0118 New York, NY 10021

Phone: (212) 628-7676 The Pennmor Group Executive Search Phone: (212) 201-5424
Fax: (212) 628-8838 25 Chestnut Street E-mail: Haddonfield, NJ 08033
Phone: (856) 354-1414
Matteson Partners, Inc. Fax: (856) 354-7660 Results Staffing
Two Ravinia Drive E-mail: 40 Exchange Place
Atlanta, GA 30346 New York, NY 10005
Phone: (770) 392-7170 Phone: (212) 284-8505
Fax: (770) 392-7180 Personnel Management Solutions, Inc. Fax: (212) 797-9203 1080 Kirts Boulevard
Troy, MI 48084
Melinda Holm & Associates Phone: (800) 266-1143 RitaSue Siegel Resources
Fax: (248) 269-8364 20 East 46th Street
676 North LaSalle Drive New York, NY 10017
Chicago, IL 60610
Phone: (312) 654-9391 Phone: (212) 682-2100
Phyllis Solomon Executive Search Fax: (212) 682-2946
Fax: (312) 654-9392
230 Sylvan Avenue E-mail:
Englewood Cliffs, NJ 07632 Phone: (201) 947-8600
Fax: (201) 947-8600 RPA Inc.
Moyer, Sherwood Associates, Inc.
1285 Avenue of the Americas 951 Westminster Drive
New York, NY 10019 Williamsport, PA 17701
Peter Gray Staffing Phone: (800) 922-9277
Phone: (212) 554-4008 1 Bank Street
E-mail: Fax: (570) 321-7160
Stamford, CT 06901
E-mail: Phone: (203) 348-2216
Fax: (203) 348-2259
New Career Personnel Services, Inc.
Salem Associates
364 Parsippany Road PLA, Inc.
504 Hamburg Turnpike
Parsippany, NJ 07054 12108 North 56th Street
Wayne, NJ 07470
Phone: (973) 884-1920 Tampa, FL 33617
Phone: (973) 389-7858
Fax: (973) 884-9329 Phone: (813) 983-1855
Fax: (973) 389-7818
E-mail: Fax: (813) 983-1845

Procard International Salem Executive Search

Pailin Group Professional Search
6709 West 119th Street 275 Madison Avenue
Center City Plaza New York, NY 10016
1412 Main Suite 601 Overland Park, KS 66209
Phone: (913) 287-8995 Phone: (212) 213-2600
Dallas, TX 75202 Fax: (212) 213-2728
Phone: (214) 752-6100 E-mail: careers@procardinternational.
com E-mail:
Fax: (214) 752-6100
E-mail: pailingrouppsc@compuserve.
Profiler Digital Media Recruiters 12165 North 102nd street
10474 Santa Monica Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA 90025 Scottsdale, AZ 85260
Paradigm Staffing Phone: (602) 312-6802
Phone: (310) 446-8343
104 West Branch Street Fax: (602) 296-0240
Fax: (310) 968-0468
Arroyo Grande, CA 93420
Phone: (805) 473-3112
Fax: (805) 473-3143 Raskin Executive Search, LLC SHS, Inc.
E-mail: 275 Madison Avenue 711 DeLasalle Court New York, NY 10016 Naperville, IL 60565
Phone: (212) 213-6381 Phone: (630) 718-1704
Patch & Associates Fax: (212) 94906146 Fax: (630) 718-1709
600 Townsend Street
San Francisco, CA 94103
Phone: (415) 352-0272 Recruiters, Inc. Stephen Bradford Search
Fax: (415) 503-3985 One Liberty Plaza 1140 Avenue of the Americas New York, NY 10006 New York, NY 10036

Phone: (212) 221-6333 T.K. Sutphin & Associates Fax: (203) 357-8262 8601 Six Forks Road E-mail:
Raleigh, NC 27615
Strategic Resources Phone: (919) 676-5284 The Ward Group
3380 146th Place Southeast Fax: (919) 870-9165 Eight Cedar Street
Bellevue, WA 98007 E-mail: Woburn, MA 01801
Phone: (425) 688-1151 Phone: (781) 938-4000
Fax: (425) 688-1272 Fax: (781) 938-4100
E-mail: corporate@strategicresources. Travaille E-mail:
com 1720 Rhode Island Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20036
Phone: (202) 463-6342 Wennik & Motta
The Sultan Moore Agency Fax: (202) 331-7922 23 Main Street
1300 Clay Street Andover, MA 01810
Oakland, CA 94612 TSC Management Services Group, Inc. Phone: (978) 475-30322
Phone: (510) 446-7880 112 Wool Street
Fax: (425) 944-6967 Barrington, IL 60010
E-mail: Phone: (847) 381-0167 Wills Consulting Fax: (847) 381-1977 Two Sound View Drive
E-mail: Greenwich, CT 06830
Tesar-Reyne Phone: (203) 622-4930
500 North Michigan Avenue Fax: (203) 622-4931
Chicago, IL 60611 Viscusi Group, Inc.
Phone: (312) 661-0700 2095 Broadway
Fax: (312) 661-1598 P.O. Box 261 Yaekle & Company
New York, NY 10023 P.O. Box 615
Thomas & Associates, Inc. Phone: (212) 595-3811 Granville, OH 43023
6 East 39th Street Phone: (740) 587-7366
New York, NY 10016 Fax: (740) 587-1973
Phone: (212) 779-7059 Vojta & Associates
Fax: (212) 779-7096 102 Hobson Street
E-mail: Stamford, CT 06902 Phone: (203) 357-8022

The following is a list of abbreviations, acronyms, and lingo that will prove helpful to individuals interested in advertising and
public relations. Entries are listed alphabetically.

4A’s American Association of Advertising Agencies mercial Producers to estimate the cost of a television
AAF American Advertising Federation commercial.
ABC Audit Bureau of Circulations AIGA American Institute of Graphic Arts
ABCA American Business Communication Association AJPRS American Jewish Public Relations Society
ABWA Associated Business Writers of America AMA American Management Association
AC Advertising Council AMA American Marketing Association
ACCE American Chamber of Commerce Executives ANA Association of National Advertisers, Inc.
account executive The individual who supervises the ANPAF American Newspaper Publishers Association
planning and preparation of an advertising or public rela- Foundation
tions account in an agency. APG American Publicist Guild
account Refers to the client of an advertising or public Arbitron Ratings A television and radio rating service
relations agency; may refer to a client placing advertising that indicates what percentage of people are viewing or
with the media. listening to a particular show or station. Commercial
ACNY Advertising Club of New York rates are often based on these ratings.
AD Art Director ARF Advertising Research Foundation
ADACS Art Directors & Artists Club of Sacramento ASHPR American Society for Hospital Public Relations
ADC Art Directors Club, Inc. ATA American Telemarketing Association
ADCLA Art Directors Club of Los Angeles ATAA Advertising Typographers Association of America
ADCMW Art Directors Club of Metropolitan Washington ATME Association of Travel Marketing Executives
addressable advertising A type of advertising that gives ATPAM Association of Theatrical Press Agents and Man-
television programmers and advertisers the ability to agers, AFL-CIO
deliver targeted television commericals to individual AWNY Advertising Women of New York, Inc.
households based on specific criteria.
banner ad A graphic Web advertising unit.
advertiser Person or business who sells, manufactures,
B & W glossy Used by publicists, press agents, and
develops, or distributes products or services that need to
public relations people when putting together press
be advertised in order to sell.
kits, it is an 8 × 10 glossy photograph of their client
AE Account executive
that can be used for reproduction purposes in newspa-
AEF Advertising Educational Foundation
pers or magazines.
affiliate A broadcast station that belongs to a network. For
BDA Broadcast Designers Association
example, WABC in New York and KABC in Los Angeles
are both affiliates of the ABC network. B/PAA Business/Professional Advertising Association
AFM Advertising Federation of Minnesota billboard A large panel used in outdoor advertising.
AFM American Federation of Musicians bio A biography put together by press agents, publicists,
AFTRA American Federation of Television and Radio public relations people, etc. on a client.
Artists bleed Printing something to the very edge of the page.
AGC Artists Guild of Chicago book A portfolio or book is a collection of samples done
Agency Red Book Standard Directory of Advertising by someone in either the art or writing field to show
Agencies. This book contains names, addresses, and prospective employers an applicant’s potential.
phone numbers of most of the advertising agencies in the BPA Broadcasters’ Promotion Association
world as well as how much business each agency does, BPRA Baptist Public Relations Association
heads of departments, etc. brand manager A brand manager is in charge of adver-
AGMA American Guild of Musical Artists tising and promotion for specific brands of products
AGVA American Guild of Variety Artists within a company.
AHDPA Association of House Democratic Press Assistants bullpen The bullpen in an agency is a section of the art
AHPR Academy of Hospital Public Relations department where pasteups and mechanicals are done.
AICP Association of Independent Commercial Producers CAB Cabletelevision Advertising Bureau
A.I.C.P. form A form used by production companies that calendar listing Dated listings sent to the media by pub-
are members of the Association of Independent Com- licists regarding upcoming events and programs. They

are designed to bring the events to the attention of the frequency Describes number of times an ad will be running.
public as well as newspeople and other editors. GAG Graphic Artists Guild
camera ready Everything in an ad is ready for a printer to graphics The artwork, pictures, photographs, etc. used in
produce a print of the advertisement. Nothing has to be advertisements.
retouched. house organ A publication issued for a business’s
campaign A series of advertisements used to promote and employees.
advertise a product or group of products. HSMAI Hotel Sales and Marketing Association Interna-
campaign An advertising concept complete with a series tional
of advertisements put together for a client. hype Extensive publicity used to promote people, prod-
CASE Council for the Advancement and Support of ucts, events, etc. Hype is not always true.
Education IAA International Advertising Association
CASRO Council of American Survey Research Organi- IABC International Association of Business Communi-
zations cators
casting Choosing and hiring the actors, actresses, IBEW International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers
announcers, etc. to star in a commercial. ICA International Communications Associations
CCS Council of Communication Societies ICC Industrial Communications Council
CD Creative director ICMA International Circulation Managers Association
circulation The number of copies of a newspaper or mag- INAME International Newspaper Advertising and Mar-
azine distributed. keting Executives
column inch Unit of publication space one column wide infomercial Short or regular length television programs
and one inch deep. that combine information with a suggestion or sales pitch
commission A percentage of money spent to place an to purchase a particular product or service.
advertisement in the media is paid to the agency in the INPA International Newspaper Promotion Association
form of a commission. IOA Institute of Outdoor Advertising
comp Short for comprehensive; it is a rough layout of an IPRA International Public Relations Association
advertisement used to illustrate what the ad will look like. jingle A musical tune in a commercial.
copywriter The person who develops the words used in layout The way an advertisement or promotional piece is
advertisements, brochures, marketing and promotional put together.
pieces, etc. lead The opening lines of a news release or feature
CSA Casting Society of America designed to attract reader interest.
CSIDA College Sports Information Directors of America local The local in a union is the local affiliation in a par-
CSPA Council of Sales Promotion Agencies ticular geographic area of a national or international
dateline Location information provided at the beginning union; may also refer to a local television or radio station
of a news release indicating the specific town, city, etc. in relation to a national station.
where the press or news release originated. In some location shoot A place other than a studio where a com-
instances the date may also be included. mercial or photo for an advertisement or promotional
demographics The way an area or population is charac- piece is filmed or photographed.
terized, such as age, income, sex, race, religion, educa- log An hourly record of all programs and commercials
tion, etc. Used to help determine where advertising can aired by a TV or radio station.
be most effective. long form Television commercials that are longer than
direct mail advertising Advertisements and promotional two minutes; also called infomercial.
pieces mailed directly to consumers. LPRC Library Public Relations Council
direct response advertising Advertising that uses either a market Refers to a geographical location in television or
mail-in coupon or a toll-free telephone number for radio; may refer to a specific size or style of audience
responding immediately to an advertisement. market, such as small-market radio, major-market televi-
DMA Direct Marketing Association sion, etc.
DMCG Direct Marketing Creative Guild market research Research dealing with the opinions of
DRTV direct response television. people about a product or service.
ECGA Educational Council of the Graphic Arts MASAI Mail Advertising Service Association International
Equity Actors Equity Association MRA Marketing Research Association
FCC Federal Communications Commission NAB National Association of Broadcasting
Five Ws Who, What, When, Where, and Why—used by NAB Newspaper Advertising Bureau
press people to gather and write the basic news story. NABET National Association of Broadcast Employees
font Used to describe different typefaces in printing. and Technicians
FPRRE Foundation for Public Relations Research and NACIO National Association of Counties Information
Education Officers

NAGC National Association of Government Communi- RAB Radio and Advertising Bureau
cators rate card A card listing rates for space or time and pro-
NAHD National Association of Hospital Development viding mechanical requirements for advertisements.
NAM National Association of Manufacturers RCA Republican Communications Association
NAPCRO National Association of Police Community RPRC Religious Public Relations Council
Relations Officers SAAI Specialty Advertising Association International
NATAS National Academy of Television Arts and Sci- SAG Screen Actors Guild
ences scale Minimum wages that can be paid to a union member.
NBPRS National Black Relations Society search the net To look for information on the Internet.
NEJA National Entertainment Journalists Association SEG Screen Extras Guild
Net The Internet. ship date The actual date a manufacturer ships a product.
network A group of TV or radio stations affiliated and shoot The filming of a television commercial.
interconnected for simultaneous broadcast of the same short form Direct response television commercials that
programming. are less than two minutes in length.
NFFE National Federation of Federal Employees SILA Society of Illustrators of Los Angeles
NFMC National Federation of Music Clubs site Web site.
NFPW National Federation of Press Women SMEGNY Sales and Marketing Executives of Greater
Nielsen ratings A television rating service. New York
NIRI National Investors Relations Institute SMEI Sales and Marketing Executives International
NORC National Opinion Research Center SMPS Society for Marketing Professional Services
NPC National Press Club SOCAP Society of Consumer Affairs Professionals in
NSFR National Society of Fund Raising Executives Business
NSPRA National School Public Relations Association SOI Society of Illustrators
NSSA National Sportscasters and Sportswriters Association SPGA Society of Professional Graphic Artists
NTA National Tour Association sponsor An advertiser who pays for program time in rela-
online Connected to the Internet. tion to just one commercial.
PAC Public Affairs Committee STA Society of Typographic Arts
PAC Public Affairs Council STC Society for Technical Communications
PAC Publisher’s Ad Club stock Various types and weights of paper on which adver-
photo caption The story line accompanying a photo- tising or promotional pieces might be printed.
graph, identifying the people in the photo and/or telling storyboard A group of sketches with copy in parallel
the story about the photo. sequence to illustrate the layout of a television commercial.
photo cropping Trimming a photograph (manually or by surf the net going online; visiting various sites on the
electronic means) to reduce unnecessary and distracting Internet.
elements; used to make a photo visually suitable to TDC Type Directors Club
accompany a related story. TNG The Newspaper Guild
PIOA Printing Industries of America TOC The One Club
PMAA Promotion Marketing Association of America trades Magazines and newspapers that deal with specific
P.O.P. Point of purchase; displays or posters used in stores industries.
to advertise a specific product or group of products. TvB Television Bureau of Advertising
portfolio A collection of sample pieces done by someone union card A card that is used to identify members of
in the creative field (either a writer or artist) put together specific unions.
in a book so that prospective employers can get an idea WADC Western Art Directors Club
of a person’s potential. WDC Women in Design of Chicago
PPA Publisher’s Publicity Association, Inc. WDRG Women’s Direct Response Group
P.R. Public relations Web The World Wide Web.
press kit A promo kit containing publicity, photographs, and Web site A “place” on the World Wide Web
other promotional materials used by publicists, press agents, WEPR Women Executives in Public Relations
and public relations people to help publicize a client. WGA Writers Guild of America East
promo Promotion. WGA Writers Guild of America West
PRSA Public Relations Society of America WIC Women In Communications, Inc.
PRSSA Public Relations Student Society of America WWW World Wide Web
publicity peg An interesting piece of information YPD Young Professionals Division
designed to grab the attention of a news editor.

There are thousands of books written on all aspects of This list is meant as a beginning. For other books that
advertising and public relations. The books listed below are might interest you, consult the business section of book-
separated into general categories with the subject matter in stores and libraries. You can also check Books In Print
many overlapping into other categories. (found in the reference section of libraries) for other books
These books can be found in bookstores or libraries. If on the subject.
your local library does not have the books you want, you
might ask your librarian to order them for you through the
interlibrary loan system.

ADVERTISING Yeshin, Tony. Advertising. Washington, D.C.: Thomson

Berger, Arthur Asa. Media Analysis Techniques. Thousand Business Press, 2005.
Oaks, Calif.: Sage Publications, 1998. Zaltman, Gerald. How Customers Think: Essential Insights
Berlin Press and Zwangsleitner, Klaus. Best Rejected Adver- into the Mind of the Market. Boston: Harvard Business
tising. London: Trolley Press, 2005. School Press, 2003.
Hackley, Chris. Advertising and Promotion: Communicat-
ing Brands. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage Publications, ADVERTISING AGENCIES
2005. Beal, Stanley and David Beal. Agency Compensation: A
Haig, Matt. Brand Failures: The Truth About the 100 Guidebook. New York: Association of National Advertis-
Biggest Branding Mistakes of All Time. London: Kogan ers, 2001.
Page, 2003. Hameroff, Eugene J. The Advertising Agency Business. New
Heimann, Jim, ed. All American Ads of the 80’s. New York: York: McGraw-Hill, 1998.
Taschen, 2005. Jaffee, Andrew. Casting For Big Ideas: A New Manifesto
Kaplan, Linda and Robin Koval. Bang! Getting Your Mes- For Agency Managers. Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley, 2003.
sage Heard in a Noisy World. New York: Currency, 2005. Solomon, Robert. Art of Client Service. Chicago: Dearborn
Lasalle, Diana and Terry A Britton. Priceless: Turing Ordi- Trade, 2003.
nary Products Into Extraordinary Experiences. Boston:
Harvard Business School Press, 2002. CORPORATE AND INDUSTRY
Ogilvy, David. Ogilvy on Advertising. New York: Vintage, Alsop, Ron. The 18 Immutable Laws of Corporate Reputa-
1985. tion: Creating, Protecting, and Repairing Your Most Valu-
Pricken, Mario and Thames Hudson. Creative Advertising: able Asset. New York: Free Press, 2004.
Ideas and Techniques from the World’s Best Campaigns. Caris, Melinda. The New Culture of Desire: 5 Radical New
New York: Thames and Hudson, 2004. Strategies That Will Change Your Business and Your Life.
Roman, Kenneth and Jane Mass. How to Advertise. New New York: Free Press, 2001.
York: St. Martin’s Griffin, 2005. Fombrun, Charles, J. and Van Riel, Cees. Fame and For-
Steele, Jon. Truth, Lies and Advertising: The Art of Account tune: How Successful Companies Build Winning Reputa-
Planning. Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley, 1998. tions. Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Financial Times Prentice
Sullivan, Luke. Hey, Whipple, Squeeze This: A Guide to Hall, 2003.
Creating Great Ads, Second Edition. Hoboken, N.J.: Kobliski, Kathy. Advertising Without an Agency. Irvine,
Wiley, 2003. Calif.: Entrepreneur Press, 2005.
Wells, William, D., John Burnett, and Sandra Moriarty. Neumeier, Marty. The Brand Gap: How to Bridge the Dis-
Advertising Principles and Practice, Sixth Edition. Upper tance Between Business Strategy and Design. Berkeley,
Saddle River, N.J.: Prentice Hall, 2005. Calif.: New Riders Press, 2003.
Wheeler, Alina. Designing Brand Identity: A Complete Yohalem, Kathy, C. Thinking Out of the Box: How to Mar-
Guide To Creating, Building and Maintaining Strong ket Your Company into the Future. Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley,
Brands. Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley, 2003. 1997.

CONSULTING AND FREELANCE Nash, Edward. Direct Marketing: Strategy, Planning, Exe-
Augustine, Dennis F. How to Market Your Professional Ser- cution. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2000.
vices: A Professional’s Guide to Advertising & Public Stone, Bob and Ron Jacobs. Successful Direct Marketing
Relations. Saratoga, Calif: Golden Gates Publications, Methods. New York: McGraw Hill, 2001.
Banks, Michael A. How to Become a Fulltime Freelance IMAGE BUILDING
Writer: A Practical Guide to Setting Up a Successful
Adatto, Kiku. Picture Perfect: The Art and Artifice of Pub-
Writing Business at Home. New York: Watson-Guptill
lic Image Making. Collingdale, Pa.: Diane Publishing,
Publications, 2003.
Biech, Elaine. The Consultant’s Quick Start Guide: An
Alsop, Ronald. The 18 Immutable Laws of Corporate Repu-
Action Plan for Your First Year in Business. Ontario,
tation: Creating, Protecting, and Repairing Your Most
Canada: Pfeiffer, 2001.
Valuable Asset. New York: Free Press, 2004.
Bowerman, Peter. The Well-Fed Writer: Financial Self-Suffi-
Fombrun, Charles, J. and Cees Van Riel. Fame and Fortune:
ciency as a Freelance Writer in Six Months or Less.
How Successful Companies Build Winning Reputations.
Atlanta: Fanove Publishing, 2000.
Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Financial Times Prentice Hall,
Formichelli, Linda and Diana Burrell. The Renegade
Writer: A Totally Unconventional Guide to Freelance
Gaines-Ross, Leslie. CEO Capital: A Guide To Building
Writing Success. Salem, Ore.: Marion Street Press, 2003.
CEO Reputation and Company Success. Hoboken, N.J.:
Shenson, Howard. The Contract and Fee-Setting Guide for
Wiley, 2002.
Consultants and Professionals. Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley,
1990. Gee, Bobbie. Creating A Million Dollar Image For Your
Slaunwhite, Steve. Start and Run a Copywriting Business. Business. Berkeley, Calif.: Pagemill Press, 1996.
Bellingham, Wash.: Self-Counsel Press, 2001. ———. Winning the Image Game: A Ten Step Masterplan
Weiss, Alan. How to Acquire Clients: Powerful Techniques for Achieving Power, Prestige, and Profit. Berkeley,
for the Successful Practitioner. Toronto, Canada: Pfeiffer, Calif.: Pagemill Press, 1994.
———. Million Dollar Consulting: The Professional’s Guide INTERNET AND WEB ADVERTISING,
to Growing a Practice. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2002. PUBLIC RELATIONS, AND MEDIA
Bly, Robert W., Michelle Fait, and Steve Roberts. Internet
CREATIVE Direct Mail: The Complete Guide to Successful E-Mail
Canfield, Jon and Tim Grey. Photo Finish: The Digital Pho- Marketing Campaigns. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2000.
tographer’s Guide to Printing, Showing, and Selling Giguere, Eric. Google Advertising: Making the Most of
Images. Alameda, Calif.: Sybex 2004. Google’s AdWords and AdSense. Berkeley, Calif.: Peach-
Krause, Jim. Layout Index. Cincinnati, Ohio: Northlight pit Press, 2005.
Books, 2001. Kennedy, Dennis. Winning on the Web: Net Marketing for
Thomas, Gregory. How to Design Logos, Symbols and Lawyers. New York: American Lawyers Media, 2005.
Icons: 24 Internationally Renowned Studios Reveal How Lewis, Herschell Gordon. Effective E-Mail Marketing: The
They Develop Trademarks for Print and New Media. Complete Guide to Creating Successful Campaigns. New
Cincinnati, Ohio: How Design Books, 2003. York: AMACOM, 2002.
Walker, Sandra C., ed. Image Buyers’ Guide: An Interna- Lynn, Jacquelyn. Make Big Profits on Ebay: The Ultimate
tional Directory of Sources for Slides and Digital Images Guide for Building a Business on Ebay. Irvine, Calif.:
for Art and Architecture. Englewood, Colo.: Libraries Entrepreneur Press, 2005.
Unlmited, 1999. O’Keefe, Steve. Complete Guide to Internet Publicity: Cre-
Wheeler, Alina. Designing Brand Identity: A Complete ating and Launching Successful Online Campaigns.
Guide to Creating, Building, and Maintaining Strong Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley, 2002.
Brands. Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley, 2003. Seda, Catherine. Search Engine Advertising: Buying Your
Way to the Top to Increase Sales. Indianapolis, Ind.: Pear-
son Education, 2004.
Bly, Robert, W. Complete Idiot’s Guide to Direct Market-
ing. New York: Penguin Putnam, 2001. MARKETING
Geller, Lois. Direct Marketing Techniques: Building Your Beckwith, Harry. Selling The Invisible: A Field Guide To
Business Using Direct Mail and Direct Response Adver- Modern Marketing. New York: Warner Business Books,
tising. Menlo Park, Calif.: Crisp Publications, 1998. 1997.

Jaffe, Joseph. Life After the 30-Second Spot: Ten Fresh Ways Karmen, Steve. Who Killed The Jingle. Milwaukee, Wis.:
to Reach Customers That Are Transforming the Market- Hal Leonard, 2004.
ing Game. Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley, 2005. Lathrop, Ted. This Business of Music Marketing and Pro-
Keller, Kevin Lane. Strategic Brand Management. Upper motion, Revised and Updated Edition. New York: Bill-
Saddle River, N.J.: Prentice Hall, 2002. board Books, 2003.
Kotler, Phillip. Marketing Management. Upper Saddle Letts, Richard. The Art of Self-Promotion: Successful Pro-
River, N.J.: Prentice Hall, 2002. motion by Musicians. Crows Nest, Australia: Allen &
Nagle, Thomas, T. and Reed K. Holden. The Strategy and Unwin, 1997.
Tactics of Pricing: A Guide To Profitable Decision Making Pettigrew, Jim. The Billboard Guide to Music Publicity.
(3rd ed.). Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Prentice Hall, 2002. New York: Billboard Books, 1997.
Phillips, Michaels and Salli Rasberry. Marketing Without Summers, Jodi. Making and Marketing Music. New York:
Advertising: Inspire Customers to Rave about Your Busi- Allworth Press, 2004.
ness & Create Lasting Success. Berkeley, Calif.:,
Schor, Juliet. Born to Buy: Marketing and the Transforma-
tion of Childhood and Culture. New York: Scribner, 2005. Bonk, Kathy, Henry Griggs, and Emily Tynes. The Jossey-
Bass Guide to Strategic Communications for Nonprofits:
A Step-by-Step Guide to Working with the Media to Gen-
MEDIA RELATIONS erate Publicity, Enhance Fundraising. San Francisco:
Goldberg, Bernard. Bias: A CBS Insider Exposes How the Jossey-Bass, 1998.
Media Distort the News, Washington, D.C.: Regnery, Conners, Gail. Good News!: How to Get the Best Possible
2001. Media Coverage for Your School. Thousand Oaks, Calif.:
Hart, Hal. Successful Spokespersons Are Made, Not Born: Corwin Press, 2000.
How to Control the Direction of Media Interviews & Field, Edwin and Selma Field. Publicity Manual For Law
Deliver Winning Presentations. Bloomington, Ind.: Enforcement Agencies. Bridgewater, N.J.: Replica Books,
Authorhouse, 2000. 2000.
Howard, Carole M. and Wilma, K. Mathews. On Deadline: ———. Publicity Manual For Libraries. Bridgewater, N.J.:
Managing Media Relations. Prospect Heights, Ill.: Wave- Replica Books, 1999.
land Press, 2003. McLeish, Barry J. Successful Marketing Strategies For Non-
Jones, Clarence. Winning with the News Media : A Self- profit Organizations Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley, 1995.
Defense Manual When You’re the Story. Pomona, Calif.:
Winning News Media, 2001.
Stewart, Sally. Media Training 1001: A Guide to Meeting POLITICAL
the Press. Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley, 2003. Faucheux, Ron. Running for Office: The Strategies, Tech-
Stauffer, Dennis. Mediasmart: How to Handle a Reporter niques, and Messages Modern Political Candidates Need
by a Reporter. Minneapolis, Minn.: MinneApplePress, to Win Elections. New York: M. Evans, 2002.
2004. ———. Winning Elections: Political Campaign Manage-
ment, Strategy & Tactics. New York: M. Evans, 2003.
Shea, Daniel M. and Michael John Buron. Campaign Craft:
The Strategies, Tactics, and Art of Political Campaign
Management. Westport, Conn.: Praeger Paperback, 2001.
Baker, Bob. Guerrilla Music Marketing Handbook: 201 Self-
Promotion Ideas for Songwriters, Musicians & Bands.
Colorado Springs, Colo.: Spotlight Publishing, 2001. PUBLIC RELATIONS, PROMOTION AND
Britt, Shawnassey Howell. The Independent Record Label’s PUBLICITY
Plain and Simple Guide to Music Promotion. Jackson, Abott, Susan. Fine Art Publicity: The Complete Guide for
Miss.: One Horse Publishing, 2004. Artists, Galleries And Museums. New York: Allworth
Field, Shelly. Career Opportunities in the Music Industry. Press, 2005.
New York: Facts On File, 2004. Breakenridge, Deidre and Thomas J. DeLoughry. The New
Fisher, Jeffrey P. Ruthless Self-Promotion In the Music PR Toolkit: Strategies for Successful Media Relations.
Industry. Overland Park, Kans.: Primedia Business Mag- Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Financial Times Prentice Hall,
azines & Media, 1999. 2003.
Kalmar, Veronika. Label Launch: A Guide to Independent Conners, Gail. Good News!: How to Get the Best Possible
Record Recording, Promotion, and Distribution. New Media Coverage for Your School. Thousand Oaks, Calif.:
York: St. Martin’s Press, 2002. Corwin Press, 2000.

Crilley, Jeff. Free Publicity: A TV Reporter Shares The PUBLISHING

Secrets For Getting Covered On The News. Wellesley, Blanco, Jodee. The Complete Guide To Book Publicity. New
Mass.: Brown Publishing, 2002. York: Allworth Press, 2004.
De La Cruz, Melissa and Karen Robinovitz. How to Become Cole, David. The Complete Guide To Book Marketing. New
Famous in Two Weeks or Less. New York: Ballantine York: Allworth Press, 2004.
Books, 2003. Deval, Jacqueline. Publicize Your Book!: An Insider’s Guide
Doty, Dorothy. Publicity & Public Relations.: Hauppauge, to Getting Your Book the Attention It Deserves. New
N.Y.: Barron’s Educational Series, 2001. York: Penguin Group, 2003.
Fletcher, Tana. Getting Publicity. Bellingham, Wash.: Self- Reiss, Fern. The Publishing Game: Bestseller In 30 Days.
Counsel, 2000. Newton, Mass.: Peanut Butter & Jelly Press, 2003.
Godin, Seth. Free Prize Inside. New York: Penguin, 2004. Warren, Lisa. The Savvy Author’s Guide to Book Publicity.
Guth, David W. Adventures In Public Relations: Case Stud- New York: Carroll & Graf, 2004.
ies and Critical Thinking. Old Tappan, N.J.: Allyn &
Kohl, Susan. Getting Attention: Leading-Edge Lessons for Ingram, Andrew and Mark Barber. Advanced Level Radio
Publicity and Marketing. Boston: Butterworth Heine- Advertising. Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley, 2005.
mann, 2002.
Laermer, Richard. Full Frontal PR: Building Buzz About
Your Business, Your Product or You. Princeton, N.J.: RESEARCH
Bloomberg Press, 2004. Dominick, Wimmer. Mass Media Research. Florence, Ky.:
Levine, Michael. Guerrilla PR Wired: Waging a Successful Wadsworth, 2005.
Publicity Campaign Online, Offline, and Everywhere In
Between. New York: McGraw-Hill Trade, 2003. SALES PROMOTION
Levinson, Jay Conrad, Rick Frishman, and Jill Lubin. Guer- Chandler, Steve. The Joy of Selling: Breakthrough Ideas
rilla Publicity: Hundreds of Sure-Fire Tactics to Get that Lead to Success In Sales. Richmond, Calif: Maurice
Maximum Sales for Minimum Dollars. Avon, Mass.: Basset, 2004.
Adams Media, 2002. Galician, Mary-Lou. Handbook of Product Placement in the
McIntyre, Catherine. Writing Effective News Releases…: Mass Media: New Strategies in Marketing Theory, Prac-
How to Get Free Publicity for Yourself, Your Business, or tice, Trends, and Ethics. Binghamton, N.Y.: Haworth
Your Organization. Colorado Springs, Colo.: Piccadilly Press, 2004.
Books, 1992. Schultz, Don E. How to Sell More Stuff: Promotional Mar-
Parsons, Patricia. Ethics Public Relations. London: Kogan keting That Really Works. Chicago: Dearborn Trade, 2004.
Page, 2004.
Rein, Irving J., Philip Kotler, and Martin Stoller. High Visi- SPORTS AND ENTERTAINMENT
bility: The Making and Marketing of Professionals into ADVERTISING AND PUBLIC RELATIONS
Celebrities. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1997. Field, Shelly. Career Opportunities in the Sports Industry.
Stauber, John and Sheldon Rampton. Trust Us We’re New York: Facts On File, 2004.
Experts: How Industry Manipulates Science and Gam- ———. Career Opportunities in Theater and the Perform-
bles with Your Future. New York: Penguin Putnam, 2002. ing Arts. New York: Facts On File, 1999.
Theaker, Alison. The Public Relations Handbook. New Graham, Stedman, Lisa Delpy Neirotti, and Joe Jeff Gold-
York: Routledge, 2004. blatt. The Ultimate Guide To Sports Marketing. New
Van Yoder, Steven. Get Slightly Famous: Become A York: McGraw Hill, 2001.
Celebrity In Your Field and Attract More Business With Helitzer, Melvin. The Dream Job: Sports Publicity, Promo-
Less Effort. Berkeley, Calif.: Bay Tree Publishing, tion and Marketing. Athens, Ohio: University Sports
2003. Press, 1999.
Yale, David R. and Andrew J. Carothers. The Publicity Jackson, Steven, J. and David L. Andrews. Sport, Culture
Handbook, New Edition: The Inside Scoop from More and Advertising: Identities, Commodities and the Politics
than 100 Journalists and PR Pros on How to Get Great of Representation. New York: Routledge, 2005.
Publicity Coverage. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2001. Schaaf, Phil. Sports Marketing: It’s Not Just a Game Any-
Yudkin, Marcia. 6 Steps to Free Publicity: “For Corporate more. Amherst, N.Y.: Prometheus Books, 1995.
Publicists or Solo Professionals, Including … Publishers, Stotlar, David K. Developing Successful Sport Sponsorship
Consultants, Conference Planners, Politicians, Inventors. Plans. Morgantown, W.Va.: Fitness Information Technol-
Franklin Lakes, N.J.: Career Press, 2003. ogy, 2002.

WRITING Gabay, Johathan J. Teach Yourself Copywriting. New York:

Blake, Gary and Robert W. Bly. The Elements of Copywrit- McGraw-Hill, 2003.
ing: The Essential Guide to Creating Copy that Gets the Higgins, Dennis. The Art of Writing Advertising: Conversa-
Results You Want. New York: Longman, 1998. tions with Masters of the Craft: David Ogilvy, William
Bly, Robert W. The Copywriter’s Handbook: A Step-By-Step Bernbach, Leo Burnett, Rosser Reeves. New York:
Guide to Writing that Sells. New York: Owl Books, 1990. McGraw-Hill, 2003.
———. Everything You Need to Know to Write Electronic Lewis, Herschell Gordon. On the Art of Writing Copy.
Copy that Sells. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2003. Evanston, Ill.: Racom Communications, 2003.
Eisenberg, Bryan, Jeffrey Eisenberg, and Lisa T. Davis. Price, Jonathan and Lisa Price. Hot Text: Web Writing that
Persuasive Online Copywriting: How to Take Your Works. Brussels, Belgium: New Riders Press, 2002.
Words to the Bank. Buda, Tex.: Wizard Academy Press, Usborne, Nick. Net Words: Creating High-Impact Online
2002. Copy. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2001.

Magazines, newspapers, membership bulletins, and newslet- some periodicals may overlap with others. Periodicals also
ters may be helpful for finding information about a specific tend to come and go. Look in your local library or in the
job category, finding a job in a specific field, or giving you newspaper/magazine shop for other periodicals that might
insight into what certain jobs entail. interest you.
As with the books in the previous section, this list should Names, addresses, phone numbers, Web sites and e-mail
serve as a beginning. There are many periodicals that are not addresses have been included when available.
listed because of space limitations. The subject matter of


INTEREST Crain Communications, Inc. DIRECTORS, ETC.)
711 Third Avenue
Adweek New York, NY 10017 AIGA Journal of Graphic Design
VNU Business Media Phone: (212) 210-0100 American Institute of Graphic Arts
770 Broadway Fax: (212) 210-0244 164 Fifth Avenue
New York, NY 10003 New York, NY 10010
Phone: (646) 654-5000 Phone: (212) 807-1990 Brandweek Directory Fax: (212) 807-1799
ADWEEK Magazines
Adweek/Midwest 770 Broadway American Artist
VNU Business Publications, Inc. New York, NY 10003 VNU Business Media USA
200 West Jackson Boulevard Phone: (646) 654-5115 770 Broadway
Chicago, IL 60606 Fax: (646) 654-5351 New York, NY 10003
Phone: (312) 583-5500 Phone: (646) 654-5000
Fax: (312) 583-5502 Journal of Advertising
American Academy of Advertising American Artist Directory of Art Schools
Adweek/New England Iowa State University and Workshops Issue
Adweek L.P. Department of Marketing VNU Business Publications
100 Boylston Street 300 Carver Hall 575 Prospect Avenue
Boston, MA 02116 Ames, IA 50011 Lakewood, NJ 08701
Phone: (617) 482-0876 Phone: (732) 363-5679
Fax: (617) 482-2921 Fax: (732) 363-0338
Communication Arts Magazine
Adweek Western Edition Journal of Advertising Research Communication Arts
VNU Business Media USA Advertising Research Foundation 110 Constitution Drive
770 Broadway 641 Lexington Avenue Menlo Park, CA 94025
New York, NY 10003 New York, NY 10022 Phone: (650) 326-6040
Phone: (646) 654-5000 Phone: (212) 751-5656 Fax: (650) 326-1648 Fax: (212) 319-5265

Creative Daily Variety Record Retailing Directory

Magazines/Creative, Inc. Reed Business Information VNU Business Media
42 West 38th Street 249 West 17th Street 770 Broadway
New York, NY 10018 New York, NY 10011 New York, NY 10003
Phone: (212) 840-0160 Phone: (212) 337-6900 Phone: (646) 654-5000
Fax: (212) 819-0945 Fax: (212) 337-6977 Fax: (646) 654-5487
Gain Electronic Musician Reed Business Information
American Institute of Graphic Arts Primedia Business 5700 Wilshire Boulevard
164 Fifth Avenue 6400 Hollis Street Los Angeles, CA 90036
New York, NY 10010 Emeryville, CA 94608 Phone: (323) 857-6600
Phone: (212) 807-1990 Phone: (510) 653-3307 Fax: (323) 965-2475
Fax: (212) 807-1799 Fax: (510) 653-5142
Variety Deal Memo
Trace: AIGA Journal of Design The Hollywood Reporter Baskerville Communications Corp.
American Institute of Graphic Arts 5055 Wilshire Boulevard 7286 Woodvale Court
164 Fifth Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90036 West Hills, CA 91307
New York, NY 10010 Phone: (323) 525-2000
Phone: (212) 807-1990 Phone: (818) 461-9660
Fax: (323) 525-2377 Fax: (818) 461-9661
Fax: (212) 807-1799


American Federation of Musicians
Alternative Press Investor Relations Guide
1501 Broadway
6516 Detroit Avenue National Investor Relations Institute
New York, NY 10023
Cleveland, OH 44102 (NIRI)
Phone: (212) 869-1330
Phone: (216) 631-1510 8020 Towers Crescent Drive
Fax: (212) 302-4374
Fax: (216) 631-1016 Vienna, VA 22182 Phone: (703) 506-3570
Music Clubs Magazine
Fax: (703) 506-3571
1336 North Delaware Street
Amusement Business E-mail:
Indianapolis, IN 46202
VNU Business Publications
Phone: (317) 638-4003
P.O. Box 24970
Fax: (317) 638-0503
Nashville, TN 37202 Investor Relations Newsletter
Phone: (615) 321-4250 Kennedy Information, Inc.
Fax: (615) 327-1575 Music Monthly
One Pheonix Mill Lane Maryland Musician Publications
1144 York Road Peterborough, NH 03458
Lutherville, MD 21093 Phone: (603) 924-1006
Back Stage West Fax: (603) 924-4034
VNU Business Media Phone: (410) 494-0566
Fax: (410) 494-0565 E-mail:
770 Broadway
New York, NY 10003
Strategic Investor Relations
Phone: (646) 654-5000 Aspen Publishers Radio and Records
Radio and Records, Inc. 3133 Connecticut Avenue, NW
10100 Santa Monica Boulevard Washington, DC 20008
Los Angeles, CA 90067 Phone: (202) 483-0828
770 Broadway
Phone: (310) 553-4330 Fax: (202) 483-0828
New York, NY 10003
Phone: (646) 654-4400 Fax: (310) 203-9763
Fax: (646) 654-4681 MARKETING
Recording Advertising and Marketing Review
Blender Music Maker Publications, Inc. CSC Publishing
1040 Avenue of the Americas 5412 Idylwild Trail 622 Gardenia Court
New York, NY 10018 Boulder, CO 80301 Golden, CO 80401
Phone: (212) 302-2626 Phone: (303) 516-9118 Phone: (303) 277-9840
Fax: (212) 302-9671 Fax: (303) 516-9119 Fax: (303) 278-9909

Direct Marketing Phone: (201) 748-6000 Falls Church, VA 22046

Hoke Communications, Inc. Fax: (201) 748-6088 Phone: (215) 238-5482
224 7th Street E-mail: Fax: (215) 238-5412
Garden City, NY 11530 E-mail:
Phone: (516) 746-6700 Journal of Business to Business
Fax: (516) 294-8141 Marketing
The Haworth Press, Inc.
Direct Marketing Association-Direct Baruch College—City University of New Cap Communications—Contacts
Line York CAP Communications
Direct Marketing Association, Inc. 1 Bernard Baruch Way 35-20 Broadway
1120 Avenue of the Americas P.O. Box 12-240 Astoria, NY 11106
New York, NY 10036 New York, NY 10010 Phone: (718) 721-0508
Phone: (212) 768-7277 Phone: (646) 312-3281 Fax: (718) 274-3387
Fax: (212) 302-6714 Fax: (646) 312-3271 E-mail:
News Media Update
Direct Marketing Hints and Secrets Journal of Food Products Marketing Reporters Committee for Freedom of the
145 East 27th Street The Haworth Press, Inc. Press
New York, NY 10016 Dept. of Food Marketing 1815 North Fort Myer Drive
Phone: (212) 689-0772 St. Joseph’s University Arlington, VA 22209
Fax: (212) 481-0552 5600 City Avenue Phone: (703) 807-2100
Philadelphia, PA 19131 Fax: (703) 807-2109
Direct Marketing List Source Phone: (610) 660-1607
SRDS Fax: (215) 660-1604 Partyline Newsletter
1700 East Higgins Road E-mail: Partyline Publishing Company
35 Sutton Place
Des Plaines, IL 60018
New York, NY 10022
Phone: (847) 375-5000
Phone: (212) 755-3487
Fax: (847) 375-5001 Journal of Global Marketing
Fax: (212) 755-4859
E-mail: The Haworth Press, Inc. International Business Press
P.O. Box 399
Direct Marketing Market Place Middletown, PA 17057
LexisNexis Group Phone: (717) 566-3054
121 Chanlon Road Fax: (717) 566-8589 The Newsletter On Newsletters
New Providence, NJ 07974 E-mail: 20 West Chestnut Street
Phone: (908) 464-6800 Rhinebeck, NY 12572
Fax: (908) 771-7704 Phone: (845) 876-5222 Journal of Hospital Marketing and Fax: (845) 876-4943
Public Relations
Direct Response The Haworth Press, Inc.
Creative Direct Marketing Group 57 Pembrook Loop NONPROFITS
2360 Plaza Del Amo Staten Island, NY 10309 Foundation Grants Index
Torrance, CA 90501 Phone: (718) 390-3182 Foundation Center
Phone: (310) 212-5727 E-mail: 79 Fifth Avenue
Fax: (310) 212-5773 New York, NY 10003 JHMPR Phone: (212) 620-4230
Fax: (212) 691-1828
Inside Mass Marketing PCS Direct Marketing Newsletter
Direct Marketing Association, Inc. PCS Mailing List Company
1120 Avenue of the Americas 39 Cross Street Journal of Nonprofit and Public Sector
New York, NY 10036-6700 Peabody, MA 01960 Marketing
Phone: (212) 768-7277 Phone: (978) 532-7100 The Haworth Press, Inc.
Fax: (212) 302-6714 Fax: (978) 532-9181 Dept. of Management & Marketing
E-mail: Christopher Newport University
Journal of Direct and Interactive Newport News, VA 23606
Marketing Target Marketing Phone: (757) 594-7692
John Wiley and Sons, Inc. North American Publishing Co. Fax: (334) 244-3792
111 River Street Pierce Financial Corporation E-mail:
Hoboken, NJ 07030 837 Villa Ridge Road

News From The Foundation Center Contacts: The Media Pipeline for PR PR Tactics
Foundation Center People Public Relations Society of America
79 Fifth Avenue Mercomm, Inc. (PRSA)
New York, NY 10003 550 Executive Boulevard 33 Maiden Lane
Phone: (212) 807-3690 Ossining, NY 10562 New York, NY 10038
Fax: (212) 807-3691 Phone: (914) 923-9400 Phone: (212) 460-1400 Fax: (914) 923-9484 Fax: (212) 995-0757
O’Dwyer’s Directory of Public Relations
Firms PR Watch
J.R. O’Dwyer Company, Inc. Center for Media & Democracy, Inc.
COMMERCIAL 520 University Avenue
PRODUCTION 271 Madison Avenue
New York, NY 10016 Madison, WI 53703
Focus On Imaging Phone: (212) 679-2471 Phone: (608) 260-9713
PLM Publishing, Inc. Fax: (212) 683-2750 Fax: (608) 260-9714
1312 Lincoln Boulevard E-mail: E-mail:
P.O. Box 1700
Santa Monica, CA 90401
Phone: (310) 451-1344 Ragan’s PR Intelligence Report
PR Intelligence Report
Lawrence Ragan Communications, Inc.
Fax: (310) 395-9058 Lawrence Ragan Communications,
316 North Michigan Avenue
Chicago, IL 60601
Photo News 316 North Michigan Avenue
Phone: (312) 960-4100
Beacon Newspapers, Inc. Chicago, IL 60601
Fax: (312) 960-4106
220 Deer Park Avenue Phone: (312) 960-4100
P.O. Box 670 Fax: (312) 960-4105
The Strategist
Babylon, NY 11702
Public Relations Society of America
PR News (PRSA)
Shoot Directory For Commercial PBI Media, LLC 33 Maiden Lane
Production and Post Production 1201 Seven Locks Road New York, NY 10038
VNU Business Publications Potomac, MD 20854 Phone: (212) 460-1400
575 Prospect Avenue Phone: (301) 354-2000 or Fax: (212) 995-0757
Lakewood, NJ 08701 (888) 707-5812
Phone: (732) 363-5679 Fax: (301) 762-4196
Fax: (732) 363-0338 E-mail:
E-mail: PUBLISHING PR Quarterly Magazine and Bookseller
directory/index.jsp Howard Penn Hudson Associates, North American Publishing Company
Inc. 837 Villa Ridge Road
P.O. Box 311 Falls Church, VA 22046-3665
PUBLIC RELATIONS/ Rhinebeck, NY 12572 Phone: (215) 238-5482
PUBLICITY AND Phone: (845) 876-2081 Fax: (215) 238-5412
PROMOTION—GENERAL Fax: (845) 876-2561

Bulldog Reporter – Eastern Edition PR Reporter Publishers Weekly

Infocom Group PR Publishing Company, Inc. 360 Park Avenue South
5900 Hollis Street Dudley House New York, NY 10010
Emeryville, CA 94608 P.O. Box 600 Phone: (646) 746-6758
Phone: (510) 596-9300 Exeter, NH 03833 Fax: (646) 746-6631
Fax: (510) 596-9331 Phone: (603) 778-0514 Fax: (603) 778-1741
Bulldog Reporter – Western RADIO AND TELEVISION
Infocom Group PR Review Cable TV Facts
5900 Hollis Street University of California Press Cabletelevision Advertising Bureau
Emeryville, CA 94608 38091 Beach Road 830 Third Avenue
Phone: (510) 596-9300 P.O. Box 180 New York, NY 10022
Fax: (510) 596-9331 Coltons Point, MD 20626 Phone: (212) 508-1200 Phone: (301) 769-3899 Fax: (212) 832-3268

Country Airplay Monitor Radio-TV Interview Report E-mail:

VNU Business Media USA Bradley Communications Corporation
770 Broadway 135 East Plumstead Avenue
New York, NY 10003 P.O. Box 1206 Top 40 Airplay Monitor
Phone: (646) 654-5000 Lansdowne, PA 19050 VNU Business Media USA
E-mail: Phone: (610) 259-0707 770 Broadway Fax: (610) 284-3704 New York, NY 10003 Phone: (646) 654-5000
R&B Airplay Monitor E-mail:
VNU Business Media USA
770 Broadway Rock Airplay Monitor
New York, NY 10003 VNU Business Media USA
Phone: (646) 654-5000 770 Broadway
E-mail: New York, NY 10003 Phone: (646) 654-5000

The following is a listing of advertising, public relations, Many directories are revised annually or even biannually.
general information, and media directories that you will find Some online directories may be revised more often. When
useful both in your search for a job and in career advance- checking for information, try to locate the newest version.
ment. Directories are used to locate information sources. While most of these books are quite expensive, they can
They contain addresses, phone numbers, Web sites, and usually be located in most public libraries.
other contact information of companies and media sources.

ADWeek Directory Phone: (847) 375-5000 Corporate Directory of U.S. Public

ADWEEK Magazines Fax: (847) 375-5001 Companies
770 Broadway E-mail: Walker’s Research L.L.C.
New York, NY 10003 1650 Borel Place
Phone: (646) 654-5115 San Mateo, CA 94402
Fax: (646) 654-5351 Consultants and Consulting Phone: (650) 341-1110 Organizations Directory Fax: (650) 341-2351
27500 Drake Road E-mail:
Associations Unlimited Farmington Hills, MI 48331
The Gale Group Phone: (248) 699-4253
27500 Drake Road Fax: (248) 699-8065 Directory of Minority-Owned
Farmington Hills, MI 48331 Professional and Personal Service
Phone: (248) 699-4253 Consultants
Fax: (248) 699-8065 Co-Op Advertising Programs San Francisco Redevelopment Agency
E-mail: Sourcebook 770 Golden Gate Avenue LexisNexis Group San Francisco, CA 94102
121 Chanlon Road Phone: (415) 749-2400
Business Publication Advertising Source New Providence, NJ 07974 Fax: (415) 749-2500
SRDS Phone: (908) 464-6800
1700 East Higgins Road Fax: (908) 771-7704 Directory of Special Libraries and
Des Plaines, IL 60018 Information Centers
Phone: (847) 375-5000 The Gale Group
Fax: (847) 375-5001 Directory of Business To Business 27500 Drake Road
E-mail: Catalogs Farmington Hills, MI 48331 Grey House Publishing Phone: (248) 699-4253
P.O. Box 860 Fax: (248) 699-8065
Community Publication Advertising Millerton, NY 12546 E-mail:
Source Phone: (518) 789-8700
SRDS Fax: (518) 789-0556
1700 East Higgins Road E-mail:
Des Plaines, IL 60018

Encyclopedia of Business Information Phone: (248) 699-4253 O’Dwyer’s Directory of Corporate

Sources Fax: (248) 699-8065 Communications
The Gale Group E-mail: J.R. O’Dwyer Company, Inc.
27500 Drake Road 271 Madison Avenue
Farmington Hills, MI 48331 New York, NY 10016
Phone: (248) 699-4253 Hollywood Reporter Blu-Book Film, TV Phone: (212) 679-2471
Fax: (248) 699-8065 and Commercial Production Fax: (212) 683-2750
E-mail: Directory E-mail: The Hollywood Reporter
5055 Wilshire Boulevard Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory
Encyclopedia of Governmental Advisory Los Angeles, CA 90036 R.R. Bowker
Organizations Phone: (323) 525-2000 630 Central Avenue
The Gale Group Fax: (323) 525-2377 New Providence, NJ 07974
27500 Drake Road Phone: (908) 286-1090
Farmington Hills, MI 48331 thrblu/letter.jsp

Alabama News Media Directory E-mail: Fax: (973) 992-7675
P.O. Box 316 E-mail:
Mount Dora, FL 32756
Phone: (800) 749-6399 Bacon’s Newspaper and Magazine
Fax: (866) 586-7020 Directories Burrelle’s Media Directory
E-mail: Bacon’s Information, Inc. Burrelle’s Information Services
332 South Michigan Avenue 75 East Northfield Road
Alaska Media Directory Chicago, IL 60604 Livingston, NJ 07039
6828 Cape Lisburne Phone: (312) 922-2400 Phone: (973) 992-6600
Anchorage, AK 99504 Fax: (312) 987-9773 Fax: (973) 992-7675
Phone: (907) 338-7288 E-mail:
Fax: (907) 338-8339
Burrelle’s Midwest Media Directory
Bacon’s New York Publicity Outlets Burrelle’s Information Services
American College Media Directory Bacon’s Information, Inc. 75 East Northfield Road
Vineberg 332 South Michigan Avenue Livingston, NJ 07039
P.O. Box 205 Chicago, IL 60604 Phone: (973) 992-6600
Westhampton, NY 11977
Phone: (312) 922-2400 Fax: (973) 992-7675
Phone: (631) 288-6933
Fax: (312) 987-9773 E-mail:
Fax: (631) 288-7953
E-mail: collegemedia@vineberg
Burrelle’s Minnesota Directory Burrelle’s Information Services
Bacon’s Radio/TV/Cable
Directory 75 East Northfield Road
Bacon’s Media Calendars Livingston, NJ 07039
Bacon’s Information, Inc. Bacon’s Information, Inc.
332 South Michigan Avenue Phone: (973) 992-6600
332 South Michigan Avenue Fax: (973) 992-7675
Chicago, IL 60604 Chicago, IL 60604
Phone: (312) 922-2400 Phone: (312) 922-2400
Fax: (312) 987-9773 Fax: (312) 987-9773
E-mail: E-mail:
Burrelle’s New England Media Directory
Burrelle’s Information Services
Bacon’s Metro California Media Burrelle’s Chesapeake Bay Media 75 East Northfield Road
Bacon’s Information, Inc. Directory Livingston, NJ 07039
332 South Michigan Avenue Burrelle’s Information Services Phone: (973) 992-6600
Chicago, IL 60604 75 East Northfield Road Fax: (973) 992-7675
Phone: (312) 922-2400 Livingston, NJ 07039 E-mail:
Fax: (312) 987-9773 Phone: (973) 992-6600

Burrelle’s New Jersey Media Directory Business Media Directory Senior Media Directory
Burrelle’s Information Services Bacon’s Information, Inc. Creative Ink, Inc.
75 East Northfield Road 332 South Michigan Avenue P.O. Box 22383
Livingston, NJ 07039 Chicago, IL 60604 Eagan, MN 55122
Phone: (973) 992-6600 Phone: (312) 922-2400 or (800) 621-0561 Phone: (952) 894-6720
Fax: (973) 992-7675 Fax: (312) 987-9773 Fax: (952) 894-1066
E-mail: E-mail: Tennessee News Media Directory
businessmedia.htm P.O. Box 316
Burrelle’s New York Media Directory Mount Dora, FL 32756
Burrelle’s Information Services Computer/Hi-Tech Media Directory Phone: (800) 749-6399
75 East Northfield Road Bacon’s Information, Inc. Fax: (866) 586-7020
Livingston, NJ 07039 332 South Michigan Avenue E-mail:
Phone: (973) 992-6600 Chicago, IL 60604
Fax: (973) 992-7675 Phone: (312) 922-2400 or (800) 621-0561 TV and Cable Source
E-mail: Fax: (312) 987-9773 1700 East Higgins Road E-mail: Des Plaines, IL 60018 Phone: (847) 375-5000 or
Burrelle’s Pennsylvania Media Directory (800) 851-7737
Burrelle’s Information Services Fax: (847) 375-5001
Gale Directory of Publications and E-mail:
75 East Northfield Road
Broadcast Media
Livingston, NJ 07039
The Gale Group
Phone: (973) 992-6600
27500 Drake Road
Fax: (973) 992-7675 TV News
Farmington Hills, MI 48331
E-mail: Community Publications of America, Inc.
Phone: (248) 699-4253 55 West 14th Street
Fax: (248) 699-8065
New York, NY 10011
Burrelle’s Southeast Media Directory Phone: (212) 243-6800
Burrelle’s Information Services Fax: (212) 243-7457
75 East Northfield Road Gebbie Press All-in-One Directory
Livingston, NJ 07039 Gebbie Press, Inc. Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory
Phone: (973) 992-6600 P.O. Box 1000 R.R. Bowker L.L.C.
Fax: (973) 992-7675 New Paltz, NY 12561 630 Central Avenue
E-mail: Phone: (845) 255-7560 New Providence, NJ 07974 Fax: (845) 256-1239 Phone: (908) 286-1090
E-mail: Fax: (908) 219-0098 E-mail:
Burrelle’s Texas Media Directory
Burrelle’s Information Services
75 East Northfield Road Hudson’s Washington New Media
Livingston, NJ 07039 Contact Directory Vermont Media Directory
Phone: (973) 992-6600 Howard Penn Hudson Associates, Inc. 212 Battery Street
Fax: (973) 992-7675 P.O. Box 311 Burlington, VT 05401
E-mail: Rhinebeck, NY 12572 Phone: (802) 862-8261 Phone: (845) 876-2081 Fax: (802) 863-4724
Fax: (845) 876-2561 E-mail:
Burrelle’s West Coast Media Directory E-mail:
Burrelle’s Information Services
75 East Northfield Road
Livingston, NJ 07039 North America Senior Media Directory
Phone: (973) 992-6600 630 North Rosemead Boulevard
Fax: (973) 992-7675 Pasadena, CA 91107
E-mail: Phone: (626) 794-0288 Fax: (626) 794-7298

A Advertising Women of New York 7, 9, assistant brand manager 2

AAE 67 24, 66, 68, 71, 76, 79, 83, 85, 89, 91, assistant casting agent 117–119
Academy of Hospital Public Relations 116, 121, 124, 244, 246, 251 assistant casting director 117
211 AE 64 assistant copywriter 73
account executive 64–66, 67, 134, 143, agencies, careers in 63–126 assistant customer relations manager
228 alternate titles, explanation viii 35
account manager 64 American Advertising Federation 7, 9, assistant director of fund-raising 215
account representative 64 13, 16, 18, 24, 46, 55, 61, 66, 68, 71, assistant director of fund-raising and
account supervisor 64 74, 76, 79, 83, 85, 89, 91, 93, 96, 100, development, nonprofit organization
Actors Equity Association 119 103, 105, 107, 110, 113, 121, 122, 124, 215–217
ad assistant 188, 193, 198, 233 130, 133, 150, 153, 157, 160, 190, 195, assistant director of hospital public
administrative assistant 158, 218 199, 223, 234, 244, 246, 251 relations 210–211
advancement prospects, explanation viii American Association of Advertising assistant director of publications 212
advertising agencies, listing 294–296 Agencies 68, 85, 110, 116, 122, 124 assistant executive 67
advertising agency art director 207 American Federation of Music 110, 119 assistant marketing director 17, 20
advertising and public relations recruiting American Federation of State, County & assistant media analyst 84
agencies 301–305 Municipal Employees 187 assistant media buyer 81, 84–86
advertising art director 59 American Federation of Television and assistant media specialist 84
advertising assistant 5, 114, 120–122, Radio Artists 110, 119 assistant PR director 26, 210
193, 222, American Guild of Musical Artists 119 assistant press agent
advertising assistant, book publishing American Institute of Graphic Arts 13, 16, assistant production manager, print
233–234 61, 100, 105, 103, 113, 122, 124, 157 111–113
advertising assistant, nonprofit American Marketing Association 3, 9, assistant publicist 168
organization 198–200 18, 22, 25, 89, 130 assistant public relations director,
Advertising Club of New York 7, 9, 24, 65, American Newspaper Publishers corporate/industry 26–28
68, 71, 74, 76, 79, 83, 85, 88, 91, 115 Association 223 assistant space buyer 84
Advertising Club of New York, Young American Society for Hospital Marketing assistant talent director 117
Professionals Division 121, 124 and Public Relations 211 assistant unit publicist 162
advertising department copywriter, American Telemarketing Association 76 associate art director 11
television/radio 128–130 appendixes 265–319 associate brand manager 2
advertising manager 19, 233 arrangement representative 250 associate producer 158
advertising production assistant, art director 11, 92, 95 associate production manager 111
television 158–160 art director, retail outlet 59–61 Association for Healthcare Philanthropy
Advertising Research Foundation 3, 7, 9, art director assistant 11, 92 211, 217
66, 68, 71, 74, 76, 79, 83, 85, 89, 91, Art Directors Club 13, 16, 61, 93, 96, Association for Women in
121, 124 100, 103, 124, 157, 208, 246 Communications 9, 18, 31, 187
advertising sales assistant, television artist 14, 59, 92, 95, 98, 101, 104, 155, Association of Business Communications
146–148 207, 245 9, 19
advertising sales coordinator 146 artist engrosser 101 Association of House Democratic Press
advertising sales director 222 art school student 14 Assistants 257
advertising sales manager 137, 228 assistant 120 Association of Independent Commercial
advertising salesperson 137, 143, 146, assistant account executive 67–69 Producers 160
advertising salesperson, radio 134–136 assistant advertising coordinator 5 Association of National Advertisers, Inc.
advertising sales rep assistant 228 assistant advertising manager, 7, 18, 46, 68, 116, 122, 124
advertising sales representative, corporate/industry 5–7 Association of Theatrical Press Agents
newspapers and magazines 228–229 assistant art director 14, 92–94, 98, 155 and Managers 166, 169, 173, 175
advertising sales rep trainee 228 assistant art director, corporate/industry Association of Travel Marketing
advertising trainee 233 11–13 Executives 187

B consumer affairs representative 35 E

best geographical location, explanation ix contact person 64 education and training, explanation viii
bibliography 309–319 contents iii–iv Electronic Retailing Association 22
billing estimator 81 coordinator of consumer affairs, employee communications coordinator
books 309–313 corporate/industry 31–34, 35 41
brand executive 2 coordinator of customer relations 35 employee relations assistant 41
brand manager, corporate/industry 2–4 coordinator of customer services 32 employee relations coordinator 41–43
brand marketing manager 2 copy supervisor 70, 75 employee relations representative 41
broadcast production assistant 108 copywriter 70–72, 73, 128, 212 employment prospects, explanation viii
broadcast production coordinator copywriter, corporate/industry 8–10 executive in charge 64
108–110 copywriter, direct response advertising experience, skills and personality traits,
broadcast production manager 108 75–78 explanation of viii
broadcast salesperson 143 copywriter, nonprofit organization
Business Marketing Association 7, 24, 201–203 F
49, 52, 55, 79, 83, 85, 89, 91, 110 corporate and industry, careers in 1–61 floor assistant 158
Business/Professional Advertising corporate art director 207 freelance and consulting, careers in
Association 46 corporate marketing director 2 237–254
Council for the Advancement and Support freelance artist 207
C of Education 199, 203, 214, 217 freelance commercial artist 155, 245
calligrapher 101 Council of American Survey Research freelance computer graphic artist 98
career ladder, explanation viii Organizations 89, 91 freelance copywriter 243–244
casting assistant 117 crisis management consultant 252–254 freelance graphic artist 245–247
casting department intern 117 crisis management specialist 252 freelance speechwriter 241–242
casting director 117 customer relations manager 32 fund-raising assistant director 215
casting director assistant 117 customer relations representative 32, 35
Casting Society of America 119 customer relations representative, G
clerical position 117, 140 corporate/industry 35–37 glossary 306–308
club marketing manager 193 customer service representative 35 graphic artist 14, 95, 98, 101, 104, 155,
colleges and universities offering majors 245
in advertising 266–272 D graphic artist, nonprofit organization
colleges and universities offering majors degree programs 266–281 207–209
in public relations 272–281 Direct Marketing Association 3, 7, 18, 25, Graphic Artists Guild 13, 16, 61, 100,
collegiate sports information director 89, 91, 190, 195, 199, 217, 234, 251 103, 105, 107, 122, 124, 157
262 Direct Marketing Creative Guild 244 graphic designer 92, 155, 207
commercial artist 14, 95–96, 101, 245 directories, listings 317–318 graphic designer, corporate/industry 14–16
community affairs coordinator 38, 230 director of advertising 5, 23, 198 guest relations coordinator 218
community affairs director 230 director of customer relations 32 guest relations representative 182
community affairs representative 38 director of fund-raising and development guest services assistant 218
community relations assistant 38, 204 215 guest services coordinator, nonprofit
community relations coordinator 204 director of hospital public relations 210 organization 218–220
community relations coordinator, director of mall advertising 53 guest services director 218
corporate industry 38–40 director of marketing 23, 149, 198, 212, guest services representative 218
community relations coordinator, 215
newspapers and magazines 230–232 director of public affairs, H
community relations director 38, 204, college/university 259–261 hand-lettering artist 101
230 director of public information, tourism hospitality and tourism, careers in
community relations manager 38 and development 185–187 181–195
community relations/public information director of public relations 23, 29, 149, hotel advertising assistant 188–190
director 204 198, 212, 215 hotel advertising manager 188
community relations/public information director of shopping center/mall hotel PR Rep 182
representative 204 advertising assistant 53 hotel publicist 182–184
community relations/public relations director of shopping center/mall hotel publicist relations specialist 182
coordinator, police department marketing manager 53, 56 Hotel Sales and Marketing Association
204–206 director of shopping center/mall International 183, 190
community relations representative 38 promotion manager 53 hotel salesperson 182
computer artist 98 director of shopping center/mall public
computer graphic artist 98–100 relations assistant 56 I
computer graphic designer 98 director of shopping center/mall public illustrator 92, 95, 245
consumer affairs director 32 relations manager 53 independent press agent 165

intern 8, 26, 29, 50, 73, 75, 78, 111, 117, market researcher 87–89, 90 paste-up artist 98, 101, 104, 106–107
123–125, 131, 168, 225, 233, 235 mechanical artist 98, 101, 104–105 patient relations coordinator 218
International Association of Business media analyst 81 periodicals 313–317
Communications 261 media buyer 81–83, 84 photographer shoot 11
International Association of Business media director 78, 81 placement professional 247
Communicators 9, 28, 31, 44, 160, 187 media directories 318–319 placement specialist 247–249
International Brotherhood of Electrical media planner 78–80, 81 planner 78
Workers 160 media representative 78 Police Benevoblent Association 206
International Circulation Managers media specialist 78, 81 position description, explanation viii
Association 223 media supervisor 78 PR assistant 26, 210, 225
International Communications media trainee 84 PR director 56, 191
Association 52 miscellaneous opportunities, careers in press agent 162, 165–167, 171, 247, 250
International Council of Shopping 255–264 press agent assistant 162
Centers 55, 58 movie press agent 162 press agent trainee 165, 168–169, 247
International Newspaper Advertising and movie publicist 162 press assistant 235
Marketing Executives 229 press secretary, government/political
International Newspaper Promotion N 256–258
Association 223, 229 National Academy of Television Arts and press spokesperson 256
International Public Relations Association Sciences 133, 150, 153, PR freelancer 238
28, 211, 263 National Association of Broadcast Printing Industries of America 113
Internet catalog director of marketing 22 Employees and Technicians 136, 139, print production assistant 111
internships in advertising and public 141, 157, 160 product executive 2
relations 282–284 National Association of Broadcasters production apprentice 158
130, 136, 139, 141 production assistant 111, 114
J National Association of County production coordinator 108
journalist 8, 26, 38 Information Officers 187 production director 108
Jr. account executive 67 National Association of Government production manager 108, 111
Jr. copywriter 73 Communicators 257 product manager 2
junior account executive 64, 67 National Association of Manufacturers professional sports team publicist
junior art director 11, 70, 73–74, 75, 92 43 177–179, 262, 263
junior media planner 78 National Entertainment Journalists promotion assistant 5, 23, 149, 222
junior media specialist 84 Association 163, 166, 169 promotion assistant, television 152–154
junior press agent 168 National Federation of Music Clubs 195 promotion coordinator 152
junior publicist 168 National Federation of Press Women 28, promotion coordinator, corporate/industry
junior space buyer 84 179, 187, 192, 206, 223, 258, 261, 264 23–25
junior time buyer 84 National Press Club 258 promotion coordinator, newspapers
National Society of Fund Raising 222–224
L Executives 199, 203, 214, 217 promotion coordinator, television
layout person 92 National Sportscasters and Sportswriters 149–151
lettering artist 101–103, 106 Association 179, 264 promotion manager 222
National Tour Association 187 Promotion Marketing Association of
M news and information coordinator 259 America 25
Mail Advertising Service Association 76 news and information director 259 promotion representative 23
mall ad manager 53 Newspaper Advertising Bureau 229 PR representative 191, 238
mall advertising coordinator 53 Newspaper Guild, The 223 PR specialist 191
mall PR manager 56 nightclub marketing director 191 public affairs assistant 259
market analyst 87 nightclub or restaurant publicist 191–192 public affairs representative 35
marketing assistant 44 nonprofit agencies, careers in 197–220 publication assistant 201
marketing assistant 5 publication assistant, nonprofit
marketing assistant, corporate/industry O organization 212–214
17–19 One Club, The 9, 13, 16, 61, 71, 74, 93, publication director 212
marketing coordinator 17 96, 100, 103, 107, 124, 157, 208, 244, publications coordinator 29
marketing director 32, 47, 182, 218 246 publications manager, corporate/industry
marketing director, website 20–22 organization of material vii 8, 9, 29–31
marketing manager 17, 22, 44 organizational chart x public information assistant 185
marketing representative 17 public information director 259
Marketing Research Association 3, 9, 18, P public information specialist 204
22, parent company of brands 2 publicist 165, 191, 247, 250
marketing trainee 17 partner in public relations agency 238, publicity assistant 23, 131, 162, 204,
market research specialist 87 239 247, 250

publicity assistant, book publishing sales assistant 44, 142, 146 television advertising representative
235–236 sales coordinator 146 143–145
publicity director 185, 235 sales director 182 television graphic designer 155
publicity man 238 salesman 134, 143, 228 television press agent 162
publicity trainee 131, 235 sales manager 44, 135 television station sales manager 143
publicity woman 238 salesperson 134, 142, 228 theatrical press agent 171–173
public relations agencies, listing 297–300 salesperson, radio 135 theatrical press agent apprentice 171,
public relations and advertising recruiting sales position 35 174–176
agencies 301–305 sales rep 143, 228 time buyer 81
public relations assistant 38, 44, 47, 204, saleswoman 134, 143, 228 tips for entry, explanation ix
218, 222, 250, 259 Screen Actors Guild 110, 119 trade associations, unions and other
public relations assistant, magazines Screen Extras Guild 110 organizations 287–293
225–227 secretarial position 117 trade show manager 44
public relations assistant, television/radio seminars and workshops 285–286 trade show rep 44
131–133 senior copywriter 70 trade show representative,
public relations assistant manager 44 senior press agent 168 corporate/industry 44–46
public relations coordinator 204 senior station copywriter 128 traffic assistant 108, 114, 137
public relations counselor 252 service representative 64 traffic assistant, radio 140–142
public relations director 25, 31, 32, 38, vii, ix traffic assistant manager 114
47, 56, 131, 132, 182, 191, 204, 218, shopping center ad manager 53 traffic clerk 140
225, 230, 259 shopping center/mall advertising manger traffic coordinator 137, 140
public relations generalist 238–240 53–55 traffic coordinator, print 114–116
public relations manager 38 shopping center/mall public relations traffic manager 140
public relations representative 238 manager 56–58 traffic manager, radio 137–139
Public Relations Society of America 9, sketch artist 101, 104, 106 traffic representative 140
22, 25, 28, 31, 34, 43, 46, 49, 52, 58, Society of Illustrators 14, 16, 61, 93, traffic supervisor 114, 137
71, 74, 133, 150, 153, 163, 166, 169, 96, 100, 103, 105, 107, 122, 124, 157, trainee 26, 29, 50, 67, 73, 75, 78, 111,
173, 175, 179, 183, 187, 190, 192, 203, 246 117, 123, 215, 225
206, 211, 213, 220, 223, 227, 236, Society of Consumer Affairs TV advertising artist 155
239, 242, 244. 249, 251, 253, 257, 261, Professionals in Business 34, 37 TV and radio production manager 108
264 special events and projects assistant 50 typical advertising and public relations
public relations trainee 131, 210 special events assistant 47, 50–52 agency, organizational chart x
Publisher’s Ad Club 234, special events coordinator 50 typical communications department
publishing, careers in 221–238 special events coordinator, within a corporation, organizational
corporate/industry 47–49 chart xi
R special events director 47
Radio and Advertising Bureau 136, 139, special projects and promotion assistant U
141 152 unions, trade associations and other
radio and television, careers in 127–160 special projects and promotion organizations 287–293
radio traffic assistant 140 coordinator 149 unions and association, explanation ix
Republican Communications Association special projects assistant 152 unit publicist 162–164
257 special projects coordinator 149
research assistant 87, 90–91 spokesperson 256 V
research supervisor or director 87 sports and entertainment, careers in VIP coordinator 250–251
research trainee 90 161–179 VIP escort 250
restaurant/club advertising manager sports information assistant 262 VIP representative 250
193–195 sports information director, VIP specialist 250
restaurant marketing director 191 college/university 262–264
retail art director 59 sports information manager 262 W
Rubenstein, Howard J. vi staff speechwriter 241, 242 Web site marketing director 22
Rubenstein Associates, Inc. vi staging assistant 158 Women In Communications 257, 261,
S T workshops and seminars 285–286
salary range, explanation viii talent director assistant 117 World Organization of Webmasters 22
Sales and Marketing Executives television advertising graphic artist writer 128, 201, 241, 244
International 19, 25 155–157 Writers Guild of America 71, 130, 160

Shelly Field is a nationally recognized motivational speaker, sessions, career fairs, spouse programs, and events nation-
career expert, stress specialist, and author of more than 25 wide. She speaks on empowerment, motivation, careers,
best-selling books in the business and career fields. gaming, and human resources; attracting, retaining, and
Her books instruct people on how to obtain jobs in a motivating employees; customer service; and stress reduc-
wide array of areas including the hospitality, music, sports tion. Her popular seminars, “STRESS BUSTERS: Beating
and communications industries, casinos and casino hotels, The Stress In Your Work and Your Life” and “The De-Stress
advertising, public relations, theater, the performing arts, Express” are favorites around the country.
entertainment, animal rights, health care, writing and art; President and CEO of The Shelly Field Organization, a
and choosing the best career for the new century. public relations and management firm handling national
She is a frequent guest on local, regional, and national clients, she also does corporate consulting and has repre-
radio, cable, and television talk, information, and news sented celebrities in the sports, music, and entertainment
shows and also does numerous print interviews and personal industries as well as authors, businesses, and corporations.
appearances. For information about personal appearances or seminars
Field is a featured speaker at conventions, expos, casinos, contact The Shelly Field Organization at P.O. Box 711,
corporate functions, employee training and development Monticello, NY 12701, or log on to

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