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CHAN. P.&.QE. CD" .... .&0 ••
I'JIlO!%n G_I .1iO 1 I EKKAB%IA:ttH:t. ECOL •• uono . III 8111
DOAO:Z lImDVI 40 70 UIIA • . 80lla op 801.01(05 8 880
ABYlTlKOI' • Lrtft'JOVI . r. 116 , B:z.uA.:z . luulI • 88 8SII
APIellOI • NVJBB .. 86. ' .. I .... · .... JDIII('~D u IIOJ
AEYTEPOI'OIlION n.n..ollOI(Y · 3. 229 ePBNOI L~I(BftU'O". 6 m
IIUOn RAYB Joan lK Z80 IE:zEK1BA KDKtBL .s tI71I
KPlTAI .Ina .. 21 316 AAI'IBA D.urDL 1:1 lCH11
POre RV'l'II 6 3IiO I O:ZBE. Bo ... 16 10'10
BA:zIABlDN A' Xura. I. (1 &muel) 81 3661 IOIlA Jon 3 lOBO
B'. Xoae U. (I Bemuell lK 400 AIIO:Z AI(OII " 10M
r- KtJlae UI. (I JU .... ) 1I2 640 OBoUOY. OaauB 1082
A'. x'llae IV. (I XiIIp) 16 4HI IORAl: JO.~B • 10M
B' . CBBoII'CLUII. 86 688 NAOYII N~BVI( 8 1108
El:APU. BuJ. · 10 817 AIIBAKOY11 Hun:KvI< 3 1108
NBEJllAl: • N ..... 14JI 13 631 :zo.oNIU Z .... lIl.lB 3 1108
UeBP. BmIu · 10 850 AITAIOl: R~aau I l11Z
+AAIIOI Pan.1 .160 6Il9 IlAAAXIA:t lIAL.A.C.t 6 1I~7


D.b ....



qII<Ui .,....,.

Compare. AlUboriMd VenioD •


Aleundrine T.xt. ~ Aldin. Telt. ' AppeoclU.

SiJl1l of addition.

" omillion. teilint, lbat iI to IA, •

nd. th. ~. 9.4. C-p. ..f. f'.

..flu. su. ~pp. +


~l c: c- +

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The earliest Tersion of the Old Testament Scriptures which is extant, or of which we poeaeas any certain knowledge, is the tranala.tion executed at Alexandria in the third centw-y before the Christian era: this 'V8raion baa been 80 habitually known by the name of the SEPTUAGINT, that the attempt of eome learned men in modern times to introduce the designation of the Alexandrian version (as more correct) baa been far from suooessful.

The history of the origin of this tranala.tion was embellished with various fables at 80 early a period, that it baa been a work of patient critical research in later times to bring into plain light the facts which may be regarded as well authenticated.

We need not wonder that but little is known with accuracy on this subject; for, with regard to the ancient versions of the Scriptures in genei-aJ., we possess no information whatever as to the time or place of their execution, or by whom they were made: we simply find such versions in use at partieular times, and thus we gather the fact that they must have been previously executed. If, then, our knowledge of the origin of the Septuagint be meagre, it is at least more extensive than that which we poeaeas of other tranBlatiOD&

After the conquests of Alexander had brought Egypt under Macedonian rule, the newlyfounded city of Alexandria became especially a place where the Greek language, although by no means in its purest form, was the medium of written and spoken communication amongst the varied population there brought together. This Alexandrian dialect is the idiom in 'Which the

Septuagint version was made. .

Amongst other inhabitants of Alexandria the number of J ewe was considerable: many appear to haTe settled there even from the first founding of the city, and it became the residence of many more during the reign of the first Ptolemy. Hence the existence of the sacred books of the Jews would easily become known to the Greek population.

The earliest writer who gives an account of the Septuagint version is Aristobulus, a Jew who lived at the commencement of the second century B.C. He says that the version of the Law into Greek was completed under the reign of Ptolemy Philadelphus, and that Demetrius PhaIereus had been employed about it. Now, Demetrius died about the beginning of the reign of Ptolemy Philadelphus, and hence it baa been reasonably inferred that Aristobulus is a witness that the work of tranala.tion had been commenced under Ptolemy Soter.

Different opinions have been formed as to what is intended by Aristobulus when he speaks of the LatIJ: some consider that he refers merely to the Pentateuch, while others extend the signification to the Old Testament Scriptures in general: the former opinion appears to be favoured by the strict meaning of the terms used; the latter by the mode in which the J eWli often applied the name of Law to the whole of their sacred writings.

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The fact may, however, be regarded 88 certain, that prior to the year 285 ac. the Septuagint version had been commenced, and that in the reign of Ptolemy Philadelphus, either the books iu genm-al or at least an important part of them had been completed.

The embellishments and fictitious additions which this account BOOn received might be sca.rcely worthy of notice in this place, were it not that they are intimately connected with the authority which this version was once suppoeed to poeseas, and with the nafM by which it if commonly known.

A writer, who calla himself Aristeaa, says that when Ptolemy Philadelphus was engaged in the formation of the Alexandrian Library, he was advised by Demetrius Phalereus to procure a traualation of the sacred books of the Jews. The king accordingly, as a preliminsry, purchased the freedom of more than one hundred thousand J ewiah captives, and he then sent a deputation, of which Ariateaa himself was one, to Eleazar the high-priest to request a copy of the J ewiah I..&w and ,MNIIIty-two interpreters, six out of each tribe. To this the priest is represented to have agreed; and after the arrival of the translators and their magnificent reception by the king, they are said to have been conducted to an island by Demetrius, who wrote down the renderings on which they agreed by mutual conference; and thus the work is stated to have been completed in seventy-two days. The translators are then said to have received from the king moat abundant rewards; and the Jews are stated to have asked permission to take copies of the version.

Other additions were subsequently made to this story: some said that each translator was shut into a separate cell, and that all by divine inspiration made their versions word for word alike; others said that there were two in each cell, accompanied by an amanuensis; but at all events miracle and direct inspiration were suppoeed to be connected with the translation: hence we cannot wonder that the authority attached to this version in the minds of those who believed these stories W88 almost unbounded.

The basis of truth which appears to be under this story seems to be, that it was an Egyptian king who caused the translation to be made, and that it was from the Royal Library at Alexandria that the Hellenistic Jews received the copies which they uaed.

In namining the version itself, it bears manifest proof that it was not executed by Jews of Palestine, but by those of Egypt :-there are words and expressions which plainly denote its Alexandrian origin: this alone would be a sufficient demonstration that the narrative of Ariateaa is a mere fiction. It may also be doubted whether in the year 286 a.c, there were Jews in Palestine who had sufficient intercourse with the Greeks to have executed a translation into that language; for it must be borne in mind how recently they had become the subjects of Greek monarchs, and how differently they were situated from the Alexandrians 88 to the infiux

of Greek settlers. •

Some in rejecting the fabulous embellishments have also discarded all connected with them: they have then sought to devise new hypotheses 88 to the origin of the version. Some have thus suppoeed that the translation was made by Alexandrian Jews for their own use, in order to meet a neceaaity which they had felt to have a version of the Scriptures in the tongue which had become vernacular to them.

There would be, however, many difficulties in the way of this hypothesis. We would hardly suppose that in a apace of thirty-five years the Alexandrian Jews had found such a translation needful or desirable: we must also bear in mind that we find at this period no trace of any versions having been made by Jews into the languages of other countries in which they had continued for periods much longer than that of their settlement at Alexandria.

The most reasonable conclusion is, that the version was executed for the Egyptian king; and that the Hellenistic Jews afterwards used it as they became leaR and leas familiar with the language of the original.

H the expression of Ariatobulus does not designate the whole of the books of the Old Testament as translated in the time of Ptolemy Philadelphus, the question arises, When were the other books besides the Pentateuch turned Into Greek' To this no definite answer could

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be given: we may however be that various interpreters were occupied in translating various pa.rta, and in all probability the interval between the commencement and the conclusion of the work was not great.

The variety of the translators is proved by the unequal cha.racter of the version: some books show that the trana1a.tors were by no means competent to the task, while others, on the contrary, eDibit on the whole a careful translation. The Pentateuch is considered to be the part the best executed, while the book of Isaiah appears to be the very worst.

In estimating the general character of the version, it must· be remembered that the translators were J ewa, full of traditional thoughts of their own 88 to the meaning of Scripture ; and thus nothing short of .. miracle could have prevented them from infusing into their version the thoughts which were current in their own minds. They could only translate passages 88 they themselves understood them. This is evidently the case when their work is eumined.

It would be, however, too much to say that they translated with dishonest intention; for it cumot be doubted that they wished to express their Scriptures truly in Greek, and that their deviations from aocuracy may be simply attributed to the incompetency of some of the intel'preters, and the tone of mental and spiritual feeling which was common to them all

One difficulty which they had to overcome was that of introducing theologica.l ideas, which till then had only their proper terms in Hebrew, into a language of Gentiles, which till then had terms for no religious notious except thOll8 of heathens. Hence the necessity of using many words and phrases in new and appropriated II8Il8e8.

These remarks are not intended 88 depreciatory of the Septuagint version: their object is rather to show what difficulties the translators had to encounter, and why in some I't'SpeCta they failed; 88 well 88 to meet the thought which has occupied the minds of some, who would extol this version 88 though it poesessed something resembling co-ordinate authority with the Hebrew text itself:

One of the earliest of thOll8 writers who mention the Greek translation of the Scriptures, speaks also of the version 88 not fully adequate. The Prologue of Jesus ·the son of Birach (written 88 many suppose B.Co 130) to his Greek version of his grandfather's work, states: cW -yGp ~, ClWa. iv le&VToi~ 'EPpaitrrl My6p.cva, ml Onw IU'f'CIxfiii cl~ iTlpa.v y>WicTauv· oil p./wov 8( TUm, cLUG. ml Climk A vo~ "al cd rfXXlnrr'c'Uu, "al TO. Nxft ,.;'v Pt.{3>J- oil ~ exc, "'" ~v iv __ ~ ~p.cva : "For the same things expressed in Hebrew have not an equal foroe when translated into another language. Not only so, but even eM Law and eM proplw:iu and eM "" of eM books differ not a little 88 to the things said in them." The writer of this Prologue had come into Egypt from the Holy Land: he had undertaken the translation of his grandfather's work into Greek, but in explanation of the difficulty which he had to encounter in this work, he refers to the defects found even in the version of the I..&w, the prophets, and the other books, of which he had previously spoken. Doubtleee coming into Egypt he was more couscious of the defects of the Septuagint version than could have been the case with Egyptian Jewa, who had used the translation commonly and habitually for a century and a quarter.

At Alexandria the Hellenistic Jews used the version, and gradually attached to it the greatest possible authority: from Alexandria it spread amongst the Jews of the dispersion, so that at the time of our Lord'a birth it W88 the common form in which the Old Testament Scriptures had become dUfused.

In exa.mining the Pentateuch of the Septuagint in connection with the Hebrew text, and with the copies preserved by the Sama.ri.tans in their crooked letters, it is remarkable that in very many passages the readings of the Septuagint accord with the Sama.ri.tan copies where they differ from the J ewish. We cannot here notice the various theories which have been advanced to account for this accordance of the Septuagint with the Sama.ri.tan copies of the Hebrew; indeed it is not very satisfactory to enter into the details of the subject, because no theory hitherto brought forward explains all the facta, or meets all the difficulties. To one point, however, we will advert, because it has not been sufficiently taken into acco\mt,-in the places in which the Sama.ri.tan and Jewish copies of the Hebrew text differ, in important and material

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pointB, the Septuagint accords much more with the Jewish than with the Samaritan copies, and in a good many points it introduces variations unknown to either.

The Septuagint version having been current for about three centuries before the time wheu the books of the New Testament were written, it is not surprising that the Apostles should have used it more often than not in making citations from the Old Testament. They used it as an honestly-made version in pretty general use at the time when they wrote. They did not on every occasion give an authoritative tra.nsla.tion of each passage de novo, but they used what was aJ.rea.dy familiar to the ears of converted Hellenists, when it was sufficiently a.ccura.te to suit the matter in hand. In fact, they used it as did' their contemporary Jewish writers, Philo and Josephus, but not, however, with the blind implicitness of the former.

In consequence of the fact that the New Testament writers used on many ocoa.sions the Septuagint version, some have deduced a new argument for its authority,-&. theory which we might have thought to be sufficiently disproved by the defects of the version, which evince that it is merely a human work. But the fact that the New Testament writers used this version on many occasions supplies a new proof in opposition to the idea. of its mJ.tlwrity, for in not a few places they do not follow it, but they supply a version of their own which rightly represents the Hebrew text, although contradicting the Septuagint.

The use, however, which the writers of the New Testament have made of the Septuagint version must always invest it with a peculiar interest; we thus see what honour God may be pleased to put on an honestly-made version, since we find that inspired writers often used such a version, when it was sufficiently near the original to suit the purpose for which it was cited, instead of rendering the Hebrew text de novo on every occasion.

Another important point on which the Septuagint stands in close connection with the New Testament is the general phraseology of the version,-&. phraseology in which the traces of Hebrew elements are most marked, but with regard to which we should mistake grE'atly if we suppoeed that it origirw.ted with the New Testament writers. Thus we may see tha.t the stud. v of the Septuagint is almost needful to any biblical scholar who wishes to estimate adequately the phraseology and tUUBloqueruli of the New Testament.

Besides the direct citations in the New Testament in which the Septuagint is manifestly used, there are not a few passages in which it is clear that the train of expression has been formed on words and phrases of the Septuagint: thus an intimate acquaintance with this version becomes in a manner nece8IIII.rY on the part of an expositor who wishes to enter a.ccura.tely into the scope of many parts of the New Testament.

Thus, whatever may be our estimate of the defects found in the Septuagint-its inadequate renderings, its departures from the sense of the Hebrew, its doctrinal deficiencies owing to the limited apprehensions of the translators--there is no reason whatever for our neglecting the version, or not being fully alive to its real value and importance.

After the diffusion of Christianity, copies of the Septuagint beca.m.e widely dispersed amongst the new communities that were formed; so that before many years had elapsed this version must have been as much in the hands of Gentiles as of Jews.

The veneration with which the Jews had treated this version (as is shown in the case of Philo and Josephus), gave place to a very contrary feeling when they found how it could be used against them in argument: hence they decried the version, and sought to deprive it of all authority. .As the Gentile Christians were generally unacquainted with Hebrew, they were unable to meet the Jews on the ground which they now took; IIDd as the Gentile Christians at this time believed the most extraordinary legends of the origin of the versio», so that they fully embraced the opinions of its authority and inspiration, they necessarily '_ .rded the denial 011 the part of the Jews of its accuracy, as little less than blasphemy, and as I ~roof of their blindness.

In the course of ' the second century, three other complete versions of the Old Testament into Gl-eek were executed: these are of importance in this place, because of the manner in which they were afterwards connected with the Septuagint.

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The first of the Greek versions of the Old Testament executed in the second century WM dJat of AQuILA. He is described lUI a Jew or Jewish proselyte of Pontus, and the date commonly attributed to his version is about the year A.D. 126. His translation is said to have been executed for the express purpose of opposing the authority of the Septuagint: his version was in consequence upheld by the Jews. His labour was evidently directed in opposing the passages which the ChristUms were accustomed to cite from the Septuagint as applicable to the Lord Jesus. The general characteristic of this version is bold literality of rendering: such an endeavour i'l made to render each Hebrew word and particle into Greek, that all grammar is often set at defiance, and not unfrequently the sense is altogether sacrificed. From the scrupulosity of Aquila in rendering each Hebrew word, his work, if we possessed it complete (and not merely in scattered fragments), would be of great value in textual criticism.

Another Greek translator at a subsequent period in the second century was SYllllACBUS.

He is described 8.Il an Ebionite, a kind of semi-Christian. His version seems to have been executed in good and pure Greek: perhaps he was the more particular in his attention to this in consequence of the mere barbarism of Aquila.

A third translator in the same century was TBEODOTION, au Ebionite like Symmachus, to whom he was probably anterior. His version is in many partll based on the Septuagint. He is less servile in his adherence to the words of the Hebrew than Aquila, although he is void of the freedom of Symmachus. His knowledge of Hebrew was certainly but limited, and without the Septuagint it is hardly probable that he could have undertaken this version.

Thus, before the end of the second century there were, besides the Septuagint, three versions of the Old Testament in Greek, known to both Jew!! and Christians. All this could not fail in making the Old Testament Scriptures better known and more widely read.

Although many Christians believed in the inspiration and authority of the Septuagint, yet this could not have been universally the case; otherwise the disuse of the real Septuagint version of the book of Daniel, and the adoption of that of Theodotion in itt! stead, could never have taken place. This must have arisen from an apprehension of the poverty and inaccuracy of the Septuagint in this book, 80 that another version similar in its general style was gladly adopted.

We have now to speak of the labours of ORIGE..'1 in connection with the text of the Septuagint. This learned and enterprising scholar, having acquired a knowledge of Hebrew, found that in many respects the copies of the Septuagint differed from the Hebrew text. It seems to be uncertain whether he regarded such differences as having arisen from mistakes on the part of copyists, or from errors of the original translators themseh·es.

The object which he proposed to himself was not to restore the Septuagint to its original condition, nor yet to correct mere errors of translation simply as such, but to cause that the Church should possess a text of the Septuagint in which all additions to the Hebrew should be marked with an obelus, and in which all that the Septuagint omitted should be added from one . of the other versions marked with an aBteri8k. He also indicated readings in the Septuagint which were I!O incorrect that the passage ought to be changed for the corresponding one in another version.

With the object of thus amending the Septuagint, he formed his great works, the Hexapla and Tetrapla; these. were (as the names imply) works in which the page was divided respectively into six columns an.:!'.'1to four columns,

The Hexapla eonta.aed, 1st, the Hebrew text; 2ud, the Hebrew text expressed in Greek characters; 8rd, the version of Aquila; 4th, that of Symmachus; 5th, the Septuagint; 6th, Theodotion. The Tetrapla contained merely the four last columns.

Besides these four versions of the entire Old Testament, Origen employed three anonymous Greek versions of particular books; these are commonly called the fifth, sixth, and 8eventh

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versions. Hence in the parts in which two of these versions are added, the work was designated Octapl&, and where all the three appeared, it was called Enneapla.

References were then made from the column of the Septuagint to the other versions, so &'I to complete and correct it: for this purpose Theodotion was principally used. This recension by Origen has generally been called the He:r:a,plar text. The Hexapla. itself is said never to have been copied: what remains of the versions which it contained (mere fragments) were edited by Montfaucon in 1714, and in an abridged edition by Bahrdt in 1769-70.

The Hexaplar text of the Septuagint was copied about half a century after Origen's death by Pamphilus and Eusebius; it thus obtained a circulation; but the errors of copyists soon confounded the marks of addition and omission which Origen placed, and hence the text of the Septuagint became almost hopelessly mixed up with that of other versions.

The Hexaplar text is best known from a Syriac version which was made from it; of this many books have been published from II. MS. at Milan; other books are now in the British Museum amongst the l'eIIt of the Syriac treasures obtained from the Nitrian monasteries. This Syro-Hexaplar translation preserves the marks of the Greek text, and the references to the other transla.tions. It may yet be made of great use in separating the readings which WAre introduced by Origen from those of an older date.

There were two other early attempts to revise the Septuagint besides that of Origen. In the beginning of the fourth century, Lucian, a presbyter of Antioch, and Hesychius, an Egyptian bishop, undertook similar la.bours of the same kind. These two recemiom (which they were in the proper sense of the term) were much used in the Eastern Churches.

From the fourth century and onward, we know of no definite attempt to revise the text of the Septuagint, or to correct the discrepancies of various copies. It is probable, however, that just 88 the text of the Greek New Testament became in a great measure fixed into the same form as we find it in the modern copies, something of the same kind must have been the case with the Septuagint. As to the Greek New Testament, this seems to have occurred about the eleventh century, when the mass of copies were written within the limits of the patriarchate of Constantinople. It is probable that certain copies approved at the metropolis, both politically and religiously, of those who used the Greek tongue, were tacitly taken as a kind of standard.

We find amongst the members of the Eastern Churches who use the Greek language, that the Septuagint has been and is Ktill so thoroughly received as authentic Scripture, that any effort to introduce amongst them versions which accurately represent the Hebrew. (as has been attempted in modern times) has been wholly fruitless.

Thus the Septuagint demands our attention, were it only from the fact that the whole circle of religious ideas and thoughts amongst Christians in the East has alway8 been moulded according to this version. Without an acquaintance with the Septuagint, numerous allusions in the writings of the Fathers become wholly unintelligible, and even important doctrinal discussions and difficulties (such even as some connected with the Alian controversy) become wholly nnintelligible.

.As the Septuagint was held in such honour in the East, it is no cause for surprise that this version was the baais of the other translations which were made in early times into vernacula.r tongues. There was, however, also another reason i-the general ignorance of the original Hebrew amongst the early Christians prevented their forming their transla.tions from the fountain itsel£ The especial exception to this remark is the Syriac version of the Old Testament formed at once from the Hebrew.

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r ENE ~ I s.

2 "EN d.pxfj bro[T/UO' A 0fO~ Tal' ol1pavOv Ka, n,v yi7v. 'H o(

A.,. J' , " ' '\'., ...

Y'I '1" aopaTO'> KOJ. aKaTaUK(V(l(TTO'>. Kal UKOTO~ f'll"aVw '"1~

3 d.{JWC1'ov· Ka, 'll"VrVfUl 0fOV brfq,epero bravw TOV liSaTO'>. KaL 4 ft'll"(V A 0f~. ~ ~. Ka, rywrro~. KaL d8& b 0r~ TO q,;;.... on Ka.\Ov· Kat Olf~pUTO';' 0ro~ dva p.euov TOV 5 ~. Kat elva p.lC1'ov TOU UKOrO~. Kat (KOA£UO' b 0r0~ TO

~ TJp.fpav. Kat TO UKOrO'> lKOA£C1'f vVKTa. Kat ryEvrro

i.a"II"Cpa.. Kat ryeV€To 'll"pwt. fJp.lpa. plo..

6 Kat ft'll"O';' 0(~. YW'fJ6irrw UTfpewp.a lv'¥ TOU V8aTO~'

Kat loTOJ &o.~ov elva p.eC1'OV liSaTO'> Kat ;;ooTO'>' Kat f')'W(TO 7 ov,.~. Kat brolT/UO' A 0r~ TO UTEpCWfUl' Kat OlfXWPUTO' b 0r~ elva p.EUOV TOU liSaTO~. 3 W WOKQ.TW Toli C1'TfPfWp.aTO'>.

S "at w.a p.Euov TOU liSaTO'>, TOV' bravw TOli C1'T£pEwp.aTo~. Kat

(KOA£C1'O' b 0fO~ ro a'TEplwp.a ovpaVOV' Kat EtOO' b· 0f~ 0,., "a.\c)y. Kal tyiV£TO la"ll"fpa. Kat ryivrro 'll"pwt, TJp.lpa. &wepa.

9 Kal. Et'll"fV b 0f~. uvva"#rrw TO VOwfl ro WOKa.TW TOV

ovpaVOV ,,~ uvv~ p.w.v, "at oq,8f,Tw ~ e'1pG.· Kat rywrro oVT~ KaL crvvfrx8rI TO VSwp TO WOKa.TW TOV ovpavov d~ Ta~ 1 0 avva;wya~ a/"'wv. Kat wq,Brt TJ ~pa.. Kat £KOAfC1'O' ;, 0£0~ n,v ~pav. yi7v' Kat Ta ~fUlTa TWV MaTfIJI' 'KOA£aE 8aluia-

11 ua~' Kat ftorV II 0r~ on KaMV. Kat ,t'll"O' b 0£0~.'(\TW TJ yi7 fJOTQ.VrtV x0pTOV. a"II"fipov a"II"q,p.a KaTa YWo<> Kat Kall bp.oWrr,ra, Kat ev>-Dv KG.pmp.oV 'll"OIOVv KaptrOV. O~ TO a"II"q,p.a awov lv a1iT<ii KaTa 111'0'> brl ~ yi7~' Kat ryevrro

12 oVT~. Kat ~'1KO' TJ yi7 ~OTQ.VrtV XOpTov. a"II"iipov a"II"q,p.a KaTa "tWo<> Kat KaO' Op.ouYrrtro-. Kal t'UMV Kcip'll"If'OV 'll"OWVv

'\ • \ , .... t ...... '\ , .. '\ ... ...

Kap'II"OV' OV TO (J"II"fpfUl aVTOV 01 aVT'¥ KaTa yOlO'> £'11"1 '"1~ Y'I~'

13 Kat ,l8& b 0,~ 0:" ICaAOV. KaL rywrro fa"ll"Epa, Kat E-yEv(TO

TrpW~, TJp.Cpa. TplTrt·

14 KaL ,t'll"O' b 0fO~. ~waav q,wo-n,p£r; lv T~ C1'T€pfwfUlTL

TOU ovpavov 't~ ,paiVAI' bri '"i~ yi7r;, TOU owxwpl{"v elva p.Eaw

.... c, , ,,'\ ,.... , \ II' , ...

~ '1P.Epa~ Ka, ava p.£C1'OV Trt~ VVlCTor;' Ka, fO'TlllaaV fl~ rrqp.£la,

15 KaL £lr;Ka~. Kat fi~ TJp.lpa~. Ka1 dr; lvtaVTOvr;. Kat (UTwaav d~ qx&VcrLJI Iv ~ C1TEP€Wp.aTt Toii ovpavov. Wa--rf. q,oJ."EtJl €7r' 16 ~ yi7r;' Kat rywrro oii~. Kat brolT/UO' b 0£~ Tour; OVO cf>wa'riipar; ToUr; P.«yOAOV'· TOV cf>warijpa roy p.fya.v £i~ dpxar;

IN the beginning God made the heaven and the earth. t Hut the earth was Wl8i.ghtly and unfurnished, and dnrkness was over the deep, and the SplJ"it of God moved over tho water. 3 And God said, Let there be light, and there W&8 light. 4And God 8&11' the light that it was good, and God divided between the light II and the dnrkneas. I And God called the light Day, and the dnrkness he called Night, and there was evening and there was mOrIllllg, the first day.

I And God B&i.d, Let there be a firmament if! ~~e midst of the water. and let it be a division between water and water, and it "'BII80. 7 And God made the firmament, and God divided between the water which was under the firmament and the water which WBII above the firmament. 'And God called the firmament Heaven,and C:iod 8&11' that it was good, and there W&8 evening and there was morning, the second day.

I And God IIIlid, Let the water which is under the heaven be collected into one 'Y place, and let the dry land appear, and it 11'&8 80. And the water which was under the heaven was collected into a its places, and the dry land appe&red. 10 And God called. the dry land Earth. and the' sat)lerinl!s of the waters he called Seas, and God. 8&11' i.Lat it was good. 11 And God said. Let the earth bring forth the herb of gT&8S 9 hearing eeed according to its kind and aooording to its likeness, and the fruit-tree bearing fruit whose eeed is in it,accordin~ to ita kind "on the earth, and it was 80. And the earth brought forth the herb of grua bearing eeed aooording to ita kind and according to its likeneea, and the fruit t.ree be&rinlf fruit whose seed is in it, aceoeding to its kind 011 the earth, and God mw that it was good. 13 And there was evening and there was morning, the third day.

14 And God mid, Let there be lillhts in the firmament of the heaven" to gire light upon the earth, to divide between day and night aud let them be for signs and for seasona and for dava and for years. U And let them he for light in the firmament of the heaven, so as to shine upon the earth, ami it was so. 16 And God made the two great lights. the greater light for regulating the 011.)' .aud the

R Or .... d bcrw_1IuI darluleu. 11_ .. Or. meellDar. d Or. &heir meetlDlll. tOr. I18lem ..

".l.1cz. + .i. ~... " Or. for lla'bl or ohIIWl!r.

(J GT.80W~.

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GENESIS 1. 17-11. 5.

lesser li~b t for regulBtin~ the night, the stBrs also. 17 And God placed them In the firrnn, ment of the heaven. so M to shine upon the earth Liaml to regulate day and night. and to divid~ between the light and the dnrkness, And God IIDW that it was good. 18 And there was evening and thero was morning. the

fourth day. .

:I) And Hod laic\, Let the waters bring forth reptiles fJ having life, and winged creature. flying abore the carta in the firmament of heaven. Bnd it was 80. :!I Ami God made great ., whales. and a en'l'Y living l't!Ptile, which the waters brought forth according to their kinds, and every creature that l1ies with wings according to ita kind, and God saw f.hat they were good. Il And God blessed them, IIDyinll. Increase and multiply ami fill the waters in the seas. and let the creatures that fly be multiplied on the earth. II And there was evening and there was morning, the flfth day.

It And God said. Let the earth bring forth the living' creature according to its kind. quadrupeds and reptiles and Wild beasts of the eartb according to their kind, and it "1!.S BO. :Ii And God milde the wild beasts of the earth according to their kind, and cattle according to their kind. and all the reptiles of the earth according to their kind. and God saw that they were good.

21 And God eaid. Let us make man sccording to our image and likeness. and let them have dominion over the fish of the sen, and over thellying creatures of heaven. and over the cattle and a.Jl the earth, and over all the reptiles that creep on the earth. ':1 And God made man, according to the image of God U he mode him, male and female he made them. ::II And God blessed them, lIIlying. Increase and multiply. and fill the earth and subdue it, and haye dotninion over the fish of the 8005 and llrin,lt ereatures of heaven. and all the cattle and a.Jl the earth, and a.Jl the reptiles that creep on the earth. • And G:od said. Behold I have given to you every seed-bearing herb BOwing seed whirh is upon a.Jl the earth. and every tree which has in itself the fruit of seed that illOWD, to you it. sha.Jl be for food. 3D And to a.Jl the wild beasts of the earth, and to a.Jl the flying creatures of heaven, ~nd to every reptile creeping on the earth. wnich has in itseJ f the A breath of life, even every green plant for food; and it was 10. II And God eaw a.JI the things that he had made, and. behold, they were very good. And there was evenmg and there was morning, the aixth dar. 1 And the heavens and the esrth were finiahed, and the whole ,,"world of them.

2 E And God finished on the aixth day his works which he made, lind he ceaeed on the seventh uay from a.JI his works which be made. I And God blessed the seventh day and IIIlnct,i6ed it. because in it he ceuedfrom a.Jl hi! works which God • began to do.

4 This i6 the book of the lIeneration of heaven and earth. when p they were made. in the dnv in which the Lord God made the heaven and the earth.' and every herb of the



Tlj~ ~p.€pa~, Kat TOil c/>wnT1ipa TOll EAclCTCTW (.~ J,)Xa.~ Tlj~ WKTO s,

leal. Toi·~ UUTEpali. Ka, itJf.TO ain-o~ 0 0(u~ £V ~ OTEp(~)p.aTf. 1-; TOV oi:pallov. Werr( <Paillnv brl Tlj~ yij~. Kat lipXEW Tij. ~p.ipa. 18 Kal rij. VVICTO~. Kal OtaX"'pi,flll w,u P.f.CTOV TOV CPfJY1'o", KaL ava

P.€CTOII TOU CTKOTOV"· Kat EI8fv /) 0(0. on lCaAOV. Kat. lyo,uo 19

f.UT.£pa., «at. Eyo,ero 'lrpwt. ~,upa TerclpnJ.

Kat '!lTfII b 0EO s, EeayayCrw Ta. vSam (plTEOII. t/roxwv twuwv. 20 Kat. 'lrerElva. 'lrerop.fva E'lrL Tlj .. yij~ KaTa 70 unp(wp.a TOU ovpa-

VOU· KaL EyEI'UO oiiT~. Kal. f:lroiYJUfII b 0EO. Ta K{p-rJ Ta. 21

p.E"'f0.'Aa. Kal 'lriiual' "fllm" ,blWI' fP7TUWV. <l. Ul/yay' Ta. V&tTa KaTa. Y(VYJ ainwv. Kat. 71'0.11 7TerELVOII 7TTEpWTOV KaTa '1£1'0,,· Kat

floEV b 0(0" OTt KaNt. Kal. (/'AOYYJUEV aina. /) 0(0 s, A(ywV. 22

av,avEu(), Kal. 7TAYJ{J';VEU()E, Kat 7TAWMuaTE Ta. iiSaTa (II Tai:.

()aJviuuaL~. Ka, TO. 7Ter(Wa 7T>"YJ9uv(u()wuav wI. Tljc; yij.. Kat 23

Ey(vero ECT7T(pa, Ka, 'Y(II(TO, ~p.ipa 7T(!L7fT'1'

Ka, (!7I'fII /) 0(0 •• ;'~ayayCrw ~ yij ';t·m" 'wuav KaTa. y(vo s, 2~ Terpa7Tooa. KaL f.p7TUa.. Kal. ftqpia rij<; yij. KaTa yo,o .. • Kal. EY(VEOO oVrwc;. Kat ifroi'I]CTEv 0 0(0" Ta. ftqpia rij~ yij. KaTl1. 25 Y(1I0', Kal. TO. ICT7jVYJ KaTa. yo,o<; aUTWV, KatfrclVTa Tft. (pfrera. Tlj. yij. KaTa. y(vo s · Kal. '!OEV b 0EO. on KaM. '

Kal. '!fr(V " 0(0), 7TO'","WP.fII a..,()PW7TOV KaT' EiKova 26 Kal Karl bp.o{wULII· Kat UpXCrwCTall TWV 'XOVwll Tlj. ()aAD.uCTTJ~.

Kal. TWV r.UELIIWV TOV oupavOU. Kal TWV ICTTfl'WII. Kal. 7TclCTTJ" Tlj~ yij;. Kat. fraVTWV TWV f.P7TrrWII TWV lpr.OVTWII wI. Tl1> yij>. Kat 2i bra'","(11 b 0(0. TOV lill()fNJ1r0V' KaT' (Ucol'a 0EOU ifrot'I]CTEII ainov' Upu(V Kat 07jAV Efroiy/UfII ainou.. Kat EVAO-Yl1U'I' 28 aWov> 0,0EO., Ai,!",v. aveavEollE Kal frA,.,9VvEu()" Kal 7TAYJPW<TaTE nil' yijll. Kat. KIlTl1KVPLalcrU7( atmj;· KatlipX(T( TWV lX8Vwv

Tlj .. ()a.>..O.uCTT]>, Kal TWV 7TETElvWV TOU ovpavol·. kat .".aVTWV TWII KT7JVWV, KalfrUa-q. T~ yij>. KaL fraVTWV TWV iplTeTWV TWV (p1rOVTWV €r.L rij<; yij.. Kal ,17TEV 0 0(0", 'ISou OEOwKa VP.II' r.avra 29 X0(ITov CT7TOP'P.OV CT7TELpOV CT7T(pp.o.. 0 lO'TU' lr.avw 7Ttitrr]. Tlj. yij;- Kal fro.v e,;,\ov. & €Xn £11 favr4' Ka.p7TOV CT7TEpp.aTO<; CT7Tap{p.ov. vp.i:" €CTTa' d .. {3pWULV. Kal 7Tiiut TOi:. ftqpiOL" rij<; 30

... '\...... ......,...,'« ....

YYJ'" Kat fraUL TOL" frunvot.. TOl' OVpaIlOl', Kat fraVTt (p1reT~

Epr.OVT' ifrl. rij<; yij s, 8 €xH EV ,avr4' t/romv 'wq ... Kal fraVTa

XOpTov XNupov £l" {3pWvw' Kal Eyo,uo oiiT~. KaL £1&v 31

o 0EO' Tit fravrCl. WOo (7TOLYJUE. Kal. .&u Ka.>..Q. Alav· KaL Eyo,ETO

f.cnripa.. Kat ly(V(TO lTpwt. ~P.(pa €ICTYJ. KaL UWET£A(ufJ-quav 2

" ovpavo~ Kat ~ yij, KcU. ".a~ 0 KOuIL<K atn-CiJv.

KaLlTWeT(AEUfII b 0Eo.. EV rjj ~P.(P'l- rjj ('"71 Ta. ;pya ainGu. 2 & l7TO''l]CTE· Kal KaT(1rUlIO'E rjj ~p.~ rjj f.{3&JP.V a7TO lTaVTwII

TW" €pywv ai;TOto, ~v £frOi'I]CTE. KCll WMyt,ufll 0 0EO" n,v 3

~p.ipa.v n,v ({3&Jp..".,. Kal ;,ylaCTEV a~v, OTt II' aVrfj KaT(frallO'fII &11'0 fraVTWV TWII €pywv ClinOU. ~v ~p,aTo & 0(0" '1rOL;jUClt.

AVT7J ~ {3i{3>..o. 'YfII(U£~ o/'pavou KaL yij;. OTE lyo,ero, V -l ~!LlP'l- EfrOI.'l]CTE Kupto<; 0 0(0.. TOil ovpavOV Kal n,v yijv. Kal. /)

II LIt. of Ii.lall _II. ., Or. probabl,. .a11 .... lIah. or marine aDimalo, whelher .. 18 ........ or aoL

, Or ... ..,.lOul or li.iDe reptUe.. COr. IODL , 1I.L Ill. 4. l\ Gr. lOul. ,. Or. order. See Jolul L 10.

• Or. mado III Ibo belriADlDll. Bee Acto 1. I. ~ Or. il lOOk plac:e.

f nob.t ...

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,ro" 'XAWpO" .lypov 7rPO TOV YCV((JfJaL ('Il't Tij~ ~, Kat 7raVTa 'X,OPTO" uypov 7r"o TOV &'vaT€tAaL' ou yQp E{3p€~€V b 0€o~ bTL 6 Tl]" yilv, KaL a"fJpW7r~ OUK ~v (py01;(afJaL almJv. n'7Y~ ~E &,yE{3aL"CV £IC ri/~ y7i~, Kat '7rm-",£ 7rei" TO 7rpOaW7rO" Tij. y7i~. 7 Kat aAaa£V 0 0£o~ TO" avfJpW7rO", Xovv &'7r0 Tij~ y7i~' Kat ("ECPtXn,aCV d~ TO 7rpOuW7rO" ClWOV 7rVu1]" 'wl7~' ICat (YCvao I, Q.vfJPW7r~ £~ t/ro~" ,WaClV.

8 KaL (CPVTnKTCV 0 0€0~ 7rapaonaoll 'v 'EOEf4 KaTo. u"aTOAaI:' 9 ICal ElJao EICE' ro" o.IIfJpW7rO", 11v aAaa£. Kal lea,VU€l.A£II b e€~ £.rL (IC rik ~ 7ra" ~MV wpa,o" €ll: opaaLl', Kal ICaAOV d~ {3pWaLl', KaL TO eVMV -n:;~ ,~ (V f4EU'f! TOV 7rapao£laov. Kal TO

10 £VM" TOV dOWaL "IVWlTTOV ICMOV Kal 7rOV1]pov. nOTaf4o~

OE (IC7rOpruaaL U 'EoEf4 7rOTi,fLl' TOV r.ap~ELaov· iICEtfJ£I' 11 d.cpopi{aClL Ell: T(Uaapa~ d.pxa~. ·O"of4a '1'«1 (I'l, 4>LlTW,,' otr~

;, IClIKAWI' 7reiuav ~ y7iv EULAaT' (ICE' o~ (ITTL TO xp1JCTlov. 12 To OE xp1JCTlov ri/~ y7i~ (ICEl~ Ka.AO,,· I<al EI<€' llTTLI' 0 a"fJ~, 13 KaL 0 Al(J~ b 1rpO.ULI'~. Kal ovof4a ,..;; 7rOTa~ '1'';; Ot:lTTir'f!, 14 rfWv- otr~ 0 IClIKAWV 7reiUClV T1]v y7]I' Al(JL01rla~. Kat I,

7rOT~1: ;, TplTO~, Tlypw o~~ ;, 7rp07rOpEvOf4EI'~ KaTfvaVTL

15 'Aucropw,,' I, ~E 7rOTaf4~ b TlTaPT~' Eucppa~. Kal u..o.{3E

Kvp~ I, 0EO~ '1'1111 o.,,(JPW7rO" 8v aAaaE, Kat EOao awov (V '1'';; .".apa&~ ri/I: TPVCP~~, (py01;EuOaL awo" KaL CPVAaUUELv.

J 6 Kat lv£TElAaTO KvpLol: b 0E~ '1'';; 'A~o.f4' AEywv, &'1r0 1rallTo~ 17 ~AOV TOV lv Toj> 7rapa~Ela'f! {3PW(T(L cpayji. 'A7r;' ~E TOV ~AOV TOV YLI'WuKEL" KMO" Kat 1rOV1]pO". au cpayEufJE &'7r' awov' iI~' &v ~f4~ cp&.yrrrE d7r' awov, (Ja"aT'f! &'7ro8a"fW8E.

18 Kat EI7r' KvpLO~ I, 0E~, OU KaAOI' ElvaL TOV avfJpW7roll 140"0'" 19 7rOL-quWf4£V aVT<i' {3O'?Oo" KaT' awov. Kat 17rAau£V I, 0EO~ ETL II( ~ yij~ vaVTa. T" 8qpla TOV aypoii, Kat 1Tavra. Tn 1I"£T£tVa TOV aUpa"ov' ICat Vtay£V awo. 7rpO~ Tal' 'Aoaf4, 1&,,, Tt I<MEu€I. Clwn' KClt 7reil' 11 EU" ll<M£UE" awo ' A~a.f4 t/rox~" 'Waav. TOWO

20 OVOf4C1 ClVT<i', Kat EKtiAfU£V 'Aoaf4 d"of4C1Ta 7rauL TOt~ KT"1jvfUL, Kal 1rau, TOLr; "lTETELVOl!1 TOV oupavov, Kal 7reiUL To,r; (}qptOLI: TOV

21 uypov' Toj> Of • Aoaf4 OUX EVp((}q {3O'1}fJo~ Of40tol: awoj>. Kat

ttl{3M(v I, 0€0r; EIClTTaO"LI' ttl TOV ·A~a.f4' Kat lnrvwuE' ICal iAa{3E piav ,.wv r.AEVpW" awov. ICaL aV€"lTA?]pWUE atl.pKa alIT' 22 aVTijr;. KaL ~oOOf4T/UfV I, 0for; ~V "lTArupo.v, ~ u..o.{3cv d."lTO TOV 'Aoaf4 d~ yvva'I<a' Kal Vtay£V aVTl]v "lTpor; TOV 'A~f4' 23 Kal fT7r£V 'A~f4' TOWO viiv dlTTovv (K TWV OUTEWV f40V, ICal a~ (K ri/~ uapl<~ .f40V· aiTr7J ICAT/ffiJuETaL ~,OTL II< TOV 24 &,y~ a~ fA#(}q. -EVEK£V ToVTOV I<aTMEl.{tEL avOpW7ror; TO" 7rClTEpa awov ICal T1]v f47JTEpa.. Kal 7rPOUICOAAT/6-1umu "lTpOl: 3 T1]v yvvCltKa awov' ICal. EUOIITaL 01 ~vo d~ uapKa 14m". Kat ~ua" 01 OVa YVf4VOt, 0, Tf • Aoaf4 I<al ~ ~ awov, I<at OUIC yjuxVvollTo.

2 '0 Of ;;CPL~ ~v CPPovLf4w,.aT~ 7raVTWV TWV (}qpiw" TWV ("lTl ri/~ ~, ~" '7rol7JU' Kvpto~ b 0Eor;' Kal. EX"lTEV b O<PL~ Tji yvvaLl<l, Tl on €l7r£V I, 0E~, ou f4TJ cpa.yrrrE d."lTO r.C1VTOr; ftlAov TOV "lTapa- 3 OEWOV; Kal. ,17r£V ~ yv~ Toj> oCPEL, U"lTO I<apr.-ov TOV ~tiAov TOV


fleld before it WlIS on the mrth. nnd all tho Il'rassof the field before it sprouguPjfor Got! had not rained on the earth, and t iero wa. not a man to cultivate it. 'But there roso n fountain out of the earth. and watered the whole face of the earth. 7 And God formed tho man 01 dust of the earth ... and breathed upon his face the breath 01 life. !land the man became a living soul.

8 And God planted a garden eoat,mrd in Edem, and plBced there the man whom he had formed. I Ami God made to 8l,ring up also out of the earth cvery tree beautiful .., to the eye and good for food. and the tree of life in the midst of the garden. and the tree of learning 6 the knowledge of good and evil. 10 And a river proceeds out of Edem to water the garden, thence it divides itself into four heads. II The name of the one; Phisom, this it is which encircles the wholl' land of E"i1at, w],ere there is gold. 12 And the gold of that land is good, there also is carbuncle and emerald. 11 And the uame of the I800nd river is Ueon~ this it is which encircles the whole land 01 lithiopia. WAnd the third river is Tigris, this is that which tlows forth over IIj!&inst the AssVl'ians. And the fourth river is Euphrates, ')1 And the Lord God took the man whom he had formed, and placed him in the garden of Delight, to cultivate and keep it. II And the Lord God gave a ch&rflc to Adam, saying. Of every tree which 19 in the garden thou' mayest freely eat, I; but of tho tree of the knowledge of good and evilof it ye shall not eatU but in whateoever day ye eat of it. ye sha B surely die.

18 And the Lord God It i8 not good that the man should be alone, let WI make for him a help" suitable to him. III Anei God formed yet farther out of the earth all the wild beasts of the field, and all the birds of the sky, and ho brought them to Adam, to see what he .... ould call them, and whatever Adam called any living "crea· ture, that wae the name of it. .. And Adam t gavo names to all the cattle and to all the birds of the sky, and to all the wild beasts of the field, but for Adam there was not found a help liko to himself. II And God browrht a trance upon Adam, and he slept, and he took one of his ribs, and fllled UI1 the flesh instead thereof. :I And God ... formed the rib which he took from Adam into a woman, and brought her to Adam. :'"J And Adam IlBid. This now is bone P of my bones, and tleeh of my flesh; she shall be called" woman, because she was taken out of T her husband. to! Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother and shall4>cleavo to his wife, and tht'y t .... o sball be one flt1!Ih. I And the two were naked, both Adam and his wife, and were not asnamed.

'Now the serpent was the most crn.fty of all the brutes on the earth, which the Lord God made, anel the serpent said to the .... 0· man. Wherefore has God said Eat not of every tree of the RIlrden? a And the woman said to the serpent, We may eat of the fruit

/J 1 Cor. 15. ~. ., Gr. for light. & Or, tbat wbleb it to be known. Compo Rom. :.l~. C Or. eat ror rood. (J Or, die by duth.

A Gr. aeoorcibqr 10 him. ,. Gr. sou], f Gr. called. If Gr. built. p Or, out or. see Lbe ro,.,., or i. In .8ph. S. 8(1. ., Or. wir ••

~ ID the H.b. the rcuou or tbe name appean. She Ihall be called lulia bcca.oe abe was LakeD ont or III. • Or. be cemented. llaL 19. 4.

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of the trees of tho prden, 4 but of tho fruit of tho tree which is in tho midst of the Pl'don. God said, Ye shall not eat of it. neither shall yo toucn it, lest yo die. i And the serpent said to tho woman fJ Yo shall not surely dio. 'For God bow tkt in whatever day yo should eat of it your eyes would be opened, andro would be as gods, bowing good and evil. 7 And tho woman saw that the tree was good for food. and that it was pleasant to the eyes to look upon and beautiful to contemplate and haring taken of its fruit she ate, and ;he gave to her husband also with her, and they ate. 8 And the eyes of both were opened. and they perceived that they were naked, and they sewed fig leaves togetherl and made themselves aprons to go round tnem. Y And thor heard the voice of the Lord God walking in the prden in the afternoon i' and both Adam and his wife hid themse ves from the face of the Lord God in the midst of the trees of the prden. 10 And the Lord God called Adam and said to him, Adam, where art thou? II And he eaid to him, I heard 'Y tLr voice 118 thou walkedst in the garden, and I feared because I 'was naked and 1 hid myself. 12 And God said to him, Who told thee that thou 'wast naked, unlesa thou hast eaten of the tree concerninlf which I charged thee of it alone not to eat ~ IlIAnd Adam said, The woman whom thou pvest 1.0 be with me+she pve me of the tree and I ate. 14 And the Lord God said to the woman, Why hast thou done thisP And the woman .aid, The serpent deceived mo and I ate.

16 And the Lord God said to the serpent.

Because thou hast done this thou art cuned above all cattle and all the brutes of the earthhon thy breast and bell,. thou shalt go, and t ou shalt eat earth all tho days of thy life. III And I will put enmity between thee and the woman and between th,.aeedand her seed, he shall "watch apinst thy head, and thou shalt "watch against his heel. Ii And to the woman he said, 1 will greatly multiply thy ~ and thy groanings; in pain thou shalt bring forth ohildren, and thy "submission shall be to thy h118band\and he shall rule over thee. 18 And to Aaam he said, Because thou hast hearkened to the voice of thy wife, and eaten of the tree concerning which I charged thee of it only not to eat-of that thou hast eaten, cuned i. tho ground in thy labours, in pain shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life. 10 'l'horns and thistles shall it bring forth to thee, and thou shalt eat the herb of the field. :IUln the sweat of thy face Bhalt thou eat thy bread until thou return to the earth out of which thou wast taken, for earth thou art and to earth thou shalt return. :1 And Adam called the name of his wife'" Life, because she was the mother of all living. ::-! And the Lord God made for Adam and his wife prments of skin, and clothed thew.

~ And t God said. Behold. Adam is become 'La one of 118. to know good and evil, and now lest at any time he stretch forth his hand. and take of the tree of life and eat, and 110



'7I'apa.OELCTOV cpa,ovfL(6a' 'A7!'C) (IE TOU Kap7l'0V TOV ~>..ov, 0 EUTLV 4 '" P.(utP TaU 1Tapao(iO'ov. EI7TEV;' 0EOso. ou q,ciy€u(}( ar' ain-ou, O~S( p.q o.l/rqcT8E am-ov, iva p.7J a7l'06a."'P'E. Kw EX7I'EV b ocpLe; 5 rii yvvauc{' ov 6ava.T't' a'7l'06avE'0'6E. -HSn yOp b 0(0e;; on V 6 &1' 7w4lf cpa.yrrrE a'7l" a~Tov, SUlVotxfh1o'oVTaL vp.wv 01 ocp6oAp..ol, leaL (CTEcr/J, We; 6EOl., YLVwCTKoVTEe; leaAOv leaL '7I'OV71pOv. Kat 7 ElSa TJ -rw'l, OTt IeMaV TO ~V'\OV Ele; PPWcrLV, leW OTt dpEmv TOLe; ocpfJa.>.p.o'e; 1&,1', Kal. wpaWv EUTt TOV leaTavojjcrat· leal. Ao.po~'Ua. a1To TOU lCap1roU abrov, Ef/lay,· leaL 1&'l(c leaL Tcfi d..,8pl aVri]c; P.ET' aVrJic;, leat (cpa.yov. Kat OL'f/I'OIx8r1crav oi ocpOa.>.p.ot 8 TedV SVo, leal. ~av OTt "fIIp.vol. ~av' KaL (ppay,av cpvAAa. CTvlO7e;, leW brol7JfTav EaUTO,e; '7I''Pr.{,wp.aTa. Kat -i1leovcrav ~e; 9 ~vije; Kvpioo TOV ®Eov '7I'Ept'7l'aTOVVT~ Ev T.fI '7I'apa&icr't' TO &lAIVOV' leat flepV{J1JCTav 0, TE • Aso'p. lea, TJ "fIIv7J awov a,ro '7I'POCTW7rOV Kvplov TOV 0EOV EV p.ECT't' TOV ~v'\ov TOil '7I'apa&icrov. Ka, EIeQ}.,ECTEV Kvpwc; b 0EO, 1'01' ' Aso'p., leaL EX7I'EV am-.fI. 'ASa.p. 10 1I'oil EX; Kal. (I1I'EV aw.fl· ~,cpwv;j<; CTOV -i1leovcra '7I'(pl'7l'aTOilv- 11 ~ Ev ~ 7rO.pD&LCT't', leat (CPO{3"'6-qv OTt "fIIp.voe; Eip.I, leal. flepv{3'f/1'. Kal. EI1I'EV aw.fl b 0Eo., TIe; d.vfrryElAi O'ot OTL 12 "fIIp.voe; EX, d p.7J a,ro Toil ev>..ov, oli EV(TEv..o.P.'f/I' CTO! TOWO;' p.ovov p.q cpayELv, a'7l" awoil EcpaYE>; Kal. EI7I'EV b ' AM,...· '" 13 -rw'l, ~v (&iKae; ,...ET' '''''ov, aiinJ fLOt E&..cEV a,ro Toil ev>..ov, leat (cPayov. Kal. EI1I'E KvpI~ b 0EOc; rii yvvaucl' 1'1 TOVTO 14 ('7I'Olljuae; ; leat EX7I'EV TJ "fIIv7J,. /) i5cp!e; Tpru:npi poE. leat Ecpayov.

Kat EI7I'E Kvpwc; b 0EO, T.fI i5t/H.I· OTt ('7I'or:1JCTae; TOVTO, 15

, , , .', ... ... , ", ...

Er.f.I(aTapaT~ CTV a1l'0 71'aVTWV TWV ICT'TJ"WV, leal a7l'0 71'UI'TWV TWV

6-qpLwV TWV E7I't rii> yq<;' Ed T.fI CTT"J/6n CTOV leal. rii KO~ 7rOPcVurJ, leal. riv cpa.yfj 7I'cl.cra, 1'0.<; TJ,...Epa, ~ ~wiie; CTOV. Kat 16 lX6puv 8ipw avO. ,...ECTov CTOV leW avO. ,...ECTOV ~ "fIIvauco<;, leal. elva P.ECTOV Toli CT7f'Ep,...aToe; CTOV, KW elva ,...iCTOV TOV CT7f'€p,...aTo, aVrJic;· am-oe; CTOV rqplju£lIeEcpaA7JV, Ka, ui, rqP."CTEt<; am-oli r.T€pvav. Kat 1 7 rii yvvaucl. EI7I'E' '7I'A-q8Vvwv 71'AfJOww 1'0.<; >..ti7l'a<; CTOV, leW 1'01' UTEVCI.Yp.OV CTOV' (V A"",aLe; Ti~ TElCVa, leal. '7I'pO'> 1'01' o.vSpa CTOV

.;, a7Tcxrrpocp." UOO· leal. avroc; CTOV IeVPIElXTEt. T.fI S£ 'AS«p. 18 ,X7I'EV' on -i1Kovcrac; rii> ~vn.. ~ yvvaucOc; CTOV, leal. E</>aYEC; a7To ToV ~>..ov, oli EvEnlAa.,...fJv CTOL TOWOV p.Ovov ,...q cpa.yiiv,

a7T' am-oil EcPaYEe;, fr.UCaTl;'paT~ ,j "Yii Ev TOLc; EpyOI<; 0'00' Ev

A""'al<; cpayfj alm]v '7I'a.CTae; TO.,> ';'''''Epa'> ~e; {w1jc; CTOV. 'AKav- J 9

{Jac; leaL TPL{3oAov<; civaT£AIL CTOL, leal. cpa.yfj 1'01' XO(JTOV TOV

aypov. 'Ev iSpwn '"ov 7TpoCTW7roo CTOV cpaYii 1'01' OpTOV CTOV, 20

cw,> TOV rl-rrcxrrpiy,at CTE d, 1'1]1' riv E~ ~ EA#£fqc;· OTt yii EI,

leal. de; riv a'7l'EA.aIcry. Kal. EIeUAICTEV 'ASa,... TO i5vop.a ~<; :1 J yvvaucoc; awov Zwq, OTt ,....;,rqp 7Ta.VTIIW T;;W {WVTWV. Kal. 22 broi7JCTE KvpLoc; b 010e; T.fI 'Aso',..., leal. rii "fIIvauc, am-ov XLTwvae; SEp,...aTlvov<;, Ka' (V(OVCT(V awow.

Kat EI7TEV b 010<;, lOot.. 'AS«p. yf-yov£II We; ETe; ~~ ';'~v, T~V 23 'YLvWcrK"V ICaAOv leal. '7I'ovqpOv' leat vW ,...~ roOT( flCTElVU rqv XELpa awov, leat >..O.PV a7To TOv ~v>..ov ~~ ~(.Wjc; leaL cpa.'Y[I,

p Or.7fJ lhall Dol die by death. ~ Or,the IODDd or th .. walkiDjl. d Gr. am.

po ... go an ,..A-ift. &lid .Ai,fftr aDd TCtpi,o •• aod ,c"i,..n. See ParI.:A"TlC lu F'I':'.

t Gr. an. e Gr. keep. Other readlap or the

~ Gr.laralD!\'. '" Gr. Zoe. f .dIu. + IIIe Lord. G I

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24 Ka~ ~Jju(Ta& fl~ Tal' cUWva. Kal Udr.ECTW.AO' a~v KvpW!1 0 0fO~ be rou r.apa.&luou ~ TPV4>i! .. , £py~fcrOd& rip- yijv l~

2j ,;~ cA#9q. Ka~ Ul{3llA£ TOv 'ABaJL, lCa~ lCa~tCTO' airrov rir.l. vavn rou r.apa.&woo TJjs T~' lCat batE TO. XEpou{3'r.p.· lCa~ rip- ",>..cry'''''V POJLq,a£a.v -np, CTTpcCPOJLOrqv, cj>UNlnUf&V -np, boov TOU ~VAoU ~ ~~,..

4 'ABaJL OE ~VfIl EUav -np, yvvaiKa allrou, lCai crvUa{3oixra

b£lC£ TOv Kc.U:v· lCai Elr.O', f.""1rT4JLTTV av8p«mrov ow TOV Gl£ov. 2 Kat r.pocTl.9qICE TflCCW TOv d&Aq,ov awov Tal' • A{3fA' lCai (yE.

V(TO ·A{3EA r.O'f'Ttv r.po{3aTfIW, Kc.U:v Of 1,1' f.P'Ya~oJLO'O!1 TTptyi7v. 3 Kal lyf:vETO p,E6 .qp.ipo.!1 ~IC( Ktfiv rir.o T';,., ICa.prrWV ~ 'Y~ 4 &verlaI' T~ Kvp"". Kal "A{3iA ;p,C-YICE lCal. airr~ ri7rb TWV r.pwTOTOICWY TWv ... po~a.TW'" (lin-ou. KaL a1To T(;W OT€clTWV G.wwv· 5 leat f.7rE'i&v 0 @,~ (r.L" A{3tA, lCai f.7rt TO~ oWpo&" dWOV. 'EroL BE Kc.U:v, leal. cr.l TaL!1 8vuld&!1 awov, oll r.pocTl.CT)(£' ICdL lAV7r'"!Ifr1

6 Kc.U:v AlD.V, lCat crvvmuE T~ ropOrT':J1r~ awou. Kal (rroE

KvpW!1 0 0(~ ~ Kc.U:v, iva Tt r.cplAvr.os £rf:voU, lCai iva TL 7 crvvmrT( TO lI'POOIlm'OV rTOtI; OllK lav tJpfI~ 7rpocTO'f-yIC'(J'" 1Jp8~ 8( p'fJ &A~, Tif'ClP'l'(~; TJcrvxa(TOJr r.1JO<; (T( .q &..0- tlTpot/IfJ aw-ov, lell' uV «Wov.

8 Kal Elr.E Kc.U:v r."o" "Af3iA TOV riOiAq,ov awov, 0&1.A81JJJLEV d" TO lI'£8{ov' ICdl. (yf:vETO lv ~ ,Iva& awov.. (V ~ r.EO"", riVI.C1T7I KcUv f.7rt "A{3iA TOv dOiAq,ov dWoV, lCai Ur.EICT(!V(V

9 aVrov. Kat (111'( Kvpto<; 0 Glf~ 1f'"o" Kc.U:v· r.oV :CTTtV "A{3tA

(\ d&Aqm (TOU; lCat E11l'0', oll 'YU4TICIJJ' JL~ "'v~ TOU rioiA- 10 .pou JLOV Eipl ¥; KaL Elr.f Kvp&os, T[ 7rf7roIYJlea!1; ~ 11 a.ip.aTOS TOU d&A.pov (TOO {3oij. r.~ JLE (Ie ~!1 yij.. KaL vW f.7rUCdTQ.po.TOS rTV d7rb TJjs yi7!1, ~ (XaVE TO CTTOf'Cl aW71" 0(. 12 ~& TO aIJLClTov dlltA.poii (TOU (1e~!1 X£!pO!1 (Tou. ·OT£ cP'Y~ TTpt yi7v, Kal olI11'pcxr8JjuEt -np,loxVv aW71" Iloiival (TO" O'Tf:vIJJV J 3 lCai TpEf""V (O!I f.7rl. ~ yi7s. Kal f17l'£ Kc.U:v 1f'"o<; Kvp&ov TOV 14 0£ov, JLf{(.fIW .q dlTla JLOU TOV ri~d;' JLf. El (1e{3Q)..AEt!1 JLE a-qJLEPOV ri7rb 1I'pocTW7l'oo ~ yi7s, leal d1l'o TOV 1f'POrTW1roU rTOU

ICpv{3fpOf'Cl" Kd' ((TOf'll' CTTWwV Kal TPl.f'IJJV f.7rL ~ yi7s, lCal.

J 5 ((]'TW .".as 0 dJpWlefIW JLf, d1l'01CTEV£L JLE. Kat fLr.O' awcjj Kvpto<; 0 GlE~, ollX oVrIJJ' 1f'o.s b d1l'0ICTfLVa!1 KcUv, ma (ICO,. 1C0VJLEVa 7rG.pIlAt$an. Kal (8ETO Kvpto<; 0 0t:oi O"'fJJLfWV Tee Kc.U:v: TOU JL~ dVEAfLV awol' 7r«!'Ta Tal' dJpwlCoVTa awov.

16 'E~A8f 8( Karv &1f'0 1f'pouWroo rov 0fOV, lCaL ~Kl'}(TEV (V "rii NaLO lCaTWaVTl 'EOlJL.

17 KaL i-yvm Karl' -np, yvva.ilCa ailTov' lCai crvUa{3oixra bEICE

TOv 'EvwX' Kal t,v olKoIlop.Wv 1I'0Aw- leallr.wVOJLllCTf Tijv 1f'OA!V 18 f.7rl Tcii tJVOf'ClT' Toil vlov awov, 'EvwX' 'E'Y&n16'YJ Of Tee 'EvwX raioao' lCaL rai:Bao(y~ETOv MaAEAnlA' lea, l\IIlAEAtf]A (yivVYJO'f TOV Md80VrTaAa' lCai MaOOVrTaAa (y~E TOV Aa,.,.EX' 19 Kdl €>..a.{3fV (aw<ii Aap.'X 000 yvvaUca~' ovof'Cl rii JLUj., 'Aoa' 20 lCal. OVOf'Cl rii OEwipCf, l(A~a. KdL b£lefV 'A80. TOV 'IIJJ{3~A' 21 ~ t,v 1f'a~p OUcOVVTwV lv (T1C'qVCli:~ 1CTTfI'00PO¢WV. Kal.

ovof'Cl T<ii d&A</Jcii awov, 'Ioo{3M' o~os ~v 0 lCaTa8£tta~


he shall live for ev~ So tho Lord God Bent him forth out of the garden of' Delight to cultivate the ground out of which he "·88 taken. 20 And he cast out Adam and caused him to dwell over apinst the garden of Delight, and stationed the cherubs and the fiery s ..... ord that turru about to keep the way of the tree of life.

And Adam kntIW Eve bit! wife, and ehe conceived and brought forth Cain and saidJ I have gained a IIIIln through God. S Anu she again bore his brother Abel. And A bel was a keeper of aheep, but Cain was a tiller of the ground. I Ana it W8~ so fJ after some time tha.t Cain brought of the fruits of the earth a aacrifice to the Lord. 'And Abel Yalso brought of the Jil'lltbom of his sheep and of his fatlings, and God looked upon Abel and his gifts, • but Cain and his sacrifices he regarded not, and Cain was exceedingly sorrowful and his countenance fell 8 And the Lord God said to Cain, Why art thon become very sorrowful and why is thr countenance fallen P 7 Hast thou not sinned if thou hast brought it rightly, but not rightly divided it P be still, to thee ahall be his lubmiuion, and thou shalt rule over him. .

8 And Cain said to Abel his brother, Let us go out iuto the plain; and it came to Jl88S that when they were iu the plain Cain rose up against Abel his brotherl and flew him. g And the Lord God said to Cain, Where is Abel th,. brother? and he said, I know not am I my brother's keeper P I. And the L;;rd said, What hast thou done? the voice of thy brother's blood cries to me out of the lIlOund. 11 And now thou art cursed from the earth which hllB opened her mouth to receive thy brother's blood from thy hand. 12 When thou tilleat the earth, then it ahall not contiuue to give ita strength to thee: thou ahalt be ~ning and trembling on the earth.

And Cain said to the Lord God, My crime u too great for me to bo forgiven. 14 If thou castest me out this dar from the face of the earth,6 and I shall be hidden from thy presence, and I shall be groaniJ:J_g and trembling upon the earth, then it will be that anyone that finds me shall slay me. II And the Lord God said to him, Not BO, Imy one that slays Cain shall' suJfer seven-fold vengeance; and the Lord God Btlt a mark upon Cain that no one that. found him might slay him. 1680 Cain went forth from the preeenee of God and dwelt in the land of N ad orer against Edem.

11 And Cain knew his wife, and having conceived she bore Enooh; and he 6 built a city; and he named the city after the name of his B?nl Enoch. III And to Enoch was born Gaiaao.; and Gaidod begot Maleleel i and llaleleei begot MathU8ala; and .Matnuaala begot Lamech. 18 And Lameoh took to himself two wives; the Dame of the one was Ada, a.nd the name of the second Sella. 1lI And Ada bore Jobel; he ..... as the father of those thot dwell in 1 ents, feeding cattle. :1 And 1 he name of his brother was J ubal; he it was who

tJ Or. after dAft.

, Or. be aloo.

a Or. lheD IbaII J be.

rI Or. wu buildiJ1Ir.

, Gr. paT .... n peD&lUu.

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GENESIS IV. 22-V. 23.

Il invented the psolterv and harp. 22 And Sella yalso bore Thobel . III.' was 1\ smith, a manufacture» both of brass and iron: and tho sister of Thobel wus l' oemn, ::3 And Lamech enid to his win's, Ada and Sella, Hear my voice, ye wives of Lamecb, consider my words, because I han slain a man to my 6 sorrow and a youth to my 'grief. !!4llecause venjleBnoo has been exacted seven times on Cain s behalf, on Lamech's it shall be seventy tilnes seven.

:I A nd Adam knew Eve his wife, and she conceived and bore a son, and called his name Seth, saying, For God hlAS raised up to me another seed instead of Abel, whom Cain slow. :II And Seth had a son, and be '"81100 his name Enos: he 6 hoped to call on the nome of the Lord God.

This u the A_genealogy of men in the dar in which God made Adanl; in the image of God he made him: = male and female he made them, and blessed them; and he called II. his name Adam in the day in which he made them. • And Adam lived two hundred ann thirty years, and begot a .em after his own form, and after his own image, and he called his name Seth. • And toe days of Adam, whieh he lived after his begetting ::leth, were seven hundred yeors; and he begot sons and daughters, 6 And all the davs of Adam which he lived were nine hundred and thirty years, and he died. INow Seth lived two hundred and five ~·('llrs and begot Enos. i And Seth lived ufter iUs begetting Enos, seven hundred and seven vmrs and he begot sons and daughters. it And all the days of Seth were niue hundred and twelve years, and he died. 9.And Enos lived 1111 hundred and nine\·r years, and begot Cainan. III Aud Enos lived ilftcr his begetting Cainan, seven hundred ond fifteen years and he begot sons and dnughters, nAnd all the davaof Enos were nine hundred and five years, and he died. U And Cainan lived an hundred and seventy years, and he begot Maleleel. 13 And Cainan lived after his begetting ?tf aleloel, seveu hundred and fort.y ycar~. and he begot BOUS ,,"ddaughtt'rs. uAndall the days of Cainan were nine hundred and ten years, and he died.

Ii .A nd Maleleellived an hundred and aixt~ and five vcars, and he begot Jared. 1< Anu Maleleel 'Iived after his begetting Jared, seven hundred and thirtv years, and he Ix>eot sons and daughters, ·Ii And all the dars of Maleleel were eh;ht hundred and ninety and five years, and he died. I8And Jared lived an hundred and sixtvand two years, and besot Enoeh: It and Jwllived after his llt'll<'tting Enoch, eight hundred years. and he besotsons and daughters. :II And all the dnvs of Jared were nine hundred and suty lind two vears, and he died. 21 And Enoch Jived an hundred and six!)" and five years, und begnt lluthu!l8la. :: And Enoch \\"lIS well-pleasing to God nfter hi. beaetring Mathusnla, two hundred veers, ami he begot. FOn. and daughters, ::lI A·ud all the days of Enoch were three hundred and suty and



.paATTtPLOI' Kal. KL(}apall. lEU;' OE Kat alJrq £TEKE T611 0o/3u..· 22

Kat ~JI U<flUpOKOr.O~ XaAKEV~ XaAKoii Kut ULOI/POV· rH)EAq,~ OE

00/3EA, NOEp.a. E11TE OE AUP.EX TaL~ (uVToii yvJlaL~'I" 'Aoa 23

Kat lEUa, WcovuaTE P.OV Ti7~ q,wv~~, yvllaUcE~ Aap.EX, lVWTLuaU(}E p.0V TOl~ M')'"v~· 0 rt rivopa UlTEKTELlla EtC; TpavjILU lp.ol.,

Kat IIEaJlLUKOII dc; p.wAwr.a EP.O{. ·OTt E7ITUKL~ I.KoEOiK7JTaL EK 24 KrUll· EK OE i/3ooP.71KOIITWcLC; (lI'Ta.

"E')'I'W oE' Aoap. Evall nlv yvvaLKa alJToV· Kat crvUa./3ovua 25 £TEKU' VWII· KaL C7rWllop.aUE TO i)VOP.4 am-ov l~(), AfyOlJlTa, Ualllr:rrquE ')'Up P.OL b 0EO~ cnripp.4 (TEPOII UlITt ., A/3u.., 811

UlTf.KTEWE Kuill. KaL T';; l~() l-yEIIETO Vtoc;· (lTWIIOp.4UE OE TO 26

III ».... cE' .. It\ ' ~ \"'_j.J ''''

Oll0p.c; al/T~ov, ~ IIW~· OIiTOC; 71"7rLUEII ElTLKW\U<Tl7aL TO 0110/=


Au-n, ~ /3{(JAO~ ')'&EUEW~ UvlJpW7rW'" V ~P.Ep,!- f.lTO{T1fT& b 5 0EOC; TOil 'Aoap., KaT' EUcOva 0EOV E7roiT1fTEJI am-oil. "Apu& Kal 2 (}-ijAv E7rO{T1fTEII C1m-O~· Kat ElJM')"IITEII am-o{c;· KaL brWIIOp.r1.UE TO i)IIOp.4 am-ov 'Aoa,.,., V ~P.EfHl- aro{71UEII am-o~. "E'7IITE OE 'Aoap. 3 Tp"lJ(oVTa. KaL 8WJCoota. ~rq, KaL J:yEWJ]<TI KlJ.TU n,v l8iQ.v ain-ov, "ollCaTa. T7]v (Ucova aVTov, Kal (7f'CIlvop.4a( TO ovolLa airrov. l~6. 'E')'f.IIOIITO OE at 7}P.EpaL 'Aoup., ftc; £'T1fTE p.ETa TO yEVVjjUC11 4 aVTov TOV l~(}, (.,-q €7:TaICoO"w- Kal EyWvqUEV vi.oV~ Kat 6vyaTf.pao;. KaL (')'f.llovrn 1I"ooal at 7}P.EfJUL 'Aoup., fto; E'7IITE, Tpui- 5 KOlITa Kal mlllCOuUl Errr Ko.' U7rE(}all&. "E'T1fTE ~ l~() 7rEIITE 6 Kal oiaKOuUl Errr KaL €-yEW'f/UE TOil 'Ellw~. KaL £'T1fTE l~(} 7 P.ETa. TO yEVVjjO'Q' «VTOV T~V 'Ev~, (7fT" (17] Kat €1Z"TQJ(OuLU· #cal E,),EW'f/UEV IItOVc; KaL fJv')'aTlpac;. KaL Eyo,OIlTO 1I"iiUaL at 7}p.f.pOJ. 8 l~() Oo''&Ka KaL CVVIllCOuUl Errr KaL ulTE(}aIlE. KaL £'T1fTEII 'E..w. 9

£rr] €KaTOII mEtn}KOlITa· Kat E')'illllTllTE T())I Kai:lliill. Kat ;'T1fTEII 1 C

'EvWc; P.£TU TO ,),Evvljual aUTOII Tall KaillulI, 7rEIITEKalOEKa ET7! KaL

€7ITIlICOUUl· KaL l-yfWJ]<TEII VtOl~ KaL (}vyaT£pao;. Kat l-ytvOIlTO II

lI"aaa(. ai TJP.€po.L ·Evw~ 1f'WrE CnJ lCal. £VVUICOuwo Kal. a:7rEBave. KaL ;'71uE Kailliill (/3oop.~KOlITa Kal €KaTOII £T7!. KaL l-ytvIITIITE 12 Tall MaAu..E~A. Kai. t/;T1fTE Kaillull p.£Ta TO ,),EJll'iiua, awoll 13 TOil]A, TEuuapo.x.OllTa KaL (7rTIlICOUUl irq. Kat l-yf.vvrp&

vwVc; KaL 6vyaT(pac;. Kal l-yEVOIITO 7rUUaL at 7}p.~ Kaillc'iv 14

0'«0. f.TTJ Kat WvQJ(OuWo Kat d:Jf'i8aJl€.

Kat ;'T1fTE MaAu..E~A 7rf.vrE Ka, le~KolITa Kat 'KaTOII h-q. KaL 15

l-yf.vvrpE TOil 'lapEO. KaL ~T1fTE MaAEAcl]A P.ETo. TO yEVVijuaL 16

am-all TOil 'lapEO, £T7! T(no.x.OllTa Ka1 E7rTIlICOUUl· Kal l-yf.WJ]<TEII vioVc; KaL 6vyaTlfJUO;. KaL E')'illOIlTO lTiiual at 7}P.ipaL MaAEAcl]A, 1 7 £rr] 7rf.vrE KaL EVV&TtKOlITa KaL olCTaKOuUl· KaL ulTE(}allE. Kat 1 S £'T1fTEV 'lapEo ovo KaL E~KOlITa Err] KaL (KaToII· KaL l-yWvqUE

TOil 'EJlwx. KaL E'71UEII 'lapEo P.CTU TO ')'Evvljual am-oil TOil 19

'Ellb'X, olCTaKOuUl h-q. KaL l-yWvqU& vwVc; KaL 6vya.T(paC;. KaL l-yEVOIITO 7riiua, at 7}p.f.pU' 'IUpEo, ovo KaL i~KolITa Kal 2() maKouUl h-q. KaL rl7rE(}aJlE. KaL E'71U& 'EllwX 7rEIITE kal (~,- ::! 1 KOlITa KaL (KaTOII £T7!' KaL l-ycW'f/U( TOI' l\IaOoVITaAa. El'1]- 22 PEITT'I]ITE OE 'EllwX T~ 0E~ p.rra TU ,),(vvljua, a&oll TOil Ma(}ollUUAa., c5UlKOUUl h-q. KaL l-yilll"'1U& ViOl~ KaL Ovyo.Tipa~. Kat 23 E-yEIIOIITO 7riiUaL at 7}p.lpaL 'EJlwX, 1I"tvTE KaL UTtKOlITa KaL TpLa-

fJ G,. made Iwown. 'T Gr. lb. aleo. a Gr. wound. C Gr. hurL ~ Or, IMlowd, q. Ii. had failb 100&11, ,"c.

"·be Lxx. oeem 10 hay. read 'lm:t .... part or,,", A Gr. book of lIeDeration. .. Ala.lhelr.

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24 KOuLIl en,. Kilt €~PEC1TYJUfY 'E.,wX TO;; 0€o;;· Kilt OUX £VpUTK€TO. :? 5 on JU".itfrJKfY IlUTOJl 0 0fO.. KilL ;'TJO"f MIlOollO"aAll ma ('"1 26 KilL ~riKOJITa Kat 41KIlTOJl' Kilt EyEWTJO"f T()JI Aa.fl.fX' KaL' ;'TJO"f

Ma6ov(TaAIl fl.€Ta TO "Y"""1uIlL IlUTOJl TOJI Ao.fl.fX, .)vo KaL JKTa- 27 KOa-W en,' Kill EyEvllTJO"fJl vLov. Kilt 6v-yIlTEpo.". Kilt EyEvOJITO

ra(T1ll aL 'l,...ipaL Ma60v:TaAa ~. ('TJO"fY. iWEa Kal 41&1KoJlTa Kat

"8 ' ,. '. '0 Ka' sr. A' " , .to..ll_ ,

_ (JIJI1lK()(TLa 'Trf' KilL a1rt: aJlt:. L ... TJO"E Ilfl.EX OKTIII Kill U TuuTl-

29 KOJlTll Kat lKanw en,' Kat EyWvqufY VtOJl, KaL OrwJlOfl.Il(Tf TO

r;Jlofl.llllUToii N Wt:. AEywJl, O~TO' OutJlll1rllwn ~,...a. ci1rO T(;W (P")'IIIJI ~,_..wv. Kat ci1rO TWv AtnrwJI TWJI xnpwJI r,,_..wv. Kill. a1rO Tij. -yij., ~ 30 KaTrfprJ.(TIlTO Kvpw> ;, 0fO.. Kal ~T1(Tf Aap.f}( p.€Ta TO ~(TaL aUrov TOV NiUf, ?TfVTaICOaLa KaL E'''"oVTa.lCat. 1rWr€ £rq. KClL lyfV- 3 1 l'l1(TfY vw'" KaL 6v-yIlTEpa.. Kal.EyEJloJITo 1rOOIl& Ili ';'P.Epo.L Aap.fX, 6 (1rTIlKOu&ll Kill. 1I"6'M]KOJITa TpW. ('"1' Kat a7r(6IlJ'E. Kal ~JI N Wt: ttWv 7rf:JITllK()(TWV' KaL EyWvquf Tp£"i. VW"'. TOV lqp., T(,V Xafl.. TOV ·IQ.q,£6.

2 Kat EyEVfTO ~'Ka TjpeaJITo Ot /iv6pm7r0& 7roAAol. "y{v€uOat 3 E';~ Tij. -yij..; Kill 6v-yIlT€pf" EyfYl'Y]~a.v IlUTO'" ·IOOJITf' o~ VWt TOU 0€oii Ta. 6rry1lTEpo.<1 TWV avOpWn-lIIv. OTL KIlAal dow. 4 €>.a.{3ov (aUTO'. -yvva"iKIl' a1ro 7rIlO"wv. wv UfA~JlTO. Kilt €711"f KVpLo. ;, 0€o.. ou p.:q KIlTIlp.t:iy{} TO 7rVfiip.a. p.ov iv TO'. th-fJ"';'1TOt" TOVTOL" £1" TOV alidva., 8..0. TO (Tvat IlUTO", U&.pKIl"·

;; (UOJITIl& O€ Ili ';'fl.Epo.L IlUNI'. (KIlTOV (UcOO"tI' (Trf. OL 8, "y'yav-

• • \ ~ ..., ... c, ., " ....

T€' TJO"IlJl (7rt Trf'1 "YTI" €I' Till" T1P.€po.t> EK(tVlll,.. KaL p.€T (Knvo.

~ &v £1U~JlTO OL VWL TOU 0fOU 7rp(,<; Ta,. 6v-yaT£pa,. TWV tlv6~v. Kat iy£JlJlWuav aUTO',,· (K£"'OL ~(Tav OL y'yaJITf,. 01 «1T' alWvlX. oL o.VOPIll7rOL Ot lIJlOfl.ll(TTOL

6 'Iawv O€ Kvpw> ;, 0(0 •• on mA'1]6VvfJ.q(TaV aL KaK,at Tidv tlv6~v (7rt ri7> -yij... Kat "ITa" TL,. I)wvO€"iTat (JI rii Kapl)'t}- aUToii i tttp.Mw.. E1r1 TO. 1rOI'l1Po. 7rOOa.. Ta .. r,p.Epo.... Kal. ;_vf6vp.iIfrI ;, EnO... on 17rOiTJO"f 70v /ivOpunrov brl. Tij.. yq.. Kat 8&£vo~9.".

S Kal ,T'1TfJI 0 0(0'" a?TaAfil{l1ll TOV /ivOPIII'1TOJl. 8J1 mol7JUa. a7l"o 7rpOO"bnrOV ri7> -yij... ci'1T(' a.,6pW1roV (III'> Kn7VOVll. Kill. «'1TO (p7r€TWV (III'> '1T€TEwidv TOU oupa.voll" on Ev(6vfl.~B."v. on mO'TJO"a IlUTOV". 9.10 NWt: III &pf X&.ptV EvaJITLov KvpLov TOU 0EOU. A~TIlL O€ at

YfY((Tn .. NWt:. NWt: /iv6pw7r1X I)UcIl&O". TEAfW> ctv EV ~ "yfYfij.

II IlUTOU. ~ 0t:c;> w."pECT"r'1]O"f NWt:. 'ErWvquf I), NWt: TPf"i .. 12 vwv s, TI)JI ~qp.. TOv Xo.p.. TOV 'I&.tP£O. Eq,6&.p'1] O€ ~ -yij 'VIlV- 13 TLoV TOU 0£ov. Kill. mA-rjcrO-r, ~ -yij 4OLKW... Kal. ETOf Kvpw> ;,

0fO" ~ -yijv. Kill ~v Kllnq,Oapp.EI'l1· on KaTEq,(jnpf '1Tooa (Tape

14 ~v OIlov 4UTOU mt ri7> -yij... Kilt £7'1Tf KvpLIX ;, 0(0" ~ NiU£.

KIllp(,. 7rIlJITO~ aJl(Jp';'1rOV ~K" EvaJITLoV P.OV. on ;''1TA~(T9." ,i yij clIlLlCla.. a'1T' aUTW,," Kill. l&v lyW KaTaq,O(lpW IlUTO'" Kal. ~v


15 IIo{TJO"ov o~ (TfllVOC;> KL{3I11TOV lK evAIIIV TfTpay';'VIIIJI' VQCT(T..o..

7r0&7~T£L' ~JI KL{3I11TOV' Ka, a(Tq,a.>..TWcr£t~ llim1v ((Tw6fY KaL 16 ,ew6w Tij &.uq,aATlfJ. Kal. OVrll' 71"0&770'"" ~JI KLPIIITOV' TPWK()(TWJI 7rriXflllV TO pijKIX rij. KL{3I11TOU, Kat '1TfYnjKOJITIl m/X£lIIv 1 i TO '1TAaTOi. Kat TptUKOJITIl ~XfWV TO ;;.po .. aVTij.. 'E'1TUTVVUYIIIJl 'II"04rjun .. ~ Kt{3WTOV. Kal. fi,. 'lTijxv" (TVJITfA((Tn<;; IlVT:qJl o.VIIIOfV·

II A ,= W 1eal'1l. ., A loz. 7~. d A Ie%. Chaph.

~r.z. u......,~ •. I became aD",.. A AI .... Chapb.

GENESIS V. 24-VI. 16.

five yClU'S. ~ And Enoch was well.pleasinll to God, and was not found. because God trsnslated him. ::6 And Mathusa1a Iived fl an hundred and .ixtyand seven years, aud begot Lamech. :JI And Mathusala lived after his begetting Lamech yeight hundred and t ..... o year~1 lind begot som and da!'tthters, ~ And au the days of Mathuaalll which he lived, were nine hundred and sixty anrl nine years, and he died. :s And Lamech lived an hundred and eighty and eight year.., and begot a son. 18 And he called his name N 08, Baying. 'l'his one will cause us to ceaee from our works, and from the toils of our hands, and from the earth. which the Lord God has cursed. III And Lamech lived a.ftclo Ills begetting Noe, five hundred and lixty and five years ano begot sona and daughtel'S. II And ~ tho daYI of Lameeh were seven hundred and fifty-three years, and he died. I And Noe was live hundred years old. and he begot tlll'OO SOllS. Sew. a chaw, and Japheth.

~ And it came to pass when men began to be numerous upon the earth. and dalll{hten were born to them, ~that the' SOilS of God having seen the daughters of men that the), were beautiful, took to themselves wires of all whom they chose. • And the Lord God said, My Spirit shall certainly not remain among theee men for ever, because t.heyare flesh, but their days sball be an hundred and twenty yeal'8. i ~ow the giants were upon the earth in those day.; and after that when the sons of God were wont to go in to the dllughters of men they bore clildrtlft to them, thoso were tile giants of old. the men of renown.

6 And the Lord God baving 800n that th« wicked actions of men were multiplied upou the eerth, lind that every one in his heart was intently brooding over evil continually, i then God laid it to heart that he had made mall upon the earth. and he pondered it deeply. 8 And God said, 1 will blot out man whom I have made from the face of the earth. even man with cattle, and reptile. wit!} flying creatures of the aky, for .1 am B gneved that I bare made them.

Pllut, Noc found grace before the Lord God. wAnd these (Jr~ the generationa of Noe, Noe WII8 II just man; being perfect in his generation..1.:IS 00 was well·pleasing to I.l od. II.A nd .['j oe begot three sons, lSem. A Cham, Japheth. I: But the earth W&ll 00 .... rnpted Defore God, and the earth W&II filled with iniquity. III Aud the Lord God BaW the earth. and it was corrupted; because all flesh had corrupted its way upon the earth. 14 And the Lord God said to N oe,» A period of nll men is come before me , because the earth has been filled with iniquity bv them. ami,. l'eholdhl destroy them and the' earth.

16 .Make t erefore for thvself an ark of \!Quare tiwber; thou shalt make the ark in {compartments, lind thou shalt pitch it within and without with pitch. 16 And thue shalt thou make the ark; three hundred cubits the length of the II1"k. lind fifty cubits the breadth, and thirty cubits the height of it. II Thou shalt narrow the ark in

C Ale%. an,",l. 01 God. 6 G.·. I ba,. though, or _",uo.l.

10£ Gr. The time of 8"r)" mm. t (Jr. DUIU.

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makiug it. and in a cubit above thou a\la1 L finish it. and the door of the ark thou shalt make lion the side; with lower. seeond, and third stories thou shalt make it. 18 And behold 1 bring a Yilood of water upon the earth~ to destroy an flesh in which is the breath 01 life under heaven. and whatsoever things are upon the earth ahall die.

D And I will establish my covenant with thee, and thou shalt enter into the ark. and thy sons and thy wife. and thy scns' wives with thee. 1II And of all cattle and of all reptiles and of all wild beasts. even of all flesh. thou shalt bring by a pairs of all. into the ark. that thou mayest feed them with thyself: male and female they shall be. 21 Of all winged birds after their kind. and of all cattle after their kind. and of all reptiles M'I'fIPing upon the earth after their kind, pairs of all shall come in to thee. male ana female to be fed with thee. 21 And thou shalt take to thyself of all kinds of food which ye eat\ and thou ,halt gather them to thyself. ana it shall be for thee and them to eat. S3 And N oe did all things whatever tne Lord God commsoded him, 110 did he.

And the Lord God said to Noe, Enter thou and all thy' family into the ark, for thee have I seen righteous before me in this Ft'lleration. I And of the clean cattle take In to thee Bevens. male and female, and of the unclean cattle pairs male and female. I And of clean flying creatures of the sky sevens, male and female, and of all unclean firing creatures pairs. male and female. to maintain seed on all the earth. 'For yet seven daY8 haf1iJlfl fHU8ed I bring rain upon the earth forty daya and forty ni~hts and I w ill blot out every otfsp_ring which 'I. have made from the face of all the earth. 6 And Noe did all things whatever the Lord God commanded him. 'And Noe was six hundred years old when the flood of water was upon the earth. 7 And then went in Noe and his IIOn8 and his wife. and his sons' wives with him into the ark, because of the water of the flood. • And of clean flying creatures and of unclean flving creature s, and of clean cattle and of unclean cattle. and of all things that creep upon the earth, 'pairs went in to Noe into the ar!~ male and female, as God commanded .L'4oe. JOAnd it came to ~ after the seven days that the water of the flood came upon the earth. U J n the six hundredth year of the life of Noe. in the second month, on tbe twenty-seventh day of the month. on this day all the fountaius of the ahy .. were broken UP. and the 6 flood-!nltea of heaven were opened, 11 And the rain WQ.I UJlQn the earth lorty daya and forty nights. 'U On that very day eu' .ered Noe, 8em. Cham Japheth. the sons ot Nee and the wife of Noe. and the three wives of his IIOn8 with him into the ark. I' And all the wild beasts after their kind. nnd all cattle after their kind. and everv reptile moving itself on the earth after its kind. and f'vel1' flYing bird after its kind. I6went in to ~oe into the ark, pairs, male and female



T~V S( 9Vpav ~ ,,,/3IJ)TOU '7I'Ol~(Tn~ fie '7I'Xa),u"v· Ka"uyam S~poq,a. Kat TP~POq,U. 'II'otJ]a-n~ a~v. 'Eye:, S( l&v bra..yw TOV 18 "aTQJ(A1KTp.Ov, vo...p brt Tip- ,,(ijv, KaTaq,6£tpa, 'II'ooav (TtlpKa. il'

V (OTt 7rVWp.o. 'w~~ ~Ko.TW TOU ovpavov' Kat oo-a ell' V brt ~ y77~, T(Anm1<rft•

Kat un]a-CI) Tip- SU16l}"'7" P.OO P.fTo. (TOO' (l(T(AnKra ~ (l~ 19 ~v Kt/3WTc", (TV. Kat 01 VWI (TOV. Itat ~ "f1"'l1 (TOV, KcU ai '}'Wa.(K(~

TWI' v1i;'v (TOO P.fTo. (TOV. Kat a1l'0 mlVTWV TWV It""'WI', Kat 20

a1l'l) 'II'avrtllv TU'" (P'7l'fTWV, Itat a'll'o 'II'aVTWV ,.wI' ffr,pu-, Ka, a'7l'l) '7I'aO"l]' (TapK~ SUo Suo a'7l'o 'II'aVTWV d.u~£t~ El~ Tip- 1tr./3IJ)TOV,

rl'a Tp€q,rr; P.fTo. (TEavrov' O,puEI' Kat 6i1>"v i(TOVTat. 'A'7I'o 21 '7I'aVTCI)v TWI' 0PV€WV TWI' '7I'fT£tl'WV lCaTo. "(f:vO'>, Kat &.'71'0 '7I'cWTCI)Jf TW., «T7]VU,V KClTa. ywcx. "at d.7TO 1rclVTCIJV TWV f.p1fn-CVll TWV (p1rOVTWl' £11'1 ~ y77~ Karo. "(f:v0'> ain-wv, SUO SUo &'11'0 '7I'o.vrtIIV

d(TEAOOOVT<1I. '71'~ (T( Tpiqx(T()at P.fTo. (TOV, OpuEV lCat 61jAV. lv 22

~ A~I/ro (T(avr';> a1l'0 1I'a"wv TWV {3pwp.4TWV &. i8E(T6(, "al OW~('~ 'II'pO~ (T(avr;,." Kal lOT<1I. (TOt Kal £1C(lvot~ q,a."(t'iv. Kat brolTfCT( NWf '7I'aVTa oo-a lvfT(LMTO a~ KvptO'> c\ 0(~, 23 o~ nrol"FE.

Kal E1'7l'E KvptOi tJ 0EO~ 7f'pO~ NWf. (ie-EA6( «TV lCat ".a~ tJ 7 olK~ ITOV El~ ~I' ltr.f3<grov, OTt 0'( E1&V SUcawl' lva.vrIOV p.ov lv Tfj 'YEVE~ TO.VTy. 'A7f'o S( TWV ICTTfVWI' TWV 1ta.8a.,x;w dua"(a"(( 2 7f'pO~ 0'( ma. br-rO. O,puEV Kat 61jAV, an-a S( TWV ~ TU'" p.~

Ka6a.,x;w SUo SUo OpuEV Kat 61jAV. Ka1 a'7l'o TWV 7f'fTnvWV TOU 3

oVpavou T;;'" Ka6ap(;,v ma. br-ro. O,puEV Kat 61jAV, KcU &n-a 'II'aVTWV TWV 1I'fTnvWVTWI' p.~ Ka.8ap(;,V SUO SUo O,puEV Kat 6ijAv. SU16pJt/tat U'7ripp.o. £'II'11l'ooav Tip- y77v. "ET, "(D.p ~/upWv (1I'To. €yW (1I'o.,,(w 4 Vn-ov brt ~v riv. TE(TO'apaxOVTa ~p.€pa.~ Itat TE(TO'apO.KOVTa vUKTO.... Kal Uw1t/tw 1I'iiv ro &I'o.UT'I1p.o., & nrolTfCTa &11'0 1I'poutfnrov

'II'cl~ Tij .. -yYk. Kat brolTfCT( NWc 1I'aVTa, aua lvmLMTO a~ 5

Kvpl.O~ tJ 0€o~. NWE SE ~v lTWV Ucucouu"I'. Itat b KaTaKA1KTp.O~ 6

'TOV OOaTO~ ryf:vfTO C'II't ~ y77~. EluijA6( S( NWc Kal. ot vio, 7 uwov, "at .q -yvv7] uin-ov. leal ai yvvaUc~ .,.u,v V«dv a.VTOV PeT' ain-ov El s Tip- Kr./3IJ)TOV, SJL TO VOwp TOU KaTaK>"VfTp.ov. Kal. &,m, 8 TU'" 'll'fTEtl'WV TWV 1ta.8a.,x;w, Kal. a'7l'o,.wl' 'II'fTftl'WV TcIw p.~ KafJapWv, KcU &'11'0 -rWv ICTTfVWI' TWI' Ka.8apu"" Kal a1l'0 TWV KrqvWV TWI' p.~ lta.8apWI', Kal «11'0 ro.VTWI' TcIw q"roJfTtIIV (r1 Tij~ yij.., mJo Svo 9 €luijABov r,m NWc d~ Tip- ltr.{3wrov O,puO Kat e;,Av. KaBu. (I'mlXaTO 0 0€~ T4i NWc. Kal. ryf:vfTO To.C; ma. ~plpa~, Kal 10 'TO VOwp TOU KaTaKA1KTfWV ryWfTO brl. Tij~ yij... 'EI'TcP Uaxo. 11 O'l.OUTcii IT,, lv Tfj 'wfi TOU NWE, TOU &vrlpov p..".,o~, ~{38op.TI Kal. £"'db. TOU p.'rfI'o~, Tfj ~p.~fX1- Tau'71 Cppo.'Y'JO'D.v'II'aO'fU a1 '"TYcU Tij~

&{3wO'oo, Kal Ot KaTappaxrat TOU ovpavou ~v(~al'. Kal. 12

ryMTo b ~erO~ C1I't Tij~ "(~ TEuO'apO.l(OVTa ~p.(pa'i Ita, T(CTUapO.-

KOVTa vUlC'I'a~. 'EI' Tfj TJp.ifX1- TaVro £luij>..6( NWc, l~p., Xap., 13

'J&.<fK6, oi vwl NWf, Ital. ~;-vv11 Nw£, Kal a1 TP€Ls '}'WaUcf'i TWV VtwV ain-ou P.CT' ain-ou, El~ Tip- KL{3IJ)TOl'. Kat 'lTcWm TO. ffr,pw. 14 KaTIl "(f:vO'i, Kal. '7I'clVTa TOe ~VtJ KaT;" yivO'>, Itat '7I'av E,nrfTOV KLI'OVp.(vOl' ;r.t Tij~ -yYk KaTa. "(f:v0'>. Kat 1I'iil' OPI'EOl' 'IT(TEt.,oV KaTOe ,,(VO'> ain-!>v, €laiJA60l' 1I'pO~ NWf E'~ ~I' ICt{3lJ)TOV, SUo SUo 0pu(I' KcU 15

.6 oat ohbe oIcie.

.., Qr. dood" waCOr.

• ~·r. ~WO. \11'0.

' .....

fI 0,., ben,or.a\U'U .....

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16 9ijA.v &,ro ~ a'Gp1C0t;. ~v ¥ IITTI 7I'VEVf14 ,~. Kal TO: EUnrO-

pROIM" l UpuO' lCal9?AV &11'0 1I'o.~ CTapICO~ dCTiiA.9E. lCa/}o. &E'7"£'AaTO b ec~ TIji N.«· KaL EKAE!CTE Kvp~ b 0E~ '"rv ICI/3f1)TOV ~£V «WOV.

1 7 KaL ~€v€'TO b "aTaKAVCT,w~ T(CTCTa,oWcOV'Ta ~I-'Jpat; lCal TECTCTa-

po.lCW'Ta vVIC'Ta" brl nj" ylk. leal (1I'(1I'A'1~ TO ~IJJP' lCaL 0rVP'

1 S '"rv lCifJIIJTOV, Kal ~o/~ &71"0 njt; ~. Kat brEKp<1.Tn TO iJ&..p,

leal aA~(TO CTq,oopa bri. nj~~. lCal a(qHp(TO ~ ICI{3f1)T~

] 9 bnivro TOV ~TOi. To 8, V&.Jp a(lCpo.m CT~pa CT~ brL

nj~~. Kai. (Kr1.Av.p( -:ro.V'Ta TO. O(JT/ TO. ~Aa. c1 ~ WalCo.TfI) TOV 20 oopavov. llO'TElCw&Ka miXEI" WEpr1.vw lJo/Wffr, TO vawp, lCal 21 aEKMv.p( 7I"r1.vra TO. OP'1 TO. ~Aa.. Kal d:1I'i9av( 7TOOa CTdpe ICIVOVI-'~ (1I'l nji y?" TWV 7I"(TElVWV, lCal TWV ICT'lVWv. KaL TWV~pu.",. lCal7l"av lp1l'ETOV KIVOVI-'O'OV ai ~~, lCaL1ra" iivefXU7rOi. 22 Kat 7I"o.VTa OCTO. {Xu 7I'V0Yp- ,w1j s, Kai. 7I"civ 3 qv br, ~ bipci".

23 &rl(Jav(. Kai. ~~A.flo/E 7I"av TO &vo.lTTTJfI4, 3 ~v 11ri. -:rpOCTJ,.,rov ~ ~. d,7I"0 d,v6p<f.1roV CWi Kn7VOVi, KaL lp7r(T;;"', KaL TWV 7I"€'TEIVWV TOV o~pavov' lCal Uy/Ml</rtJCTav tl1l'0 nj,,~. KaL "aTE-

24 Ml.p8-q ~ NWE, KaL Ot I-'ET' awov & orO K&/3~. Kai. ~Wffr,

TO V&.p ai. nj" ylk ~I-'ipa,> EKaTov 7I"O'n1lCoV'Ta.

8 Kal d,VEl-'vTpIJq b ec~ TOV N'«, KaL ro.VTWV TWV ~pu.""

\' ,.. .... " ... .... \ ,


TWv qm.ETOiv NV lpmIV'TUIV, OCTa ~ I-'(T' ahov & Tj "I/3IIJTW' «al bnTraYO' h @E~ 7I'VEVf14 11rL '"rv yijv, lCaL lKo,,'(1(1'£ TO VOwP.

2 Kal anaA.1xfiirIuav at ~L nji &'/3WCTOV, «al olKaTappGxrai 3 TOV o~pavou. lCaL CTVVErTX~ h ~~ tiro rov o~pavov. Kal &E8i&v .,., V&.Jp 7I"OpnxJJ4EI'ov d,1T0 ~ ri~' «al ~A.aTTovowo TO V&.Jp pATa 1rEVn/ICOVTa «aL ilCaTOv ~I-'(pa<;. KaL (1(0.81(1'0' .;, KI/3IIJTOS Iv P:'1vL T<il ~{38';!JAl'. ~/3&JI-'T1 «aL EUcQ.81 TOV 1-'''1.,0,>. (1I'L

4 TO. OP'1 TO. 'Apapa.T. To 8( V&.Jp ~AaTTOVOWO CUI<; TOV &lCo.TOV 5 p.~. Kal & T';; &«c1T1f1 I-''1''L. orO 1I',Mry TOU 1-''1''0.., ~av

- 6 at «E~ TWV /)pEUIV. KaLIYE"£TO pATo. Tf:cnrap&xOV'Ta ';'p.i-

7 pas .;p,E<etE NcM ri}v 6vpCSa ~ Kt./lon'OU, ~v broi7JCTf:. Kal

.1.rUrrEW rov KopalCa' «al leEAtJ("v, obK tlvElTTpEo/O' lUI<; TOU 8 bi~VQ.I. TO V&.p .1.1rO nj,> ylk. Kal .1.7rEITTElM'"rv 1TEplCTTEpo.V 9 67rim.J abrov, lOEiv (lK(KWa«E TO V&.Jp .1.IrO njs y?'" Kai. obx ~a ~ 1I'EPIITTEpD. tlVc11TaVCTIV TO''> 1I'OCTLV a~ • .1.VEITTP'o/' 1I'pO~ awov d~ ri}v «&/3wrov. OTI iJ&..p ~ aL 7I"av TO 7I"pVuUl7rOV ~ Y?'" «at IKnlvo.<; '"rv X(tpa f>.o.PO' abri}J', Kal EUnJyayO'

10 a~ 1T~ lavrov dt; '"rv K!{3wTOV. Kal a,rTXwv en ~I-'EpaS

ma. l'Tipat;. 1I'MIV UanCT'T£&A.( '"rv nplITTEpaV tIC '"i'> ,,&/3U1'TOv. 11 Kal d,VEITTP£o/E 7I"~ awov ;, 1I'EpllTT€pO. TO 1I'"oi ~CT7rf.paV· Kal EIX' t/lvUov lAaiD... «Opcpo" ~v TIji CTTO,UD.TI a~' «al Eyvw ] 2 NcM, Orl KEIC07raICE TO V&.Jp .1.11'0 '"is~. Kat ;'1TI~'" Crl ;'I-'«pa~ ma h«pa~. 7I"MlV lea7l"ECTTEw '"rv 1r«PIITT(pav. lCat ob

13 1I'pOCTE6€'T0 rou allTTpE.pal. 1rpOs awov Crl. Kal ~W(TO W T<il oi. lCal ,faICOCTIOCTT'i' ET£! & orO ~wii TOU Nw(, TOU 1I'p<fyrov 1-''1''0". I-'u'j. TaU p.~, leDu1l'( TO v&,p .1.,ro ~ y?~. Kat a1rEKMv.p( Nw( '"rv CT'To/Tv nj" 1C&/3I1JTOV, ~ aOl7JCTE' Kat (T&v OT' ;.eiAI7rE


of all flesh in which is the breath of life. 16 And the)' that entered went in male and female of all f1e~h. n~ God commanded loiocl and the Lonl God shut the ark outside 0 him.

11 And the flood mY upon the earth forty daY8 and forty nighta, and the water abounded greatly and bore Ull the ark, and it. was lifted on high from oIF the earth. IS And the water prevailed and abounded exceedingly upon the eartb.and the ark was borne upon the water. III And the water premiled exceedingly upon the earth, and covered all the high mountains which were uuder heaven. Slliifteen cubits ullwanls was the water raised, and it covered all the high mountains :!I And there died all fleah that 1I10Ted upor. the earth, of flying creatures and cattle. and of wild beasts\ and every reptile moving upon the earth. ana every man. ::0; And all things which have the breath oflife, and whatever was on the dry land, died. ill And God blotted out every oflSpriD8 which was upon the face of the earth, both man and beset, and reptiles. and binls of the sky, and they were blotted out from the earth, and Noe was left alone. and those with him in the ark. II And the wawr was raised over the earth an hundred and litly dayB.

And God remembered Noe, and all the wild beasts, and all the cattle, and all the birds, and all the reptiles that Creepl as many 1\8 were with him in theark.and Goa brought a wind upon the f'Arth and the water stayed. ~ And the fountains of the deep were closed up, and the flood-gates of heaven, and the min from heaven 'was withheld. I And the water subsided. and went off the earth, and aft~r an hundred and fifty days the water was diminished, and the ark rested in the JleTenth month. on the twent.y-s8nnth day of the month, on the mountams of Aramt. 4 And the water oontiuued to decrease until the tenth month. 'And in the tent h month I ou the lint day of the month. the heads 0 the mountains were seen. 'And it came to JI888 after forty da ,·s N oe opened the windo'll' of the ark which' he had made. 7 And he toent forth lIa ral'en; 'rand it went forth and returned not until the water 'II'IlS dried from 011' the earth. 8 A nd he sen t a a dove after it to see if the water had ceased from oIF the rorth. 9 Aud the dove not han!!!! found rest for her feet, returned to him into the ark. because the water was on all the face of the earth' and he stretched out his band and took her. and brought her to himself into the ark. iii And Jlln'ing waited yet seven other daY~1 he again sent forth the dove from the ark. I And the dove returned to him in the evening, nnd had a leaf of olire, a B)lrig in her mouth; and N oe knew that the water bad ceased from oIF the earth. ~ And having waited yet seven other days. he again sent forth the dove. and she did not return to him again any more. II And it came to Jl8-,'I!! in the six hundred and first year of the life of N OC, in the lil'i!t month, ou the flntday of the month the water subsided from off the earth, Ilnd N oc opened the covering of the ark which he had made, and he 8I\W that the water had subsided from the face of the

IJ Gr.lhe raTen.

., .A Iu. + 10 _ If Ibe waler had .. aecd.

a Gr. the dOT ••

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oorth. I~ And in the second month the earth WWl dried, on the tweuty-sereuth uay of the month.

r, And the Lord God spoke to Noe, aaring, IGCome out from the ark, thou and thy wife and thy SOliS, and thl' sons' wives with thee. I. And all the wild beasts as many 8! art' with thee and all flesh both of birds and beastsbaud every reptile moving upon the earth, ring forth with thee- and increase ye nnd multiply upon the earth. I; And N oe came fortli, and his wife and his sons, ami his sons' wives with him. I» And all the wild beasts and all the cattle and every bird, and every reptile creeping upon the earth after their kind, came forth out of the ark.

:II And Noe built anwtar to the Lord, and took of all clean beasts, and of all clean birds, and offered a whole burnt·offerin, npon the ultar, 21 And the Lord God smelled a smell of sweetness. and the Lord God baring eonsidered, aaid. 1 will not any more curse the earth. because of tlJe works of men, because the imagiuation of man is intentlv bent upon evil things from his youth, 1 will not there. fore anv more amite alllivlDg flesh as I have done. ~ All the days of the earth, seed and harvest, cold and heat. Bummer and spring, shall not cease by day or night.

And God blessed Noe and hi. sons, and said to them\lncrease and multiply.and fill the earth ana bare dominion over it. sAn;! the dread and the fear of you shall be upon all the wild beasts of the earth, on all the birds of the sky, and on all things moving upon t he earth, and upon all the flshee of the sea, 1 have placed them under your tlpower. I_"-nd erery reptile which is livi ng shall be to vou for meat, I bave given all things to vou as the ygreen herbs. • But flesh with blood of life ve shall not eat. 'For "our blood of your five. will I require at the liand ofall wild beasts, and I will require the lift> of man at the hand of hu brother man. e He that, sheds man's blood. instead of that blood .hllll his own be shed, for in the image of God I made man. 7 But do ve iucresse and multiplr, and fill the earth,llnd have domiuion over it.

M And God spoil e to Noc and to his sons with him, saying, I And behoid I establish mv corenant with vou, and with your see.l nfier you, iOand wiih c ..... er)' a living erenture with ~'oul of bird a nnd of beasts, and withnll t he wild oeasta of the enrth, as many 8! are with vou, of all that come out of the ark, n A 1Il1 I will establish my covenant with you uud nil flesh shall not any more die by the water of the flood, and there shall no mort) he a tlood of water to destroy all the earth. I~ And the Lord God said to 1\ OC, This is the sigu of the oovcnant which I ~rt between me and vou.und between eyery living ('ren· t ure which is with you for perpetual generat ions, 1111 set my bow in the cloud. and it shnll be for a sign of eoreuaut between me and the earth. II And it shall be whe n I r.nther clouds upon the earth, that my bo ...



TO VOwp &11"0 1I"(lOUW1I"0ll ~. ri~. 'EII 8E 'T';> OWTEP(~ P:'1"~ l~'1- 14

pallth] l; yij, c/3001'-Y KaL dKaOt 'TOV p.'1"or;.

Kat €l1l"£ Kvpto~ b 0for; 71'por; NWf, Af-yWI" 'l:efA6( (K ~.15.16 ICI,{3WTOV o-V, leal. .q yvVlj uov, Kal. OL vio; (TOV, Kelt ai yvvaUc~ 'TWII viwII UOll 1'-('Ta UOlo, Kal 1l'aJlTa 'To. th]p{a oua (UTI 17 O'ov, KaL 1TaO"a. O'Op~ a,ro 1rtT(l,v';", €w)' K"1"WV, I<UI. 1TUV f.p7r€TOJl KtllOVP.CJlOII ErrL ~~ yij... Efayayc P.ETa UfaVTOV. Kat au,allfu6(

Kat TrA'16JII(u6( brl ~r; ri... Kal l,ijA6( Nwc, Ka~ ~ YVvV 18

'''' "'«., a... "'. ... ... ,... ,.... I

at'TOl.", Kat 0' V'Ot allTOV, Kat a, ytwa'K(r; 'TWII Vtwll aVTOV

aUTOV' KaL TrallTCl 'To. 6-qpla., KaL 1l'allTa 'Ta. ~, Kal mill 19

'7i~~LVO~, ~a, '7I"UV ~P1f'?"ov ICLVOUt'€VOV (7f'r. riji y7j~ ICdTa. "'to,o; o.VTWII. (",A80uav (Ie T7f~ K,{3IJYTOV.

KaL .eKOOOP.'1U( Nw( 8vuL0.0"T'7/PIOII on;; Kvp~' leaL D.,a/3f.v 20 cl.1I"0 1l'aIlTWII TWII ICT7fVWV 'TWV 1(0.6apWII, KaL cl."II"O 1l'aJITWv TWV 1l'('TftvWv TWII Ka6apWII, Kal cl.l'ljllEf'KEV d" ;'AOl(ap7TWCTtv ITrI 'TO

6vcTLaunjpwv. KalJxrcppav6-q Kupw~ b 0EO~ Oup.~v f.lullla. s. 21

Kal (T"II"( Kvpw.. b 0(0r; OUXII0716EL s, ou 1l'pou8-quw en 1(00Ta.pO.. ua..ul1at np, ri" 8,0. TO. (pya TWII &II6pW1I"wII' OTt EYK€tTo., ~ 8"'11014 TOV cl.v8pW1l'oV l1l"'P.E>..W~ brl TO. 1rovqpa (I( "")T7[TDr; o.U'TOV' ou Trpou6fpw O~II ITt 1rQTa..,CaJ. 1l'ooall uclpKa ,Wuo.II, KCl6w..

bro['1ua. lluua .. 'To. .. ~p.ipa .. ri1r; yij~, cnrlpfUl l(aL 8(PUTp.Or;, 22

J/nlxor; KaL KavfUl. viper; Kal Eap, ~p.lpa.II KaL vVKTa, ou lCaTo.- 1rQVUOVCTL.

Kal (UAOY'1UO';' 0f.0r; TOil NUK, KaL TO~ vlo~ o.WOV· KaL 9 ,11l'EV awoLr;' au",v(u6, I(al ""A'19Vv(u6E. Kal 1l'AWMUU'TE np,

rill, KaL KaTalCVplOOa'TE almjr;. Ka~;' 'TpOp..or;, KaL 0 cp6/30 .. 2

vp,wv, (C1Tac. ttL 11"00' TO'~ (Jqp{Ott; rij~ ~, E7f'L ?rana Tel. 1r€T€WU TOV Oupal/OV, KaL €"II"L1l'clllTa T4 KtJlOVP.EVo. (1l'L ri1r; ric;, I(ClL brl 1l'allTar; TOU~ lx6Var; rij~ 6oluiucn,..- 1nrO ;l(ELpa .. VP.'" 8iOwKa. Kal 3 r.all, 0 (UTI 'WI', VP.LV EUTClt El .. /3p;;,uUl' .:, .. AaXallo. XOPTOl." oiOwKa VP.IV TO. Tral'To.. llA~II KpEa" EV t{ro)(ljr; -l ou q,ay(u8f.. Kat yap TO VP.crqJOII atp.o. TWII t/rt'XWII VP.WII lK .) X£l.pOr; 1l'aIlTWII TWII 6-qPUuI/ (K,"W ain-o' Ko.L lK XE~r; cl.II6pW.

TrOll d&Aq,oV EK'YJT~UII) np, q,Vxtl" TOV &v6p<fnrov. '0 llCXEWII 6

a!fUl all6pW1I"ov, allTl 'TOV Clip.aTos Clurov ",xvlJfp('Tal, on (II dKOIII 0f.OV ir.oLYJCTo. TOil avl1punroll. 'Y P.EV; O€ auUvf.uf}", Kal 7 1l'A.,,8Vv(uf}f., KaL 1l'A'1PWcrClT( np, riv, Kal KaTCl.lCVptfVUClT( o.lmjr;.

KaL f.11l"EII ;, 0Eor; on;; NWE KaL TOLe; ViOL~ aUTov P.ET· ain-ov, R Ai-ywV, Kal lOou l-yw all{UTT]p.' np, ouxlhiK71V p.ov V1'-'I.II, KaL ~ 9

cnr(pp.aTt V1'-WII P.E(/, KClI 1l'acry t{roxU 'Wcr!] p.df vp.Wv, 10

c!r.O OPI'CWII, Kal cl.7I"0 KT"II"W"' .co.L 1l'U.UI TOLr; 6-qplole; ~ .. ri .. , cua (UTL P.((/ VP.WII a"ll"o 1l'allTwv Ti:lV UEA6oI'TWV EK ~r; Kt/3IJYTOV. Kal crrr1uw np, 81o.ih1KYJII p.ov 1l'po<; v,.wr;· KUI ou... ar.06ClII(I'TW 11 1l'uua uo.p, ITt am) 'TOV VOaTDr; TOV KaTaKAVO'p.ol,· KaL OUK ETt

EUTa! lIaTcucAvup.Or; VOaTDr;, KaTaq,6£lpo., 11"ooall '"'" ri". KaL 12

,1"11"£ Kvpwr; ;, 0(0r; 1l'po.. NUx' TOln-O TO CTl'1'-ELOV ri1r; Or.aih1""1".

() l-yw OLOwP.! cl.I,a P.(ITOII ip.ov Ka, VP.WII, lIal &110. P.(UOV Tracrrr;

!/tvme; {.:xn,.., 1j EUTt p.dt VP.WII El~ YEJIEa .. alwll{OV<;. To TO~Oll 13

P.OV TLth],..., Ell rfi vEq,iAy. Kal (UTCl' d~ crqP.ELOII Ouxlhi""1" avO.

p.iuoll lp.ov Kal ri1r; rir;. KClL (UTo., ill T«J CTVJIJIECPELII P.E vEcpfM.e; 14

"I' Gr. berbl 01' .. rasa.

• Gr. liviD&' 101lI.

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15 (rL n,v yi}v. ~UUI. TO T~V (V TU V(~iA?1' Kal ,,~.;,uop.o.t ~ &a8tj~ p.ov. ~ (UTiV elva p.Euov (p.o;:' KaL vp.Wv. KaL elva P.(tTOV <frtlm]i I/roxiji ~..:.ur,i iv ·.,rouv tTapKL' KaL OUK «UTat 16 nuo V&up di KanucAvtTp.ov.c:IaT( UoJ..liy,at .".iiuav uQ.pKa. KaL ioTat TO ~ p.ov (V -riJ vE~EAr}" KaL oy, TOU p.~at ~1C1f" """vwv elva ",tTOV I.p.o;:' _L ~ yiji. KaL elva p.euov 17 I/tvx'ii ,~ (V ...o.uv UapKL. ~ I.UTtv aL ~ yiji. KaL (l.".w

o e.cli 'fiji NWf. TOWO TO crqP.E'OV ~ ata8rj~. ~i 8t((JCp.'rfI' P.WOV (p.oU. KaL elva P.EtTOV .".&m]i uapKcli. ~ I.UTtv aL ~ yiji. 18 9HCTW' BE ol vioL NWf, ol(~VT("(K ~ Kt/kro;:'. ~~p.. Xap., 19 "I~(J. xap. a,;., "Ira~p Xavcuiv. TpELi o~ol duw vloL NWf· 20 el.".o TOWwV 8t(C1TG.p,uaV aL ".iitrav ~v yijv. K.cU ~~TO Nw« 21 av8p11!JrOt; r-pyOi yiji, KaL I.~VT~(V elp..".E.\Wva. KaL nnw (IC 22 TO;:' orvov, KaL (f"OVu6q, KaL (yv~ iv 'fiji oUae awo;:'. KaL

(1& Xap. 0 7nJ.~p Xavaciv n,v yVf'l'WCTW TO;:' "IrO.T~ awaU, KaL

23 (~(J;"v cln[ry(W TOi s Ovuw &&.\~ .. aUTO;:' «~. KaL M.{Jov.

T(" ~~p. KaL lti..t/K6 TO i.p.O.TWV, aC8wro (1I"L TO. 8110 ve;m. awwv. KaL bropRO."CTW' lnrr.u8~, KaL UW(ICOAvy,av n,v yVp.1IlIKTtV TaU '1:'O.T"o" awWv' Kat ro 1rpOOwrov awwv tJ7f'w(Jrx/xJ.vWi, KaL

24 n,v yVp.1IlIKTtv TO;:' "lraT~ ClUT;;'V OUIC (l&v. 'E~m,.;c BE NWf

cl,ro 1"OV oLVOV, leal ey.,c... eao. ltro'''If''QI uw--ii (, "iO~ ulrrou ;, 25 VCrdnpo.. KaL(11l"(1f, brtKaTQ.pClTO<; XaVa.c1v 7rO.ii· oUc~ «UTat 26 Toli o&>..~i s ClWO;;. Kol cl1l"w, ElIA.oyrrrcli KvpWi 0 @ccli TOO 27 ~,qp.' KaL ll7TClt Xa.vClclv 7rO.i.. oUc~ ClWOU. llA.a.m- b

~ T~ 'la.~, Kat KaTOuc-qcniT'l» (V Toii OO-i TO;:' .lljl" lCaa yw-q(}{p-w Xava.av 7rO.i .. aUTO;:'.

28 -E,'JUC Be NWf fLCTa. rov lCaTfUCAvtTp.Ov frq Tpta.lClXna ".wnj. 29 KOJITa.. Ka& iyWOVTO .".auat al ~p.Cpa& NWf fvva.KWLa..".wn1- • KOVTa frq. KaL d,1I"l8avw.

10 A~ BE 0.1 yaEU(li NV viWv NWf, ~p., Xc1p., 'Ia..p((J· KaL

iywvllfrluav awoi .. vloL p.(Ta. rov KanucAVtTp.Ov.

2 Y'WL 'IG.~E8. rGfL~, KaL MaM. lCaL MaaOL, KaL'lwVav, lCal 3 'EA.&ua., KaL &flf)., KaL MotT0X, KaL @clpa... KaL VioL rap.~,

4 'A .11' ' 'p ,L:1.(J , r.l\ 'K" "I' '1:" '

uxavUo\o, Kat t.,..,.. Kat ""OfI1'ClI'Cl. at Vwt wvav, """wa,

5 KaL 8Q.pu"". KJjTwt, ·POaLOt. EK TOVTWV cl.cfxupll1'fh,uav vijtTOt

NY I.8vWv b -rfj ri auTWv- «aUTOi KaTa ylWuuav b Tali ~vA.aii aUNv, KW iv Toi .. Z8vcutv awWv.

6,7 Y'wl. BE Xap., Xov", KaL MfUpatV, cl>oM, KaL Xavaav. Yiol. 8( Xov.., 'la{3a., KaL EuLM., Kal. l.a.(3a(Ja., KaL ·p(yp.c1, KW la- 8 fl«8aKJ.· vloL BE ·P'Yp.c1, la.fla, Kal. aaaciv. Xov.. BE (yEIfVTJCTC 9 TOV N(flp<fJ8· 0~0<; ~p~TO (lvat ylyai brL ~i yiji. O~TO<; ;., ylyai KV~ ivavTlov Kvp[ov TO;:' @CO;:" &.:. TOWO I.PO;:'Utv. 10 w.. Ncflp;.,8 rlyai ICVV7TYcli ivaVTLov KvpLov. KaL (yemo d.px'l ~ flautA.(La.<; awo;:' BaflvA,;.,v, KW 'Op(x. Kal. 'ApXa.8. KaL 11 Xa.\G.wq, €v 1 rU lwaQ.p. 'EIC ~ yfl<; I.K('VTJr; l~A(J(v 'AtTCToVp' KW 1(H'080p.TJCTC n,v Ntv(1)~, KaL T~V 'Pow{3w(J .".o.\£v. 12 _l. n,v XoJ..a.X, KClL ~v ~a.ulj avo. P.EfrOV Ntv(1}~, lCal. avo. 13 "'UOV XoJ.."X· a~ ~ 'll'oAti p.'YcIA..,.,. KaL MfUpatV (ymn,tT~ TOv.. Aov~Lp., KaL TOv.. NEq,(JoJ..El.,.... leaL TOVi 'EV(P.(Tt(LP.. Kal.

14 rov.. Aa{3t(LP., KW rov.. IIClTpoCFWI't(lP., KaL TOv.. Xa.up.wl't~LP.'

GENESU IX. IS-X. 14. .ball be seen in the cloud. U And I will reo member my eovenant, which is between me and you, and between every living soul ill all Ileall, and there eh&ll no longer be water for adeluse.!iO as to blot out allllesh. II And my bow eball be in the cloud, and 1 will look to remember the e1'erlasting ()()venant between me and the earth, and between '_'!1 living 1lOu! in all 1l000h~ which is upon the earth. 11 And God aaia to N 08, 'I'his U the sign of the eorenant, which I have made between me lIand all Ileeh, which is upon the earth.

II Now the eone of Noe which came out of the ark, were Sem. Cham. Jallheth. And Cham was father of Chanaan. II Theee thJooe are the eona of N oe, of theee were men _ttered over all the earth. !II And N oe befIan to be a hlllbandman, and he planted a TlD8- yard. 11 And he drank of the wine, and WIllI drunk, and W&I naked in his house, _ And

Cham the father of Chana&n 1&11' the nakedneaa of his fatheT, and he went out and told hi. two brothen without. '_ And Sem and Japheth ha~ taken a g&I'l1Ient. put it Oil both their backs and went backwards, and covered the nakedneaa of their father; and their face cal backward. and they I&W not the nated.neu of their mther. I6"And Noe reooTered from the wine, and knew all t11 .. t his younser eon had done to him. • And he aaid, Curled be the llel'V&llt Chanaan aalaTe lhai.i he be to hil brethren. III And he B&id, Bl..ed b. the Lord God of Bellh and Chanaan eh&ll be his bond-eervant, "' May God make room for Japheth. and let him dwell in the habitationa of Bem, and let Chanaan be his servant.

-And Noe lived after the Ilood three hundred and fifty yeal'S, 211 .And all the days of Noe were nine hundred and fifty yean, and he died.

N ow these a~ the _senemtiona of the eons ofNoe, Bem,Cham, Japheth; andeonawertl born to them after the flood.

t'l'he eonl of Japheth, Gamer. and Magog_, . and Madoi, and Jovan and Eliaa, and Thobel, and M08OCh, and Twl'al. I And thl.' soae of Gamer, Aachanaz, and Riphatlj~: 1'horpma., • And the eon8 of Jovan. ' , and 'l'haraei8, Cetians. Rhodiana. • From these were the islands of the Gentiles divided in their land, each according to his tongue. in their tribes and in their nations.

• And the sons of Cham, Chua, and M_ rain Phud, and Chanaan. 7 And the eona of Cb.llI, !Saba, and E\"ila. and Sabatha, and Rhegma., and Babathaco.. And the eona of Rhegma., 1Saba, and Dadan, • And Chua begot N ebrod : he began to be a giant upon the earth. U He was a l1iant hunter before the Lord God; thereiore they I&y AI lIiebrod the giant hunter before the Lord. 10 And the beginning of his kingdom W&I Babylon, and Orech, and .Archad. und Cha. lanne, in the land of Beunar. 11 0 ut of that land came Assur, and built Ninevi, and the city Rhooboth, and Chalachh I~ and Dase between N ineri and Chalo.c : th1s is the great city. 11 And MesnUn begot the Ludiim, and the Ncphthalim. and the Enemetrim, and tho Labiim, U and the l'"tro-

II Gr. ADd be", ......

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soniirn and the Cbumoniim ( .... hence came forth Pbylistiim) and the Gaphthoriim. 16 And Chanaan betrot Sidon his fint-bom, and the Cbettit6I-"'-and the Jebusite. and the Amorite. ana the Girpahite. Ii and the Evite. and the Arukite. and the Alennite, IS and the .!radian. and the Samaresn, and tbe A..mathite; and after thie the tribes of the Chananite.l were diapened. 19 And the boundaries of the ChauaniteB were from Sidon till one comea to Gerara and GIIZa. till one comes to Sodom and Gomorrha, Adame and Seboim .1 far &I Dasa. DThese _,." the IODI of Cham in their tribes according to their tonguea. in their countries. and in their nationa.

11 And to Scm himself aleo .... ere ohildren Kal.,.w l~JL ~ lCeU almd mxTpl 7rdYTIIIV ThlV vwv 21

!i:!t;r!t:e!~F1ap~et~\~:eel':r:r~ o~~~~t -E{3£p. d&\~ 'I&..pdJ TOV JL€l{o~. Y'wl l~JL. 'EMJL. lCeU 22

Sem, Elam. and .Aeeur. and .Arphaud. and 'AuvoVp. lCeU 'A~, lCal AoV8. lCal 'ApO.JL, ICW Ko.i:vav. Lud, and AlIUIl. and Cainan. D And IOU. KeU vlol' " "'\". OM', KeU ~A. lCeU raT~n. ICW MocroX. Kal 23. 24

of Amm. Uz. and UI. and Gater, and Mo- .~ ~ T'

soch, "And A:r..haud begot Cainan and 'A~ ~Wvr,u£ rov Ko.i:vav. KW Kaivav ~Wvr,u£ rov laM·

~~n ~:~r .... e!n~~t;:o!!~t.;;; lo.AO. 8E ~~ rov ~{3£p. Kw ,,;; ~{3£p ~~av aVo 25

name of the one, Phaleg, beesuee in hie daya viol- ovop.a ,,;; lvl. ~Ey. OT' lv Taii ~JLlpo.&i allTov 8wJL£pUr9q the earth was divided, and the name of his ~ yil. lCalovop.a ,,;; d&Aq,'ii awov 'I£KT4v. 'I£KTelv 8E I-v~ 26

brother Jektan. II And Jektan begot Elmo- ''E ... _.It '1I' , ~_ _ ,-'

dad, and Saleth. and Sarmoth. and JanlChJ TOV A,......,c18. lCal laAw. 1C0.& TOV _.,.,p.WIJ, KeU lo.paX. KcU 27

21 and Odorrha, and Aibel. and Deels, Dana ·080ppa. ICW Al{3:qA. Kal ~£Kll, lCeU EOOX, Kal 'A{3tp.o.f).., 28 Enl, and Abimael. and t!aba, Dand Uphir, lCal ~_f.)". lieU O .. ..L,~P. lCal EMM •. lCal 'IIIlRdlJ• n- o~, 29

and Evila. and Jobab all th_ were the -..,- v't"" ,... ,... • ... "V

IOna of Jektan. II And their dwellill(l was vlol 'hlCTav. Kal tylv€TO ~ lCaToUc-r,crLi allrow. d7l'o Ma~ 30

!':~n~~f ~e'b:' Sa:!e~: €1IIi ruNiv £Ii lo.t/YrIpa. Opoi clIlQTMWv. 00r0L vlol 1""... lv 31 IOna of Scm in their tribes. according to To.&~ q,vAaii airrWv. lCaTel YN»ucrai awwv, Iv TaLi xWpo.L<; abrWv. their tonguea, in their countries. and in lCaL lv TOLi 19v£crLV awwv.· A~ at "'vAaL vwv N~ lCaTB 32 their nationa. aI These are the tribes of the

sone of N 00. according to their generations, -yotCII'£Li almdv. KaTel lOv-q awWv- cl7l'O TOVrwv i>wC1TGprp-aV

according to their national of them were vr;uOL.,.wV l(}"wv brl ~...m., p.ael rov lCaTo.lCAlKTp.Ov.

/J the islands of the Gentilea _ttered onr n'

the earth after the flood.

Ami all the eartb ..... , one lip. and there wa~ one lan!fUlll;e to all. t And it came \0 Jl&."9 as the .. moved from the cut they found a plain in the land of Senaar. and they dwelt. there. a .\nd a man IBid to his neighbour. Come. let WI make brick. and bake them with fir.!. And the brick was to them for stoue. and their mortar was bitumen. 4.~ nd thl'v IBid, Come. let WI build to oureeln. a city and towet'. whose top shall be to hea~l!n, and let na make to ourselves a name, before .... 1." are _ttered abroad upon the face of all the earth. • And the Lord came down to lee the cit... and the to .... er ..... hich the IOna of men built. • And the Lord IBid, Behold, tw. .. one race, and one lip of all. and they have betrun to do thi.: and now nothing shall fail from them of all that they may have undertaken to do. 7 Come and having gone down let U8 there coiifound their tongue. that they mar not undentand each the voice of hie neighbour. • And the Lord acattered them thence over the face of all the earth. and theb1eft oft' building the city and the tower. • n this account ita name W&I called Confusion. because there the Lord confounded the languages of all the earth, and thence the Lord _ttered them UJlOn the face of all the earth.

lOJ.And these ",.e the generation. of Scm:

GENESIS X. 15-XI. 10.



09£1' 1~>..8f ~AtcrrulJL, KeU TO;'" rac/>8opIKLJL. Xavaav 8E 15 tyWvr,u£ rov l&8;;,va 'frpwmoKov al.rov, lCal Tal' X£TTawv. lCeU 16 Tal' 'I£{3cnxrriiov; ICW rov 'Ap.oppawv. lCaL rov rfP'Y£crriiov. lCeU 17 rov Eioaiov. lCeU Tal" APOVKa.LOV. lCal rov 'Acr£VVa.i.ov. lCeU TOV 18 ·Ap4&ov, IecU .,.ov ~Yt «al ~v -Ap.a8l. Kat porro. TOliro 8UCT1rGprp-aV 0.1 q,vAaL TWv Xavo.vcW"v. Kat ~CV£TO Tel OpLo. 19 TWv cl7l'o 1t8Wv~ €1IIi l>..8liv fli r£po.pel lCal ro.{elV, iWi Wiiv (Wi lo8op.IIIV ICQ.L rop.Oppa<;. 'A80.p.cllCeU l£{3w'iJL €1IIi ~o.uc£. 00r0L vioL Xa.,.,.. lv Ta.Li q,vAaii awwv. KaTel 'YA~<; 20 almdv, lv To.&~ xWpaLi allrWv, lCeU lv TOt<; &£11'1.1' awwv.

KeU ~ 7raua iJ yil X£iAoi ~. KeU M pIa 7I'ciu,.11 KeU ~iv£TO Iv ,,;; 1C&vrju0.& awoW cl7l'O clvaTOAWv. ~pov 7r£8{ov 2 lv yO lmuIp, lCal lCaT~K71Uav llC£L. KcU £17I'£V 8.v9ponr~ ,,;; 3 7rAfJUlov awov. &Vr£ 7I'ALv9ctm.Jp.£V 7r>Jv90Vi. KeU cS~JL£V aWeli 7I'Vpl· lCal ~iv€TO al.roii ~ 'fr >.1v8o<; di >.1901'. KeU dcr<bo.ATOi ~ awoii A '"7AOi. KeU £lmxv. &Vr£ OUco8oJLfpwJL£V 4 laVTOii mW.v ICW 7rVfYYOv. at lcrraL iJ lC£q,o.A" €Wi TOV o/'pavoii, lCeU 'lnKfpwJL£I' lavroLi ovop.a, 7I'pO TOV ~ ~p.O.i lin 7rpcKTOnrov ~ ~ yi1i. KeU lCaTc{3." KvpLOi l&iv T1Jv 7r0M" 5 KW rov 7rVfYYOV. 31' .p.co8OJLfJUD.V 01 v102 ,.wI' clv8~. Kw 6

• K' .~-~, .. , ~\ -_ .. _, 'ft

fL7I'£ vpux, &001' r£V~ £v. lCaL X£UWOi £v 7raYTIIIV. 110.' TOVTO

7jpb1.YTO 7I'O,ijuaL. lCa, viiI' olllC lKA'UpfL cl7l" almdv 7r&vro. &ro. &v brclJWvra, 7I'OUiv. ~(Vr£. lCal ICQ.Ta{3&VT£i UlT"fXc"'JL£V awu. 7 ElCci T1Jv y>.wo-crav. &'va JL" clKoVcnoo-l.V illo.crT~ T1Jv ~ TOii 7rAfJUlov. Kat OICCT1r£&p£V awoVi K VpLOi EK£i9fV brl 7rpOcrlll7l'OV 8 7r~ ~ yi1i. KW braVcro.YTO OUco8op.oVYT£i -Mil' nALv lCeU rov .".{:pyov. ~tcl TOVrO lKA$rJ ro ovop.a a~, lVyxvcrLi. on llCf'i 9 UVV(Xff KVPLOi Tel Xlf.>.:,! 7I'~ ~ yiji. Ka, (1C«9£V &CC1T£&p£V awoVi KVPLOi (71" r.pOulll7l'OV 'fr~ -Mii yi1i.

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GENESIS XI. ll-XlI. 8.

IUId Sem was a hundred years old .... hen he begot }. rphaxad, the IMlCOnd year after the flood. 11 And Sem lived, after he had be!!Otten Arphaxad, five hundred years. and begot IOna and daughters, and died. IS And Arphaxad lived a hundred and thirty·five yean, and begot Cainan. II And Arpliaud lived after he had begotten Cainan; fJ four hundred yell,l"I, and J?e.rot IOns and daughters, &lid died. And Cainan lived a hundred and thirty rears and begot Sala; and Qmaa.n lived after he had begotten Sala, tbJoee hun- • dred and thirty years, and be~t IOna and, and died. U And S&Ia lived an hundred and thirty years, and begot Heber.

16 And Sala lived after he had begotten Heber, tbJoee hundred and thirty years and ~t IOna and daughters and died. ii And Heber lived an huna;;;d and thirty.four years, &lid begot Phaleg. 17 And Heber lived after he had begotten l'haleg "I two hundred and seventy years, and begot IOna sad daughte!l, and died. II And Pbaleg lived an hundred and thirty yean, and begot Bagau. wAnd Phaleg lived after he had begotten Bagall, two hundred and nine years. and begot IOnl and daughters and died. .. And Ragau lived an hundnid thirty and two yean, and begot Seruch. II And Bagall lived after he had begotten Seruch, two hundred and seven years and begot IOns and daughters. and died. Ii And Seruch lived

a hundred and thirty years, and begot Na· chor. III And Baruch lived after he had begotten Nachor, two hundred yearsL anei ~t IOns and daughters, and died. .. And Nachor lived a a hundred and seventy.nine y~ and begot Tharrha. »And l!iachor lived after he had beeotten Tharrha. 'an hundred and twenty-five years, and begot IOns and daughters, and he died. III And • Tharrha lived seventy yean, and begot Abram, and 11 achor, and Arrhan.

11 And these (IN the p:enerations of Tharrba. Tharrha begot Abram and Nachor, and Arrhan; ana Arrhan begot Lot. • And Arrha.n died in the J.lresenee of Tharrha his father, in the land 1D which he was bom in the country of. the Chald __

III And Abram and Nachor took to themselves wives, the name of the wife of Abram was 8ara,B and the name of tl.te wife of Nachor, Malcha, dallghter of Arrha.n, and he was the father of Malcha, the father of Jescha. "And Sara was barren, and did not bear children. 11 And '!'harrha took Abram his IOn, and Lot the IOn of Arrhan, the IOn of hi, IOn, and Sara his daughter-in-law, the wife of Abram his IOn, and led them forth out of the land of the Chaldees, to go into the land of Ohanaan, and thev came 88 far 88 Charrhan. and he dwelt there. II And all the daYI of'fharrha in the land of Charrhan were two hundred and fiTe years, and l'harrha died in Charrhan.

And the Lord said to Abram, Go forth out of thy land and out of thy kindred, and out of the house of thy father, and eome into the land which I shall shew thee. lAnd I will make thee a great nation, and I will bless thee and magnify thI name, and thou shalt be blessed. a And will bless those

a .diu. 71I1'!&n. C .diu. U111 .......

or Abram', lIWTiacc with Sara.

6 There _ 10 be DO DOte or the date

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that bl_ thoo, and cune thOle that curse y~ (1't: lCaTapG(1'Op.t1L, lCa, W£lJAO"f'IfhjuoVT'aL (I' (1'01. riO'llL cil thee, and in thee ahall all the tribes of the ..LvAa.1. Ti1I~.,m... Kw bro--~· A a_n, lCa8&1I'(p ruA ...... ~y 4

earth be blessed. 4 And .A bram went as the ..,. f·" J-IC"VlI fJ,.-r .,..'

~rd spoke .to him, and Lot departed with aUr.jj Kvp~, 1Ca.I. I{\XETO fI-tT' abrov AcM. • A {Jpap. llE;V nwy him, and Abram lI'1WI aevenJy-five year: ol~ i{300JL"IICOYTa'7rMt:, OTt: ESiMt:Y be XD.pixiv. Kat lAo./3o wbeu he went out of CbalThan. An ·AR ~':__' - ,- "A' " _ H,-, Abram took Sara his wift', and Lot the son fJpaJL _"""y T1JY ")'1II'atlCa uvrov, Kat TOY CI)T' UWY TOU QO£I\-

of hia brotherl and all their poeees&ionl,.118 ¢au abrou, Kat '7raYTa Ta inr¥xovra aWWv Qua lKnjuavro, KW

many as they Jlad~t, and eVe1"! soul which - ,Ift~ ~ " • X .,' • ,.., ''''

ther bad got in OhalThan and they went W"a(1'ay "'VII.'Ir 111' EKT1J<Ta.YTO, Etc appal', lCat '~"1I\UOO'llY ".ope:v-

fortb to go into the land of Ch&naa~Jl 6i7vaL 'l" y7jv Xavaay. Kat llc.c.illt:OO"t:Y ·A{3pop. ,.qy W (1~ T«> 6

'And Abram traTeJ'Ied the land le~wue - ,-. -, '" " • ~ - ':nl_\ ,

as far 118 the place Sychem, to the high oak, JL"II«Y> a~ ,~ TOU T07l"0U o&<VX'JL, Em T1JY opw T1JY VY' 'f1\7fI"

and the Cbananites then inhabited the land. 01 llE Xayal'aWL TOr£ lCaTcall(OW ,.qy y7jl" Kat.::xp~ Kup~ 7

i And the Lord appeared to Abram, and - .A('/ '9 ,~- , , .. ' , -

said to him 1 will give tbisland to thy seed. T,!, fJpop., lCaL EL7I"t:Y aliT,!" T'f' < (1'OU OOlO"W T1JY Y'I"

And Abram built al!altarthere to the Lord, Taam,v' tcw «flCollOJL1J<Tt:Y (IC£;: ·A{3pop. 9vuw.(1'n7PWY KupUt Tc!i wbo appeared to hin,t. I And he de]ll.J'te!l t,¢8ML cr.VrW. Kw a7l"(<TT1J EKI'ilJt:Y Il~ TO ;;~ KIlTa aya'l'oAai 8 thence to themountam eastw1!.rd of Bethel, "D_.A.!\ " • 1 -, "-' _.LI' , and there he pitched his tent in Bmthel ~'I'" ICllt (<TT1J<Tt:Y (IC" T1JY (1'1("II"rJY IIVTOU t:Y Baw"1A lCaTa

near the aea, .and .A ~ toward the east, and 8aAa.u(1'aY, ICW 'A yycU KaTa al'aToM~· Kal ~o&lJL7J(1't:Y lKE'

tbere he built an altar to the Lord. and LI.._ ' .~ K' ,,_\, "_, ,

called on the namA of the Lord. 8 And vvulJ1.(1'T'r]pwv T'f' up"!', Ital E71"(lCaAE(1'aTO t:'7rt T'f' OVOp.t1Tt

AI>raI!t departed and went and encamped in Kup{ou. Ka~ awfjpe:v' A{Jpap., lCaL 7TOpcv8't~ EUTpaT07T(lle:VCTt:Y 9

the wildel'De118. 1 ~.,

10 And there was a famine in the land, and II' 'I"f1 Ep1J~.

Abram went down to. Egypt ~ IIC?journ Kw q(yfTO MJLa.. (7I"t ~ ~. Kat KaT(f3"1 ·A{3pop. Il~ 10

there bec&uae the famine prevailed lD tbe A· - (_. l' , M' " - -

land.' 11 And it came to p&a8 when Abrnm t')'l17l'TOY 7I"apo"''rJUaI. KEt, OTt YWJ(OO"t:Y 0 JLOi E71"t ~ "{Y1t.

drew nig4 to ~ter into Egypt. Abram aa~d 'KYO-ETO llE ;"'Uca mLO"IV • A{Jpo.JL £lut:>..8ELV El~ Ar)'V'II'TOY, ·11 to Sara hiI wifel I.lmow that thou art a faIr ,!rt:Y· Af3paJL lcIpa rfi ")'1II'atKL, '"(LI'WKW ly.a, OTt yvv7} Wrr"oo-

woman. !tIt aD&U come to p&a8 then that. ! WE ..,. • e.. _, • A' , ,_.

when the Em.ti&ns shall see thee, they fll7l"O' E • UTaI. OUl' ~ 0.1' lowut (1'( Ot L)'V'II'TWt, (poOO"'" OTL 12

llhall I&Y, Tbil is hie wife, and tbey 'I?afl yvv7} abroU (UT'" abr1], ICaL a'7rolCTt:Yow{ JL(, (1'E llE ""P''7rOL'9croY-

.~y me, but they shall II&ve thee alive. E"..· > ~ _ \..L.). , ~, • ... , 13

13 Sav therefore I am his lister, that it may Tal.. t'7rOY ow, OT' QO£I\..,.,/ aVTOU El.JLt, o~ aI' £IJ JLOt '"(t:Y1JTaI.

be well with me' on account of tbee. and my ll", Uf, Kal ,7jcr(TaL ,; I{tvxr/ JLOu o.(l((y (1'ov. 'E'"((YETO~, ';YUca 14

soul shall live bec&uae of thee. lIAnd it '-.\8 ·AR ' A' l&) • A' , , -

rome to p8IlS when Abram entered into ELCTl] t:Y fJpaJL n~ ,yt.'7I"TOI', YT(~ 01 I")'V7I"TW'T1JY ')'VYIUICa

Egypt-tlie Egyptiana haTip" seen his wifo abrou, Or, lCaA~ ;V (1'q.Ollpa. Kat r&,y IlVrVI' 01 apXOYTf~ 4>, 15 that she was very bt'autiful-II t~at tbo "al. l7l"11vE(1'aY abr1]I' ".pa. ~apa~, Ka.I. E«njya.,"(Ol' abr1]I' Il. TOY

pnnoes of Pbarao II&'IV her, and pr&laed her 9 " ~. R ...' ~'" ,

to Pharao and brought her into the house OLICOY 4>a.paw. Kat T,!, AfJpaJL t:V 9(PTJCTaVT'0 ot IIVT1JY' KaL 16

of Pharao. II And they tt:roted A bram well Cy(YOYTO abrei' '7rpO{Ja.Ta, lCat p./KrxOt, ICW OYOL, KW ".~, leW

onhtn'account.andhebadllheep,a.ndcalves,~,_ , • , ",_ K" ,,,,,_, , 17

and -. and men-aerTants, and women· 1T1JW«TICaI., lCaI. "IJLWYOI., KaI. tc4JL7J1W1.. ilL 'r]Ta.<Tt:Y 0 """O~ TOY

penan!:!, and mules, I!>nd camels. 17 And ~aPtt.W I.'I"a.rrJLO;:~ JLryaAoL~ lCat '7rOY1JpoL~. Kat TOY oLeOI' «brav,

God alllicted Pharao lnth great and aeTere ,~.:_ - '·AQ U _ \ ' ~,... ' , 18

amictioDi and his house, bec&uae of Sara W,pt _."...~ ~ ")'1II'1WC~ fJpap.· A.U.l\Eua~ OE 'A"apaw '1'01'

Abram'l..rife. IS And Pha.rao having call;i ·A{3paJL, E!'7rEI', Tr. TOVrO m{1J<Ta~ JLO'. OrL O~IC am7n'W1~ p.ot.

Abram, lI&id, What il this thou hast done • , ., 'I 't • 1~_'..L' " , 19

to me that thou didst not tell me that abe OT' Y"1"rJ uou tUTLY; yart ('7ra~ on 1JJJ€J\..,.7J JLOV CUT"'; ICa.t

was ~hy wif!!? III Wherefore didst thou ~v, ZAa.f3oy abr1]v IJLllvrii> yvva.UcCl· ICW vW lllov ,; 'Y17"'1 (1'OU lvavr{ She 18 ~J" lister P and I took her {9r II: wile aov >..o.{3Wy tlmpt:xt. Kw W£TI[Aa.TO 4>a.paW tlvllpau' "'Ept 20

to myaelf; and now, behold, thy mfe 18 be. • R' "'" _ ,_ , ,

fore thee, take her and go quickly away. AfJpaJL <TV/J:rpo1Tip.l/lat avrov, KaI. T1JY ")'1II'atKa aVTOU, lCaI. 1J'Q.YTCI

:0 And Pbarao pve ~ to men eonoern- 00-0. ~Y abrei'

ing A~~ to Join in aending him forward, • 'R .,:. R ,.., A' , • , " "~ 13

ana hil wile, and all that he bad.'!' Ayt:fJq OE AfJpaJL I~ tYUlTrOU aVT~, ICat 11 ")'1II'1J aurou,

And Abram went up out of Egy])t ... he lCaL ".aYTa Ta abrou, KW A~T fI-tT' abrou. £i~ .,.qy lpqJLOY. ·A. 2

and hi. wife, and all tliat he had, ana.lA>t Q ~, .. \ _ , ..L.!ll__' , , • , ,

with him into the wildernes& I And Abram fJpap. OE 'rJY 7I"1\OV(1'~ (1'''f'U''I'''' "T'rJI'(1". lCat apyvp"!,, ICaI. Xf1VO'"t.

was Tery ~cb in cattle. and silver, and gold. Kw brope:U8r, 08e:v ~>..8(I' di Ti}v lpqJLOY €~ Bcu8qA, _ ~u 3

I And he went to tN p~ whence be came" ~... •• -" .,' "D_.A.l.A

into the wildern_ a~ far as Bletbeh~. as befar 'l'0~~ ,ou TJY T/ 'A(1'K1J"'! a~u ~o 7I"~'POY, .!"'!~E(1'OY ~'I ~ 4 R.8 the place wbere his t4?Ut was lore, • ICIIL al'a p.t:(1'OY rYUt, «Li TOY TO'7rOY TOU vvul4CTTTJptou. ou tween Bethel. and Ag@lol, 4 to the place oJ (nX1J<Tt:V EICt:L .,.qy apx'P', KaL OrcICa.A(1'aTO (KEl • Af3pap. TO

the altar, • wInch be built there at fint. an. ~ K' , A' - .,. R

Abram there called on the Jll!olI1eoftheLord. 0l'0p.t1 TOU upwu. Kat IUT T,!, <TVJL7I"0pt:voJLt:Y~ JLETa AfJpaJL 5

• And Lot wbo went out Wlt,h .Abram had ;V W"pO{3aTa, KClL {30f';, Kat (1'K1JI'o1. Kat O~IC (xWpt:l al.,.~ ,; 6

~heep,a.nd 01en.a.ud 'tents. And the land _ _....' • , ,. \\ .. "

was not l&rgo enough for them to live to. Y'1 lCaT"'IC'''' a.p.a, OTL 711' '1"0. V1TapXOYTa aVTWY 'IT01\I\a.' KaI. OUK

II Alco. + ucI_ mIG &lie Iud 01 t: .......... So Lb. Hob.

., ,j Iu. + aad 1.01 wllb him. , ,j Ie. _lie.

6 diu. ... bere be madcI or piloiIed Ilia _ ..

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GENESIS xrn. 7-XIV. 9.

7 l~t aln-oVi ~ 'Y'i _TOUC'tv a.p.a. Kal ryEvrTO p.4)('1 av~ gother, because theirpo_ionl were greot;

I " a and the land was not Ial'ge enough for them

P.iCTOV Ti;,v 7rOtP.OIIIW TWV KT"I7"WV TOV Aflpap., Kal. avO. plCTOV to live together. 7 And there W8.8 a strife

TWV 'ftOLp.EvmV T';", ,,",vaw TOV AtM· ot ~E Xavavawt Kal. Ol between the herdmenof Abram's eattle, and

8 A..-nll'n-:~. TOT( KaT";"ovv...m,."m,. EtW', ~("ARnaIJ_ TW, A'~-, theherdmenofLot'seattlo,andtheChanan· -,.-10 .... - r-"" ,-,- fI,.-.- -. itee and the Pheresitee then inhabited the

p.., f.aTfIJ p.a.)('I Uva p.lCTov lp.ov KaL CTOV, KaL elva. plCTOV NV 7rOt- land. s ADd Abram said to Lot, Let there

'';''flJV IU)lJ Kal. ava. ILlCTov TWV 7rOtlLEvw" CTOV. ciTt /i.,,(Jnt ..... Ot not be a strife between me and thee, and r-' r-- r r: r=r: between my herdmcn and thy herdmen, for

9 ~ £CTp.(V ~/Ui... OVK lOoil wUcra T] y7/ lVo.vrLOV CTOV leTTL; we are IIbrethren. 'Lo! is not the whole &a'VMlliu6Jp-t a7l" lp.oir rl criI d~ dptCTTEpO. J....~, cl .. &~t&.. cl8E land before thee? Separatethyaelffromme:

,,-r' "T" if thou (lfHlt to the left, 1 will go to the

10 criI " s &~tcI.. ¥ ,L,. OptCTTrpa.. Kal. .. AWT T~ &q,DaA- right, and if thou gocet to the rightA_ I ,will ~ aln-ov, mi& ".Quay T7,v 7rrpt~v Toii 'Io~vov. OTt go to the left. 10 And Lot having lifted up

• .1' " '" ~~~_ his eyes, obserred all the country round

".aCTa ."" 7rOT ... OP.O"IJ. 7l'PO Toii". rov @(OV ~p.a about Jordan, that it was all wo.tered, before

KaL roflOppa.. c:,.. ;, 'lrapG&wa.. TOV @roti. teal c:,.. ~ 'Y'i AlyVr.-Tov, God overthrew !:Iodom and Gomorrha,_ ....

• ".II A , 7~_ K' 't_\ ce: ' A A' A ,the garden of the Lord, and 8.8 the mnd of

11 ,..,.. lJ\U€tV"~ -~ rvr-' at €~III\€~TO ((1VT'f' WT 'fraCTal' TIll' Egypt, until thon come to Zogora. II And

7l'rpt~ rov 'Io~vov' KaL .lrfjp€ A"'" a7l'o allaToAUw- KaL Lot chose for himself all the country ronnd 12 s!'·~-··-!-A-av ltcaCTTa.. a~ Toii a&Aq,oii awov. "ARnn. .. Of ,Jordan,and Lot went from the east, and ~1\-rvv'fV fI,.-,- they were 8tlJl6l'11.ted ooch from his brother.

Kanf»cr1cr& & rD Xavw1v' A"'" 8E teaT~& flt 7l'oAn Taw And Abram dwelt in the land of Chanaan. 13 7rEptvr:v.,.,v. teal. lIT~& (V ~p.m... 01 8E /i.,,(J'_"'Ot Ol & 12 ADd Lot dwelt in a city of the neighbour-

,,-r- ing people, and pitched his tent in Sodom.

},u&)p.ot .. 'frOl"f1pol. teal ~ OOVTWV TOV @rov CTq,OOpo.. lI'uut the men of Sodom were evil, and ex-

14 '0 8E @ra.. ,I"., T~ • A{3pap. P.rTd TO &axwpw9;vcu rov A"'" chI" ceedingly sinful before God. If And God

9 ' "~-' said to Abram after Lot was aepo.rated from

aln-oii. elv&.f3AafIov TO'" o.p a>..p.oi... CTOV, Kat W€ a7ro TOV TOrOV him, Look up with thine eyes, and behold

00 viiv criI tt 'ftpO" {3oppa.., teal >.I{3a .oJ' avaroAcl.~ Kal. 8O.Nw-CTay· from the plOOe where thou now art north.

, ..' 'A , ~, _ ", ,ward and BOuthward and eastwo.rd and _-

15 OTt ricrav TIll' yJ/v, ."" (TV ofJ41o", CTOt OOHTfIJ aVT"l" Kelt T~ CT7l'fP- ward; 1& for all the ~d which thou _t,

16 p.o:r{ CTOV I..,.. aWIIa... KaL 'frOtrJcrfIJ TO CT7l'Epp.a CTOV, w.. T7,v 1 will give it to thee and to thy seed for • - ~ ,~_,__, It..._-L1 A ,. A A ever. If And I will make thy seed like tho tLp.p.ov '"I'" Y'/'"' Et ovvaTat Tt~ \,....,_,wp.1JCTat '"I" a.p.p.ov '"I'" Y'I~, ydll8t of the earth; if anyone is able to

17 teal ro CT7l'fpp.C1 CTOV (~tDp.."tHprTat. 'AvtlOTa. s &o&vcrov T7,v number the dust of the earth, then shall

viiI' ti: .. T( TO u:ijteO'> a~ Kal. ,: s TO 7rAaTa..· OTt ITOt &lcrfIJ ul"';'v thy seed be numbered. 11 Arise and traveno , -, r: _ .. , the land, both in the length of it and in the

18 ltaL ~ CT7l'fpp.aTL CTOV fit; rovalWva. Kal a7l'OCTICT/I'(.Jcra~ • A{3pap., breadth; for to thee will I give it, and to lMJWv tea~t 7rapcI. T7,v Opw T7,v Ma.p.f3pij, ~ vv lv X,{3"wp., thy eeea for ever. 18 And Abram having

" aremoved bia tent, came and dwelt by the

teal ~te~l'1JCT«v cui. 9vcrtaCT"lptov T~ KvPUfl· ook of Mambre, which was in Chebrom,and

14 'E)'EvrTO ~E (V -rii {3auwiq. Tfi 'Ap.ap.paA {3auiA;'..,.. lrwaap, he there built an altar to the Lord. '

!Cal 'Apu"X {3aucAlw<; 'EUacrap. XO&Uoyo,.,.op {3auiAru.. 'Ellp., And it came to JlII8! in the reign of Am.

2 teal 8apycU {3auiAru.. 19vow, brot7JCTl1v 7l'OMp.oV p.rTa BaAAcI. a!phal king of SenDlllU', and Anoch king of

R __ . \' ~ - ~, " Un _ 'a - \ , r ' , , 'EllaBar, thllt Chodollogomor king of EIAm,

,......",E..,.. ~p.wv. Ita". /UTa ~a ,""..,.. op.oppa~, Kat and Thargal kingofnations,2madewo.rwith

/UTa. ~ {3aulAl..,.. 'A •• teal /UTa Ivp.o{3Op {3a.u&Al..,.. Balla Iring of Sodom, and with Bal'8o. kinll

3IER"-:,L. teal -{3a.rr&Al..,.. Ba.\4tc. aim] (eTTl. l~. n~f~ of Gomorrha, and with Sennaar, king of

,.,.-...... -" -,.- Adamo., and with Symobor king of ISeboim

OOrot CTVJIE~V1JCTGV brl. T7,v q,rJ.po.yya T7,v 4AVlojV' aim] T] 9a.- and the king of BaIac, this is !Segor. & A 11 4 A.acrcra TedV cL\Wv. A~tea Irq awol (oovAflICTav T';; XO&A- these 'met with one consent at the salt val-

I ", ~ _, • " 'E~' ley; this is MID the sen. of salt. f1'welve

5 Myop.op' ~ DE TptCTteelt()(KaT'f' rT(t a7l'ECTTTJCTall. V DE ~ Tears they served Chodollogomor, and the

T'ITCTap€CTteOA.&Ka.'"t €Tn VAD, Xo&>.Atryo,.,.op teal at {3auiA(i.~ thirteenth year they revolted. 'And in the

, ,~ , I ,I, " , 1.. 'A _.'.Il fourteenth year eame Chodollogomor, and

/UT aVTOV, teat KaT(Ko.,.av TOV'> )'t'}'IU'Ta .. TOV'> U' eTTa!""". the kings with him, and cut to pieoes the

tea, Kapvah.-, 1Hl' l~ lcrxvpa. /J.p.a awo'~. Kal. ToiI~ 'Op.p.a1OV'> giants in Astaroth. and Carnain, and strong

6 ' L ~ - A A '\ K' 'X'" " A nations with them, and the OmllUlean8 in

TOV'> U' -11fJ TTl 'frO"n. at TOll'> OppatOll'> TOll'> 'v TOt~ th it Sa 6 A d th CI h . th

• ~ \., .... Q ' _ _Lj .......' .,., , .... ." e C1 Y ve. n e lorr 8!!&Il81D e

OpECTt "'''!C'fJ. ,..,.. '"I'" TfpE,.."'1l0V '"I'" "A'apaY. 71 feTT'" fV TIl EP"'I~' mountains of Seir, to the turpentine tree of

7 Kal. d.vaCTTpl.;aVT~ vA90v wl. TJ,v ~ ~ tePUTE""" aim] ;Pharan, which is in the desert. 7 And haT'

, Tl".!S!.- ' '~I, ("_, ,. 'A __ \ , lUI{ turned beck they came to the well of

leTTI. ~,,..' tea". teaT(IC"'t'av l?"a~ TOO'> apX0VTa"\71K:;) judgment; Cades, and they cut in

teal T~ 'Ap.ofJpatOV'> T~ tearoucoiivTa .. Iv 'ACTauov6ap..Op-. pieces. all the prineee of Amalec, and the

8 ~t 8E {3a.rrwu.. ~p.wv. KaL {3a.rrwu.. ro,.,.oppa .. , KcU t.:!'-~nt;s01~~:e~t~t~ndm:~ k~~~~

{3a.rrIAM eA •• teal. {3a.uiAM lr{3wi .. p., !Cal. {:3aCTwu.. BaAcUc:. Gom!lrrha, an!i kinll of .AW;lI!o". and king of a'""'" (eTTl ~~!w Ka, 7ra.prT~aVTO aln-oi~ (z.. rOMp.ov iv ~ !SebolID, and Iring of B.aIac. this IS ~gor, and

_ .. , , ~ -'f r-,. ~, '" . '( they set tbemeelves In array &.galnst them

9 teoWl& TTl 4AV"11' 7l'pa.. Xo&lloyop.op {3a.rriAm 'EMp., Kat for WSJ' in the salt Talley, 'against Chodollo-

II Gr. -. hn&breD.

, o« ..... d.

• Or, bum. dwell. &1. & eIIa_.

CGr • ...-l.

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gomor king of Elam, and Tharp! king of ®apya.\. {3aCT&Aia 16vwv, lCal. ·Ap.ap¢a.\. {3aCT&AEa ~(I'I'wlp, lCa~ ll&tion81'!>Dd Amarphai kingof:Senuaar,and ·A .. u:,X IJ--&Af.a ·Ell_....:.~, 01 Tf.(J"CTap(~ RaCT&A(,~ 'lTpo~ TOW

Arioch Dnllof Ellaaar, the fourJringsBfJ&in8t r: fJV"U""""""'" ,..

the five. IONow the mlt vallev (IOUUU of 'll"mE. 'H Of ICO&M~ ~ c1.\v~, cpplaTa dCT¢OAT01I' iCPV"(E 8€ 10 slime. pits. And the kinB". of ooilom fled and {JaCT~ ~IU"" lCal {3aCT&AEW rouJp'pa' s, "a~ llfl7rECTal' EICEl'

the king of Gomorrha. and they fell in there: rr+» r-

and they that were left fled to the mountain 01 8€ lCaroAE«p8'1'T~ d~ 1'7]If cSP(wfpt (CPV"(Olf. ·E.\o.{Jol' 8( ,.,If II OOUDtry. II And they took all the cavalry of l'lMTOIf 'lTaCTQ.I'.,..m, ~"Wlf lCa, rouJp'pa' ~,lCa~ 'lT4VTa TA t:I"':"Ul.Ta

Sodom and Gomorrha. and all their proviso .. r: r: r+ ,..,..-.--

ions, and departed. BAnd they toot also a..n-wv, lCa, Ibrij.\8olf. ·E.\o.{3olf 8( lCa, TOlf Aw-r TOlf ViGIf TOV 12

Lot the lIOn of Abram's brother, and his cl&.\cf>ov· A{3po.p., lCal '"'" clll'OCTICwl]Y awov, lCal clmtxolfTo' ;V,and departed,for he dwelt mSodom.

'\I~ lCaTft'lCwIf L ~-"'~,ll)'~.

IliAlld one of them that had been rescued''''''' ~ "' ~r- •

came and told Abram the fJ Hebrew; and IIapa-yn-ap.woo: 8( TWIf dl'aCTw8f.VTWII Tt~ clm7rr(&Aw· A{3pap. 13

he dwelt by the oak of Mamre the Amorite T;U 'lTEpG.T'!)· awo~ 8€ lCaTc.M:U 1I"apa Tjj opvt Tjj Map.fJpfi • A!LOP-

the brother of Rschol,and the brother of .', ~ Hl..L,,~ ''''~N~.l ' - ""',I,-A" ...

Annan who were oonfederates with Abram. patOV TOV IWE • ...,..,V ~ 1\--' lCat TOV 1lO£A't'0V VI'alf, 0' 7lCTQ.I'

It.And Abram having heard. that Lot his CT1/If(IJpmat TOV· A{3pap.. • AlCoOOa~ 8( • A{3fU11L 0,., Vxp.a>..c:wEll- 14

D!'Phew had been taian captive, numbered TaL Aw-r ;, &&.\cpt80~ awov, ~p18P.7lCT( TOW lMov~ OUcO"(Q'EL~

his own home-born .WDII..u three hundred , _ • <" ". • ~! ... I:_ .• _. ,_

and ~hteen, and pursued after thel;D to aVTOV Tpta.lCOCTWV'> OElCa lCaL OICTW· lCaL lCaTEO~ .. 07f"WII) aVTIllV

Dan. ~d he came upon them by mght~ €W~ ~alf. Kal. l'ITi'ITfCTEV f..,r awov~ T7]v vVlCTa. au~, 1Cal. 01 15

he and hie 1IIll"Y&Dta. and be smote them ana ~.. . ,~ ,.._. _l:-. " , ~! .. 1: ".

pursued them &8 far &8 Choba which is on ~LOE~ aVTOV, lCaL VTaT~... aVTOV'>, lCat lCan""","w aVTOV'> E~

the left of DaIII&8Cus. 16 And he reecrered Xo{Ja, ~ lCTT'If Elf apLCTTfpq. Aap.a.ulCov. Kal d.1I"iCTT~( 1!"ciCTQ.I' 16

all the cavalry of Sodom, and he recovered ,. ~_<" , A' ""'-\,1,.<'-- , -,. ".

Lot his nephew and all his l1088eS8ions and TTfV t'IT'ITOl' ~p.wl'. lCa, II)T TOlf aOll"'t'wow aVTOV a1l"ECTTpE.,.E.

the women and the people. "17 And the'king lCal 'lT4lfTa Ta wa.pxolfTa awov, lCal Ta~ yvvaUca~, lCa, rov.\o.Ov.

of Sodom went out to meet him after he 'Et:.::. \6 .. , IJ . \' ~ . <' r • • ,~" 1 7

returned from the slaughter of l:J&,'doUo- .. 'I" ( 011 ,..aCTlA(V'; ~p.wv ,,~ CTWl1lfT11CTtlf 11'"'l" p.ETa TO

gomor, and ~e kings witl.l him, to t~e valley inroCTTpiy,at awolf cl1!"O ~ IC~ TOV Xo&>.>..oyoplJp, lCal TWV

of Baby; this was the plain of the kings. f3a.q&AlwIf TWV p.ET' awoii El~ T7]v 1C0Wf&r. TOV ~af31J' TOVro;"

III And Melehiaedec kinIl of-8alem brollJht , <". • {3 . \ ! ..

forth loovee and wine. ana he "'&8 the pneet TO 'II"(OWV TWI' aCT"",,,I'.

of the mOlt high GOd. ".And he blessed Ka, MEAxwE8€1C f3a.q&A~ ~~p. l~"w OpTOll'> lCa, 011lOIf' 18

!~:~g~~~b!l= ~:';~r:d '!r\\e ;.. 8€ l«~ TOV ®tOV TOV "",iCTTOV. Kal. ru.\ar'lCTf TOlf • A{3po.p.. 19 !I)~d bl~ be the .m~t high God who lCa, EI'lTEV, EU.\oyqP.EI'OO:· A{3pa.p. TIji 0Eiii TIji "y,Urr'l.'. ~ bc-rWE rov delivered thine ~eDl1es ~nto thy. Yt>wer. OVpa.,olf lCa, 1'7]1' -yijv. Kal EU.\oyqTO~ ;, ®E~ ;, VY,LCTTO~ 8~ 20 AndAbrampvehimthetltheofalL And '.. 'I.A' ., , 'l' " _

the king of tIodom said to Abram, Give me 'lrapEOWKE TOll'> "'1\"fJOV'> CTOV V'lT0XE'P~ CTOt· lCat COWICW a'"'l'

~~e menl and ~e the a h~nes to thyself. ·A{3po.p. MlCaTTfl' d1!"O 'lT4VTIllIf. E1'IT( 8€ {JaCT&AEW ~p.wlf 'lTP~ 21 •• And Aoram swd to the king of Sodom. I .At:I ~L ,... '<" • L!t:I ~ E" 22

will stretch out my hand to the Lord the ,..po.p. •..... p.o, TOll'> alfOpa~, T171' 011 L'lT'lTOY IWOfJE CTEaVT'l" 'L'IT(

most hiIlh God, wh~ made the heaven and ~ ·A{Jpa.p. 'lTP~ TOl' {3aCT&.\i11 ~o&p.wv, (lCToo '"'" XELpa p.ov the oortli, SI t4at I will not take from all thy 'K • • D.' ',"'. •• "', goods from a string to a shoe-latchet leet 7rPO~ vpwv TUlf ~EOlf TOIf ...,.WTOY, O~ IICTWE TOV OVpallOII lCat

t~IOU ~"o)lldeat say, I pave made Abram T7]v 'Yijl', El a"';' CT'ITapTiov l~ CTq,V~POO: woSrJ#J4Too: .\#0- 23

ncb. ~ Except what things the young men cl" - -. ,. - J.M~" >.0' ,

have eaten and the portion of the men that flG.t 'ITO 1I"Q.I'TWII TIIW CTWIf. LIfO. p.7J EL'II'?l'i:, on <r« nr, VTwa TGIf

went with' me, Rsch!>!, Aunan, Mambre, • AfJpap.. II'\;p. ~ (cpa.yov 01 IfOllf6CTICOt, lCal ~ P.Ept800: TWV 24

these ahall take a po~on. cl~pWv TWIf CTVP.1I"0pEv6'IfTIIIIf P.ET· l!LOu 'EoxW.\. Awav. Myf3pij·

.And after these thmp the word of the • \ .:..,. ..,~!L

Lord came to Abram ill a vision, saying, QVTOC ".,...OVTa.t ,_,...,....

Fear not, Abram, I weld thee.A. thy reward METa 8£ Ta MflG.TO. TO.VTa. ~wqe,., pi]flG. Kvplav 'IT~. A/3pap. 15

~~ter~.dez,~k:!ftt tho~~e :'edp EI' IJpG.p.a.TL, .\iywlf, p.~ cf>o/3ov A{3po.p.· eyw Vnpwnr~1II CToo· ;,

whereas 1 am departing without a child,but ~ CTOV 'lTo.\w Wnu~· AEyEt 8€ ·A~po.p., AECT'ITOTa 2 the 8On. of ¥alek my bome-bora, fe~e KVP'E, T{ !LOt 8Wo-(~; eyw Of clll'o,\,tiop.a' aTEI(JIoc;' ;, 8( v~ elave, thll Eliezer of DaIII&8Cus .. flI'IN Itnr. ,-. ~ • A ,~, .,. ,

• And ~bram eaid, 1 am grinJed since thou MaCTclC .,.,,~ OtICO"(EIf01.~ !LOv, OVTOO: ap.a.CTKOO: ~E .. 'P' Kat 3

hast Iflven me no seed, but ~y ho~e-bo1'!l Et1l'W· A{3po.p.. brE"s1, EP.O' OGK E~a~ CT'ITtp#J4, ;, 8£ oUcO"(~

urtIlillt shall succeed me. A.nd immedi- .. \ • K ' .'.ll' .I...M":' K ' " '.

ately there was a voice of the Lord to him, !LOv lU\7JpoIIOP.7JCTEt P.E. at EVI1V'> 'l""UI vpwv E"(WETO 'lrPO~ ~

eayingl T,l,Ua shall not be thine heir; but he awolf .\i-yoVCTa ou M7JPOVOP.,:,a-EL CTE otToo:· cl.\,\' ~ ceE.\oIa-ETaL

that IIIIW come out of thee shall De thine, '- • • \ ' 'E~' "'," se.: ' 5

heir. i And he brought him out and said to EIC CTOV, OVTO\ 1C"7JpolfOP.7JCTEL CTE. .. '1'0.,,(£ 011 aVTOlf ~w. lCat

him, Look up now to heaven, and count the EI1I"EV ow':>, cll'&.{3AEo/Olf S;, El~ TOV OVpalfOl', lCal apt8p.7JCT0l' TOW

stars, if thou shalt be able to number them ._. " ~_"':~!l: .o - " ,.. • •

fully, and he said.' Thus shall thy aeed be. "?'"'~~, EL UU"I" II ~,,~wr7JCTat a~oV'>' 1C11'_ EL'IT~, o~ ~a, IS And Abram believed God, and it was TO CT'ITEpflG. CTOV. Kat €'ITLCTTEVCTW A{3pap. T'f.' 0E'l', lCat lNrylcrfJr, 6

IJ !Jr. _. ad. ~

, Gr. 1IIIdcJ' IwId 10 Ib-.

, Ho .... f.a.

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7 cWT<? flt; &.ccuo<nJv,pr. EllTf BE lI'pOi awov, ~ ;, ElEO; 0 ~a:ya:yu", (T( (I( ~pa.,. Xa.\.owwv, ifxrr£ OowaL (TOL ",V y7jv 8 TaVnp- I(A:'1po!10P.fjucu. EIlTE Of, ll.iU1TOTa KVPLf, I(UTa TI. yvW- 9 (, OTL 1C7I:'1povop.T,crW alm7v; EI1I" BE aVTcji, >..af3E p.oL ~ TpLerl.{OIKTav, ICcU a.lya TpuTl.{ovcrav, lCa, ICPLOV TpLETL- 1 0 {oVTa, lCa, Tf1'1')'Ova., ICcU 7r'PLlTTqxJ.v. .EA.af3' Of a&<? 7raVTa Taw", lCal. OuLA.EV awa ,,1(Ta, KcU Z8-qICEV awa d.vTL7rpOuWlI'a

11 dll~.\m,., Ta OE apv(a ov O;..LA.(. KaTi/3." O( apv,a l1T1. TI1 (T~

p.ctTa, (r, Ta OL}(OTOp.~p.a.Ta aVTwv' lCa' ITIIVEI(OiJWEV awoir; 12 "Af3pa.p.. IIEp' BE ~Af.ov 01J(1'; '''UTalTL'' l7rWE(T( ~ "Af3pa.p., 1 a ICcU i&V 4>of3~ (TICOTELVOr; p.lya,. bTLlTL1TTU aW<f. KcU ipPE8-q 7rpO" "Af3pa.p.· ~ICWV ')'l'Wuu OTL rapoucov ZUTCU TO U1T€pp.a CJ'OV b -tii OVK ~,,,a, OoUAWuOU(TLV awoW, ICcU l(a.lCWuOlKTLV 14 awov,., ICcU TalTELVWuOVULV aVroV., TETpa.ICOuLa 'TTl, To Of E{JV~,

.e lav OovAmrwu" ICp".,w~· p.ETa BE Tawa, (~u..(VuOVTCU ~ 15 p.ETa 47rOUlCmj,. 71'o.UTj,., lv Of 47r~ 'lrpO" TOv,. 7raT€pa" 16 (TOV lv EipflVU, Tpa.c/>E't; lv riP7- 1Ca.Acji. Tm'.pT"[] OE y£v£ij. 411'11- UTpa.4>~OVTCU~· OlnrW yO.p 411Q1I'(1TA~pwVTaL a1 ap.apTUu T(;W 17 ' iCal'> TOU vW. 'ElTE' Of 0 ;~ lyivETO 'lrpOt; ~p.a,., q,AO~ lyivETO' ICcU lOoil 1CAlf3av~ lCa,","op.EV~ ICcU .\.aP.1Ta&,. 7rVpO", cit &TjA8av 4Va P.E(TOV TWV OLXOTOP.."p.aTWV 18 TOliTwv. 'Ev Tjj ~P.EP'l- EICELVU &EOETO KVPL~ Tcji "Af3pa.p. iiw.8fr

""IV, A~V, ~ U1Tfpp.aTL (TOU &«rw n,... yTjv TaVTTtv, U7I'0 TOU 7roTaJl-Ou AlyWn-ov €CaI'> TOU 1TOTap.ou TOU p.E')'MoU Elrq,paTOV' 19 Tov,. KEValollS, lCa'·ToW KEVE{alovs, I(cU TOl. ... K£OP.WVal.ollS, 20 ""I. TOO,. XETTalOV., ICcU TOv,. 4>,p'{alollS, lCa, TOv,. 'Pa~£lv, 21 lCa, ToW' AP.OppalOllS, ICcU TOO,. MVaval.ollS, ICcU TOv,. EVaLOllS,

ICcU Toil,. rEP')'E(Talov., l(aI. TOil,. 'I£f301J(1'alou ••

16 lripa. Of ~ f'1M1" Af3pa.p. OVI( ETUCTEV awrfi· ~v OE aUTl1 7:"a,- 2 0Ur""1 Al')'V1TTw., V ovop.a" A yo.p. Er1l'E Of lripa 7rpOt;" Af3pa.p.. lOov ITIIVUcMWf. p.E Kvp~ TOU p.~ TUcTELV' E'[CFE.\.8E o~v 'lrpO,. .,.qv 'lrlU8W""1v p.ou, iva TEICV07f'OLT,crWp.aL '~aVTTj,.· Vm1I(OVUE OE 3" Af3pa.p. TTjr; ~ lUpa,.. Ka, .\ ~ ~ "Af3pap.

"Ayo.p ",V Al')'V1TTw.... n,... ~aVTTjr; 7ratOUr""IV. p.ETa OElCa En, TOU oUcfjuQ.L "Af3pa.p. lv -tii MvaaV. EOwKEV aVTT,v Trfi ., Af3pa.p. avop, 4 alrrijr; awcji ')'lIVWII. Kal. EluTjAfJ, 7rpO" "A yap. lCal. 1TIIVf.Aa/3,· lCal. ,l&v OTL lv ')'IIUTpl. EXEL, ICcU T,rLp.M8-q ~ ICVpW. lvaVTLov 5 aVTTji. EIrE OE 'l.ripa. 7rpo<; "Af3pap., a8'ICOVp.aL fl( (Tov' lyW oiOwlCa n,... 7reu8w""IV p.ov £1,. TOv 1C0A1TOV (TOU, lOoiJua Of on (V YaUTPI. Exn, T,rtp.O..u(J'1V lvaVTLov aVTTj,.· I(p{vcu ;, 0EOi 4Va

6 P.EUOV (p.ou lCal uou. EllTE Of" A/3pa.p. lI'pO" lripav, lOov ~

7ratOw""1 (TOV lv Tai,. XEPUL UOV, x_pW aVrO ~ Q.v (TaL OpEOTOV V. lCal. (1(IlKWUEV airTljv lapa, leal a7l'iopa. «71'0 71'POUWlTOlJ aVTTj s,

7 E:iPE OE aVTT,v Q.')")'E~ Kvplov '7r1 Tfji 'IT7J'Yii,. TOU V&.T~ (V 8 Tjj lM~' l1T1. TTj .. ~ lv Tfj 00.;; ~ovp. Kal. €tlTEV aVrO ;, o.')")'~ Kup{ou, ·Ayap 7rcu8Ur""1 lUpa .. , r08EV EPXf1; lCal. 7Tci) 7ropWy; ICcU ,11TEV' 471'0 7rpoumu lapa~ TTj.. ICVpW.,. p.av Eyw 9 47ro&opaa-KW. Err, O( aVTjj 0 Q.')")'€Ao" KUPLOV, Q.7I'0UTpaq,.,,8,


counted to him for righteousness. 7 And be eW.d to him, I Gill God toot brought thee out of the land of the Ohaldeeus, so 118 to give thee this land to inheri t. s And he said, Master alld Lord, how sball I know thGt I shall inherit it? I And be said to him, 'I'ake for me an heifer in her third year, aud a she-goat in her third year, and a ram in his third year, and a dore and a pigeon. lU So he took to him all these, and divided them in the midst, and eet them opposite to each other, but the birds he did not divide. U And birds came down upon the bodies, et>eII upon the divided parts of them, and Abram II sat down by them. 12 And about sunset a trance fell upon Abram\ ~d lo! a great gloom'y terror falls upon him, 12 And it was said to Abram Tliou shalt surely know that thyaeed shall be a sojourner in a land uot their own, and they shall enslave them, and aftlict them, and humble them four hundred years. U And the nation whomsoever tbey shall serve I will judae; and after this, they shall rome forth hitlier with much Yjlroperty. ~ But thou shalt depart to thy fathers in peace, nourished in a good old age. 16 And in the fourth genel'lltion they shall return hither, for the sina of the Amori tea are not yet filled up, even until now. 17 And when the sun 'W&8 about to act, there WIllI a llame, and behold a 8IJl0king furnace and lamps of fire, which p&IIII8d between these divided pieces. 181 n that day tho Lord made a covenant with Abram, saying, To thy seed I will give this land from the rivl'r of Egypt to the IIJ"e&t river Eupl.mtes. liThe Kenites, and the Keneaites, and the Kedmoneans, ~and the Chettites IIJld the Pherezitea, and the Raphaim, 2lan.f the Amorites, and the Chananites and the Evites, and the Gergeaites,and the Jebusites.

And Sara the wife of Abram bore him no children; and she had an EJmltian maid, whose name was Agar. 2 And Sara said to A bram, Behold, the Lord has restrained me from bearing, go therefore in to my maid, thGt I may get children for myaelf through her. And Abram hearkened to the voice of Sara. 180 Sara the wife of A bram having taken Agar the E~"ptian her bandmaid, after Abram had dwelt ten yean in the land of Ohenaan, gaTe her to Abram her huebsnd as a wife to him. 4 And he went in to A IIIL!", and she conceived, and saw that she was with child, and h er mistress was dishonoured before her. 6 And Sara said to Abram, 1 am injured by thee; 1 gaTe my handmaid into thy bosom, and when I saw toot she was with child, I WIllI dishonoured before her. The Lordjudge between me and thee. GAnd Abram SILld to Sara. Behold thy handmaid is in thy hands, usc her as it may !cmn goo:1 to thee. And Sara atBictro. her, and she il~ from her face.

7 And an I\::~ e- l of the Lord found her bv the fountain of water in the wildernesa, b)' the fountaiu in the "'8.1 to Sur. 8 And the r.nllel of the Lord said to her, Agar, Sara's maid, whence eomest thou, and whitber gO,,!t thou? and she mid, I am fleeing from the face of my mistress Sara. g And the angel of the Lord enid to her, Return to

fJ Or. dro .. U1em aWI1. Tlae Lxx. _10 ha .. read:le' ror:l'l;)

., Lit. bocPlre.

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thy mistress. and IlUbmit thyself under her hands. IU And the angel of the Lord said to her I will lurely multiplY thy seed. and it ~\;;h not be numbered for' multitude. II And the angel of the Lord said to her. Behold. thou art with child. and shalt bear a IIOnJ and .halt call his name Immcl, for the Lora hath hearkened to thy humilIation. I2He shall be a wild man. his hands asmnlt all, and the hands of all against him. and he ~hall dwell in the presence of all hiB brethren. III And she called the name of the Lord God who spoke to her. Thou art God who _It me; for she 8Bid. For I here ope:nly seen him that appeared to me. wl'herefoJ"e she called the well. The well of him whom 1 haTe QPenlv sepn: behold it is between Cades and Baraa. 16 And A,f!lLr bore a son to Abram: and Abram called the name of hi. Mn which Agar bore to him. Ismael. IIIAnd A bram was eighty-six years old. when Agar bore Ismeel to Abram.

And Abram waa ninety-nine years oldJ and the Lord appmred to A bram and saia to him. I am thy God. be well-pleasing before me. and be blameless. I And I will f'Stablish my oovenant between me and thee. and I will multiply thee exceedingly. lAnd Abram fell upon his face. and God spoke to him, sayinlt. 4 A nd I. behold! my covenant i. with thee, and thou shal t be a father of a multitude of nations. 'A nd thy name shall no more be called Abram. but thy name .hall be Abraam. fJ for I have made thee a father of many nations. I And I will ineresse thee very exceedingly. and I will make nations of thee, and kinga shall come out of thee, 7 And I will establish my covenant between thee and thy seed after thee, to their generations. for an t'TerlBllting eovenent, to be thy God. and the God of thy seed after thee. ~ A nd I will Jrive to thee and to thy seed after thee the land wherein thou sojourneat, even all the land of Ohanaan for an possession. and I will be to them a God. • And God said to .-\ braam, 'l'hou also shalt fully kl'CJl my rovenant. thou and thy seed after thee for their lIenerations. III And this i. the covennnt which thou ahalt fully keep between me and you, and between thy seed after thee for their ,",nerations; eTerT male of vou shall be circumcised. 11 And ye shall be eireumeised in the flesh of your foreskin. and it shall be for a sign of a coveuant 00.; tween me and vou. 12 ADd the child of eight davs old shall be circumcised by you, every male throughout your generations. and tu 'fflta"t hom in the house GDd he that is bought with money. of even son ofa .trangt'r. who is not of thy seed. 1.1 He that is born in f'iY house, and he that is bought -i.h money eball be IlUrely circumcised, and my corenant shall be on your fteeh for an everluting eovenant, It.~ nd the uncircumcised male, who shall not be eireumcised in the ilesh of biB foreskin on the eiBhth dAy. that soul .hall be utterly dcstroyed from il& family, for he has broken - my COTenant. 15 And God said to Abraam. Sam thy wife -bt'r name shall not. be called 8ara. Barrha .hall be her name, II And I will bless her.



7rPO" TlJV IOJp{a.v UOV, Kat Ta7rfLvwfJrp-L ;"ro Ta .. x(Lpa.. av"l". Kat t:17r0' ainii b &'YYfAO .. Kvp£ov, 7rA-q8Vvwv 7rA"qOvvw TO 1.0 O"1f"(pp.a uov. Kat OUK tlpdJp."qBi}ueraL WO TOt. 7rX7J80t~. Kat 11 t:T7r(v afnij b ayy'Xo,> KvpLov, lOa" uV (V yao-rpt EX"'" Kal T/~ v~Ov. Kat KMEU"" TO ovop.a aVrov 'I up.a~A. ML bnlKOvUf Kvpw<; rii Ta7rUVWut:L UOV. ~O<; EOTa.L aypoLKO<; av8pw-tr0<;' 12 a, X'£,>f" awou art 'll"aVTa s, Kal a, Xfi.p~ 7rUVTWV ;'11" awo,,"

Kal KaTo. 'll"POOIJ)1fOV ftVTWV TWV &M.Aq,wV atroil KaTOLKl]uft. Kat (Ko>"fU( ro ovop.a KvpWv TOU ,\a..\oWro<; 1I'pO" alm,v. 13 (TV IJ 0fO" IJ (7ri&:lv P.f· OTt fr11"f. Kat yap (VW11"I.ov t:r&,,, oc/lUVTG. P.OL. "EV'KO' TOVrOV (KMfUf TO q,p(ap. q,PEap at 14 lvw1t"I.ov fT&v' lOo" ava P.E(TOV Ku~ Kat cWa p./(TOV BapaB. Kol b'KO "Ayo.p Te? "A{3pa.p. "'01'. Kat (Ko.X'!TO' "A{3po.p. TO 15 ovop.o.. TOt: VLOV awov. Sv &fKO' awe? "A yap, 'Iup.a.~A. "A{3pap. 16 8E ~v lTWV cSyOm]KoVTaU. ~v{Ka mKo "Ayo.p ~ "A{3pap TOV 'I!Tpa~A.

'EYEvero O€ "A{3pap. (TWV m-fV'1KoVTafvvia. Kat /:4fh, 17 KvpLO<; T~ "A{3po..p.. KaL ,111"0 awc;i. ¥> fiP.L b 0,0.. 0'00' flJO.plOTfL lYffnrwv EP.OV. Kat y{vov a.p.'p.7M"O<;. Kat 6-quop.o..' 2 TlJv 8uJJr]K7JV P.OV avo. p.Euov (P.OV. Kat avo. p.iuov uov, Kat 7rA"qfiwW Uf uq,08po.. Kat br,uo" A{3pa.p. art 11"POOCl11t"OV au- 3 TOV. Kat I'>"a),:r/O"O' awc;i b 0fck AE-yWV. Kat l-yW lOov ~ 4 &aBi}"'1 p.ov p.fTa uov· Kal Ecru 'll"aTlJp 'll"A~80v s 18vwv. Kat 5 ou KA"q6-qufTa, b, TO ovop.O. UOV "A {3po.p, &.>.A' EUTa, TO avopa (TOV 'A{3po.O.p., OTt 'lraTEpa 7rOu.vv 19vwv Ti8fLKa UE. Kat 6 au~avw 0" ucpOOpa (Tq,08po.. Kal fH,uw sre e:l" EOvr,· Kat {3au ....

Afi. .. (K UOV (~t:Aft1uOVTa,. Kal OTrJuW np. 8uJh1K7JV P.OV I1va ']

, \ • \., ..." " '" t ..

P.EUOV 0'0". Ka, ava P.((TOV TOV O"1f"t:pp.aro<;; !TUV p.era Uf n" TO."

YO'fa .. a.WWv, (I .. 8U18.7K7JV aiwvr.ov Elva{ uov 0,0", Kat TOV O"1f"ipp.aTo.. UOV p.ero. uE. Kal &:xro, 0'01 Kat "Tc;i O"1f"' o"ov 8 p.ETa UE np.~, ~v mtpOu(fL", 7riiuav TlJv yijv Xavaav. t:i ..

KaTOOxEulv aiwvr.ov· Kat E( awo;" d<;; 0fOv. KaL ,111"0 IJ 9

0,0" '11",,0,,' A{3po.O.p.. uV 8£ np. 8uJJr]K7JV pOV 8U1T11Pt7un s , uV Kat TO O"1f"ipp.a uov p.era UE ,1<;; re" YOfc)S awwv. Kat ain-"q 10 ~ 8,aBi}"'1.;;v 8UJ.T11P~U"", cWa piuov (/lOV Kal vp.Wv, Kal avo. P.EUOV TOV (T'lrtpp.o..To.. !TOO p.era UE (I .. Ta .. 'Yofci .. awwv' 'll"EpL-

TP.rlJ7Jcrera., vp.Wv 7rav &PUQlLK~V. Kat 'Ir'p,rp.TfHpEu6, "'" 11

uO,pKa ~ lucpO{3VOTu,.<;; vp.Wv. Kal lOTa, ,I" O"T/pliov 8U1Bi}"'1" ava p.luov lp.oV Kat vp.Wv. Kat 'll"a,8tov OKTW ~P.fP;;'V 'II"'P'TP."qBi}- 12 UfTa, v,uv. 'iraI' liPU'VLKOV el" Ta" ,),0(0." vpw,," Kat olKOYEvlj .. Kal b afTY"pW"'T"oc; &11'0 'll"avro.. vwv dAAoTp{ov. & .. OVK EITT'" lK TUV O"1f" 0'00, n,p'TOP.V 7r'P''f"p."ffr/uETQ' b olKoy~ ~ 13 oUcla" 0'00, Kat 0 Op-yvpW"'T"o,,' KaL EOTIU ~ 8U18~"'1 pov (11"t ""I" Uo.pKo.. vp.Wv ,I.. 8UJ.B~K7JV aiwvLOv. Kal l111"fp{Tp."qTO" 14 iipa-qv. s.. ou 7rfpLTp.~era, TlJ" uO,pKa ~ lucpo{3VOTla"

a wov rii ~P.EfXf Tjj 6-y8Orl. (~oAoOp£IJ8t7ueraL ~ I/roxil (Kd"'1 lK TO;; 'rEVOl!<; a~, ;h, "'" 8U1Bi}"'1V /lOV 81.((TKI80.(T(. Kat 15 Er".O 0 0fo.. Tc;i 'A{3paap., l.&.po. ;, yvn1 0'00. oll KAWera.,

TO avop.a aln-ij.. l.apo.. l.&.jJpa. EOTa, TO OVop.o.. aVrij". EVAO- 16

/I Rom.t.17.

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~ ~ alm]." Kal &.KrCIJ O'ot U a~~ TIKIIOV, KaL ruAoy7}O'W aVTO, KaL EO'TaL £t~ lOV7/. Ka.L {3QO',)..f'~ (OvWV ~f aVToil €O'oVTaL. 17 Kill ('11'£0'£1' 'A{3p04p. (7fL 'II'POcronrov aVToil, Kal l-yiMO'f' Kal f1'11'£V lv rfj otallolt,t awoil, AtyCJJV, d T~ (KIlTOVTa£Tf'i Yf."p£TaL 18 vWs; KaL €I ~ 'Uppa (""EJ~KOVTa lTwv Tt~aL; EI'II'£ 0' 'A{3paO.p. 'II',m ,.oil @fO'" 'IO'J'I11,A O~T~ ~.p.w lvaVTtov O'ov. 19 EIrf Sf 0 0f~ 'II'P~ 'A{3po.ap., val- l&rtJ ":i.ap/Jll ~ ~ O'ov T(~ETo1 (TOL vwv, «elL ICa.AiO"E'~ TO OVOjJA aVTOV ''I aQa.I(· «at ~W T1]V oc.alhJlCTfV p.oo 'II'pO~ awov, fl~ OLIlB,71CTfV au.wLol',

20 ,ll,at aw~ 0Eo~ KilL T~ O"II'lpJ'l1TL aVTov P.ET· awov. ITfPL o£

'IO'p.C1lIA lOov bn}KovO'a 0'00' KaL !Sot. fvMj'l'/Ka aVTov, KaL a~fal..u av"ov, KaL 'II'A-q6vvW awov O'cpOSPIl 8W&Ka 10vT] 'Y€VV>]- 21 un, KaL &.Krw awov (l~ (OVO~ T;,v ~ Ota9-qICTJV p.ou ~ 'II''';'~ 'IO'aaK, 8v Ti,£Tal O'OL ":i.o.ppa d~ ,.ov KaL";'v Toil- 22 TOV, lv ~ lvLaVT~ T~ €T~. ":i.vv£T(At:O'£ ~ AaAWv 'II''';'~ IlWOV, KaL d.VE{3." 0 0(0~ a'll'o 'A{3pa&.,....

23 KaL aa{3£v 'A{3paap. 'IO'J'I1"A TOV vlov EavTov, Kal nVTIl~ ~ OLcOY£V£L~ awov, KaL 'II'!lVTa~ TOV~ ap."vpwv.p.o~, KaL 'lrav ll.pO'£I' TWV d.vopCiJv TWV lv T~ oUeI!' 'A{3po.ap., KaL 'II't:punp.f Ta~ &xpo{300Tla~ aVTwv, Iv T';; KaLp<fj Tij~ ~P.Epo.~ (Kfi~, KaOa

24 iMA'T/O'£I' aw<fj 0 @£o~. 'A{3paap. OE (VVEVI7KoVTaEvvEa ~JI lTWv, ~Uca 'II'£PL£TEp.£TO n,v O',J.pKa Tij~ d.Kpo{300TIa<; awoil. 2~ 'IO'J'I1"A ~ 0 vw~ ai'Tov ~v (TWV oCKaTpLWv, ~Uca 'II'£PL£T(P.ETO 26 n,v O',J.pKa ~ d.Kpo{3VO'TIa~ awoii. 'Ev OE T~ Katp<fi Tij~ ~P.Epo.~ iKt:l~, 'II'(PLt:TP.~9." 'A{3paap., KaL 'IO'J'I1"A 0 vw~ aWOL', 2i KaL 'II'aVTt:<; 01 o.VOP£~ Toil oUeov awoii, KilL 01 olKoy£Vfi~ awov, Kal 01 dpyurxfwrrro, if d.Uoy£I'wv iO"wv.

18 -ncpe." ~ aw~ 0 0£0~ 'II'pO~ rfj opvt rfj "Map.{3pfi, Ka9."p.ivoo

2 aVToil at ~ Oupa~ ~ O'~ awoil P.EO"T/P.{3pla~. 'Ava{3>"€-

I/Ia~ OE TO'i<; /'CP9oAp.oL<; awoil EI&, KaL loot. TpE'~ o.VopE~ dO'T'f/KfLITf:W aavw awov' KaL lOWv, 'II'pOO'EOpap.EV cl~ UVVaVT'T/O'LV awoL~ a'll'o Tij<; OVpo.~ ~ O'~~ awoil, Kat 'II'pOO'E.rov."u£V aL

3 T1]v."riv. KaL EI'II'E, Kvp", €I ~pov X,J.p", (vaVTiov O'ov, p." 4 'II'I1p~ TOv 'II'aLOa O'ov. A."cp8i,Tw oq v8CJJp, KaL v'I/IaTClJO'av 5 TO~ 'II'08a.~ vp.Wv, KaL KaTo.l/lV,aT£ WO TO OivOpov. KaL A~I/Io-

J'I1' iipTov, KaL cpa.y£O'Ot:. KaL P.ETa TOVTO 7rapt:AOOfuOE t:i~ n,v ooov vp.Wv, OU €vfK£V (~KAlvaT£ 'II'pO~ TOV 1I'alOa vp.Wv. Kal

6 t:1'll'£V, OWCIJ 'II'ol'T/O'ov, KaO.'".; f:p."Ka~. Kal lO"ll't:vO'£V 'A{3po.ap.

aL n,v CT~V 7rPO~ ":i.&.p/Jllv, Kat fl11'EV aVrfj, O"II'ooOV, KaL 7 CPVpaClOV Tpia p.E-rpo. O'(p.&&I.A(~, KaL 'II'O{1/<TOV (yKPVcpla~. KaL d~ Ta~ {30a~ lopo.p.£V 'A{3paap., KaL lM{3(V cbraAOv p.oux,J.pwv KaL KaAOv, KaL l&uct: T~ 'II'lltSL, KaL lTaxvv£ Toil 'II'O,ljO'aL aVTO. 8 "EM{3, ~ {3mTrvpoV. KaL yaAa, KaL TO p.oux,J.pwv 8 aOI'T/O'f, KaL 7rapiffqK£V aVTo,~, KaL lcpayov' awo~ 8( 'II'ap£~Kn a~To,~

WO TO OivOpov. .

9 El'11'f ~ 'II',m aVTOV,7rOV ":i.a.ppa ~ ~ O'oV; 0 OE a'll'o-

lO KPLOEt<; E!'II'6', loov elv rfj 0'1CTJI'ij. Er'll'£ 0(, E'II'aVllCTTpEcpwV ~'w 1I',m CT~ KaTa TOV KatpGV TOVTOV t:l~ ;;'po.~, KaL len vwv ":i.appa. ~ 'Y1I"'1 O'ov. la.ppa ~ ~KOVO'£ 7rpO~ rfj OVPt,t Tlj~ O'ICTJ~ ol,o-a, ) 1 01l'tu8£v awoil. 'A{3paap. ~. KaL ":i.a.ppa 'II'pEO'{3w£po, 'II'po{3£-


and give tbee a 80n of her, and I will bless him, and he shall become nations, and kingll of nations sholl be of him. 1; And A fell upon his face, and laughed , and spoke in hi8 heart, saying, Shall there be a child to oue who is a hundred years old, and shall &.rrha who is'ninety years old. bear P IIIAnd Abraam said to God. Let th18 Ismael live before thee. II And God said to Abraa.m, Yea, behold, Sarrha thy wife ahall bear thee a BOn, and thou shalt oall his name Isaac; and 1 will eatabliah my covenant with him, for an everlasting covenant, to be a God to him and to his seed after him. III And concerning Ismael, behold, I have heard thee and, behold, I have blessed him, aud will increaee him and multiply him exoocding}:!:; twelve nations .hall he beget, and 1 will make him a great nation. II Dut 1 will establish my covenant with Isaac, whom &.rrha ahall bear to thee at this time. in the next year. ~ A nd he left off with him, and God went up from Abraum.-

:!II And Abraam took Ismael his son, and nll his home-born Hf"tllJaU, and all thoee bought with money, and every lIIlI.I.e of the men in the house of Abraam, and he circumcised their foreskins in the time of that day, according as God spoke to him. II And Abraam was ninety-nine years old, when he was circumcised in the !lesh of his foreskin. 21 And Ismael his BOn was thirteen years old when he was circumcised in the !lesh of hi. foreskin. 28 And at the period of that da~', Abraam was circumcised, and Ismael his BOD, wand all the men of his house, both those born in the house, and those bought with money of foreign nations.

And God appeared to him by the oak of Mambre, as he sat bT the door of his tent at noon. ~ And he lifted up his eves and beheld, and lo! three men stood before him ; and having Been them he ran to meet them from the door of his tent, and did obeisance to the ground. • And he said, Lord, if indeed I have found grace in thy sight, p8I8 not by thy aervant. 4 Let water uow bo brought, and let them wash your feet, and do ye refresh "Qllr'1I1,,~. under the tree. 6 And I will bring bread, and ye shall eat, and after this ye shall depart on your journey, on account of whiCh f'~ff't!'Mnrttt 'ye have turned aside to your servant. And he said, So do, as thou hlIo8t said. 8 And Abraam hasted to the tent to Sarrha, and said to her, Hasten, and knead three mE'asUl'eS of fine flour, and make cakes. 7 And Abraam ran to the kine, and took a "oung calf, tender and good, and gave it to his servant, and he hasted to dress it. ti _~ nd he took butter and milk, and the calf which he had dressedJ and he set them before them, and they diu eat, and he stood by them under the tree.

t And he said to him, "Where is Sarrha thv wife? ADd he snswered and said, Dehold! in the tent, 10 And he said, fJ 1 will return and come to thee according to this period seasonably, and Sarrha thy wife shall have a son; and !Sarrha heard at the door of the tent, being behind him. IJAud Abraam

fJ Kom.'.8.

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and Sarrha were old, adranced in days, anJ the custom of ... omen ceaeed with &rrha. 12 And Sarrha laughed in herself. saying, II The thing baa not &8 yet hal?pened to me. oven until now, and my lord is old. Ii And the Lord said to Abraam, Why is it that &rrha baa langbed in herself, saying, Shall I then indeed bear? but I am grown old. 14 Shall an_ything be impossible with the Lord? At this tlme 1 will return to thee eeaaonably, und Sarrha aball have a IOn. Ii But Sarrha denied, saying, I did not laugh, for she was afraid. .And he said to her, Nay, but thou didet laugh.

• And the men haTing risen up from thence looked towo.rds Sodom and Gomorrba. And Abraam went with them, attending them on their journey. 11 And the Lord said, Shall I hide from Abmam my servant ... hat things I intend to do? 18 But Abraom aball become a_ Irr8&t and populous nation, and in him ehall all the nations of the earth be blest. 11 For I know that he will order his IOns, and hi. house after him, and they will keep the ways of the Lord, to do justice and judgment, that the Lord may bring upon Allraam all things whatllOever he baa spoken to him. .. And the Lord said, 'l'he cry of Sodom and Gomorrha baa been incrfased towardB me, and their Bins are V"y ~t. II I will therefore go down and see, if they completely ",con:eeJ!.Ond with the cry which comes to me, and if not, that 1 ma~ know, 21 .And the men ha~ departed thence, came to Sodom; and Abraam W&8 still .tanding before the Lord. II And Abraam drew nigh and sai~\ W ouldest thou destroy the righteous with me wicked and shall the righteous be as the wicked? ~I Should there btl fifty righteoue in the city, wilt thou

• Iestrog them? wilt thou not epare the whole plaee for the sake of the fifty righteous, if they be in it? :lIBy no means shalt thou do &8 this thing U 10 &8 to destroy the righteoue with the wicked, 10 the righteous shall be &8 the wicked: by no means. 'thou that judgelt the whole earth, ehalt thou not do right P lI.And the Lord said, If there should be in Sodom fifty righteoue in the city\ I will epare the whole city\ and the whOle place for their sakes. 'I; Ana Abraam ILnswered and said, Now 1 have begun to ~nea.k to my Lord, and I am earth and ashes. :ifI.sut if the fifty righteoue should be diminished to forty· five, wilt thou destroy the whole ci t}' because of the ave toalltitlgl .And he said, I will not destroy it, if I should find there forty·flve. 2IAnd he continued to speak to him still, and oaili, But if there should be found there fort.y P And he said, I will not destror it for the forty's sake. .. And he said, \\ ill there be anything agai .. t me, Lord if I shall speak P but if there be found there thirty? And he said, I will not destro.1. it for the thirty's sake. "And he said, Since I am able to apeak to the Lord what if there should be found there twenty? And he mid, I will not destroy it, if I should find thrre twenty. &lAnd he said. Will there be anything agai .. t me, Lord. if I apeak yet once? but if there should be found there



{37JICCrrf~ ~fLEpWV· leiAlrE IlE rfi lapp,!- ylV((T8uL Ta yvvcu-

ICEW.. 'EyiAaooE IlE ~a.ppa £1' (Uvril AiyOVUU, OWCII fLO, 1 2

fLOi yiyollfll (~ Toil vilv· a IlE KVPWS- fLov 7TPEoo{3VTfPor;. Kat ,I7TE KVPlOS- rpos- 'A{3pa.U.fL' Tl 001 f-yiNUT£ lupPa 13

(V cavril, Aiyovua, J.pO. Y' tV..7J8w.; T~OfLO.L; lyW Of

Y'Y'lpaKa. M~ uOVVaTlpCL 7Tapa T<lJ 0'<lJ P~fLO.; Eli 14

Tal' ICClLpOV TOWOV o.VaaTpiy,CII r~ OO( Eli wpa s , Kal

(UTaL rfi lO.PiXf vi';". 'Hpvr/uaTo IlE 'l&.ppa, AiyolXTO., 15

~lI~ f-yiAaooa· (4)0{3~8-q y&.p. Kal ,t7TflI ainj, ollxt, &llU

ryiAaua ...

"E~aVaaTavni IlE EKEi(JflI 01 avoPfS- KaTi{3AEy,av iITt 16

7TPOooWITOV l<;IlOfLWv ICUL rO,.,.opPai. 'A{3pa.o.,.,. Il' UVVE-

7TOpWfTO f.L£T' awwv, UVfL7Tp07TEfL7TCIIV awoW. '0 Il€ Kv- 1 i pw,> f:!7TE, oll fL~ Kpvy,w Eyed U7TO 'A{3pa.O.p. Toil rcuUi

p.ov It Eyed 7TO"'-:'. 'A{3paa,.,. IlE YLvofLflIor; (CTTCU ,li 18

(BvO'> p.iya lCat 7TOA1" Kat WEvAoyrJ8,juoVTai EV aww

7TaVTa Ta ;'9vr, T7i'> ~.. -H&w yo." on 0'1lVT~" TO£~ 19 vlois awov, KaL Ti- oUc«p ClVTOV p.rrJ 4irrOVt 1(4' CPVNUOVUL Ta.i allot.... Kvplov, 'lrouiv 1l1K~ Kal KploolV, 07nll'>

AI' brayaY!J KVPW5 E7Tt 'A{3paO.fL 7TaVTa ooou lAOA7JUf

'Ir~ awol'. E111'( IlE KVPWi, ICpo.vri lollofLWV lCat ro- !w

,.,.opPa'> rE7TA7j8wraL 7TpOi pl, "al al Q.p.afYTWL awwv

fLry&Acu oo</>O<Jpo.. KaTa{3a.. otv r,Y,Of.LCU, til KaTa rqv 21

I<paV)-T[v awwv rqv lpXOfL£l'7fV 7TpO<; pl, O'1lVTEAoWrCll" ,l

Il€ fL7;, iva yvw. Kut o.7TOCTTp£y,aVT(<; EKEiJ}ev ot o.VIlPEi' 22 ~,\Oov d .. lOllofLa· 'A{3pa.O.fL Of in ~v (C1T7JICWo; (VUVTLOV

Kvplov. Kw ErtLuas- 'A{3pa.O.p., et1l'E, fLT, uvva1l'0A£crns- 23

IlLKCUOV fLfTa &.oof{30~· Kat «nCU ;, OUcw.o<; Wi a OOE{3iro • 'Eav Wul 7Tcvn7KOVTI1 IliKaLOL EV rfi 7TOAEL, &''lrOAELi awow; 24 olll< o.Vl}uCLi rciVTa Tal' TWOI' o,EICEV TWV 'Il"cvn7KOVTa IllKaWw, Ea" WuIV EV ain-ji; M~&~ uV 'Il"OLl}uEL,. c:..,. TO 25 ,",fLO. TOWO, roil o.7TolCT,LvaL OUcalov fLfTa oo,{3oili, Kat Urrcu

o IlUccuor; c:..,. 0 d.cTEfJ/r;· fL"'&''''';»''' 0 Kp{VCJJV 7Tcluav np,

W' cW 'Il"OLrJu€L<; KPLuLV; Et1l" IlE KVPW5, £UV WuIV (V 26

loUfL01i ~KoVTa IliKawL €v rfi 7TOAEL, <1</>l}uCII OA7JV

np, ro~v, leal 'Il"clvTa TOV TWOI' 0" awoW. KaL 0.11'0- 27

lepL8«Is- 'A{3pao.fL et7re, vW ';'P~U.fL7JV AaA~ooai 7r~ orOI'

Kvpwv fLOV' Eyed IlE dpl yij KaL enrolloi. 'Ea.v Il€ EAa.T- 28

TOvw8Wuw 01 7Tcvn7KoVTa Il{KawL Els- Teooooo.jJa.KoVTa7rWn, &'7To>.E'" o,€KflI WI' 'Il"tVTE 7rclooaV np, 7TO~V; Kal ,t'll"flI,

oll fL~ o.7To>.1ooCII, (av EV{JbI EICE' TEooooapaKoVTa7To,TE. Kal 29

r.pOooi8-qKflI (TL .\uAijooaL 'Il"pOS' aVrov, KaL El1l'EII, lav Il€ wpe8t;,u", EKEi TEooCTapcUcoVTa' KaL EI7rfll, oll fL11 &'1fOA£ooCil

~V(KflI TWII TEooooapciKoVTa. Kal El7TE, fL~ TL KvplE ~av 30

AaAl}uCII ; (aV Il€ WPE(Jt;,uLV (ICEt TpWxoVTa; KaL el7r«v.

ov fLY, o.7rOAEooCil o,eKflI TWV TPWxOvra.. Kal E17TEII, E7TEtOr, 31

(XCII AaA~ooaL 7TPOS- Tal' Kvp'ov, EUv Il( EVPEO(;,uLV EICEi EUcOO'L; Ku.4 EL1r€V, OV P.V &'11"O,\(O'w. f.QV rupw lICE, ,i'«oat. Kal el7rE, p.~ TL Kvpu Ea" ,\a.Al}uCII (TL ii7ra~; Eo.v Il€ 32

/l Tb • .um:rc.- IIUDI OD &be word l1:nr aob. pIeu...... Qr ... 111 DOW. ., Gr • .-.A......... a.b.:T:: ~ s: f". byc dou. altoplber.

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rep«8oow fKE' O€"aj Kal ,Trw, oll JL~ d7rOAlafJ) fvfK(V 33 TclJII oi"a. 'Am,AIi€ OE 0 Kvp~. Wi ir.awaTo MAWV T<i' 'Af3patip.· lI'ell 'Af3po.ap- o.7rfCTTp€.pW d~ TOV TWOV awoli.

19 'HABav Of 01 000 IiYYMOL €l~ ~6&p.a I.C1TEpOS. A~ Of 1.11'0.-

fhrro ~ Tlpt ",vA'7V ~o&;JLWI" lOov Of A~, l~VfC1T'rJ €l~ CTVVaVT7JITW awot~, lI'a~ r.PCXTUcVV'/(T( T<ii 'Tf'PCXT.:nrq, lr.L Tlpt y7iv. 2 Ka~ Et'll"W, lOov, KVPWL, lKII'AivaT€ El~ TOV oUcov TOU 'II"a'OO~ ~,_,.;;,v, lI'at lI'araAWaTE. lI'aL vi..pau8€ TO~ 'll"00a~ v'_";;'v, lI'at op(}pi.uaVTE~ o.'ll"€MVuEUO€ €1~ Tlpt ooov v'_";;'v. Kal EI1Tav, oUxt <l).A'

3 fV Tfj 'll"MTElCf- lI'aToAVuop-w. Kat "aTEf3t&uaTo awo~, "at

',EII'ALVaV 'II"~ awov, lI'at EUri].\.(}OV El~ TOV OtKOV a";"ov· lI'ell 1:,rolTJUOI aVro,~ "n'mOY, KaL d.CvJI.CM bra;"' QWOLfi, KUL Ef/xr:yOV. 4 llpO TOV II'OLP..,,~vaL Of, Ot II.vop€~ ~ ,roA€~, Ot ~o&P-lTaL 7rfpL€KVKN.xraV Tlpt oixlav. o.7TO vEav{UII'Ov i~ 'll"fXuf3vripov,

5 ara,> 0 ~ ap.a. Kal "EII'MOMO TOV A~, "ell (Aeyov 'II"~

aWOv, 'll"OV duw ot II.vOp€~ 01 Elu€A(}oVTE,> 'll"P~ uf T7Jv vVlI'Ta; 6 lta-yay€ awo~ 'II"~ ~p-a,>, Uta. rrvyywWfL€(}a aWoL~. 'Ee;jM€ ~ A~ 'II"~ aw~ 'II"~ TO 'll"p06vpov, Tlpt Of (}Vpov 'll"pCXTE~W 7 lnr{U1J) aWo11. Etr( Of 'II"~ aw~, p-."oo.,.,.w.; a&A~t p-~ 8 'IrOV7JpaKr"u(J... . Eiut Of P-OL 000 fivyaTipE,>, at OVII' E'-yvwuav iWOpa. l,~ avra.~ 'Tf',M v,.,.a~, "at ")(pfiu(}( awat,> lI'a(}a. &v apJul(oL Up-tV' p-ovov €~~ TO~ avopa~ TOVTOW p-~ 'll"OU10'7p·€ ri&Kov,

9 ~ Eiv€lI'w €Uri]Aliov Vro Tlpt UII'Ctr"v TWV &"Wv p-ov. EZrav Of aw<ii, d'll"OCTTa l",t· ,Uri]AIi€~ 'Tf'apou<€'iv, p-~ lI'al. "PUTtV tepEvELv; vVv ~ U€ teall'Wcrwp.€V p.ii.AAov ~ lI(Elvo~. Kal 'll"apEf3ui1;.OVTO ,.ov o.vOpa TOV A~ uqx)opa, lI'at mwav ITVVTplt/la,

1 0 T7Jv (}Vpav. 'EII'TElvaVTE~ Of ot avOp€,> Ta.~ XE'ipa.~ €lu'C1Tu.uaVTo ,;,V A~ 'II"~ (avro~ d~ TOV oTKov, I(at T7Jv OVpav TOV oUcov 11 o.'ll"bcMwav. To~ Of o.vopa'> T~ oVTa,> lr.l. n;~ (}Vpa,> Toli oUcov /.r&.Tatav lv d.opau~ 0.".0 P-U<P011 E~ p-eyaAOV' lI'al. 'll"aP€- 12 A~V ''rJTOilvTE~ Tlpt OVpav. EI'll"av OE Ot o.vop€~ 'II"~ T.lV ~, (lui Ual :,& -yap.f3POI., ~ vioL, ~ lJuyaTlp€,>; ~ EiTL'> UOL 13 ruo,> fCTTlv lv rfi 'll"oAn, f,a-yayE (I( TOV TO'lrOV TOVTOV, ·On ~P-Et~ o.'lrOAA.VP-EV.TOV TWOV TOVTOV' OTt v.;wB." ~ II'pa~ aVTWV €vaVTL Kvplov, I(ell a'lr(CTTELAw ~p-u.~ KVPLO'> lll'Tpl.paL almlv. 14 ~A(}E Of AWT, Kal. lAa.A'rJIT( r~ T~ yap-f3p~ awo11 TOv~ EiATJ4xYro.~ Ta.~ lJuyaTEpa~ awov, teal. Etr.W, av~', Kal. l~(AOETE fK TOO TWOV ToVTOV. OTt lKTplf3EL K{'p~ rljv 'll"OAW' ,oot,

15 Of -yMouil;.ELV lvavrlov TWV -ya.p.f3pWv awov. 'Hvl"a Of op(}pa<; f-yWETO, llT7l'O~ov ot o.'Y'YMoL TOV AWT, A€-yOVTf~, aVaCTTlt,> AD./3E T7Jv palKa ITOV, I(ell Ta.~ Ovo (}vyaTEpa~ uov, &~ 'XEL'>, I(Ut ~E, u..a p-~ Ka~ uV CTVVa'lrOA!1 Tal'> &.vop-lru.~ n;'> r.OM~.

16 Ka~ iTapax6'rJlTav, I(a~ (KpaT'rJITaV 01 an€AOL n;. XELpO~ awoL·, Kell ~ XELpO'> ~ paLKo,. aVTov, Kal. TWV XnpWv TWV ovo OvyaTEpwv awov, (V T<ii cpEwau(}aL Kvpwv ain-oli.

17 Kell lyooo Wltca leri-yayov aVro~ :~w, "al. E('lraV, uW{wv UWJ;E Tlpt uEaVToV tfroxrlv· P-T, 'lrEPLf3AE1/rrJ cZ,> Tit O'lrluw, P.."oE uTjj<; lv r.tirro Tfj 'lrEP'XWP'P' Et~ TO opo,. uW{OV, p-~ 'lrOTE uvp--:ra.po.A7]q,-

GENESIS XVIII. 33-XIX. 17. ten P And he said, I will not destroy it for the ten's sake. &l And the Lord departed, when he left olf speakin~ Abruam, and

Abraam returned to his .

And the two angels eame to Sodom at evening. And Lot aat by the gate of Sodom, and Lot haTing seen them, rose up to meet them, and he w01'8hipned with his face to the ground, and said, ;;LO! mil lords, tnI'll aside to the howe of yOUl' ae:rvant, and 1'8IIt from yOUl' Journey, and wash yOUl' feet, and having risen ea.rIr in the morning ye shall depart on yOUl' Journey. And they said Nay, but. we will lodge in the street. I And he constrained them, and they turned II81de to him, and ther entered into his housel and he made .. feast for them, and bakea unleavened cakes for them. and they did eat. 4 But before they went to sleep, the men of the city, the ::Iooomites, compaased the house, both Joung and old,all the people together. 6 An they ca.J..led out Lot, and 88ld to him Where 111'6 the mon that went in to thee tIu.;; night ~ bring them out to lUI that we may be with them. 6And Lot went out to them to the porch, and he shut the door after him, ; and said to them. By no meanei brethren, do not act villanously. 8 But have two daughters, who have not known a man. I will brwg them out tro you, and do ye use them as it may please you, only do not injlll'Y to these men, to avoid which they came under the shelter ,..f my Proof. lAnd they said to him, l:Itand back there, thou comest in to SOJOUl'll, WWI it also to judge? 1i ow then we would harm thee more than them. And they pressed hard on the man, even Lot) and they drew nigh to break the door. '" And the meu stretched forth their hands and drew Lot in to them into the house, and shut the door of the house. 11 And they smote the men that were at the door of the house with blindness. both small and great, and they were wearied with seeking the door. 12 Ana the men said to Lot, .Hast thou here BOn~ in-law 01' sone or daughters, or if thou hast any other friend in the city, bring them out of this place. 11.,. For we are going to destroy tws place; for their cry has been raised up before the Lord, and the Lord has sent us to destroy a it. .. And Lot went out, and spoke to his who had II1IIl'ried his daughters, and said. Rise uP. and depart out of this place, for the LOrd is ubout to destroy the city; but he seemed to be speaking absurdly before his BOns-in-law. rs But when it was morning, tho angels hastened Lot, sayinl1, Arise and take thy wife, and thy two daughters whom thou hast, and go forth; lest thou also be destroyed with the iniquities of the city. lti And they were troubled and the al!ll:e1s laid hold 011 his hand. and the hand of hi. wife, and tho hands of his two daughters, in that the Lord spared him.

l; And it came to pase when they bronght them out, that t.hey said, ::lave thine own life by all meane; look not rouud to that which is behind, nor stay in all the country round about, escape to the mountain, lest perhaps thou be overtaken together with

tJ Lit. beam..

~ flee Note. Lam. & 2l.

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them. 18 And Lot sait! to them. I pnn·. Lord. Jg since thy servant IlILs found mercy before thee. and thou hl18t magnifled thy righteousness, in w!w.t thou doest towani. me that my soul may live.-but I shall not be able to escape to the mountain. lest per. haJIII tbe calamity overtake me and I die. 21 Behold thi, city is near for me to escape thither. which is a IIllllill one. and there ,hall I be preserved. is it not little? and my soul ehalllive because of thee. 21 And he mid to him. Behold, I have had respect to fJ thee also about thi. thing. that 1 should not overthrow the city about which thou hast spoken. ::2 Hasten therefore to escape thither for I ehaU not be able to do anrthing untii thou art come thither , therefore he called the name of that city. Segor. SI The sun was risen upon the earth. when Lot entered into Segar. 21 And the Lord rained on Sodom and Gomorrha brimstone and fire from the Lord out of heaven. II .A nd be overthrew these cities. and nil the country round about, and all that dwelt in the eities, and the plants springing out of the ground. ,. And his wife looked back. and abe became a pillar of salt. 11 And Abraam rose up early to go to the place, where he had stood before the Lord. II And he looked towarde Sodom and Gomorrha, and toward. the eurroundillg country. and mw. and behold a lIame went up from the earth, as the smoke of a furnace. ~ And it came to Jl68I that when GOO de. stroyed all the cities of the region round about. God remembered Almlam, and sent Lot out ofthemidat of the overthrow, when the Lord overthrew thoee cities in whieb Lot dwelt.

IJ And Lot went up out of Sea-or, and dwelt in the mountain. he and we two daughters with him. for he feared to dwell in Segar I and he dwelt in a cave. he and his two daughters witb him. 31 And the elder said to the younger\ Our fatber ie old. and there is no one on tne earth who shall come in to us. as it is fit in all the earth. III Come and let us make our father drink wine, and let us aleep with him. and let us raise up aced from our father. 13 So tbey made their father drink wine in that night. and the elder went in and lay with her father that night, and be knew not when he alept and wlien he rose up. IIAnd it came to paas on the morrow. that the elder said to the younjfC1'. Behold, I alept l'esternight witb our father. let us make him drink wine in this nilfht also. and do thou go in and aleep with him. and let us raise up seed of our father. a So they made their father drink wine in that night also and the younller went in and alept wit.h her father. and he Irnew not wben he slept. nor when be arose. • And tbe two daughters of Lot conceived by their father. 11 And the elder bore a SOli. and called his name Moab. saying. a. is of my father. This is the father of the Moab. ites to this present day: II And the youngl'r also bore a son. and called his name Amman, l'I\ying. Tbe son of m" family. This is the father of tbe Ammarutes to this present day.

AndAbr&anl removed thence to the south-



~. Et1l'( S( AWT 1I'pOl: allTo~'I:, OfOp.o.L Kvptf, bm&Y, £tJpO' 18, I!) b 1I'ai.' .. uov u"EGc; a,avr{ov UOV, Kat lp.ryriAvva .. r1]V SLK~V UOV, ~ 1I'0tf~ l-:r' ;'p.£, TOU 'iiI' T7]V c/lvxi1v p.ov· ;,y<.l s£ aU Svn1- UOp.o.L SLauw8ijvaL dl: ro OPOI:, p.~ 1I'0T£ Karall.D.{3a p.£ TO. KaKo.,

Kal &'1I'00&"w. '1& ... 1I'0~1: ailrr] €yyV1: TOU KaTacpvy£i.'v p.£ fKE', 20 V IUTL p.ucpo.. Ko.& IK£, Suurw8r1uop.o.L· oll P.LKpo. fUTL; Kal ',p£-

TaL i] y,vm p.ov €v£Klv uov. Ko.& c17l'0' aVTet>, lSo ... IfJavp.a.uo. 21

uov TO 1I'pOOW'II'O" Kal 11l'l Tet> Mp.o.TL TOW't', TOU p.~ KaTaerrplc/laL T7]V 'lTO~V 1I'cpl ~I: EAo.),;'1ua<;. ~1I'Ei'ouOV otv TOU uw8>j"aL EK£', 22 oll yo.p Sw,pop.aL 1I'0t~aL 1I'payp.o., t'we; TOU (>..OELv 0'£ (Kii· Sto. TOVTO EKaMU£ TO ovop.a '"11: 1I'0AEwe; IK£{VTJI:. ~7fYwp. '0 ~Atoc; 23 l~AOEJI brl T7]v -y1iv, Kal A:.rr duijAOO' Ell: ~7fYwp. Kal Kvpwl: 2~ t'{3p£~cv brl ~p.o. Kal rop.oppa. OELov KaL 1I'VP 1I'Q.po. Kvp{ov

it ollpavov. Kal KaTferrpEl/lc '1'0.1: mAn,> Tawa... Kal 1I'iwav 25

T7]V 'IT£p{xwpov, Kal 1I'uvras TO ..... KaToucol>VTa .. Iv Ta~ 1I'OM:UL, KaL TO. &'va.TfUoVTQ. be n;.. -y1is. KaL f.1I'l{3A,c/I£v .q ~ aVTov 26 £I .. ,.a. tnrlaw, Kal fylvCTO ITT7jA7] QAo... "OpOPWE S£ 'A/Jpa.a.p. 27 Tet> 11'f1<Jl~ Ell: TOV '1'011'0". o~ CiITT7jK£L lvavr{ov Kvplov. Kal 28 E'lTl/JAEl/IO' l1l'l 'lTpOOW'II'OV lo&>p.wv Kal rop.oppa .. , Kal brl 7:'pOuW'7l"O" '"1" 1I'(PL~V, KaL EI&. KaL i&il &'VE{3CUVEV cp>.O~

lK n;.. yij.., Wercl &'Tpl.. Ka,uvov. KaL fytVCTO iv onfIlICTp{c/laL 29

TOV €l£ov mUrC1" ,.a.1: mACLS '"1" 1I'CPWUcOV, lp.vf]u87] b @Eo s TOV 'A/Jpatip.· Kal E~1I'lerr£l>..c TOV A:.rr EK P.fUOV n;.. KaTatrrpoq,;;.., EV onfI KaTatrrplc/laL Kvpwv To.S 'lTo,«,,,, EV at .. KaTrfKEL Iv aVrai .. AIfrr.

'A"f{3." O£ Awr lK l."yWp, KaL EK&.8vTO a, Tet> opu allTo s, Kal 30 al SOO 8vyaTlpcl: allTov p.u' aVTou' Et/>o/JiIhI yap KaTouc7jucu EV ~~. Ko.& Ko.T~O' EV onfI 0'1I'7J~ C1VTOI:, Kal a.l Soo Ovya.Tfpe .. aVTov fUT' allTov. Et1l'c O£ T, 1I'P(U/JVTfpa 1I'pOs T7]V V£WTf- 31 pav, b 1I'C1T7]P i]p.wv 1I'p£u{3vnpO'>, Kal ov&{ s (errtv E1I'L n;.. -y1i1:. 8 .. CUrEMVuUCU 1I'pO.. i] W<; Kafh/KfL 1I' TV yfj. ~n;pb Kal 32 1I'OTLO'fJJp.OI rov 1I'aTfpa .qp.Wv oll'Ov, Ko.& KOtP.."BWP.O' p.u' o.lITov.

KaL f~avlJ.OTIjuwp.OI IK TOV 1I'aTpO" .qp.wv O'1I'tpp.a. 'E1I'OTwav 33 O£ TOV 1I'aTfpa allTwv 011'01' (V rU VVICTL lK(L'71. Kal £iucAOOVuo. T, 1I'pEu/JUTlpo. EKOr.p.TIfrI p.uo. Toli 1I'aTpOI: aVrij .. a, Tjj vvICTl (K£LV[)'

Ko.& OUK ij&, a, ,..;I Ko'p.7]8ijvaL C1l1TO", Kal EV onfI &'va.crrTjva,. 'EylvCTO O£ a, rii bra;upwv. Kal £111'(11 .q 1I'p£U{3UTfpa 1I'pO.. "'" 34 "EWTlpo.v, l&il lKOr.p.TIfrIV XOc .. p,eTo. Toli 1I'Q.TpOC; T,p.-Wv· 1I'0TlaWp.OI allTov olvov Kal EV Tjj vvICTL TaWrJ, KaL EUr(AOoVua KO'P.¥Jrrr, p.u' allToli, KaL Uava.trri,uwp,(II fK Toli 1I'Q.TpO.. T,p.-Wv O'1I'fpp.o.. 'E7rVr«Ta.V O£ KaL a, Tjj vvICTL fK(L'71 TOV raTfpa allTwv olvav, 35 Kal Eiu(>..OoVuo. T, V(WTfpa EKOr.p.iIhI p.uo. TOU 1I'0.TpOC; a~'

KaL OUK 11&L Iv onfI KOr.p.7]8ijva.L awov. KaL &.vaoTijvcu. KaL 36 O'VVtA.a.{3ov 01 800 8vya.TfPEC; A:.rr Ele TOU 1I'aTpO<; awwv. Kal 37 erEK£v T, 1I'P(U{3lJTfpo. vwv, "aL EKci.>..EU( TO ovop.o. awou Mwa.{3. A(yoVO'o., lK TOU 1I'arpo.. p.ou· ~Ol: 1I'aT7]p Mwa.{3LTwv iwe; n;.. rnlP.EPOV .qp.tpa.. wETfK( O£ KaL ,j VEWTfpa VWv. Ko.L EKci.>..fUE 38 ro ovop.o. aVTov 'Ap.p.a.v. Alyovcra, vW. YEVOW p.ov· 0~Gc; 1I'Q.r1]p 'Ap,p,av'Twv Ewe; T ~ rnlP,fPOII T,p,fpac;.

Ka.l lK{VTJO'£V IKli.OO' 'A{3po.a.p, fl. riv rpo.. AL{3a· Kal C;;K7]O'O' 20

8 Gr. !hI 00tIIl!eD&_

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elva ,uuov ~, Kat avO. p.tUOV Iovp' KaL Tr~lC'YJO"fV fl' rEpa-

2 penr;. EXTr, 8E 'A{3paap. 71''PL :IO.pjxJ.r; Tijr; 'YlIvaucor; a~.,.o~, on a&Xq,~ p.ov (eTTLV' f.q,o{3~6-q yO.p ,lTr'LV on 'Y""'i p.ov ceTTi, p.?j TrOT( 471'OICT(lv"'f1'tV am-ov OL civcSp«r; rijr; TroX(wr; cSL' aw~v' &Tr(UT(W 8E 'A{3Lp.fA,X {3auLXw.. r~v, KaL u..a{3( -rT,v ~a.ppav.

3 KaL daljAIJ(v b 0e:or; Trpo.. 'A{3LP.fAEX €v ~ T7Jv vUKTf1, KaL ,ITr£v, 1&" uV aTro8vrju"nr; Tr(pi Tijr; )'lMlLICo.., ,]i u..a{3(<;. aiin] 4 O£ (UTI O'VI"f''''1IC11La avcSpl. 'A{3Lp.fAEX BE OUK ~"'aTo al-Tijr;· Kai 5 EI.".., KvpL€, tWor; ayvoow KaL OUcawv u1ToMLr;; O~K awor; p.o' (lTr(v, a&Xq,~ p.ov ceTTl; KaL aiin] p.ol (l7fV, aOEAq,Or; p.ov CUTLV; lv KaiJapij. KapO<q. KilL I." cSLKlUO<7'1!vy XElflUJV c.".OtT/Uu 6 TOWO. ElTrE 8E am-cj) b 0Eo.. Ka~ lnrVOV, K~yW Eyvwv OTI €v

Ka6apij. Ka.pO~ hrol7Jf1Ur; TOWO, KaL iq,.wup.."., uov TaU p.~ d.p.o.pT(LV U( d .. (P.t· €v(Ka TOUTOV O~K &.q,~Ka U( W/lau6Q1 a~. 7 Niiv 8E aTr08or; T7Jv yvvaUca Tcj) av6~, OTI TrPOq,-/p-rr; (eTTL, Kal Trpouw,£Tal ""'PL uaU, KaL '7/a'v' d ~ p.~ ,1TrocSIOwi, YV'dr?J 8 OT!. aTr06a.vfj uV KaL TraVTQ Ta ua. Kat wp6pw£v 'A{3IP.(AEX T.;J 71'pwt, KaL (KaMU( 7raVTa .. TOVr; .".w8ar; am-ou, KaL (AtiXT/UE ~a TO. ~p.aTa Tawa dr; Ta crn-a am-wv' (q,o{3wav oE

9 TraVT£> 01 civ6pwTr01 u~. KaL f.KaMUfV 'A{3Lp.EMX roy 'A{3paap. KaL ,17I'£V awcj), Tl TOWO broiT/Uar; ~,iiv; P.~TI ;'p.&.pTOp.£V (lr; U(, OT!. bnjya'Y'" c.".' f./-,( KaL hr, -rT,v {3auLX(lav p.ov d.p.apTlav p.cyUX.".,; ;pyov S oM.Lr; 1TOL?ju(l., Tr'TrOLT/Kar; p.oL.

10 EITr( 8C 'A{3Lp.wX T4i 'A{3paap., T{ w&OWv 'TrolT/f1as ""aUTO; 1 I EITr( 8E 'A{3paa/-" ,ITra yap, OUK WT!. 6(out{3na €v T.;J To.".'t' 1 2 TO~, f.,u TE ,1TrOICT£VOWLV EV'KfV ~r; yvvaLICo.. /-,00. Kai yap

&AT/6w.., a&XtP~ P.OV leTTiv (K 7raTpOr;, o» OUK f.K p.T/TpOr;. 13 ~ U p.ol dr; yvvaiKa. 'EyW£TO 8E ;,vlKa 'mayE P.( ;, 0(0.. (K TOU oUcov TaU TraTp~ p.ov, KaL EI7Ta aVrfj, Ta~ T7Jv &Ka~ 1TOL~"r; El .. f.p.f, (ir; 71'aVTa To.".OV O~ inv 14 datAlJwp.£V (KEL, (I7TOV f.p.£, OTI &&Arpo<; p.ov f.UTLV. "EAa{3E 8E 'A{3..,uMx XDua ~yp.o., KaL 7rpO{3aTa, KaL ~ovr;, KaL 71'aL8ar;, KaL 1TQlBtUKa s , KaL lcSwK( T.;J e A{3pa&.p.· KaL 4Tr(- 15 8wKw aur.;; ~ppav T7Jv yvvaiKa am-ou. KaL ElITEV'A{3Lp.EXEX

T4i 'A{3paap., 1&" ~ ri p.ov f.vaVTLOv uov· o~ (Iv UOL &pEaKY, 16 KaTO"'''. Tij 8E :IO.ppq. (lITw, 1&" U8wKa XDua BlcSpayp.a T4i a&X.p.{i U011' Tawa EUTaL 0-01 Elr; TI/-,T,V TaU 1TPOUWTrOV aov, KaL rooQlr; TaLr; p.era UOU' KaL TraVTa &A~(Vf10V. 17 II~To 8E 'A{3paap. TrpOr; roy 0(ov, KaL lUuaTO b 0Eo..

Tov'A{3Lp.fA£X" KaL -rT,v yvvaiKa am-ov, KaL Tar; ra&8iuKa<; am-au' IS KaL mKOV. ·OTI UVYKAEU,,., UVVtJcAEW( Kvplor; "",6€V 7rQuav p.r,rpav iv Tcj) OiK't' 'A{3Lp.fA£X, (V,"€V lappar; ~r; yvvauco.. 'i\Ppatip..


ern countrr, and dwelt between Cades and Sur. and sojourned inl:ierara. ~And.Abraanl said concerning Sarrho. his lI'ife, She is my sister, for he feared V. say. She is my wife. lest at time the men of the city wonld kill him for her .ue. So Abimelech king of Herara sent and took Sarrha. I And God came to Abimelech bf night in Bleep, and said, Behold, thou diest for the WOmAD/ whom thou hast taken, whereu she hasliTea with a husbaud. 4 But Abimelech had not touched her, and he ll&id, Lord wilt thou destroy an ignorantly ....... "1/ and just nation? i Said he not to me She is my sister, and ll&id she not to me, He is my brother? with a pure heart and in the righteouan_ of my hAnds have I done this. • And God said to him in Bleep, Yea, I !mew that thou didat this with & pure heart, and I spared thee, 10 that thou Shouldest not sin againat me, therefore I suJl'ered thee not to touch her. 7 But now return the man his wife; for ho is Ii prophet, and shall pray for thee, and thou ,halt live; but if thou restore her not, know that thou shalt die and all thine. • And Abimelech rose early in the morning, and called all his servauts, and he spoke all these warda in their ears, and all the men feared exceedingly. v And Abimelech called Abraam and said to him, W hat is this that thou hast, done to us? Have we sinned IIIl&inst thee. that thou hast brought u)?On me and upon my kingdom a ~ am? Thou hast done to me a deed, whIch no one ought to do. 10 And Abimelech said to Abraam, What hast, thou seen in ...., tba.t thou hast done this? 11 And Abraam said, Why I said. ;:Iurely there is not the worship of God in tnis place, and they will alay me because of mJ wife. 12 For truly she is mv sister by my father, but not by my mother, and she became my wife. 13 And it came to pus when God brought me forth out of the house of my father, that I said to her, This righteousness thou shalt perform to me, in ever)' place into which we may enter, II&J of me He is my brother. HAnd Abimeleeb took a thousand /l pieces of silver, and sheep, and calves. and sereante, and mald·!ICr'V&Ilts/ and gave tuem to Abnlam. and he returnea him Sarrlla his wile. 16 And Abimelech said to Abraam, Behold, my land is before thee/ dwell whereeoever it maYllelUMl thee. 16 Ann to Sarrba. he eaid, Behoh ,I have given thv brother a thousand pieces of silnr, thoee shall be to thee for the price of thv countenance, and to all the women with thee, and speak the truth in all things. 17 And Abraam prayed to God, and God bealed Abimelech and his wife, and his women eervants .. and !-hl'Y bore children. .. Because the Lord bad fast closed from without every womb in the howe of Abimelech, because of Sarrba. Abraam's wife.

And the Lord visited Sarrha, &8 he lI&id, and the Lord did to Sarrha, as he spoke. 2 And she conceived and bore to Abraam a 80n in old age, at the set time according as the Lord spoke to him. 3 And Abraam called the name of his BOU that W&8 born to him, whom Sarrha bore to him.Lsaac, 'And Abraam cireumcised Isaac on the eighth

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GENEsts XXI. 5-28.

day, .. God oommanded him. 'And was a hundred years old when Isaac his POn wae born to him. • And Sarrha IBid. The Lord h .. mRde laughter for me, for whoever .ball hear eball rejoice with me. 7 And she mid Who shall ISV to Abraam that Barrha suoklosachild? for I have born a obild in myoid age. • And the child 1o'reW and WlI8 weaned. and Abrum made a Io-reat feaet the day that his son Iesac wae ,veaned. • And Barrha having leen the son of Agar the Egyptian who WM born to Abraam. aporting with Jaaac her son, 10 then sbe aaid to Abrum. fJ Cut out this bondwoman and her son. for the son of this bondwoman ebaIl not inherit with my son II88C. U But the yword appe8l'ed Tery hard before Abraam oonceruinl! hi. son. v But God said to Abrum. Let It not be bard before thee ooncerning the child. and eon.:oerning the bondwoman; in all things what· soerer Sarrha .hall ~!_ to thee. hear her Toice\ for 8 in Iaaac sball thy seed be ca1led. 12 Ana moreover I will make the son of this hondwoman a great nation. because he is t.hy seed. 14 And Abraam rose up in the morning and took loaves and a skin of water. nnd pve tokm to Apr, and he put the child on her shoulder. and ~t her awaY.Bnd she having d~ wandered in the wilderness ~ near the well of the oath. II And the watt'r failed out of the .kin, and ahe cast the child under a fir tree. 111 And she departed and sat <lown opposite him at a distance, .. it were n bow. shot. for she IBid. SllJ'ely 1 cannot see t he death of mr child, and she sat opposite him. and the child cried aloud and wept. 1; And God heard the voice of the child from t he place where he was. and an anf!'t'l of God ('",lled ~r out of heaven, and IBId to her. What is it. Apr? fear not. for God has heard the voice of the child from the place where he is. 11 Rise uP. and take the child. nnd hold him in thine handJor I will make Jilin a great nation. .. And God opened her CYP.!l. and she ISW a .... ell of' apringinl! water; and she went and fllled the skin wit.h water, and IIIlve the child drink. .. And God was with ihechild, and he grew and dwelt in the wilderness. and became an archer. 'IAnd he d .... elt in the wilderness, and his mother took him a wife out of Pharan of EIfYPt.

lIS And it came to p8A at that time that Abimeleeh spoke.and Ochozath hisA friend, n nd Phichol the chief captain of hi. hOllt. to Abraam, saying, God ia with thee in all thiDgII. whateoever thou marest do. DNow therefore lWear to me by God that thou wilt not ininre me. nor my seed, nor my naml!r but according to the righteousness which 1 performed witb thee thou abalt den! 'nth me, and with the land in which thou ha!t tIOjOUl'Ded. ,. And Abraam aaid, I will 8wear. • And Abraam ~roved Abimelech because of the wells of water. whidl the ~ervants of Abimelech took away. - And Abimelt'Ch aaid to him,I know not who bas done this thins to thee. neither didat thou tell it me. neither heard I it but only to-day. r, And Abraam took sheep and calves. and IlBve them to Abimelech, and both made a covenant. :II And Abraam set aeven ewe·


A 0(~. Kal 'A/3paD.p. ~v fKaTOv lTWy. ¥{Kr!. l-yMTO au,..;; 5 'IO'aa.K lJ vw~ aVTou. Elr.( Of Iappa, yUWJTtJ. P.Ot Urol71VE 6 Ktip~' S" yap &v aKo{'fT!7 uvyxap«roJ. p."'. Kat E17TE, T{~ 7 ava)'YfML ,..;; 'A/3pa.ap. OTt BT,>..a.;;,u 7ra.J){ov l.O.pPa.; OTt mKOV - vlOy (y ~ riP'/- JLOv. Kal TfobiBT, TO 7TQ.tOWv, KcU &r.~a- 8 1CTluBT,· Kat bro{TJCTOI 'A/3pa.D.p. &x7Jv P.~OA7fV, V -r,p.qx,. &1I'fyaJ..oxrlrrBT, 'IO'a.O.x A vUk aUToU. 'I&iiua. Of Iappa. TOV vlOv 9 "A-yap Tij~ AlytnrTla~, S~ €-ylVETO T';; 'A/3pa.ap., 'II'O.{{OVTa P.ETa. 'IO'a.O.x TOU v10u aimj~, Ko.1 E111'£ ,..;; 'A/3pa.o.p., bcfJo.>..( Ti}v 7T1U- 10 o{O'K7JV Ta..m,v, Kat TOV v10v aimj~· oll yap p.~ K>""IJpovop.Tpn 0 l.'lO~ Tij~ mul}IO'K7J<; Ta..m,5 P.fTo. TOU VWU p.ov '10'0.(11<. I"A1]- II pov BE l.p&.V7J ,.0 pqp.a. O'tJ>Oopo. ivaVTWV 'A/3paa.p. 1I'fpl TOU v10u aUTov. E1n Of 0 e.:o~ T';; 'A{3pa.O.p.. p.~ O'KA1]pOv EUTW lvav- 12 T{OV 0'00 1I'Ept TOV mul}Wv, Kat 7rEP' ~ 'lNUO{O'IC'7J<;' 7raVTa 00'0.

Av Ei.1r!I 0'0' l.Q.Ppa, c1KOl.·E ~ cpwvq~ all~' OTt (y 'IO'IlCuc K>""IJOipera.{ O'Ot crrrq,p.a.. Ko.1,.ov vlOv BE Tij, 7ra.uu1CT/5 Ta~ 13 fl, EfJvO';; p.eya 7rOtTpW awov. JTt crrrlpp.a. O'ov lUTtv. 'AvlCTTTJ l.f Of 'A/3pa.D.p. TO 7Tpwt, Kat E>..a{301 8.pTov<> Kat aO'K(W ~&1TO';;. Ka~ l&JKOI rfi"Ayap' Kal UrlBT,KOI brl TCV :'JLOv aimjc; +0 7TQJ){ov.

Ko.1 a7rlUTEu\EV al'Trlv' ·A7td..80~'O'a Of UrAD.vaTo KaTa. Ti}v E,rr,JLOV, KaTo. TO cpplap TOU 0pKOV. 'EfEAtr.( Of TO lJOwp lK TOV I.'> clcrKOV' Kat EPP"/t( TO mul}{ov lnrOKriTW; 1M"",. 'A7TfA- 16 80iiua BE lKG.DrrrO ar€vaVTL aVTou P.QI(p0801, WerEt Tofov /3o>..fpr (111'( -yO.p, oll p.~ lOw TOV 8avaTov TOV 7TQ.J){ov JLOV. Ko.1I.KOf),.cTOI &r€vaVTt aVToU' ava/3oqO'av BE TO 7raJ)wv £KAD.1IO'0I. Elcn1K01lO'( I 7 BE 0 0EOC; ~ cpwvijc; TOV 7rQ./.0{0V IK TOU T01l'0V o~ ~V' Kat (KriAfO'OI d.)'YfAO';; 0fOU Ti}v" A-yap IK TOU ollpavou. Kat E11l'0I aVTV,

T{ IUTW ·A-yap; p.7J cbo/3ou· brQl(~KOE yap 0 0E~ Ti7~ cpwvfi .. TOV 7TQ.J)[ OV lK TOU TWOV o~. fUTW. • A vafl'TT}8, Kat M/3E TO I 8 r.atO{ov. Kal KpO.rquOV rfi Xf'(l{ O'ov aUTO' Ei~ yap E8vO';; p.lya 7rOLTpw aUTO. Kat clvl'l'ffV 0 0fo.~ TOv.. oqijaJ..p.ov.. aimj..· 19 Ko.1 EI& cpplap V&TO';; CWVTO';;, Kal Uro~, Kal Er.A7JO'( TOV aO'Kov V&TO~. Kalf7rOTW'E TO mul}{ov. Kat ~v A 0(~ P.ETa. TOV 20 7ratOlov' "at TfobiBT,. Kal KaT~lCTJCTfV lv rfi lp~P-'I" l-yivETo Ot Totcm,~. Kal Ka~fV Iv rD Ip~p.'I'· Kat E>..a/3fV au,..;; -r, 2) p.frnJp -yvvaiKa lK ~J.v MyvlIToo.

'Ey&ETO ~ lv ,..;; Kal.p~ lK£iV'f', Kal f17r(v'A{3tp.€A,X. Kal 22 'OXoCa.8 0 JI1Jp.t/xt~ al'Tou. kat 4>lxOA lJ apxl.cTTpO.rrryO';; rijc; ovvap.EWS aUTou, 7I'pO~ 'A/3paap.. Alywv. 0 0fOC; P.ETa. O'OU (y mia-LV, or~ ~o.v ro'ii~. Ntv oW op.cxrov JLOt TOV 0fo.Y p.7J 23 &.ouc~O'(LV P.E, p."o£ TO cnrlpp.a. p-oo, p.."o£ TO OVop.tZ p.ou· &.Ua. KaTo. Ti}v O'K~'V7JV ~v bro{1]O'a P.ETa. O'OU, 7tOtTp(I~ P.ET' Ip.ou, Kat rfi "fij, .; uV 'fr~ac; EV aVrjj. Kal 24 f!7rfV 'A/3paop.. l-yro Kat ~A~$fV 'A/3pa.D.p. TOY' A/3I- 25 p.lA€)( 7rEpl TWV CPPEriTWV TOU VOaTO';;, ~v acf>ECAoVTO 01 7ta'&' TOU

'A/3tp.€A€)(. Kat (IrfV a{'T~ 'A/3tp.€A€)(. OllK E-yvwv T{C; (1I'0{7JO'( 26

O'Ot TO ;n,p.a. TOVrO' oVO( uV JLOt a7rfflEu\ac;. OMf l-yro ~KOVITa, au' ~ crq/Upov. Ko.1 E>..a(301 'A/3pa.a.p. 7rp6{3aTO. Kat P-Oax0vc;. 27 Kal (OwKt: ,..;; 'A{3tp.€A€)(· Ko.1 Ot16fVTO ap.#(pol O,a8~K"IJv. Kat 28

8 Gal. 4.30.

, Gr.lhilljf.

')' Gr ... ,.tnlf. or matter. I Rom. t. or. (' Or. u~.r Bl"C!nbcb&.

A NOlio Ibell.", frleod of brld~m, or attendant a. marrlap,

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29 ;tJ'TT!UO"Af3pa1J.p., ma &fL..a8a~ 7rpo{3aTwv p.Ova~. KcU t:17rO' 'A{3'fLIACX ~ 'A{3paD.fL' 1" cunv at (7ITa. ~va&" TedV 7rpo{3cl- 30 TfJIV ToWWV, &s 'tJ'TT!Ua~ p.ava,,; KaL t:Ir.w 'Af3paap., (iTi Ta~ ma ~va8a~ A~1/r!I 7rap' I.fLOv, ,va &0-, fLOI t:L~ phpTVpwv, OTt 31 l:yfu wpvea, TO ¢pcap TOWO. .l1&A TOWO browOp.onc 1'0 ovop.a 1'011 Tmrov lKt:[VOV, ¢pcap OpKr.cTJLOV· OTI bCfi wp.ouo.v clfL¢o,.CPOL. 32 Kal &eewro &a9r1It"1" lv -nil ¢pean TOO OpKUTfLOV' tl"C11TT1 ~ 'A{3LfLlAf}(, 'Oxo{OfJ b VVfL¢ayuryOi aWov, KaL (I{XOA 0 tlp)(ll1'Tpa:rTfYO'> '"1" 8vvap.EbJ'> am-ov, KaL l7rCCTTp£1/tav t:i" "'"

33 ri" TW" 4>vAr.crTLE[fL. KcU i¢WrucTfV 'A{3paa.fL Upoupav ml1'if) ¢peaTI 'TOV OpKOU' KaL mEKaAetTaTO lKcL ro ollOfLa Kuplou. 9t:~ aic:."LO'>. n~f ~ 'A{3paa.fL lv Tjj -ro TWV 4>vAr.crTLELfL 7Jp.'pa~ 7rOAAri~.

22 KaL l.yo,f1'O p.f1'a TO. Mp.ara TaVTa b 9(0~ £7ff[pauc TOV 'Af3paD.fL, KcU cI7rO' a~:Af3paap.. 'A{3pao.p.· Kal fl7rfV, lOot, 2 iyw. Kal fl7rt:, >.a{3t: TOV uUv uou TOV ayamrrav, ()V 'ry0.7r'f1-

, 'I" \ -~"'" ... '.,/_..\.' ,

ua<;, TOV UaaK, KaL 7r0p."",,, I Eli TTJV 'YI'JV 'T"1" V'Y'I"7]l" KaL

~ , .," ... ., , \ _ , ,,,.\ 4, ... J' • II

aVfV~Kf awov (K(' 'I~ OI\OKap7rfJJ(1'lll f'l' «v TWV OpfWV WV all

3 UOI (lH'tl). 'AVaCTTa" ~ 'A{3paD.fJ. TO 'lrpwt. m'U~f Tf]V OVOV am-ol!- 1N1p1Aa{3E ~ p.t:{! ~aVTov 8Vo 7raLOa,;, KaL "uafJ.K TO" VIOV am-ov' KaL UXfna... ~vAa ,i.. bAoKo.p'If'W(TW, clvaCTTas mo- 4~, KcU ~A8fV mL .,.01' -rmrov. ~v t:17rfV am-if) 0 9(0.., rfj

~p.Epq. rfj 1'plry. KaL cl"a{3Ai';a,; 'A{3paap. 1'OL~ &f,fJaAfLOi-;

5 am-ov, cl& TOV -rmrov JUUCpO()fV. KcU cl'lrfV 'Af3poofL Toi~

'IrIUO'tV am-ov, KafJUraTf awov fLETa ~ 011011' iyW 8f KaL TO 7ratOa.pwv OLEAruuop.c6a EbJ'> Ue:. KcU 'lrpoaK1JV7jo-aVTE" d,IIa- 6 CTTpi';Op.t:V'lrpOs vp4s. -EAa{3c 8C 'Af3paa.fL Ta. ~Aa '"Is bAOKap,..Wc,-ECI)i, leal brleqlCflI 'IO'a.Cuc -nfi vl4i uimW· ao.{3€ of: IJ.€Ta. Xfipa.. Kat TO 7rVp KaL "'" fJ.o.;xaLpaV, KaL mopfvG-quav 0& ovo 7 ap.a. Ern Of 'jUafJ.K 7rpOs 'A{3paap. TO" 'lraTCpa awoii. 7Oo.TfP·

;, BE £t1l'€,,,.{ €O'TL. T'CICVW; €17r£ BE, l80tJ TO .".up leaL TO. ~,\a. 8 7roV lCTTL TO 7rpo{3aTov 1'0 Ei,; bAoK&.fnrwa'W; EI7rf O( 'A{3paafL, b ®€O~ o';fTO.I. iaw¥ 'lrpO{3aTOV ",; bAoKo.(l'If'W(T'"' TEKVOV. 9 7rOp€V8ivT(~ 8« d.p.¢o,.£po, ap.a, 1}A()o" (ToL TOV T07TOV. ~v f!7TfV aw¥ b 9t:~. Kal ,!!1(080fL7]U'fV lKfi 'A{3poop. TO 6uuLa~PlOV. KaL brEfh,Kt: I'll ~Aa' KcU (1'Up.7rOOUra,; ·luafJ.K.,.oy vcov am-ov. 10 brEfh,KO' awov l7rL TO 6uuLa~pLOV E7rD.vW TWV ~>..WV. KaL ~n-€"'O' 'A{3pa11p. Tf]Y Xlipa am-ov Aa{3fiv Tf]V p.o.Xa.l.Pav, u-/>o.- 11 tat rov v~ov awoV. KaL (KriAfUfV a~Tov·AY'Yt:AO'> Kuplou (K Toii oVpavoii. KcU Ct'lrfV. 'Af3paafL, 'A{3pacip.' b OE ft7OfV, lOo;' EyW. 12 Kal fl'lrt:, fLTJ i7Tt{3ci>..!JS "'" XELpo. uau mL TO 7Tat8cipwv, p.7jO'E 'IrOl~'; a~Tif) fL7jOo,· viiv yn.p iyvWV, OTt ¢o{3ii aV 1'01' 9,61"

13 KaL oVK E</>EUrOJ TaU ll~oV uov TOU aya7r7]ToV 0,' EP.'. Kat

~AE';a" 'A{3paD.p. TO'" o¢fJaJ..fLoi" am-ov frO,. KcU lOot, KP.o.. fl" KaTCX0P.fVO'> I.v ¢VTif) l.a{3'EK TWV KfpD.'l'WV. Ka2 E7TopE156-q 'Af3pOOfL, KaL fAaj3f 1'01' KPIOV, K«2 an/VCYKfV am-uv fl" OAoKap.. 71'C1J<TLV aVTL 'luau TOU VLoV «"TOU.

14 Ka~ EKri>..t:UfV ·A{3paap. TO ovop.a 1'OV TWOU lKfl~·ou, Kvp'o" 15 ,tow· iva fl7rfJ)(1'l ~fL€pov, EV T¥ OPfl KuplO'> w¢fJ7]. KaL £Ko.MUfV • A Y'Y€AO'> Kvpiov TOV !Aj3paul' ~EWfPOV lK Toil ovpavoli,

GEU8IS XXI. 29-X~II. 15. lambs bythMIllI'lTes. 21 And Abimeleeh said to Abraam, What are these l!f'Ven ewe-lambs ':I'hich thou ha..t !let alone? ., And Abraam l'I\id, Thou shalt, receive the seven ewe-Ismbs of me, that thev may be for me as a witnelll!, that 1 dug thi8' well. 111'herefore he named the namo of that place, The Well of the Oath. for there they both 81I'0re. aJ And they made a covenant at the well of the oath. And there rose up Abimelech, Oehozath his friend,and Phichol the commanderin-chief of hiB armv, and tbev returned to the land of the Phyl:stines. 3IAnd Abraam planted a field at tho well of the oothJ and called there on the name of the Lora, the everlastiull God. Sf And Abl'lU1m sojourned in the land of the Phylistines many dayB.


And it came to pR!IS after these things that God temptedAbraam,and aaid to him. Abraam.Abraa.m; and he eaid.Lo ! Iam~. 2 And he said, Take thy IOn. the beloved one. whom thou hast loved-baac, and go into the high land. and oWer him there for a whole.burnt-olferinlf. on one of the monntainB which I will tell thee of. • And Abra· am rose up in the morning and 811ddled hi~ ass, and he took with him two servants, and Isaac hia IOn, and having BPlit wood for a whole. burnt-offering, he arose and dell&J'ted. and came to the place of which God sPolu; to him, 40n the third day; and Abraam having fJ lifted up his eres. B8.W the pll108 afar ow. • And Abraam B8.Jd to his BeM'&DU, Sil ye here with the ass, and 1 and the lad will proceed thus far, and havinllworshipped w. Will return to you. 0 And Abl'lU1JI1 took the wood of the whole-burnt.oft'ering. and laid it on J SIIBC hie IOn. and he took into his hends both the fil'll and the 'Yknife, and the t.wo went together. 7 And Isaac said to Abraam his father Father. And he enid, What is it, IOn? And he Did, Behold the fire and the wood. where is the sheep for a whole-burnt-oflenng? 'And Abraam said, God will provide himself a sheep for a wholebumt-ofiering, my IOn. And both haTIng gone to!fether, -came to the piaee which God spoke at to him; and there Abramri built the altar, and laid tho wood on it, and having bound the feet of J8IJ4C his IOn together. he laid him on the altar upon the wood. 10 And Abraam etretched forth his hand to take the knife to slay his IOn. 11 And an angel of the Lord called him out of heaven, ann said Abraam • .Abmam. And he aaid, B,,· hold, 1 a,,. here. 12 Ann he said, Lo.y not thine hand upon the child. neither do anvthing to him, for now 1 know that thou fearest God, and for my sake thou bast not sl)8.J'ed thy beloved IOn. 13 And Abraam lfl'ted up his ere8 and beheld. and lo! a ram caught by his horns in a 8 plant of Ssbee j and .Abrnam went and took the ram. anll otiered him up for a whole-burnt-offering in the place of I soac his IOn.

l4 And Abmnm rolled the name of that place.The Lord hath seen; thst tbeymight say to-dar, In the mount the Lord was seen, l.I And an angel of the Lord called .Abraam the second time out of heaven,

6 H.", in .,1.hioto"

'Y ,,"XG.p ....... bon <lAc"rer aoed both for der __ .... d 13Gri8ce. ere,

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.ying, I haTe _om by myselfb IIIlYS the Lord, because thou hast dono t is thing, and on my account hast not spared thy beloved 8On, 11 fJ surely blesaing I will bless thee, and multiplYing I will multiply th~' aeed as the IItan! or heaven, and as the .nd .... hich is by the ahore of the sea, and thy seed shall inherit the cities of their enemies. • .And ., in thy seed shall all tho nationa of the earth be bleesed, because thou hut hearkened to my voice. »And Abraam reo turned to hie servants, and they &role and went together to the well of the oath; and Abl'llAlll d .... elt at the well of the oath .

.. And it came to J1IIIIS after theac things, that it was reported to Abraam, a _ying, Behold, Melcha herself too bas born 801llI to Nachor thT brother, II UZ the first-born, and Baux hie brother, and Camuel the n.ther of the Syriane, and Cbazad, and :111 Amv and Phaldes. and Jeldaph. and Bathuel, and Bathuel begot Rebeeea ~theac are eight eone, .... hich Melcha bore to .Nachor the brotherof Abrasm. It.And hia concubine whose JI&1IIe was Rheuma, she al80 bore ~'abec~ and Taam, and Tocboa, and MO<'.ba.

.Ana the life of tlalTha was an hundred and yeara. 2.And Sarrhadied in the ClCh' tv of Arboo, .... hich is in the valley, this is ebron in the land of Chanaan i and Abraam came to lament for Barrha ana to mourn. lAnd Abraam stood up from before hie dead; and Abraam BJIOke to the 80na of Chet, _ying. 41 am a 8OJourner and a stranger among you, give me therefore poeseaaion of a burving.plnce among you, and 1 will bury my dead away from me.

.And the 80ns of Chet answered to Abraam, _ying, Not 80, Sir, • but hear us; thou art in the midst of us a king from God; bury thy dead in our choice sepulchres. for not one of us will by any means withhold his sepulchre from thee. 80 tlmt thou shouldest not bury thy dead there. 7 And Abranm l'OII8 up and did obeisance to the _people of the land, to the 80ne of Chet. a.And Abraam spoke to them, _ying. If ye have it in vour mind that I should bury my dead out or my ~ight. h86-ken to me. and speak for me to liphron the 80n of Saar. t.And let him !riTe me the double cave which he has, which is in a part of his field, let him give it me for the moner it is .... orth for llO..-ion .f a burying.pJace among you. lO!'iow Ephron W88 sitting in the midst of the children of Cbet, and Ephron the Chcttite an_eftld Abraam and IIPOke in the hearing of the BOna of Chet. and of all who entered the city. lBying, II' Attend to me my lord, and hear me. I give to thee the field and the ('8Te .... hich is in it; I have ,nven it thee before all my countrymen; bury thv dead. I2And Abraam did obeisance before the people of t.he land. D And he IBid in the ears of Ephron before the people of the land. Since thou art on my side, hear me' take the price of the field from me. and I wili burymydentl there. M But Ephron anllWered Abraam.!III~·· ing, IS Nay. my lord. 1 have heard indeed. the land u tc1Of"tA four hundred silver didrachm •. but what can this be bet.ween me and t hee ? nay,do thou bury thy dead. I6AndAbranm



Ai-ylJJV, KaT' (p.C11lTOO (f,p.oua., A€yfl Kvp~, o;i ~W~KfV brat.". 16 (Ta~ TO pijp.C1 TOVTO, KaL OUK (¢~{(TW TOO VWV (TOV TOV .1ya'"7Tov

&' (J'~, 'H J'~ w>..o-y;;,v ~VAO)'I/uW (T~, Ka, 7I'A"OUvWV 7I'A.,,&uvW 17 ro CT1f'£pp.C1 CTOV, ~ TO~ d.crr£pa.~ Toli oUpC1voli, Ka, ~ Tip.- G.p..p.ov Tip.- 7I'a.pO. ro X~w,~ ~ Oa.Jvi.cro-rr;· KaL KA."poV0J't]uu ro fT'fI'f.PJ'a (TOO Ta~ 7I'OM'~ Ti;w lnrfVC1llT{WV. Ka, (VW~OV- 18 Ta' Q, T~ fT'fI'ipp.C1T{ (TOV ".aVTa Ta ;'6v." nj~ -yij~. d.vf/ ~v UmlKOOO'C1~ nj~ fJ'~~. 'AftCTTpO.¢" O( 'A{3po.O.J' 7T,m TO~ 19 'JI'aL&.~ awoo· KaL cl.vC1OT.lvr~~ Ura,xUfh,uav Q.p.a. Ur' TO ¢piap TOO 0pKOV. Ka, Ka~fV 'A{3po.O.J' (71" TO ¢p£ap TOV OpKoo.

""~.' \'. '" , ~ " '\ ~ 'A 20

~ rfVn'O O<E /UTa Ta PTlp.C1Ta Tat'1"a, lCa, avrrrY''''''' 1"l' -

{3po.O.J', A€yOVT'~, i&~ Tero,,~ M'AXa Ka, a~ VlO~~ T~ NaXWP

'" &'&A# CTOV, roY O~ 'lTp<IITOTOKOV, Ka, TOV Ba~e d&A¢Ov 21 awov, Kal TOV KaJ'cMjA 1TC1T£pa. lvpwv, lCal TOV Xa,{a8, KaL 22 'ACaii, Kal TIlt' cl>a.A8E~, Kal roy 'IM&l¢, Kal roy Ba.Oovr].\. BaOcMjA Of ry;",.,."u, Tip.- 'Pf{3(KKav. &ICTW O;iTO' vio" ~ 23 f.TfK~ M~Axa '" NaxWP T~ dO€A.# 'A{3pa.O.J'. Ka, ~ ~ 24 awoii, V OVOp.C1 'Pwp.C1, f.T€K€ KaL a~ roy Ta{3~K, KaL TOV TaG.p., KaL TOV Toxo~, Ka, TOV Moxa.

""~.' \'" r ,~.!.. • , " 'Knl 23

""rfVeTO O<E ." 'o1lYtf _ppa~, CT7J ~KaTOV €u<ou'nrra. _

&.".((JaV€ lcl/>pa. Q, 'JI'OM' 'Ap{3oK,;j (CTTW tV '" KovwJ'aT" ai#q 2 f.CTT' X,{3pWV Q, Tjj -ro Xavaav ;A8t' Be 'A{3poJ...p. KOl/t0.u81U lcl/>ixut, Kal ".&OijuIU. Kol &.V£fTT71 'A{3pa.aJ' 0.71'0 TOV v~KpoV 3 awou' Kal ~1'JI'fV 'A{3poJ...p. TO'~ ViolS TOV Xh, A€yWV, IIapou<~ 4 KaL 7ra.pnrio."p.o<; (-yU> Ell" J'fO' bpoWv' &iTt: 1'0' o~v KTij(TW Tacfxw J'f(/ vpoWv, KaL Ow;w roy VflCpOV p.av 0.71" fp.oV. 'A'JI't'Kptfh,uav 5 Be Ol """ Xer "',m 'A{3poJ...p., Af.yoVTfS, J'T" KUpU.. • AKOII(7'OV 6 Be ~poWv' {3aa~ 'JI'a.pO. 0fOii <TV ,I Q, ~J''iv' tv TOt~ (KMlCTo'i~ J'''''J'ftO'~ ~poWv Oo..;ov TOV Vt'lCpOV (TOV' OVOcl~ yap ~poWv OU J'T, KwAwft ro J'""p.c'iov awoii .171'0 (TOU, TOV Oa.I/ta, TIll' V'''POV (TOU bc,'i; 'AJo'C1OTa~ Be 'A{3poJ...p. 'JI'PO(T€I(Wr,u~ ~ Aa~ nj~ ~,TO'i~ 7 "'o,~ TOU Xer. Kol (MA"f1<T€ 'JI',m aVro~ 'A{3pa}J.J', A£-ywV, f1 8 ;xer~ Tjj I/roxV vpoWv, c:Jcnc Oal/ta'Tov vUpOv p.ov 0.71'0 7I'poutfnrov p.ov, .LccniuaTf. p.av, KaL AaAt]uaTc 'JI"Pl fp.oU 'E<ppWv '" rou ~&p. Kal OOTW p.o' TO cnn1AaWV TO &7I'Aoiiv, 0 fCTTW .a~, 9 TO &V Q, plpf, TOV o.ypoV awov' Gpyuplou Toii ~iov Oo,.w J'O' awo fV v,uv d~ KTiju,v P.""P.f{OV. 'E¢"wv Of €Kafhp-o fv P.E!TtfJ 10 TWV Vw.v Xer' o.'JI'oKp,Ot'l~ O~ 'E¢pWv (, Xerrat~ 'JI',m 'A{3po.D.J' ,1'Jl"v, &'ICOvOVTWV Tidv Vw.v Xu, Kal TWV fUnrOpruo,uvwv d~ Tip.'JI'OMV 'JI'.lvrWV, A€ywv, flap' (p.o' 'YfVOU, KUPU, Ka, ~OV(7'OV 11 p.av' TOV &.ypOv, KaL TO cnn1AaWV TO Q, a~, (TO, 8{&'JU' Q,aVTWV 7I'G.vrwv NV 7I'OAtTWV P.OV O£o.-a (TOt· Oo..;OV rov"upov (TOO. Ka, "'pOUucVvrpfV 'A{3po.O.J' €VaVTWV TOU A.aou ~~. 12 KaL €l".€ ~ 'E¢,.wv €1~ TU :n-a €I'O.lITWV TOU Aaou ~ ~, 13 €71'€~ 'JI',m €p.ov €t, ~OVO'Iiv J'OV' TO &.pyVpWV TOV o.ypoV >..0.{3€ r.ap' fp.oV, Kai Oal/tw TCJV "flCpOV p.ou (IC('. 'A7I'CKp{1fq Be) 4 'E¢"wv T~ 'A{3poJ...p.. A€yWV, OUX" KUptf' &,.o1Koo. 'Yap, -yij 15 TfTpaKOUu"V OtOpaXJI-wv &.pyVpwu· UAM. T{ &v fr." TOVTO o.vO. J'i(TOV €J'ou Ka, (TOV i <TV o~ TOV V€lCpOV (TOO Oa.I/tov. KaL ~KOV- I 6

fl He ..... U.

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"W 'A{3po.D.p. Toli '& KIll d.'ftlCaT(CTTTJfT«V 'A{3po.D.p. Teji hearkened to Ephron, and Abraam rendered • , ,~. __ : 6 n.!\ "'O ~ '~X' to Ephron the money. which he mentioned Ecppwv TO ...,. TvptOV. 0 UWA7JCT£V £'> TO. (&ITa TWV V«&JV ET. in the eal'll of the lOllS of Chet, four hundred

1 i TETfXUCOu(4 &'apa.XJU1o dpyvpInu OolCtp.ov EP:7r<JpOt,>. Ka~ ECTTTJ b ctidraohmsofsilverap~rovedwithmerchant& • • 'E.I.~~-. 6 • L. ~ ~ \ - \ _'. • • ,. I1And the field of Ephron, which was in aypo,> .,.,...,r, 0'0 ."V 10" Tt(J 0'''''''1-' OT7J"'"'I" 0'> €O'Tt lCaTa "'POU(&l· Double eave. which i. opposite Mambre, the

"'ov Map.{Jpij. 0 d.ypO,. IC~ ro ~I.OV. 8 ~v €v awlji. IC~ ",iiv field and the cave. whioli was in it, and everr olvOnnv, 3 ,,'O v lv nd d.~"':; •• lCaL ",iiv 0 €O'TtV (V TO''> optcn,> awou tree which 11'88 in the field. and whatever is

r-- - T ., r t: in its borders round about. were made BUI'II

18 KtlICAtt. Teji 'A{3p0.4J1-' f:i,> KTijoow lvavTlov TWV via.v Xn-, ICn2 II! to Abraam for a ~on. before the IOns 19 ".av,.(&JV TWV dD''7ropEVoJl-Evwv Ei,> np. 1I'OAw. METa TaVra EII..,,·w of Ohet, and all that entered into the citro .,...., I • .After this Abraam buried Sarrha his wife 'A{3paD.p. ~p- np. yvvaUca a.VToli lv OT7J~ TOU d.ypov in the Double eave of the field. which is T.p &1I'"AIji. 0 (O'TW d.1I'" Map.{3pij. au,.." (O'TL Xf{3pWV lv -rV op1!Osite Mambre. this is Chebron in the land

, • .~.'.Jl..'" •• , • .. ofChanaan. IOSotbefleldandthecavewhi ... h

20 Yii Xa.vaav. Kat EICV,.....,., 0 aypo,> lCat TO OT7JAa.WV 0 ."V lv was in it were mad" sure to Abraam for_poe-

24 aw.p Tcil 'A{3po.D.p. d,> KTijuw "&'<I>ov. 7l"O.p4 NV VUdV X&. KaL sessionofabwoyingplace.bytheIODBofChet. 'AIJnal.u;v 1I'f>6UIJ.'_""", 1I'polJ(lJnlCw,. ':',UPWV· lCaL KvptO'> "'v- IAndAbraam was old.edvanced indaYB,and

1""--'-'1 r : 1"-' rr=» I" 1"'1 'I~ ., the Lord bleesed Abraam in all thinga.

AO-y-quf: roy 'A{3paa.,... lCaTa mlvTa. 'And Abraam said to hie servant the elder

2 KaL £l1l'w 'A{3paD.JI- T~ 1rcuO~ awov TIji 1I'p'oo{3l1T~ T?,> olKw.,> ~{o:~ ~o~th;~ ~:..o~; ~~~ r.:ri

a.woii. TIji dp')(WTt ~ NV aVToii. 6€~ n,v X£&pa uov rto rov will adjure thee by the Lord the Goa of h __ 3 JI-""oII JI-Ov. Kal UOPIC..w oo( Kvpwv rov ®EOV TOU ovpavou ICRl ven, and the God of the earth. that thou take

• • \.! IJ ,not a wife for my IOn laaac from the daugh-

roll @Eov ril'> ~, ,va JI-." .....,..?]'> -yvvaUca vLji Jl-ov Iuc.uUc tel'8 of tbe Charianites. with whom I dwell,

d.,ro NV 6rrya.T~ TWII Xavavcu'wv, p.JI crw ~ olKw lvawol,>. in the midst of them. 4 But thou shalt IrO

4', \ \' ~ , • ~ .. 1... ,tl.... ' ••• inetead to mT. colmtry where I was born, AJ\.I\ ." It'> T7JV Y7JV p.ov, ov ~ TWV7JVI,V, 1I'Op€VO'"fl. lCat Iti "Iv and to my tribe, and thou sIialt take from

5 cpvAt7v p.ov, lCaL Am yvva.UcaT~ vU;; p.ov 'Ioow hi'O.v. El1l'"E thence a wife for m~'lOn IIIII&C. 'And the

~, • .., ~, • IJ_~\ , • ~_Jl.:: eenant said to him, Shall I carry back thy Of 7r'pO'> aVTOV 0 1nU.,>, Jl-T/ 1I'OTE ov '_""u"7JTU' ." Y"YfJ 1I'O~"""vat IOn to tbe land whence thou camest fortli,

p.fT' IJl-Ou Inrtu(&l cl~ np. yijv Ta"",,,. d1l'"00'Tplyt(&l TOV VWV ooov fJ if haply the w.oman should not be willin~

6 Ei~ n,v yijv. oOa Ie;,AOE'> ",(LOw; EllT£ o~ ",pO,> awov' A{3po.D.p., ~b:.::-n sait~ ~. t:ra~~b=t: t~~f 7 lI'pOueX£ JI-~ d.'7TOO'Tp"lrrr> TOV vwv p.ov ilCEt. Kvpto,> 0 that thou carry not my IOn back thither. ®Co,. Toli otipavoli IC~ t. 6Eo,. ril'> ~, 3,. lAa.{3( JI-( IIC TOU oUcov 7 The Lord the God of heaven. aud the God of tho earth, who took me out of mr father'd, TOU 1I'I1TpO,. p.ov. lCa2 IIC ril'> ~ ~ ey~, 3,. IAQA7JCTf. 11-"', house. and out of the land whence 1 eprang. <,

lCal 3,. ';'JI-OUf. JI-O'. >.1-ywv. 0001 OWu(&l n,v yijv Ta~V lCaL who spoke to me/and who swore to me, -y-

" .,. \ _~ '.A - \ - _ll' iug I ~ !{i,ve tnisland to thee and to till'

U1I'"EpJl-4TL OOOV, 4VTO'> a'7TOO'TE'"t TOV "l"lIOAOV awou EP--JrpO<TU€V ;;d. he shall send hie angel before thee, anil

8 ooov. IC~ Am -yvvaUca TIji vU;; JI-OV IlCiiOw. 'E«v 8( JI-~ OCA?] thou shalt takeawife to my IOn from thence . .:. .".,.rl, 1I'op_A:::VQ,t u--a oooii Ei,> Ta'~' IC-II.. _~~ lim, 8 And if the woman should not be willing to " t r : " • "WI rr»: "',., -, "- ""'~ <u come with thee into thia land, thou shalt be

dn TOU OpKov JI-Ov· p.Ovov rov vwv p.ov JI-~ d.1I'"00'TP"lrrr> IlCi'. clear from my oath, only carry not my IOn

9 Kal Efh,ICW 0 mu"'" n,v XElpa. awoli ;""0 TOV p.T/pOv 'A{3paD.JI- thither again. • And tbe servant, put his

~ , • ~ ,. • ~ • ~, , ,hand under the thigh of his master Abraam,

TOV ICVpWV a.VTOV. lCat (&IJI-OUw aVT'{J 1I'EpL TOV PYJJI-4TO'O TOVTOV. and ewore to him concerning this matter.

10 Kal EAa{3w 0 1I1I'i,> ~f.tca lCo.p.~Aow d.n TWV lCo.p."]AwV TOU ICVplov 1".And the servant took ten camels of hie master's camels. and M took of all the goods 4ln-OU. lCaL &on 1I"clnwV TWv d.ya8Wv TOU ICVplov awou Jl-JI of his master with him. and he arose and iaVToi)· KIll d.vaO"To.,> brop€VD'1 d,> np. M(0001l'OTap.w.v EL'> Ti}v went into MeaopotamiatothecityofNachor.

• IIAnd he ., rested his camels without the

II ,roAtV Naxwp. Kal (ICOLp.tuE Ta,> 1Cap.~AoV'> U(&I n;i "'OM(&Ii city b .. the well of water towards even;"a

'\ '\".,' .... :0\ "" \ J..,,' c', , ~ h ~----,_ ~ rth d t _,

rapa TO .,.fJEG.P TOV OOaTO'> TO 7r'PO'> .,."E. 'IVLlCa EICrOfXVOVTat at w en WWW!C18 go .0 to raw wa er.

l,O , It And he said, 0 Lord God of my master

'fXVO,JI-WG.t. , , • ~, , • • , • Abraam. p~T my way before me to day,

12 KaL Elll'E, KvptA! 0 ®t:o~ TOU ICVpWV JI-OV A{3po.ap., fli6&xrov snd deal mereifuilywith my lll&lter Abraam.

fvaVTtOV lJl-Ou en7J1-EfJOI', IC~ 1I'O'.",rov EAcO'O p.fTa TOU ICVPWV JI-Ov 13 Lo! I stand by the well of water. and tbe

13 'A{3paD.JI-. 'IOov ¥ ECTTTJlCa (11'"2 ril'> ~. TOU VOaTO'O· 0.1 o~ ~~h=;h:t!

6uyaTf.pE~ TWv oilCol1VT(&JV n,v 1rOALV llC'7ropt:VoVTat d.vTA~ooat VOc,'p. virgin to whomsoever I shall say. Incline

• ' __ Il .. L ., ,,~ thy water-pot. that I may dJ·il)k. a,nd she

14 KaL EO'Tat 'I 1I'u.pvEvo,. 11 a.v ~ f:t1l'"(&J,€1I'"UcAtVOV n,v WPw.v ooov. shall _yo Drink thou\ ana I will IIIve thy

iva 11''''', lCaL (;'11'[/ JI-O" ",t. uV, KIll Ta,> Kap.~>.oU'> ao» "'OTL;;', E<&I'> camels drink. until tney shall have done .' , " , . "" drinking-even this one thou hast prepared av 1I'I1VU(&lVTat 1I'LVOVUat, T411T7JV 7/TOLJI-4ooai T.p lTaw, ooov Tcil for thy servant I saac, and hereby sliall I

'Ioow· 1Cn2 lv TOVl'tf' OTt (1I'"01.."ooai tAfO'> Jl-ETa TOU know that thou hl1!!t dealt mercifully with

, 'IJ' mv master Abraam.

ICVpLOV p.ov AtJpa4IL· Ii And it came to pass before be had done

15 ~ eyCVfTO 11',,0 Toli (TVVTEAEooat avrov >..a.AoWTa (V -rV speaking in his mind, that behold, Rebecca

• See !be _ or,.;, "0" ill. _"ba& IimIIar -. J TIm. I. !5.

., Bob. __ 10 I1Deel doWD. Gr •..... d 10 oIocp,

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the daughter of Bathuel, tho son o£ Melcha, the wife of Nachor, and tht! .mllt! fJ the brother of Abraam. came forth, having a waterpot on her shoulders. Iii And the virgin was very beautiful in apJlt'&1'&noe. she was a virgin a man had not known her; and she went down to thewell,and filled herwaterpot, and came up. Ii And the aervant ran up to meet her, and sai~l Give me a little water to drink out of my pitcher; "and she -"d, Drink, Sir; and she hasted, and let down the pitcheT upon her arm, and II&ve him to drink, till he ceased drinking. It And she said, I will also draw water for thy cameia, till they shall. all have drunk. =0 And she nasted, and emptied the water· )lot into the trough. and ran·to the well to draw again. and drew water for all the ('&IDels. 11 And the man took great notice of her. and remained silent to know whet her the Lord had made his way prosperous or not. III And it came to ~ wben iill the esmels eessed drinking, that the man took golden ear-rings, each of a drachm weight, and he Pot two bracelets on her hande, t heir weIght was ten pif'res of gold. SI And he asked her, and aaid, Whose dawdtter art thou P Tell me if there is room for UI to lodge with thy father. 14 And she said to him,! am the daughter of Bathuel the son of Melcha, whom she bore to Nachor. :II And she said to him, We have both straw and much provender. and a place for resting. 211 And the man being well !.leased, warshipped the ~rdl :; aud sai • Blessed be the Lord the U"OQ of my master Abraam, who has not Buffered his righteousness to {ail, nor his truth from my master I and the Lord has brought me to the home of the brother of my lord. ti And t he damsel ran aud reported to the house of her motber according to tbese words. ~ And Rebecca had a brother wbose name WIl8 lAban; and Laban ran out to meet the mnn, to the well - And it came to 11MB when he saw the ear-rings and tbe bracelets on the hands of his sister, and wben he heard the words of Rebecca his sister, say· ing, Thus tbfl man spoke to me, that be went to the mnn. as be stood by the camels ot th .. well. II And be said to him, Come in hither, thou blessed of the Lord, why standest thou without, whereas I have pre· nared the house and a place for the camels? 52 And the man entered into the house, and unloaded the camels, and gave the camels ~traw and provender, and watn to wash IDS teet, and the feet of the men that were with him. IS And be set before them loaves to eat; but he said, I will not eat, until I have "t told my en-and. And be said, Speak on.

lNAnd he said, I am a 8I'rVant of Abraam ; &; and the Lord has blessed my mastt'r f:1'CIltly, and he is exalted, and he bas gi .. en him sheep, and calves, and silver, and gold. servants and servant-maids, camels, and asses. 15 And SRrrha my maeteT's wife bore one 80n to my master aftt'r be had gran'n old; and he gave him whatever he bael. 37 And ITIY master caused me to llWeur, saying. Thou shalt not take a wife to my sou of the daughters of the Cbananitetl,



014110~ allToi!, KaL lOov cPf{3£KKa. Itnro~(TO ~ BaOovTJA, vt.;> MfAxc1~ ri7~ yvvauc~ NaxWP, &OfA«p0U 8£ 'A{3paltp., :XOOO'a 1"7]11 UPlall f1l"L TWII WP.fJlII aVrFj~. 'H 8€ 1I"al'Oo,o<; ~II 16 Ka.A~ Tfi mpn urJ>OOpa' 1N1.p8£vo..~, d.~p OllK rylf(J) aln7}v' KaTa{ o€ 11l"L T7JII ~, brA7JCTf TTpt UPlall aVrFj~, Kal tlvl{37J. ·E1I"l8po.p.( O€ b 1I"aLi (l~ CTVIIcJ.vrqutv a.VrFji, KaL fl1l"f, 17 11"0,.1.0"011 P.( P.UC"oII V&"p (K nji Upla~ eo», cH O€ ,11l"f, 1I"l.f, 18 .rop", KaL E(T'1r(1J(Tf KaL Ka.8liAf T7]v Uptall brL TOil {3paXlolla. al'"1~, KaL bro,.l.O"(II awoII, ~~ bra.-6ua.TO 1I"tVfJ1V. Kal fl1l"f, KaL 19 TaL~ Kap.~Mli uov UpOO0p.41, ~fJli All wuual 1I"tIJKTI. KaL 20 ;(T'1r(1J(Tf KaL 1,(Klvwu( T7]v UPIaV fl~ ro 1I"OT~PIOV' Kal f.8pap.(II br, ro «ppla.p d.VTA1jual 11"c1A&'" KaL UpnXro.TO 1I"au~ TaLi Kap.~AoI~, '0 OE /J.v{J{XIJ1I"0<; KaTfp.4v6a.V(II aln-rl,,· KaL'1r4p- 21 TOV -yvWVIU fl f~K( KVPIO<; T7]v UQv awou, ~ o~.

..... ~. ' """, ~ "\ , 22

~ ,(II(TO oe "l"LKa nravuaVTO .".aua.L IU KOf'7J"OL .,..Ivovual,

D..a.{3(11 b /J.v{Jpol1I'O<; IvWTw. xpvua. 8paXJL~II oAK7ji, KaL 800 t/truw. I.".L Ta.~ XfLpa~ aVrFj~, 8lKa xpvuwv bNe?] aVTWV. Kal 23 br7JpWn,u(ll,v, Kal fl1l"f, Ovya-r7Jp TtVO<; fl;,),,,A&v POOL, d ;CTTI ." ,..;; 1I"aTpi uov T~ T,p.i.v TOV KaTa.Awa.I.

'H O€ (111"(11 afmij, OvyaTTJp Ba00m7A flp.I TaU :MfAXel~, all 6-£K( 24 T<!I NaxWp, KaL fl1l"(II a~, KaL a}(Vpa Kal XOfJTtlup.4Ta 1I"o'\'\el 25 7ra.p' ~,uv, Kal TD1ro~ TOU KaTa.AWIU. Kal £VOOIC1}ua.i 0 avO{XIJ- 26 '11"0<; 1I"POCTElcVV"f/Uf ,..;; Kvptlf>. Ka.L fl1l"O', dJA~~ KVPIO<; 0 27 ®f~ TOV ICVpiov p.ov 'A{3paa.p., &~ oVK CyKaT£N.1I"f 1"7]V 8ucalo, mJv,po aln-oii, KaL 1"7]v .u~O(I4V, 0..".0 TaU ICVpiov p.ov· lp.l T' flx.l&aKf Kvpt.a<; di olKov TOU d.&A4K>v TOV ICVptOV p.ov. KaL 28 8pap.oVcra T, 1I"aL~ &.VJ]yyftA(II (Ii TOV olKOII ri7~ p..".,.~ a~, KaTa. Tel p-qp.4Ta TClVTa.. Tii O€ 'P,{3lKKCf. d.8u..«POi~, ~ OllOP.a. 29 A&.{3arr KaL ;8po.p.' Aa{3all 11"~ TOV /J.v{JfKU7rOv ;~ E1I"L T7]v 1I'7J'Y1iv. Kal Cyo,£TO T,vUca flo( Tel (VWTI4, Kal Ta t/truw. lv 30 Tai.~ X(po'L nji d.&>..~ awoii, KaL 0,.£ ~KOOO'£ Ta. Mp.4Ta. 'P({3EKKU~ nj~ &O(Acp;j~ awov, Aeyo~, O~TfJl AfA.O.A."KE pool 0 ilvOfX'J'1rO<;, Kal ~A6£ 1I",m T()v ,ivOfX'J'1rov, EtTTTJKo,.o<; awov brL TWV Kap.~N.JV brL nj~~. Kal f111"(11 aw<p, 8riJpo £W(A(J(, 31 dJAoyrrrO<. KvpiOV' {vaTl ~tTTTJKa~ ;",,; ~ 8€ Vrolp.4ua TTpt OUcIaV, Kal TD1roV Tai.~ Kap."Aol~. EluiiA6( O€ 0 avOpol1l'O<; 32 di T7]v obcta.v, KaL d.1I"lua..e( Ta~ Kap.~>..ow· KaL E"&UC(ll a}(Vpa Kal XOfJTtlup.aTa Tai.~ Kap."MI~, Kat V&"p vlt/ta.u61U TO;:~ 1I"OIT'V

allToii, Kal Toi~ 1I"oul TWV d.v8pc'ilv TWv p.t:T' awaii. KaL 33

'7ra.pE{jqK(II a.lITo;:~ afJT0V'ii cila")"i.... Kal £111"(11, av p.~ «P4")"J1, E~ ~oii >.o.Afjual. p.' Ta. Mp.4Ta p.ov· Ka.t £111"0', A.O.A7JCTov.

Kal fl'7r£, .".ai.~ 'A{3pa.ap. l-yW dp.I. KvpIO<; OE ."vAOyqu, 34, 35 TOV KVPIVV p.ov u.poOpa, Kat VtftWIhJ· Kal ;Oc"K(II aW<!l 1I""o{3aTa. Kat P.OO}(01Jfii. Ka.' &.pyt}pWV, Kal XPVUI.OV, 1I"aL8a~, Ka.' '1r4~I.UKa~, Kap."AOV'ii, KaL OVOV'ii. Kat 6-~"£ ~ppa T, ~ TaU Itvplcru 36 poov VWV Eva ,..;; ICVptlf> poov P.£Ta. TO Y'lptlCTO.I a.WVv· Ka, E&uK(II uw<i> oo-a ~V aln-<i>. KaL WpKl.O"l p.£ 0 .ropl~ pov, >..I~" 37 ov A,,1/rrI yvvai'Ka T<i> vue p.ov &..".0 TU,V 611""fClTE(JfJlV TWV Xava-

,B1. .. Naohor

., Gr. opokeD m, worda.

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among whom I IIOjourn in their land. - But thou shalt g~ to the house of my father. and to my tribe, and thou shalt take thence 11 wife for my son, lIP.And 1 aaid to my master. Haply the woman will not go with me 4O.And he aaid to me, The Lord God to whom 1 have been aooeptable in his presence, himself shall send out his angel with thee, and ahaJl. prosper thy journey, and thou shalt take a wife for mv eon of mr_ tribe, and of the houee of my 1ather. 41 Then ahalt thou be clear from my curse, for whenaoever thou shalt have oome to my tribe. and tht')' ahalI not give her to thee, then shalt thou be clear from my oath. c.!nd ha"ting come this day to the well, I said, Lord God of my maeter .Abraam, if thou prosperest my journey on which I am now going, t3 hehold I stand by the well of water, and the daughters of the men of the city come forth to draw water and it ehall be that tho damsel to whom I ahaJl Illy, Give me a little water to driDk out of $~ pitcher. "and she ehall_y tome~ Both drink thou, and I will draw water lor thy camele, this .kall be the wife whom the Lord bas prepared for his own servant leao.c; and hereby shall I know that thou bast wro~t mercy with my maeter .Abmam. 46.And It came to Jl888 before I had done speo.king in my mind, straightway Rebeccil. came forth having her pitcher on her shoulders; and she went down to the well, and drew watert and I said to her. Give me to drink. -.Ana she basted and let down her jlitcher on her arm fJ from her head, and said. Drink thou, and I will give thy camels drink; and I drank, and she gave the camels driDk. q.And I asked her, aDd said, Whoee dawlhter art thou P tell me; and she said. I am iiaughter of Bathuel the son of Nachor, whom 1rlelcha bore to him; and I put on her the ear-rings. and the bracelets on her banda. ".And hein. well·pleased I worshipped the Lord, and I blessed. the Lord the God of ~y maeter .Abraam, who has prospered me 1D a true way, 110 that I should take the dauJlhter of my master's brother for his eon, .. If then ye will deal mercifully and iustly with my lord, tell ~I and if not. tell me, that I may turn to we right hand or to the left.

III .And Laban and Bathuel answered and

50 'A1rOKp.oEt~ OE A&.fJall Kal Ba80vllA (Irall, rnnri. KVPlOV snid\ This matter bas come forth from the

fo' , ,..- Lora, we shall not be able to answer thee

1tT/>-8f 1"0 'lTpO::yp.a 1"oVTO' ou OwquoJLE8a. O'Ot allT€LrELII «aKDII bad or JWOd. II Behold, Rebecca is before

51 :, ICIlAOII. '10011 'PEfJEKKa IvWrwII O'ov· Aa{3<»11 a'ITo,.p~· Kat thee, taXe her-and 7go away, and let her be

., fo' -". wife to the son of thy master, as the Lord

Eu-rW ~ 1"t(i 11'0/ TOU KVplov O'ov, Ko.Oa. fAOA71UE KvpLO<i: has said. 62 And it came to p&8B when the 52 'Eyo,ETO 0. €v .,.:; cVcoVuCU TOil 'ITa&&. TOU 'A{3puUJL TWII CmtulTWII eenant of Abraam heanl these words, he

- T .... r+: bowed himself to the Lord down to the

53 awwII, TrpouucW"uw bTL np, rii" Tefl Kvp~. Kat UWEyKall b earth. II And the servant haTing brought TraLIl O'KWq &.pyvpaKal XP'lKTa. KaL Lp.aT!.U,wll, lOwKE -rii 'PE{3EICICq.· forth iewels of silver and gold and raiment,

, ~. __ .~... 15:. LL.~ ,- ,- ,,- K' IIIlve them to Rebecca. and gave gifts to her

54 KCU ...;.... (0<11«( T~ ~ o.~, KCU TV JLTfTpL aVT71ll. aL brother, and to her mother. "And both he

lq,a:yoll «at aWII KaL ain-oll KaL ot tivSpEll 01 JLET' ain-ou Clvn!Il, and the men with him ate and drank and KaL EKOUL.:A...-o.lI' Kat chrao-ra.1l TO Trlll.,t EIr(lI. EIC7I"EIL,I'aTE liE. went to sleep. Alld he arose in the mornillg • .,.-'fV'l" , " r- r't' r: and said, Sew'!. me awu.y, that I may J!Q to

55 LIla arEA8w Tr~ TOil KVPWII JLOV. EIrall SC ot aOEA<Pol atmjll, my maeter· ".And her .brethre1_l an!i her

«al ;. H~p, IL(Wa.TW;' TrapOEII~ p.Ef/ ;'w,,,, ;',,:na. WuEt SEKa mother B&ld. Let the virgm remain WIth U4

., r=r:: r·' nr+: -,,...,. " : about ten days, and after that she shall de.

56 KaL JUTa. 1"o.UTo. arEAEVoUat. '0 OE EIr( TrpO~ aVTO~, JL71 part. i6But he said to them. Hinder me

38 vcW.w, €v or~ i-yW 1rapOIJCw Ell Tjj Yii aVTWII. 'AU' (ill TOil 01"0,, TOll 7rQ.T~ p.ov 1rOprocry. lCat ~l~ .,..qv rpVA~JI fLOV. Kal 39 AWu ~a 1'';» lIue JLOV lKE'i8EV, EZra 0. T.;i IC1Jp~ P.01l, 40 JLiprOTf 0(, TropWuno.L ~ -yv"q JLET' EJUlV. KaL (IrE JLOL, KvpLO<i b EH:bs ~ drqpUrrqcra lvo.lIT£oll ain-ov, ain-oll lio.roerrw,,.ov 'A--rfEAoII ain-ov JUTa. O'ov, KaL Wo&JcrEL np, booll O'OV· Kat AWu YWaUca T~ vt~ JLOV IK ,.,,11 q,v~ JLOV, Ko.l

4 1 1« rov otcov 1"OU TraT~ JLOlI. T o,.E a8~ Ecru a,ro ,.".

ApO.Il ,uw' -q.,l«a yOp Ea.II EA.~ ('~ 'l"7jv q,VA.f,v JLov, KaL 42 JL.q 0'01. &00--" IC4l lITO tJJWo.; a,ro Toil bPKUTJLOV JLOV. Kal v"lJWv cn,JLEPfW bTl np, ~ (Ira, KVPLE b eEOIl TOU ICUplOV JLOV 'AfJpaa.p., (t oi, (00&;'11 TfJII bSoll JLOV, €v V vW

43 lyW Tr~fU1A- €v aVTfj, lOov E-yW f.q,ECTTTJKa bTL ,.,,11

. '"1rl> TOU ti&T~, «aL 0.1 iJvya.TEpE<; TC;", avfJpW-;r1Jlll ri]~ 'll"0~ UarOpMlITRL t1vr>J7crcu tJ&,p. Ko.L lerraL .;, wap8o,~, V &v ~ (f'II"W, '11"0,.10'011 p.E he ~ Mp&a.~ 0'011 p.u<pOJI ~p, 44 Kat .f"11 JLOL, «Ill n 'lTU, Kal T4L. Kap.~AOL~ O'ov {,;,pEliuOp.4L, o.~ ~ ~ q" ;,rolp.o.u( KvpLO<i 1"<fJ Ca1/TOV 8qxirollTL 'ww·. «aL lv ~ yvWuOp.aL, OT!. rnrol71Ka~ lAEO'

-15 1"<fJ ICUp~ JLOV 'AfJpruJ.p.. Kat iyo,ETO 'll"pO 1"OU O1/IITEAWCU JLf Aw\oVn-a III Tfj SI4IIO~ JLOV, &~ 'Pf{3EKICo. ItEropEVETO, l](01lCT4 np, vSpla.v art TWI' ,';,JLWII" Kat KaTE{371 h-l np, ~. KaL VOpWuaTO' (ITra S( awv, '11"0,.10'011

46 JLE. Kal ~a Ka8iiM. np, VOp&a.II bTt TOil {3pax£olla a~ aq,' m~, KaL EtrE, 'lTtE oi" KaL Ta.~ Kap.~Ao~

47O'ov 'lTOT&W' KaL WWII, Kal Ta.~ KaJL.q~ nnYrWE. Kat

~~a avn"" Kal EIra, fJvya:r'lP 1"{II~ Et. avayy(cAOlI JLOL' ~ OE l4r'1. 8rya.TT1P Ba80~A (lp.l vwu TOU Na_xWp. 811 ET(KEV ain-~ MEAXa' KaL 'lTEpu{jqKa aVTfj Tel EV.:n-W., KaL Ta

48 y,lJV..uJ. 'lTfpl Ta~ XfLpaIl Ilin-ij~. Kal (t.&~a~ 'll"pou(~uo.

T~ KlIp~, Kat &A6yr]ua KvpwII ,.oil ®Eoll TOV ICUPlOV JLOV 'A{3paO.p., ~ m:,&,uE P.f €v ~ dA718(&a.1l Aa{3iiv TfJII

49 Ouyo.1"Epa 1"OV a&Aq,ou Toil ICUplov JLOV 1"~ viefl ain-ov. Et oW 'lT01£41'( Vp.EL. lAE~ KaL Suca~ 'll"pOll TOil ,ruPWII JLOV' (t OE JLTJ, araYYfiAaTE JLOI., Lva ErUT'TpEy,w (lll SE,«111 ~ a"UT'TEp4v •

l' Gr. run ."&1.

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not, for the Lord has ~ my journey for me; send me away. that I may depart to my master. 6i And they said. Let us call the damsel, and enquire at her mouth. "And they called Rebecca, and said to her. Wilt thou IrO with this man? and she said, 1 will go. "1IIBo they sent forth Rebecca their sister, and her goods. and the servant of Abraamt and his attendants. lO.And they blessed Reoecca, and said to her, Thou art our sister; become thou thoueands of my· riads. and let thy seed _po_!I8e88 the citiea of their enemies. 61 .And Rebecca rose up and her maidens, and they mounted the camels and went, with the man; and the servant having takon up Rebecca, departed.

e And Isaac went through tho wildernees to the well of the vision, and he dwelt in tho land toward the south. tIII.And Isaac went forth into the plain toward evening to meditate'1 and having lifted up his ey~.t h~ II&W came s coming. II And Rebecca linea up her eyes,and II&wIsaac: and she alighted brisk! y from the camel. Ii and said to the l'el'Vant, Who is that man that walks in the

~~!\~;n:.!t!:t an~~~et~ksehr;~!J:!.~

covered herself, ".And the servant told Iaaac all II that he had done. III And Isaac went into the house of his mother. and took Rebecca, and she became his wife, and he loved her; and Isaac 'fILiI comforted for Sarrha his mother.

And Abmam again took " wife. wbOle name was Chettura. I And she bore to him Zombran. and Jezan. and Madal. and Madi. am. and Jesboe, and Soie. IAndJezan begot Saba and Dedan. .And the sons of Dedan were the Assurians and the Latusians. and Laomim. 4 And the sons of Madiam fD~e Oephar and Aphir. and Enoch. and Abeid&, and Eldaga; all these were sons of Chettura. 6 But Abraam nve all his ~ions to Isaac his son, 'But to the sons of his concubines Abraam gave gifts, and he sent them away from his son Isaac. while he was yet living. to the east into the country of the east. '.And these _e the years of the days of the life of Abraam as many as he livedJ a hundred and seventy-five years. l.Ana Abraam tailing died in a good old Bffel an old man and full of days, and was added to his people. 'And Iaaac and Iamael hil sons burled him in the douhle cave. in the field of Ephron the son of Saar the Chettite, which is over against Mambre: lIIe_ the field and the cave which Abraam bought of the sons of Chet; there they buried Abraam

, and 8arrba his wife. 11 And it came to JlB88 after Abraam was dead that God blessed leasc his son. and I toMC dwelt by the well of the vision. 12 A nd these lire the generation~ of Iamael the IOn of Abraam. whom Agar the Egyptian the hand-maid of Sarrha bore to A braam, II And these lire the names of the sons of I lIDlal'l, according to the Dames of th~ir generations. The firstborn of ) smae)~.Nabaiot,h. and Kedar, and Nabdeel. aud JIlM81lDl, 14and Masma. and Duma, and



KaT;'xrrE P.E· Ka.t Kvplo~ ~E ",V 0801' p.ov Iv Ip.o{· f.t('7rfp.';aT;' P.f, iva. d:,rDl.Ow W'po~ TOV ,ropwv p.ov. Ol BE E!'lI'aV, KaJ..;'- 57 uwp.w ",v 1n1'L&. Ka.L Ipwrrjuwp.w TO eTTOp.o. almi~. KaL fKa- 5$ Afuav ",V 'PE{3EKlCav, Ka.L fl'll'av aVTfj, 'lI'o{nvcru P.ETa. TOV

d.v8pc!nrov TOVTOV; ~ BE fl'll'f, 'lI'OpaJuOp.o.L. KaL l~brEp."'av 59

'PE{3EKlCav ",V d.&Aq,~V awwv, KaL TO. inr&.pxoVTa av~, KaL TtlI' W'a'L& TOV 'A{3pa.a.p., KaL TO~ P.fT' awov. KaL EVAOyT,uav 60 'PE{3EICKav, lCaL EI'll'av aVTfj, d.BEAq,~ ~p.wv El, ,,({vov Ei~ Xu\ulOai p.vp..a&JV, KaL KATJPOVOP.71UaTw TO U7l'Epp.o. uov Ta~ 1rOAEL~ TWV W(Jf(lVT{CIIV. 'AvC1O'Tliua BE 'PE{3EKlCa Kal 0.1 a{3po.& aVrrj~, f'll'f- 61 {3'rJuav OrL Ta~ lCap.~>..o1J';, KaL Oropru8TJcrav p.rra TOV d.vOplfnrov·

Kal>..o.{3wv ;, 'lI'cU~ ",v 'PE{3EKKav &'"1ABw.

'IuaO.K 8£ Blnro"rurro B&a Ti7~ fpf]P.OV KaTa TO q,ptap Ti7~ 6~ tJP&UfCllf;' a~ BE KaT~m Iv ~ 'Yii Tij 7rpO~ Al{3a. KaL 6"3 f~A8Ev 'IUaaK d.80A€UxJiulU Ei~ TO W'EB{ov TO 'lI'pO~ BElA'I1~, lCal{3AE';a~ TO'~ dq,Oo.Ap.oi.~ aVTOV E!& Kap.~Aov<; lpxop.£va~. KaL{3Attpaua 'PE{3iKKa TOi.~ otPOaJ..fLOi.~ El& Tov'luaWc' Kal 64 KaT~w &71'0 Ti7~ 1Ca.p.f]AOV. KaL E17l'E T~ 1n1LSL, T{~ leTTIV 65 ;, av6flC11'l1'O'; lKElVo<; 0 'lI'OproOP.EVO~ iv T~ 1rEu.,_, Ei~ <TVVaVTI'Juw "p.'v; El'll'E 8£ 0 'lI'cU~, ~~ ((M'W 0 ,ropw.; fLOV' ~ BE Aa{3owa

TO BEPUTTpOV. 'lI'EP&E{3OAETO. KaL BLTJ'YquaTo 0 'lI'al~ T~ 'luaO.K 66 W'avra TO. injp.o.Ta, &. f'll'O{T/O W. EluijA6E BE 'IuaO.K d~ TOV 67 OlKOV Ti7~ p.7JTpO~ awov, KaL EAaPE ",v 'PE{3EKKav, KaL CyEvrro awou -rvv'l, KaL Vya1nJUEv almlv' KaL 'lI'apEKA~~ 'luaWe 'lI'EpL lappa~ ~ p.7JTpO~ awou.

Ilpocr6Ep.wO'; BE 'A{3paap. EAa{3E "(WaUca, N ovop.a XETTOVpo.. 26 wErEICE SE aw~ TOV Zop.{3pOv, lCal Tov'IE'av, KaL TOV Ma&U. 2 KaL TOV MaBulP., KaL TOV 'IEU{3WK, Kal TOV lw{E. 'IE'av 8£ 3 CyEW7fCTE TIJV la{3u., KaL TOV AE&iV' VLOI BE AE&lV 'Auuovputp.,

Kat AaToVO'uLp., KaL AaCllp.E{p.. yewL BE Ma&ap. rEq,ap, KaL 4 'Aq,flp, KaL 'EvwX' KaL 'A{3Eux.., KaL 'E>..&"(a· 1raVTE~ O~OL ~av v101 XETTOVpa~. wE&",cE 8£ 'A{3po.ap. W'aVTCl TO. w&.pxovra 5 awov 'Iuaruc Ttii vUji awov. KaL Toi~ vw'~ TedV 'lI'aAArucwV 6 a;1Tov (8..,KW 'A{3po.o.p. Bop.o.Ta. KaL (~a'll'EeTTEtMV aVTo~ d.,ro 'luaWe TOU vwv aVrou, 0.& ,wVI'04; aVrov, 'lI'pO~ &vaTOAa.~ d~ -yilv d.vaToAWv. TaiiTa SE TO. Erq ~P.EpWv T'li~ 'wij~ 'A{3paap. Oua 7 Z'T/O'W, EKaTov E{3S0P.TJKOVTCl'll'Wf'E ~TTJ. KaL (KAf{'lI'fI)V d.'lI'fOaVW 8 'A{3p",ap. lv riP'!- Ka.A~ 'lI'{nu{3trrqr,;, KaL 1rA~f1'1i ~P.EpWV, Kal 'lI'pocrrr'~ 'lI'pO~ TOV AaOV awov. Kat ZBu';av awol' 'luaO.K Kal 9 'Iup.o.~A 01 vWI awov El~ TO um]AaWV TO B&'lI'AOUv, Ei~ TOV d."(pOv 'Eq,pwv TOV laO.p TOV XETTcUoV, O~ leTTIV d.7I'EvavrL Map.l3pij, TOI' d."(pOl' KaL TO <T7I'7/AaLOV, 3 f~aTo 'A{3paap. W'apo. Tedl' 10 vledv T'OV Xn-' IKEi l6a';al' 'A{3paap., KaL 'l&.ppav ",V .-yvvaUca awov. 'E"(£vrro 8£ p.rro. TO Q'lI'06avt:i'v 'A{3pao.p., EVAay"uW 11 <> E>E<X- TOl"IO"(lCLlC VWV (lin-olio KaL l(aT~U€v 'IUCUII( 1rapO. TO q,pf.ap ~ opauECIIf;. A~al BE 0.1 "(WEUEI~ 'Jup.a~A TOU vlov 12 'A{3paap., 81' ETEKEI' wA"(ap ~ Ai"(V7I'TLa, ~ 1n1tS{UICTJ l&.ppa~, T~ 'A{3pa&.p.. KaL Tam-a Tel. Ol'op.aTa TWV VW'" 'lup.a~A, KaT' 13 OVtJp.aTa TWI' "(WEed v awov' 'lI'fX'lTOTOKO~ 'Iup.a~A, Kat Na{3riiW8,

Kat K'rJBap, KaL Na{3&~A, Ka, Mauuap., leat Mau".a, Kal 14

IJ LIL 011 lobe wonb which. H._ina.

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15 4ov~, KcU Mau'"i, Kal XoO&iv, Ka, &l~v, Ka, 'lfToop, Kal 16 Naq,(~, KaL KEop.U. OtiTO{ .:10"", 0' vioL 'JufUX~A, KcU TaVTa TO. ~I'OfUXTa av";'v ill TaL. U~~ awiiil', KcU tv TaL~ nravAEulv 1 i awiiiv' &i&KI1 dpXOI'TE~ KaTeI lBvrJ awiiiv. Kal TIl L'Ta TO. Crq Tij~ 'W~ 'IUfUX~A, UaTOv TPlllKOVTlU1ITeI Crq' KaL I"A£i.7rtJW

18 tl1rlfJllVE, KcU ""POUfTlfiq ."."Di TO yw~ I1WOV. KaT~£ OE ct,..o EvaclT lw. ~p, 71 (UTt KaTcl ""pOul.nrOI' Alymov E~ iA/)t:"i.v 1l'"Di 'AUUVpWVi' KI1TeI 11'pOuw.".OII 7rc.WTWI' 1';;'" ct&ACPWI' ClWoV KI1T~'.

19 Kal atiTw a1 ywlu(l~ 'Iuw TOV viov 'A/3pctD.p.· 'A/3paap. 20 ryivvrJU.: T()I' 'lucu1.c. 9HI' oE 'luaU lTiiiv T£CTa'a.pO.KoVTa OT( €Aa/3E -np. 'P'/3lKKIlV 8vya.Tipa Ba8o~A TOV lvpov i" Tij~ Mt:U07rOTa,.Uct~ lvpla~, ~rp1rv A&.!3av TOV lvpov, faVTc; 21 d~ ')'WcWcll. 'BOlfTO OE 'Iuw Kvplov '!rEpl 'Pt:/3lKKa& ~

~O~ awov, 01'1 UT£1pa ~v' nn}KOVU£ oE aVrov ;, 0EO~, Kal 22 UVI'/.An.{3EV EV -yaUTP' 'P'/3€KKIl ;, ~ o.wov. 'EuKa',maw Of Tel 11'wOla ill lliJTij' E1.".£ OE, El oww ILO' ILElln y{vt:ufJw., iva TL 23 pool TOVTO; nropEvfh, OE 'tMJ9iu(Jw 1rctpo. Kvplov. Kat £1.".( KvplO. Illnfj. oVa lBvrJ Iv YauTp{ uov dUL, KttL oVa Mol IK Tij~ KOa> uov OcaoTaA.]uOVTCll· KcU >..aO~ MoV V7rEpi~(I, KilL ;, 24 p.t:{(.wv OovAWun ~ lMudovL. Kal ttA7J~1l1' III ;,,...iPIlL TOV Tt:KEiv alm]... KcU Tfi& ~ OlovlLa Iv Tfi KO~ IlVTij~. 25 'Eeii>..9t: OE ;, ""pwT6TOK~ 'tMJp~. o~, WerEl Oopo.,~· 26 brwv6p.aut: OE TO OVOfUX IlVTOV, 'Huav. KcU ILfTo. TOVTO leq>..9w;' t1&>..~ aVrov, Kilt ;, XElp awou I.".ELA7JILILlv7J T1j~

1l'T€PV7J~ 'Hullv' Kat IKG.MUE TO OVOfUX awov, '1_1fJ/3. 'luw

27 OE ~ lTiiiv f~"OVTCl, ciTE fTt:KW IlWO~ 'P£/3lKKa. Hv~av

OE 0' V£(1VlaKOL' Kat ~ 'Hullu 11v9pw7r~ ti~ KVV7J'Y£iv. I1YPOl- 28 K~ 'l_w/3 Of a.v9pw7r~ a.""AauT~, olKiiiv olKlav. 'Hya7r7Ju£ OE 'luw 1'01' 'Huau, OTL;' 9iJpa awov /3piiiuL~ avnii' 'Pt:/3U<KIl OE Trya7l'1l rov 'IIlKIfJ(3.

29 ·Ht/rqut: OE 'I_w/3 €¥nIfUX' ~>..9£ OE 'Huau IK TOU 1rEOlOV 30 IKAt:l7rfllv. Kal t:1.".w 'Huav 1'4' 'l_w/3, YEWOI' p.t: ~.".o 'I'OV l¥1fUXT~ 11'VPI)()V roWov, on 1K>..t:{7rfII· &a TOVTO l,,),~fh, TO 31 OI'OfUX IlVTOU, 'EOJJIL. E1.".E O( '11lKw/3 1'4' 'Huau, ~1r6&v pooL 32 ~p.t:pov TO. 11'pwTOTOKt«l uov llLol. KcU E!7rf.I' 'HUIlU, ZOo;' lyW 1l'Opt:Vop.IU TEMvT~' Kal 'I'll T{ pooL 'I'll VTa TO. 11'pwTOTOKLa;

33 Kat t:lll'(v aw4' 'l_w/3, Op.oO'ov pooL ~1Lt:pOII' Kat wp.oO'w 34 aw';;' o..".l&ro OE 'Hullu 'Tel 11'PWTOTOKLa 'TIj 'IClKIfJ/3. '!ClKW/3 OE fC-CE 1'4' 'Hullu /J.pTOI', Kat €¥nIfUX r/>aKOU' KIl' frpayt: KcU l':lt:, KcU o.VauTo.~ ciiXETO' KcU IrpavAWW 'Hullu TO. ""PWTOTOKLa.

26 'EyWETO OE >..t~ 1.".1 ~ y1}~, xwpl~ 'TOU >..t,...ou 'TOU 11'pO-

'TEpaI', ~ lywETo lv 1'4' KtJ.LP4' TOU 'A/3pctD.p.· l.".oprefh, OE '!uacIK 2 ""pO~ 'A!3ap.M.:x fJa.uLAlll 4>vAWTLt:LIL El.. ripapa. ·Orp&r, OE aw4' Kvp:o~, KcU (1.".£, IL~ KIlTIl/3ii .. El .. ALyvwTO'" KaTolK7JCTov 3 OE lv Tjj -flj, V l1v 0'0' £tll'w. Kal 11'apoLm (If Tfj yfi TIlV'7l, Kat WOp.IU p.t:TeI UOV, Kal EUAoy.]uw ut:· 0'01 y¥ Kal T';; O'7rfPfUXTL uov OJ,uw 1riiuav -np. y1}1' TIl~' Kill ITT'ljuw TOV OP"OI' 4 p.ov, 01' wp.oO'll T4i 'A/3poJxp. 1'4' 1rC1Tpt uov. Kat 1rA7J9vl'iii TO


Maese, II and Choddan. and Theeman, and Jctur, and Naphes, and Kedma, 111'h_ are the IOn8 of lamael, and theee are their names in their tents and in their dwellings, twelTe princes &ooording to their nations. 11 And these are the ye&nl of the life of Iamael\ a hundred and thirty·aeven Ye&nl; and ne failed and died, and was added to his Ilr. thera. II And he dwelt from Kvilat to Sur, which is opposite Egypt, until one comes to the Assyrians; he dwi!.lt in the presence of all his brethren.

II And these are the genel'8.tion8 of leaac the IOn of Abraam. :JO Abl'll&lll begot Isaac. And Isaac was forty years old wlien he took to wife Rebecca, daughteroC Bathuel the Syrian, out ·of Syrian Meeopotllmia, aiater oC Laban the Syrian. 2lAtid IIJUC Pl'8.yed the Lord concerning Bebeeca his wife, beesuee she was barren; and the Lord heard him, and his wife Rebecca. conceived in her womb. :2 And the babes leaped within her' and she aaid, if it will be 10 with me, why is this to me? And she went to enqwre of the Lord. :I And the Lord aaid to her, There are two nations in thy w()mb, and two peoples shall be .aeparated Crom thy belly, lind one people .. Bha.ll excel the other, and the 't elder shaJ.l serve the younger. "And the days were ful1l.lled that she should be delivered\ and she had twins in her womb. SAnd tne lint came out red: !WrY all over like a skin; and she celled Dis name Esau, 21 And aCter this came Corth his brother, and his hand took hold of the heel of Emu; and she called his name JlICOb. And ieaac was sixtYJe&nI old when Re~ bore them. f1 An the lade grew, and Eoau WII8 a man ekilled in hunting, dwelling in the country, and Jacob a simple ma~ dwelling in a house, lI8 And Ieaac loved Jlo8au because his vani· IOU was his food, but RebeOO& loved Jacob.

29 And Jacob cooked pottage. and Emu came from the plain, fainting. 1II And Eaau said to Jacob, Let me taste of that red


said to Eaau\ Sell me this day thy birth· ril{ht. • Ana Emu aaid, Behold, I am gomg to die, and for wMt gQod does this birthright belo"ll to me? IJ And Jacob aaid to him Swear to me this day· and he _ore to ~; and Eaau sold his birth· right to Jacob. II And Jacob gave bread to Emu, and pottage of lentiles; and he lite and drank, and he arose and depatted ; 10 Emu slighted his birthright.

And there was a famine in the land. besides the Conner famine, which was in the time of Abl'8&m; lind ] sase went to Abimelech the kin!!' of the Phylistines to Gel'8.l'8.. 'And the Lord appeared to him and saidiaGo not down to hgyptl.but dwell in the nd, which I shall tell thee of. a A.nd sojourn in this land; and I will be with thee, and bless thee, for I will give to thee and to thy seed all this land; and I will establish my oath which I _ore to thy father Abroain. • And I will multiply

'I Gr. tbelrrea&er .ball Ie"" &be..... Rom. t. 12.

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GENE8IS XXVI. 5-25. seed as the stan of heaven; and T .. ill give to thy seed all this land, and all the nations of the eartb shall be blest in thy seed. • Because Abraam thy futher hearkened to my voice, and kept mr injunctions, and my commandments, and my ordinanoea,_ and my statutes. 6 And Iaaac dwelt in Gerara. 7 And ~e men of the ,lace. questioned him concerning Rebecca hill wife, and he said, She is my sister, for he feared to say~ She is my wife\ l,eat at anv time the men 01 the 'place shown ala)' him because of Rebeccu., because she wu.s fJ fair. • And he remained there a long time, and .A.bimelech the king of Gerara leaned to look throllJh the window, and saw I8II&C s]l9rting "1th Rebecca his wife. t And Abimelech called I8IIILC, and said to him, Is she then thy wife? why hast thou said, She is my sitter P And I8IIILC said to him, I did 60, for I said. Lest at any time I die on her account. ID And Abimelech said to him. Why hast thou done this to us? one of my kindred Y within a little had lain with thy wife. and thou wouldest have brought II nil 0/ ignoJ'8.nce upon us. nAnd Abimelech charged all his people, aayio&. Every man thu.t touches thiS man and his wife shall be liable to death. 12 And J 8IIILC sowed in that land. and he found in that year barley an hundred. fold. and the Lord blessed him. II And the man was exalted. and advancing he increased till he became very great. 14 And be had cattle of sheep. and cattle of O'16n. and many tilled lands. and the Phvlistines envied him. IIAnd all the wells which the servants of hi, father bad dug in the time of his father; the Phylistines stoJ'ucd them. and filled tnem with earth. And Abi. melech said to Isaac, Depart from us. for thou art become much mightier than wc. 17 And Isaac d~ thence. and rested in the valley of tJ:erara, and dwelt there.

18 And I8IIILC dug again the WE'.1la of water. which the servants of his futher Abraam had dug. and the Phylistines had stopped them. after the death of his father Abru.u.m; and he gave them namM/ according to the names by which his fatner named them. I:! And the servants of Isaac dUB in the valley of Gerara, and they found there a well of liTiuR water. :II And the shepherds of Gerara Itrove with the shepherds of J IIII&C aayi~B that the water was thein; and tlleycalled the name of the well. Injury. for they injured him. 11 And haring departed thence be dug another well, and they strove also for that: and he named t.henameofit~ Enmity. ::I And he departed thence and aug another wellj and they did not strive about that , anu he named , he name of it. Room. sayiD!I. Because 1I0W 'he Lord has made room for us. and has inM'C8oSt'<l us upon the earth.

:s And he went u:r thence to the well of the oath. ~ An the Lord appeared to him in that night. and said. I am the Hod of Abraam thy father; fear not, for J am with thee. and I will bless thee. and multiply thv seed for the aake of Abraam thy father. '-And he built there an altar,



rnrtpp.o. O'OV, ~ ToV~ turrlpa<; TOV oopavov· Ka~ &Kn.. TIji rnrtpp.o.T' O'ov ru.O'av T'/V ri" Ta~v' KaL IVAoyq9..jcrovraL EV T~

rnrEpp.o.Tt O'ov rclVTa TO. lev" rij<; ri<;. • Av(/ cr.v illnlKoVITlv 5

'A{JpolJ.fL ;, ranJp O'OV Tij<; IfL;;' 4>w~. KaL ECPV~E TO. rpOO'Tcl-yp.o.Tcl fLov, KaL 1'0.<; EVTOM.<; fLOV, Kat TO. OIJCa.uf,p.o..,.a. p.ov. Kat TO. VOfUp.O. fLOV. Kantl"'1"E & 'IO'a.Ox EV rlpclpoL<;. 6 'FArr]~av 8E 01 avOPf<; Toli To-".OV rEpL 'PE/liKKa<; ~ -yvvauco~ 7 awoli, Ka.I. ,11rQl, cl&ACP~ p.ov EClTlv' ;.cpo{J.qBr, -yap EirEiv, on 'Y"I'71 p.ov (ITTl. fL~ rOTE &'roKTEtVfOO'LV awov 01 avOPf<; Tali TOrov r€pL 'PE{JI.KKa<;, OTt Wpola.. Tjj O';'L ~v. 'E-YEvfTO OE 7ro>..v- 8 XfJOvw<; (KEi' Kat ~a<;' A{JtfLEAC)( ;, {Jaut.AW<; rEpclpwV &a ~ fJupLOO<;, ,l& TOV 'IO'aaK 7raL{oVTa /UTa 'PE{JI.KKa<; ~ -yvva.LIC~ awov. 'EKclAEO'I OE 'A{JLfLiAC)( Tov'IO'aO.K. Ka, IllTO' 9 awlji, J.pci -yE 'Y"I'71ITOV (ClTl; T{ on EI7ra<;, &.&>..cp~ p.ov ICIT;"'; EIrE 8E am;; 'IlTa.Ox, EI7ra -yap, fL~ 71'01'': &.7r08clVt&l 0,,' aVnJv. EI7r' 8E awlji 'A{JLfLu..C)(. T{ TOVTO brol"",a<; ~fLiv; p.ucpov 10 (KOtfL.qBr, TL<; EK Toli -YEvotJ<; fLOV' fLITa ~ -yvvauco<; O'OV, Ka,

(mTya.-YE<; Av lcp' .qILOS ayvoLav. 2vv&a.e, 8E 'A{JLfLiAEX 7raVTL II

TIji Aatfi awou, AE-ywv, rQ<; 0 o..yclp.&o<; TOU &.v8ptlnrov ToV,.OV Ka, rij<; -yvvauc~ awov, 8avclTIfJ o.o~ mLU. -EcnrEtp€ Of 12 'IO'a.Ox Iv -rii yfj lKEtvn. Ka, rupw €v ~ iVLallTIji IKE{VIp lKaTOO'-

Tmwo-av KPJh1v· WAO-yrpE oE awol' Kvpw<;. KaL v."Wf-q;' 13

G.v8ponro<;, Ka.I. 7rpo{JatVt&lv fLEl{WV €-yEvfTO, Ew<; o~ JLE-ya~ I-YEvfTO uq,oopa. 'E-yivE'TO 8E awlji KnJvq rpo{JclTOJv. Kal ~ {JoWv, 14 Ka.I. "'fEWp-yLa 7I'ollci· l{>j>..wuav 8E awov 01 <I>v)",.CTTt({fL. Kal 15 7raVTa Ta cppEaTa, a wpv,av ot ra.i&~ TOU 7raT~ awoli Iv Tfji XpOV'l' Toli 7rO.T~ awou, €vicppa...tav awa 01 <l>vAlaTULfL, KaL ;'7rA"1"av awo.~. EI7rE 8E 'A{Jtp.EAC)( 7r,m 'IO'o.OK, arUJJ, 16 dcp' ~p.Wv, OTt IlvvamEpG<; .qfLwV f-yEVOV O'cpollpa. Ka, dmjA8w 17 EKEi8w 'IO'wUc· Ka.I. KaTEAVlTEv €v Tjj cpapayyL rlpapWV, KaL Kantl"'1"W EKi ••

Ka.I. nALV 'IO'a.Ox W~E TO. cppiaTa TOU VOaTO<;, &. wpvta.v 01 18 7rai&~ 'A{JpoD.p. TOU 7Nl.TpO<; awoli, KaL €vi<ppa.eav awa 01 <l>vAlaTuLfL fLfTa.,o tbro8a~~v 'A{JPo.D.fL .,ov raTipa aVrov KaL ',""vOp.a.u.:v awo~<; 6vop.o.Ta KaTa TO. 6,-ap.o.Ta, &. ':'vop.auw

;, 7ra-Mjp awov. Kol ~ay 01 7rai&~ 'IO'a.Ox €v Tjj CPcipa.YYL 19 r~v· KaL E~POV (KE~ cppiap VOaTO<; ';;""-0<;. Ka, Ip.o.X£- 20 O'avro 01 '7rOLfLEvf<; rlpO.,x.Jv /UTa TWV rotp.ivwv 'IO'au, q,a.O'KOVTE<;_avrwv EtvaL TO VOwp' Ka.I. EKa.A.ECTa.V.,o ovofLa TOO CPPEaTO<;, 'AoLIC14· ¥{KTfOUv -yap awov. '<; 8E IKE'iBw wpv" cppiap 21 eTEpOII" EKp{VOvrO 8E Ka, r€pL EKE{VOV- KaL brWVOfLauE TO ovop.o. awov, 'Ex8p{a. ' 8E EKE'i.8W WP~E cppiap UE- 22 pOY. Ka.I. ov" ip.o.xiO'aVTo -:rEP' awov' Ka.I. brwVOp.auE TO ovop.o. awoii, Evpvxwp14, AE-yWV. IlmL viiv brM.TVVE Ktipw<; .q,iiv, Ka, 7]""""W "p.O." br, rijs -yij<;.

'AVE/37] Of iKE'iBW £1rL TO CPPEap Toii 0pKOV. Ka, w#h7 23, 24

o.ln-cfj Kvpw~ J.v rjj YVICT' Ekf:lYlJ, lCat «L7rfJI, trw (~, 0 8e:~ 'A/3paafL Toii 7raTpO<; O'OV' fL~ cpo{Jov, fLE'Ta O'oii -yap I",L, Ka, IV>..trrIJO'W O'E, Kal 7:'A7]Ovvw TO rnr£pp.o. O'OV ilL' 'A{Jpaap. TOV

7raTEpa O'OV. Kal ~o&;fL"1"W (KI;: fJvq~PLOV, «a' ('R"aAi- 25

fJ Gr. fair or __ .

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and called on the name of the Lord, and there he ~tched his tent, and there the servant.! ot 19ac dug a well in the nlley of Gerara. l&.And .Abimelech came to him from Gerara, and 80 did Ochozath hi, II friend~ and Phichol the commander-in· chief 01 his army. ~.And 1_ a&id to them, Wherefore ban ye come to me P whereas ye hated me, and sent me away from you. ".And they said, We havesureiY seen that the Lord was with thee, ana we said, Let there be an oath between us and t~ and we will make a covenant with thee, that thou shalt do no wrong by 08, &8 we have not abhorred thee, and aocording &8 we have treated thee well. and have sent thee forth ~blY. and now thou art hleesed of the Lord. And he made a feast for them, and they ate and drank. II And they arose in the morning, and 1IW0re each to his neighbour; and 1_ sent them forth, and they depa.rted from him in safety. .. And it came to p888 in that day, that the servants of Isaac came and told him of the well which they had dUB; and they sai!l, We have not found water. ".And he ealled it, Oath: therefore he ealled the name of that city, the Well of Oath, until this day.

lI.And EsaD was fo~ 'fears old; and he took to wife Juditli the daughter of Beach the Chettite, and B&8eDl&th, daugh. ter of Helon the ., Chettite. ".And they were provoking to Isaac and Rebecca..

.And it eame to ]lUI after 1_ was old that his eyes were dimmed 80 that he coUid not Bel! i and he ealled Esau, his elder IOn, and saia to him, My IOn; and he sai!l, Behold,I .. ta Mrll. 2 And he said, Behold, I am sroWD old. and know not the day of m,. death. I Now then take thy weapons, both thy quiver and thy bow, and (0 into the, and 8l!t me nnison, • and make me meats. &8 I like them, and bring them to me that r mal_eat, that my soul ma,. blees -. before I die. '.And H.e~ heard 1lIII&0 1Pe&k!nJ to Esau hie IOn; and Esau went to the plain to pl"OCUl"8 venison for his father. '.And Rebeoo& said to Jaoob her yoUDgel' son, Behold, I heard thy father speaking to Esau thy brother, saying,; Bring me venison, and prepare me meate, that I may eat and bl_ thee before the Lord before I die. 8 Now then, my son, hearken to me, &8 I command thee. t.And go to the cattle and take for me thence two lUcia, tender and @ood, and I will make them meats for thy father, &8 he likes. lII.And thou shalt brini them in to thy father, and he shall eat, that thy father may bl888 thee before he dies. II And Jaoob said to his mother Rebeoca, Esau my brother is a hairy man, and I a lIDooth man. 1S Peradventure my father may feel me, and 1 shall be before him &8 one ill.intentioned, and I shall bring upon me a ourse, and not a bleBBing. 13 And hie mother a&id to him, On me be thy curse son; only hearken to my voice, and go and bring tMIIt me. 14 So he went and took and

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GEXlUII8 XXVII. 15-36.

brought them to hU mother; and hU mother made meate. 88 hU father liked tMm.

II And Rebecca haTing taken the fine J'&iment of her elder IOn Eeau which was with her in the hOUle~put it on Jacob her )'0UDgel' eon. II And me put on hU ImIUI the ,kina of the kida\ and on the bare parte ofhU neck. 11 And sne py:e the meate, and the 10aTes which ehe had )lreIl!Pored. into the hands of Jaoob her IOn. III And he broUlht tMm tohUfather.and aid. Father; and he aid. Behold I Gill '-'e. who art thou. IOn P -. And Jaoob said to ~ father. I. Eeau thy flnt.born, han done lIS thou toldest me; rUe, sit. aud eat of my venison. that thy lOul ~Lbl_ me. III And laaac said to hie IO~ What is this which thou baat quickl_y found P ADd he said, 'I'hat which the Lord thy God _pret!ODted before me. II And 11&&0 aid to .Jaoob. Draw nigh to me. and I will feel thee. IOn • .}f thou art my son Eeau or Dot. • And daoob drew nigh to his father l-._ and he felt him. aua aaid. The voice u Jacob's Toi~ but the banda G" the handa of Eea\L And he knew him DOt, for hie banda were 88 the handa of his brother Eea~ hairy; and he blessed him. "and he eaid. Art thou my IOn Eeau P and he eaid. I Gill. II And he eaid. Bring hither. and r will eat of thy nnison. IOn, that my lOul may bl_ thee; and he brought it Dear to him\ and he ate. and he broumt him wine, anG he drank. • And 11&&0 ru. father IllUd to him. Draw nigh to me. and kiaa me. IOD. Ii And he drew nigh and kiaaed him. and smelled the amell of hie garmente and bleaaed him. and aid. Behold, the amdi of my IOn is &I the amell of an abundant f1ele!,. which the Lord baa bleeaed. III And may God giTe thee of the dew of heaTen, and of the &.tn_ of the earth and abundance of corn and wine. III And let natione aerre thee. and prinoee bow down to thee. and be thou lord of .thZ brother. and the lOne of thy father ahall do thee reTeren~ i accuraed is he that CU1'8ee thee, and rueeaed is he that bl_ thee .

.. And it came to ~ after Iaaae had oeeeed bleeaing his IOn Jaoob. it eTen came to Jl&II.juat when Jacob had gone out from the PJ'l*Ince of 1_ hie father, that Beau hie brother came in from his hunting. II And he also had made meate and brougnt them to hiB father; and he said to his fatlier. Let my father arise and eat of his IOn'. TenisoD. that thy lOul may b1_ me. IS And 188110 his father eaid to him. Who art thou P And he said. 1 am thy firat-born IOn Beau. • And 1_ "11'88 amazed with Terr great lIJIIUeIIlent,and aid. Who then is it that baa procured Tenison for me and bro~t it to me P and I haTe eaten of all before thou camest.and] haTe bleeaed him. and he ,hall be bleesed. II ADd it came to lJIIII8 when Euu heard the words of his father I IIII&C, he cried out with a great and Tery bitter cry. and aaid. Blese, 1 ~Y thee. me allO. father. • And he said to liiml 'Thy brother baa come with aubtletv. ana taken thy bleeaing. • And he eaid ~ht1y "11'88 hia name c&Iled Jaoob. for 10! this eeoond time baa he au~lanted me; he baa both taken my birthright, and now he baa taken mT bl..m,; and Beau said to his father, Hut



.qvryK€ Tj p:rrrpL' KcU broLTJU€II -rj por,n,(J a~ii 1UCTfl4Ta.. lCai)o. 14 l#>..n b 7fV.T7Jp awoii.

KcU Aa{3oiicra 'P~/3EICKa rtp. OToA7,v 'HCTaii Toii vwii a~~ 15 Toii 7rp€CT{3vrEPOV ,.qll Ka.A~II. ~ ~ rap' abrj Iv TIji otnp.

IvEOvcr€ll aVr7]1I ·Ia.JCw{3 rt>... VWII aVrij~ T(IJI Kal. TO. 16

8q,p4To. TbJII IpLcpwII 7r'Pt16l1K€II 17Tl. TO~ {3paXLoIIOS o.woii, ICcU

brl. TO. Toii TpaxfiAov aln-oii. KcU :&'K€ TO. IUrfl4Ta. 1 '1

KcU TO~ G.pr0lli ~ bro{TJU€II, do; Telo; xci'pao; ·JQ.I(w{3 TOii vtoii afmjs. Kal €UnjveyK€ T4i 7TaTpl. o.woii· cI7T€ 0(, 7rtiT'P' b 0( 18 cI7T€II, l&u CyW' T{o; cI aV. TCICIIO"; KcU ct7m' 'la.JCw/3 TIjl 'lr4TPl.. 19 tyW 'HCTaii b 7rpurrOroK6<; CToo 7tcrrO{lIKa KaBel lMATJUtil: p.ot· w,acrrelo; KtiBtCTOII. KcU qw.y€ cl,ro Ti7o; 6,jpao; pooo. ihrwo; w~

po€ '" I/roxt1 CTOV. Et7re 0( 'IITw T4i vlW o.woii, Tt TOVro. 3 20 TaxV ~p€o;. ~ Tbcvoll; b 0( el7r€ll. 3 'Ir'Opl8-c Kvp~ b 0t:6<; CTOV lllO.VTLoII p.ov. EI7r€ 8, 'ICTw TIjl 'JQ.I(w/3, tyyur611 p.ot, 21 Kal. tfrtI>.aq,.",.", IT€, TEKVO". d aV ct b v~ pooo 'HCTt1v. ~ ov. -Hyyur€ 8, 1-w/3 7rpOl: 'IcracI,c ,.0" 'lr4TEpo. o.~Toii· ICcU ItfrtlM.- 22 ~€II aUTOII. Kal. cI7r€ll, -rj pO cpw~. cpw~ 'lcu<w/3. at 0( xcip€o;,.

x~ip€o; 'HITaii. KcU olJlC brCyvfll o.WOII, ~all yOp at x€ip€r; 23

aln-oii, ~ at xcip€o; 'HCTt1ii TOO cl&A,poii a~ii, &urCLCU' KcU dl>.lryqcnv o.UTOII. KcU €In, aV II b v~ p.ov 'HCTaii; b 0( 24 eI7m', CyW. KcU ,I7r€, 7rpClUtiya.yE p.ol, K," q, cl,ro ~ 25 6,jpao; CTOV, TEICIIOII. ,"a w~ CT€ '" I/roxt1 pooo' Ka, 7rporr/pleyK& ulmfJ, IecU 'f/ Kat €UnJwyICEl' almfJ 07vov. leal tt".

v -~. , ~ 'I " , '~1.._. ' '.I.!\ 26

Aa.. "7m' a~ ITaaIC 0 7fV.T7JP avrov. s, ,uroll p.oL. KCU 't''''Tt-

IT611 poe, TEK ... O". KcU lyywal: 1q,D..TJU€II aw611" KcU .:xrq,P&v6q 27 .,..qv wp.Y,v .,;'11 lp.a.TWV a;u,.ov, leal ~(V alrrOv, «al .t7r&, i&V 6crpo~ TOii vwii p.ov. ~ 6crpo~ clypoii 7r>"T/povo;, 311 wAOyr,cre Kvpwo;. KcU &er1 ITOL b @COs cl,ro ~ 8p6crov Toii o~pavoii, Kal. 28 Ii,ro ~ 7rWnp-oo; ~ ~. KcU 7rA.;,6oo; CTLTOV Kal. oWoo. K.cU 29 8ovMvcrtiT'fllCTtill CTOL EfivrJ. KcU ""pClU~tiT(lJ(Ttill CTOL t:.p)(Ol"1'6'

KcU Y{lIoo ,rop~ Toii clBMq,oii CToo, KcU 7rpClUKvvT,crovcrL CTOL 01 vwl. TOU 7raTpO<; uov· b KaTa.pW~ CT€, mucaTt1po.TOO;· b 0( wAoyWv CT€. WAuyrlPOo,oo;.

Kal Iyo,CTO poera. ,.0 7fV.Vcraa-6cu 'lcracI,c w.\oyoWTa '1-w{3 30 ,.0., VWV awoo. KcU Iyo,CTO, ~ &" ~>..fhv 'IQ.I(w/3 cl,ro 7r~ 7tOII 'lcracI,c roii 7fV.TPOs a~ii. '"" 'HCTaU b cl~ o.ln-oii ~).60'

cl7ro ~ 6,jpa.o;. Kal. brOLTJUf. ICcU awOs 18ECTp4Ta., lCal. 7rpoa-/r 3]

VeyKE TIjl 7fV.Tp2 awoo· KcU cI1I'( T4i 'lr4TPl.. ~fII b 7fV.n1P p.ov, KcU <lxrrETfII cl,ro ~ 6,jpao; TOU VWU aln-ou, ~ WMyI,trg

p.E '" I/roxt1 uov. K.cU eI7m' o.lmfJ 'IcracI,c b 'IM,.qp o.ln-oU, Ttl: eI 32 oV; b 0( cI.".€II, ¥ elp.L b v~ uov A 7rpcan-6roKoo; 'HCTt1v. 'Eeflrn] 0( 'ICTw EKCTTCIULII p.ryOATfII ~. KcU el7r€. TLo; oW 33 b 9qpaJuao; pm 6,jpav lCal. d(T€IIl-ylCtlo; .p.oL, ICcU Eq,a:yO" cl".o mlVT'CIJJI 7rpO TOU W,,,, CTf.; KcU wAOyr,cra. aUTO.... KcU W>..o'Y'/powoo; ECTTClI.. 'EyCvETO 0( ;,vUca .qKOVCT€II 'HCTt1v ,.a IrIIfl4Ta 34 TOV 7fV.T"Os awoo 'IcracI,c, u.wf36rJa€ Mv p.ryOATfII lCal. 7rucpO.v ~. KcU cl7m', ~o" ~ Kf-p.€. nnp. El7r€ 0( o.lmfJ. 35 l).6;"" b cl&Aq,6<; CToo p.erel &l>..ov iM.{3e rtp. wA.oyf.o.v (TOO. KcU ,1.".E. 8ucwwo; lKA-f,8-q TO OVOp4 awoli 1-w{3, brrc,wuce 36 yOp p.E l&V &Vr-cpov TOiiro· Tel. TE 7rponvr61CuJ. ~ ii,).,:"f/x. K,"

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"w l>.o.{3E n,v EbAoytav p.ov' leal Et7l'EY 'Huau T~ 1I"aTpl abTou, 37 olJx inrUU7l'OV fWL dJJvrytav, 1I"aTfp; 'A1I"0IepJJE'~ oE 'luaWe ,111"E ~ 'Huau, El .rupwv awov 1I"£7I'OL."Ka 0000, KaL 1I"aVTa~ TO~ d&Aq,0~ awou 1I"£7I'ol."Ka IIvTOO oUclTa~' u{T'tf! Kal oLv'fI €crrqp~ 38 avroV" uol BE Tl 1I"0tljuw, TCICVOV; EIn oE 'Huau 1I"pO~ TOV 1I"O.TCpo, abrou, p.T] EbAoyta ,.,.ta UOL Eun, 1I"0,TEP j fVAOY'lfTOV 0, K~, ,· Ka-ravvx_8WrOi & 'Juaru.:, d.vE/J07fUE <j>c.Jvfj 'Huav, 39 Kal bcNwuEY. 'A1rOlepJJEt.<; BE 'Juaru.: b 1I"O.TT]p abroii f11rEY

a~, loo\' d.1r0 ~ 1I".mqro. Tij<; yij<; ECTTaJ. .q leaTotKr,uL<; UOV, 40 ICal &.".0 Tij. OpOuov rov obpavov iI.vwOEY. Kat. at. -rfi p.axaJ.fXI- 0000 ',py, leal T';; dOr>..q,i> uov &v>..nXnt<;· Eanu. BE .qvUca EIw Ka8iA:!J' leal E~> rov 'vyOv abroii an Toii TpaXJ7AoV uov.

41 Kal aneW" 'Huav on? 'ICIICw/J npl Tij<; EbAoyta~, ~. (VAOY7f-

UEY avrov b 1I"O.TT]p awov' Ern BE 'Huail a -rfi OUlVO~ awOO, lyytuaTfJKTav al .qp.£pa.r. roil 1I"CvSov<; Toil 1I"O.TPO-; fWV, wa 42 a1l"OICTfWm 'IaKw/J rov aor>..q,ov fWV. 'A7I'71YYiA." oE 'PE{3U,,? .,.a P1Jp.aTa 'Huaii TOU vloii a~ Toil 1I"(I£u{3VTCpov' KilL 1I"(JJ.'/taua fKG.>..£UW 'ICllCw{3 TW vlOv IIVrij<; TOV lIE6,npov, KaL E11rEY avnji, 43 loo\' 'Huaii b ~ uov anwL UOt Toii a1rOICTELVaL Uf. Niiv

~, T""'OV, 4KOVUOV fWV Tij<; ~, leaL avauTO:~ a1r08pa6L Ell TT]v ME~ 1I"pO<; A.D.fJaJ! roll d&Aq,ov fWv El<; XD.pp&.v. 44 KilL o'Uc7fuov p.iT' abroii TJp.Cpo.<; Twa~, (!Iff roii a1l"OUTP"PaL rov 45 6vP.Oll, leal TT]v fJpyTJII roii d.&Npoii uov &.".0 0000, Kat. €1rt>..6.6r,Tat 8. 7TE1I"Ol."Ka<; awtfj· Kal a7l'00TfLAaua ,.,.£Ta1r£,., Uf

IK,LlJw, p.~ 1r0T( &.1rOTE~ d.1I"0 -row 000 v,.,.wv Iv ;',.,.4xf fLLi.. 46 EIrf oE 'P,/JuKa '7I'pOi 'luaWe, 1I"pou6,x6L1Ca Tfi ,~ fWV 014 .,.a~ 6vya.Tipa<; TWV viedv X£T' fl A,;,.pETaL 'ICIICw{3 YVVaUca a1ro TWV 6vya.T;.pow ~ yij<; TaVTrJI, wa T{ p.ot TO 'fiv;

28 llPOUKaAEUQ.p.EYOi OE 'luaWe TW 'ICIICw{3, &AOY7fUEY avrav,

KalafTEtAaTo aVTtfi, Aryo,V, ov A#o ywaUca (K TWV 6vyaT£pmV 2 TWV Xavavalwv. 'AVauTO:<; a1l"08paSt d~ TT]v MEU01l"OTClfLlav, d~ rov oTKov Ba60vTJA TOO 1I"O.TP'" Tij, p.7fTPO~ uov, Kal Nl/Jfi UEl1wtfi €KELIJw yvvatlea €K -row 6vya.T;.pow A&.{3av TOO ~ii ~ 3 P.7fTpO<; CToo. '0 8E 0,6~ p.ov Eb~at o«, KaL a{#-at e«, 4 llal rA."DUvat 00(' leal Ecru f~ CTVVaywya.I l6vWlI. Kat. &frl UOL TT]v &AOyUlV 'A/JpolJ.p. TOU 1I"aTpO<; p.ov, UOL Kalon? CT7r£pp.aT{ uov

~ CTI, IeA."poVOP.ijCTa.t n,v riv ~ 7I'apou07uf6,<; UOV, ~v E&!KEV 5 A ®Eck .,..;; 'A/Jpo.J.p.. Kat d.1I"Ca-rEWv 'luaWe TOV 'ICIIC6,{3' leal. aopWOq ,ll n,v M'CT07I'~11 1I"pO<; Aa{3all rov vlOv Ba60vT]A Toii ~vpov, d&Aq,ov 'Pf{3«leal ~ ,.,.7fTpO<; 'ICIICw/J Kal 'Huau.

6 '"lof 8E 'Huail OTL &MY7fuw 'luaWe rov 'ICIICw{3, leal a7l'£uTn-

>..w Ell TT]v MfU~ ::SVptal, >..apiiv lawtfi ywaUca IKiiSw, €v Tcfi wAayc'W aVTOr leal o,CTEWLTO a.VTcf), ~v. ou A#o

7 - , - 4. __ ,' - Xa ' v -, -

yvvatICa fK TIIJV vu ,_TEpfI)V TIIJV vavatllJV. n.a.< ."KOVUEV

'ICIICw/J Toii 1I"aTpO~ leal Tijl ,.,.7fTpO<; awoii· leal mofX1'ih7 El~ TT]v 8 MfU01l"OTap.Lav ::SVptai. 'lowv oe leaL 'Huaii OTL 1I"OV7fpal fWI.II 9 al6vya.T£pEi Xavaav OOVTWV 'luaWe rou 1I"O.T"o<; abrou, aG-

fX1'ih7 'Huaii '7I'pO<; 'lup.a,A· Kal ZAafJ~ TT]v Mw«9, 6vya.TEpa 'lup.aT]A Toii vloii 'A{3po.O.p., d&A¢T]v Na/JEM}, 1TP~ TaLI yvva..e'v awov yvvaLlCa.


thou not left a hleuing for me. father? :Ii And laaac aDllwered and said to Eeau, U I have made him thy lord. and have made all hie brethren his aernmta, and have strengthened him with corn and wine, what then ahall I do for thee. IOn? as And Eeau aaid to his father. Hast thou ollZy one bleeeing, father P Bless, I pray thee, me alao, father. And fJ 1811aO bein§. troubled, Eeau cried alond and WIlJ)t. And 1lIII60 his father allBWered and said to him. Behold, thy dwelling shall be of the fatneas of the earth. and of the dew of heaven from above. «I And thou shalt live by th,. sword, and shalt serve thy brother' and there ahall be II ti_ when thou shalt 'break and loosen hie yoke from oft' thy neck.

41 And E.u W&II aJll!.l7with Jacob hecaWle of the blesaing,-with which his father bleued him; and Eeau said in his mind, Let the daye of my father's mourning draw nia:h. that I may sla~ my brother Jacob. a ADd the worda of Eeau her elder IOn were reI!Orted to Rebecca, and she aent and called Jacob her younger IOn, and said to him, Behold, Eeau thy brother thnlatena thee to kill thee. GNow then, my IOn, hear my voice, and rise and depart qwckly into Meaopotamia to Laban my brother into Cbarian. 41 And dwell with him certain days, until thy brother's anger 46and mge depart from thee, and he forget what thon ha8t done to him; and I will send and fetch thee thence, leat at any time 1 should be bereaved of you both lD one ~y. «I And Rebecca said to Isaac, I am weary of my life, becaWle of the daughters of the IODlI of Chet; if Jacob shall take a wife of the daughters of this land. wherefore should lliveP

And IIIII&C havinl{ ealled for Jacob, bleued him, and chaTJted him, ea_ying 'I'hou shalt not take a wile of the dauihten of the Cbananitea. I Rise and deparj:. _guickly into M4!IOJIOtamia, to the boWIe of Bathuel the fatheT of thy mother, and take to thyeelf thence a wife of the daughters of L8.ban thy mother's brother. I And maJ mJ' God blees thee, and increaae thee, and mUltiply thee, and thou shalt become gatherings of nations. 4 And may he give thee the b1_ iug of my father Abraam, even to thee and to thy seed after thee, to inherit the land of thy ~ourning, which God gave to Abraam. So II&&C aent away Jacob. and he went into Mesopotamia to Laban the son of Bethuel the 8roan\ the brother of Rebecca the mother of JacoD and Eeau.

a And Eeau eaw that I8II&C blessed Jacob, and eent him awal' _ to Meaopotamia 01 ::;yria IB he blessed him, to take to himeelf a wife thence, and tlwt he cbal.1led him, eaying, Thou shalt not take a wife of the daughten of the Chananites; t and that Jacob hearkened to his father and bis mother .... and went to MelOpotamia of Syria. sAnd Aean also having seen that the daughters of Cbanaan were evil before his father IIlll&C 8 Eeau went to Ismael and took Maeleth the daulJhter of I~, the son of Abraam, the sister of Nabeoth, a wife in addition to his ollow wives.

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10 And Jacob went forth from tbe well or the oath, and departed into Chan-hau. II And came to a certain pl&oo. and alept there, for the IUn bad IIOne down i and be took 011<1 of the .tones of the place, and put it at his head. and lay down to all!8P in that place, 11 and dreamed, and behold a ladder fixed on the earth, whose top reached to heaTen, and the a~ of 6od. &ICtI!1ded and deeeended on It. 11 And the Lord II stood upon it, and IlBid, 1 am the God of thy father Abraam, and the God of 11&&0; fear n'!~J the land on which thou lieet. to thee will I (tve it, and to thy seed. If And thl eeed shall be &a the eand of the earth i and it shall 81Iresd abroad to the -. ana the lIOuth, and the north, and to the east; and in thee and in thy seed .h&ll all the tribee of the earth be blM8ed. U And behold I am with thee to preaerve thee continually in all the way wherein thou shalt (0; and I will bring thee back to thi. land; for 1 will not desert thee, until I have done all that I have lIIIid to thee. II And Jacob awaked out of hie aleep, and aaiei. 'fbe Lord ie in thie ~ and I knew it not. 17 And he waa a.fraid, and said How fearful is this IIlaoe I this is n6ne oth;r than the house 01 God~ and this ie the pte of heaTen. -And Jacob rose UJI in the morning, and took the atone he., MId laUd there by his head, and he set it up tI# a y,illar, and poured oil on the top of it. And he Called the name of tbir.t· place. the House of God; and the name of the city before waa Ulam·luz. "And Jacob TOWed a vow, saying, If the Lord God will be with me. and lrimrd me throughout on this journey, on whiCh 1 am going. and give me bread to eat, and raiment to put on II and bring me back in safety to the hOUlle 01 my father. then ,hall the Lord be fora God tome. ~ .And this ,tone. which 11u .... e set up for a pillar, ,h&ll be to me a house of God· and of all whatllOever thou shalt give me. i' will tithe a tenth for thee.

And Jacob a started and went to the land of the e&8t to laba~\ the son of Bathuei the Syrian. and the broIDer of Rebeoo&, mother of Jacob and Esau. J .And he loob, and behold I a well in the plain; and there were there three Bocks of sheep resting at it. for out of that well they watered the Boob but tbere waa a J!NI&t .tone at the mouth of the well I And there were all the Books pthered, and they uaed to roll away the atone from the mouth of the well, and_ter the Boob, and lilt the .tone apin in its place on the moutb of the well. 4 And Jacob said to th~ Brethren. whence are 18 P and the] _d. weare of Chan-han. I And he lIIIid to theml Know ye laban. the lIOn of Nachor? ana they _d. We do know Aim. • And he said to them,Is he well P And the, aaid, He ie well. And behold Rachel his da~hter came with the sheep. 7 And Jacob aid, it is yet high day. it ie not yet time that the Bocka be gathered together; water 1e the Books, and depart and feed them.

And they I&ldl We shall not be able. until all the Bhepheras be gathered together. and they .hall roll awav the stone from the mouth of the well. then we will _ter the



Kall~AOEV 'IQJC~/J d.,ro 'rou f/>PEa~ rou aplCov, lCal bropw8-q 10 ,l .. Xappav. Kal d.~( ,.0'"1-', ICW llColf'~8-q llCli. l8v yOp 11 b ~Aw..' ICWlN4JW ~,ro 'rwv N.D_ rou 'TOrov, ICW :8-qICE rp~ KE.paA7]'> awoV' «W JICOLp.¥h1lv -nil ~ be,'Vf{J. Kal Mnrvu&' 12 er8-q· «W lOOv 1C>Up.~ ICT'rfJPLyp.m, lv Tj -ro, -9 .. ~ ««/x&A~ ~cf>ucvliro d.. rov olJpavoV' «w 01 dryiAoL 'TOU 6EoV tu-E{J1J.U1011

Kal KaTE/JaLVov l1r' aVrfj. '0 8( IWpl.O .. br'~pUCTo br' a~ 13 Ka, EIlTEV, ~ dP.L b 6EO" 'A/Jpa.D.p. 'TOU 'lraTpo.. erov, ICW b 6EO" 'lcrac1IC' p.~ f/>o/Jou' ~ n If/>' ~ crV ICa&UBn .. ill" a~.

ero, ~III atm,v, «w -nfi CT1l'EPp.G.T{ erov. Kw mcu ro CT1l'Epp.G. 14 CTOV c:,.. ~ dp.~ ~ ~. «at 'lrMnw8qcrUCU llTl ()&.NurCTO.ll, «al Al/Ja, «w Boppav. Ka, br, &.J'uToNl .. • Kwlvf:1lAo~VTCU lv

ero, 'lrMaL a1 f/>vMI. '"7" y1j .. , Kal lv -nfi CT1l'Epp.G.T{ erov. Kw 15 lOOv l-ytfl Il,u p.m erov, BU1f/>vNiovlllv erl (V r9 ~ 'Irq, ot

.tv 7rO~. «w d:rrorrrpl.1/Iw erE d .. "",,V riv TaV"1'" aT' ~ p.~

ere ryKaro.JJ.1TW. ~ Toil 7rO,ijcral p.c 'lrc1vTa Jcra l~),:"erc1 era" Kal cmEpfiq 1QJCw/3 1« 'TOil rtvov awoV, Kal. IIlTa, OTL faTL 16 KvpW'> lv -nfi '1'""" TO~.lycd 8( OUK ijOnv. Kw1tfJo/Jl#rJ. 17 ~l. EIlTa, c:,.. tfJo/JEpO.. b T07rO'> cW'I'O'>' OUK EUT' TOVro dll,' ~ olKO'> @noV. «w a~ ~ ".vA." Toil ~pa.voV. Kw fu.1.CT'rfJ 'IQJC~/3 18 '1'(, IT(JOJt, Ko1 D..a{JE rov )Jf)ov. &II Wf.()-qICEV llC" 'lrpo.. KI.paA-ij .. aWoil, «w luTqerEV aurov ~A71'" Kal br'xca €Aa..ov brl. ro axpoY a~. Ka, IIC&.MerE ro OIlOp.G. rou TWov (KE{VOII, olKO'> 19 0f:oV' «w O('>..a.p.AoVC ;v ovop.G. Tji ".&M, 'TO 'lrpMEpOv. Kal. 20 ." 1OJCw/J i(,x'rv, >..I.ywv. (aV D KvpW'> A e.:~ p.€T' lp.oil.

«w &af/>v~ P.I lv r9 ~ 'TIl.~, V ¥! 7ropEVop.a.L. -' ~

JIoO' &prov q,o.Yfl.V, «Ill. I,ul'rWV 7rEP,pa>...crfJcu. KW d.lTorrrpf../ro 21 p.c p.€Ta owrTJpla.. d.. rov olKov rou 'II'IITp&.. p.ov. "w faTCU Kvp~ JIoO' El .. 6'011. Kal b AIlJCJt; cW.,.0 s, 3v EfTTTICTC1 ~A71". 22 E<7TO.L 1.1.0' olKO'> e.:oV· -' ftvn.,V ~v (a.v 1.1.0' ~, BucaTTJII ~roBt:Ka~ avro. CTOL

'Kw .. 'IOJCw/J roW ...0&1 .. bropW{Jr, d .. riv cWaroMw, 29 rpO.. AQ.{Ja.v rov VWv Ba6ovY]A 'rOU ::Svpov. d&>ov 8( 'P,/3«-

Ka .. , P.TfTpO.. 1axW/J «w 'HouV. Kal bPi-. Kal. lOOt. f/>pmp lv 2 ~ 'lrE~';ou1I 8( lKI' Tpla rolp.vU1 7rpo/JaTlllv &.J'u7lUOOp.c1'Cl br' a'IinW be "YOp ToV q,p(a~ (<<'{VOII mn-"ov TO. 7rO{p.vW.' >JIJo.o

8( ;V plya.. hi ~ UTOp.G.TL TOU f/>pW.'I'CJt;. Kal ~o 3 (K" ...&.vru ora 'JI'Olp.vU1' kW d.'lJ'EKVAwv roy ).L()ov 4,ro rou aTOp.G.TCJt; 'TOU q,pl.a~. «w mn-"ov Ta rpO/Jo!rll. Kal. d.7rIICoiju,..,...,V rov M8av br~ TO UTOp.G. 'TOU 4>PEa~ d .. 'TOV mol' awou. Et'lrf 4 8( awcK" ·lOJCw/3. ~l. ro()a (UTE vp.c'''; 01 OE 1111'_, be XD.ppav ler,uv. Et1l'€ OE aWo'". 'YLVW(Tlt€T' A.O./3- TOV VWII 5 NaxWP; 01 8( ,tlT_. 'YLllWaKOp.t:V· Err€ BE aWoL", VyU1"'" i 6 at 8( Et7lUV. VyWVCL' Kal. &Bov 'Pax'1A tj 6vycfT'r1p awou ;'P}(C'To p.era T;;'V rpo/JaTIIIV. Kw ItlTlII 'lOJCw/J. ft., (UTW ~p.€pa. 7rOA- 7 >..7]' oinrIII ;:'pa CTlIVa~ ora KTr/n1' 1I'OTleravrf:'> Tel 'lrpO/JIlTa., cirUJJoJl'Tf:'> /300ICf:r(. 01 OE ,t7lUV. oli 81.'V7fCT0p.c()a, (III'> TOV 8 crvva~ 'II'IiVTa~ 'TOVs 7rO'+'Wo.... KW a7rOKv.vcr0lHT' 'rOV AIlJov d.1T0 'rOU CTTOp.G.~ TOU f/>P(4TCJt;. KW 1I'OT1.OVp.t:V TO. 'lrpO{3a.Ta..

IJ Gr. wu .. tabllsbed.

., Lit. pUl aDder. See 1 Tim. & u,

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loeb. t While he WIllI yet speaking to them, behold, Bachel the daughter of l.6ban came with her father'. sheeJl, for she fed the sheep of her father. 10 .And It came to ~ when Jacob .w Baohel the dawrhter of Laban, his mother's brother, and the sheep of .r..: ban, his mother's brother, that Jacob came and rolled away the stone from the mouth of thewell..and watered the sh~ of Laban his mother's brother. u.And Jaoob iri;;;i Rachel. and cried with a loud voioe and wept. -12 And he told Rachel that he was the near relative of her father~ and the IOn of Rebecca; and she ran ana reported te her father according to these words. lI.And it came to JIIII!8 when Laban heard the name of Jaoob,hisliater'8lOn,heran to meet him, and emDraoed and kiued him, and brought him into his hoUle; and he told Laban all these • . 1·.And Laban aid to him. Thou art~,. bones and of my flesh; aad he was with him a fJ full month.

lI.And when the Lord God .w that J,ea was hated, he epened her womb , butBachel was barren. ~ .And Lea oonoeived and bore a IOn to Jaoob· and she called his name Ruben; .ying, Because the Lord has look;i on my humiliation, and has given me a IOn,

fJ Gr. month of daJc.

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GElfESIS XXIX. 33-XXX. 22.

now then my husband wi1J. love me. If! And she conceived again, and bore a second son to Jacob ~ and abe ll&id, Becsuee the Lord baa heara. that I am hated, he baa given to me this one also· and abe called his name Simeon. II And she conoeived yet again, and bore a son, and ll&id, In the present time my husband wi1J. be with me, for I have born him three sons; therefore she called his name, Levi. • And having conceived yet spin, she bore a son, and ll&id, Now yet .....m this time wi1J. I give thaw to the Lord; therefore she called hie name, Juda; and ceued beariuc.

And Rachel having peroeiTed that abe bore Jacob no children, was jealous of her sister . and ll&id to Jacob, Give me children; and jJ not, I shall die. I And Jacob was alll!l'J with Rachel, and said to her, Am I in the place of God, 'who baa dlll!rived thee of the fruit of the womb P I And Rachel ll&id to Jacob, Behold ~r_handmaid Balla. go in to her, and abe ahall bear upon my mees and I also shall have children bJ' her. 4 And she gave him Balla her maid, fur a wife to him; and Jacobwent in to her. I And Balla, Rachel's mai«h conoeived~ and bore Jacob a son. • And .KaChel ll&ia God has given judgment far me, and hearkened to my voicel and baa given me a son..i. therefore abe callea his name, Dan. 7 And .Halla, Rachel's maid, conoeiTedlet .in, and bore a second eon to Jacob. And Rachel ll&id, God has heleed m.J:i3d I contended with my sister andtmJV' • and abe called hie name,Nephthalim. 'And Lea saw that she ceued frOm bearing, and she took Zelpha her maid, and gave her to Jacob for a wife; and he went in to her. 10 And Zel'pha the maid of Lea conceived and bore Jacob a IOn. 11 And Lea ll&id, n u hapl!..ily: and abe called his name, Gad. D And Zelpha the maid of Lea coneeired yet &pin, and bore Jacob a eecond son. II And Lea said, I am blessed, for the women will pronounce me blessed; and abe called hie name, Aaer. 14 And Ruben went in the day of barley-harvest, and found apples of mandrakes in the field. and bro\lj!ht them to hie mother Lea; and Rachel said to Lea her sieter, Give me of thy IOn's mandrakes. II And Lea ll&id, I. it not enough for thee that thou hut taken my husband~ wilt thou also take my son's mandrakes r And Rachel ll&id, Not so: let him lie with thee to-night for thy son's mandrakes. II And Jacob came in out of the field at 8Ten i and Lea went forth to meet him. and said Thou shalt rome in to me this day, for 'i have hired thee for my son's mandrakes; and he lav with her that night. 17 And God hearkened to Lea, and she conceived, and bore Jacob a fifth IOn. 18 And Lea ll&id, God has given me my reward, because I gave my maid to my husband; and she called his name leeacbar. which is, Reward. It And Leo. conoeived again) and bore Jacob a sixth son. :;0 And Lea said, God has given me a good gift in thie time: my husband will choose me, for I have born him six IODS: and she called hie name, Zabulon. II And after thie abe bore a daughter; and she called her name, Dina. :J And God remembered Rachel, and God hearkened to her,



oW clya""lcm P.E I, clnlp uo». Kal CTLvl>..a{3E "'aNV, Knl erEKE'V 33 VLOV orVrEpOv Tcfi 'IQKw{3. Ka~ E1"'EV. OTt ~KOlIVE K1ip:~ OT' p.urovp.a" Ka~ "'poulOwKl ,.,.0' Kal TOVTOV' Ka~ EICOAEITE TO &vop.a "woil, lvp.~~v_ KalITVVlAo.{3EV En, Kal erEKEv vwv, Kal f!11ml, 34 Iv Tcfi viiv IC~ 1r~ Ep.oV EOTQ.I. I, clnlp ,.,.ot', Tl:rotca yap awcfl TfHi... vwv.,· ~w. TOVTO EKOAEITE ~ ovop.a aWav, AEVEl. Kal 35 rrv>..>..a{3owa er, iTEICE'V vwv, ICal E1"'E, viiv erL TOVTO EeoP.O>..O'Y'1a0p.a' Kvp~' ow. TOVro ~ICWITE TO ovop.a awov, '!oVOaV- Kal EITT71 TOV TlKTEW.

'I00iiau OE 'Pa~>", on o~ TCrOKE Tcfi 'l_J.{3· Ka~ l'~>..wac ao ·Pax'J>.. T7]v d&Aq,1]V a~' Kal ET"" Tcii 'IQKw{3. 00 .. ,.,.0' TlKVQ'

~l OE p.:q. TE>"nm/o"W Cy~. @V~t.. OE '!QKw{3 ,.y 'Pa~>" 2 E11ml alnj, p.1] civT~ ®Eoo CyW E~. 3 .. llTT4n1al IT~ KaprrOV 1C0VJ.a .. ; EI"'E OE 'Pa~>" Tcfi 'IaKw{3, lOoV TJ 'II'O.r.OLlTK7J p.ov 3 Ba.ll4· E'UrEl\& "'~ aim1v· Kat T~aL l1r~ TWV YOV&TClJV pov,

lCal TEICV07rmtlaop.4' IC~yW U a~. Ka~ EOwteE'V atiTcii Ba.ll4v 4 T7]v 'll'a.r.OLaK7JV a~, atiTcii yvv«Uca· Kat EiuijME ".~ alrrf]v 'I-~{3. Kal ITVVlAo.{3E BallO. TJ 'IfUIi){ITK7J 'Pa~>", Ka~ rnKc 5 Tcfi 'I_w{3 vlOv. Kal E1",€ ·Pax'J>.., EKPWf. 1'0' A 0Eo... lCal 6 bn/KOVITf! rij<; .;wvij .. p.ov, Ka~ I&NeE ,.,.0' vlOv' B'II TOVro lICOAw~

TO ovop.a awov, ~cIv. Ka~ 1TVVl>..a{3EV iT, BallO. TJ ~K7J 7 'Pa~>", K~ er~KEV VLOV OrVrEPOV Tcfi 'IQK~{3. Ka~ EI"" 'Pa~>", 8 IT1JVO.VTWi{3n-O p.ov I, 0co." Kat fTVVO.IIEITTpO.4nIV ,.y d&>.#i ,.,.ov, Kal.;,&wGa6rpr Kal EKWITE ~ ovop.a a"TOV, NEcp6a>..E{. ET& 9 OE AEta o,.L 10'T7f TOO TUcTEW' ICa~ EM.{3E ZEAq,o.v n,.. To'(UOWICTfI' a~, leal lOwICE'V alrrf]v Tcfi 'IQKw{3 yvvaUca· Kal E;m,ME"'~ aVnjv. K~ ITVVl>.o.f1E ZEAq,a_ TJ wu.c.OWK7J AEla .. , Kal erEKE Tcfi 10 'IQKw{3 vlOv. Kal ~1"'f! A~ta,lv -nlX!1' Ka~ bnuVOP.acrE TO ovop.a It awoo, rsa K~ ITVVlJIo.{3E'V erL ZEAq,o. TJ ",~iaK7J A~ta ... K~ 12 aEICE Tcfi 'IQKw{3 vwv OrVrcpov. Kal EX"'E AEta, p.4Kapta CyW, 13

fII ...,.... \ I _!\ _ ,,, • "'"

OTL fLaKapWlKn p.E aL 7!"a~q· K~ ~KW\A[ITf! TO OVOP.a aVTOv,

'AaTJp. 'FAro~ O£ Pov{31]V & ;'p.lfXf 8EPur,.,.oV 1I'VpWv, Kal 14 ~fH P.7jM p.avOpayopWv lv Tcfi dypcfi, Ka~ ~Vf'YKE'V awo. ",pO.. A€lD.v ,..qv p."lTlpa awov' Et"'E OE 'Pa~>" ,.y Ac~ ,.y d&A# o.~, 00.. ,.,.0' TWV p.avOpayopC;w TOO vwv aov. El",~ O£ AEta, 15 oVX UcavOv ITOL 0,., fAa.{3Et; ~v &.vOpa. p.ov; p.1] K~ TOv.. p.avOpayOpat; roV vwv ,.,.ov >"m; Ei",c OE 'Pa~>", oVx o~"0I.fL~ p.n-II ITOO n,.. vVKTQ TQVnp. clVT~ TWV p.avopayopWv Toli vwv ITOV. E;m,ME'V OE 'IaKW{3 U clypoli (CTTI"lpa... Ka~ 16 U7jME Af.ta Elt; ITVVclvrqaW atiTcii. leal Et",€, ",pOt; EP.E ~la-EAn!au aTJp.Epav- fLEpiCT8wp.4' yOp ITt clVT~ TWv p.avOpayopWv Toli vlov~ ,.,.ov· Kal bco!.p.#frJ fLET' a~ n,.. vVKTQ EKELVI/V. Kal bnlKOV- 17 ITE'V A @Co., AEta.,· "a~ rrv>..>..a{3oiiaa erEKE Tcfi 'IQKw{3 vWv ",lp.- 1I'T0V. Kal ET"" Acta, OlOwtel ,.,.0' I, ®Eo., TOV p.ur8ov ,.,.ov, clvU 18 ~ €&Hca T7]v ~1T1CTfI' ,.,.ov Tcfi d.vOp/. p.ov' Kal CKOAEITE TO OVop.a atiToil. 'IITIT&Xap, 0 EITT' p.ur8o... Kat ITVVf.M{3E'V In 19 A~ta, lCal erEKEV vwv €KTOV Tcfi 'IQK~{3. Kal E1",~ AEta, 20 &~~ I, 0Eo.. ,.,.0' OWpov KMOV tV Tcfi viiv K~' alpmci: p.E

I, clvrjp p.ov, TCroKa yO.p almfi vwv..~· "a~ (KOAEITE ~ ovop.a awov, Za{3ooAbw. Ka~,.,..,.o. TOWO aEICE fJuyaTlpa, "a~ 21 EICWITf! TO ovop.a al"T7jt;, ~(Lva. 'Ep.~ OE A ®Eo., ~ 22 'Pax'J>.., lCal CmlKOVITE'V a~ A 0Eo..· lCa~ d.vE~ a~ ,..q.,

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GEKB818 XXX. 23-41.

23 I'frrpa;v. Kal crvlla.{loixro. bEICE ~. 'I(U(~/J lIlOV' el,..e ~ 24 'po.~\, d.4M"V..& 0 e,tX p.ov TO cM~. Ka, bcaAEO'e TO Ol'Op.4 ClWoV '~t >.lyovua_ 1rp0a6frw 0 8tOi JLO' "LOV


and he opened her womb. • And she con. eeived, and bore Jacob a BOn; and Rlw.hel !!aid, God baa taken away my reproach. II And she called his Jl&1De J oeeph, l&yiDg. Let God add to me another lIOn.

• And it came to paae when Bacb.el had

25 ..... _·b"t:TO 8( ~ mlC( ·Po....l.l .,.01' 'I~. ,lll"Of 'I-~fJ born Joaeph, Jacob !!aid to Laban, &00 me

~1 lI.'r· awa.1. that 1 may go to my place and to my

TIji A4{3o.v. a,..w,.cWW /'E. Wa. a7l'f>.&, cl~ TOV mOl' p.ov. IIal land. • Restore my wives and my ohildrmi, 26 d~ rtp. -m" p.ov. 'A~ T4~ ~~ p.ov. 1(11, Ta 1II"IU8{0. for whom I have lIIII"Ted thee, t.hat I may

f"- • • depart, for thou knowest the eerrice where-

p.ov • ...,K crw &8oVAcv1CA 0'0l. &I'Q. .d:rrf>.&,· en, yap "yWW- with I have lI8l"I'ed thee. wAnd lAban

27 crICU~ np. &m.\clav. ;.. &OcWMvICA croc.. Eln 8C o.~ A.o.{3o.v. !!aid to him, If I have found grace in thl

•• • .L. • .,. ......1..:..- • aight. IJ I would allgUJ' wll, for the Lord

c, (VpOI' "}(OPUf U'W'TIOV crov, -1LTaf'7J" aV' ~-~ , ',.. ( "yap baa bl~ me at thy coming in. • AlJ1IOint

28".. 0 ~ n, Tjj crfj ,~. AuUn-cw,v TOV 1'w86v 0'011 l'me thy ~and I will give tMm. lIAnd 29,..Me. IU. lCal &Icn.J. Eln ~ 'LlJu~,/J, en, "Vu4rKU~ & &&v. Jacob !!aid, 1'hou knowest in what thina

r+» r= fJ f I have served thee. and how many cattle

30 Acvlcel: croc., Ko.1 Ocro. ;1' ~ crOll /'CT' J.p.ov. M~pa -yap ~v of thine are with me. IOFor it _littlo Ovo. 0'0l Cvo.vru,v I-v. Kal ...!.l:.!.A.. t:l~ ,..~~8cx· Ko.' dil":"-i thou hadat before my time, and it is in·

r= ""'-'1"" '", ._ ,.,.. oreaaed to a multitude, and the Lord God

a« K~ 0 8f~ an TIji .".o8l p.ov' vVv ow 71'07-( 1nn,pw baa blM8ed thee 'since my coming; now 31 Ki-~ Ip.o.1IT~ otcov; Ko.l ,Inv o.VTtji A.&.{3o.v.. Tl crm &Icn.J" then, when ehuJ.J. I eet UJI alao my own

.. l" 'I'll' l"_ __OLl' • houeeP IIAnd Laban !!aid to him. What

E,1I"t: CK Cl~ AKwfJ. 011 OCIXT'~ 1'0' vWCv. co.v 71'm~ shall. I give theeP and Jacob !!aid to him.

,_. .,0 filp.o. TOm, 71'AAw ~ 'TO; ""pOpo:ro. 0'011, lCo.1 Thou ,halt not give me anytl:ling; if thou

32..L-.\.!~. n---\IJ' • , '/J_' • ,wiltdothisthinirfol'me,Iwillagaintend

'1"_..,. "'_"'CTfd"lr"lW1"U To. 'ltpofJVoTo. crov V7JI't:pOV. KW thy Boob and li:eep them. - Let &I.l th

&a~ bcc"iDD riY 'ltpO{30.TOV t/Jo.Uw b TOL~ iip,.acr,.· sheep }lUI by to-d&r. and eeparate thene! ICW riY &&.AcvKOV Kal {xwrOv b T!u~ AU,v, WTW p.o' every py ~ among the ram&, and every

.-11' , •• • l'.... L _ one tbat 11 II])eckled and spotted among

33 I'WTlCX. Kw CrAK01IVfTW 1'0' ." ou<WOCT1IV71 p.ov '" TTl the goate-tiU shall be my r8ward.. IS And

~,...~ -rD bra.vpiOV. o'n CUT'V 0 p.w8tX p.ov mnWv crov' my righteousness ehI!li .'auswer for me

- 3 l' ,. J....._, 'l' .. !> _. L - _I~ ,on the morrow, for It 18 my reward be-

1I"aV cav 1'"'1 V "...,,01' KW O&W\C1IKOV '" TWt ~'. ,,0., fore theE': whatever shall not be Ipotted

34 .po.Wv b TOi~ apvaO". KfKA£p.p.&OI' EVTcu 7rOp' lp.ol. Etr( and speckled among the goate, and grey

3- (" • - A .!/J_.. • " • - • K ' l'. e :.: . \ _ among the rams.. sh&l.l be stolen with me.

;) oc Cltmp ~. CO'TW 1alT0. TO prJp.o. tro», W OU<1T("",V "And Laban eaid to him Let it be aooord-

b -rD .;,~ IKcWo roW TpO.y~ T~ ~ KW TO~ ing to .thy word. • And he eeparated in

(' .. \ .» ,. '_. ,., "(' that day the Ipotteci and speckled he-goats, O&aI\C1IK~. -, ... ~ To.~ cu-yo.~ Ta~ pa.vro.~ ,,0., To.~ o,a- and &I.l the ...... tted and ~"'ed h te \ • ,-.. ~. ..L...:....L. -. ,- • d _" -..... D.,.,..... a e-goa_~ A(1JK~, KW 1I'CZV 0".. ..,.--r '" TO" ap~. ~ 11'111' 0 an _ that _ grey am,!ng the l"IUDlI, ana

~ AcvlCov b o.woL,. Ko.1 lB-;, &a Xf~ TWV vlWv o.wov. evert one. that "!&8 white amons. them,

36 17_~ ~, .~. ~. - " •. ' • andhegavethemlDtothehandofhi,aona.

AW G.7rf.O"T"llCTCV 0001' Tpw1V ."p.t:pwV, leW avo. I'W"OV ~ And he eet a dietance of a three da,..'

Cl.;"w., "al cUra I'£erov 'I(U(wp· '!AKw/J 8( f:troL,uuVt: Tel Journey between them e and Jacob. .ADd

3 7 ~/J_ .. .! /J_.. ' .'-- \ _ . ..LIJ· "'" \ _ /J l" ! - Jacob tended the cattle of Laban that

7rpofJVoTo. uu.,.._ 'To. """""..,.vCVTCI. bAD.fJC at: to.VTIt' were left; behind. WAnd Jacob took to him.

'Iallw/J pG.fJ&w VT1JpGJClV7J" XN"pclJ' Kal Kap1It"7J" KW 71'Ao.- self green rods of atorax tree and walnut

, '".L ., 'L_' /J \ __ • \ _ • and plane-tree; and Jacob peeled in them

1"aJ'01I' ~ ~wEV aVTa~ OW<WfJ I\£Ir"Wp.o.To. ~Ka' white stripes· and as A he drew off the

Ko.1 7rCpurUfX'W TO XN.JpOv, If/xUvCTO br, To.i."~ {xl.{3&M green, the whlte stripe which he had made

38 \ Acv' 3 lAhr tAo K' _-~ ,appeared alternate on the rods. at And

~ KOI', • W~, ... o~_ v. _ ~ _ 7r""f'S".,K~ :a~ he laid the rods which he had peeled. in

~. &~ lAi-tr10'EV. b TO'~ A7J"m~ TIIlV 7rOTlITTTJpUllII the hollows of the watering.troligbe, that TOV 1l&TCX, Wa. ~ &v rumer, TO. ... "o{3o.Ta 1I"lfW, bwrwv w~enaoever the cattle should come. to

_ s...!/J('_" L1.! • - , , - J... • drink, as they should have come to drink

TIIlV r-fJouw INlOvr_ o.VTWV £l~ . TO 7rUW, ~,KWC1Tpwcr, before the rods, the cattle might con-

39 TO. 71'pO{JaTo. d~ TeI~~. Ko.1 bcKtcrawv Tel celve at the rod.. "So the cattle conoeived

'/J_. ' 'U/J!i: __ ' '. "/J_ l" at the rods, and the cattle brought forth

71'po,......To. ,,~ To.~ r-tJVU.... leW fT~ Ta 7rpofJVoTo. o~· ~Otm{l apeclded, and streaked and IPOtted

40 AcvIal ICW 7I'OUCl>..a. KW 0"lI"080c~ pavro.. To~ 8( d.p.vo~ with a8h-ooloured 'Pots. 40 And Jacob ~ • . \ -.'1 'Q ,. ,. - /J • ,separated the lambs, and eet before the Oc.t"0'T(""" (U(wfJ. KCU f.O"T"IICTEV CVQ.VTIOV TWV 1rpofJaTwv "pwv sheep a speckled ram and every Tariegated

&&.AcvKOI'. Kal ... av 7I'OUCtAo" b TO'~ clp.VO!~· KW 8uxWpwcv one among t:be lam!,;, lind he ee~ted laVTcd '""I'v~ Kafl l0.1ITOv, 1(11, Oll" l~cv aWel cr, ,.Q. 7rpOpo.Ta ft~, fOb himl!'lf alone. and did not

1 .!/J' " l'" - - ~,. "f.)' UIIng e t em With the sheep of Laban.

4 A..,..all. E-yfVCTO Of EV Tit' KalfM!.l It' CVCKWO'WV TO. "'pofJo.Ta tV 41Anditcametopassinthetimewhereinthe

-yaO'T~ >..ap.{3tivovro.. l8."IIfV 'laK~{3 TeI~ pa.{3&w banta,. TWv cattle became pregnant, conceiving in ~e

/J' , - \ - - , - " " •• Q('. belly, Jacob put the rods before the cattle m

"'po,JaTWV EV TO', ATfVO'~. TOlI CYKWC1TpW a1lTa Ko.Ta Ta~ pafJoo1Jt;. the troughs, that they might conceive by the

{J 81&7 &boD, ~po ~d. Bib. I bayO ..... ed Ihu, otc. , Lit. 1111 .. _ 10 or .. illl me.

.110 .... Y. bu, (Jr. aDd Blb.II&enllr, at IDJ" loot. ,Be&rUa '" or oller me. , Gr. ADei ...... eeo. B__ A Ap_U1 &b ......... A~

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GENESI8 ·XXX. 42-XXXI. 21.

~II a But he.did not put them in iJIdU. cri..u..zt.lwwhen8'fer the cattle happened to bring forth but the unmarked ones wert! Laban's, and the marked on811 Jacob's. 0 And the IIlWl ~e Tery rich, and he had many cattl"" and oxen1and servante, and maid-eer"Vanta, and oameJll, and _

And Jacob heard the words of the sons of laban, I&Jing, Jacob has taken all that was our rather's, and of our father's property has be gotten all thia alory. t.Arid Jacob 1&'1'1' the countenance ofaban, and behold it was not towan!. him as ., before. a And the Lord said to Jacob Return to the land of thy father, and to thy family, and I will be with thee. 4 And JacOb sent and called Lea and Racbel to the .plain where the flocks were. I And he said to them, I _ the face of your father, that it is not toward me as beforel but the God of my father was with me. I And ye too know that with all my might I have served your father. 7 But your lUther deeeired me, and changed my wages for the ten lambs,;;et God gaye him not 1'0_ to hurt me. If he should say thus, The lPOOkled shall be thy' reward, then all the cattle would bear apec;kled; and if he should I&y ~ 'l'he white shall be thy reward, then woula all the cattle bear white. 'So God has taken away all the cattle of your father, and ginn them to me. 1D.Arid it came to Jl8II8 when the cattle conceived and were with young, that I beheld with mine eyes in aleep, ana behold the he-goate and the rams leaping on the sheep and the ahegoats, lPOOkled and variep!;ed and spotted with asn.coloured spots. U And the angel of God~d to me a In a dream, Jacob; and I said What is it pilAnd he .w., Look up with t~e ey8ll, and behold the he-goats and the rams lea~ on the sheep and the she. grots, speckled imd variegated and spotted with asli-ooloured spots; for I have IIOOn all things that laban dOO8 to thee .• 13 I am God that apD5l'ed to thee in the place of God where tnou anointedat a pillar to me, and Towedst to me there a TOW; now then arise and depart out of this land, depart into the land of thy IIQtivitL and I will be with thee. II .And Rachel and Lea answered and said to him. Have we yet a part or inheritance in the house of our father P 1I.Are we not eonsidered Ib'angen by him P for he has BOld WI, and quite deToured ow' money. II.A.U the wealth and the glory which God bas taken from our father, it Ihall be our's aud our children's; now then do whatsoever God has I&id to thee. 17 And Jacob arose and took his wiY811 and his children up on the oamell; lSand he took away all his ~ons and all his store~ which he had gotten in Mesopotamia, ana all that be. lowzed to him to depart to Isaac his father in the land of Chanaan. I, And Laban went to ahear his shee~' and Rachel atole her father's images. Lid Jacob hid eM mat1M' from Laban the Syrian. BO as not to tell him that he ran away. II And he departed him. self and all that belonged to him. and pa.ssed over the river, and went into the mountain



·HI'Uca ~ &1' UflCf TO. 7I'pO{3aTO.. oll" &'9f.t· eyivrro ~ TO. ,uv 42 1i.a-rJp.4 TOV A&.{3o.v. Ta ~ Ur~f14 TOV 'Irucw{3. Kal UrAoVrrr 43 InV & dv(J~ urp6Opa. CTrpOOpa.· ICcU J-ywero awe;; ~ 7I'oUa, "cU {300., lCal1l'lli&i, lCal ~{qICCU, IecU 1CBp.7JAot, ICcU ovot.

·HICOllCTf. 8~ '1~{3 TO. PfJp.4TO. ";;'1' vlWv A&.{3o.v, MyOvrCIIV. 31 f'tATJfIxv 'Irucw{3 1I'WrTa TO. TOii 7I'O.TpOi .q,u;w, ICcU he ,.c;", TOii 7I'aT~ .qp..Wv 'If'nro{.,,IC( 7I'iiauv ~I' 8Oeo.v TaVrqv. Kal fl&v 2 1~{3 TO 1I'poo-rOll TOV A&.{3o.v. ICcUl&V OOIe ~V 7I'~ aww Oxnl x8Ei ICcU Tp{TTP' ~p.fpa.v. E17l'€ ~ KVPWi 7I'~ 'Irucw{3. 3 d.7I'otTTplq,av T7]v W TOO 7I'O.TpOi CTOV, leaL £li n,v YfVfcW CTOV, ICQl ~CTOJUU p.ercl uov. 'A1I'otTTf.{1uJs ~ 'laleW/3 (1eQ.M1n 4 Af&a.V ICcU ·Pax'JA d<; ro 1I'f.8tov, o~ ~V TO. mp.vUJ... KaI. ftnv 5 C1lmU~, opl;, l-yW TO 1t'pOm,nrOll TOV 1ra.T,m v,u;w, «w, oVlC loT, 1I',m (p.ov. ~ £x9'E<; ICcU TptTTP' .q,upa.v· ;, ~ @f~ TOV 7I'O.T~ JU1V ~' (p.oV. KcU awcU ~ oi&1Tf., on Iv 7I'G.cro TV loxUi 6 p.ov &&6MvlCa -nP 7I'O.Tpl v,u;w. ·0 8£ 7I'O.~p vp..Wv 'Ir'OfJElCpoV- 7 CTIlTO !U. lCal ~f rol' p.w66v p.ov ,.c;", 8EKa ~V' KcU o:fJlC l&ncfV almii ;, 8t:~ ICCUCQ7l'Ol.fja-rJ p.f. 'Eo.v oUt-~ fi"'Il, TIl 8 'If'OU({>..a. ~OTCU CTOV p.w6~. lCat T~CU mivra TO. 7I'pO{3aTO. 7I'OucD..a.· (av 8£ fi"'Il, TO. MulCo. lencu CTOV p.ur9O<;, ICcU T~ 7I'avra TIl 'If'pO{3aTO. Mulea. Ka1 d.t/HlAero ;, 8E~ hVTa TO. 9

~"'1 TOV 7I'O.T,m vp..Wv, ICcU c&ncl P-O' awa.. KcU eyEVfTO 10

;,vUca MlCluuCIIV TO. 7I'pO{3aTa Iv yoo-rpl >..a.p./3&.vovra., KcU fl80v TO'<; &~,<; p.ov Iv Te;;~· IecU l80V ot Tpt1.YOt lCal ot ICPWt{3a1I1011Tf,. Url TO. WpO{3aTa ICcU Ttl<; alya,.. &a.MvICO& ICcU frOUCC-

Ao& IecU C7"II"08cK&&" pavrot. Kal ftwl p.o' A • A YYfAo<; 1'OV 0Eoii 11 lCaU mol'. 'IaJ«f,{3· l-yW ~ (171'0., T{ (OT'; Ka1 ftnv, d.vQ.{3Mtjtov 12 TOi,. ~o'i,. CTOV. lCaI. i& ToW Tpt1.yow KcU TOV,. KpwVro,. hol TO. wpO{3aTG. lCaI. TIl,. atya<; 8uaMVtCOW IecU woucD.ou<; ICcU C7"II"08cK&&;:, pavrov,.. ~Wpcuca yelp wa CTO' Aa.{3o.v

... 'It' ...... !. • c 0_' C J...LA ' .' Q_.... •

wlXn. ~,... Etp.' 0 ~O'O 0 ...,..,f.&i CTO' (V T07I'tfJ ",,",OV. ov 13

71>.tu;a.<; P-O' £lef.' un]A'JV, tCal # p.o' (Ie(' W&' viiv oW &.vao-rr,8t, ICcU UUJJ( (IC Til<; y7iro TO.~, IecU a'lf'f.A9€ flro T7]v yi7v Tik -r."ECTEcO,. CTOV. "aI. moJUU /UTo. uoii. Kal d.7I'OICpJJf.Wv.... 14 ·PamA KcU AE&a. E17l'o.v aw';;, p.~ lenw .qIL'V ut !upL<; ~ .u...". Iv -nP 0~1fI TOU 7I'O.TpOi ;,u;w; ()l,X ~ al &..Ucn-ptCU 15 M>.oy{q!U9a awe;;; 7I'mpcucf. yelp ;p.a.i, lCaI. leaTa./3"wun ICfJ.Tl¢aYf ro d.(ryVpwv.qp..Wv. ncfvra TOV 1I'AoVrov Kal T7]v 80t0.v. 16 ~ dt/HlAero ;, 8t:o<; TOO 1I'aT,m .qp..Wv, ;,uv lcrrcu. "cu TotS TllCVO'" ;p..Wv· viiv oW wa CTO~ E'ip-qlCfV ;, 0(~, 1I'oUt. 'AvaoTo.i 8£ 17 'Irucw{3 lAo.{3t To.<; yuvcUlCa,. awoii "al Tel. ~&a. awov hol TO., leap.7}Aov<;. Kal clnTya]E mivra Ta VmJ.pxovra almii, ICcU hour 18 T7]v d7l'OCTlerorp. awou. TJII 7I'€plft'O,.quo.TO Iv TV J\oIECT07I'OTClp.4t, KcU1I'WrTa Ttl aioroii, ~«V 7I'P~ 'IoucUc rov 7I'O.T~ aln-ov El<; W XavacW. A&.{3av ~ cPKfTo ICf'ip'" Tel. wpO{3aTG. a6Tov· 19 lleMl/lf 8£ 'Pa~A TO. Ei&JAa. TOU 7I'O.T,m aVri7ro. · 8( 2C 'Irucwp AD.{3av rov lvpOll, TOV p.~ d.vaYYf'iAa, aw<?, OTt cl7l'0&OpO.ulefL. KaI. cl1l'l8pa. aVrOs. lCa~ TO. awov mivra, ICcU 8"{3." 21

~ TIle -me or UIe Hebrew __ 10 be. "beD Ihe oaUI. '"'"' weatfr_ Ga, CGU<. Th. Lxx. "" uq,u.,.. the ,....,1 ... 11_ U

&be _, bay. o-.ed Ihe _ .. Of __ .J_b _aid DOt put them iD ...... , Qr.'_rdaJ _ Ihe

da7 before.. Bdnlu.. • Lil. iD oIeep.

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22,.w tf'OTO.IIlw. lea' ;:"'p:r/UO' ds ,.0 Opos raAaaB. ·AvrryylA.,., Galaad. iii But it_told I.6ban the Syrian ~' .. '!Q_ ~ ~, ~ " ~ , • ,'t' 'I 'Q on the third day. that Jacob was Jled. OE • ...",.....1' T"f' ~vfXe ro .,.,p.Eplf T'(J TP'T'(J. OT' a:JrEopo. Q.l(w,... 211 And having taken his brethren with him,

23 KaL ~(3(.w TOW d&A4>ow o.WOV p.£tI lo.VTOV, l8«.J~O' he pursued after him eeren days' jo'!r.!a: lnrluw o.WoV UOv -;p.£pbw brnJ· leaL 1e00TlAo.(30' aWOl' EV ~do~!.m~ r;ba~~J:tS~n in 24 T~ ope, raAaaB. 'lL\.6~ Be A 8cOs 'Ir~ Ari{3a.v T(W ';vpov Bl~ by nW:;' and aaid to him. Take heed

'"'" ihn-or n,v WICTo., leal ,t7l'0' o.~, ,pvAatw O'lIo.vroV p.~ toto Jt y.eIfb _J;, thit. thou ~d~o_t~~ anOl'ertooY tim~

25 ,-, , ''I' Q 'K' -J~_Q A 'Q_ •• ' aco ".u IIg8- AD ""...... .. trOH IWA~ p.cT0. o.ICWfol 'frav7Jpo.. W"'lI 0.,......., TOV Jacob; and Jacob pitched his tent in the

'IQ.lCtfJ{3· 'IUJCW(38E brqtc n,v mcrrvJrv o.Wov W ,.w opt" mountain;andI.6bimatationedhisbroth8l'll

"'!Q_ .. ~, • '..!Il_l..L....)_' - L ~. r'-\-~~ in the monnt Galaad. SAnd I.6ban aaid ~ OE to'T"IJO'lI TOllS ~"" o.VTOV Of T"f' ope, wwo.o •. toJacob What hut thou doneP wherefore

26 Et'fr' 8E AJ.{3o.v ,.w ·ltuc¥1. T{ brobtcro.s; lvaT{ ""v#i 471'l. didst th~u l'Un away secretly. and pillqe 11_ '!_~_..L'.:._' " ' 'A. __ ' me. and lead away my daulI.!!_ten u ca_ptivee "f-s. lea' ."''''''' """""f"o.s p.£. leW a.'7t'T('fD.-ycs To.S "v,...Tllpo.S p.oo. taken with the II1l"Ord P 111 Whereaa if thon

27 ~ o.l~.&s p.o.~ ; KaL.l cI.vJ1yyctA4s p.oI-. lea,'lrlUTIIWI hi!dst told me. I wo!Jld have sent th!'8 away

IIv 0'11 p.(T' ~ lea' p.effI. p.ovO'''';;''' leaL TVP.r&.vWV With mirth. and With songs. o.nd timbrel.8,

ftS '.IU __ '17'_~' '~I:"'.4-. ..L.'I.:!-:' "'_ • and harp. AndI_notcountedworthy

~ leW Ie..,..,....s. -... OVIe./'Ouuv./F 1e00To."jIWWf"..... TO. 'InUOUl po», to embrace my children o.nd iny daugb,ten;

29 Ko.L .,.as OvyaTlpas pmr vVv & 4tPPOvws brpo.ea,... KaL vVv ~ow then thou hast wrought foolimly.

1 __ ~' ,. -" .. , '"' _ , ~ ,And.JloW my hand has JI<1wer to h1ll"t thee; ~ A~' .,., 'Xlltp p.ov IeQ.ICOJI'OCJ1O'IU 0'11' 0 OE """0<; TOO 7I'Q.TpO<; but the God of thy mther 8Jl9ke to me

O'OV x6f:s .tn 'fr~ p.£. Al-y-. ~, O'lIo.vrov p.~ 'frOTE ye8~!ll&ying s , 'l'ake heed to thyself' that

30'l._1.!-... ''I 'Q 'N~" , thou~notmIwordstoJacob. IUNow

'~f" u» p.£TQ. Q.ICfII,.. 'fIT1V'f/P4- VI' ow 'fr('lrOpc1IO'o.,' then go on thy way for thou hut eameetly

brrJJvP4 -yap brJJUl-'''P'as 4-nADuv Et<; ,.0., oLcov TOV 7I'Q.T~ desired to depart to the house of thy fatherd' 310'atr lvaT{ ~s roVs 6ccnis p.ov; ·A'JrOICp.Jhk 8E 'IUJCW{3 whereforeha8tthoust~lenmyllOCia? IIAn

, • 1J.!.4..._ r " ,Jacob anll1l'ered and II&ld to Laban, Beoauae

IItn on;; AO.fJav. OT' 14>o""f"'fr- II 7I'Q. -yap. p.TJ 'lr0T1I a4HAv I _ afraid; for I aaid. Lest at any time

32 TelS fJv.yu.TlpaS 0'00 a'fr' lp.ov. leaL 1I'IfvTo. Tel lpJ.. KaL .t."..., thou ehouldeet take away th, da~hten

'I ' Q ... ~--. '(J' • ", ,from me, o.nd all my poI88II810DB. And o.ICW,... 'Iro.p fP o.v cv~ TOllS COVS 0'00. ov ~"P'(TIU mvnov Jacob II&ld. With whomsoever thou IIhalt

nw d&A,p;;'" ;,p.t;w- ~'Tl IUT' 7t'UfJ' lp.oL T;;"" O'edv. flnd thl gods. he shall not live jn the pre-

, \.! Q_ ,_~ br' " ~ ,',ll' • ~_ ~,sence 0 OUl' brethren; take notice of what

IeW~' ~ Ollie C)'I'fII 'Iro.p o.VT,!, OVl1tV" OVIe rf""' OE I have of thy l'ropert'Y. and take it; and he

33 'IQ.lCblp. 0,-, ·PCI~.\ -; -yvvY, o.Wov ~O' o.WoVs. Elu~v observed nC?thil!l with him. but Jacob knew

l!\ A .! Q_.. .' " _., • _, ,... not that hiS lI"ife Rachel had stolen them.

OE ~ ""fJC1lI"'IO'O' "s TOY OUCOV netaS. leW OV)( cvpcv' II And I.6ban went in and searched in the-

1e0.2 l~ lie TOV oUcov AlllAs. leal .qpcVvqull TOV oLeOI' house of Lea, and found tMtri not; and

'I 'Q 'L ~. - ~-'- ---~-~ - ,. .. he went out of the house of ~ o.nd OJCIU,... ~ "' T"f' 0I.IGIfJ TIaIV avo 'ITWOW"IeWV. leW OV)( cvp .... • searched in the house of Jacob and in the

34 clDijA611 8E leaL ~k ";'1' 01leov 'Po.XJ1>... ·Po.x7JA Be fAo.(3£ T(,. house of the t.wo maid.88l"V&~ts: and found

.r&aAo.. '"" lvl{3~ awe\. cis T(,. a-O:yp.o.To. rij.. ley~AoV. lea, them not; a~d he went also Into the ~ouae

35 L._. r a • ~ K' r ~ ,. ~ 'Q __ ' of Rachel. And Rachel took the Idola,

....... lecwlD'CV· o.VTO'S. ~ £ 11'11 T"f' 7I'Q.TP' ClVTT/S. p.TJ 1""f"WS o.nd cut them ~on, the camels' pocks.

#PC. n{JU' 06' clvo.crr-ijvIu m.m-wv O'OV. ;n., Tct and I&t npon ~he~. An~ she aaid to b,er

• III ,- ~ 1'" .. '!Q 1.. fatherl Be not mdignant, Sa; I cannot l"l8e

1e00T ,"uurp.ov TIaIV ~ 1'0' 'OUT''''' TJp«VVT/CTII ~o.v U' up before thee. for it is with me aocordina:

36 ~ -nii oUcfP. Ko.L o~ ~pt Ta cl&o.\.o.. ·Opylo8.,., Be 'la,,:blp. leaL ~ the manner of women. I.6ban ~ l' ~ A'!Q 1 _.Il'~' "T_' Q r ~ A'!Q mall the house. and found not the~ '"p.o.)(IIO'Q.TO T"f' ~o.V" a.'JrOIC,_,,,S OE U1J(w,.. II 71'£ T"f' ...,...o.v. - And Jacob _ angry and lItrol'e With

.,., TO cl8Uc.,.,p.J. p.ov; leaL T{ ,.;, dp.&prqp.J. p.ov. i$n 1e00n8Cwtas I.6ban; and ~acob .al!~,!red and llllid to

37 1_' ,..' , , , ~. Laban. What IS my llIluatiOO. and what ml ..... UTCU p.ov. ~ OT' '1fXV1"'1CT'ls 'IrQ.VTQ. TO. 0'1e1lVT/ TOV OtICOV sin that thou hast pUl'IIued after me .. and

pAIU; .,l dip" d,n ... dvnaw Tcdv a«cvWv TOV oUcov aov; 8E~ tW;t thou hut eearched all the furniture of

c5& mInrwv .,.;;,., ~ O'OV leaL TedV d&>..q,;;,v p.oo. leo.~ my ~ouse P w~t hast thou f~und of all the

3 n~/:..!_--· '._:!.' - ~-'- ,~ T - , - fUl"llltureofthinehouseP setlthere between

S __ r~ ...... p.£O'OV TIaIV avo TJp.wv. aUTo. 1'01 E"'OO" thy relations o.nd my relations.o.nd let them

'"' ¥ ~lp.t p.cTa 0'0V- Tel 'frpO(3a:ra. 0'00 leaL o.l aIy«; O'OV deoidebetwee.nu8two. -'l'hesetwentyYe&rll

• ~_-'.4--.. ,- Q'!. • '.L. have I been Wlththee; ~ysheep.and thy she-

OVIC ,,. .... """'.f" UoY' lep~ TWV 'frpo,......TIaIV O'OV 00 leo.n." .. :yov. goats have not failed in bea.ri!lB; I devow-ed

39 ~v oGle .xrI. 0'0" lyW 4'If'(T{VVVOV 'Iro.p' lp.o.wov not the ram8 of thy cattle. lIJ 'l'hat which _

40 -_\ 1 ., \ _'I.J .... _, ' .... _.' ~., takenofbeuteI broughtnottothee; Imade

"-p..p.o.- TJp.cpo.s. ~ ",_,..,....TO, VVICTO<;. AJ ,&op..,.,... .,..,.". .,.,p.cpo.s good of myself the thefts of the day and the

avyrco.WJUVOS on;; leo.vp.o:r,. Ko.L Ttj> 7I'Q.ymii rijs VVICTOs' leo.~ theftsoftlieni~ht.·~ was parched ~thheat 41 ~ A Vrvo<; p.ov 4,ro TOw ~v p.ov. Ta.wa 1'0' ~ day.o.nd chilled WI~ fiost by ~~ s.nd

• • 'I •• L ~ , , ,~ __ ,\,,,_, Y Bleep departed from my eyes. lheee

11"'00" CT'IJ ¥ £.,..' U' T'(J o"'«!- 0'0Ir llOO1JJ\E'IIO'o. 0'0' OEleo.TIO'O'o.po. t.wenty years have I been In thy house; I

en, d.vT~ TOw &;0 fJvyo.TE,x.w 0'00. Ko.L U,", W TO;:S 'lrpo{3a.TO'" served th~fourteenYe&r8forthytwodaugh.

4 ''I._.' \ ll' ~,., E" , ~o.nd8lX years among thy sheep. and thou

2 O'OV. leW '7NIp€.~ rUTCU TOY p.uTuov p.ov ouo. ~o.O'W. , p..,., 0 didBt falsely rate my w&f.les for ten lamba..

6fc'i<; Toli 71'o.TpOS p.ov 'A{3po.O.p.. leaL b .pa{3os 'IO'w. ~ p.o'. 42Unles~I Iiad theGOdofmyfatherAbraam.

~ lA__ , l.t...' _ \ _ ' " , , and the fear of ll11111C. now thou wouldeet

vvv a.v 1e000v p.£ " ..... 7I'1O'R.-.a .. • T"lv T0.7I'CtllWO'W p.ov. lea' TOV have sent me away emptv; God I&W my

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humiliatioul aud the labour oC my hands, KWOV TWV -ipWv JLOV, ,ron. b 0,~' KilL ~XE'IItc a«

and rebuked thee yesterday. .... - -,

CI And lAban answered and .id to Jacob, Xf}( .. •

The daughters are my danghtel'8, and the 'A1roKp'&' .. 8~ A&.{Jllv ll1rl ~ '_~{J. al6uyIlT€Pl .. , OvyaTqx .. 43

dth ttl ttl "'C'.' ",, \,. '\

eons..,., eone. an e ca e are my ClIL e. JLOV. Kill. VLOL, VLOL p.ov. Kill. 'r1l1l:fT[VTl.1CTTfI'TI JLOV' KI" 1r1U'TO. OUIl uv

and all thiDp which thou ~ are mine • ~ • , 1 '~II. __ . ' ,."

and tMpropmJlOCmydaughters; what shan ofKf'" (p.o. O:OTL.K(u TIIIV '''' T~'r~ JLOV' or, 1rOLTfUIII TIlWIlL" CTYJJLlpoV

I do to them to-day, or their children which ~ TO;:" T(KVOL .. IlWW". or s mKOV j NwoW &vpo 8LCl8wJLCll. 8~"'1" 44 they bore? .1 Now then come,let. me make l-yW T' KcU uV' KcU ~OTClL (l" p.a.pnJPLOV ava. JL(UOV lp.ov KcU

a covenant. both I and thou. and It ahail be ~ ~ '" ,~ ,,,_, _'"' .. -11' ~, "'_' ,

Cor a witn_ between me and thee; and he uou' un Ol IlVTtll, LOOV 01111"" ,...V TJJLWv 'OT"" LOo: 0 @Co<;

aaid to IWnI~eh!,ld.thm!isnoonewith ne; .p.O.prv; &va. JL€UO~ lp.ov Kill uov. AIl~v & 'liUCW{J ).1f}ov,45

behold.~lIWltn_betweenmeandthee. • , , '\ E~ '" 'I '(J ~ '''_\..L~~ , ~ 46

"" And .Tacob havinB taken a stone set it up tUT7fU& IlWOV UTTJ"'TJV' L1I'( at: _ ClI(CI) TOL .. UOt:"''f'V'" IlUTOU,

for a_pillar. -And Jacob aaid to JJ; breth- UVMfylTl )JJ)ow' KcU uvv~ )JJ)OVi, KcU 17roLTfUIlV f3ovvOv' ren .. Gatl1er atones; and they gathered stonee '".L.. ,~., ~ {J ~ ,., , ~ A.! Q ' ana made a heap and ate there upon the KilL '.,....')'OV lKU ""L TOV OVVOV' Kill. U1r& IlVTtfl ,,+,IIV, 0

heap; and lAban Mid to him, This heap wit- f30vv0<. ~O<; p.a.p-rvpe;' &va. p.€uov lp.ov Kal uov uT,JLlpov. Kal 47 n_ between me and thee trHiay. q And I -', - ,... .! Q_-. Q • ~ , 'I' {J .. ,

lAban called it, the Heap oC Teatimonv. and KW\4IU& IlUTOV "'a.,..,.,." ,..owo<; .,.".. p.a.p-rvpw.... ClICW DE

Jacob ~ed itJ the Witneae H~p. .'And lKtWU& Ilwov. (Jovvo.. p.O.prv;. Er7r( & AQ.{3IlV Ttfi 'IClIC~f:J, 48 IA~ IJald to. ,jacob, Behold this bellp, and l&u 0 f30vv0<. ~O<; Kal 7) ~. ~I' ftrrrpa. ava. JL€UOV Ep.oV

the pillar, which I have set between me and ,~ ~ C Q __ ,),... , ~ • --!l. •

thee; this heap witn_, and this pillar IeIlI. uov' p.a.prop'L 0 ,...."pvoo OVTO<;, Kill. p.a.p-rvp" "I u .. ,...TJ 11""1'

witn~; theieCo:ite name~calledl ~he 8Lc1. 'rOWO EKX#1rJ TO OVop.o.. f3wvO.. p.a.p-rvpe;'. Kal 7) OpClUL". 49

HeapWltn_ .!.ndtheVlSlonoCwruch ~ ~ 1_'O_' ",,_, ~._, , 1 ~ , ~., ,

he aaid- Let God look to it between me and "II' lL1I'&. ""LOOL 0 ~o ...... a JLlUOV tp.ov Kill. ITOU' OTt 1l7r0UT7fU~

thee, because we are about to depart from JLl(}1l rt€pO'O acp' erq,ov. El 'rCl1r(u4rc,~ 'ra... 6uyIlTlpa.. JLOV, 50 each other,-lC thou shalt humble my "~Il ~ ,~ 11.__' - 'f}' .. -I1 da'l-llhten, if thou ahouldest take wivea in "Nl.,..'!J'i YVVCWCIl" 1rpO<; Till." ""Tu.TpClU' p.ou. opa. OU t:l" ,...V

addlti!ln to my 4aughte~ -t th!'1'" is DO 7)p.iiJ" (OT'V opWv- 0€0 .. p.&.,rrv.. JLua.$I lJLov KcU p.lTa.$I uov.

one WIth ne looking on. God U Wltn_ be- K' • A'!Q-.. ~ 'I 'Q '''_' 'n '. " 51

tween me and thee. II And Laban aaid to ilL "7rl ...,....... Ttf' ClICIII,.., UIOV 0 ,..~ OUTO<; KilL p.apT'V<;

J&OI?b. Behold_.. thi~ heap. and this pillar are 7) unjATJ 1lilTT}. 'Eav Tt: -yap 'iu JL~ aw.{3W '11",,0.. a«, JLqTt: ail 52

a WltUeBI. 12 • .1' or if I should not Cl'OIII over 8w.{JV<; 1r"o.. JL' TOV {JovvOv rowov Kal .,."" unjATJV TIlVnp- 17r~

unto thee, neither shouldest thou Cl'OII over , • "A Q' , , "" N' , ., , 5

to me for mischief beyond this heap and K-Uf. 0 010<; ,..ptUJfIo Ka, 0 ~lO<; Il~ KpLVClI. Ilva JLlUOV 3

this pillar. "The. God of Abraam and the 7)p.iiJI" KIll wJLOU& 'I_~{J KIlTa. ToV <f>OfJov TOV 1I'aTpO" IlWoV

God of NIK'.hor JudJ!e between us; and'l ' K ' .LL L1. __ r L -" , 1 -" \ 5'

.Tacob swore by the YearoChisCather Isaac. UClClIC. ilL WVITD' I1VULIIV "' Ttf' opn' Kill. tKUAEUl TOV<; 't

.. And heotl'eri!d aeacrillce in the mountaini &&A.poW IlWav leal ~~"yo" Kill flrwv. Kill EKOLJLWIlV lv nd

..ud called hie brethren. and they ate an(. 'A ' ' '" A ia ' ,. .I..!' ", .. 5-

drank and alept in the mountain. 16 And o(l€L. VClOTIl" at: a,..1IV 1'0 7rPIII'. KIlTC."",TfU' TOU,. VLOV<; KIlL a

LahaIi roee ~p in the mornin~. and kieeed TO... OvyaTipa... IlVToV. Kal wAayr,u& awoV,.· Kal &.7rOUTpa""~ ..

his eoneand hiiI~nghtel'8 .. and b eseed them; AQ.{3IlV ci1rijX8& d,. -rOv mov aWav.

and Laban hanng turnea back, departed to , , , Q ~ (} , , '.'_-' ~ "Q' 32

his place. KilL IllKw,.. 4,"!X & ",. "TJV ooov t:awou' KaL IlVIl,..Ai1/!Il"

And Jacob departed for his journey I and ll& 1rClplJL{JM~ 010V{J,{JXTJICVW.". KcU ~ IlVrW

having looked up he.wthe II hoat of God '"A -,-- ~"" ~ ~ ·~'I 'a" ?,,-- , "2

encamned. and the angela of God met him. OL 'l'Y"""" TOU ""lOV. ..:,,11'1 at: IlKIII,... TJVLlCIl (LOt:V IlWOW,

sAnd daOOb aaid, when he .w them, This 1raplJL{JM~ e.oV 1lVn]' Kal lKrlAlUt: TO OVop.o. rov TmrOIl

is the Campoc God; and he called the name lKlLvov. llaplp.{JoM1.

oC that plaCe. Encampments. ,'., "I '(3' "_._" . __ -A... • ~ ,. - 3

I And Jacob sent meaaen eI'8 before him A1rlOT€tXl at: ClICW a'l'Yt:1VIU'ii 'JL7r/"", Vtr IlVTOII 1rpo" Huav

to E.u his brother to the ~d of 8eir. to To" a&ArfXw IlWOV li .. yjiv ~Ip, d,. xWpav '~JL. KcU lvlT(L- 4 the ooun~ of Edom. • And he chaY'ged Xaro Ilwo;,,, ACywV oWII)<; (pelTl .,..;; ICVpu" p.ov 'Hullv' oWII)<;

them •• png, Thne shall ye .y to mIlord • , ~ , '1' '.a ' A.! Q': ~ ",

El'&U: l'buaaaiththyeervantJacob; haTe A€,)," 0 1rClL"UOV 4KIII,..· JLl"1l~I'~. KIlL t:){PO"UTO.

soioumed with Laban and tarried until ell)<; rov vVv. Kal l-y00vr0 p.oL {Jo .... Kal OVOL. Kal 'lrpO{Jrrrll. 5

now. • And there were bom to me 01en~ , -e . ,,,, \ " ., _, ':', __ ~ ,

and _. and sheep, and men-_nte ana KaL 1rClW'". Ka, 1rClLOLUICClL' Kill. 1l7r~ITT€~ IlVCl'l'Y€LI\AU Tct' ICVPut!

women· servants ; and I Bent to tell my lord JLOV 'Huav lVCl ruP'!1 0 1rCl;'" uov Xap'" lva.""u,v uov. Kal 6

Emu. that thy_nt might find grace in " ~I" '" ,_. "I' a A' ., II '

thy eight. • And the m_ngel'8 returned av'OTp • .,.av OL 1l'l'Y€1UA 7rpo<; ClICIII,.., ")'0""''', TJIWOJL& 7rpo<;

to Jacob, .);ng, Wo came to thy brother .,.0" a&AcPOV uov'Huav' KaL l&V Ilwo" ipXlTllL t:l.. uvvaVT7fU'v

Emu and lo! he cornea to meet thee and ' , • " fI" ~ 'E.L.1l 'A... '" 'I 'a 7

four hundred men with him 7 And Jacob uov. KilL Tt:Tp4KOULOL avop« JLl IlWov. ."...,..TJW( O€ IlKIII,..

was greIl~l~ terrilled, and .n. perple1'!<i; 1T_",i&p. KcU "';'TO' Kill 8"i.X. TOV Xaov 'rov JL€(/ EIlVTOV. Ka~ a~d he divided the people that was WIth TOu.. {JOa.~, Kill. Ta. .. KIlJLqAov<;. Kal TO. 7rpO{3a.TIl, d .. 800 7rap'JL{J~

hun, and the 00'11'1. and the camels, and the, '9 'I 'a " !l A... 'H ~, a \' •

sheep, into two campa. 8 And Jacob aaid. Ie >.0.... Kill. "1r& ClI(CI),... EClV -""U UIlV " .. 1rClplJL,..o"'7JI' JL'IIV. 8

B Qr._p

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Kal "*, lanu ~ 'lrap«P.{30A~ .q Ocurlpo. ~l .. .,.c) (1'1f~fa1JIlL. 9 El'lr~ ~ \I(I.I(wfJ, b ec~ rov 7TI1TpO.. p.ov 'A{3poiJ.p., lCal b @fO" .,.ov 'IrIl"'pO.. p.ov '{(1'cuUc, Kvpu uV b dwWv p.oL, a7rOTPfX( d.. .,.qv lOW ri/c; -yn'C(1'(m.. (1'00, lCal & (1'( 'lr0L~' 'IICCIVOVa1Jc" P.OL a".o 'll'a.m,.. &.ccu.ouWqc;, lCal 4'1r0 'lrtUnr; d)':'1(Jflllc;,.q.. nro,"1f1U" .,.Ijl 'ffWl), (1'011' Cv -yO.p rQ ~ p.ov .,.a~ &c{3."., .,.ov '10"&1".,,., II TOiiror VVl'l ~ -yf.yova. d.. 8Vo 7rap«p.fJoAD.... 'E~ P.f (IC ](€&pOc; roii ~v, (K ](€&pOc; 'HUIlv' un f/xlf30vp.IlL ~ 12 IlVrOv, p..q 1rOT~ VJJUw 'lrll~ p.€, Kal p."1Tlpo. f'lrl .,.UCVOf.... ~v ~ t:l'lrll", ~lI (1'( 'II'OL~, KIl' fJ-1cr1ll "'0 (1"IrCpp.a (1'00 We; T7]v a.".p.ov

13 ri/c; 8oMo~, ~ olllC dp,(JJA."ff/]u~IlL WO Tali 'lrA.qfJOW. Kal

(KOLP..fIJrJ fKli T7]v n:1CT'Il (lCftv.".,- Kal IM.PfV ~ l4HPfV

14 BWpo.. "al leo,'lrcUfttA€V 'H(1'av .,.eji ~ IlWOV, alYIl" &-oula... Tp&.-yow (iltOUL, frpo{3IlTa &-Ou~, "pLOW ~LcoCTL, 15 "a.p.y]'Aow ifrJAa{u6ua... "al Tet 'II"CU8la IlWWV "'puUcOVTll, /3Oa ..

T~(1'(1'aptUcOVTa, Tavpow 8«a., ovovc; (iltOUL, "al 'lrc.M.ovc; 8c"a. 16 Kal l&HcfV aWet TOi.. fraLUlv awov trOlp.vUllf KaTet p6vo. ... fIn ~ roi.. 'II'IlUTlv allTov, 'Ir~a1J( €p.'lrpoufJe., JAOV, lCal 8~p.a 'IrOLfiTt: elva p.Cuov 'IrOip.rqc; lCal trOlp.V71", 1"; Kal Cvt:'rllAaro Tcji 'II'~,, Uv (1'0' ~ 'HUIlv 0 ~ p.o1J, leal lpan-~ af, )..}yow. T{V()(; ET; leal woV 1I"Op£11y; 18 "al TlJ'O'ii Tawa Tet 'lrpmrope:vOp.e:vO. uov; 'EPfie;, roii ~ (1'()V 1(1.1(';'{3· 8Wpa 4.".(UTaAltf Tcji 1CIJ,w, p.ov 'H(1'av' "al l80V aWo ..

19 lnr,uw .q,wv. Kal CveT(D..a.TO Teji 'lrpUrrCf?, "al. Tcji Ocur~, Kal

,.., "..... '.,,..,

"If? TpLTCf?, "at rauL TO''> frpcnropevop.€VO,e; O1I'lUW TIIIII 1r0Lp.VUIIV

roWlIIII, )..}yow, "aTet "'0 pr,p.a roWo 'AaA-quaTf 'HUIlv Cv Teji

20 dJpt:w ~p.iie; aimW· Kal fpt:iTf, 1&" 0 ".cUe; uov 'l(I.I(w{3 7r0fJ0.ylJ'ft'at lnrlcr", .qp.;;.v· ~l'lrf -yO.p, ~r.>..&.uop.a, .,.0 frpOufll7rOV awov lv TOie; &:,pote; TOi .. frpmroPfOOp.CvoL" awoii, Kal p.m roiiTO ol/top.a, .,.0 rp6ufll'lrOv awoo' u,.",.. -yap frpou8~at .,.c) frpOumv JAOV.

21 Kal frpooroproero Tet 8Wpa lCaro frp6ufll'lrOv awoo' a~ ~ 22 uotp..fIJrJ T7]v vVlCT'Il ("(;..."., Cv -rfj 7rapfp.fJo},:Q. 'AVClUTae; ~ T7]v vVK'I"a (Kf;"""', aa{Jf .,.Ae; 8Vo yvvaiKa .. , "al. 'rae; OVa 7I"IU8lcr"a .. , "al Tet tv&"",,.a&8la awoo, "al 8"{3TJ T7]v 8&4{3a(1"v

23 .,.ov 'la{3Wx. Kill lM.f~fV llirroW, "al 8dfJTJ .,.ov ](€&p.D.ppow,

"al SufJ,fJauc 'II'IlvTu Ta allroii.

24 'YriMl~ ~ 'l(I.I(wfJ pOv~' 1C1ll. br&M.&fV G.v(J~ P.fT' 25 aWoii l",.. ".(XIlf.. El& ~ o.,.L 00 8Vva.TCU frpU" awol" "al WaTO Toii fr>"&TOvc; roii p.TJpov awoii, lCal bOp"TJU~ .,.0 fr>"&TO'>

26 "'00 JA"Ipov "aKw{3 b on? ".~w awov P.fT· awoo. Kal (lfrfV

Il~, el7rOUTt:LAOV p.c, 4v€fJTJ -yAp 0 0pfJ~. 0 ~ t:l'lrfV, oll p.y] 27 (1't: 471'OUT'[N", lAv JAy] p.' t:lI~. EIfrt: ~ Il~, T' .,.0 28 0v0p.4 (1'OV (UTlv; b ~ cl1l"fV, 'IaK';'{3. K41 ,11l"fV a~, ou It'AWfTa& l.,., TO OVOp.4 (1'()V 'I4ICw{3, ill' 'Iap(l~A lUTai TO &vo,w. (1'W' 0.,., blcrxvuo... p.fTa @e:OV, lCal p.fTQ d.vfJpcmrlllV

29 8vva~ £O"(J. 'Hp<frr."uc 8, 'IaKw{3, "al (lfrfJ', avan'LAOV p.!H.

.,.0 0v0p.4 acnr "al c1frfJ', {va.,., TOVTO lPfIITq.~ all TO ovo,w. p.ov ;

30 "al ruAOy."ufV aliTov lK,i. Kal l"aAc(1'fV 'IaKw{J "'0 ovop.a .,.ov

mov lKC'VOV, .T&c; 0t'oii' t'lOov -yAp @e:ov rpOufll'lrov frpO.. frPo..- 31 "'11'01', "al ~(1'.:Ji.q p.ov .q yroxIJ. 'Av(.,.,,),,. ~ CI~ b .jj},~, 7,vUca

OE..,,{E8IS XXXII. 9-31.

Eaau should come to one camp, and IIIlite it, the other camp shall be in IIIfety. I And Jacob IlBid, God of my father Abraam, and God of mf father I-e, 0 Lord, thou art he that IIBid to me. Depart quickly to the land of thy birth, and 1 will do thee lIOod. 10 Let there be to me a IlUfticiency of all the juatice and all the truth which thou hast wmught with thy eervant; for with thia m~ staft' 1 pueed over this dOrdan, and now I am become two campa. 11 Deliver me from the hand of my brotherJ from the hand of .KIIIU, for I am afraid 01 him, lest haply he should come and IIIlite me, and the mother u~n the children. It But thou IlBidat, I will do thee 1IOOd, and will make thy eeed .. the aand of the sea, which shall not be numbered for multitude. Ja And he uept there that night\ and took of the i1ifte which he carried "'U- !tim, and I18nt out to El&u hie brother, two hundred she-goats, twenty he.~ta, two hundred sheep, twenty J'&IIl8, Ii milch camels, and their foliJa, thirty, forty kine, ten bulla, twenty -. and ten colts. It And he PTe them to hia eervante tlacM dron apart; and he said to his eervants, Go on before me ... and put a IIp&ce between cirol'e and drove, .. And he charged the firat, .ying, If Eeau my brother meet thee, an-i lie aaIr thee, _p_ng, Whoee art thou P and whither wouldeet thou go, and whoae are th_ Jl(ICIII8IIi.ona adl'&Dcing before thee? IIIThou ,halt lilY, 'l'hy eervant Jacob's; he hath IICIIlt gifts to my lord Eaau, and lo! he is behind 08. II And he charged the Brat and tbe II800nd and the third!. and all that went before him after these nocb, II&ring, Th08 sbaJ.J. 'Ie apeak to Emu when ye . find him· lIGand 'Ie sIiallll&Y, Behold tbf eervant Jacob comee after 08. For he I&Id, I will propitiate biB countenance with the gifta going before his ~nl.'~, and afterwarda I will behold his faCe\ for peradventure he will accept lime. II & tne .p_reaenta went on before him, but he himlelf lodged that night in the C&lDjI. :II And he rose up in that night, and took his two wives and his two eervantmaids, and hia eleven children, and croaeed over the ford of Jaboch. 13 And he took them, and p!IIIIed over the torrent, and brought over all his Jl(ICIII8IIi.ODL

II And Jacob wu left alone; and a man wrestled with him till the morninlt. "And he 11&1' that he prevailC'Ci not III!&Inat him; and he touched the broad part of his thilth, and the broad part of Jacob', thigh was benumbed in hia wrestling with him. III And he IlBid to him, Let me go. for the day bill! dawned; but he said, I will not let thee go, except thou blees me. 'l1 And he IlBid to him, What is thy name P and he answered, Jacob. It! And he said to him, 'l'by name shall no longer be called Jacob. but Israel shall be thy name; for thou hast prevailed with God. and sbalt be mighty with men. :I And Jaoob asked and said, Tell me thY name~ and he eaid. Wberefore dost thou uk atter my name P and he blessed him there. m And Jacob called the name of that place, the Face of God; for, .aid htJ. I hare seen God face to face, and my life was pl't" served. II And the IIllIl rose upon him, when

/I (Jr. l1l,I' rue.

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he )lB8eed the F_ of God; and he halted upon his thiah. -Therefore the children of I~l will liy no means eat of the sinew which WII8 bennmbed, which is on the broad part of the thigh, nntil this daYJ beesuee 'lui aflg~l touohed the broad ~rt or the thidl oC Jacob-ftl..,. the sinew which WII8 benumbed.

And Jacob IlliCted up his eyee, and beheld, and lo! Reau his brother oomiug, and Cour hundred men with him; and Jacob divided the children to Lea and to Rachel, and the two hB.ndma.idene. lAnd he put the two handmaidens and their children with the lint, and Lea and her children behind, and Rachel and Joseph last. I But he advanced himeelC before them, and did reverence to the p'onnd lJ8Ven tim~ nntil he drew near to hia brother. • And E.u ran on to meet him\ and embraced him, and Cell on his neck, ana kisaed him; and they both wept. I And R.u looked up and .w the women and the childrenJ and aaid, What are these to thee? And ne aaid, The children with which God has mercifully blessed thy IH!1"f8nt. lAud the maid-lH!1"f8nt. and their children drew ne&!' and did l'8Yerence. 1 And Lea and her children drew De&1' and rlid reverence' and aCtor this drew near Rachel and JOlMlph, and did l'8Yerence. s And he aaid, What are these thinp to thee all these eompaniee that 1 han met? And he ll&id, That thy IMll'Vant might find I!'6CtI in thy sight, my lord. • And Eau II&ld, I have much, my brother; keep thine own. JO And Jacob ll&id, IC I have Cound IJ'&ce in thy sight, receive the sifta through my' handa; therefore have I _n thv face, as if anyone should _ the face ot Godl and thou shalt be well·pleaeed with me. I Receive my bleeaings, which I have brought thee, beca1l8ll God has had mercy on me, and 1 have all things; and he constrained him, and he took '46".. IS And he IBid. Let us de~. and proceed right onward. II And J:te II&ld to him, My lord knows, that the ehildron are very tender, and the Boob and the herds with me are with young; if then I shall drive them bard one day, all the cattle will die. II Let my' lord go on before his IMll'V&Ilt, and I shall bave stnmgth on the road according to the _ oC the journey before me, and according to the., strength oC the children, until I come to my lord to 8eir. II And Reau aaid, I w'JI leaTe with thee eome of the l*1ple who are with me. And he aaid, Why eo P it is enough that I h"Te Connd Cavour before thee. -r lord. II And Raau returned on that oay on his journey to 8eir. 17 And Jacob departs to his tent.; and he made Cor him.elC there habitations, and Cor his cattle he made boothBJ. therefore he called the name of that

place, Bootbs, .

i'I And Jacob came to BaJem, a CIty of Secima, which is in the land of Chanaan~ ",hen he dom&rted out of ~eeoJ.lOtamia 01 Syria, and -'took -up a position m ~nt of t be dty. »And he bo1lllht the portion oC the Jleld, where he pitched his tent. of Em· mol' the fatber of I:!ychem, for a hnndred lambs. ., And he .et up there an altar. and mlled on the God of lll'&el.


'INl.(Jf]A6f ~ E!&I~ TOV 0fOV' a/nW 8E briCTKa.(;, ~ /L"'~ cWrov. ·EI'(KfV ToWOV oll /L~ cpa.ywq&'V viol ·ICTpa.~A TO 'Va/pOl', 3 £Yap- 32 KflCTfV. J (UTW br, TOV 7I'A4TOW TOO /L."POV, l~ ~ TJ/L~ TIlVrqt;, J.,., ~t/taTo TOU ... A4TOW TOU /L."POU 'Icucw{3 TOU 'Vtvpov, 31v~fV.

• A'Va{3>.1tpa~ 8E 1cucw{3 TOtS lKJ,6aAp.04; allTov ,t&· Kat i&u 33 'HCTa.V & d&A~ awou epxOJLfVOt;, Ka'T€Tpa.KOuu)& tiJ,8pq JLfT' awov' Kat 8u:iMv 'Icucw{3 Ta ~ta br, AElav, Ka, (71" 'PamA,

Kat ,.at; &10 7I'a&8WKai. Kat €6ero Ta~ cWo 7I'C1&8IuKai Kat TOW 2 vlo~ a..n-wl' €v 1rpU>TOLt;, #cal A€&av KaL Tel 'JI'U&8la a~ tnrWfIJ,

/Co., 'PamA Kat 'I~</> (IT}(aTow. AVrOi 8E 7I'pof]A6fV Ep.7I'po- 3 u8fV aVrw'V' KaL 7I'po<TC,ro.,."CTfV bri np, rill' mWcLi, Z~ TOii

f.yyUro.L ~ ~ awov. Ka, 7I'po<T'8po.,uv 'HCTau eli 4

~'v aVrci" Ka, 7I'EfJtAo.{3Wv awo'V 7I'pocrbrfCTfV br, ~I' Tpa)('1Aov awov, Kat ICa.TfirPf,ATfCTfV awo'V' /Cat IKAaVCTa.'V &.p.</>6-

"pcn. Ka, &.va.f3>.1ymi 'HCTIlv Er& TOS -yvvaUcai /Cal Ta 'IIU&8la. 5

/Cat fitm, T{ Ta.wa CTO& iUTlv; & 8E ,t7l'f, TQ. ... a&8ta, oIs ;'Ab,crfV

& 0E~ TOl' 'llUtOa CTOV. Kat 7I'pom1yylD'Q.I' al 7I'a.&UuKtU Kat 1'a 6 T(1CII4 a.lmdv, Kat 7I'po<Tc..wr,ua'V. Kat 7I'pocrfrrywc AEta Ka.l Ta 7

T(IC'Va. G~, Kat 7I'po<Tf..wr,ua.v- Kat /L€Ta Ta.WG 7I'pocr1,yywc

'PGmA lCat 'Ioxn,.p, Ka, 7I'po<TCteVvr,ua.v. Ka, E1 ... " Tl TIlwa 8

CT04 iUTLV, ,..ciow, al 7I'apfip.{Jo>.al aUnu, cUi &.mPm7/Ca; 0 ~ fit7I'fV, iva. wpv & mUi CTOV xOPw ivo.vrloV CTOV, ,rupu:. E!7I'E & 9 'HCTIlV, IUT' ,,_. 'II'OAM, d&>..</>.. €11TW CTO' Ta CTa. EI'll'( ~ I 0 1cucw{3, cl aipov 'X, Murr{OV CTOV, ~tU Ta 0Wpa. &a. Nv 1.p;;,I' ')(Ecp;;,v· EvufV 1'oWOV clOw 1'0 7I'pOuCl1'll'OV CTOV, ~ ell' T'i ,&I, 7I'pOrronrov ®Coli, /Co., ~fi'i /Lfi. Aa{3c Tel.S W>...oylo.i II

pAJV, n.t; ;p,t'}'Ka 17'0', ;n., 1,Ab,cr' 1M 0 0f~, .w IUT' ,,_. allTa.·

Kat ({3uWGTO awol', /Cat lAa/k Kat Et7I'fV. &.7I'Qpa.vrCi optv- 12

rrWtu8a. (71" W8Ela.V. Et'll'c ~ GWei', 0 /Cupw.. pAJV Y'MK", ;n., 13 1'a ~ta d~, _l Tel. 7I'pO{3GTIl I(al III {3ac .. Ao'X,nIovnu br' i,u,' Gw oW KGT~ awel. TJ,u,pa.I' p.W.v, &.7I'064VOWrCU ~G TeI.~. Dp0U.8erw & ,rupw.. pAJV €/L ... p0cr601 TOii 14 1rU.&~ aln-oii- lyW 8E 1vUTX,Vcrw Iv rD ~ /CaTa 1T}(0AT,v ~ 7I'OpcWfi~ Tij .. £vo.JlTloV pAJV, Kat KGTa ml& riiw muOapUrw, z~ rov VJJt:'iv 1M 7I',m TO'V ,rupW'V pAJV cl .. l."f&p. Et7l'c & 'HCTIlV, 15 1C4TO.Aft.{tw p.nU. croii &,,ro TaU .\.a.oii TOV JLfT' (p.o'ir 0 & Et7I'fV. ivaTi TOVro; lK-O'V;n., ctpov xOP'" CV4VTUrv CTOV, ,ruPIA. 'A ... l- 16 UTpa/lf 8E 'HCTa.v Iv 'rfi ;'pJ,pt,. CI(ElVV cli np, 0801' a.wov c~ ""'&p. Kal 1axW{3 &.7I'C1lpt, E~ CTlCTfI'as, Kat breXTfCTfV iaVTCji 17 lKfi~ oUcto.s, lCat TOt .. Im]vECT'" a.wov brolT/CTE CTICTfI'&. .. • &a. TOVro iICOAEtJ'€ ,.0 OJlop.4 'Tot; TOa-ov IIC€lvov, In,val.

Kal ~A6fV 'laKW{3 fls·lo).T]/L, ".oAw };l1lC{p.CIIV, ~ CUT'" Iv ";18 Xa.va4'V, J.,.E bra.vijA6fV EI( Tij.. MfCT01I'OTaplo... };Vptai' lCat '1TO.pfV&{JE 1C4TeI. 7rpOu.,nrov ~ rOM~. Kat l,m,auTa np, 19 JL£Pl&. TOV &.ypov, at trT'f7lCTfV EKEt np, CTICTfVVv Gln-oii, -rrapG.

'E/Lp.Wp 'llUTpOi IVXE/L' El(a~V d.p.vwv. Kal lrT'f7lCTfV llCEt 20

6ww.l1T"I,p'cw, lCat ttEICWCTa.TO TO'V 9EOV 'ICTpa.~A.

. fJ (Jr. Ioolu!d up with. A Or. fOOL

" 0" p11Gbod ItIo t.eaL .diu. "_"/JAA., for wlUcb prolou.!J __ "Ao{Je II. mlal&ke.

80 Boa &lid P. J ...... IIIoqhL

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34 "E~A8t: ~ At:lva., .q 8vy&:rr]p AEla.<;,;V UflCt: ,..;; 'Icucw{3, And Dina, the daughter of Lea. whom she

_ .. _~ A , 4. __ ' A J..~ .• _'. K' tL ,bore to Jacob, went forth to observe the

2 ICCl • ...,.....,ftV TCl~ vv,u.Tfp4i TCIIV sT/l...,.,III1II. IU f ow CllrrqV daughters of the inhabitants. tAndtl"chem

IVXEp. /) VWi 'Ep.p.Wp 0 E/xaio<;, 0 Q.p}{CIIV ~ ri1" lCal M{3Uw the son of h'mmor the Ii Evite, the niler of

3 Cl:~, IlCnuL.!A.. 'LfT' Cll~, lCal ITCl7r(LVlllUt:V Cllw-:",. KCl~ the land, aaw her, and took her and lay with

- .. ,. --.'1"'1,.. - .. ,. _ .. ,. her, and humbled her. 'And he was at-

7rpoutUXt: Tj I/roxn Aflva., ~ 8vyaTpO' 'Icucw{3' lCal -Irf&.'It'TJU( tached to the soul of Dina the daughter of

, (J , , 1\ -' \ "~. .r.. A _ ~ , Jacob, and he loved the dameel, and he

'"1" 7rap t:Vor ICIU UWA'JUE ICClTCl '"1" O<ClIfOlClV .,.". 7r..,..,e:vov IPOke YIrindlJ'.to the damsel .S.l'cJ!.em spoke

4 ClvTj. Et7rf IWp. 'lrpO<; "E~ TOV 'JrO.TIpa. Cllrrov. Al-ywv. to Emmor his father, aaJi!tg, Take for me 5 NJ.f:Jf 11-0' T7]V 'lrCli&t TaVrr,v t:l, ..,.",.w.Cl. 'lcuca,{3 ~ -ij1C01I0't:V. thisdameeltowife. 'And Jacob heard that

, -. -- the son of Emmor had defiled Dina hia

;;." 0 vlO<; 'Ep.p.Wp ~(lva.v T7]v 8vyClTIpo. ClVroV' 01 ~ daughter (now his SODS were with his cattle

v~ a~roii ;'-ClV p.nU Tiiw ~ ClVroV Iv nji~. 7rClpfuui.. in the plain). And Jacob was silent until 6 .,.._... ~ 'IClICwa, ~ roii lMiiv ClWoV<;. "E~A8f ~ 'ELI.IU:.n 0 they came. 'And Emmor the father of

... r-:> I" '0'/ r-rrrr: S1chem went forth to Jacob, to speak to

7 wa.T7]p IVX(p. 'lrpO<; 'IClICI,,{3. Aa).ijau, a~. m ~ vlo~ 'IClICI,,{3 him. 7 And the SODS of Jacob came from the 2.AfJov llC TOii 'lrf8lmr ~ ~ ~ICOVUClV, ICCl~ 01 s . .ll __ , plain; and when they heard, the men were 'I ., - -- - , r - ~.. deeply pained, and it was ver_y grievous to

lCal AV7rTJpOV ~ ClVroi, ~08pa. ;;." doxrIp.ov l7roLTJUEV lv 'Iu- them, becauee tIN __ wrought folly in Is. nn.,).~ KOlIL..Il,l, ILll'ro. .me, 4. __ ,.;,., 'J_wQ• lCal olN ~ rael,ha~ lain with the daughter of Jacob, ,-'1''' r'l" ,..0. ..,. VUT""'r-' ,.. -" and so it 'must not be. sAndEmmorlPOke

8 laT.u. KallMATJUt:V 'Ep.p.Wp aVroi<;. Al-ywv. IWp. /) vuw p.ov to them, aaying, Sychem mf son has chosen 'lrpot:lAfTO Tj!fnrxfj T7]v fJvyaTtpa ~p.Wv· 8Or( oW oJm,v awlj) inhisheartyourdaUghter;gtvehertherefore

9~. lCal l'Ir,-yo.p.{3~f ~JI-'ir TO., 8vyrrr1po.r; ~,wv ~~~:;d!;g~=:~~wili:

10 BOn ~p.'v. ICCll 'l'o.i OvyaT(pa.,~,wv NJ.f:JfTt: Toii vlo'ir; ~,wv. Ka~ ters for your SOUl. III And dwell in the miilat L. • ~ A ,. ~ I~_.'. \ _ ~ L. , • ~ of us; and, behold, the land is epacious be. D' TJJI-'v ICClTOlIC€'Tr ICIU TJ Y'I wov 'lrIWTflCl D'ClVTWV Vp.CIIV' ICClTOl- fore you, dwell in it, and trade, and get pos.

11 lC(iT •• lCallp.7ropcOOr(Jc l'Ir' Clln-ij<;, lCall-yICTrw-6. iv a.brfi. EX7r. ~ -moDS in it. nAnd SJ'chem aaid to her IWp. 'JtpO<; TOV 'JrO.flpa. Clln-ij<;. lCal 'JtpO<; TOW &&A."oU<; Clln-ij<;, father and to her brothers, I would find

• , ,. , •• ' • .~, _ grace before yon. and we will sive whatever

12 wpo«JI-' Xapw lvavTwv vpimr ICIU 0 "ClV .'7rTJT', OOXTOp.tV. ITA17- re shall name. III Multiply S'0fW Gna4N Qf 6Uva.Tf .,.;", qx,mrl.v u~ntJ., lCal &Xn" lCa(Jo", All (l'frYIT€ .... ,. dowry very much, and I will sive aooord-

.. ,. r"I' ,-- ... ,. ,..- iugl,.asyeshallaaytome.oulyyeahallsive

ICal &lucri 11-0' T7]v 'JrO.i& TClVrr,v el, -yvva.UcCl. me thia iiamael for a wife.

13 'A'lrflCpl~ClV ~ ol v~ 'IClICI,,{3 ~ IWp., ICal "Ep.p.Wp ...w,

II And the IOns of Jacob answered to 1I'IlTpl ClVroV. p.ero. 86).ov· lCal lMATJITClV ClWoi:" ;;." Sychem and Emmor his father craftilJ', and

14 ~ff.vm. T7]v ~ awidv. Ka~ (t'JrO.v a.wo" Ivp.e:Wv lCal ~ke to them, becauee they had defiled

A ' • • e -'..I.' A ' • ~_ ... _L . ..A A ,. A DiDa their sister. HAnd Symeon and Levi

€V, Ot IUXII."I'0' ~f"'Cl', ov UUY'rv u'_vCl 7rOtTJlTCl' TO PYJp.a the brothers of Dina, aaid to them. We .b8.ii

'I'Oiiro. 8oiiva.t T7]v ~ .q,wv d.v(J~. 8~ IX€' d.xpo{311UT- not be able to do this thin_g, to ~ve our

15 f.a.v. lun.w..n 8v(~ .:..:w. MOvov iv TOJ...., o .. _ .. ..Il.-o•lI(Ja sister to a man who is UDCll'CUII1aiaedJ for

t rr: .,,.... --T '_""""rv',..- it ia • l'6III'08Ch to us. IIOuly on tnese

~".w. lCalICClTOua7a-oP.t:V lv ~JI-'j"Irn,-yWrp6f ~ ~1"" lCal v1"ii. terma will we conform to you, and dwell 16 iv ~ 'lrt:p'TI-'179ij1fCll. ~,wv -miv dpa-ollCOv. Kal &luop.e:v TO., among you, if ye also will be as we are.

, , 4. __ , ' in th&t everr_ m&le of you be circumcised:

fJvyaTIpa., ;,wv ~".w, lCal d.7rO TWv vu ,..TqMIW ~,wv Awo,ufJa lIS And we will give our daughters to you,

;".w ~Clr;, lCa~ oUc-fpop.e:v 'trap' vp.'v, lCal luo1"fJa c:" ylVOf and we will talte of your daughters for

17 iv. "Ern, 8t p.T, .luCUCoVa--qTf ~p.Wv Toil 'IrfP'Tfpla-fJru, Aa.{JOVTff :!desw~ wm' ~as w~n:m :e~B!~h Jo;e 18 T7]v 8vyaTIpa. ;,wv d.7re:Ae:va-Op.e:(JCl. Kal ~pt:UClV ol .\6yol will not hearken to us to be circumciaed. 19 lvavTlm 'Ep.p.j"p. leal lvavT[ov ~Wp. TOV vloil 'Ep.p.-Wp. Kal ~ t~~o~ c:s= E:!o~~

a(,1C fxpO"wt:V 0 VfClV{UICO<; TOV 'IrOli}a-a' TO pr,p.a TOVro' lvhmTO Sychem the son of Emmor. Ii And the .".\n.m 4.--Tpl 'IClICWQ• a~ ~ 2.o. ~ClTO<; 'lr4vrCIIV Tiiw roung man delayed not to do this 'thing, , +r: • u VU,~ I" '/" for he was much attached to Jaeob's da~li·

20 iv ~ 0Uae TOV 'JrO.TpO<; aVroil. ''lIM. ~ 'Ep.p.Wp ICCl~ IvX(p. ter ~ ~d he was the most honourable of all o vlO<; Cl~TOV 7rpO<; T7]v '"').,'1" '"i, ".o)"f!J)f ClW(;,V, lCal I.A&.ATJITClv in hia father's house. 10 And Emmor and

, ., S,.chem his son came to the pte of their

21 'lrpO<; TOW lIv8pa, '"i' mIAe:!J)f ClVTWv, AeyOVTff, m dvfJfXtY"'O' CIty, and ~8pOke to the men of their city, oUTO' flp-t,vllCOL .WL, 1"(/ .q,wv oUcflTtlXTav (7r~ ~ yilf, ICCl~ aaying, II These men are ~ble, let them

'__ll .. ~_ ,. "" A ,,,,_, \_. , dwell with us upon the land, and let them

1p.'lrope:vlfTflflXTO,v Cl~· TJ 0" Y'I r.oov 'lrIWTflCl MVTWV ClWWv·· trade in it, and behold the land is exten.

ro, 9uya.TIpa.r; Cl~ A."y,op.e:fJa .qp.w yuva.Uca~. ICCl~ To.~ 8vyaTt- trive before them; we will take their 22 pa' .:.w,:", &lu01L'" ClWO". "Ev roVn", .LOIlOV ~1I.I) .. ·.JI.!.-OVTCl' daughters to us for wives, and we will give

nr+': ,.. ,.. ,..-·'''''''rv them our daughters. iIlOulyon these terms

~p:iv 01 Iiv8fXtY"'O' TOV ICClTOll(fW p.JI ;,wv. /fxrrf .tlllU Aa.OV will the men conform to us to dwell with iva, iv ...w, 'lrfP'TflL(cr6a., ':'1U':w 'lrav ..e~·lICOV, lCafJo. lCal ClWO~ us 10 as to be one people, if every male of

,.. .,,..-. "t'" U us be circumcised, as they also are circum-

23 'lrfp'Tn-P.TJVTCl'- Ka.~ ro ~I'TJ Cl~, lCal ro Tcrp47r08a, ICCl~ Til cised. 13 And .hall not their cattle and


II A ,= &be Cborrbao.

., LiL lpoke looordiD« to the hnr1 of the damllel-to her. A literal .. nloD or&be aebrew.

I LIt. lball DOl be. C Or. word.

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their fJ herds, and their po~ODI, be oun? only in this let us conform to them and they will dwell with us. II And ;U that went in at the gate of their city hearkened to Emmor and Bychem hi. IOn~ and they were circumciled in the fteah 01 their foreskin every male.

ill And it CBDIe to paaa on the t.hird day when they were in jlSin, the two 10118 01 .1acob. S'I'1Ileon and Levi\ Dina'. brethren. took each man hiI _ora, and carne upon t.he cit! IleCUJ'ely, and alew every male. 2IIAnd they alew Emmor and Bycliem his IOn with the edge of the BWOJ'd, and took Dina out of the house of Sychem, and went forth. 2< But the 10118 of Jacob came upon the.,. wounded. and ranged the city wherein they had de61ed Dina their sister. • And their Iheep, and their oxen, and their_ they took, and all things whateoever were in the city. and whateoever were in the plaW. • And they took captive all the pereoll8 of them, and all their store, and their winl, and plundered both whatever thinga there were in the city. and whatever things there were in the houses. .. And Jacob said to _tlymeon and Levi, Ye haTe made me hateful 10 that I should be evil to all the inhabitants of the land, both among the Chananites and the Pherezitee. and I am few in number~ they will gather themeelvee against me ana cut me in pieces, and I shall be utterly destroyedbw _ m.r house. II And they saidl Nay. ut ehall they treat our silter as an narlot P

And God said to Jacob. Arise. go up to the plaoe. Bethel, and dwell there; and make there an altar to the God that appeared to thee. when thou !leddeet from the face of Esau thy brother. S And Jacob said to hi. house. and to all that were with him. Remove the Itrange gode that are with you from the midst of you, and ~urifr younelvea. and change your clothes. And let WI rise and go up to Bethel, and let 118 there make an altar to God who heark· ened to me in the day of calamity. who was with me. and preserved me throUfhout in the journey. by which I went. And they pve to Jacob the strange gode, which were in their handa, and the ear-ripP. which were in their eara, and Jacob hid them under the turPentine tree which il in Secima, and a deetroyed them to thiI dIIy. • So Israel departed from Secima, and the fear of God was upon the citiee round about them, and the)' did not pureue after the children of Israel. • And Jacob came to L~ which is in the land of Chanaan. which is Bethel. he and all the people that were with him. 7 And he built there an oltar. and called the name of the place Blethel; for there God ap~ to 'him. when he !led from the race of hiI brother ]~II&U •

• And Deborrha, Rebecca'. nllJ'lle, died, and 11'&5 buried below BEthel under the ~i and Jacob called ita name. 'l'he Oak of AlourniDlI' 8 And God auueared to Jacob once more In Luza, when 'he came out of Meeowtamia of Syria, and God bleued hiID. 10 And God said to him. Thy Dame



WtlpxoVTa aUTIIIV, oGX "11.l,1li1' (UTaL j p.ovov lv TO~ bp.o~ p.6' avTO'~. lCal oUaJo-OVCJ'L P.E()' ~p.Wv. Kal (Un7ICOVO'4V 'Ep.p.Wp 24 lCal lvx£p. TOU lI10u aVTov 7I'1iVTE~ o~ lP.11opruOp.6'OL n,v nkqv ~ 110.\.(111. 4WWV' lCal"'EP"Tf.P.OJITO ripI fTtlpIC4 ,..q. dxpo/3vUTta,>

.,... .... "

aVTlllv 71'4" apcrrfII.

'Eylvn-o B~ lv Tfi ~p.~ Tj TP{TT}. OTE ~ €v T4J ,mvIt. 25 lM/3ov 01 Boo vlol 'IOJCw{3 lviUWv lCal A£1Il, a&MpoL AE""'", (1C4ITT0'> ripI p.O.XWfI4v awov, lCal €la-ij.\.80v El~ T7jv ,mAw tur~. lCal cbrilCTELJICIV ",iiv &PUEVLlCOV. Tov T€ ·Ep.",wp lCal 26 lVXEp. rov vlav aVrov cl7l'iICTnJlav lv UTOp.o.TL p.o.x.oIpa.~' lCal Uw.{Jov ripI A€lJlav lIe TOU oUcov TOV lVXEp., lCal (~)JJOJl. m 27 OE vlol '!wcw{3 ElcrijAOov brl TOu,. Tpa.Vp.o.Tta s, lCal Bujfl'l"W'lIJI n,v 71'0.\."', €v V lp1o.vav AElvlIJI n,v a&.\.~r,v aVredv. Kal,.a 28 "II'pO~a.Ta. aVTwv, 1Cc:U TO~ (J&a,. ain-/;w. Ka.t TOVs ovov~ ClWWV, Ocra TE ~v lv Tj 71'OAn, lCal ooa ~ lv Tcf) ""EB~. Uw.{Jov. Kal 29

, \., . ... \..... \., \.. ... ,

",aVTa Ta IlUTIIII', ICIlL .".lUTal' TJfI' 1l7l'0U'KE'ITI11' IlUTIIIV, ICIlL

Ta.~ ')'VVC1UcIl" aVTWv ~~TEVO'fUI' ICal BL~p7r1UTQ.V ooa TE ~

0, Tjj "'OML, lCal ooa ~v lv TcU'> OUctaL'>. EI'II'E BE '!lUCw/3 71'pO.. 30 lViUwV lCal A£1Il, p.unfT01' iU "'C1I'o,~"aT(, ~( 71'OVfJPOJl P.E EIVClL ",iiu, TO'" lCaTOLICOV(TL ripI W' IV TE TOti Xavavalo'i, lCal

lv TO'i cl»Ep€CaloLi' £yW BE 6.\.&'}'OfTTo.. Elp., lv ap..op.~. lCal fT1JJIax8f.llTEi br' £poE cnryICOt/lUIXTt P.E, lCaL (lCTp&{3J,rop.tU ~, lCal

o p.av. at Be EI'II'CI.V, s»: cOO-El ,mPVO XpJ,rOVTOL rQ 31 a.&A.pfi ?]p.W1' ;

El7l'i BE b @(Oi ",pO.. '!wcw{3. clvcwTa.~ d.vQ.{3q8, €i .. TOV T07l'OV 35 BcuBr,A, lCal oUcEL be& lCal .".ol-qaoJl beli 8vu~PLOV TIj) ec~

T~ &p()wn fTOL, lv T~ 0.1tO&BpcUrKEW fTE 0..".0 .".pocrw".ov 'HfTllu TOV a.&A<jIou fTOV. El7l'E OE '!OJCw{3 TIj) oUclt awov, lCal .".iiuL 2 TO'i p.€T' awou. Gpa.TE TOu,. ()€ov.. TOu,. &l.AoTplov<; TOu,. P.E(/ vp.Wv (IC P.iCTOV vp.Wv. "al lCafJo.ptu8r,n, lCal a..u.aeaT€ Ta.,>

aTOMi vp.Wl'. Kal d.vo.oTrivni' Eli Bcu8q.\. IIal 3

1I'OLJ,r1llfUV (ICE' 8vu~pu)V nil ~ TIj) brOJCoWClVT'{ p.av 0, ?]~ ()>.1+€111<;, &i ~ p.ET' (p.oV, ·lCal BLiCTfIIfTf. P.E lv Tjj 084'. V~' Kal:&Nca.v nil '!4ICw{3 Tau.. ()(ou,. TOu,. G.Uo- 4 TPlov<;, at ~ lv TcU,. X€pc1lv CtVTWV, lCal TO. WTUl TO. lv TO'i Wa-lv aww,,· lCal lCaTUcpv.;EV awa. '!tucw(3 ;""0 n,v TEpf.{JLV()OV T7jv lv ""1C{p.o,,.· lCal d,7I'c.lAEfTU' 4VTQ.. (111<; ~ cn,p.EpOV ... Kal It-fipa ·!fTpa.:q.\. £IC lTJICLp.uw· lCal £-yiVf.TO ~/3oi @€oV nl 5 To.i .".o.u,,> Ta,> .m.wp awwv, lCal ov ICCtTE~ lnrluw TWv vlWv 'IfTpa.7}.\. 9lL\8t: BE 'I-w/3 Eli AovCo. 'ii (UTQI lv rii 6 XIlJla.D.V, 'ii (aT, BCU8qA, abrOi, ml ".Ci,. b MOi, &i Vv p.ET' aVroii. Kol cp,coOOP.-qaEV beEt 8vu~puw, lCal (ICOMfTf TO 7 ovop.o. 'TOV TOmro, Bcu9r].\. illE' -yOp it/>4VfJ CtWcfl «> @t:o... lv nii d."oOJ)pQo-IC€LV avrov 0.71'0 ".pourfnrov 'Hcra.v TOU d&A<jIov o.Vroii.

• A".f.8tw£ Be A€{30ppa.. TJ TpOcpo.. "PEptJelCai, lCal iT&..pTJ 8 ICUnfrrEpoV Ba.&8r,A 1nrO n,v f3O.Aavov' lCal llCOMfTEV '!OJCw/3 TO ovop.o. a~, /3~ .".f.v8ov<;. ·O</>1h7 Be «> @Eo.. nii '!OJCw/3 9 iT, lv AovC~. OrE 1I'OfW'(lveTO be MEfT07I'OTI1f'la.i ~ lvptai'

lCal EVA/ryrp'EV aWOJl «> @Eo... Kal EI".U' awe;; 0 @Io.., TO 10

• Gr. quadrapeda.


<lOr ......

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&vo,w. (TC1IJ 00 KA."et,unut bt 'lcuc~/3, dJV..' 'lupo.;X (UTat 11 ro ovo,w. 00011" lCaL CIC&hUE TO Ovop4 awov 'Iupo.~A. EX'II"E /3E Il'lmfi 0 ~, ~ 0 @Ho~ uov' av~a .. ov, lCal 1f'X.,,(hJvov· E6v." lCal awa-ymyal 19vtw IITOI'Tat llC uov, lCal /3auw'i~ EIC '"1~ 12 ~Vo~ o"ov l~ovnu. Kal n,.. -yijv, ~ .&'lCa' A/3paOp. leal 'I1TII4K, ITOL &'&wca a~' ITOL 10'TlU' lCal nii U7rEpp4T{ 13 (TC1IJ JUTa. IT( &.iuw '"1v -yijv Tav,.."v. ·A .. l/3." I3E 0 @E~ a1f" 14 awov he TOV T61f'ov, cW iND..fIO"E JUT' awov. Kal. lCTTfIITEV 'IalCu,fJ ~.".. 0. nii T67np, ~ lM>..fIO"E JUT' avTOv 0 @E~,

~A"'" ).J){..."... lCaL (O"1f'EtO"EV l'II"' aw;.. U7rovl3W, leal mJx.EE" 15 l'll"' aw;.. lXcuo... Kal (IC&hITEV 'IalCwfJ ro O"Op4 TOO TWOV, 160. ~ iND..fIO"E JUT' aWoV llCE~ 0 @EO~, Bat8r1A. ' I3E 'IwcWfJ llC ~A, l1f'."e. n,.. u~ a.wov allCEtva TOV

npyou ra.i3Ep· l-ylVETO I3E T,vUca ~rrtO"EV Eli XafJpa8a. TOV lMIl", d~ .,.;v 'Efj>po.Oii, b(lCf 'PamA' 1C4t l/3vuTOIC"lO"E" 0. T'ii

1 7 TOICEnii. 'Eyooo I3E 0. nji ITKA.,,~ av.,.;.. TLICTEtv, EI7rE .. avrfj 18 ~ p.tiia., fMpuEt, lCal -yap ~O~ O"Ot lUTI .. vi~. 'Eyooo I3E fv nji ~t aw;.. n,.. ~, d,1f'f6v."ulCf yap, (IC&hITE ro ovop4 a.VToV, v~ cSI3~ p.atr A I3i 1f'O:T7Jp llC&hITEV TO OVOp4 awov, 19 Bw&ap.ll'. 'ATrl6a.vE /3( 'Pa.x71A, lCalET04nJ 0. Tjj b&p TOV t'll"'ll"O-

20 8p6p.ov 'F4pa8a. aimJ lUTL Bq8XElp.. KaL Wrr,uEV 'I4ICu,fJ ~x.".. al TOV P.V71p.E{OV a.* a.imJ EUTtV ~ ~A'" at TOV

21 P.V71p.EUw 'Pax71A l_ ~ ~p.lpo.~ 'l'UV~. 'EylVETO I3E T,vUca lCa~EV 'IUpo.~A 0. Tjj "Iii ElCflV{1, bropro6." 'Pov/3:;,v, lCat I.ICOIfl.#1rJ p.(Ta. Ba.llO.~,' ~ 1f'all.wcYj~ TOV 'lraT~ awov 'IOJ«f,f3· lCal ;ICOVO"EV 'IITpo.~A, lCal 'lrOV71pOV lcpa.V71 lva.VTlov

, ~ a.vrov.

22, 23 "Huav I3E ot vwl 'lcucu,/3, &:'&lCa. Y'wL A€w.~, 'lrfN"T.rro-

IC~ 'l4ICwf3, 'PovfJ;", ~vp.Eu,v, AWL, 'IoVOa~, 'IuITax.a.p, Za.fJov- 24, 25 Aw... Y'wl I3E 'Pax71A, 'l~fj>, lCat BEV& Y'Wt I3E 26 Ba.llii~ 11'O.&tar> 'Pa.xJ1X, Aa .. , lCal N(~lp.. UOL /3E Zc>..~ ~tar> AEw.~, rQ.l3, lCal 'A~p' ~Ot vWL 'IalCwfJ, 01. 27 l-ybtoVTo a.vne 0. MfUtnrOTa/l4 ~ lvpw.~. 9HME l3E'I_u,f3 1f'~ 'IITW TOV 'lra.Tl.po. avTOv El~ 'Map.fJpij, El~ 1f'OXw TOV TrE&'oV' aimJ lUTL XE/3pW.- l .. 'rU X4vaav, at 7r~ 'Af3paOp. 28 lCal 'IITcuUc. 'EyivovTo I3E 4l ~P.Epo.t 'IuW, &~ ({"lITEV, l.,.."

29 L , ..t..~ K ' '--\' 'I' A ta ,

uaTOV U Tuu"ICOVTO.. 4t fltA",",," U4CUC a1f'Wa"E, 1C4t 1f'poITE-

TlrIq Tr~ ro -ytv~ alhov 1f'Pfuf3v.,.~ lCal1f'A~~ ~p.EpWv· lCal IfJayJav avro .. 'HITav lCal 'I4ICW{3 ot vlol aVTov.

36 A~ I3E 4l -yEVEO"f'~ 'Hua.v. aw~ CUTtv 'Eowp.. 'Huav

2 I3E aaflf Ta~ -yvvaUca~ ~aVT!f cbra TUw fivyaTl.pwv TWv XaVCJJIUlow. n,.. 'A&, fivyaTEpa. AMp. TOO XnTalov· lCal.,..q" 3 'OA".{3Ep.Q., 8vyo.TEpa. 'A .. a. TOV vwv lc/3..-yWv TOV EVafov. Kal 4 n,.. BcurEpMJ, 8vyo.TEpo. 'lup4"X, d.&Xfj>;" NafJa..w8. -EmE I3E Cl~ 'AI3a rov 'EXt4M£~' lCal BauEp.Q.8 bEICE Tov'Pa-yotn]A. 5 Kal. 'OA.t{lfp.Q. mICE rov 'IEO~, lCal TO .. 'Ic-yXOp., ICW TOV Kopl' 6 cWrot VWt 'HITav, 01 l-ytvOVTo a~ 0. "Iii Xa .. a&.... -EXa/3E Of 'HITClV TcI~ -yvvaUca~ a.woV, lCal T~ vlo~ aVrov, lCat TcI~ lWya-

, »..." " ... If »- \ ,

TEpo.~ ClVTOV, 1C4t 'lraVTC1 T4 UWp4TCl TOil OlICOV aVTOlI, lCaL 'lraVTCl


ehall not be called Jaoob, but J8I'8e1 shall be thy name; and he callod his name 18I'8e1. 11 And God aid to him, I &Ill thy God: in~ and multip!Yi f.or nations and 8&the~ of nationa 8118Jl be of thee, and Ilings ahatl come out of thy loins. 12 And the land which 1 to Ab-rum and, I have given it to thee; and it shall come to JIIIS8 thAt I will give this land aleo to thy seed after thee. II And God went up from him from the place where he ~ke with him. M And Jacob set up a pillar in the place where God spoke with him. IIIHIli a Jlilla1' of etone \ and od6red a libation upon It, and P0111"8Q oil upon it. wAnd Jaoob called the name of the place in which God spoke with him, Bethel. Ii II rAnd Jaoob l'eDloved from Bethel, and pitc'bed hia tent beyond the towe-r of Gader,] and it came to JlIIC!S when he ci!'ew nigh to Chabmtha, to enter into l!:phratha, Rachel travailed; and in her travail she wae in hard Isbcur, 17 And it came to )JU8 in her hard labour that the midwife aid to he-rl Be of iOOcl eouml(e, for thou ehalt IWO have this lIOn. 18 ADd it came to ]lM8 in her giving up the ,hoat (for she wae dying), that she ii&lled his name\. '!'he son of ml pain; but his fathe-r caued hia name Heujamin. I» So Rachel died, and wae buried in the way of the coune of Ephratha, this is Bethleem. ., And Jaoob set up a pillar on her tomb; this ie the pillar on the tomb of Rachel, until this day. II And it came to JlIIo8II when 181'8e1 dwelt in that land, th&t Ruben went and la{ with Balla, the concubine of his father Jaoob; and 181'8e1 heard, and the thing appeared. grievoUII before him.

2:1 And the IlOna of Jaoob were weln. ::I The IlOna of I-. the flrst-bol'll of Jaoob; Ruben, SYJIleon, Len, Judas, leaacha-r, Zabulon. :l{And the tIODlof Rachel; J~h and BeIliamin. - And the IlOna of B&Ila, the hand- maid of Rachel; Dan and Neph. thalim. • And the IlOna of Zelpha the hand·maid of Lea; Gad and Aser. Th_ are the IlOna of Jaoob, which were born to him in Mesopotamia of Syria. 'l1 And J aoob came to I8CIIIC his fathCll' to Mamb-re, to a city of the plain; thia is Ohebron in the land of Chanaan, where Abraam and Isaac IOjoumed. 18 And the daya of 1lIII&0 which he lived were an hundred and eighty' years. .. And 1lIII&0 pve up the ghost and died1 and wae laid to his family, old and full ot daye; and E.u and Jaoob his IlOna buried him.

And th_ ~ the genemtions of E.~ ~ this ie Edom. lAnd J!:.u took to himaell wives of the daughters of the Chananites ; Ada, the daughter of Bom the Chettite ~ and Olibema, daughter- of Ana the IOn Ot Sebegon~ the Evite; land Baeemath,daughter of .lam.ael, sister of Nabaioth. 'And Ada bore to him Eliphaci; and Baeemath bore BagueL I And Olibema bore Jeua,and Jeglom. and Core; these are the IOns of Esau, which were born to him in the land of Chanaan. • And Esau took his wives, and hie IODS, and his daughte~l and all the perIOns of hi. house, and IW his poll88llCliona,

, XOCI.-Tbe worda .. "'_ ~ form tIuo 111\ T ...... or IhiI obap .... lD Ibe Belin".

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Ilnd all his cattle. and all thllt he had [loti uud all things whatsoever he had aequirec in the land of Chanaan: and Eaau went forth from the land of Chanaan, from tho face of hie brother Jacob. t For their sub. stanco wu too gnlllt for them to dwell toge· ther; and the land of their IOjolll'lling could Dot bear them, beoauae of the abundAnce of their ~OD& 8 And Eaau dwelt in mOlUlt Seir; Eaau, he is Edom. 8 And th_ GN' the generatioDS of E.u, the father of Edom in the mOlUlt Seir. 10 And these ar« the namee of the IOnS of Eaau. Eliphas, the eon of Ada, the wife of Eaau; and BaRnc!, the IOn ofBaaemath, wife ofEsau. IIAnd the eons of Elipbas were 'l'hleman, Omar, Sophar, Gothom, and Kenez. 12 And '!'hamnll was a concubine ofEliphaz, the IOn of Eaau ; and she bore Amalea to EliphB8. ~'h_ Gre the eons of Ada, the wife of Eaau. II And theee tJIf'tI the eone ofRaguel; Nachoth, ZAuoe1 Some, and Moze. These were the eoDS 01 Baaemath, wife of EI!&u. If And th_ Gr. the IODS of Olibema, the daughter of .Ana the eon of Bebegon, the wife of Eaau; and she bore to Esau, Jeua, and Jeglom, and Core. 1I'l'h_ aN the chiefe of the eon of El!&u,_ the eoDS of Eliphae, the of Eaau; chief Tlumnan, chief Omar,chief &phar, Chief Kenez, 16 chief Core, chief Go. thom, chief.A.maleo. Th __ the chiefs

of Eliphaa. in the land of Edom; these are the eoDS ot Ada. U And these G'" the IOns of Hanel, the eon of Eaau; chief Nachoth, chief Zare chief Some, chief Moze. Th_ "r" the Ohlefs of Raguel, in the land of FAom; these are the eons of Buemath~ wife of E.u. • And these tJIf'tI the eoDS 01 Olio bem~ wife of El!&u; chief Jens, chief Jeglom, chief Core. These ewe the chiefa of Olibema, daughter of Ana, wife of Esau. ~Th_ Mt1 the eoDS of R.u, and th_ are the chiefa; th_ are the IOns of Edom. :III And th_ G,.. ~he eons of 8eir ... the Chorrhit8J..who in. hsbited the land; LOtan, Sobal, I:!ebegon, Ana, 11 aDd D8IOn, and Alar aDd Rison. ~'h_ Gr. the chiefs of the Chorrhit8, the 1011 of Beir, in the land of Edom. - And the IIODS of Lotan toenI Chorrhi and HlBIDanl and the sister of Lotan, '!'hamna. - Ana th_ aN the IOns of Sobal; Golam, and Manachath, and Galbel, and Sopher, and <>mar. II And these Gn the IODS of BabeI!On; Aie, and Ana; this is the .Ana who fonnd Jamin in the wildern_, when he tended the beasts of his Cather Sebcgon. • And these are the IODS of .Ana; DClOnand Olibema .,... danght8r of Ana. » And these aN the eons of Deeon; A..mada, aDd .A.sban, and Ithnm, and Charrhan. ~ And theae tIf't1 the IODS of Aaar; Ba1aam, and Zu· cam, and Juoam. ., And th_ aN the eons of Rison' Hos, and Arall. II And theee QN' the chid's of Chorri; chief Lotant chief Sobalt ~ef Sebelron; chief AnB. II chief DeIOn, ODief A.r, chiel Rison. 'I'heee af'tl the chief. of Cham. in their principalities in the land of Edom.

11 And th_ Qf'tI the kings which reigned in Edom~ before a Iring reigned in Israel. :t! And B&IAC, eon of Bear, reigned in Edom; and the name of his city fOlU Dennaba, 31 Anti Balac died: and Jobab, IOn of Zara. from Bosorrha reigned in hie stead. II And



Tel lnrcJpx_ovra. QWOV, lCaL 1rcLVT4 Ta ,"""",, leaL 7nlVTCl aa4 'Imj- 6 Ua'To. I[at 'II'aVTa aua 'II'fpLnroL~a'TO (V "rii Xavaav· I[al bro~ 'Huai) (I[ "Tijs ~ Xavaav tl'II'C1 'II'POUU,7rOV 'Icucw{3 'TOV &&MpoV awoi). 9Bv 1¥ awwv 'To. WrclpX,OVTa 'II'o.uo., 'TOV OlKfW o./A4' 7 I[al O~I[ ~TO V yIj "Tijs ~t"~ alrrWv cf>Ip..w abroW, c!,ro ToV 'II''\y]6ow TWV Wra.pxQVTWV awwv. Ka~t" BE 'Buav 8 iv Tcj> ;;pt"L l-qt"£p. 'Buav aw~ (aTLV "Eo.;,J£' A ~IU BE a1 9 "(Q'Urt"L~ 'Buav 'II'a'TpO~ 'E&JJ£ iv TIj> ;;pt"L l.,,€£p. Kal TClVTa 10 .ra &VO/A4TC1 'TWv vWw 'HeTav· 'EA.upa.~ v~ 'A80.~ yvvauc~ 'BeTaV- I[cU 'Paro~A vlO~ Bauf,.w.8 'Y""auc~ 'Huav. "Eyo,OVTO 11 8E 'E.uq,a.~ vIoL, ecu,.w.v, 'OplAp. '-fW.p, ro8WJ£, «al KwiC. 8E ~v ~ 'E>.Lq,a.~ TOV ",lov 'Buav' I[cU I'Tflef 'T~ 12 ' "';'v 'Ap.aA-qI[' O~OL vIol 'A80.~ ')'1Mluc~ 'Buav. o;,.OL O€ vlo~ 'Pa-yovl,A, Na,xW8. Zap~, lOJ£~, I[al Mo{J· O~OL 13 ~ vIol Bcunp.0.8 ')'V1/aUC~ 'Huav. o;,.OL 8E vIol 'ON.f3€,.w.~ 14 8vya'T~ 'AvO.1'OV v10ii l({3~v, yvvaucos 'Huav· ert"IC& 8E Tcj> 'Huau "';'v "It"oW, «CU "';'v '1'1,\01£, teal 'Tall KopJ. O~L 15 Vr-,wV€i vIol 'BeTav' vIol 'E>.«pcI.s ".pwro-rOI[OV 'HeTaV- .;, ecu,.w.v, Vy .. ,wll 'OplAp, .;,y..,wv '-fW.p, .;, KwC{, .;, Kop(, .;,y..,wll ro8WJ£, Vy€pl.w 'A,_w.>..~I[' or".OL.;,y..- 16 ,wV€i 'EA.upa.~ iv 'Yfi 'l80ll~' O~L vIol 'A&1~. Kal ~O& 17 vIol 'Payovo/- vlov 'HeTav' .;, Na,xW8, Vyf,wV Zap(, Vy,,wll loJ£~, .;, Mo{/· O~OL Vyf,wV'~ 'Pa-yovl,A iv 'Yfi 'Eo.;,J£' O~L vIol Bau€p.0.8 ywauco~ 'Buav. O~OL 8E vIol 18 'ON.f3(,.w.~ -ywauco~ 'Huav· .;,y..,.,.;.w 'hoW, .;,y..,wv 'I'1>WJ£,

, 'K ' .. e I to},.Q ' A..__ ' 'A'

V'lfJ£lllll op« OWOL Tf'tt"IWV€i ,...,.,f/A4~ v v ,~TPO~ va ')'Wa&-

I[~ 'HeTav. O~TOL viol 'HeTav, I[al ~OL Vy,p.Ov€i amI" I J ~rol dUQl vIol 'E&lI£. o;,.OL 8E vlo, l."flp 'TOV Xoppruov, 20 TOV «a1'OUCOWT~ np, ynv' ACIlTav, lwfJaA, It"{3ryWV, 'Ava,

teal A~v, teal 'AuGp, I[al 'P~ or".OL ,;,y..,wV€i 'TOV 21 Xoppalov, 'TOO vloil 'l""lp & -rU 'Yfi 'E&lI£. 'Eyo,OVTO BE 22 vIol Ac.mlv· Xoppl, «CU A:.,.c.J.v· &&A4"1 8E ACIlTall, 0ap.vcL O~OL BE vIol lw{3&A· r~, leal MaVCIxa8. leal rat.{J~A, 23 leal '-fW.p, «al 'OJ£rip. Kal O~OL vIol If{:l..-yfmt, 'AiE, «al 24 'Ava' o~o~ (TTLV 'Alia, S~ ..up. orOv "ICIf'(lV W T"fj lfJ\1~, on lv,,.,... Ta ~ryLa It"{3..-yfmt 'ToV 'II'a.,.~ awoil· o;,.OL 25 BE vIol ·Ava· A1']O'Wv, «a, ·O>.L{3€,.w. 9vy&:r'lP ·Alla. O~OL 26 BE vIol ATJUu,V' • Ap.a134, «al' AU{3U.II, leal ·I8pa.v, leal Xappo.". ~L 8E vlol 'Auclp' BaAaaJ£, I[al Zov«aI£, leal 'Iov«~. 27 O~L 8E vIol 'PurbJlI, .. ~, leal 'Apav. O~OL 8( Vy',wv,~ 28, 29 Lpp'· ;,y.,.,.;.w Amv, Vy,p.Wv lwf3GA, .;,y..,wll l..fJr/»v. Vy,,wv. 'Ava, ;,y.,.,.;.w AfJUwv. ,;,y..,wll ·AaGp. Trt',wv 30 'PtucaW' cM-oL ,;,y..,wv,~ Xoppl 0. 'Tai~ ,;,y..IWvla.t~ awwv iv

'Yfi 'E&:,J£.

Kal ~o, 01 {3a.u,)"i~ oi {3au&>..alcra.vr€~ 0. "ESWJ£, 'II'pO 'TOU 31 {3a.u&>..cilutU. fJatTrAf.o. €v ·Iupa-q,\." Kal l.{3a.ulMvuW €v 'E'3cdJ£ 32 Ba.\aK ~ :s..Wp' «cU· ;;~/A4 orfi ...oM, awoil, A€VJIafJ&.. 'A".UJa.,. Of Ba.\aK. «CU (fJauWvuw 1lVT' 4WOO 'Iw{3f43 v~ 33 ZapC ilC BOfTOP;)4~. • AflUJa.,~ pC "Iw{3f43, teal l.{3aui.Mvu(JI 34

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35 aVT' a&ov'Au("p. llC ~ -r'i~ @aLp.aV~. 'ATr({JaV€ S€ 'Au("p., lCa& l{3a.ul.AaxTO' aVT' a.&ov 'A~ v!O~ BapaB 0 llClCol/ta<;; MaOulp. lV T<i> 'lTc8{CfJ Mwa{3' 1Cal. ovop.a Tfi TrOAEt aVTov 36 ra8aip.. 'ATrl8a.v( S€ 'A&18, 1Cal. lf3a.utArouO' aVT' a&oo 37 llll-'a&lllC Ma.uO'(j(lCa~. 'ATrl8avc S€ ~c1, lCal.l{3a.ulAaxTO' 38 av,.' a&ov ~A llC 'Poo>{JW8 n; .. 7ra.pO. r.~v. 'ATr(

8, lao~A, lCal.l{3a.ul.AaxTO' aVT' a&oo ~v v!O<;; 'Axo{3wp. 39 'ATr(8a.n & Ba.Ucvcdv vlO<;; 'Axo{3w", 1Cal. l.f3a.ulAaxTO' aVT' a&oo 'Apa8 vlO<;; Bap&O. 1Cal. ovop.a -rfi 'lTOAC' a&oo ~. ovop.a 8, -rfi ywaucL a&ov '{3~A, 9vyaT7Jp Ma.TpaUJ. vwv 40 MaJ;.oo{3. Tawa Tc1 &vop.aTa T;;W TryCp.OVfI1V 'Huav. lv Tal" rpVAtU~ a&Wv. lCaTc1 mov a&;;'v. lv Ta.l" XWpa.1" a.&Wv. lCal b TOL" Z8vfO'tv a&;;'v' Trycp.("v 0aftVc1. Trycp.("v rwAO.. Trycp.("v 41 'lc84>. Try~ 'OAt{3cp.a,.. Trycp.("v 'HM,.. Trycp.("v ~,y("v.

42.43 Trycp.("v KO'", Trycp.("v, Trycp.("v M~ap. Trycp.("v May.8L7}A. Trycp.("v ZwPwlv' O~OL Trycp.Ov£,. 'E8("p., lv TaL,. lCaTCfJlCo8ol':"p.&o.u; lv Tjj Yii rijl; ,,*£111,. aUNv' I}~~ 'HO'av TraT7]p "E&Jp..

44 Ka.~Et 8, 'Icuc(,,{3 11' Tjj yfj. ot ~O' 0 7rG.T7]p a.&oV 37 lv yfj Xavat.fv. atTa( & gl ycvlO'Et<;; 'IcucW{3. '1lllU7}rp ~ BUa 1Cal. mc1 iT;;'v ~. ro&p.aiVlllv Tc1 TrpO{3aTa TOV 'lr'aTp0,. a&oo P.£Tc1 TWv a&~ awoo. tv vw.;. p.ac1 T;;'V vtWv Ba.U4,.. lCat P.£"!c1 TWV vlWv ZcAcpa.... T;;'V yvva.ucWv TOll 'lTaTp(i.; aVrov' Kan7v€),lCav 8, 'I~ 1/t6yov Trovq"ov 'lr'pO" 'Iupa.7}A TOV 7rG.T(pa.

3 aUNv. '!cucw{3 & Tryan-a. TOV 'IlIIU7}rp 'lr'apc1 rOn-a. .. ToW vw~<;; aVroii, c)T' v~ Y'1~ ~v a.w~· 1:7rol7]CTE 8~ 4irTcfj x,:rOwo. 7rOUCL- 4 MI'. 'IUVTt<;; 8« 0% a&Acpot a.&ov. OT( a.wav 0 'lr'aT7]p rptAEL

«IC 1I"4vTwv TWv uu-;." alrroii, Eplcrr,ao.V au,c»', #cal OUI( 1jowa.vro .') Aa.AELVa.&cii' oV8£v CljrqvllCOV. 'EVV7TV£a.u8ct~ 8, 'IlIIU7}rp mnrvLOV. 6 li1r;yyctAO' awa TO'" a8cArpOL~ a&ov. KaL cITrO' a.&OL~. 74KoVuaT£ TOO lvvTrviov TOVToo. at lvvTrvc.O.cr8-qv. ·Op:"v Vp.O.~

&O'p,MQI 8p&.yp.aTa. lv P(UI~ TIj> 'lr'c8~· 1Cal. tlvlCTTTJ TO lpav ;,payp.a, 1Cal. wp8W6q' 'lr'fptO'Tparpma 8, Tc1 8pO.yp.aTa vpWv. 8 'lr'poO'f,ro""uav TO lpav 8pO.ypa.. EX'Ir'av & aw<i> ot a&ACPOL awov, p.~ /3a.utAcWV {3a.utMVun~ 14>', ~ ICVPtOOV ICVpmJUEt~ ~p.Wv. lCat 'lr'fJOO'J,8cVTo b, P.W£LV awav Ev€KO'TWV lvvTrvlwv 9 awov. lCal MICO' T;;'V p"p.aTIIIV a.&ov. ElSe 8, mnrvwv (Tepov,

Kal. 8LwaTo awo TIj> 'lr'aTp' awov, Kal TOL .. a&ACPO'~ awov' Kal. c!TrO', l80~ lvvTrv£a.uap."fI' mnrvwv bcpov· Wcnrcp ;, ~A~,

10 Kat ~ O'cA~, Kal. £v&Ka tluTlpt<;; 'lr'poO'CKWovv p.c. Kat l1f'rrlJJ-TJUflI alrrcfj (, 1ra.~p (lin-ou, Ka.L Et1r'Of a.irJ¥. Tl TO mnrvLOV TOWO, 3 lvvTrv~; ap&: "f€ lA80VT« lAaxTop.c8a. lyw T£ Kat ~ p.-r,n,p 0'00 ICa.L ol a&Acpol 0'00 'lr'pouKWijO'al 0'0' lTr, T7]v -r'iv ;

11 'E'~Noo-av BE awov ot a8EAcpoL a.wov· 0 8E 'lr'aT7]p awov 12 &en1f1'1CTC TO frTIp.a. "FAropfli(tqcrav 8, 0% a&Acpo' a&ov {3wKnv 13 Ta 'lr'pO{3a.'ra TOV 7rG.T~ aw;;'v cl~ ~VX(P.. Kal. c111'Ev'IO'pa7}A

Tr~ 'llllU7}4>. ovX1 0' a&Acpol O'ov Trolp.alvovutJI El,. ~lI)((P; 8wpo tl7l'OUT£1.Aw 0'£ Tr~ awoW· cITrc 8, awcji,. l8o~ lyW. 14 EITrc & a&cji 'IO'pa.~A, 'lr'opru8Els iBt, cl iJ-yWVOVULV 0' aBcAcpol 0'00, Kat 'rc1 'lr'pO{3aTa, Kat tlvayyctA6v jJ.OL· 1Ca.' aTr(O'T£tAO'


.Tobab died; and .!Bom, from the land of the Thll!ID&nites, reigned m his steed, .. ADd A~m died; and A dad IOnofBarad, who cut oft'Madiam in the plain of Moab, ruled in his stead; and tho name of hiB city was Getthaim. - And Adad died; and S&mada of ~cca reigned in his st.ead. ., And Samada died t and Saul of Rhooboth bI. the river ~ed m his stead. - And Saul died ; Bud BuJIenon the IOn of Achobol' reigned in his atead. III And Ballenon the IOn of Achobor died; and Arad the IOn ofBarad reigned in his stead· and the name of hie city was Phogol'; and the name of his wife was MetebeeJ..da.ughter of Matraith,IOD of MaizOOb. 40 Theee tin the names of the chiefB of E_u, in their tribes, acoonling to their plRce in their countriOf!, and in their nationa L chlef Thamna, chief Gola, chief Jether, "chief Olibemal !'hiefBu, chief Phinon, a chief Kenez cnief Thleman, chief Mazar, -chief M~el, chief Zaphoin. These are the ChiefB of Edom in their dwellinj{'plaoes, in the land of their Poesession; this is E_u, the father of Edam.

.. And Jacob dwelt in the land where his father IOjOurned, in the land of Chanaau. And theee are the generations of Jacob. And J oeeph was seventeen yean old, feedin_g ~he Bheep of hie father with his brethren, being young' with the IOns of B~ and with the ~na 01 Zelpha, the wives of his father; /Jand JOf!!'P~brO ht to IJII'IIel their father their

evil • lAnd Jacob loved Joseph

more all his IOna, because he was to

him the IOn of old age; and he made for him a coat of many colours. • And his brethren having _n that his father loved him more than all his IODS, hated him, and could not sneak anything peaceable to him. ' And .Toeeph dreamed a dream, and reported it to his brethren. I And he said to them, Hear this dream whichIhave dreamed. 71 thought ye were binding &heaves in the middle. of the field, and my Bheaf atood np and was erected, and your sheaves turned round, and did obeissnee to my &heaf. 'And his brethren said to him, I:!halt thou indeed reign over WI, or ,halt thou indeed be lord over us P And they hated him still more for his dreams and for his words. t And he Ydreamed another dream, and related it to his father, and to his brethren, and said, Behold, 1 have dreamed another dream: &8 it were the sun, and the moon, and the eleven st&1'8 did me reverence. JO And hia father rebuked him, and said to him, What is this dream which thou hast dreamed P shall Indeed both I and thy mother and thy brethren come and bow before thee to the earth p u.And his brethren envied him i, but his fu.t.her observed the _ying. II Ana his bretlirim went to feed the sheep of their father to Sychem. II And Israel said to Joseph. Do not thy brethren feed their flock in Sychem P Come, I willl!eIld thee to them: audhesaidtohim,Behold,I tlmhwe. HAnd 1 JII'IIel said to him, Go and see if thy brethren and the sheep are well, and bring me word; and he Bent him out of the Talley of

fJ Or. oecordillll to lOme eopi ... tber broqht an er ii report 01" _pb, etc.

, (Jr .....

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Cbebron, .nd he came to Sychem. II ~ a man found him W&Ilderintr in the field; and the man .. ked him, Rlymg, What eeekest thon P II And he said, I am _Iring my brethren; tell me "'here they feed tlui,. '/loeb. 11 And the man said to him, They have de1lU'ted henee for I heard them .ying, Let 118 go to Dothaim; and Joeeph went after his brethren. and found them inDothaim.

IS And they ~ed him from a distanoe be. fore he drew nigh to them,and they wickedly took 00UD8el to slay him. It And each said to his brother, Behold, that dreamer oomea. IlINow then oome,let 118 kill him, and cut him into one of the pits; and we will .y~ An eril wild beast hai devoured him· ana we ahalJ. _ what his dreams will be. hAnd Ruben haYing heard it, reacned him out of their ~ &nd lAid, Let 118 not fJ kill him. :12 And Ruben aid to them, Shed not blood ; cut him into one of these pits in the ri. derneu. but do not lay rOtl,.liaud uJ!On him; that he miaht reacne him out of theIr hands, and restore him to his father. • And it came to pue, when Joeeph oame to his brethren, that they etriP1led Joseph of his many·ooloured coat that 11'&1 upon him. II And they took him and cut bini into the pit; and the pit 11'&1 empty, it had not water. It And they .. t down to eat bread· and hav. ing lifted up their eyee they beheid, and lo, llIiDaelitiah travellera oame from GaIaad, aud their oamela were heavily loaded with spioea, and reain, and ., myrrh; and they went to bring them to Egypt.

• And Judu said to his brethren, What profit is it if we sla" our brother, and eon, ileal his blood P r; Come, let DB eell him to these 18IIIIIelitee, but let not our hands be upon him. ~nae he is our brother and our fle.h; and hi. brethren hearkened. • And the men the merchants of Madian, went by, and they drew and lifted Joeeph out of the pit, and 101d Joeeph to the ItmJaelitea for twentypieoea of gQld; and ther brought Joaeph down into Egypt. :II And Ruben returned to the pit, anil sees not J~h in the pit I and he rent his lIVIDenta. And he returned to hi. brethren and said. 'I.'he boy is not; an~ IJ whither am I yet to go P II And havin" tal:en the coat of JOI4!J!h, they elew a kfd of the -ta. and stained the coat with the blood. .. And they I8Dt the coat of many oolonra; and they brought it to their cather, and said, 'I'his have we found; know if it be thy IOn's coat or no. And he recol!Diaed it, and _id, It is my lIOn's coat, an en.l wilu beast hal devoured him; a wild beast has cmried oft" Joseph. &lAud Jaoob rent hiB clothes, and put I&ckcloth on his loins, and mourned for hi. IOn many daya. .. And all his IOn. and hiB daughten p.thered them. selvee together, and came to oomfort him; but he would not be oomforted, ... yiJJg, 1 will 110 down to my IOn mourning to Hed.,.; and his father wept fOJ" him. III ADd the Madianitee IOld Joseph into



awov (K Tij~ KO~ ~ X(Pp<fJv' KaL ~A8w t:l~ 'lV)(lp.. KaL 15 &pw awov dv8fHJ17rOl; 'lrAavwp.wov EV Tcil 'lrf8lce' !lpW'fT/CTf: 8( a.wov b 3.vfJ'_"o~, Ary.vV, Tl '''1TE'~; '0 ~ t:I7rt:, TO~ &&>.._ 16 ~ p.ov ,~. .brayy€WJv p.o' 'lrOU PWI(OVtTw. EI1I"€ 8f 17 a.m;; b 3.vfJ~, d.rr1PKG.UII' MfiJOw' 71KoOO'a. yap alTbw MyOJlTIIW, 'IrOpt:vfJWp.w t:l~ Af.Il6rulp.· KaL E7rOpt:Uffq 'I~ Ka.rorUT9t: TldV d.&ACP;;W 4WOU, Kal rtpot a~ €v AuiJaAlp..

flpot:i'&v 8( awol' p.4ICp6fJw 'lrpO Toli lyylrr~ a.wov 'lrPO~ 18 awoW· Kal hrovqpaJoJITO TOU d.1I"0ICTE'VaL IlWOv. Elm 8f 19 (Ka.aTOI; ... ~ TOV ~fAq,ov 4WOU, l&v ;, btnrv~ €Kt:~ Zrxrnu. Nw oW &Un o''lrOICTt:{I'UJP.W awov, KaL pt..;wp.w 20 aWOl' t:l~ lva TWV AU.KKIIW· Ka~ EpOVp.w, ffqp{ov 'IrOVIJpOv KaTcf/x!.ycv awol'" I(al &/top.(iJa, T{ ElTT'al TO. Mnrv&a. awov. 'A.coUrra~ 8( 'POVPT,v, i~{Ano awol' «K TWV ')(Ef.fJU>II awwv' 21 I((1l t:l'lrcv, OU 'IrClTrJ.ewP.(1' a.WOII t:l~ yrox!JII. EI'lrf 8( awo,~ 22 'PooP"", p.~ (KXnp-t: aIp.a. lp.prune a&ov t:l~ aa TWI' NUcKIIW TOWIIW TUw €v Tij (P~~, XE~ 8(p.~ brcvJ.yICTfTI£· a&.e· 07rCll'; ~CA"1T~ 0.&011 «I( TWV XEtPWII a&wII, ICal 0'1I"o&ji 0.&011 TtjI 'IrClTpl 4&OV. 'EyCvf:TO 8( TJII{ICa ~AfJw 'l~,p 11"~ 23 TO~ a&AtP<M aWov,· «el800'al' 'I~ TOV XlTldVCI TOV 'IrOUClAov TOV mpl 0.&0". KilL Aa.fJOJITt:~ awoII, q,pujlall (l~ roll NUcICOII' 24 b 8( NUcICQI; ICCVO~, ii&>p 001( cIXE. 'EICatJUTav 8t f/x!.YE'V lJ.prov· 25 ,,0.& tu,.af3A''''aJITE~ TO'~ d.p8aAp.o'~ El&v, ICal l&V ci8011l"Qpol 'Irrp.a7]A''TIU ';;PXOJITO (IC raAa.48· ICal at ICap.7]AoI awwv eyt:P.Oll fJvp.utp.4Tf1)V ICal ;r"rl".". ICal~. bropt:VoJlTO 8~ /CaTayayt:'"

(l~ A'ytnrT'OV.

El'lrf: 8( 'lov8a1; 'lrpO~ TO~ ~ a&ov, T[ XJrIirr,poll, lav 26 rl'lrOICTf:I.I'UJP.W TOV d&Aq,ov TJp.Wv, ICal ICpv.;WP.W TO atp.a a&ov; AM( 0'1I"oowp.t£fJa IlWOV TO'I; 'Irrp.a7]Ai.Tal'> ToVTOtl;' at 8( XElpE'> 27 TJp.W1I p.~ € hr' a.wall, c;,., &&>"cpo.. TJp.iiw /Cal uape TJp.Wv lOT[V. ·HICOOO'flll 8( ot d&ACPO~ a&ov. Kat 7rapf'IrOpt:VoJITO 28 ot 3.vfJpunrol ot MaBI1]l'4WI EP.'lrOPOI, I(al l~{Noxrall /Cal all(_ Pl{3a.uav TOv 'I..m,,p l/C TaU NUcICOV' leal .t1l"€OoJITO TOV 'I~ TO'~ 'Irrp.a7]>JTO.II; (UcO(TL XfMTUw. Kal l(aniya"fOII TOil 'I..m,,p

.ZI; Ar'}'V7rTOv. 'AVCOTfH'I!t: 8( 'PavpT,v hI TOil NUc/cOll, /Cal oVx 29 ;,~ TOil 'I~,p €v TtjI NUcI(IfI' I(al &1p/rti~ TO. ~T&a. a&aU. Kal hrlOTpCl{l€ 'Ir,m ToW d&Acpo~ 0.&00, "al t:11l"€, TO 'lralM- 30 pWII oV/C (UTW' ~ 8( 'lrOU "'opaJofUU En; AapoJIT€<; 8t TOI' 31 XITUwa TaU 'I~,p, ;'~II ipufxw alyc'dv, l(a.ll,wAwall TOV XITWVCI TtjI .TI. Kal d. ... m€tAa.II TO., XITwva TOV 1I"0&l(f.Aov, 32 ICat dtnlvryl(all TtjI 'lraTP' aVTWv' /Cal €l'lrav, TOOTOII €iJpop.w,

.l_ '.""A.JI • \ .... c.... J' 'III II K'"

....-1 rr_' t:& Xl,""" TOV vwv rroo "OTIII, 7] 00. ~ wcyvw

aWOl', "al EI'lrt:, XI~II TOO vtoii p.ov lOTi· 9-qpiov 'lrO"'lpOII ICaT£f/x!.ycv IlWo". ffqplov ;'fTI'"G.U" 1'Ov 'loxn],p. AtI.p/rti[.. 8( 33 '!OJ<w{3 Til lp.cfTUI a&aU, «at 11l"€6f:T0 cra/CICOIf brt TTJV Ocr,pw 0.&00, 1((1, brMu TOil Viall a.WOU ;'P.Epo.i m>W~.]- 34 xfJrIcrav 8( 'lrclvrt:<; ot VWI aWou 1(4t at 6vyaTIpt£<;, «0.1 ~A6ov 'lrapa.l(alWr~ avrov' I(tU 0/)« ;'6~Af 'lra.po.KahUrfJaL, AJ.ywv,

c;,., «a.TO.{3.;,cropm. 7T~ TOV Vtoll /WV 'lrcv6Wv ell; ~. "al bcAa.OO'cv 0.&011 ;, 'lraTTJP awov. m 8t MaBI'7IIaw, 0'1I"('80JITO 35

IJ Or. omIle him 10 11M Iifa.

" Or.IWIe.

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G1UfE818 XXXVIII. 1-22.

Egypt; to Petephrea, the eunuch of Pharao, captain of the tiuarcL

And it ca'me to pus at that time that Judaa went down from his brethren, and came 811 far as to a eertain man of Odollam, whose name was has. 'And Judaa I!&W there the daughter of a Ohananitish man, whose name was SaTa;' and he took her, and weat in to her. a Ana she conceived and bore It IOn, and called hill name, Er. 4 And she con. ceived and bore a son &pin; and called hie name, Annan. • And she &pin bore a son; and called his name, Selom: and ahe was in Chaebi when she bore them. I And Judaa took a wife for Er his flnt.born, whose name was Tbamar. 7 And Er, the firat-born of J udas\ 1!811 wicked before the Lord; and God killed mm. • And Judaa said to Aunan, Go in to thy brother's wife, and IIl&I'l')' her 811 her, and raiseu)l eeed to thy brother. • And Annan, knowmg that the seed should not be hi_it came to J!&sI when he went in to his brother'a wife, that he spilled it upon the ground, so that he should Dot siTe seed to his brother'. wife. 10 And his doing t~ all1l8lU'ed evil before God; and he slew him alio.

II And Judaa said to Thamar, his daugh., Sit thou a widow in the house of thy, until Selom mT son be ~; for he said, lest he also die' 811 his brethren I and Tbamar d~ and sat in the house of her father. II And the daY8 were fulfilled. and SaTa the wife of JudM died; and Judas, being comforted, went to them that aheared hiS sheep,. himeelf and lras his .hepherd the Odollamite, to 'I'hamna. IIAnd it was told Tbamar his, I!&yi~hold, that father-

!h:: ~~:l~ taken ~it:e ~~t!

of her widowhood from her, she put on a veil, and ornamented her face, and sat by the gates of Enan, which is in the way to Thanma,for ahe I!&W that Selom was grown ; but he gave her not to him for a wife. uAnd wlien Judaa 8&W her,he thought her to be a harlot; for she covered her faCe, and he knew her not. 18 And he went out of /Jhis way to her, and 8&id to her, Let me come in to thee; for he knew not that ehe was his; and ahe said, What wilt thou sive me if thou ahoullleat come in to me? 17 And he said, I will send thee a kid of the goate from my flock; and she said. W"U, if thou wilt sive me an earnest, until thou &end it. 18 And he said, What is the earnest that J shall sive thee? and she ~<h Thy ring, and thr" bracelet, and the It&II in thy hand; and he gave them to her, and went in to lier, and she conceived by him. 18 And she a.roee and departed, and took her veil from oft' her, and put on the garments of her widowhood. III And Judaa sent the kid of the goate by the hand of his 8hepherd the Odollalnite, to receive the pledge from the woman; and he found her not. II And he asked the men of the plsee, Where is the harlot who was in Enan by the way.side? and they said, 'I'here was no harlot here. ::lAnd lie returned to J udaa, and said, I

., Or, DeCkJ-.

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have not found her 1 and the men of the }>lut'e say, There is no harlot here. • And Judas _d, Let her have them but let U8 not be ridiculed 1 I sent this kid, but thou hast not found her. ,. And it came to ~ after tmee monthsl that it was told Ju(Ias, Dving, 'l'bamar tny has pievoua!ulayed the harlot, and behold abe IS with child by whoredom i and.T udas midI Bring her out and let her De burnt. 115 Ana u tne~ were bringinjJ her, IIhe sent to her father-in-law, !laying, I am with child by the man whose these things are; and ebe said Bee whose is this ring and bracelet and IltafF. 16 And Judas mew tA.m, and mid, 'l'hamar is rather than J, forasmuch as 1 gave ner not to Selom my son: and he Imew her not again. r; And it came to ~ when ahe wo.s III labour, that ebe also had twins in her womb. 211 And it came to ~ as ahe was bri!}ging forth, oue thrust Corth his hand, and the midWife having taken hold oC it, bound upon his hand a scarlet t4,.~tJd, Dying/ This one shall oome out first. , And when ne drew back his hand, then immediatell'. came Corth his brother; and abe IBid Why has the barrier been cut through ~WIe oC thee P and abe called his name, Phares. ., And after this came forth hi. brother, on whoee hand wu the ~1et thread· and ebe called his name, Zara.

And Joeeph wu brought down to Egypt; and Petepl:iree the eunuch of PharaO. the "captain of the KU&rd. an E.JY1Itian, bought him of the baUds of the lsrilaelites. who brought him down thither. t Anel the Lord 11'811 with Joseph, and he wu a prosperous man.i. and he was in thehoWlewith his lord the Jl.gyptian. I And his maeter knew that the LOrd _ with him, and the Lord pme-pen in his hands whatsoever he happens to do. C And J gseph found graoe in the preeence of his 10N/ .and was well-pleasing to him' and he set Dim over his house, and all that he had he gaye into the hand of Joaeph. 'And it came to ~ after that he wu set ,yer hill house, and over all that he had. that the Lord bleued the houee of the EJmltian for Joeeph'. sake; and the bleasing of the Lord _ on all his ~ons in the house, and in his field. • And he committed all that he had into the hands of J9BePh . and he Imew not of anything that belo~ to him. saye tile bread which he himeelf ate. And Joeeph wu handsome in form, and exreedingly beautiful in oountenanoe. 7 And it came to p8M after theBe thinaa. that his master's wife cast her eyes upon doeeph, and said. Lie with me. II But he would not; but mid to his master's wifet If beesuee of me my muter Imows nothin_g in his house. and has given into my hands all thin_gs that belong to him: 8 and in this houee there is nothing above me. nor baa anything been kept b8ck from m~/ but thou. becauee thou art his wiC_how tIlen shall I do this wicked thing. and sin apinst God? 10 And when she talked with Joaeph day by day. and he hearkened not to her to Bleep with her, so as to be with her. 11'1' it came to JIIIIII OD a certain day, that Joeeph went into the houee to do his bueinea, aDd there W8I! no one of



&FV' lCal ol II.v8fXJ17ro, ot IIC TOV TOw-au 'MyOlXTL, /L~ ,tva, :& 7rOplf7JV. EI'lrE 8E 'louOa~, iXaw abro.· d..UO. p.~ 'lr0T( lCaTay£- 23 Aacr8W/LQI' ~ /La, d.'lrEUTaAtca TOV ;Pt.pov TOiITov, ut, BE o~X ruP'1Kae;. 'EyWt'TO 8E p.ero. TP{p.TfVOv d.""1YYD.:'1 ~ 'loUSa, 24 AC-YOVT£<;. (,C1rnrOPV€1IK( 0ap.ap ~ vU,,",,"1 O'ov, Ka~ l1ioV lv yaO'-

TP~ ExEL IK 'lropV(Lae;' Et'lrf 8E '(oUOae;, leay&:yu( o.lniJv, lCal KClTlUCavlhp-w. AlrrTJ 8E d.yoplvr, o.7rEO'TnA( 'If'poe; TOV 'If'&8(pOv 25 Clbr7Jc;. A~a, EK TOV d.v9pW7roV OVT"'O<; TIli'Ta EUTtv, ~ lv yao-rP' EXW' "al ,t'lrO', br[yvtd), T[VO<; ;, &umJAtO<;, lCal;' ;'pp.tO'KO<;, Kal ~ paf3&.; aVrq. '£,r~ 8E 'loUOac;, lCal .. 17r(, 8E&. 26 "aWral. 00.p.0.p .q l-yb)' ou o.vcO' OVK ESwlla Clvn/v l."IAWP. ~ v~ p.ov. KaL o~ 'If'poul8uo &t TOV yvWVIU aVn1v. 'EylvETo 8E 27 ;p,lKa &UCTE, Kat rOBE ~ 8L8vp4 lv Tjj YIUTTP' Cl~. 'EyWETO 8E 28 lv T~ TlKrnv Cltm,v, ;, EIc; 'If'pocb/vqK' -rW ](€ipa· k{3oooa 8E

TJ p.o1a, l87JIT0I br, -rW XEipa abrov KOKKWOV, AEyOlXTa, aUTo<; I~ETCU 'If'pOTfPO<;. 'Oc; Be brUJ"lJllirya",/( -rW Xfipa, lCal 29 ~ 1~A801 ;, d&Aq,oc; abroo' ~ 8E EI'lrE, T& &.:KWv &a O'c .ppa.yp.Oc;; 1C1l& (ICQ.A(O'( ro (;VOp4 awov. ~E<;. Kal p.ero. 30 ToWO (~A8fV ;, d1)EAq,oC; awov, l.p' ~ ~ ('Ir' Tjj x!'fJ~ abrov TO KOKK"'OV' Kat (ICQ.A(O'( TO (;l'op4 awoii, ZapQ..

'I"~~' '.A..' A" , " , , 39

~ 'I't' Of KIlTTJl(v,/ ftC; tf'I"'TOV' 1Cal. EKTTJUaTo awol'

nETE.ppTJc; ;, dwoiix_oc; 4>apaW, ;, IlfW,...o.YEI{JO<;, Q.vlJp Aiymw<;, IK ](€1(JWv TWV 'IO'p4"1AtTWv, 01 Karfryayol' alrrOl' IKf'i. Kat 2 ~ Kvpwe; p.era 'Iwa#' Kal ~ &.v7]p i'lrtT1l')'Xcm.w. Ka, l-ylvETo lv ~ oUccp ~ ~ ICUp~ abrov T<i> Alf'I"'T~' ·~8fL 8E 0 3 KUPID<; av-oo, (;T' ;, KvplD<; ~' abroil, KaL &ra EU.l' 'IrO'V, Kupwc; &o&'i lv Tare; XEpUiv awov. Kal &pw 'I~.p X&.ptV 4 Wa.vT[ov TOV ICUplOV awoo, ICcU an,pEcrrqcrOl aw~. Kal ICo.TlO'T"'JUO' CllrrOl' brl TOO oLcov ClWOO' Kal 7rtivTCl &ra ~ aimji, l&.uc( &a X!~ 'Iwa#. '&yWETO 8E JUTo. TO 1C00T'IIOTijva, 5 avrov bTL TOV oLeO\' 4VroV, leaL ttl ".4VTa. clcr4 ~v cllinti, «al ."lJTE KvplD<; ,.ol' oLeOI' TOii Alf'I"'Tlov 814 '!11117#' lCa2 l-ywIfJrJ di'AoyLa Kvplov lv nut rote; inrci.pXOlXTW abr4' lv Ttji

oz.c.. lCal lv on;; d.yp4J awov. KcU bra-fXI/!€ 7rtivTa &ru ~l' 6

..... .. ... "l._.-.!.A.. '\ • .!~... (J' I' '\ --'-~~--

o.VTIfI, fte; ')(npac; wv ,/'t" Kal. OVIC~t TlIIl' ICa o.VTOV 0V0Elf,

7rATp- TOO 1Jprov, 0; ;p6"" o.VTOc;. Kal ~l' 'I~cp Ka.\Oc; T~ Ei8t;" lCal wpoUoc; Tjj Jy,u O'cpo8pa.. Kal ryWfTO P.ETo. TO. ;rqp.o.Ta 7 _!iTa, KIl' br'f3aMv ~ -rwI1 rov ICUplov abrov TOVc; o.p80).p.0u.. a~ br, 'lDXT7].p· ICcU Et7rOl, ICOcp.f!Jrrr, p.d lp.ov. '0 BE OVK 8 Yi8tAw· Et7rE 8E Tjj yvvaucl TOV ICUpLov abrov, €t ;, .ropulc; p.ov

• , ~_. 1 '\ _._~~_. ""'. • - '\ , •

ov r-lCn 00 ~""E OllOEV I" 1'1p ouo:cp o.wov, Ko., 'If'IlVTa OCTIl

(UTIJI o.lmfi ESwKOI de; Tae; XEipcle; p.ov. ICcU 0lrx. VrrEP£XU lv Tjj 9 olKlq. TClVry oVOw ip.ov, oMl me-riP"'JTC1' o.7r' (p.ov oMEv, 'If'ATpO'ov, 814 ,.0 0'( yvvaUcCl awoo EU-. ICIlI. 'lrWc; 'II'Ot..jcrw TO ;n,p4 TO 'If'oY'f}pOl' ToVro, KcU dp.apr/JuopDA. lvaVTUw TOii 0t-oo; 'Hl'lllll 10 8E lMAn T4' 'I~ ;p.(pal' J, .TJplpa.~, ICIlI. oVX VnJICOWV o.lrrii 1Ca8~",' a~, TOii U1rfY0I1.cr8a, o.Vrii. 'Ey'vuo 8E 11 TOUltfn.] n<; ;p.lpa., ICal E~A8fl1 'llll!1'7j.p de; -rW olKLal' 7rOt(t"

11 Gr, elaJer ooot. The ....... Bebn!w word 11l1O lipS ... 0001<, wbo oJ"" • butcber, aDd.~, wbo .... aIoo AD .,._lIolk:r.

,. Lit. &lien bappeaed. dar, &lid, eta.

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12 Ta lpya. aWaV, Kal oMJcl~ ~ TWV lv Tfi oUc«,. ZCTIII, Kal the household within. 12 And she cauaht

, ., A' , \ , 'IJ-' A hold of him by hie clothes, and said, Lie

aECT'IraCTaTO aVTOV TIIlV r.p.a.TUUV, "'eyOllCTa. KO'fLT/v,f" P.ET lJLOlI' with me; and having left his clothes in her

KalKaT~ft,V Ta 1p.4T~ awoil lv TaL~ XEpCTLV a~ lcJ>VYE, Kal hands, he lied, and went forth. Ja.And it 13 it.=.A(JW ulII• Kal N("ETO ~ El&v iiT, Ka~7rWv Ta lI1AT~ came to ]11188, when ehe saw that he had left

""/~' -, ..,.-- his clothes in her hands. and fled, and lOne

14 almro lv TaL~ }(EpCTlv a~ lcJ>vy€. Kal E~A(JW UIII, Kal forth. M that she called those that were in EKOMu€ ToW Olmli lv ...n oLcln.. Kal Etnv awoLi, H .. __ , the house, and spoke to them, saying. Bee.

-II -. ._'u~~ he bas brought m to us a HeDrew IIel"V&nt

'~t:. EUnTya'YW .qp.w mU& 'E~pciiov, lp.~t:w .qp-'v· dCTijMJ€ to mock us-he came in to me. Dying. Lie Tr~ p.t:. A~V, KO'fL~' JUT·Ip.aij· KalE~1rr,Ta. cJ>wvii p.eyaA'[1. ~th me, and I cried with a _loud 'foice.

1 ~ 'E (>, A, A .,. , •• IH._ '.L_w..!... ' l~' And wnen he heard that I lifted up m,. a vat: TIf' aKOllCTIU411TOV, on v.,._a T7fI' 't""Y'IY JLOIIIC~ .,..O"IfTa, voioe and cried. having left hie clothes with

KQ~_ Ta Ip.4T~ awov Trap' lJLOL IcJ>VYE. KalE~A8w Uw. me, he lied. and went forth o!-lt. III So she

16 K' A l...' ". " A. .. \ll ., ,leaves the clothes by her, until the master ~ KaT~TrQVn '1'4 r.p.a.T~ Trap t:allT'f1. t:~ .,,/\UW 0 KlIpWi E'i came to hie house. 17 And she spoke to him

17 TOV OlKOV awov. Kal EAaA"IfTW a~ KaTa Ta pr,p.aTa TaVTa, acoording to these words, saying, The_ He.

MyollCTa, EioijA8E Tr~ p.t: 0 TrQii 0 'E~~, Sv EUnTyayt:i r.~ - brew se~nt, whom thou broughteat ~u to

• ~ _ ~I: ' \ .. 'll.!.-' us. came m to me to mock me, and Bald to

." Ep. ........ a' JLO" K~ It7r1 JLO'. K0'fL"'v,I"0~ p.('f'Q CToil. me, I will lie with thee. IIAnd when he

18 '(k Be ~KOVcrW, c'lTt V1{twcra T7pr cJ>wvltv p.ov Kal E~Irr,Ta., KaTa- he&!d thatl.lifted up D!Y voice and cried, ~ _, ,., • A • 1 ' "..I. \ 1~"1 !l:_ _ bavmg left hie clothes WIth me, he lied and AlTrlllV Ta 'fLaT~ aVTOIl 7ro.p ~p.o, E",VYE. K41 -\0 'IIWEV ~. departed. forth. 11 And it came to pass, when

19 'Eylvuo ~(, W. ~KOlICTW 0 ,ro~ awoil Ta p~p.aTa ~ 'YIIIIIUKOi his master heard ~ the 1!'ords of hi~ wife,

• A'; '\ _" ,.' A' .,'" that she spoke to him, saymg, Thus did thy

o.lITOlI. OCTa ENU\."IfTE TrpD'> allTOv. eyOVCTa, OllTllJi E7rOU1CTE JLO' 0 servant to me that he was 'fery angry.

TrQ" CTOlI. KallOvp.Wlfq ~pyfj. 21 And hie :.'naster took J O!I8Ph and cast

20 K' \ - ~.'w." ·I._....l..L· 'aM • \ • '., him into the prison. into the pia;;; where

al ,_,..."" 0 KlIpWi "'" '/'1" WE,.., W allTOV ELi TO o}(llfMlJp.a. the king's pri!Qners are kept, there in the

.li TOV-TOroV lv ce 01 &CTp.WT~ Toil ~,;..~~ KaTEx0~ EKEL prison. II And the Lord was ~th Jo~h, 21 III TW "xv"';' Kill ~ Kv~ JUTa 'IIIX1iJcJ>, Kill KaTExfo and P9~ down ?l1ercy u~n him i and !Ie

• 'A n _ ' .~~_ • A , L ' A .~_ ,gave him favour m the Bight of tne chief

allTOll tI\.t;~ K~ EOIIJKW avTCfl Xapw ... avnov '1'011 apXWECTp.ocJ>~ k~ of the prison. SI And the chief keeper

22 AaKOi. Kal €&Hew 0 dpX&CTp.ocJ>VMe TO &CTMPWV &a of the prison gaTe the prison into the hand

,.J._....l..L " \, I • • A e , of Joseph, and all the pnsonersllas many as

}(t:rpot; """/'1" K~ raVTai TOl/i aTrTJ'Yp.wOl/i OCTO' EV -''f' OECTp.IIl- wereintheprison;andallthingswhatsoever

23 TTfPj;' ,Kal Trc1VTa oo-a TrowVcrw IKEL, a~ ;v TrO~. OVK ~ 0 tl?ey do th8!ll1 he did them. 23 ~_use of

'\ _I: A (> _ , , ~ • ., ., him the chiet keeper of the pn80n knew

dpx CTp.ocJ>lI"",,» '1'011 at:CTJUUTTJpWV 'Y'VllJCTKOV 0' allTOv mifJEv' nothing for all thiDp ,!:ere in the hand of

miv'l'a yap ~ &a Xltpi1<; ·IWU#. ~~ TO TOV Kvpwv JUT' aim>v Joeeph, beCause the Lonl was with him; and

.. ,. ".,. K' -' '~-' A ,whatever things he did the Lord made

UIIIU' K4' OCTa allTOi E?TOLn. 0 IIpWi £1IIIJOO1I EV Ta'i XEpCTW them to prosper in his hai!de.

almro. And it came to pass after these things,

40 'Ji'A'WETO Be ...... u Ta ;":'UftTQ TaiiTa. ~WI""'EV 0 clpvwwovrini that the chief cuphearer of the kinl! of Egypt

~, rr-» rrtrr; nr+r:: 1\ 1\-- and the chieCbaker trespa.ssed &@&lust their

TOV ~acrv.1~ AlyWTOll, Kal 0 dpXW'T01TOWi. ~ KlIP~ awwv lord the Iring _of Egypt. I And Pharao W&lI 2 ~--w, Al~. Ka.l w{)'\/ ~ al TOLi Ovcrlv fWoV- wroth with hie two eunuclu1 with hie chief

,.-u t :': - - - rt cupbearer. and with hie chieI baker. I And

3 xo~·awov. Ir.L ~ dp;l(wwoxOce. Kal at ~ dpXW'T01T~. Kat he put them in ward. into the prison, into

l(JETO awow lv cJ>vNucfj El. TO &CTMPWV. d. TOV mov, ot the ~ whereinto Joseph haQ been led.

4 .J._....l..L ct.mKTO EKE'. Kal CTlIVEtrrftlFW 0 .! -V'&CT"':""'" TW, 4 An the chief keeper of the prisou com"'" '/'I' -- -. -. -,- ..,." r+: .. ,. mitted them to JOtIeph. and he stood by

'I1IX1iJcJ> awoVs' Kal Trap~11TT1 aWoLi' ;crav Be TJP.lpa.i lv Tfi them'i and they were._ days in the pri-

.. lft~ K' '><'- '..I.~ L_~_ LA"~, IOn. And they both "had a dream in one

5 cJ>--u' IU '''OOV up..."....Epo' .Y1m1'WV W p.Uf VVlCTt· ." OE ~ht; and theviaion of the dream of the

~pau,~ TaU lvvTrvlov Toil dpxwwoXOoIl Kal dpXW'TOTrOWV. ot chief cupbearer and chief baker, who beMav N, a_-rJ..E' Alw..,.ov, 01 OVTE~ (V N, &CT .... l'Mlnu.", ~ a'':.-... longed to the king of EEYPt, who were in -,- ,.-u ., - -, - r+: - -'" -r - - -, the prison, was this. 'Joseph went in to

6 EioijM~E Tr~ awo~ 'IIIX1iJcJ> TO 7rpwt, Kal t:!~ awoW. K41 them in the moming, and 11&'111' them, and 7 MnV TETann.'VlL("O'. Kal TJpw-ro. TO~ WvOVVOVi ..... Aft.~.. ot they had been troubled. 7 And he asked »r-: - =r=tr: " ~"'f""'" the eunuchs of Pharao who were with him ;ouv JUT' awov Iv Tfi cJ>IIAaJcD ?Tapa ~ 1(1;~ awov, ~. T{ in the prison with his master, 8I1.ying, Why 8 iiT, Ta ~p.&iv CTKvOfX'J7Ta cn,P.EPOV; 01 ~E El7rav aVTt;i, is it that your countenances are sad to-day?

, .~ _ ' • , •• .... ~ s And they said to him, \Ve haTe seen a

lvvTrv,ov fWoP.W, Ka, 0 crvylCptVIIlV OIlK ECTTW allTo' ft7rf OE dream and there is no interpreter of it.

awoLi 'I~, oVxl &a TOV ®EOV .q ~c14>TJCT'~ awwv (CTn; And j' oaeph said to them, Is not the inter- 9 ~t-"':""'..Jle ow .. ol. Kal ~,"""';""aTo 0 ap' lIWWOV~ TO b- pretation of them through God P tell tll_

'IT'I"WUU,- -,,-.- 1\ 1\ then tome. gAnd the chief cupbearer re-

vr.vwv awov ~ 'I~cJ>' Kal Tefl WV'f' P.01l ~V ap.r.~ lated hie dream to Joseph. and said, In my 10 &aVTUw ".1111. 'Ev Be """,A fuLTrf>wJ. TPE'i 1Tl/(Ju.(,,(., lCal a,'''';' a dream Rvinewae before me. IOAud in the

r= - u -r r: - - -, Tine tl'ef'tI three stems , and it budding shot

~lICTaJ dvWTfVOXVUx ~AacrTOV<;' Trompo, oi ~&rPII(i CTT4- forth bloesoms , the clusters of grape!! were

IJ Lit. meD led aW1l11o PrUoD or plWlalu,DeDt.

,. Gr .• w,

ci Gr.oJ .. p.

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ripe. II And the cup of Pharao was in my band; and I took tlie bunch of grapes, and lIQueezed it into the cup, ~d pve the cup into Pharao', band. 12,And Joseph said to him, Thie is the in~tation of it. The three Items are three days. II Yet three davs and Pharao shall remember th~oe ana he shall restore thee to thy· 01 chief cupbearer, and thou Bhalt ~ve the cup of PharBo into hie hand, aooorc1iDg to thy former high~, aa thou wast wont to be cupbearer. But remember me of thyself, wilen it shall be well with thee, and thou shalt deal mercifully with me and thou shalt make mention of me to Pharao, and thou ahalt bring me forth out of this dun. geon. 15 For aUrelr I was stolen a~ out of the land of the Hebrews, and here I have done nothing, but they have out me into thia pit. II And the chiee baker _'III' that he inteipreted, aright; and he said to Joseph, I allIO _'III' a dreain, and methowrht I took up on my head three baakete of mealy food. 11 And in the u~ baaket there was the work of the baker of everT kind whioh Phano eats; and the fowla 0 the air ate them out of the baaket that was on my head. III And J~h answered and .aid to him, This is the mf.erpretation of it; The three baekets are three day.. • Yet three days, and Pharao shall take away thy head t'l'Om oft' th!'8~ and shall hang_thee on a tree, and the biraa of the aky shall eat thy Jleeh from off' thee. 1II And it came to pu.e on the third day that it was Pharao's birth-day, and he made a banquet for all hie eervante, and he remembered the ollloe of the cupbearer and the office of the baker in the inidet of hie servants. II And he restored the chief cupbearer to hie oIBoe, and he pve the cup into Pharao's band. !:lAnd he hanged the chief baker, aa J~h intenn'eted to them. IJ Yet did not the cliief cupbearer remember Joseph. but forgot him.

Arid it came to pille after two It full yean that Pharao had a dream. He thought he stood upon tIN bGak of the river. I And 10, there came UJI aa it -were out of the river seven OOWl, fair in ~pearanoe, and choioe of flesh, and they fed on the eedJIe. "I 'And other Beven 00'111'1 came u~ after theee out of the river, ill.favoured and lean.Jleahed1 and fed by the olm OOWl on the bank 01 the river. • And the eeven ill.favoured and lean OOW8 devoured the seven well.favoured and choice-Jleahed OOWl; and Pharao awoke. • And he dreamed again. And, behold eeven ears came up on one stalk, choioe and good. S And, behold, eeven ears thin and blaated with the wind, gre1I" up after them. 7 And the l16Ven thin ears and blMted with the wind devoured the eeven choioe and full ears: and Pharao awoke, and it was a dream. • And it was morning, and hie lOW was troubled; and he sent and called all the interpreters of Eg)'Pt, and all her wise men; and Pharao related to them hie dream, and there was no one to a interpret it to Pharao. 8 And the chief cupbearer epoke to Pharao, _ying, 1 this day remember my fault: iii Pbarao was ansrr with his _nta, and put us in prieou m the house of the captain of the


</>v>"~. Kal. ro 1T0n7PwV 4I>apaw 0, Tj )(€ p.oo' Iral ZAa{3ov 11 n,v UTaq,v)..~v, Kal U£e)..u/la aVrl]v d .. TO 1T0n7pwv, Kal l&uca

ro 1T0n7f"OV d .. n,v Ka, Et1TO' a~ 'I~</>, 12 TOWO ~ cn'ryKpum awov' 01 TfH'" miJp.~, Tpli. s ~P.fpaL dCTw. ETL TPE'" ~p.q-., Ka, p.vqu6f,uerru 4>a.paW Tij<; dpx'i<> CTOV, Kal 13 ci1ToKaTIWT7ju(l CTE br, T7]v cipxwwoxotav CTOV, Kal &duEL<; ~ 1T0n7PwV 4>a.paW d<; T7]v XELpa awov KaTa n,v dpX'7v CTOV T7]" 1TpoT(po.v, w.. ;u6a ol"oXoWv. 'AllO. p.vT,r9rrri. p.ov Sui CTEav- 14 TOO, cn-av t~ -y~ 0'0" Ira' 'lI"O,*m .. 0, lp.o' lAEo<;' Ira, p.~ 1TEPI. lp.ov 1TpO.. 4>apaw, Kal letlb, .. P.( lK TOV 1J~pWp.o.TO<; TOWOV. "On KXo7rfi IKNJ.7ITfV lK ~ 'E{3paluw, Kal Ut: 15 OllK bral"lO"a oM"" t.)V..' o,~{3a.M" floE d<; rov AWcKo" TOWOV. Kal El&v ~ dpXICTLT01TO&Oo; cn-& 1Jp8W.. CT11JIUcPWE' Kal EI1TE ~ 16 'I~</>, «~i» ElOev mnrvwv' Iral !fp:'1V TpW. Ka"a. XO"Opn'w" cUpEw brl. Tijo; KEcpa>..-ij.. p.oo. 'Ev Sf Kavcfl ~ bra"", ci7n\ 17 mlvnaw TWV -YEvWV, @, 4>a.paW Euf)[U, /nov U&T01TOwV, Kal Ta ftTEWel TOV ollpavov KanjofJl£V awu ci1TO TOV IMVOV TOV brG.vw Tijo; Ir(<f>o.A~ p.oo. 'A7rOKpt.8El .. 8( 'I~ (I1T& aWtii, aw-q ~ 18 UIryKPICTL" allTov' Tel TpW. Ka"ii, TfHL.. ~p.lpw. .luLv. "ET& TptWV 19 ~fIoEpW'" Kal ciqxAii 4>apaW n,v KE<f>o.A..q" U01I ci7n\ uov· Kal KfHp.O.uEL CTE l1Tl ~)..ov, Kal <f>O.-ynv.' Ta &fWEo. TOV olJpaVOV Tel .. uO.p/Ca.. uov ci7n\ UOV. 'E-ywETo Sf b Tj ~p.f.Pl1- -rU TplT'fl' 20 ';'p.1pa. -y&iu(fUI; ~ 4>apaW, Kal braLEt mOIl 1TauL TOf. ..... 7nlIO"l.v aln-ov' /Co., lP.n1uffr, Tijo; cipx'i<> TOV olvoxoov Kal. Tij<; cipx'i<> TOO ULT01TOwV & p.iCTlf! TW" -ro.1Owv awov. Ko, ci1TOKaT~CTTrJU. rov 21 cipxw,voXOov brl. n,v 4px'1v awov- «al ;&'/Ct: ~ 1Trrri]pUW d s T7]v XELpa~. Tov 8€ cipXUT'T01I"OWV EIC,xp.o.CT&, /CaDel 22 CT11JIUcpwe:v aVToi.. 'JWU#. Kal oll/C lp.vIJu8-rt ~ clpXWLVOXoo.. 23 TOV 'I~, clM'I1TWJ.8ETO awov.

'll'_.' l" 'l'_'" , A "" , .~-- L_~_ 41

~ ,O'ETO ot: p.ETa OVO CT7J "'IP.E(JfJJV, 'A'apaAIl (&.<XV O;YVJrYwv-

4in-o lUT&.va, brl. TOV 1TOTllp.oV. Kal l80u ifKnrcp EIC TOV 1TOTap.oV 2 civ~{3al.voV om,. {30E", /Ca..\al T~ E~L, IMl l.cAEImIL Tal. ..... uap(,., «Ol 1{36u/CoVTo 0, ~ "A)(€L ".A.U.a, Sf mo. {3Ot: s clvl{3a.wov 3 p.f.Tel Tm1Ta .. llr TOV 1TOTC1p.oV, o.loxPal Tei' .Z&" Iral AE1I"Tal-nz'i .. u~l, Ilal &lp.oVTo 1rapO. ,.0. .. {lOa. .. brl TO )(€"iAo<; TOV ~. Kal IMTi<!>a-YOV 0.1 mel {lOt: .. 0.1 o.loxPal/Cal AE1I"Tal. TaL" uap(,. 4 Ta .. mo. {3Oa. .. Tel s /Cill .. ~ EZ&' leal ,.0. .. llrMlCTo.<; Ta'" ~l· .;,y~pfJ." Sf~. Kal lvvrrv~ 'r0 8t:Vr-qxw- Ira' lSoU 5 mel UTa)(ll(" civi{3o.wov b T<ji miJp.f.V' M lWIC'I"OL /Cal lloAtX. KallSoU mel aTa)(IIE" ArnTOL Kal ci"Ep.Orp80POL clvE</>OOVTO JUT' 6 awov... Kal Iro.Tawv 01 om,. UTa)(IIE" 01 AE1I"Tol /Cal aVEp.O- 7 </>80p0' 'rou .. ma crrcixua s TOu.. IWIC'I"<M- Kal TcWi 1TA~PEt<;·

• 'All.. "'''' ' '. L_~_ T_.' ." • , 8

TTYE""'I ot: 'A'apaAIl, /CIU "'Iv O;YVJrYW". ~ ,(VETO ot: 1T(JfJJ', /Cal.

haptJ.x8"'I .;, t/rox'I ClllTOV, /Cal cl1TOUTEtAa s 1/CcJ.At:uE 1TaVTa .. TOu.. l~a .. Al"vn-ov, /Cal 1TaVTai TOu.. uo~ aln--ij<;· Ila, &'1>"1- ua'ro aln-oi<; 4>a.paW TO mnrvwv aln-ov, /Cal oVK ~ ~ ci1l'l1-Y-yi.Uow aVTo ~~. Kal lAOA"lO"O' ~ cipx,owoxoo.. 1rpO.. 9 4>apaW, Ai")'tJJV, T7]v ~w.v p.ov d.vafUllovrjuKfII cn,fIoEpov. 4> &'fYYlu8-q Toi<; 1TaIUI.V aVTov, Ira~ l8ETO ;,p.a<; & </>v>..oxfi, 10

II (Jr. Jewt or claro. ., Tbe Hebrew ... ord ... bleb &be Lxx. b ... bere writlen 10 U eee k cb....,"' .. wilhou. k".uIIIatinIr I., io nDdered

In tbiI p_ .d. Y. bJ _,10 .lob 8. ll, &be 0...,. other _p wbore i. oceun. bJ jltIg. • Or, telL

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W Tcii oUtlfl rov dpx'p.4~{pov, lp.l TC leal TOV ¥Xc.cTtTOlrmOV.

11 K \ .~- " '.I..:.- L \ ~ J....~. \ ,\

a, lWOp.€V O'I17rVWV ap.'I"" ';PO' 0' VVlCTt p-"(: <r« leat allT~.

12 UIW'T~ leaTa .,.0 ClWOV mnrvwv liOop.&. Hv & ileE'i p.€6'

.qp.Wv VIUJf[qIe~ 1n1is "E{3pai.os TOV ¥Xtp.4~i.pov. KaL atm.

13 uo.p.a8a ClWcii, «aL uvv"'pt,,& .qp.'iv. ~ O£, leaf)(",;

UVV"'PW& .qp.'iv oVn.. leal uvvl/J"I. 1.p.J TC d.1I"OICaTlW'T~at brL

14 n,v dp'X.'1v p.01J. UEWoV & «p€~. 'A7f'OI1TElAo.s &

~ UQ.M(1'( TOV 'I~. leaL I.ev,m.-yov CllrrOv d.".o TOV OXV"':'p.4T~, leat le6PTJUClv AWOl!, leaL ~ n,v ITToA7]v

15 ClWoV' «aL ~A8€ 'II'pOs ~. EI'll'E & ~ 'II'pOs 'IIIMT#,

mnrvwv EWpa.-., «a1 b UVYKfJI_v ofl« llTTtv ClWO' ~ & UljlCOCl 'II'EPL aav ;1tVTtIIV, tiKmlau.vTo. u. mnrvtCl, UVYKfJ'iVClt ClWo..

• " , .... , II ... .....

16 A7Ta«pJ)EtS ~ TIfI ~ EI7TIV, av(V TOU @t01J ou«

17 d.7TOlepJJJjcrnw..,.o crwn7ptov 4JaprufJ. "E~c & ~ ~ 'IIIMT#, ACyow, lv Tcii ,;,.,.,. p.ov ;:p.'1" CITTG.VClt ".apa TO X'~ 18 Tav 1I'OTOfLOv. KaL WcnrEp lie ToV 'II'OTo.p.OV d.v1{3o.tvov E7TTa POes leaNU Tcii .&,&, leat iWIe.,.aL Ta'iS aup$. «at ~VPO lv 19 Tcii -AX't. KaL lOov ma POes E-rEpat avl{3ClWOv lnrEuo, ClWWV lie Tali 'II'OTo.p.ov, 'II'O""IpaL «at a.laxPa1 Tcii .&act, «at MrrulTat"s CTIlp$v, alAs oole .TOov TOtClVras b OArJ yfj AIy6nov a.lux/xn'l. 20 pAS. Kat «ClTl4>u-yOV ell mo. po. s ell C1luxpa1 «a1 ~

21 Tas mo. poos To.S rp":-'s Tas !lalls «at TO. .. 1.«M«T&s. Kal ·llo7i>..Ba" Its .,.o.s «oWas ClVTUnr «aL 00 OulhqAot iylvoVTO, 0.,., cUrij>..80v cIs TO... «ov..las ClWWv' leal ell o';'ts CllnilV 1llCJXP<1l. 22 IeClOa. «at n,v d.px'Pr l.~p(J(L" & I.ICOtp.~6TJV. Kal .lOav

'II'&.>..w W Tcii ~ p.ov. leal i:xnrEp ma. ITTo.)(VE" d.vE{3a.tvov I.v 23 'll', ivL "'A1jpc,S leal IellAot. -Allot oc ma. UTG.)(VES 2-1 AnrTcH «aL d.vEp.6qJ)opot d.vCtPVoVTO 1.xOp.&Ot ClWWv. Kal IeClTnrtOV 0: ma. ITTo.)(VEs 01 AnrTOL leaL d.v~opo, TaUs mo.

, \ - \ -~-- \ , \ , • • ~ J~ __

ITTax_vas TOVS IeW\Ul1'i «Cl' TOVS 'II'A"IPEtS' Et7rCl OVV TO'S .... / t-r:

Ta'iS, leat oole ~ 0 a'll'anru- POO' awo.

25 Kal IlrlV 'I~ Tcii ~ • .,.0 mnrvtOV ~ 0. I.ITTur 26 Jua 0 ·@t0s 'II'OLEi, i&~ Tcii 4I>C1pa~. A: ma. {3acs ell leaML, ma. b?] I.ITTt· lCat 01 mel UTo.xv« 0: IeIlAoL. mo.

27 b?] (UT" TO mnrvtOV 4»apoW 0. I.ITTt. KaL III ma. {3Oes al

Anrral, cd &.vo.{jo1J101J(1'QJ. lnrltroJ airrWv, brra. en, Ccrrl· Ko.L 01 ma UTQ)(VES 01 MwroL "at d.VC~opot, ma b?] 28 lUT" ~UOVTat ma ~TTJ Atpoov. To Of ;n,p.4 3 c'¥nllea 29~, Oau b @t0s 'II'OLE'. iOE~C Tcii ~. 'I&V ma :TTJ lpxutu .~vla 'II'Oll;' iv 'II'G.av yfi AIyWrov.

30 ·H~n & ma er-q N.p.oii p.eTcl TaVro' leal ttv..,poVTat riis rATJUll.OVTI'; Tils I.uop.,",s I.v 0).:0 Ai-yWnp' «al\cOO-n b 31 Atp.Os Tijv W. Kat oole lr'~ETat ~ cfI6TJvla m2 riis y71~ d.".o TOU > TOV €uop.ivov p.ETa TaVTa' lrrxupo.. yOp 32 £ITTat ufjl68pC1. TIcp2 & rov Ocv.,.cpWuat TO mnrvwv ~~ 8is. o.,.~ d.).TJ6(~ iITTat TO ;n,p.4 .,.0 'II'a.p4 Toil Scov' «al TaXVV', 33 ci ScOs Tali 1I'ot7juat a.wo. Nvv oW UIe(y!at /J.v(}fX'"OV tPpov'p.ov 34 «aL UVVETOV. «aL leaT~OV aWaY I.'II'L y71S Alym01J. Ka2 'II'OtTJU&TCJ) ~ leal leaTa!TTTJUQTfI) TOlrG.pXC1s lrL Tils yijs. leal d.'II'Olr(p.'ll'TfJKTa:rfJKTG.V 'II'G.VTa T" 'Yfl'I"lp.4Ta riis yijs AlyV7TT01J

GD:B8IS XLI. 11~34. ~ both me md the chief baker. U And we llhad a dream both in ODO ~ht, I and he; we I&W, each according to his dream. 12 And there WII8 there with us a young ~ a Hebrew aonant of the captain of the guard; and we related to him: 0tH' tlreoru, and he interpreted tlNm to us. II ADd it came to p&II, lie he interpreted them to ~ Il1O aleo it hapJlO!lod, both that 1 WII8 roetorod. to my 011100, and that he WIIa hanged. 14 ADd Phano havmg IOnt., called. Joseph I md they brought him out from the prUon .. md ahaTeci him. and ohanaod. his dre8a, ma be came to Pharao. II And. Pharao IBid to Joeeph, I haTe _n a l'Ui0~ md there ia DO one to interpret it; but I haTe heard ., I&y conOllrllins thee that thou didat hear and interpret them. 18 And J ~h answered Pha:r80 and IBid, Without GOd an _er of eafoty shall Dot be siTen to Pharao. 11 ADd PharaoiSke to Joseph. I&ying. In my dream metho t I stood by tho bank of the riTer; 18 and ere came UJ! lie it were out of the riTer. I8'VOU cows well.faToured and choicefleshed, and they fed. on the lOdge. Ii .And behold I8'VOU other COW8 came 1!P iIftor them out of the riTerl eril and ill-faToured and loau.floahod., IUQD that 1 Dever I&W WOJ'118 in all tho land of Egypt. .. And the IIOTIIJl ill-faToured md thin COW8 ate up the I61'IIJl flrat (ood and choioo cows. llIAnd they "out into their belliee; and' it was Dot ~tible that they had lODe into their Dollie8; and their apJll'&!&llOO WII8 ill.faToured, lie aleo at the be8:iDDing; and after 1 awoke I uept, 1:1 and I&W &pin in my sloop, and aa it were IIOTOU eaI'II came up on one stem, full and good, :a.And other lOTen ears, thin and b1aetod with the wind, sp~ up elose to them. II And tho lOTen thin md blasted eaI'II devoured the l61'en fino and full eaI'II :

Il1O I spoke to the interpreters, and there WII8 no ODe to it to me.

.. And Joseph IBid to Pharao, The dream of Pharao ia one; whateTer God does. he baa shewn to Pharao. l:t The lOTen good 00W8 are l8'Ven years, and the l8'Ven good eara l61'en Yeai'll; the dream of Pliarao ia one. f1 And the lOTen thin kine that came up after them are lOTen yeai'll; and the I8'VOU thin and blaeted eaI'II are seven Ye8!B;, there sha.ll be IOTOU yeara of famine. -"'.4l1I111e Cor the word which I have told Pharao\ whateoever God intenda to do, he baa 80ewn to Pharao: :18 behold, for IOTOU ye&r8 ~ ia co~groa.t plenty in all the land ofEBJPt, 10 But t1iere aIiaJ.J. come IOTOU of mmme after th8llO, md they ahall forget the J:!:::r

~ ~U:ei~ ~f.1'lf!~~~ p~~

shall not be known in the laud by reason of tho famine that ahall be after this. for it 8ha.ll be Tery grievous. IIIAnd conllll1'lling the ~tition of the dJoea.m to Pharao twice, it u becauao the saying which ia from God sha.ll be true, and God will hasten to aoeom~ it. 13 Now then, look out a wilO and prudout manl and set him OTer the land of Egypt. "Ana let Pharao make and appoint local goTernors over the land; and let them take up a fifth part of all the produce of the land of Egypt for the seveu years of the

{JGr •• w.

.ar.&bQ' ......

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plenty. - And let them gather all the f!lO'i TUW l'IITa erwv ~ EfJ97JvtD.... leal rrova'Ya~av 1raVTa Ta 35

of these 88'f'en 1l00d years that I\J'8 oollllng, Q r ~" , ~ ~} , ~ _ \ ~ ,

and let the eorn be gnthered under the hand ,.,pwp.aTa TWV E'IITa ETWV TWV ~p)(Op.£I'fI)V TIIIV KW\WV T01ITtIIV'

of Pharao; let food be kert in the cities. «al rrovaxfJlrrw I> O'iT~ wo Xiipa. 4>apaw· {3pWp.aTa Iv Ta,,,

• And the stored food aha! be f~r the ~nd 'll'Q,\EO'I .pv>..a.·A..!...··. Kal (UTai Ta {3pwp.aro. Ta 'II'(-I.v>..a...",dva 36

al!&iuat the 88'f'en years of famin~1 which /{V'/"" "f' rrr>:

eliall be in the land of Egypt· and Ule l~nd -rii Yii El" ro €1ITa b-r, TOV AIP.OV, 11 (O'OVTai b yfj AlyU7rrov, .\tall not be ntterlydeatroved by the Call1lne. leal OUK (ICTPr/J'7uETa&';' rl (V T.;J A(P..;i. -HPEO'E c1i£ TO ~'Ul 37

~ And the word was pleosingjn the sight of " , ,",r-

PharBO\ and in the ~ight of all his aerranta. lva.VTlov 4>apa~. Kal lva.VTIOV 'll'IlVTWV TWj, 'll'a{&,v awol),

• Ana Pharao said to all hia servants, Kal EI'll'E 4>ap~ 'll'iiul TO'" 'Il'aurtV awov, p.T] 38

Shall we tind such a man B8 this, who has - __ 1I ~ 'i!_. ~

th S irit of God in him? • And PharBO avupw7rOv TOIOVTOV. ~ EXEI 'll'Vwp.a @EOV b awcjj; EI'll'E 8E 39

IlBid t1: Jos'!Ph, Since C?-od has aJ1ewed thee ,z,apaW T.;J '11IXTf}.p, 1'II'ElcIi~ l8"ecv A e(~ 0'01 ftVTa Tawa, allrudtheaet thfuga,thatherethlS n°t.o~rWl8erhou a°balr mt°bere OUK (UTIV liv9pwwo" .pPOVIP.Wnpot; Kat UVVET.mEPo.; O'OV. ~v 40

p en man D ou. " ".... II '\ J '\.... , , • , ...

over my houae, and all my JIt!OpJe ahall be EC17I E'II'I '"t' OIK'I' p.ov, Kal ,,'II'I T'I' UTOJUlTI oo» V'II'I1ICOVO'ETI1I 'll'a"

ol?edient to thy IIwo~; only m the t1!I'one 0 Aa~ p.ov· 'II'.\;p. TOV ()pOvov WfPE~ O'ov lyw. EX'II'E o( 41 will I excel thee. And Pharao IBId to if>,.~' ~ 'I '-I. ,,,~, lI' , , }_" ~ J088jlh Behold I set thee this day over ap ~.."..W T'I' WO'TJ"f" IOOV KIlI7IUTTJP.I O'E UTJP.fpov =1 1I'I1C17/ "Y'O

t~e lan'd !lfEmt. CAnd.Pharaoh thanookdhi9( Ai-yWTov. Kat 'll'Epwwp.cvo" ,z,apa~ TOV ~AwV &,.,..0 ~ 42 rmg ofFhiB hand, and put It on teo , ,~ '..Il- "hr" ~ 'I '.I. '

Joseph and put on him a robe of fine linen, X,E&PO" aVTOU, 'II'(Pl~voIKCV aVTOV I TTJV x"pa WO'TJ"f" Kal

and put a necklace </f gold about hilofnec~. lvi8vucv awov UTOA;p. {3VUO'{VT/V' Kilt 'll'Ep&ifJqKf KAoWV xpvuoVv

"And he mounted him on the aeoond hi. " , Ao ' ~ K" fJ'Q "("" 43

chariots, and a herald made Pn>Calllamah lationd ~p~~_v TpaX?_ v,av;_ou. , }111, ~~! I~au~~VTOV ,'II'I ~TO ~:.: before him; and he set him oyer ten TO fXVTEPOV TWV IlWOV' KI1I ~KTJPoxocv EP.1r1"'" vEV allTOV KTJPoxo'

of Emt. 44 And Pharao IBId to J:rriir! Kal KaTEC1TTJCTEV nVTOv (.p' o>"TJ~ ~ Al"v,rrov. EI'll'E ~ 44

amPbarao; Wlthoutthee no one s ' ~'I '.I. J..M~'''''' ,. ~"I: ~ _'"' ,

up his hand on all the land of Egypt. • And apo.w T'I' WO'TJ"f" ~ r« ",apaw' aVIv ao» ooK f~o.prl OVl1ft" TTJv

Pharao called the name of Jhimo_sephA, Psonh- Xiipo. IlWoV hrl ~ ~ AlyV1I"Tov. Kal (K<fArO'E ,z,apaW 45

thomphanech; and he I_I&ve aenet, , • '1'.1. .T. __ 1I -1._' , ." , ~ "A '"

the daughter of Petephres, priest of H~lio- TO ovop.a WO'TJ"f" 'fI!ovuop.."...vqx: Ka( ~OCI)KCV 1lVT!p TTJV O'cv~u

polis, to wife. • And .Tor'PhpWB8h thkii!tY 9vyaTEpa.. llETE<PP'1 i.€pEWI; 'lLUmnroArWl; awcil d.. ')'1II'IliKa.

years old when he stood before arao, ng 'I"~ ... , • ._,,- ' ... L·_''''''' 46

of Egypt And Joseph went out from the ...., '/"f' 0< "IV eTWV TpIaKOVTa, OTE fUTTJ ~""VT'OV '*'apaw

JlrBsence 'of Ph~ 'DId went t~h all {3au&AEWI; Al"v,rrov' U1j>"()r 8E 'IIIXTf}.p &,.,..0 'll'poO'w.,..ov ,z,~, ~hethland of Egypt. of~lend tthye :,.~tp har:;;f~ Kal OlT]~( 1I'iiuav W Al~' ov. Kat brolTJCTcv ~ rl lv TOL" 4 7

m e leYeD years.... 1 • ". ... ~_LJ." \', \

of coni. • And pe ga~hered all the food!lf f1TTa ETEO'I TTJ" """'71'Ul" pa.'Yp.IlTa. Ka( fTVIITJ"'(I1yE 'lTaVTa Ta 48

the 88'f'en yean, 111 whidchh WB8laidthe pl:n7~ {3p..>p.aTa nw ma. (TWV, lv or" ~v .;, dJlJr,vla b -rii yO

the land of Egypt: an e up e. A" \!tL.' IJ ' , ~ '\ _ IJ'

in the cities; the food of t},le !Ielda of a CIty lytmTOV' Kal ~vrllCf Ta ,.,pwp.aTa cv Tal~ '11'0""0'1' ,.,PWJUlTa

round about it he laid up in it, -hAnd Jod- TWV 'lTE8{wv ~ 1rOAEWI; TWV ,wKAtt» Ilin-TJ .. ~KCV Iv aVrfj. Kat 49

aeph gathered v~ much eorn &8 t e IBn , 'I.~ ~ "'" "~()_ \ -' "

of the -. until It oould not be numbered, fTVIITJ"'(I1'Y'v ...., '/'t" O'iTOV WU(( TTJv ap.p.qv TTJ" wwUO'TJ" '!rO/\,VV

for there was 110 number ofbornit. O',poopa., (WI; ,wI': 'ljeliL'VaTo dpl()p."I8T]val, aU yap ~v dp&8"";"'.

IOAnd to Joseph were two SOllll, T~ <', 'I"~ J...' , \ 8V ' ~ '\1I ~ "_'" 50

before the seven ye&l'll of famine came, which 'I' 0< ...., '/"1' ~ ,CVOVTO VIOl 0 'll'PO TOV rlWEIV Ta f1TTa ETTJ

Aaeneth, the daughter of Petephrea,Jlriest TOV Mp.ov, ow lTEIeCV aw~ 'AO'cvt() ~ 8vyaTTJp llETE<PP'1 i.€pEWI;

of Heliopolis bore to him. 51 And Joseph 'H.\.wtnrOA 'E <fA • 8E 'I . -I. ' • ~ 51

called thll_e of the first-born, M~; , .... ~WI;. ~ .K }~~ ()'_Ll_WO'TJ"f', TO, Ol'O",?, :_~ 'II'~O-

for God, .aid oW, baa made me fOl'llet .... my TOKOV, ~uaVl1UUTJ' on =",a EUI1<tI p.~ t;'II'O(TJCTcv 0 """~ 'lTaVTWV toils, and all 1my Cather'a houaed· Ell ~~ TWV .,..ovwv p.ov, Kat 'll'aVTCIIV TWV TOV '7IUTPO" po», To & 52

called the name of the aeoon, p. '. ~ <' , '-'\ '1;'-1.'" "1:-_' '£.:\'

for G04. Hid oW. has increased me 111 the ovop.a TOU OEVTqJ01I EKQJ\fO'~V, ""t'pa&p.' OTI TJvli'fU E p.E 0 ""(01;

land of my humiliation. U An~ the Il8Yl?n Iv -rii ='II'EwWuEw.. po», llapi1~ov 8E Ta ma. b-r, TT]" 53

years of plenty pueec;l away, which were 111 ~A....' .." L ~ ~ A' , K' - 1:- ' 54

the land of Egypt. .. And the 88'f'en yean 'VV'/FUl". a E"/EVOVTO 0' "1l "f{I lytmTOV. al TJP ..... TO Ta

of famine began to. eome, B8 J~hd IBbid; ma. b-r, TOV Aylov lpX~u80.I. Ko.I)o. rl'll'cv 'lfIIIT#· Kat lyWETO

and there was a fomme 1\\ all the..... ; ut v , ' L_' ~ ~ • 8E' ~ ~ A" • •

in all the land of Egyp_t there WB8 bread.. AI.~ D' 'II'I1C17/ "1l "f{I' cv 1I'I1C17/ "1l 'Y11 ~ov TJCTI1V apT0I.

MAnd all the land of Eg!JIt was hnngrl'; Ka~ 1.'II"{VauE 'll'iiull ~ rl AlyU7rrov' O£ 0 AaO" 1rpO" 55

and the people cried to Pba1'110 for bread.,z, , ,. r 8E if>,.ft_.~. ~ ~ A' ,

And Pharao said to all the Egyptians. 0101 ~ 'II'()EpL ~IWV' ,~'II'f , .. z+: 'II'~: TOI" , (ytmTIOKI~: 56

to JoseJ'h, and do w1!atsoever he shall te 'll'OpEVEO' E 'll'PO~ WO'TJ"f" KI1I 0 Eav «L"71 VP.LV, 'll'OlTJCTUTE. 111 you. And the famine was on the face of A >..,,';'" ~v br, 7r:1lIVTw.,..OV 'II'~...n~ -vii". d.V(~~ 8E 'I"~

all the earth· and Joseph opened all. the ,r-'"' , .... -- ~ ," ;' p ~ • ~ , ~ '/"f' f!'!nari~ and sold to iilJ. the Egyptians. 'll'aVTa" TOVl; O'(To{3oAWva". Kal (.,....M~I '7IUO'I TOI" AlytmTlO'''.

7 And ;Jl oountries CB!De to E~~ to b~Vl Ka2 'll'iiual a1 X,Wpa.( ~A()ov d~ ALytmTOV, ciYO~ClV 'll'p;,.. 57 of Joseph, for the famine prevail.,.. m... .1 •. .....f..I.' , ,. L .. ~' , ~ ~

the earth. ~ '/"f" E'II'El(paTTJUE"yap 0 '''''''''~ cv 'll'a.urJ Ttl 'Yl1'

IJ (h.moDIb.

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3 KD.TlfJqua.v & Ot &&A4>o1. 'I~ ol 8lKIl, 71'plo.uBIl' UlTov 4 II Al-yVrrov. TOv BE Bcymply, rov &.8£Aq,ov 'I~, olll( &.nUTE~E pATa TedY &.8£Aq,wy Ilwov' El71'E 'Yap, p..q warE CTVP.fJij 5 Ilbnii p.oJvuclo.. 9B>..80Y & ol vWl. 'lupa."A &''YOpcl,EW pATa 6 TWv lpxop.lv_· ~Y 'Yap & Np.Cx (y yU XavaaY. '1~ BE ~ A OpX- ~ ~. o~~ ~, 7I'IlVT~ onp >..ace ~ -yi1~'

lA.6OYT6 BE Ot &.&>..4>01 'I~ WpoCTfKllvr,ua.Y al1Tfill7f'~ wpOu"'_ 7 WOY hI. T7,v W. 'I8Wv BE 'I~q, T~ &&A~ awoV, hl-yvw· "aI. ~~ &.71" awWv, Kill. lMA"f}CTa aWo;:~ u~· KaI. ElWt"V IlWoL~, w6fJo, .q,c.aTE; Ot BE fl71'ov, lK ~ 8 Xavaav, d:yopOmu. {3p6JfLIlTa. 'E1rl-yvw 8C 'I~ T~ &'SE>..-

9 ~ awoo' aWol. & tWK hl-yvwuIlY aWOl'. Kill. lp.vt,01h, 'I~ TWv lvvrvWw aWoli. ~ El&Y IlW~' Kal ElWt"V awoi~, KllTrUrK07f'ol lUTE, "aTllvoqulu ro rXV'l ~ ~pa~ ';KaTE. 1001 & El1l'C1Y, olIxl, KUP'E' ol wa~ uoo ';>..80p.a WpbJ.(T6cu

1 I {3p6JfLIlTll. IIc1YT6 lu,"v 1110, ~ d.v8~· Elfrr/v",ollup.a, 12 O~K Ouw ol ~ CTOU KaTc1uK07ro,. El71'E 8C aWo;:~, tWXl· 13 cLUQ. TO. fXV'l ~ _~';ABETE 1MI'. 01 8C Elwav, 8W&Kc1

lup.a Ot ~~ CTOV d.&Mfw1. Iv ri7 XaVac1Y" KaI. l&~ & YE~E~ ~ TOO wo:r~ ~P.wY u.qP.EPOV· A BE iTE~ olx wapXn. 14 El'If'E BE awoi~ 'I~q" ToVTO IUTw & ill"lKa lJ/L'V, Aryow, ~n 15 Krrrc1uKO'It'OlIUTE. 'EY T~ q,aYELuBE' v.;, T7,v lJ-ylnav cltapcu1, ~ p.." UMr,rE lYTW6a, lay p.." & &.&>..~ lJp.Wv & Yf~E~

16 Z>..9u:&. 'AwOCTTElAan U vp.Wv o,a, "al. >..c1{3ETE rov &.&>..q,ov vp.WY" vfLEi~ BE d.waxfJrrrE (~ TOV q,avEpQ. 'YEI'EuB~ TO. MfLIlTa lJp.Wv, d d.>..."e~ ~ oil· d & p."', v.;, T7,V lJ-y{E~Y thpaw, 17 ~ p..r,v KaTc1uKmrol lUTE. KaI. ,BETO aw~ (y q,u>..wcfi 18 ;'p.lpa~ TpEi~. ElWE 8C aVToi~ rfi ~p.~ rfi TplT'fl' TOVTO 19 1I'Ol.qauTE, KaI. ,.;,nuBr TOv @EoI' -yap l-yW cfw{3ovfLll'. El

Eipqv",ol lUTE, d.&>..cpO~ lJp.Wv KaTO.CT)(EfHrr,., d~ (y rfi q,lIAaKfj' aWol. & {3o.8UraTE, KaI. d.wa'Yc1-yETE rov d-yopaup.Ov ~ U'TO&" 20 ulo.~ lJp.Wv. ~ TOV d.&>..4>Ov vp.Wv TOV VE~Epoy U-yc1'YETE 7r~ P.E, Kal W~VTIl' TO. MfLIlTll lJp.Wv· d BE p..",

21 d.71'06a.viiu8E. 'E1rol"f}CTay BE ow~. KD.1. El71'w (KaCTT~ 71'P~ rov &.&>..4>Ov aWov, VIlI., Iv d.p.ap-rlo.,~ -yap lup.a WEPI. TOV d&>..q,01i ~p.Wv, on wEpElSop.a T7,v 8M",w ~ ~ awov, OTE KaTESlETa ~p.Wv, KaI. tWK dD71"oOO-llp.a awoV- Kal. o,E"W

22 roVnw brfj>..8w lq,' ;'p.O.~ ~ 8>;,~ a1'J.r?,. 'AWOlCp,6E'~ 8C "Poo{3.r,v ,lwEI' aWoii, ~IC a&.>.."f}CTa V/L'V, >..€-yow, p.." dSunjo-rp-E TO ~wv, lCal. ~IC E~lCo6uaTE p.ov; lCaI. ~ TO o1p.a 23 aWov 11C'7JT,iTlll. Awol. Sf O~IC -Q&lCTIlV, OT' d.Kotin '1tJJCT#· 24 b yap ~pp.~~ elva p.luoy a~v~. 'A71'OCTTpaq,EI~ Sf d71" awwv "'>..allCTW 'ItJJCT#· kal ~v wpooTJA6, w~ awo~i, lCaI.

E!WEI' awoi~' KaI. ZAa{3E rov lUfLEwV &'71" awwv, lCal. '~O'EI' o.lrTOv Cva.VTLoV uin-Ow.


A.nd Jacob having seen that there 'W88 a IDle of COnJ in Egypt. said to hia BODS, Whv are ye indolent P "Behold, I have heara that there is com in Egypt; go down thither, and buy for us a little food, that we mar live, and not die.

lAnd the ten brethnm of Joeeph went down to buy com out of Egypt. ~HutJacob lent not Benjamin, the brOther of J!)Ie(Ih. with his brethren; for he said, Leat~haply~ di_ beCa.l him. 6 And the BOns or ]_1 came to bur with those that came, for the famine WlllllU the land of Chanaan. a And J!?IIePh WIllI ruler of the land i he BOld to all the JI!'Ople of the land. And the brethren of Joseph, having come, did reverence to him, bOtDiftl!. with tlie face to the ground. 7 And when Joseph IIBW his brethren he knew them, and IIIItnmged himeelf &Om them, and IJIOke hard wOMs to them; and said to them, Whence are ye come P And they lIBid, Out of the land of Chall88ll, to buy food. s And Joseph knew his brethren, but they knew not him. 9 And Joseph remembered his dream, which he IIBW; and he said to them Ye are spies; to obllene the marks of the are ye come. 10 But they 8&id, Nay, Sir, we thy Il6l'V&llte are come to buy food; 11 we are all BOns of one man; we are peaceable. ·thy eervanu are not spietl!:lAnd he said to them, Nay, but ye are come to obllene the marks of the land. II A.nd the18&id, We thy eervante are twelve brethren, lU the land of Chanaan; and, behold, the YOUDgest is with our father to-day, but the other one is not. I. And Joseph said to them, This is it that I IJIOke to you, _ying, ye are spies; 14 herein shall ye be manifested; by the health of Phlll'&O, ye shall not depart hence, unless your rOUDII\"l' brother come hither. 16 Send one of you, and take your brother; and go ye to prison, till your words be clear whetlier ye speak the truth or not; but, if not, by the health of Pharao, verily ye are spies. 17 And he put them in prison three days. 18 And he said to them on the third daYI This do, and ye shall live, for I fear Goo. 19 H ye be peaceable, let one of your brethren be detained in prison; but go ye, and c&rr! back the #I com ye hare prircli&eed. 31And bring your younger brother to me, and your words ahall be believed; but, if not, ye shall die. And the:!'_did BO. 21 And each said to his brother. Yea, indeed, for we are in fault concerning our brother, when we diaregarded the anguish of his BOnI. when he beaought us, and we hearkened not to him; and therefore has thia a.fIIjction come upon us, D And Ruben answered them, saying, Did I not sPC&k to you, lIBying. Hurt not the boy. ana ye me not? and, behold, his blood is required. 21 But thev Imew not that Joseph 'YUDdentood them; i'or there WIllI an interpreter between them. ~ And Joseph turned away from them. and wept; and again he came to them, and spoke to them; and he took Symeon from them, and bound him before their eyes.

fJ Gr. &be parchue of 70Ur lift or oorn.

., Gr. beard Ibem.

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GBlfE818 XLII. 25-XLIII. 7.



But the (amine prevailed in the land. t And it came to paee, when ~ey had llniahed eating the corn which they had brolllht out of Egypt, that their father said to thBm. Go IIPIllI buy us a little food. I And J udae IJIOke to him, sa~ The man, the lord of the COUD?'YJ. poutiv;{y testified to us, say· ing. Ye llUIU not see my face, uul_ your younger brothel' be with you. 'If, then, thou send our brother with ~ we will go down.and buy thee food; 'but ifthoull8nd not our brother with 1lI, we will not go: for the man IJIOke to 1lI, saying, Ye lhall not see my face, unlees your younger brothel' be with you. '.And brael said, Why did ye harm me. inasmuch as )'e told the man that ye had a brother? ;.And they said The man eloaely questioned U8 about our fa.Jiily also, eaying\ D08II your father yet live. and have )'e a Drother? and we anlwered him according to this questiou r did we know that he would sa)' to us, Bring your brother P

15 And loeeph pTe orders to fill tbeirTea- ·EVETfl'A4To 8f ·Iwcrqq, lJL1rA1jaa.t. 1'l£ 4yy'Uz. av,..wv v[1'OV, 25

88lswithcorn.andtoreturntheirmoneyto ,. __ ,,_~ '" • ~ " ,., • ~

each into his sack, and to give them pro- 1C1l' IlmJOO1M1' TO apyvpwv IlVTWV ~1C1lO'T1fJ n~ TOV UGICICOV IlVTOV.

vision for the way; and it was 10 done to 1Ca4 OoWIU IlliToi~ br'UtTiup.Ov (l~ n,v Mav' 1C1l' l-ya#hlll-GnM'V them. • And having put the com on the ow~. Kw br..oivrlfS TOV ULTOv br, TOW ovov~ Ilwwv. ct"";;.\8ov 26

-. they d~ thence. :; And one ... ,

having opened his sack to give his _ ~1C('i(J£II. AVua~ 8, ,t~ TOV p.o.PCT&1rtrov IlWOV, OoWIU xo{1TlitTp.o.TIl 27

fodder, at the plaoe where they rested, sa" TO'~ ovo,~ IlWoV. ot ICIlTi>.vullV, ICW (t& TOV &u~v TOU .t_-·pwv

also his bundle of money, for it was on the r- ""r~,

mouth of his eaok. • A.nd he said to his IlWov. 1Ca4 ~v br~ T()V UTOp.o.~ TOU p.o.pu[7Mrov. KIl' (T7I"( 28

brethrend'beMhY ldmonhiell?ae. been ~ to "Oi~ ci&Af/Jo'~ IlWoV, 411"c86~ p.o,TO &pyUptOlI, 1Ca& lOou TOiiTo

me, an 0 t 8 18 m my IRIU&. And 't"" '- '1:' C __ t.!_ .,. " 1--_ ' .. ..4..._

their heart was wonder.ltruck, and they £II TIfI p.o.pIT''7r7rf¥ p.o1J' ICI14 (~(C1TJ1 7J 1C...,.......IlVTWV.ICIl' ~·..,.Il1(V<r

~ere ~ubledA ~ying one to another, What UIlV 7I'pO~ cLU.7}Aov~, >.JyOVT(~. T{ ToVTO brol:rp£ll ;, 0(~ .qjUv;

II this that l~ has done to WI P -And 9D".Il ", • 'I '.fJ· , • ~ , , X • 29

they came to their father Jacob into the filWOV ott 7I'POS Q.l(w,., TOV 7N1TEpa IlVTWV "~Y'l" 11VI14V,

land of Ohanaan, and ~rted t-O him all 1Ca4 4n7rY(tAaV Ilwcp 11"4vTa Ta UVP.{3a.VTa. IlWO'~. AE-yovrq. that had happened to them, saymg, 10 The AcNfA7JIC£II A OJ,6ponr~ ;, ,ropw~ rij~ ~ 1I'pO~ ~p.O.~ UKA7Jpa, 30

man, the lord. of the land, IJIOKe harsh words 'M • ~ • .4. ~ ft"'::' • " ~

to us, and put WI i~ prilOD; &I~i. of the ICIU wuo 7Jp.o.~ £II 'l'v,-U' ~ ICIlTllUlCmr(l}()VTIl~ T7fV Y'lv,

land, II.And we 8&Id .to ~.\.. We are men Et1l'llf'O' & IlWwfl' (lpqvtICoL lUP.£II, OVIC ~up.€v ICllro.UICCI7rW. 31

of~.wearenotllples. we are twelve A ,,,__ ''/!_'.4.ft! I ,. ~ ., ~ .,. ,

brethren,IODB of our father' one is not, and ~a. 1lCMA.,..,. .. VW, TOV 7N1Tpos 7Jp.AA1V' 0 ,,~ ovx 32

the youngest is with his lather to-day in ~XEt· ;, & p.tIC~ TOU 7N1T~ ~p.Wv u-qp.EpOv Ev YD

the land of Ohanaan. »And the man. the v s.. ~ ",' ~ .. -_Ll " ~ ~ • 33

lord of the land said to WI Herein ehall I A.Ui'WU', ""'1I"C 0( "'P.LV 0 1lVO'~ 0 IC1Ip~ ~ Y'I~' £II

know that ye ani peaceable;' leave one bro- Tcn1nt -yvrAop.o.'. on ciprpttICo[ ~UTe' d&>..ffJOv £va licfxn cr&

ther here with me, and having taken the "~ • 'I!~ d '~roOou' ~ - • ~

eorn )'8 have purchased for your family JUT Ep.o1J· TOV ott yopaup.ov ~ U, tI1~ TOV OUtOV vp.wv

depart. ".And ~g to me your younge; MPOVTq dftA8a.T(. K.a& cl-y&yu( 7I',m .p.( TOv d&A.tpOv 34

b1'!>ther; then I ahaIl know that )'8 are not lJ,u;w TOV 'If(,f,TCPOV' ICW yvrAop.o.' on ov ICIlTOnlCcnroL lUTe,

spJ •• butthatyearemenof~:andI .. ,,'_ 1_." •• .!ll_LU .... ' ~ • _",_ ,~

Will restore you your brother, and ye shall WV\ on C'f'./rtICOi .. UTC· ICIU TOV UUtA<pUV vp.wv 1l1l'00WCTW vp.UI,

trade in the lancL. - An4 it came to paes as 1Ca4 rii yjj 1p.7rOptVu(u(Jc. "EyEvuO Be Iv TW ICIlTIlICElloVV 35 the_y were emptymg thell' sae.ks. there was " ., , ~ ..., : ~_. ~ each man's bUnille of money in his sack; Il~ ~ UIllCIC~ IlVTWV. ICIU 7J1I (lCaUTOV 0 O(up.o<> TOV

and they and their father I&W t~eir bundles dpyvp/.ov Iv '" UtUclClfJ IlWWv' 1C1l' (TOw TcM 8cup.ou~ Tcni

of mon8)', and th8)' were afraid. • And. , ,~ •• '. • • ~ ".L.fJ.!.Il..-

their father Jacob said to them, Ye haTe apyvpwv IlVTWV a.VTO'. ICI1I. 0 7N1"1P IlVTWII, ICIU ''I'''''''I'''I''IlV.

bereaved me. JQll8Ph is not.l:!YD!eon is not, ETn & a.wo~ 'IllIC.w'fJ ;, 1I'1lT7JP Ilwwv. lp.~ .qnlCVrAIlT(' 36

and will ye take Benjamin? all theee thinn 'I '.4. • - ~ , •• ,. B • A':'" uO

have come upon me. 11 And Buben lpoie WCTTI'I' OVIC (UTL. VpAfIIV OVIC (UTl, ICIU TOV €VU1.p.l.V'/'I'f ,;

to.his f~ther, sayi~\ Slay ~y ~o 8!l1ll, if I br' l,u l-y.,uo TIlWIl m1VT1l. E11l"' & 'Pov{37Jv nfi 7N1TpI. IlVrWv, 37 brina him U!ee; ~ve him mto my Aeywv, roW Boo VW~ p.ov cl1l"olCT(tvoV, lay p.~ cl'Ya-yw IlWOV

hand. and I will bring fum hack to thee. • '~L •• , , ~, " ..! I:. ..'

IIIBut he said. My BOn ehall not go down 11'~ U(' ....... IlVTOV C~ T7fV X~'fJIl p.o1J; 1C~"'f"J llV~fII IlUTOV

with lOul becauae his brother is d~ and 7I'~ ut. '0 & (T.".£II, ov ICIlTa.{3ip(Tll& ;, VWi p.ov p.EfI vp.Wv. 38

he orily II&IJ been left; and ftlJ!J'9U It ehall _ '.!ll_l..L~_ ' ~.l sa ,." _ \ zv ,

come to .,... that he is alBicted by the way on 0 I.WV"f""> aVTOV <l1l"WIlV(, KIl' IlVT~ p.ov~ ICIlT","",,'1I'Ta.&'

by which ye ~. then ye ehall bring down 1Ca4 uvp.{3ip(Tll& a.wov p.o.AalC~ Ev rii ;'&fi. ii lay 7I'opa)-

my old &18 With IOrrow to Badee. --II '.! 1:._ ' ,~ , \ ' ,." _ ~ 'I" v(, IC<U ICIlT~T( p.ov TO Y'lpa~ P.UIl A'IJ'JrTf'> ,,~ Cj\oov,

'0 & ~ Iv~ br, ~ -. 'Ey.,uo & Tp-Uca. 43

CTIIV(TIMuav ICIlTllf/Ja-Yfiv TOV UiTOI:, ~ ;,vc.y1C1lV it Al-yWTOv, 2 1Ca& (T1m' a.wo'i~ ;, 7I'CJ.T7Jp IlWWv, 7I'clAtV 7I'opcu(Jivr~ 11'pUur6c ~p.'iv p.ucpO. (3,w,p.o.TIl, E!1I'( 8( Ilwl{) 'Iov&~, Mywv. &o.p.o.p- 3 TVM- pAp.a(JT1lfY'ITIU ';'p.'iv ;, OJ,6~ A ,ro~ ~ ~, Aeywv. o-GIC Oo/CuOf TO 1I"pOO..",.ov p.o1J, lav p.~ ;, d&>..~ vp.Wv A 'If(C:W~~ p.d1 up.Wv y, El p.€v oW cl1rOC1T~ TOY ~ 4 .qp.Wv p.c(/ ';'p.iiJv, ICIlTa.{3."uOpA8a., Ka4 d.-Y0pO.uop.w (TOt {3,w,p.o.Ta.,

El & p.~ cl1rOC1TfM~ T()v d&>...pot' ~p.Wv pA8' ~p.WII. ov 7I'OfHV- 5 UOP.~(JIl' ;, -yap OJ,6ponr~ (r1l"£11 ~p.w, MyQJII, o-GIC oo/cuOt P.OV

TO 1I"pOOCrI'IrOV, rav p.~ b d&Aqm vp.Wv b VcWfE~ pA8' vp.Wv y, E11l'~ 8( 'Iupa~A. T[ (ICGlCCI7rW.qoYJ.TC p.€. clVl1yyclAa.VT(~ '" 6 &.vO~ OTL (UTtV vjUv ~; OZ B, (11l'lll', lpc.rTWv 7 J1M]pOn."u£ll .qp.O.<; 0 a.v8ponr~ lCaL T7Jv -Y£ll£av ~p.Wv. A.fywv,

d IT, ;, 7N1T7JP vp.Wv 'ii. ICllt d IUT'v UP.tll d&A~. 1Ca4 cl""1'YY'~ a.wcfi ICIlTa. Tf]v brtpOm,UlV TIlIin]v· P.;1 V&tp.0'

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0:0:&818 XLIII. 8-26.

8 And Judae aaid to his father 18l'IIcl, Send the boy with me, and we will arise and go that we may live and not die, both we and thou, and our store. • And I engage for him \ ~t my hand do thou require him; if I Dring him not to thee, and place him before thee I shall be guilty toWard thee for ever. ill For if we had not tarried, we should now have returned twioe. U ADd I_I, their father, said to th~ If it be 10, do this; take of the fruits of the earth in your veasels, and carry down to the man preeents of gum and honey, and frank· in_, and staats, and turpentine, and walnuts. .J And take double money in your lumda. aud the money that 11'&1 returned in your sacks, oarry back with you, lest peradventure it is a mistake. II And take your brother; and arise, go down to the man. M And my God give you favour in the m,ht of the man and eend a_I your (J other brother, and Benjamin, for 1 acoordingi:r BI 1 have been bereaved, am bereaved:


, ,." I ...... &Ided ,,1111 &be _ y .... han iii'''' me, bolll .. to quality ud q ..... Uty.

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GENESIS XLIII. 27-XLIV. 13. ground. ~ And he asked them. How are ye P and he lllid to them, Is your father, the old man of whom ye spoke, well P Does he yet live P lIS And they lllid, Thy servant our father ia well; he is yet alive. .A.nd he said, Blessed be that man by God ;-and they bowed, and did him reverence. :It A.nd Joeeph /J lifted up his eYeS and saw his brother Benjamin. born of the aame mother; and he lllid, Is thia your younger brother. 'Whom'I8 apoke of bringing to me P and he aaid. God have mercy on thee, my BOn. au A.nd Joseph was troubled. for his bowels yearned over his brother. and he BOught to weep; and he went into his chamber, and W811t there.

ar And he washed hia face and came out, and refrained himself,and 1IIi!it8et on bread. :tIAnd they set on bread for him alone and for them b, themselves, and for the EgrPtians feasting with him by themselves, for the Egyptians could not eat bread with the Hebrews. for it ia an abomination to the Egyptians. &! And they aat before him, the firl! acoording to his seniority, and the yonnger acoordiDg to his youth; and the men llooked with amazement every one at his brother. It And they took their portions from him to themselves; but Benjamin's portion was a five times as much as the portiona of tlu otMr8. And they drank and were filled with drink with him. 1 And Joseph charged the steward of his house • • ying, Fill the men's aacb with food, as much as they can carry) and put the money of each in the mouth 01 his sack. S And put my silver cup into the sack of the youngest, and the price of his corn. And it was done according to the word of Joseph, as he said..

'The moming dawned, and the men were sent away, they and their uses. • And when they had gone out of the city, and were not far 00', then Joeeph lllid to his steward, Arise, and pUJ'Bue 8.fter the men; and thou shalt overtake them, and say to them, Why have ye returned evil for good? • Why haTe ye stolen my silver cup P is it not this , out of which my lord drinks P and he divines augury with it; ye bave aooomplished evil in that which ye have done. 6.A.nd he found them, and ~ke to them aooording to these words. 7 And they said to him, WbJ.. dues our lord speak acoording to these wo rdin~ far be ,~t. frOmrd thy1sef rvantsbroto dhot

acoo g to t ..... wo . 01· we ug

back to thee out of the land of Chanaan the money which we found in our aacb, how should we steal silver or gold out of the house of thy lord ¥ 8 Witli whomsoever of thy servants thou shalt find the cup, let him die' and, moreover. we will be servants to our lord. IU And he lllid, ~ ow then it shall be as 16 .y; with whomsoever the cup ahall be found, he shall be my servantl and ye sball be clear. llAnd they bBated,ana took down everyman his sack on the groundl and they opened every man his sack. IS Ana he searched, beginning from the eldest, until he came to the 10nngest; and he found the cup in Benjamm's sack. 13 And thev rent their garments, and laid each man his aack on hi. aes,and returned to the city.



'HpuI"7UE 8~ awo~, r.W~ lxrrE; Kal £t1l'€Y awots. d Vywlvn 27 o '7f'aTYJP vpoWv 0 '7f'PEU{3Vrr,>. 8v £''7f'aTE j fn {fi; m 8E £t7n1V. 28 Vyw.iv(L 0 'II'I1li uov 0 7rO.TYJp ~poWv. bot {jj. Kal .t7l'€Y, wAoyrJp.'vo~ 0 av9pw'7f'~ IKElv~ Tep ®£ep' KaL .wy,avrE~ '7f'pOUEI<1ivrpa.v aVTep. 'Ava{3A't/la~ il~ TOli Oq,9a.>..p.oli awov 'I~, Et& 29 B€YLap.Lv TOV &&>..q,ov awov rov op.op:r,rpwv· KaL ,17I'£V. ~~

o tl8(A~ vpoWv 0 V(WT£PO~. IIv "'II'I1T£ '7f'pO~ p.( tlyaYEW; KcU ,1'7f'£v, 0 ®EO~ lAn7uat U£. TEICVOV. 'ETa.pO.x6r! 8E 'ILAXT"#' 30 UVV(UTpEq,rro yOp Ta ;YKaTa awov ml,.cp &&A# aVTOv. Kal ({!rrn KAaWCU' dU(A9wv 8E El~ TO TO.JUlOV.€Y (KEl.

Kal VI.l/lliP.£VOf; TO '7f'pOuW'7f'OV. (,dJJWv (V£KpaT£UuaTo' KcU 31 ,I'7f'E, '7f'o,pa.Orr( dprolJ'>. KcU 'II'I1fIl&"Kav awep p.o"'{J, KcU awoli 32 KaO' £aVTow, KaL Toii Al"'(11ll'TWL~ TOli UVVilt:L7I'VOWL p.rr' awoii KaI)' £aVToVi· oll YOp (OWOJITO ol Alyli1l'TWL uvv£u9£ELV p.era TWV 'E{3po1wv O,prOlJ'>' {3w..vyp.a. yap ((m TOli Al"'(11ll'TWLi.

• EKcWLO'aV 8E wavriov awov, 0 71'PWT6-rOK~ KaTa. TO. '7f'P(U{3Ew' 33 aln-oii. KcU ;, v£,m'qJO<; KaTIl n,v vE,""Ta awov· E,iUTOJITO 8E ot Ilv8pw1rOL €KIIOT~ '7f'pO~ rov &&N/XJv aVTov. 9Hpo.v 8E P.(pl&.~ 34 '7f'ap' awou '7f'pO~ £aVToVi· (P.rya.>..w&" ilE ~ P.EP&i B€YII1p.&v 1l'apG. Tili P.Epl&.i '7f'a.vrwv 71'wra'7f'Aautm.. '7f'~ Tili (KELVWV' brwv 8E KcU f.JU6Vu9-quav p.(T' awou. KaL EVer(D.o.To 0 'IbX1'7Jq, ~ 44 OvrL al ~ OUcUti awov, ArywV. '7f'A~an ToW p.o.pcrL'1MI'OW TWV d.v8~v {3pwp.O.TWV, oo-a faV ilWwvrcu clpcu. ICIlL lp.{3J.Am lKciaTov TO tlpylipWV ('7f" TOU UTOp.a.TOi TOV p.o.pcrL'1MI'01J. KcU 2 TO KOv8v p.ov TO tlpyvpoiiv EP.{3J.A£TE Eli TOV P.&.puL'IMI'OV TOV VEWT'EpoV. KcU n,v Ttp.fty Toli UiTOV awoii· lynrflhl il. KaTIl ro

PTJp.a. 'IbX1'7Jq,. K~ ,I'7f'E. '

To '7f'pwt o«q,a.1XTE· KaL 01 av9fX'J1roL tl'7f'EO"TJ.ATJUav. allrol KcU 3

01 OVOL awwv. 'EeEA8ovrwv 8E aVTUiv -"1v '7f'OAI.V. OVK tl'7f"UXOV 4

p.a.xpav· Ka' 'I~ (I'7f'( Tep ml ~ OUcUti aln-ou, clvlIOTlli f1l'l.otweoV tnr{qw TiilV d.v8~v, KalKaTa.>...,l/rtJ awoW. Kal EpE"ii

awoi:i, TL OTt avra'7f'I&lKaT( 7f'OV7IpO. tlvrL KaAfov j 'IvaTL 5

(IC"NaTE pov ro lCov8v TO dpyvpoiiv j OV rowo lUTLV, (V tP '7f'{VEL

o ICVPL~ p.ov j awOi 8E ou.,VLO'p.ep ou.,v"eraL lv awcji. 'lTOV'f1pG. CTlJIITeru..uan A '7f'OI'OL..]lCaT(. EvpWv OE aVTow, Et'7f'€Y awoli 6 lCaTIl Til p..]p.aTa TO.wa. m 8E ,17n1V awep, lvaTi A.a,U' ;, ,rupLOi 7 lCaTIl Til p..]p.aTO. Ta.wa; p.~ Y'VOLTO TOli 'lTaLO'i uoo 7f'OL~at lCaTa TO pqp.a. TOWO. El TO p.Ev tlpyVPLOV. 8 EVPOJUV (V TOli 8 p.o.pcrL1MtOLIl ~poWv, a'7f'(UTpE.;ap.€Y '7f'pO~ UE lK ~ Xava.O.v, '7f'Wi

&v KAEt/lCUJUV (IC TOU 0"'00 roii ICVplov uov tlpyVP&OV ~ ](pwwv j IIap' tP &v WfTlli TO 1C0vilv TWV '7f'at8wv O'ov, d.7roIJv.quICETtIJ· KaL 9 ~P.('i 8E fuolJ.(Oa '7f'cU8(~ Tep KVplAu ~poWv. '0 ilE EI'7f'E, lCaL vVv, 10 Wi >..i-ym. o~ (O'TIU' 'lTo,p' tP Av tVpE8fj TO KOVilv, (UTIl& p.ov '7f'al~, vp.iis OE (uEu9E ICll0o,pol. KcU (<nI'nKTav, ICcU lCa.I}i;'>"av 11 uaCTTOi roy p.OpU&'IMI'OV awou hrl n,v yi1v' Kai. ~vo..eav UIIOTOi TOV p.Opu&1MtOV awoii. 'HpaM,u( 8E tlrO TOU '7f'pEU{3VTEpoV 12 tlpe&.,uv~. EWi ~>..9£v (71'& TOV v£,m(pov. lCaL (OP' TO ICOVOV w

,.cp p.a.pu{1r'1Nf! TOU B€Yuzp.{I'. KcU il«p/rrJea.v Til l,.,.a.TW. IlVTUiv. 13 #ca.1. E1f'iffqICQV fKQO'TO~ TOV p.a.puL7rlrOJl uVroii €1rL TOJ! ovov aVrou, ICcU (1l'EUTp£t/lav ,l~ n,v '7f'OMV.

II Or. UYiDIr looked up wllh, etc.

., Gr. were a ....... d. a Or. wu _,",IBed """ond Ihe parUOIUI or all dye UID .. in

OOIDp&nIOD or &bel... , Or. In wbi<lh.

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14 EUrii~8t: Of 'Io~a~ KaL ot &o~cpol a&ov 7rPo.. 'lW<1'7]t/> ;n

am-oli O~ lICEL, «at br~tTOV waVTw" ain-ov hi T7Jv riv. 15 E!n Of a&o'i~ '1W<1'7]t/>. T{ TO 7rpa.-yp.a TOv,.O OrotJpan; OUI' 16 OLOaTt: OTI olfllvW'p.~ olfllV~LT~ ;, i1.v8p<mr~. or~ ¥; EI7r£ Of 'o~~. T[ d.VTt:povp.t:Y "" ICUpl~. ~ T{ MA*,"Op.t:Y. ~ Tt Ouc~p.£v ; ;, ee:~ Of ~pt: "'" &&Klav ,.wI' ~'&uv 00011' 1000 iup.£v olKlnu ~ KVpl~ ~poWv. KaL ~p.t:'i~. Kal 7rctp' ce rbplllTJ

17 ro KOvOv. EI7rE 0( 'IW<1'7]cP. p.~ P.OL -ylvOLTO 7rOLij(TlU ro {n}p.ct TOVro' ;, i1.v8Pfll7r~ 7rctp' cii ruplllTJ TO KOvOv. avro~ ;UTaI p.ov 7ra'i~ Vp.t:L~ Of d.v&.{3-r,r£ P.ETo. CTIUT71pta~ 7rpO~ ";'1' 7raTlpa vpoWv. 18 'Errtua~ 5f a&~ 'l~~ (I7rE, olop.aL. ,rop~' MA'I'/O'&.'TCII;' 7ra'i~ 00011 pijp.a &aVTtov 00011, Kat p.~ 8vp.wlJO~ ~ 7rcttOL UOV. o,.L uV 19 t:1 p.£To. ~. Kvp~. uV ~~~ ~ 7rcttoa~ 00011, ~l-yoJv. 20 d ~E 7rctTlpa ~ d.Or~4>Ov. Kal (i.7rctp.£v T~ ICUpt'/!. ;UT'" TJp.'iv 'JIU,",P 7rpt:U(3VTt:p~, Kal 7rcttOlov ri~ VE,g,.EpoY a~, Kal ;,

d~4>O~ a&ov J.7rl8av£v, a&o~ Of p.6v~ WE~.{4>&rJ rii p.TfTpl 21 a&oii, ;, Of 7ra,",p aln-Ov ~7rf]CT£V" EI7rct~ OE Toi~ 7rctW't 00011, 22 Kam-y&.-yET£ avrov 1rpQ.; P.E, Kal OrLp.t:MVp.aL a&ov. Kat €'l7rctp.£v T~ KVP~, OU Ov,,*,"£TaL TO 7ratOlov KaTaAt7rEW TOV

7rctTlpa a&oii· lav Of KaTa.AL'II!I TOV 7rctTlpa, d.7r08av.iTlu. 23 lv Of Er7rct~ TO~ 7r~t uov. lav p.~ KaTo{3V ;, d&~t/>o.. vp.Wv b

VE,g,.£~ p.(fI vpoWv, cW 7rpou~(u8£ lOr'iv TO 7r(.Ocronrov p.ov.

24 '1;'_.' !::~ 111" .'Q '\ '\ ... ~_! 'III' ...

~ ,€VETO Of: 7JIILKa aV(tJ"' 7r~ TOV 7r~oa 00011 ':rt;::-t:po. T/p.IIIV,

25 a&~ TO. ~p.ctTa TOU KVpiov ~poWv. EI7rE 0( b

7ra,",p ~poWv. (3aOtuaTE 1r&.Nv KaL d-yop&.uaTE ~p.iv P-LKPo. (3ptfJ-

26 p.ctTct. ·Hp..i~ Of Ei.7rOp.t:Y. ou ~op.E(ja KaTa(37,VaL' d,U' t:i

poW ;, ~tf>Q.; ~poWv ;, V(,g,.EPO' KaTa(3alvn P.E(/ ~poWv, KaTa(3T/uop.t:8a· ou -yap ~op.E8a lOr'iv TO 1rpOufll7rOV TOV dv8ptfnrm', 27 TOV ~cpov ~p.Wv TOr. VEfllTlpov p.~ OVTO~ P.E(/ ~poWv. El1r€ O€ ;, lI'ai~ 00011 lI'a,",p ~poWV 1rpO<O ~p.O.<o, -YLVWuKETE on 01.:0 28 l-mcl P.OL ~ ~, Kal i~M€V;' t:t<o d7r' ip.ov· Kal Ei.lI'aTE on 29 lITJpuJf3~ -yl-yOV€V, KaL ollie i.&v avrov o.XPL vVv. 'Eav ~ >.&.{JTfT€ Kat TOVroV iK TaV lI'poutfnrav p.ov, Kat uvp.f3ii atm:'

p.o).rucla I.v rii b&;i, Kal KaT~t:Tl p.ov TO -yijpa~ P.ETa A~ £i~ 30 ct8ov. Nw oW lav (lu'IropnXoJp.aL 1rpQ.; TOV 7rcttoa uov, lI'aTlpa ~ ~poWV, Kat TO 7rctioiov p.~ V P.€(/ ~p.Wv, ~ Of !fvx'I a&ov 31 I."Kp(p.aTaL lK Tij<o TOVTOV~. Kal €CTTctt £V ~ l&iv a&ov p.~ ~v TO 'll"atOlov p.£6' ~p.wv, T~~UEt, KaL Ka~OVCTLV ot lI'aiOl<o 00011 TO -yijpa~ TOV 7rct~ 00011, 7rctTpQ.; Of TJp.wv, p.£Ta 32 A~ t:l~~. '0 -yap lI'ai~ 00011 7rapa. TOV 7raTpO<O E"&'&l<'TaL

,.;, lI'atOlov, Al-yIIIv, lav p.~ d-y&'1fII avrov lI'pO~ Uf, "al ~fII o.wOv mfnrLOV 00011, ~p.4PTT/"W<; W-Op.4L (l~ TOV 'lraTlpa 7raua~ 33,.a~ ~p.lpa<o. Ni:v ~ 'lrapap.ww 0001 7ra'i~ dVTt TOV 7rcttOLOV, oUc~ TOV KVPWv' TO 0( 'lratOWv dvaf3irrfll P.ETa TWI' ~q,;;,v

34 a&oii. niU<; • -yap 'lrpO~ ";'1' 7rctTEpa, TOU 'lraLotov

p.~ O~ p.(fI ~poWv; ,va poi} 'lOIII TO. KaKa, 11 rupTJuEL rov 'lraTlpa p.ov.

45 Kal OliK ¥VvaTo 'JW<1'7]t/> dvlXEu6aL 'Ir&'VTfIIV TWV 'lrapt:UTT/KQ,.fllv a~, ill' ,t'lr€V, lfall'OUTt:o..aT( 7rrlVTa~ d7r' Ep.oii· Kal oli 7rapt:~KEL cW&,~ T~ 1~. ~Uca d.V€f'I'IIIP~ETO TO'i<o d.OrA-


U And Judas and his brethren came in to Joseph, while he was yet there, and fell on the ground before him. 16 And Joseph mid to them, What is this thing that ye have done P know ve not thnt a man 11100 as I can I11l'8ly divine P 16 And Judas said, What sball we answer to our lord, or what aball we II&Y, or wherein should we be jU8titledP fJ whereas God has discovered the lllI1'ighteouenees of thy servants; behold, we are slaves to our lom,both we and he witb wbom the cuJl has been found. 17 And J 06epb said, Far be it from me to do this thing ; the man with whom the cu_p has been found, he shall be my _nt: but do ye go up with safety _ to your father, 18 And JudaS drew ne&r him, and said. I pray, Sir\let thy servant speak a word before thee, ana be not nngry with thy servant, Cor thou art next to Ph8rao, 18 Sir, tbou askedst thy servants saying, Have ye a father or a brother P 10 A;id we 8&ld to "'" lord, We have a father, an old III&D, andhe has a son of his old ~ a young one\ and his brother is dead, and he alone has oeen left behind to hi. mother, and his father lOVell him. 21 And thou aaidst to tllY servants, Bring him down to me. and I will take care oC him. = And we 8&Id to "'I' lord, 'rbe child will not be able to leave his father; but if he should leave his father, he will die, SI But thou saidst to thy servanta, Except your younger brother come down with JOu, ye ahDJJ. not see my face agnin. :NAn it came to JI688, when we went up to thv servant our mther we repQrted to him the words oC our loid. J:6 And our ' father said, Go again\.and buy us a little food. :III And we said, VI: e shall not be able to go down; but if our younger brothe~ ~ down with us, we will 110 down; for we ahall not be able to see the man's face our younger brother not being with us. '~And thy servant our father II8.ld to us, Ye know that my wife bore me two '0fU; :Ill and one is depaloted from me I and ye said that he was devoured of wild beUta, and 1 have not seen him until DOW. 211 If then ye take this one aJao from mv presence, and an aftIiction happen to hiin by the way, then shell ye bring down myoid &!fe with IIOm)W to "t the grave. .. Now then, if I should go in to thy servantl and our fatherl and the boy should not De with us, (ana his lite depends on this latE, Jife)..JI it shall even come to pass when he _ the boy is not with us, that be will die, and thy servants will bring down the old age of thy servant, and our father, with sorrow to the grave. "t ItI For thy servant has received the boy i .. charge from his Cather, lI&)'ing\ If I bring him not to thee, and Jl!ace him eerore thee, I shall be guilty towaida my father for ever. lIiI Now then I will remain a servant with thee instead of the lad, a domestic of my lord; but let the lad go up with his brethren. M For how shall} go up to my father, the lad not beingwjth us P lest! behold the evils which will befal my father.

And Joseph could not refrain himself when all were atanding by him, but said, Dismiss all from me i and no ODe stood near Joseph, when he IDBQe bimaelf known to his

fl Gr.bu~

., or, BacIea.

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bretlmm. I And he uttered his Toice with cpo'i<; aln-ov. KcU cl4»JlCf ~vtp, P.fTo. tCk.v8p.ov· ,]lCovvav 8, 2

weeping; and all the Egyptians heard,and it, • A' , , , '" .,.

was reported to the h01186 of Pharao. J And 7n1I'Tt:~ 0' ')'V7!Tw', ICCI& (U(OvaTOV tylVfTO fl~ TOV O&ICOV oIIa.po..IJ.

J oaepn said to his brethren, I am Joeeph; E11l"t: ~ 'I~ 1I"pO~ TO~ cl8u..cpo~ awoV, ¥ t:~, 'Ic.xr#· 3 doth my father yet liTe? And his brethren ft., 0 'II'CI......In unv '11~ j Kal. OVIC ~~:"-VTO 01 .!J:.LL_l. cl1l"!.·1I&

could not &D8'1fe1" him, for the)' were trou- ···w r= .,..."'............."., ··"/F

bled. • And Joseph said to his brethren av,.,;;· baptix!frluo.v 'YOp. EI1I"f ~ 'I,_.qcp 11"~ TO~ cl8eAcpo~ 4 Draw ~h to me; and they drew nigh; and awov, J..-,UraTt: 7rpO~ p.l.. lCat ;""'W'CIJ" Kat (l7rfV, J..-t. t:k he said, I am your brother Joseph, whom ye s, , :' I I ~ F" -r-

.oldintoEgypt. 'Now then benotgrie'red~ 'I~ 0 ~ ~p.Wv, Sv d,1I"i&xr8, ,l~ Al-yvrrov. Nw oW 5 and let it not .-u hard to you that ye sold p.:q AV1rfW8E, ,., .. ,~( ulCA7JpOv ~p:iv ~1Il. ~n d.7Ti&u8i ".. ;&.

me hither. for God Bent me before you for r ' , • , . __ -A

life. I For this aecond year there is famine cl~ 'YOp \o~ d.7T(UT(&.\( ".. 0 0(~ lp.7f'1"'" vfV lJ,."wv. ToWo 6

on the earth, and there are yet liTe rears 'YOp &Vnpov iTO~ ~ l7f't ~ ~, Kat in M,rIJ. 7f'm( en,.

remaining. in which there is to be neither ~'" , , .'''''''''.''

lJloughinB, nor mowing. 7 For God aent me (V oes OVIC (UTW aparpuun,>. OllOE o."':'l'ro". A7f'(UT(&J\( -yap f" 7

before you, that there might be left toyou ;, 0EO~ lp..".p0u8fV ~,."wv, woAt:l~ ~p:i.v KaTW'f'f'CI &111"1

a remnant upon the earth. 8Ten to nourish ~ ~ 'I "'-J.I, • ~ -', - .. I, -', N~ -~_. 8

a great remnant of yoU: --, Now then ye did ~ "('1'>. Ka, &KI1,.,..,,1I& vf&IIlv KaTwur..,.1V f'tya.A7Jv. W uw

not Bend me hither, but God; and he hath oGx vp.E&<; p.t: d.7f'flT7'liNcaT£ ~. dAM 0 8(0..' Kat WO{71U~ ".. made me .. a father of Pharao. and lord of • , "" ' " ,-". - ,

all his h d ul f all th '--d f ~ 'frCITEpCI "'-a.p<UU, KII& ICVpWV 1I"aVTO'> TOO O&ICOV awoo, «a&

ouae, an r er 0 e ..... 0 " , - A' , ~, ... • '/J. '9

Egypt. v Haeten, therefore. and go Ul' to ap;J(OVTa ~ "('1'> ''Y''''"ov. ~1TEVUI1VTE~ ow ava,.."1T( 7f'~

my father, and I&y to him. These things TOV 1I"aTipa. f'ov /Cat f'1I"aTE av,.,;;, T&& My" 0 vlo.. uov 'Ic.xr#· 8&lth thy IOn Joseph: God baa made me I " .,,;,_, , , - A' , .! IJ..JJ _~ .. lord of all the laud of Egypt· come down ~""O&71UE p.' 0 """~ KUpWV 1T~ 'Y7J~ ')'V7!TOO' KaT...,..,,..' I11IV

therefore to me, and tarry not.' 10 And thou 7f'pQ., f'(. Kat f'~ "..lvrr;. Kat KaTo~,,~ lv 'Yii r(U~f' 10

.balt dwell in the laud of Geaem of AJoabia; 'A ~ IJ ' ,. J.._~:" ".. , , • .,

and thou ahalt be near me thou and thy • .,....,..'a~· ICII& EUlJ c, tr» f'ov UV, ICQ' 0' VW, UOV, 1111& at 1110'

tIOna,and thy 10118'10118. thY,sheep and t¥ne TWv lIlWv UOV, TO; ."."o{3aTli. uov, lCat ol f3Ot:~ UOO. "at Oua Uo,

Run .. and. wha~er things are thine .. (UT'. Kat 11C8p~"'1Il U( E"ft' iT, "tap 7f'wn en, >up.o... Wo. f'~ 11

~a I. will nourish thee there: fol' the, Q_ • ,.., " ,., ,

famIDe 11 yet (01' live years; lest thou be f«Tp',..rr; CTlI, Kat 0' VW, UOO. ICII& 1I"aVTa TQ V1rapxoVTa UOO.

<-'!lnaum:I. and thy IOn&, and all thy.JlOl8e8- '1&" ol &p8a>.p.ol. ~p.hJv {3A.brovu" Kal. ol &p8a>.p.o' Bmap.l.v 12

,1l0D8. Behold.),our eyee Bee. aud the eyes ~. '" _ \ .I._~ ..,' , ,_, _ ~ " ~

of my brother Benjamin, that it is my TOV QfXA.",,., f'01I, OT' TO UTOf'CI p.ov TO I\W\OW ""po~

mouth that IJ!'l8b to )'ou. I» Repc?rt, there. 'A'frCI'Y'Y,iAan oW ~ 'II'CITpl p.av .".Quav ~v 86eav p.ov np, E" 13

fore. to my lather all my glory In Egypt, A' , ,. ..__ " '"

and all thinJIII.that ye have Been and make ')'V7!T'fI, Ka, oua LOfTE' Ka, TaXWQVTf~ KaTa'Ya'YfTf TOV 1I"aTqJa

haste and bring down my father hither. p.av ~(. Kat E7f".".EuWV at roy Tp4X!]MV BoUlf'lv Toii 14 lIAnd he fell on his brother Benjamin's '~_'..L.A • - "tCk. '" ~ , B ,.tCk. &!'IT' neck and wept on him. and Beniamin wept a~'f""u QWOV. , VUfV (T." allTCf" KII& fVt.ap.'V E VU(V ,

on liia neck. II And he kiued all hi. bre- Tfj) Tpaxr1~ awov. Kat KaTQ~-rJua~ .".aVTa~ TOW cl8t:>"cpo~ 15

th!'en. ~d wept on them; ~d after theae aln-oii UcMVUEY W' awot~ Kat f'fTo. TaWa VWA7JCTCI" 01

thmp his brethren spoke to him. .1> _, " • ~ , .,

II And the report WIIB carried into the fJ.OU\cpo, aVTOV 7t'PO" aVTOV.

houae of PharaO .... l&ying. Joaeph's brethre,n Kat &t:{3ut¥h1 ~ cpwn, fl~ TOV otcov ~, Aeyo~, ~Kau&V 16

are com~J and .l'baraO W&I ,lad. and his • '~-'..L.' ·I •. ....!..I. l' ~'''' , '. 8 ' • ~ h01186hoUl. J; And Pharao 8&ld to Joseph, 0' 1UXA'f"'" "'" 'N" £XQ(TYl O( '*'a.p<UU lCa, "I EpCI7f'f&CI avrov.

Say to thdy .. ~n. Do thisla' ;dfill your wag- El1l"E ~ ~ '/TpO.. 'I,_.qcp. (11l"0V Toi~ d.&Acf>ot~ uov, TOWO 17

ilOna, an """_. mto the n ofChanaan., , '..L. ~ • ~ ,. 1\L1 , -

iii And take up your father and your poeaee- 7rO'71UaTt:, 'Y(p.&UaTf Ta .".,pt:&CI Vf'IIlV, ICII& a7f'lIIWfTE ,,~ 'Y7Jv

sion!1 and come to me; ud I Will (iT!,. you Xavac£v. Kol d.vaM{36~ TOV '7TO.Tipa. ~f'Wv, Kat TO. WOpXOVTCI 18

of au the ~ of' Egypt, and ye .haIl eat • ~. , , ~'- • ~, - ' __ Il~

the marrow of' the land. III And do thou Vf&IIlV, "IIC(T' .".~ p.t:. KII& 0UICT1il vf&tv .".aVTlllV TIIlV a ,....,IIlV

charge thtIID thua; that they should take AljMrrov, Kat cpa.-yt:u8£ roy f'VEAOV ~~. l~ Be iVT(&.\a, 19 for thtIID ~118 out of the land !,f Egypt~ Tawa' M/3,'iv aln-oi" a,.,.a.ea~ lK ~ Al-yW-r01l TOi~ 'li"ii&&'0,,,

foryourlittleonee,andforyourWlvee;ana • ~ ,_ ,~,. A '.!._1_1J' , ,

take up.yo~father. and come. "And be vf&IIlv, Ka, Ta,~ -ywa~w vf&IIlV' KII& u.r_"""OVTf~ TO" 'frCITqlCI

not sp&nng m regard ~ lOur proptrtl.' for ~p.hJv 7rapa'Y'Vfu8t:. Kol f'~ 4>t:ltnp()( TO~ 6cp8a>.p.o'i... NV 20

all the aood of Egypt Ihall be you"" And ~. - • , , '~_Il' A' , • ~ "

the children of 18l'llel did .0; and Joseph UlCfVIJ)V vf&IIlv' Ta 'Yap 7f'aVTa II ,....,a ')'V7!Tov vf&tv W'TIU.

gaTe to them "?f!go1181 aooording to the 'E1I"Ot"7O'av O€ otm.J.. 01 vwl. 'lupayJA' iSwIC( 8( 'I,_.qf/> awoi~ 21

worda spoken by kiDJr Pll&l'IIO; and hepve .! •• se: '" , .' 41 ' ~ Q __ .\ , , ,,~.

them pro-riaion for the journey. ~ And he ...,...... .. " KaTa Ta ''P7Jf't:Va tnrO apalll TOO ,......, &J\t:~. KII& (OIIIKEY

I!&TetothtllDalltwoaetaofraimentapi~~ awo'i,> nrw'Twp.oV ,L,. np, O8Ov. Kal .".autv ,8w«( &uua~ 22

but to Benjamin he gaTe three huna.rea -, .: - "', B ,.~. ' '"

lIi_ of BOld. and flTe changee of raiment. UTUAa'" T'fI Of (Vlaf&tv 'OIIIICE Tp&alCOUWV'> XPVUC1lJt;, KII& 1l"(VT(

~ .And to his ti.ther he sent ~ at the l~oVua~ O"TQ.\Q~. Ka& ~ 'frCITPI awoii a.""~UTf&At: KaTo. 23 l&IIIe rate, ~d ten -. bearing eome of all ro awa.. /Cat UKa ~vow, cUpoVTa~ d.~ -mivnw TCdv d:yaI)Wv the ~ thi~ of Egypt, and ten mules, " '~L" ". _ ,. ~ bearing breed for his father fol' thy journey. A,)'V7!Tov. KII& QCl<a "If'&O"OV'O, CIIfIOvua~ apTOV'> T'fI 'frCIl'P' aVTOV

lit And'be Bent a'!&y his brethren, and they d .. O8Ov. 'Eea1l"mE&.\f 8~ TO~ cl8EA~ awov, "at bropt:V()-q_ 24 went; and he 8&ld to them. Be notangrv 'r' ~ ,. 'J' _L1 L ~ ."'~ '17_~' '.Q 25 by the way. 26 A.nd they went up out o"f CTCIV' ICII& ( 7I'(JI aVTOt~, f'7J 0P'YI\ot:UV( ~v ro 00If'. All< I1VE,.."7O'av

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It AI)'V'M"O'L'. «o.l ~A8ov €l~ -yijv Xava.Av ""pO~ -IOJCw{3 TCW 26 7rO.T(po. avrwv. KcU a~t.Aav a~, A€yoVTEt;, on 0 vWs CTOV 'l~ lD' KcU at'mlr; a.p}(E' 7l'~ -yqs AlyWrov KcU

27 le~ TV &uro4t 1aK~~. olJ 'YOp brUI"MXTEV aWoL~. 'EMA'Iuav 8E aw4» 7l'IfvTa ,.a /nIJf.vra wo 'I~tjl, Duo. ElftV aWOLt;. 1&w 8( ,.at; ~s, at; a7I'(0T£&AEV 'I~tjl fIxrrf J.v~(i.v avrov, dvcl,.nrVp71O'f Tc) 'lTVf1IJA4 'IaK~f3 TOV 7rO.TpOt; aVTbiv.

28 Ern 8E 'I<rpa~A, pAyo. flO' lUT'V, d iT, 1~tjl 0 viOr; p.ov 'D' 7l'Opt1I8f'~ ,¥0JA4& awOv 7I'pO TOU d.1r'08a.vcu. f'f.


Egypt, and came into the land of Chanaan, to Jacob their father. :0; And they reportea to him, _ring, Thy IOn Joseph is living,and he is ruler over all the land of Egypt; and Jacob was lIamazed, for he did not believe them. oJ; But they spoke to him all the words uttered by Joseph,. whatsoever he IBid to them; and having _n the chario. which Joeeph sent to take him UD\ thl' IJ)irj.t of Jacob their father revived. 1I1.4l11l Iirael IBid! it is a fll'68t thjng for me if Joaepbmy IOn 18 yet &liTe, I will go and see him before I die.

And Israel departed, he and all that he had. and came to the well of the oath; and he offered aacriJIoo to the God of his mther lllllllC. 2 And God spoke to larael in a night Tision, _Yinlr, Jacob, Jacob; and he IBid, What is it? 1i And he says to him, I am the God of thy fathers; fear not to go down into Egypt, for I will make thee there a great nation. 4 And I will go down with thee into Egnt, and I will b~ thee up at the end; and Joseph shall put his handS on thine 1»'88. 6 And Jacob rose up from the well of the oath; and the IODS of Israel took u\> their father, and the blwa!aire, and their WiTes on the waggons. whicli-Joaeph sent to take them. • And they took UJl tlieir ~8~ and all their Pro~L which they naa. !lOtten in the IaDd of Ubanaan; they came Into the land of Egypt, Jacob., and all hi. seed with him. 7 The IOns, ana the IODS of his IOns with him; Au daughters, and the daughters of his daughters; and he brought allliia seed into Egypt. a And these are the names of the IOns of Israel that went into Egypt with their father Jacob-Jacob and hi8 lOllS. The firstrborn of Jacob, Ruben. 9 And the IOns of Rubeuj Enoch. and PhalIus, Aaron .. and Charmi. lU And the IOns of lSymeon; demuel, and Jamin, and Aod, and Achin, and Saar. and Saul, the IOn of a Cha· nanitieh woman. II And the IODS of Levi; Gerson, Oath, and Merari. 12 And the IODS of Judas; Er" and Aunan. and Selom, and Phares. and am: and Er and Annan died in the land of Chanaan. U And the IODS of Phares _rtl Earon, and Jemuel. And the IOUI of 1818Char; Thol&, and Phua, and Asum, and Sambrano 14 And the IODS of Zabulun, Bored, and Allon, and Achoel. 151'hese tWtl the IODS of Lea. which she bore to Jacob in M880potanlla of Syria, and Dina his da!l¥htm:; all the souls, IOns and daugh. ters. thirty.tnree. 18 And the IOns of Gad; Saphon, and .A.ngia, and Sannis, and ~ bail. and Aedis, and, and Areelia. Ii And the sone of Aller; Jemna, J_ua, and Jeul, and Baria, and Sara their siater. And the IOUI of Baria; Chobor, and Melchiil 18 'l'bese artl the IODS of Zelpha, which La. bau gave to his daughter Lea, who bore these to Jacob, sixteen 1Ouls. Ig And the IODS of Rachel, the wife of Jacob; Joaeph,and Benjamin. >0 And there were IODS born to Jo. seph in the land of Egypt, whom Aaeneth. the daughter of Petephres, priest of Helie, poJia. bore to him, lItle.. Mall8llle8 and Eph. raim. And there were IOns born to Marias· _. which the Syrian concubine bore to him,""" Machir. And Machir begot Ga-

/3 Gr. o.mued III mind.

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laad. And the IOns of Ephraim, the brother of MaIl8ll8e8' ~utalna.m and Tonm. .And the IOn8 of 8utalaam; Edom. "I And the IOn8 of Be~amin; BaJa, and Boehorhand .!.abel. Aud the IOns of Bsle were uera, and N oeman, and .Anchia, and RosA., and Mamphim. And Gem begot . .bad. :tI'~'nese iJre tile IOns of Rachel, which ahe bore to Jacob; all the souls ~teen. II And the BOna of Dan; AlOm. And the IOns of Nephthalim; .!.aiel, and Goni, and Is_I', and Sollem. .. These are the sons of B~ whom Laban gaTe to his daughter Baehel, who bore theee to Jacob; all the souls, !!eTen. :II And all the souls that came with .1acob into Egypt, who came out of his IIloins, besides the wiTes of the sons of Jacob, n>tJ_ all the souIs were aixtv·aU:. f1.And the sona of Joee_ph, who were bom to him in the land of J!:gypt, were nine eculs, all the lOuIs of the house of Jacob who came with Joseph into Egypt, were seTenty.fiTe 1Oula.

2S And he eent Judns before him to Joseph, to meet him to the ciy of y Hero~ into the land of Bam_ And Joeepn haring 'made ready his chariots, went up to meet III'&el his father .. at the citT of Heroee; and haring appearea to him, rell on hia neck and wept with," abundant wceRing. !II And ] sraellaid to Joseph, After this I will uladlv die. since I have seen th)' face, for thou art yet liring. II And Joseph said to hiB bre, thren, I Will go UJ! and tell Pharao, and will esy to him, My brethren\ and my father'a house, who were in the land of Chanaan, are come to me. 11 And the men are shep, herds; for they haTe been feeders of cattle, and they have brought with them their cattle\ and their kine,.and all their property. ZI If tnen Pharao esn you, and lillY to yon, What is your occupation? II Ye ,hall .y, We thy aernmts are herdsmen from our youth until now~. both we and OUl' Cathel'll : that fe may dWell in the land of ~ of ArabI&, for every shepherd ia an abomination to the Egyptians.

And Joseph came and told Pharao,ltlyi"U, My Cather, and my brethren, and their cattle, and their oxe~l and all their ~ion" are come out of tile land of Chimaan, and behold, they are in the land of Gesem. I An~ he tool[ of hi, brethren five men, and set them before Pharao. aAnd Pharao aaid to the brethren of Joseph, What ia your oeeupation? and they II&ld to Pharao, Thy serTants are shepherds, both we and our fathel'l. • And they aaid to Pharao, Weare rome to IOjoum in the landl for there i, no pasture for the flocks of tIlJ eenants\ for the famine baa preniled in the lana of Chanaan; now then, B we will dwell in the land of Gesem. And Pbarao said to Joseph Let them dwell in the land of Gesem l and if thou Imoweet that there Bre among them able men, make them overseen of my cattle. So Jacob and his IOn, came into Egypt, to Joseph; and Pharao, king of Egypt, he8.rd 01 it. And Pharao spoke to Joseph, .ring, 'fiy father and thy brethren, are come to thee. 6 .Behold, the land of Egypt is before thee; eettle thy father and thy brethren in



MuX~p B~ cY6'VJ7<T' rovra.\.aQ8· vlol Sf 'Ecppo.lp. ct&>"dlou l'tluvauo7j. l.OVTaAaaP., "aL TarJ.p.· vtoL 8£ :IOVTaAaap.. 'E&)p., Y1o, SI B(, BaM, "a, Boxop, Kal 'Au{J~>". 'EyOrovro 8£ 21 v1o, BaM, r7]pa, leal NIKp.av, Kal 'A'YXI~, Kal 'PW~, Kal Map.cplp.· l'qpa 8£ E-yOrvrp€ rov'ApOll. Ou"Ot V10l 'Pax'1A, o~ (UIe( ~ 22 'Iwcw{J· 71'aucu al tfrvxal ~leaoICTW. Y'101 8£ ~av, 'Au6p.. 23 Kal vIOL N(cp6al1.l. 'AUt~A, Kal rWVI, lCai 'Iuuaap, leal 24 ~ll~p.. O~TOt vtOI Balla~, ~v ,&"IC' Aa{Jav 'Pax'1A -rfi 25 6vyUTpt aln-ov, ~ (UIC€ roVTOW on? -JQICUJ{3, 1%"000' eli tfrvxal ma. nciua, 8£ tfrvxaL al (u7"(>.6000-at p.ITa 'lCllCw{J d~ Ai:yvtr- 26 TOV, 01 i~>.6ovr,~ llC T(;JV p.TJpWv a..n-oli. xwp,~ TWV yvvatKWv vlwv 'IClICw{J, mWat al tfrvxal, €~ICOVTCl'~ Y'101 St 'l~cp, 01 27 "y(Yop.(Yot a~ lv yU Al~, ""'xal lVl'Ea. nciucu Mal oi"ov 'IClICw{J. al ElucA80iicrcu p.cTa 'IClICI,,{J cl~ Aiytnrrov, Ma, i{J&p.TJ"ovra7l'o,n.

Tov BE 'Iov&'v d.7I"OT'~(Y (P.7I'p0cr6fV aUTOV 71'p6~ 'I~, 28 uvvavr7jucu a..n-tfj lCaiI 'HpW..,v 71'OAw, d~ yi7v 'Pap.€uaTj, ZcVea~ 8£ 'I~cp TO. 3.pp.a.Ta a..n-oli. d.vl{JTJ ds uvvaV77JU&V 29 'Iupa~A ~ 7I'O.TpI a..n-ou, lCaU 'HpWwv 71'0Atv' leaL &p8'1~ a~ l7l'mfu(Y lv, rov TpO.)(11XOV a..n-oli, lCat l"Xavu( lCM.v6p.tfj Trlovt. Kal c17l'(y 'Iupa,;A TrpOs 'I~, a7l'08avovp.a.t &.71'0 TOU viiv, lv'I 30 lWpCllCa T6 71'pOuW7TOV uov· tn 'Yelp en, 'ii.. El7l'f S, 'Iwcrl]cp 31 71'pOs TO~ d.&A.cpoV~ a...n-oli, luta.{Jo.~ d.7I'O.Y)'fAW Tril 4>apa..;;, "a.I lpW a.VTt(i, 01 d.&Acpol p.ov, leal b oLc~ Toli 7I'O.T~, ot ~ua.v lv yU Xavwtv, ~"aut 71'~ P.E. 01 BE Q.vSp€~ dUI 32 7rO,+,f.vC~· Q.vBp€""Yelp ICTTJVO'T~t ~ua.v· "al Ta ICTJjVl], "al TOV. {Joo. .. , lCal Travra. Ta a-ln-Wv a~xautv. 'Eiw ow KalI.larJ 33 lJp.ii.. oZ>, lCai cZ7r[J lJp.'iv, T{ TO fp-yov vp.wv lOT,; 'Ep€LTf, 34 G.v8p(~ ICTTJVOTpOcpot (UP.'"" 01 Traro« uov IIC Tra~ ;"'" TOU WV,

lCal ~p.t'i~, ICa.I 01 TraTJp£ .. TJ".wv· iva lCaTotKr/<n7r, lv Yii rcuq,. .Apo.{Jla.... {JSlAVYfla -yO.p laT&V Al}'1lllTlot~ mi. 71'Otp.r,v 71'po{JaTflJv.

'E>JJwv 8£ 'I~ amh(cw ~ oZ>apaW, Xlywv, ~ 7I'O.n}p 47 p.ov, ,,01 01 d.&A.~ pmJ, ICIU TU .m7vrJ. 1C4L 01 136ft; QVrwv, KaL mtl'Ta Ta awwv, ~>.6ov lK ~ Xava.iv· lCal iOov Elu", lv yU rcu~p.. 'A71'O St TWV ct&Xcp;;,v QWoii ~, 71'WrE Q.vopa'l, 2 lCal £CITTJCT(Y awo~ MvrtOV~. Kal ETn: 4>apac1 To&~ 3 a&Xcpo,~ 'I~cp, T{ TO l~ lJp.wv; oL 8£ cl7l'QV ~ 4>apcuji, 7rO,+,m~ 71'po{JaTwv Ot ~ vov, leal ~p.€i.r;, lCal Ot 'lraTfpf" ~".wv. Et7l'O.v B( ~ cI>apa.ji. rapoucci'" (v -rfi yU ~"ap.(Y, o{) 4 -yO.p (OT' vop.~ TOr .. ICn}wUt TWV w-cu&,v uov. Ev[uXVU' 'Yelp 0 Jup.O~ lv yU Xavaav' .rov oW KQTow,uopAV lv yU rcu~p.. El7l'c

0( 4>apac1 Ttji 'I~cp, lCaTOtK£{TflJCTQV (v yU rEuip.· d 8E brlu-rn,

OTt fluLV W awoL~ G.vop€" Ouva.TOI, lCaT~o" aVro~ C1.pXoVTCl~ TWV l".wv ICT7JVwv. "lLVJov St d~ AL}'1IlITov TrpO~ 'l~ 'la"I,,/3, Ka~ oL V10l a.WOV· lCal .,,"OlKTf 4>apo.a.. {Jau~w.. Al-yW"TOV. Kal. El7l'f 4>apaW TrpOs 'I~cp, Arywv, b 'ITO.n]p vov, lCal 5 oL ct&ACPO{ uau, ~KaUt 71'pOs u~. 'IOoV ~ -yij Aly67l'Tov lvavrwv 6 UOII lOTiv' lv Tfj {J(XTWro "'Iii ICD.ToUctCTOV TOV TraTfpo. uov, Kal

, H.6. Ooobea.

a Gr.)"Oked..

II Or,"'''' d ... eU. See 1 TiIII. ....

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OEl'IESI8 XLVII. 7-24.

7 'fO~ a&>..4x>~ CTOV. EUnTya'YE OE 'l~q, 'IO.ICw/J 'f6J' 7rO.'f(pa a.Vroii, Ice" llTT71CTO' awol' ivavrwv 4>opacd' KcU "IlIN1yrpEv 8 'lO.1Cw/J 'f6v~. ET7rE OE 4>apcW ~ 'IO.lCw/J, 1I'00u m, 9 ~ILqJWv rij .. ,~ CTOVi KcU ,t7rO' ·IO.lCw/J ~~, al ~IL(PCU .,.wI' haw riji l~ JWI1, &.. lI'apoucw, bca'fov 'fplkOl"fCl m,' p.tKpcU Kal 7rC1V'1pcU 'Y~I'QAT&I' ai ~pipaI. 'fWV &WI' rij<; l~ p.DV· ollK d.4Wcovro d<; .,.Q,i ~IL€pa" 'fOw &WI' riji l~ .,.wI'

10 1I'O.'ffpwv p.DV, Iii ~IL€pa" ~av. Kal ElIAoyr/<rll<; ·IO.ICw/J .,01' «>apaw, (~A80' cl7r' awoii.

the best land. 7.And Joseph brought ill Jacob his futher, and set him before Pharae , and Jacob bleesed Pharao. 8 And Pharao to Jacob How many are the years of the days of thy life P v And Jacob to Pha.rao. The daYB of the years of my life, wherein I sojourn. are a hundred and thirty yean; few and evil have been the daya of the years of my life, they have not attained to the days of the life of my fathe1'll, in which daYIl they soiourned. 11I.And Jacot blessed Pharao. and departed from him. 11 .And Joseph settled his father and his brethren, and pve them a poBSe8Bion in the KcU KaT~UT(v 'I~q, 'fOV 7rO.T€pa aln-oii. Kill. 'fO~ a&>..4x>~ land of Egypt, in the beat land, in the land

aweii, Kill. i&JKO' Il,GTO;:i KIlTc1axECT&I' lv yU Al~, lv .,.;; of Hameaecs,aa Pharao commanded. J2 And

, -" , T '" Joseph pve provision to his fatlJer, and his

12 /JMTUn-o 'ri, lv yfj ·Pap.(CTu7j, KafJa 7rpoubae(~. KilL brethren, and to all the house of his father.

f.CTlTOp.bp«I 'l~q, ~ 7rO.TpL awoV. Kal. 'foi.. d.&A4x>i:<;, KcU corn for each penon.

, ~., ~ "~ ~ ,~ l3.And there was no oom in all the Ja.nd,

7r1lV7'I '1'1' OlK'I' TOV 7rIlTpoi aVTOV, CTITOI' KaTa CTWp.CI. for tlJe famine prevailed greatly; and tIui

land of Egypt, and the land of Chanaan.

13 ~iTo<; & ol1K ~ iv 7rd.rro TU 'ri. (Vlux_vuE 'Yap b >u.p.Oi fainted for the famiue. H .And J08!lJlh po

CT~' ieW7rE OE ~ yij Al-yWrov Kat ~ yij Xavaav cl7rO Toii thered all the money that was found in the

14 N.p.oll. ~wrTya'YE ~ 'I~ riv '16 dpyVpuw TO flJp«8o, lv 'ri ~~~!.~~:~ ~hi:~~~ ~=,D~d

Al-yVn-ov KcU lv 'ri Xava.4v, 'fall utTQV, 00 .;,y6pa{ov, Kat lCTI'f~ he distributed corn to them; and Joseph UbML aln-o,~, Kal. (:~INKO' ·I.·~ wciv TO ..!-ft~pIOV d s .,01' brought all the money into the house of r: r : - »t» -, ~ "..". =r t». Ph&rBo. lI.And all the money failed out of

15 oLeOI' ~a.po.W. Kal lew7rE 7rav TO dpyUPIOI' (K yiji Al-yam,.ov the land of Ef"Ji and out of the land of

Kill £K yiji Xavw' ~AIJov ~ .".c£vn~ 01 Al-yam,.IOI 7rpO<; 'lllX1'1Jq" ~~ ~rt:" Giv~:i.1f,~~l;:~; t

>"fyol'Tfi, 80<; ~,iiv OpTov.., KcU WaTt d.7ro8v-lpKOIL(V lval'Tiov we die in thy jIl'IlBence P for our monCf is

16 CTOV,' £K>..iAOL7rE 'Yap .,0 &pyVPIOV ~p.ilJv. EX7rE & Illn-oi.. spent. UI.And Joseph mid to them, Brmg

your cattle, and I Will gin you bread for 'I~q" q,lper£ TO. ~ lJp.ilJv, Kal &:!uw vlLiv OpTov.., ciV7'l. your cattle. if your money is 1]lt!IIt. 1l.And

'7 TOw KTTJvWv lJp.ilJv, El f.~7r£ 'f6 &PYVpIOV vILwv. ·H-ya'Yov they brought their cattle to Joseph; and .. ," '.I-.....!..I..' .... '~" Joseph pve them bread in return for their OE TIl KTTJVTJ awOw 1I'poi - ,,..,,.' Kill £OIJJKO' allTOI" IIJJC1TJq, hOraN, and for their sheep, and for their

OpTov.. clvTl 'fWV l7r7rlJJV, Kat cll'Tl. .,.wI' 7rpo/JaTWv, Kill. clVTl TOw oxen, and for their _; and Joseph maina " • , '/:UJ. "., , tamed them with bread for all their cattle ",oWl', KCII dvTI TWV OVlJJl" KCII E .. nifK'l!(J' allTov.. lv apTOL<; al'TL in that year. J8.And that year JlII8Ied. and

18 mUm.Jv TOw KTrfVWV aWcOv lv ~ lvlCl~ IKE,,,,!,. 'E~A8E liE they came to him in the second year: and

,. • - • 9'8 ,,', -., ~ ,,----, , said to him. Muat we then be consumed

TO ETOi &KEIVO, KCII TJI\ 01' 7rpo" aUTOV (I' T'f' ETEI T'f' fXVT'P'I'. KaL from before OUl' lord P for if our money has

(11l'ClV aw.e, IL~ 7rOT£ IKTp&/3w,uv d.7r'6 TOV KVpiov ~p.ilJv ; d failed and our ~OUB, and our cattle, .,,;.,.. lKAiAoL7rE TO ..! _ft:"",V .:.,u;n,. KcU 'fa W""VOVTQ Kill 'fa bl'Otll1At to thee our lord. and there has not r=r "'t'ru,-- 'I, ...,..'" been left to ua before our lord more than ~ 7r"o.. CTE .,01' ,wplOV, Kat ol1X lnroAlAEI7rTCli ~,..;v lvaVTwv OUl' own bodies and our Isnd _ a,.. i-a-l

19 TOV KVpWv ~p.Wv, s»: ~ ,.0 f&ov uWILa KcU ~ yij ~p.Wv, lVIl dutitflk. I·In order: then, tbt we die not

9 __ Ll L_' , • .. .. .4:: before thee, and the land be made desolate.

ow IL~ cl7rOQ~ILO' O'<I.I'TIOV CTOV, Kal TJ yij £fJf1,......,ii. KTijuCII bny ua and our land for bread~ and we and

~p.O." KIll "'" yijv ~p.Wv clVTl tipTwv, «lit ICTop.c8a ~IL(i.. KcU TJ our land will be eemmts to rha.rao: give yij ~,u;n, 1I'CIIOl" ~ ~. 80<; CT7rCpp.a, Tva CT7rELpwp.&, Kill. :~!ha~~so:;tan~li:::w.~d=~

20 lwp.O' «CU IL~ a7r08~p.O'. KcU ~ yij oVK 1fJf1~ETaI. Kal -.And Joseph bought all the land of.the J--!-aTO ·l··~ ".w,.av ...riv ."m, .,.wI' Alvtm-rlt.Jv TW. d>..~.!.. Egyptians, for PhArao; for the Egyptian~ ~",.. - ,,..,,. "" ,.1" -, - .. , ~"'f""" sold their land to l'ha.rao; for the mmine

cl7rCOovTO 'Yap 01 Al-yam,.IOL n}v yijv awwv TIji 4la.po.W. m- prevailed ap.inet them and the land be-

21 KpO:rrJuE 'Yap awwv ~~. Kal i-ytvuo ~ .,,;; 'fiji 4>apa.c.l. Kal came PharaO'B. IIAnd he brought the _pea-

, " ple into bondal!e to him, for servants, from

rov AaOv Ka'fE8ovNduIlTO aw.e El .. 7rO.i&. .. , a7r' iLcpuw oplt.Jv one extremity of EgYllt to the other ~ex.

22 Al-y6rrov (Wi TOw iLcpuw, XC"Pl~ riji yiji TOw "plll1V p.OVOII' cept only the land of the priests; Joseph

, ", ,,~ _ , ... _ __ '" bought not this, for Pharao pve a portion

oVK f.K'fT1CTCITO TaV'fTJl' 1flXT"#' lv OOUfi 'Yap (OOlIte! oolLa TO;:" in the way of gift to the priests; and they

lEpEiiul 4>opaW, Kill 7ju8IOV '"'" 800w, ~ l&"cO' Ilin-oi .. ~· ate their portion which Pharoo pye them'

." therefore they sold not their land. ::I .And

23 &aToUTO aUK d7rI80I'TO "'" yijv awwv. E'7rt: ~ I~ 1I'WTL Joseph said to all the Egyptiaus, Behold, 1

TO;:" Al-ymrrWL~. i&v KI.KTTJp.CIL lJp.Qi Kal '"'" yijv lJp.Wv crr,IL(pov hal'e bought you and your land this day TW, d>..~w.· \ ..!t:lET£ laVTO;:" CT7r:nun, KIl~ CT1I'Elr.r.T€ ~ ""1'. for PharaO; take seed for yon, and sow the

~..,... ,....,.. ..,.,......,..- •• t: , " land. ~.And there shall be the fruita of it ;

24 KcU EUTIlI .,.Q, "Yfl'I"1p.aTCI a~ KcU &:!un( TO lI'EIL7rTOV plpo.. and ye shall gin the fifth part to Pharao, ~~. 'fa ~ 'f(CTCTapCI p.I.pq [UTili v,iiv Ilwo;:" El.. CT7rCpp.CI and the four nm .. illi"g parts sball be for

A ~ "f3 A • ~ ,~ ~.L A. • ~ fOurselvee, for seed for the earth, and for

ro YrJ. KCII Eli pwCT&I' VILLI', KCII 7raCTL 'fOl" t" TOI~ OUCOl" vp.tUv. food for yon. and all that are in your housee.

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:5 And they eaid, Thou bast eaved ue' we have found favour before our lord, and we will be lenantl to Phareo. l1II And Joseph appointed it to them for an ordinance until thiS da v; to!'eIIe!'Ve a fifth part for Pbaruo, ou the land of Egypt, except only the land of the prielts, th&t was not Pharao' ..

~ And :rm.el dwelt in Egypt, in the land of Gesem, and they gained an inheritance upon it; and they inCreased and mnltiplied Tery,.. ., And Jacob survived seven. teen yean m the land of ,Egypt; and Jacob's dars of the yean of his life were a hundred and years. >II And the days of I sra.el drew nigh for him to die: and he called his son J ( h and mid to him If 1 have found favo~tore thee, put thy haiJd under my thigh, and thou .halt execute mercy and truth toward me, so as not to bury me in Egypt. ., But 1 will sleep with m.J' fathers, and thou carry me up out of Egypt, and b~ me in their aepulchre. And he mid 1 will do a.ccording to thy word. II And he Aid, Swear to me; and he "wore to him. And Israel did reTerence, leaning on the top of his etaft'.

And it came to~ after these things, that it was reported to Joseph, Behold, thy father i. ill; and~ having taken hie two SOIl8, Ma. _ andJ!.phraiin,hecametoJacob. 'And it was ~rted to Jacob, sa.ying, Behold thy son Joaeph cometh to thee; and Israel havina strengthened bimeelf, eat UJlOn the bed. ") And Jacob Aid to Joseph, III God apr-red to me in Luza, in the land 0 Cha. naan, and bleued me, • and mid to me, Be. hold, I will increaee thee, and multiply thee, and will make of thee mnltitudea of nations; and I will give thieland to thee, and to thy seed after thee, for an everlasting ~on. 6Now then thy two sons, who were born to thee in the land of Egypt, before I came to thee into Emt, are mine; Ephraim and ~, &8 Ruben and Symeon they shall be mine. 8 And the children which thou ehalt beget hereafter. sha.ll be in the name of their brethren; they sha.ll be named after their inheritances. 7 And &8 for me, when 1 came out of MewiJpotamia. of Spoia, Rachel, thy mother, died in the land of Cha.naan, &8 I drew mgh to the horse-coUl'le of Chabra.tba of the land Q/' CA4_ItI so &8 to oome to Ephratba; and I buried Der in the J'08d of the COUl'le; this is Bethlehem,

'And "hen 111'"11&" the IOns of Joaephl he Aid, Who are these to thee P • Ana Joseph IBid to hie father, They are my sons, whom God pve me here; and Jacob eaid, Bring me them, that I rony bless them. lU Now the eyes of Israel were dim through nae. and he oould not _; and he brought them near to him, and he lriued them, and embraced .. hem. U And Israel mid to Joaeph. Behold, I have not been deprived of IHiftg thy facet and lo! God baS showed me thy seed a18O. t: And Joseph brought them out hom b,t!Nft!Us 1m4!6"~ and they did reverence to him, 'WIth th6ll' l8.ce to the ground. l:I And Joseph took hi, two IODI, both Ephraim in his right band, but on the :eft of J srael. and Ma~ on hie left hand, but OD the right of lsra.el, and brought them near to him. U Hut Israel baving stretched out hi. right band, laid it on the lIeU of



KaL et7I'Qv, 1T(lTlOl(a<; .q,.w.<;. WpoP.OI Xtl.plV €vavrwv TOO ICUpWV 25 .q,.,wv, l(aL f.lTop.£Oa 71'aiOt:<; TIjJ ,z,apaw. KaL ~Ocro awo'i<; 2€ '11lXT~ £f<; 71'pOlTTa"'(p4 E.".. '"ic; .qp.ipo.<; Ta~, (7I'L "'(i]c; Al-y6rTOO T4i 4>o.po.ciI d.7I'07I'Cp.7ITOVv. Xwp',.<; rijc; 'Y'~ TeliV l(pilOv p.OVOII" OVI(~VTC;~.

KaTelil<7]lT£ 8€ 'IlTpa~~ lv rfi Al~ OrL -yijc; r(ITEP., I(al 27 fl(>':'1POVOP:'1lTaV Or' a~' l(aL Tjli~fh,uav I(al Or~Tj8Vv8rpo.v lT~po.. 'E7I'(~TjIT( 8€ 'IOJCw{3 €v rii Aiylnrr~ ~(l(aE7l'Tc1 b-q. 28 I(all-y(vovro at .qP.(po.I 'IOJCw{3 €v&allTWv rijc; {1Oi1c; awov Il(a-rOv T£lTITapaxovraE7l'Tc1 bTj. -HyyW'av ~E at .qp.i,_. 'IlTpo.~~ TOV 29 &'7I'00CW£411" l(aL f.1eQ).'IT£ TOV vwv aVrov 'Iwuqc/>, leaL «I7I'0I a~.

£l wpTjlea xO-pw lva.vrwv ITOV, woOf<; np. X£4pO. ITOV wo TOV p.",pOv p,ov, leaL 1I'OI7ja-n<; (7i" (P.E D..cqp.OtTVVTfJI, I(al tL\~OlcaV. TOV p.~ iU OWjtw. Or Al~' 'Allc1IeOlP."'OTpOp.a.L P.f.Tc1 TWv 30 7I'4Tfpwv p,ov' leaL dp£ic; p.' l, Alylnrrov, leal 8Wjt€l<; iU Or

T<jJ .,.a~ aweliv' A 8€ Ir7l'0I, i-yW 71'OITpIO leaTo. TO p~p.&. O'OV. EI7I'( ~E, i$p.o<TOv p,ol' leaL Wp.o<TOI aw4i' leaL 71'poIT(IeWrpOl 31 'IlTpo.~~ hi ro G.1CfX1V '"i<; po.{3&v awov.

....._.' ~, ". , ~ " !\. ~ 48

~ ,O'CT'O 04E p.CTa TO. P'Ip4'Ta TallTa, leal a1rTl'YYu..." T'fI

'I~, O'TI <\ 7I'4n7P lToo f.voX>...i:rw.· leal tlvaAa{3Wv ToW 8Vo Vw"c; awov TOV Mava<TtTi1leaL roy 'ECPpalp., ~~8( 71'pO<; 'IQlCw{3. 'A1rTI'YYEA." 8€ T4i 'IOJCw{3. ~E-yovrf<;, lOo" <\ vlOc; ITOV 'lwuqcp 2 ipXf.T<u 7I'~ lTi· leaL o'loxV<ra<; '1ITpo.~~ llea.8W'0I OrL np. IeAlVTfJI. Kat £IlT€V 'IQJ(w{3 nfi 'I~c/>, A 0£0c; p,ov 1:xpBr, 3 P.OI Or Aov{~ lv rii Xavaav, leal wA!ryqlT( iU, leaL (I7I'( 4 P.Ol, lOo" i-yW al',avW IT£, leaL 'Ir~.,,8vvcIi ITI, leaL 'lrOl~ IT£

£l<; <7l/Va)'Wi'Q.<; f.(}vWv· leaL &Jaw ITOI n,v -yilv 'TaVr."v. leal

T4i cnripp.aT{ ITOV p.CTo. ITE, £is l(aTauXtlTW alWvl.Ov. Nw 5 ~ 01 ~Vo vWL ITOV, ot ",(w6p.(vo{ 0'01 (V -ro Al~ 7TpO TOV p.£ l)J)(iv 71'p6c; Ut ds Ai"'(V7l'Tov, ;,p,o{ dUIV, 'EcppaLp..

leaL Mavauuij· W<; 'Pov{3~v leaL lvfUwV luovrol p,ol. TO. 6 O€ u-yova. & (ai' "'(~ p.f.To. 'TaVTa, lu-ovr<u ttL nfi IWOp4TI Teliv t.&~cp:;w awWv' 1e~.,,6r1uovr<u (1T' TOLS (1e({!'IUV K.\JjpoIS. 'E-yW 8€ ;,vUca TJPx0p.7J11 (I( Mt'u01I'OTaplas '"is lvp{as, d,7I'«8av( 7 'Pax7J~ .q p.frn1p ITOV €v -ro Xava.c1v. l-r"YtCovrOc; p,ov leaTo. TOV t'1J"7l'6Opop.ov Xa{3po.8a. rijs -yijc;, TOV VJNiv 'Ecf>po.8a.· leal

leaTwpvea. alrrYpt Iv rii b&fi TOV 17M1'oOpOp..0V" am, IITTL B."B>..r.(p..

'lowv ~ 'Iupo.~~ TeM vl.oVs 'l~cp, eI7I'(. T{Vf<; <J"m oWo<; 8 EIlTE ~ 'I~ nfi 'lraTpl. 4WOV. viol p.ov (tutv. o~s io-c 9

p,o' A 0,~ lvrai'&. Kal cllT€V 'IOJCw{3. 71'poua."'(4-y( IW'

awoW, tva 'v~ awoVs. m ~1. ~ 'lupa~;\ 10

If3apOOnrquav &'11'0 TOV ri~, leal olile ¥WCITO {3M.lTEIN" leal

mW'€V awoVS 71'pOc; awov, leal. lcpfATjlTOI awoVs, leal 71'epu-

M.f3w aW01l<;. Kal ,tlTW ·llTpo.~~ 71'pOc; 'IlIX1'7jcp. l&V TOV 11

r.poIT';'lTOV uov oVle EOT(f»78"Iv, leal 1Oo" i&". p,ol <\ 0c~

leal. TO cnrlpp4 ITOO. Ka4 ~"'(€V awoVs '1~ &.71'0 TWv 12

"'(O"C&"IOV alrroii· 1e4L 'lrpolTcKt1vquav aw4i ttL 71'pOa-rov ttL

rijc; -yijc;. Ao.{3Uw O€ 'IWU# TOVs ~Vo vl.oVs awov, 1'01' 1'( 13

'Ecppalp. Or rii &,~, U clpurrqJcliv ~ 'Iupo.~A, roy 8E Mavac7'O'lj

U dpwT"';;'v, be. &e..wv ~ 'Iupo.~~, mW'€V awoW aw4i. 'E.r-r,{va,r 8€ 'Iupo.~~ np. x'ipa np. &'ulv, Or(~o.Mv h, 14

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'1'7]1' K£q,aAT]v 'Ecppalp.. o~ & ;1' lJ VEWTEP~. KaL T7jv &PLCTTEPa.V brl T7jv KEq,aAipr MavauO"l/. lvaJV..a.~ Ta~ xiipa~.

15 Kal WACryquW am-ow. Kal E11TEV, lJ ®£~, cP fVqPECTT'1Uav 01 1TaT'pE~ p.ov ImLOV aVToli, 'A{3paap. Kal 'IuaaK, (, ®EO~

16 (, Tplcpwv fU lK VE~ (~ ri1~ ~p.fpa~ TOVn, s, (, "AyyEAo. lJ poop.£VO<; fU lK 1TaVTUlv TWV KaKWV. WAoyr/uaL TO. 1T~1a TaVTa' Kal (1TLKA'16i}uETaL lv am-oL~ TO ovop.O. p.ov, Kal TO ovop.a Tidv 7N1Tqx,w p.ov 'A{3paap. Kal 'Iua&IC· Kal 1T A."tJvv-

1 7 OE{7JUO.V El~ 1TATJ8~ 1TOAv brl ril> r17" 'I&w & 'IlIKT7}cp on

brC{3aAEV (, 1TaT7jp awoli '1'7]1' XEtpa. 'I'7]v &~w.v awoli l1Tl '1'7]1' KEcpaA~V "ECPpalp.. {3apv aw.;i KaTEcpaV'!' Kal tlVTEAa/3£TO 'I~ ri1~ xnp~ TaU 1TaTpo~ awoli. tlc/>EAELV a~ tl1TO

18 ril> KEq,aATJ~ 'Ecppalp. br, '1'7]1' KEcpaATfI' Mava!ro-TJ. El1TE

~ 'I~ T4i 1I'O.tpl awov, OVX 0iin.J.. 1TaT7jp, o~~ "tOp lJ 1T~OK~' br18~~ T7jv &~i&v uoo brl ,,~v KEq,aAipr aWoV. 19 Kat OVK .q8EATJUEV, d),),,' £l1T&, 01l!a, TtKVOV, oI&· KaL ~O> (CTTaL d~ MOl', Kal ~O> iJt/t~aL' d),),,' lJ tl8MCPO~ awoli lJ VEWT£pO> fU~ov am-ov Wnu, Kal TO U1TEpp.a awoii maL 20 £l. 1TATJ80> l8vWv. Kal WACryquEV am-ow IV Tjj ~P.EfXI- (KEiVO,

A,""",v, lv vp.Lv .v~£TQL 'Iupa~A, >.i-yOVTE~, 1TOL7}uaL IrE 0 ®£o~ W. "ECPpalp. Kal W. Mavauo-TJ' Kal i8TJK£ Tal' 'Ecppalp. 21 iP.1TPoufJEV TOli Mavauo-TJ. El1Tf ~ 'IupaT]A '1'4' 'I~, laov ~ d,1T08v7}uKIII' Kal (CTTai 1\ ®Eo~ fUU vp.Wv, Kal d,1TOUTpE.;EL

n2' A l ' A A , • A T __ ~. <" (' '(' ,

;! vp.a~ E ~ '"'" W '1'1111' 1TaT£fH'W VP.IIIV. ~,... Of OLOIIIp.L UOI

~Uclp.a leaLpETOV Wfp TOW d,8M~ uoo, ~V ~,{3ov lK XElpOs 'AP.OppaLwV lv p.axatfH!- p.ov leal T~.

49 'EKaAcu£ ~ 'laKw{3 TOW V!oV~ awoli, Kal fl1TEV aVTOL., UVVa~E. ~va tlvayy(lAw iJp.'iv, Tl d,1TaVT7}uEL iJP.LV l1T' l<1)(aTIIIV 2 TWV fJp.tpwv: ~vv&~, Kal ';'KowaT' p.ov, viol 'IaKw{3· 3 tlKoVa-an 'IupaT]A, aKoVa-aTE Toli 1TaTpO. vp.Wv. 'POV{3TfI' 1Tpc.m1rOKO~ p.oo, uV laxV> p.ov, Kal &Px'l TtKVIIIV p.ov, UM'1pO. 4 q,ipEu8aL, Kal UM'1~ aV8ilirrJ~. 'Eev{3pwa. w. ii8111P, p.~ (Ie'ccro>. d,vi{3'1> "tOp brl T7jv KotTTJV Toli 1TaTpo<; uov· TOTE 5 (p.lava .. 'I'7]v CTTPIIIP.vT]v, ~ tlvE/3'1>' ~VP.EWV Kal Arul d.8McpaL 6 UVVETI.M.Uav d.8LKIav Uru.piUflllc; am-wI" El~ {3ooA~v am-wI' p.T] (>..801 fJ tftvx:? p.ov, KaL brl Tjj UVCTTMEL am-wI' p.T] lpUraL Ta.

;praTc1 p.ov' OTt lv '1'4' 6vp.~ awwv tl1TUcmYav d,v8~~, 7 Kal tV Tjj (1TtOvp.llf awwv (vrupoK~lTav Talipov. "E1rlKaTllpaTO> 0 6vp.O. ai."w.., OTt aVIJaSr,.· Kal fJ P.TJVL' am-Wv. on cUKA'1p~' lltafUPIii' am-o~ lv 'IaKw{3, KaL 81.CW'7TEp.;i am-oW S (V 'Iupa~A. '1011&, uE alvEulJ.UTav 01 d.8Mcpal uov· al XiipE.

uoo (1TL VWTov TWV IX8piilv uov· 1TpoulCVll7}uovcrl UOt 01 viol 9 Toli 7N1TpOt; uoo. ~,n.p.vo. AioVTO> 'Ioul!a' (K {3AauTov, vIE p.ov, ';'v'{3'1>' ava1TEuWv lKOIP-~~ W. ACIIIV Kal W.>· 10 Tl. f-yEpEI. awol' j OVK (KAElt/tn UpXWV E~ 'loV8a, Kal .;,youP.EVO' lK TWv P-'1PWv am-oli, i~ EaV lA8v Ta. tl1TOKElp.EVa am-.;i· 11 "a~ awo. 1Tpou&1e1a lBvwv. tuup.relllv 1TpO. ap.1TMov Tal' 1TwAov awoli. KaL Tjj lAuei Tal' 1rWAOV ri1~ 01'00 awoli. 1I'AVVEL lv oiv(~ '1'7]1' CTTOA~V awoli, KaL lv aip.aTI CTTaq,vATJ<; '1'7]1' 1I'Ept- 1 2 {3oA~v am-ov. XaP01ToLOL 0' oq,(JaAp.o'i awoli Wf.p 011'01"


Ephraim, and he was the younger; and his left hand on the head of lIauaase, g"idiug his hands crollwise.

16 And he blessed them and said, The Goo in whose sight my fathers wc]'(' well pleasing, ~nffl A braam and ) 8IIIIC, the God who eontinues to feed me from my youth until this dar.; lIthe angel who delivers me from all evila, bl_ th_ boys, and my name ahaIl be called upon them. and the name of my fathers, Abraam and Isaac; and let them bit increased to a great multitude on the mrth. 17 And JOll<!)lh having seen that his father put his right hand on the head of E~hraim -it seemed grievous to him; and Joseph took hold of the hand of his father, to !'emove it from the head of Ephraim to the head of Manassc. 18 Ann Joseph said to hie father, Not 10, father; for this is the first. born· lay th,. right-hand upon his head. 19 And he would notl b~t mid, I know it, IOn, I know it; he alllO Snati be a people, and he Bhall be eulted, but his younger brother shall be greater than he, and hi8 seed shall become a multitude of nations. :0 And he blessed them in that day, saying, In you shall II5rBeI be bleeaed~, saying, God make thee 88 E_phraim and .DiI.aD888e; and he set Ephraim before M_ mAnd brael mid. to Joseph. Behold, I die; and God shall be with _you. and restore you to the land of your fathers. iii And I give to thee Sicima, a select portion above thy brethren, which I took out of the hand of the Amoritea with my sword and bow.

And Jacob called his sone and mid to them, 'A880mble yoUl'llel.ves, that I may tell you what .hall happen to you in the last days. Gather yourselves togetherhand herume IOns of Jacob· hear Israel, ear your father. I Buben, thou Part my first-born, thou my strength, and the first of my children, hard to be endured. liard ana selfwilled. • Thou wast insolent, like water, burst Dot forth with violence, for thou wentest up to the bed of thy father; then thou deflledat the couch, whereupon thou wcntest up. I Symeon and Levi, brethren, accom_lliislied the injustice of their cutting 08: 6 Let Dot my soul come into their eounsel, and let not mine inward lJ&l'UI contend in their ooD8piracy, for in their wrath thev Blew men, and in their passion the,. houghecl a bull. 7 Cursed be their wrath, for it was wilful, and their anler, for it was ,. cruel: I will divide them in Jacob, and ecatter them in 1I5rBeL 8 J uda, thy brethren have praised thee, and thy hands shall be on the back of thine enemies; thy father's sons sball do thee reverence. UJuda is a lion's whelp: from the tender plant my IOn, thou art gone up, having couch;i thou liest 88 a lion, and B8 a whelp; ... ho ahall stir him up? lOA ruler shall DOt fail from J uda, nor a prince from his 'loins, until there come the thinga stored up for him l and he is the expect&tion of nations. II Binding his foal to the vine. and the foal of hie ass to the branch alit, he shall wash his robe in wine, and his garment in the blood of the grape. 12 His eyes ahall be more cheering than wine, and

Ii Or. tbOIl m1 IIn.-born, etc.. "" .... aDd _. Dot beiDg aiw"," rel(lllarl7 dllUDlfUiebed III the Lxx. 8u Heb. 1. 8. .; e. .....

., ....... III. hardaIed or _,atcd. • Tbe _ ... Uou of p_ JWDeI are ooauioaaII7 YUied. C Gr. &bIchL

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Kai. MuKOL 01 &&lVTE~ a&ov ~ ycU.a. Za{3ou'AWv 7N1pOAws 13 KaTOlK~UEL KaL a&~ 7rap' OpfMJv 7rAolwv, KaL 7ropaTEVEL C~ l:tOWvo~. 'IuuaxaP TO Ka)J,V Ur,(JVP:'1UEV, ~valTavOp.EV~ 14 ~va. P.EUOV TWV KA~fX»v, KaL lOWv ,..qv clvalTOovuLV on KaA~, 15 Kat ~v W OTt wWw.tnrf.iJql<€TOI.~p.ovCl-oroV€l .. TO "n"OVEW. KaL £-yor/}ffq cl~p yfOJpyO~. ~a.v KPLVEL TOV Aaov avrov, WuEI 16 KaL pia. q,uA~ & 'Iupa~A. KaL ywqfilfT"J ~a.v Oq,l~ lq,' 17 IISov, iyKa8rJp.~ lorl Tp{{30U, &u':VOJv 7rTEpva.V '1T1TOU' KaL 7rfUELTaL II 11T1TrVs El~ Ta. lJ1rluOJ, TlIV UOJT11ptav lTEPr.p.m.w 18 Kvplov. ras, 7rELpo:n1Pwv 7rEtpaTEWEt 0.&01" a&o~ Sf lTftpG.- 19 TMEt 0.&01' KaTa. 1I'0Sa~. 'A~p, 7r{OJv av,.ov 0 t1.PT~· KaL 20 avros &HrEL TPV~V /1.p)(OVCTL. NEq,8aAl UTEMx~ clVEtP.EvOV, 21 tt.&1lo~ & nfi y~"U1TL K~. Yw~ "1V""fLEV~ 'I~, 22 vi~ "1V""P.EvOS p.ov '''1AwT~, vMs fMJV "EWro.T~· 7r~ P.E d.vW:rrfK'ltov. El. Sv SW.f30VAEvOP.EVOl EAOt8Opovv, KaL &ELXOV 23 aVnfi rc6PWL ToeEVp.&TOJV. KaL UWETp{{3"1 fLETa. KpaTOVS ,.a. 24 T~ av,.w Kal UEAV8-q ,.a. vrupa f3paxwvOJv XELpOS awwv, &a. XEipa. Svv~ov 'IaKw{3' EKii(}EV II KaTwxVuas 'Iupa.qA 7f'apO. 0EOV TOV 7N1TPOs uov. Kal l{3o~ffquE UOl 0 0E~ II 25 E~, KaL w~€ u, 'vAoytav ovpavov /LIw(}EV, KaL 'vAoylav rls lx.~ 7f'aVTa, "VEKEV EVAayta,. fLG.UTwv KaL P.7rrpas, wAoytas 7f'aT~ uov KaL P."1Tpo~ uov' WEPluxvuEV w(p 26 WAayias !,PEOJV fMJvf.p.wv, Kal 1.11" 'VAoy{OoLS (}lVWV clEVO,wv' tUOVTaL ttL KE4>aA~V 'I~q" Kal ttl KOp~" ~v WaTO clS~v. BEVLap.LV A~K~ 3,pwut, TO 7f'pwivov tSETaL ETt, KaL 27 el,. TO (U1TEpa,. S{&XTL TPOq,~. llav,.rs oUro' vIol 'IaK~{3 28 &:'&Ka' KaL Tawa lNlATfCTEV av,.oL,. II 7rG.,..qp aVTWv' KaL wM-

• ,. , , a.A.nv' .... a}k--


av,.Ws. KaL ,11TEV aVroLS, ~ 7f'poUT/.8,p.a.L 7f'P~ 1'01' l,.wv 29 MOv' (}ay,ET€ p.' fLETa. TWV 7rG.T€PWV fMJV & nfi U1T"1~, 0 IUTw lv T<fl clyp<fl 'E~v TOV XETTIliov, & T<fl U1T"1~ T<fl 30 &lTA<fl, T<fl cl7f'OOVTL Map.{3pij, '11' 'rD Xava(w, S l~TO ·Af3paclp. TO ~Aawv 7f'apO. 'E~v TOU XETTaLOV f.v ~(L p.""1""lov. 'EKEL t6ay,av • Af3paclp. Kal 'lQ.p1xw ,..qv yvvau..a 31 aVrov' EKEL i(}a.y,av 'luaWe KaL 'PEfJEKKav ,..qv yvvau..a av,.ov· IKE'I(}a.y,av AltaI" 'Ev ~n TOU clypou KaL Toli U1T"1MWv 32' Toii OVTOS lv av,.41. 'll'apO. TWI' vlWv Xer. Kal KaTmavuEV 'IaK~f3 ttlTO,uuOJ" TOLS vIoL. av,.oV- Kal 1W-pa. TO~ 7rOSas 33 av,.oii ttl ,..qv KAt""!", UEALlTE' KaL 7f'poO"ET€ffq 7r~ ";'1' MOl' a&oli.

his teeth whiter than milk. IJZabulon shall dwell on the coast, and he .hall btl by a haven of ships, and shall extend to Sidon. u Issachar baa desired that which is !lood i resting between the inheritances. II Ana having seen the resting place that it was good, and the land that it was fertile, he subjected his shoulder to labour, and becamo a husbandman. )I Dan shall judge his people, as one tribe too in Iuael. Ii And let Van be a serpent in the way, besetting the path, biting the heel of the hone (and the rider .hall fall backward), 18 waiting for the IlIIlvation of the Lord. III Gad~ a plund~.g troop shall plunder him; Dut he abo.ll plunder him, purnifJg Aim closely. :10 Aserl his bread .44U btl fat; and he aball yiela dainties to prince.. 21 N e1!:!halim is a

~~J=h ~in~o~ ~~

dearly 10Ted IOn is increased; my youngest IOn, turn to me. II Againat whom men taking evil counsel reproached "i~~ and the archers weaeed bard upon him. f4nut their bow and arrows were mightily consumed. and the sinews of their anna were alackened by the hand of the mighty one of Jacob; thence is he that strengthened Israel. from

, the God of thy father. .. III and my God hel~ thee, and he blessed taee with the bleaamg of heaven from above,.and the blelling of the earth )lOReI8inB au things, becauae of the blessinJ! of the breasta and of the womb, s the blea&mgl of thy father and thy mother -it hB8 previWed above the blessing of the lasting mountains, and beyond the blessings of the everlasting hilla· they shall be upon the head of Joseph, and upon the head of the brothers of wnom ho took the lead. II Benjamin, as a ravening wolf, shall eat still in the morning, and at evening he giTes food. 1:1 All these anr the twelve 80na of Jacob; and their father spoke these words to them, and he bleeeed them; he bleuod each of them aooordinj! to his blessing. 211 And he !laid to them, 1 am added to my people; yo shall bUl'}' me with my fathers In the cave, which is m the field of Ephron tho Chettite, "in the double cave wbich is opposite Mambre in the land of ChaDII&D, the cave which A~ bought of Ephron the Chettite, for a ~on of a sepulchre. 11 There they buried Abraam and Sarrha his wife i there they buried IIIIIBC, and Rebecca his wife; there they burled Lea; &< in the portion of the field, and of the cave that was in it~ fItIr""-a of the BOna of Ohet, -And .. acob ceased gi~ charges to his BOna; and having lifted up his feet on

the bed, he died. and was gathered to his KaL tttlT'U~V 'I~ nrL 7rPOUf#1TOll TOU 7f'aT~ aVrov 60


AndJoeephfellupon his fathl'!1"s face, and IKMvuEV o.v,.ov, Kal 1q,D..TfCTEV av,.ov. KaL 7f'pouera.eEV 'Iw- 2

wept on him, and kissed him. 2 And J oaeph ~ TOL,. 7f'awlv a&oii TaiS lVTaq,, EVTaq,~ TOV

commanded his servants the embalmers to' ,.. ",

embalm his father I and the embalmers 7rG.T'pa aVrov' Kat &ETaq,La.UaV 0' lVTaq,La.UTG.L 1'01' Iupa"1A•

embalmed.larael. I And they fulfilled forty KaL brA7/pwuav aVrov TEuuap4JcoVTa ~,uP(1'O' om) yO.p KaT- 3 !iays for ,him~ for 80 are the da)'B of emila¥- apL6fMJVVTG.L al ~/A-Epa.l ~,. Ta~,., Kat m€vffquEV av,.ov A ''fV1TTOS

mgnumoerea; andE.BYPtmournedforhim '/J5:_' ., '1:'_,~, ~'" •• , ~,

sevcntt days. 4 And when the days of Ef-"'UP."1KOVTa "1P.Epa<;. ,un-(L Of: 'II'ap"lIWOV aL "1fLEpaL TOU 'lrEV- 4

ml_lunuDg were. paat, !'o8ellh spoke to the (}ovs, lNlATfCTEV 'I~ 'II'~ TO~ ~. 4.>~, Aq-,

1.'nncee of PhaiBo, llB711lg, If I have found ,.. " , • ~ \ _ \ ' , , ~ • ,.

tBTOur in your sight, speak concerning me 't EVpoI' ,)(apUl EVaVTWV vfLOJv. IUJ.I\"!O"G.T' 'll'Epl 'fMJv ELS Ta QJTa

ill. the ears of ;I>harao, llBying, 'My fat1,ler 4>u~, AE-yOVTfS, II 7f'a~p fMJu WPKLUE fLE, Aq."v, lv -nji 5

adjured me, 1lB711lI!' In the sepulchie which ,.. .!_.t.. ~, ~ X ' ,~ (},:".

1 aug for myself m the land of Chanaan, p.""1/U'1¥. ce ..,.",,0. .p.a.VTce EV 'Yl1 avaav, EKIL fL€ '"1'''<;'


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";;,, o~ 6&.t/1w rov 7rfJ.Tfp4 p.utJ, leal bra.VEMWOp.tU· 6 Kal ,l'll'( oI>apaW T.e 'l~, d.vd.{3."Bt, 6ri",ov TOV 7raTcpa. 7 O"ov, lea6rinp wpleUTI oe. Ka.l d."I{3'T1 'Jwa7rf> 6&.t/1w. TOV 'ff'O.Tlp4 aww Kal CTVIIo.vlf37Iaav P.ET' awou 'll'riVTE~ 0: 7ra.Z8« ~, leal 01 7t'p€UpmpoL -rov OLKOV a:lrrov, leal waVTfC; 01 8 1I'P(0"{3WEfJO' ~ -yij~ Al-ytnmw, leal miaa TJ 7rfJ.voucla 'J~,

lCal oi cl&Aq,ot QVrov, ,,41 -nUaa. .q obc&a. .q 'lrtJ.TPua, am-oli, Kal 7) avrraEl.a abrou' "al ro 7rp/J{3aTU, leal ToW {300.~ wu..l- 9 1I'OVTO lv yfj I'EO"Ep.. Kal CT1JIIQ.VI.{3'T/O"Oov p.ET' awoo leal 3.pp.aTU 10 leal t1Ml'Ei:~, leal lyaETo ~ 1I'4pEp.f3o>..V p.ryOATJ errp01)pa.. Kal 1I'apEYlvOVTO El~ cU.c.wa • ATa.8, ;; (crTt 1I'Epa.v TOU 'Iop&fvov· leal lleoy,avro awov 1e000000V p.ryav Kal loxvpOv errp01)pa.· leal

11 brrJl7JCT( ro 7ra6~ -rcii 1I'Q.Tpl awou ma. TJp.fp4~. Ka.l f.r&" 0: "aTOllCot ~ ri~ Xa.va4V TO 'lfEv6~ (71'1 ciAwvt ·ATa.8, "al El'ff'O.Y, 7ra6~ p.rya roVro (crTt Tot~ AlyvrtTtow Ota. TOVro bcaAf.VC ,.0 Ovop.a awou, n~ AlyfnrTov, ;; (crT' 'lflp4V

12 TOO 'Iop&fvov. Kal l1rol7JCTav almji cniT~ 01 vwl al1Tou. 13 Kal d.viM/30v al1,.Qv ot viol awou (l~ riv Xavariv· leal Way,av al1,.Qv ,,~ TO o-nlMwv ro &1I'AoW, 8 EKTl]cra.TO 'A{3pa.O.p. ro ~Mwv lv "T7]<m p.YTJp.EWv ...-apa. 'ErppWv TOU XETTUiov, 14 «aT'vaV'" Map./3pij. Kal WlcrTpt.l/lEII 'l~ d~ A,ytnrTOV,

a~ leal 01 d&Aq.ol aVTov, ICat 01 8O.y,aJ. rov ' awoo.

15 'IOOVTE~ OE ot clOt.Atj>ol 'J~rp, J.r, Tl~leEII ;, 7I'Q.~p aWWv,

e:17l'av, p.~ 1I'OTE p.YTJertK~ ~p1v 'I~, leal aVTa,ro&p.a c1YTU7I'o&fj ~p:;.v 'II'cfYTU Ta KlIICcl, & lvE&~(6a fl~ awov. 16 Kal 7rapa .. yEVOJUVO' 'II'~ 'I~ E17l'av, ;, 'II'a~p O"ov WPIeUTf. 1 i 7rpO TOO TEAan7jcrW. a~, AEywv, o~ (l'll'aTE 'I~rp' O,t/>« awo~ "'" clO",lav "al ~v dp.o.pTlav awwv, art 1I'OYTJpcf ero,

lve:&/laVTO' leal ";;,, o~, np.. clOuclav T.7I1' 6e:pa.'II'6YTWV TOU @Cou TOU 7raTp/J~ uov' "at UcAcwcr& 'I~rp AaAoWTwv awwv

18 7r~ awov. Kal EA66VT« 1I'pO~ al1,.Qv El7l'av, oi& TJp.Ei.~ erol 19 ol,cm,.,.. Kal e:171'& aln-oi.~ 'I~, p.~ tj>o{3licr6e:, rov yap 20 @EOV Elp.t~. 'Y p.«~ l{3ov'Am0.cr6e: KaT' (p.oV d~ 'II'OYTJpCL, ;,

Be 0£Oi l{3ov'AaJcraTo 'II'EpI. lp.ou d~ clya6a., o.".~ Av yt:V716ii 21 ~ ~p.EpOV, Kal Tpa</>D 'AaO~ 'II'o>..v~. Kal El'll'EII awoi.~, p.~ tj>o{3iitT6,' iyW &a6pc"'w vp.Us, Kal Ta.~ oLKlas v,u;w- leal 7rapE«aAe:erf.V aWoW, leal E'Ar1.A7JCT& awwv Els "'" leapOlav. 22 Kal tea~& 'IIIKT7Jrp Iv AlyfnrT'I', awOi teal ot d.&'Arpol. aiJrov, leill. 'II'acra ~ 7I'Q.VOtKla TOV 'II'aTpOr; awov' "al 1,7JCTEV 23 'I~ frr, ~1eQ.TOV Obca. Kal ET&v 'I~rp ·Erppalp. ~, l~ TplTflS yEV(a~· A'al 01 viol Max~lp rov vwv Mal'lltTcrij

24 lTl.xfiTJCTav E'II'l p.TJpCiw ·I~. Kill. E1'll'& 'I~ Toir; d&Atj>ois awov, J.kywv, iyW ci7ro6v7/<rA'w' E'II'tCTlecnrfl Be mUTKEy,ETaL ;, 0EOi vp.4S, teal£ee:, vp.4S lA"~ ri~ Ta~ Elr; orTJV ri1v, 7lV wp.ocr& ;, @EOi Toi~ 1I'Q.Tpcferw ~p.Wv, 'A{3paap., ·Icra.CLIC, leal.

25 ·llllCw{3. Kal WpteUTEV 'I~rp To~r; v!oVs 'Ierpa.V'A, 'Alywv, Iv rii mUTKcnrfl V £'II'UTIeEyrrp-ut lJ @EOi;, leal. CTVIIavowuE Ta 26 6crTii p.utJ lVTEli6& p.e:fI vp.Wv. KallTE'At:VrqcrEV 'I~rp lTW" lleaTOV Obca' leal ;'6a"'av awov, Kal l6TJKav lv rii eroP'? lv AlyUm-'I"

GENESIS L. 6-26.

there thou shalt bury me; now then I will 110 up and bury my' father, and return &pin. rAnd Pba.rao said to Joseph Go up, bury thy father as he constrained thee to _ear. 7 :,10 Joeeph went up to bury his father; and all the eervants of Pba.rao went up with him. and the elders of his house. and all the elden of the land of Emt. 8 And all the household of Joseph, and his brethren~ ao,d all the house of his father, and his kinarea.; and they left behind the aheep and the oxen in the land of Gesem. 8 And there went up with him also chariots and honemen; and there 'W8II a very great company. lu And theT Clime to the threshing.lloor of A tad, which is beyond Jordan i and they bewailed him with a great ana very eore lamentation; and he uiade a mourning for hie father seven days. 11 And the inliabi· tants of the land of Cbanaa.n I!&W the mourning at the Boor of Atadl". and II&id., Thia ia a ~t mourning to the Agypt.ian8; therefore he mlled its name, The mo~ of Egypt. which is beyond Jordan. 12 And thWl his 80l1li did to him. 13 So his IOn. carried him up into the land of Ch&naan. and buried him in the double cave, which C&ye Abl'll&Dl bought for poaaeuion of a buning _ place, of. Ephrom the Chettite, before Mambre. 14 And Joseph returned to ;Egypt, he and his brethren, and those that had lOne np with him to bury his father.

II And when the brethren of Joseph I!&W that their father W&8 dead they aa.i.d; IAt tI. taJe.lw~d.lest at any time J oeeph remember ern against us and recompeme to us all the eru. which we i;ye done against him. 18 And they came to Joeeuh. and said, l'hy father adjllred til before Jiii death. _ying J;'l'hua I&Y ye to JOll6Jlh. Forgive them their injWltice and their sinl fOl'll8llluch 88 they have done thee evil; ana now lIll&l'don the in. justice of the eervants of the God of thy iather. And Joseph wept while they apoke to him. 18 And they came to him and eaid We, these f!m'-. are thy servants. 19 AiUt J~h eaid to them. Fear not, for I am God a. lR Ye took counael apinst me for evil, but God took counsel for me for good~ that t,.. matt.,. might be 88 it it to-day, ana much pe()Jlle might be fed. 21 And he eaid to them, Fear not, I will maintain you, &lid your families: and he comforted them~ and spoke kindlr to them. = And Joseph awelt in Egypt. he and his brethren, and all the family 01 his father; and Joseph liyed a hundred and ten lean. • And Joseph laW the children of Ephraim to the third generation; and the sons of Jdachir the son of Ma.naaaewere borne on the.,aideeof Joseph. :H And Jo~!lapoke to hie brethren, .. yinll~ I die and God will surely visit you, ana will bring rou out of this land to the land concerni.nll' which God !Ware to our fathers. Abraam. 18lllLC, and Jacob. • And Joseph adjured the sons of Israel saying, A.t the visitation with which G~ sha.ll visit you, then ye sball carry ul1_my bones hence with vou, ~6 And Joseph died. aged an hundred and ten years; and a the_y prevared hi. corpse, and put him in a collin in Egypt.

., Gr. chlIIb ••

• Gr. buried hi .....


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EXODUB I. 1-21.

TmlBB are the names of the SODS of Israel that came into Egypt together with Jacob their father; they came in each with their whole family. 3 Ruben. Simeon, Levi, Ju~~ I 1I8BChar, Zabulon, Benjamin. 4 Dan and .J.'j ephthalim, Gad anu Aaer. I But J o· O('ph was in Egypt. And all the souls bona of Jacob were sevcnty·five. • And Joeeph died, and all his brethren, and all that generation. 7 And the children of Israel in. creaaed and multiplied. and became numerous and ~ e:lCeedin~IY strong, and the land multiplied them. And there arose up another king over Egypt, who knew not Joseph. U And he eaid to his nation, Be. hold, the race of the children of Israel is a I!re&t multitude, and is etronser than we : ]j) come then,let us deal craftily with them, lest at any time they be inOreased. and when!!OeVer WIll' shall happen to us, these also shall be added to our enemies, and having prevailed against us in WIll', they will depart out of the land. 11 And he set over them task. masters, who should a.fIlict them in their works; and they built strong cities for Pharao, both Pitho,.and Rameeaea, and On, which is Heliopolis, 12 But &8 they humbled them, by so much they multiplied, and grew exceedingly strong : .. and the Egyptians greatly abhorred the children of I &rae!. IJ And the Egyptians tyrannised over the children of Israel by force. U And th~ embi ttered their life by bard labours, in the clay and in brick·making, and all the works in the plaiDS, aooorWng to all the works, wherein they caused them to serve with violence.

11 And the king of the Egyptians spoke to the midwives of the Hebrews; the name of the one was, SCJl8hora; and the name of the second. Phua, And he said, When ye do the oOlce of midwives to the Hebrew woo men, and t.hf'Y are about to be delivered, if it be a male. kill it; but ifa female, save it. 17 But the midwives feared God, and did not as the king of Egypt appointed them; and they eaved the male children alive. IS And the king of Egypt called the mid. wives, and said to them. Why is it that re have done this thing. and saved the malo children alive? I~ And the midwives said to Pharao, The Hebrew women are not as the women of Emt. for they are delivered before the midWIVes go in to them. So they bore children. ,0 And God did well to the midwives, and the ~ple multiplied, and grew very .trong. 2 And as the midwives



E :s 0 ~ 0 s.

TAYTA T4 OvOl'4Ta TWV v&Wv 'Iupa~A TWI' dcnrnropwp.&1IIJI

d~ ALytmTOV Q./Lo. "IaJ<w{3 Tcf> 7nlTP' awwv, ;KaoT~ 1nlVOUC£ awwv,luJ1AOouall. 'Pov/3rl", ~VJUWII, Aw" 'Iov&~, 'Iuu&.}(f1P. 2, 3 Za/3oVAWI', BWUlpotl', Aav. lCa, Nf~OaA', ras, lCa, 'Au-r/p.4 'IIIXT7J~ 8E t;v €v AlyVorTCfI' ~ual' 8E 1I"ciuat !frox.ol l~ 'IOJt.w/3, 5 1I"Mf lCa~ ~/3&po~teOVTa. 'EnAnfn7uf 8E 'I~, lCa, 1I"&.VTES 6 0& cl.&,\qx" aWou, lCa~ nua .q ')'Wt:4 IlCfLV'/. Ol 8E via, 7 'Iupa~A TJfJ~av, lCa, (7rA.,,~al', lCa~ xuBaLOt l-yivovro,

ICcU lCaTL<T)(OO1' ucp08pa. ucpo8pa' br.\7]01.'Vf ~ q -y7j awow. 'AI'EfTTTJ 8E 13a<Tt.AW; ET(p~ br' AL,),lnrrol', &~ OUIC 11&t ,.01' S 'I~. ET7rf 8E T~ .8vft aWol1, l&V TO ')''''o~ TgW VWI' 9 'lupa~A pofya ·1I"A~O~, lCa, WxW' WEP .qpoa.~. .6.fVrf oW lCaTa- 10 urxfucrwpofOa awow, POTprOTf 7rA."e.w8ii, tea). ~vi.tca All uvpo/3fj .qp.'iv ""OAEPOO~, 7rPO<TTf8quOVTCU lCa). otrrOt .".~ ToW wwavTlov<;, ICcU llC1roAfpor]ua"Tf~ .qp.a." ~EAoJuOVTa' (IC ~ ~. KcU br£CTTTJCTW a.wo~ OnUTcl.Ta. TWII (fTYU'l', ~va 1C0000Wulll<TW 11 aWoW €v TO'. (P-YOt,. Ka, ~o&;pofI<Tav .,rnAft. oxvpAt; .,..;; tIIapac;i, n7v Tf lluiJW, ICcU 'Papofuaij, ICcU ·011, .q (UTlI' ·lL\.wthro,\tt;. KaOeh-t 8E awow iTa.".flllOlll', TO<T~ 1I"AEiov<; 12 l-yL-YVOVTO, ICcU &axool' u~. ucpo8pa' lCal. (/3&AVcruovro at AlyVorTtO, awo TWI' vl;;'v 'Iupa7].\. Kal. tean8wcUrrEVOI' 01 1:J AlyVorTtOt TOW v10W 'Iupa~A /3l,,_. Kal. ICClT~1' aln-UW 1-1 nw '~v lv Toi~ Epyot~ TOt.... UICA."poi.t;, T~ '"1~ ICcU orii 1I"N.v{Jfu,., ICcU nut TO'~ (pyat. TO~ €v TOi.~ ""f8lot~, lCaT4 ""&'VTa T4 lpya-, ~I' lCaTf&vAOU'TO awoW POrT4 /3/.0.<;.

Ka, (T1I"W b /3a<Tt.AW; TWa- AlytmTllIW TaL. poalQl.t; TWV 15 'EfJpalwl', rii poUj. awwII ol'opoa ~7rq,Wpa, lCa). TO ()VOI'4 TTl<; 8EVT'pa~ tII0vcl.· Kat ,171"6', OTal' f'fJ.I.OVu{J£ T4~ ·E/3pat.a.~, ICcU 16 ~, 11"~"";; TlKrt:tl', fav poo, /J.puw V' ci1l"01CT(ll'aTf awo' lal'

8E Oi}AV. 1I"fpt1l"OUi.CTf)( aha. 'E<pO/3Y1JriUClII 8E a1. poai.a.t ,.01' 1 7 0fOll, ICcU oVlC bro{fl<Tal' lCaOuft <TVV€-r~w awat. b /3a<Tt.AW; AlyVorTov, lCa, l,woyol'OIII' Tel apuwa. 'EICUAfUf 8E b /3a<Tt.AW; 18 AlyVorTov Ta~ 1'41a", lCa, £!1TW awa.t~, Tt ~t brOt7]o-aT£ ro wpO.')'poa TOVTO. lCal. l'woyovfLTf T4 lipuwa j ET1IU1' 8E al 19 p.o.i.a.t .,..;; tIIa~, oVX b,. -yvvaUcf' AlyVorTov 0.& 'E/3pai.a.t· TllCTovut ')';,.p r.pll' ~ fluEAO'LII wp~ aW4. Tat; poaia,,· lCa, E-rUCTW. E~ 8E broln b 0(0<; Ta,,, p.a1au.· lCa, brA7]OvvEV b 20 ~, lCal. LuXV' ucp08pa. 'Er.(t 8E (¢o/30Mo 0.& p.aiQl. ,.01' 21

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~Ol', brol7p'aY _VT.u~ oUc{a~. lW&~E Of. ~paW 'll"aVTI 22 T¥ ~ awov, Af:ywl', 1I"iil' G.pu£v, g (0.1' TEx.6V TOI~ 'E{3paLo(~,

El~ TOl' 1I"OT4,wl' p'l/taTE, KW 1I"iil' ~Av, ,WOYOl'EIT( awo.

2 "HI' 8£ TL~ tIC ~ .pVA~~ A(vt, C;~ fAa.{3EI' T;;,., 8vyaTEp.uv 2 AEV'. Kw 0, -yrurrPI fAa/3E, ICW &EKEV OpCTEV' 1&vrE~ Of. 3 awo cloTi'wI', (tnrbraCTaY awo p.~~ TpEI~. 'E1I"Et Sf. 001C

(0Wavr0 4WO &L K,MrrEUI, fAa.{3£v 4Wtj) .q p.frrrlp awov (J,{3U1, KW leaTWW£V 4Vr7Jv duq,aAT01ru,.C'!). lCat ll'i{3aAE TO 7l'4Il>LOl' d~ awq." KW f.~K£V awq., d~ TO f.Ao~ 1I"apO. TOl' 1I"OTa,...ol'.

4 Kal KaTECTIeWEV£V .q d&A.p~ awov p.aKp08£v, p.aBE'" T{ TO{37p'OP.£VOI' aWtj).

5 KaTi{3." Of. .q OvydT'f/p 4>apaW AowACTfJa( (11"1 TOl' 1I"OTa,wl', ml al Q.{3pcu a1'l~ 7rCJfIr1'OpWoVTO 1I"apO. TOV ~I" lCat lBowa .,.q., fJ;P", 0, Ttj) fAtL, d.7rOCTTEl.\aua ~v a{3pal', d.I'ELAaTO 6 amp,. 'AI'o~aCTa Of. oPi- ~Ol' MaIOI' EV Tjj fJL{3n' Kal

'.1.1' • ~ '11._-' d>..~~.~. '".1.-." ~ --~,

c~~TO aVTOV 7J vv,~T'f/P ~"'f"""" K'" ('t"'/' a1l"0 TWI' 'lrUWLWI'

7 TWI' 'E{3pa.WI' TOUTO. Kw t:t7l"EI' .q d.&A~ a1'lTov Tjj 8vyaTpt 4>apaW, fJiAt:L~ KaAiCTW CTOL ywaiKa TpoqxooVCTal' (K TWl' 8 'E{3po1mv, leW CTO!. .,.0 1I"4aUov; 'H B€ Et1l"£V .q 8vyQ.T'f/P fhpaW, 1rOfK!Iov' (>..fJowa Of. I'Eiil'L~ (ICQ.AECT( .,.q., p.7JTipa TOV 9 muOWv. Ern Of. 11"~ awq., .q OvydT'f/p 4>apaW, StanlP'f/CTOl' pooL TO 'll'cu8lov TOUTO, Kal Or}AauOl' P.OL awo, CyW Of. &:,uw CTot .,.01' p.wfJoV" fAa.{3t: Of. .q yvvY, TO muGu))", Kal llhjAa{EI'

10 awo. 'A8pwfJ~ 8( TOV muOWv, EUnIya'Y£V awo 1I"pO~

.,.q., OvyaTipa 4>apaW, KW ly~ ain-U El~ VWI" E1I"WI'Op.aCT( Of. TO Ovop.a 4WOV M~I', Al.yovua, (Ie TOV iiOaTO~ awol' unAOp.7JV •

11 'Eyf.yETO Of. 'v TClL~ .qp.I.PaL~ T.u~ 1I"oAA.u~ (KE{VaL~ p.iya.s

'Y£I'Op.~ M~, l~AfJt: '7rpO~ TO~ &&A.po~ awov TOV~ v~~ 'ICTpa~A' KaTCll'07}ua~ B€ TOI' 11"01'01' awwl', b~ /ivOpw7rOl' A1yVwTLOV ~OVTa TLVa 'E{3pa'iol', TWI' £aVTOV &.&Aq,wl'

] 2 TWI' vWv 'ICTpa~A. n(pL{3A""&.p.w~ Of. cr,& KW cr,& 0V}(

bPi- oMlYa, Kal 1I"4TcUa~ TOl' A1yWTwI', ~pvljt£v awol' 0, Tjj 13 /ip.p.~. 'E€EAfJc1,I' Of. Tjj .qp.lfxI. Tjj 8t:VTlfxI., b~ Soo civ8pa.~ 'E{3patou.. SL411"A",ICT"0P.f.y~· Kal AJ-yEL Ttj) d.&Koi:VTL, &It T{ uV 14 ,.mt:L~ TO" 1I"A7p'LOl'; '0 8( (t7l"t:, Tis CTE KaTiCTT'f/CT£v /ipXOl'Ta KW S~ (.p' .q,...wl'; p.~ d.I'EAEII' P.E uV BiA"~, 81' TpWol' &.I'ELA~ xfJf.~ TO" A1;*Twl' ; (.po{3~~ Of. M~s, ICW (11l"£v, 15 t:1 oW~ lp..pal'f.~ 'YJ-yOVE .,.0 ~p.a TOUTO. "HKoVCTt: Sf. ~ TO ~p.a TOUTO, KW ('~TEL UEAEI" M~I'. 'AI'E~P'f/CT( 8( M~~ 11.'11'0 1I"poCTUnrov 4>apaW, leal ~£v 'v 'Yii MaSuip.·

16 lAIJUw Of. t:l~ ril' MaS"'p., (KQ.fJWEV at TOV .ppla.T~. Ttj) 8( UpEL Ma8tUp. ~I' ma OvyaTfp~, 1I"0tp.all'OVCTaL Ta 1I"pO{3a:ra TOU 1I"aT~ awWv 'IofJop' 'II''Y£vop.£VaL Of. -i1VTAOl.V, l~ f.1I"A7JCT4V Ta~ ~£va~, 'll'OTu,.aL TO. 1I"po{3aTCl TOU 1I"aTpO~

1 7 awWv 'IofJop. napa~f'£VOL Of. 01 r.OIf'.il'E~ lei{3aA>..ol'

awQ.~· &.I'IIOT!t~ Of. Mw~~ IppwaTo awa~, Kat 71VTA7p'£v

18 aVraLi, Kal f.7rOTWE Ta 'll'p6{3aTa awwl'. nap"Y€I'OVTO 8(

11"~ 'Pa'Y~A TO" 1I"aTfpa aww.,. b Sf. EI1l"EI' awals, StaTL 19 lTaxWaTE TOU 1I"apa'YEVECTfJaL ~P.EPOl'; Al Of. E!7I"al', al,6pw7r~

EXODU8 1. 22-1I. 19. feared God, theyestabliahed for themaelyes families. :.:l And l'harao charged all his people, 86png, Whatever male Mild, eh&ll be bam to the Hebrews, cast into the ri'fer; and eyery female, 86ve it alive.

.And there was a certain man of the tribe of Lcv:i~ who took to wife one of the daugh· ters of Levi. 2.And she conceived, and bore a male child i and having seen that he WIllI fair, they hid him three months. '.ADd when they could no longer hide him, his mother took for him an ark, and besmeared it with fl bitumen, and cast the child into itJ and ,Put it in the ooze b_y the river. • ADa his IIiater was watching from a diatance, to 1eam wbat would hap~n to him.

'And the ciaughterofPbarao came down to the river to bathe; and her maids walked I!J the river's side, and having seen the ark in the ooze, abe llent her maid, and took it up. 6 And having opened it, abe _ the babe weeping in the ark: and the daughter of Pilarao bad compB8&ion on it, and 1IIWl, This U OM of the Hebrews' children. 7 ADd his suter eaid to the daughter of Pharao, Wilt thou that I call to thee a nUJ'1!8 of the Hebrews, and aball ahe suckle the child for thee P s And the daughter of Pbarao said Go: and the young woman went, and C8.iied the mother of the child. I ADd the dauahtel' of Pharao IBid to her, ~rake care of this child, and Buckle it for me, and I willli1'e thee the wages; and the woman took the child, and suckled it. wAnd when the boy ~,.. grown, she brought him to the dauahter of Pharao, and he became her IOn; ana abe called his name, MOIle8, saring, I took him out of the water.

ll.And it came to pus in that length of time, that Moeea having grown, went out to his brethren the sons of IsraeJ.: and havinj{ noticed their diatrel;s, he _ an Egyptlan smiting a certain Hebrew of hia brethren the cliildren of Israel llI.And having looked round this way and that way, he sees no one i and he nnote theEgyptjan, and hid him m the 1I&Dd. III And h&TiDg gone out the aeoond day he sees two Hebrew men fighting; and ·he 86)'1 to the injurer..! Wherefore smiteat thou thy neighbourr 1·.And he IBid, Who made thee a ruler and a judge oyer U8 P wilt thou slay me u thou yesterday slowest the EJmltian P Then MOBel was alarmed, and _d, If i~ H thua. this matter baa become known. Ii And Pharao heard this matter, and sought to slay Moeea; and Mo_ departed froJn the presen1'8 of Pharao, and dwelt in the land of Madiam I and having come into the land of Madiam~ .he sat on the well. 16 And the priest of .madiam had lIe1'en daughter.., feeding the flock of their father JothQr; and they came and drew water until they 1llled their pitchers, to water the flock of their father Jothor. 17 Aud the ahepherda came, and were driving them awa.y; and Mo_ rose up and rescued them, and drew water for them, and watered their sheep. 18 And they cwne to Raguel their father; and be said to them. Why have ye come so quickly to-dar P II And they said, An Egyptian


jI i .... pecWiar kill.!, more _bliDc ...... 1abIe pitch.

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EXODUS II. 20-III. 13.

d~liTer-ed na from the 8hepherds, and drew ~ .. ater for na and watered our sheep, • A.nd he eaid to his daughters. And where is he? and why baTe ye left the man? call him therefore. that he may eat bread. ;a And M<*8 was established with the man, and he JaTe Sepphora his daughter to Moses to wife. tl And the woman conceived and bore a BOn, and Mosea called his name Gersam, "ring. I am a eojourner in a .trange land. :s And in thoee days after a length of time, the Iring of Egypt died; and the children 01 Israel groaned because of their tasks, and cried, and their cry beeause of their tasks went np to God. II And God heard their groanings, and God remembered his covenant made with .Abraam and llIUC and J ... cob. :I And God looked upon the children of Iaracl, and 1l11li made known to them.

.And MOlle! was feeding tbe flock of Jothor his·law. the priest of Madiam; and he brought the Iheep nigh to the wil· derness, and came to tbe mount of Choreb. 2 And an &nIlIll of the Lord a~ to him in "Baming lire out of the bu and he _ that the btuh burns with flre.- ut the bush ,.,.. DOt COIlBUlJled. lAnd Mosea eaid, I will go near and Bee this great sight. whr. the bush is not consumed, ".And when the Lord .11' that he drew nigh ~ see, the Lord called him out of the bush, .yinll. Moses. M~' and he eaid, What 18 it? lAnd he Mid. Draw not nigh hither: loose thy san· dals from oll'thy feet. for tbe »lace whereon thou standest is holy sround. l.And he eaid, ., I am the God of thy father. the God 01 .A braam. and the God of laaac, and the God of Jacob; Ind M<*8 turned a .... T his face. for he was afraid to gaze at God. ~ And the Lord .. id to Mosea, 1 baTe II11J'elr seen the aliliction of my people that is in Egypt. and 1 baTe heard their cry NtlUd by their task. masters; for 1 know their alIliction. I And I baTe come down to deliver them out of the band of the Egy)1tians: and to bring them out of that land, ana to bring them into a good and wide land. into a land Bow· ing with milk and honer. into the place of the Cbananitee, and the Chettites, and Amoritee. and Pheresitee, and Gergesites, and Erites, and Jebusites. 'And now. be. hold, the cry of the children of Israel is come to me, and I bave _n the alIliction with which the Egyptians alIlict them. 1<1 And now come, J will send thee to Pbarao king of Egypt, and thou shalt bring out mf peol'le the Children of I srael from the land of Egypt.

II And Mosea .id to God, Who am I. that I should go to I'harao king of Egypt, and that I should bring out the children of lsrael from the land of Emt? 12 And God spoke to Moses, .. yin!!. I will be with thee and thi~ shall be the SIgn to thee that hhali send thee fortht-when thou bringeet out JTlY people out a Egypt, then ye Ihall 8t'J'Te 60d in this mountain. '" Ann 1I10ses mid to God. Behold, 1 shall g~ forth to the chilo dren of Israel. and shall eay to them. The God of our fatheno has aent me to you: and they will uk me, What is his name? What



AlyVn~ lpp1.'.uaTo TJp.4'i a7l'0 TUIII ~, KcU ~vrA7JCTO' ~p.'iv. Kat nronu( Tel 1r"O{3aTa ~p.Wv. '0 O€ (r7l'( Tais 6vyo.- 20 TpaCTw awov, Ka& 'ft"OV lerr,,,,. Kat &'vaT' K4-:uA£AOLrClTf TOJI li.v6fX1"OV; Ka>.iuaT( oW awol', cWws cpa.YlI Oprov. KaTIa)- 21 K~ O€ MlAIVO'7js '1NlpG. T<li flv8".mr'l?· Kat EeE~O lor~ np, flvyaT(po. awoli M""""1i -yvvcWca. 'Ev yao'Tpt Of M.{3oWo. 22 ~ yvvr, mKO' vwv· KcU a-OfUUT€ Mw~ TO OJlOp.4 ai'TOU rTJpaap., Afyuw, on mzpoucO<i flp.& & YD dMaTP~. MlTel 23 O€ TelS TJp.€po.s Tel'i 71'oills Vcf'JIO.'i, &~OI ;, {3o.u~ Al~. Kat KaT(aTiv~-uv 01 viol 'IupaqA cira TWV fpy-,

"at /w({3Crquav' Kat flv({3YJ TJ {301] awwv 'lrpOi TOV 0fOV «"..0 NV ~v. Kat (UnlKOVUO' ;, 0£bs ,.ov aTO'ay,u,v ai'Twv' 24 Kat lJl¥l1ofJrl ;, 0(os TiJs &a8q1O]S awou TiJs 71'pO'O • A{3pa1J.p.,

"at '!o-aWc, KcU '!4K.~{3. KcU nrfLOw 0 E>€bs TOUs vWV<; 25

'IupaqA, KcU ~ aWoLs.

Kal Mwoo7js ~ 7rOl.p.aLJlllJV Tel 'lrpO{3aTa. 'I08op TaU -yap.{3poV 3 al'TOii, Toii "pEWS Ma&4p., KcU .;,yay( Tel 'lrpO{3aTa. inrO np,

EprJP.I"" KcU vAlkv ds TO opo<; Lr»7fJ. ·O¢8YJ O€ am;; 2

·A'-~~ K ' L_ ''''''l,_~,. • .. !J' , .......

T T~"" vptov ov 7nJP' ..".~ TU' (I( TOil /JaTUII' Ka, Optf on ;,

fJti:ra<; Ka&m1L 7nJpL, " O€ /laTa<; olJ KaTEKa&ETO. ET7I'E O€ 3

M~, 7ro.pE)Jj("v ;;.pOp.4' TO Opa.p.a TO p.fya. TOVTO, on oll ICaT4ICaUTW ;, {JaTO<;. 'Os 01 El& Kvp~ on Topouay" &OcLv, 4 tKaMUO' awol' Kvp~ tK Toii {3aTUII, Afyuw, MIIlVOi], MIAIVO'7j.

o 0( (t7l'(, Tl laTw; '0 O€ ,171'(, u,i, I.-fYLu-rr; cr,&. AVUW TO 5 lnrOIn,p.4 tK NV 'll'oOWV UOV, 0 -yelp -rOr.o<;, & ce uV (f1TT]Kas,

ri aY&a faT,. Kw (t7l'0', I.-yW (ip, b 0£0" 'I'OV 'IrO.TpO<; UOV, 6 0(bs 'A{3paD..!J., Kat 0(ilr; 'luaWe, Kat 0£ilr; 'I4K.W{3· ~1rEaTp€l{l(

O€ M~ ro 'lrpOulJJ'lrOV awaV, JJM.f3c'i'l'O yap KaT(p.fJAi1;w El'enlUv Toli fi'),oii. EI'll'( OE Kvp~ 7I'pOi MIAIVO'7jl', 100,v (l&v 7 T7]V KWcIlXT'V Toii Moli p.ov Toli lv Ai~, Kat riis Kpavyii" avrow tLo7KOQ ct7l'O TWV EPYoOwlC'l'bw- 01& -yelp T7jv ooVvrp.awwv, Kat KaTE{3T{V Itwu6a., awoUs EK )(fcpO<; TWV Alytnr- 8 TWlV, Kat Ua:yo.'}'f:iv alrr~ tK rij<; yi7'i EK('VYJS, I(cU cio-ayu.'}'f:W aw~ fis riv «-yaDT,v Kat 1fOMYp-, ds -yiiv pEovuav 'YaAa I(cU p.w, d~ .,.oy 1'0".01' TWv XavCW(l'C&W, leal X~TTcUc.wJ leal 'Ap.oppaWw, KcU 4>€p(,aWw, KcU r£py(CTo..W,v, KcU EVaWw, KcU 'If{3ovua1wV. Kat viiv l&V Kpavr11 TWv viWv '!upaq)" ~K" 9' 'lrpO<; P.(' K~yW ~Wpwca -rOl' O"""p.ov, ~v 01 A1-ywrn(n 6A1{3olXTw awotis, KcU"w bclipo, d1rOl7T(Wu U( 71'"0,, ~ {3aqcAm 10 AlyVnov, Kat U~ns TOl' AaOv p.ov T~ VWV<; '!UpaqA (K yi7'i A1yVnov.

Kal. (l1r( :M~ 1f'pO<; TOV 0«ov, TL" Elp.' iyW, on 71'0£KV- II uOp.4' 7I'pOi WapaW {3aITiAEa MywTOV, Kat on (eaft" TOUs vioUs 'Iupa-qA tK ri" AlyV7r"Tov; El1r( O€ IJ 0fO<; Mw1X7'j, 12 AE-ywV, on EUOp.4' p.(Ta uov- KcU TOW" uo, TO rrqP.fl.oV on lyW a« ;'~'II'OOTfAW. Iv "" "a-yay£tv U( rov AaOv p.ov I,

AlyV7r"Tov, Kai AaTpcVu(T( T~ 0E~ & "" opn TOVT,!" Kal. (l7l'( 13

l\-llll1...njs 7I'pOs ,.ol' 0(ov, IOOl, I.-f» lefAMOp.4' 1f'pOs TaUs vloi~ 'Iupa-qA, Kal. f.pW 1f'pOs aw~, ;, 0t:0<; NV 1rO.Ttp.uV ~p.Wv ci7l'faTaAAf p.t: 71',M v,u;.,· f.fJ'J""7uolXTl P.E, TL OVOp.4 aimi'; T' EpW

IJ Gr. Ire or !lame. ., MU&. a. II.

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14 7rpO.; aw~; Kal (17r0' b 0«~ 7rpO.; MIIJlIO'7jv, Ai-yWV, ryw (&,u. b ·Ov· ica~ (r7r(V, oiiTw~ lplio; TOts VWLo; 'lerpa"'A. 0 ~Ol'

15 d,7r£CTTaNcE p.e 'lrpO<; ~p.O.o;. Kal ,l'lrev b 9(00; 'lrc1.\.LV 'lrpOt; Mcarocri7v, OVTtIIt; lpf'io; To'it; vlots 'Jerpa"'A, Kvpw<; 0 9£00; TWV 'lraTE"",V ~p.Wv, geoo; 'AfJpaap., Ka~ 0«0" 'leraclK, Kal 9(0t; '141C~fJ, d:".tCTTaME p.' 7rpO.; ~p.O.". TOVTO p.ov ICTTIv ovop.a a1W-

16 VLOV, Ka~ p.VfI~OV '}'O'cwv '}'O"a&~. 'EA8~v ow crvv&ya)'E T1,v )'EpauCT&m, TWV vI;., 'lerpa.,,>", Kal lp(,~ 'Ir~ awoV<;, Kvpw<; 0 ®C~ TWV 'lr4T4xov ~p.wv ik-ral fLOL, geoo;' A{3paap., Kal geoo; 'lerw, Kal 9(0" 'I4lCwfJ, Ai-ywv, m&CTKcnrU brEerKfp.p.a& ~p.O.",

17 "al Jcra. crvP.fJEfJ."K€V ~p.'iv lv Al~. Kal £trw, dVafJLfJQqw ~p.O." be ~ 1C4IC..Icr,~ NV Al)'VlM"Ww, clt; n,v yl1v TWV Xavavalwv, Kal X£TTaWw, Kal 'Ap.oppa.Ww, KaL 4>£p£,alwv, Kal refT't£eraiwll, Kal ElKUc.w,Ka~ 'lefJovcraiwv, elo; yl1v I>tovcrall 'YriM.

] 8 Kal p.lN.. Ka~ elcr4lCoVcrollTal erov ~ rpw"",,' Kal clcr£Ae~ oV, Kal ~ 'Yepovcrla 'lerpa."A, 'lrPOo; '4>apaW fJaerwa My.nn-ov, Kal lp£'i" r~ awolI, II geo" TWII 'EfJpau,,1I 'lrpocrKlK>..7JTa& ~p.O.t;. 7rop€VCTop.€8a ow ooov Tfl&WlI ~P.fpWV (ls n,v fp."p.OY, wa

19 8Vcrwp.w ~ 0«ciJ ~p.Wv. 'EyW ~ olBa on ou 'II'PO~(T4L vp.O.o; 4>apaW fJacr&AEVs Alyamov 'II'Opru8ijva&, lav p.." p.€Ta XetpO s 20 ICpaTtU.O.... Kal £KTeiva<; T1,v x£'ipa, 'lraT~ TOt,., Al"f'I"'TLov<; W 'II'wn Toio; 8aup.acrioLo; p.ov, oro; 'II'OL~W lv awo'io;· Kal p.€ra 21 TaVTa ltarOCTTwL vp.ii... Kal &:xrw X&.pLV ~ >..a<iJ TOWIfJ lvaVTlov TWV Al-yvrrtiwv' orav ~ d,7rOTPt'X7JTC, ou" d7rwweer8,

22 K€Vol. 'AA>..Q alnllTU ~ 'Y,lTOVOS Ka~ CTVCTIC'I}vOV

a~ erKWr, dpyvpii, lCal 'X.PVCTii, Ka, Ip.aT&CTp.OlI· Kat l7rLO.qcrrr£ l7r~ ToVo; vlo;'o; vp.Wv, Kat bTL Ta.." vp.Wv, Ka~ erICVAWcraTC Tot,., Al-yvrTLov<;.

4 'A7r£Kfl{o." ~ M~, Ka~ ,17rO', lay p.", 'II'&CTT£VcrIJJCT{ fLOL, p.~ (lcr4ICOVcrIJJCTL ~ ~ p.ov, lpOL'CT& 'YQp, on OUK ik-ral 2 (TOL b ge~, T& lpW 'II'~ awoVS; Er'll'e ~ a~ Kvpw<;, T{ 3 TOVTO ICTTL TO W Tjj Xnp{ erov; b ~ (I'll'e, pa.fJ80s. Kal et7rw, ;xy,ov a~v ml T7jv yijv' Kal lP;"y,w aVr.;,v ml. n,v yijv, Kal

4 foyf.vfTO &PL .. • Kall4>v-y( MIJJ1IITij .. d'll" awou. K al er'll'e Kvpw<;

'lrpO.; MCIIVO"i1v, m(lvoll T1,v x£'ipa, Ka~ l7r&AafJou rij" K€pKOV' lKTc{vas ow T7jv X(ipo. l'IrfAO.{Jrro ~ KfpKOV' Kal. foyivCTO 5 pJ.p&.; lv TQ X£'PI awou. ·Iva 'II'&CTT.VcrIJJCTL erOL, OTL ik-ral erOL b 9(0" TWV 'lr4TE,OII1V awwv, 0«00; 'AfJpaOp., Kal 9£00; 'lera4K, 6 Kal 0«~ 141CwfJ. EI'll'e 8, awciJ Kvpw<; 'II'c1.\.w, elcrivE)'Kov n,v XfipcL erov flt; TOV ICOA'IrOV erov' Kal CUn]vE)'K( n,l' X(ipo. awov d<; TOY KOA7I'Ol' awou' Ka~ 1~"YKO' n,l' xeipo. awou lK TOU

7 KOA'II'OV awou, Kat ('Yon}o." ~ X£tp awou Wcre~ XtWl'. Ka~ .I'll'& 'lr0N.v, eWf.vE)'Kol' T1,v Xelpcl erou clo; TOl' KOA'II'Ol' erou' Kal eUrr]l'E)'K( T1,l' X('ipa elo; TOl' K0>..7I'OV awou' Kat l~"YKW a~ IK TOU KoA7rov aiJrov, Kal. 'II'' Q7rEKaTf.CTT7J do; n,l'

S }(P6al' ~ erapKoo; aVrijo;. 'Ea.v 8~ p.." 'Ir&CTT.VcrIJJCT{ erOL, p.."O( elcr4lCoVcrlJJCTL ~ tfx»v1it; TOU CT7Jp.e{ov TOU 7rPWTOU, 'II'LCTT.Vcrover{ 9 erOL rijt; .pr.wij<; TOU ·CT7Jp.£{ou TOU &wtpov. Kal iCTTa& .lew p.~ 'II'&CTT.VcrIJJCTL erOL TO'i~ I)vcrl. CT7JP.£LOLi TOWOlo;, p.."I)' tlcralCoverlJJCTL ~ ~ erou, A~!fru d,7r0 TOU il&tTOS TOU 'II'OTafLOu, Ka,

EXODUS III. 14-IV. 9. sball I I&y to them P 14.And God spoke to MoleS! I&ying, 1 am 'I'HE BEIN ~.i and he said, 1hus eliall ye .. y to the onirdren of Israel, 'I'HE BEING has sent me to 10~L I~ And God mid again to Moses, ~'hWl Ibalt thou I&y to the IOns of Israel) The Lord God of our fathen, the God 01 A!n'aam, &Ild God of IBII8O, and God of Jacob, has IIIUlt me to you, this is my ll&IIIe for eTer, &Ild my memorial to generationa of generatioJl& Ie Go then and gather the elden of the chilo dren of Israel\ and thou shalt .. y tom them The Lord Goa of our fathers has ap

to me, the God of Abraam, and of Isaac, and God of Jacob, .. ying, I have ~y look~ upon you, and upon all the things .... hich bave hafpened to you in Egypt. 11 And he said, will bring you up out of the aIIliotion of the Egyptiana to the land of the Oba.nan.itee and the Ohettitea, and Amoritee and l'herezitea, and G~ itea, and Evitea, and JebWlitee,_ to a lAnd flowing with milk and honey. III And th!'Y sballliearken to thy voice, aDd thou and the elden of Israel aball go in to Pharao ljng of Egypt, and thou aIialt I&Y to him, The God of the Hebrews has called WI; we will go then a journey of three days into the wilderneaa, that we may eacrifice to our God. "'.But I know that Pharao kinJr of Egypt will not let you goll&ve with a ~Dtr hand; :ill and I willetreton out my hand, and smite thl! ~gyptiana with all my wonden, which I aball work among them, and after that he will send you forth. :LI And I will give this people favour in the sight of the Jl;gyp~n8, and whenever ye ahIiJl escape, ye aball not deJlWi; empty. Zl But ~ woman shall ask of her neighbour and fellow lodger, articles of gold and silver, and apparel; and re aball _put them Upon your IlOna and upon your daughtera,-and spoil ye the Egyptiana.

ADd Moses answered and said, If they believe me DOt, and do not hearken to my voice (for they will I&Y, God has not appc:ar¢. to thee), what aball I I&y to them?

• And the Lord mid to him, Wbat is this thing that is in thine hand? and he said, .A rod. I And he said, Cast it on the ground, and he cast it on the ground) and it became a ~t, and Moses fled rrom it. 4 And the Lord mid to Moees, Stretch forth thine hand. and take hold of its tail, 110 he 8tretched forth his hand and took hold of the tail, 'and it became a rod in his hand -that they may believe thee, that the G;;(i of thy fathers b&e appeared to thee, the God of Abraam, and GOd of lelllle, and God of Jacob. 'And the Lord said again to him Put thine hand into thy bosom J and h~ put his hand into his bosom ana browtht hi8 hand out of his bo8ODl, and his hand be. came ~ snow, 7 And he said again, J;'ut thr ~nd I.nto thy bosom; lind he put Di8 hand into his bosom, and Drought liis hand out of hie bosom, and it WIllI again restored to the COI!!plexion o( his otlur tlesh. 8 And if they ~ not believe thee, nor hearken to the VOice of the first 81gn, they will believe thee b~~atu6 of the voice of ~he seeond sign. • ~c! It sball come to ]JI18S u: they will DOt. believe thee for these two signe, lind will not hearken to tby voice, tbnt thou shalt take of the water of the river and pour it

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EXODUS II. 20-III. 13.

delivered us from the Ihepherds, and drew ~ .. ater for UI and watered our sheep. :10 And he said to his daughters, And where is he P and why have ye left the man? call him therefore, that he may eat bread. ~lAnd Moses was established with the man, and he JIIlve Sepphora his daughter to Moses to wife. 21 And the woman eoneeired and bore a IOn, and Mo_ called his name Geraam, Aa}"ing, I am a 8OjoUl"ller in a Itrange land. ::J And in those dara after a length of time~ the king of Egypt died; and the children ot Israel groaned because of their tasks, and cried, and their cry because of their tasks went up to God. II And God heard their groaninga, and God remembered his covenant made with Abraam and Iaaac and Jacob. ~ And God looked upon the children of 1II1'1II'1, and wu made known to them.

And Moses wu feeding the flock of Jothor his father-in-law, the priest of Madiam; and he brollllht the sheep nigh to the wilderness. and came to the mount of Choreb. ~ And an angel of the Lord appeared to him in II flaming fire out of the bUlh: and he 8668 that the bush bUl"ll8 with flre,- DUt the bush wu not consumed. a And Moses said I will go near and lee thil great light, wh,. the bush iI not eonsumed, 'And when the Lord saw that he drew nigh to 100, the Lord called him out of the bush, sayinll, Moses. Mo_· and he said, What IS it P lAnd he Mid, Draw not nigh hither: loose thy sandala from off thy feet, for the place whereon thou standest is holy J1'Ound. 'And he said~ ., I am the God of thy father, the God 01 A braam, and the God of I_c. and the God of J aoob; and Moses turned awav his face. for he was afraid to I!IIZ6 at God. ~ And the Lord Mid to Moses, I have aurelr seen the aflliction of mr people that is in Egyyt. and I have heard their cry c4tU~d by their taskmastel's; for I know their allliction. sAnd I have come down te deli Tel' them out of the hand of the Emtians and to bring them out or that land, and to bring them into a lIOOd and wide land, into a land Bowing .... ith milk and honer, into the place of the Chananites, and the Chettitea, and Amorites, and Pheresites, and Gergeaitea, and Erites, and Jebusitea. 8 And now, behold, the cry of the children of Israel is come to me, and I have seen the aflliction with which the Emtian8 alllict them. lu And now come. J will send thel? to Pharao king of Egypt. and thou Ibalt bnng out mr peo~le the Children of Israel from the land of Egypt.

11 And Moses said to God, Who am I, thnt I should go to Pbarao king of ~gypt. and t.hat I should bring out the children of J srael from the land of Em.t ? 12 And God spoke to MOBes. _yin~. 1'\\"111 be with thee. and tbi~ shall be the 91gn to thee that lahall send thee fortb~-when thou bringest out my people out 01 Egypt, then ye shall 8~e Ood in t his mountain. 13 A nd Moses 8IlId to God. Behold. I shall go forth to the children of Israel. and ahalI eay to them. The God of our fathe1'!l has sent me to you: and they will ask me. What is his name P What



Al~1I"T~ I.ppvua:ro TJfLOo" &'11"0 TWV '1I"O'I'&WV, Ka~ ~VTA'7Ufv .qp.iv. "a~ hrVrUTC TO. 'll"pO~aTa .qP.Wv. '0 8, f1'11"f Ta,,, 8vya- 20 Tpau,v awov, Ka~ 'll"OV COTLV; Kat lvaT{ Ka-raAfAo{'ll"aT£ TOV tiv6,-,rov; KoAiuan o~ awov, WIIJ'i cpa.m OpTov. KaTw- 21 KLU9q 8, MIII1X77j" 7rapD. T<t o.v8~. Ka, EU8OTO lnrt/JW~v ",V 6vyaTfpa. awov M~ yvvaUca. 'EJI YODTpt 8£ NJ{JoVua 22 ~ yw1t CTf:KW vlOv- leal brwvOp4U€ Mwva-i7'> TO OJlOp4 al'TOu rTJPUa"., Af.-yc.w, on 7rapOUCO<; f1p.' & -tV illOTPLq.. MfTD. 23 8£ TD." ~p.ipa" TD." 7ro.u.o." (Kc[va,>, uCAWrTJuOl 0 ~auwv.. Alyv.rrov. Kat "aTfOT&o.~v 01 v10t 'IUpaqA &mi TWV Epyc.w.

lea, tlJlfpcr'lUaJl' leal &Jli~TJ ~ /30~ awWv 7rpo,> TOJI 0coJl &11'0 TWV q,y."v. Ka, fimlKovuOl 0 ~o,. rov OTOIayp.OJI a{TWJI' 24 Kal 1p.nju9q 0 0fO'> rii'> 8,aD,]Kl'}'> awov rii'> 7r~ 'A/3paap.,

Kat 'I~, Kat 'IO.KW~. Kal (1I'fL&JI 0 0(0'> TOu,. v~oVs 25

'I '\ 'J.... ..... !..-A....... upaTJ", KaL ~ ,.~ V'I aVTOL'>.

Kat Mwvuij,> ~JI 1I'o,p.aLJIfIlJl TO. 7rpO~aTO. 'I080p TOV yap.j3pov 3 alTov, TOV "pilii'> Ma&O.p., Ka, 7jyaYf TO; 1I'pO/3aTa inrO ",JI EPTJ/UW, Kal VA801 d,> TO O~ Xwr»7/3. ·0cp8q 8, aim:i 2 ·A~ Kvp{ov (V 'InIpt </Mnyo,> IK 'rou ~aTUIJ' Kat o~ on b

/3o.TOI; Kcu'mu '"'pt, u 8E paTO<; olJ KaTctKa{fTo. Er7rC 8E 3

M~, 7ra.pcMJUw Ol/lofLOoL TO opap.a TO p.fya TOWO, on oll ICO.TO.KaicTa, 0 {MTO<;. '0,> & ft& Kvp~ OT! ropOUo.yCL 1&LJI, 4 (Ka.MCTOI awoJl Kvpta<; (K TOV ~o.TOV, A€ywJl, Mwvuij, MIII1X77j.

o & ctll'f, T' (OTLV; '0 & ,tn, uq rfY'crrI'> 6&. AVUCU TO 5 ~fLOo IK ,.wv 1I'0&)JI uov, 0 yap TOr.o<;. & .e uV (f1TT/Ka'>,

ri ayia. lOTto K", ,t'll"W, ry.:, 'ip.L 0 0(0'> TOV '1NJ.TpO,> UUIJ, 6 0€0,> 'A/3"oo.u., Kal 0fOs 'Iuw, "at 0EO'> 'lO.Kw/3· cl'll"iOTP€I/Ic

8E M~ TO lI'pOcrllnrOJl awov, ciJNJ{JELro yap KaTEp.j3A1yta, (vWlI'LOV Tali 0fOV. Elll'f 8E KVPLO'> 7rpO" MIII1X77jJl, low., ,r&v 7 ",JI KtUc6lULV TOV MaV p.ov TOV lv A1yWT'I', Ka, Til'> Kpavyij'> awwv cLn7KOO &11'0 TWJI I.PYo&wIeT;;W' 0l8a. yO.p TrW UWqv awwv, Kat KaTi/3Tf1' 1,u..iuOa, awov,. (K '}(fcpOs ,.wJl A1"fll'll"- 8 'r'(fIJl, lea, «~yar-:;:v awov.. (K rii'> ri~ (KE'.""., Kat Eluayar-:Lv aVTov,. E1,> riJl d.ya87pt leal '/rOM?]JI, f1,> y7iv piovuaJl -yw Ka~ p.ilu, fi,> TOv TOw-OIl 'rw" Xallava'WJI, Kat XfTTail.llV, leal 'Ap.opPau"v, KeU ~pf~alwv, leeU rfpyfuokJv, Kal Ei.oa.lwv, Kal 'IE#OVUcu'WJI. Kal viiv l&V Kpavyi] TWv VtWv 'IUpa~A ~"fL 9' 7r,m P.E· K~";" Ewpoxa TOJI O>, ~v 01 AlymLO' 8>.l/30VULV awov,.. Kal riiv &vpo, d.'IrOOTfw" U€ lI'pO~ ~ /3aulAm 10 Alymov, Kal (e~,,> TOJI AaOv p.ov 'rov,. vwv,. 'IUpa~A be ri'> A1ymov.

Kat Etll'E l\Iwvuij,> 7rpO" TOV 0EOV, Tl,> Elp., l-yW, ;n., lI'OPEV- 11 U'OfLOo' 7rpOs 4>apcW /3auv..ia Alymov, Kat 0,-, i,aiw TOv,. v10v,. 'IUpa~A (K ri'> Alymov; E11l'E Of 0 0EOs Mw1ll7j, 12 Af..ywJl, on EU0fLOo' P.fTa. uov Kal ToVTO uo, TO aTJP.ELoJl 0,-, lyw U( (~a'lrOOTu.;;" iJl riii UayaY€LV erE TOV Aaov p.ov Ie Alymov. Kat A.o.TpruufT( TW 0£w o.,.w OpeL TOWW. Kat £lll'f 13 l\Iwvuij" lI'pO'> 'rOJl 0EOV, l00~ ¥ (efA~OfLOo' 11'~'> TOI..,. viol..,. 'Iupa~A, Ka, (pW 7rpOs awoW, 0 0€0,> T~)JI lI'aTtpwJl ~p.WJI clll'fOTWE P.f 7rpO~ vp.a,,· (P~ovu[ P.E, 'rl OJlOfLOo almi'; T{ IpW

/J Gr. an of Bame. ., lb&&. II.lII.

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14 7I'pOs awoW; Kill El7rw 0 0E0~ 7I'pOs MIIJVO"ijv, AEyWV, f.yW Eip.L lJ ·01" ical e:17rEv, OVTWi €p(i~ Toi~ viais 'lerpa?JA, 0 ~Ov

15 a:lrEaTt1.AIcE P.E 'If"pO. i1p.a... Kal e:l .... EV 0 9EO. 'If"c1NV 7rpo. lICIIVC7'jjv, OVTCII; lpe:i. TOt. viai; 'Ierpa?J>", Kvpc.o; lJ 9EO. TWV 7rC1TEpo»t "p.;;,v, 9EO. 'A{jpaa.p., Ka& 0Eos 'Ierw, Ka, 9(0. 'IClKW{j, a7rEcrTaME /LE 7I'pOs ~p.o... TOUTa p.ov IcrT&v ovop.a aIW..

16 1'&01', Ka, p.YT/p./Krovov ')'O'EblV 'YEVEai.. 'EA8Wv ow crvvaya'Yf ~ 'Yfpcrucrw.v TWV ,,{WI' 'Ierpa?JA, Ka, (PE'ii 'If"pO. awow, Kvpc.o; 0 010. TWV 7rG.Tfpwv Vp.wv frnrra.l p.oL, 9EO.· A{Jpaa.p., Kat 9(0. 'leraaK, "a' 010. 'IC1KW{J, AE-ywV, bner,,07rfi (7rEerKEp.p.C1' ~p.o..,

17 "al Ocra CTlIP.{jEf1TJKEV ~p.iv €v Al~. Ka, E17rEV, ava{jt.-

{jacrw ~p.o.. iK ~ KClKcOO-ECII; TWV Al'Y"1f'Tlc.w, d. ~v riv TWV Xavava£c.n" leal XfTTalc.w, Kal 'Ap.op;,w-. Kal .z,EpEta.lWV. Ka& I'EfTYEera.lwv. leal El.alc.w, Kal 'IE{jOvcro.fMV, El. riv PEOllCTClV 'YUAa

18 Kal p.w. Kal ElowcoVcrOVTa.l erov Til. cpw~. leal Elcrt:>..EVcry n, leal " 'YfpovcrW. 'lerpa~A, 'If"po. <l>apaW {Jaer~Ea Aly.I7rTov, leal €pEi. 7rpo. awol', lJ 9Eo. TWV 'E{jpau"v 'If"pocrKEMTJTC1' "p.o.., 7ropEllCTop.t:8a oW Mol' TP"wV VP.EpWV El. ~v (PTJp.ov, Lva

19 fJUcrwp.w T<i' 0E<i' Vp.;;,v. 'E-yW 8( olBa on ov 7rpcn7crETaL ~p.o..

<hpacd {Jacr~t:W Alymov 'If"OpEV9ijvcu, la.v p.?J P.ETa. '}(flpO. 20 Kpa~~. Kal ,,,"{va. ~ ~EI.po., 1I'C1T~ TOW Al)'V'7rT{ov> €v 7rQ.crL TO'. ()avp.acr{o'S p.ov, 0" 7r<XJ]crW (V awaiS' leal /LETa. 21 TaVTa Ua7I'OCTTt:At:' ~p.o... Kal &;,crw '}(&.pw T<i' Aa<i> TOW,!, lvav'rwv TWv Al"fl"'"'Lwv· oral' 8( 47rOTPEXTJTt:, OV..: a7rt:At:VcrEer6E

22 KEVOl. 'AAAQ. alT1jcrn ~ 7Tapa. 'YELTOVO> leal CTlICTK'IVOV

aVri7s erKcIrr] Wpa., Kal xpvcra.. Ka;' ip.aTWp.OV' ,,0.& (7rL61jcrETf 171" ToW "ww ~p.;;,v, KaL aL Ta.. 6vyaTEpa. ~P.Wv, Kal erKVAWeraTE ToVi Al'flT'"'l.ovi.

4 'A'rTEKplBTJ 8( MIAIVCT7j., Kal E17rEV, (0.1' p.~ 7TI.CrnooWCT{ p.oL, p.TJ& I'lcrClKoVcrwcrL * ~. p.ov, ipol/cTL yap, o.,.L Ov" frnrra{ 2 erOL 0 0EO., TL lpW 'rTpOs awovi; El7rE 8( a~ Kvpc.o;, T{ 3 ToVTO IcrT, TO €v rii '}(ELpl erov j 0 8( ftn, po.{18o;. Kal f17rEV, pbpOV alrNpt aL ~ riv' leal Zpp,.pEV aim}v bri. ~V riv, leal 4 CyEvETO &Pl~' leal Z4>1I)'E MIAIVCT7j. a'lf"' awoit K al E17TE Kvpc.o; 'rTpOs l'dIl1llO"ijv, UcTflVOV ~ XEI.po., Kal (7r~af1ou Til. "EPKOV' €KTE{va. oW ~ '}(Elpa. brt:AO.fJETO ~ «(pKOV' «al CyEvETO 5 pal3&<; €v .,.y XE!p' awov. 'Iva 'rTlCTTmrwcrl erot, OTI frnrra.l

erOl 0 9EO. TWV 7rG.TE,oWV aVrwv, 010. 'A{Jpaa.p., Ka, 9(0. 'leraWc, 6 «al @Co. 'IClKW{J. El7rE Of aVr.;> Kvpw. 7Tc1NV, ElcrEvt:y«OV ~v '}(f'ipO. erov fl. TOV IeOA7rOV erov' Kal Eim}vt:yKE ~ '}(EI.po. awou d. TOV KOX7rOV aVrov- Kat 1e,]vt:yKEV ~V '}(ll.po. awou (Ie TOU

7 KOA7TOV awou, lUll ly€V'l]BTJ " '}(ELp awou WerEL XudV. Kat

E17TEV ~, ElcrEvt:yKOV ~v XE'ipO. erov El • .,.01' KOA7I'OV erov' Kal ElmjVt:yKE ~v XE'ipa. El. TOV ,,0A7I'OV awou' Kat (e,jVt:yK(v alrNpt lK TOU 1e0A1:"OV awoii. leal 7Tc1NV o.7TEKaTECTTTJ d~ 'T1jv

8 ~v Til~ erapKo. aim7.. 'Eo.v O£ p.~ 7TlCTTOOWCTL erOl, P.TJOE

ElowcoVcrWCT' ~ cpw~ T01) CTTJP.ELOV TaU 7tpWrOV, 7TLcrTooover[ 9 erOL Til. ~~ T01) ·CTTJP.ELOV TaU Ot:wipov. Kal EcrTCll (0.1' p.?J ... lCTTOOWCTl erOL TO'~ &crt CTTJP.(Wl" TOWOl,", p.7J8( ElcraKoverWCTI ~ M" erov, XfNru ci".o T01) VOaTO> TOU '7rOTap.oU, Kal

EXODUS III. 14-IV. 9. shall I _y to them P 14 And God spoke to Moses,_ying, 1 am l'BE BEIN~.i and he mid, 'lhus shalJ. ye _y to the children of IsraelI l'HE BEING baa sent me to YO!L Il Ana God said again to Moses, 'l'hWi abalt thou _y to the sons of IIll'BeIA The Lord God of our fathers, the God 01 .Abraam. and God of, and God of Jacob, baa eent me to you: this is my name for ever, and my memorial to generations of generatioDL i6 Go then and gather the elden of the chilo dren of Israel. and thou shalt -y tom them The Lord God of our fathers h8a lop

to me, the God of .Abraam, and of Isaac, and God of Jacob, _ying, I have surely looked upon you, and upon all the ~ which have harpened to you in Egypt. 11 And he saie;!., will bring you up out of the aJIliction of the Egyptians to the land of the Ohananitee and the Ohettitea, and .Amoritee and l'herezitee, and G~ itea. and Evi~J and Jebusitea,_ to a lAnd 1I0wing with milk and honey. III And th!')' sballliearken to thy voice, and thou and the elden of Israel aliuJ..l go in to Pharao ljng of EnPt. and thou slialt _y to him, The God of the Hebrews has called WI; we will go then a journey of three da18 into the wildern_, that we may soorilice to our God. IlIBut 1 know that Pharao ~~ of Egypt will not let you IO,-vewith a . ty hand; :I) and I willstretcn out my hand, and smite the ]j;gyptians with all my wonders, which I ahall work among them, and after that he will send you forth. :II And I will give this people favour in the sight of the Kgyptians, and whenever ye ahall _pe, ye shall not depQrt empty. 1I2 But ~ woman shall ask of her neighbour and fellow lodger, articles of gold and silver, and apparel; and ye shall j)ut them upon your SODS and upon your daughters.-and spoil '1e the Egyptiane .

.And Moses answered and aaid, If they believe me not, and do not hearken to my voice (for they will _y, God baa not lop. peared to thee), what IhaJ.J. I !lBY to them P ·.And the Lord said to him. What is this thing that is in thine hand P and he aaid, .A rod. a And he said, Cut it on the ground : and he caat it on the grl)undA and it became a ~t. and Moaee lied rrom it. 4 And the Lord said to Moses, Stretch forth thine hand. and take hold of its tail: so he stretched forth hi, hand a.nd took hold of the tail, 6 and it became a rod in hi, hand -that they may believe thee, that the G;;t of thy fathers haa appeared to thee. the God of .Abraam. and Goo. of Isaac. and God of Jacob. 6 And the Lord said again to him Put thine hand into thy bosom; and h~ put his hand into his bosom ana brought his hand out of his bosom, and his hand became lUI anow. 7 And he !IBid again l'ut thy hand i.nto thy bosom; and he put'hL; hand mto his bosom, and Drought his hand out of bis bosom, and it WIL8 again restored to the COlI!plexion of hiB otMr flesh. B And if they wPJ. not believe thee. nor hearken to the voice of the first sign, they will believe thee b~!latu6 of the voice of the second sign. v ~d lt shall come to]1888 if they will not believe thee for these two signs. and will not hearken to thy voice. that thou ahalt take of the water of the river and pour it

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EXODU8 IV. 10-29.

upon the dry laud, and the water which thou shalt take from the river shall be blood upon the dry Iand, hJ And Moses IllLid to the Lord, I pray, Lord, I have not been sulBcient fJ in fonner times, neither from the time that thou baat begun to speak to thy servant: I am weak in speech, and slowtongued. II And the Lord IllLid to Moses, Who baa siven a mouth to man, and who baa made the very hard of hes.ring, and the deaf. the seeing and the blind P have not I, God? 12 And now ~ and I will o)len thy mouthl ~nd will .,. Instruct thee ID what thou SDalt say. IS And Moees said, I pray thee, Lord, apP9int another able 1'W60" .... hom thou shalt Bend. 14 And the Lord was greatly angered against Moees, and IllLid, Lo! is not Aaron the Levite thy brother? I know that he will surely ~k to thee; and, behold, he will oome forth to meet thee, and beholding thee he will rejoice within himaelf. 16 And thou shalt apeak to him; and thou shalt put my words into his mouth, and I will open thy mouth and his mouth and I will instruct you in what ye do. 18 And he shall speak for thee to the p80p,le\ and he shall be th" mouth, and thou .Dalt be for him in thinga pertaining to God. 17 And this rod that was turned into a serpent thou .halt take in thine hand, wherewith thou ahalt work miracles.

IS And MOlle!! went and returned to Jo· thor his, and say~ I will go and return to my brethren in Egypt, and will see if they are yet living. And Jothor said to Moses, Go in health. And in those days after some time. the kina of Egypt died. 18 And the Lord said to Moses in Ma.diam, Go, depart into EJmlt, for all that sought thy life are dead. a.'And Mosee took his wife and his children, and mounted them on the beaste. and returned to Egypt; and Moses took the rod .,hUJ4 /u 4ad, from God in his hand. ilAnd the Lord IllLid to Moses, When thou goeat and returnest to Egypt, __ all the miracles I have a!lharged thee wit1!l. thou shalt work before Pharao: and I will harden his heart, and he ahall certainly not send away the people. :II And thon .halt .y to Pharao, Tli_ things saith the Lord,IIliBel u my ilrlt-bom. '" And I IllLid to thee, Send away my peopl~ that ther may ~e me: now if thou wilt not eend them away~ eee, I will alay thy firstborn eon. "Ana it came to ]I&B8 tW the angel of the Lord met him DY the way in the inn, and soudlt to alay him. • And Sep. phora having taken a stone out olr the foreskin of her IOnl and fell at his feet and IllLid, The blood of tue circumcision of my eon is stannched . lIIand he d~ from him, because she said. The blood of the circumcision of my eon is staunched. Ii' And the Lord IllLid to Aaron,_ Go into the wilderness to meet Moses ~ and he went and met him in the mount or God, and they ki88ed each other. :s And Moees reported to Aaron all the words of the Lord, which he sent. and all the things which he charged him. ., And Moses aud Aaron went ana gathered the



(KX€€Li brl TO ~pOY' Ka! ~O'TO.t TO ii8wp, S (aV AO.{l-fli d.1I"0 Toii "'OTaf'Oii, affLa brl. TOV ~pOU. EI7T£ OE "Mwvo-r;i ",pO. 10 KVpIOY, 0(0fL«', Kvpt€" olJX lKaV';i 'L,u ".pO ri1i X()Ei OVO( "'pO ~ TP'T1J' "lIupai, oUE d.q,' o~ 71P;w .\aM'v T'ii (j€pO.7f'oVTl eTOV' W)(I'OtPwVO'> Kill {3paBVyN.xreTOi i-y';' "fLt. Et7f" & Kvpcos 11 7f'pOi M~Y, Tli ('&1K( ITTOfLa &'v8~,- Kal Tli brOt-r}u( OVtTlCfJX/Joy Kill KWq,OY, {3>"brovTo. Kal 'fVcMOY,- OUK i-yfu 0 @f~ j Kill vUv ",opWOV, Kat ¥ .:.vo~ TO CTTOfLa ITOV, Kat (TlJp.f:Jt{3rJnw 12 IT( S fLl).)."i .\a.\?ja-<u. Kal ,17f" Mwvuq" O(op.w., Kvpu- 1;1 7f'PO)(f.Lpuro.t OvvafL£IIov ci.U.ov, 8v &'7f'O(rT€A€'~. Kat 6v,_(}€I.. 14 om Kvp~ br, MwvuJiv, ,T7f'w, OUK ioou 'Aapiuv 0 Q&>..q,o.; ITOV 0 A€1JlT1J'; brilTTa.p.a4 OTt .\a.\;,y Aa.\~tT" o.vro~ ITOI-

«al i80iJ aVToi leEAroucraL (i~ CT1JlItivrrpiv (TO'J «01 z&:w

IT£ x.o-rriJa'fTaI. (V EaVTcii. Kat (PEL~ 7f'pOt; aVTOY, Kat &oo-nt; 15 'To. foTJp.o:ni JLOl) .t.. TO O'TOp.a airrov, lea" i:yw avo~ TO ITTOfLa ITOV Ka, TO CTTOfLa, Kat ITvfL{3c.{3oow vpiit; c1 7f'0t". aer«, Kat ain-oi ITOI Aa.\~tT(t 7f'~ TOV MDY, Kat alJToi EO'TIU 16 ITOV lTTofLa' aV OE ain-cii EC1"9 Til 7f'pO~ TOY 0,6v. Kat Tip- 17 p&.{300y TIlVrr,v, Tip- CTTpaq,EWay (it; oq,w, A#-o (V Tjj X(&pl ITOV. lv V 7f'Ol-qunt; lv alJrfi Ta crqfLEw'.

'Fmopnl8t] OE MW1I(1'ij~, Kal d.7f'EtTTp£l/l£ 7f'~ 'Io80p roy 1 S 'Y4fL{3pOY, Kat Af:yEt, ".opWu0fLal Kat Q.7f'OlTTpEY,W 7f'~ TOVs a&Aq,ov~ fLOV TOUt; lv AlyWT'fl. Ka! oY,0fLai €i hi 'Wo-L'

Kill ,11l"£11 'I08op MC01X1"fi, {3aoJ;" iryuUvwv· '/UT1l OE Ta~ fJl'-Epas Tat; " (KEivai eru.,£IlrrJtT£II 0 {3aut.'MVs AlyWTov. Er"., 19 OE KvplO~ ;rpos M,,!~Y !" M~fL' {3~£, li.rrfA8£ ~,~ AiYll";-

TOY, T£6v!1Kcuri -yap ".UVT£i 01 '7p'OVVT£~ ITOU T1JY YroX'lv'AvoJ..a.{3i"v OE Mw~ "T7]Y -yvvaUca Kal Ta -ratOia, &.w.{3l{3alT£II 20 ain-a (7f't Til V1ro{, "al brElTTp£l/l£V £li Aiytnrroy' iAa{3€ OE Mlllva-i}. Tip- pa.f300v "T7]V rapa Toli @fou ,V Tjj X'&P' ain-oli. EI7f'£ Of Kvpcos "'POi MIIIVITijv, ".op€VOp.Evov ITOV "al Q.7f'OITTpE- 21 q,oVTOi £ii· Ai"fll'"'oY, opa ".avro. Til Tf.paTa .1 jU&nca lv Ta.ii X'fXTi ITOV, 'II'OI-quns aUra EvaVTWV~' E-yW Of tTKAT/PW;;' np, Kap8tay aln-oli, "Ill olJ fLY] Ua7f'OCTT£o..'!l TOV MOl'. lu Of 22 (pELS Tc? cIIapa<?, 'Tao. A€-ycL Kvpcos, v~ "'pun'cn-o,,~ fLOV 'llTp4-r1A. EI7f'(l 8i ITOI, lea7f'OO-m.\oy roy .\aDv fLOV, WOo fLO' 23 MTpflxra' ,l p.f_V o~ fLY] {30VMI l~a7f'OCTT''Wu, 0p4

oW l-yW ci".oKTooW TOY vtOY ITOV TOY 7f'pun'OTO"OY. 'Eylvrro 24 Of (Y rfi 08';; Iv T<jI KaTaAvp.4n ~£11 aWcii "Ayyw,.; Kvpwv, "al l,,p-ft o.WOy ci".oKTcwaL. Kat M{3oiiau. lnrq,.;,pa 25 Vrijq,oy, "'fPIET€JU np, axpo{3V1TTUJ.1I TOU vloli ain-71~' Kill rpoumCIT' "'pO~ T~ .,ro&i aUrou, Ka1 (111'£11, EUT7J TO aIfLa ~ npiTOfL7r; Toli ".atO;ov fLOV. Kat d.mjA8£11 a7f" ain-ov, 0"", 26 £17f'£II, EtTTTf ro alfLa rij. ".cPITOfL7r; TOU -ratOiov fLOV. Er"., 27 0( Kvpcos ".pos 'AapWY, r.opw(trrn d. O'WaVT7JIT'" MIII11ITfi lis

T1]v iprJp.ov· Kat bropn~, Kat UVvriVT7JITOI ain-~ (II ~ Opt,

TOU 0cou, Kill "aT(q,o..7JfTav aAA~.\ov.. Kat aYljyyflA£ Mwu_ 28 uq, T<jI 'AapWY ".aVTllt; TOV~ A6yo~ Kupwv, 0f,11 &'7f'(C7'T(tA(,

"at ".avra Til irIIp.4T(l, .1 EvfTCD..aTO ain-cii. 'Errop€li6'1 O€ 29 MCllVa'7js Kat 'Aapiuy, Ka' O'lIIfJjyayov T1/y "fCPOVCTUJ.y NY V~y

., See 1 Cor. :I. 14. Gr.

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30 'IO'pa~.\. Kal V.£A:'1O'O' 'A~v ".cWTa TO. P'1JU1Ta Tawa, g, lMA1'JCTO' A 0(o~ 1r~ M",~, Kal bro{1'JCT( TalT'1f1.E'ia. lllavTtOV 3] Toll Moli. Ka, br{eTT(1}(1'O' 0 >..aOs Ka, i.xOpq, on brEO'Ka;aTo o 9t:~ TO~ vlo~ 'IO'pa,A, Kat OTL E1&v 4VrWV TfJV 6Af",,"· Kv.;a.~ 8( 0 MO~ 'lrpoO',JCU.npE.

5 Ka, p.ETa. Tawa ElCTijA.6( MwvCTij~ Ka, 'Aa.pWv "'P~ ~aW, Kat EI'lrClJ' awcji, T&SE Myn Kvp~ A efO~ 'IO'pa,X, (farrXrrE'" 2 Mv TOil >..0.011 fI.Ov, ,va fI.O' 10fITG.uWO'LV f.v -rV lp.qfl.'I!' Ka, ET".,, T{~ leTT'" ot ( ri1~ ~~ aVroii, WCTT( iea,1rOO'TELAa.t TO~ vlo~ 'IO'pa~A,· OUK ot&. TOil Kvpwv,

3 Kal TOv 'IO'pa1jA OUK Ua'lrocrrfMw. Kal AlyoIKTW aVrcji, 0

0f~ TWv 'Ef3pa.lwv 'll'poO'KUcAo/aI. 7]p.ii~' 'lrGp(1}(1'op.J)a. ow bOOv TPtWv 7]JUPWv Els .,.q" ;,n,fI.O", 01TfIIS fJVcro,fI.£V Kvp&ce Tcji @rcji 4 7],wv, fl.7} 'If'OT( O'IIV~ 7]fl.i.v 8&vaTOS ~ cpovos. Kal Etr(ll

, ~ , R __ .\~._ A" " ,... ~ "A' t' __

ClIITO'~ 0 ,.,..... """'" trnr:oo, &van -fI1IJC1TTS KaI. aP"'v ow-

eTTpacperE TOV MOv 111m TWV Zpywv; do7r~6aTE· OcItO'TOS v,wv 5 7rpOs T!\. lp-ya. aVroli. Kal Et7r(ll 4Iapatd, ZOO" viiv 'lroAV7rA:qfN, 6 A >..aOs, fl., ow KaTa7raVawfI.£V aw~ dora TWV lpywv. ~VVETatE 8E 4Iapatd T04~ ifYYoO~s Toli Maii, Kal T04S 'YPCJ.fl.JU1TcVm,

7~, OlJICU' 7rpocrr~u8( &&Ivai. iJ.XVpov Tcji M.IfJ els TfJv 7r>..w6oofYY{w" 1Ca8a.7rEP x6(s Kal TP{TTfV 7]fI.(pav· clU' IlUTO"

8 1r~ Kal O'VVIlya.yUfJJO'Q.V laVT04~ iJ.XVpa. Kal TfJv uVvTaeW ri1s 7rAw(Ma~, ~ IlVrO' 1mc.oVu" K4(!· bc~ 7]fI.~V f.7r~4~ aw04S' OUK d.qMM4S ovo,,,. UXoA.&{OVO'L yO.p. &a. Tom ICEKpdYIlO'L, Af.yOVTE~, f.yfp6wfl.0I, Kal 6WwfI.£V Tcji 0Ecji

97]p.Wv. BapvvW6w Tel inll TWV dov8pW1TWV ToWwV, KIl' fl.'PIf'-

V&TIr.IO'C1J' TaWil, KIl' fl.1, fl.'Plf'lla.TfJJO'llV iv AOyoLS Kev04S.

10 K ' __ t'_ ." " " __ ll ~ , e -

aTEO'7rEVOOV at; aVTOVS OL E" TuuLWICTaL KilL 0' ypafl.JU1TEL~,

Ka, EMyov 7rP~ TOY MOl', Xf.yOVTE~, T&J)E Af.yfL 41apaw, OUICETL 11 8t&"fI.L vfI.'v a.XUpa. Abro, .fI.'i~ 'lr0pruOfl.tIIOL fTlIMf.yfTE iav-

TOis a.XUpa, 08", faV cVP7fTE' ofJ 'YOp d.qxupi'TaL do7rO ri1~ 12 fT1JYT&eEfIIS v,wv oV6w. Ka, 8uO'7r0pq 0 MOs f.v OA!! yU 13 AlyVrT'I' O'Wllyll'YEW KaA&p.TfV d~ a.XVpa. m 8( IfYYoOLWKTaL KaT(O'7rruOov aVroVs, Af.yOVTE~, fT1JYTEAE4TE Tel 1pya. Tel Ka6r]KoVTIl

14 Kail 7]p1pa.v, K1l6&rEp Kal QT£ TO iJ.XVpov ,8i&TO Vp.4v. Kal lJU1eTT~ o~ ypafl.JU1TELS Toli 'YWOVS TWV v~v 'IO'pa,A, ol 1C4Ta.rrr0.8£vr€'; br' aVr~, inn) TWY brurruwv TOV ~WI A~ya"TE~, 8t1lT{ OU fTVYfTUtiO'IlTE Ta~ fT1JYT&eEL~ v,wv ri1s '1I'Aw6Ela~ Ka8a.1rEP x6(~ Kal TP[TTfV 7]~, Kal TO ri1s u.qP.EPOV;

15 EUrEA.6oVTE~ 8( 01 ypafl.JU1TEL<; TWV v~v 'IO'pa,A KaTEf3~av 7rpOs 41apaW, Af.yOVT('>, WaT' uV OWfIIS 'lrOlf4~ TOL~ O'o'is ollC&aL~ ; ]6-AXVpov OU 8t80TaI. TOts oUc&a,~ uoo, Kal ~ 7r>Jv8ov 7]fI.'V Af.yoo(TL 1mlfLV' Ka2 130v o~ 7raiU~ O'ov fl.EJU1CTTLYWVTaL, aoLK.q- 17 O'''~ oW TOv >..o.Ov 0'00. Kal (I7rO' IlW04~, uxoM,{ETE, rT)(0MeTTal leTT(' &a. TOt/TO AaYETE, 'If'opw6Wfl.fV, 8wwfI.(v T';> 0E';> 187],wy. NiIv ow 'IrOpEV8ww;, £py~E0'8E' TO 'Yap liXVPOV ou 806r]ufTaL vfl.w, I[al TfJv uVVTattV ~ 7rAtv(Ma~ aro&lo-ETE. 19 'EWpwv 8C ol 'Ypap.JU1T(L<; TWV v~wv 'IO'pa,A EaVTo,,~ EV lCaKOts, Af.yOVTE~, aUK d.7raM{"'(T( ri1s 7rAtv8,la .. TO Ka8ijlCov Tjj ~fl.lp~.

ExODUS IV. so-v. 19.

elders of the children of Israel, 1J.And Aaron spoke a.ll these wOrW1 which God spoke to Moees, and wrought tne miraclee before the ~ple. 81.And the people believed and re~oi-!, because God visited the children of 1arael, and because he II&W their aftliotion: and the people bowed and worshipped.

.And after this went in Mos811 and Aarou to Pharao, and they eaid to him, 'l'beau thinae says the Lord God of Ismel, Send my people away, that they may keejl a feast to me in the wildern8ll8. sAnd l'harao said, Who is he that I should hearken to his voice, 10 that I should send away the ehil, dren of lsmel P I do not know the Lord, and I fl will not let larael go. I And they 11&1: to him, The God of the Hebrews bas ca.Iled us to him: we will'go therefore a three days' journey into the Wilderness, that we may IIIICrifice to the Lord our God, lest at anI time death or aia.ughter happen to us. 4.A.nd the king of Egypt said to them, Why do ye, Moees and Aaron, turn tho people from their works? depart each of ,OU to yow' works. 6 And l'h&rao eaid, Behold now, the people is VIll'Y numerous; let us not then give them rest from their work. e And Pbarao gave orders to the task-masters of the people and the accountants, sayin" j Ye alWl no longer give straw to the peC>pl" for brick-making as yeeterday and the third day; but let them go themaelves, and collect straw for themaelves. ·.And thou shalt imwee on them daily the rate of brick-making which they perform: thou not abet.. anything, for they are idle; therefore have they cried, aaying, Let us arise and do sacrifice to our 6od. 'Let the works of theao men be made grievous, and let them care for these things, and not care for vain words.

1O.And the taakmaaters and the accountants haatened them, and they spoke to the people, aaying, Thus says Pharuo, 1 fDiU siv" you straw no longer. 11 Go ye, yourselv6l!, get for yourselves straw whenoeeoever ye ca.n find it, for nothing is diminished from ),our rate. 12 So the people were dispersed In all the land of Egypt, to gather stubble for straw. II And the taskmasters hastened them, lI&ying, Fulfil your regular daily tasb even lUI when straw waa given YOlL I~ hi the accountants of the race of the children of Israel, who were let OTer them by the masters of Pharao, were 8COurged, [Y arui qlledioll6d,J mm saying, 'Vhy have ye not fulfilled your rates of brick-work lUI yester. day and the third day, to·day also? 16 And the accountants of the children of I8l'&el went in and cried to Pbarao, aayinl!, Why dost thon act thus to thy servants? fvStra\T is not given to thy servants, and they tell us to make brick; and behold thy servantd have been scourged: thou wilt there foro injure t~y people. 17 And he said to them, Ye are idle, ye are idlers: therefore ye say, Let us go and do sacrifice to our God. 18 Now then go and work, for straw shall not be given to I,0u, yet ye ahnll return the rate of bricks. 9 And the accountants of tho children of Israel saw themselves in an evil pli",ht, IMn _saying, Ye shall not fuil 8 to deliver the daily rate of the brick·making.

., SIlPplied (rom tile Hebroll1.

3 Gr. (rom Illc bricJl..mal<in£ to <WI ••• that which ilek>up CO each ciaJ' •

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EXODUS V.20-VI. 17.

:0 And they met Moses and Aaron oomin_g forth to meet them, as they· came forth from Pharao. 2l.And they said to them, ~'he Lord look upon you and judge you, for ~e have made our _your abominable before rharao, and before his aerva.nts, to 3ut a sword mto his hands to alay us. ADd Moses turned to the Lord, and said, I ~YA Lord, why hast thou afIlict.ed "this peavler and wherefore hast thou sent meP ZlFor from the time that I went to Pharao to ,peak in thy name, he has aftlicted this people, and thou hast not delivered thy people.

And the Lord .id to Moses, Now thou shalt see what I will do to Pharao; for he ahall send them forth with a mighty hand, and with a hiJrh arm ,hall he cast them out of his land. .And God ~ke to Moses and said to himl I am the Lord. • And I ap"Pt!II.J"ed to braa.m and Isaac and Jaoob, being their ~ but I did not manifest to them my name p Lord. f.And I8Itablilhed my OOTenant with them, to give them the land of the Chananites, the land wherein they IOjoUl'lled, in which alBO they dwelt as strangers. • ADd I hearkened to theJll'OlUling of the children of Israel <the afIliction with which the Egyptians enalan them) and I remembered the OOTenant with you.Y 6 Go, 8J)!l&k to the ohildren of Israel, .ying, I _ the Lord; and I will lead you forth from the tyranny of the Egyptians, and I will deliver you from bondage, and I will ransom you with a high arm, and great judgment. 7.And I will take .1'0U to me a people for myself and will be your God; and ye shall bow that I am the Lord your God, who brought you out from the tyranny of the Egyptians. 8 And I will bring_ you into the land ooncerniug which I stretched out my hand to give it to Abraam and Isaac and Jaoob, and I will giTe it TOU for an inheritance:

I am the Lord. '.AD.d Moses apoke thus to the sons of I ~ and they hearkened not to Moses for faint-heartedneaa, and for their hard tasks. lO.And the Lord I]!(!ke to Moses .ying, n Go in, ~ to Phal'110 king of Egypt, that he send forth the children of I srael out of his land. 12.And Moses lIPO_ke before the Lord, _ying, Behold, the children ofIsrael hearkened not to me, and how ahall Pharao hearken to me P and I am not eloquent. lI.And the Lord spoke to Moses and Aaron, and gave them a oharge to Pharao king of Egypt, that he should send forth the children of Israel out of the land of Egypt.

U .And these are the heads of the hOD881 of their famili8l: the sons of Ruben the firstborn of Israe~i .Enoch and Phallna ... A.aron, and Charmi, tnia is the kindred of Buben , Ii And the sons oC 8ymeon, Jemuel and .Tamin. and Aod, and Jachin and Saar, and Saul the son oC a Phamician woman, these are the families oC the lIOns of 8ymeon. 16.And these are the names oC the lIOns of Leri according to their kindreds, Gedeon, Caath, and Merari; and the years of the life of IAlVi were a hundred and thirty-seven. 11 .And these are the SODS of Gedeon, Lobeni



l~av & MIJJ110jj Kal 'A~v lpxop.£vc",; ,lo; O"1IVCfVM]O"tv 20 am-o~, llC7rOfJfVOp.lvwll am-wv (bro <l>apaw. Kal ,l1l"av awoi~, 21 i&t ;, 0,00; ~,...o.~ Kal Kp{VCU, o,.t l{:J&>..vtaT' np. Oup.:rp, .q,...wll lvaVTlov <I>~. Kal lllaVT{ov TWV fhpa1l"oJlTtJlV awov, 80Vvcu pop.c/x11av "" Ta~ X€'ipa.~ am-ov. cl1l"olC'T'Wcu .q,...o.~. 'EriO"Tp'y" 22 «Sf MClJllCTijo; 1I"pO~ Kvpl.Ov. Kal El1l"E. Oiopm.. Kvp"· T{ I.KWcCIXTa~

TOV AaOV 'TOliTov; Kal waTt cl1l"£~ P.E; Kal &4>' ~ 23

1I"nrOpRfUlt 1I"PO~ <l>apa.w, AaA;lUCU W, Tcfi u.;; tJVofUl'Tt, lKWcCIXTC TOV AaOV TOin-OV· Kal OllK (PPWw TOV Aa.OV UOV.

Ka~ El1l"€ Kvp~ 7TpOo; MW1Xl"ijv. ;j~ 0"'" tl 7TOt",.W Tcil 6 <l>apa.<jl- Iv 'Yap XEIPt KpaTatq. Ua1l"00TE~' a,"o~, «al €V PpaX{OVt lnfnIAii> I.KpaA_li am-oW (K ~ ~ awov. 'Elli7]CTE 2 «Sf ;, 0t:00; 7TpOo; MCllVCTijv. Kal ,l7l"E 7TpOlI am-ov, lyW Kvp~. Ka~ 1:xp9-qv 7TpO" 'A{:Jpaa.p. Kal 'Iuaa.K KaL 'IaJew{:J, 0EOo; &'v 3 alrrWv· Kat TO ovo,...c£ p.ov Kvp~ eVK l&,7AClXTa awoill. Kat 4 €CTTf1O"a 7'l]v 8tafh11C7fV p.ov 1I"pO<;; am-oW. fJxrr, 80iJvat aWei .. np. rijv TWV Xavallalwv. np. yijv ~v 'IrOfHI1KJ]KaUtv. III V Kal ~av 1.71"' alrrij... Kal lyW '«n7Kovo-a TOV O"T€IIaypiJv 5 TWv viwv 'Iupa~>", 3v oi AlyWTl.Ot Ka-ra8ov>..oiJvTat am-o~. Kal lp.vIpffrpt ~ 8r.a.fh11CT/'i1 ~,...wv- B~E, ,17Tov TO~ vio~ 'Iupa~>.., 6 AtywV. lyW KvptO<;;' KaL lf~ ~,...o. .. cl,ro ~~ 8vvacrrEla. .. TWv Alyvrrrlwv, Kal pwop.w. ~,...o." IK ~ 8ov>",la. s, Kal >"11TpWu-Op.w. ~,...o... Iv (:JpaX:.ov, ~1frr1Aii> Kal Kpum p.ry0A.?J. Ka~ A~"'OfUl' 7 lfUlvr<jl ~,...o... AaOV lp.oL, Kal € ~P.WV 0€6<;;· Kal rvWUEuf), o,.t lyW Kvpt~ ;, 0t:00; ~,...wv. ;, I.tayayWv ~p.a. .. be ~

«aTa8vv(W"T£la.o; TWV Alyvrrrlwv. Kal , ~,...o.1I d~ 8

7'1]11 yijv. d~ ~II I.Umva np. XE&pcI po», 80Vvcu avnIV T<jl ·AfJpaap.. Ka, 'IucuUc. Kal 'IaKw{:J, Kal &Juw ~p.iv a,""" lv K>"fJ~· E-yw Kvpl.Oi. 'Elli7JU\ & M~ OVTW TO~ vioi!: 9 'Iupa~A' Kal OllK E«n7Kovo-all Mwvuji d1l"o ~.. t,A'yoyro.. Xla. ... Kal cl,ro TWV lp-ywll TWV UMfJpWV. El7l"( & Kvp~ 10 7rpOo; MW1Xl"ijv Mywv. ,W€).J),. lli7JUOv <l>apaciJ paulMi 11 Aly6r.Tov. rva lta7l"00TElA?J ToW viow 'Iupa~>" lK ~ ~

am-ov. 'Elli7JUE & M~ €vallTt Kvplov, Atywll, l&i, 12

01 vio~ 'Iupa~>" OllK 'i.crrlKolKTClv p.ov, Kal ~ EWaKOWETal

p.ov ~; lyW & ciMyo~ ,lp.t. Ef7l"f 8f Kvp~ 7TpOo; 13

MW1Xl"ijv Kal 'Ao.p;.n" «al uvv("'~€11 allToi~ 7TpOo; <I>~ pauv..€a AlyVn-ov, WU·T£ l,a1l"0cTT€Wu 'TO~ vioi~ 'IUpa~A lK ~ AlyVn-ov.

Kat otTOt dfJxrrrot oUcwv 7TaTP';;'V aln-Wv- viol 'Povf:J7Tv, 14 7rpomrrOKOV 'Iupa~>'" 'E..vX, Kal <l>a.UoW, 'AupWv. KaL Xapp.'{' ai'lrr7 .q uvyylJ,'UJ. ·Pov{:Jfpt. Kat viol 'lv/UWv· 'IEP.OvqA, Kal 15 'Jap.,tp., Kal 'AWeS, Kat 'Iax,~v, Kat la.O.p, «at laoi,>.. ;, IK ~~ <l>OtV~· al 7TaTPUJ.1. T;;'" vlWv lvp.'wv. Kat -raVTa 16 Ta ovop.aTa TWv vlWv ARt KaTa CTl!·rYf.V'la.~ alrrWv- r./luWv, Kaa.8, Kat Mfpa.pE{· Kat Ta e,..q ~ ,~ ARI EKaTOv TpW.KOlITa mo.. Kal otTot viOL r./lucfn,. AoPf.V(L. Kal lEP."{· 1 7

fl Or. The Lord.

T Lie. JOUr __ L

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7 Kal e:tll"( Kvp~ 7l'~ M~, Ary.uV, l&v oEOwKa 0'( 6e:ov lI>apaW, Kal 'AapWv 0 d.&>..~ O'ov €O'TtU O'ov lI"po<PJrnr;. 2 lv ~ AaA~O'n~ a.fmij 7l'avra Duo. O'OL mflV..oJUU· 0 O( 'AapWv o d.&>..~ 0'011 AaA.Ju€L 7l'~ ~, fJKrr( l.~lI"OO'T('iAa.L 3 TO~ vlo~ 'IO'pa.~A iK ~ ~ a.wou. '~& O'KA"1pvYw ,..qv KapBta,v ~, KIll lI"A"16vvW TO. O"TJP-(W, p.oV Kal TO. 4 TEpu:ra. iv ri Al~. Ka.l O~K t:WG.KoVu€TaL v,wv ~.

KIll br~ ,..qv X/ip&. p.ov fr' Myv7ITov, Kal ~~ oW . Ovv&p.e:L p.ov rov AaOV p.ov TO~ v~ 'IO'pa.~A (K ~ AlyUm-ov 5 oW bc8uc~" p.eyQ.A!J. Ka.l ')'I'WuOVTIU 7l'cUn-(~ 01 AlyUm-WL m lyW e:&,u Kv~, iKTe:Wow ,..qv ;l(e:¥ p.ov fr' AZ'}'V7ITov, 6 KIll ~ TO~ vlo~ 'IO'pa.~A iK P_EO'OV a.wwv. 'Moi7JUt: O(

M~ Kal 'AapWv Ka.6d:np &t:TCiAaTO awo,~ Kvp~, ow~

7" 1\1 ~ \",. '~A.~ 'A' \", •

€lI"OL7JUa.v. ~ Of: TJV €TWV v Tvv./KoVTa, apwv Of: 0

~ owou hbw &y&n1ICOVTaTPc(;)V, ~vUca l.>..a.>..7JUt:V 7l'pOi 84tapcW. Kal e:t7l'( Kvp~ 71'pO~ Mwvuijv leal 'AapWv, Af:ywv, 9 Kal ia... AaAl}uy 71'P~ vp.a.,. ~, Ary.uV, 86rc ~p-'i.v O"TJP-"ov

~ T~O;, Kal ,pi,,. 'AapWv ~ a.~ O'OV, >..a.f3, ,..qv pa.{3&v, KIll pil/tov ttl ,..qv yijv iva.vTiov lI>apaW, Kal EvavTwv T;;W

10 6(pa.7rOVTfIJII awoii, Kal lcrraL OpOxlllV. Eluq>..6, Of Mwva77o; Kal 'Aapl.Jv iva.vTlov lI>apaW, Kal TWV 6e:pG.7I'oVTWv awou' Kal brol7JOUV oW~, Ka.6a.lI"CP (Vt:TC{AaTO awo'is KVPLO<;" Kal lpPLl/te:v 'Aapl.Jv ,..qv P&.f3&v iva.VTWV lI>apaW, Kal ivaVTiov TU.V


and Bemei,. the houses of their lamih- . .And the eons of Caath, IJI Ambram and 1_, Chebro~ and Oziel; and t)le yeu. of the life of were a ~ hundred and thirty·_three years. IV And the eons of Merari Moo14 and Omuai, these are the houses of the families of Len, according to their kindreda. 1Il ADd Ambram took to wife Jochabed the daughter of his father's brother, and she bore to him both.Aaron and MOIIetIJ and Mariam their eieter: and the Ye&rll 01 the life of .Ambram were a 'I'hundied and thirty-two.J'ears. 21 And the eons of 1 __ , Core, and Napheo, and Zeohri. ll3.And the eons of Oziel\ Misael, and Elisaill:'lranu Segri. J3 Ana .Aaron took to' to wife EliAbeth daughter of .Aminadab aiater of Naaeeon. and elie bore to him both N .. dab and Abiud, and Eleazar and Ithamar. II And the eons of Core, A.sir, and Elkana,_ and Ab~\ these are the generationl of Core. 1i.4.llQ Eleazar the eon of .Aaron took to himself for a wife OIM of the daug_hten of Phutiel, and she bore to him Phinees, 'l'hese are the heads of the family of the Levitea, according to their generatioll6. ,. This II Aaron and M0888, whom God told to bring out the children of Israel out oC the land of Egypt with their forces. 'II These are they that epoke with Pharao king of Egypt,and Aaron himself andMOI08 brought out the children of Israel from the land of E81Jlt. 18 in the day in which the Lord spoke to Moses in the land oC Egypt; -then the Lord BJIOke to M0808, sayin_g, I am the Lord: apeak to Pharao Iri~ _of NlI1JIt what· eoever 1 sal' to thee. 1O.And Moses8ll.1d before the Lord, Behold, I am not able in BDeeCh, and how shall Pharao hearken to me P

ADd the Lord IJIOke to MolO8, saying, Behold, 1 have made thee a IrOd to Ph8.raO, and .Aaron thy brother shalf be thy a prophet. 2And thou shalt say to him all things that I charge thee, and Aaron thy brother lhall 81l6&k to Pharao, that he should Bend forth tne children of Israel out of his land. I And I will harden the heart of Pharao, and I will multJply my eigne and wonders in the land of Egypt. 4 And Pharao will not heuken to you, and I will lay my hand upon Egypt; and will bring out my people tlie children of brael with my power out of the land of E...JYlIt with Jre&t nngeanoe. 6 ADd all the Ngyptians shall mow that I am the Lordi' stretChing out my hand upon Egypt, and will bring out the children of Israel out of the midst of them. • And Moeee and Aaron did as the Lord commanded them, eo did they. 7 And Moses wu eighty years old, and .Aaron his brother wu eighty-three/ears old. when he _lJIOke to Pharao. 8 An the Lord e.wke to Moses and Aaron, saying, v Now if l'harao should speak to you, saying, Give ns a sign or a wonder",then shalt thou lI&y to thy brother .Aaron, ·uke thy rod and cast it upo_n the ground before l'harao, and before his servanta, and it shall become a serpent. IG And Mosee and Aaron went in before Pharao, and before his servants, and they did eo, as the Lord commanded them; and .Aaron cast down his rod before Pharao, and before

a Or,lPOkeImaD; for &he l1li of~ "ord In. "Ide _, _ TIL La

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his sernmts. and it became a serpent. II But 8Ep<17rOVTWV a{,roi\ Ka, £yEvero IIp&.JCIIlV. lVVEKc£AEO'( ll( 4>~ 11

l'harao called together the .... ise men of , , " "

:EgyptA and the 8Orcerers, and the charmers TO~ O'o<P«rTa~ A,ytnrTov, K'" 'TOVt; <PapP.alCOW· Ka, f7ToL'!O'av

al80 01 the Egyptianl did likewise with their KaL or bra.otOoL T;;'V AlyvrtTu"v TeUS cpa.pp.aKUUS avro,v tlJua~,

8Orceries. Jj And they cast down each #his K ' .... , • .! R~ - ,~ , , , ~,

rodz and they became serpents, but the rod aL (PpuJ!av EKIWTOS 'T'lV p,,+,ooYaV'Twv. Ka' l)'€VOVTO OPaICOV'TCS' 12

of.48!'On awB.llowed up their rods. II And KaL KaTbrL£II .q P&.f3&s .q 'Aa"wv Tai lKElYfIW p&.f3&W. Ka, 13 the heart of Pbarao 'WII8 hardened, and he KaTfrrv.Kr£ll;' K--! 4>tu>tlI~., Ka£ O{,K E~KOVO"€V mn;;'y, K0.8,;,-

llearkened not to them, &I the Lord charged -- 1\ -- ., "1'" -,--- - .,

them. 'lTEP ~verEt.\aTo am-oLi KVptas.

14 And the Lord said to Moees, The heart EI7T£ 0( Kvptas rp;,t; MlAIV07jv. j3Ej3&.,rrrrru .q Kapala. 4>~, 14

of Pharao is made hard. fa that he should TOV p.~ lea7rOO"T(l>..tu TOV AaOV. B&.llwov 'lTpOt; 4>apaW TO 15

not let the people go. 16 Go to Pbarao early ...~ _ , '" , '" •• .!I.. .• _ '.

in the morDin_,: behold, he goes forth to '7TfX'JL' loov aV'Tot; EK7TOPW£T(U £'7T, TO ........,... KIlL (0:1 O"VVIlV'TWV

the wate~i and thou ahalt meet him on the aimfJ W, TO XELAa<; TOV '7TO'Tap.ov· lCal T~V pa.f3&V np, 0"Tp<1- bank of sne river, and thou ahalt take in .l.EUrav El~ o.l.w A':"/~ fv"";; ~!pl 0'00. Kal fPEl<- 'lTtW aVTov, 16

thine hand the rod that was turned into a 'f' • 'f' '/'1' 1I ." 1\ - • r=»

~t. 18 And thou ahalt _y to him, The Kvptas b 0EOt; TWV 'E{3p«luJv a7TEO"TaAlCE p.E '7TpOS 0'(, >.lywv.

Lord God of the Hebrewl h&e sent me to 'l: ' \ - ' \ - ' ., M" ~.,

thee, .ying, Send my ~ple away, that they £~a7rOO"TELI\UV TOll' tWOV p.ov, tVa p.OL TPnKT'!! £II "!1 ~P"'I"f>'

may serve me in the Wilderness, and, behold, Kat l&W ollie fUn1KoVO"ao; illJt; TOVrOV. Tcf& Afyn Kvptas, 0' 17 hitherto thou h&et not hearkened. I1Theee ToWill, """6xrn OTt ~ Kvptas' l&iI ~ 'T11Irrw Tjj ptij3llw. om b

things aaith the Lord: Hereby ahalt thou I· . U

know that I am the Lord: behold\ I .trike rii XELp{ p.ov h2 .,.0 V&Jp .,.0 fv T.;i ~, Kat P.FTa{3w, with the rod that is in my hana on the fis afp.a. Kal or lx.lJV6 or fv Tr{j 'lT1l'TOf'1{j TEA~OVO"" KaL 18

water which il in the river, and it ahall ,_"" , "~' • A' ,

change it into blood. 18 And the fish that £'7T"\ofO'(t 0 '7TO'To.p.o", KIlL OV OVV'lO"OV'T1lL 0, Lf'V7T'TWL rULV

are in the river ahall die. and the river shall v8wp «'ITO 'TOV '7TOTI1p.ov. ET'lTf ll, Kvpw .. '7Tpo.. MCIIlX7iiv. ET'lTOV 19

etink thereupon, and the Egyptians ahall 'A ' ~. ~ - \ .1..:: \ .! t1 ' • 'j3~ . L ~ ,

not be able to drink water from the riYer. a.pwv T'I' ~.",. 0'00, I\.,,+,E 'T'lV pa 001' O'ov H' "!1 Xf!p' O'OV,

19 And the Lord. aaid to Moses, Say to thy KaL bcTELVOV np, X,ELpQ. O'ov W, TO. VllaTa Al~'7ITOO, lial (7T' brother .A.aron. Take thy rod m thy hand, Toilt; "'_""LO~ aVr(;,v, Kat W, Tat; !I. •• !._-- .. am-;;'v, Ka, E'7T' TO.

and .tretch forth thy hand OTer the waters .. _. =r: ._.,..u T~

of EiYJIt, and over their rivers. and over iAl1 avro,v, KaL f'7TL 'lTclv O"VVEO"'T'!KO .. ii&Jp rt1n-Wv. Kat ~O"T1lL aIp.a· their c&nala, and over their _ponda. and over Kal J...l.'ero afp.a fv '7TD.o-y Yii Al-yVn-ov, Iv Tf TOL" ~Aot.t; KaL

1111 their standing water and it shall become ~ ,~, "

blood: and there was blood in all the land fv TOLt; ..\1.80'<;. KaL mol'!O'av OV'T1IJt; Mw1X7"i1<; KaL 'AapWv, 20

of Egrp!, both in vee..oela of wood and of Ka8';'r(p fvFTft.\aTO a{,ToL" Kvpwt;· KaL l'ITapa.. Tjj pa{3~

stone, "'.And Moses and Aa.ron did 80, as , e '''!I...._ •• _ A" ,

the Lord commanded them; and .d.aron am-ov (raTa"E TO V""'f' TO €V '"t' rOTa!,,!, (VaV'TtOV 4>apaw, leaL

having lifted UJI /aU lalld with his rod. fvaV'Tlov T;;'V 8fpaw-OVTIIJV am-ov' KaL p.erJ.{3a,\E '7TclV TO v&,p TO smote the water in the riYer before Pharao, lv N. oftVWn 'Ib'. El.. oIu.I1. Ka£ 01 lX6Ucs 0' tV N, 'lTO'TI1IL"', 21 and before his servants, and changed all the .. -. _,.... .-- rrr

water in the river into blood. 21 And the- b-~av' Kal (md/;fO'EV ;, 'lTOTap.Ot;, Ka, 011K ~llVvllV'TO or 1lah in the riYer died .... and the river stank Alvom..."u '7TULV;;&"P (K TOV· Ka, ~V TO ab b".~ thereupon; and the AlP'Ptianl could not t r : • rrr> -, »r+: - U

drink water from the nver, and the blood Yii Al-yVn-ov. 'E1Toi."O'av ll, tlJuaWIIJt; Kal or mo.oL&' T;;'V 22 W&II in all the land of E81Pt. 2'l.And the Al')'tmTluJv nU'<; cpa.pp.aKwt; avro,y' Kal EO'ICA."pWB." .q Kapllla.

charmers also of the Egyptlans did 80 with _ LJ , t

their 8Orceries; and the heart of Pharao 4>ap~, KU£ OVK t'UnjKOVO"£11 aW(;,v, Kaua'IT(p E 'lTf Kvptas.

was hardened, and he did not hearken to 'E7TLO"TpaCPE'" 0( 4>apaw E~ITij>JJ£II ds TOV oLeOI' am-ov' lea, 23

them. even &I the Lord aaid. II And Pha.rao , ,-, -,~, " , • _.~

turned and entered into his house, nor did 011K E'7TEO'T'lO"E TOI' vow aVTOV OWE £'7T' TOVT'Cfl. O,..""av 24

he fix hi. attention even on this thing. llE 1rcWnS or Al-yVn-w, KVIC~ TOV '7TO'Tap.ov, Wenf ,,"ULV

:'..A.nd all the Egyptians dug round about .":!I..._ ,. .!.!I...~_.~ - .'!!I. •.• - ~'A - K' 25

the river. 80 &I to drink water, for they"""'" KIlL OVK ,/uur"""u rLfLV ........,.. .. ro 'TOV 'lTarap.ov.' IlL.

oould not drink water from the river. -And tiV£7rA."pWDrpav mo. .qp.EpaL, p.ETa. ro 7t"a~1lL KvptoY TOY

l!8Ven days were fulfilled after the Lord had '

smitten the river. 'ITO'TIlp.oY.

And the Lord aaid to Moee8~ .Go in to Et'7Tt: 0( KvptOt; '7TpOt; M~, (we:A8t: r.pOt; 4>apaw, Ka£ 8

Pharao, and than shalt .y to Dim, These EpE'iS '7TpOt; am-aI', Taoe: AryE' Kvptas, Ua'7T6u-rELMV TOY MOl' thinp _ye the Lord: send forth my people, p.ov, lva I'm AaTpnXnoo-W. El 0( p.~ {3wA" uV lea'7TOCTTELAat, 2

that they may serve me. I And if thon wilt , • , ~ t1 '

not send them forth, behold. I afIlict all thv l&i: CyW .,.,mID 'IT&vra 'fa opw 0'00 TOL<; ",aTpaXOLS. Kat 3

borders with frogs: a and the river shall. liE'fJW~ETa, b r.oro.p.o.. {3aTpQ.}(OV'>" Kat c!.va{3';'V'TE" (lO'EAMOV'T1lL teem with frogs, and they &ball go up and, , • ,., - ~, , enter into thj houses, and into thy bed. fLS TOt!<; OLICOt!<; 0'00, KIlL ELt; Ta Tap.c£w 'TIIJI' KOLT_V UOO, KaL

chambers. and upon thy beds, and upon the E7T, T;;'V ML";;'V 0'00, Kal m, ToVo; oUcOt!<; ~ 8fpa'7TOV'T1IJV UOV, hoWJell of thy 8CJ'T8.Dte. and of thy people, leal TaU MOV UOV, Kal b 'TOLS .l.t·palllHrL O'OV. Ka, fv TOl"

and on thy dough, and on thine ovens. 'f' r+r:

·..A.nd upon thee, and upon thy servante, MLj3tiVOLt; O'ov. Ka£ ,hrL UE, Ka, l7r, ToVt; fhpO.1roV'Tas 0'00, Kal 4


fJ Gr.lbeIr.

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5 ttl .,.0., NWv O"OV, &.va./3.qu0VTfJ.l. ot /3tfrpaXOI.. E17l"€ ~ Kvpux .".~ M~, El7l"OV 'Aap<.,v ~ cl&Acp';; 0"00, EKTnVOV Tfj X€ T7JV paf3&w CTOV lr' TO~ ~. "til br, Tai oufJpvyat;, Kat 6 Crt TO; t\1'}, .w /u!&:yo.yc ~ {3a:TpO.xow. Kill len-€l.V€v 'Aa.p;.,v T7JV X€ ttl TO. VOaTa Alym-ov, Kal clVJjyay€ 'TO~ {3IlTpO.XOW· Kal /u!f/NJ&tr8-q ;, f3cfTpaXO~, KcU €Ko.>..VJ/I( T7]v y;'v 7 AlyWToo. "Emll1pUv & cOO-a~ KcU 01 ttao!&, Tf4v Ai-

yvrrTt- Ta'~ q,o,p~~ a&Wv, Kal c1VJjyayov .,.o~ {3aTpO.xow 8 ttl yiiv AlyWTov. Kal (Ko.>..fO"( ~apaW Mwvcrr,v lea.l 'AapWv, IecU ,171"&, ~aq(Jf 7I"fpllp.ou 7I"PO~ Kvptov, Kr.U 7I"fpuAb-w TOUS {3a.TPa.XOVi el7l"' lp.ou, Kal cl7l"0 TOU I.p.ou Mou· IecU lea,7I"00"Tu..w

9 aln-oVs, Kal fJVuWUt -nii Kvp~. E!7I"f O( M~ 7I"Pas ~~, .,.~ .".p6s JU 7I"6'7'f EileoJUU 7I"fP' O"ou, KcU '!rEP' TWV 8Epa.7I"Ovrwv fTOO. Kal 'TOU MoU O"ov, c1f/Ja,vw-w TO~ {3aTpO.XOW el".o O"ou, Kal d".o TOt; MoV crov, lCQ.lllC TWV oUcc.Wv V~v. 'frA7pt b 1':fj 7rOTa.p.~

10 broMu/'HJC1·ovrw. ·0 ~ fl7l"Ev, £l .. Il~pwv· f17l"& oW, ~ 11 .lprJKIl..- IVIl fl.Sijs ~ OUK EO"TW ciAM.. '!rAt,v Kvplov. Kal ~OVTat 01 {3a..,.paXOt cl".o O"ou, KcU cl7l"0 TWV oUctWv ~p1i>v, leal cl".o .,.;;", ttllvAewv, lecU cl'!ro .,.iiw 8Ep1l7l"ovrwv O"ov, leal .bra 'TOU MOU trov, '!rAt,v lv T<{j '!rOTIl~ lnroMt4JflJcrovrllt.

12 ~A8E & M~ Kal 'Aa.p;.,v elm) ~apa.c:,. IecU (f3&7Juf M~ 'JTpO.. Kvpwv '!rEP' TOU Opwp.oV TWV f3aTpO.)(!I1V, W~ 13 ~'TO~. 'E'IrOt.qut: Of Kvpux lea8cf7l"fP t:t1r( MCIItIITij .. •

leal l:rMWT1'}fTIlV 01 f3o.TpaXOt IIC Tiiw olrctWv, Ka.l llC .,.wv ttav- 14 AcIllV, lCal (IC Tf4v elypWv. Kat fT11VlTyo.yov Il~~, 8-qpb1Vla ..

15 ~. , .-'" • ~ 'l~' ~' ..... _ ,. •

w/pAllllll4"- Ka.t ~fo"EV 1'} p1. OWV Of 'l<'«ptJIJ) OTt 'Y'YOV£V

~I,fJ IPa.pVvlhJ -q lCapOUJ. 4woii, leal oVlC elcn1ICOOO'O' o.Vrwv. 16 rca8cf:np ()..Q)..1'}fT( Kvpux. EI1rf O( Kvpux '!rpO<;; MCIItIO"ijv,

(1,"", 'Aa.p;.w, UcT(UIOV Tfj x€'P' .,.;,v p&.{3S0v fTOV, KcU .".aT~Ov TO X;;'p.o. ~~. Kal EfTOvrW fTKVltpe<;; Zv.,.E TO~ clv8ptfnrot .. ,

1 7 KIll tv 'TO~ T€TpO.7I"OfTt, leal lv 'IIYf.tro "Iii AlyWTov. 'Een-€l.V& oW 'Aa.p;.,v Tfj XE'PL T7JV p&.f3&v, Kal tt4~E TO ~p.o. '"7" W Kal lyivovro 01 fTKVl~ lv Tots clv8ptfnrot .. , 0, Tf Toi .. 'T€TpO.7I"OfTt, -' tv 'lraVTl ~p.o.Tt ~ ~ lyivovro el O"KVlqx s.

18 'Erot1'}O"av & WauVrQlS 1ea.L ot braotSo, TW .... q,o,pp4Klat .. a&Wv, lea,~'i.v -rOv fTKVlq,o.. Ka.' <WK ~ Ka.L lyo.OVTO ot 19 fTKVl4H~ W 'T€ TO;:~ &.v8"wot .. , KcU lv Toi~ T€TprJ.7I"0fTtV. ElmtV oW 01 braot&& .,-cp ~apa4i, OWcruAo<;; &ov lOT' ToVro' ICcU (fTKA1'}pVviJq .; IClI.pSla ~, "al OiJlC 'lcnJKovo"& a~wv,

20 mlM:np ~f Kvpux. El1rf & Kvpux '!r~ MCIItIO"ijv,

OplJptfTOV TO 7r~, 1ea.L uTij8t lva.vrlov KaL lBov aiJro .. l~f'TIl& ttl TO VOwp. Kal (pt:;:~ .".~ a.iJrov, .,.0.& >..(yet Kvpux, Itmr6O"TftAov TOV MOV p.ov, iva. p.ot MTpcVuWUW EV

21 Tj lpr,~. 'Eclv & p.;' {3ovAct «ea,7r"OCTTlwu .,.ov MOV po», l&V ~ cea,'fl'OO"T~ ttL 0"£, KcU ttl TO~ 8£pa7rovra~ fTOV, Kal hi .,.0., MOV fTOV, Ka.l ttL T~ oUcow v,.,.wv, ICVVOP.VI.llV" leal 7rA~ III olrclat .,.;;'v AlyvrrTt- '"7" KVVOJLV{~, Kal

22 £k .,.;,v·W (4)' ~ dfTtv hr' a~... Ka.L ~4uW «v -rfi V~ bcEw-a T1pt yiiv 1'EO"EP., lq,' ~ b M~ p.ov OrE<1TtV f.7r' 1l1n71~, 14>' ~ aUK Euro.t CK(i .; KVVOP.VID.· iva. fiSrJt; OTt lyw flp.t 23 K6pux ;, ec~ ~ '"is~. Kat ScOO-w OID.O"TOA~V civa. p.Urov roV l~ MoV, -' clvQ. 1'(0"011 .,.ou O"OV Aaov· lv O( rD

ExODU8 VIII. 5-23.

and upon thy people, eball the frogs come up. 6 And the Lord aaid to Moaes, Say to Aaron thy brother, Stretch forth with the hand thy rod over the riven, and over the canala, and over the pools. and brinsut!3 frogs. 8 And Aaron stretched forth hie

over the waten of Egypt, and brought lip the frogs: and the fro$ W88 brought up, and covered the land of Egypt. t And the charmers of the Egyptians &lao did likewile with their IOreeries, and broudlt up the fn?gs on the land of Egypt. 8 And Ph&nIo called Moses and Aaron, and 8&id, Pray for me to the Lord, and let him take away the ~gs from me and from my people; and I will send them away, and they ahiill aacri.Iioe to the Lord. 8 And Moses 8&id to Pharao, Appoint me G tUM when I eball pray for thee\ and for thy aervanta\. and for thy peoPIAl, to cause the frop to aiaappear from thee, and from thy people, and from your houses, only in the river sball they be left behind. III And he 8&id, On the morrow: he 8&id therefore, As thou hast aai.d; that thou mayest know, that there is no other God but the Lord. II And tho frop sball be removed away from thee, and from your houeee and from the villages and from thy eernmta, and from thy people, only in the river they sh&ll be left. );j And Moses and A&I'On went forth from Pharao, IUld Moaes cried to the Lord concerning the restriction of the frop~~ Pharao appointed him. 11 And the Lord did .. Moaes said, and the frosa died out of the bousee, and out of the -ri.l. lage&, and out of the fields. 11 And ther gathered them together in heaps, and the land stank. 16 And when Pharao saw that there W&II relief, his heart W&II hardened, and he did not hearken to them, 88 the Lord spoke, IlIAnd the Lord 8&id to MOICS, Say to Aaron, tltretch forth thy rod with thy hand and amite the dUlt of the earth ~ and there aball be lice both upon man, ana upon quadrupeds, and in all the land of Egrpt. 17 80 Aaron stretched out his rod with hie hand, and smote the dust of the earth; and the lice were on men and on quadrupeda\ !lnd in all the dUlt of the earth there were Iiee, 18 And the charmers allO did 10 with their soreeriee, to bring forth the louse, and they could not. And the lice were both on the men IUld on the QlIIId. rupecis. III So the charmers 8&id to Pbarao, Tliia is the finHBJ' of God. But the heart of Pb&rao W&II hardened, and he hearkened not to them, .. the Lord 8&id. lIO And the Lord 8&id to Moaes, Rise u~ early in the morning and stand before Pbarao: and, behold, he will go forth to the water, and thou shalt say to him,1.'h_ thinp saYI the Lord: Send away my people, that th~y may serve me in the wilderness. 21 And if thou wilt not let my people go, behold, I send upon thee, and upon thy servants, and upon thy people, and upon ,our hoUICS, the 401!~ fly; and tue houses 0 the Egyptl&DB Iha.Il be filled with the dog·fly, even tbro\l&hout the land upon which they are. tI And I will distinguish marvellously in that day thE! Iend of Gesem, on which my JICOple dwell, in which the sball not be: that thou maye&t know that I am the Lord the God of all the earth. 23 And I will put a dilFer. ence between my people and thy [people,

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and on the mOl'J'OW .ball this be on the land. And the Lord did thus. JIAnd the dos-Ay came in abunclance into the bouses of Pharao, and into the houses of his servants, and into all the land of Egypt I and the land was destroyed by the dog-By.

s.And Pharao called Moses and Aaron, .~, Go and aacrifice to the Lord/our God m the land. • And Moses sai ,It cannot be 10, for we sball eacrifice to the Lord our God the abominations of the Egyptians.i for if we aacri6ce the abominations of roe ElYPtians before them, we shall be stoned. -'11 We will go a journey of three days into the wilderness, and we will aacri6ce to the Lord our God, as the Lord said to U5. ti And Pharao said, I tDiU let you go, and do ye eacriB.oe to your God in the wilderness, but do not go vel"f far away: pray then for me to the Lord. 29 And Moses said, I then will go forth from thee and pray to God, and the ahall depart both from thr_ aenantl, and from thy JI80ple to-morrow, Do Dot thou, Pharao, deeeire again, 10 &I not to send the peollle away to do aacrifloe to the Lord. ~ And Moses went out from Pharao, and prayed to God. II And the Lord did &I Moses said, and removed the from Pharao, and from hie aenants, and from his .JMlOple, and there was not one left.. &lAnd Pharao hardened his heart, eTen on this oocasion, and he would not send the people away.

And the Lord said to Moses Go in to Pharao, and thou ebalt .y to ~ These thinp saith the Lord God of the Hebrews; Send ~y people away that they may aeJ'Te me. I If howeTeJ' thou wilt not send my Jl84?llle away, but yet detaineat them: a be. hold, the band of the Lord ,ball be upon thy cattle in the fields, both on the hol'lll!ll, and on the -. and on the Cl&DlIIla and oxen and sheep, a very great IImortalit,.. 4.And I will make a maJ'Teliona distinotion m that time between the cattle of the E..IYlltiam, and the cattle of the ohildren of braei: 'I'nothing ,ball die of all that is of the chilo dren's of 1arael. • And God fixed a limit, .~, To-moJ'J'Ow the Lord will do thiS thing on the land. • And the Lord did this thini on the next day, and all the cattle of the Egyptians died. but of the cattle of the cIiilcbeD of Israel there died not one. 7 And when Pharao .'11', that of all the cattle of the ohildren of Israel there died not one, the heart of Pharao WIllI hardened, and he did not let the people go. 8 And the Lord IIpoke to Moses and Aaron, .ying, Take you handfuls of ashes of the t'urnaCe, and let Moses _tter it toward heaven before Pharao, and before his servants. 'And let it become dnat 0TeJ' all the land of Egypt, and there ehall be upon men and upon beast. & lOre blains bnialring forth both on men and on beaata\ in all the land of Egypt. 10 So he took of tne ashes of the fu:ri:i8ce before Pharao, and Mo __ ttered it to-

ward hcaTen~ and it became sore blains breaking fonD both on men and on beeats,


avplOv ;CTTaL TOWO bri. ~ ~~. 'Em>L>7O"f ~ Kvp~ ~ ICCU '1Tapryiv€TO ;, ",wo,u.Vta '1T>";iO~ d~ TO~ ou.:ow 4>apaW. "ai. 24 fl~ roVs ou.:o~ TWV OfP«'lrOVTWV aln-ou. "at d~ 'Iniouv n,.. riv Mymov· "allew).,oO(XUOr,;' ~ &'lr0 ~ KUVO,u.VL~.

'ElCaAfUf 8f ~ MIIIVO"ijv "al 'Aa,x.,v, AfyWV. lAOOJl'T(~ 25 tiWaTf Kv~ -nfi @ftfi v,uWv w Tfi -roo Kal ,rn M~. 26 0(, 8vvarov ywlcr8aL o~· Ta 'YOp {3ou..ry,u.aTa TWV Alyvrrrlwv tiWo,u.ot Kvp~ T-fi @(4i T,,uWV' lav 'Yap OVuw,u.w Ta {3&Ary,u.aTa TWV Alyvrrrlwv waVTLov aln-wv. AliJo{Jo>.:'1Or,uo,u.Jia. 'O&>v TP..wv T,,u.fpWv '1TOfX1XToJUOa d .. ~v ;P"l,«LOv' "at OVuO,u.fV 27 -nil @f4i T,,uWv. "aO';'7f'fp fT7I'€V Kvp~ T,,u.LV. Kat ,T7f'f Cl>apa~. 28 l-y~ a7f'OCTTill.w vp.U.". "al OVuan -nil@'4i v,uWv lv Tfi lp';'~' 0),),.' ov p.a.1Cp4v a1l'OTfVfLTf r.opruOqvaL· &~f oW '1Tf(lt l,u.ou '1Tpo~ KvplOv. Er'1Tf 8E M~, 0 ~ E-yW ~u..ruuO,u.aL a'lro 29 uou, "al &eop.0.4 '1T~ TOV @EOV, "al a'1TWVuETaL T, KUVO,u.Vta

"at a7l'0 TWv fhpa7f'OVTWV uov, "al elr.o TOU AaoU uov avplOv'

,u.~ 7f'~ n-L 4>apaW lea.'lran,uaL, TOU ,u.~ lea7f'OCTT'Wu roy AcWV 6iiuaL Kvp~. 'E~AOf 8E Mc.n.oo7i.. a7l'0 Cl>apaW, "al 30 ."veaTO 'Ir~ TOV 0fov. 'E7rOL7JCTf ~ KvpI~ "a/Ju,7I"P fTn: 31 Mc.n.oo7i .. • "al 7f'fpuiM n,.. KUVo,u.vLav an Cl>apaW, "al TcbV OfP«'1Tovrwv aln-ou, "at TOU AaoU aln-ou. "a, 0(, "aTu..flcpo." 0lJ&pla.. Kal l{Jtipvvf Cl>apaW n,.. "apOW.v aln-ou leal h-i. TOU 32 I((UPOU TOVTOV, leal 0(," ¥JD..7JCTW tea1TOCTTf~L TOV AaOV.

EIr( ~ Kvp~ 1TpO~ MIIIVO"ijv, ,jqu..IJ( 'Ir~ ~, leal 9 lpli~ av,.;;, Ta& My" KVPL~ ;, 0f~ TWv 'E{3pa.Wv, lea'1To, CTTfWw roy AaOv ,u.0V, &'va ,«LOL AaTpruuIlKTL. El,u.€v ow ,u.~ 2 {JOVAfL lea'lrOO'TfWu TOV AaOV ,u.0V, o)')"a. n-L l-y"paT(~ aln-ov, '1&V, Xftp KVPLoV h-lo-rw. w TcU" ~V(UL uov TOLi lv TOL~ 3 n:8to&i. tv T( TcUi '1MI'OL~, leal w TOLi 1nro(vylot~, leal Ta',. "a,u...y..oL~, "at {Jovcrl, "al rpo{3aToL... ,u.eya.. u.po8pa. Kal '1Tapo.&e&o-w E-yW lv ~ "" bcfl"t elva ,u.(UOV TWv 4 ICTTfVWv TWV AlyvrrrWw, "al elva ,u.luov TWv ICTTfVWv TWv vlWv 'lupafjA· 0(, TcAnm1u" lin TWV ToV 'lupaqA vlWv ;n,rOv. Kal E&wcw ;, @(O~ opov, >J:ywv, W -rjj avplOv '1TOL"llcm 5 KVp~ TO pij,u.a TOWo brl ~ ~. Kal ttoL>7O"( Kv~ TO 6 p-ij,u.a TOWo -rjj h-avpwv' "al c~( ".a.VTCl ra KTT,v." TWV Alyvrrrlwv· aro BE TWV ICTTfVWv 'I'Wv v~v 'lupar,>.. 0(," lT~ uw oMiv. 18Wv be ~ OTL 0(," C(AWrquW an ravrwv 7 TWV ICTTfVWv TWv vlWv 'lupa~A cn'&v, 1{Jo.pVv8rJ T, "o.pb(o. Cl>apaW, leal 0(,,, ~'1TlCTT(W rov AaOV. El7l'f ~ Kvp~ rp~ M~ 8 "al 'Aap;,w, >.1:ywv, AtJ.{3erE vJU'~ '1TA"IPf'i 'I'a~ }(fLpai a.UJG>...". "a.,u.wa1a~, Kat 1rIIOl1TW M~ el .. roY OVpavOV IvavTLoV 4IapcW,

Kat WaVTLoV 'I'WV 0fP«1TOVTIDV aln-ou. Ka, ')'f"."o.p.w "OVIOf1T~ 9 br, '1Tciouv n,.. W Al-ymov' leal lcrraL h-l TO~ av8pcd'1Tow,

"at brl '1';" 'I'€TparOOa., £Nc.". qM.v1CT[&~ ava{lOVCTlU iv n TOL" av8pcd'1ToL~, leal IV 'I'cU~ 'I'€TpG.7I'OO'W, lv 1TOuu "Iii Al-ymov. Kal U4Jw n,.. al8aATfV ~ "a~~ Cl>apaW, ",al 1 0 Orauw avn,v :r.L.rocrij~ d~ 'I'OV o(,pavOv· Kal l-yiv€TO £Nc.", .pAvlCTl&~ ava{lollCTaL ;v ''I'( 'I'O~ d.v8pcd'1TO~, Kal lv TOts

II Or, dea&II.

a Gr. _, bIaiu.

T (Jr. Poin>.. Bib. 'I:n

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11 nT'p4rouL. Kal O~IC ~o 01 'f>app.a.lCo~ <TT7jvcu ivavTtov MCIIOO'i1 &a 'Ta.~. ryo,ero 'Yap Ta. ~ iv TO;:~ 'f>apfU1ICO'i~, 12 lCal & r&.cro rV Al-yWrov. 'EcTl(A~( & Kvp~ n", lCapOW.v cl>upcW, ICcU OUIC (UnJICOVITO' ClVTWV, 1Ca/)a. (11IJI~f Kvp~. 13 Ern: & Kvp~ 'fl'~ Mwvcrijv, opOpccrov ro 'fl'p<rJt, Kal ~L ivavTlov ~, Kal €tx'i~ 'fl'~ ClVTOV, Ta& Aiy" Kvp'~ 0 @E~ TWv 'E!3pa.ww, lea.".oo.,.nAov rov Aa.Ov.p.ov, Wa AaTpMfJKTl 14 fMJ'. 'Ey ~ 'Yap vW ICCUP<; ryw liCl7NX1TWw 'fl'clvM Tel ~f'ClTa f'OlJ t:l~ n", lCo.pFJla.v CTOV. lCal TWV 8fparOVTWV 0'00, Kal TOV MoV CTOV. tvCl t:~ '"' OUK ZO'Tty, ~ ryw, cillo~ 15 & r6.urJ Tjj yO. Nw 'Yap d,1I"00'T£lAa~ ,..qv XElpa. 'fl'C1Tatw 0'(,

"'" rov Aa.Ov CTOV 8a.vClTWuW. Kal I.KTp4{3fp-o d,1I"O ~ yijf. 16 ~ ~VEIeEV roWoo &crrt~. Wa Ev&itwfU1' iv 0'01 ",V luxW 17 p.ov, Kal ~ &o.yyt:AD 'TO OvoJLcl f'OO & 1I"q Tjj rV' "ET' oW oV if''fl'04D TOV MoV p.ov. TOV f'TJ ~1I"00'TEu..a... Clln-oW; 18 'I&U ry;" Vw TCU1npt n", Wpa.y ClUPLOV X~ClV 'II'OAAfJV O'.po8pa., .;rrL~ TOLClVn, OU -yfyovfV (V Al~,>' ~ "plpo.~ ml.O'T'lUs 19 _ ~ ~p1pa.~ TC1~. Nw o~ KClTGmrt:vuOV O"I1VC1'y«-yt:Lv 'Ta. KT"Iprq 0'00, leal ooCl O'OL CUT'V & Ttj) '/I"t:8Ue' nvn~ 'YOp 01 I1J,(Jpw7rOL, KcU Ta KT"Iprq, DuCl la.v dJpt:8y lv TOts '1l'f8loi.C;, KCl~

, ., 1'iA-' " .... ~~ _t__' ~"'.!l._'" ... 'l_-!-

f'YJ eur .. ""1I £L~ OLKL4V. ncrrJ ex ..,... ClVTCl YJ x~a, 'T .. " .. ,.,fU("

20 '0 4>o!3oV~ TO Pf1fU1 Kvplov TWV 8£PC1.".QVTWV ~, (11IJI- 21 .qya'Yf Ta KT"Iprq ClVrov t:l~ TOU~ oUc~. ·0<; S, f'fJ '1l'POu(CT)(EV Tjj ~ d~ TO Pf1fU1 Kvptov. acJrijlt( Ta. ~ iv TO;:~ 'fl'fOlot~ ••

EXODU8 IX. 11-31.

n And the aorcerers could not stand before Moaee because of the aores. for the sores were on the aorceren, and in all the land of Egypt. IIAnd the Lord hardened Pharao's heart, and he hearkened not to them, 88 the Lord aPP9inted. II And the Lord Did to M08I)8, ~ up early in the morniDg, and stand before Pharao; and thou shalt ".1' to lIim. These thinp saith the Lord God of the Hebrews, Send away my ~ple that they mal sene me. U For at tWa preaent time do send forth all my II plagues into thine heart, and the heart of tDy 8ervants and of thy people; that thou mayest know that there is not another such as I in all the earth. IIFor now I will stretch forth my hand II.IId mri te thee II.IId Irill thy_jleOple, and thou ahalt be consumed from olf the earth. 16.And ., for this p~ hast thou been preeerved, that 1 might diaplay in thee my strength, and that my name might be ~Oliahed iii all the earth. 17 D06t thou then yet exert thnelf to hinder my people, 60 as not to let tbem. IrQ? IIBehold, to-morrow at this hour I will rain a very great hail, such as has not been in Emt, from the time it was created until thia day. I» Now then hasten to gather thy cattle, and all that thou hast in the fields; for all the men and cattle 88 many 88 shall be found in the flelda, and shall not enter into a ho~~ (bnt the hail shall fall upon themJ aD&U die. m He of the sena.nts of Pharao that feared the word of the Lord, gathered his cattle into the houses, >I And he that did not attend in his mind to the word of the Lord, left the cattle in the fields.

II And the Lord said to Mole&, Stretch out thine hand to heavenA and there shall be hail on all the land or Emt, both on the men and on the cattle, and on all the herba&eon the land. lIIAnd Mo_ stretched forth his hand to heaven, and the Lord eent thunderings a aud hail; and the fire ran along upon the &round, and the Lord rained hail on all the land of E~t. .. So there was hail and 1Iaming 1ire mmgled with hail; and the hail was very great, such as was not in Egypt, from the time there was a nation upon it. II And the hail smote in all the bLnd of Egyp~ both man and beB:'lt" and the hail smote all the graaa in the flaw, and the hail broke in pieoea all the treeII in the field. 21 Only in the land of Gesem where the children of IBrBel. were~ the hail was not. 0:; And Pharao sent ana called Moses and Aaron, and said to them, I have Binned this time: the Lord u ril,hteoTlll, and 1 and my pooDle are wicked. Pray then for me to the "Lord, and let him cause the thunderings of God to 'cease, and the hail and the fire, and I will send you forth and ye shall remain no 19n9er. • And MOIe8 Did to him, When I ahall have departed from the citr, I will stretch out my hands to the Lord, and the thunderings _~hall cease, and the hail and the rain shall be no longer, that thon ma~est know that the earth u the Lord's. But 88 for thee and thy servants, I know that ye have not yet feared the Lord. II .And the ftu and the barlCll were mritten, for the barley was B sdraneed, and the 1Ia:x


T See Boa!.

t Gr. _ rroa. 6 Or, In Ibe ear.


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EXODl1S IX. 32-X. 14.

wu seeding. -But the wheat and the rye were not 11IIitten, for they were late. • And MOHS went forth from Pharao out of the city and stretched out hill hands to the Lord; and the thunders ~ and the hail, and the rain did not drop on the earth. If And when Pharao laW that the rain and the hail and the thunders ceased, he eontinued to lin; and 1ut hardened hill h~ and the heart of his aerranta. .. And the heart of Pharao wu hardened and he did not I16nd forth the children of 'tsft."e1, .. the Lord said to M_

And the Lord IIJ1.Oke to Moeee, .. Jing, Go in to Pharao: for I have hardened his heart and the heart of hill aerranta, that th_ signa may come upon them ~ in order: that ye may relate in the Il8l'8 01 your children, and to 10ur children's chil~ in how many things I have mocked the Agyptiana, and my wonders which I wrought among them; and 1e sh&ll know that I am the Lord. • And Moses and Aaron went in before Pharao, and thl!1 said to him, These things saith the Lord God of the Hebrew,!! How long dolt thou refuse to reverenoo me r Send my people a-f that they may serve me. t But if thou ;llt not send my peoplc a_y, behold, at this hour to.morrow I Will bring an abundance of locusts upon all thr ooaata. 6 And they sh&ll cover the face of the earth, and thou shalt Dot be able to see the earth; and they sh&ll devour all that is left of the abundaDce of the earth, which the hail hae left you, and sh&ll devour evlll'f tree that groWl for ~:u on the land. • And thy hoU868 .h&ll be filled, and the honaes of thy servants, and all the hoU868 in all the land of the Egyptians; thinga which thy fathers haTe never seen, nor their fore.. fathers, from the day that th~y were upon the earth until this day. And Mo8CI turned a_yand dClJllrled from Phseso. 7 And the _ntl of Pharao .. y to him, How long shall thia be a snare to us P send a_y the men, that they may serve their God; wilt thou know that Egypt is destroyed P • And theI brought baci both Moses and Aaron to Pharao; and he said to them, Go and serve the Lord your God; but who are they that are going with you P • And Moaes 6&id, We will go with the young and the old, with our IOns, and daughters, and ~I and oxen, for It is a feast of the Lord. 10 .4.DI1 he said to them, So let the Lord be with you: as I flJill aend you a_y, flOut I ._ moay your store allO? see that fJ evil is attached to you. U Not 10, but let the men go and serve God, for thill re YOuraelT68 seek; and they cast them out from the pre.. senee of Pharao. I' And the Lord said to HolIeS, Stretch out thine hand oyer the land of Egypt, and let the 10000t come up on the land, and it shall devour every herb of the land, and all the fruit of the trees. which the hail left. II And Moses lifted up his rod towards heaven, and the Lord bronght a south wind upon the earth, all that day and all that nilfht: the morning dawned and the IOUth wmd brought up the loeUltl~k a.nd bro1ll'ht them up over all the land of J!<gypt. And they rested in Tery great abundAnce



'0 a~ 7nJpO<; "a4 ~ dAvpa oll" brA"l'f'l<TUY, OIpLf14 yap ~Y, 32 'E5jA8€ BE MIII~ 1111'0 4>apac1 i~ ~ 'II'6,uIll<;, ,,0.1 l,n-EW€ 33 'Ta<; XECpa<; 7rpo<; KvpwY" leal a1 ~ rnuwaVTo, ,,0.1 ;, xtlA.a1;a "al 0 vcrO<; OllK ~CTT~€V en brl '"'" -yilv. 'Iawv BE 4>apac1 o,.L 34 7l'bra:trrw 0 wro.. leal ~ x~a leal a1 </Hwal, 7l'potTi6fTO 'Toll ~€W· leal l{~&.pVVEY awoii '"'" "aptia.v, "a.l T(;W 6€pa.- 7l'OYTlllY a.woii, Kal iU"A"1PVvffq ~ "a.p8lo. ~a.W, ,,0.1 ou" 35 ib,7l'ICTTEW ~ vIov<; 'Iupa.~>.., "aDa.7l'EP DWA."UE Kvp~

TcjI Mc.rocryj.

Er7TE 8( Kv~ 7T~ M~. Aty-. €iuu..8€ 7l'po<; 4>apa.w, 10 lycd "yap iu"A~ a.woii -r7Jv "a.PBla.V real TWY (J€pa.,roVTIIIY a.WOll, iva. ~. brl>JJrJ TO. CT7JJUw, TI1wa br' awov<;' c)~ 2 &.".,-Ip-qcrfJ€ €1. TO. ~a TWV Too""y vp.Wy. "al '1'0'<; 'TVcvoc.<; 'TWV TEICYIIW vp.W", oo-a lP.7TCratx_a. 'TOt. A1"f'1'"TloL<;. real TO. CT7J/-L€w. /-L0V, & brot'fICTa lv awot<;' "al -yv';xncr6E o,.L lyW Kvp~, Elo7jA8€ 8( MII1lICT7j. "al 'AapWv ivaYTlov 4>apaw, 3 "al "I1I'CU' a.wcfi. Ta.& AiyEL Kvp&O<; 0 0EO; ,.wv 'E{3pa.t.,w, llll<; T{"o; cW PovAn lvTpa.n,va1 /-LE; ~7J'6crrEW," rolf >..aD" fLOV,

,va M.Tpc6crwu{ /-LOt. 'EO." BE /-L~ BlArr> en, Ua.7l'0CrTEIM.L 'TOY 4 >..aDY fLOV, lOov lycd bra.-yow TI1~ -r7J" Wpav avpw" a..cpt&. 7T0'u'"" brl 7J'a.YTa 'To. opt&. eo», Kal leaA.qy,n n,v OIpLV rij<; 5 y71<;, leal cW BtM/cr?1 "aT'&;:" '"'" -yilv. leal "aTE&Tw rill ro 7TEPlITcrOV ~ ~ TO KaTO.M:"q,8w, 8 "a:rI1.J:7ro vp''i" ~ xc1.\a{a, "al "aTE8n-o.L 1I'«V ~Aov ro .poop.EYO" vJAi" brl Til. ~. Kal7rA~OYTa1 uoo a.1 oUc:Ult, "a.l a1 OUc:lcu 'TW" Bt:Pa'll'6"Tllw 6 (TOO, leal 1J'Iiucu a.1 oi.rcuu fV 11'&0-0 Yii ,.wI' A 1"f'1'"T1wv' & oV8l- 1I'OTE €wpcUcClO'W 01 'Il'O.T~<; UOO, oiiJ 01 7TpWv,7l'7I'0L am;;"', &..p'

.q. ~p.lpa. yeyOvClO'tJo' brl ~ y71<;, ~ ~ ~,upa.<; Ta~'

"al iKKAlva<; M~ f~>..(ky &.m,~. Kal Al-yovcrw 7 01 6EpO.7T0YU<; 4>apaW 7TpO<; aww, fill<; T{Yo; ~CTTW TOUro ~p:;... U"WMY ; ~a:7r6crrEw,y TOU. d.v8pbnr011';, ~ M.'TpcUcrOKn

Tcfi 0Ecfi a.-iJn7,... ~ ElUnu. {3oV,u, o,.L &.~EY A,"f'1'"To;; Kal &''Il'ECTTf'€I/!a.v .,.01' '1'( M~ real 'Aap;.w 7TpG. 4>apa.W, 8 "a.l EI'lTEY a.~., 7rOp€I1Ecrfh real M.TpWcra.TE Kt,p;., T1fi 0E<ji v,wv' TtYE> 8( Kal T{VE> Eluw 01 'Il'Op£I16p.EYOL; Kal Afyc, 9 M~, crVv '1'0;:<; YEaYIcr"oL<; ,,0.1 7rfXu/3wlpoc.<; 7rOf'E1KTop.E6a, crVv Tot. vIol; real 8vyaTpcUrt, leal 'lTpo{3Q.TOLS, leal {3crvcrly ~piiJ ... ~CTTL yap €op-MJ Kvplov. Kal fI7rE 7rpfn a.llToVs, lOTIil 0'"'" 10 Kvp~ p.d! iJpilN- Ka8cm &.7J'00'T(.Uc" vpii.... P.~ "a.' n,.. &.7J'f1o u"Mtv vp.Wv; :&TE 0,., 'ITOVT/pla. 7TpOcrmrcu iJp:;.... M ~ oVn.,,;- I I 'lTopcu'cr8wua.v 8( ot d..8pES, real AaTpcucra.TlllCTay T';>~' 'I'OVro yap a.wol ''',,,,"iTE' itc{3aluJv 8( a.woVs cl7To 7r~'7rOV 4>apa.';'. EIr" 8( Kvp~ 7r~ MIIllKrijY, ~ICTf:I.YOY -r7Jv XEipa brl -yilv 12 Al-yWTov' "al &,ya{3.qn., a..cpt<; brl '"'" riv, Ka.' "a.TE8n-o.L 7rOaay {3OT~Y ~ y71<;, ,,0.1 ...&vra roy leapw-OY TWY ~N.w.

81' imUUftTO ~ xc1.\a{a. Kal nrvfX M~ n,v pa.f3&v €is 13 ro.. cWpa.ww. "al Kvp~ bnj-yay€V lLv'fUJ" 1'en-ov brl '"'" riv, lJA.".. n,v .q/-Llpa.v £KEI.vqv. "aelJA.".. n,v vVlCTIl' ,.0 rpwk ~, "al /, ILvEp.O> 0 ..oro; &.vlM{3" n,.. lucpi&., "al clvJ]yu-yo avnp.. 14 br, 1J'Iiua.y -yilv ALyVw-rov' real lCaTmllCTEY brl 7Ta..".a TO. apta

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AlyVrrov 1T'Oll~ arPOOpa· 1f'pOT£pa a~~ of, ytyOl'f f'OUlVT71

15 .1Kp,~, Kal p.n'o. f'aiiTa OflK (UTat oWws. Kal f.KO)I.1""f ,",V 5t/1w ~ yij s , Katlrp8ti.p-q .,j yij' KaL KaT(<p«y' 1f'ao-al' {:JOTaVTJII 'f'ij<; ~, Kat ~ rol' Ka.p7ral' TU.l' tv>"ow, s.. ~ELcPo." clra 'f'ij<; xo.A&.tTJ~ oflX 1nrW[rpo." X>..",pol' oil8o- f.v TO,," ~Aot~, Kat f.v 1f'&.cro {3OTaVfl TOU 1f'IStou, f.v 1f'ao-a yfj Al-yVn-rov.

16 KaTltT1f'€U& Sf il>a~ KaAllTal MwlXrijl' Kat • AapWv, >..I:ywv,

.,jp4prqKa ll'tJ.VTLOl' Kvplov TOU 0wv v,..wl', KaL d~ v,.w. s, 17 llpoa-SJtaa6f o~ p.ov T7Jv dp.a.pTlD.l'en vUv, "at 1f'pOa~8E 1f'"o.. Kvptoy TOv 0fOl' v,..wy, Kat 1f'EpuAITW .171"' lp.ou 'Tal' 18 8d¥aTw roiiTw. 'E$1A8E Of M~ d7l"0 il>apac1, KaL ~aTo 19 7I",m TOY 0.ol'. KaL p.n'I/3a.>... Kvp~ WtEP.Ol' d'll"a 6a>..a.atTTJ~ a~, KaL al'EM.{3( T7Jv dKp[&, Kill 1{3a.>...v Illm}v (1~ '"1" lpv8pav 8a>..&.aaav· "aL ollX V7rM({rpo." dKpl~ p.lD. f.v 7r&.cro yfj 20 ALyWTov. Kat (aKA~pw, Kvp~ ,",v KapSlD.V il>apa.W, KaL

21 olJK (~1f'IUT'w TO~ v'o~ 'Iapa~A. El7r( S( Kvp~ 7I",m MCJI1IO'ijy, (lCTfWOY T7Jv XELpa. aov d~ roy oflpaYOl', KaL ywqf}{pw 22 vK6ro~ al ~ AlyWTov, t/lTJAo.4nfrOv aKMo~. '~&(tl'f Of M~ 'T7jy XEipa " .. rol' oVpavol" "at lyWfTO a"M~ yvo~, 23 8VElla (7rl mWav r'1v AlyWTov Tpli~ .,jp.lpa.<;. Kat ofl" ,roo, oV&l.. 'TOV ~al' a~ou 'TP(i.~ .,jp.lpa.... Kat olJK f.~ltTTTJ oV&l<; tIC rij~ Kol~ alJrou 'Tp'i~ .,jp.£pa~· mWt Of To&'.. vloi~

24 'Iapa~ q,Ui<; ~ f.v 'lrao-w or~ KaT"!{YOYTo. Ka.l (K&.MaE

il>apa.W MCJI1IO'ijy Ka1 'A~, >..I:ywv, /3aO~fT€, Ao.TpEVcraTE Kvp~ '"iJ 0t:cfj vp.Uw, 1f'ATp- 'TWv 1f'po/3aTWY "at 'Tu.v /3owl' V7roA£L1f',v8,· Kal.q cl1f'O(T,,~ v,..wv cl7l"OTPfXErw JLEfI v,..wl'.

25 Kal EX1f'E MfII~, clllQ. ,,0.1 en.. OWcrEt~ .,' oAo"aVTwp.4Ta 26 /Cat Oualo.<;, &. 1f'O'~OJLEl' KvplCfl Tcfj 0t:cfj .qp.wl'. Kat TO. ~ .,jp.Uiv 1T'OpaJan'al JLEfI .q,..wv, ,,0.1 oUX 1nroA£tt/l0JLE8a 0...>",.",. d.1f" a~ yOp Awop.E8a Ao.Tpn'<TW KVM '"iJ 0Ecfj .,jp.Uiv. 1JJLE'" BE OUK o:&.p.w 'Tf. Ao.'TpEVaoJLEY Kvp~ Tcji 0ecji .q,..wy, Ell)<;

2 i 'Toil D.8EW .," IKfi. 'Eo-IC>"~PWE Of Kvp~ T7Jv "a.POlO.V 28~, Kat OUIC ({3oVA~ ltalTocrTfWu. a~ov... Ka.l Aty" 4>apcW, fJ.nME cl.,! lp.oir lTpOaEXE crEaVTcji en 1f'p0cr6ELvat i&w p.ov Ta 1f'pOaW7riV" V 0' &.v T}p.lptlo o'*D~ p.ot, d1T'06avfi. 29 ACr*-L Of M~, c'iprJKa<;" olJ" en aaL el"


11 Er1f'e Of Kvp~ 'Il',m MIII1II7'ijY, boL p.lo.v 1f'AW ~ arUw

(7rl il>ap~, "aL w' Ai.yvrrw, Kat p.n'o. TaiiTa Ua7rocrTMEi lY'Tn".(Jcv· Jral' Of (ta.7rocrTlMV crVv 1I"CWTL, (1C{3a.>...' 2 llC/3o>..fJ. A&'>"TJtTov oW Kpllf/17i d~ TO. In-a. 'TOU A.o.ou, Kat alTTJtTaTW UatTT~ 7rO.pO. 'T011 1f'>"TJtTlol' aK~ dpyvpci KaL XPV(To.

3 lCat lp.a.'TLap.Oy. Kvp~ Of tOw«( ,",v XclpLV '"iJ Aacii a~oii lvCWTloy TUw AlyvlTTWw, ICa.l 'XPTJtTav a~o,,"' lCa4 0 fJ.v6pW7rO<;

M .... , J..-....:..A- ..&...t::s,....... ~ , ,_ A' , , fIIVtTTJ~ p.rya~ "n,/v,/ v'f""'I"'" cvaYTWl' 'TWI' tyvrrLWV, ICW

4 f.vaVTloY 4>apcW, Kat f.vaYTlol' TU.V 8(pa7roYTWI' aVrou. Kal eflT( MCIIt.IOij... Tao. AtyU Kvp~, 1I"(PL p.laa.. vVlCTa.. ~

5 ,ltT1f'opEVop.aL d.. p.laoy AlyWTov. Ka1 T~n wal'

1f'pwTMOICW f.v yfj Al-yVr.TCfI, cl7ra 7rpwTOTOKOV il>~, ~ K&.lfq'TaL al TOU 6pOl'OV' "at (II)<; 7rpwTOTOK01J 'f'ij<; 6(pa.1I"al~ rij s

EXODUS X. IS-XI. 5. over aU the borders of Egypt. Before them there were not sueh locusts, neither after them shall there be. ~.And they covered the £aee of the earth, and the land was wasted, and they devoured all the herbage of the land/ and aU the Cnrit of the treM, which was Jeft by the bail: there WIllI no ~n thing left on the treM, nor on aU the herbage of the ileld, in all the land of Egypt:

18 And Pharao basted to call Moses and Aaron. saYin&, I have sinned before the Lord your God, and apinat you l I7l1pa.rdoD therefore my Bin yet this time, and pray to the Lord your God, and let him take away from me this death. 1tI.And M088II went forth from Pbarao, and J!!'&yed to God. lJ And the Lord brolliht In the opposite direction a atrong wind from the -. and took up the loouats and CBSt them into the Red Sea, and there was not one locust left in aU the Iand of Egypt. 20 And the Lol'd hardened the heart of Pbarao, and he did not send away the children of Israel, 1I.And the Lord I&ld to Moses, Stretch out thy band to heaven and let there be darlm_ over the land of 1i;gypt-darlmess that may be felt. lti And »08811 Itretched out hia band to heaven, and there was Ydarlmeea -very black, even a storm over aU the land of Egypt three days. "And for three days DO man saw his brother, and no man rose up from his bed for three <ivs: but all the children of Israel bad light in all the ~ where they were. SlAnd Pbarao Called M088II and Aaron _Jing, Go, serve the Lord your God/ oidy a leave your sheep and your oxen. ana let your store depart with you. :s And MOI88 said, Nay, but thou shalt b<ive to us whole burnt-olleringa and eacr:i. rices, which we will sacri.lice to the Lord our God. • And our cattle sh&ll go with Us, and we will Dot leave a hoof behind, for of them we will take to serve the Lord our God: but we know not in what manner we abalJ. eerve the Lord our God. until we anive there. '11 But the Lord hardened the heart of Pbarao, and he would not let them go. 28.And Pharao aa.YB, Depart from me beware of aeeing my faee again, for in what Jli.y thou shalt appear before me, thou IlhaJ.t die. :Ii And .Moses says, Thou bast said, I will not appear in thy preeeDce &pin.

And the Lord said to Moses, I will yet bring one plague UJlOIl Pbarao and upon Egypt,and &rterthat he will send you forth thence l and whellever he aends you forth with flYery thing, he will indeed drive you out. • Speak therefore secretly in the ean of the people, and let every one ask of his neighbOur jewels of silver and gold, aDd roiment. I And the Lord @live his people favour in the sight of the .Egyptians, and they lent to them l and the man M08eS W&S very great before the ElfYPtians, and before Pbario, and before his servants. 4 And M0888 said, Theee things saith the Lord, About midnight I go forth into the midst of ~t. 6 And every first. born in the land of Egypt shall die, from the fint.born of Phar8.0 that sits on the throne, even to the first-born of the woman·sen-&nt that is by

a Gr. be leA or.

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ExODUS XI. 6-XII. 14. ,.he mill, and to the first-born oC all cattle. 7rapo. Tc}V P.VAoV, Kal ~~ 7rfK'1TOTOKOO 7r4VT~ Kn71'OVS. Kal 6

6 And there ehaJl be a great cry throU8h all • '_! \ ,- - A" • ,

the land of Egypt, such as has not been, EaTCU Kp4try7] /uyaA'J K4T4 1TaU4V YfJV ,ytmTOV, 'JTL~ TOLaVTfJ

and such ehaJl not be ~ any more. ov yfyOIlE, KaL TOUlVn} OVK £Tt 1TfHXTT~ET4L. K4L £V -riuL 7 7 But among all the children oC Israel eha1l - • - 'I ' \. 'l: ' - \ .' _ • _ ~ , not a do_s BIlBJ'1 with his tongue, eithel:o at TOL~ VLOt> up4'J"" ov ypv,.n KVIIII' ru ylUJXTorJ 4VTOV, 1l'lrO

man or beast; that tho~ ma.Jes~ know how d.v8~v ~ws~' O~ £ioii~ aua rapa.Ooeau" Kvpcos wide a distinction the Lord will make be. &.vo. p.W-ov TWV AlY"'"LwI' KaL TOU 'lup4~>"" Kal KaTa{3~ ... rovrw. 8

tween the Egyptians and hrael. • And all _~_~'"'' .,-

tbese thy eenants ahall come down to me, mIvr(S ot '"'-'o(S UOV OvroL 7rpOS P.E, 1C4L 7rpoa-KVVr1uovul pA,

and do me J'eTenmoe, lIBying, Go forth,.thou AfyOVTES, ztEAlJE oil. lCaL ".as ~ A..os uov, at oil d.q,'J'Yij' leal andallth.~overwhomthoupremdest, ,,-:. T"Vra ll:..\-~-OllllL" It::!>JJ( OE M~~ tt->""",-.~. 11I'P4'

andaft.erwanlSIwillgoforth. 'A.ndMoaes r+-> ~ ~vu,.--- '0', --_.,' HV ~"""""r-'

went forth from Pharao with Wl'8th. And tbe 6vf-Wu. ET7TE o~ Kvpcos r.Pc}i MIII1JCrijI', OVIC dUIlICOWET4L 9 Lord lIBid to MOtIe8, Pharao will not hearken vp.Wv ~, 'I'a 1rA."o.Ivw1' 7rA'J8vr.-W f-WV TO. U'T/p.EI.a., leal TO.

~J'~~!1'~I~h~~I;i:~mIo~g TtpaTa £V -tV Al~. MlIlvcriji O( lCal 'AapWl' l7ToL'JCTWI 10

Moseeand Aaron wrouglltall th_signsand ran-a TO. n-nP.EI.a. lCaL TO. T(pa.Ta TaVra £V -vn Al-vt~., WavTWV

wonders in the land of .Egypt before l'harao; - ., , " , _ ... T

and the Lord hardened the heart of Pharao, ~. lUICA~PW( 8£ KvpL~ nil' KopOW.1' 4>~. lCal olllC

and he did not hearken to eend forth the dmllCoVCTEV lea'lTOCTTEiAcu TO~ VW~ 1UP4':'1 lK ."m.

children oC Israel out of the land of Egypt."" , .,.

And the Lord spoke to Moaee and Aaron AlyVnav. in the land of Emt, ~1i;ng, I'fhis month

.lIall btl to you tJie ~ of months: it El1l'E OE Kvpcos ".~ l\llIlvcrijl' Kal 'Aa";"v £V Yii AlyV7rTov, 12

is the first to you among the montha of the Aiywl', Ii p.;'1' ~ v,iiv &.pm p..".,wri· 1rpCjrr~ lUTW vp:il' & 2

year 18~ to all the congregation oC the, ,

children of Israel, lIBying, On the tenth of TO~ P.7JCTL TOU o.L4VTOU. AO>.7JuoI' 1rpOi wUuav CTVI'~ 3

this month let them take each man a lllamb VWI' 1CTp4;'A. Aeywv, Tfi OEK&.ru roii JL'J~ TOVrov Aa/3Crt.KrWl

~~ ~t!b fo~u~ ho!~~t~T:i U~ 1rp/JflaTOI' lCaT' oLcOVi 7r4TP&i;w, l~ 7rp/J{JaTov if they be few in a heusehold, eo tbat there ICO.T' olKlo.v. 'Eal' O€ OALyourol ~w & Tfi olKltf, ~ p.;' 4 are not enough lor the lamb, he ehall take Elvw Uc~ E~ 7rPOt:!-TOI', uvM":"'n'4L 111(/ laVToV TOI'

witb himaelf his neighbour that lives near tJU' .".,,..-

to bim,-88 to the number of eoula, every -yEiTON ,.01' 7r>"7JCTLOV awoiJ· lCaTo. &.pL8p.Ov !frvxW1'.llC~ TO

one accordinl to that which lIUlBoee him .!-- - • - .a.:» ,~t:! n ta: '\ - 5

shall make a reckoning for the lamb. 'It "'f"'0W 4""lJ uwapwJLfJUET4L E'i 1I'po,.,aTOil. po,.,...TOV TEI\AfLOV,

shall be to you a lamb unblemished, a male Iipo-EV, El'uWuUJV iUT4L vJ-Uv· d.,.-o riW &.pvOw leal TWv EpLq,of a year old: re•hall take it of the lambs A':"'-u8E. Kal iUT4L vp:iv OUlTfTTJprJP.I:voV ~~ .,.m. TEITCTRnI(T. 6

and the kids. & .And it shall be kept by you rrr= . .,' +r :

till the fourteenth of this month, and all IC4L&K&.~ TOU JL~ TOtInnr lCal CT~VCTW 4~ .".a,. TO the multitude oC the ~~_sregation of the 7r~ ~ VWI' 'lup4VA 7r~ lU7r(p4V. Kal A~,;oVTaL 7

children of Iaraelshall kill it towvd even· _', -. 'a.!-_ -'---' - ~.' _ _il ,

ing. 7.And the,. shall take of the blood,and "'ITO TOV 4tp.4TOi. ICIlL v,{Uv""LV ...... t TIIlI' avo UT_p.W1' IC4L brl

sh&ll put it on the two door.poets, and on n,.. ~, b Toii oLco'i £V ali lo.l' ~'" 4Wo. & 4l1Toii. the lintel, in the h01llleB in whien BOeVer Kal ~"OVT4L ,u .. "ia ...n 1IV1CT1 TaJ,." Or-ra ....... 1, Kal 1!"v,ur. 8

they shall eat them. • .And they shall eat '1"'", . .,... " _ . u .. rr: ~. r-

the flesh in this night roaet with fire, and brl frUCpl&u1' ~ Oll" 1&u8( &11" aiJn';w ';'p.Ov, 008£ 9

they ahall eat unleavened breatl with bitter :",_..Jw... b 1!IiaTl. s»: A om rvpl, ICE""- l'w oiJv TOLi 'ITOUl

herbe. 'Ye shall not eat of it raw nor ',.,"Ir" -"1 ..".... •. ,

sodden in water, but oul_,. roaat with fire. leal TaLS b&u8Wti. Oll" d.'ITOMf..;ET4L J7r' 4WoV lws .".poit. 1 0 the head with the feet and the a_ppurteDan. lCal OOrow 00 UVl'Tpl';ETE d.7r' 4l!roiJ· TO. O€ ICIlTIIAEL"'Op.&a d.",'

00II. 10 N othing_ ehaJl be left of it till the ~ •

morning. and a bone of it 1e &han not break ; 4l!roiJ ~ 7rPlll' w rvpl KaTlllCaWn'E. OVTlll 8£ q,a,yEu8E awo' 11 but that which is left of lt till the mo~ at lxrtpVE<; "1'.;;)1' 7rEPLE'lIlfTp.Oxu, leal TO. inroOr/p.4Ta £V TO~

~: ::R : ~ 1:~s~:t.::d ~;!r IIBn' 'ITOOiv "p,Wv, leal at /3o.KTf]p{4L lv "ui XEpO"W Vp,Wv' lCa~ I&u& dais on your feet, ana your stave. m your allTO /UTa ~. Dtiuxa iUT~ Kvp~. Kal OLEAnXTOp.aL 12 hauds, r.nd.,.e ehall eat it in haete. It is a & -vn,' £v...n IIVICTL T4 ....... lCal 'If'ClTt!tw nl' 7T""ww:..OICOV

p&88OVer to the Lord. lI.And I will go '" , _ ... , . u .. u r+» _.

throU8h the land of Egypt in that niglit! b -tV Al~ d.w o...6ptfnrov i~ Kn7v0Vi' leal & -riu, TOli

and will emits every flnt-born in the lina n , - ~ A" , '1 lI.!_ J.M~' K'

ofE~ both man and beaat,and on all the V<lO'i 'nIlV 'Y"'"1.I1lV 'ITOL7JCTOJ '"'" ~1C""""f'T1.II" <r« VpLOi.

ltociaofE'Wtwilllexecute!eI.!panoe: I!"". KaL £aTCU TO otp.a Vp.t'Y b U'T/P.E~ brl Tc';1I' olK&i;w. £V art; 13 the Lord. And the blood shall be fOrBBlID V"'li lUTE lICEL' lCal ot{t0'fUU TO afp.a. K41 ITlCtttluw vp.a<;, on the h01llleB in which ye are, and I r+ t:!

will see the blood, and willl1rotect .J0u, and "at OlJlC £UT4L b "p.iv rAm TOU llCTp,,.,~IIClL, ~II ra.1w b-tV there&hallnotbeonyouthel1lB«11eofdest;ruo. Al-v.""'"

tion, when I 'Yemits in the land of Egypt. =s>: • "

14Andthiada,.ehaJlbetoyouamemorial K'· •• , .. a· ...... ,,,,,",,, '" 1.

and TIl ahall keep it a feaet to the Lold 4L E(TTat TJ TJp.Ep4 Vp.Lr v .. , p.V7Jr---'ov, ICIlI. (opmuETE ..

throUsh all your leDerations; ye ehall 4Vrfrv EOpT1Jv KlIp~ Eli r&a-ai Tai -yEVfa<; Vp.WV· VOP-'IUW



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ExODUB xn. 15-31.

keep it a feast for & perpetual ordinance. U Seven days ye shall eat unleavened bread, and from the first day ye shall utterly remove leaTen from your houses . whoever shall eat leaven, that soul shall be utterly destroyed from Israel, from the first day uutil tbe eeventh day. JG And the first day shall be called holy, and the eeventh ~1' shall be & "holy convocation to you: ye IIh&Il do no servile work on them, only &8 many thinp &8 will fie_am, be done by evf/r1 soul, this only shall be done by you. 11 And ye shall keep this commandment, for on this day will I bring out your force out of the land of Egypt i and ye shall thU day & perpetual ordinance for you throughOut your generatioJl8. 18 Beginning the four. teenth day of the first month, ve shall eat unleavened bread from evening, till the twenty·first day. of the month, till evening. IJ Seven days leaven shall not be found in rour ho_; whosoever shall eat anything leavened, that eoul shall be cut oft" from the congregation of Israel, both ~!>ns the 00011' pieri! of the land and the original inhabitants. "Ye shall eat nothing leavened. but in every habitation of yours ye ahaIJ. eat

unleaveDeci bread.

21 'E«&AcUf 8E 'Mh....m., 1I"ciauv "Wnnvulav vWw 'IO"~\, KIl2 11 And MoaN called all the elders of the

--- .,. r=r : 1"'"''''' children of IIIl'&el, and llllid to them, Go

t:t1l"t: 11"~ IlWoW, cl~ES M{Jert: Vf'W IlVroi~ 1I"pO{JIlTOV &way and take to youreelvea & lamb &COOrd. 22 KIlTa ~EW.S VIU":W, Kill BVuaTE ,.o~. A#w6E & ing to your kiudl'eda, and slay the]l&88OVel".

- - I I -- rr=: iii And ye shall take & bunch of h~p, and

OJUf'7J1' VuuWmro, Kill {J~ cl1l"6 "TOV Iltf'ClTOS TOO 1rGpa having dipped itinto some of the blood that np. 8Vpav, KaOteETE ~ cp>..Ui .. , Kill br' clf'</>O'T€pow -ndv O"TaO. is bY'the ailor, ye shall touch the lintel, and

~ ~, ~.. • , "/1_' • ~ t'\ • .Aall f'fIt it uJlC?n both door.posta, even of

,.,.""" 0.11"0 TOV ClI.f'ClTOS 0 fO"T' 'It'OfJ« T7J1' uvpav- vf'E'S O€ OVK the blood which is by the door; but ye

E~u8t: lKClO"TOS np. 8Vpav 'TOV Wcoo IlWoV (WS 1I"po;t. .hall not go out every one from the door of 23 Kal-~\~(..ET(u Kvp'OS 1raT..!~' ToW Al"VU'JrT~, Kill o.I'ero.t his house till the morning. :18 And theLord

H "'F'~~ ~ t r : - '1' shall pasa by to smite the Egyptians, and

'TO Il~ br2 ~ </>>..Ui s , KIl2 hI clp.</>OT€POW TWV rrroIJ,."wv· Kill shall see the blood upon the lintel, and upo~ _~I\ ~~ K ' 'LP "~.k ' ,.~ - both the door.posts; and the Lord ahall

~A"'F'''"'UU('T(U vp'OS T7J1' ovpo», KIl' OVK o.'YTfT(t TOV 01\.0- pass by the dooe, and shall not sWfer the

24 8pn'OllTCl flut:A8ii.v El~ ns olKla~ Vp.WV1I"UT&em. Kill </>vNUau8E destroyer to enter into your houaes to lllllite

,.~ ~, ~, ~ • ~ .,~ Slow. "And k~_ ye this thing &8 an ordi·

'TO f17If'Cl 'TOV'TO VOf''f'OJ! O"faVTlf', Kilt TOt~ VtO'S 0'00, t:ws CWIIIIOS. nanoe for thyself and for thy children for

25 'EcI.v 8E t:lu~E t:ls np. -yiiv, ~ &v ~ Kvp'OS vp.'iv, KaOon ever. -And if ye should enter into the 26 D..OATfT£, </>vNibw8c np. M.Tpt:W.V 'l'G.VTT,v. Kill lO"TCll. lav land, which the Lord shall give you, &8 he

, • ., • ~ ,. v ; '. , has spoken, k8!'P this service. 16 And it ahaU

27 AE)'fOO" 11"~ v,.,.o.~ Ot VtOt vp.tJ1V, 'T'" 7] IWoTP'tCl 1l'V'T7J; Kilt come to pass, ifyourSOD8!Bf_toyOn, What

Ipt:LTf IlWOL~, 8vula 'TO 1I"&.oxa TOVTO Kvptce, ~ lUKbra.crt: TOi>s is this aerrice P ~ that ye.ha.1l .y to them, oUcovs -ndv vWw 'Iu~A b A~, .qvUca. br&.roef 'Toi>s Thi. J!III89Ver is & sacrifice to the Lord, &8

, t',. • •• , ". he defended the houses of the children of

Al)'V'Ir"TWvs, TOU<; DE oucovs 7],."wv IppVO"ClTO' KIl£ ICI1t/fo.s 0 Mas I~l in Emt, when he smote the EID'P"

28 1I"potTflCl1vrpf. Kill cl1l",A8ol'1"£s brolTfTllv 01 viol'Iupat,A, KU80. =ieb~::!tv= ~~~~ fjj 1:1 ::

EverED..a.TO KvptOS oni' MIJ1I1f7jj Kill 'Aa.p4iw, oms l7l'OlTfTClJI. , children of llll'&el departed and did &8 the

Lord commanded Moses and Aaron, so did ther,

"8And it came topasa at midnight that the Lord smote all the first-bom in the land of Egypt, from the first-bom of Pharao that sat on the throne, to the first- born of the captive-maid in the dungeon, and the firstbom of all cattle. 1II And Pharao rose up by night, and his servants, and all the Egyp. tians; snd there was & great cry in all the land of Egypt, for there was not & house in which there W&8 not one dead. &lAnd Pharao called Moses and Aaron by night. and oaid to them, Rise and depart from my people, both ye and the children of Israel.

15 tW.Wwv 10por&.uET( Il~. "ErTa .q,upas ~vf'a lOcu8E' cbro 8E '"Ii .qp.ipa.<; ~ 'lrpW-rrp;. clcpa.vtELT£ '';f'7J1' fK TWv ounwv v,."wv- 1I"iis ~ Av rpara 'vf'7J1', l~o>..08p£vfH,uETCll. .q !froxiIlKEllI7J l~ 'Iupat,A, cl1l"O '"I. .qf'lpo.s '"is 11"~ lws ~ .qf'lpo.s '"Iv 1{J86f'v;.

16 Kill .q .qf'lpll.q 1I"pWrq, KA~ d-yla· KIll.q .qp.ipa.q ~{J86f'7], KA.",v O:ylo. lO"To.t v,.uv- ...av q,..{Ov M.TPt:V'TOV 0;' 'll"otJ]uer( b o.Wo.L~, 1I"AY,v 00-11 1I"O,."e;,uETCll. r.&.o-o t/fvxB, TOVTO p.Ovov 11"0'7]' 1 7 9I,UETClI. vp.'iv. KIl2 </>vNlbn np. lvroXY,v 'l'G.VrrJr b -yap Tfj .qf'~ 'TIlWv ~ np. 8Wap.tJI v,.,.wv fK y77~ Aly6n-ov, Kill

, "C I , • "C'.... ,

1I"otTfTfTt: T7J1' f1f'EpC1J1 'TClVT7J1' Et~ ')'t:I't:1l~ vp.tJ1V vOf'I.p.OV

1 8 tW.WtOV, bta.px6f'PIOI. Tfj 'TEUUC1pECTKa&MK&'TV .qf'ipq. 'TOV f'7J1'6s TOV 'If'pW-roo, cl</>' lcnripas (8t:u8, ~vf'Cl. iws .qp1pa.~

19 f'w.s Kill ,lK&.Bos 'TOV f'7J1'6s, (~~cnrlpo.s. 'Em-a .qf'fpo.~

'vf'7] 00c WPEfH,ut:TClt b TClI.i OUc&aL~ v,.,.wv- ns ~ Av q,O.Y!1 ,Vf'wrov, UO>..08pe:v8{,crETClI. .q !froxiIlKE[1I7J EK 0"WCl~ 20 'Iupa7}.\· iv TE 'Tois "Yfuf,pa.r.s. Kal Ilw0x8OU' ~ -yYis. IIiiv 'vp.camW O;'K lOcu8E, b 1I"1ll'1"l 8E KaTOUC1fT7JM v,."wv lOtU8E a.tvp.a.

29 'E-y~ 8E f'EuoVcrr,s ~ JlVKTOs, Ko.l K';p'OS br&'Tai, nv rporroToKoV b yjj Al~, Ii'lf'o 1I"fH'"OTOKoo ~~ TOV KaDr,f'hmv l1I"2 TOO 8pOJIOV, iws 1I"fH'"O'TOKOV ~ o.lxp.o.)..wTl&r; T7j~

30 b oni' NhcK'I?, Kill iws 'If'P_OTOKoo 1I"UVTOs~. Ko.l

~~ ~ VVICTDi, #Ca.t ol 8E.pO.'lf'fJVTEt; ain-ov, lea., wrlvr€~ ol A l."t"1lTtOt, Ko.2 eywllfr/ Kpavyt, p.ey0A7] Iv 'If't1rT"[] yjj Al~· 31 ob -yQp ~ OlKW., bt -n OUI( ~v b awy 'T(tlVYJKW~. KIl2 lK&AcU£ 4>a.ptW MIII1XT71v Kill 'AllpWv JlVKTO~, KU' fI1I"W o.l'TO;:~, Iiv&.o-rr,T£, Kal l~iA8a:rf IK TOO MoV ,.,.av, Kill. Vf'EL~, Kill 01 v102 'ICTpa~X'

fJ (Jr. ~ hoIJ'.

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Go and Bel"t'e the Lord TOur God, even as ye say. &I And take with you your sheep, and your oxen . bless me also, 1 pray you. :a And the Egyptians constrained the people, so that they cut them out of the lana with haste, for they IBid, We all shall die. III And the people took their dough before their t'me8l was leavened. bound up fU it tofU in their lIIU"IIlents. on their shoulders. a And the children of Israel did as Moses commanded them. and they asked of the Egy)lt.ians articles of silver and gold and apparel. • And the Lord gave his peo:r1e favour in the sight of the Egyptians, an they lent to them; and theYBJlOiled the Egrptiana.

i1 And the children of Israel "I deua.rted from Ramesses to Socchoth\ to tkef.U _ .. - her of six hundred thoWlaDQ footmen, even

men, besides the baggage. -And a great 'A'lrUpaVT(s 8t vlol ·IO'p41J.\ lK 'P~t:O'0i7 £l~ ~ICX~O fZS 37

mised COfIIJIGIIr went up with them and u__ , '<'_ • l'

sheeJlandoxenandverymuchcattle. -And ~00'ta.~ XLAUloa.~ 'Ir£{Wv, 01 al'Op£s, 'Ir.\1J1' ri1~ d.'IrOO'IC~.

they,baked the dough which they brought Kal ml~ 'lroAW uwal'i{37J aUrmi, lCal 'lrpO{3aro., lCal 38 out of Emt. unleavened cakes. for it liad {36t:~, lCul ~ r.o.\.\a O'..L.!_~--. Kal br~"al' TO anU~ ~ 39

not been leavened; for the Egyptians cast .•. '1' '1 'f'V"I"" ''t' '

them out, and they could not remain,neither le-rJvrylCav Ie Alymov, £yKPV</>ta.~ d.{V/L~, 00 -yap ICvp.W8rr

i!~ :~:10~ ~1..~ot~efo.!,j~:v:r Ui{3aAaJI -yap aUro~ 01 AlymWL, lCal OliK ~8~~al' bTL/Lii-

the children ofJ srael, a while they sojourned l'aL, oMt mLO'LTLO'/LOI' mO{7J0'av EaVToL~ d~ ~ 0861'. 'H 8t 40 in the land of Egypt and the limd ofOha- lCaTolJc-qcrL~ ,.wI' vlWv 'I0'p41J.\, ~v lCaT_.' 'TJO'av II' 'YlJ- Al."J".,..,.., naan, _ four hundred and thirty years. 1 - -- • ,

41 And it came to pe,as afterthefourhundred lCal II' yO Xavaav, In] TfTpaK(XTLa TPuUcOVTa. Kal £yWfTO 41 and thirtY years, all the forces of the Lord /LfTa. TO. T(TPG.ICOuUJ. TpuUcOl'Ta &7J, l~.\6£ 'll"aua; 8~L~

came forth out of the land of E.BYJIt by, , 'n l_ ~ ,

night. entis a watch kept to the LoM, so Kvpwv EIC -yrj~ Ai"fV'lrTOv I'VICT~. POCPV'~., (O'TL Ttj) KVP"ll,42

that he should bring them out of the land c:'xn-E ito.-yaj'fLV aUro~ EIC ~ Aiymov· EICI{V7J 7} we ailrq,

of Emt; ~ very night i, a watch kept 'Ir.....l,l!l_~ Kvpfn>, c:'xn-f 71'auL TOi.~ vwi.~ 'IO'nn_nA ,Il'aL £:~

to tile Lord, so that it shonld be to all the I"'''t' ........ '1 -, •• r+» .,

children of Israel to their generationa. -yfl'fa.~ aUrwl'. EI'll"f 8( Kvp~ 'Ir~ MCJI1X1'i1v lCal 'Aap(.w,43 GAud the Lord IBid to M~ and Aaron, o~ II vOJI~ TOV 'II".kva. 'll"as ,eu_~.:.,. olilC ;&nu ~'Ir'

This is the law of the passover, no strauger r+» --,,- ~-~" •• "

,hall eat of it. .. And every slave or servant aUrov. Kal 'll"cfvTa olKin,v ~ clpyupWvqTUI' 'II"'PLTff'£i~ aUr6v· 44 boulht with money-him thou ,halt cir- lCa~,.o,.f cpo:"rraL cl'lr' aUrov. nOpouc~ ~ /Lu:r6w-r0~ OVIC ;8fTat 45

cumeise, and then ahall he eat of it. CiA 1.-'

IIOjourner or hirelin~ ,hall not eat of it. cl'lr' aUrov. 'EI' olK~ #Wf {:Jpwf}iJUtTa ... lCal 001C EeoW-fTf EIC T7jc; 46

451n one house ahallit be eaten, and ye ahall olKta.~,.wv IC(KWI' Uw' lCal Oo-row oli O'VVTp/.tfrfTE clll" awov.

not carry of the Jiesh out from the hO~i ' " , \ ' "" ~ , 8

'and a bone of it ye ,hall not break. q ALl niiua O'Wa"'f"YY'l Vulll' IO'pa"l/\ 'IrOL'TJO't:L aVTO. Eal' Of TLS 47, 4

the cougreption of the children of Israel 'll"pOO'u..1J-o 'II"~ v,u;.~ 71'POO liAVT~ 'lrOt;pat ,.0 'lraaxa KvPlce,

ahall keep it. 48 And if any proselyte ahall -, - ~, , " _ \ ' -

come to you to keep the passover to the 'lrfPLTff'£t~ aVTOV 'll"al' a.pcrfl'LI(OI', lCat TOTE 'll"pOO'EJ\f1XTfTat 'll"oLTJ-

Lord, thou ahalt circumcise eTery male of O'aL aUro' lCal mat f:xnrfP ICW 0 aUrox.8fIW T7jc;~. 'll"u~

him, and then ahall he approach to IIIICll"illce.' • .<' -- " , ~ N' •• -, 49

it. and he ahall be even as the original inha- 4'1rCPLT/L7JT~ OVIC fOfTat a7l' avrov. 0/L~ f~ fO'TaL TIf' C"fX!"-

bitantof the land; no uneircumciiled penon Plce, lCal 'I"tj) 'lrpOO'f.\60I'TL 'lrpou7J.\VTIf' II' vp:il'. Kal bro{7J0'aV 50 ahall ea~ of it. • 'l'here ahall be one law: to ol vwl ·IO'pa~.\ lCaOa. Wu£lAa.TO Kvp~ 'I"tj) Mwvcrfi lCa~ 'A~

the native, and to the J)nlIIelyte commjl' , ., • " K ' " • -., , , 51

amoug you. to And the children of Israel 'Ir~ aVTOW, OVT~ f'lrOL'TJO'al'. at ryfVfTo fl'T'lJ 7J/Lf£Hf £Kft"?1,

did as the Lord co~ded M~ and • Ema-yf Kvp~ TO~ vw~ 'IO'pa~.\ (IC -yrj~ Aiymov 0111' 8wcf.

.Aaron for them, so they did. II And It came , ~

to pass in that day that the Lord bronsht f'CL allTCJJl'. out the children of Israel from the land of

Egypt With their forces.

And the Lord apoke to MOles. .yinl, 2 A Sanctify to me every first-born. first ~ dueed, oJl8Il4lIJ every womb among the children of Israel both of man and beUt: it is mine. 3 And Moses IBid to the people. Remember this day. in which ye came forth out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage, for with a stronl hand the Lord bro1il!ht you forth thence; and leaven ,hall not be eaten. 4 For on this day ye 10

(3aUf.fT( lCal MTpt:VO'aT( Kvp~ 'I"tj) 0Etj) V/Lb"', lCa()a. >"t-yfTE. Ka~ Ta. 'll"po{3aTa ICW TO~ {3oos V~I' dl'aAa{3ol'Tt:> 71'OPWEO'()f' 32 t:li.\oyJ1O'aT£ ~ IC~/L(. Kal lCaT£{3ufJ;OI'TO 01 AlymwL TOI' 33 MOl' O"IrOvSV EIC{3aAiil' aUro~ II' T7jc;~. ,111'41' -yap, 0'" 'll"al'TfS ;/L£L> clll'o8vip-ICO/Lfl'. ' AI'(.\a{3f 8t 0 MOS TO O'Tai~ 34 aUrwv, r.p(J TOU CVfI-CJJ617l'at 'Ta. cpvpa/LaTa alrrWv, lv&8fp.Wa

II' TOi.c; l~TtoL" aUrwv (11'1. TWI' iJJfl-CJJl'. 01 8( vwl 'IO'pa1JA 35 l'lrol'TJO'al', lCa()a. uw&a.tfl' aUroL~ MIIIVU'i7~, lCal VT'TJO'o,v 'll"apa. TWI' Al-yvr.Ttwv O'ICWq clpyupa leal )(pvuu. Kal 1.p.aTLO'p.Ol'. Kal 36 ;&'lCf Kvp~ ~ XclpW 'T<i' .\a.4> aUrov (val'TtOI' TWI' Al"'fV'"'u"v, lCa~ Z)(P'1JO'al' aUro,s' lCal. (O'KVMvuo,v TO~ Al-yvr.Tlo~.

E17l'£ 8( Kvpws 71'~ Mwv0i7I', AtyWV, Q.-yla.uOI' f'OL m 13 'lrpwrcYrOICOI' 'lrpwrO')"l'(~ &aI'O'"f01' 'll"uO'al' /LVrpav IV TOLS vwi.~ 2 '10'p41JA a7l'0 clvOp<fnrov ~~ Kn7v0W, E/LO{ IO'TLI'. EI'll"f 8E 3 M~ 'll"pO~ TOV MOl', /LV7Jf'OI'OOf ~I' ;/A.£po.v TaVnpr. lvV ;_e-qA()aT( (IC ~ Aiymov, ie oUcov &VMla~· II' -yap Xf&pl ICp4TaUj. Ema-y(1' v,u;.~ Kvp~ lvTE1i8f1" lCal OV {3pwlH,ufTCU {v/L7J. 'Ev -yap Tjj crqf'£pOV vf'£V; f.lC'IropMcr6f II' /L'TJI'l TWV 4

IJ Or. lamPl or IDeal.

c ....... -. 10 be ~ .... for ." IDatMd or·.beD he ....... bl,· Ole. ~ LIIko I. II.

T Gr. bariDc cIepo.rtcd. ~ Or •• biob.


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EXODUS X ill. 5-22.

5 "lfIW. Kal CaTIU 7JIIUC4 Eo.V Ei.J1'4ya.rn 11'£ KVpux A 0f6~ I1'OV forth in the month of new coni. I ADd it

, , , , , shall come to pass when the Lord thy God

£Li n,v ri" TWv XaJlW'lllfll", lCat XnTCWIJ", ICIU Ap.oppo.u,w, 1C4L shall have brouRht thee into the land of the EVa1c.w, 1C41 'If{3ovucW"", lCal r£P')'£I1'cW.w, 1C4~ ipfpf{alm", ~" Chananites, and the Chettites, and Amor· • ,~_ ~, ~. r -', _ ,itea, and Evites, and Jebusites, and Gerges. fIIP.OIT£ TOLi 7ro.Tp4IT& 11'0V, OO~'VIU 11'0& Y"1" P(OVU4" yf1.lW. lCat iteB. and Pherezites, which he sware to thy

6 p.JJu.. lCal "ll"Onp£ti n,v M.TpW." T4Vrrp- (y on;; p.7JII1. TO~. "E, fathers to give thee, a land Sowing with ';'U:nai E&u6£ !!I'VII1J, .,.;; BE 7]' u: len .,.;; ~/JS..!ILYI io""';' Kv'Plov• milk and hone~l ~hat thou shalt perform ., r: ...-- ~ r+ . u .,.... - u fJVUr;, r: •• , this service in uris month. 'Six iiays ye

j ·A{vp.4 clKu6f mo. .qp.lpa.~ aUlC oq,6tjunul 11'0& {Vp.t8TO", 0{,8f shall eat unleavened bread. and on the 8 caTln I1'm {VILYI (y "ll"Gu& TO'i Aplo&~ 11'0V. K41 clV4yy~ti N, seventh day is a feast to the Lord. 7Seven

,., daysshallye eat unleavened bread; nothing

vU;; 11'011 (y Tjj .qAA EICU"T/, >..eyuw, 814 TOVrO E"II"olf/IT£ Kvpwi leavened shall be seen with thee, neither 9 A @E~ p.ot, ~ Uarop€V6p.7JII E~ Mymov. Kal CuT4& 11'0t shalt thou have leaven in all thy borden.

, , '() 8 And thou shalt tell thy eon in that day,

U7Jp.EWv brl ~ }(E~ 11'011, 1Ca.t p.V7]p.ouvvo" "ll"PO oq, aApi.J" saying, Therefore the Lord tldealt thus with

11'0V, ~ &v yWrrra.t ~ VO~ Kvplov (y on;; ITTOp.4T[ 11'011' lv ~e\~ 1 was going out of Egypt. • ADd it

, , ~ Jt.!..._.' K ' ,""-'.t: A' , SIl&l1 be to thee a sign upon thy hand and a

yap Xnpt 1Cp4TOA1f .... ,,...yf 11'£ vpcoi 0 """Oi"~ t'}'ll'llTOv. memorial before thUieeyes, thatthelawof the

10 Kal q,vJ...&b.cr8( TOV vap.oY TOVrO" 1C4To. ICa.tpO~ wpWv, 4q,' Lord mal be p!. th.! mouth, for with a strong

';"11"'~'" eli ';'.J"..". hand the Lord GodbroughttheeoutofEgypt.

·,r-r--- .,r-r--' 10 And preserve ye this law acoording to the

times of the aeaaons, or £rom year to :sear.

11 Kal Cf7Tllt ~ &11 (wo.yaY'[) I1'f Kvp~ b 0(~ 11'011 e~ II And it shall oome to p888 when the

rt,v W TWv X4"4"a.Wv, 3v TpOr.o" ~p.OIT£ TOLi "ll"4Tpcfcr& Lord thy God shall bring thee into the

, ~,_ "K' '..I..\.~ ~ e.. ~ laud of the Chanaui~ as he sware to

1211'011, lCat ooxT(t 11'0t 4VT7fV. 4t a.,......~ "11"41' otaVOtyu" thy fathers. and shall give it thee, 12that

P..frrp4I1, TO. cipufVuca on;; Kvp~' "ll"iiv 8t4VOLYU" p.r"p4V EIC thou shalt' set apart every aff6f!t"itlf open.

/J , !_ ~ J... ~ " .,," , ing the womb, the males to tIie ~ ev~

,..OVICOIU.WV "1 U TO&> 1CT7[V(11'& I1'OV, 0IT4 e4V YfV7JTo.& 11'0&, T4 'one that opens the womb out of the herds

13 cipufVuca dy&liun, T~ Kvp~. TIiiv 8",,,oLyov p.r"pa.Y ~vov, or among thy cattle, as many as thou shalt .!\\.!t:(ti "II"",,/JaTfll,' 10." 8E u;, .uuG-., AVT~ 4WO' "ll"iiv have: th:ou8halt IIIUlCtifythe males to the ~. ,..-,.. rr» "''''''"'''[1'> ,..--- iI Lord. 13 Every aff."nnct=ning the womb

147/'PfIITOTolCov clv6"wrov TWv vlbw 11'0V Avrtxfxry. 'EO." 8f of the &88 thou ib&lt e for a sh~;

l",.~ 11'( ~ v~ 11'011 P.£T0. 7UVr4, u._._., Tl ToVrO; 1C4L and if thou wilt not change it, thou shalt r+ .. ,- u , .. T"'V redeem it: every first-born of man of thy

Ep£i.~ 4wcii, on lv XEtpl I(p4To.~ It Vya)'£v Kvp~ .qp.O,i f.K eona shalt thou redeem. 14 And if thy eon

15 ~ AlyVnTov, U oUcov 8ovMUt,. 'H"lK4 8E lI1'KA~PWf should ask thee hereafter, saying. What ia

e: " r , this P then thou .halt say to hiln, With a.

~ E~"II"OITTE'iAa& "1p.O,i, 4"11"ElCTflV( "ll"ii" "II"{IfIITOTOICO" lv "rii strong hand the Lord brought us out of

AlyVnT'I', 4"11"0 "ll"PfIITOTOlCfIW clv6~v lflli "ll"PfIITOTOICfII" ICT7JVw,,' Egypt ..... out of the house of bondage. 16 And ~ , , 6' ~ ~ , " ,~ when rharao hardened Au Juarl 60 IU fIOt 0'" TOVro (yfII VfII "ll"iiv o","Otyo" p.7}Tp4", TO. apIT£VUC4 T'l' to send us away, he slew every flnt- born

Kvp~, lCal "ll"ii" "ll"PfIITOTOKOV TWV vlbw p.fYU Avrp4Top.a.t. in the land of Egypt. both the first-born

16 Kal (O'Ta.t EL, ,",II.#LO" brl"';;" Xf.nk 11'0V, lCal IW-aAan-O" "ll"PO' of man and the first-born of beast; there-

- .,,- .. ,. ....-. fore do I sacrifice every oJfqwiflg that opens

~" "11'011' Ev yap XftpL ICP4-rcuy. E~yl 11'£ Kvp~ Et the womb, the males to tlie Lord,and tn:err

A first-born of my eona I will redeem. 11 And

&ytnrTov. it shall be for a sign npon thy hand, and Im-

17 'o_~' 11:_' - ~ - A\._ ' , , _l__ '.!~_ ". movable before thine eyes, for with a strong

.~ Of ~1RITT("'" ...... paw TO" 1W.fW, OVX ~., 1'1" fV 4VTOVi 0 hand the Lord bro1ll!ht thee out of Egypt.

@E~ 080" ~ i!>uA&1TT&(4t, On ~ ~. ,,1"11"£ "yap b 0(~, 11 And when Pbarao sent forth the ~

u~ 1U"r""u\':""" N, 'Aaid. l&lVTt 7rOA(unv, 1C4L a"ll"OlTTpl"~ me. God led them not by the way of the r=r: _. - r=: . ..."......,- u rr:: "t':t lanil of the Ph!liatinee, heCa.use it was near ;

18 ds Ai"}'II"Tov. Kal EKVICNoo-€V ~ 0f~ TO" 'AaO" b&v n,v for God said, Lest at any time the people

, ,. "l 6' 6-" -- , H ~ l"epent when they see war, and return to

fli T7fV £P"1p.Dv. ni TTl" Pv pa" W\WT11'4V' 7/'(P.""71 O€ Y£v"9- Egypt. 18 ADd God led the people round by

19 c1vl{3f/IT4" 01 vw, 'll1'p47,A IIC ~ ALyVnTov .. Kal :>.a{3E the way to the wilderness, to the Red Sea:

M~ TO. dUTii 'Iwur,cp P.E(/ ~aVTOU' oPIC'I' yap ~pICW£V TO~ and in the 1!fth generation the children of

1 ..__" I srael went up out of the land of EI!YJlt.

vlo~ 11'p47,A, 'A.fyfIIv, ...... WlCon1J f"II"WlCapfTat vp.iii KvplOi, ~ ADd Moses took the bones of Joseph WIth

lCaL CTVVO.VOW£T€ p.ov TO. dUTii lVTru6£v p.EfI vp.wv. him, for he had eolemnly adjured the chilo dren of Israel, saying, God will snreiy visit

20 'Et~(~ Sf 0' vwl 111'po.7,A tIC ~I(X~/J, ElTTpo.TO"II"E'8€VIT4V ~~ ~~:e shall carry up my bones hence 21 (y 'O{Jwp. 'lrapa np. CP7Jp.o". '0 BE @EOi TJyftTO 4in-w", :lOAnd thechildrenofIsraeldll1J&l"tedf'rom ';'1L:eni 'Lo. E" I1'TV1.·· "f.pEA7Ji, 8Eitel& 4WOtS TiN bUll' .nw Socchoth, and encamped in Othom by the

nr+r+: ,."t" ,- ··r wilderness. :nAnd GOd led them,in the day

22 Sf vVICT4 (y m~ "ll"Vpo". OVIC E~E>u."II"£V oE b m~ nj.. by a ;pillar of cloud, to show them the way.,.

..I. 'A; ., ,. '~~ , " , ~ and m the night by a pillar of fire. :I Ana

,,£.,..~ "1' "I'!'(p4" 1C4L 0 ITTV TOV "ll"Vpoi VVICTO', €VaVTID" TOV the pillar of cloud failed not by day. nor the

M.OV 7ro.VTO'. pillar of fire by night, before all the people.

/J Gr. cIId 1111111 to me.

,. Gr. frow day. to daIr.. H.IIra~

a Or. eeparale.

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And the Lo~ _~ke to Moses, -:r'ng, : Speak to the children of 1 srael, an let them turn and encamp before the village, between Magdol and the sea, opposite Beeleepphon: before them shalt thou encamp by the __ • And Pharoo will _y to·his people. As for these children of I 1IJ"8el\., they are wandering in the land, for the wudernesa baa shut them in. • And I will harden the heart of Phuaol..and he aball pursue n.Cter them; and I WlJ..l be glori6ed in Pharao, and in all hi, hoat, and all the Egyptiane ahall know that I am the Lord. And they did 80. 'And it was reported to the king of the Egyptians that the people had !led: and the heart of Pharao was turned, Imd that of bis aernnts age.iDat the P8QPle ; and they IlBid, What ia this that we have done, to let the children of Ierael go,80 that they should not llerYe ne? • So Pharao yoked his chariota, and led off all hia people with himeelC: 7having aJao taken eix hundred choeen chariots, and all the cavalry of the Emtiane, and rulers over all HAnd the Lon! hardened the heart of Pharao king of Egypt, and of hie aernnte, and he pursued after the children of Ierael; and the children of Israel went forth with a high hand. • And the Egyptians pursued after them\!'Ild found them encamPed by the _; and au the cavalry and the cliariots of Pharao and the horsemen, and hia host _,. before the village,over againet Beel-~hon. 10 And Pharao ap'proached, and the children of Israel having IJlooked up, beheld, and the J<~gyptians encamped behind them: and they Wtl1'9 very JreBtly terrified, and the children of Israel cried to the Lord; II and said to M98I'S, Beeanse there were no !O"&ves in the land of Egypt, bait thou brought UI forth to alay u in the wildernese? What is this that thou bast done to us, having brought UI out of Egypt PIS] 8 not this the word which we IPQke to thee in Egypt, _yin~, Let ue alone that we may eerve the Eg}'JItl&DI P for it is better for UI to serve the Egyptians than to die in this wildern_.

11 And Moses said to the people, Be of good co~: etand and see the I!IiJvation which is frOm the Lord, which he will work for ne this day; for as 1.e have eeen the Egyptians to-day. ye ,hall see them IIf!IIin 110 more for ever. If The Lord ehall fight for you, and ye ehall holcU_our JINC8. IIAnd the Lord IlBid to MOleS, Wh:r crieet thou to me P IIp8I.It to the children of IIIJ'&el, and let them Y 1JI'O(le8d. 11 And do thou lift up • thy rod, and etretch forth thy hand over the -.. and divide it, and let the children of Israel enter into the midet of the _ on the dJ")' land. 17 And lo! I will harden the heart of Pharao and of all the Egyptian~\ and they ~hall go in after them· and I will be glOMfied upon Pharao, and on all his host, and on his chariots and his horses. 18 And all the EllYPtiane ahall know that I am the Lord, when I am glorified-upon Pharao and upon his chariots and hie horses. Ii And the angel of God that went before the camp of the children of Jerael removed and went behind, and the pillar of the cloud also reo



Kal D.DA7JU( Kvp~ 7rpO" MIInIUi1v, >.lyr.w, AaA:'Ip-0v TOi,.14 vwiro 'Iupa.7IA., leal cl1rOCTTpEym.vr,,. UTpaTOll"E~av o.7rn,- 2

,. .. '\ - I' , M .. ~!'.~-. ,.", ...

allTL -r-q<; f'II'IlVlUOfII'>, ava P.fUOV a T~~U leaL ava P.EUOV .,.".

8~, ieo-aVTlA,. B((MnrqMi)v' m.nrLOV awwv UTpa.T07rf&Vern,. brl 'Ti1ro~. Kal Epli ~ ~ ~ am-ou, 3 01 vwl 'lupa.7]A 7rMNJI'T!U oVTOL Ev Tfi ri, ovr"C""-€uC( -yOp a/n-oW 'I) lpr,~. 'E-yW 8E U""-7JpvvW np. ~v 4>apcW, leal 4 «a~ lurluflJ airr&Jv. lleaf. £v~o,.,.a, b ~, «0.1 EV7rau-o -rU UTpa.Tl'f amw leal -yvWuOVTCU..ttvrev 01 AiyVm-1Ol OTL l-ytf, dl-'L Kvpto'>' leal bro{7JUavoWlII'O. Kal d.vrrrYA7] ~ 5 {Jauwi. TWv Alyurrrt-- UrL 7rJ~ ~ AaO,.. leal p.€TfUTpO.l/nJ

'I) KopalA~, '"" TWv 8Epa7rOVTfJW llin-oV, brl ,.ov M.OV, ml ET7raV, TL ToWO broLYp-ap.W, TOU i~7I'OUTf" TOO,. vZoW 'lupa.7IA., TOU P.7I OOvAMLV ~p-'v; .E{~ oW ~ Tel 6 J.pp.aTa awov, Kal 7rtivTG ,.ov M.OV am-ov UVVUmTya'YE pJ! mwov, leal M{J~ ~Q.I(OuUJ. J.pp.aTO. '''''-fm, leal 7rauav np. 7 l7Ml'Ov,.u,v Alyvrrt--, leal TpLUTaTa,. i7r' 7r&vn.w. Kal 'u""-";- 8 pWE Kvp~ np. KapUo.V ~apcW {Jau')"illl'O AlyVm-oo. Kal TWv 8Epa..".oVTfJW a-inW, leal "aTE~ lnrlUfIJ ,.u,v vIUn.- 'Iupa1}.\·

01 Of vI~ 'Iupa.7IA UE1ropoJovro Ev Xfl(lllJtfrrJ).:O. Kal "GTEOiw- 9 ~v 01 AlyVm-LOL lnrUrIJl awwv, leal Elipouav awo~ '1rO.fXIA-{J,{3A7J"lrra,...-apO. np. 8a.>..anuav· leal 'lTaua ~ l'lMr1l'> Kal Tc\ J.pp.aTa ~, Kal 01 11MrE;:,., leal ~ UTpa.TlA awov o.7I"n,avrL 'Ti1ro maVAEIII'O, Etwa.vrlA,. BEEMnrqMi)v. Kal ~ 'lTPouTryE- 10 leal clv0.{3>"JtjlaVTf" 01 vIol 'Iupat/>.. TOiro ~i,. ~p;;'CTL, Kal

ot AlyVm-LOL EUTpaTO'lTi&vuo.v 07l"UrlJl awWv- leal Ecpo{J¥JrJua.V cnpoopa' d.vE{307]ua.V 8E 01 vwl 'lupa.7I>" 'lTpO" KVpLOV. Kal 11 EI1n1v 7rpOs M~, ' TO I-'7I inrUp)(fW p.v{Jp.aTO. Ev -to Al~, i~'Yfi" ~~,. 8avaTWucu Ev -rU lp~~' T{ TOVTO brol7JUU,. ~p.iv, l~-yayWv U AlyVm-oo; O~ TOUTO ~v TO py/p.a, ] 2 8 lMA.Yp-ap.w 'lTpO" U( Ev Al-yV7rrCf!, Myovrf,., 'lTr1.p£" ~p.O.", aw- OovMVuc,..p.w Toi,. Alyurrrlo.s; KfJCiovov 'YOp ~p.O." OOvMVt:LV TO;:" Alyvrrlo .... , ~ o.7ro8aVEiv Ev -rU 'f»1~ TO.Vru.

EI'ITf 8E M~ 'lTpOs,.ov M.OV,8o.PCTEi.TE. unp-£ leal opU.Tf 13 np. U01r7JploJ, np. ..-apO. TOii Kvplov, ~ 'lTOLYp-" ~p.iv u-qpAPOl'"

Sv TpchroVJZ' EwpOxaT( ToW Alyvrrlovro u-qp.«pov,olJ 'lTp0u(h7-

. ..... \. .. \,.- , , ,

UfuiJE fTL LV all'TOW ",. TOVawva XfXJVOV. Kvp~ 'IrOMP.7JUEL 14

'lTEpl ;,,_,.;;,v, '"" lJp.«iro ULWfTf. Ern 8E KVpwro 7r,m M~, 15 T{ {3oi.s 'lTpOro P.E; MA:quov Tois vwis 'Iupa.7]A. .cal ~EVbf_TCIIUGJI. Kal ail brapov Tij pa.{3~ UOO, leal lKnwov np. 16 XE'ipci uov brl np. 8a.>..anCTO.V, Kal py/~ov aimlv' leal El.uu.8aTfII(Tav 01 viol 'Iupa.7I>" .ie; p1~v 'Ti1ro 8a.M.a-crqs KaTel ,.0 e-"pcSv. Kal iOoil ~ UIC>"'1PvvW np. "apOto.v ~, "a~ ,.u,v Al-yvrru"v 1 7 ...avn.w, IeQt. EUrMruaOV'T(U tn.lcrfJJ awwv- #cal ~OJUlL

Ev ~, leal Ev 'lrauv Tfi OTpaTuf awou, Kal Ev Toi,. J.pP.CUTL,

leal Ev Tois i'lMrots awou. Ka, -yvWuovrcu 7ravrev 01 Al."v,z.,.LOL 18 UrL l-ytf, f1p.~ Kvp~, lvOoto.'op.Evoo pAW Ev ~o.patfI. leal Ev TO'" a."p.tUT1., leal i1MrOLS awou. 'EtfjfJC 8E 0 ·AyyU.os TOV 0£ou 19 o 7r~p.otoS 'Ti1ro 7rUfJfp.{30>..;'; TWV VUdv 'Iupa7I>", leal brop£Vl1q ,,, NV ;n,.ur8w· ''VfJC 8E Kal 0 mAos Tl}e; vfq,A7]'>

.. Gr • ....._ or yoke Lbe bo.-- qal ... >eadlq 10";" ~ •.

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