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Review Questions

Liturgy II
Mountain Pines Place, Bukidnon
May-June 2010

1. What are the sacraments of Christian initiation?

Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist

2. What are the sacraments of healing?

Anointing of the Sick, Penance

3. What are the sacraments at the service of communion and mission?

Matrimony, Ordination

4. In Christian initiation what do we understand by infants? By adults?

Infants are those who cannot profess their faith on their own, they need parents/godparents.
Adults can profess on their own. Hear the word of God, moved by the Holy spirit, freely seeks
God and can convert himself.

5. What are sacramentals?

Signs instituted by the Church to sanctify different circumstances of life and to dispose them to
receive grace. Includes prayers accompanied by the sign of the cross.

6. Enumerate the three main groups of sacramentals.

Consecration of persons
Dedication of things to the worship of God

7. What is exorcism?
When church asks with its authority on the name of Jesus that the person or object be protected
from the power of evil one, and to withdraw from his dominion

8. Give the description of Christian Initiation found in the Apostolic Tradition.

8.1 preparation
8.2 period of doctrinal instruction
8.3 immediate/proximate preparation – candida
8.4 moment of administration of sacraments – baptism, confirmation, eucharist, given in that

9. Describe further elements of Christian Initiation found in the Gelasian

Preparation during lent
Reception of sacraments during easter mass
Mystagogical catechesis on the easter octave

10. The Theology of the Gift of the Holy Spirit in the Sacrament of Confirmation.
Sphragis doreas pneumatous hagiou
Accipe signaculum doni spiritus sancti

11.The Holy Eucharist as it is described in the First Apology of St. Justin.

Gathering of people
Commentary or homily
Giving of thanks (eucharist)
Distribution of bread
12.The structure of the Liturgy of the Word in the present day celebration of the
Holy Mass.
First reading
Resp psalm
2nd reading
Sequence (easter, Pentecost, corpus Christi, sorrows)
prayers of the faithful

13.The principal elements of the Eucharistic Prayer in the present day celebration of
the Holy Mass.
Epiclesis (invocation of the HS)
Narration of institution
Anamnesis (memorial)
Intercessions (living/dead)
Final doxology

14.Describe the present day Rite of the Sacrament of Penance for single penitents.
Rite I – individual confession, individual absolution

15. Give the main elements of the anointing of the sick found in the scriptural
witness of James 5, 14-15.
Ill or sick person
Presbyter administering
Oil (matter)
Prayer (formula)
Effects : salvation, pardon of sins

16. Describe the structural elements of the prayer of ordination.

Anamnesis – recalls references to sacred scripture that pertain to the sacrament
Epiclesis – moment of transformation

17.Describe the principal elements of the liturgy of matrimony.

Liturgy of the word
Consent of the spouses
Solemm Nuptial blessing (AEID)
Eucharistic communion

18.The Holy Eucharist at the heart of Sunday and the fount of Christian life.
Not just precept but need for Christian life (nourishment)
Sunday mass has specific ecclesial and community dimension

19. Describe the entire cycle of the Liturgical Year.

Incarnation to Glorious resurrection

20. Enumerate the different hours that make up the Liturgy of Hours.
Office Readings
Lauds morning
Midday prayer
Vespers evening

Please take note:

There will be three questions during the oral exam:
i) A random question from numbers 1-7. (Value = 2 points)
ii) A theme of the student's choice from numbers 8-20. (Value = 4 points)
iii) A theme of the teacher's choice from numbers 8-20 other than that chosen by the
student. (Value = 4 points)
Passing score is 8.6/10 (Magna cum laude)

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