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Occult Power Running Canadian Parliament?
January 20, 2010

(Editor's Note: It is possible to

dismiss Klinck as a disgruntled employee. But I suspect Masons
or their surrogates do run many workplaces, and exclude
'outsiders,' i.e. Christians, white males, ethical people, from

By Robert Klinck
I worked in the House of Commons for 27 years, about ten for a political party and
the final 17 as an editor in Committee Reporting Services (CRS). I found the House to
be an increasingly bizarre place.

One meets people who seem comfortable with it. It is only natural that, after a
certain period of exposure to an environment, the mind becomes persuaded that it
comprehends the fundamentals of a system and can function therein. As I never
cared about adapting to the prevailing mores or getting ahead, I was not at all
interested in acquiring "ins" with "useful" people or figuring out how I could get
others to work for me, as extensions of my will.

My purpose in leaving my home province of Alberta, newly graduated from

university, to go to work in the House was to promote institutional change in society,
mainly in the money-distribution system, that would enable people to be free of the
"get inside, get ahead" mentality that permits the few to control the many.

I was a Christian, and this freeing of the individual I thought to be a fundamental

purpose of Christ's having lived among men. I was ambivalent about many things
taught by men about Jesus, but to my mind one would not go wrong by promoting
policies expanding the scope of personal choice and personal responsibility....


Occultism, defined merely as "secrecy, disclosure or communication only to the

initiated", is endemic in the House of Commons. If its denizens want people outside
to feel as if they are participants in the action, this is only because it delivers a
political advantage.

However, I witnessed, as a target, another form of occultism in the institution. This

came about apparently as a result of my pushing back against what could only be
interpreted as corrupt practices in the House.

Administrative practices there often seemed laughable--though not necessary in a

funny sense. It is impossible for me to believe the amateurishness and
abusiveness ... was not surveyed by some more expert, but occult, management, for
otherwise the institution surely would simply have come apart.

Early in the 1980s, a French-Canadian medical doctor was brought in to respond to

staff concerns that working long days on cathode ray computer terminals might be
exposing them to dangerous levels of radiation. At a staff meeting, he said he
couldn't comprehend how it was that an institution whose function was the creation
of law, [ignored the welfare of] its own personnel. This was the view arrived at by a
professional from the outside. Where I and my editor colleagues were concerned, his
pronouncement proved to be prescient.

Incidents of threatening or intimidating words and actions [by] managers occurred

intermittently in our area. They seemed out of place when applied to the CRS editors,
who generally had a strong professional ethic.

One remarkable fact was that managers apparently had a policy of avoiding putting
communications in written form...

Because relations with management in our office had gravely deteriorated, ... I had
applied for a position as a manager of CRS editors. As it was obvious to everybody
that management in the House was controlled by an essentially closed clique, I never
seriously expected to get the job, but what actually transpired I could never have

Near the end of the interview stage of the competition process, the Director of
Human Resources told me to my face that she was not accepting my academic
credentials, consisting of a B.A., an M.A and one year toward an LL.B. Bear in mind
that I was already a long-term employee and my academic qualifications had not
been challenged (at least not openly) previously.


It was quite a revelation to discover that this is what goes on behind closed doors--
that is, occultly--in the House of Commons in order to ensure that the "right" person
gets the position and the "wrong" person does not.

Thereafter I did what I could to redress this effective cancellation of my six years of
university education by what was supposed to be my government. Previous
experience made it clear that appeal to the Speaker would go nowhere, because the
shameless gobbledegook-writing Clerk controlled access to him.

My efforts were all futile. None of the recourse that staff were supposed to have
actually worked. They were, in effect, institutional gobbledegook.

As you can imagine, my frustration did not abate. Every night when I retired my
plight was on my mind: if the House of Commons could arbitrarily deny the existence
of my degrees, then where could I make effective my claim to possess them? I was in
a Kafkaesque trap, unable to sleep for more than a few hours at night, lying awake
with the incredibility of the words of the Director of Human Resources revolving in my
mind. The total non-responsiveness of the institution to arguments involving
rationality and fairness was grinding, grinding me down. Over two decades later, the
sick, sadistic process continues.


Then the occultism of the House assumed a new and more ominous form. My closest
colleague in the office, a good friend with whom I often socialized, began to press me
to read certain articles and books. One was Voltaire's demoralizing Candide,
which I had read in my youth.

A former high official of the House, purportedly commiserating with me, informed me,
with incongruous levity, that the administration had "ridden" two other House
employees so mercilessly that they had committed suicide. (I have no information to
confirm the truthfulness of this allegation.)

Another person in the office spontaneously passed me The Satanic

Dictionary by Church of Satan founder Anton LaVey. Then my close colleague
loaned me another book, stating that its content reminded him of my family and that
I should be sure to read the first chapter, a short story by J.D Salinger entitled "A
Perfect Day for Bananafish". The last line described the protagonist suddenly,
with no foreshadowing of the event, blowing his brains out with a pistol.

I felt myself to be enmeshed in a world of supernatural evil. Black waves

swept over me, impelling me to self-destruction. As a Christian I could not
reconcile these never-before-experienced impulses with the faith that
defined the purpose of my existence.

Human faces on different occasions transformed before me into reptilian

and diabolical forms, reminiscent of the painting of Hieronymous Bosch. By
then, I had been defending myself against the occultism in the House of
Commons for nearly a decade. It seemed as if the prolonged, unrelenting
stress had finally broken my mind.

However, I am still not certain that stress alone precipitated my breakdown. For what
cannot be done with drugs nowadays? The woman who pressed The Satanic
Dictionary on me, who once went quite berserk with hostility toward me, had also
offered me chocolates that I had eaten. For an idea of what can be done with drugs
and sleep-deprivation, etc., research the mind-wiping and -manipulation tortures
conducted by Dr. Ewan Cameron at McGill University for the CIA.


I also wonder what deception or threat was used against my friend to enlist his
cooperation in this campaign against me. Knowing him to be a robust and principled
personality, it must have been either very clever or very fearsome. I recall that he
once volunteered that he had learned that the income tax department can force you
to produce proof of your declarations going back some ridiculous time, something
like fifteen years.
Whatever it was, I can only sympathize with him, for we are all now susceptible to
persecution by powers that can with impunity disregard all decencies, customs and
laws. (For example, think "Somalia Inquiry" and "Richard Colvin".)

The arbitrary denial of my academic credentials was a loathsome attack that no fair-
minded person could find acceptable. As I was a husband and father, it was also (and
remains) an attack on my family--my wife and children.

I was ultimately forced to "escape" my job--only because of my reasonable attempts

to defend myself against gross incompetence, then a vicious, stupid lie, and finally,
apparently, an occult attack on my very life. The strain such an experience places on
a marriage is deadly, and mine did not survive.


Destruction of their family is a common price that many men, and undoubtedly too
some women, have paid for electing to oppose institutional corruption and tyranny.
The House of Commons operates in such a way that an employee with a sense of
responsibility to his society cannot just perform a job and care for his family...

What kind of minds enjoy winning a contest starting from a position of overwhelming
advantage? Apparently, the minds of the occultists controlling Parliament, who don't
give a chance to anyone who resists their arbitrary actions--ones as abusive as
denying the existence of university degrees.

To this day, the House of Commons still refuses to withdraw its official's denial of the
existence of my degrees and thereby perpetuates the pitiless grinding of my life.
Thus robbed of much of my significant past, I face a future of unending
preoccupation with efforts to resist the demands of a government that hypocritically
insists that I must deal openly and honestly with it, while it refuses to retract the
blatant, damaging lie it interposed in my life over twenty years ago.

When I left the House, the administrators' final gesture was an attempt to rob me of
ten years of pensionable service, undoubtedly as a reminder of WHO THEY ARE.
Grind, grind, grind--without check or hindrance, no matter how scandalous or inane
the abuse is.

Anybody who thinks the devil does not exist has not
had to contend with the unfathomable administration of
the House of Commons.
Comments for "Occult Power Running Canadian Parliament?"
Attila said (January 21, 2010):

In regards to Occult Power Running Canadian Parliament? By Robert Klinck

I would like to add that as the USA was the first Masonic Republic, the Canadian
Confederation (1867) were also based under the Orange Order whom
themselves were also Masonic.

All the elite at that era were part of the Orange Order its been documented. The
Orange Order has Masonic Symbols all over it and to this day they still portrait it as
Protestantism, which in fact is nothing but religion division and infiltration. At the top
of the Orange Order is exactly as in the Masonic Order (Satanist Occult)

Richard said (January 21, 2010):

If anyone's interested in seeing an accurate fictional drama of how what we

think of a normal institutions are controlled by secret 'insiders', I
recommend 'Brotherhood of the Bell' (1970) Available for free viewing or
download on Internet Archive.

Synopsis: A man who let himself be initiated into the inner circle of a
fraternity in college discovers later in life that they can end his career,
make his bank accounts and investments disappear - they had even
arranged his marriage and control his wife.

Unfortunately, what Mr. Klinck is talking about happens all the time not
just to those who've sworn oaths to secret societies but those employed by
them who rock the boat. Indeed, his reference to "Kafkaesque trap" is
exactly what happens and how it feels, as described in Franz Kafka's "The
Trial" in which the man is never told why he's on trial or who his accusers

Secret society embedded in institutions, neighborhoods and even

professions can blacklist and '8 ball' individuals Such occult attack isn't as
much a matter of magic as it is the psychological effects of plain evidence
of sabotage with no clue of who the perpetrators are. In normal
circumstances when we know who our adversaries are we can confront
them and take recourse if necessary with civil authorities. Secret
conspiracies are dangerous things. In a mystery the target is disoriented.
There's a limit to how long an individual can function with the presence of
intangible factors subtly disturbing the order of their life. Even a little
mystery of this nature in one's neighborhood, place of work, circle of
friends and family is highly distressing because we can't put an end to it.

Rumors circulating and anonymous messages keep a victim on edge. When

one can't call out the accusers and have it out, the victim of sustained
attack becomes obsessed with solving mysteries. They begin losing sleep,
lose the healthy sense of security. At that point fatigue and chronic
foreboding can result in odd distortion of perception such as fleeting
hallucinations, paranoid fears.

When this sort of thing happens to someone whose life and family is nearly
inextricably wrapped up in the place and source of livelihood where one's
been blacklisted, it can be nearly impossible to break loose without losing
everything worldly they had to that point. People have been known to have
to relocate and make a new life from scratch
John said (January 21, 2010):

I to have experienced a 20 some year negative impact upon my career and health
because of an employer who was involved in Freemasonry, the Scottish Rite and the

Early in my career "Sheriff's Office" I learned of the secret societies thru Christian
studies and looked into their rituals and many other aspects of their organizations. As
a Christian I warned fellow workers about joining such organizations and even spread
the information to local churches thru tracks and tapes etc..

The sheriff knew of my activities and as a result I never received any pay raises with
promotions even though I had one of the best performance records in the sheriff's

There was often very subtle things they would do to annoy me so as to maybe cause
me to quit. My final position was that of an criminal investigator which the sheriff and
his underlings actually opposed but allowed me to enter the position because of the
chief investigators insistence that I be promoted because of my record and abilities.

I could say a lot more but rather will conclude by saying that the judicial system in
this country runs on secrecy thru its participants who always seem to get into key
positions. After 20 plus years I put in for my retirement and left, the mental pressure
was great at times and I chose to try and preserve my health instead of staying in
the evil environment any longer.

My faith in Christ and continual prayer preserved me and kept me from harm. Psalm
34:7 The angel of the Lord encampeth round about them that fear him and delivereth
them. Also I would note that Christians who suffer in the work place should not under-
estimate the power of prayer, God does hear and does respond on your behalf.

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