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<Type your MP’s name>

Member of Canadian Parliament

<Type the Riding name>
<Type City name, Province>

Re: June 9, 2010 petition in Canadian Parliament recognizing Sikh Genocide in India in

Dear Mr. Kania,

I am a member of your constituency and I am asking you to support the June 9, 2010
petition in Canadian Parliament. The petition which can be found at seeks to have the 1984 Sikh Genocide
committed by the Indian Government recognized as such.

30,000 Sikhs were killed in New Delhi alone in November 1984, in the 3 days following
Indira Gandhi’s assassination. Tens of thousands of Sikhs met the same fate in other parts
of India in the days following. Close to 500,000 Sikhs have been murdered by the Indian
Government since 1978. Their fault, merely being their religious affiliation. According to
Amnesty International 57,900 Sikhs have been locked up in various Indian jails; held
under extra-judicial custody, with no access to courts, no charges filed, no habeas-
corpus. They are routinely tortured in ways so draconian as to trivialize the torture
methods used against the few hundred Guantanamo Bay detainees. Thousands of Sikh
women and girls have been mass raped by the Government under a well-orchestrated
policy of genocide.

None of the guilty has ever been punished. Any one daring to ask for justice is harassed.
Many of the organizers of the genocide have been high-ranking Congress Party of India’s
(major political party) members. Some have since been made cabinet ministers. The
Canadian Government, in violation of the Canadian Constitution, recently welcomed one
of them, Mr. Kamal Naath into Canada. This event was met by strong protests by the
public, within and without Canada. Kangaroo Courts of India refuse to punish the guilty
despite incontrovertible eyewitness evidence against them.

In light of the foregoing, I and my friends and family ask for your earnest support in this
hour of our need. We will be very appreciative of your efforts and support you in the
future as we have in the past. My friends and I will also be attending this event in person
on June 9, 2010 at the Parliament buildings in Ottawa. We look forward to meeting you
in Ottawa.
Thank you


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