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DUE DATE: 2010-05-11

Topic: Critical evaluation of the impact of the Gauteng Online and

Khanya projects in South Africa.

1. Introduction
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1.1 Definition of Gauteng Online and Khanya projects.

1.2 Their objectives.

2. Impact of Gauteng Online and the Khanya project

in the context of Kozma.
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2.1 Student outcomes.

2.2 Teacher and classroom outcomes.

2.3 Schools and increased access of community members.

2.4 ICT sources and training.

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3. Conclusion.
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The Khanya project is an initiative of the Western Cape Education
Department. It was established in April 2001 whereas the Gauteng Online
was conceived in 2002.

The objectives of the Gauteng Online and Khanya

projects in schools.
Gauteng Online aims to provide every school within the province with a
computer laboratory, giving every learner in public schooling system
access to internet and to e-mail. Install Information equipment (25
computers, TV and Printer).The Khanya project aimed that by the end of
2012 academic year, every school in the Western Cape will be
empowered to use appropriate and available technology to deliver
curriculum to each and every learner in Western Cape.

Impact of the Khanya project and the Gauteng

Online in context of Kozma.
Impact on learning of school subjects.
According to Kozma and Gauteng Online there is no consistency as the
results of most schools are below the expected level. The results of the
province seems to be going down the drain.Khanya has proven in its three
year randomized controlled study that the Mathematics scores were
significantly higher for learners who participated in technology , e. g
Masibambisane Secondary school.

Khaya improved results as well as learner outcomes in all the grades in

terms of the number of passes and quality results.

Cultural and socio-economic context

The Khanya and Gauteng Online show that students prefer using
technology to access information, that is why textbooks are now cheaper.

Student motivation and new skills

Kozma, Gauteng Online and the Khanya projects showed that students
have positive attitudes towards technology and are motivated and skilled
that they can work on their own.
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Impact on diverse students

Kozma, Gauteng Online and Khanya boys tend to enjoy using technology
whereas girls are anxious about learning it. Internet opens the whole
world to students; it brings reality into the classroom. Khanya is an award
winning school as it caters for learners from hospice and hospitals like
Victoria hospital who do not have access to education, through building
the computer laboratory to maximise learning.

Teacher and classroom outcomes

Impact on teacher skills and motivation
Kozma indicated that there are less teacher skills and are not motivated
as they went for two year training. Gauteng Online trained teachers for
three days which is impossible for someone to master such information
within that little time. Khanya is the only one that has a dedicated team of
facilitators who visits the schools on a regular (weekly) basis until such a
time that all educators are completely comfortable and empowered to use
technology optimally.

Impact on classroom practice

Khanya also indicated that the role of the educator shifts from instructor
to facilitator and mentor nurturing, understanding, creativity within the
learner. The method of talk and chalk is redressed. Gauetng Online
created a negative impact in the classroom as every phase they lacked
infrastructure, change hardware vendors and internet connectivity.

Impact on schools
Gauteng online does not show any significance transformation in school
organisation and the culture of learning. No robust training, in few schools
it showed some changes in learning theories, method of assessing
learners and those schools enjoyed and continue researching.

According to Khanya project ICT supports constructivist educational goals

by empowering learners with the means to experiment with and explore
information resources from around the globe and by providing teachers
with better tools to facilitate learner-centred learning (Chapman and
Mahlk, 2004).

Impact on communities
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According to Gauteng Online 25 computers, TV and a printer were

allocated to those schools which were chosen, unfortunately the nearby
schools connected do not give adult literacy. Khanya project 35
computers distributed and involve communities in literacy, as well as ICT
literacy programmes from the onset, in the development of technology
facilities. Many adults are now taught how to use word-processor, develop
their own CVs and how to look for jobs online. Involve previously
disadvantaged groups, particularly women, specifically rural women.

As a South African and spending most of my time in Gauteng province I
want to see it happening like in Western Cape so that it will be
implemented in other provinces. If it can be a success in Gauteng it will
be successful in other provinces, above all I am learning this course to
help a South African learner. They should overcome theft, dissonance,
poor ICT skills.

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