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Immediate Release: Contact: Jessica Smith, 202-228-5185

Thursday, June 3, 2010 Will Jenkins, 202-228-5258

Senator Jim Webb Postpones Burma Stop After Visits to Korea, Thailand

Washington, DC—Senator Jim Webb, chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations

Committee Subcommittee on East Asia and Pacific Affairs, issued the following
statement today. He has just concluded visits to Korea and Thailand:

“News reports published today contain new allegations regarding the possibility that
the Burmese government has been working in conjunction with North Korea in order
to develop a nuclear program. From the initial accounts, a defecting officer from the
Burmese military claims direct knowledge of such plans, and reportedly has furnished
documents to corroborate his claims.

“It is unclear whether these allegations have substantive merit. However, given the
fact that Assistant Secretary of State Kurt Campbell recently accused Burma of
violating UN Security Council Resolution 1874 with respect to a suspected shipment
of arms from North Korea, there are now two unresolved matters related to activities
of serious concern between these two countries. Until there is further clarification on
these matters, I believe it would be unwise and potentially counterproductive for me
to visit Burma.

“I strongly believe that a continuation of dialogue between our two countries is

important for the evolution of a more open governmental system and for the future
strategic balance in Southeast Asia. However, a productive dialogue will be
achievable only when these two matters are further clarified.

“In the interim period, I intend to strongly suggest to the President that he fulfill the
requirements of Public Law 110-286 and immediately appoint a special envoy to
address the entire range of issues regarding relations between the United States and

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