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Dundas Central School News Education is “Central”

73 Melville Street
Dundas, Ontario L9H 2A2 B. Morlog, Principal
Phone (905) 627-3521 Fax (905) 627-3522 J. George, Vice-Principal

June 2010

From the Principal’s Desk –

Good Things Happening at Central
1. Staff Information
June 2010
At this time, round one of the Board’s staffing process has been completed. Miss Kate
Dolson will be leaving our school and I would like to take this opportunity to thank her for
Inside this issue: her contributions and years of service here at Dundas Central. We wish her the best in her
new position teaching grade two at Strathcona in September.
Principal's Report 1
We also would like to thank Mrs. Lawson and Mrs. Gardner for “pinch hitting” for Mrs.
French Speeches 2 Pipe while she was on her maternity leave. Mrs. Pipe will return in September and we
Intermediate Track’n Field 2 would like to thank Mrs. Lawson for her fine work with her Kindergarten class and Mrs.
Top 10 Way to Avoid the 3
Gardner for her work with resource students. We wish both of them the best in all future
Summer Brain Freeze endeavours.

News From Ms McNulty’s 3 Mrs. Graves has also announced her retirement at the end of June. Mrs. Graves has
shared the grade two class with Miss Dolson and served as a resource teacher over the
Forest of Reading 4
past years. Again, we would like to thank her for her efforts, dedication and work with the
students and parents in our school and the Board. We wish her “all the best” as she moves
Gopher Day 4
into the next phase of her life.
Quebec Trip 5
The staffing process will continue into the summer months. Round two of teacher postings
Play Day 5 and interviews will commence over the next three weeks. After that has been completed,
the Board’s Placement Committee may place teachers in vacancies within schools. After
Scoop on Learning 5 the committee has completed the placements, school’s having vacancies are permitted to
hire a new teacher. As outlined in previous correspondence, still over the summer staffing
Umbrella Child Care 6
could change due to personal moves, resignations, retirement, illness, system staffing
Home and School 6 needs or leaves of absence. Tentative teacher assignments will be outline in an update
before the end of June.
2. Class Lists
As outlined in previous newsletters, grade teams will spend a tremendous amount of time
creating classes for next year. They must consider female/male ratios, balancing students
of different academic and leadership abilities, which teacher suits a student’s learning
profile, who needs to be together, who should be separated, who has been in a split class
If you are (or who can handle it) and even the instruments they play. We will be posting class lists
just outside the office the last two days in August just before Labour Day. Class lists by
moving over students’ OEN # (Ontario Student Number) will be posted on the outside of the
the summer, main school doors, over the Labour Day Weekend. You can find your child’s
OEN # at the top of their report card. Staff will meet students on the first day outside
please stop prior to the commencement of school and inform them what class they will be in. I cannot
promise who will be your child’s teacher at this point. Too many factors such as those
by and let staffing issues listed above, along with students moving in and out of our school
the office community may also cause us to re-adjust class lists. Parental requests for teachers,
classes, or classmates will be considered only if they are of “substantial educational merit”
know! and in writing to Mr. Morlog. Even then, they will be taken “under advisement”. No
promises will be provided. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation as we work
through the process.
From the Principal’s Desk (cont’)
3. Looking for Kindergarten Students/School Scheduling for
Currently our numbers in the Kindergarten classes are slightly down. We
are not sure if we will be experiencing an enrolment decline or parents
have not yet registered their children. If you know of anyone wishing to CONGRATULATIONS
attend our school in September, please inform them to contact our office or
come in to register their child. We are contacting local day care facilities to to Jake Jardine and
pass on this information to their communities. Kayley Xu. They
Our plan for September is to have a senior kindergarten class on the “B” presented their French
schedule (Wed., Fri. and alternating Mondays) and the SK/JK split along
with the JK class on the “A” schedule. (Tues., Thurs., and alternating speeches at York
Mondays) The A/B schedule mailed to you with your summer package and University’s Glendon
will be also available on the Board web site shortly.
Campus on Saturday
Our Board, along with many Board’s across the Province, will move to a 5
day schedule. Tuesday September 7 will be Day 1, Friday September 10 May 8th. You have both
will be Day 4 and the following Tuesday September 14 will be Day 1. This made Dundas Central
schedule will adjust to holidays and P.A. Days. (they will not be counted in
the rotation of days) This new schedule should provide more equitable proud!!
programming so no classes will be lost due to holidays and professional
activity days and teacher preps will be distributed more equitably. A
schedule will be provided and it will also be located on the Board web site
in the near future.
4. EQAO Testing
As we move into the first week of June our grade three students will be
writing their tests and the grade six students work through this
assessment during the second week. We wish our students all the best and
we are confident they will represent our school well. Although we tend to
play down the Ministry’s and media’s importance and attention to the
testing, it does provide a “snapshot” of student performance standards.
The results of this assessment give us some indication how well our
students have grasped the provincial outcomes and assist our staff to
uncover what we do well and what areas require attention. Over the
years, the process has assisted in developing consistency and continuity in
program content, instruction, assignment and assessment. Results from The Intermediate
the EQAO testing will be released in the Fall. (Gr. 6,7,8)
Track Team had a
We would also like to thank our volunteers who “scribe” for our students.
very successful
Our student teachers, former teachers and parents have volunteered to
day at the HWDSB Division 2 track Meet.
assist with this provincial assessment. We appreciate the time they have
Our athletes had 16 top 3 finishes
given to assist our students. We also want to thank our Board support
personnel, Literacy Improvement Teacher Audrey Henson and Math (11 first place, 2 second place, 2 third
Facilitator John Farruggia for their help. Lastly our grade three and six place) during the day. As a team, we won
teachers along with the support of the entire staff deserve a “pat on the the Division 2 Championship Pennants
back” for their preparation of our students and their assistance in the for Bantam Boys, Junior Girls,
testing process. and Senior Girls.
Mr. Dean and Mr. Verschoor would like
5. Orientation for New Students
to tank all 42 athletes for representing
On Monday June 21st at 9 a.m. we will host an orientation program for Dundas Central so well!
the new students to our school. At that time we will host the graduates
from the grade five class at Yorkview, new to our school, along with the
students who will be new to our grade five/six gifted and talented class.
Our plans are to introduce staff, highlight activities and programs
available to the students, tour the school and answer questions that
students and parents have. We want to welcome and make our new
members to our school community comfortable with their new school.
From the Principal’s Desk (cont’)
6. Major School Trips for Next Year
The “Major Trip Survey” we distributed earlier this year and we had a significant variety of responses. In fact “they were all
over the map”. The only two patterns that were prevalent were that the school community desired separate trips for grades six,
seven and eight. The second favourite option was retaining the “status quo”. In addition, we had the difficulty booking new
programs for next year as many dates were already chosen. Any changes to our trips will require booking much earlier in the
year. We will remain the same trips for next year. At the request of some parents, we are outlining the three major trips for the
next school year so families can budget for them. Our traditional trips are as follows:

Grade Destination Time of Year Approx. Cost Activities

6 Wanakita Last week of Jan. $200.00 ∗ cross country skiing, snowshoes, skating,
first week of Feb. hockey, winter survival/outdoor education

7 St. Donat Jan. 30 to Feb. 2 $515 & $60 for ∗ French Canadian culture
rentals &
Quebec ∗ skiing (downhill/ x-country), music, skits,
entertainment, history & geography

8 Quebec City June $600.00 ∗ French Canadian culture

∗ museums, historical sites, boat cruise,
entertainment, history & geography, Old
Quebec City, Fortress

Top 10 Ways to Prevent Summer Brain

News From Ms McNulty’s Class
Kids should have fun in the summer. But if summer is all
play and no work, learning can slide. Encourage your child
to spend a few minutes each day refreshing her skills. You We, the Grade 3s are overjoyed for our
can: upcoming trip to see High School Musical at
Theater Aquarius on June 17th.
• Let your child be an expert. Challenge her to become We have been doing lots of practice work
the family consultant on something, such as gardening. for EQAO, in class and we have been doing
Help her learn as much as she can. Check out library EQAO sheets for homework to help get us
books. Look for videos or DVDs. Go online. Give her a ready, but we are still a bit nervous about
notebook for taking notes. the test. We are looking forward to fun
filled, educational afternoons after the test,
• Sneak math into everyday life. Let your child help and to the EQAO finishing party we are
with shopping and cooking. She can plan a menu, use a going to have!
budget, measure ingredients—and do lots of taste-testing With the hot, hot weather we have been
too! If you’re going on vacation, use a map to measure having we want to have A) a hat, B) a
distances. Calculate the cost of gas. Determine how long refillable water bottle and C) sunscreen at
school, so that we wont get dehydrated,
the trip will take.
headaches and we will be protected from the
• Go on local field trips. Is there a museum or zoo you sun.
can visit? How about a local festival? What outdoor We figured out how many days are left of
activities can you enjoy together? Keep in mind that one of school and there is only 23 days left and
then it’s SUMMER!!
the most interesting places to see is a parent or guardian’s
workplace! Written by Ms. McNulty’s Grade 3s, rm 106
What are the other 7? See the full list at
GOPHER DAY! LIBRARY: Forest of Reading

Gopher Day arose This year about 300 students from our school participated in
from a desire by the Forest of Reading program. Around 250 000 students
Student Council and participate in this program across Ontario. 170 of our
the Me to We Group students were at the special celebrations in Hamilton this past
to raise money for a April co-organized by Hamilton Public Library and HWDSB
family in Hamilton library consultants.
who have lost Once again, I would like to thank the Home and School for
everything in a their generous support of this program in our school.
recent house fire. These
The official winners were announced mid May. They are:
students decided that they could
do selected chores, or "go fors" , Blue Spruce: Boo Hoo Bird – Honour books: Crocodiles Play! And The
for other students who made King’s Taster
donations to help this family. Silver Birch Express: Dear Toni – Honour books: A Bear in War, Ten
Donations were made by lessons for Kaspar Snit
purchasing "gopher tickets"
Silver Birch Fiction: Zorgamazoo – Honour books: Libertad, The Nine
which were then entered into a
Lives of Travis Keating
draw. Consequently, about 40
Student Council members and Me Silver Birch Non – Fiction: At the Edge – Honour books: You Are Weird,
to We students offered their Inside Hockey
"services" to winning ticket Red Maple: Word Nerd – Honour books: Night Runner, Leaving Fletchville
holders for a half day. Every
student who bought a ticket was
It’s that time of year again! All books are due back in the library by
also given a paper brick to help
June16th. Please check your houses, knapsacks, desks, etc……for any
build our own version of a house
library books. The fine for lost or damaged books is $5.00 for a soft
for the family which is displayed
covered book and $10.00 for a hard covered book. This money goes
in our school's foyer.
towards the replacement of these books. Thank you
for your help.
HAD! Gophers copied notes Lights! Camera! Action!
from the board, sharpened Classes 51 and 52 will have the opportunity to
pencils, assisted younger students produce, direct and act in a media project to help
support new learning initiatives and provincial
with their work, read stories, curriculum objectives. They will be participating in a
sang songs and served a free full day workshop in June, where they will be
introduced to the latest in digital technology by
pizza lunch. Once again we are Director’s Cut technology facilitators and film
very proud of our students who makers. Using Apple lap tops and digital cameras,
they will create a stop-motion animation film. Working
generously shared, served and with their own film crew, they will storyboard, script
and produce their own media short, complete with
reached out to others in our sound effects, voice overs and special
community. Well done Dundas effects…….making it a true Hollywood experience!
Participants will receive a copy on DVD and have the
Central! opportunity for their film to be screened at the
Director’s Cut film festival at Ciniplex throughout
Ontario and Alberta. The workshop promotes and
develops collaborative technology skills under the
provincial curriculum which mandates teachers to
develop appropriate media literacy skills through the
use of technology.
Page 5

Attention Parents & Students:

Dundas Central is having a school wide playday!

Date: Wednesday June 23rd

Time: 11:00 am– 2:30pm
Place: At the school
If it is raining we will show a school wide movie in the gym. (The Incredibles, Finding
Nemo, Wall-E)
Please ensure that your child brings sunscreen, a hat, and water. Grade 7 helpers
Important Dates for will ensure that each child is wearing their hat, that they get plenty of water, and have
sunscreen on.

Kindergarten Orientation- Dundas Central Band News!

Tuesday June 1st 6-7pm The band is very active these days!! May 25 we had our first
Practice-a-thon. It was 2 solid hours. The students played
K-8 Playday band music and received pledges for their hard work.
May 27, The band went to Highland for the 1st
Wednesday June 23rd “Valley Invitational” where Osler, Seaton and
Dundas Central joined the Highland grade
JK/SK Dundas Driving Park 12’s for a day of band and music. June 3rd
June 24th & 25th is the Dundas Central Music concert at
7pm in the gym. June 11th the band is
going to Canada’s Wonderland to
SK Graduation-Monday perform and have some fun!!
June 28th 1:30-3:00pm

JK ice cream sundae party

Thursday June 25


Grade 8 Quebec trip is June 14-17. A detailed

itinerary will be sent home the first week of
June. The packing list has already been sent
home with the permission forms. We are look-
ing forward to a great trip!!!!!
If you have any questions please contact Mme
Foran or Mrs. Ashcroft-Shupe at the school.
Page 6

A Message from Our Home and School

End of Year Picnic

Come and enjoy Dundas Central Year End Walk-In-The-Park
celebration with family and friends on Tuesday,
June 22nd 5-7:30 pm.
(Parent-Parent Initiative)
Are you working constantly and not getting
Lots of games and activities will be set up for all to
to know many other parents from school?
play. (Some games require 1 - 2 tickets at 25cents
Well Home and School can also be for you!
Home and School is all about friendship!
Super Sub will be on location cooking up Come along and meet me for a walk around
hamburgers/hotdogs and vegetarian options as the Dundas drive-in park on a lovely summer
well! evening. The great thing about this is you
School Spirit Wear will be available can always bring the children…or not! That’s
to order and DC water bottles will up to you!
be available for $5 each. Meet at Dundas Central Public School Car
Park on Albert St. and Victoria St.
Thursday, 3rd June at 7pm
Hope to see you there!
Home and School and School Council
meet again on Wednesday, 2nd of June Volunteers Needed
and this is our last meeting of the
season. Meetings start at 7pm in the Volunteers still needed!!!! Get your volunteer form from
the office if you haven’t received one already.
staffroom for the Principal’s Report and
7:30 the Home and School members
reassemble in the room next to Mrs. Umbrella Family and Child Centres of
Gillis’ for our monthly update.
Come along and meet the gang!!!
Good care educates. Good education
We Offer..
Remember you can grow for
∗ A seamless day...child care and education “under one roof”! No
green with the Garden Gallery worries about your child getting to and from their child care
initiative! Just mention that you arrangement!

are ‘Growing for Green’ with your ∗ Extended Hours ~ 7:30 am—6:00 pm each day

purchases and tell them it’s for ∗ Age appropriate programs/activities for children 3.8– 12 yrs

Dundas Central PS. 905.627.3521 ∗ Nutritious Snacks

∗ Tax receipts

For more information please call Kathy 905.628.2680

**Child care subsidy is also available through the City of Hamilton—Child Care
Branch. For details on child care subsidy, call 905 546 4870.
The Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board




Several writing pencils
Several writing pens (blue or black and red)
Pencil crayons
A few good pencil and ink erasers
A durable ruler set to millimeters and centimeters
A good geometry set (including compass and protractor)
A pencil case with the student’s name clearly printed
About 10 duotangs
3-ring binder paper refills (both lined and blank paper)
A calculator (name of the student clearly marked)
A few highlighter pens/markers
A number of index dividers
A few glue sticks
A good combination lock (such as a Dudley Lock)
Earphones from the dollar store for the computer lab
It is recommended that students have a good quality school bag with which to transport school
materials to and from school.
Bags should be of a reasonable size to fit into a school locker.
School bags will not be brought into the classrooms because of space limitations.


Gym shorts/sweat pants and T-shirt
Running shoes


Pencils & erasers
Pencil crayons
A durable ruler
A pencil case
A few highlighter pens/markers
About 5 duotangs
A glue stick
Gym shorts/sweat pants and T-shirt
Running shoes

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