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Calculate your profit/ loss.

Evaluating your business.

Answer the following Questions:

1. How many products did your make? ___A______
2. What was the unit cost per product? ___B______
3. Multiply the number of products by the unit cost to give
you the total of your variable cost.
A + B = C (Variable costs).
4. Did you spend any money on anything else like
marketing, equipment hire, rent, etc, These are FIXED
costs. List these expenses and add them together.
List these expenses and add them together.
Details of expense R(amount)

Total Fixed costs_________________D

5. Add answers
C + D = E (Total Costs)
6. What is your business’s Total income (F) ( amount from
selling your product) (Selling price X Units sold)?
7. Subtract answer
F (Total Income) – E (Total Costs) = Profit/ Loss.

If your costs are greater than your income

you have made a loss.
If Income is greater than costs than you
have made a Profit

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